Page created by Glenn Henderson

JUNE 12-14, 2019


CONFERENCE PROGRAM sponsored by Mayora & Mayora

                               USA Branch




The Educational Affiliate of the Tax Lawyer

Mandarin Oriental, 500 Brickell Key Dr, Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305) 913-8288 | Website: http://www.mandarinoriental.com/miami/

Registration for the Workshops and Conference will be available in the Ballroom
Foyer of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel at 12:00 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, June
12. All individuals attending any part of the Conference must register and pay the
registration fee. Shared registrations are not permitted.

Complimentary WiFi access is available to Conference delegates using the following
network and password.
Network: MandarinOriental		         Password: covington (all lowercase)

                                 Sponsored by:

Download the app to your smart phone or tablet by using your device to scan the
QR code or visit http://ambar.org/taxapps. Use the app to view the program, create
a personalized agenda, access the latest conference materials, find speakers and
fellow delegates and receive updates throughout the conference.

                                 Sponsored by:

Materials for the Workshops and Conference are available at the following website:

The following exhibitors will be open on Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.,
on Thursday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and on Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

                                                       The Educational Affiliate of the Tax Lawyer

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                                    3
    Time       Session Title                                       Location Page
    Wednesday, June 12
    12:00 p.m. –   Registration of Delegates                       Ballroom   7
    5:30 p.m.                                                       Foyer
    12:45 p.m. –   Wealth Management Workshop Opening               Salon 3   7
    1:00 p.m.      Remarks
    12:45 p.m. –   Tax Executives Workshop Opening Remarks          Salon 2   7
    1:00 p.m.
    1:00 p.m. –    Advising HNWIs in a New Era of Taxation:         Salon 3   7
    3:00 p.m.      Suitable Holding Company Regimes,
                   Opportunities and Traps Behind the
                   Non-Resident/Non-Domiciled Income Tax
                   Regimes for Individuals, and Alternatives to
    1:00 p.m. –    Electronic Tax Compliance in Latin America:      Salon 2   8
    2:15 p.m.      Processes and Systems from a BEPS/CbC
    2:15 p.m. –    Tax Executives Workshop Networking Break        Ballroom   8
    2:45 p.m.                                                       Foyer
    2:45 p.m. –    Managing an In-House Tax Department in           Salon 2   8
    4:00 p.m.      Latin America and Adding Value in Tough
    3:00 p.m. –    Wealth Management Workshop Networking           Ballroom   9
    3:30 p.m.      Break                                            Foyer
    3:30 p.m. –    Wealth Management Workshop Roundtable            Salon 1   9
    5:30 p.m.      Discussion Session
    4:00 p.m. –    Electronic Tax Audits and Litigation in Latin    Salon 2   10
    5:15 p.m.      America: The In-House Perspective

4            12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
Time        Session Title                                     Location Page
Thursday, June 13
7:30 a.m. –    Registration of Delegates                      Ballroom    11
5:30 p.m.                                                      Foyer
7:30 a.m. –    Breakfast Symposium sponsored by               Hong Kong   11
8:30 a.m.      Baker McKenzie — Latin American Family           Room
               Enterprises and Multijurisdictional Ties –
               Practicing Law in a Global Landscape
8:00 a.m. –    Networking Breakfast                           Ballroom    11
8:50 a.m.                                                      Foyer
8:50 a.m. –    Tax Practice Trends Conference Opening          Salon 3    11
9:00 a.m.      Remarks for Concurrent Session A
8:50 a.m. –    Tax Practice Trends Conference Opening          Salon 2    12
9:00 a.m.      Remarks for Concurrent Session B
9:00 a.m. –    The Taxation of Digital Services: A World of    Salon 3    12
10:30 a.m.     Change
9:00 a.m. –    “Hidden Wealth”: The Global Campaign for        Salon 2    12
10:30 a.m.     Tax Transparency – the Latin Response
10:30 a.m. –   Networking Break                               Ballroom    13
11:00 a.m.                                                     Foyer
11:00 a.m. –   Impact of U.S. Tax Reform on U.S. Compa-        Salon 3    13
12:30 p.m.     nies Investing in Latin America: What Could
               Companies Expect in the Future?
11:00 a.m. –   The Multilateral Instrument (MLI),              Salon 2    14
12:30 p.m.     Interpretation, Application and Potential
12:30 p.m. –   Keynote Luncheon                                Salon 1    14
2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. –    Impact of U.S. Tax Reform on Latin Ameri-       Salon 3    15
3:30 p.m.      can Investment in the United States
2:00 p.m. –    Hybrid Instruments/ATAD/Anti-Hybrid Rules       Salon 2    15
3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. –    Networking Break                               Ballroom    16
4:00 p.m.                                                      Foyer

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/              5
    Time           Session Title                                Location Page
    4:00 p.m. –    The Changing Landscape in Laws Across          Salon 3     16
    5:30 p.m.      Jurisdictions and its Implications for Tax
                   Controversy and Litigation
    4:00 p.m. –    Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An              Salon 2     16
    5:30 p.m.      Introduction to the New Frontier
    6:00 p.m. –    Networking Cocktail Reception                 Mandarin     17
    7:00 p.m.      (Complimentary)                               Oriental
    7:00 p.m. –    Networking Dinner (Paid Ticketed Event)       The Wine     17
    9:00 p.m.                                                   Room at the
    Friday, June 14
    8:00 a.m. –    Registration of Delegates                     Ballroom     18
    5:30 p.m.                                                     Foyer
    8:00 a.m. –    Networking Breakfast                          Ballroom     18
    8:50 a.m.                                                     Foyer
    9:00 a.m. –    Digital Economy Roundtable Discussion          Salon 3     18
    10:30 a.m.
    9:00 a.m. –    The Impact of Tax Reform in Selected Latin     Salon 2     19
    10:30 a.m.     American Jurisdictions on International
    10:30 a.m. –   Networking Break                              Ballroom     20
    11:00 a.m.                                                    Foyer
    11:00 a.m. –   Exploring the Complex Relationship Be-         Salon 3     20
    12:30 p.m.     tween Taxpayers and Tax Authorities
    11:00 a.m. –   The Effect of EU Information Exchange          Salon 2     21
    12:30 p.m.     Rules and ATAD on Cross-Border
                   Transactions with Latin America and the
                   United States
    12:30 p.m. –   Networking Luncheon                                        21
    2:00 p.m.
    2:00 p.m. –    Global Executives: When Is a Permanent         Salon 3     21
    3:30 p.m.      Establishment Created, and What’s the
                   Income Attributable to It?
    2:00 p.m. –    A Time of Change – The Current State of        Salon 2     22
    3:30 p.m.      Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America

6            12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 12, 2019                            WEDNESDAY
12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.				                                          Ballroom Foyer
Registration of Delegates

12:45 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.					                                                    Salon 3
Wealth Management Workshop Opening Remarks

12:45 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.					                                                    Salon 2
Tax Executives Workshop Opening Remarks

