2016 Presidential White Paper SERIES                                                                                                   Paper #10

  Dr. Ben Carson
  October 22, 2015

  INTRODUCTION                                          they might learn a valuable lesson
                                                        about not hoarding and about volun-
  Dr. Ben Carson is the former Director of
  Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Johns Hop-              tarily sharing with others?2
  kins Children’s Center in Baltimore, MD.
                                                     Carson says his ten-percent tax plan is
  Since Dr. Carson has never been elected to
                                                     based on the idea of biblical tithing, “…
  public office, his public record is fairly thin.
                                                     although it could be any percentage…”3
  This paper evaluates only Carson’s public
  statements and what he has said he would           Dr. Carson has supported lowering the                                  Photo credit: Gage Skidmore
  do if elected.                                     corporate tax rate to a level lower than the   some tax increases. He said it “…was not
                                                     global average, which he says is “…between     perfect, but better than nothing.”9 Car-
                                                     15 and 20” [percent].4 Carson also calls       son called the failure of the commission
                                                     for a “six-month tax hiatus” with a zero       a “…good example of the ‘my way or the
                                                     percent corporate rate for corporations to     highway’ philosophy that runs rampant in
  The Club for Growth is committed to                bring overseas profits back to the United      Washington today.”10 In addition, he has
  lower taxes – especially lower tax rates           States, however, he would stipulate that       called for a tax on insurance companies to
  – across the board. Lower taxes on work,           ten percent of the money returned would        pay for government-provided catastrophic
  savings, and investments lead to greater           “…be used in enterprise zones that we          health care coverage.11
  levels of these activities, thus encouraging       would set up in some of our major cities to
  greater economic growth.                           create jobs for people who are unemployed      Carson stated that “…no American should
                                                     and on welfare.”5                              have to pay more than 37% of what they
  Dr. Ben Carson is all over the map when it                                                        earn in taxes.” He then added, “Now we
  comes to tax policy.                               Carson believes that lowering tax rates        can make it 42% for those who make over
                                                     while eliminating loopholes is a “no-          a million dollars just so that the left wing
  In a 2013 op-ed in the Washington Times,
                                                     brainer.”6 He has also stated his support      could be satisfied that somebody’s getting
  Dr. Carson appears to endorse a very
                                                     for eliminating the IRS,7 and has said, “Our   messed up.”12
  pro-growth 10% flat income tax rate.1
                                                     tax form should be able to be completed in
  He expanded upon this idea in his book,                                                           In a chapter of one of his books that gener-
                                                     less than 15 minutes.”8
  America the Beautiful:                                                                            ally offers a favorable discussion of capital-
                                                     Dr. Carson praised the Simpson-Bowles          ism, Carson offered an apparent contradic-
     In the Bible, God instituted a system of
                                                     National Commission on Fiscal Respon-          tion: “There is definitely room to argue
     tithing, which meant giving 10 percent          sibility and Reform, which advocated for       about whether the fruits of one’s labors
     of one’s profits back to God. Since God                                                        should be equally distributed throughout
     is all powerful and owns everything, he                                                        the society or whether one should be able
                                                     2 America the Beautiful, 2012, p. 122
     certainly does not need any percentage                                                         to directly benefit from working harder
     of our profits. So why did he institute         3 Washington Times, 7/17/13                    than others around him.”13 The statement

     tithing? Could it be that he understood         4 CNBC, 10/7/2015
     that all human beings are subject to            5 Ibid.
                                                                                                    9 Washington Times, 5/6/14
     greed and that by requiring them to                                                            10 One Nation, p. 121
                                                     6 One Nation: What We Can Do to Save
     give away 10 percent of their profits
                                                     America’s Future, 2015, p. 120                 11 America the Beautiful, p. 150

                                                     7 @RealBenCarson, 4/15/2015                    12 National Press Club Transcript, 5/28/14

