Earliness and fruit yield and quality of annual-fruiting red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.): Effects of temperature and genotype

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Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology (2010) 85 (4) 341–349

Earliness and fruit yield and quality of annual-fruiting red raspberry
(Rubus idaeus L.): Effects of temperature and genotype

1Arable Crops Division, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research,
NO-2849 Kapp, Norway
2Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life

Sciences, P.O. Box 5003, NO-1432 Ås, Norway
(e-mail: anita.sonsteby@bioforsk.no)                                    (Accepted 12 March 2010)

Earliness, fruit yield and quality of six annual-fruiting raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars were tested under protected
cultivation in a cool Nordic environment. After raising plants for 5 weeks in greenhouses with average mean
temperatures of 20°C, 22°C, or 26°C, the plants were cropped in an open plastic tunnel at latitude 61°N. The highest
yielding cultivars were ‘Autumn Bliss’ and ‘Polka’, with 640 g plant–1. Overall, the most promising cultivar was ‘Polka’
which combined high yield with large fruit of good flavour and firmness. In earliness, ‘Polka’ was surpassed only by
‘Autumn Bliss’, which confirmed its position as the earliest commercial annual-fruiting cultivar. However, ‘Autumn Bliss’
had soft fruits with little flavour and a short shelf-life, which greatly reduced the potential of the cultivar for the fresh
fruit market. The later ripening cultivar ‘Erika’ did not complete its crop under these conditions, but its large unrealised
yield potential and good fruit quality rendered it extremely promising for environments with a longer growing season.
‘Sugana’ was late, with low yields and poor fruit quality, while ‘Marcela’ did not yield enough fruit to be of interest under
the present conditions. High temperatures during the 5-week raising period generally advanced flowering and fruit
ripening in all cultivars, with the notable exception of ‘Autumn Treasure’ in which flowering was suppressed and strongly
delayed by high temperature. Under the present conditions, there was a highly positive correlation between earliness and
fruit yield. Regression analyses identified a low number of dormant buds as the single most important component of
plant architecture associated with high fruit yield, accounting for 47% of the total variation.

T    wo groups of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)
     cultivars with different life cycles are commonly
recognised. In addition to the traditional biennial-
                                                                  (Williams, 1960; Sønsteby and Heide, 2008), the annual-
                                                                  fruiting cultivars flower freely at temperatures as high as
                                                                  approx. 27°C (Lockshin and Elfving, 1981; Carew et al.,
fruiting cultivars, in which flowering and fruiting of the        2003) and even at 30°C (Sønsteby and Heide, 2009).
shoots (canes) take 2 years, we have the annual-fruiting          While Carew et al. (2003) found no consistent effect of
cultivars (also referred to as Autumn-fruiting or                 photoperiod on flowering in ‘Autumn Bliss’, flowering
primocane-fruiting cultivars), in which shoot growth,             was consistently and significantly advanced and
flowering and fruiting are completed in a single growing          enhanced by long-days (LD) in cv. Polka (Sønsteby and
season (Hudson, 1959; Keep, 1988). The breeding history           Heide, 2009). Accordingly, the annual-fruiting cultivars
of this latter group, which has involved crosses with other       can initiate flowers even in the middle of the Summer,
Rubus species such as R. arcticus, R. odoratus, R.                while in biennial cultivars floral initiation is restricted to
spectabilis and others, has been reviewed by Keep                 the cool temperatures and SD conditions of Autumn.
(1988). In addition, a third, intermediate, so-called tip-           In annual-fruiting raspberries, floral initiation starts at
flowering type is sometimes considered (Carew et al.,             the tip and then spreads basipetally (Sønsteby and
2000; 2003; Dale, 2008). Such cultivars usually produce a         Heide, 2009). The process may continue down the full
few flowers and fruits at the tip of the shoot at the end of      length of the cane, or may terminate after a given
the first growing season, while the remainder of the buds         number of nodes. Nevertheless, only a variable number
will flower and fruit in the second year. However, this           of buds at the upper part of the cane will grow out, with
type of behaviour can be found in both annual- and                the remaining buds becoming dormant. While it has been
biennial-fruiting cultivars (Williams, 1960; Carew et al.,        considered that these lower buds need SD for floral
2000) and, as demonstrated by Sønsteby and Heide                  initiation (e.g., Ourecky, 1976; Dale, 2008), dissections
(2009), it is a plastic trait that, to a large extent, is under   revealed that these buds also initiated flowers under LD
environmental control (cf. Slate, 1940; Ourecky, 1976).           and high temperature conditions, but required chilling to
   Physiologically, the annual- and biennial-fruiting             break dormancy and therefore become biennial
cultivars are rather different. While the biennial-fruiting       (Sønsteby and Heide, 2009). The distinctive physiological
cultivars are short-day (SD) plants that require                  characteristics of annual-fruiting cultivars are, therefore,
temperatures below 15°C for the initiation of flowers             the ability to initiate flower buds during mid-Summer
                                                                  and the absence of dormancy in a certain proportion of
    *Author for correspondence.                                   the initiated floral buds, leading to flowering in the first
342                             Earliness and yield in annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars

year. In ‘Polka’, it was demonstrated that the number and
proportion of annual-flowering buds increased with
increasing temperature, being much greater at 24°C than                                                                                        1
at 12°C and 18°C (Sønsteby and Heide, 2009).
   Although annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars have

