Does Luxury Indicate Sustainability? An Analysis of the Maldives

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EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                               Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

Does Luxury Indicate Sustainability?
An Analysis of the Maldives
Blanca de-Miguel-Molina                                   Introduction                                  into existing plans and programmes
María de-Miguel-Molina                                                                                  (Nurse and Moore, 2005). For example,
Mariela Rumiche-Sosa                                      Tourism is a major economic driver in         municipal solid waste is the most signifi-
                                                          many small islands (Shareef and McA-          cant waste stream in many small islands
                                                          leer, 2005; Nurse and Moore, 2005; Belle      (Georges, 2006). In this sense, small is-
Abstract                                                  and Bramwell, 2005; McElroy, 2006;            lands could set an example for the rest of
The environment of small tourism                          Clampling and Rosalie, 2006). However,        the world (Roper, 2005).
islands, as climate and coastal                           the economic and environmental aspects           Up until now, studies about small is-
resources, make them favourable                           of tourism need to be balanced (Hend-         lands, including the Maldives, have not
                                                          erson, 2001) to guarantee long-term ben-      analysed every island separately. When
locations for luxury resorts. However,                                                                  studying sustainable tourism, indicator
                                                          efits to communities (UNWTO, 2004).
tourism can cause a threat to these                       While tourism can bring many economic         analyses are based on national data so
islands’ local environment. Thus, the                     advantages to small islands, there are        as to compare different countries (Buzz-
Maldives government has developed                         many examples of rapid, unplanned tour-       igoli, 2009). Thus, we have not found any
regulations to ensure a balance                           ist development which have produced           studies that focus on the eco-friendly im-
between resource protection and                           over-reliance on this one industry, en-       age that the resorts in the Maldives give
                                                          vironmental degradation and excessive         to tourists or on whether luxury and sus-
use. This study examines, from the                                                                      tainable tourism are compatible in the
                                                          concentration at the lower quality end of
conceptual framework of sustainable                       the mass tourism market. As a result, in      Maldives.
tourism, whether luxury indicates                         the 1990s many islands started to remedy         Thus, our paper’s goal is to examine,
sustainability in the Maldives, that                      this situation by showing greater com-        from a conceptual sustainable tourism
is, if there is a link between luxury                     mitment to planning, upgrading their fa-      framework, whether luxury indicates
and sustainability. To perform this                       cilities and developing new markets (Bull     sustainability in the Maldives, that is, if
                                                          and Weed, 1999).                              there is a link between luxury resorts and
analysis we have studied 91 deluxe                                                                      sustainability.
                                                             Both internal (tourism impact: Zu-
and non-deluxe resorts in the                             bair et al., 2010; Belle and Bramwell,
Maldives using content analysis                           2005; Georges, 2006) and external (cli-       Small islands and the environment
methodology. Then we have applied                         mate change: Briguglio, 1995; Belle and
a Principal Components Analysis                           Bramwell, 2005; Roper 2005) factors           Despite the literature on these small is-
to determine whether the resorts                          can have an impact on the environment         lands (Figure 1), there is no common
                                                          of small islands, which can reduce the        definition about them in either quantita-
can be grouped according to their                         attractiveness of these coastal tourism       tive or qualitative terms. Authors refer to
tourist attractions and sustainable                       destinations and may reduce the number        them as SIDS – Small Island Developing
activities. Results show that we                          of people who want to visit small is-         States (Nurse and Moore, 2005; Roper,
can not affirm that luxury implies                        lands in tropical and subtropical regions     2005; Fry, 2005; Belle and Bramwell,
sustainability, but we might                              (Nurse and Moore, 2005). In an attempt        2005; Clampling and Rosalie, 2006; Van
conclude that both are possible.                          to preserve its local ecosystem, the Mal-     der Velde et al, 2007) or SITEs – Small
                                                          dives signed all the major international      Island Tourism Economies (Shareef and
                                                          agreements promoted by the UN Envi-           McAleer, 2005; McElroy, 2006). McElroy
Keywords                                                  ronment Programme, and the Maldives           and Albuquerque’s definition of small is-
Small islands, Sustainable Tourism,                       Government established specific regula-       lands (1998) included islands that have
Business Social Responsibility,                           tions to develop sustainable tourism: the     less than 500,000 inhabitants and a sur-
                                                          Environmental Protection and Preserva-        face area of less than 2,000 km2 while
Environmental Impact of                                                                                 McElroy (2006) included those with a
                                                          tion Act of Maldives (Maldives Govern-
Recreational Activities                                   ment, 1993), the Tourism Act of Maldives      population of less than one million in-
                                                          (Maldives Government, 1999) and the           habitants in a land area of less than 5,000
                                                          Regulation on the Protection and Con-         km2.
                                                          servation of Environment in the Tourism          Scheyvens and Momsen (2008) sum-
                                                          Industry (Maldives Government, 2006).         marized the features that different authors
                                                             Small island states should readily ac-     have noted in the cases of the islands that
                                                          cept on one hand that they are unlikely       have been studied. These characteristics
                                                          to be in a position to access substantial     are related to their economic and envi-
                                                          external resources to adapt their model       ronmental vulnerabilities (McElroy and
                                                          of tourism to an eco-tourism model and        Albuquerque, 1998), including the ef-
                                                          on the other, that their strategies to com-   fects on tourism activities associated with
                                                          bat climate change should be integrated       scarce natural resources and waste man-
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FIGURE 1 Literature that combine small islands, environment and/or tourism. Source: Author’s own from the literature analysed.

