Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte

Page created by Norman Mckinney
Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
Doing Business
in Argentina
May 2021
Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
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      I.               II.                   III.                                  IV.
Main Economic   Doing Business              Legal                               Taxation
  Variables      in Argentina              System                                  Page 24

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Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021


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GDP 2020: 382.7 million USD                                       GDP Growth (Annual % change, original figures)

                                                                       2019             2020                  2021P              2022P
Position in the world
                                    31/193                            -2.1            -9.9                 6.5                  2.7

Macroeconomic Environment (figures at the end of 2020)

                        Benchmark                        Unemployment         Exchange
 GDP per capita                         Inflation                                                  Population                    FDI
                           rate                              rate               rate

  8,433                 38.0           36.1                11.0             84.15                  45.4                       3.4
                                                                                                      Million                  Billion
       USD                 %            Annual %              %               ARS/USD
                                                                                                      people                    USD

     Fiscal             Primary       Government           Current                                International             Reserves
                                                                           Trade balance,
    balance,            balance,         debt,             account,                                 Reserves              % of external
                                                                              % of GDP
    % of GDP            % of GDP       % of GDP            % of GDP                                 % of GDP               public debt

    -8.5                -6.5         104.7                  0.8                4.0                  10.2                    23.1
         %                 %               %                  %                   %                       %                       %

Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021


                                       Position in the world
                                                                        83/141    (WEF, 2019)

                                       Ease of Doing Business

                                       Position in the world
                                                                        126/190   (WB, 2020)

                                       Corruption Perception Index

                                       Position in the world
                                                                        78/179      (TI, 2020)

                                       Source: WB, WEF, TI and INDEC.

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Foreign trade (major trading goods, 2020)                                           Foreign trade (major trading goods, 2020)

Product                            Value (million USD)                  Share       Country                             Value (million USD)                  Share

                                    54,884                                          Exports
Vegetable products                          14,589                      26.6%       Brazil                                       7,956                       14.5%

Food and beverages                          11,035                      20.1%       China                                        5,242                         9.6%

Products of animal origin                    6,272                      11.4%       United States                                3,267                         6.0%

Oils and fats                               4,806                        8.8%       Chile                                        2,887                         5.3%

Transportation material                      3,937                        7.2%      Vietnam                                      2,852                         5.2%

Others                                      14,246                      26.0%       Others                                      32,680                       59.5%

                                     42,356                                         Imports
Industrial inputs                           16,765                      39.6%       China                                        8,656                       20.4%

Spare parts of capital goods                 7,592                      17.9%       Brazil                                       8,659                       20.4%

Capital goods                                7,374                      17.4%       United States                                4,366                       10.3%

Fuels                                       2,640                        6.2%       Paraguay                                     2,218                         5.2%

Spare parts of
                                             1,614                       3.8%       Germany                                      1,988                         4.7%
transportaton equipment

Others                                       6,371                      15.0%       Others                                      16,479                       38.9%

Source: World Bank, World Economic Forum (WEF), Transparency International (TI) e Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC).

Plant related products represent the largest share of exports,
while industrial supplies account for the largest share of imports.
Brazil and China are Argentina’s major trading partners

Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

                                       Business in

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                                                                                                                                                  May 2021

General Profile                                  Argentina´s population is largely young.             Argentina is
                                                 As a matter of fact, 55% of its inhabitants
As regards the size of the economy,              are younger than 35 years old. As regards            the third largest
Argentina’s GDP amounted to USD 382.7
bn in 2020, and it is the third largest
                                                 education, almost 80% of its inhabitants
                                                 make it to the secondary school.                     economy in
economy in Latin America and 31st in the
world ranking. GDP per capita amounted
                                                 As regards higher and university
                                                 education, the rates hover around 45%.
                                                                                                      Latin America
to USD 8,433 per inhabitant.                     As a result, the population between 25
                                                 and 59 years old currently has, on average,
                                                                                                      and 31st in the
Argentina has comparative advantages             11,2 years of schooling, and as such is              world ranking
in sectors such as agro-business and             one of the highest rates in Latin America
technological services, with a high              (second only to Chile).
penetration rate in major international
markets. Moreover, the country has               Regarding English language skills,
Vaca Muerta, the second largest shale            Argentine ranks 25th (out of 100
gas reserve in the world, and the fourth         countries) in the world in the “EF English
largest shale oil reserve. Another highlight     Proficiency Index”, which measures the
is the outstanding quality of its labor force.   English language average quality of its
                                                 population. According to this measure,
As regards population, it has 45,4 million       Argentine ranks first in all Latin America.
inhabitants, the fourth largest population
in Latin America, with a 32nd position in        Argentina currently has 19 international
the global population ranking. A large           trade agreements in force. Twelve of them
portion of its inhabitants (around               were executed thanks to Argentine being
14.3 million) live in the Buenos Aires           part of the Mercosur (the trading block
metropolitan area. This accounts for 32%         formed by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and
of the country’s inhabitants in just 0.5% of     Paraguay), six of them were executed
the country’s total area. The other more         bilaterally and one upon entry into the
densely populated areas are the rest of          World Trade Organization (WTO).
the province of Buenos Aire (6.3 million),
Córdoba (with 3.5 million inhabitants),
Santa Fe (3.5 million) and Mendoza
(2,0 million).

Doing Business in Argentina - Deloitte
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

Political Regime

                Constitution                     Federal Branches of Power                                  Rule of Law

     The National Constitution of the            The Executive Power is led by a                The Rule of Law in Argentina is most
     Argentine Republic is the supreme           citizen holding the title of President         clearly evidenced in the State’s
     law and prevails over the rest of           of the Argentine Nation. He/she is             separation of powers, the recognition
     the country’s laws which, therefore,        the supreme head of the country, the           of human rights and the system of
     cannot contradict it. International         chief of government and is politically         checks and balances that balances
     treaties signed by the Argentine State      responsible for the country’s overall          and limits the authority of each of the
     regarding human rights rank equally         administration, and issues the                 three powers, as provided for in the
     with the Constitution. The National         instructions and regulations necessary         National Constitution.
     Constitution sets forth the essential       for the enforcement of the Nation’s
     rights and guarantees of all those          laws, taking care not to alter their spirit    As a consequence, unlike the
     who inhabit Argentina and the State’s       with regulatory exceptions.                    amendment of ordinary laws,
     division into different branch powers.                                                     constitutional reforms call for a
                                                 The Legislative Power is represented           special procedure and special
     The purpose of the National                 by the National Congress, which is             majorities.
     Constitution is to form a national          composed of two Houses: the
     union, guarantee justice, secure            House of Deputies and the Senate.
     domestic peace, provide for the common      The Congress exercises its legislative
     defense, promote the general welfare        functions by deliberating and enacting
     and secure the benefits of freedom          laws upon considering the common
     to all the country’s inhabitants.           well of all inhabitants. The National         Argentina adopts
                                                                                               the federal republican
                                                 Constitution establishes the Congress’
     Argentina adopts the federal                prerogatives, the matters over which
     republican representative form of
     government and the provinces retain
                                                 it may and must legislate as well as its
                                                 limitations. In addition to law-making,
                                                                                               representative form
     all of the power not delegated to the
     federal government by the National
                                                 the Congress exercises control over
                                                 the Executive Power.
                                                                                               of government
     Constitution. As a consequence, each
     province has its own Constitution           Finally, the Judicial Power is composed
     which cannot contradict any of the          of the Supreme Court of Justice and
     rights, guarantees and duties established   such other lower courts (courts of
     in the National Constitution.               appeals, oral trial courts, lower court
                                                 judges, etc.) established by the National
                                                 Congress. The Supreme Court and the
                                                 country’s lower courts are in charge of
                                                 hearing and deciding on all litigations
                                                 concerning matters ruled by the
                                                 Constitution and the country’s laws.