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.					                                                     Salon 3
Wealth Management Workshop I
Advising HNWIs in a New Era of Taxation: Suitable Holding
Company Regimes, Opportunities and Traps Behind the Non-
Resident/Non-Domiciled Income Tax Regimes for Individuals,
and Alternatives to Reorganize
The panelists will compare alternative holding company regimes from the
perspective of the different jurisdictions (participation exemption, free distribution of
dividends, territorial regimes, treaty network, wealth tax and inheritance tax, by laws
and shareholder agreements).
The panel will analyze the advantages offered by the non-resident/non-domiciled
income tax regimes: main requirements, impact on business structures, reporting,
etc. vis-à-vis the impact under CFC/PFIC rules, territorial regimes, low tax
jurisdictions, etc.
Iñigo Aguirrezabala, Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain
Seth Entin, Holland & Knight LLP, Miami, FL, USA
Juan Camilo De Bedout, Posse Herrera Ruiz, Bogotá, Colombia
Flavia Allegro Gerola, Trench Rossi Watanabe, São Paulo, Brazil
Richard Giangrande, Macfarlanes LLP, London, England
Ronald Nobrega, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada
Pedro Ramirez Mota Velasco, Turanzas, Bravo & Ambrosi, S.C., Mexico City, Mexico

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JUNE 12, 2019                               WEDNESDAY
    1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.					                                                  Salon 2
    Tax Executives Workshop I
    Electronic Tax Compliance in Latin America: Processes and
    Systems from a BEPS/CbC Perspective
    This panel will cover the main challenges for companies in Latin America in
    establishing and managing electronic tax compliance, audits and litigation in the
    region. It is known that Latin America has significantly more complex compliance
    and court systems than other regions. Companies need to be prepared to operate
    in such a sophisticated, electronic and adversarial environment. The speakers will
    cover what the best systems and controls for Latin America are and how to create
    and maintain processes that are compliant from local perspectives from compliance,
    through inspections.
    Ivan Ferreira, Siemens, São Paulo, Brazil
    Maria Fernanda Campos, Ford Motor Company, São Paulo, Brazil
    Carlos Rivero, Mercado Libre, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    2:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.				                                          Ballroom Foyer
    Tax Executives Workshop Networking Break

    2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.					                                                  Salon 2
    Tax Executives Workshop II
    Managing an In-House Tax Department in Latin America and
    Adding Value in Tough Times
    This panel will address the best practices for managing in-house tax talent in Latin
    America, including the skill set required and demands of the in-house tax job in
    Latin America in times of an economic crisis.
    The panel will also address how to efficiently communicate Latin America tax issues
    to headquarters and add value in tough times. This includes best communication
    techniques & strategies and how to support and enable businesses in the more
    than 21 different jurisdictions in the region. Speakers will share cases on their
    management style, communication and work that have made a difference to their
    companies and added to the bottom line.
    Alejandro Ramallo, DHL Latin America, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Stuart Chessman, Vivendi S.A., New York, NY, USA
    Rafael Toribio Nunes, Sanofi, São Paulo, Brazil

8             12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 12, 2019                           WEDNESDAY
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.				                                          Ballroom Foyer
Wealth Management Workshop Networking Break

3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.					                                                   Salon 1
Roundtable Discussion Session
Wealth Management Workshop II
In an interactive and dynamic format, participants will be able to rotate through four
separate tables, each with their own topic, and participate in discussions led by
industry leaders to address pressing and relevant issues affecting clients, including
the following:
  •    Relocation Strategies: How to Enter and How to Exit
  •    Trusts, Foundations and Other Fiduciary Arrangements: Who Faces the Tax
  •    Marital Shares and Pre-Nuptial Arrangements: When Do They Fail?
  •    The Evolution of Tax Transparency Including CRS and Public Registries:
       Where Do We Stand?
Panel Co-Chairs
Rodrigo Castillo, Baker McKenzie, Bogotá, Colombia
Kathryn von Matthiessen, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, New York, NY, USA
Relocation Strategies Table Co-Chairs
Percy Castle, Casa Hierro Abogados, Lima, Perú
Erika Litvak, Greenberg Traurig PA, Miami, FL, USA
Trusts Table Co-Chairs
Javier Canosa, Canosa Abogados, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Shelly Meerovitch, Bernstein Global Wealth Management, New York, NY, USA
Marital Shares Table Co-Chairs
Camilo Cortés, Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas, Bogotá, Colombia
Rosie Schumm, Forsters LLP, London, England
Transparency Table Co-Chairs
Cecilia (Ceci) Hassan, Baker McKenzie, Miami, FL, USA
Roberto Padilla Ordaz, Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia., S.C., Mexico City, Mexico

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JUNE 12, 2019                             WEDNESDAY
 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.					                                                 Salon 2
 Tax Executives Workshop III
 Electronic Tax Audits and Litigation in Latin America: The In-
 House Perspective
 How to best manage a tax dispute in an electronic environment, from the collection
 and use of data, answering IDRs, the audit/inspection through the assessment and
 judicial disputes including the managing external tax counsel/consultants. The panel
 will share how they plan and manage and audit as well as choose and work their
 external tax counsel. What are the best strategies to avoid and manage an audit?
 When to litigate or not?
 Roberto Alvarez Lopez, Grupo Posadas, Mexico City, Mexico
 Florencia Lucila Misrahi, Cargill S.A.C.I., Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Juan Pablo Wills, Uber, Bogotá, Colombia

10          12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 13, 2019                                  THURSDAY
7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.					                                         Ballroom Foyer
Registration of Delegates

7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.				                                        Hong Kong Room
Breakfast Symposium
Latin American Family Enterprises and Multijurisdictional Ties
– Practicing Law in a Global Landscape
Nowadays, Latin American families and their enterprises are global; they are
interrelated across and beyond the region and are no longer necessarily confined
to just one country. Businesses increasingly have multijurisdictional and digital
presences and family members may have multiple nationalities and residences.
Given that reality, today more than ever the provision of legal advice to Latin
American family enterprises requires a holistic approach considering cultural
diversity, legal distinctions amongst the countries, and the need for creative
solutions. We will present case studies illustrating issues arising from these new
realities and practical solutions we have seen.
José P. Barnola, Jr., Baker McKenzie, Mexico City, Mexico
Simon P. Beck, Baker McKenzie, New York, NY, USA
Rodrigo Castillo, Baker McKenzie, Bogotá, Colombia
Flavia Allegro Gerola, Trench Rossi Watanabe, São Paulo, Brazil
Cecilia (Ceci) Hassan, Baker McKenzie, Miami, FL, USA

                                 Sponsored by:

8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.					                                         Ballroom Foyer
Networking Breakfast

8:50 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.						                                                  Salon 3
Opening Remarks for Concurrent Session A

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                      11
JUNE 13, 2019                                  THURSDAY
 8:50 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.						                                                  Salon 2
 Opening Remarks for Concurrent Session B

