DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts

Page created by Stephanie Mullins
DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts
The College of Liberal Arts
                                                 what to do but they tell us! However I still      things are opening up, they still wear masks
  ALL ARE WELCOME at this year’s                 stay busy with the Geneva Theatre Guild,          whenever they go out. This summer they
  Alumni Weekend—a more inclusive                church, family—and am never bored. Please         saw all four of their grandchildren who live
  version of Reunion, with events for            send me some news for the next Drew               in four different states. They see their sons
  everyone, from all classes, including          magazine which may be in the spring.              regularly. They keep busy with the community’s
  gatherings for Caspersen and Theo                                                                activities, play bridge, and read. They take
  grads. The Forest will welcome all
  Drewids back in person, as we are
  able, from Thursday, June 2 to Sunday,
                                                 59       Ellen DeLalla
                                                           A handwritten note from Jack
                                                                                                   road trips each week—enjoying the beautiful
                                                                                                   hills and countryside, and ending with a
                                                                                                   stop for ice cream.
  June 5, 2022. There will also be some          Dempster revealed that he and his wife,               Walt Lidman was distressed to learn of
  virtual and hybrid events. Alumni              Ellen, are coping with COVID restrictions         the deaths of several of our classmates. He
  College will be back on Friday, with           by adopting Duke Ellington’s “Don’t Get           remembered how Richard “Dick” Madigan
  faculty and alum panels.                       Around Much Anymore” as their personal            once wrote a parody in the ACORN of Professor
                                                 theme song. Jack says that a two-mile trip to     Ralph “Papa” Johnson. Walt still swims
                                                 Walmart “just ain’t the same as a journey to      300 meters four times a week even though

                                                 London or Paris.” Their granddaughter Katie       it’s more difficult than it used to be. “It’s
                Eleanor “Ellie”                  is receiving her doctorate in child psychiatry    keeping me healthy,” he reports. He subbed
                (Sheldon) Stearns                from Virginia Commonwealth University.            for a while in his hometown of Hazlet,
                ebstearns@rochester.rr.com           George Groom says that 2021 has been a        New Jersey, and also Union Beach. Some
                 Hopefully you have all          challenging year for him and his wife Sandy       of his former students said they missed him
                 survived the COVID epidemic,    (Chere) C’65. Fortunately, this summer they       and wanted him back.
65th Reunion are fully vaccinated, and           attended a concert at Tanglewood in the               Roger Navratil and his wife, Marge, are
 ALUMNI          safe from the next variant.     Berkshires to hear the Boston Symphony,           both healthy and plan on staying that way
W E E K E N D Unfortunately my email             then spent a week in New Harbor, Maine.           for many years to come. They have a home
inbox has not received any notes from any        They are being very careful about COVID           in St. Augustine, Florida, but still travel
of you dear classmates! If you are still well    even though they are vaccinated. George           between it and New Bern, North Carolina,
and able to function, our 65th Reunion will      sends their best wishes to classmates, hoping     several times a year, intending to move
be held on June 3–5, 2022. This Reunion          for a better 2022.                                there full-time in a couple of years. Marge
may be rebranded as Alumni Weekend to                Pete Headley and Joan “Jodi” (Della-          has traveled to all seven continents. Roger
be inclusive, but let’s try to attend this one   Cerra) C’60 traveled to northern New Jersey       claims that he has “no interest in being cold
while we are still able. We’re not old geezers   to attend both their families’ reunions plus      for days on end and only watching a bunch
yet, I hope! I’m still doing my Women of         Pete’s Sussex High School 66th reunion, for       of flightless birds for nightly entertainment.”
Vision performances, but my daughters            which he was co-chair. They all had good times.       Adma (Schneller) Ross T’01 still serves
won’t let me drive distances any more so I       Pete wonders, “Where did all these ‘older         as chaplain in Civil Air Patrol, having
have to hire a driver each time. I bought a      people’ come from…oh, that includes ME!”          started there at a little airfield close to the
bright aqua Prius Prime in June with all the         Carole (Horncastle) James and her             Everittstown, New Jersey, church where
safety features and hybrid/electric drive but    husband, Dick C’56 T’59, have lived in their      she was serving as pastor at the time. She
they won’t let me drive more than 20 miles       continuing care community for 12 years            still lives in the Suffern, New York, home
out of town, and not at night. Sad to reach      and are thankful for the safety and care          she and her late husband, Ernie, purchased
the age where we no longer tell our children     provided during the pandemic. Even though         when they married in 1963.