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                                                                                                                                                May 2021

Economic Structure                          Chart 1
                                            GDP Breakdown by Sector
GDP is the sum of all goods and services    (million of USD and % contribution)
produced by a country and the most
important measure to estimate the           GDP 2020                                                        Value                               % GDP
production capacity of any economy.
The three major economic sectors of
Argentina’s GDP are:
Primary sector: extractive agriculture,
cattle raising, forestry development,
                                                                                                   26,151                                  6.8
hunting and fishing.
Secondary sector: Industrial
                                                                                                   77,258                                 20.2
transformation, mining, construction and
manufacturing.                              Manufacturing                                                   53,022                                  13.9
Tertiary sector: Services and wholesale
and retail consumption.
                                            Mining                                                          11,843                                   3.1
In Argentina, the tertiary sector is the
major component of the GDP (with a          Construction                                                    12,392                                   3.2
56.6% share in 2020). Six percent of the
labor force works in the agricultural
sector; 26% in the industrial sector; and
68% in the tertiary sector.
                                                                                                   216,565                                56.6
                                            Wholesale and Retail Sector                                     56,790                                  14.8

                                            Real Estate Sector                                              38,434                                  10.0
The service sector
is the largest                              Education and Health                                            36,958                                   9.7

component of                                Public Administration and Defense                               24,292                                   6.4
GDP and the most
important in terms                          Transportation and Communication                                19,926                                   5.2

of employment                               Financial Services                                              17,220                                   4.5

                                            Tourist Services                                                4,360                                     1.1

                                            Other Tertiary                                                  18,586                                   4.9

                                                                                                     62,574                                16.4
                                            Source: INDEC. The item “Other Tertiary Sectors” includes electricity, gas and water; Other activities of
                                            community, social and personal services; Private homes with household services. To calculate the nominal
                                            benchmark Exchange rate we used Communication “A” (wholesale) reported by the BCRA AR$/USD average
                                            for 2020.

Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

One of Argentina’s                     Manufacturing industry                          One of Argentina’s advantages is its
                                       Given its comparative advantages in             competitive relation between the quality
advantages is the                      the primary and agribusiness sector,            (in terms of average years of education

competitive relation                   Argentina has become a major food
                                       producer (one of the ten largest producers
                                                                                       and English level) of its labor force and the
                                                                                       labor cost for the companies. Currently,

between the quality                    and exporters of food in the world).
                                       Production of chemicals also has a
                                                                                       the minimum salary is 20,587 Pesos per
                                                                                       month (equal to 230 USD at the official
(in terms of years                     relevant role within the manufacturing
                                       sector in the country.
                                                                                       exchange rate), one of the lowest in Latin
                                                                                       America (only higher than Venezuela,
of schooling and                                                                       Brazil and Mexico).
                                       Food and beverages is the most important
English level) of its                  sector at the industrial level, with a 32%

labor force and                        share, followed by chemical production,
                                       basic metals, machinery and equipment.

the labor cost for
                                       Figure 1
                                       Manufacturing industries
                                       (Contribution to total output, %)

                                                                                                   Food and beverages
                                                   19%                                             Basic metals

                                                                                  32%              Machinery & equipment
                                                                                                   Rubber & Plastic
                                           4%                                                      Non-metal minerals
                                          4%                                                       Metal products
                                           4%                                                      Paper products

                                            5%                                                     Motor Vehicles
                                              5%                                 15%
                                                         6% 6%

                                       Source: INDEC. Data at the end of 2020.

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                                                                                                                                                             May 2021

FX inflows into the                                       Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)                        Finally, USD receipts generated by
country                                                   experienced a decline in 2020, in line                 tourism (international travelers) have also
                                                          with the developments all over the world,              increased over the past years, except
Exports of primary and agribusiness                       as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19.               in 2020, when the pandemic brought
products are the main source of FX                        Thus, in 2020, it represented nearly 1.0%              this sector to a halt all over the world,
receipts into Argentina (which                            of GDP, below the 1.5% reached during                  given the closing of borders and mobility
represented 9.9% of GDP in 2020).                         the previous year and the 2.3% of 2018.                restrictions. In the medium term, the wide
The country’s comparative advantages,                                                                            array of tourist offers in the country (not
coupled with strong investments in                        The exports of knowledge-based services                only the City of Buenos Aires, but also
technology made by the sector, led to a                   have gained ground over the past years in              the northern and southern regions of the
significant increase in agribusiness output,              terms of generating FX receipts, reaching              country), added to a Peso that has sharply
thus generating larger volumes available                  1.6% of the GDP in 2020.                               depreciated against the USD, will continue
for exports.                                                                                                     to be attractive to large numbers of
                                                          The country’s high quality human resources,            international tourists towards Argentina.
Exports of manufactured products also                     mainly in relation to the development of
play a major role in generating USD for the               software and disruptive technologies (some
country, as they represented a 3.5%                       of the largest market cap tech companies of
of GDP in 2020.                                           the region were born in Argentina) and an
                                                          improved regulatory framework created the
                                                          conditions for tech exports to take off over
                                                          the past years.

Chart 2
Major Sources of USD Receipts in Argentina
(Millon USD)

                              FDI                                                                Technological Services
                              Energy                                                             Tourism
21.000                        Agribusiness (right axis)                                          Manufacturing (right axis)                           50.000

18.000                                                                                                                                                45.000


 3.000                                                                                                                                                15.000

      0                                                                                                                                               10.000









Note: All segments include solely USD receipts into the country. Oil and manufacturing are stated in export USD; tourism includes FX receipts derived from
international travelers; FDI represents USD receipts into the country.

