E2i Jobs and Skills Discovery @SkillsFuture Roadshow

e2i Jobs and Skills
Roadshow                                                                         Look through Job Listing


Date : 20-22 August 2021
|Friday - Sunday                                                               Identify company and role.
Time : 11am to 9pm                                                             Pre-register for an interview

                                                                               Attend job fair at the correct
                                                                                         time slot

About e2i (Employment and Employability Institute)
e2i is the empowering network for workers and employers
seeking employment and employability solutions. e2i serves
as a bridge between workers and employers, connecting with
workers to offer job security through job-matching, career
guidance and skills upgrading services, and partnering
employers to address their manpower needs through
recruitment, training and job redesign solutions. e2i is a
tripartite initiative of the National Trades Union Congress set
                                                                             Exit job fair after the interview
up to support nation-wide manpower and skills upgrading

For more information, please visit www.e2i.com.sg.

 Organised By:                                      An Initiative By:   Supported By:

   1. Boys’ Town .................................................................................... 3
   2. CBM Pte Ltd ................................................................................... 5
   3. Kopitiam .......................................................................................22
   4. NTUC FairPrice & Cheers ...............................................................26
   5. NTUC First Campus Co-operative Limited ......................................32
   6. NTUC Foodfare .............................................................................39
   7. NTUC Health Co-operative Limited ................................................41
   8. Tan Tock Seng Hospital Pte Ltd ......................................................51
   9. YMCA of Singapore .......................................................................53
   10. Virtual Career Fair Positions .........................................................54

    www.e2i.com.sg                                               Information is correct at time of print
   1. Boys’ Town

   Boys’ Town is a Catholic institution founded by the Brothers of St. Gabriel in 1948. We provide
   Residential, Outreach, School-based and Community-based programmes and services for youth-at-
   risk and their families in a CARING milieu.

Job Position      Pre-requisites              Key Responsibilities                      Working Hours /
  Youth           •   'O’/ NITEC/ Diploma     •   To be attentive and look into         • 5 Days: Shift work
  Worker,             in Counselling,             the wellbeing of residents by         (7am -3pm, 3pm-
  Residential         Psychology.                 being available and to be             11pm, 11pm-7am)
  Service         •   Able to work on             accountable for the residents’
                      rotating shift              whereabouts when on duty.
                      including weekends      •   To provide close supervision
                      and public holidays.        and maintain discipline of the
                  •   Able to work                residents in accordance with
                      independently and in        the daily programme.
                      a team, possess good    •   To motivate and actively
                      interpersonal,              engage residents to participate
                      communication and           in the BT/daily programme (e.g.
                      written skills.             sports, value-add programmes,
                  •   Demonstrate                 incentives).
                      emotional maturity      •   To support and facilitate
                      and genuine passion         programmes related to
                      to work with children       residential youth.
                      and youth.              •   To engage and develop positive
                  •   Display proactiveness       relationship with the
                      in group discussions        residential youth through the
                      in enhancing the            daily programmes.
                      services provided to    •   To support in developing
                      the residents.              positive characteristics and
                                                  personalities of residential
                                              •   Any other administrative duties
                                                  as assigned.
  Youth Worker •      'O’/ NITEC/ Diploma     •   Responsible for the upkeep of         •   5 days: 11pm -
  (Night Shift),      in Counselling,             the program facility such as              7am
  Residential         Psychology.                 ensuring facilities are locked,
  Service        •    Able to work on             lights are off etc.
                      rotating shift          •   Completes assigned
                      including weekends          documentation and tracking of
                      and public holidays.        attendance.
                  •   Able to work            •   To compile a list of
                      independently and in        appointments for the following
                      a team, possess good        day and inform the morning
                      interpersonal,              Duty Staff.
                      communication and       •   Provide ongoing supervision of
                      written skills.             residents by ensuring visual

        www.e2i.com.sg                                               Information is correct at time of print
             •   Demonstrate               check guidelines are followed
                 emotional maturity        (complete room checks a
                 and genuine passion       minimum of every hour or
                 to work with children     more frequently).
                 and youth.            •   To ensure that residents are
             •   Display proactiveness     dressed appropriately for
                 in group discussions      school (Uniform, Socks, Shoes,
                 in enhancing the          Haircut).
                 services provided to  •   Any other administrative duties
                 the residents.            as assigned.

    www.e2i.com.sg                                         Information is correct at time of print
   2. CBM Pte Ltd

   CBM provides a full range of Integrated Facility Management (IFM) services. We address our clients’
   unique needs, and act as a single point of contact to relieve them of their daily non-core operational
   issues. As a customer-oriented organisation, we strive to provide the best quality service to meet our
   clients’ expectations and help them achieve their business objectives.

Job Position        Pre-requisites                Key Responsibilities                Working Hours /
Electrician         •   Minimum qualification     •   Install and maintain wiring, •      Shift - 5.5 days /
                        of NTC / Nitec                control, and lighting               6 days
                        qualification.                systems.
                    •   3 years of relevant       •   Inspect electrical
                        working experience in         components such as
                        electrical wiring             transformers and circuit
                        (lighting, power point,       breakers.
                        isolator, fan etc.) and   •   Identify electrical problems
                        troubleshooting fault.        with a variety of testing
                    •   Possess Licensed              devices.
                        Electrical Worker         •   Repair and replace wiring,
                        (LEW) certification.          equipment using hand
                    •   Candidate with                tools and power tools.
                        installation experience   •   Follow state and local
                        will be an advantage.         building regulations based
                                                      on National Electric code.
                                                  •   Any other duties as and
                                                      when assigned.
Aircon Technician •     Minimum qualification     •   Maintenance of facilities    •      5.5 days / 6 days
                        a NTC / NITEC in              and services.
                        Electrical / Mechanical   •   Perform routine preventive
                        Engineering or                maintenance and
                        equivalent.                   corrective action to ensure
                    •   Minimum 3 years of            facility equipment and
                        experience in aircon          building system run
                        servicing, mechanical         smoothly and efficiently.
                        fan servicing, chemical   •   Regular inspection of
                        wash of FCU, AHU and          grounds and facilities to
                        troubleshooting fault.        ensure they are in good
                    •   Basic knowledge on            working order.
                        mechanical, electrical,   •   Attend to breakdown,
                        and building system,          servicing, repairing and
                        including using of hand       emergency requests.
                        and electrical tools.     •   Any other duties as and
                                                      when assigned.
Technician cum      •   Minimum qualification     •   Perform maintenance of       •      Shift - 5.5 days /
driver                  a NTC / NITEC in              mechanical and electrical           6 days
                        Electronic /                  equipment/installations
                                                      and general inspections of