                                                                                                               classnotes@drew.edu I Winter 21–22 1
DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts
Lastly, Emily (MacGregor) Scott and her                 graduating from Drew. She was content                Elaine and I have not changed our lifestyle,   service to celebrate camp reunions. Alas,          will be in a few more months. Over the             They planned their move over a two-year
husband, Jim, just welcomed their 12th                     living in the same house until the summer        if you can call it that, at all. We ping-pong      his wife, June (Kamen) Cowell did not get          25 years that Eleanor has been teaching            period, giving them time to downsize. The
great-grandchild. “Pretty exciting—pretty                  of 2020 when a storm brought a huge tree         back and forth between Summit and Long             to enjoy boot camp with him. Last summer           music-related computation at Stanford, she         old house was sold the first day for more
scary!!!” she added.                                       down on her house. She began to have less        Beach Island. We are both vaccinated (Elaine       was a different one with grandkids away,           never imagined she would be teaching over          than asking, and because of the pandemic
   Your class secretary had her last hip                   interest in maintaining a large place and        willingly; Carl, dragged kicking and screaming);   and their parents managing the chaos. Their        Zoom, but she has found it, in general, to         and purchasers being abroad, they had an
replacement in October 2020 and is glad to                 paying the highest property taxes in the         masked (Elaine faithfully in public when she       shore house was quieter, and after Hurricane       be a wonderful tool for one-to-one contact.        additional six months in which to move.
have both knees and both hips finally done.                country, so she has moved to a retirement        remembers; Carl, when Elaine makes him);           Ida they spent a lot of time over Labor Day,       Once in a while, she’ll receive lively greetings   He said they were very fortunate and are
   We have lost several classmates in the                  community near her daughters in Maryland.        and considerate about not endangering              pumping out cellars, drying and recrating          from Diane (Reed) Jowdy C’63, and they’ve          not missing house maintenance and yard
past year: Gail (Slaybaugh) Morrison,                         Peter Cain emailed that he doesn’t mind       the health of others—no matter what we             antiques. They spent their anniversary picking     enjoyed visiting Ginger (Mark) McCabe C’69         work. Their health is good, and they too are
Martha (Skinner) Thomas, Richard “Dick”                    my unapologetic wallowing in nostalgic           as scientists personally believe. We had a         up dry ice and managing their food supplies.       and her husband, John, in their mountain           thankful for delivery of the COVID vaccines.
Wainwright, Don Rathjens, and Barbara                      reverie about our time Drew. “When I read        family reunion on the Island in August. Kate       Welcome aboard, David.                             retreat in Pennsylvania.                           He is still quite involved in a number of
Jahreis. Don attended our last Reunion in                  your ‘Notes,’ I am taken right back to the       came up from Florida; Fraser from Maryland;            Bonnie (Weir) Pearce and her husband                                                              projects in the City of Alexandria, including
2019. I got to know Barbara when we were
both political science students at the
Washington Semester in 1957–58. Later,
                                                           campus. All three of my roommates at
                                                           Shockley House have died. I miss them a lot.
                                                           Your words have let me cry again, and that
                                                                                                            Connie from New York; and Jodi from
                                                                                                            New Jersey. We don’t do it often enough.
                                                                                                            It was great fun to see our children, eight
                                                                                                                                                               John are both healthy and continuing to run
                                                                                                                                                               their rooming house which is now mortgage-
                                                                                                                                                               free. They have been making plans for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  63       Ellen (Earp) Baker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Greetings from Maryland! There is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     waste-water management and correction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of the City’s century-old combined sewer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     system, regional land conservation, and the
she visited me in Saratoga, a couple of                    is an important part of the grieving process.”   grandchildren, and dogs interact. It’s a fairly    European cruise, which will be their first major   lots of news to report. As many of us turn         history of the City’s slave trade.
times. She took in many dogs and cats over                    Do you remember Peggy Peavey? She was         rowdy group. Four siblings in constant             trip in two years, and we hope to hear about       into octogenarians this year, I am happy to            Jacqueline “Jackie” (Jones) Lord sends
the years and volunteered at an animal                     Elaine (Norris) Verrusio’s housemate for         contention, but unwavering love. As I gazed        it in the next issue. John still enjoys working    report that from those responding, many            greetings from sunny Florida. She stayed with
shelter in Fairfax, Virginia. When she                     two years, but moved to Massachusetts and        with an unfocused eye on the merriment, I          at the local radio station, WDIY. Bonnie has       are still very busy, involved in making life       her daughter and two little granddaughters
worked in personnel training for the IRS,                  became Peggy Pilgrim. She and Elaine have        realized that the trick is to grow up without      decided that cleaning their house will be          better for others, and have so far escaped         in Calvert County, Maryland, most of
she would always decline to say that she                   remained in touch these sixty-odd years.         growing old.                                       her exercise. Easton, Pennsylvania, is a           COVID. I hope our other classmates are okay        the summer. Her oldest son and teenage
worked for the IRS, because people would                   She and Gerie (Snell) Schumann C’63 were             I leave you in the era of COVID with this      great place for them as there are many fine        and just too busy to write.                        granddaughter visited her there. Her second
pepper her with questions about their tax                  concerned for our well-being after the recent    thought from the 16th century French essayist      restaurants, and they can walk with their             Gerie (Snell) Schumann writes that she,         son visited only by telecommunication. “Im-
problems. Our condolences go to all their                  storm that caused wide-spread flooding,          Montaigne, “He who fears he shall suffer,          two dogs along the Delaware River.                 like many of us, kept a low profile this past      agine running around the house trying to
families and friends.                                      power outages and tornadoes in our area.         already suffers what he fears.” Be brave, be           Marvel “Kay” (Richards) Mansfield’s travel     summer, mostly seeing local friends, reading,      catch the little ones (four and six), the dog,
   Thanks to the efforts of Pete Headley and               We were thankfully spared any damage or          safe, and carpe diem.                              account is overflowing with anticipation           eating outdoors, walking, and enjoying the         and the cat on the computer screen—how

the Alumni Office in providing us with hard                inconvenience.                                                                                      for her next trip. With any luck it will be a      water on those hot, humid days when one            the world has changed.” Last summer, Jackie
copies of the last two Drew Classnotes.                       Bill Hayes had arranged to take his annual                      Barbara (Yin) Fern               Road Scholar trip to Tuscany. She’s always         wanted to do nothing. She kept busy with           spent two weeks at Yosemite Park with

                                                           vacation on Long Beach Island in September,                        fern.barbara14@gmail.com         planned big trips with a grad school friend,       the constant and needed repairs on her old         Road Scholar, “a bucket list trip, well worth
                    A. Carl Verrusio                       but canceled because he didn’t feel safe                           David Cowell                     so being a Road Scholar will be a different        house. (Sounds as if that might also apply         it, although there was lots of fire damage
                    grapevineenv@gmail.com                 traveling. He has been living in lockdown                          dcowell@drew.edu                 experience. Kay made only one trip during          to many of us, even though it is hard to           and Yosemite Falls was dry.” This is her 10th
                    It would seem that someone             mode pretty much since March 2020. He                              Malcolm “Mac” Hulslander         COVID to visit her daughter in Connecticut.        believe and accept we are now in our 80s).         year in The Villages where she feels at home.
                                                                                                            61st Reunion
                    has pushed the “pause”                 goes out for doctors and groceries, but that’s                     writes, grieving the loss of a   She lives not far from her son and family in       She started the year with a new roof so that       “Overnight guests welcome; y’all come visit.”
                    button on our lives. We                about it. He has stayed healthy with “the help                     reunion with Neal Mosher         Maine.                                             she could install solar. Then discovered she           William “Bill” and Anne (Pitkin) Long
 62nd Reunion                                                                                               WEEKEND
                    are all just treading water            of many doctors and a multitude of pills.”                         set for the North Carolina           Carol (Magee) Davis has joined the ranks       needed to replace the septic system which          continue to enjoy the blessings of good health
                    and waiting for something…             He is puzzled that even with the shutdown        shore in October, due to prohibited border         of “grandmotherhood” with the birth of             requires replacing the water line from the         having both reached 80, and like most have
                    anything…to happen. Our                he doesn’t seem to have any more time than       crossings. Neal and his wife have maintained       Evie. She’s still in contact with Mary Ann         street. She was still waiting for that to happen   limited their activities and thus COVID
behavior for the last two years has been                   before. “Maybe that’s just being old. (No more   regular visits from Canada for many years.         (Kennerly) Clinton.                                when she wrote, knowing that she would then        exposure these last many months. They have
un-American. Snap out of it. I have a column               getting old. I am old.)”                         Mac was also saddened to learn of the death            I made a last minute call to Lyndon “Rocky”    have to deal with the destruction and aftermath.   been able to see their two sons, their daughter,
to write. Somebody do something!                              Ann “Nicki” (Nock) Ridenour, Norman           of Polly Frederichs, wife of our sociology         Smith and had a lovely conversation. (I wish       Her one hope is that she will eliminate some       and their families in their various locations,
    I have some good news, guys. I just                    MacArthur, and Nancy (Marshall) Stroh,           professor, after decades of keeping in touch       more folks would answer their phones.) His         of the gardening responsibilities which have       including nearby Clifton Park, New York;
discovered a way to slow down the aging                    who all live in retirement communities,          and marveling at her beautiful quilt creations.    wife, Lois (Fasula) Smith C’62 contributed         become too much with her “advancing”               New Hampshire, Massachusetts, South
process—a major concern for us old folks.                  concurred that this quarantine thing is             Osamu Takagi turned 85 in August and            to the call, and I enjoyed their “bantering.”      age. Gerie says, “At least I can still weed and    Carolina, and North Carolina. They each
Well, to tell the truth, Will Rogers actually              getting to be a drag. They went from being       expresses gratitude for (basically) good health,   They have been married for 60 years and            prune!” She did take a road trip to Coastal        continue to try to stay active. Anne continues
thought of it, but it’s brilliant. “We could               in lockdown, to relaxing restrictions, and       and his fond memories of our 50th Reunion          have lived in North Carolina for the last 15.      Maine Botanical Gardens (which she can             to volunteer in the Saratoga Therapeutic
certainly slow down the aging process if it                then reestablishing them. It’s back to masks,    at Drew.                                           They have become great fans of the Davidson        highly recommend to anyone), followed by           Equestrian Program and DoubleH for ill
had to work its way through Congress.”                     closed dining rooms and no visitors allowed         Julie Borgmeier has been living in Arizona      College teams. He’s gotten interested in           gardens and places of interest as she was          kids, and they both volunteer with an area
Uh-oh, she who must be obeyed says that any                in public spaces. Nicki was fortunate enough     for the past two years with her cat, Tiger,        genealogy and found out that his 11th              heading south along the Massachusetts north        program (CAPTAIN) for teen homelessness,
discussion of religion, politics or pandemics              to escape for a three-week vacation in Rhode     since her husband died. She volunteers at          great-grandfather was William Shakespeare.         shore toward home. Also, she made it back          rapid rehousing, and trafficking prevention.
is strictly forbidden. One hesitates to be                 Island and Massachusetts, visiting family        Sun City West Library and the church, and          (Or it may have been Lois’s relation). He’s        to New Jersey for a long weekend, visiting         (They are proud to have helped begin that
contentious, but would you have me be                      and friends. She spends a lot of time outside,   greatly appreciates the walking track at the       been “electronically “connected to Ron             old friends in Montclair, and Robert “Bob”         program 40 years ago.) Bill is still practicing
the model of complacent dullness? A few                    sitting on the porch. Norman travels locally     recreation center, since it still hovers around    Saldarini as well as others, and enjoys the        Catlin C’62 and his wife in Warren. She            clinical psychology about half time, still
centuries ago, Shakespeare observed, “What                 but is not contemplating any long-distance       110 degrees. She has many happy memories           holiday cards and letters, especially the ones     continues, “All this has been a distraction        runs (shorter and slower, but recently placed
a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.”          ventures. Nancy, on the other hand, spent        of travels to Australia, New Zealand, the          from Paul Gaaserud.                                from the sadness of the spring and losing