Source: INDEC, BCRA.

Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

Investment & Foreign                         Chart 2

Trade                                        FDI Breakdown, by country
                                             (Billion USD, aggregate 2015 - 2019)

Foreign Direct Investment comes mainly
from the following sources:

•    Spain: 26%
•    USA: 19%
•    Netherlands: 8%                                Total               Spain              USA            Netherlands           France
•    France: 4%                                     44.7                 11.5              8.5                 3.6                1.8

Most foreign investments into Argentina
are concentrated in the financial sector                             26%              19%                      8%              4%
(17% between 2015 and 2019). It is
followed by the oil sector (13%), where
                                             Source: INDEC, Cepal and BBVA.
the discovery of Vaca Muerta oil field has
contributed to the recent rise in foreign
investments into the sector. In addition,
mining has managed to be among the
sectors that receive more FDI, with a
13% share of aggregate FDI between           Graph 3
2015 and 2019.                               Main investment sectors
                                             (Billion USD, aggregate 2015 - 2019)

Most foreign
investments into                                    Financial
                                                                                Oil                   Mining          Car Manufacturing
Argentina are                                           7.8                     5.9                      5.7                    5.4
concentrated in the
financial sector                                   17%                        13%                   13%                    12%
                                             Source: INDEC, Cepal and BBVA.

Monetary and fiscal policy                   Monetary policy is not expressly inflation          On the other hand, the country’s FX
                                             targeted, nor does it set interest rate or          regime is flexible, with capital controls.
The Argentine Central Bank (BCRA) is         monetary aggregate targets. However,
independent from the Executive Power         the current Management of the monetary              As regards the fiscal policy, Argentina
and its mandate includes promoting           authority (who took office in December              has a “Stand By” agreement in force
monetary and financial stability,            2019) defined its medium-term goal as a             with the IMF, which defined the public
employment and economic development          sustainable balance between these three             account goals in 2018 and 2019. Then,
with social equity.                          variables, so as to boost economic activity         since Alberto Fernandez took office in
                                             and credit, under conditions of nominal             December 2019, the national government
                                             stability.                                          has been negotiating a new relationship
                                                                                                 with the IMF and other foreign multilateral

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Ease of Doing                                     Graphic 3
Business                                          Historic development of Argentina’s position
                                                  in the Doing Business Ranking
The Doing Business report prepared by the
World Bank measures how easy it is to do
business in Argentina, based on several
variables. Currently, the country ranks 126
out of 190 countries assessed in 2020, with
                                                                                                                      126                                             126
                                                  126                                                          124            124
a 59-point score.
As shown in the following chart, the                                               118
                                                  119                                                                                                 117
country gets its best rating in “Starting a                                                     115
                                                                           113                         113
business”, followed by “Electric Power” and
“Cross-Border Trade”. On the other hand,          112        109
the worst rated items include “Discharge
from Bankruptcy”, “Tax Payment” and
“Access to Credit”.                               105

Pursuant to the World Bank, over the
past two years Argentina has improved










management of construction permits,
cross-border trade and contract
                                                  Source: Doing Business, World Bank, 2020.

Chart 4
Doing Business en Argentina
(Argentine Ranking in the World —general index and variables—and score)

Ranking                126       141           155            111                  123                 104        61          170             119       97            111
Rating                          80.4
                                                             70.0                                                                        67.1
* The ranking
                       59.0                   56.4                                56.7                                                                57.5
classifies Argentina
against 190                                                                                       50.0                        49.3
other countries
(the nearer to 1,
the better, and

Scores range
from 1 to 100
points, and they
measure each
of the variables
(the nearer to 1,
the better, and
                                 Starting a

                                              Dealing with












Source: Doing
Business, World
Bank, 2020.

Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

   Current Economy

   Chart 5
   GDP Growth (annual % change) and
   contribution of each component of aggregate
   demand (in percentage points)

                                     15.0                                                                                                                                                   15.0%

                                     10.0                                                                                                                                                   10.0%
Contribution, in percentage points

                                       5.0                                                                                                                                                  5.0%

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Annual % change
                                       0.0                                                                                                                                                  0.0%

                                      - 5.0                                                                                                                                                 -5.0%

                                                                                                                                         Private Consumption
                                     -10.0                                                                                               Government Consumption                             -10.0%

                                     -15.0                                                                                               Net Exports                                        -15.0%

                                                                                                                                         GDP (right axis)
                                     -20.0                                                                                                                                                  -20.0%













   Source: INDEC.

   At the end of 2020, private consumption                                              Considering the historic volatility that has                    The major guidelines soughtby the
   accounted for 69% of GDP and 57% of                                                  characterized Argentina, in terms of its tax                    government are the following:
   the country’s aggregate demand. On its                                               situation and government debt levels, the                       •   Principal reduction, measured
   part, exports representend mearly 17%                                                National Government is currently working                            in relation to GDP (today 105%,
   of demand, even though imports made a                                                to reach a sustainable public debt, seeking                         although considering only the
   slightly higher contribution, and thus                                               a medium/long term solution to this issue.                          private sector and international
   the net trade balance was negative.                                                  This is vital for Argentina’s current and future                    organizations, the ratio declines to
   Gross fixed capital investment accounted                                             economic development. In this respect,                              64%), bringing it closer to figures
   for 14% of aggregate demand and                                                      in August 2020, Argentina managed to                                of sounder emerging countries
   government consumption totalled 12%.                                                 restructure its dollar denominated debt with                        (around 30%/45% of the GDP).
   GDP has been on a downward trend                                                     the private sector (both with foreign and                       •   A decline in annual financing
   since 2018 and has shown an erratic                                                  local creditors) and it is currently seeking to                     needs, from a high percentage
   development over the past eleven years,                                              reach an agreement with the IMF and the                             over the past years (5%/10% of
   with five years of economic expansión and                                            Paris Club. It restructures USD 65 billion in                       GDP) to ratios of around 3%.
   six of contraction, and an anual average                                             bonds issued under NY Law, with principal
   growth rate of 0.1% since 2010.                                                      and interest savings worth USD 30 billion.
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Chart 6
External Public Debt
(% of GDP)


                                                                                                                                                           42% 44%
                   24% 22%                                                                                                                     23%
                                  17% 17% 15%                                                                                     18%
                                              12% 11% 12% 13% 14%












Source: INDEC.

