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SEAKEEPERS T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y 2018 Organiza�onal Valua�on | | 786.924.6209
MISSION The Interna�onal SeaKeepers Society promotes oceanographic research, conserva�on, and educa�on through direct involvement with the yach�ng community. SeaKeepers enables the yach�ng community to take full advantage of their unique poten�al to advance marine sciences and to raise awareness about global ocean issues. Founded in 1998 by a small group of yacht owners who were alarmed by the deteriora�on of our natural environment, The Interna�onal SeaKeepers Society's ini�al focus was the development and use of instrumenta�on on yachts to monitor marine condi�ons throughout the world's oceans. Today, the primary focus of SeaKeepers' efforts is the DISCOVERY Yachts Program. DISCOVERY Yachts are privately owned vessels which facilitate programming by providing access to the ocean for research, scien�fic discovery, community outreach, and ar�s�c inspira�on. From hos�ng learning excursions for underprivileged kids, to facilita�ng scien�fic research for genome sequencing, yachts are the pla�orm to enable accomplishments. Programs are comprised of four areas: Scien�st-led Expedi�ons, Instrument Deployments, Ci�zen Science and Educa�onal Outreach with an ar�s�c strand that supports the mission known as DISCOVERY Art. Our mo�o: Research. Educate. Protect and Restore. 48 83,950+ program partners, including universi�es, museums, and people virally schools reached through educa�on and research shared 435 students who directly benefited from research and educa�onal outreach efforts 100,000+ students who will be indirectly impacted by research and educa�onal outreach efforts
PARTICIPATION SeaKeepers is privileged to work with government, educa�onal, and private en��es in execu�ng DISCOVERY Yachts programming. Too numerous to men�on here, a selec�on of partner organiza�ons are: University of Miami, Florida Interna�onal University, University of California, Santa Cruz, Public Broadcas�ng Sta�on, Na�onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra�on, and Miami Seaquarium among others (a full list is available on the DISCOVERY Yachts webpage at 2018 PROGRAMMING SUMMARY 15 SCIENTIST-LED EXPEDITIONS Scien�st-led expedi�ons provide yacht owners, guests and crew the opportunity to par�cipate in ongoing research while engaging with marine scien�sts and their team. 8 EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH TRIPS Educa�onal Outreach events are focused on the next genera�on of marine enthusiasts and provide a lesson plan in some aspect of marine conserva�on. Subject ma�er includes marine wildlife, instrument deployments, plas�c pollu�ons, sustainability prac�ces and more. 5 COMMUNITY EVENTS The organiza�on is ac�vely involved with the local community and takes part in scien�fic seminars, educa�onal events, beach cleanups, and yach�ng industry func�ons. 8 CITIZEN SCIENCE TRIPS These small-scale projects depend on community volunteers to support environmental ini�a�ves. These expedi�ons permit vessel owners and crew to par�cipate in ongoing research projects. 1 INSTRUMENT DEPLOYMENTS SeaKeepers works with a number of ins�tu�ons, including the Na�onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra�on (NOAA), World Meteorological Organiza�on (WMO), Global FinPrint and Argo, to collect data and make ongoing oceanographic measurements. Most recently SeaKeepers partnered with Spoondri� to deploy the Spo�er Device. PROGRAM FOCUS The Interna�onal SeaKeepers Society’s DISCOVERY Yachts Program began designing a program in 2018 with Florida Interna�onal University (FIU) called, The S.A.R.A.H. Ini�a�ve. This ini�a�ve will unite the Interna�onal Yach�ng Community and the Academic World in an ambi�ous collabora�on to combat plas�cs pollu�on by deploying S.A.R.A.H. net kits to collect plas�c samples for analysis.Read more here: h�ps://�a�ve/