More recently, Mark Twain wrote, “Suppose                  a week on the Outer Banks with her sons. It      Panama Canal and South America. They                                                                  two of my dearest friends and classmates,
you were an idiot, and suppose you were a                  rained every day and there was not a single      even climbed to the top of Machu Picchu.                             Robert Harrall                   Penny (Bluhm) Seale and Diane “Coop”                     University Advancement
member of Congress, but I repeat myself.”                  crab to be found. However, a subsequent trip        Marian (Dickinson) Fielder had a fantastic                        bobharrall@aol.com               (Cooper) Ficara. I had been in touch with
How the world goes on!                                     to Ocean City, Maryland, with son Scott and      vacation at Lake George, New York with                               Eleanor (Ellie) Selfridge-       both of them not long before they died, but
    In July, Judy Smith sent an email wondering            family, provided both sun and crabs. Her         her family—their first trip since before the                         Field recently shared that       had not accepted the notion that we would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SUBMIT YOUR CLASSNOTES
if she could ask a favor of me. I replied,                 son Mark left in August to serve as consul       pandemic, which made it more special. Paul         60th Reunion      she and her husband, Clive,      not see each other one more time. Both of
“Sure, if it doesn’t involve work or money.”               general of the American Consulate in Karachi,    and Naomi “Lynn” (Chappel) Gaaserud got                              have both found a lot to like    them were such dynamic, constant friends                       classnotes@drew.edu
When there was no response, I assumed my                   Pakistan. Will Nancy learn to speak Urdu?        together with Marian for their first indoor        WEEKEND           about the forced confinement     in our lives, both Bill’s C’64 and mine. I
rhinoceros-like insensibility had offended                 We can’t wait to hear the tales of her visit     movie since the movies opened in Virginia.                           of COVID. They’ve been           stay in touch with their daughters and Judy               ALUMNI & PARENT COMMUNITIES
her. However, in August, an email arrived                  to Karachi.                                      They went to a noon matinee and were the           cleaning up years of clutter, becoming             (Hurdy) Swann C’64, and I reminisce with                           973.408.3229
from Judy, “Guys, I think you all realized I                  Pete Headley C’59 sends weekly emails         only ones present, which of course made it         reacquainted with their neighbors, and have        old photos and classic antics.” She has also                      800.979.DREW
was hacked. Sorry about the inconvenience.                 of mirth, nostalgia, and wisdom garnered         even more safe.                                    partially rehabilitated their backyard, with       gotten together with the Fenstermachers a                       alumni@drew.edu
It’s been a nightmare.” I responded, “At                   from the internet. He and Jodi (Della-Cerra)        Our soon-to-be new class secretary, David       a view towards drought adaptations. The            couple of times this summer.
the very least, you owe me something for                   Headley are both fine and anxious to resume      Cowell, is planning to attend the 65th reunion     only downside to lockdown has been that               William “Bill” Dickinson writes there                          36 Madison Ave.
Classnotes.” I’m still waiting.                            their normal pre-COVID activities. They          of Company R4, US Coast Guard, the boot            they have not seen their granddaughters            is not much news on his end other than                           Madison, NJ 07940
    Margaret “Midge” (Morell) Campbell                     report that Deanna (Formica) Lewis is now        camp company he joined in 1956. His is the         for almost two years. The younger one is           having moved from their home of 43 years
wrote that she has lived in Madison since                  living in Johnson City, Tennessee.               only company of “Coasties” in the entire           not old enough for a vaccination, but she          to a condo, also in Alexandria, Virginia.