On the internal front, the country has                Chart 7
been recording annual inflation of more               Retail Inflation
than 20% over the past ten years, and this            (average anual % change)
has become a structural problem for the
domestic economy. In 2020, as a result of                                                                                                             41%                              42%
business activity grounding to a halt due                                                                                              39%
to the outbreak of COVID-19, the freezing                                                                                                                              34%
of service rates and a gradual, though
managed, rise in the official exchange rate,
                                                                      25% 25% 28% 26%25%
price increases have slowed to 41.0%,
from 53.5% on average one year before.                             21%
The Central Bank’s policy in 2020                            14% 16%
sought to stabilize the FX market.
The monetary authority implemented
a policy involving a gradual increase in              4%
the official exchange rate, with an annual
cumulative depreciation of 39.9%, slightly
above accumulated inflation of 36.1% at












year-end 2020.

Parallel FX markets (freely accessible)
                                                      Source: INDEC.
remained under stress during part of the
year, with the USD in these markets more
than two-folding the official exchange
rate at the end of 2020, although the gap
was partially narrowed by year end to
around 60%.

Doing Business in Argentina May 2021


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                                                                                                                                             May 2021

Legal persons
Legal persons are defined as “all entities
empowered by law with the ability to acquire
rights and assume obligations in order to
pursue the corporate purpose established              Main corporate types
when organized.” (Section 141, Argentine
Civil and Commercial Code)                       The main corporate types used in
                                                 Argentina are the following:
Legal persons may be state-owned or
privately-owned. Privately-owned legal           • 		 Sociedad Anónima (S.A.)
persons are those governed by the                     (Corporation)
Argentina Companies Law No. 19550 and            • 		 Sociedad Anónima
the Support for Entrepreneurial Activity              Unipersonal (S.A.U.)
Law No. 27349. The corporate types are                (Simplified Corporation)
the following:                                   • 		 Sociedad de Responsabilidad
                                                      Limitada (S.R.L.) (Limited
•   Sociedad Anónima (Corporation)                    Liability Company)
•   Sociedad de Responsabilidad
    Limitada (Limited Liability                  Note that SRL cannot be owned by a
    Company)                                     single person.
•   Sociedad por Acciones
    Simplificada (Simplified                     In all of these corporate types,
    Corporation)                                 shareholders may be foreign persons.
•   Sociedad de Capital e Industria
    (Capital and Labor Partnership)
•   Sociedad Colectiva (General
•   Sociedad en Comandita Simple
    (Limited Partnership)                      Companies under Section IV of the                 Regarding the relationships with third
•   Sociedad en comandita por                  Argentine Companies Act                           parties, any of the partners is able to
    acciones (Limited Partnership              Companies under Section IV of the                 represent the company by showing the
    with Share Capital)                        Argentine Companies Act are those                 social contract to them, but the provision
                                               companies which are not incorporated              of the social contract can be opposed if
In addition to the companies governed          according to any of the types contemplated        it is proven that the third parties actually
by the Business Companies Act and the          in Chapter II of the ACL (e.g. corporations,      knew it at the time of the beginning of the
Support for Entrepreneurial Activity Law,      limited liability companies), do not meet         legal relationship.
the Civil and Commercial Code governs the      the essential requirements, or fail to
following private legal persons:               comply with the formalities required by           The partners are jointly liable in equal
                                               the ACL.                                          parts with respect to third parties, unless
•   Civil associations                                                                           solidarity with the corporation or between
•   Foundations                                In the event that a social contract has           them, or a different proportion, result
                                               been signed, it will be binding among the         from: (i) an express provision regarding a
In this respect, business companies are        partners who signed it. In relation to third      relationship or a set of relationships ; (ii)
those that are organized for an essentially    parties, the contract - and, therefore,           a provision of the social contract; and (iii)
economic purpose, while civil associations     the existence and characteristics of the          the common rules of the type of entity that
and foundations have a non-profit purpose.     company - can be invoked against them             they claim to adopt and with respect to
                                               if it is proven that they actually knew it        which substantial or formal requirements
Notwithstanding the possibility of adopting    at the time of contracting and it can also        are not met.
any of the business types mentioned            be invoked by third parties against the
above, foreign companies may carry             company, partners and administrators.
out their business in Argentina through
branches or representative offices.

Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

                                         Sociedad                                   Sociedad Anónima                        Sociedad de Responsabilidad
                                       Anónima (S.A.)                               Unipersonal (S.A.U)                           Limitada (S.R.L.)
                                                                            Only one shareholder, either a natural or
      Shareholders /               Minimum: 2 shareholders.                 a legal person. But, if the shareholder is a            Minimum: 2 partners.
        Partners                     Maximum: unlimited.                    legal person, it cannot be a single-owner               Maximum: 50 partners.

                                                                                                                             There is no minimum capital required
                                                                                                                            for this type of business company but it
        Corporate            The minimum required capital is ARS              The minimum required capital is ARS
                                                                                                                           should be adequate to the type of activity
         capital            100,000 and is represented by shares.            100,000 and is represented by shares.
                                                                                                                             to be developed by the company. It is
                                                                                                                                      represented by quotas.

                              The shareholders’ liability is limited,                                                            The partners’ liability is limited,
                               in principle, to the total amount of                                                          in principle, to the total amount of the
                                                                             The liability of the single shareholder is                 corporate capital.
                                 contributed and paid-in capital.
                                                                           limited, in principle, to the total amount of
       Liability and        Shares carry voting and economic rights.                     corporate capital.                Capital quotas carry voting and economic
     corporate capital     Furthermore, there may be many different                                                         rights. There are no different classes or
                                                                           Contributions should be fully paid-in upon                types of capital quotas.
                            classes of shares, so that some may have
                                                                               organization or capital increase.
                              certain higher voting and/or economic                                                        The value of each quotas shall be ARS 10
                                        rights than others.                                                                        each or multiples of ten.

                                                                                                                             The transfer of quotas is free although
                            The transfer of shares is free although           Shares are freely transferable. Should           it may be limited by specific reasons
                              it may be limited by specific reasons         the single shareholder transfer part of its     set forth in the company’s bylaws. Even
 Transfer of shares /       set forth in the corporate bylaws. Even          shares, and not all, the company is to be        though the transfer may be limited, it
       quotas                though the transfer may be limited, it           transformed into a different corporate       cannot be banned. An amendment to the
                             cannot be banned. Notice of transfer                type which allows more than one           company’s articles of organization and the
                                 should be given to the company.                           shareholder.                     subsequent registration with the Public
                                                                                                                                      Registry are required.

                                                                            The Administration rests with the Board
                            The Administration rests with the Board                                                             The Administration rests with
                                                                             of Directors, which may be formed by
                             of Directors, which is formed by one or                                                        Management, which is formed by one or
                                                                             one or more persons (the shareholder
     Administration          more persons, who may or may not be
                                                                              may be member of the Board). The
                                                                                                                            more persons, who may or may not be
                            shareholders. The majority of the Board                                                         partners. The majority of Management
                                                                            majority of the Board members should
                           members should be resident in Argentina.                                                            should be resident in Argentina.
                                                                                    be resident in Argentina.