 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.					                                                  Salon 3
 Concurrent Session A
 The Taxation of Digital Services: A World of Change
 Latin America, Europe and North America all face a revolution in tax law triggered
 by the explosive growth of the digital economy. Individual jurisdictions have adopted
 new legal measures on a national and subnational level. In parallel to these actions,
 the OECD has launched a broad process of discussion in an attempt to find a global
 framework. This panel will examine the digital economy as it affects Latin America,
 will review what changes in tax law have been implemented so far and what
 legislation and solutions are now under consideration for the future. Both direct and
 indirect taxation will be addressed.
 Stuart Chessman, Vivendi, New York, NY, USA
 Guillermo Teijeiro, Teijeiro & Ballone, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Julio Castro, KPMG LLP, London, England
 Agnès de l’Estoile Campi, CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats, Paris, France
 Rosario Huet, Ramírez, Gutiérrez-Azpe, Rodríguez-Rivero y Hurtado S.C., Mexico
 City, Mexico
 Sergio André Rocha, Sergio André Rocha Advocacia & Consultoria Tributária, Rio de
 Janeiro, Brazil
 Juan David Velasco, Posse Herrera Ruiz, Bogotá, Colombia
 Juan Pablo Wills, Uber, Bogotá, Colombia

 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.					                                                  Salon 2
 Concurrent Session B
 “Hidden Wealth”: The Global Campaign for Tax Transparency –
 the Latin Response
 Tax evasion, particularly by ultra-high net worth individuals, is flourishing. One
 commentator estimates that 8% of the global financial wealth of households is
 held in tax havens, about $7.6 trillion at the end of 2013. In response, a number of
 governments, tax authorities, and supranational organizations have initiated a variety
 of efforts to uncover these hidden financial assets.
 The panel session would include, inter alia, a discussion of recent Latin American
 developments with regard to:

12         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 13, 2019                                 THURSDAY
•        The Common Reporting System (CRS)
•        Golden Passports
•        Economic Substance Requirements for Shell Companies
•        Beneficial Ownership Disclosure
•        Tax Haven Black Lists
•        OECD Global Forum on Tax Transparency
Leonard Schneidman, Andersen Tax LLC, Boston, MA, USA
Alejandro Torres, Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia., S.C., Mexico City, Mexico
Alberto Benshimol, D’Empaire Reyna Abogados, Caracas, Venezuela
Renata Emery, Stocche Forbes Advogados, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kat Saunders Gregor, Ropes & Gray LLP, Boston, MA, USA
Javier Robalino, FERRERE, Quito, Ecuador
Cristian E. Rosso Alba, Rosso Alba, Francia & Asociados, Buenos Aires, Argentina

10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.				                                           Ballroom Foyer
Networking Break

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.					                                                  Salon 3
Concurrent Session A
Impact of U.S. Tax Reform on U.S. Companies Investing in
Latin America: What Could Companies Expect in the Future?
The U.S. tax reform legislation affects the way in which U.S. companies structure
their operations in Latin America. Our panel will discuss the latest challenges that
U.S. companies and their subsidiaries are facing in Latin America as a result of the
2017 Tax Act. The panel will also discuss potential tax policy and regulatory changes
in the U.S. and Latin America that companies should be aware of.
Fernando Camarena, Foley Gardere Arena, Mexico City, Mexico
Jorge E. Castro, Miller & Chevalier Chartered, Washington, DC, USA
Isabel Espinoza, Baraona Fischer & Cia., Santiago, Chile
Juan Pablo Godoy, Godoy & Hoyos Abogados, Bogotá, Colombia
Maria Carolina Grecco Bazzanelli, Mayer Brown, São Paulo, Brazil
Gustavo Lazo, Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados, Lima, Perú
Scott M. Levine, Jones Day, Washington, DC, USA
Florencia Lucila Misrahi, Cargill S.A.C.I., Buenos Aires, Argentina

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                       13
JUNE 13, 2019                                   THURSDAY
 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.					                                                   Salon 2
 Concurrent Session B
 The Multilateral Instrument (MLI), Interpretation, Application
 and Potential Pitfalls
 The MLI entered into force on 1 July, 2018 and its provisions became effective
 on 1 January, 2019 for the first tax treaties concluded among the participating
 jurisdictions. Therefore, the BEPS tax treaty related measures are now a reality.
 After providing an update on the current status of the MLI, including the new
 guidance on the Synthesized texts, the panel will focus on the practical implications
 for cross-border corporate structures deriving from the MLI anti-treaty abuse
 The complexity of the application of the MLI provisions coupled with the proliferation
 of unilateral domestic anti-avoidance measures may render the application of tax
 treaties more and more difficult going forward. In particular, the panel will discuss
 - also with reference to concrete examples – the possible impact of these new
 provisions and their interaction with general anti-avoidance rules, and other legal
 and policy developments. In addition to BEPS, new OECD initiatives starting from
 the taxation of activities derived from digital services rendered abroad and indirect
 taxation on digital services raise the question of whether the balance in treaties
 regarding source and residence taxation now settled for a century is changing.
 Roberto Duque Estrada, Brigagão Duque-Estrada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
 Prof. Fred Murray, University of Florida Levin College of Law, Gainesville, FL, USA
 Delcia Capocasale, Cuatrecasas, New York, NY, USA
 Benjamín Cubides Pinto, CUVAL Abogados, Bogotá, Colombia
 Sylvia Dikmans, Houthoff Buruma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
 Ricardo León Santacruz, Sánchez DeVanny, Mexico City, Mexico
 Daniela Rey, Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Jeffrey L. Rubinger, Bilzin Sumberg, Miami, FL, USA

 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.					                                                    Salon 1
 Keynote Luncheon
 Leandro M. Passarella, Passarella Abogados, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Keynote Speaker
 Prof. Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Director, International Tax LLM Program, University of
 Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

14         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 13, 2019                                  THURSDAY
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.						                                                  Salon 3
Concurrent Session A
Impact of U.S. Tax Reform on Latin American Investment in
the United States
The recent U.S. tax reform significantly tilted the tax rate differential, among other
changes, to favor greater investment into the United States. This session will review
the U.S. tax reform and recent regulations issued by the Treasury Department in
combination with the tax framework of various jurisdictions in Latin America and
changes in the tax legislation adopted by those jurisdictions in light of the US tax
reform with a focus on the structuring of Latin American investments into the United
States, and trends in the region.
Eduardo Cukier, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP, New York, NY, USA
Fernando Tonanni, Machado Meyer, São Paulo, Brazil
Jason S. Bazar, Mayer Brown, New York, NY, USA
Mariana Eguiarte, Sánchez DeVanny, Mexico City, Mexico
Andrés González, DLA Piper Martinez Beltran, Bogotá, Colombia
Corina Laudato, Mitrani Caballero & Ruiz Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rocío Liu, Miranda & Amado Abogados, Lima, Perú