2018 HIGHLIGHTS SCIENTIST-LED EXPEDITIONS In 2018, SeaKeepers completed 15 scien�st-led expedi�ons in key loca�ons including Bahamas, Florida, California, Singapore, Hawaii, and An�gua. March 2018 – Aboard DISCOVERY Yacht Archimedes, SeaKeepers partnered with FIU and was sponsored by GMT to travel to the southern coast of An�gua to conduct BRUV surveys, which are underwater video cameras placed on the seafloor with a small bait cage that records sharks and rays around the area. May 2018 – Aboard DISCOVERY Yacht Marcato, SeaKeepers teamed up with Beneath the Waves and Dr. Brennan Phillips of the University of Rhode Island to conduct shark tagging as well as deep BRUV drops to film the ocean floor at depths of over 1,300 meters. August 2018 – SeaKeepers teamed up with cetacean experts from the University of California, Santa Cruz, Southall Associates, Duke University and Stanford University aboard the DISCOVERY Yacht E Cruz to deploy suc�on cup tags on blue and humpback whales while using drones to measure body length. September 2018 – SeaKeepers partnered with the Public Broadcas�ng Sta�on and Miami Waterkeeper aboard the DISCOVERY Yacht Julia, to film footage for a documentary series called Urban Nature. The documentary seeks to explore interac�ons between nature and urban areas. EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH SeaKeepers and SeaKeepers Asia conducted eight Educa�onal Outreach trips with five different schools in 2018. February 2018 – Aboard DISCOVERY Yacht Asean Lady, 70 students from Compassvale Secondary School’s Environment Club a�ended SeaKeepers Asia’s first educa�onal outreach of the year given by Mr. Chua Sek Chuan, Senior Manager of the Outreach and Educa�on of St. John’s Island Na�onal Marine Laboratory, which covered an “Introduc�on to Marine Science & Conserva�on.” December 2018 – SeaKeepers and Miami Seaquarium partnered up to take a group of homeschoolers on a field trip aboard DISCOVERY Yacht Julia. SeaKeepers took water samples from Biscayne Bay as part of the Biscayne Bay Water Watch program (BBWW) and students were able to learn firsthand how the program works. INSTRUMENT DEPLOYMENTS DISCOVERY Yachts deployed mul�ple instruments in 2018, including a SeaKeeper Dri�er. March 2018 – Aboard DISCOVERY Yacht Key of Sea, Seakeepers partnered with Kristen & Bre� Biba to deploy a dri�er off of Marsh Harbour, Bahamas, on behalf of Jaacky See. This dri�er, with an opera�ng life of up to 18 months, will measure and record different oceanographic data and transmit said data to the Na�onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra�on (NOAA.) CITIZEN SCIENCE DISCOVERY Yachts completed eight Ci�zen Science trips in 2018. April 2018 – 24 volunteer divers set off from Laguna Redang Island Resort to Terumbu Kiili, Malaysia for a Marine Clean Up and Coral Rescue. The divers covered an area of 119 sq. meters, they succesfully removed a total of 130 pieces of marine debris weighing over 10.45 kgs. June 2018 – 18 volunteer divers set off early Sunday morning to the Sisters Island Marine Park having planned to celebrate 2018 World Oceans Day and the Interna�onal Year of the Reef. Their mission was to save the ocean by collec�ng and documen�ng the marine debris found within the park. October 2018 – SeaKeepers partnered with the Tropical Marine Science Ins�tute of the Na�onal University of Singapore to create coral habitats under the supervision of Professor Chou Loke Ming, who is an adjunct research professor at TMSI and a veteran in coral ecology.
2018 DISCOVERY ART AWARENESS THROUGH ART DISCOVERY Art is the crea�ve component of SeaKeepers DISCOVERY Yachts programming. The works created by the SeaKeepers Featured Ar�st of the Year and others allow the general public to personally experience and value the oceans, regardless of their proximity to the coast. FEATURED ARTIST OF THE YEAR SeaKeepers selects a Featured Ar�st of the Year whose work is influenced by marine life, science or nature. The Featured Ar�st of the Year creates custom-made awards for SeaKeepers recogni�on events, such as Bal de la Mer and Founders’ Dinner. Works designed by the ar�st are displayed at events to raise funds for the charity and the ar�st is invited to a�end to promote their work. 2019 ARTIST OF THE YEAR - JESSY NITE Jessy Nite is a contemporary ar�st based in Miami, FL USA. Jessy’s work is best characterized by site specific, interac�ve works that place conceptual art into public places, while making sure to incorporate recycled materials in her works. Her signature use of color and custom-made typography cross a variety of disciplines, carrying a playful but deeply rooted narra�ve. Nite has exhibited interna�onally, most notably in London, Zurich, Vienna, and Bangkok. Her public works include murals, sculptures, and installa�ons that can be seen across the United States, as well as, interna�onally. “THE SUN IS A MAJOR PART OF OUR LIVES HERE IN MIAMI. IT’S A CONSTANT AND IT CONNECTS ALL OF US. BY HARNESSING SUNLIGHT, THESE INSTALLATIONS ALLOW THE SUN TO NARRATE HUMAN STORIES OF OUR CITY.”
