DONOR PROFILE LUDO have children.

DONOR PROFILE LUDO have children.

DONOR PROFILE                                            FACTS:
                                                         Height: 186 cm

                                                         Weight: 86 kg
                                                         Hair colour: Blond
                   I am a donor to help others who
                                                         Eyecolor: Blue
                   are having difficulty succeeding in
                                                         Bloodtype: 0 RhD pos
                   having children. You do not find
                                                         Occupation: Constructor
                   out what happiness is until you
                   have children.

                  version on page
Read an English

DONOR PROFILE LUDO have children.

/ Meeting the donor
– our impression
Donor Ludo is a quiet, sweet, young man, in whose               he walks every morning, and they are spending summer
company we immediately feel comfortable. He is very             holiday at a camping site in the Danish summer country.
modest, and at the same time we clearly sense that he is a      In his spare time, Ludo works out at the fitness center and
guy with the heart in the right place.                          plays football. Playing football is just as much for fun as
                                                                for the sport. He loves the community and the friends he
As a person, Ludo is a family man with a big F. Together        has made through football. As he says, the 3rd half is just
with his girlfriend, he has two little girls aged two years     as important as the first and second halves. In addition,
and 14 months. He generally spends a lot of time with his       Ludo loves to cook, and he is often in charge of cooking at
family, including his siblings. He often hangs out with his     home. He thinks that he is pretty good at it.
little brother to play or watch football and enjoy a beer
together. He often sees his little sister as well, because      As a friend, Ludo is a person who attaches incredible
she still lives at home and Ludo often visits his parents.      importance to the well-being of other people. It means
His big sister and he are very close in terms of age, and       a lot to him that others are well. And sometimes he
they also have a close relationship, but unfortunately, they    prioritizes others over himself, which can be both a
do not see each other as often because she lives further        weakness and a strength. He thinks himself that he
away. In addition, Ludo visits his grandparents very often.     is good at talking to new people, which our donor
Actually, he has coffee with them every morning after           coordinators completely agree with. Ludo has strong
dropping off his daughter at day care. It is very clear to us   values, and he believes that you must treat others as you
that Ludo’s family means everything to him. He believes         want to be treated yourself. Ludo makes a virtue out of
that happiness comes when having children, and therefore        always keeping his appointments, even if something more
he wants to help others, as he does not wish to have more       exciting comes up. Both are things he hopes he can teach
children himself.                                               his girls as well as the fact that you can do anything you
                                                                want if you fight for it.
In his everyday life, Ludo studies to become a construction
engineer. He dreams of having his own company one day           When it comes to appearances donor Ludo is a very nice-
and becoming self-employed. He has previously worked as         looking young man. He has thick blond hair, clear blue eyes
a truck driver, where he traveled extensively. That is the      with a strong and friendly expression, a charming smile,
reason why he has never had a great desire to travel. When      and classic manly facial features with marked cheekbones.
he has free time, he wants more than anything else just to      We see a lot of him in his look-a-like, the Danish football
stay at home and be with friends and family. However, he        player Simon Makienok.
does want to show his girls the world when they grow up
and reach an age where they are easier to travel with and       All in all, in Ludo you get a donor with a rich family life,
when his daughters are old enough to enjoy traveling and        healthy values and a healthy, fit, and strong physique.
create memories.                                                With him, you can be sure that you have chosen a donor
                                                                who is both incredibly sweet and loving, and a donor who
When Ludo is at home, he loves to be outside. Ludo and          wants to help others create happiness in their lives, namely
his wife and children spend a lot of time in their garden,      by having children, which he himself has experienced is the
and it is important to him that his daughters spend as          greatest happiness in life.
much time as possible in nature. They also have a dog that

DONOR PROFILE LUDO have children.

English version of the letter on the front page:
Dear new family

I hope you will have an amazing life together.

Take really good care of each other.


