Page created by Jerry Webster
JUNE 15-17, 2022
Kansas Society of Professional Engineers
                                 2022 Annual Conference
                                                    June 15-17, 2022
                              Drury Plaza Hotel Broadview, Wichita, Kansas

Wednesday, June 15
8:00am - 11:00am      KSPE Board of Directors Meeting
                      Station Room 1
9:00am - 11:00am      EFK Board of Directors Meeting
                      Station Room 2
1:00pm - 5:30pm       Golf Tournament - Ron Gaches Seersucker Open
                      Auburn Hills Golf Course
5:30pm - 7:30pm       Icebreaker Reception and Golf Awards
                      Auburn Hills Golf Course
Thursday, June 16
7:30 am - 5:30 pm     Registration
                      Riverview Foyer
7:00 am - 7:45 am     Past Presidents’ Breakfast (Invitation Only)
                      Siedhoff Salon
7:30 am - 8:00 am     Continental Breakfast
                      Riverview Foyer
7:30 am - 5:30 pm     Vendor Showcase
                      Riverview Foyer
8:00 am - 8:15 am     Welcome to Wichita
                      Vice Mayor of Wichita, Becky Pattison Tuttle
                      Bosin 1&2
8:15 am - 8:35 am     KSPE Update
                      KSPE President Brian Coomes, P.E.
                      Bosin 1&2
8:35 am - 8:55 am     NSPE Update
                      NSPE President Elect Britt Smit, P.E., F.NSPE
                      Bosin 1&2
8:55 am - 9:15 am     Installation of Officers
9:15 am - 9:30 am     Order of Engineer, NSPE-KS Link #106
                      Inductees make a solemn obligation to uphold devotion to the standards and dignity of the engineering
                      profession. Current members renew their obligation.
                      Bosin 1&2
9:30 am - 10:00 am    Break/Vendor Showcase
                      Riverview Foyer
10:00 am - 11:00 am   Keynote Speaker: Trust and Transform
                      Damon Young
                      Bosin 1&2
11:00 - 11:50 am      Engineering Tech/Innovation
                      Cindy Hoover, Vice President of Research, Technology & Growth, Spirit
                      Bosin 1&2
11:50 am - 1:00 pm    KSPE Awards Luncheon
                      Bosin 3
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm   CONCURRENT SESSIONS

                    Track A - Bosin 2                                               Young Engineer’s Roundtable - Station Ballroom
                    History of Kellogg Construction                                 Financial Planning
                    Gary Janzen, P.E., Assistant Director of Public Works and       Wade Greif, Financial Services Professional
                    City Engineer, City of Wichita
                    Track B - Bosin 1
                    5G Digital Divide
                    Michael Barnett, Smart City Coordinator, City of Wichita
                    Chas Peterson, VP Strategic Relations, Parallel Infrastructure

1:50 pm - 2:00 pm   Break/Vendor Showcase
                    Riverview Foyer
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm   CONCURRENT SESSIONS

                    Track A - Bosin 2                                               Young Engineer’s Roundtable - Station Ballroom
                    CAV Status and Statewide Update                                 Future of Engineering
                    Mike Floberg, P.E., Director of Innovative Technologies,        Tom Roberts, P.E., F.NSPE
                    Kansas Department of Transportation – Division of
                    Innovative Technologies
                    Track B - Bosin 1
                    City of Wichita NW Water Treatment Plant
                    Mark Dolechek, P.E., Garver
                    Ty McGown, P.E., Burns & McDonnell
                    Bill Perkins, City of Wichita

2:50 pm - 3:00 pm   Break/Vendor Showcase
                    Riverview Foyer
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm   CONCURRENT SESSIONS

                    Track A - Bosin 2                                                 Young Engineer’s Roundtable - Station Ballroom
                    Downtown Dodge Streetscape – Making the Financing                 P.E. Prep
                    and CM@R Work                                                     Libby Lorenson, IE, Bergkamp Inc.
                    Ray Slattery, P.E., Director of Engineering Services, City of     Rex Ritter, P.E., H.W. Lochner
                    Dodge City                                                        Jacob Allen, EIT, Wilson & Company
                                                                                      Brandon Woods, City of Wichita
                    Track B - Bosin 1
                    Evergy Renewables Project: Current and Future
                    Mark Ward, P.E., Renewables Engineer, Evergy

