E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd

Page created by Neil Townsend
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
in Europe
2019 Barometer
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
                                        4   Editorial            10   The aficionado e-shopper      16   A rich and dynamic online life

                                        6   Regular e-shoppers                                      17   Preference for the parcel shop
                                                                 12   The epicurean e-shopper
                                        8   E-shopper profiles                                      17   The opportunity of a greener e-commerce

                                                                                                    18   Key take-aways
                                                                 14   The eco-selective e-shopper
                                                                                                    19   About DPDgroup

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                      2_3
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
    In Europe e-commerce remains strong,
    and convenience is key.

    “For the past several years, the           The 2019 e-shopper barometer
    DPDgroup e-shopper barometer               also provides exclusive, in-depth
    report has revealed the behaviours         insight into three e-shopper profiles
    of Europeans who buy online, as well       with specific attitudes, tastes and
    as the major trends that are shaping       behaviours that, together, paint a
    the e-commerce industry. It remains        compelling picture of the future
    the largest and most complete survey       market and suggest some of the
    on e-shopping and cross-border             diverse opportunities for growth
    e-commerce ever conducted.                 and innovation that lie ahead.”

    This year, our report confirms the
                                               Jean-Claude Sonet,
    strength and stability of the European
                                               Marketing Director,
    e-commerce industry. While each
    country maintains its own individual
    specificities, Europeans on the whole
    have embraced e-shopping and
    welcome its time- and money-saving
                                                                                       The 2019 DPDgroup e-shopper barometer report was conducted by GfK
    benefits. Most of all, they appreciate
                                                                                       from 27 May to 10 July 2019. The data were gathered through blind (blind:
    the convenience that shopping
                                                                                       interviewees are unaware of who requested the study), online interviews
    online provides. As this report reveals,
                                                                                       with 24,258 participants across 21 European countries (Austria, Belgium,
    convenience lies at the very heart
                                                                                       Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
    of the e-commerce experience.
                                                                                       Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    The industry’s continued success
                                                                                       Spain, Switzerland, UK) and Russia. Between 800 and 1,515 participants
    largely depends on ensuring that this
                                                                                       were interviewed per country. All participants, aged 18 or over, had ordered
    experience is consistently positive for
                                                                                       physical goods online since January 2019 and then received a parcel. For the
    all e-shoppers from start to finish.
                                                                                       consolidated results at the European level, weighted statistics were applied
                                                                                       to each country to reflect the correct proportion of e-shoppers between the
                                                                                       European countries.

                                                                                       This brochure and a comparison tool are available online at dpdgroup.com.
                                                                                       The full report is available upon request.

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                   4_5
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
                                                e-shoppers                                                                                                                                   Top interest
                                                                                                                                                                                             for delivery

“Today’s e-shoppers are        The cornerstone and driving         that their most recent online           Preferred
                                                                                                                           86%                    18%            17%
                                                                                                             delivery                                                                      Real-time info
sending a clear message:       force of the e-commerce             shopping experience was easy.           locations                                                                          on delivery
convenience is king.           industry in Europe is the regular
This is especially evident
when it comes to delivery.     e-shopper. Representing 45%
Regular e-shoppers are         of online purchasers, this group                 Top categories                               Home               Parcel shops   Post office
hungry for services that       keeps the market strong and                     purchased online
will enable them to tailor                                                                                                                                                                Several delivery
                               stable and is responsible for                                                                                                                                      options
their delivery experience
                               85% of online market volume                                                Among the key characteristics of        location but parcel shops are
to suit their needs, which                                                                                regular e-shoppers is their rich        their second choice, which
is why options like realtime   in Europe. The habits, tastes
                               and preferences that regular
                                                                               58%                        online life, which includes, but is     demonstrates their desire to
delivery information,                                                          fashion                    not limited to, e-shopping. This        have their goods delivered as
multiple delivery choices,     e-shoppers exhibit are critical
advanced notifications                                                                                    group is active on social media,        conveniently as possible. These
                               to understanding the state of
and one-hour delivery are                                                                                 makes regular use of mobile             shoppers want a tailored delivery         Select day and
                               the e-commerce industry today,
all very popular. Making
the delivery experience        keeping in mind that while many                         49%                devices and enjoys both reading         experience including services
                                                                                                                                                                                       one-hour window
                                                                                                                                                                                       delivery in advance