  1 Washington Times, 7/17/13                        8 Ben Carson for President website             13 America the Beautiful, p. 72
2016 Presidential White Paper Series - Dr. Ben Carson
raises further questions about Carson’s         less expansion of the military budget.”21         catastrophic health insurance, while at the
stance on taxation issues.                      Perhaps most significantly, he has repeat-        same time supporting some strong pro-
                                                edly expressed his support for a Balanced         growth entitlement reform positions.
                                                Budget Amendment to the Constitution.22
                                                                                                  While Carson has been an outspoken critic
SPENDING                                        Dr. Carson’s bold proposals to cut spend-         of socialism,27 he has also written, “It is
The Club for Growth is committed to             ing seem at odds with a warning that he           possible, however, to extract socialism’s
reducing government spending. Less              recently penned:                                  positive aspects and actually implement
spending enhances economic growth by                                                              them within capitalism. For example, pro-
enabling lower taxes and diminishing the           …those who want to rapidly reduce the          viding basic health care for every citizen
government’s economically inefficient al-          federal debt and shrink government             can be done quite easily without increasing
location of resources.                             might be noble in their goals, but must        our national debt one penny.”28 Dr. Carson
                                                   be patient and gradually accomplish            has suggested that the United States could
Dr. Carson has taken strong positions in                                                          learn “substantial lessons” from Austra-
favor of cutting spending and a Balanced           their objectives, because a rapid reduc-
                                                                                                  lia’s socialized medicine system, which
Budget Amendment, but has also put forth           tion in the size of government could
                                                                                                  he praised for the “substantial benefits”
proposals that would expand some federal           create significant unemployment and            provided to its citizens.29
spending.                                          other logistical problems that could be
                                                                                                  Carson further writes in one of his books
                                                   avoided with some compromise.23
On the positive side, he has argued that                                                          that government could take responsibil-
legislators who vote to raise the debt ceil-    There are some areas of federal spending          ity for catastrophic coverage insurance
ing should be replaced,14 and has said, “To     where Carson is reluctant to cut. He has          away from private insurance companies.30
saddle the next generation with unimagi-        supported the restoration of federal fund-        He supports this idea by pointing to the
nable debt is not only callous, it is morally   ing for ethanol pump construction.24 He           Federal Emergency Management Agency
reprehensible.”15 Carson also endorsed          also believes that new tax revenues gener-        (FEMA), which he claims is the reason
an annual 10% cut in each “governmen-           ated from future economic growth should           “…that most of us are able to afford our
tal agency and department… as long as           be used to fund child care facilities and job     homeowners insurance.”31 To pay for
necessary to bring the budget back into         programs,25 and he has proposed govern-           government-run catastrophic care, he
balance.”16 He has also supported:              ment subsidies for medical school educa-          proposes allowing insurance companies
                                                tion, calling for “…eliminating or greatly        a “15 percent annual profit, 5 percent
 Cutting the federal workforce by             reducing medical school tuition.”26               of which would go to the government’s
    attrition17                                                                                   national catastrophic health-care fund.”32
                                                                                                  Carson supported this form of govern-
 Implementing a three-year spending
                                                                                                  ment control as far back as 1996, when he
    freeze18 and a five-year federal hiring     ENTITLEMENT REFORM                                actually endorsed a “catastrophic health
    freeze   19
                                                America’s major middle-class entitle-             care fund... supported by a mandatory
 Eliminating the Department 		                ment programs are already insolvent.              contribution of approximately 10 percent
                                                The Club for Growth supports entitlement          to 15 percent of the profits of each health
    of Veterans Affairs and folding its
                                                reforms that enable personal ownership            insurance company, including managed
    functions into the Defense Department
                                                of retirement and health care programs,           care operations.”33
    (see more below under Entitlement
                                                benefit from market returns, and diminish
    Reform)20                                                                                     Carson is a vocal critic of Obamacare,
                                                dependency on government.
                                                                                                  comparing it to slavery and saying that it
Carson has stated his opposition to “end-       Dr. Carson has supported the development          “…aims to make all of us subservient to the
                                                of new entitlements for government-run