3:50 pm - 4:00 pm   Break/Vendor Showcase
                    Riverview Foyer
                    ACEC of Kansas Annual Meeting/Professional Engineers in Private Practice (PEPP)
                    Bosin 3
                    Professional Engineers in Industry (PEI)
                    Bosin 1
                    Professional Engineers in Government (PEG)
                    Bosin 2
                    Professional Engineers in Higher Education (PEHE)
                    Siedhoff Salon
                    Professional Engineers in Construction (PEC)
                    Lounge Area
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm     President’s Reception
                      Riverview Foyer
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm    Social Gathering at The Monarch - food, drinks, and transportation are on your own
                      (6 minute walk from hotel)
Friday, June 17
7:30 am - 8:00 am     Breakfast Buffet
                      Riverview Foyer
                      KSPE PAC Update
                      Travis Lowe, KSPE Lobbyist & Executive Director
                      Bosin 1&2
8:00 am - 8:45 am     Supersonic Test Corridor/Emerging Aviation Technologies
                      Bob Brock, Director of Aviation, Kansas Department of Transportation
                      Bosin 1&2
8:45 am - 9:45 am     Legislative Panel: Industry Issues in Topeka
                      Senator Renee Erickson, Senate Assistant Majority Leader
                      Senator Mike Petersen, Senate Transportation Chair
                      Bosin 1&2
9:45 - 10:00 am       Break/Vendor Showcase
                      Riverview Foyer
10:00 - 10:45 am      KDOT / KTA Update
                      Burt Morey, P.E., Deputy Secretary and State Transportation Engineer Kansas Department of
                      David Jacobson, P.E., Director of Engineering, Kansas Turnpike Authority
                      Bosin 1&2
10:45 - 11:00 am      Break/Vendor Showcase
                      Riverview Foyer
11:00 am - 12:00 pm   WSU Innovation Campus
                      Zach Gearhart, Chief of Staff, Wichita State University
                      Bosin 1&2
12:00 p.m.            Adjourn
12:30 - 1:00 pm       Tour at Exploration Place (lunch on own)
JACOB ALLEN                                                 Committee, the NASA Advanced Air Mobility Working
                                                            Group and represents AASHTO on the FAA UAS Beyond
Jacob Allen is a Water/Wastewater Project Manager for
                                                            Line of Sight Rulemaking Committee. He is also the
Wilson & Company in Salina, Kansas. He attended
                                                            founder and chair of the Kansas UAS Joint Task Force
Kansas State University, graduating in 2018 with a
                                                            that serves as one of only five states to partner with the
degree in Biological Systems Engineering. During his
                                                            FAA as a Lead Participant for the FAA UAS BEYOND
time in college he completed internships with the
                                                            program. Bob’s primary focus is to safely integrate
Kansas Livestock Association, Cargill, and Anheuser-
                                                            emerging technologies into the national airspace
Busch. Upon graduation he began his career as a
                                                            system that contribute to a safe and sustainable
project manager with Wilson & Company. His work
                                                            ecosystem of growth for aviation.
includes providing funding procurement, design,
construction oversight, and project management              BRIAN COOMES, P.E.
services for municipalities and private industries across   Brian is a licensed Professional Engineer working in
the Midwest, mainly focused on water and wastewater         Southeast Kansas, where he has spent the last 12 years
projects. Jacob is involved in the Kansas Society of        of his career performing general civil / municipal
Professional Engineers, serving as the Chapter Director     engineering. Brian currently serves as a project
for the Smoky Valley Chapter. Jacob took the                engineer and project manager for Olsson in Southeast
Environmental FE Test in 2018, and the Civil Water          Kansas, and he has been with the firm for nearly 5
Resources PE Test in 2019, and will become a licensed       years. In 2008, Brian received his Civil Engineering
engineer this year after meeting the experience             Degree from Kansas State University. He spent the
requirement. In his free time he enjoys carpentry,          following two years with Kimley-Horn & Associates in
fishing, and helping on his family’s farm.                  the Dallas, TX area before returning to Kansas.
MICHAEL BARNETT                                             Brian has been an active member of KSPE for his entire
                                                            tenure in Pittsburg, Kansas, including various positions
Michael Barnett is the Smart City Coordinator for the
                                                            within the SE Chapter Leadership. In 2016, Brian
City of Wichita. There he drives digital transformation
                                                            pursued an opportunity to begin serving on the
across the City under the direction of City Leadership.
                                                            Statewide Board of Directors and has been an active
Michael is responsible for Smart City and Connected
                                                            member of the State Board ever since. He enjoys
Community initiatives and projects within the City.
                                                            serving the profession both locally and at the state
Michael also chairs the Wichita Innovative Living