                               of these behaviours apply to
                                                                                         shoes            and leaving online feedback.            such as accurate and real-time
as convenient as possible
                                                                                                          In fact, well over half of them         delivery information, multiple
improves overall customer      all or most European markets,
satisfaction and benefits                                                                                 choose websites based on social         delivery options, the flexibility
                               each country naturally has
the entire industry.”
                               its own specific patterns and                   46%                        media and influencers. They             to reschedule and a one-hour
                                                                               books                      are also receptive to loyalty           window of delivery. As for                 Possibility to
Karen Thouret,                 characteristics.
                                                                                                          schemes: nearly one third of            returns, the general opinion is             reschedule
Key Account, Digital and
e-commerce Manager                                                                                        regular e-shoppers belong               positive, but there is nonetheless
SEUR                           Broadly speaking, European
                                                                                                          to an online retailer’s loyalty         room for improvement: 60%
                               regular e-shoppers have
                               several years of online shopping                                           programme.                              feel that their most recent
                                                                                                                                                  returns experience was easy.
                               experience. Most of them                            62%
                               have purchased from a foreign                       purchase               When it comes to delivery,
                                                                                 cross-border             regular e-shoppers are generally                                              Next day delivery
                               website, especially from those
                               located in other European                                                  positive about their experience,
                               countries. They are most likely                                            with 78% considering the
                                                                     67%                          60%     delivery of their latest online
                               to shop online for fashion,             from                       from
                               followed by shoes and books,        within EU                      China
                                                                                                          purchase was easy. Home
                               and an impressive 78% consider                                             remains their favourite delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                         Know the exact
                                                                                                                                                                                       one-hour window
                                                                                                                                                                                          of the delivery
                                                                         Cross-border purchases

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                                                 6_7
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E-shopper profiles

With its in-depth knowledge
of the e-commerce
industry and successive
comprehensive studies of
European e-shopping habits,
DPDgroup has identified three
                                        The aficionado                                      The epicurean                                    The eco-selective
major emerging segments
of e-shoppers that provide
                                        e-shopper                                           e-shopper                                        e-shopper
valuable insight into the               “I love to shop online. I spend a lot of time on    “I like the benefits that e-shopping offers.     “I care about the impact of my purchases.
e-shopping behaviour of                 the internet and social media, which I often        I’m a busy person, but if I can find the right   The environment is a top priority for me, and
22 different countries. Based           use to research the products I’m interested         product at the right price online, then I’m      I want to do my part to preserve it for future
on a series of indicators               in and to leave feedback. Having the global         happy to buy it. It’s true that e-shopping       generations. I buy certain goods online, but
including online purchasing             marketplace at my fingertips is exhilarating,       saves time and hassle, which I appreciate.       there are categories that I would never buy
frequency, barriers to online           and I really enjoy the convenience of being         I expect the process to be simple, though.       because of their negative social or ecological
                                        able to shop from my phone or computer              If it’s too long or complicated, then I won’t    footprint. When I do buy online, I prepare
purchase, website loyalty,
                                        and then have my purchases delivered to             make the purchase. For me, shopping should       my purchase carefully. Social media sites are
cross-border purchasing and
                                        the location that I prefer. By shopping online,     be a pleasure, so I research products before     helpful and I pay attention to other shoppers’
shopping attitudes, DPDgroup            I can find bargains, save time and skip the         I buy them, and I only choose e-tailers with     recommendations, which I trust far more
has established the following           stress of going to the store. I definitely expect   good reviews. I also want to know who the        than advertising. I like good deals, but I would
segmentations:                          to continue and do more e-shopping in the           delivery company is in order to be sure of the   be willing to pay more for services that are
                                        future.”                                            quality of service.”                             environmentally friendly.”
• The aficionado
• The epicurean                         Aficionado e-shoppers are:                          Epicurean e-shoppers are:                        Eco-selective e-shoppers are:
• The eco-selective e-shopper           • Very frequent e-shoppers                          • Keen on a pleasurable e-shopping               • Occasional e-shoppers
                                        • Digitally savvy                                     experience                                     • Concerned about the environment
                                        • Adept at cross-border buying                      • Medium frequency e-shoppers                    • Ready to pay a premium for greener services
                                        • Looking for tailored delivery options             • Selective in their purchasing choices          • Looking for flexibility and multiple delivery
                                                                                            • Sensitive to reviews and recommendations         options
                                                                                            • Highly demanding in terms of delivery and