                                                                                                  27 America the Beautiful, pp. 94-95
14 Washington Times, 3/11/14
                                                21 America the Beautiful, p. 131                  28 Ibid., p. 95
15 America the Beautiful, p. 108
                                                22 Dr. Carson Facebook Post, 4/15/2015; Ben       29 Ibid., pp. 143-144
16 America the Beautiful, p. 109                Carson for President Campaign Website
                                                                                                  30 Ibid., p. 149
17 National Press Club Transcript, 5/28/14      23 One Nation, p. 121
                                                                                                  31 Ibid., pp. 149-150
18 Ben Carson Facebook Post, 7/21/2015          24 Des Moines Register, 5/5/2015
                                                                                                  32 Ibid., p. 150
19 Des Moines Register, 1/24/2015               25 Washington Times, 8/26/2014
                                                                                                  33 Buzzfeed Copy of Harvard Journal of
20 Daily Caller, 8/26/2015                      26 America the Beautiful, p. 83                   Minority Public Health, Autumn 1996

                                                                      PAGE 2
2016 Presidential White Paper Series - Dr. Ben Carson
government.”34 He supported the effort to     suggested that Social Security could be          sary for strong economic expansion. The
defund Obamacare in Congress,35 some-         reformed by:                                     Club for Growth supports less and more
thing that many other Republicans were                                                         sensible government regulation as a criti-
unwilling to do. He has encouraged more        Reformatting the Cost-of-Living               cal step toward increasing freedom and
state and local control over the Medicaid         Adjustment to follow inflation               growth in the marketplace.
program.36 Carson is an ardent sup-
porter of pre-tax Health Savings Accounts      Increasing the retirement age                 Dr. Carson’s record on regulatory issues is
(HSAs), calling them the “lynchpin” for                                                        a mixed bag. He takes decidedly pro-reg-
                                               Implementing means testing44
putting control of health care “in your own                                                    ulatory positions on some issues. Carson
hands,”37 and suggesting that they could                                                       has repeated a left-wing talking point by
                                              However, Dr. Carson has, disappointingly,        referring to a “…lack of regard for the en-
replace both Obamacare and Medicare.38
                                              has yet to state any support for per-            vironment” as one “…of the other negative
Carson has also proposed using HSAs in        sonal retirement accounts as part of these       aspects of capitalism.”48 Carson supports
place of the current health care system ad-   changes.                                         the reenactment of Great Depression-era
ministered by the Department of Veterans                                                       Glass-Steagall banking regulations that
                                              Carson has made several other proposals
Affairs. He says the HSAs could be used to                                                     were rightly repealed in the late 1990s,49
                                              that could be part of pro-growth entitle-
“…pay for treatment at any medical facil-                                                      and asserts that it was deregulation (rather
                                              ment reforms, but he has not elaborated
ity,” while existing “…VA facilities could                                                     than government meddling in the market)
                                              in sufficient detail to be entirely clear. For
then be used for specialized treatments                                                        that caused the 2008 recession.50 Carson