                                                            level, and he also participates in other civic
Lab, a Smart City lab focuses on bringing meaningful
                                                            organizations in the Pittsburg area.
technology and closing the digital divide to residents of
                                                            Brian spends most of his time away from work with his
Wichita and complementing Wichita’s Smart City
                                                            family, including his wife Jordan and 4 young children:
program. Michael’s focus is on economic development,
                                                            Russell (9), Leo (7), Maxine (5), and Violet (1). In his
public safety, process improvement, and technology
                                                            free time, he enjoys all things outdoors, such as
integration. He has a bachelor’s degree in Environment
                                                            hunting, fishing, camping, and athletics.
Studies from the University of Washington and
Master’s in Science from University of Southern             MARK DOLECHEK, P.E.
California.                                                 Mark is the Kansas Water Team Lead for Garver and has
BOB BROCK                                                   13 years of professional engineering experience in both
                                                            Kansas and Nebraska. He obtained is degree in Civil
Bob Brock grew up in Kansas. He’s an alumnus of Texas
                                                            Engineering from Kansas State University. He has spent
Christian University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business
                                                            the last six and a half years working as a consultant on
Management and a Master’s Degree in Human
                                                            design for both municipal and private clients. Prior to
Resource Development from Webster University. An
                                                            2016, Mark worked for the City of Norfolk, Nebraska, as
instrument-rated commercial fixed-wing and helicopter
                                                            the City Engineer, so he has experience both on the
instructor pilot, he now serves as the Director of
                                                            public and private side. His project experience includes
Aviation & UAS for Kansas Department of
                                                            study and design for consolidation of multiple lift
Transportation. In this role, he represents the state of
                                                            stations, developing water and wastewater master
Kansas on the FAA Advanced Aviation Advisory
University in consultation with University other
plans, as well as various water main and sewer main
                                                            executives. Mr. Gearhart graduated with a bachelor's in
replacements. Currently he is involved in some very
                                                            political science in 2011 and received a master's degree
large projects including rerouting an existing 78”
                                                            in public administration in 2013 from Wichita State
diameter sanitary sewer from underneath the
interstate in the heart of Wichita, serving as the
owner’s representative for the Northwest Wichita            WADE GREIF
Water Treatment Facility and the owner’s advisor for        Wade was born in Tampa, Florida in June of 1968 and
the Wichita Biological Nutrient Removal Program.            raised in San Antonio, Florida. In 1987, after graduating
SENATOR RENEE ERICKSON                                      from high school, he entered the United States Army.
                                                            During his 21 years of service, Wade earned a degree in
Senator Renee Erickson has represented Wichita in the
                                                            Business Management from Excelsior College while
Kansas legislature since 2019. She served in the House
                                                            serving all over the world including Germany, Egypt and
of Representatives from 2019 through 2020 and was
                                                            Iraq. After 21 years, he retired in Manhattan, KS where
sworn in to the Kansas Senate in 2021.
                                                            he went into the Financial Services business. He has
Senator Erickson is chair of the Commerce Committee
                                                            been married to his wife Dionne for 33 years and has
and vice chair of the Education Committee. She serves
                                                            two adult daughters and four grandchildren. He loves
on the Public Health and Welfare, Transparency and
                                                            volunteering in his community, hunting and BBQing.
Ethics, and Local Government committees.
Senator Erickson has sponsored and championed bills         CINDY HOOVER
and resolutions affecting pro-life efforts, educational     Cindy Hoover was named Vice President for Defense
choice and freedom, athletic opportunities for women,       and Space Engineering, Research & Technology and
free market principles, 2nd amendment rights, election      Core Engineering in September, 2021. In this role, she
integrity, truth in taxation, healthcare freedom, and       creates the strategy and capabilities to deliver technical
honoring military heroes and families.                      innovation to support the global business and to grow
Senator Erickson and her husband, Roger, are both           and diversify the company through new growth
retired educators. They have a son, Andrew, a               initiatives. Additionally, Cindy is responsible for