                                                                Temperature (°C)
been known and grown in both Europe and America for                                                                                        3
more than 200 years (Keep, 1988), so far they have failed
to obtain a dominant position in the commercial                                    15

raspberry industry. Late maturation and inadequate fruit
quality have been the main reasons for this. However, the                          10

introduction of new and better-adapted cultivars with
improved fruit quality (Danek, 2002; Jennings, 2002;                               5
2008; Pitsioudis et al., 2007), together with an increasing
emphasis on protected cultivation and extension of the                             0
raspberry marketing season, have created a new and                                      19/5         24/5      29/5         3/6            8/6           13/6          18/6      23/6
growing interest in annual-fruiting cultivars as a
component in year-round raspberry production (Oliveira                                          FIG. 1
                                                                 Time-courses of actual daily mean temperatures recorded in the three
et al., 2002; Dale et al., 2003). Therefore, we have                      greenhouses during the 5-week plant-raising period.
compared the yield performance and fruit quality of one
older and five recently released European annual-
fruiting cultivars under tunnel conditions in a cool             point temperatures in the greenhouses were 15°C, 20°C
Nordic climate. Bearing in mind the highly diverse               and 25°C, respectively, with venting set-points 1°C
genetic background of annual-fruiting raspberries                higher. Actual temperatures in the greenhouses and in
(Keep, 1988), we have also studied the influence of              the plastic tunnel were recorded every 10 min and stored
temperature on flowering and on the cropping                     on a Super Link 4 datalogger (Senmatic A/S, Søndersø,
performance of these cultivars by varying the                    Denmark). As shown in Figure 1, the temperature
temperature during the early half of growth (the raising         control in the greenhouses was not satisfactory, with
period).                                                         overlapping temperatures in the two cooler houses
                                                                 during periods of hot weather resulting in total average
                                                                 temperatures of 20.1°C, 21.7°C and 26.0°C in the three
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                            greenhouses during the 5-week “raising” period (later
Plant material and cultivation                                   referred to as 20°C, 22°C and 26°C). Daily maximum,
   The annual-fruiting red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)           minimum, and mean temperatures in the Haygrove
cultivars ‘Autumn Bliss’, ‘Autumn Treasure’, ‘Erika’,            tunnel are presented in Figure 2. At a height of approx.
‘Marcela’, ‘Polka’, and ‘Sugana’ were propagated from            20 cm, the plants were transplanted singly into 3.5 l pots,
adventitious root buds as described by Sønsteby and              and again, at the time of transfer to the tunnel, into 7.5 l
Heide (2009). ‘Autumn Bliss’, which was released from            pots where they remained until the experiment was
East Malling, UK in 1983 (Keep et al., 1984), has been the       terminated. At all stages, a coarse-textured sphagnum
standard annual-fruiting raspberry cultivar grown in             peat growth medium (Veksttoro; Jorostrøfabrikk,
Central and Northern Europe for many years (Finn et al.,         Degernes, Norway) with a pH of 5.8 was used. In the
2008). It is early-maturing, healthy, and of relatively short    Haygrove tunnel, the plants were placed in rows on a
stature, but bearing soft fruits with little flavour has         ground cover of black Mypex plastic with an inter-row
limited its popularity. It has been widely used in breeding      spacing of 2 m, with four plants per running metre within
programmes (Keep, 1988) and is a parent of all the other
cultivars tested here. ‘Autumn Treasure’ is a more recent,
spine-free release from the East Malling breeding
programme (Meiosis Ltd., 2009), while ‘Polka’ is a Polish                          30
cultivar derived from ‘Autumn Bliss’ (Danek, 2002),
which has now taken over as the most widely grown                                  25
annual-fruiting cultivar in Central and Northern Europe
                                                                Temperature (°C)