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                     Mechanical / Facilities       the buildings, consistent
                     Management.                   with industrial practices
                 •   Minimum 2 years of            and compliance to health
                     relevant working              and safety standards.
                     experience in             •   Fill out servicing reports
                     residential /                 and keep records on
                     commercial / industrial       services that have been
                     facilities maintenance.       performed.
                 •   Basic knowledge on        •   Attend to on-site M&E
                     mechanical, electrical,       breakdown and emergency
                     and building system,          situation, and
                     including using of hand       report/escalation of the
                     and electrical tools.         incident to
                 •   Must be able to read          management/Call-centre.
                     technical manuals and     •   Provide on-site supervision
                     drawings.                     of workers and
                 •   Must be able to meet          contractors.
                     the physical              •   Verification and
                     requirements of the           certification of work done
                     job which include             in accordance to issued
                     bending, lifting heavy        Works Order, including
                     equipment and                 submission, and filing of
                     working in confined           document.
                     spaces.                   •   Build and maintain
                 •   Must be able to work          relationships with
                     shifts, weekends, and         customers including
                     public holiday when           explaining issues with
                     necessary.                    equipment and repairs to
                 •   Candidates with BMS           users.
                     experience are            •   Any other ad hoc duties
                     preferred.                    e.g. paint and fill gaps or
                 •   Minimum a valid               crevices (on walls,
                     Singapore Class 3             sidewalks, carpentry
                     driving license.              works, housekeeping etc.
                                                   as assigned by
Technician       •   Minimum qualification     •   Play a hands-on role in      •    Shift - 5.5 days /
                     a Nitec in                    maintenance of ACMV,              6 days
                     Electrical/Electronic,        plumbing & sanitary
                     Mechanical, Property          systems, amenities, fittings
                     Development/Real              and fixtures, wall, ceiling,
                     Estate Management or          and floor finishing of
                     equivalent.                   properties.
                 •   At least 3 year(s) of     •   Involve in the inspection of
                     working experience in         contractors’ works and
                     the related field is          reinstatement works.
                     required for this         •   Generate defect inspection
                     position.                     reports.

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                                             •   Responsible for
                                                 maintaining proper
                                                 equipment listing, conduct
                                                 inspections of the
                                             •   Report on maintenance
                                                 issues and critical
                                             •   Perform checks on-site to
                                                 inspect and ensure that
                                                 work orders have been
                                                 carried out accordingly and
                                                 on time.
                                             •   Attend to complaints
                                                 received through feedback
                                                 from the management
                                             •   Carry out minor tasks
                                                 assigned by the PO, ACM,
                                                 or CM with regard to the
                                                 physical maintenance of
                                                 the property (e.g. changing
                                                 of bulbs, painting, minor
                                                 repairs etc.).
                                             •   Source for contractors &
                                                 calling for quotations for
                                                 works to be carried out.
                                             •   Schedule and carryout
                                                 preventive and corrective
                                                 maintenance work.
                                             •   Responsible for
                                                 maintaining proper
                                                 equipment listing and
                                                 inspection of building.
                                             •   Any other duties as and
                                                 when assigned.
Building         •   Minimum qualification   •   Assist and report directly     •   5 days / 5.5days
Executive            a Diploma in                to Building Manager (BM)       •   Monday to
                     Engineering or              in all operation &                 Friday - 7:00am
                     equivalent.                 maintenance concerns.              to 4:00pm
                 •   At least 3 year(s) of   •   Oversee the facilities         •   Saturday -
                     working experience in       management within the              8:00am to
                     the related field is        premises.                          1:00pm
                     required.               •   Compiling the monthly
                                                 utilities report and
                                             •   Monthly M&E reports.
                                             •   Assist to develop and
                                                 implement of Standard

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                                                Operating Procedures
                                                (SOP) as and where
                                           •    Providing updates on ad-
                                                hoc and outstanding
                                           •    Attending to client’s
                                                feedback or requests.
                                           •    Coordinates the preventive
                                                and corrective
                                                maintenance works
                                                schedule with the contract
                                                and client.
                                           •    Inspect works carried out
                                                are proper and in
                                           •    Liaising and managing
                                           •    Planning of maintenance
                                           •    Review and planning
                                                monthly maintenance
                                           •    Oversee all work is carried
                                                out timely and smoothly by
                                                the staffs.
                                           •    Any other ad-hoc
                                                assignments assigned by
                                                the Management.
Property         •   Minimum qualification •    Conduct regular site        •     5.5 days
Executive            Diploma in Building,       inspections, risk           •     Monday to
                     Engineering or             assessments and follow-up         Friday 8.30am to
                     Facilities disciplines     actions to maintain high          5.30pm
                     from a recognised          safety standard and         •     Saturday 8.30am
                     tertiary establishment     compliance to Company’s           to 12.30pm
                     (with M&E background       ISO & OSHAS policies.
                     is preferred).         •   Conduct monthly safety
                 •   At least 2 years of        committee meetings and
                     relevant working           put up safety reports,
                     experience is required     including safety issues.
                     for this position.     •   Attend to all feedback on
                                                such irregularities and
                                                inform the occupier
                                           •    Enforce all safety
                                                legislation and in-house
                                                safety rules and

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                                                •   Ensure supervisors and
                                                    workers are following safe
                                                    work procedures
                                                • Responsible in accident
                                                    reporting and
                                                • Managing the operations
                                                    and maintenance activities
                                                    at client premises,
                                                    including the Office
                                                    Resources, Asset &
                                                    Records Management.
                                                • Leading technical teams in
                                                    the trouble shooting and
                                                    work proposal for
                                                    corrective maintenance
                                                • Ensure proper execution of
                                                    maintenance activities by
                                                    the contractors.
                                                • Monitor and renewal of
                                                    maintenance services
                                                • Provide necessary
                                                    monthly/quarterly reports.
                                                • Any other ad-hoc
                                                    assignments assigned by
                                                    the Management.
Technical        •   Minimum qualification      1. Assist and report directly to    •   5 days / 5.5days
Executive            a Diploma,                 Deputy Building Manager
                     Advanced/Higher/Gra        (DBM) in all operation &
                     duate Diploma,             maintenance concerns:
                     (Electrical/Electronic),   •   Oversee the facilities
                     Engineering                    management within the
                     (Mechanical) or                premises.
                     equivalent.                •   Compiling the monthly
                 •   Associate / Singapore          utilities report and
                     Certified Energy               tabulations.
                     Manager (ASCEM /           •   Monthly M&E reports.
                     SCEM) is a must.           •   Assist to develop and
                 •   Possess Specialist             implement of Standard
                     Diploma in                     Operating Procedures
                     Construction                   (SOP) as and where
                     Productivity will be an        necessary.
                     added advantage.
                 •   At least 2 year(s) of      2. Interfacing with the clients:
                     working experience in

       www.e2i.com.sg                                              Information is correct at time of print
                  the related field is    •   Attend monthly meetings
                  required for this           with client & prepares the
                  position.                   minutes of the meeting.
              •   At least 3 year(s) of   •   Providing updates on ad-
                  experience in               hoc and outstanding
                  Tendering / bidding         issues.
                  related works.          •   Attending to client’s
                                              feedback or requests.
                                          •   Coordinates the preventive
                                              and corrective
                                              maintenance works
                                              schedule with the contract
                                              and client.

                                          3. Coordinate and manage
                                          • Provide costing and
                                              proposals for ad-hoc
                                          • Evaluate the quotations
                                              submitted by contractor
                                              and provide a formal
                                              quotation to the client.
                                          • Inspect works carried out
                                              are proper and in
                                          • Liaising and managing

                                          4. Leading the on-site technical

                                          •   Provide guidance, training
                                              and supervision to
                                              technical staffs to ensure
                                              proper execution of
                                              assigned task.
                                          •   Planning of maintenance
                                          •   Review and planning
                                              monthly maintenance
                                          •   Oversee all work is carried
                                              out timely and smoothly by
                                              the staffs.

