E-tailing in Australia: A preliminary analysis of David Jones

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The International Technology Management Review, Vol. 6 (2017), No. 4, 149-157

                       E-tailing in Australia: A preliminary analysis of David Jones

                                           Jun Xu, Xiangzhu Gao and John Hammond
                                                Southern Cross University
                                 Southern Cross Drive, Bilinga, Queensland 4225, Australia
                                           Email: john.b.hammond@scu.edu.au

        Compared with other countries, especially China, United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, Australia’s
        online retail fall behind in terms of both its sale and percentage contribution to the total retail. This paper analyses
        David Jones, which is typical of large department store chains, and Australian e-tailing environment as a case study
        to identify enablers for and obstacle to the advancement of e-tailing in Australia. Based on the analysis, the paper
        provides David Jones with recommendations on internal improvement, supply chain, customer relationship, and
        adoption of emerging technologies. Future research will be conducted to investigate if the recommendations are
        also applicable for other Australian retailers.
        Keywords: E-tailing, Click-and-Mortar, Omni-Channel, David Jones, Department Store, Australia.

1. Introduction                                                         Founded in 1838, it has a long and established history
                                                                        and brand, and is Australia’s oldest department store
The Internet and emerging digital technologies have had                 and the oldest department store in the world still trading
a profound impact on both consumers’ shopping                           under its original name.2,3 With rich retail experience,
experience and behavior and retailers’ business                         David Jones has developed its e-tailing platforms,
operations. Consumers can search for and compare                        supply networks, and loyal customer base. Currently,
needed products or services easily, and can easily                      David Jones is a clicks-and-mortar e-tailer of more than
switch to other retailers with a few mouse clicks.                      43 stores in Australia and New Zealand, 2 warehouse
Retailers can collect and analyse customer data online                  outlets and David Jones Online.2,4 It has been working
for mass customization and personalization to improve                   on its omni-channel strategy in recent years. Currently
customer relationships. The Internet also creates                       David Jones is trying to achieve 10% revenue from
opportunities for new products or services, instant                     online sales, while many of its international competitors
interaction, multimedia communication and ubiquitous                    have already achieved between 15% to 20% revenue
access. In the upstream of industry chains, retailers can               from online sales.
collaborate and cooperate with their suppliers for                          This paper analyses David Jones as a clicks-and-
procurement and logistics. Moreover, the Internet and                   mortar e-tailer and the Australian e-tailing environment
telecommunication networks improve strategic alliance                   to identify enablers for and obstacle to the advancement
of retailers with their partners, affiliates and other                  of e-tailing in Australia. Based on the analysis, the
stakeholders. According to Ecommerce Foundation,1                       paper provides David Jones with recommendations for
global B2C e-commerce sales have increased steadily                     future directions.
since 2010. In the last five years, global B2C e-
commerce growth were from 17.5% to 28.5%.                               2. External Business Environment
Available data shows that Australia’s growth was 14.6%
in 2013 and 15.7% in 2015.                                              2.1. Retail environment in Australia
    In Australia, David Jones is an upmarket department
                                                                        In recent years, the retail landscape in Australia has
store targeting mid-to-upper income customers.
                                                                        been changing dramatically, with uncertain economic

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                                                       Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