2 Drew University I Classnotes I College of Liberal Arts                                                                                                                                                                                                                         classnotes@drew.edu I Winter 21–22 3
DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts
first in the 80-years group in a 5K race), and             this!” For a while, the poetry class had to             As for us, Buzz keeps busy as the medical       many of us, has moved to be closer to family        Center for Justice Studies in China at UNC         fully retired from the practice of diagnostic
they fly their Cessna airplane mostly locally.             meet on Zoom, but now they are back in               director of the Washington County Hospice,         as a result of aging. She moved in April from       Charlotte and held adjunct faculty status          and interventional radiology now. He spends
They both continue to enjoy time at their                  person again, though wearing masks. Candy            and by teaching online gerontology classes         upstate New York to Burlington, Vermont, to         at three different Chinese universities. In        summers at his small home in Coeur d’Alene,
camp on Friends Lake in the Adirondack                     continues to take piano lessons and belongs          at McDaniel College. Our three children and        be just 45 minutes away from their daughter.        July 2020 he was presented with the Albert         Idaho with his wife. The rest of the year they
mountains. They look forward to hearing                    to a piano-sharing group.                            our granddaughter are all doing well in            Although they still feel like newcomers, the        Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement                live in northern Utah near their youngest
from others from Drew, and wish all safe                       Sue (DuBois) Culhane begins by saying            their respective jobs. I am more than busy         Vermonters have been very welcoming. She            Award as a leader in the field of criminal         son. They have two older kids in the Seattle
passage through the rest of the COVID era.                 something that I’m sure we can all agree on:         trying to keep up with all my ”jobs” here at       enjoys being closer to family.                      justice by Marquis Who’s Who. Sadly, in            area. Several grandkids keep them busy and
    Phyllis (Bailey) Lurvey and her husband                “What a truly wacky and often devastating            Fairhaven. The most time-consuming ones                Meg (Gruver) Newcomer C’64, T’66 notes          June 2021, Paul’s wife, Leah, passed away          grounded.
Allan sent “greetings from Seacoast New                    period we have all been living through.              are rewriting the resident handbook, which         that life is pretty quiet in Mill Valley for now.   after a long illness. Paul is currently active         Diane (Purdy) Monteleone wrote that like
Hampshire from the Drs. Lurvey.” They                      Looking back at the innocence of life pre-COVID      is now on its 16th (and counting) revised          She is grateful for “virtual” offerings of music,   as a private research consultant for local law     most, she has been retired for a half-dozen
have succeeded in keeping the COVID wolf                   feels weird.” All of her family is vaccinated        version, and leading an effort to repair and       lectures, travelogues, etc. The main events         enforcement, community programs, and               years, and is working hard to fill her time
from their door, thankfully. They have kept                with the exception of the youngest, who is           restore the columbarium here at Fairhaven.         of 2021 for her are two knee replacement            international NGOs.                                now that some of the COVID restrictions
themselves busy in spite of the pandemic                   too young to receive the vaccine. After two          It was great to hear from so many of you,          surgeries—one in the spring, and one in the            Leslie “Les” Sackett, our oldest alum at        have lifted and volunteer work has begun
by reading and doing puzzles, resurrecting                 weeks of school, there are two reported COVID        and hopefully to soon hear from the rest of        fall. She is looking forward to being fully         86, reports being in fairly good health. He        again. The most interesting thing she reports
some old hobbies like piano playing, cross                 cases in his school. Students are masked and         you. Stay well and hope to see you at our          mobile again, and resuming travels, with            lives at a “nice old people’s place” called        doing is interviewing long-time residents of
stitching and gardening, and developing an                 tested every day. We are sad to report that          60th Reunion which is not that far away.           COVID hopefully more under control. Meg             Westminster Winter Park in Winter Park,            Hopewell Valley to create an archive for the
avid interest in feeding birds and learning                Sue’s husband of 42 years died in June 2019          All the Best, Ellen                                retired completely from her psychotherapy           Florida. Les cherishes his many memories           local community. Since she had originally
how to attract bluebirds to nest. (Had three               after several years of ill health. She sold their                                                       practice this past year, though she had been        of Drew, and 28 years teaching English at a        planned to major in history when she started
broods this year!) They took lots of meandering
rides to break up the monotony of pandemic
life and are happy to live in New England
                                                           family home where they had lived for over
                                                           48 years in Arlington, Massachusetts. She now
                                                           lives in historic Concord, Massachusetts, where
                                                                                                                64        Jacqueline “Jackie”
                                                                                                                          (Buckman) Shahzadi
                                                                                                                                                                   working only part time for several years
                                                                                                                                                                   since David Newcomer’s T’66 illness and
                                                                                                                                                                   passing. She has a wonderful community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       university in Kyoto, Japan. He moved to Florida
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       originally to be with his parents, as he was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       an only child, and his dad had Alzheimer’s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          at Drew, Diane says this seems like a fitting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          activity for the end of a career. Diane is fitting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in some travel and time with family also.
where there is so much geographic variety to               her three children are all living within 14 miles    Toni (Kenner) Pepe notes that she was one          of friends, and also enjoys staying in touch        Some earlier items in Les’s life: he was married       Gale (Spates) Stevenson says there is not
explore. Armed with peanut butter and jelly,               of her “sweet condo.” Despite the pandemic,          of the first 13 women ever to attend Colgate,      with friends in other places—including              in Japan, to a Canadian woman for seven            much to report as Drew and she have been
water bottles and apples, and iPhone cameras,              she has enjoyed her new surroundings and             completing a master’s. She met her husband,        several from her days at Drew.                      years. He still keeps in touch and has visited     staying home alone. They are starting to
they found many interesting and scenic                     met some interesting people. Churches opened         John, there and they recently had their                Robert Terhune says he and his wife,            her in Vancouver, British Columbia. Les reports    travel again and will be in New York City for
places, even in their own “backyard.” Allan                there in September 2021, and Sue says it will        55th anniversary. Through the New Jersey           Hazel, are enjoying life in Salem, Oregon,          being happy with his location in Winter Park       five weeks. Many of their favorite restaurants
continues his busy psych practice three days               be good to get back into some semblance of           Shakespeare Theatre, they continue to visit        where they have lived now for six years. He         and invites anyone living near him to visit.       have closed, so they plan to be busy finding
a week, virtually, but moved from the office               pre-COVID life. At least, that’s her hope!           Drew’s beautiful campus several times a            resisted making the move, because friends              Richard Villamil and the rest of the            new places. They hope that all the walking will
to their finished basement. Phyllis became                     Helene (Pawlicki) Rhodes sends greetings         year, and hope the proposed land sale will         he had made in Tennessee were hard to leave         Villamil family is COVID vaccinated and            offset the eating. They also plan to indulge
involved in a Black Lives Matter quilt project in          from rural Lincolnton, Georgia! She and Dusty,       not diminish its beauty. John continues            behind, as well as their son and grandkids.         glad to be safe in Vermont. Richard says the       their love of music—opera, chamber, and
which nine UCC churches in New Hampshire                   her husband of 55 years, were fortunate to           to volunteer with the Red Cross and tutor          They now live near their daughter, son-in-law,      family sailboat on Lake Champlain was sold         jazz, which are all on their schedule. Since
participated, in the wake of the George Floyd              take a Viking river cruise before COVID struck,      students in math, while Toni is still active       and their two grandkids, ages 11 and 13.            because the skipper was getting too old for        they worked in New York for many years,
murder, and also was active in a Zoom book                 as well as a 60th anniversary reunion cruise         with the American Association of University        They enjoy being involved with the younger          racing and the crew was all leaving for Florida    reconnecting with friends is an important
and discussion group on racism and White                   with classmates from Pearl River (New York)          Women, the League of Women Voters and              generations’ daily lives.                           (only to return as a result of the COVID fiasco    part of their schedule. They are also making
privilege that was eye-opening and disturbing.             High School. Helene and Dusty were completing        the Danbury Music Centre’s Concert Chorus.             Bob has had a close relationship with the       there). The small sailboat on Lake George has      plans to spend time in Palm Springs, California,
They are fortunate to have a place on a lake               their two-year Spiritual Direction Certification     She enjoyed the thrill of being able to present    Japan edition of The Upper Room, a Methodist        been restored and now the family have more         and we hope to hear about their travels in
in southwestern New Hampshire so their                     at Mt. Carmel Monastery in Canada when the           a virtual Messiah and several other virtual        church devotional magazine, for over thirty         time to enjoy visits from the grandchildren—       the next issue. Gale hopes all of us are safe
May–September life feels less restricted, by               pandemic hit, so their last intensive was online.    performances despite the pandemic! Their           some years now. Thanks to the internet, Bob         splitting time between their home on Lake          and doing well.
being with family safely outdoors, kayaking,               She continues doing some presentations in            daughter Mara Bishop recently published            is still on the publishing committee. He is able    George and the homestead in Vermont.                   Jane (Terrell) Connolly wrote about
swimming, fishing, and picnicking. Early on                person and online, and occasionally leads            her second book, Shamanism for Every Day: 365      to translate Japanese devotionals he receives       Richard’s goal is to get his golf score to the     her latest, busy activity. She has been busy
in the pandemic, Phyllis joined a community                dream groups (an earlier certification from          Journeys. Her first was Inner Divinity: Crafting   by email and send them in to be evaluated for       mid-80s. He reports that Beverly, his wife,        illustrating a series of children’s books written
effort to make masks…57,000 were sewn by                   the Haden Institute). Helene and Dusty had           Your Life with Sacred Intelligence. Her audio CD   worldwide distribution through the Nashville        has been busy making jams, pickles and             by her older brother, Dan, including The Little
local volunteers during the months when they               lunch with her Drew roommate Margolyn                course on energy work, Shine Bright without        office. He is also continuing to translate          baked goods to give away to friends and            Kobold. (Kobold is German for gnome.)
were scarce! Allan spearheaded a local CROP                Young in North Carolina in June. On earlier          Burning Out, is slated for release by Sounds       articles for the United Church of Christ’s          family from their home-grown garden bounty.        Currently it is being sold under the title
Hunger Walk fundraiser again, though the plans             trips back to Pearl River she has seen Margaret      True in March 2022.                                newsletter, which try to interpret what the            Although he has been retired for several        The Little Kobold on Amazon and Barnes & Noble,
had to be tailored to fit the circumstances.               Campbell and Dan McFadden. She bumps                    Shirley (Kot) Brand wrote that, like many       church is doing in Japan. Bob’s daily devotions     years, Richard always has time to help their       among other sources, but they are renaming
To everyone’s surprise, a record $38,000 was               into Bonnie (Keyser) Williams occasionally           of us, things have been pretty quiet during        are a mixture of Japanese and English, so he        son Richard III (“Rick”) with Aquarius, the        it The Little German Gnome to make it easier
raised! Small-town Americans are amazing.                  in a Pearl River grocery store when she              the pandemic. She spent time with two of           and Hazel are staying bilingual. With COVID         irrigation business they started 30 years          to find. There are three stories in the series.
    Phyllis reports with sadness the passing               spends time in her Pearl River childhood             her grandchildren in New York City the day         restrictions, movement has been limited             ago, whenever Rick needs it. He is currently       The second one is titled The Green Witch, who
of her first husband and kids’ dad, Wayne                  home. Their children and grandchildren               before the City was shut down by the terrible      this past year, but Bob and family are slowly       replacing the 24-year-old irrigation system        is not green but is an environmentalist. It
Chase, in August 2021, after several years of              are doing well, living elsewhere in Georgia.         toll it was experiencing in the beginning of       getting able to continue to investigate the         for the Olympic ski jumps at Lake Placid           will come out shortly. The third book, Mitzy
declining health. He had a very productive                 She sends her best to everyone and hopes to          the pandemic. They saw the last show the           beauties of Oregon! They find it amazing            that they originally installed for the Olympic     and Blitzy, has the familiar cast of characters
career as a physicist for Systems Research                 make it to a Reunion in the future!                  night before Broadway lights went dark.            to be only an hour from the ocean, plains           training center. Two of Rick’s three children      from the other books. This one takes place at
Laboratories in Dayton, Ohio, and Raytheon’s                   Diane (Suter) Powell and Ralph Powell            Before the pandemic, she was able to travel        and mountains! Bob is planning a cruise             are in high school, getting ready for the next     Christmas and is the one Jane is illustrating
Missile Systems division in Massachusetts and              share that they have had roofers, new floors         to Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Spain; but      to Alaska to celebrate his and Hazel’s 80th         phase of their life, while Sawyer is starting in   at the moment. It should come out by
Tucson until his retirement. Phyllis closed                installed, and two bathrooms redone in the           her very favorite trip to date continues to        birthdays!                                          the Essex Junction, Vermont, youth hockey          Christmas 2022. Jane wishes she had tried
with this invitation: “Several of us are in                past three weeks. They say, “We have very            be a safari in Tanzania. Her recent treat was          Their older son has gotten married again,       program where Rick is the co-chair.                her hand at this earlier because she would
touch on Facebook or Words With Friends                    little real news to report. We have had our          a trip to Atlanta to see her daughter and          to a Japanese woman he became friends                  Their daughter, Kathryn, is very busy           have loved to have made it her career.
and it’s been fun to share our lives with                  vaccinations and flu shots, and are masking          grandchildren.                                     with through his work, and their wedding            as the public relations coordinator for the            David Leslie retired as chancellor professor
each other that way. I welcome any other                   in most situations here. Our trip to the UK             Francis Rode G’12 wrote that he and             celebration is planned for Waikiki, Hawaii.         University of Michigan medical system, as          of education emeritus from the College of
classmates who might want to become my                     has been postponed for the fourth time until         Susan are retired in southern Delaware.            The family will gather there to celebrate, as       well as Girl Scout leader with her daughter        William and Mary in 2008. His family moved
‘friend’ in either of those places!”                       next May/June. Things were starting to ease          Before the pandemic, he played bridge three        well as her parents from Japan. They expect         Moira. She also plays the French horn in the       to Des Moines, Iowa, in 2012 to be near their
    Since COVID began, Candace “Candy”                     early in the summer, but with the Delta variant,     times a week and participated in Pilates twice     it will be bilingual although their new             medical center orchestra, and is a community       grandchildren. Their son, Tom, is Morrill
Ridington was invited to give a regular,                   we are retreating to April restrictions in church.   a week. He is trying to begin bridge again         daughter-in-law speaks English very well.           COVID organizer!                                   professor in architecture at Iowa State, in
informal class on poetry at Brooke Grove,                  Singing is very difficult in a mask, and we          with sporadic success. Pilates disappeared.            Paul Friday reports on his long and active         It is also interesting to note that some        Ames. Des Moines is a surprisingly livable
a Senior Living community in Sandy Spring,                 only have an octet instead of a full choir, as       Francis is planning to have an 80th birthday       career. He retired from the University of           former college students of Richard’s are now       city with opera, symphony, Triple A baseball,
Maryland. They meet twice a month, and                     we socially distance. We have gone to one            party next April for immediate family and          North Carolina at Charlotte in 2016 after           teaching science, and some are teaching the        a fine art museum, good public transit, and
she has enjoyed it very much! It has also                  concert at the college recently, masked and          close friends in Delaware. Exercise and healthy    46 years of university teaching, including          Villamils’ grandchildren in high school!           lots of recreational opportunities. David
given her a focus in this COVID time, when                 showing vaccination cards, and have made             eating are more important than ever. He is         the University of Wisconsin, The Ohio State         Richard reports that the next generation of        has volunteered with the Senior College of
so much has been closed down. She says,                    one trip to the Virginia Fine Arts Museum in         happy to still be able to walk and ride a bike.    University and Western Michigan University.         Villamils are getting ready to make their mark!    Greater Des Moines (teaching and serving on
“We all need a lot of patience to get through              Richmond. We stay home a lot.”                          Joan (Meyer) Goodell wrote that she, like       When he retired, he was Director of the                Ronald “Ron” Rankin reports that he is          the board of directors) and helped with the