daughter, Emily, and three granddaughters.                  providing engineering services to our defense programs
MIKE FLOBERG, P.E.                                          and leading the core engineering function for the
Mike graduated with a BS in Civil Engineering from
                                                            Cindy joined Spirit in 2007 and held Director Roles in
Kansas State University in 1988. He has worked for the
                                                            Lean Operations, Fuselage Engineering and the 767
Kansas Department of Transportation since, 34 years.
                                                            Tanker Program. In 2012, Cindy was promoted to Vice
Mike has moved around the agency making stops in
                                                            President and ran the 737 MAX Program, where she
Bridge Design, Bridge Inspection, Intelligent
                                                            oversaw the development, execution and integration of
Transportation Systems, Metro Engineer, Bureau Chief
                                                            the product into existing operations and delivery to the
and now Director of Innovative Technologies.
                                                            customer. Cindy also held positions as Vice President
In October 2017, Mike accepted the position of Director
                                                            for the 777X Program, Boeing Sustaining Twin Aisle
of Innovative Technologies to help the State of Kansas
                                                            Programs, Operations Engineering and Business Jet &
prepare for the future of transportation.
                                                            Strategic Growth Programs.
ZACH GEARHART                                               Cindy began her professional career more than 31 years
Zach Gearhart joined Wichita State University in 2014       ago at Koch Industries, where she gained experience in
as the Assistant Director of Government Relations and       engineering and project management, before moving
was promoted to Director of Government Relations in         to LSI Corporation. During her ten years at LSI, Cindy
2017 and then appointed Chief of Staff for the              held leadership positions with increasing levels of
President in 2021. The position gives him responsibility    responsibility in Program Management, Six Sigma, and
to manage multiple special projects related to the          Operations prior to her role as Site Leader of the
President’s priorities working with the various divisions   Wichita Facility.
and departments at the University as well as external       A graduate of Wichita State University, Cindy received
actors in the community to do so. He also helps develop     her bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. She
and administer government relations strategies for the
received her MBA from Friends University and her Six     LIBBY LORENSON, IE
Sigma Black Belt Certification from Six Sigma Academy.   Libby Lorenson is a product engineer at Bergkamp, Inc.
Cindy has been a member and leader of the Society of     She has worked at Bergkamp for four years. At
Women Engineers for more than 34 years, where she        Bergkamp, Libby typically works on product
has held multiple leadership roles including Treasurer   improvement, production support, and specials design.
and President of the Society. An active member of the    She attended Baylor University where she earned a
Wichita community, Cindy has previously served on the    bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. Libby
boards for WSU Tech, United Way of the Plains, Girl      serves as the Secretary for the Smokey Valley Chapter
Scouts of Kansas Heartland, Wichita Area Outlook         of KSPE and is active in Women of Asphalt. Outside of
Team, Wichita Chamber of Commerce and Wichita            work, Libby spends time volunteering at her church,
State’s College of Engineering. Currently, Cindy is      playing volleyball, and spending time with her Corgi.
serving as Chair of Wichita State University’s Alumni
Association and is a member of the University’s          TRAVIS LOWE, CAE
National Advisory Council.                               Travis Lowe is the Executive Director and Lead Lobbyist
Cindy and her husband, Bryan, reside in Wichita,         of the Kansas Society of Professional Engineers. Travis is
Kansas.                                                  Vice President of Braden Heidner Lowe & Associates,
DAVID JACOBSON, P.E.                                     after becoming a partner/owner in 2018. He has fifteen
                                                         years of legislative experience, including previously
David Jacobson has been the Kansas Turnpike              serving as Legislative Director for the Kansas Senate
Authority’s Director of Engineering since 2005 and has   President. In 2021, Travis was recognized as a Certified
worked for the KTA since 1994. He is a 1986 Graduate     Association Executive by the American Society of
of Kansas State University with a Bachelor of Science    Association Executives. Originally from Texas, Travis
Degree in Civil Engineering. He is a licensed            moved to attend the University of Kansas where he
Professional Engineer and is a member of the Kansas      earned a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science.
Society of Professional Engineers – Topeka Chapter. He
serves on the Board of Directors for the Engineers’      TY MCGOWN, P.E.
Foundation of Kansas. David and his wife Connie have     Ty is a Project Manager and Associate Chemical
two children, daughter Emily, and son Joseph.            Engineer for Burns & McDonnell in Wichita. He
GARY JANZEN, P.E.                                        obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
                                                         chemical engineering from Kansas State University. In
Gary joined the City of Wichita in 1995, becoming the    his role at Burns & McDonnell, he provides water and