(Finn et al., 2008). The Italian-bred ‘Erika’ and the Swiss
‘Sugana’ are both recent selections from crosses between                           15                                                                           Mean
‘Autumn Bliss’ and the biennial-fruiting ‘Tulameen’
(Pitsioudis et al., 2007), while ‘Marcela’ (selection 941/3)                       10

is a cross between ‘Autumn Bliss’ and ‘Joan Squire’
(Jennings, 2002; 2008). Due to limited plant availability,
‘Marcela’ was restricted to only one raising temperature.                           0
   The entire experiment was carried out at the Apelsvoll
Experimental Station in the central part of South                                  -5
                                                                                        24/6   5/7      15/7   25/7   4/8         14/8     24/8    3/9      13/9       23/9   3/10
Norway (60°70’N, 10°87’E; 250 m asl). The plants were
raised in three heated greenhouses under natural LD
conditions (approx. 17 – 19 h) for 5 weeks (from 19 May                                          FIG. 2
                                                                 Time-courses of the daily maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures
to 23 June 2009), then transferred to an open Haygrove           in the plastic Haygrove tunnel during flowering and fruiting of all the
plastic tunnel for flowering and fruiting. The heating set-                                 raspberry plants.
A. SØNSTEBY and O. M. HEIDE                                                             343

the rows. Only one shoot per pot was allowed to grow,                                          TABLE I
                                                               Plant height and the percentage of plants with visible flower buds in six
with all additional shoots being removed by repeated           annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars after raising for 5 weeks at three
pruning. The plants were supported by fixing to plastic-                                different temperatures
coated steel wire trellises and fertilised by daily                                                                      Plants with
fertigation with a complete fertiliser solution as             Cultivar         Temperature (°C) Cane height (cm)     flower buds (%)
described by Sønsteby et al. (2009). Plant protection was      ‘Autumn Bliss’         20                 71.3                73.3
provided by biological control methods only.                                          22                 85.4                73.3
                                                                                      26                114.1                80.0
                                                               Mean                                      90.3 bc*            75.6 a
Experimental design, data observation and analysis             ‘Autumn Treasure’       20                71.3                60.0
   At the time of transfer to the tunnel, evenly-sized                                 22               104.3                 0.0
                                                                                       26               111.5                 0.0
plants, approx. 10 cm-tall, were selected and arranged in      Mean                                      95.7 b              20.0 bc
a split-plot design with three replicate blocks each           ‘Polka’                 20                57.5                53.3
consisting of five plants of each cultivar in each                                     22                98.6               100.0
temperature treatment. Shoot height and the presence of                                26                96.7                80.0
                                                               Mean                                      83.6 cd             76.7 a
flower buds were recorded at this stage. Berries were
                                                               ‘Erika’                 20                73.9                40.0
harvested two-to-three times per week from week-31 to                                  22               123.9                40.0
week-41, and the numbers and weights of berries were                                   26               127.4                20.0
                                                               Mean                                     108.4 a              33.3 b
recorded. Fruit taste quality (flavour), firmness, and total
                                                               ‘Sugana’                20                47.7                 0.0
appearance were assessed twice, at weeks-37 and -39, by                                22                92.1                 0.0
an inexperienced twelve-member test panel and scored                                   26               101.0                13.3
according to a scale from 1 to 9, with 5 as the acceptable     Mean                                      80.3 d               4.4 c
limit. At the end of the harvest season, the numbers of        ‘Marcela’               22                46.1                 8.3
flowers and unripe fruits remaining on each plant were         Probability levels of significance by ANOVA
                                                               Source of variation
recorded, and the fruiting shoot architecture was               Temperature (A)                        < 0.001               n.s.
registered by recording the final shoot height, number of        Cultivar (B)                          < 0.001             < 0.001
dormant buds and fruiting laterals, as well as the length       AB                                    < 0.001             < 0.001
of each lateral on all plants.                                 *Mean values within the same column followed by different lower-case
                                                               letters indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) between cultivars
   Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)         (n = 15).
and regression analysis was by standard procedures             The data are the means of three replicates, each with five plants of each
using the MiniTab® Statistical Software programme              cultivar for each temperature treatment.
package (Release 14; Minitab Inc., State College, PA,
USA). ‘Marcela’ was excluded from these analyses               strongly delayed by high temperature in ‘Autumn
because of the lack of orthogonal data for this cultivar,      Treasure’ and, to a lesser extent, in ‘Erika’ (Table I;
but a separate analysis of the 22°C data only, was             Table II; Figure 3). Total yields were highest in ‘Autumn
conducted for comparison of all cultivars.                     Bliss’ and ‘Polka’, which had significantly higher yields
                                                               than ‘Erika’ and ‘Autumn Treasure’, which again out-
                                                               yielded ‘Marcela’ and ‘Sugana’ (Table II). However,
RESULTS                                                        because of a highly significant interaction (P < 0.001) of
   Shoot height at the end of the 5-week “raising” period      cultivar and temperature, the main effect of
was increased significantly (P < 0.001) by increasing          temperature on fruit yield was not significant. A large
temperature, and varied significantly (P < 0.001) among        number of flowers and fruits did not reach maturity
the cultivars (Table I). ‘Erika’ plants were the tallest and   before harvest was terminated by low tunnel
most vigorous, while those of ‘Marcela’ were the               temperatures. This was especially so with ‘Erika’ and, to
smallest. Flower bud appearance was generally advanced         a lesser extent, in ‘Polka’ plants raised at low
by increasing temperature, with the notable exception of       temperature and in ‘Autumn Treasure’ plants raised at
‘Autumn Treasure’ in which bud appearance was earliest         high temperature (Table II). The total number of fruits
at low temperature. This resulted in a highly significant      and flowers per plant, being a measure of yield
cultivar  temperature interaction which rendered the          potential, varied significantly (P < 0.001) among the
main effect of temperature non-significant (Table I).          cultivars, being highest in ‘Erika’ and ‘Polka’ (Table II).
   Time-courses of the weekly fruit harvests for the six          Whereas the number of harvested fruits generally
cultivars are shown in Figure 3. The earliest maturing         increased with increasing “raising” temperature, the
cultivar was ‘Autumn Bliss’, with the first pick on            opposite trend was observed in ‘Autumn Treasure’, again
August 2 (week-31), followed by ‘Polka’ and ‘Erika’,           demonstrating the inhibitory effect of high pre-flowering
‘Autumn Treasure’ and ‘Marcela’, and finally ‘Sugana’,         temperature on flowering and fruiting of this cultivar
2, 3, and 4 weeks later, respectively. ‘Autumn Bliss’ also     (Table II). While the main effect of temperature was
had the earliest 50% harvest, followed by ‘Polka’;             significant at P = 0.03, both the cultivar effect and the
whereas ‘Erika’ had a late harvest peak, despite a             interaction with temperature were highly significant (P <
relatively early first pick (Table II). The effect of the      0.001). Berry size varied significantly (P < 0.001) among
“raising” temperature varied markedly among the                the cultivars, but was satisfactory throughout harvest in
cultivars, resulting in a highly significant interaction       all cultivars (Figure 4). ‘Sugana’ had the largest fruit,
(P < 0.001) of cultivar and temperature on both                followed by ‘Erika’ and ‘Polka’, while ‘Autumn Bliss’ and
earliness and total yield (Table II). Whereas flowering        ‘Marcela’ had the smallest fruits (Table II). High
and fruit maturation were generally advanced by high           temperature during the “raising” period consistently and
temperature in most cultivars, both processes were             significantly (P = 0.006) reduced berry weight, although
344                                                        Earliness and yield in annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars

                                        150                                                             150
                                                'Autumn Bliss'                                                  'Autumn Treasure'
                                        125         20°C                                                125          20°C
             Weekly harvest (g/plant)

                                                    22°C                                                             22°C

                                                                                    Avling (g/plante)
                                        100         26°C                                                100          26°C

                                         75                                                              75

                                         50                                                              50

                                         25                                                              25
                                                                                                   A                                         B
                                          0                                                               0
                                        150 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41                            150 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
                                              'Polka'    Tid (uke nr.)                                        'Erika'   Tid (uke nr.)
                                        125         20°C                                                125         20°C
      Weekly harvest (g/plant)

                                                    22°C                                                            22°C
                                                                                    Avling (g/plante)

                                        100         26°C                                                100         26°C

                                         75                                                              75

                                         50                                                              50

                                         25                                                              25
                                                                           C                                   D
                                          0                                    0
                                        150 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41150 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
                                              'Sugana'                     E      'Marcela'                    F
                                                        Tid (uke nr.)                       Time (week no.)
                                        125        20°C                      125       22°C
       Weekly harvest (g/plant)

                                                                                    Avling (g/plante)

                                        100        26°C                      100

                                         75                                                             75

                                         50                                                             50

                                         25                                                             25

                                          0                                                              0
                                              31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41                                31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
                                                         Time (week no.)                                                 Time (week no.)
                                                                         FIG. 3
Time-courses of the weekly fruit harvests of the six annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars (Panels A–F). Each datum point represents the mean weekly
          harvest in g plant for three replicates with five plants of each cultivar for each of the three “raising” temperature treatments.
A. SØNSTEBY and O. M. HEIDE                                                                              345