  / Appearance
  Race                                           Freckles
  Caucasian                                      A few

  Ethnicity                                      Eyebrow colour
  Danish                                         Dark blond

  Height                                         Beard colour
  186 cm                                         Dark blond

  Weight                                         Hairtexture (curly, straight, wavy)
  86 kg                                          Wavy

  Eye colour                                     Hairvolume (thick, thin, average, bald)
  Blue                                           Thick

  Natural hair colour                            Body frame size (small, medium, large)
  Blue                                           Medium

  Clothing size (S,M,L,XL,XXL)                   Physique (muscular, regular, heavy)
  L                                              Muscular

  Skin type

DONOR PROFILE LUDO have children.

/ Health
Do you exercise regularly?
Minimum 3 times a week

Which sports do you play?
Fitness and football

Have you played other sports in the past?
If yes, which ones?
Handball, motocross

Glasses or corrective lenses?

Are you right- or left-handed?

Please describe the condition of your teeth?
(good, average, bad)

How many standard drinks do you consume
in an average week?

Do you suffer from allergies?


/ Personality
Describe your personality                           Describe your relationship with your family?
Open, honest, and easy to be around                 I have a good relationship with my family, I drink
                                                    coffee with my grandparents, every morning
Describe your weaknesses                            after I drop off my daughter in day care. In
I sometimes prioritize others before myself,        addition, I see the rest of my family as often as
which can be both a strength and a weakness -       possible.
putting others first.
                                                    What does your family mean to you?
Describe your strengths                             The family is always there to pick you up if you
I am good at taking care of people around me        stumble
and I have good, healthy core values for my
family.                                             What does friendship mean to you?
                                                    Friends are the family you choose.
What are you most proud of and why?
My wife and 2 beautiful girls                       What kind of friend are you?
                                                    The kind that always helps if I have the
Describe your fondest childhood memory              opportunity. And often anyway.
I clearly remember that my best friend and
I had the same bike and we rode around the          How would your friends and family
neighborhood and had fun.                           describe you?
                                                    I hope they think I am as funny as I think
Describe some of your best experiences              myself. Otherwise I think they feel the same
When I was 7 years old, I became big brother        way as I do.
once again, it was big. When I was 19, I acquired
a large driver’s license. I drove a truck in        How are your math skills?
Sweden and Norway for 4 years and it gave me        I am really good at math.
many good experiences. And then I became the
father of 2 girls, that’s probably the biggest      What is your zodiac sign?
thing that has happened.                            Taurus

What did you dream of becoming as a child?
I think like many other kids, I dreamed of
becoming a police officer, or a superhero.


/ Education and employment
Did you do well, average or poorly in primary   Did you serve in the military?
school?                                         If yes, for how long and at what rank?
Average                                         No

What did you like best about going to school?   Work history?
The community and the breaks                    Truck driver, demolition industry, Contractor Soil
                                                / Concrete
What educations have you started?
Construction work                               What is your career goal?
                                                To start my own company
What educations have you completed?
Pipe fitter

/ Hobbies
Favourite movie?
Blinkende Lygter (A Danish comedy)              Other hobbies, interests or talents?
                                                I am quite good at everything that has to do with
What kind of music do you like?                 motorsport
I like most music, it fluctuates a lot
                                                What languages do you speak?
Favourite artists?                              Danish and English
When I was young, Eminem was my big idol.
                                                How do you prefer to travel and why?
Do you play any instruments?                    I do not travel very much. I have always traveled
I bought myself a guitar, but have not really   a lot when I am at work. So when I go on vaca-
learned to play yet                             tion, I just want to be at home.

Creative skills?
I am a skilled craftsman.


/ Marital status and children
Are you married, in a relationship or single?
I live together with the mother of my kids

Do you have any children?
Yes, 2 girls, 2 and 14 months

Are there any twins or triplets in your family?
My grandfather is a twin

Have you or members of your family experi-
enced difficulties when trying to conceive?