outlook, fluctuations of the Australian dollar, the                       Retailers need to acknowledge this and cater for their
increasing popularity of specialty stores and brand-                      high shopping experience expectations and use both
focused businesses, the disruption of the Internet on                     digital and non-digital assets and resources to influence
retail, foreign competition and arrival of international                  and facilitate their decision making and purchases.
retailers to Australian shores, and constantly changing                   In-store shopping experience and transactions would be
consumer tastes and needs.5,6,7,8 Like other markets,                     more appealing if the value proposition of visiting the
online retail has been growing significantly, although it                 store is good enough.9 Not all customers want to get a
still only accounts for a small proportion of the total                   product quickly online, and many customers just want
retail in Australia. Currently, annual online retail sale is              to spend some time in the store for leisure and for
A$20 billion, accounting for less than 7% of total retail                 socialization.15
in Australia.9 As a result of Australia’s geographic
challenges and the existing logistic infrastructure,                      2.2. Competition
customers have to put up with slow shipping since there                  While the fierce competition in the industry could lead
is limited domestic competition even though there exists                 to gains for consumers, the Internet reduces entry
some international competition. In the UK or US, an                      barriers and differences among competitors. Anyone
order could reach the customer’s doorstep in around 2                    can set up an online business with a computer, an
days, but it takes longer in Australia. Slow delivery and                Internet connection, and a website, especially when
high shipping costs have been an obstacle to e-tailing                   cloud computing becomes the norm. Smaller and newer
operations in Australia. Australian retailers and their                  online businesses can compete with larger and more
logistic and delivery partners need to improve their                     established players. However, it takes time and
logistic and delivery practices with faster, cheaper and                 resources to develop quality retailers with well-
more reliable services. Facing the challenges from                       established brands, supply networks, warehouse outlets,
international e-tailers or marketplaces, (e.g. Amazon                    retail experience, customer base and loyalty. The
and Alibaba) Australian e-tailers could focus on                         resources are most needed for small and medium
populated cities, coastal areas and major/large towns as                 players especially pure online players. For example, the
the first step,10 and work on differentiated products and                lack of a physical outlet and presence is a significant
product bundlings and heavy and bulky items that                         weakness for pure online retailers. International leading
Amazon is not interested in shipping.11 Australian                       retailers such as Amazon and Dell have taken the lead in
e-tailers should build and enhance consumer trust of the                 having physical stores/presence for such reasons as
local market, offer in-store pickup and advice for online                catering for customers who are not used to online
orders.                                                                  shopping, improving customer service or interaction
     Meanwhile it is also argued that the retail conditions              with customers, and combining strengths of digital and
in Australia are challenging.12 There are too many                       non-digital channels. According to a recent CBA
department stores in Australia, which have been                          report,16 18% of pure online retailers are planning to
struggling with profitability.6 In addition, due to a                    have physical outlets by early 2017.
shrinking middle class, increasing debt, and cost of                         Currently less than 10% retail is done online,17 while
living pressures Australian consumers have reduced                       50.3% of Australians shopped online18 because of the
their spending on such items as fashion, clothes and                     high penetration of the Internet and adoption of mobile
shoes.13,14 While the Australian economy has a positive                  devices. At this early stage of e-tailing, David Jones
outlook, consumers may not be willing to keep on                         faces:
paying high retail prices caused by over-inflated rents                  •     traditional competition from domestic and
and expensive labor costs as well as productivity and                          international retailers and brands, including Myer,
efficiency issues.13 Also, it is suggested that the most                       OZSales,      Showpo,       Dealsdirect,     Kogan,
dominant retail customer segment by 2020 will be                               ShoesofPrey, Missguided, Thesurfstitich, ASOS,
millennials who very much embrace the digital world.                           Net-O-Pointer, Zara, Hugo Boss, Lacoste,
Millennials may not shop frequently, but they do enjoy                         Burberry, and many others,
the shopping experience, whether in store or online.                     •     non-traditional competition from resource-rich or
Customers value shopping experiences in any channels.9                         technology-enabled firms or firms with a large

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                                                     Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