                                                                     TABLE II
Days-to-50% harvest, fruit yield, and flowering and fruiting components of six annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars raised for 5 weeks under three
                                                              different temperatures
                                                                             No. of                                Flowers and          Total no of         Fruits
                         Temperature       Days to         Fruit yield      harvested          Fruit weight         fruits not           fruits and      and flowers
Cultivar                    (°C)         50% harvest*      (g plant–1)        fruits                (g)             harvested             flowers         per lateral
‘Autumn Bliss’                20            73.7              572.3              101.0                6.0              228.0              329.4              19.8
                              22            74.3              642.5              112.5                5.7              255.7              368.0              21.0
                              26            75.0              713.9              136.7                5.1              269.0              405.1              21.6
Mean                                        74.3 a**          642.9 a            116.7 a              5.6 c            250.9 c            367.5 c            20.8 bc
‘Autumn Treasure’               20          82.3              467.5               82.6                5.9              157.0              239.4              15.9
                                22          84.0              363.5               68.2                5.7              173.0              241.0              15.3
                                26         100.7               28.0                5.1                5.6              456.0              461.4              22.1
Mean                                        89.0 c            286.3 c             52.0 b              5.8 c            262.0 c            313.9 c            18.2 cd
‘Polka’                         20          86.3              595.5               85.4                7.6              599.0              684.3              32.3
                                22          79.0              664.0              101.0                6.9              465.0              565.5              26.8
                                26          81.0              655.7              104.6                6.5              353.0              457.3              20.2
Mean                                        82.1 b            638.4 a             97.0 a              7.0 b            477.0 b            569.0 b            26.5 ab
‘Erika’                         20          82.7              400.2               57.5                7.5              623.0              680.5              29.7
                                22          87.3              543.8               76.8                7.5              566.0              642.6              25.6
                                26          90.7              502.0               81.0                6.5              928.0             1009.1              32.6
Mean                                        86.9 c            482.0 b             71.8 b              7.2 ab           706.0 a            777.4 a            29.5 a
‘Sugana’                        20          94.0               42.6                5.7                8.0              222.0              228.1              13.0
                                22          93.3              140.5               16.0                8.0              200.0              215.7              12.5
                                26          94.7              248.2               36.3                6.8              190.0              235.2              12.9
Mean                                        94.0 d            143.8 d             19.3 c              7.6 a            204.0 c            226.3 c            12.8 d
‘Marcela’                       22          84.0              231.3               42.7                5.6              384.0              426.3              24.7
Probability levels of significance by ANOVA
Source of variation
 Temperature (A)                             0.03                  n.s.             0.03              0.006              n.s.                n.s.            n.s.
  Cultivar (B)                             < 0.001               < 0.001          < 0.001           < 0.001            < 0.001             < 0.001         < 0.001
 AB                                       < 0.001               < 0.001          < 0.001             n.s.               0.004               0.009           0.04
*Days from transfer to the tunnel.
**Mean values within the same column followed by different lower-case letters indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) between cultivars (n = 15).
All data are the means of three replicates, each with five plants of each cultivar for each “raising” temperature treatment.

the effect diminished in successive harvests (Figure 4).                          brighter colours. ‘Erika’, which also had good flavour and
Fruit quality and attractiveness varied significantly                             firmness, had a brighter red colour. ‘Autumn Treasure
among the cultivars (P < 0.001), with ‘Autumn Bliss’ and                          and ‘Marcela’ also had acceptable quality (Table III). A
‘Sugana’ achieving the lowest scores, and ‘Polka’ and                             special feature of ‘Autumn Treasure’ was a tendency to
‘Erika’ the highest (Table III). None of the quality                              produce fruit with split receptacles (branched fruit), a
attributes were significantly affected by the “raising”                           feature which has been reported previously for the
temperature, probably because of the long intervening                             related cultivar, ‘Autumn Byrd’ (Knight, 2002).
period before fruit ripening. On the other hand, all                                 Growth vigour and final cane height varied highly
quality scores were significantly higher in the first than in                     significantly (P < 0.001) among the cultivars. ‘Erika’ and
the second test. ‘Autumn Bliss’ scored poorly on both                             ‘Sugana’ had the tallest canes, and ‘Marcela’ had the
flavour and firmness and, due to poor skin strength, the                          shortest ones; while ’Polka’ and ‘Autumn Bliss’ were
fruits quickly became juicy with a short shelf-life. ‘Polka’                      intermediate (Table IV). Final cane height increased
fruit had a glossy appearance that made them extremely                            significantly (P < 0.01) with increasing “raising”
attractive, and this cultivar received quality scores,                            temperature, except in ‘Sugana’, which exhibited the
comparable to the biennial-fruiting ‘Glen Ample’.                                 opposite trend, thus creating a highly significant (P <
However, a relatively dark fruit colour may make it less                          0.001) interaction of temperature  cultivar. This was
attractive for certain markets with a preference for                              paralleled by closely similar effects on leaf (node)