4 Drew University I Classnotes I College of Liberal Arts                                                                                                                                                                                                                               classnotes@drew.edu I Winter 21–22 5
DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts
Des Moines parks and recreation department’s
annual bike/pedestrian counts. Jan and David
celebrated 56 years together in September
                                                           at Central CT State University. I am active
                                                           in my church—choir, Christian Outreach,
                                                           and Assistant Treasurer—with a plethora
                                                                                                              have lightened up on the physical activity
                                                                                                              over the years. We are in the heart of ski
                                                                                                              country with four ski areas within thirty
                                                                                                                                                                Family Album
and can report they are happy, healthy                     of friends. See photo, page 7.                     miles. I do not ski, but Jon does. We have
(so far), and enjoying the big Edgewater                       And Carolyn (Tuttle) Halifax writes: I         two grandchildren, Graham Gordon Mooney,                                                                   Orlay Johnson
retirement community.                                      went to both the 25th and 50th reunions            son of my daughter Meghan, and Cody Klein,                                                                  C’69 diving in the
   As for Jacqueline “Jackie” (Buckman)                    and was delighted to see so many of our            son of Jon’s daughter, Allison. I retired in                                                                Aquarium
Shahzadi, your class secretary—it has been                 classmates. I thought Drew wined and dined         2016 after 31 years working as a librarian at
so long since we have had a class column,                  us especially well on the 50th. Where should       Morris County Library in Whippany, NJ, a few
that knowing where to start the update                     I begin? After my days at Drew, I received         miles from Drew. Jon and I have been married
is a challenge. Because of reduction and                   my master’s in teaching at Colgate. My early       for 21 years. In addition to the activities
consolidation in the Southern California                   teaching years were in Florida, and in 1980        listed above, we enjoy traveling, especially
campus of the University of Phoenix, I was                 we moved to Simsbury, CT about five miles          in England, where I have family, and in the
downsized from my position of the head of                  away from where I grew up in West Hartford.        western United States. During 2020, we made
the College of General Studies in 2016 and                 I taught social studies in a neighboring town      short trips to the Adirondacks and Maine. Now
from the faculty in 2017. I took that as a sign            for 27 years. How time does fly! Ted and I         vaccinated, we hope to start going farther
that it was time to retire, 10 years past normal           retired in 2008. It was his idea, and since he     from home. We enjoyed attending my 50th
retirement age. The University, a pioneer                  was older and we had both been widowed             reunion at Drew. See photo, page 7.
in online instruction, has become almost                   (we married in 1995), it seemed like a good            From the West Coast, Frannie Edwards
entirely online, a reasonable accommodation                idea. It was, and I am very thankful that          writes: “I am co-editor of COVID-19 special
during the pandemic. I enjoyed relaxing until              we did. We traveled and just enjoyed the           issues for the International Journal of Public
2018, when I had brain surgery for the removal             fact that we did not have a structured life        Administration and Public Organization Review,
of a benign meningioma. I drive less but enjoy             and could spend more time with family.             and just finished an article on housing the
a fairly normal life now. I was delighted to               Unfortunately, things just don’t always turn       homeless during COVID, written with one
attend a Women Graduates International                     out the way you hoped or planned. In 2015          of my former students. I also just finished an
meeting in Geneva in 2019, including a                     Ted was diagnosed with dementia and began          article on police budgeting and overtime use
tramway trip to the top of Mont Blanc. The                 what they call “the long good bye.” The            with my fellow professor at San Jose State.
pandemic caused our family to miss the                     good news was that his spirits were good           Dan and I are currently working on a Knight
wedding of my grandson in Sedona in 2020…                  throughout. Sadly, Ted left us in May of           Foundation contract regarding government
among so many things we have missed!                       last year, actually dying of COVID at a local      communication and community trust during
                                                           nursing home. Since then I have been busy          wildland fire events.”