                                          5. Tendering:
                                          • Prepare and complete
                                              tender, Request for

    www.e2i.com.sg                                          Information is correct at time of print
                                                    Quotation according to
                                                    Client's requirement within
                                                •   E-commerce.
Building Manager •   Minimum qualification      •   Oversee and manage           •    5 days / 5.5days
                     a Diploma in in Estate         Facility Management
                     Management, Building           Services at building(s) that
                     Services, Engineering          he/she is assigned to.
                     or equivalent.             •   Manage term contractors/
                 •   At least 8 to 10 year(s)       specialist contractors to
                     of relevant experience         ensure smooth operation
                     is required for this           of buildings.
                     position.                  •   Manage relation to
                 •   Good knowledge of              client/authorities/ tenants.
                     Building Maintenance       •   Provide client / authorities
                     & Strata Management            / tenants with updates of
                     (BMSM) Act.                    electrical, water and other
                 •   Candidate who has              service outages and
                     experience in                  scheduled shutdowns.
                     managing project with      •   Attend to feedback by
                     1000 units will be an          tenants/ clients, to
                     advantage.                     recommend and take
                                                    remedial actions.
                                                •   Budgeting and managing
                                                •   Develops and implements
                                                    facility emergency plans.
                                                    During evacuations, assists
                                                    emergency response teams
                                                    in assessing building
                                                    condition, locating missing
                                                    personnel, shutting off
                                                    utilities, and delivering a
                                                    status report to assembly
                                                    point leaders.
                                                •   Assist in identifying key
                                                    factors from installations
                                                    that have energy saving
                                                    potentials or possibly
                                                    causing energy wastage in
                                                    the system; and shall make
                                                    recommendations to the
                                                    Authority on a timely basis.
                                                •   Perform preliminary
                                                    energy audits and analysis
                                                    on data of major
                                                    consuming equipment or
                                                    system; and provide
                                                    recommendations on

      www.e2i.com.sg                                             Information is correct at time of print
                                                  potential energy
                                                  conservation measures,
                                                  opportunities, and financial
                                                  assessments on an annual
                                              •   Compare audit results
                                                  obtained with those of the
                                                  previous assessment (if
                                                  any) and provide
                                                  (including cost estimates)
                                                  for overall building energy
                                                  improvement and
                                              •   Conducting preliminary
                                                  energy audits, energy
                                                  performance management
                                                  of existing facility
                                                  equipment & system and
                                                  analyze the feasibility for
                                                  the works, which shall
                                              •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                  assignments assigned by
                                                  the Management.
Condominium      •   Candidate must           •   Responsible for the day-to- •     5.5days
Manager              possess at least a           day operations of Condo.
                     Diploma in Estate        •   Plan, execute and
                     Management, Building         supervise all facilities
                     Services Engineering         management and
                     or equivalent.               operational matters.
                 •   Minimum 3 - 4 years      •   Administration and
                     of MCST experience           management of contracts.
                     for Diploma holders      •   Co-ordinate council
                     and have experience in       meetings and general
                     handling more than           meetings.
                     1000 units.              •   Provide efficient and
                 •   Good knowledge of            effective solutions on
                     Building Maintenance         estate management.
                     & Strata Management      •   Co-ordinate council
                     (BMSM) Act.                  meetings and general
                                              •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                  assignments assigned by
                                                  the Management.
Property         •   Minimum qualification    •   Day to Day supervision of    •    5.5 days
Executive            a Diploma in Estate          term and ad-hoc contract     •    Boon Keng
                     Management, Building         works in relation to the
                                                  Condominium facilities.

       www.e2i.com.sg                                          Information is correct at time of print
                    Services, Engineering    •    Attend to feedback from
                    or equivalent.                residents and to
                •   At least 2 year(s) of         recommend and take
                    relevant MCST                 remedial action.
                    experience is required   •    Supervise contractors on
                    for this position.            building maintenance
                •   Good knowledge of             function.
                    Building Maintenance     •    Support the Condominium
                    & Strata Management           Manager in obtaining
                    (BMSM) Act.                   quotations for the effective
                                                  management of the
Handyman        •   High school               •   To carry out building-       •    Working days
                    qualification.                related works and repairs.        and hours
                •   Minimum 3 years’              These include painting,           depend
                    experience providing          plastering, minor carpentry
                    handyman services or          repair work, tile
                    doing maintenance-            replacement, lock and
                    related works.                ironmongery repair and
                •   Candidates are                replacement ceiling boards
                    required to carry             replacement, welding
                    chairs, painting, tables,     works, etc.
                    etc. for event setup & •      To do event setup (both
                    move management.              onsite and offsite), move
                                                  furniture & items,
                                                  dismantle and dispose of
                                                  furniture and items into
                                                  bulk bins.
                                             •    To carry out painting of AIS
                                             •    Inspection of benches,
                                                  railings, etc., to ensure
                                                  these are intact and not
                                                  loosen or shaky.
                                             •    Inspection of manholes
                                                  and inspection chambers
                                                  to ensure no
                                             •    Visual inspection of all
                                                  external open gullies,
                                                  rainwater downpipes,
                                                  structural walls, perimeter
                                                  fence/ boundary wall, etc.,
                                                  to ensure no cracks,
                                                  breakage, or any
                                             •    Visual inspection of
                                                  corridors, walkway,
                                                  sidewalk, staircase for

      www.e2i.com.sg                                           Information is correct at time of print
                                                   cracks, damaged/missing
                                                   tiles, uneven surface.
                                               •   Checking & maintain of
                                                   EVAC chair at all campuses.
                                               •   Any other works requested
                                                   by the Principal and its
Quantity         •   Candidate must            •   Support of maintenance      •     5 days
Surveyor             possess at least a            and project works           •     8am - 6pm
                     Diploma in Quantity           function.
                     Survey, Building,         •   Advising on procurement
                     Engineering,                  strategy.
                     Construction              •   Prepare cost estimate.
                     Management or other       •   Endorse and ensure all
                     relevant qualifications       costing by Contractors is
                     from a recognised             properly checked and
                     tertiary establishment.       endorsed.
                 •   At least 5 years of       •   Prepare and report
                     relevant working              financial projection and
                     experience is required        budgetary control
                     for this position.            including monitoring of
                                                   contract and provisional
                                               •   Prepare and recommend
                                                   monthly progress payment
                                                   claims and final account
                                                   submitted by Contractors.
                                               •   Evaluate and carry out
                                                   joint measurement with
                                                   Contractors (e-PO, Final
                                                   BQ, etc.).
                                               •   Administer Contractors
                                                   works - check & verify
                                                   quotations / "star rate"
                                                   items / market sensing.
                                               •   Check, certify and confirm
                                                   Contractors Invoices.
                                               •   Review and prepare
                                                   specifications, evaluate
                                                   and recommend tender
                                                   submissions and contract
                                                   (maintenance contract).
                                               •   Obtain and monitor
                                                   Performance Bonds,
                                                   Bankers Guarantees and
                                               •   Prepare tender document,
                                                   tender calling, tender

       www.e2i.com.sg                                           Information is correct at time of print
                                                   evaluation, market survey
                                                   report, contract
                                                   documents, including bills
                                                   of quantities with clients/
                                                   architects, and preparing
                                                   and analysing costing in
                                                   detailed reports.
                                               •   Prepare tender
                                                   documents, tender
                                                   evaluation report, variation
                                                   agreements and render
                                                   professional advice on any
                                                   penalties, liquidated
                                                   damages when deem
                                               •   Prepare recommendation
                                                   report (exercise option /
                                                   CVR etc.)
                                               •   Carry out random audits of
                                                   not less than two (2)
                                                   projects on maintenance
                                                   replacement per month.
                                               •   Administer term
                                                   contractors A&A works.
                                               •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                   assignments assigned by
                                                   the Management.
Patrol officer    •   Candidate must           •   Responding to any             •    Working days
                      possess at least a           situations or incidents at         and hours
                      Primary/Secondary            the car parks.                     depend.
                      School/"O" Level,        •   Conducting patrols and
                      Higher secondary/Pre-        checks at car parks.
                      U/A level/College,       •   On-site incident
                      Professional                 management.
                      Certificate/NiTEC, any   •   Carrying out traffic control,
                      field.                       regulations, and
                  •   Candidates without           enforcement action.
                      experience can be        •   Car park observation
                      considered.                  reports.
                  •   Willing to work in       •   Performing any other
                      control centre               duties as assigned by the
                      environment.                 Management.
                  •   Must possess Class 2B
                  •   Willing to work on
                      weekends and 12-
                      hours shift.