City Engineer in 2012. He worked for ten years in the    wastewater treatment services to numerous
Construction Division and seven years in design and      organizations in multiple municipalities and industries.
project development before assuming his current          Ty has extensive experience in long-term planning,
position, overseeing a work group of approximately 90    conditions assessments, design-build construction,
staff. He has a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from     operations, and project execution including chemical
Kansas State University and also serves as the           feed, membrane treatment, conventional treatment,
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator for    and advanced oxidation processes.
the City.
Gary is a native of Newton, Kansas and has four kids -   BURT MOREY, P.E.
three boys and a girl - and a granddaughter, with a      Burt Morey is the Deputy Secretary and State
grandson coming in July of 2022. He is active in         Transportation Engineer at the Kansas Department of
numerous organizations, including the Board of           Transportation. He has filled this role since February
Directors for the Kansas Society of Professional         2019.
Engineers, the Board of Directors for the Independent    Upon graduation from Kansas State University with a
Living Resource Center, the Valley Center Planning       B.S. in Civil Engineering, Burt began a career in
Commission, and previously the KSU Civil Engineering     transportation engineering. He has worked in this field
Advisory Council.                                        for 30 years. In that time, he has worked for various
                                                         local government and the private sector in bridge
                                                         design, construction engineering and contract
                                                         administration. He served as the KDOT Metro Engineer
in Johnson County from 2007 to 2012. In 2012, Burt         Young Engineer’s Chair. In his free Rex enjoys spending
was selected to be the Project Director for the Johnson    time with his wife and 2 boys, drumming and cycling.
County Gateway design-build project -- KDOT’s first        TOM ROBERTS, P.E., F.NSPE
design-build and largest project at the time. From
November 2015 through February 2019, he served as          is past president of the National Society of Professional
the City Engineer of Overland Park, Kansas.                Engineers and was president of the Kansas Society of
Burt and his wife Jan live in rural Leavenworth County,    Professional Engineers in 2008. Tom has been involved
they have two adult children and two German                as a Citizen Engineer for many years.
Shorthaired Pointers.                                      Early in his career, Tom was highly engaged with local /
                                                           regional utilities in newspaper, radio, and television
BILL PERKINS                                               communications regarding nuclear power siting,
As Capital Program Manager, Bill’s current primary role    construction, and safety issues. Tom also served as a
is working with the Capital Improvement Programs           member of the National American Nuclear Society
(CIP) of the Water and Sewer Utilities utilizing asset     Public Information Committee.
management principles and various infrastructure plans     Those connections led Tom into service with the Heart
for prioritization and funding of construction,            of America Architects and Engineers Legislative Council
rehabilitation, and/or replacement of assets. Bill’s       (HAAELC). Council members worked with elected
other roles are centered around the construction of a      officials locally as well as in the Kansas and Missouri
new northwest water treatment and filtration facility      state legislatures. Legislative issues included air quality,
(NWWF) and improvements at existing wastewater             utility construction work in progress, environmental
treatment plants to meet biological nutrient removal       protection, and OSHA regulations. The Council engaged
(BNR) requirements. Bill obtained his Bachelor of          in review of proposed Federal legislation and worked
Science in Mathematics from Pittsburg State University     with senators and representatives on issues that
in Pittsburg, Kansas in 1994. Bill has held a number of    impacted the region.
progressive positions with the City of Wichita over a 30   More recently, Tom has served on a local school district
plus year career with the City.                            sales tax committee, assisted in several political
SENATOR MIKE PETERSEN                                      campaigns, was chair of the Historic Resources Board,
                                                           and has been a Precinct Committeeman for the past 10
CHAS PETERSON                                              years. Tom is currently on the KSPE Government
Chas leads the development of strategic relationships      Relations Committee and recently testified at Senate
with Parallel’s carrier customer base. He is a 30 year     and House hearings on the University Engineering
veteran of the telecom industry, with leadership roles     Initiative Act.
in a variety of engineering, finance and procurement       RAY SLATTERY, P.E.
functions at a major telecommunications carrier. He
                                                           Ray Slattery has been with the City of Dodge City for 28
earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Columbia
                                                           plus years and for the past 11 years he has been the
University and an MBA in Strategic Planning from the
                                                           Director of Engineering Services. Ray and his wife
University of Maryland.
                                                           Brandi have two grown daughters and a son who just