68       Class of 1968 is looking for a new
         Class secretary to take over for
         Dale Read, who is stepping down
                                                           with activities, seeing friends and family. I
                                                           continued traveling and met a man on the
                                                           Outer Banks whose wife went through the
                                                                                                                  Mike Conover wrote last year, and I
                                                                                                              managed to leave him out. Sorry, Mike!
                                                                                                              and here’s his news: After graduating from           Orlay Johnson C’69 in a salmon hatchery
from the role and will be dearly missed!                   similar stages of dementia which Ted did.          Drew, my plans were for grad school and a                                                        Gary: Gary Zwetchkenbaum C’69
                                                           As we have much in common, a friendship            job in a high school guidance position (Ha!                                                      and his wife Suzie in Las Vegas

69         Jane (Dugdale) Bussard
            First, I want to thank those of you
                                                           blossomed. Life goes on and, happily, mine
                                                           now has new joy. Looking forward to another
                                                           get together, perhaps a 60th reunion.
                                                                                                              Me a guidance counselor!? Talk about the
                                                                                                              blind leading the blind!). All that changed
                                                                                                              the weekend after graduation at a neighbor’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for their anniversary

who have connected in one way or another.                      Continuing his very active life, Gary          cookout. I met a man who owned a small
It is so good to hear from each of you, including          Zwetchkenbaum tells us: Suzie and I celebrated     general-contracting company, and the following
those sending a personal note. Personal notes              our anniversary this year by traveling to Las      Monday I was beginning a two-year stint
I received have said how much you welcome                  Vegas for a week in June. You would never          building custom homes and commercial
the revival of our class news. Agreed! And I               know there was a pandemic in Vegas! Personal       buildings at the Jersey shore. Work got slow,
convey a group thank you to those who wrote                and business friends met us in Vegas. In late      and I then went to work for a psychological
to keep our column going; your classmates                  July Suzie and I went to Boston for a week,        testing/employee assessment firm in Princeton.
appreciate your contributions!                             combining business and pleasure. Suzie and         After a couple of years there, I joined a small
    Betty (Hazard) Nolte and I meet daily                  I are both still working full time. Suzie is       consulting firm founded by a couple of
in Words with Friends. If you play that                    the Marketing Director of Radnet, and I have       former Booz-Allen VPs to support their
game (I’m janenbussard47) or Word Chums                    my own consulting company working with             executive-search practice. It was a fabulous
(justplainjane47), come join the fun. And                  public and private companies in healthcare         opportunity to work with top executives of
now, here’s our class news.                                and technology for the past 12 years. We are       huge clients (General Mills, Mellon Bank,
    Judy Hodgson writes: I bought this circa               planning a winter trip to the Caribbean and        etc.). While at this firm, I got introduced to
(photo included) 1745 house on Maiden                      to Europe and the Mediterranean next fall.         compensation consulting and discovered the
Lane in Durham, CT, in 1991. It is on the                  Wishing everyone good health, happiness,           work that would become my career. I went
Durham Historical Society’s Walking Tour                   and prosperity! We’d would love to hear            on to join Ernst & Young’s Philadelphia
because the five maidens, after which the                  from Drew alumni by phone (516)455-7662),          office and managed a group serving eighteen                                                           Judy Hodgson C’69 and her circa 1745 house in Durham, CT
road is named, lived here in the 1800s. Their              email (GZWETCH@AOL.COM) or a visit to              mid-Atlantic E&Y offices’ clients. Then to                                                            that is on the Durham Historical Society’s Walking Tour
father was the local grave-stone carver and                our home at 26910 Grand Central Parkway,           Sibson & Company as a principal and owner
a captain in the Revolutionary War. None of                Apt 21A, Floral Park NY 11005. See photo,          for 15 years. Then to manage Mercer’s Boston
the five women ever married, and they lived                page 7.                                            office comp practice for a few years. Then
to their nineties. After Drew, I completed my                  Ellen Stringer tells us: In July my husband,   9 years on my own and now 10+ years at
master’s degree in Applied Statistics while                Jonathan Baldwin, and I moved from Somerville,     BDO...still doing compensation consulting...
working in the biostatistics department of a               New Jersey, to Big Indian, New York. Our           almost 100% executive pay for all types and                                                                              Daniel, new son
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of Erica (Palmieri)
pharmaceutical company in Somerville, NJ. I                new address is 40 Phil’s Way, PO Box 171,          sizes of organizations...large non-profits are    Ellen Stringer C’69 and her husband,                                     Stasio C’08 and
then spent over 30 years in several aspects of             Big Indian, NY, 12410. Big Indian is about         a big piece of my practice. In 1972, I married    Jonathan Baldwin, with one of their                                      her husband
pharmaceutical clinical research in multiple               thirty miles west of Kingston, NY, in the          my wife, Susanne. We’ve been blessed with         grandchildren on their deck in the Catskills
states, ending here in CT as the Director of               Catskills. We have owned the property, eight       three great children and five grandchildren.
Clinical Data Management for a contract                    acres with a house and a barn, since 2004.         We divide our time between our homes in
research organization. I am retired from that              We enjoy hiking, bicycling, cross-country          Wellesley and Belgrade, Maine, mingled
career now and teaching statistics part time               skiing, snowshoeing and gardening. We              with trips to Maryland to visit our children