        www.e2i.com.sg                                           Information is correct at time of print
Licensed Plumber •      Candidate should           •   Able to supervise              •   Working days
                        possess at least a Nitec       Installation, repair, and          and hours
                        and above OR at least          maintain plumbing related          depend.
                        3 – 5 years of relevant        systems.
                        experience.                •   Able to read building plans
                    •   Licensed Plumber will          and blueprints.
                        be an advantage.           •   Follow building plans and
                    •   Candidate should be a          blueprints.
                        hands-on person.           •   Respond to, diagnose, and
                                                       resolve plumbing
                                                   •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                       assignments assigned by
                                                       the Management.
Customer            •   At least 1 year of         •   Provide call centre /          •   5 days
Support Officer         similar working                technical helpdesk support     •   8am - 6pm
(1-Year Contract)       experience preferred.          and services.                  •   East
                    •   Candidates should          •   To handle fault calls and
                        possess at least a             dispatch the calls into the
                        Diploma qualification.         system.
                                                   •   To inform the contractor
                                                       for the fault calls.
                                                   •   Any other assignments as
                                                       and when directed by the
Property Officer    •   Candidates must            •   Conduct regular site           •   5 days
                        possess at least a             inspections, risk              •   8.30am - 6pm
                        Diploma in Building/           assessments and follow-up
                        Facilities                     actions to maintain high
                        Management/ Building           safety standard and
                        Services/ Engineering          compliance to Company’s
                        from a recognized              ISO & OSHAS policies
                        institute of higher        •   Conduct monthly safety
                        learning.                      committee meetings and
                    •   At least 5 years of            put up safety reports,
                        relevant working               including safety issues
                        experience is required     •   Attend to all feedback on
                        for this position.             such irregularities and
                    •   Candidates possessing          inform the occupier
                        FSM, First Aid and Cert        accordingly
                        Training Course or         •   Enforce all safety
                        other relevant FM              legislation and in-house
                        certificates are               safety rules and
                        preferred.                     regulations
                                                   •   Ensure supervisors and
                                                       workers are following safe
                                                       work procedures

        www.e2i.com.sg                                               Information is correct at time of print
                                               •   Responsible in accident
                                                   reporting and
                                               •   Managing the operations
                                                   and maintenance activities
                                                   at client premises,
                                                   including the Office
                                                   Resources, Asset &
                                                   Records Management
                                               •   Leading technical teams in
                                                   the trouble shooting and
                                                   work proposal for
                                                   corrective maintenance
                                               •   Ensure proper execution of
                                                   maintenance activities by
                                                   the contractors
                                               •   Monitor and renewal of
                                                   maintenance services
                                               •   Provide necessary
                                                   monthly/quarterly reports
                                               •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                   assignments assigned by
                                                   the Management.
Assistant Area   •   Candidates must           •   Oversee and manage the       •    5 days
Manager              possess at least a            performance delivery of      •    8.30am - 6pm
                     Diploma in Projects &         facility management
                     Facilities                    service at respective zones.
                     Management/ Estate        •   Provide leadership and
                     Management/                   guidance to a team of
                     Engineering or                Building Managers,
                     Equivalent from a             Technical Executive,
                     recognized institute of       Quantity Surveyors and
                     higher learning.              Project Managers to
                 •   At least 8 years of           ensure day-to-day
                     relevant working              operations at assigned
                     experience is required        buildings.
                     for this position.        •   Identify and troubleshoot
                                                   problems and provide
                                                   professional advice to the
                                               •   Develop standard
                                                   operation procedure and
                                                   internal workflow to
                                                   maintain smooth operation
                                                   at sites.

       www.e2i.com.sg                                           Information is correct at time of print
                                                 •   Manage relation to client/
                                                     authorities, being the
                                                     liaising point of contact.
                                                 •   Oversee area budgeting
                                                     and expenses.
                                                 •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                     assignments assigned by
                                                     the Management.
Maintenance       •   Candidate must             •   Handle MCST site property      •   Working day and
Officer               possess at least a Nitec       management/operation.              hours depend
                      in Mechanical /            •   Attend to residents’
                      Electrical / Building          feedback /complaints.
                      Services.                  •   Supervise both term and
                  •   At least 1 year(s) of          adhoc contractors for job
                      working experience in          completion.
                      the related field is       •   Manage and maintain
                      required for this              operation readiness on
                      position.                      building /M&E matters
                  •   Possess effective          •   Manage upgrading/A&A
                      communication,                 works.
                      organizational,            •   Attend to Leasing
                      interpersonal,                 requests/enquiries.
                      leadership and             •   Any other ad-hoc
                      negotiation skills.            assignments assigned by
                  •   A good team player             the Condo Management.
                      with ability to work
Logistics         •   Possess a min ‘N’ Level    •   Oversee the timely delivery    •   6 days
Supervisor            or equivalent.                 of laundry items to client.    •   Working hours
                  •   At least 2 years of        •   Ensure cleanliness,                depends
                      relevant working               maintenance & servicing of     •   Woodlands
                      experiences.                   company vehicles.
                  •   Possess good               •   Answering phone calls and
                      interpersonal skills,          support logistic operations.
                      the ability to handle      •   Working closely with
                      difficult situations.          clients to ensure smooth
                                                     deliveries of laundry items.
                                                 •   Ensure compliance with
                                                     operations policy and
                                                 •   Any other duties assigned.
Admin Assistant   •   Candidate should           •   To provide high quality        •   5.5 days
                      possess at least an ‘O’        support to the                 •   Mondays to
                      Levels certification.          organization, providing            Fridays: 9am to
                  •   At least 1 year of             help desk duties,                  6pm (Full
                      relevant working               responding to incoming             deployment)
                      experience is required         calls, greeting visitors and   •   Wednesday: 6pm
                      for this position.             managing hospitality               to 8pm
                                                     needs.                             (Alternate)