                            Mandatory appointment of a statutory                                                           Appointing a statutory audit committee,
                             audit committee, statutory auditor or                                                             statutory auditor or supervisory
                            supervisory committee includes ,but is                                                           committee is optional and should be
                              not limited to, the following cases:                                                         governed by the provisions of its articles
                                                                                                                                       of organization.
                           (i) Where the capital stock exceeds ARS
                                        50,000,000;                                                                           However, where the SRL’s corporate
                                                                           The SAU is required to appoint a Statutory       capital exceeds ARS 50,000,000 such an
       Supervision          (ii) Where the company is listed in the         Audit Committee, which may be formed              appointment becomes mandatory.
                                       stock exchange;                         by one or more internal auditors.
                                                                                                                               The provisions governing SAs apply
                            Where the company does not meet the                                                              complementary to SRLs both when the
                           conditions that require such appointment                                                        supervisory board is optional and when it
                               and it decides not to set up such                                                           is mandatory. The attributions and duties
                             supervisory body, the company shall                                                              of these bodies have to be the same
                           have to appoint alternate members to the                                                          as those established for SAs, when the
                                             Board.                                                                                appointment is mandatory.

Variable capital (CV)                                               None of these corporate types allows for variable capital.

                                                                                                                             In some jurisdictions (such as USA) this
                                                                              This type of company is used by both
                                                                                                                            type of business company is considered
                           This is the corporate type most commonly          natural and legal persons who intend to
         Purpose           used in Argentina for business purposes.         be single shareholders. They are used for
                                                                                                                            transparent (partnership) that may allow
                                                                                                                           for choosing a check-the-box modality for
                                                                                       business purposes.
                                                                                                                                          tax purposes.

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Financial sector                               h) To protect the rights of financial service
                                                  users and preserve fair competition
Financial entities are regulated by the           (anti-trust powers), coordinating its
Central Bank of Argentina and the Ministry        actions with competent government
of Finance of Argentina.                          authorities in this respect.

Central Bank of Argentina                      Comisión Nacional de Valores
It is a self-governed entity. Its purpose is   (Argentine Securities Commission)
to promote monetary stability, financial       The Argentine Securities Commission (CNV
stability, employment and economic             in Spanish) is the official entity in charge
development with social equity to the          of promoting, supervising and controlling
extent of its powers and within the policy     capital markets throughout Argentina. The
framework established by the National          CNV is a self-governed entity stemming
Government.                                    from the Ministry of Finance.

Its powers and duties are the following:       Financial Information Unit (UIF in
a) To regulate the functioning of the          The Financial Information Unit is a self-
   financial system and enforce the            governed entity with financial autonomy
   Financial Entities Act as well as the       in charge of analyzing, handling and
   rules and regulations consequently          transmitting information for purposes
   applied;                                    of forestalling and preventing money
                                               laundering and the financing of terrorism.
b)    To regulate the money supply and
     interest rates, as well as to regulate
     and channel credit;

c) To act as financial agent of the National   Financial entities
   State as well as depositary and
   agent for the country in its relations      are regulated by
                                               the Central Bank of
   to international monetary, bank and
   financial institutions of which the
   country is a member; to have an
   active role in international integration
                                               Argentina and the
   and cooperation;
                                               Ministry of Finance
d) To build up and manage its gold and         of Argentina
   foreign currency reserves and other
   external assets;

e) To contribute to a good functioning of
   capital markets;

f)   To enforce FX policy in accordance
     with the laws enacted by the Argentine

g) To the extent of its powers, to regulate
   the payment systems, clearing and
   settlement houses, fund remittance
   companies and armored money
   transportation services, as well as any
   other activity related to the financial
   and FX activities;

Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

PPP contracts                          Infrastructure                              The main laws that govern federal public
                                                                                   procurement activities and public works
are entered into                       Public infrastructure projects may be       include Executive Order delegated by

between National
                                       performed through contracts granted by      Congress No. 1023/2001 (National State
                                       the National State, private investments     Procurement Regime); Executive Order

Public Sector entities                 and public-private partnerships (PPPs).
                                       As regards contracts with the State, the
                                                                                   No. 436/2000 (Regulation on Acquisition,
                                                                                   Sale and Procurement of Goods and
and bodies, on                         procurement procedure is subject to a
                                       set of rules and parameters so that the
                                                                                   Services by the National State); Act
                                                                                   No. 13.064 (Public Works); Executive
the one hand, and                      State may comply most adequately with its   Order No. 1818/2006 (Public Procurement
                                       inherent functions and, at the same time,   E-System); Executive Order No. 1545/1994
privately or publicly                  manage public resources efficiently and     (Creation of the New National

held companies,
                                       with transparency.                          Procurement Office.) and Act No. 27.328
                                                                                   (Public-Private Partnership Agreement).

on the other hand,                     PPP contracts are entered into between
                                       National Public Sector entities and
for the purpose                        bodies, on the one hand, and privately
                                       or publicly held companies, on the other
                                                                                   Special Investment
of developing one                      hand, for the purpose of developing         Vehicles
                                       one or more design, construction,
or more design,                        expansion, improvement, maintenance         In Argentina, there are several mechanisms
                                                                                   and ways to implement investments, such as:
                                       works, delivery of equipment and goods,
                                       development, operation and financing

expansion,                             activities. It is an alternative method
                                       to the public works contracts and public
                                                                                       Joint-venture agreements
                                                                                       Partnership contracts / business

improvement,                           works concession because, under PPP
                                       contracts, there is a distribution of       •
                                                                                       Capital contributions
maintenance                            risks between the State and the private     •   Trusts
                                                                                       i) Financial Trusts
                                       contractor who assumes the responsibility
works, delivery of                     for securing a substantial part of the          ii) Construction Trusts.
                                                                                       iii) Management Trusts.
equipment and
                                       project financing.
                                                                                   •   Mutual Funds.

goods, development,
operation and
financing activities

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                                                                                                                                              May 2021