6 Drew University I Classnotes I College of Liberal Arts                                                                                                                                                                                       classnotes@drew.edu I Winter 21–22 7
DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts
Family Album                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Future Drewids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      exploring Wisconsin

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Dante LaPenta C’08, Ed Woodrow C’07,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Zack Birks C’09 vacationing with their
    Eric Gustav Bossdorf, James Orefice, Peter Bruckmann, Taylor “TJ” Huttner, all C’95                                                                                                                                                            families in Wisconsin

                                                                                                    Brian Kluck C’01 and
                                                                                                    Chris Canarelli C’01                                                                                                                       Chandler, the daughter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of Christine Beckhusen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            C’10 and Nathan Hoffman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C’10, visiting her Pop,
                                                                                                                                                                  Beatrice Wren Horne, daughter of Stefanie                                      John Beckhusen C’82
                                                                                                                                                                  Rutkowski C’10 and her husband, Nate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sienna and her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               baby sister Riley,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the daughters of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Corinne (Davis)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Friedland C’10 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             her husband, Andy

                                                                                          David Cramer C’08 and Mariel Brady wedding
                                                                                                                                                                    Nicole (DiBattista) Hayes C’10 and big sister Olivia
                                                                                                                                                                    with baby Abigail
                                                                                                                                       Jonathan Brennand C’08
                                                                                                                                         and fiancé Seth Colby
  Anna Stange C’08                                                                                                                                   in Iceland
  and Oscar on the
  Appalachian Trail

                                           Aella Leslie Rutstein,
                                            daughter of Rachel
                                             Friedman C’08 and
                                              Evan Rutstein

                                                                                                                                                                  Jayme Alfano C’10 celebrating
                                                                                                                                                                  engagement with Stacie Brown C’11,
                                                                                                                                                                  Brook Connell C’11 and Cristina Lanzilotta C’10          From left: Kelly Mulholland C’10, Justin Furnia C’10, Heidi Einholz C’10 (bride), David Moosman (groom) Anneliese
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Moosman, Julie Thompson C’10 Greg Cooper C’10, Katie (Jans) Fischer C’10

8 Drew University I Classnotes I College of Liberal Arts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              classnotes@drew.edu I Winter 21–22 9
DREW CLASSNOTES The College of Liberal Arts
Family Album                                                                                                                                                     and grandkids. My ‘extra-curricular’ activities
                                                                                                                                                                 have included: helping to organize a volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                 first aid squad in West Windsor Twp. NJ and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    acting, singing, directing and set designing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    She has had several art shows and played a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    US Marshall in an independent film, AKA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of C’69 but joined the Army in 1968. After
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         service in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot, he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         returned to Drew in 1971 and graduated
                                                                                                                                                                 13 years as Borough Council member in              Alice. She directs a radio show and a MUSE           with us, earning his political science degree.
                                                                                                                                                                 Pennington, NJ. We’ve managed to make              program every year. This year she is directing       After graduation through 2002, he was
                                                                                                                                                                 each of the 10-year ‘milestone’ reunions at        A Christmas Carol. She’s also writing a              involved in political consulting, wireless
                                                                                                                                                                 Drew. It is great to see people and amazing        children’s book about growing up on a farm           communications and leasing, and banking.
                                                                                                                                                                 how quickly we ‘reconnect’ with one another.       in upstate NY.                                       Don went back to flying helicopter medical
                                                                                                                                                                  I’m extremely grateful to have been at Drew          Karen Nelson Lawrence starts in person            transport for the University of Pennsylvania
                                                                                                                                                                 with everyone...all of you. What a special         church this week. How has that been working          Hospital in 2005 until 2009. He then transferred
                                                                                                                                                                 time it was...how much we, the university,         for everyone? Karen enjoys visiting her daughter     to northern Arizona, supporting Flagstaff
                                                                                                                                                                 the country, and the world changed in those        Kristin and her triplet grandchildren every          Medical Center and the Indian reservations
                                                                                                                                                                 4 years. Best wishes for health and happiness      week. My grandsons are in Maine, so Doug             in the Grand Canyon region until 2015. He
                                                                                                                                                                 to all. See you at the 60th!?!                     and I get up there every couple of months.           then moved to the Charlotte area with his
                                                                                                                                                                    There’s something fishy going on with           Looking forward to June 2-4, 2022.                   wife of 41 years, who continues to work for
                                                                                                                                                                 Orlay Johnson. He sent a confession and               Glenn Fulop and Sharon “Sherry”                   American Airlines.
                                                                                                                                                                 photos to prove it. Orlay writes: “I still go      (Lamprey) Tierra were married in May of                 Hope you are making plans to attend our
     Wedding of Emily                                                                                                                                            into the Aquarium as a volunteer naturalist        2006. After Drew, Glenn and Sharon married           50th Reunion the first weekend in June. It
      McCue C’14 and                                                                                                                                             talking about the animals to tell people           other people, while remaining friends and            will be great to see everyone back on campus.
     Paul Harlan C’14,                                                                                                                                           from all over the country. I am also walking       staying in touch. Thirty years later, both single,   There will be virtual and live events, as Drew
           with many                                                                                                                                             local streams, looking for spawning sockeye        they rekindled their loving partnership. Glenn,      is able to offer them. This will be an Alumni
      Drewids present                                                                                                                                            and Chinook salmon, and most important,            now retired, worked for many years in retail         Weekend, with programming for all graduating
                                                                                                                                                                 my wife and I are all vaccinated. We are           food management in food cooperatives. After          classes, so please encourage friends from
                                                                                                                                                                 just hunkered down trying to stay healthy.         Drew, he spent a year working on a merchant          other class years to participate as well.