FINANCIALS 2018 Key Components Programs Programs 60% 0.5% Membership 0.5% Opera�ng 23% Other Income 2% Expenditures $1.37M* Professional $1.36M* Services Special Events 8% 5% Development & Events 8% Marke�ng Dona�ons 1% In-Kind Support 92% Vessel Use Adver�sing $400,000 $145,400 *Totals are rounded values SCIENTIST SPOTLIGHT Dr. Brennan Phillips Brennan Phillips specializes in the development and applica�on of novel instrumenta�on for oceanographic research. His current research topics include low-light imaging of deep-sea biology and bioluminescence, so� robo�c manipulators, hydraulic systems, distributed sensing, and low-cost, lightweight methods for ocean explora�on. In May of 2018, The Interna�onal SeaKeepers Society facilitated a research expedi�on wherein Dr. Brennan Phillips was able to capture the first recorded in situ observa�on of the sharpnose sevengill shark from the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas using a baited remote underwater video system (BRUV). The shark was recorded at a depth of 718 meters, allowing for visual analysis of behavior in its natural environment. These findings were later published in the Journal of the Ocean Science Founda�on.
2018 PARTNERS SeaKeepers will con�nue to drive programming that educates and empowers the yach�ng community to become aware of the issues our oceans face, while taking an ac�ve role in helping to develop solu�ons through explora�on, scien�fic research and educa�on. We are very grateful to the extraordinary generosity and exper�se of our programming partners and supporters. PROGRAMMING PARTNERS Audi Nature Society Singapore (NSS) Marine Conserva�on Group Bamboo Straw Girl Na�onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra�on (NOAA) Beneath the Waves Nova Southeastern University Biscayne Bay Water Watch (BBWW) Our Singapore Reefs Boswell Marine Ecology & Acous�cs Lab ONE°15 Marina Bri�sh Interna�onal School, Phuket PBS (WTTW) BWA Yach�ng Phuket Marine Biological Center (PMBC) Changkat Changi Secondary School Raffles Marina Compassvale Secondary School Reef Environmental Educa�on Founda�on De Yi Secondary School Rolls-Royce Duke University SC Global Developments Epiphany Catholic School Singapore American School Fleet Miami Stanford University Florida Biodiversity Ins�tute St John’s Island Na�onal Marine Laboratory Florida Interna�onal University Stock Island Marina & Perry Hotel Florida Sea Grant Southall Associates Global Fin Print Sulikowsky Shark and Fish Research Lab Global Marine Travel (GMT) The Submersibles Grand Isle Resort Tropical Marine Science Ins�tute of the Na�onal University of Kongsberg Mari�me Singapore Singapore (TMSINU) KOSE Corpora�on United States Geological Survey Laguna Redang Island Resort University of California, Santa Cruz Marina at Keppel Bay University of Florida MetOcean University of Miami Miami-Dade Sea Grant Extension Program Universi� Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) Miami Seaquarium University of New England Miami Waterkeeper University of Rhode Island Nan Hua High School University of Washington Na�onal University of Singapore Whitney Laboratory for Marine Science SUPPORT Aiko Luxury Linens Imperial Event Rentals Rockstar Catering Company Albert H. Nahmad Lekker Boats USA SevenSeas Magazine City Na�onal Bank LH-Finance SoFlaNights Codigo Tequila Legacy Interna�onal South Florida Luxury Guide Delmay and Partners 55 Mulberry Southern Boa�ng ECO Magazine Marina Life Stock Island Excel Sports Management MegaYacht News VanDutch Ferrari MetOcean Telema�cs Venu Magazine Florida Interna�onal University Oil Nut Bay Whispering Angel Florida Luxurious Proper�es Papa’s Pilar Yachts Interna�onal Hendrick’s Gin Paradise Prosecco Company Yml Portable Restrooms | | 786.924.6209 255 Aragon Avenue, Third Floor Coral Gables, FL 33134 SEAKEEPERS T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L S O C I E T Y
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