       www.e2i.com.sg                                              Information is correct at time of print
                                                  •   Answer incoming calls and       •   Saturdays: 9am
                                                      directing those calls to the        to 3pm
                                                      proper parties.                 •   Boon Keng
                                                  •   To manage the mail
                                                      operation within site,
                                                      including logging incoming
                                                      and outgoing mail,
                                                      couriers, and assisting with
                                                      mail-outs if required.
                                                  •   To implement procedures
                                                      and or adhere to policies
                                                  •   Be vigilant and alert and
                                                      report any abnormal issue.
                                                  •   To provide administrative
                                                      support to facilities related
                                                      functions only.
                                                  •   Understand and articulate
                                                      facility services.
                                                  •   To provide support for
                                                      works procurement and
                                                      contractor management:
                                                      e.g., RFP, tender, liaison,
                                                      Ad-hoc, minor projects
                                                      coordination, etc.
                                                  •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                      assignments assigned by
                                                      the Management.
Safety WSH        •   Candidate should            •   Responsible for planning,       •   5 days
Coordinator           possess a recognised            implementing and                •   9am - 6pm
                      safety coordinator              overseeing company’s
                      certificate or relevant         employee’s safety at work.
                      certificate approved        •   Ensure that the company is
                      by MOM.                         in compliance and adheres
                  •   At least 2 years of             to Occupational Health and
                      relevant working                Safety (OHS) guidelines to
                      experience in safety            reduce work-related
                      industry is required for        injuries.
                      this position.              •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                      assignments assigned by
                                                      the Management.
Site Supervisor   •   Candidate should            •   To conduct checks and           •   Working days
Cum FSM               possess a recognised            remove or cause to                  and hours
                      Certificate in Fire             remove any fire hazard              depends
                      Safety FSM Manager              those is found in the
                      (from 17th batch                premises and oversee the
                      onwards; both &                 maintenance of the fire
                      Industrial) / Certificate       safety systems in the
                      in Fire Engineering;            premises.

        www.e2i.com.sg                                               Information is correct at time of print
                   •   At least 3 years of       •   To investigate, analyse,
                       practical experience as       report and suggest
                       a Fire Safety Manager         appropriate prevention
                       is required for this          measures in the events of
                       position.                     fire related
                                                     occurred in the Contract
                                                 •   To test the fire safety
                                                     systems to ensure that
                                                     they are in good operating
                                                     condition and conduct
                                                     training to occupants on
                                                     basic fire-fighting and
                                                     rescue operation.
                                                 •   Any other ad-hoc
                                                     assignments assigned by
                                                     the Management.
Customer Service   •   Candidate should          •   Answer calls coming into       •   Working days
Officer                possess at least an O         the helpdesk.                      and hours
                       Levels certification.     •   Responding promptly to             depends
                   •   At least 1 year of            inquiries and fault
                       relevant working              complaints.
                       experience is required    •   Any other ad-hoc
                       for this position.            assignments assigned by
                                                     the Management.
Licensed           •   Candidate must be an      •   Carry out and certify          •   Working days
Electrical             electrical license            annual testing and                 and hours
Technician (LEW)       worker Technician             inspection of the entire           depends
                                                     electrical installation in
                       grade 7 from EMA.
                                                     accordance with the
                   •   At least 3 years of           requirements of the PUB
                       relevant experience is        Acts and Regulations.
                       required for this         •   Any other ad-hoc
                       position.                     assignments assigned by
                   •   Candidate should be           the Management.
                       trained in trouble-
                       shooting mechanical
                       and electrical
                       engineering problems.
Accounts           •   Candidate with 2 to 3     •   To handle several full sets    •   5 days
Executive              years of MCST                 of accounts for MCST and       •   9am - 6pm
                       accounts experience           ECC Pte Ltd.                   •   Katong
                                                 •   Ensure accounts are closed
                       and BMSMA will be an
                                                     on time according to
                       added advantage as
                                                     respective deadline for
                       this is a supervisory         client’s monthly meeting.

       www.e2i.com.sg                                              Information is correct at time of print
                    •   Candidate without a       •   Handle maintenance fee
                        Diploma but with              billing, issue maintenance
                        recent relevant               reminder to subsidiary
                                                      proprietors within
                        experience in
                                                      stipulated timeline
                        managing MCST
                                                  •   Ensure the completion of
                        accounts will be              the GST with accuracy and
                        considered.                   filing on a timely basis.
                    •   Candidate should at       •   Attend to subsidiary
                        least possess a               proprietors’ queries.
                        Diploma in                •   Liaise with auditor and tax
                                                      agent on audit/tax
                        or equivalent.
                                                  •   Monthly payroll processing
                    •   A self-starter who is         on a timely basis.
                        able to plan, organize    •   Prepare & submit statutory
                        and take initiative to        contributions such as CPF,
                        meet job objectives           FWL, income tax
                        and deadlines.                processing etc.
                                                  •   Ensure compliance with
                    •   Able to adapt to
                                                      BMSMA, relevant laws,
                        dynamic & fast-paced
                                                      government rules and
                        environment.                  regulations.
                    •   Must be meticulous &      •   Provide supervision and
                        attentive to details.         guidance to MCST Finance
                    •   Good communication            team.
                        skills and Independent.   •   Conduct monthly MCST
                                                      site audit on collections
                                                      and payment documents.
                                                  •   Other ad-hoc finance
                                                      reports/duties assigned.
Project Executive   •   Candidate should          •   Site Coordination (NRP      •     5 Days:
                        possess at least a            projects).                        9am – 6pm
                        Diploma in Building       •   Prepare and submit project
                        Services / Quantity           progress reports and
                        Survey.                       documentations attending
                    •   At least 5 years of           to authorities’
                        relevant work                 requirements.
                        experience is required    •   To assist in taking BQ and
                        for this position, or         preparing Tender
                        minimum 2 years of            submission.
                        relevant work             •   Any other ad-hoc
                        experience for Degree         assignments assigned by
                        holders.                      the Management.

        www.e2i.com.sg                                             Information is correct at time of print
   3. Kopitiam
   NTUC Enterprise is the holding entity and single largest shareholder of the NTUC Social Enterprises.
   NTUC Enterprise aims to create a greater social force to do good by harnessing the capabilities of the
   social enterprises to meet pressing social needs in areas like health and eldercare, childcare, daily
   essentials, cooked food and financial services. Serving over two million customers, NTUC Enterprise
   wants to enable and empower all in Singapore to live better and more meaningful lives. Kopitiam, a
   household name in the F&B sector is the latest addition to our family of NTUC Social Enterprises.

Job Position       Pre-requisites              Key Responsibilities                         Working Hours /
                                                                                            Location Hours /
Counter Sales      •   Able to work on         •   You are responsible for the              • 7am-3pm; 3pm
Assistant              permanent                   preparation of drinks and set               to 11pm
                       afternoon shift,            meals.                                   • Islandwide
                       including weekends
                                               •   Other duties include taking of
                       and public holidays.
                                                   orders, cashiering and ensuring
                   •   Candidates without
                       experience are              high standard of personal hygiene
                       welcome to apply.           and cleanliness at workstation.
                   •   Those who attained
                       Hygiene certification
                       will be an added
Counter Sales      •   Able to work on         •   You are responsible for the              •   11pm-7am
Assistant              permanent                   preparation of drinks and set            •   NUH & KangKar
                       afternoon shift,            meals.
                       including weekends
                                               •   Other duties include taking of
                       and public holidays.
                                                   orders, cashiering and ensuring
                   •   Candidates without
                                                   high standard of personal hygiene
                       experience are
                                                   and cleanliness at workstation.
                       welcome to apply.
                   •   Those who attained
                       Hygiene certification
                       will be an added
Counter Sales      •   Able to work on         •   You are responsible for the              •   5pm-11pm
Assistant (Part-       permanent                   preparation of drinks and set            •   Northpoint
time)                  afternoon shift,            meals.
                       including weekends      •   Other duties include taking of
                       and public holidays.        orders, cashiering and ensuring
                   •   Candidates without          high standard of personal hygiene
                       experience are              and cleanliness at workstation.
                       welcome to apply.
                   •   Those who attained
                       Hygiene certification
                       will be an added