     user-base, including venture capital firms,                          David Jones and Myer has been the subject of
     telecommunication companies, ICT firms, online                       discussion in the retail industry in recent years. Some
     services firms, social media firms, online                           pro-merger arguments5,6,25,26,27,28 include:
     communities, online marketplaces, marketing and                      •     Australian market cannot viably support multiple
     adverting networks, transportation and distribution                        large department stores and only one large chain
     firms, and others that could enter the B2C e-tailing                       can be financially viable.
     market.                                                              •     Both David Jones and Myer have been struggling
                                                                                in recent years as a result of the changing retail
2.3. Upcoming Arrival of Amazon in Australia                                    landscape.
Amazon is establishing its warehouses in Australia to                     •     The merger could strengthen the department store
fulfil its bricks-and-mortar business in this country. It is                    chains and enable them to more effectively deal
expected that Amazon can provide a wider range of                               with domestic and international online and offline
products and services at cheaper prices than many                               competition.
Australian retailers and ship them faster than before.                    •     The merger could provide opportunities to
However, Amazon faces high logistic and delivery costs                          maximize the value of their property assets.
as Australia is a large country with a small population.                  •     The merged two brands could serve a boarder
Other challenges for Amazon include relatively small                            customer base and provide customers with more
market, different consumer habits, need for loyalty                             choices and better shopping experiences.
creation, payment methods, absence of physical stores,                    •     The merger is possible based on the current
and risk perceptions.19,20.                                                     market conditions.
    The arrival of Amazon could have a more profound                      •     The merger could bring in about A$85 million
impact on pure online retailers in Australia.21.                                annual cost savings within 3 years, arising from
Traditional department stores like David Jones need to                          head office cost savings, efficient sourcing and
maximize the value of their physical stores, leverage                           procurement, savings in advertising, back-end
their specific competitive advantages and adapt to                              systems and store closing, staffing and operation
changing market conditions.22 Like other retailers,                             costs. The merger also could generate more than
David Jones has to provide a selection of merchandise                           A$900 million of value to shareholders of David
with competitive prices, develop and implement an                               Jones and Myer.
effective omni-channel strategy and seamlessly                                Some reasons against the merger25,26,27,28,29 are:
incorporate the online and offline activities to achieve                  •     Australia has strong regulatory rules on anti-
harmony. David Jones should make use of online                                  competitive behavior. There may be challenges
resources to leverage their brand equity and engage their                       in getting the approval to merge from the
customers to drive them to the store. David Jones needs                         Australian      Competition        and     Consumer
to provide online personalized services to simulate                             Commission (ACCC).
human-led in-store experiences, which could not be                        •     Given the intense competition and the size of
replicated electronically in the online environment.9,23                        Australian market, only one (not both or combined
    It can be reasonably expected that some retail                              two) upmarket-type department store chains is
sectors could be presented with tough competition with                          needed.
the arrival of Amazon, including small and non-                           •     The proposed cost savings resulting from the
expensive consumer electronics, fashion, clothing and                           merger may not be retained and/or realized, as it
accessories, and groceries.24 David Jones could                                 may require additional resources to align systems,
particularly feel the impact in the categories of                               structure and culture after the merger, and the
consumer electronics and fashion, clothing, shoes and                           exiting of leases will be very costly.
accessories.                                                              •     The merger may not create a significantly larger
                                                                                customer base since some customers shop at both
2.4. Possible Merger of David Jones and Myer                                    David Jones and Myer.
                                                                          •     There are doubts whether the merger could bring
Myer is a direct competitor of David Jones in the
                                                                                benefits to shareholders especially if the main
domain of department stores in Australia. The merger of

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                                                     Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

      motivation of the merger is for cost cutting and not              •      the website is very cluttered and offers very little
      revenue growth.                                                          value proposition with menus at both top and
    For David Jones, however, the authors argue that it                        bottom of the webpage.
stands to benefit from focusing on becoming a master                    •      lack of investment in human resource – There is a
clicks-and-mortar e-tailer and achieving excellence in                         lack of staff training and staff career advancement
the execution of omni-channel strategy until the                               planning and commitments.
possible merger is on the table.                                        •      poor integration of online and offline channels –
                                                                               There are reports that online displayed products
3. Internal Operating Environment                                              were not available in stock, and online orders were
As indicated in Section 1, David Jones’ strengths                              not delivered on time.
include long and established history and brand, existing                •      deteriorating in-store service – This is reflected in
supply networks, more than 43 stores and 2 warehouse                           poor customer experiences in recent years.
outlets in Australia and New Zealand, a rich retail
                                                                        4. Outlook
experience, and an established customer base and
loyalty. Conversely, issues, concerns and weaknesses of                 4.1. Future Directions and Opportunities
David Jones12,30,31,32,33,34,35 include
•     declining sale performance – Recent drop in sales                 The new management team of David Jones has
      revenue due to high discounting, the closure of                   suggested the following initiatives to transform David
      Dick Smith and some David Jones stores, and a                     Jones3,15,36,37
      poorly executed private label strategy,                           •     increasing sales of higher margin private label
•     poor record of online strategy and implementation                       products or David Jones’ own brands from the
      – David Jones responds slowly to the attack and                         present 3% to 20% of sales,
      invasion of new online retailers and cannot rely on               •     targeting David Jones credit cards holders and
      brand loyalty alone. David Jones opened its online                      members of the loyalty program,
      store in 2000, but shut it down in 2003 and only                  •     stocking more Country Road and South African
      reopened it in 2010, thereby missing prime                              Brands, which David Jones’ current parent
      opportunities of leading the competition. David                         company owns,
      Jones should review its online strategy to improve                •     cutting costs,
      its execution.                                                    •     focusing on fewer brands,
•     loss of talent management – David Jones recently                  •     focusing on highly knowledgeable and
      decided to relocate its headquarters from Sydney                        personalized services and customer loyalty
      to Melbourne. The relocation may result in the                          programs,
      loss of talent staff, especially senior managers.                 •     differentiating through product range,
•     outdated system – Its systems are comparatively                   •     increasing online sales from 4% to 10% by 2020,
      out of date and face the typical challenge of lack                •     opening up 10 new stores and replacing its 20-
      of interoperability. There is no consolidated and                       year-old legacy systems with new merchandise
      integrated view for products and customers. Its                         planning and finance systems,
      website is not dynamic and does not perform well                  •     moving to a single customer loyalty program to
      in personalization and customization.                                   boost sales and margins,
•     David Jones should create an innovation culture                   •     implementing a premium food strategy, initially
      and adopt new technology.                                               with food services while fresh and prepared meal
•     unstable top management teams – e.g., its former                        catalogues are built,
      CEO Paul Zahra had resigned twice.                                •     having a single view of the customer across the
•     While David Jones is aiming for 10% revenue                             business and merging David Jones and Country
      from online sales in the future, many of its                            Road’s sourcing and distribution systems.
      international competitors have already achieved                     Meanwhile David Jones’ opportunities12,14,20,31,38,39,40,41
      between 15 - 20% revenue from online sales.                       include the following:

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                                                   Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

•   There is a large opportunity for sales growth based               •      Attracting more age groups: David Jones focuses
    on current low online sales.                                             on the middle-age group since it is an upmarket
•   David Jones can operate an online market place                           department store, but it should not ignore younger
    for small and medium retailers in Australia and                          generations since it also sells products and
    overseas.                                                                services needed for younger generations. The key
•   In addition to the David Jones American Express                          is to create different tailored messages and
    card, more financial products and services can be                        experiences for different age groups.
    developed by establishing more strategic                          •      There are opportunities for mobile business for
    partnerships with financial institutions.                                location based marketing and advertising, near
•   More product and service categories and options                          field      communication         (NFC)       payment.
    and better customer services and experience can                          Opportunities of social business should be pursued
    be developed.                                                            to link social sites with online shopping.
•   David Jones has initiatives of focusing on premier                •      Opportunities arising from the combination of
    personalized shopping experiences, engaging and                          technology and traditional retail: In the future, the
    entertaining customers, and supplying top quality                        physical store will be more for experience, brand
    food services. These initiatives could also be an                        exposure, and creating moments for impulse
    effective weapon to defend against aggressive                            buying, and staff in the physical store will focus
    attacks by its pure online counterparts.                                 on providing more value-added services and
•   David Jones has established a couple of focused                          knowledge to the customers. The future shopping
    sites including David Jones Wine Club, David                             experience will be a combination of technology
    Jones Flowers, and Bridal at David Jones. More                           and traditional shopping.
    niche/focused initiatives could be pursued in the                 •      Opportunities arising from Big Data and
    future. Meanwhile more B2B initiatives could be                          Analytics: David Jones could do better at
    explored. In addition, David Jones could work on                         collecting, analyzing and utilizing information
    C2C online platforms for trading second-hand                             about their customers to understand their needs
    David Jones products. Also, David Jones could                            and shopping patterns.
    have a separate website for clearance items. Just                 •      Opportunities arising from the declining
    like other department stores, there could be one                         Australian dollar and the proposed tax on overseas
    dedicated location or floor for out-of-season                            purchases below A$1,000. Currently, low-value
    products.                                                                goods, (customs value of A$1,000 or less) are
•   Opportunities in overseas markets: David Jones                           exempted from GST. Pending Australian
    opened its first international store in 2016 in New                      legislation will impose the GST liability on
    Zealand, and it is reported that a few more new                          overseas vendors who sell more than A$75,000 of
    stores will be opened in New Zealand, where its                          low-value goods to Australian consumers. These
    current parent company South African Retailer                            factors favour Australian retailers including online
    Woolworth has already established operations                             retailers.
    (i.e., supermarkets). In the future, other                        •      David Jones could extend its single-sided online
    international markets (especially Asian Pacific                          platforms to multi-sided platforms to attract more
    regions) should be pursued. Consumers in Chinese                         stakeholders and create more opportunities for
    and other Asian markets are more willing to spend                        value creation.
    on high quality products and services and top end                •       Including all transaction activities in an 'all-in-one'
    international brands from reputable overseas                             package could provide more value-added services
    retailers. In order to capitalize on such                                to customers.
    opportunities, David Jones needs to develop its                  •       David Jones currently targets middle-to-upper
    website and applications in multiple/local                               income customers but could also generate
    languages and adopt the approach of GLOCOL                               revenues from low income customers by setting up
    (i.e., the combined approach of globalization and                        separate subsidiaries (online and offline) similar