Foreign Investment (FI)                           investors and applied to economic               tariff barriers across its members and the
                                                  activities developed in the                     application of a common external tariff
Investments in Argentina are regulated            country; and (b) the acquisition                on all other countries. Since its creation,
by a set of rules, including international        of capital interests in an existing             trade between its Member States has
treaties and local rules, that govern the         local company by foreign                        increased.
treatment afforded to foreign investments,        investors.
the registration of foreign companies,        •   A “foreign capital local company”
rules on monetary policy, FX controls and         is defined as any company
remittances from and into Argentina.              domiciled in Argentina, where
                                                  natural or legal persons domiciled              Foreign investors
In principle, there are no restrictions on        abroad hold, either directly or
foreign investments. However, there are           indirectly, more than forty nine                may transfer
restrictions in respect of certain economic
                                                  per cent (49%) of the corporate
                                                  capital or else hold, either directly           their net realized
•   Government regulated activities
                                                  or indirectly, the number of votes
                                                  necessary to have majority in the
                                                                                                  profits abroad
    such as banks or insurance
                                                  Shareholders’ Meetings or board
                                                  of directors’ meetings.
                                                                                                  derived from
•   Acquisition of real property in                                                               their investments
    border areas or security zones;           Foreign investors may transfer their net
•   In relation to special regimes, due       realized profits abroad derived from their          as well as repatriate
    for instance to anti-trust issues;
    Investment in media companies
                                              investments as well as repatriate their
                                              investment subject to FX control rules in           their investment
    by foreign investors is limited to
    30% (except United States who
                                              force. In accordance with Communiqué “A”
                                              6844 BCRA, prior BCRA (Argentine Central
                                                                                                  subject to FX
    has an Investment Promotion and
    Protection Treaty with Argentina).
                                              Bank) approval is required to have access
                                              to the FX market for purposes of remitting
                                                                                                  control rules
                                              foreign currency abroad in relation to              in force
Act No. 21382 (Executive Order No.            such concepts.
1853/1993) established a legal regime that
tends to promote foreign investments          Foreign capital local companies may use
in the country, based on the principle of     internal credit subject to the same rights
non-discrimination between Argentine and      and terms applicable to national capital
foreign investors.                            local companies.

The main provisions of Act No. 21382          Since 1990, and for the purpose of
provide that:                                 increasing foreign investment in the
                                              country, Argentina has signed Foreign
•   Foreign investors may conduct             Investment Promotion and Protection
    investments in the country                Treaties with more than 60 countries.
    intended to promote economic              In general terms, under those treaties
    activities or the improvement             Argentina has agreed to afford a fair and
    or expansion of those already             equitable treatment to investors from
    existing, under the same                  signatory countries and to submit any
    conditions applicable to national         dispute that may arise to international
    investors, subject to the same            arbitration tribunals.
    rights and obligations that the
    Constitution and laws grant and           Furthermore, during the 80s Argentina
    impose on national investors in           promoted the creation of the Common
    accordance with Act No. 21382             Southern Market (Mercosur), which has
    and any other law that may                since been formed by Argentina, Brazil,
    govern special or promotion               Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela* as full            * The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is suspended
                                                                                                  from all rights and obligations inherent to its status
    regimes.                                  members, and Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,              as a State Party to MERCOSUR, in accordance with
•   A “foreign capital investment”            Peru, Bolivia**, Suriname and Guyana                the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 5
    is defined as (a) capital                 as associate members. The purpose of                of the Ushuaia Protocol.

    contributions made by foreign             Mercosur is the gradual elimination of              ** Bolivia is in adhesion process.
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021


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                                           Tax residence                                     If approved, such provisions shall become
                                                                                             apply to fiscal years beginning on or after
                                           A company is resident in Argentina if it          January 1, 2021.
                                           is organized in Argentina. Branches of
                                           foreign companies are also considered to          Taxable income
               Outline                     be residents.                                     The starting point to assess income is the
                                                                                             income or loss arising from the financial
 The most important taxes levied                                                             statements, to which certain adjustments
 on companies doing business in            Tax base and rates                                are made: non-deductible expenses and
 Argentina are, at a national level, the                                                     allowances are added back and non-
 Income Tax, the Added Value Tax           Resident companies are taxed on their             taxable income or special deductions/
 (VAT) and the tax on bank debits and      worldwide income, which includes profits          tax reliefs not recorded on the books are
 credits, as well as contributions to      made by branches and subsidiaries                 substracted.
 social security.                          abroad.
                                                                                             Taxable income is thus the difference
 There are also provincial taxes such      The branches of foreign companies                 between income derived by the taxpayer
 as Turnover Tax, Real Estate Tax and      are treated as residents and afforded             in the fiscal period and the expenses
 Stamp Tax.                                the same tax treatment. Non-resident              incurred in obtaining such income and
                                           companies without a permanent                     maintaining and preserving the source of
 In addition, Argentina has some           establishment are taxed only on their             income.
 tax promotion regimes in place for        Argentine-source income and the tax
 specific activities, such as mining,      may be applied as a final withholding,            Business income (known as third category
 renewable energy, knowledge               depending on the type of income.                  income) includes all income derived by
 economy, software and biofuel                                                               a company’s business operations (for
 production.                               The Income tax rate for resident                  instance, the sale of goods, shares and/or
                                           companies and Argentine branches of               real estate, dividends paid out by foreign
 Argentina has several bilateral           foreign companies is 30% for fiscal years         companies, interest, royalties, fees, etc.).
 treaties to avoid double taxation and     beginning on January 1, 2020 and they are
 has signed Information Exchange           reduced to 25% for fiscal years beginning         All income is liable to corporate income tax
 Agreements with non-treaty countries      on or after January 2, 2021.                      unless specifically exempted.
 as part of the BEPS project driven by
 the OECD.                                 Notwithstanding the above, a new bill             Tax Losses
                                           was recently announced that seeks to              Operating net losses may be carried
                                           postpone for a year the application of the        forward to future fiscal years over a term
                                           30% corporate income tax rate on joint-           of five years, but carry-backs are not
                                           stock companies. This bill is expected to be      allowed. Certain losses (for instance, due
                                           debated by Congress.                              to the sale of shares or other securities,
Argentina has some                                                                           foreign tax losses, etc.) may only be offset
                                           The National Executive Power has also             against income/gains of the same type.
tax promotion                              submitted a bill to Congress to modify
                                                                                             Foreign Tax Credit
regimes in place for
                                           corporate income tax by applying a
                                           progressive rate scale scheme, whereby            Companies may compute a foreign

specific activities,                       companies would pay 25% for the
                                           first income bracket (up to $5 million
                                                                                             tax credit for similar taxes paid abroad
                                                                                             provided they do not exceed the tax liability

such as mining,                            annual profits); 30% for an intermediate
                                           income bracket (from $5 million to $20
                                                                                             payable in Argentina on foreign-source
                                                                                             income. It is computed on an overall rather
renewable energy,                          million annual profits) and a 35% for             than on a country-by-country basis. A tax
                                           higher incomes.                                   credit is also available for similar taxes
knowledge                                                                                    paid abroad on Argentine-source income
                                                                                             in accordance with special provisions
economy, software
                                           In this respect, this bill provides that
                                           bracket income amounts are to be                  included in double tax conventions. Taxes

and biofuel                                adjusted annually, starting on January
                                           1, 2022 based on the Consumer Price
                                                                                             paid by companies directly or indirectly
                                                                                             held may be computed as a credit under

production                                 Index (CPI) provided by the INSTITUTO
                                           NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICAS Y CENSOS
                                                                                             certain circumstances. Unused foreign tax
                                                                                             credits may be carried forward over fiver
                                           (National Statitstics Bureau, INDEC).             fiscal years.
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