REX RITTER, P.E.                                           graduated from DCHS. They also have a grandson &
Rex has worked at H.W. Lochner as a Civil Engineer for     granddaughter. Ray and his brother manage the family
7 years. He started his career with Lochner’s              farm that has been in the family since 1898.
Construction Engineering and Inspection Group,             BRITT SMITH, P.E., F.NSPE
working on a variety of roadway, airport, and structural
                                                           Britt E. Smith received a Bachelor of Science degree in
construction projects. He then transitioned to Lochner’s
                                                           engineering from the Missouri University of Science and
Kansas Design Group performing civil design for mainly
transportation projects. Rex received his PE license in    Technology. He began his career with MECO
                                                           Engineering as a civil engineer and project manager.
the summer of 2021 and is registered in Kansas and
                                                           Later, he continued his work as a staff engineer for the
Oklahoma. Rex is a member of the Smoky Valley
                                                           City of Jefferson and then the Missouri Department of
Chapter and is currently the SVC’s Vice-President and
                                                           Conservation. Currently, Britt is the operations divisions
director for the Department of Public Works in               BRANDON WOODS
Jefferson City where he oversees the operations of the       Brandon graduated from Wichita State University with
streets, parking, central maintenance, and airport           a Major in Mechanical Engineering and started with the
divisions.                                                   City of Wichita four years ago. He was hired as a
Britt is an active member of both the National and           Construction Engineer and his main responsibility was
Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE/            to manage the construction of subdivisions and small
MSPE). He has held various positions with the state          projects. His most notable project during this time was
society including that of state president. On the            managing the first three phases of the Aquatic Master
national level, he was named a Fellow in NSPE in 2016,       Plan project which included remodeling five Wichita
he is a past member of the NSPE House of Delegates           swimming pools and converting four pools into Splash
and is currently serving on the Committee on Policy and      Pads. Currently he is in a Civil Engineer position and
Advocacy and on the Membership Committee. Britt is           assists in managing the construction of the new North
the current president-elect of the NSPE Board of             West Water Treatment Plant.
                                                             DAMON YOUNG
Britt is also a member of the American Public Works
Association (APWA). He has served on various                 Damon Young is proud to serve as Chief Business
committees in APWA.                                          Officer at the Kansas Leadership Center. His primary
                                                             duties include leading the operations, finance, and
                                                             business development teams. Additionally, Damon
Becky Pattison Tuttle has over twenty-five years of          collaborates with senior team members in key areas of
professional experience engaging community partners          strategy and mission. Leadership is the necessary
through grassroots local coalition efforts focusing on       means to the end of personal and community
tobacco, physical activity, healthy eating, oral health,     transformation for Damon and he continually seeks to
fetal infant mortality, and worksite wellness. The           empower others to see themselves as instruments of
majority of her experience has focused on policy and         change for the common good.
environmental changes to improve the health of the           An active member of the civic and business
community. Tuttle currently serves on the Wichita City       communities in Kansas, Damon is the 2022 Chair of the
Council, as Vice Mayor, after being appointed on             Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce. His degree is
January 8, 2019 to fulfill the last year of a four-year      in Organizational Management and Leadership from
term. Tuttle was elected on November 5, 2019 to serve        Friends University where he serves on the President’s
an additional four-year term and represents                  Advisory Council. He also sits on the Board of Directors
approximately 70,000 residents in the northeast              for Lead Wichita and is an active member of Downtown
portion of the City of Wichita. Amongst her many             Rotary.
board and committee appointments, Tuttle currently           Damon has been happily married for more than 20
serves as the Vice Chair for the Wichita Area                years and has five children ranging in age from college
Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (WAMPO)                 to elementary school. He enjoys reading, sports, and
Transportation Policy Body and as a member of the            long walks.
Executive Committee.
Mark Ward is a Renewables Engineer for Evergy. He is
the project manager for recent solar field installations
and a current storage battery project in
Wichita. Additional responsibilities include supporting
operations and maintenance for Evergy’s wind
facilities. Previous work experience includes various
engineering roles for fossil power plants owned by
Evergy and Duke Power Company. He has a BS from
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and is
a registered engineer.
2022 KSPE Annual Conference
                                  ATTENDEES and SPONSORS
                                                  As of June 6, 2022

