DRUGS EDUCATION POLICY - Includes Medicines, Volatile Substances, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
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DRUGS EDUCATION POLICY Includes Medicines, Volatile Substances, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Signed ………………………………………. Date 11th June 2014 Date of Review : MARCH 2017 1
Policy Statement Oakwood Park Grammar School’s Drugs including medicines, illegal drugs, volatile substances, alcohol and tobacco (‘Drugs Policy’; see Appendix 1 for definitions of terms) is underpinned by the context, values and school demographic as outlined in the PSHCEE policy. It has been produced in consultation with the whole school community and is to be understood in the context of other policies, programmes and initiatives to which the school is committed such as the PSHCEE policy, maintaining Healthy Schools status and its incorporation of the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda. This policy applies to staff, pupils, parent and carers, governors and partner agencies working within the school. It extends both within the boundaries of the school ground and in any context involving official school business, such as visits. The school’s stance towards Drugs Education In keeping with the school’s aim to develop confident adults whose academic qualifications and personal qualities enable them to establish themselves in the world, and its commitment to the health and wellbeing of all members of the school community, drugs education is an essential contributor to allowing all students to reach their full potential. It underpins the pastoral role in the welfare of students, the principles of the ECM agenda to which it is committed, the health and safety of the school community and the basis for lifelong health and responsible decision-making. It acknowledges not only substance, but also social and environmental settings involved and is therefore committed not only to informing, but also to develop the attitudes, values and skills for dealing with all associated issues. The school maintains that the possession, use or supply of illegal or unauthorised drugs is unacceptable and the first concern is always for the health and safety of the school community and meeting the pastoral needs of the students therein. Aims of Oakwood Park’s Drugs Education Oakwood Park’s Drug Education Policy is underpinned by the core principles of government guidance (DFES, 2004). The aim of drug education is to provide pupils with opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and understanding about drugs and appreciate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, relating this to their own and others’ actions. Objectives of Oakwood Park’s Drugs Education To increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding and clarify misconceptions about: • The short-term and long-term effects and risks of drugs. • The rules and laws relating to drugs. • The impact of drugs on individuals, families, and communities. 2
• The prevalence and acceptability of drug use among peers. • The complex moral, social, emotional, and political issues surrounding drugs. • To understand the risk associated with ‘Legal Highs’ and other high risk substances To develop pupils’ social and emotional skills so they can make informed choices and keep themselves safe and healthy including: • Assessing, avoiding and managing risk. • Communicating effectively. • Resisting pressures. • Finding information help and advice. • Devising problem solving and coping strategies. • Developing self-awareness and self esteem. To enable pupils’ to explore their own and other people’s attitudes towards drugs, drug use, and drug users, including challenging stereotypes, and exploring media and social influences. Organisation, planning and delivery The PSHCEE Co-ordinator is responsible for the planning, organisation and co-ordination of Drugs Education in school. This in turn will be overseen by the PSHCEE Line Manager/ Drugs Co-ordinator/ Child Protection Co- ordinator. The School Drugs Co-ordinator is responsible for referring any drugs-related incidents to the Headteacher, who will determine the subsequent course of action. All staff employed by the school are aware of Drug-related incident procedure, according to the CFE/ KDAAT 2007 flowchart, which is prominently displayed in staff areas. Delivery of Drugs Education will be provided conjointly between the statutory element in Science and through PSHCEE, by both teachers and visitors from expert and accredited external agencies. Biology Year 7 Year 8 Fit and Healthy Year 9 & KS4 Human behaviour; effects of alcohol, tobacco and other substances Chemistry Year 7 Year 8 Chemical composition Year 9 & KS4 Chemical reactions and change In PSHCEE, Drugs Education is delivered as part of a timetabled programme and throughout Key Stages 3-5 on whole-year off-timetable enrichment days. Delivery is provided by both teachers who have received training where necessary and members of external agencies- the Drugs Awareness charity, nurses and police liaison officer for aspects of drugs relating to the law. All 3
external visitors are subject to adherence to the school’s guidelines as outlined in the PSHCEE policy. All resources used must be approved by the PSHCEE Co-ordinator and must also be culture and age-appropriate, up-to-date and differentiated. PSHCEE Year 7 Awareness of risks associated with alcohol and tobacco use; development of means to manage peer pressure relating to them Year 8 Builds upon themes introduced in Year 7 and introduces full range of drugs, including risks, effects and the law; statistical awareness of drug use in local and national context; peer pressure related to smoking Year 9 Builds upon themes raised last year; specific focus on law relating to Cannabis and Alcohol & risks/ effects; strategies for dealing with peer pressure Year 10 Continuation of Year 9 themes and in-depth look at effects of alcohol in relation to crime and teenage pregnancy; examines government anti-drugs campaigns/ develops peer advice against drug use Year 11 Utilises