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                                      8_9
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The aficionado
“For aficionado e-shoppers,
online buying is a
way of life. This group
represents the thought
leaders and trend setters—                                                                                                                                        Looking ahead,
those whose enthusiasm                                                                                                                                            there is a chance
moves the industry             Representing 13% of
                                                                                                                                                                  that this group will
forward. Confident and         the sample, aficionado
connected, aficionado
e-shoppers expect a
                               e-shoppers make 34% of all          37%
                                                                   have ordered
                                                                                                                                                                  automatically grow as
                                                                                                                                                                  regular online shoppers
                               online purchases and show
smooth, hassle-free                                               fresh food and                                                                                  gain experience
e-shopping experience,         a marked preference for              beverages
                                                                                                                                                                  and confidence in
hence their high interest      online compared to in-store
                                                                                                                                                                  e-shopping. Indeed,
in services for a faster,      buying. As its name implies,
smoother and more                                                                                                                                                 the most probable
                               this group knows the ins and
convenient experience.                                         Members of this group are                                                                          scenario is that some
                               outs of e-shopping thanks
Interestingly also,                                            very frequent buyers whose                                                                         regular e-shoppers will
aficionados’ active online     to many years of experience
                                                               purchasing volume far                                                                              adopt the e-shopping
lifestyle and affinity for     but more particularly to the
                                                               exceeds that of the average                                                                        experience as a way
technology make them           frequency of its purchases.
all the more likely to be                                      e-shopper, reaching 8.1                                                                            of living, the online
                               Composed primarily of
early adopters of new and                                      parcels over the past month.                                                                       purchases becoming
                               urban, younger women living
innovative e-shopping                                          Attracted by good deals,         Connected and tech savvy,        in loyalty schemes, with         part of their daily
services.”                     in three or four-member
                                                               aficionados look forward to      aficionados are highly active    39% having signed up for a       routine. This group’s
                               households, aficionado
                                                               big sales events such as Black   on social media and very         loyalty programme, meaning       connected lifestyle
Hervé Crochet,                 e-shoppers are especially
Group Strategic                                                Friday, but the main reason      often consult and provide        they are more likely to prefer   and power of influence
Account Manager
                               present in the Czech
                                                               they love to shop online is      feedback about their             websites they already know if    mean that it will likely
DPDgroup                       Republic, Lithuania and, to a
                                                               the time it saves and the        purchases. Their familiarity     provided with an incentive.      remain one step ahead
                               lesser extent, Hungary, Italy
                                                               stress it avoids. Aficionado     with online shopping makes                                        of other e-shoppers
                               and Latvia.
                                                               e-shoppers are so passionate     them more likely than most                                        and will continue to
                                                               about online shopping            e-shoppers to seek out the                                        set the pace for digital
                                                               that they buy all kinds of       products and prices they                    73%                   trends while inspiring
                                        67%                    products on the internet,        want from a wide variety of
                                                                                                                                     have e-shopped
                                                                                                                                      from a foreign
                                                                                                                                                                  flexible delivery services
                                        started e-shopping     including far more fresh food    websites, including those                                         that can accommodate
                                        more than
                                        5 years ago
                                                               and beverages than other         located abroad. Members of                                        its high purchasing
                                                               e-shoppers.                      this group are also interested                                    frequency and volume.