Agah, Arvin - University of Kansas                      Gorton, Randall - Brungardt Honomichl & Co., P.A.
Ahring, Trevor - Southwest Kansas GMD 3                 Gottlob, Austin - Baughman Co PA
Alangurli, Fouad - Benesch                              Graham, Rodger - CHS McPherson Refinery
Albritton, Shane - Garver                               Grauer, Douglas - Retired
Allen, Jacob - Wilson & Company Inc                     Gray, Tyler - Haynes Equipment Company
Armour, Michael - City of Wichita                       Greenfelder, Kerrie - Burns & McDonnell
Armstrong, Brian - Bartlett & West Inc                  Greif, Wade - Financial Services Professional
Austin, Timothy - Iron Horse Development, LLC           Gunzelman, Paul - City of Wichita
Aziere, Tim - PEC                                       Haberly, Brian - Advanced Drainage Systems
Barnett, Michael - City of Wichita                      Hall, Chad - HDR Engineering, Inc.
Bergman, Nathan - Bartlett & West Inc                   Hancock, Jeffrey - SMH Consultants
Blanco, Alfred - Cillessen & Sons, Inc.                 Harper, C.W. - Kirkham Michael & Associates, Inc.
Bluhm, Jay - Consultant                                 Harris, Bo
Borchers, Jacob - WSP USA                               Harris, Stacy - Manhattan/Ogden Anthony Middle School
Borst, Mark - Sedgwick County Public Works              Heatherman - Bill, City of Manhattan
Bradley, Jeff - WSP USA                                 Heigert, Michael - Benesch
Broce, Eric - Wood Environment & Infrastructure         Henkhaus, Rachel - Garver
Solutions                                               Herbert, Jordan - HNTB Corporation
Brock, Bob - KDOT                                       Herlocker, Jeff - McPherson Concrete Products
Carmichael, Lee - City of Wichita                       Herlocker, Jeff - McPherson Concrete Products
Chesnut , Brent - Benesch                               Hoffman, Michael - Alan's Excavating Inc
Cillessen, Joseph - Cillessen & Sons, Inc.              Hoover, Cindy - Spirit AeroSystems
Cillessen, John - Cillessen & Sons, Inc.                Hudson, Dirk - Advanced Drainage Systems
Connell, Alison - KSPE                                  Hull, Emmett - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas
Coomes, Brian - Olsson                                  Hutson, Alan - Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Cooper, John - GBA, Inc.                                Ingalls, Mick - PEC
Copple, Kim                                             Jacobson, David - Kansas Turnpike Authority
Copple, Robert - Ascension Via Christi Hospital         Janzen, Gary - City of Wichita
Manhattan                                               Johnson, David - Blue Beacon International, Inc.
Costley, Colin - Transystems Corp                       Johnson, Kiel - WaterOne
Drees, Jeffrey - Lochner                                Kadiyala, Sreehitha - The City of Great Bend
Drimmel, Joe - HDR Engineering, Inc.                    Karns, Larry - Kansas State Board of Technical Professions
Duncan, Jason - Forterra                                Ketchum, Dustin - Advanced Drainage Systems
Eksi, Tina                                              Klein, Jamie - Terracon Consultants, Inc
Eksi, Hakan - Progress Rail                             Knak, Glenn - Retired
El-Ghussein, Feras - MO/KAN Concrete Pipe               Koester, Kevin - Great Plains Region - Future City
Association                                             Competition
Engstrom, Slade - TranSystems Corp                      Krewson, Rob - Benesch
Erickson, Sen. Renee                                    Kurth, Trevor - Baughman Co PA
Fief, Gregory - Schwab Eaton                            Lackey, Jeffrey - TranSystems Corp
Flageolle, Chris - Lochner                              Lawson, Chad - Lochner
Flanary, Richard - KDHE                                 Leahy , Brenna - KSPE
Floberg, Mike - KDOT                                    Leathers-Gratton, Kristen - Affinis Corp
Frits, Aaron - GBA, Inc.                                Letkowski, Brett - Transystems Corp
Gearhart, Zach - Wichita State University               Lolley, Jeffrey - Bartlett & West Inc
Lorenson, Libby - Bergkamp Inc                              Scheer, Gage - PEC
Lowe, Travis - KSPE                                         Scherschligt, Daniel - Kansas Asphalt Pavement Association
Markel, John - Schwab Eaton                                 Schmitz, Riler - PEC
McGown, Ty - Burns & McDonnell                              Schroeder, Mariah - Burns & McDonnell
McGown, Cameron - HNTB Corporation                          Scott, Glen - Kansas Turnpike Authority
McIntire, Michael - City of Manhattan                       Scovill, Brian - City of Leawood
Mellies, Rebecca - Professional Engineering                 Shores, Brad - JEO Consulting Group
Consultants, PA                                             Skaggs, Kristy - Professional Engineering Consultants, PA
Mercer, Jennifer - Pauline South Intermediate               Slattery, Ray - City of Dodge City
Mercer, Joe                                                 Slavik, Jessica - Transystems Corp
Meyer, Darren - Wilson & Company Inc                        Smith, Britt - City of Jefferson City
Morey, Burt - KDOT                                          Snapp, Michael - Terracon Consultants, Inc
Nelson, Wayne - City of Salina                              Snyder, Loren - City of Shawnee
Niebaum, Seth - Professional Engineering                    Stack, Daniel - City of Salina
Consultants, PA                                             Stacy, Jeff - Advanced Drainage Systems
Nuessen, Ronald - Benesch                                   Stephens, Anne - City of Bel Aire
O'Keefe, Matt - Kansas State University                     Strait, Michelle - Cillessen & Sons, Inc.
Carl R. Ice College of Engineering                          Struble, Philip - Landplan Engineering
Ourada, John - USDA-NRCS (Retired)                          Stryker, Travis - CAS Constructors LLC
Packard, Kasi - Perry-Lecompton High School                 Thompson, Larry - KDOT (Retired)
Patrick, Cassie - SMH Consultants                           Thompson, Jason - Lochner
Pattison Tuttle, Becky - Wichita City Council               Uhl, Scott - Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions
Perkins, Bill - City of Wichita, Public Works & Utilities   Unruh, Sarah - Professional Engineering Consultants, PA
Peterson, Sen. Mike,                                        Vaughn, Denise - Baughman Co PA
Philipp, Norman - Pittsburg State University                Voth, Tyler - WSP USA
Pierce, Jessica - Kansas State Board of Technical           Wampler, Alex - Burns & McDonnell
Professions                                                 Ward, Mark - Evergy
Porter, Cody - Wilson & Company Inc                         Waters, Karla - Schwab Eaton
Pyles, William - Professional Engineering                   Weatherd, Gregory - HNTB Corporation
Consultants, PA                                             Wells, Konner - PEC
Reed, Carl - Benesch                                        Wilkinson, Brett - Kirkham Michael & Associates, Inc.
Reekie, Ian - Schwab Eaton                                  Woodard, Colton - Wilson & Company Inc
Rhein, Jessica - Sedgwick County Public Works               Woods, Brandon - City of Wichita
Ritter, Rex - Lochner                                       Wooten, Trevor - Baughman Co PA
Roberts, Tom - K-State (Retired)                            Yost, Tanner - Kirkham Michael & Associates, Inc.
Robinson, Ryan - Garver                                     Young, Damon - Kansas Leadership Center
Rome, Anthony - City of Overland Park                       Zimmerman, Dakota - Garver
Rotering, Kurt - Olsson