        www.e2i.com.sg                                                Information is correct at time of print
Supervisor       •   Computer literate       •   You are responsible to lead a team     •   3pm-11pm
                     and those who               of CSA.                                •   Canberra, Vivo
                     attained Hygiene        •   Ordering of stock using SAP.               City & Terminal
                     certification will be   •   Cover CSA duties if lack of                3
                     an added advantage.         manpower.
                                             •   Planning of staff work schedule.
                                             •   Prepare attendance for payroll
Supervisor-      •   At least one to two     •   You are responsible for preparing      •   9am-5pm &
Halocha Bubble       years of F&B stall          meals according to a prescribed            2pm-10pm
Tea & Pastry         operating experience        system, preparing ingredients,         •   Bukit Batok
                     is required.                adhering to the in-store menu,             West
                 •   Food preparation            serving guidelines, and following
                     and cashiering              food health and safety
                     experience                  procedures.
                     preferred.              •   Other duties include cooking,
                 •   Knowledge of food           cleaning, assist other co-workers
                     safety & hygiene            and deliver food in a fast-paced
                     practices &                 environment.
                     Singapore Food          •   Work will include operating a
                     Agency (SFA)                deep fryer, traditional gas stove,
                     regulations.                or fryer to kitchen electrical
                 •   A team player.              appliances, handle staff duty
                 •   IT literate & mobile        roster and daily sales report.
                     internet savvy.
Service Crew-    •   At least one year of    •   You are responsible for preparing      •   9am-5pm &
Halocha Bubble       F&B stall operating         meals according to a prescribed            2pm-10pm
Tea & Pastry         experience is               system, preparing ingredients,         •   Coronation
                     required.                   adhering to the in-store menu,             Plaza & Bukit
                 •   Some food                   serving guidelines, and following          Batok West
                     preparation and             food health and safety
                     cashiering preferred.       procedures.
                 •   Knowledge of food       •   Other duties include cooking,
                     safety & hygiene            cleaning, assist other co-workers
                     practices &                 and deliver food in a fast-paced
                     Singapore Food              environment.
                     Agency (SFA)            •   Work will include operating a
                     regulations.                deep fryer, traditional gas stove,
                 •   A team player.              or fryer to kitchen electrical
                 •   IT literate & mobile        appliances, handle staff duty
                     internet savvy.             roster and daily sales report.
Service Crew-    •   At least one year of    •   You are responsible for preparing      •   5pm-10pm
Halocha Bubble       F&B stall operating         meals according to a prescribed        •   Coronation
Tea & Pastry         experience is               system, preparing ingredients,             Plaza
(Part-time)          required.                   adhering to the in-store menu,
                 •   Food preparation            serving guidelines, and following
                     and cashiering              food health and safety
                     experience                  procedures.

       www.e2i.com.sg                                             Information is correct at time of print
                 •   Knowledge of food        •   Other duties include cooking,
                     safety & hygiene             cleaning, assist other co-workers
                     practices &                  and deliver food in a fast-paced
                     Singapore Food               environment.
                     Agency (SFA)             •   Work will include operating a
                     regulations.                 deep fryer, traditional gas stove,
                 •   A team player.               or fryer to kitchen electrical
                 •   IT literate & mobile         appliances, handle staff duty
                     internet savvy.              roster and daily sales report.
Cook In-charge   •   At least 3-4 years of    •   You are responsible for preparing      •   9am-5pm;
                     F&B stall operating          meals according to a prescribed            2pm-10pm
                     experience is                system, preparing ingredients,         •   Tiong Bahru
                     required.                    adhering to the in-store menu,             Plaza
                 •   Food preparation             serving guidelines and following
                     and cashiering               food health and safety
                     experience                   procedures.
                     preferred.               •   Other duties include cooking,
                 •   Knowledge of food            cleaning, assist other co-workers
                     safety & hygiene             and deliver food in a fast-paced
                     practices &                  environment.
                     Singapore Food           •   Work will include operating a
                     Agency (SFA)                 deep fryer, traditional gas stove,
                     regulations.                 or fryer to kitchen electrical
                 •   A team player.               appliances, handle staff duty
                 •   IT literate & mobile         roster and daily sales report.
                     internet savvy.
Cook             •   At least 1-2 years of    •   You are responsible for preparing      •   10pm-6pm;
                     F&B stall operating          meals according to a prescribed            2pm-10pm
                     experience is                system, preparing ingredients,         •   Tiong Bahru
                     required.                    adhering to the in-store menu,             Plaza &
                 •   Food preparation             serving guidelines and following           Tampines Mall
                     and cashiering               food health and safety
                     experience                   procedures.
                     preferred.               •   Other duties include cooking,
                 •   Knowledge of food            cleaning, assist other co-workers
                     safety & hygiene             and deliver food in a fast-paced
                     practices &                  environment.
                     Singapore Food           •   Work will include operating a
                     Agency (SFA)                 deep fryer, traditional gas stove,
                     regulations.                 or fryer to kitchen electrical
                 •   A team player.               appliances, handle staff duty
                 •   IT literate & mobile         roster and daily sales report.
                     internet savvy.
Cook (Part-time) •   At least 1 year of F&B   •   You are responsible for preparing      •   5pm-10pm
                     stall operating              meals according to a prescribed        •   Compass One
                     experience is                system, preparing ingredients,
                     required.                    adhering to the in-store menu,
                 •   Food preparation             serving guidelines and following
                     and cashiering

       www.e2i.com.sg                                              Information is correct at time of print
                      experience                  food health and safety
                      preferred.                  procedures.
                  •   Knowledge of food       •   Other duties include cooking,
                      safety & hygiene            cleaning, assist other co-workers
                      practices &                 and deliver food in a fast-paced
                      Singapore Food              environment.
                      Agency (SFA)            •   Work will include operating a
                      regulations.                deep fryer, traditional gas stove,
                  •   A team player.              or fryer to kitchen electrical
                  •   IT literate & mobile        appliances, handle staff duty
                      internet savvy.             roster and daily sales report.
Cleaner           •   NA                      •   You are responsible for washing      •     7am-3pm;
                                                  toilet, sweeping floor, and clearing       3pm-11pm
                                                  of plates.                           •     Simei,
                                                                                             North &
Food Production •     Possess at least a      •   You are responsible for                •   8am-4pm
Worker (Dessert       secondary school            preparation of different Chinese       •   Woodlands
Centre Kitchen)       education.                  dim sum and pastries.                      Loop
                •     Experienced in          •   Check the quality and quality
                      central kitchen is an       control of all the foods items to
                      advantage.                  meet the food safety standards.
                  •   Able to perform         •   Maintaining cleanliness of
                      midnight shift and          workplace.
                      work on                 •   Able to cope with the food
                      weekend/public              production environment.
                      holiday.                •    Assist in other ad hoc duties when
Outlet          •     Preferably with F&B     •   Direct and manage food court           •   8 hours,
Executive/Opera       experience.                 according to company SOPs and              depending on
tions Executive •     Fresh graduates are         regulatory requirements.                   outlet
                      welcomed.               •   Mentor and supervise service staff         operating
                                                  on food handling, service conduct          hours
                                                  and compliance to standards.           •   Multiple
                                              •   Advise and support tenants on              locations
                                                  their operational needs and
                                                  service consistency.
                                              •   Manage food court according to
                                                  budget with responsibility in
                                                  creating and executing plans to
                                                  sustain profitability.
                                              •   Monitor sales and provide
                                                  monthly sales reports with
                                                  recommendations for business
                                                  reviews with management.
                                              •   Handle customers’ complaints and
                                                  operational issues.

          www.e2i.com.sg                                           Information is correct at time of print
   4. NTUC FairPrice & Cheers
   As Singapore’s leading supermarket retail player and a household name close to all, we have grown
   with you over the years. It is now your turn to grow an exciting new career and fulfil your aspirations
   with us. Join us as we embark on a journey to make lives better for our customers, community,
   environment, and employees.
   If the prospect of working in an organization at the forefront of retail technology and innovation excites
   you, look no further. Grow your career with us today and make a difference.

