DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...

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DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science

        within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE

                         Susanne Siebentritt
                       Programme Coordinator
                       Doctoral School Head
                      University of Luxembourg

                                  1                              susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...

       programme committee:

       • Giusy Scalia
       • Thomas Schmidt
       • Emmanuel Defay
       • Susanne Siebentritt

  candidates' representatives:

  • Sharif Shahini
  • Arpan Datta Sarma

          administrative support:          doctoral candidate contact at LIST:

          • Suzanne Biwer                  • Stéphanie Lucadello

                                       2                                              susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
Recent changes
 New law - new study regulations


                                    3          susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
The law: Art. 21. Autorisation à diriger des recherches
(1) …le droit de diriger des thèses menant au grade de docteur...
…accordée aux professeurs et professeurs affiliés au moment de leur nomination…

(2) …peut aussi être accordée au personnel enseignant-chercheur engagé auprès de l’Université
ou à des chercheurs engagés auprès d’un organisme de recherche par le recteur,
sur avis favorable d’une commission d’évaluation de la discipline de rattachement du candidat
…composée d’au moins six membres qui ont le rang de professeur d’université
et dont au moins la moitié sont externes et indépendants de l’Université, ….

                                              internal regulations (ROI):
                                              • applications are sent to the dean (internal)
                                                   or to the rector (external applicants)

                                              • 4 deadlines per year
                                              • external: ESF
                                              • internal: programme coordinator
                                                          RU head
                                                        + 1 professor of RU
                                              • decision within 2-3 months

                   for forms, questions… contact Oliver Glassl (DSSE)
                                               4                              susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
Doctoral studies
 The law: Art. 37. Organisation des études menant au grade de docteur…
 (1) …des programmes d’études dispensés par les écoles doctorales…
  Chaque .. doctorant s’inscrit dans un programme d’études offert par une école doctorale

           every doctoral candidate registers for a doctoral programme

 (2) …programmes, statutes, study regulations…

 (3) …thèse, soutenance …                                    blogs.edf.org
 …la participation à des cours … consacrés à l’acquisition
                                        de compétences méthodologiques et transversales.
 doctoral studies involve
 • writing a thesis and defending it
 • participation in courses providing methodological and transversal skills

       Study regulations - required:

       • 20 ECTS points, of which at least 5 for transversal skills
       • a course in science ethics (E.g "Good scientific practice")
       • at least 16 before defence authorisation, 20 before defence
       • only for activities during doctoral studies
                                              5                                susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
The law: Art. 37. Organisation des études menant au grade de docteur…
(5) le comité d’encadrement de thèse …est composé de trois personnes, dont le directeur de thèse
 …se réunit avec le doctorant au moins une fois par an pour évaluer l’avancement des travaux
      the CET has 3 members, including the supervisor
      meets the candidate at least once a year to evaluate the progress of the work
…peut recommander au recteur de refuser la réinscription du candidat
…En cas de refus de réinscription… par le recteur, le doctorant est exclu définitivement du progr.

 can recommend to the rector to refuse re-registration
 if the rector follows the recommendation, the candidate is excluded from the programme

        study regulations:
        • CET members:
           supervisor, at least one member has work contract with UL,
           from different groups
        • cotutelle: 4 members, including the 2 supervisors

  For CET description go to the DPPM webpage
                                                  6                                        susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
DPPM website
 www.uni.lu                  "Physics and
                             materials science"

                   7                 susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
The law: Art. 37 (5)
…le doctorant soumet un projet de thèse … au CET.
…CET évalue le document et adresse au recteur un rapport
                                                     portant sur l’admissibilité … à la soutenance
Le doctorant doit remettre sa thèse au plus tard quarante-huit mois après son admission
La soutenance de thèse doit avoir lieu au plus tôt trente-six mois
                     et au plus tard cinquante-deux mois après l’admission

The candididate submits a thesis draft to the CET

CET writes report and asks for authorisation to defend

The thesis is submitted the latest 48 months after admission
The defence takes place the latest 52 months after admission

  For hints on thesis writing go to the DPPM webpage

                                                8                                 susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...

 The law: Art. 37 (6)
 Le jury de thèse est composé de cinq membres, tous titulaires d’un doctorat,
 dont au moins un professeur ordinaire ou professeur adjoint de l’Université
 et au moins deux membres externes à l’Université.
 Les fonctions de président du jury et de directeur de thèse sont incompatibles.

       The jury consists of 5 members, who hold a Dr title,
       at least one professor of UL
       at least 2 external members
       The supervisor cannot be the president

   study regulations:
   • president has to be a professor of UL
   • no more grades ® price for 10% best candidates

       DPPM statutes:
       • at least 2 jury members have not published with the candidate
                                               9                                   susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
DPPM Doctoral Programme in Physics and Materials Science - within Doctoral School of Science and Engineering DSSE Susanne Siebentritt Programme ...
Grace period
The law: Art. 60 Dispositions transitoires
(6) Les étudiants inscrits … au moment de l’entrée en vigueur de la présente loi peuvent bénéficier,
pendant les deux années académiques suivant cette date, des dispositions ...
telles qu’elles résultent … de la loi modifiée du 12 août 2003…, si celles-ci sont plus favorables.