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.						                                                  Salon 2
Concurrent Session B
Hybrid Instruments/ATAD/Anti-Hybrid Rules
This panel will cover recent legislative and judicial efforts to combat hybrid entities
and instruments that have prevailed in international tax planning. The panel will
cover situations where new rules may cause multiple taxation and taxpayer defensive
planning to ameliorate the adverse effect of these new rules, with a focus on Latin
Mario Gorziglia, Prieto Abogados, Santiago, Chile
Sam Kaywood, Alston & Bird, Atlanta, GA, USA
Maximiliano Batista, Martinez de Hoz & Rueda, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rafael Moll de Alba, Charles Russell Speechlys, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Pere Pons, Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia., S.C., Madrid, Spain
Carolina Rozo, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría, Bogotá, Colombia
Ramon Tomazela, Mariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
Guilherme Viegas Di Ricco, AES Corporation, Panama City, Panama

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                         15
JUNE 13, 2019                                 THURSDAY
 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.					                                        Ballroom Foyer
 Networking Break

 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.						                                                 Salon 3
 Concurrent Session A
 The Changing Landscape in Laws Across Jurisdictions and its
 Implications for Tax Controversy and Litigation
 This panel will address key new provisions in Latin American countries, including
 retroactive provisions, issues in United States statutes and regulations, and the
 impact of these changes on the controversy landscape with specific examples.
 Kevin Otero, Covington & Burling LLP, New York, NY, USA
 Jessica Power, Carey y Cia., Santiago, Chile
 Felipe Aroca, Aroca Vives, Barranquilla, Colombia
 Maria Fernanda Campos, Ford Motor Company, São Paulo, Brazil
 Jorge Lopes Jr., Pinheiro Neto, São Paulo, Brazil
 Marcelo Núñez, Perez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Nathalie Rodríguez Paris, LEGA Abogados, Caracas, Venezuela

 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.						                                                 Salon 2
 Concurrent Session B
 Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to the New
 This panel will discuss the taxation of transactions involving cryptocurrency while
 also introducing new advances in blockchain technology that may forever change
 the way that Latin American tax authorities will be able to track future domestic and
 cross-border transaction. The panel will initially introduce many of the important
 concepts associated with cryptocurrency and blockchain, such as “forks,” “mining,”
 “airdrops” and “ICOs.” Thereafter, the panel will present various examples of
 domestic and cross-border cryptocurrency/blockchain transactions while describing
 the tax consequences of those transactions in each of the represented countries.

16         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 13, 2019                                THURSDAY
Juan Carlos Garantón, Torres Plaz & Araujo, Caracas, Venezuela
Richard Winston, Winston Legal Group LLC, Miami, FL, USA
Eduardo Brandt López, Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, Mexico City, Mexico
Renato Souza Coelho, Stocche Forbes Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
Michael Meisler, Ernst & Young, New York, NY, USA
Ricardo Mihura Estrada, Leverone & Mihura Estrada, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Elizabeth Paya, Cariola, Díez, Pérez-Cotapos Abogados, Santiago, Chile

6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.			                              Mandarin Oriental Beach
Networking Cocktail Reception                  (inclement weather location: Salon 1)

                                Sponsored by:

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.		                     The Wine Room at the Mandarin
NEW! Networking Dinner
(Paid Ticketed Event)

                                Sponsored by:

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                      17
JUNE 14, 2019                                              FRIDAY
 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.					                                        Ballroom Foyer
 Registration of Delegates

 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.					                                        Ballroom Foyer
 Networking Breakfast

 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.					                                                Salon 3
 Concurrent Session A
 Digital Economy Roundtable Discussion
 The digital economy presents many challenges for the tax adviser. Are the new
 digital economy business models simply expansions of “old economy” business
 models (for instance, the move from catalog shopping to online shopping) or are
 they something new entirely? This session will have multiple round-tables discussing
 different “digital economy” business models, considering how taxing authorities
 in different jurisdictions are analyzing the issue and the extent to which they are
 transforming their tax systems to address these different business models.
 Ana Lucía Ferreyra, Pluspetrol, Montevideo, Uruguay
 David Shapiro, Saul Ewing, Philadelphia, PA, USA
 Table Co-Chairs
 Paul D. Carman, Chapman and Cutler LLP, Chicago, IL, USA
 Victor A. Jaramillo, Caplin & Drysdale, Washington, DC, USA
 Diego Salto van der Laat, Consortium Legal, San José, Costa
 Erika Yumi Tukiama, Chiarottino & Nicoletti, São Paulo, Brazil
 Valeria D’Alessandro, Goldemberg Saladino, Hermida Rolando & Asociados, Buenos
 Aires, Argentina
 Guadalupe Díaz-Súnico, Lener, Barcelona, Spain
 Catalina Jaramillo Hernández, Brigard & Urrutia, Bogotá, Colombia
 Carlos Eduardo Orsolon, Demarest, São Paulo, Brazil
 Javier Otegui, Guyer & Regules, Montevideo, Uruguay
 Nicolas Procopio, Allende & Brea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Arturo Tiburcio, Hogan Lovells, Mexico City, Mexico
 Fernando M. Vaquero, Marval O’Farrell & Mairal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 David Warthon, Ernst & Young, Lima, Perú
 Juan Pablo Wills, Uber, Bogotá, Colombia

18         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 14, 2019                                                                     FRIDAY
        9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.					                                                              Salon 2
        Concurrent Session B
        The Impact of Tax Reform in Selected Latin American
        Jurisdictions on International Transactions
        The 2018 year was one of political and economic turmoil and change in most
        economies in Latin America. With new governments has come tax reform which
        continues the ongoing process of strengthening and modernizing many of the Latin
        American domestic tax regimes. While only two countries - Chile and Mexico - are
        members of the OECD, numerous other Latin American countries have joined the
        Inclusive Framework and are currently active participants in the discussions relating
        to actions included in the BEPS project. Tax reforms in some of these countries
        are fundamentally based on or in response to the BEPS initiatives; while other
        jurisdictions have clearly indicated a preference to focus on tax changes to support
        their specific political or socio-economic agendas. The panel will discuss some of
        the more substantial reforms in selected Latin American jurisdictions and examine
        how these changes will affect foreign multinationals and international business
        transactions with some connection to those jurisdictions.

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        www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/ jtcgroup.com
Information on JTC and its applicable regulators can be accessed via www.jtcgroup.com
JUNE 14, 2019                                                FRIDAY
 María Carolina Cano González, AraqueReyna, Caracas, Venezuela
 Elinore Richardson, EMKDM Global Consultants Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada
 Fabian Birnbaum, FBM Advisory, Montevideo, Uruguay
 Francisca Fernández, Guerrero Valle Garcés Abogados, Santiago, Chile
 Wayne Fields, DGM Financial Group, St. Michael, Barbados
 Marco Monteiro, Veirano Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
 Maria de los Angeles Olano, Beccar Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Jorge Otoya Cabrera, Estudio Muñiz, Lima, Perú

 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.				                                        Ballroom Foyer
 Networking Break