                                           Thank you to the 2022 KSPE
                                         Conference Planning Committee
                                                Chair - Jake Borchers, P.E.

            Alison Connell, CMP                  Brian Coomes, P.E.                 Cassie Patrick, IE
            Gary Janzen, P.E.                    Tom Roberts, P.E., F.NSPE          Alex Lane, P.E.
            Brett Letkowski, P.E.                Tim Austin, P.E.                   Michael Heigert, P.E.
            Michelle Strait, P.E.                Jessica Rhein, P.E.                Alex Wampler
NSPE Fellow Members from Kansas

         William Anthony, P.E., F.NSPE
         Brian Armstrong, P.E., F.NSPE
         Timothy Austin, P.E., F.NSPE

      Theodore Cambern, Jr., P.E., F.NSPE

            Larry Emig, P.E., F.NSPE

            Rick Ensz, P.E., F.NSPE

           Kiel Johnson, P.E., F.NSPE
           Glenn Knak, P.E., F.NSPE
         Dennis Kuhlman, P.E., F.NSPE
          William Lackey, P.E., F.NSPE
             Ken Lee, P.E., F.NSPE
         Edward Mulcahy, P.E., F.NSPE
           John Ourada, P.E., F.NSPE

            John Reh, P.E., F.NSPE
         Thomas Roberts, P.E., F.NSPE
          Adam Stodola, P.E., F.NSPE
         William Wilhelm, P.E., F.NSPE
KSPE 2022 Annual Partner Sponsors



KSPE 2022 Conference Sponsors

          Ice Breaker



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