Don't shoot the messenger - 10 messaging apps publishers and broadcasters should test - Reuters News Agency

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Don't shoot the messenger - 10 messaging apps publishers and broadcasters should test - Reuters News Agency
Don’t shoot the messenger

10 messaging apps publishers and broadcasters should test

Don't shoot the messenger - 10 messaging apps publishers and broadcasters should test - Reuters News Agency
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With the number of messaging                                            WhatsApp, Kik and Snapchat aren’t big
                                                                        news anymore.

app users rocketing, we take a                                          Messaging apps have been around for

quick look at 10 that have                                              several years now and in 2015 their user
                                                                        numbers overtook those of social media

potential opportunities for news                                        networks.1 However, news organizations
                                                                        are still grappling with how they can use

publishers to explore…                                                  these platforms to reach new audiences.

                                                                        It was in April 2015 when Business
                                                                        Insider reported that the combined
                                                                        user figures for the big four messaging
                                                                        apps (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger,
                                                                        WeChat, and Viber) had surpassed those
                                                                        of the big four social networks (Facebook,
                                                                        Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)2. And
                                                                        these user figures are in the billions, with
                                                                        staggering projected growth.

                                                                        By 2019, more than one-quarter of
                                                                        the world’s population will be using
                                                                        mobile messaging apps, according to an
                                                                        eMarketer forecast.3

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Several other messaging apps have          trending?’ and ‘What topic do
since increased in prominence,             you want news for?’ are common
including Kik, Snapchat and Line.          starting points.
Media companies have been looking
at ways they can use these platforms       Some messaging apps enable the
to reach new audiences - particularly      use of chat bots to automate the
the millennial and post-millennial         process of sending news items to
generations.                               users. These artificial intelligence
                                           (AI) programmes use a narrow,
Although messaging and chat                text-based conversation and
applications have been around for          interrogate the user on their interests
some time, harnessing them as news         then suggest stories. They can
delivery platforms remains a less          also send daily messages with the
developed opportunity. There are           main headlines along with links,
lots of competing messaging apps to        and a browser will open within the
choose from, and some work in vastly       app allowing the user to view the
different ways.                            content. Some news organizations
                                           are being even more inventive with
Understanding where the apps fit           bots.
into the lives of users is the essential
first step. Messaging apps facilitate
conversation, so dialogue with
the user is often the focus: ‘What
are you interested in?’, ‘What’s

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Rod McLeod is director of   “CNN has done a particularly great
                            job here,” he says. “They build custom
communications at Kik and   experiences based on the platform, and for
has been involved in the    Kik, that means teens.
company’s bot program.
                            During the Olympics, instead of sharing
                            news coverage, they (CNN) invited users
                            to take a walk in Rio and talk with locals
                            and tourists to get a better feel for the city.
                            And for the election, they educated users
                            on topics like the electoral college and
                            provided realtime updates on election day.
                            It was the first time that I learned about
                            the election results through a bot, and it
                            certainly won’t be the last.”

                            Sometimes, engaging with a chat bot can
                            seem a little counter intuitive compared to
                            typing ‘’ or ‘’
                            into a web browser, but that isn’t the point.
                            What publishers are aiming to do is reach
                            audiences on the platforms chosen by
                            those audiences.

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                              A brief look at
                           10 messaging apps
                    and some news activities on them.

                                                                      Facebook Messenger
                                                                      1 billion monthly active users
                                                                      July 20164

                                                                      Direct messaging used to be part
                                                                      of the main Facebook platform but
                                                                      was pared off into a separate app for
                                                                      smartphones and tablets a few years

                                                                      Many news organizations are
                                                                      using chat bots to send links and
                                                                      headlines to users and suggest
                                                                      stories based on user queries. They
                                                                      include The Guardian, Sky News,
                                                                      Canada’s Global News, Australia’s
                                                                      ABC and The Wall Street Journal.
                                                                      The New York Times had a bot and
                                                                      reporter Nicholas Confessore send
                                                                      out election updates during the U.S.
                                                                      presidential race last year.

credit: @nickconfessore

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WhatsApp                                                    WeChat/Weixin
1 billion monthly active users                              846 million monthly active users -
Feb 20165                                                   Oct 20166

Acquired by Facebook in 2014,                               It’s an exciting time for China’s
WhatsApp was developed by former                            most popular chat app.7 It’s easy
Yahoo employees and had 500                                 to see why due to the suite built-in
million users sending 10 billion                            functionality – video calls, group
messages a day at the time of the                           chat, file sharing, shopping, banking,
sale. Facebook has doubled that                             booking taxis, ordering food, hospital
user base and last year saw the BBC                         appointments and…news updates.
use the app to reach young African
users with content for and about that                       Bots can be developed for the
audience – people who might feel                            platform, one of the most famous is
alienated using other platforms.                            Xiaoice, who reads the weather for
                                                            her WeChat contacts.8 The bot has
The Guardian and Vogue have both                            even become the first AI newsreader,
used WhatsApp around an event.                              with a live programme on Dragon
For Vogue, it was New York Fashion                          TV. News organizations looking to
Week, while the Guardian used it for                        appeal to audiences in the Chinese
user-generated content from pupils                          market could benefit from including
about their GCSE and A Level exam                           WeChat in their plans.