  candidates registered at the moment when the law came into force (1st August 2018)
  can, during 2 academic years, apply the rules of the "old" law, if they are favourable

additional circulair: 20 ECTS rule relaxed even after grace period for candidates
registered before August 2018

    • registration on or after 1st August 2018: new law
    • defence before 1st August 2020: you can chose old law
    • registration before 1st August 2018
      and defence on or after 1st August 2020:
              new law, but reduced ECTS requirements

                                                10                                susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
Statutes – what is new?
 • links to relevant texts

 • small update on tasks and responsibilities

 • CET: reference to law and study regulations

 • jury: also publications in preparation prevent jury membership

 • candidates' representatives attend programme committee meetings

 • no more obligation for Young Scientists Conference

 • no more category 1-3 for ECTS points, only (inter)disciplinary and transferable

 • max 5 ECTS for teaching

 • succeding the programme is now required to obtain doctor title:
   20 ECTS
   3 papers, including 1 first author paper
   CETs: please, check for ECTS and papers!
 • funding for doctoral candidates

                                         11                             susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
How to get funding?
    We have money for
    • travel of doctoral candidates to conferences, summerschools, secondments,…
    • small equipment, software, beam time, CPU time,…
    • travel of CET members
    • travel of jury members (from DSSE)
                                             } for UL candidates only

                            the forms are here:

     for your own travel:     for equipment, CET travel,…:

                                                         for orders, reimbursement etc.

                                                         UL candidates:
                                                         ask your secretary

                                                         LIST candidates:
                                                         ask Patricia Ramoa
                                              12                           susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
How to validate ECTS points?
• Courses by the doctoral programme: automatically
• Other courses with a certificate: send scan of the certificate to Suzanne Biwer
• Outreach activities: new form

• Other training activities, where you don't get a certificate: new form
 conference or workshop:
 attach a copy of the
 conference programme                                       • Courses
                                                               of the master programme

       the forms are here:
                                            13                             susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu

  to be allowed to defend your thesis, you need at least 3 papers
  • 1 first author paper, the others can be co-author papers
  • 2 should be accepted
  • 1 paper can be replaced by a patent

                       To obtain your doctor title you need to contribute to scientific progress
       Why?            Þ you need results
                       Þ you need to inform the scientific community about it

 Collaboration agreement on doctoral education between UL and LI’s:

 In addition to listing their LI affiliation on any publication, PhD candidates enrolled
 at the UL will also mention his/her affiliation to the UL on the publication that will be
 directly related to the PhD

                                            14                                susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
New IT tools

  ServiceNow – testphase to start in July
  • Active Directory accounts for external ADR holders
  • Centralised ServiceNow-based candidates registration (DAED etc)
  • Centralised ServiceNow-based CET nomination
  In June: workshops and tests with volunteering supervisors

  • Doctoral education agreement
  • CET reports
  • ECTS follow-up


                                             15                        susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
Courses academic year 18/19
  Title                                  Responsible lecturer   Date
  Cluster seminar electronic structure   Ludger Wirtz           Weekly
  Electronic sensors and energy          Susanne Siebentritt    Monthly
  harvesters seminar
  Strain sensors and energy harvesters   Emmanuel Defay         Every two months
  Biocluster meeting                     Sivashankar            Every two months
  Group theory for condensed matter      Mael Gennou            28/29 Sept. 18
  Control Theory                         Matteo Polettini      27, 29 Nov/ 11,13 Dec. 18
                                         Jean-Charles Delvenne Jan/Feb 19
  Introduction to electronic structure   Ludger Wirtz          17/18 Jan 2019
  Good scientific practice for Massena   Julia Verse (S.        19/20 Feb. or 15/16 May
  students                               Siebentritt)           2019
  Solar Cell Basics                      Susanne Siebentritt    28 Feb/1st March

  Scientific Writing                     Jan Lagerwall          10 and 24/04, 8/05 2019
  Intellectual Property Rights           Severine Iffland       June 2019

                                              16                                 susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
Planned courses academic year 19/20

 Title                                 Responsible lecturer       Date
 Cluster seminar electronic            Ludger Wirtz               Weekly
 Electronic sensors and energy         Susanne Siebentritt        Monthly
 harvesters cluster seminar
 Strain sensors and energy             Emmanuel Defay             Every two months
 harvesters cluster seminar
 Energy harvesters                     Susanne Siebentritt
 Materials for Sensing                 Siva Krishnamoorthy
 Fabrication technologies and          Cesar Pascual Garcia
 electrical response of sensors
 Polymers and nanocomposites           Dan Schmidt                Fall 2019
 Solar Cells - semiconductor basics    Susanne Siebentritt        Spring 2020
 Good scientific practice for science J. Verse (S. Siebentritt)   Spring 2020

                                                   17                           susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
Courses wishlist

                  • Thin film / Nanomaterials characterisation techniques
                  • Bioengineering
                  • Density functional theory
                  • Ultrafast science
                  • Light-matter interaction
                  • Python

transferable skills:

                                                  18                   susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
When it gets too much…
 psychological support for students:
 Irmgard Schröder


 for help with conflicts: ombuds team:
 Serge Haan, Gabor Wiese, Tonie van Dam, Susanne Siebentritt


                It's ok to ask for help
                We all need help at times

                                       19                           susanne.siebentritt@uni.lu
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