 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.					                                                 Salon 3
 Concurrent Session A
 Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Taxpayers and
 Tax Authorities
 This panel of government personnel and private practitioners will explore in some
 detail the complex relationships between and among tax authoritites and taxpayers
 across a selected landscape of jurisdictions. Topics discussed will include so-called
 “revolving door” issues, interactions on published guidance (comments etc), tax
 controversies both administrative and litigation, relationships relating to private
 guidance (private letter rulings etc.) and dealing with foreign audits and competent
 Hal Hicks, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, Washington, DC, USA
 Alejandro Torres, Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia., S.C., Mexico City, Mexico
 Alex Fischer, Baraona Fischer & Cia., Santiago, Chile
 Fernando Hampshire, Tax Administration Service, Mexico City, Mexico
 Raquel Novais, Machado Meyer Sendacz & Opice Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
 Phelippe Oliveira, Office of the Attorney General for the National Treasure, São
 Paulo, Brazil
 Douglas L. Poms, Senior Counsel, International Tax Counsel, U.S. Department of the
 Treasury, Washington, DC, USA
 Robert B. Stack, Deloitte Tax LLP, Washington, DC, USA

20         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
JUNE 14, 2019                                                FRIDAY
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.					                                                  Salon 2
Concurrent Session B
The Effect of EU Information Exchange Rules and ATAD on
Cross-Border Transactions with Latin America and the United
This panel will cover the impact of selected ATAD and automatic information
exchange rules on investments in and other cross-border transactions with Latin
America and the United States. Particular focus will be given to new controlled
foreign corporation (CFC) rules implemented as part of the EU’s Anti-Tax Avoidance
Directive (ATAD) as well as the EU’s new mandatory disclosure requirements (MDR
or DAC 6). Panelists will provide industry and practice insights from multiple Latin
American and European jurisdictions.
Lori Hellkamp, Jones Day, Washington, DC, USA
Pablo Ordoñez, FERRERE, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Charlotte Kiès, Loyens & Loeff, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ana Paula Pardo, SMPS Legal, Mexico City, Mexico
Jaime Salmerón Molina, Repsol, The Hague, The Netherlands
William B. Sherman, Holland & Knight, Miami, FL, USA
Ana Claudia Utumi, Utumi Advogados, São Paolo, Brazil
Sonia Velasco, Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Networking Luncheon

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.						                                                   Salon 3
Concurrent Session A
Global Executives: When Is a Permanent Establishment
Created, and What’s the Income Attributable to It?
The panel will discuss various fact patterns that may occur as companies use global
roles, and whether the use of global roles would create a permanent establishment
(or a taxable presence). Does the employment agreement matter? Does local
employment law matter? Are the rules different for administrative roles vs. client
facing roles? What can companies do to mitigate the tax risk? What are the taxing
authorities saying? If a PE (or taxable presence) exists, what income is attributable to
it? Join us for an active debate.

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                          21
JUNE 14, 2019                                               FRIDAY
 Henrique Lopes, Koury Lopes Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
 Carol P. Tello, Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP, Washington, DC, USA
 Ariadna L. Artopoulos, M & M Bomchil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 José Chiarella, Damma Legal Advisors, Lima, Perú
 Pedro E. Corona de la Fuente, Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP, San Diego,
 Maria Teresa Cremaschi, Barros y Errazuriz Abogados, Santiago, Chile
 Marina Rincón Velayos, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, Madrid, Spain

 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.						                                                Salon 2
 Concurrent Session B
 A Time of Change – The Current State of Mergers and
 Acquisitions in Latin America
 This panel will explore the contours and changes of evaluating and executing
 mergers and acquisitions from a tax perspective throughout Latin America and from
 Latin America into the US. This panel will provide a particular emphasis on practical
 approaches to the most vexing issues presented by the uncertainties of tax law in
 the region including debt push down, asset basis step up as well as pre- and post-
 transaction restructuring.
 Devon Bodoh, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, Washington, DC, USA
 Leandro M. Passarella, Passarella Abogados, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Mauricio Bravo, Turanzas, Bravo & Ambrosi, S.C., Mexico City, Mexico
 Luiz Felipe Centeno Ferraz, Mattos Filho, São Paulo, Brazil
 Manuel José Garcés, Carey y Cia., Santiago, Chile
 Carmen Sanabria, Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas, Bogotá, Colombia
 Jay M. Singer, McDermott Will and Emery LLP, Washington, DC, USA
 Luis Suárez de Centi, Uría Menéndez, New York, NY, USA

 3:30 p.m.
 Conference Closes

22         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
American Bar Association Section of Taxation
As the national representative of the legal profession, the mission of the ABA Section
of Taxation is to serve our members and the public through education and leadership
to achieve an equitable, efficient, and workable tax system. The Tax Section puts
all of the latest information on administrative and procedural developments right at
your fingertips. Our publications, programs, and expert advice help you navigate the
constantly changing landscape of tax law.

International Bar Association, Taxes Committee
The International Bar Association (IBA) is the world’s leading organization of
international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. The IBA
influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of
the legal profession throughout the world. It has a membership of over 45,000
individual lawyers and 200 bar associations and law societies spanning all
continents. It has considerable expertise in providing assistance to the global legal
community as well as being a source of distinguished legal commentators for
international news outlets.

International Fiscal Association – USA Branch
Formed in 1938, the International Fiscal Association is a leading non-governmental,
international organization dealing with tax matters. The USA Branch is the largest
national IFA branch, with approximately 1,000 members. The Branch hosts a
two-day conference in late February/early March of each year with presentations
by eminent international tax experts on topics, planning ideas and issues of current
importance. The USA Branch also holds joint meetings each year with branches
from other countries.

Tax Executives Institute, Inc.
Tax Executives Institute, founded in 1944, is the preeminent association of corporate
tax professionals worldwide. Its 7,000 members are accountants, lawyers, and other
corporate and business employees who are responsible for the tax affairs of 3,000
of the leading companies in North America, Europe, and Asia. Through educational
forums, liaison meetings with government officials, testimony at public hearings, and
written submissions, TEI supports the development and effective implementation of
sound tax policy, promotes the uniform and equitable enforcement of the tax laws,
and works to reduce the cost and burden of administration and compliance to the
benefit of taxpayers and government alike.

American Bar Association Section of International Law

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                        23
 Estif Aparicio, Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega, Panama City, Panama
 Percy Castle, Casa Hierro Abogados, Lima, Perú
 Stuart Chessman, Vivendi S.A., New York, NY, USA
 Ana Lucía Ferreyra, Pluspetrol, Montevideo, Uruguay
 Alex Fischer, Baraona Fischer & Cia., Santiago, Chile
 Sam Kaywood, Alston & Bird LLP, Atlanta, GA, USA
 Fred Murray, University of Florida Levin College of Law, Gainesville, FL, USA
 Ronald Nobrega, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada
 Raquel Novais, Machado Meyer Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil
 Leandro M. Passarella, Passarella Abogados, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Monica Reyes, Reyes Abogados Asociados S.A., Bogotá, Colombia
 Javier Robalino, FERRERE, Quito, Ecuador
 Diego Salto van der Laat, Consortium Legal, San José, Costa
 Emin Toro, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, DC, USA
 Alejandro Torres, Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia., S.C., Mexico City, Mexico
 Sonia Velasco, Cuatrecasas, Barcelona, Spain
 Richard Winston, Winston Legal Group LLC, Miami, FL, USA

 Monica Reyes, Reyes Abogados Asociados S.A., Bogotá, Colombia

 Lionel Nobre, Dell Computadores do Brasil Ltda., Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

24         12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
The American Bar Association will seek 13.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute
states, and 16.2 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states. Credit
hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding
rules. Please visit the conference website at www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/
events_cle/19latin_resources/ for program CLE details or visit www.americanbar.org/
mcle for general information on CLE at the ABA.