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                                     10_11
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“For epicurean e-shoppers,
convenience is the
                                      The epicurean
bottom line. Their
purchasing habits may be
less intense than those of
                                       e-shopper                                                                                                                   Looking ahead, epicurean
                                                                                                                                                                   e-shoppers’ growth
aficionado e-shoppers,                                                                                                                                             hinges on experience,
but they truly appreciate
                                                                                                                                                                   whether that experience
the possibilities that
e-commerce provides                                                                                                                                                is their own or that of their
and find online shopping                                                                                                                                           relatives and co-workers
to be a very attractive                                                                                                                                            they read about on social
alternative to the in-store                                                                                                                                        media. Regardless of their
                                Representing a larger sample      Epicurean e-shoppers
experience in terms of
                                than the “aficionado” profile,    tend to be women, with a                                                                         need for reassurance,
variety, availability, price,
and time. The key to            epicurean e-shoppers              slightly higher income than                                                                      e-shopping is clearly an
retaining this group is to      account for 15% of European       average, urban and under                                                                         activity members of this
encourage their enjoyment       e-shoppers. This group is less    40. They are very active and                                                                     group appreciate and
by making the process as                                                                                                                                           intend to do more of. In
                                experienced than aficionados,     say they are willing to pay a
smooth and convenient as
                                with many having begun to         premium for services that       recommendations of family,      deterrent to their willingness   fact, epicureans consider
possible, while avoiding any
disappointment that could       buy online less than five years   would make their daily life     friends and colleagues on       to buy cross-border. In terms    online shopping to be
cause them to question          ago. However, their recent        easier. They enjoy e-shopping   social media influence their    of delivery, epicureans look     so effective at saving
the pleasure of online          discovery of e-shopping           for its convenience, with       decisions. This group may       for rapid delivery, while a      time and money that
shopping.”                                                                                                                                                         they actually buy more
                                does not prevent them from        92% saying it saves time,       also return the favour: 78%     longer delivery time is a
Jolien Coussé,                  embracing this way of buying.     84% feeling it saves money,     publish or provide post-        barrier to purchase, second      categories of goods online
Marketing Communication         They receive an average           and another 84% stating         purchase feedback. This         only to negative social media    than average e-shoppers
Specialist                                                                                                                                                         and 76% feel they can
DPD Belgium
                                number of parcels: 3.5 per        the convenience of online       also means while positive       buzz and is a leading cause
                                month. What makes them            buying outweighs the trouble    reviews can attract epicurean   for cart abandonment.            e-shop for nearly all of
                                “epicurean” is their desire for   of returning purchases,         e-shoppers, negative ones       Finally, this group is           the products and services
                                ease, simplicity and personal     meaning they intend to          will push them away.            demanding when it comes          they need. With 81%
                                enjoyment they expect in the      buy even more online in                                         to delivery quality, with 77%    considering their most
                                e-buying experience.              the future. This group is       Very price-oriented,            considering it important to      recent online experience
                                                                  very connected, which           epicurean e-shoppers search     know the delivery company.       as positive, the future of
                                                                  enables them to decide          for good deals. This brings                                      this group looks bright, as
                                                                  whether or not to buy: most     them to buy from foreign                                         long as their purchasing

                                   live in a city,
                                                                  of them look for reviews
                                                                  and recommendations
                                                                                                  websites more often than
                                                                                                  the average e-shopper, as
                                                                                                                                                                   experience remains
                                                                                                                                                                   enjoyable and if they have
                                                                                                                                      a long delivery
                                    averaging a                   before purchasing. They         long as there are no hidden        time is a barrier             a delivery and return
                                   household of
                                     3 people                     pay attention to social         fees: additional costs after         to e-shopping               service that does not
                                                                  media, and 45% say the          check-out would be a                                             disappoint.