                                              example, Carson supports the government
for traumatic brain injuries and limb                                                          also supports imposing restrictions on pur-
                                              making an unspecified contribution to the
replacement.”39                                                                                chasers of patents: “Perhaps no one should
                                              HSAs of indigents,45 but he has not speci-
                                                                                               be allowed to buy such a patent without
Dr. Carson has spoken extensively about       fied whether he wishes to pursue this pro-
                                                                                               demonstrating a clear-cut plan and the
the welfare system, specifically criticiz-    posal in tandem with a shrinking of gov-
                                                                                               capability to bring the plan to fruition.”51
ing “easy food stamps” and “subsidized        ernment entitlement programs. Dr. Carson
health care” for inducing dependency on       has also said that the government should         On the issue of health care, Dr. Carson sup-
government.40 Carson supports education       implement a food stamp-style program             ports a pre-existing conditions ban, saying
and work requirements as a condition for      to encourage the poor to obtain health           he would support keeping that provision
receiving public assistance,41 and supports   care from clinics rather than emergency          of Obamacare.52 He also supports extreme
phasing out welfare benefits for “…able-      rooms,46 but again has not made clear            penalties for physicians who commit fraud,
bodied people who make unwise choices         whether this would supplement Medicaid           even advocating as punishment the “loss of
and expect other people to pay for it.”42     (which would grow government) or replace         all of one’s personal possessions.”53 He has
                                              it (which could shrink government). Lastly,      called for regulation of insurance company
Carson supports several specific propos-      Carson supports linking the receipt of           reimbursement rates for doctors, saying
als to restrain the growth of entitlement     unemployment benefits to participation in        that government should ensure “fair and
programs, including the Super Program         “work that needs to be done in the com-          consistent remuneration.”54
Amendment to the Constitution, which          munity, such as Roosevelt’s New Deal, in
would ban new deficit spending for any        which government programs were created           None of these stances represent the most
newly created entitlements, and would         to provide jobs and stimulate growth….”47        anti-growth position advocated by Carson,
require new entitlement programs to pass      While this statement indicates that Carson       however. In response to an interviewer’s
Congress by a 2/3 vote.43 Carson also         supports a work requirement, it is unclear       question about how to make the health
                                              how much Carson would support growing            care system more efficient, Dr. Carson said,
                                              government to create these kinds of work
                                                                                                  The first thing we need to do is
34 Washington Times, 10/11/13                 programs.
                                                                                                  get rid of for-profit insurance
35 Washington Times, 9/25/2013
                                                                                                  companies. We have a lack of policies
36 Washington Times, 8/11/14
37 National Press Club Transcript, 5/28/14                                                     48 Ibid., p. 76
                                              Excessive government regulation stymies
38 New York Times, 5/7/2015                   individual and business innovation neces-        49 Bloomberg, 5/4/15