The American Bar Association is registered with the National Association of State
Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education
on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have
final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints
regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE
Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org. Recommended CPE Credits
and Fields of Study: Program attendees can earn CPE credits in the Taxes field of
study. Prerequisites: Previous experience in tax law; Advanced Preparation: None;
Program Level: Intermediate; Delivery Method: Group-Live

In accordance with the ABA Open Meetings Policy, all ABA programs are open to
the media unless they are to conduct business sessions of a confidential nature. The
Association encourages media coverage of its activities. If you have questions about
this policy, please contact the Tax Section at +1.202.662.8670.

All Workshop and Conference content, including live, recorded, and written
presentations, represents the opinions of the authors and speakers and should
not be construed to be those of either the American Bar Association or Section
of Taxation unless adopted pursuant to the bylaws of the Association. Nothing
contained herein is to be considered as the rendering of legal advice for specific
cases, and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal
counsel. This Workshop and Conference content and any forms and agreements
herein are intended for educational and informational purposes only.
All rights reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the ABA.

Note that by attending the Conference, attendees have agreed to the terms of the
American Bar Association Image/Audio/Video Release which allows images, audio,
and video recorded on site to be used for educational and promotional purposes by
the American Bar Association.

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                      25
     Panel co-chairs are designated with a double asterisk, speakers with a single asterisk.

 Sanjay Agarwal                   Rubén Atim                      Simon Beck*
 MGO LLP                          Salaberren y López              Baker McKenzie
 San Jose, CA, USA                Sansón                          New York, NY, USA
 Iñigo Aguirrezabala**            Buenos Aires, Argentina
                                                                  Raoul Behr
 Cuatrecasas                      Reuven S. Avi-Yonah*            HBM Group
 Barcelona, Spain                 University of Michigan          Willemstad, Curaçao
 Mohammad Abdul Alim              Law School
                                                                  Patricia J. Beluche
 Pathan                           Ann Arbor, MI, USA
                                                                  Panama City, Panama
 Sylhet District Bar              Daniel A. Badovinac
                                                                  Alberto Benshimol*
 Association                      University of Miami
                                                                  D’Empaire Reyna
 Sylhet, Bangladesh               School of Law
 Gilda Almeida                    Coral Gables, FL, USA
                                                                  Caracas, Venezuela
 Miami, FL, USA                   Hector Barahona
                                                                  Thomas Bevilacqua
 Gilda Almeida                    LEXVALOR Abogados
                                                                  University of Miami
 University of Miami              Quito, Ecuador
                                                                  School of Law
 School of Law                    José P. Barnola, Jr.*           Coral Gables, FL, USA
 Coral Gables, FL, USA            Baker McKenzie
                                                                  Fabian Birnbaum*
 Roberto Alvarez Lopez**          Mexico City, Mexico
                                                                  FBM Advisory
 Grupo Posadas                    Nicolas Barrera                 Montevideo, Uruguay
 Mexico City, Mexico              Alvarez and Marsal
                                                                  Devon Bodoh**
 Mercedes Ameglio                 Taxand, LLC
                                                                  Weil, Gotshal & Manges
 EBANX                            Miami, FL, USA
 Montevideo, Uruguay              Laura Barrios Altafulla         Washington, DC, USA
 Ramon Anzola                     Morgan & Morgan
                                                                  Arthur Braga
 Anzola Robles &                  Panama City, Panama
                                                                  WZ Advogados
 Asociados                        Christopher M. Bass             São Paulo, Brazil
 Panama City, Panama              Epiroc North America
                                                                  Eduardo Brandt López*
 Liseth Araya                     Corp
                                                                  Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza
 University of Miami              Garland, TX, USA
                                                                  y Enríquez
 School of Law                    Maximiliano Batista*            Mexico City, Mexico
 Coral Gables, FL, USA            Martinez de Hoz & Rueda
                                                                  Jonathan J. Brathwaite
 Felipe Aroca*                    Buenos Aires, Argentina
                                                                  Mithril Advisors
 Aroca Vives                      Jason S. Bazar*                 Bridgetown, Barbados
 Barranquilla, Colombia           Mayer Brown
                                                                  Mauricio Bravo*
 Ariadna L. Artopoulos*           New York, NY, USA
                                                                  Turanzas, Bravo &
 M & M Bomchil                    Ashley Beauchamp                Ambrosi, S.C.
 Buenos Aires, Argentina          University of Miami             Mexico City, Mexico
                                  School of Law
                                  Coral Gables, FL, USA

26           12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
  Panel co-chairs are designated with a double asterisk, speakers with a single asterisk.

Jan Brewer                     Percy Castle*                  Carlos Coronel
Moreno & Arjona - Bureau       CASAHIERRO Abogados            LEXVALOR Abogados
Panama City, Panama            Lima, Perú                     Quito, Ecuador
Hadda Burgoa                   Daniel Castro                  Camilo Cortés*
University of Miami            University of Miami            Dentons Cardenas &
School of Law                  School of Law                  Cardenas
Coral Gables, FL, USA          Coral Gables, FL, USA          Bogotá, Colombia
Fernando Camarena**            Julio Castro*                  Paulo Costa
Foley Gardene Arena            KPMG LLP                       Global Tax Update
Mexico City, Mexico            London, England                Lisbon, Portugal
Maria Fernanda Campos*         Jorge Castro**                 Celso Costa
Ford Motor Company             Miller & Chevalier             Machado Meyer Sendacz
São Paulo, Brazil              Chartered                      & Opice Advogados
María Carolina Cano            Washington, DC, USA            São Paulo, Brazil
González**                     Javier Cerón                   Rosario Covarrubias
AraqueReyna                    Cariola, Díez, Pérez-          Ramírez, Gutiérrez-Azpe,
Caracas, Venezuela             Cotapos Abogados               Rodríguez-Rivero y
Javier Canosa*                 Santiago, Chile                Hurtado, S.C.
Canosa Abogados                Stuart Chessman**              Mexico City, Mexico
Buenos Aires, Argentina        Vivendi S.A.                   Maria Teresa Cremaschi*
Dèlcia M. Capocasale*          New York, NY, USA              Barros & Errázuriz
Cuatrecasas                    José Chiarella*                Abogados
New York, NY, USA              Damma Legal Advisors           Santiago, Chile