                                                                         TABLE III
Fruit quality evaluation in six annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars as assessed by a 12-member test panel on two occasions during the harvest period†
                                      Taste quality                                     Firmness                                          Fruit appearance
                                     Date of testing                                 Date of testing                                       Date of testing
Cultivar                     10/9         21/9         Mean                10/9              21/9         Mean                   10/9           21/9          Mean
‘Autumn Bliss’                 3.8        3.5           3.6 c*             4.8               3.3              4.0 c              4.3             3.7           4.0 d
‘Autumn Treasure’              5.1        5.3           5.2 b              6.4               5.5              6.0 ab             5.5             5.0           5.3 bc
‘Polka’                        6.4        5.9           6.2 a              6.9               6.2              6.5 a              6.8             5.9           6.3 a
‘Erika’                        6.5        5.0           5.7 ab             6.7               5.1              5.9 ab             6.8             5.1           6.0 ab
‘Sugana’                       4.1        4.0           4.0 c              4.3               5.0              4.7 c              4.6             4.3           4.4 cd
‘Marcela’                      5.3        4.9           5.1 b              5.9               5.3              5.6 b              5.5             5.2           5.3 b
Probability levels of significance (ANOVA)
Source of variation
  Cultivar (A)                          < 0.001                                             < 0.001                                            < 0.001
  Date (B)                                0.03                                              < 0.001                                            < 0.001
 AB                                      n.s.                                                0.008                                              n.s.
*Mean values within the same column followed by different lower-case letters indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) between cultivars (n = 12).
n.s., not significant.
The data are the means of all “raising” temperatures, each value represents the mean of 12 individual assessments.
  Quality attributes were scored on a scale from 1 to 9, in which 9 was best and 5 was considered acceptable.
346                                              Earliness and yield in annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars

                              10                                                                    10
                                     'Autumn Bliss'                                                                      'Autumn Treasure'
                              9                                                                     9
                              8                                                                     8
                              7                                                                     7
      Berry size (g/berry)

                                                                           Berry size (g/berry)
                              6                                                                     6
                              5                                                                     5
                              4                                                                     4
                              3                                                                     3
                                         20°C                                                                 20°C
                              2                                                                     2         22°C
                              1          26°C                                  A                    1         26°C                       B
                               0                                  0
                              10 H1 H4 H7 H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 H2510 H1 H4 H7 H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 H25
                                   'Polka'                                                     'Erika'
                               9           Time (harvest no.)     9         Time (harvest no.)

                               8                                                                     8
                               7                                                                     7
       Berry size (g/berry)

                                                                            Berry size (g/berry)

                               6                                                                     6
                               5                                                                     5
                               4                                                                     4
                               3                                                                     3
                                         20°C                                                                  20°C
                               2         22°C                                                        2         22°C
                               1         26°C                                                        1         26°C
                                                                          C                          D
                               0                                  0
                              10 H1 H4 H7 H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 H2510 H1 H4 H7 H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 H25
                                   'Sugana' Time (harvest no.)              Time (harvest no.) 'Marcela'
                               9                                  9
                               8                                                                     8
                               7                                                                     7
      Berry size (g/berry)

                                                                             Berry size (g/berry)

                               6                                                                     6
                               5                                                                     5
                               4                                                                     4
                               3                                                                     3
                               2         22°C                                                        2         22°C
                               1         26°C                                                        1
                                                                             E                                                          F
                               0                                                                     0
                                   H1 H4 H7 H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 H25                                      H1 H4 H7 H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 H25
                                           Time (harvest no.)                                                    Time (harvest no.)
                                                                        FIG. 4
Time-courses of fruit weight during the harvest period in six annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars. Each datum point represents the mean fruit weight
        for each harvest based on three replicates with five plants of each cultivar for each of the three “raising” temperature treatments.
A. SØNSTEBY and O. M. HEIDE                                                                   347