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                                       12_13
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
“Eco-selective e-shoppers     The eco-selective
are indicative of a sea of
change taking place in
greater society as
the environment
becomes a top-of-
mind concern                                                                                                                                                    Looking ahead,
for all generations. These                                                                                                                                      environmental awareness
consumers are becoming                                                                                                                                          is likely to increase among
more aware of the
                                                                                                                                                                the general population,
impact that their actions     This environmentally-aware
have on the ecosystem                                                                                                                                           thus leading to a growing
                              group represents 17% of
and are paying closer
                              European e-shoppers.
                                                                        85%                                                                                     share of eco-selective
attention to their choices.                                             confirm there are                                                                       e-shoppers in the
The emergence of this         Although 69% have been                    products they’d
                                                                        never buy online
                                                                                                                                                                e-commerce market.
buyer profile heralds the     shopping online for more
                                                                                                                                                                While good deals will
mainstream arrival of         than five years, eco-selective
eco-conscious buying                                                                         products whenever                 often looking for reviews or     undoubtedly remain a
                              e-shoppers are occasional        in Western Europe, while in
habits, which is further                                                                     possible. This focus on the       requesting recommendations       major motivating force
                              shoppers who claim that          Central and Eastern Europe
evidence that the industry                                                                   environment may explain the       online before making a           for shoppers in this group,
has everything to gain from   there are certain products       they are for now present      more restrained shopping          purchase. They frequently        making e-commerce a
becoming a greener place.”    that they would never buy        in Poland, but much less in   behaviour of eco-selective        return to brands that            sustainable and green
                              online due to their negative     other countries.
Dominique Mamcarz,                                                                           e-shoppers, who receive           they trust and rely on the       industry is clearly a
                              environmental or social
CSR Director                                                                                 3 parcels per month, fewer        opinions of their relatives      necessity in order to retain
DPDgroup                      impact. Primarily urban          As its name implies,          than the average European         and colleagues on social         and grow this group of
                              and slightly more female         the buying habits of this     e-shopper. They also buy only     media or word-of-mouth.          e-shoppers. Eco-selective
                              than male, eco-selective         eco-selective group convey    a narrow range of categories      Paradoxically, this group’s      e-shoppers are willing
                              e-shoppers are high income       a marked concern for the      and rarely shop for fresh food    sensitivity to environmental     to pay more for eco-
                              earners who tend to be           environmental repercussions   and beverages online.             and social issues makes 52%      friendly options, even
                              older than the average           of online shopping. For                                         of its members willing to        if there is no certainty
                              European e-shopper. They         87% of them, brands and       This group’s cautious             pay a premium for products       that they will respond
                              are well-represented mostly      companies today must have     approach to buying leads          and services that respect the    by increasing their
                                                               responsible and sustainable   them to prepare their             environment, yet 75% are         purchase volume. Perhaps
                                                               actions, while 58% say that   purchases carefully,              always on the lookout for        more importantly,
                                                               they are concerned about                                        good deals and 69% have          the development of
                                    52%                        the impact of e-commerce                                        purchased from foreign           sustainable services and
                                  would like to know
                                                               on society, and 63% say                                         websites, especially China,
                                 the delivery company
                                   at the moment of            that they make sure to buy
                                                                                                       51%                                                      practices will benefit
                                        purchase                                                       actively prepare        regardless of the ecological     more greatly society and
                                                               environmentally friendly                their online purchase   and social impact of doing so.   the planet as a whole.

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                                    14_15
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
“In Europe and despite the specificities of each country surveyed, we find
                                                                                                                                                 The opportunity
                      common ground in e-shoppers’ attitudes and behaviour. For instance,
                      e-shoppers see e-commerce as a way to simplify daily life and save money.
                                                                                                                                                 of a greener
                      They are also active on the web notably on social media. Finally e-shoppers
                      are more aware of the environmental impact of e-commerce and expect
Carmen Cureu,
                      responsible actions on the part of brands and companies.”                     Preference for                               With the issue of climate change gaining
Research Director
DPDgroup                                                                                            the parcel shop                              importance in the public mind, consumers
                                                                                                                                                 around the world are becoming increasingly
                                                                                                    As e-shopping grows in popularity            environmentally-aware and are making purchasing
                                                                                                    among European shoppers, there               decisions accordingly. This trend includes the
                                                                                                    has been a gradual shift in delivery         e-commerce sector, where eco-selective
                                                                                                    preferences in favour of parcel shops.       e-shoppers demonstrate their concern for the
                                                                                                    Thus, while home remains in the              environmental impact of their consumption
A rich and dynamic                                                                                  lead, parcel shops rank on average
                                                                                                    as European e-shoppers’ second
                                                                                                                                                 both through the products they choose and the
                                                                                                                                                 expectation they have for companies to do their
online life                                                                                         preferred delivery location and, with        part to be responsible.
                                                                                                    respect to local specificities, has
E-shopping is but one               recommendations. Eager to                                       eclipsed the post office for the first       Ecological awareness and digital engagement often
facet of the diverse online         help other shoppers make                                        time in four years.                          go hand in hand, meaning that e-shoppers are using
activities that today’s regular     informed decisions, they
                                                                                                                                                 their mobile devices to research the environmental
e-shoppers enjoy. Tech-savvy        frequently provide and share                                    This change is indicative of a broader       credentials of the products they desire before
and connected, e-shoppers,          post-purchase feedback                                          demand for convenience in the                purchasing. Despite a certain ambiguity when
as a whole, are frequent            online. Epicurean e-shoppers                                    e-shopping experience. Among                 it comes to bargains versus sustainability, both
users of mobile devices, are        are especially attentive                                        the primary motivating factors               epicurean and eco-selective e-shoppers are
active on social media sites        to influencers and online                                       to engage in online shopping is a            particularly sensitive to environmental topics and
such as Facebook, YouTube           opinions when preparing to                                      marked appreciation for the ease             tend to read up on their desired goods before
and Instagram and are often         make purchases.                                                 and flexibility that it offers, and this     buying them.
attracted to online loyalty                                                                         desire for convenience from start to
programmes. Aficionado              E-shoppers’ interest in                                         finish clearly includes the notion of        Moreover, this desire for sustainability encompasses
e-shoppers in particular are        reading user comments                                           proximity. Thus, while e-shoppers            services as well as products: eco-selective
adept at using multiple social      ahead of buying makes                                           prefer to have their parcels delivered       e-shoppers are ready to pay more for eco-friendly
media sites to follow their         them particularly sensitive                                     to their front door, they also welcome       services, while epicurean e-shoppers are willing
favourite brands and manage         to negative reviews. Bad                                        the possibility of retrieving their online   to pay a premium price for services that will make
their personal online visibility.   buzz can thus spell disaster                                    orders from a convenient location.           their lives easier. As the sustainability market grows,
                                    for e-tailers, especially if the
                                                                                                                                                 driven in particular by millennials, there is a clear
Social media platforms are          criticism multiplies, or worse,                                 As last mile services continue to            opportunity for the entire e-commerce industry
among the primary means             goes viral. This is particularly                                develop, facility and proximity are          to reassure these e-shoppers by embracing an
by which regular e-shoppers         true of eco-selective                                           critical to success. E-shoppers expect       ecological mindset and proposing greener services.
obtain information prior            e-shoppers who cite bad                                         multiple delivery choices and remain
to purchase, with the               opinion of fellow shoppers                                      extremely receptive to helpful delivery
majority choosing websites          on social media as their n° 1                                   services such as real-time information,
based on reviews and                reason not to buy online.                                       next-day delivery, rescheduling
                                                                                                    options, advanced notifications and a
                                                                                                    one-hour window selection.