Job Position        Pre-requisites                 Key Responsibilities                Working Hours /
Retail Assistant    •   Able to speak English      •   You are responsible for         • Full-time: 6 days,
(Cheers)                to service English             stacking, displaying and        6.40am-3pm,
                        speaking customers.            replenishment of products       2.40pm- 11pm,
                                                       on the shelves, as well as      10.40pm-7am
                    •   Customer-oriented.
                                                       monitoring expiry dates         • Part-time: 4
                    •   Able to carry heavy            and shelf lives of products.       days:
                        loads and willing to       •   Responsible for performing      6.40am-3pm,
                        work on rotating               cashiering duties such as       2.40pm- 11pm,
                        shifts, weekends, and          AXS payment, prepaid top-       10.40pm-7am
                        public holidays.               up, parcel services.            • Islandwide
Cashier             •   Ability to read and        •   You are responsible for         •   Full-time: 6 days,
                        understand product             operating the POS cash              7am-12pm,
                        labels.                        register, handle various            12pm-5pm &
                    •   Able to work on                types of payments and               5/6pm-10/11pm
                        rotating shifts,               perform packing for             •   Part-time: 6
                        weekends, and public           customer purchases.                 days, 7am-3pm &
                        holidays.                  •   Provide prompt, helpful,            3pm- 11pm
                    •   Service-oriented and a         and courteous service to        •   Islandwide
                        team player.                   customers at all times.
                                                   •   Perform stacking, display,
                                                       and replenishment of
                                                       products on the shelves
                                                       when required.
Retail Assistant    •   Ability to read and        •   You are responsible for         •   Full-time: 6 days,
                        understand product             stacking, displaying and            7am-3pm &
                        labels.                        replenishment of products           3pm- 11pm
                    •   Able to work on                on the shelves, as well as      •   Part-time: 6
                        rotating shifts,               monitoring expiry dates             days, 7am-12pm,
                        weekends, and public           and shelf lives of products.        12pm-5pm &
                        holidays.                  •   Assist in the loading and           5/6pm-10/11pm
                    •   Service-oriented and a         unloading of goods,             •   Islandwide
                        team player.                   maintain neat and
                                                       systematic storing of
                                                       products and perform daily
                                                   •   Provide prompt, helpful,
                                                       and courteous service to
                                                       customers at all times.

          www.e2i.com.sg                                              Information is correct at time of print
Retail Supervisor   •   Diploma/ GCE ‘A’        •   You are responsible for        •   6 days: 7am-3pm
                        level/ Higher NITEC/        sales and profits for your         & 3pm- 11pm
                        GCE ‘O’ level with          category of products.          •   Islandwide
                        minimum 2 years of      •   Inventory management,
                        relevant experience.        maintain housekeeping
                    •   Independent and team        and merchandising
                        player with good            standards.
                        leadership skills.      •   Product planning and
                    •   Service-oriented and        allocation according to
                        hands-on person.            sales and customer
                    •   Candidates without          demands.
                        experience and those    •   Supervise and train a team
                        with a WSQ Diploma in       of Retail Assistants in
                        Retail Management           ensuring the smooth
                        are welcome to apply.       running of daily
Driver (Class 4)    •   Class 4 driving         •   Get ready the Mobile Truck     •   6 days, 6.30am -
                        license***                  / store for business.              2.50pm & 1pm -
                    •   Able to read and        •   Achieve targeted                   9.20pm
                        understand product          relocation time of the         •   Silat / West
                        labels                      Mobile Truck for opening.          Coast / Telok
                    •   Able to work on         •   Assist in the loading and          Blangah / Bukit
                        rotation shift,             unloading of goods.                Purmei / Kaki
                        weekends, and public    •   Maintain neat and                  Bukit / Clementi
                        holidays                    systematic storing of
                    •   Service oriented and        products for displaying.
                        team player             •   Handling of payment
                    •   Willing to travel           transactions and packing of
                        between West Coast /        items purchased.
                        Telok Blangah / Bukit   •   Provide prompt, helpful,
                        Purmei / Kaki Bukit /       and courteous service to
                        Clementi.                   customers at all times and
                                                    to uphold a high standard
                                                    of customer satisfaction.
                                                •   Daily Inventory
                                                •   Monitoring expiry dates
                                                    and shelf lives of all
                                                •   Perform daily
                                                    housekeeping and various
                                                    ad-hoc duties.
                                                •   Ensure that vehicle is
                                                    parked at designated
                                                    parking lot before daily
                                                    store closure.
Skilled Cutter      •   Ability to read and     •   You are responsible for        •   6 days, 7am-3pm
                        understand product          cutting meat, fish and             & 3pm- 11pm
                        labels                                                     •   Islandwide

        www.e2i.com.sg                                            Information is correct at time of print
                 •   Able to work on                handling merchandise of
                     rotating shifts,               meat and seafood items.
                     weekends, and public       •   Monitor and maintain
                     holidays                       freshness and quality of
                 •   Service-oriented and a         items, as well as perform
                     team player                    housekeeping and ensure
                                                    cleanliness of your work
                                                    area in accordance to
                                                    safety procedures and
                                                    standards of hygiene.
                                                •   Assist with any other
                                                    adhoc duties as assigned.
Visual           •   Visual design skills       •   Create and implement a       •    6 days, 7am-3pm
Merchandiser         with a strong retail           visual merchandising              & 3pm- 11pm
                     merchandising                  strategy                     •    Islandwide
                     portfolio.                 •   Ensure the strategy is in
                 •   Experience in field            line with the store’s brand,
                     visual merchandising.          products, and target
                 •   Proficiency in                 market.
                     Photoshop, Illustrator.    •   Generate sketches of visual
                 •   Comfortable with use           displays that meet the
                     of ladder and working          store’s requirements.
                     at heights (i.e. setting   •   Finalise designs and
                     up store displays,             creating visual displays for
                     festive decoration,            display areas.
                     collaterals and posters    •   Source props, creative
                     in stores).                    materials, and accessories
                 •   Will be required to            for displays.
                     travel to various          •   Install and set up window
                     branches from time to          displays, walkways,
                     time.                          counters, and in-store
                 •   Candidates without             display, or supervise
                     experience and those           contractors hired for this
                     with a WSQ Diploma in          purpose.
                     Retail Management or       •   Change displays to
                     Diploma in Design and          promote new product
                     Visual Merchandising           launches or to reflect
                     course of study are            festive or seasonal themes.
                     welcome to apply.          •   Ensure uniformity of
                                                    displays across multiple
                                                    store locations.
                                                •   Liaise with other retail
                                                    professionals, including
                                                    buyers, marketing
                                                    executives, and retail
                                                    merchandisers when
                                                •   Research lifestyle and
                                                    design trends that will