39 Military.com, 8/28/2015                                                                     50 America the Beautiful, p. 78

40 One Nation, p. 29                          44 Dr. Ben Carson Facebook Post, 8/26/2015       51 Ibid., p. 138

41 America the Beautiful, p. 176              45 Real Clear Politics, 2/7/13                   52 Dr. Ben Carson Facebook Post, 7/21/2015

42 Ibid., p. 106                              46 America the Beautiful, p. 148                 53 America the Beautiful, p. 146

43 Washington Times, 10/28/2014               47 Ibid., p. 89                                  54 Ibid., p. 147

                                                                   PAGE 3
2016 Presidential White Paper Series - Dr. Ben Carson
   and we need to make the government            ket system.63                                 president to negotiate trade agreements.72
   responsible for catastrophic health                                                         He has also said the Trans-Pacific Partner-
                                                 However, he has criticized unions for         ship has “…aspects of it that are reason-
   care. We have to make the insurance
                                                 amassing unfair political advantages,64       able,” but says it needs to be renegotiated,
   companies responsible only for                and he opposed the union protests against     “…because right now we have a lot of
   routine health care. 55                       Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, writ-        special interest groups who benefit.”73
                                                 ing that their demands did not “…come
Carson has also asserted that, “…essen-          under the traditional banner of collective
tially all of the insurance companies would      bargaining.”65 Though Carson seems to
                                                 have generally supported Walker’s Act 10      SCHOOL CHOICE
have to become non-profit service organi-
zations with standardized, regulated profit      reforms,66 he does not appear to have taken   The Club for Growth supports broad
margins.”56 This de facto nationalization of     a position on Right-to-Work legislation.      school choice, including charter schools
private companies would be extremely an-                                                       and voucher programs that create a com-
                                                 Carson has flip-flopped on the minimum
ti-growth and a direct assault on economic                                                     petitive education market including pub-
                                                 wage, at first criticizing President Obama
liberty. Carson’s advocacy for it raises seri-                                                 lic, private, religious, and non-religious
                                                 for suggesting that raising the minimum
ous questions about his understanding of                                                       schools. More competition in education
                                                 wage would make significant progress at
the problem of government overreach.                                                           will lead to higher quality and lower costs.
                                                 reducing income inequality.67 But, one year
Dr. Carson has taken pro-growth positions        later, Carson said he supported a higher      Ben Carson is a strong supporter of school
in several regulatory areas. He:                 minimum wage,68 and he’s also indicated       choice, but has mixed views on the issue of
                                                 his support for indexing it to inflation.69   federal involvement in education.
 Supports implementing
                                                                                               Carson has said, “I think having charter
    a cost-benefit test for all proposed                                                       schools, having school vouchers, things
    government regulations57                     FREE TRADE                                    of that nature, are extremely good be-
 Opposes net neutrality regulations,           Free trade is a vital policy necessary for    cause unless you are competing for those
                                                 maximizing economic growth. In recent         students, it’s very likely you’re going to be-
    saying “to restrict people from paying
                                                 decades, America’s commitment to ex-          come complacent.”74 He has put his money
    for something better or faster is not a
                                                 panding trade has resulted in lower costs     where his mouth is on this issue by person-
    sound idea”58
                                                 for consumers, job growth, and higher         ally funding education scholarships.75
 Supports building the Keystone 		             levels of productivity and innovation.
                                                                                               Carson opposes Common Core, saying that
    Pipeline,59 and seems to support
                                                 Dr. Carson has said relatively little on      “For primary and secondary education, the
    offshore oil drilling60
                                                 trade. He has suggested that the United       bedrock concept that has always guided us
 Supports revamping the EPA, retooling         States could “downgrade trade associa-        has been ‘local control.’”76 However, Car-
    it to focus on research and making it        tions” with Russia in response to their       son opposes eliminating the Department
    less of a law enforcement agency61           invasion of the Ukraine,70 and he supports    of Education, saying that he would alter
                                                 increasing tariffs on finished goods while    its function to include monitoring higher
                                                 cutting them on raw materials.71 More         education for “political bias,” among other
On organized labor, Carson generally
                                                 recently, Carson stated his opposition to     things.77
supports collective bargaining,62 and has
                                                 granting Trade Promotion Authority to the
attributed the rise of the American middle
class to unions rather than the free mar-
                                                                                               TORT REFORM
                                                                                               The American economy suffers from
                                                 63 Ibid., p. 162                              excessive litigation which increases the
55 Mega Diversities, 3/1/13                      64 Ibid.                                      cost of doing business and slows economic

56 America the Beautiful, pp. 147-148            65 Ibid., pp. 92-93

57 Dr. Ben Carson Facebook Post, 8/26/2015       66 Ibid.                                      72 Bloomberg, 6/11/2015

58 National Review, 3/18/2015                    67 Washington Times, 1/28/14                  73 CNBC, 10/7/2015

59 Bloomberg, 5/4/2015                           68 The Hill, 5/8/2015                         74 NewsmaxTV, 4/15/13

60 America the Beautiful, p. 137                 69 Phoenix Business Journal, 8/19/2015        75 Education Week, 5/13/2015

61 Dr. Ben Carson Facebook Post, 8/18/2015       70 Washington Times, 3/25/14                  76 Ben Carson for President Campaign Website