Anderson Cardoso               Lima, Perú                     Thiago Cruz Cavalcanti
Souto, Correa, Cesa,           Fabiana Ciobataru              Amazon Brazil
Lummertz & Amaral              FGC Advisors                   São Paulo, Brazil
Advogados                      Miami, FL, USA                 Benjamín Cubides Pinto*
Porto Alegre, Brazil                                          CUVAL Abogados
                               Renato Souza Coelho*
Paul D. Carman**               Stocche Forbes                 Bogotá, Colombia
Chapman and Cutler LLP         Advogados                      Eduardo A. Cukier**
Chicago, IL, USA               São Paulo, Brazil              Curtis, Mallet-Prevost,
Juan Casellas                  Carolina Collantes             Colt & Mosle LLP
Mayora & Mayora                Baraona Fischer & Cia.         New York, NY, USA
Guatemala City,                Santiago, Chile                Valeria D’Alessandro*
Guatemala                                                     Goldemberg Saladino,
                               Pedro E. Corona de la
Rodrigo Castillo**             Fuente*                        Hermida Rolando &
Baker & McKenzie S.A.S.        Procopio, Cory,                Asociados
Bogotá, Colombia               Hargreaves & Savitch LLP       Buenos Aires, Argentina
                               San Diego, CA, USA

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                           27
     Panel co-chairs are designated with a double asterisk, speakers with a single asterisk.

 Harold Dantes-Castillo           Sylvia Dikmans*                 Francisca Fernández*
 University of Miami              Houthoff                        Guerrero Valle Garcés
 School of Law                    Amsterdam, The                  Abogados
 Coral Gables, FL, USA            Netherlands                     Santiago, Chile
 Jorge Davila                     Roberto Duque-Estrada**         Luiz Felipe Centeno
 Estudio Olaechea                 Brigagão Duque-Estrada          Ferraz*
 Lima, Perú                       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil          Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho,
 Linneu de Albuquerque            Luis Javier Dura Garcia         Marrey Jr. e Quiroga
 Mello                            Durintval s.l.                  Advogados
 LAM - Sociedade de               Valencia, Spain                 São Paulo, Brazil
 Advogados                                                        Ivan Ferreira**
                                  Robert Edmonds
 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                                           Siemens
 Juan Camilo De Bedout*           Milwaukee, WI, USA              São Paulo, Brazil
 Posse Herrera Ruiz                                               Ana Lucía Ferreyra**
                                  Mariana Eguiarte*
 Bogotá, Colombia                                                 Pluspetrol
                                  Sánchez DeVanny
 Agnès de l’Estoile Campi*        Mexico City, Mexico             Montevideo, Uruguay
 CMS Francis Lefebvre                                             Gloria Fieldcamp
                                  Renata Emery*
 Avocats                                                          Fiduciary Trust Company
                                  Stocche Forbes
 Paris, France                                                    New York, NY, USA
 Cassandra de la Fe               Rio de Janeiro, Brazil          Wayne Fields*
 Alvarez & Marsal                                                 DGM Financial Group
                                  Seth J. Entin**
 Miami, FL, USA                                                   St. Michael, Barbados
                                  Holland & Knight LLP
 Jorge De los Rios                Miami, FL, USA                  Alex Fischer*
 Unilever                                                         Baraona Fischer & Cia.
                                  Angel Escalante Carpio
 Bogotá, Colombia                                                 Santiago, Chile
                                  Escalante & Asociados
 Vittoria Di Gioacchino           Mexico City, Mexico             Eric Fort
 BLP Abogados                                                     Arendt & Medernach LLC
                                  Isabel Espinoza*
 Santa Ana, Costa Rica                                            New York, NY, USA
                                  Baraona Fischer & Cia.
 Fabiane Dias Brites              Santiago, Chile                 F. Eric Freeman
 EBANX                                                            EF Darthouse
                                  Melvin Estrada
 Curitiba, Brazil                                                 Wilmington, NC, USA
                                  García & Bodán
 Mariana Díaz-Moro                Managua, Nicaragua              Paola Gachet
 Gómez-Acebo & Pombo                                              FERRERE
                                  Gil Falleiros Mendes
 Madrid, Spain                                                    Quito, Ecuador
                                  Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho,
 Guadalupe Díaz-Súnico*           Marrey Jr. e Quiroga            Juan Carlos Garantón**
 Lener                            Advogados                       Torres Plaz & Araujo
 Barcelona, Spain                 São Paulo, Brazil               Caracas, Venezuela
                                                                  Manuel José Garcés*
                                                                  Carey y Cia.
                                                                  Santiago, Chile

28           12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
 Panel co-chairs are designated with a double asterisk, speakers with a single asterisk.

Ingrid Garcia                 Maria Carolina Grecco          Hal Hicks**
AraqueReyna                   Bazzanelli*                    Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Caracas, Venezuela            Mayer Brown                    Meagher & Flom LLP
Gonzalo Garfias               São Paulo, Brazil              Washington, DC, USA
Allende Bascuñan y Cía.       Kat Saunders Gregor*           Juan Holguin
Santiago, Chile               Ropes & Gray LLP               Holguin Consulting
Flavia Allegro Gerola*        Boston, MA, USA                Miami Beach, FL, USA
Trench Rossi Watanabe         Oscar Guerra                   Jarquin Horacio
São Paulo, Brazil             Scotiabank                     IBFD
Richard Giangrande*           Miami, FL, USA                 Vienna, VA, USA
Macfarlanes LLP               Sebastian Guerrero             Daniel W. Hudson
London, England               Guerrero Valle Garcés          Baker McKenzie
Lucas Giardelli               Abogados                       Miami, FL, USA
Mayer Brown                   Santiago, Chile
                                                             Rosario Huet*
New York, NY, USA             Gloria Gurbista                Ramírez, Gutiérrez-Azpe,
Hayley Glennie                Teijeiro & Ballone             Rodríguez-Rivero y
Alvarez and Marsal            Buenos Aires, Argentina        Hurtado, S.C.
Taxand, LLC                   Gianni Gutierrez               Mexico City, Mexico
Miami, FL, USA                FERRERE                        Mayuko Ikeda
Juan Pablo Godoy*             Montevideo, Uruguay            Amazon Japan GK
Godoy & Hoyos Abogados        Josef Hajek                    Tokyo, Japan
Bogotá, Colombia              Tupperware Brands Inc.         Jheronimus Janssen
André Gomes                   Orlando, FL, USA               Loyens & Loeff
Souto, Correa, Cesa,          Fernando Hampshire*            Amsterdam, The
Lummertz & Amaral             Tax Administration             Netherlands
Advogados                     Service                        Catalina Jaramillo
Porto Alegre, Brazil          Mexico City, Mexico            Hernández*
Andrés González*              Cecilia (Ceci) Hassan*         Brigard & Urrutia
DLA Piper Martinez            Baker McKenzie                 Bogotá, Colombia
Beltran                       Miami, FL, USA                 Victor A. Jaramillo**
Bogotá, Colombia                                             Caplin & Drysdale Chtd.
                              Lori Hellkamp**
Franco Gorziglia              Jones Day                      Washington, DC, USA
GBMC Abogados                 Washington, DC, USA            Mariana Jatahy
Santiago, Chile                                              Ulhôa Canto Advogados
                              Saidin M. Hernandez
Mario Gorziglia**             Saidin M. Hernandez PA         Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prieto y Cía. Abogados        Coral Gables, FL, USA          Kailash Chander Jhinga
Santiago, Chile                                              Advocate
                              Mindy Herzfeld
                              University of Florida Levin    KCJA Senior International
                              College of Law                 Lawyer Company
                              Gainesville, FL, USA           Delhi, India

www.americanbar.org/groups/taxation/events_cle/19latin_resources/                          29
     Panel co-chairs are designated with a double asterisk, speakers with a single asterisk.