/ Why do you want to
become a donor?
I am a donor to help others who are having
difficulty succeeding in having children. You do
not find out what happiness is until you have


/ Family tree
Paternal grandfather        Paternal grandmother      Maternal grandfather         Maternal grandmother
Age: 57                     Age: 53                   Age: 70                      Age: 72
Alive: No                   Alive: No                 Alive: Yes                   Alive: Yes
Race: Caucasian             Race: Caucasian           Race: Caucasian              Race: Caucasian
Ethnicity: Danish           Ethnicity: Danish         Ethnicity: Danish            Ethnicity: Danish
Education: -                Education: -              Education: Plumber           Education: -
Occupation: Haulier         Occupation: Home care     Occupation: Plumber          Occupation: Home care
Height: -                   Height: -                 Height: -                    Height: -
Weight: -                   Weight: -                 Weight: -                    Weight: -
Eye colour: Blue            Eye colour: Blue          Eye colour: Blue             Eye colour: Blue
Health: -                   Health: -                 Health: -                    Health: -

                            Father                    Mother
                            Age: 50                   Age: 49
                            Alive: Yes                Alive: Yes
                            Race: Caucasian           Race: Caucasian
                            Ethnicity: Danish         Ethnicity: Danish
                            Education: -              Education: Shop assistant
                            Occupation: Haulier       Occupation: Shop assistant
                            Height: -                 Height: -
                            Weight: -                 Weight: -
                            Eye colour: Blue          Eye colour: Blue
                            Health: -                 Health: -

Sister                                Sister                                 Brother
Age: 28                               Age: 17                                Age: 24
Alive: Yes                            Alive: Yes                             Alive: Yes
Race: Caucasian                       Race: Caucasian                        Race: Caucasian
Ethnicity: Danish                     Ethnicity: Danish                      Ethnicity: Danish
Education: -                          Education: None yet                    Education: Carpenter
Occupation: Self-employed             Occupation: None yet                   Occupation: -
Height: -                             Height: -                              Height: -
Weight: -                             Weight: -                              Weight: -
Eye colour: Blue                      Eye colour: -                          Eye colour: Blue
Health: -                             Health: Good                           Health: -


/ Facial features
FACE >           SHAPE
                           Round         Oval       Spuared

                          Oblong     Heart Shaped

                          Narrow       Average       Wide

                            Low        Average       High

NOSE >           SHAPE
                          Straight      Round        Wide

                          Straight      Round        Bump

                          Narrow       Average       Wide

                           Short       Average       Long

                                                              >> To be continued on the next page


/ Facial features
EARS >                SIZE
                              Small     Medium       Large

                             Attached   Detached

                              Close     Average       Far

MOUTH >          UPPER LIP
                               Thin     Medium        Full

                 LOWER LIP
                               Thin     Medium        Full

TEETH >               SIZE
                              Small     Medium       Large                      Gab

                             Straight   Crooked    Not visible
                                                    in photo

                                                                 >> To be continued on the next page


/ Facial features
CHIN >       SHAPE
                       Squared      Round       Pointy

                        Slight     Average      Strong

                       Straight     Wavy        Curly

                         Thin      Average      Thick

                        Black     Light Brown   Blonde             Dark brown

                      Red/Brown   Dark Blonde   Brown

                         Red      Strawberry

                                                         >> To be continued on the next page


/ Facial features
EYES >               SHAPE
                                    Round             Almond          Round-almond

                                    Small             Medium             Large

                                   Narrow             Average            Wide

                                    Short             Medium              Long

                                     Thin             Medium             Thick

When it comes to appearances donor Ludo is a very nice-looking
young man. He has thick blond hair, clear blue eyes with a strong
and friendly expression, a charming smile, and classic manly facial
features with marked cheekbones. We see a lot of him in his look-a-
like, the Danish football player Simon Makienok.


/ Pictures

/ Resembles > Simon Makienok
Rated by SellmerDiers

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