62 America the Beautiful, p. 92                  71 America the Beautiful, p. 79               77 Buzzfeed, 6/19/2015

                                                                       PAGE 4
2016 Presidential White Paper Series - Dr. Ben Carson
growth. The Club for Growth supports           Carson is such a newcomer to Republican       Obamacare, school choice, welfare, and
major reforms to our tort system to            politics that he hasn’t voted in a GOP pri-   government dependency.
restore a more just and less costly balance    mary in decades, having registered as an
in tort litigation.                            independent and with a third party.”81        However, the sum of Carson’s positions on
                                                                                             matters of economic liberty raises consid-
Carson seems to support tort reform,           While Carson does not have an exten-          erable concern. At times, he seems to allow
saying, “It is extremely difficult to esti-    sive history of political endorsements        socialism and free market capitalism to
mate how much money is wasted in the           or involvement, he did endorse several        stand on parallel planes. At other points
health-care arena because doctors engage       Republicans for U.S. Senate in 2014,82        he seems to show a lack of understand-
in defensive medicine to avoid lawsuits.”78    though these endorsements seem to have        ing about how free markets operate. This
However, other than stating his support        been made regardless of ideology, since the   philosophical fuzzy-mindedness becomes
for Loser Pays legislation,79 he has not       endorsees cover the ideological spectrum.     apparent in Carson’s own political pref-
gone into specifics about what tort reform     Senator Bill Cassidy, who was elected         erences. As recently as last year, Carson
should look like.                              from Louisiana, appears to have been the      said of himself: “I have been a Democrat,
                                               only one for whom Carson actively cam-        I mean quite a flaming liberal Democrat,
Carson has also hinted that he supports        paigned.83                                    and I have been a Republican, quite a very
government attempts to regulate the                                                          conservative Republican. And now I’m an
number of attorneys: “I hope at some point     Carson has made only a few substantial        Independent. I have voted for people in all
the legal establishment will recognize         political donations, the majority of which    different parties.”
the problem and attempt to regulate the        were given to Republican candidates or
number of attorneys produced. If they do       business or professional political commit-    Like his stated partisan affiliations, Car-
not, society at large will have to produce a   tees.84 However, in 2002 and 2005, Carson     son’s policy proposals and suggestions
solution.”80                                   made $800 and $250 donations to Demo-         have been all over the map. His references
                                               crat U.S. House candidates David Thomas       to what he calls the “positive aspects” of
                                               and Peter Beilenson, respectively.85 Dr.      socialism are confounding, and his pro-
                                               Beilenson eventually became an avid sup-      posals for health insurance reform come
POLITICAL FREE SPEECH                          porter of Obamacare,86 while the hard left    straight out of the Left’s playbook. Carson’s
Maximizing prosperity requires sound           blog Daily Kos made a fundraising pitch       philosophical inconsistencies cause one
government policies. When government           for David Thomas’ campaign in 2004,87         to seriously consider whether his good
strays from these policies, citizens must be   showing that neither of these Democrats       proposals are rooted in a core ideology
free to exercise their constitutional rights   was of the conservative variety. These two    that believes in free markets and economic
to petition and criticize those policies and   donations thus raise questions about the      freedom.
the politicians responsible for them.          depth of Carson’s commitment to conser-
                                               vative, free market principles.               Based on his lack of consistency, we are
To our knowledge, Carson has never made                                                      unable to conclude that Ben Carson would
a public statement about political free                                                      be a pro-growth president.
speech or the laws that affect it.
                                               Dr. Ben Carson has had a remarkable and
POLITICAL ACTIVITY & ENDORSEMENTS              impressive career in medicine, and he has
                                               an amazingly inspiring personal story.
Robust political activity is essential to
                                               Aspects of his policy positions seem to
producing a federal government that is
                                               flow naturally and impressively from his
more respectful of free markets and pro-
                                               experiences, such as his sound views on
duces more pro-economic growth policies.
The Club for Growth’s PAC has been active
in some of the more central battles within
                                               81 Wall Street Journal, 1/23/15
the Republican Party nominating process
in recent years, supporting pro-growth         82 Washington Times, 5/20/2014; @
candidates over pro-government ones.           RealBenCarson, 10/2/2014

The Wall Street Journal noted, “Mr.            83 @RealBenCarson, 10/30/2014

                                               84 www.fec.gov

78 America the Beautiful, p. 153-154           85 Ibid.

79 Ibid., p. 171                               86 Baltimore Sun, 6/28/2012

80 Ibid.                                       87 Daily Kos, 8/6/2004

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