Compliance - Formalities                        New legislation has been enacted to            exempt. A tax of 15% on net income, or
                                                introduce new tax incentives that promote      13.5% on the sale price (at the seller’s
Fiscal Year                                     the “knowledge economy” in Argentina,          option), is applied on the transfer of
For legal persons, the taxable year is the      which was expected to enter into force on      shares in Argentine companies, other
fiscal year, which may coincide or not with     January 1, 2020 until December 31, 2029,       interests in unlisted entities and other
the calendar year o comprise another            but was later suspended. In February           assets, such as real estate. In certain
period of 12 consecutive months.                2020, a new bill was sent to Congress with     circumstances, indirect transfers of
                                                modifications to the original initiative.      shares and other equity interests in
Tax Return Consolidation                                                                       Argentine companies may be subject
In Argentina, the companies of the same         On October 26, 2020, Act 27570 was             to the same rules.
group are required to file tax returns and      enacted, whereby certain amendments
pay the tax separately. Under Argentina law,    were introduced to the Knowledge
tax return consolidation and group relief (by   Economy Promotion Regime Act.                  Dividend payouts
offsetting losses across companies of the
same group) are not allowed.                    On December 21, 2020, Executive Order          Dividends received by an Argentine
                                                1034/2020 was issued to regulate the           company from another Argentine
Filing and Payment                              Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime.            company are exempt from income tax.
In Argentina, taxes are self-assessed so
that legal persons assess their own tax         Ruling (SsEC) 03/2021, published on            Dividends paid out by a foreign
liability and report it on a tax return.        the Official Bulletin on January 11, 2021      company are liable to tax but
However, the tax administration is entitled     by the Undersecretariat of Knowledge           taxpayers are given a tax credit for
to examine the tax return, require further      Economy, established the requirements          the underlying tax paid on the income
information and/or conduct an audit.            that are to be met by the beneficiaries of     that was paid out as dividend (under
                                                the Software Industry Promotion Regime         certain conditions), in addition to a
Penalties                                       (Act 25922) to continue being eligible         credit for any withholding that may
Penalties are applied upon failure to file      under the Knowledge Economy Promotion          have been applied on the dividends.
the tax return or to pay. Late payment is       Regime.
penalized with interest charged at variable                                                    A withholding of 7% is applied on
rates, plus fines ranging between 100% and      Act 27614 created a Construction               dividends paid by an Argentine
200% of the unpaid tax (the fine may be         Incentive Regime intended to promote           company (or remittances of an
reduced). Tax evasion is subject to higher      the development of or investment in real       Argentine branch of a foreign entity
fines and may include imprisonment.             estate projects in the Argentine Republic.     to its headoffice) to resident natural
                                                                                               persons or non-resident persons in
Ruling Regime                                   The benefits provided by this Regime           relation to income derived from fiscal
There is no Ruling Regime in place in           include exempting the value of                 years commenced until January 1, 2021.
Argentina, but there is an advance ruling       investments made until December 31,
regime that is available provided certain       2022 from the personal asset tax base;         Although originally an increase to 13%
conditions are met.                             in addition, 1% of the value of such           was established for the tax rate on
                                                investments may be creditable against the      dividends paid out of earnings made in
                                                personal asset tax liability. The Regime       fiscal years beginning January 2, 2021,
Tax Incentives                                  also defers the tax on real estate transfers   such rate may remain at 7% if the bills
                                                or the income tax in the case of real estate   currently being debated by Congress
There are tax incentives available for          covered by this scheme.                        are approved.
certain activities, such as mining, forestry,
renewable energy and biofuel production.
There is also a tax-free zone in Tierra del     Capital gains                                  Remittances abroad
Fuego with special incentives for certain
activities being performed there, such          In general, capital gains are included         Argentine companies that make
as corporate income tax exemptions,             as part of taxable income and liable to        payments to non-resident natural or
personal asset tax and excise taxes.            income tax paid by companies at the            legal persons domiciled abroad are
                                                standard rate. Gains on the sale of shares     required to withhold the tax and send
There are several tax-free zones where          of an Argentine company are subject to         it off to the Revenue.
goos are not subject to ordinary customs        income tax.
controls and, in general, no tariffs are                                                       Companies, acting as withholding
applied on goods entering into or getting       Gains derived by a non-resident on the         agents, are responsible for any wrong
out of the country (exported).                  sale of listed shares or ADRs are tax          withholding and/or failure to pay
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and may be subject to additional interest and     Royalties                                        of 21%) if the contract whereby such fees
fines assessable due to non-compliance.           Payments of royalties to non-resident            are paid is registered with the INPI and the
                                                  natural persons for the use of copyrights in     services may not be obtained in Argentina.
Below, we describe the most common                Argentina is subject to a final withholding      If the contract is registered with the INPI
withholdings applicable:                          of 35% on 35% of the gross payment,              but the services may be obtained in
                                                  which makes an effective rate of 12.25%          Argentina, the effective rate is 28% (35% x
Interest                                          provided such works are registered with          80%). If a contract does not fall under the
The withholding rate on interest paid to a        the National Copyrights Board and other          technology transfer act, the effective rate
non-resident is 35% and may be reduced            conditions are met. Royalties on movies          is 31.5% (35% x 90%).
to 15.05% where:                                  and TV programs, as well as those related
                                                  to image or sound reproduction or                Technical services fees paid to resident
•    The lender is a financial                    transmission, paid to non residents, are         companies and natural persons are
     institution;                                 subject to a final withholding of 35% on         subject to a local withholding, but this one
•    The lender is a bank or financial            50% of the gross payment, which makes an         is creditable against the final income tax
     institution that is not located in           effective rate of 17.5%.                         liability payable.
     a zero or low tax jurisdiction or it
     is a jurisdiction that has entered           Royalties on patents paid to non-residents       International Treaties
     into an Information Exchange                 are subject to a final withholding of 35%        Argentina has a relatively small network
     Agreement with Argentina and,                on an 80% of the gross payment (effective        of bilateral treaties to avoid double
     furthermore, no bank, exchange               rate of 28%) if the contract whereby such        taxation but has signed Information
     or other type of secrecy law                 royalties are paid is registered with the        Exchange Agreements with non-treaty
     may be claimed in the event of               National Institute of Industrial Property        countries as part of the BEPS project
     a request for information by the             (INPI in Spanish). Where these conditions        driven by the OECD.
     Revenue Administration;                      are not met, the effective rate is 31.5%
•    Interest is related to bonds                 (35%x90%).                                       As regards income derived directly by
     registered in countries who have                                                              foreign residents in Argentina, double
     signed an Investment Promotion               Royalties paid to resident companies and         tax conventions generally provide for the
     and Protection Treaty with                   natural persons are subject to a local           reduction or elimination of withholding
     Argentina; or                                withholding, but this one is creditable          taxes on Argentine-source income
•    The transaction pertains to                  against the final income tax liability           provided several requirements and
     financing granted by a seller for            payable.                                         formalities are met.
     the purchase of personal property
     subject to depreciation.                     Technical Service Fees                           To qualify for the benefits of tax treaties,
                                                  Technical assistance fees, engineering           the recipient should provide evidence of its
Interest paid to resident companies               services and consulting services paid            residence in the relevant jurisdiction and
and natural persons is subject to a local         to non-residents are subject to a final          meet the conditions so established by the
withholding, but this one is creditable           withholding of 35% on 60% of the gross           respective treaty.
against the final income tax liability payable.   payment (which makes an effective rate