learning from previous years to evaluate full range of impact/ effects/ risks of drugs and how they affect friends, family the local and national communities; examines how drug use is viewed by the media Management of Drug-related incidents in school Remit School boundaries are defined as any area where a student is in the charge of the school, including any area within the perimeter fence or school fields and on a school visit where a student is in the charge of the school or school staff, whether within or outside of school hours. Response • School response follows the guidance of KCC and the Kent Drug Alcohol Action Team (KDAAT). • The School Drugs Co-ordinator and/or Headteacher will be required to make an assessment if a pupil is suspected of being involved of drug misuse or makes a disclosure about their own or their family’s substance misuse. With a primary focus upon safeguarding the student, further appropriate action may involve referral to the local Young Person’s Substance Misuse Services or local Drug Intervention and Support Programme. • Supportive pastoral intervention at an early stage involving communication between staff, parents/ carers and police is important and should be used to assess needs and further support, such as provision of information; strategies to raise self-esteem; contacting local drug support services; liaison with Connexions services • Cause for intervention could include: low knowledge about drugs; frequent reliance upon use of drugs; if drug use is affecting performance in school; if drug use is causing conflict or problems at home; if they feel under 4
pressure to use; if their or someone else’s drug use is affecting their behaviour and/ or emotional health Procedure If a student appears to be intoxicated whilst at school, First Aid provision if necessary is the first consideration; the Drugs Co-ordinator and/ or Headteacher is responsible for contacting the student’s parents/ carers, and the student must then be supervised until they are able to be taken home. Should a student bring, or if the school has good reason to believe that a student has brought drink or drugs into school including substances labelled as ‘Legal Highs’ or Shisha Pens, the following procedure should be followed: • All unknown tablets, powders and substances should be regarded as unauthorised and with good care (gloves) taken in handling substances • The Police Youth Crime Reduction Officer (YCRO) should be contacted in any matter relating to confiscation. The Police recognise the impact of these issues upon the young person, their families, friends and school community • Should the YCRO be unable to attend immediately, the police must be contacted • Substances should not be destroyed • If a student has taken, or is reasonably assumed to have taken a drug, immediate medical attention should be sought • Should staff be involved directly in any such incident, they will inform the Headteacher and School Drugs Co-ordinator as soon as the safety of any students involved has been established • Schools have the power to search without consent for “prohibited items” and so if it is believed that a student is in possession of such items will conduct a search of the student and his/her possessions as necessary. Two members of staff will be present. • Should a more extensive search of any area to which students have access, including lockers, drawers and other school property, the school will balance the likelihood that an offence has been committed against infringement of a student’s right to privacy and only conduct such a search should they believe that there is a likely harm to the student or to others • The YCRO can have the substance analysed and recommend further course of action • It is legal for a staff member to confiscate substances thought to be illegal. Confiscated substances should be kept in a sealed plastic bag, with an Incident Form attached (see Appendix 1) and kept locked away until police arrive • If students are considered to be at risk or in possession of an unauthorised substance, parents/ carers should be contacted immediately. Should this be considered not to be in the best interests of the student, Child Protection procedures should be followed 5
• If it is established that the incident is drug-related, the Headteacher will contact the Chair of Governors in order to inform them of the situation • Contact will then be made with the Local Education Officer, who will inform the LEA press office if there is a possibility that the media may become involved All procedures outlined above are subject to Oakwood Park’s Confidentiality Policy and the non- assurance of confidentiality. All incidents should be noted immediately by staff and countersigned by witnesses. If the Headteacher or Drugs Co-ordinator are not available, or the incident occurs off-site, procedure should be followed by the most senior or designated responsible member of staff Response, Support and Sanction • Should it be considered appropriate, the YCRO can use the Drug Use Screening Tool and further legal intervention, if necessary or requested by the School Drug Co-ordinator may be taken • Further response may also involve a student’s enrolment in the Drug Information and Support Programme (DISP) • Fixed term or permanent exclusions may be considered in cases of extremely serious cases or as part of a pattern of persistent behaviour • Drug testing & use of Passive Search Dogs may be used in conjunction with compliance to KCC guidance and Guidance for Schools on Drug Testing • Previously outlined procedures will be employed should students be found to be in possession of drugs as a result of these actions Alcohol and Tobacco (AT) Oakwood Park Grammar School is a non-smoking site by law, in compliance with the 2006 Health Act; this includes all buildings, school grounds and fields and in the interests of health and hygiene, the school requests that people refrain from smoking outside school gates. The school also adheres to the Licensing Act of 1964 and other alcohol legislation The school will take action to inform parents/ carers of alcohol or tobacco misuse, in keeping with its recognition of the impact these have upon an unhealthy lifestyle. Police will only be informed in exceptional circumstances, such as the sale of AT to young people or where there is risk of violence or Child Protection issues. Residential and off-site visits All visits will undergo a full risk assessment in compliance with KCC guidelines and this will include informing parents of school policy regarding drug use and repatriation policy. Expectations of staff will also be considered and agreed. 6