                                                                                                                                                                 Nothing new here except the rains have             ship, sailing to the Far and Middle East. He
                                                                                                                                                                 finally returned to the NW big time.” See          also worked briefly in law office management                            Deborah “Beth” Yingling
                                                                                                                                                                 photo, page 7.                                     and environmental education. Sharon retired                             dbyingling@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    after a 30-year career in social services. She                            I hope that by the time
                                                                                                                                                                                    Charleen (Duffie) Caulk         currently has a small business selling vintage                            you read this, there is more
                                                                                                                                                                                    charleen8@gmail.com             items and craft materials in the online market,                           normalcy with work, school,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         45th Reunion
                                                                                                                                                                                    Greetings! Our class has        Etsy. She has two adult children and two                                  travel and other in-person
                                                                                                                                                                                    been doing great!               grandchildren. Sharon and Glenn live in the                               activities. It has been a long
                                                                                                                                                                                        Bonnie Clarke writes        Champlain Valley of Vermont where they                                    haul, and COVID has taken
                                                                                                                                                                  52nd Reunion
                                                                                                                                                                                    that in the last 20 years       enjoy exploring the natural world—especially         its toll on us. As I write this, the news suggests
                                                                                                                                                                                    she has been fortunate          birdwatching, gardening, and going on                we are moving in the right direction.
                                                                                                                                                                                    to engage her whole self        adventures with their grandson.                          Fran (Johnson) Meffen and her husband,

                                                                                                                                                                 in raising 3 children with Bill and sending                                                             Jack, “retired” from their positions at Dover
                                                                                                                                                                 them off into the world.Working to keep her                           David Green                       Middle School in Dover, New Hampshire in
                                                                                                                                                                 connection to all things inspires life-giving                         greendavid@aol.com                June 2021. She was a school counselor for
                                                                                                                                                                 energy. Bonnie works part time in interfaith                          Robert “Bob” Green reports        21 years and directed the after-school STEAM
                                                            Daniel Fleming C’12, G’13 and his bride, Krishna Kothary, celebrated with Drewid friends including   relations and keeps in touch with friends and                         that he and Jane, his wife        Academy, provided without any school budget
                                                            Andrew Davison C’12, Matt Dunn C’10, Chris Sentmier C’12, Kevin Schwake C’12, Bill Menges C’12,      family at their summer place on Barnegat                              of 38 years, are first-time       support. After working 23 years in the world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    50th Reunion
                                                            Paul Meister C’12, Hannah Hergenhan C’12, Katie Galpin C’12, Allie Carey C’12, Marcela Wilk C’12,    Bay. She wishes all of you good health, love,                         grandparents, celebrating         of finance, Jack worked as a Dover Middle
                                                            Chris Argese C’12, Dan Fleming C’12
                                                                                                                                                                 and work that feeds your soul.                                        the arrival of Daniel Harrison    School teaching assistant in tech education
                                                                                                                                                                    Marilyn Moore Pikor retired in 2006. In                            Green in April 2021. They         and special education. Fran will continue in
                                                                                                                                                                 their mid 50’s she and her husband hiked           live in Durham, North Carolina. The proud            her role as assistant director of the University
                                                                                                                                                                 to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Years           new parents, Andrew and Rebecca, live in             of New Hampshire Tech Camp, which she
                                                                                                                                                                 later they hiked again, in Switzerland with        Charlotte, and Jane and Bob’s younger son,           has held for the past five years. She will also
                                                                                                                                                                 such beautiful scenery it took their breath        Adam, lives in Raleigh. Ed Baird, his wife           serve as the project manager for an NIH-SEPA
                                                                                                                                                                 away. They hiked on trails with cows and           Patti, and Bruce Johannessen attended the            grant, focused on biofabrication and regenerative
                                                                                                                                                                 goats. They crewed for several years, then         younger Greens’ wedding in September 2019.           medicine as future pathways for campers at
                                                                                                                                                                 bought and sailed their own boat for 8 years,          Margo Davis has continued voiceover work         Tech Camp. Fran and Jack derive even more
                                                                                                                                                                 sailing the waters of New England. They enjoy      and finds herself on camera or on stage from         enjoyment from being Mimi and Papi to six
                                                                                                                                                                 playing bridge and helping care for their twin     time to time. She has been teaching arts and         grandchildren. Son Allastair and his wife,
                                                                                                                                                                 grandchildren. While home with her daughters       communication classes at SUNY Buffalo during         Meg, have Will, 13, and Zachary, 10. Daughter
                                                                                                                                                                 she ran her own photography business, then         the fall semesters. She reserves spring semesters    Maggie and her husband, Kris, have Callan,
                                                                                                                                                                 earned her MS in biotechnology in her mid 40’s.    for builds with the global leg of Habitat For        9, and Kiley, 7. Daughter Elizabeth and her
                                                                                                                                                                 Her last 10 years were working with Pfizer.        Humanity—in 2018, Thailand; and in 2019,             husband, Adotey, have Chafania, 6, and
                                                                                                                                                                 Looking forward to the 52nd Reunion!               Romania. She finds it eye-opening to immerse         Nasir, 1. All three families live in nearby
                                                                                                                                                                    Elizabeth Phimister Smith and Bruce             herself in other cultures. She has her fingers       Massachusetts so they get together often.
                                                                                                                                                                 Smith C’71 have been married 50 years              crossed for a build in Africa in 2022.               They had a fabulous week on Cape Cod to
                                                                                                                                                                 next year! They moved to Fredericksburg,               Stewart Eidelson still practices spine surgery   celebrate their retirement and 44 years of
                                                                                                                                                                 Va. 6 years ago and love it. They participate      in Delray Beach, Florida. His primary hobby          marriage. Fran just discovered that former
                                                                                                                                                                 in the Elder Study Program at the U of Mary        is flying his Beechcraft Bonanza, recently           biology professor Leland Pollock lives in
                                                                                                                                                                 Washington and attend lectures and plays           to Sedona, Arizona. He enjoys spending as            Kittery, Maine, so she hopes to find him for
                                                                                                                                                                 there. They love to travel and Elizabeth retired   much time as he can in the south of France.          a walk to the beach!  
                                                                                                                                                                 from teaching art after 28 years. She is active        Recounting his most recent retirement,               Eugene Lisansky was named to a three-
                                                                                                                                                                 in her local church, serving as a deacon. They     Don Clarke now lives in the greater Charlotte,       year term on the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s
                                                                                                                                                                 have 3 children, Douglas, Ellen & David and        North Carolina region, on the South Carolina         national patient advisory task force. He finds
                                                                                                                                                                 2 grandchildren Cam & Delaney. She has been        shores of Lake Wylie, which straddles the            it very rewarding and it gives him direct input
Wedding of Jessica Fortier C’17 and Samuel Zorn C’15                                                                                                             involved with community theatre groups:            state line. Don started with the Drew class          into several of the Foundation’s programs,

10 Drew University I Classnotes I College of Liberal Arts                                                                                                                                                                                                                            classnotes@drew.edu I Winter 21–22 11
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