       www.e2i.com.sg                                            Information is correct at time of print
                                                      inform the visual
                                                      merchandising strategy.
                                                  •   Use applied skills in visual
                                                      design and space
                                                      utilisation to enhance the
                                                      aesthetic appeal of
                                                      window displays,
                                                      walkways, counters, and
                                                      in-store displays.
Store Keeper        •   Minimum Secondary/        •   You are responsible for         •   6 days, 7am/8am
                        GCE ‘N’/ ‘O’ level with       ensuring proper receiving           - 3pm/4pm
                        basic computer                and issuance of goods.          •   Islandwide
                        knowledge.                •   Perform record-keeping,
                    •   Service-oriented, team        stock movement control,
                        player with working           and assist in the return of
                        experience in                 damaged goods.
                        warehousing functions     •   Ensure cleanliness and
                        will be an advantage.         perform housekeeping of
                    •   Ability to speak and          the store area, as well as
                        write English.                train and supervise store
                    •   Energetic and able to         hands if required.
                        handle physical work.
Retail Supervisor   •   Diploma/ GCE ‘A’          •   You are responsible for         •   6 days, 7am-3pm
(Online orders)         level/ Higher NITEC/          ensuring online grocery             & 3pm- 11pm
                        GCE ‘O’ level with            orders are processed            •   Islandwide
                        minimum 2 years of            accurately and delivered
                        retail or inventory           on-time.
                        management                •   Inventory management,
                        experience.                   maintaining pick, pack, and
                    •   Candidates with no            delivery standards.
                        experience are            •   Attend to order-related
                        welcome to apply.             enquiries by customers.
                    •   Able to work              •   Supervise and train a team
                        independently in a            of Grocery Shoppers in
                        fast-paced                    ensuring the smooth
                        environment.                  running of daily operations
                    •   Hands-on, service-            and manpower rostering.
                        oriented, and
                        meticulous team
                        player with good
                        leadership skills.
                    •   Proficient in Microsoft
                        Office and familiar
                        with smartphones.
                    •   Must be able to work
                        6-day work week,
                        rotating shifts,
                        weekends, and public

        www.e2i.com.sg                                               Information is correct at time of print
Replenishers       •   No experience             •   Support the fulfilment of       •   6 days, 7am-
(FFS)                  required, training will       groceries orders from our           2.30pm &
                       be provided.                  online customers and                2.30pm- 10pm
                   •   Basic written and             maintain sufficient stocks      •   Orchid Country
                       verbal communication          on the shelves.                     Club
                       skills in English.        •   Stacking, displaying, and
                   •   Basic IT proficiency in       replenishing of products on
                       using smartphones.            the shelves.
                   •   Physically fit to carry   •   Monitoring of expiry dates
                       loads of up to 10kg.          and shelf lives of products.
                   •   Able to commit 4 - 6      •   Maintain neat and
                       months or longer.             systematic storing of
                   •   Able to start work            products.
                       immediately.              •   Receiving products from
                                                     warehouse delivery (incl.
                                                     moving of pallets).
                                                 •   Picking groceries products
                                                     in supermarket stores.
                                                 •   Packing groceries products
                                                     into bags/boxes.
                                                 •   Preparing orders for
Marketplace        •   No experience             •   Collect marketplace             •   6 days, 11am -
Shoppers (FFS)         required, training will       products from merchants'            7.20pm
                       be provided.                  stores in JEM/Westgate          •   Islandwide
                   •   Basic written and             (for HJEM) or from
                       verbal communication          merchants' delivery
                       skills in English.            personnel (for OCCL).
                   •   Basic IT proficiency in   •   Match products collected
                       using smartphones.            against order list
                   •   Physically fit to carry       physically.
                       loads of up to 10kg.      •   Check products condition
                   •   Able to start work            and expiry date.
                       immediately.              •   Update online dashboard
                                                     and prepare products for
                                                 •   Assist the Grocery
                                                     Shoppers or Inventory
                                                     Controllers during lull
Inventory          •   1 year of experience in   •   You will support the            •   6 days, 8am -
Controller (FFS)       the retail industry.          fulfilment of orders for our        4.20pm & 11am -
                   •   Familiar with                 online customers and                7.20pm
                       smartphones and               maintain a healthy              •   Parkway Parade
                       proficient in Microsoft       situation of stocks in store,
                       Office.                       based on pickers feedback
                   •   Able to carry loads of        and in collaboration with
                       up to 10kg.                   the store and relevant
                   •   Able to multitask.            teams.

        www.e2i.com.sg                                              Information is correct at time of print
              •   Independent,           •   Review accuracy on stocks
                  responsible and a          (Fresh items).
                  good team player.      •   Liaise with store team and
              •   Able to work 6 days,       pickers on all stock
                  weekends, and public       availability.
                  holidays.              •   Validate, report, and adjust
                                             discrepancies on all stock
                                             count, image and location
                                             of stocks.
                                         •   Feedback to headquarters
                                             on all stocks that needs to
                                             be removed or updated.

    www.e2i.com.sg                                         Information is correct at time of print
    5. NTUC First Campus Co-operative Limited
As a thought and practice leader in the early childhood care and education field, NTUC First Campus Co-
operative Limited (NFC) has been partnering working families to fulfil the promise of young children since
1977. We believe that every child, from every background, deserves equal opportunity to enjoy a quality
early education for a good start in life.

 Job Position        Pre-requisites                Key Responsibilities                Working Hours /
 Preschool           •   Minimum with a            •   You will nurture children      •    5.5 days, 7am to
 Teacher, English        Diploma or Certificate        through developmentally             4.30pm/ 9.30am
 Language                in Early Childhood            appropriate, integrated,            to 7pm (Mon-Fri)
                         Care & Education -            and authentic learning              and 7am to 2pm
                         Teaching (DECCE-T or          experiences which caters            (1 Saturday every
                         CECCCE).                      to a diverse classroom with         4 Saturdays)
                     •   Diploma in Child              varied interests, learning     •    Mountbatten
                         Psychology & Early            needs and styles.                   (S398007)
                         Education.                •   You are required to
                     •   GCE 'O' Level credit in       facilitate learning
                         English with a                experiences to help
                         minimum of C6                 children acquire important
                         grading.                      life skills and cultivate a
                                                       positive disposition that
                                                       will prepare them to be
                                                       life-long learners. It is also
                                                       important to create
                                                       learning activities and
                                                       classroom environments
                                                       and that are safe,
                                                       purposeful, and engaging
                                                       for children to learn in
                                                       meaningful contexts.
                                                   •   You will establish a strong
                                                       home school partnership
                                                       with parents to foster
                                                       children's holistic
                                                       development through
                                                       home-based learning
                                                       activities and resources
                                                       and to provide quality care
                                                       and education in the best
                                                       interest of the children to
                                                       assure parents a peace of
                                                   •   You will engage and
                                                       partner various community
                                                       partners to extend
                                                       children’s learning beyond
                                                       the classroom. There will
                                                       be opportunities to
         www.e2i.com.sg                                               Information is correct at time of print
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