Staff Any staff bringing unauthorised drugs to work, or being at work in an intoxicated state (including being ‘on duty’ on school trips) could be subject to disciplinary procedures and possible police prosecution. On the basis of the duty of care that all teachers have for the students, it is the expectation that all staff will inform the Headteacher immediately should such an incident occur. In line with the legislation of July 2007 and in adherence to KCC Smoking Policy, any staff smoking on school premises, or who bring illegal drugs onto school premises, will be deemed in breach of their contract. The school undertakes to make every effort to support staff in such circumstances and encourage them to seek professional help. Parents/ Carers and drug-related incidents Oakwood Park has informed the school community of its policy on drugs, drug education and drug-related incidents and, whilst for reasons of confidentiality it cannot divulge information about particular students, parents/ carers can rest assured that every effort and precaution is being taken to ensure the safe running of the school and students and that they will be informed of any local concerns or issues. The school aims to be aware of the impact that drug misuse by parents or carers can have upon a child and that it can sometimes, but not always, put a child at greater risk of emotional or physical risk and harm. The school aims to be alert to any behaviour that may indicate that a student is experiencing any such difficult home circumstances. The school will liaise with external agencies as necessary in such cases, observing the school policy on Confidentiality. Where parents/ carers are intoxicated upon school premises, staff will always attempt to maintain a calm atmosphere, but as their paramount concern is for the welfare and safety of students, may not always be able to discharge a child into the care of a parent/ carer. Where the behaviour of a parent/ carer in this respect is persistent, staff may seriously consider whether Child Protection procedures should be put into place and the police involved if necessary. 7
Appendix 1: Definitions and Terminology Terms used throughout this policy document are defined thus: DRUG: This document uses the term to refer to any psychotropic substance that has potential to affect how a person thinks, feels, or behaves. This includes all legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol, all illegal drugs, volatile substances, and over-the-counter prescription medicines. ILLEGAL DRUGS: • Class A: crack, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, amphetamines if prepared for injection, magic mushrooms. • Class B: Cannabis, amphetamines. • Class C: GHB, Steroids, Valium, Temazepam, Diazepam. AUTHORISED DRUGS: Principally medicines and any other drugs sanctioned for legitimate use (such as alcohol stored securely for a raffle, safe storage and use of hazardous chemicals). In all other circumstances drugs are unauthorised whether legal or not. LEGAL HIGH: Substances sold legally but under an alternative use such as ‘bath salts’ and which are labelled not for Human Consumption. These products are sold for use as a stimulant an alternative to illegal drugs. DRUG USE: The consumption of any drug. All drug use, including use of medicines, has the potential to cause harm. DRUG MISUSE: Drug taking through which harm may occur, whether through intoxication, breach of school rules or the law, or the possibility of future health problems. DRUG ABUSE: Drug taking which harms health or functioning. It may be part of a wider spectrum of problematic or harmful behaviour.’ 8
Appendix 2: KCC Drug-Related Incident Record Form Record of Incident Involving Unauthorised Substances 1 For help and advice, telephone the School Drugs Education Adviser. 2 Complete this form WITHOUT identifying the pupil involved. 3 Copy the form (two copies if substance found) 4 Attach copy to bag containing any substances discovered 5 Send the copy within 24 hours of the incident to the relevant School Drugs Education Adviser. 6 KEEP the original, adding the pupil’s name and form – store securely. (please tick to indicate the category) Concern established Discovery Discovery Pupil Parent/carer A after following up a OFF ON premises disclosure use parent/ suspicion or allegation premises carer express es concern Name of pupil*: Name of school: Pupil’s form*: Time of incident am/pm (*For school records only) Age of pupil: Date of incident: Male/Female Ethnicity of pupil: Report form completed by: (For DAT records**) Tick box if second or subsequent incident involving same pupil First Aid given? Yes/No First Aid given by: Ambulance/Doctor called?(Delete as necessary) Yes/No Called by: Time: Drug involved (if known): Sample found? (Yes/No) (e.g. Alcohol, Paracetamol, Ecstasy) Where retained: Witness name: Disposal arranged with: (Police, Environmental Health) At time: Senior staff involved: Name of parent/carer informed: Informed by: At time: Brief description of symptoms/situation: Other action taken: (e.g. Connexions or other agency involved: Educational Psychologist report requested: case conference called: pupils/staff informed: sanction imposed: LEA/GP/Police consulted) (continue on blank sheet if necessary) ** Categories: British, Irish, other white, white and black Caribbean, white and black African, white and Asian, other mixed, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, other Asian, Caribbean, African, other black, Chinese, any other, not stated. 9
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