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                                                                                             16_17
E-shoppers in Europe 2019 Barometer - dpd
                          Key take-aways                                                               DPDgroup
                                                                                                       DPDgroup is Europe’s
                                                                                                       second largest parcel
                                                                                                       delivery network.
                                                                                                       DPDgroup combines
           E-shoppers expect e-commerce to be environmentally responsible                              innovative technology
           As climate change gains greater importance, a minority of buyers actively choose            and local knowledge to
           online purchases with a low environmental impact, while a greater number of                 provide a flexible and
           e-shoppers expect responsible actions on the part of brands and companies.                  user-friendly service
                                                                                                       for both shippers and
                                                                                                       shoppers. With its
           Parcel shops now rank on average as the second preferred delivery
                                                                                                       industry-leading Predict
           location in Europe after home
                                                                                                       service, DPDgroup is
           As e-buyers look for greater ease and convenience in the e-shopping process,
                                                                                                       setting a new standard for
           they are choosing parcel shops more often for delivery based on their location.
                                                                                                       convenience by keeping
                                                                                                       customers closely in
           E-shoppers want rapid delivery with multiple options                                        touch with their delivery.
           A smooth online experience coupled with the ability to tailor fast delivery can
           influence the choice to purchase; longer delivery periods may be a barrier and              With more than 75,000
           cause for cart abandonment.                                                                 delivery experts and a
                                                                                                       network of more than
           E-shoppers actively look cross-border for good deals online,                                42,000 Pickup points,
           as long as no extra fees apply                                                              DPDgroup delivers
                                                                                                       5.2 million parcels each
           Bargains and good deals take priority over all other criteria. This is indicative for the
           eco-selective e-shoppers who purchase outside of Europe despite the ecological              day through the brands
           consequences of doing so.                                                                   DPD, Chronopost, SEUR
                                                                                                       and BRT.

           E-shoppers are developing a rich online life beyond
                                                                                                       DPDgroup is the parcel
           the click-to-purchase moment
                                                                                                       delivery network of
           Active on the web, today’s e-buyers use social media to research products prior             GeoPost, which posted
           to buying and share post-purchase experience for others. These connected habits
           will influence tomorrow’s e-commerce landscape.                                             sales of €7.3 billion in
                                                                                                       2018. GeoPost is a holding
                                                                                                       company owned by Le
                                                                                                       Groupe La Poste.

E-shoppers in Europe | 2019 Barometer                                                                                       18_19
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