           The network of Double Tax Conventions in force in Argentina
                                is shown below:

       Germany                  Canada                 Finland              Netherlands

       Australia                  Chile                 France            United Kingdom

       Belgium                 Denmark                   Italy                 Russia

        Bolivia          United Arab Emirates          Mexico                 Sweden
                                                                                                   Note: The table above lists Double Tax Conventions
         Brazil                  Spain                 Norway               Switzerland
                                                                                                   in force.
Doing Business in Argentina May 2021

Indirect taxes                                     A foreign individual with an employment         Capital Gains
                                                   contract for up to five years is taxed          Gains earned by an Argentine resident
VAT                                                exclusively on Argentine-source income and      on the sale of shares, bonds and other
VAT is levied on all the supplies of goods         on assets located in Argentina, provided this   securities not listed or authorized for
or services made in Argentine territory            individual has a temporary visa.                public listing, are taxed at a rate of 15%.
unless they are specifically exempt; it                                                            In certain cases, inflation adjustments
also taxes imports of goods and services           Tax base and rates                              to the acquisition cost are allowed. An
provided abroad but with economic use in           All persons deriving income in Argentina,       exemption is provided for gains derived
Argentina. The provision of digital content (      whether they are resident or not, are liable    from the sale of shares, securities,
that is music, videos, etc.) by non residents      for income tax. Residents are taxed on          corporate bonds and shares in mutual
is subject to VAT in Argentina at the              their wordwide income; nonresidents pay         funds that are listed or authorized for
standard rate.                                     the tax, only on Argentine-source income.       listing in Argentina, upon prior compliance
                                                                                                   of certain conditions.
There are four VAT tax rates applicable in         Tax Income
Argentina: (i) the standard rate of 21%, (ii) an   Taxable income includes labor income            Sales of real property acquired after January
increased rate of 27% applicable to some           (so called fourth category income in            1, 2018 are subject to a tax of 15%. The cost
utilities, such as certain communication           Argentina, which covers most of the             of acquisition may be adjusted for inflation.
services, electricity, natural gas and water,      benefits earned by employees), income           Permanent residential dwellings of resident
(iii) a reduced tax of 10.5% applicable to         obtained from performing an activity            individuals are exempt from this tax.
capital and other goods, and (iv) zero rate        or professional practice, certain capital
tax applicable to exports. In the case of          gains, dividends, rental income and             Foreign Tax Credit
zero-rated transactions, VAT is not charged        certain interest income. Foreign-source         Taxpayers may compute a foreign tax
on the sale but the input VAT paid on the          income should be included as taxable            credit for similar taxes paid abroad which
supply may be recovered. Certain supplies          income before the foreign withholding,          may not exceed the tax liability payable in
may be exempt from VAT (por instance,              but a credit tax may then be computed           Argentina on foreign-source income. It is
education, international transportation, etc.)     for the foreign tax paid.                       computed on an overall rather than on a
                                                                                                   country-by-country basis. A tax credit is
Tutnover Tax                                       Deductions                                      also available for similar taxes paid abroad
All provinces and the City of Buenos Aires         A resident individual is entitled to several    on Argentine-source income in accordance
levy this tax on the turnover of a company         personal deductions from taxable income         with special provisions included in double
who is engaged in a commercial, industrial,        (por instance, non-taxable minimum,             tax conventions. Taxes paid by companies
agricultural, financial o professional activity.   allowance for dependents, etc.) but             directly or indirectly held may be computed
                                                   certain conditions should be met for such       as a credit under certain circumstances.
Rates vary depending on the activity, but in       deductions to operate.                          Unused foreign tax credits may be carried
general they range between 1% and 5%.                                                              forward over fiver fiscal years.
                                                   Subject to certain restrictions, admitted
Higher tax rates may apply on certain              deductions include medical expenses,
services in some provinces; in general,            certain donations, mortgage interest or         Other Taxes
industrial activities are exempt or pay            rental payments and the cost of household
taxes at lower rates.                              helpers.                                        Employers’ and Employees’
                                                                                                   Contributions to Social Security
                                                   Rates                                           Both the employer and the employee are
Taxes on individuals                               Rates are progressive and range                 required to make contributions to social
                                                   between 5% and 35%, depending on                security and union health schemes (obras
Residence                                          the income bracket, which is adjusted           sociales). The employer’s social security
For tax purposes, an individual is resident        annually.                                       charges range between 24% and 26.4% of
if they live in Argentina (a person with                                                           the employee’s salary, depending on the
Argentine nationality is considered resident       Dividends paid by an Argentine entity           activity and the size of the company.
but the resident status may be lost if they live   to a resident or non-resident individual
abroad during more than a certain period           out of the profits made in fiscal years         The employer withholds a 17% employee
of time). Argentine individuals that maintain      beginning on or before January 1, 2021          contribution from the employee’s salary,
their resident status and foreign individuals      are subject to a withholding of 7%.             which is then paid into the social security
who get their permanent residence or stay          The rate will increase to 13% for dividends     and union health schemes; for purposes
in Argentine for at least 12 months (without       paid out of profits earned in subsequent        of this computation, the social security
computing temporary absences) are                  fiscal years.                                   minimum and maximum taxable amounts
considered to be Argentine residents.                                                              should be taken into account.
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