                                                                            TABLE IV
          Plant architectural characteristics of five annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars as influenced by temperature during a 5-week raising period
                                               Final cane       Total number           No. of            No. of    Percentage flowering Mean lateral
Cultivar                Temperature (°C)      height (cm)         of nodes         fruiting nodes    dormant nodes       laterals       length (cm)
‘Autumn Bliss’                  20               134.4               30.5               16.6               13.8               57.1               31.9
                                22               139.3               30.8               17.7               13.0               57.4               32.4
                                26               144.3               31.7               18.8               12.4               59.6               34.6
Mean                                             139.3 bc*           31.0 c             17.7 c             13.1 c             58.0 c             33.0 b
‘Autumn Treasure’               20               113.4               32.3               15.0               16.4               46.6               30.9
                                22               163.3               41.3               15.8               25.1               38.5               22.9
                                26               184.1               52.8               20.9               29.8               39.1               42.9
Mean                                             153.6 b             42.1 a             17.2 c             23.8 a             41.4 d             32.3 b
‘Polka’                         20               123.7               28.4               21.2                8.6               71.3               47.7
                                22               138.4               30.7               21.1                8.9               69.5               51.1
                                26               142.9               33.7               22.7               10.8               67.7               47.8
Mean                                             134.6 c             30.8 c             21.6 b              9.4 d             69.6 a             48.8 a
‘Erika’                         20               177.7               40.2               22.9               16.7               57.0               44.6
                                22               195.4               40.0               25.1               14.9               62.5               50.1
                                26               198.1               43.8               31.0               10.2               70.9               60.9
Mean                                             190.4 a             41.3 ab            26.3 a             13.2 c             63.5 b             51.9 a
‘Sugana’                        20               184.6               40.8               17.6               23.2               43.2               29.7
                                22               186.6               38.3               17.2               20.8               45.1               28.5
                                26               165.4               37.9               17.5               18.6               46.6               27.4
Mean                                             179.3 a             39.0 b             17.4 c             21.0 b             44.9 d             28.5 b
‘Marcela’                      22                100.0               25.3               17.3                7.9               68.6               39.1
Probability levels of significance by ANOVA
Source of variation
 Temperature (A)                             0.006                   0.003              0.02               n.s.               n.s.               n.s.
 Cultivar (B)                              < 0.001                 < 0.001            < 0.001            < 0.001            < 0.001            < 0.001
 AB                                       < 0.001                 < 0.001              0.01             < 0.001              0.005              0.05
*Mean values within the same column followed by different lower-case letters indicate a significant difference (P < 0.05) between cultivars (n = 15).
n.s., not significant.
All data are the means of three replicates, each with five plants of each cultivar for each “raising” temperature treatment.

numbers. The cultivars ‘Erika’ and ‘Sugana’, with                                 commercial annual-fruiting raspberry cultivar, with
inherently late flowering, formed many nodes at all                               ‘Polka’ 1 week behind, whereas ‘Sugana’ was particularly
temperatures, whereas the early flowering ‘Polka’ and                             late (Figure 3; Table II). Despite a relatively early first
‘Autumn Bliss’ had relatively low node numbers across                             pick, ‘Erika’ had a late harvest peak, and failed to
the range of “raising” temperatures. Because of the                               complete its crop before harvest was terminated by
suppression of flowering at high pre-flowering                                    freezing temperatures. Under the present conditions,
temperature, ‘Autumn Treasure’ had a marked increase                              there was a close correlation between early maturation
in node numbers as the temperature was increased from                             and fruit yield. Thus, a Pearson correlation analysis
20°C to 26°C (Table IV). The many and long laterals of                            revealed a highly significant (P < 0.001) negative
‘Erika’, with an armoury of numerous sharp spines, made                           correlation between yield and days-to-50%-harvest
the picking operation of this cultivar a rather unpleasant                        across all cultivars and temperature treatments (r =
exercise, especially compared with the spine-free                                 –0.758; N = 48). We have not tested any of the many
‘Autumn Treasure’.                                                                American annual-fruiting cultivars; but, according to
   The percentage of flowering and fruiting nodes (i.e.,                          Keep (1988) and Jennings (1988), even a relatively early
non-dormant buds), which is a measure of annual-                                  cultivar such as ‘Heritage’ failed to complete its crop in
fruiting strength, varied significantly (P < 0.001) among                         South-East England. Apparently, the American cultivars
cultivars (Table IV). It was particularly high in ‘Erika’                         are of little interest for the cool Nordic climate. These
and ‘Polka’, while it was low in the lower-yielding                               results confirm the previous findings of Carew et al.
‘Sugana’ and in ‘Autumn Treasure’ plants raised at high                           (2003) and Sønsteby and Heide (2009) with ‘Autumn
temperature. The proportion of fruiting laterals was also                         Bliss’ and ‘Polka’, respectively, that flowering and fruit
relatively high in ‘Marcela’, thus compensating, to some                          maturation are generally advanced by a high “raising”
extent, for the short canes with low node numbers in this                         temperature in annual-fruiting raspberries. A notable
cultivar. A stepwise regression analysis involving fruit                          exception was ‘Autumn Treasure’, in which flowering was
yield vs. the plant architecture components listed in                             suppressed and strongly delayed by high pre-flowering
Table IV, identified the number of dormant buds as the                            temperature. Thus, the number of harvested fruit per
single most important component, accounting for 47% of                            plant was reduced from 82 to 5 (Table II), while the
the yield variation across all cultivars and “raising”                            number of nodes produced before flowering was
temperature treatments (r = –0.692; P < 0.001).                                   increased from 32 to 53 when the “raising” temperature
                                                                                  was increased from 20°C to 26°C in this cultivar (Table
                                                                                  IV). Also, while the highest fruit yields were obtained in
DISCUSSION                                                                        plants raised at the intermediate and/or high
  These results demonstrate a significant variation in                            temperature in the other cultivars, the earliest and
earliness, temperature responses, and fruit yields and                            highest yields were obtained in ‘Autumn Treasure’ plants
quality among the six cultivars tested. ‘Autumn Bliss’                            raised at 20°C. This has important implications for the
confirmed its position as the earliest maturing                                   cultivation of this cultivar which should not be raised at
348                                Earliness and yield in annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars

temperatures above 20°C for its full yield potential to be          exception to this principle. In a previous paper (Sønsteby
realised. This cool temperature requirement may be                  and Heide, 2009), we demonstrated that the magnitude
related to the introgression of R. arcticus genes into the          of flowering in ‘Polka’ was, to a large extent, determined
pedigree of this cultivar (Keep, 1988; Knight, 2002).               by the balance between dormant and actively growing
   The highest harvested yields were obtained in                    buds. The present experiments, using more cultivars,
‘Autumn Bliss’ and ‘Polka’, with approx. 640 g plant–1,             confirm and extend this relationship to hold true also for
corresponding to more than 12 tonnes ha–1 in our                    fruit yield (Table II; Table IV). Thus, a low number of
planting system (Table II). However, the large                      dormant buds was identified as the single most
unrealised yield potential of ‘Erika’, together with its            important plant architectural trait associated with high
good fruit quality, made this cultivar promising for                yields. This trait alone accounted for 47% of the total
environments with a longer growing season. Acceptable               variation across all cultivars and “raising” temperature
yields were also obtained with ‘Autumn Treasure’, when              treatments. In the high yielding ‘Polka’ and ‘Autumn
raised at 20°C (Table II), and it is possible that even             Bliss’, the numbers of fruiting and dormant nodes were
lower “raising” temperatures would have been optimal                only slightly influenced by raising temperature within
for this cultivar. Fruit size, which was acceptable in all          the present range, indicating stable high yields and a
cultivars throughout the harvest, was particularly large            relatively wide environmental adaptability. In contrast, in
in ‘Sugana’, ‘Erika’, and ‘Polka’. Interestingly, low               ‘Erika’, the number and percentage of fruiting nodes
temperature during the raising period consistently                  (laterals) increased markedly with increasing
increased fruit weight, although the effect diminished in           temperature, thus underlining the preference for a high
successive harvests (Table II; Figure 4). Fruit quality was         “raising” temperature in this cultivar. Since flowering
highly acceptable in ‘Polka’ and ‘Erica’, both of which             spreads basipetally (cf. Sønsteby and Heide, 2009),
scored well on both flavour and firmness, as well as on             flowering and fruiting were delayed in laterals situated at
general performance (Table III). Also ‘Autumn                       the base of the cane. This was obviously the basis for the
Treasure’ and ‘Marcela’ had acceptable fruit quality,               sustained and relatively late maturation of ‘Erika’ plants
whereas the fruits of ‘Autumn Bliss’ and ‘Sugana’ were              (Figure 3) which, in particular, had many and long
of inferior quality with little flavour, weak skins, and a          laterals (Table IV).
short shelf-life.                                                      In conclusion, these results confirm that flowering and
   Vegetative growth vigour was greatest in ‘Erika’ and             fruiting in annual-fruiting raspberry are promoted by
‘Sugana’, which reached final cane heights of almost 2.0            high “raising” temperature with an optimum in the low-
m, whereas ‘Marcela’ had a notably short stature with the           to-mid 20°C range. A notable exception was ‘Autumn
potential for self-supporting cultivation and mechanical            Treasure’ in which flowering was suppressed by “raising”
harvesting (Table IV). Also ‘Polka’ and ‘Autumn Bliss’,             temperatures above 20°C. ‘Polka’ was identified as the
with their early flowering and fruiting, had relatively             most promising annual-fruiting raspberry cultivar for the
short canes. Cane height generally increased with                   cool Nordic environment. A low proportion of dormant
increasing temperature during the raising period, an                buds were identified as the most important structural
effect that was particularly pronounced in ‘Autumn                  trait associated with high yield. Under the conditions
Treasure’ due to its greatly delayed flowering at high              tested here, there was a highly positive correlation
“raising” temperature.                                              between earliness and yield.
   Productivity in raspberry is mainly a function of the
number of laterals produced per cane, and the number                   We gratefully acknowledge financial support for this
and weight of fruits per lateral (cf. Ourecky, 1967; Keep,          work from A/S Gartnerhallen and the Research Council
1988; Sønsteby et al., 2009). The present results                   of Norway. We also thank Ms. U. Myrheim and Mr. H.G.
demonstrate that annual-fruiting cultivars represent no             Espelien for excellent technical assistance.

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