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                                              Viber Messenger                                         The payment model for Discover
                                              800 million registered users                            was revised in October 2016, whilst
                                              Nov 20169                                               simultaneously diminishing the
                                                                                                      prominence of publisher content
                                              Enabling users to make voice                            and raising ongoing concerns over
                                              calls over the internet, Viber was                      platform control over publishers’
                                              perceived as a competitor to Skype.                     content.12 Using the chat
                                              It facilitates text messaging, but the                  functionality to reach audiences with
                                              big attraction for publishers is its                    stories is also trickier in Snapchat.
                                              Public Chat section.                                    Still, publishers primarily use it to
                                                                                                      reach and engage with younger
                                              Like Snapchat, there is an area                         audiences and test in a pure mobile
                                              called Discover where BBC.                              environment.
                                              com, The Washington Post, The
                                              Huffington Post and others push
                                              out images, links, and sometimes                        Kik Messenger
                                              brief comments, to followers of their                   300 million registered users
                                              chats.                                                  May 201613

                                              Developed in Israel, the app was sold                   Kik was born in Canada and its
                                              to the Japanese company Rakuten in                      chat bots are picking up popularity.
                                              2014.10                                                 Besides chatting with friends, you
                                                                                                      can engage with 20,000 chatbots on
                                                                                                      the service that: lead you through a
                                              Snapchat                                                murder mystery, present fashion and
                                              150 million daily active users                          beauty advice, play games, bring you
                                              Sept 201611                                             top news stories and more. Yahoo
                                                                                                      News and CNN both have news bots
                                              Used as a way of sending pictures                       on Kik.
                                              and videos, which can be decorated
                                              with stickers, borders and fancy text
                                              treatments, Snapchat also delivers                      Telegram Messenger
                                              news and cultural content to its                        100 million monthly active users
                                              users via its Discover section.                         Feb 201614

                                              The Daily Mail, The Sun, BuzzFeed,                      This messaging app comes with high
                                              Sky Sports, Vice, The Economist and                     levels of encryption – for users who
                                              National Geographic are among                           are concerned about privacy. It also
                                              around 30 companies who have                            has a free blogging platform called
                                              slots. The type of content these                        Telegraph, designed for long-form
                                              digital publishers produce varies                       publishing.15 It’s currently difficult
                                              - videos, images, music, animations                     to find any news outlets on the
                                              and infographics come together in                       platform.
                                              polished reports. Companies share
                                              a percentage of their advertising
                                              revenues with Snapchat.

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Line                                             Kakao Talk                                             Skype
218 million monthly active users                 49.3 million monthly active users                      300 million monthly active users
Apr 201616                                       May 201618                                             Mar 201620

Line is a Japanese messaging                     With messaging, group chat, video                      Purchased by Microsoft in 2011,
app and an important platform                    and voice calls (as well as shopping),                 Skype is known for its internet video
for publishers wishing to reach                  the South Korean app Kakao has a                       and voice call functionality, but
audiences in Asia where messaging                large user base across the region -                    isn’t immediately thought of as a
apps first outstripped social media.             the vast majority of whom reside in                    messaging app. However, it is also
                                                 its founding country.                                  used for that purpose.
Line wants to push more visual
content as well as breaking news.                As with the apps previously listed,                    Like Facebook and Kik, Microsoft
The BBC, Wall Street Journal and                 Kakao has a Discover section that                      and Skype are investing in bot
the Economist have been putting                  includes news, yet publishing via                      technologies.21 Skype unveiled
their content on Line and building               Kakao is not open. Also, the app                       conversational bots for UPS
audiences. As the Economist’s                    allows users to become friends with                    and Expedia in December 2016,
deputy community editor Denise Law               brands and seeks to strengthen its                     and there’s speculation about
told Digiday last year, it’s more about          advertising earnings.19                                promotional bots for films like Doctor
building the brand and reaching                                                                         Strange. It’s not hard to imagine
young Asian users who wouldn’t                                                                          news bots appearing as potential
otherwise visit                                                                        Skype contacts before too long.
However, the content is in English.
rather than Japanese.

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Don't shoot the messenger - 10 messaging apps publishers and broadcasters should test - Reuters News Agency
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