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                                                 Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

     some major airlines which also own independent                         David Jones should assess its business in terms of
     cheaper airlines.                                                  the success factors and identify other factors to lock in
•    David Jones could explore Amazon.com,                              their customers in the long term.
     eBay.com, Alibaba.com, and JD.com for more
     domestic and international exposures and                           5. Conclusions
     businesses. On 16 June 2017, Amazon announced                      The competition from online counterparts has forced
     it was buying Whole Foods to move deeper into
                                                                        David Jones to establish effective Internet-based
     the massive, non-cyclical grocery business.
                                                                        operations for long-term survival and sustainable
•    Opportunities to lock-in customers with its own                    growth. It is argued that a retailer using technology to
     brands and/or well-known Australian brands.
                                                                        enhance retailing experience and expand online and/or
•    Opportunities in acquiring complementary
                                                                        in-store sales may never be able to beat a technology
     businesses, assets, and technologies.                              company expanding into retail.43 Based on this
•    Establish more international strategic partners and
                                                                        argument, David Jones will not be a winner in the future
     necessary offline presences if David Jones wants
                                                                        unless it turns itself into a technology firm or at least
     to achieve sustainable international growth.                       technology-focused firm. Besides technology, David
                                                                        Jones may win by having more automated
4.2. Success Factors of E-tailing
                                                                        warehouses/fulfillment centers and faster shipping.44
Some success factor of e-tailing42 include:                                  Instead of matching the prices of its online
•   product category choices/selections, which are                      counterparts, David Jones needs to educate themselves
    organized in an effective way so customers could                    regarding doing business online, invest in technology,
    easily find them via recommendation systems;                        enhance their ability to understand their customers,
•   effective pricing strategies;                                       continuously address people’s needs, deliver excellent
•   reliable, secure, useful, user friendly, and dynamic                and personalized customer experience arising from
    e-tailing site with adequate, accurate and up-to-                   better collecting and understanding customer data,
    date content and information;                                       develop efficient and effective global supply chains for
•   effective and efficient supply chains with respect                  multiple channel services, encourage innovation and
    to hassle free return policies and practices plus                   invest in research and development, be fast in adopting
    convenient pick-up points at multiple and easy-                     new technology, have effective and dynamic e-tailing
    access locations;                                                   sites, and work on differentiation as well as having the
•   multiple-channel strategy or “omni-channel”                         mentality of investing into the future and not focusing
    strategy with senior management’s commitment                        on short-term gains to survive and succeed in the
    and organizational efforts as well a strategy to deal               disruptive and highly competitive world of e-
    with channel conflict;                                              tailing.42,45,13
•   excellent customer services;                                             So what is the future or the likelihood of future
•   excellent capabilities of order fulfillment and issue               success for David Jones? Strengths of and opportunities
    resolution;                                                         for David Jones to ultimately succeed or increase the
•   consistent experience and communication across                      chances of success include: (1) David Jones has a long
    multiple channels, touch points, and devices;                       and established history and brand, existing business
•   trust, brand awareness, and good reputation;                        networks, rich retail experience, and established
•   strategic alliances with suppliers, resellers,                      customer base and loyalty; (2) Its new management
    affiliates, logistics firms, global marketing                       team seems to have better management skills and
    platforms,       telecommunication          operators,              experience and have suggested more sensible strategy
    technology vendors, government agencies,                            and action plans for David Jones; (3) The global
    industry associations, global credit card and                       phenomenon of mobility and connectedness enable
    payment firms, international couriers and domestic                  mobile commerce; (4) David Jones has established
    couriers, HR agencies, stakeholders of the                          relations with customers, suppliers and partners; (5)
    organization’s business ecosystems, and many                        other opportunities included in Section 4.1.

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                                                   Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

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its road to success include: (1) competition and threats                           The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 February 2016. online
                                                                                   available at http://www.smh.com.au/business/retail/david-
discussed in Section 2; (2) weaknesses discussed in
Section 3; (3) it may be vulnerable to the economic                                gmr7m4.html (accessed 10 January 2017).
conditions and currency exchange changes; (4) the                               9. J. Cohen, "Containing the Amazon offensive", Retail
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                                                                                   Amazon", Companies, rogermontgomery.com, 3 April
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                                                          Copyright: the authors
J. Xu et al. / E-tailing in Australia

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