 Oscar Kamusiime                  Erika G. Litvak*               Shelly Meerovitch*
 Birungyi, Barata &               Greenberg Traurig LLP          Bernstein Global Wealth
 Associates                       Miami, FL, USA                 Management
 Kampala, Uganda                                                 New York, NY, USA
                                  Rocío Liu*
 Sam Kaywood**                    Miranda & Amado                Michael Meisler*
 Alston & Bird LLP                Abogados                       Ernst & Young
 Atlanta, GA, USA                 Lima, Perú                     New York, NY, USA
 Charlotte Kiès*                  Jorge Lopes Jr.*               Ricardo Mihura Estrada*
 Loyens & Loeff                   Pinheiro Neto                  Leverone & Mihura
 Amsterdam, The                   São Paulo, Brazil              Estrada
 Netherlands                                                     Buenos Aires, Argentina
                                  Henrique Lopes**
 Martin Kruithof                  Koury Lopes Advogados          Florencia Lucila Misrahi*
 Europarei BV                     São Paulo, Brazil              Cargill S.A.C.I.
 Uithoorn, The                                                   Buenos Aires, Argentina
                                  Aribel Magallon
                                  OMC GROUP                      Rafael Moll de Alba*
 Franck Laboulfie                 Panama City, Panama            Charles Russell Speechlys
 University of Miami                                             Luxembourg, Luxembourg
                                  Hector Manrique
 School of Law
                                  Ungerer and Company            Marco Monteiro*
 Coral Gables, FL, USA
                                  Lincoln Park, NJ, USA          Veirano Advogados
 Ernesto Lacambra                                                São Paulo, Brazil
                                  Michel Mansour
 Cases & Lacambra
                                  University of Miami            Anabella Murillo
 Barcelona, Spain
                                  School of Law                  ZEDRA
 Corina Laudato*                  Coral Gables, FL, USA          Miami, FL, USA
 Mitrani Caballero & Ruiz
                                  Mariano Marco                  Fred Murray**
                                  JTC Miami                      University of Florida Levin
 Buenos Aires, Argentina
                                  Miami, FL, USA                 College of Law
 Aline Lavieri                                                   Gainesville, FL, USA
                                  Daniel Martinez
 Nokia Solutions and
                                  Stroock & Stroock &            Gerardo Nieto
 Networks Do Brasil
                                  Lavan LLP                      Basham, Ringe y Correa,
 Telecomunicacoes Ltda
                                  Miami, FL, USA                 S.C.
 São Paulo, Brazil
                                  Claudio Martinez               Mexico City, Mexico
 Gustavo Lazo*
                                  Santiago, Chile                Ronald Nobrega*
 Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano
                                  Santiago Martinez              Fasken Martineau
                                  Izquierdo                      DuMoulin LLP
 Lima, Perú
                                  University of Edinburgh        Toronto, ON, Canada
 Ricardo León Santacruz*
                                  Edinburgh, Scotland            Raquel Novais*
 Sánchez DeVanny
                                  Rodrigo Martins                Machado Meyer Sendacz
 Mexico City, Mexico
                                  Ripol Alliance Global          & Opice Advogados
 Scott M. Levine*                                                São Paulo, Brazil
                                  Wealth Strategies
 Jones Day
                                  Miami, FL, USA
 Washington, DC, USA

30           12th Annual U.S. and Latin America Tax Practice Trends Conference
 Panel co-chairs are designated with a double asterisk, speakers with a single asterisk.

Marcelo Núñez*                Jorge Otoya Cabrera*            Pere Pons*
Perez Alati, Grondona,        Estudio Muñiz                   Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa
Benites & Arntsen             Lima, Perú                      y Cia., S.C.
Buenos Aires, Argentina                                       Madrid, Spain
                              Victor Oziegbe
Maria de los Angeles          Victor Oziegbe &                Philip Postlewaite
Olano*                        Associates                      Northwestern Pritzker
Beccar Varela                 FCT, Nigeria                    School of Law
Buenos Aires, Argentina                                       Chicago, IL, USA
                              Roberto Padilla Ordaz*
Diego Olarte Suescun          Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa         Jessica Power**
Reyes Abogados                y Cia., S.C.                    Carey y Cia.
Asociados S.A.                Mexico City, Mexico             Santiago, Chile
Bogotá, Colombia
                              Luis Paleo                      Rodrigo Prado Gonçalves
Phelippe Oliveira*            IN Consulting                   Felsberg Advogados
Office of the Attorney        Morelia, Mexico                 São Paulo, Brazil
General for the National
                              Alfonso Pallete                 Daniela Pretus
                              KPMG LLP                        Cases & Lacambra
São Paulo, Brazil
                              Miami, FL, USA                  Miami, FL, USA
Ana Maria Onate
                              Ana Paula Pardo*                Nicolas Procopio*
                              SMPS Legal                      Allende & Brea
Bogotá, Colombia
                              Mexico City, Mexico             Buenos Aires, Argentina
Daniel Ono
                              Leandro M. Passarella**         Alejandro Ramallo**
Estudio Muñiz
                              Passarella Abogados             DHL Latin America
Lima, Perú
                              Buenos Aires, Argentina         Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pablo Ordoñez**
                              Elizabeth Paya*                 Pedro Ramirez Mota
                              Cariola, Díez, Pérez-           Velasco*
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
                              Cotapos Abogados                Turanzas, Bravo &
Carlos Eduardo Orsolon*       Santiago, Chile                 Ambrosi, S.C.
Demarest                                                      Mexico City, Mexico
                              Juan Miguel Peirano
São Paulo, Brazil
                              Innovation T&T S.A              Santiago Rendón
Juan Cristóbal Ortega         Montevideo, Uruguay             MAS+ Multinational
Baraona Fischer & Cia.                                        Advisory Services LLC
                              Wouter Plantenga
Santiago, Chile                                               Miami, FL, USA
                              JTC Miami
Javier Otegui*                Miami, FL, USA                  Daniela Rey*
Guyer & Regules                                               Bruchou, Fernández
                              Douglas L. Poms*
Montevideo, Uruguay                                           Madero & Lombardi
                              U.S. Department of the
Kevin Otero**                 Treasury                        Buenos Aires, Argentina
Covington & Burling LLP       Washington, DC, USA             Monica Reyes
New York, NY, USA                                             Reyes Abogados
                                                              Asociados S.A.
                                                              Bogotá, Colombia

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