agement. Moreover, in small islands like the Maldives, where                 luxury. However, positive implementations in the luxury hotel1
most resorts are luxury resorts, although tourism is a major                 sector include, for example, the first eco-friendly luxury resort in
factor for development as small islands have little industry, it             the Mexico Caribbean, the Hacienda Tres Ríos Resort, located
may create threats to their environment (Sathiendrakumar and                 in the heart of the Riviera Maya.
Tisdell, 1989; Yahya, Parameswaran and Sebastian, 2005).
   However, vulnerabilities may be used to show the capabilities             From economy to sustainable tourism
that small islands have to develop their economies through tour-             The importance of tourism as an economic activity in small is-
ism, which in many cases is their main economic activity (Nurse              lands has been referenced in various studies. Shareef and McA-
and Moore, 2005; McElroy 2006). The Maldives is a group of                   leer (2005) indicated that small islands tend to specialize in
small isolated islands which have become an attractive tourist               one or two economic activities, with tourism being the primary
destination for their exoticism (Scheyvens and Momsen, 2008)                 sector (Nurse and Moore, 2005; McElroy 2006), which usually
and biodiversity (Clampling and Rosalie, 2006), including coral              includes intensive labour (Van der Velde et al, 2007). Authors
reefs. Hence, the relationship between biodiversity protection               such as Clampling and Rosalie (2006), and Belle and Bramwell
and sustainable tourism is a major issue in small islands (Fry,              (2005) considered that there are few economic alternatives to
2005), as the lack of protection would affect their tourism rev-             tourism in small islands. In addition, the tourism resources
enue in the future (Nurse and Moore, 2005; Belle and Bramwell,               that tend to be concentrated on the coast make these islands
2005).                                                                       particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts (Belle and
   In 1987, the UN World Commission on Environment and                       Bramwell, 2005). The advantages of small tourist islands are the
Development created the term Sustainable Development to re-                  climate and coastal resources, usually sandy beaches (Belle and
fer to development that meets the needs of the present without               Bramwell, 2005). However, the adverse effects of this tourism
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their                 are beach erosion, lagoon salinity, reef damage, water and en-
own needs. Later, in 2004, the UNWOT also established the                    ergy consumption, and waste disposal (Scheyvens and Momsen,
definition of Sustainable Tourism as an enterprise that achieves             2008).
an effective balance among the environmental, economic, and                     Scheyvens and Momsen (2008) stated that isolated small is-
socio-cultural aspects of tourism to guarantee long-term ben-                lands are a tourist attraction because they are the most exotic
efits to communities. Recently, climate change (including glo-               destination available. They refer to the Maldives as an example,
bal warming) has been added to these definitions so that sus-                with its strategy of “one island, one resort”, which reduces the
tainable tourism now has a “quadruple bottom line” (Buzzigoli,               number of tourists who share the island. The attractiveness of
2009), although there is no common thinking about the reality                the islands explains the various activities that have been offered
of sustainable tourism and even less so if we try to link this to            to attract tourists. Bull and Weed (1999) refer to water sports

 According to the UNWTO (2001, p. 331), luxury tourism includes five-star hotels (deluxe hotels) and four-star hotels (first class hotels). Thus we
have centred in the first group in our analysis about the Maldives.

EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                       Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

as an alternative form of tourism for small islands, as they take      the EarthCheck certification which can be checked on the EC3
advantage of their coastal resources. The activities cited in the      website or included on hotel and resort websites. However, small
case of Malta, for example, but which are also found in other          island resorts normally try to attract tourists with exotic com-
islands such as the Maldives, include diving, yachting, windsurf-      munication. For example, according to the Maldives Tourism
ing, dinghy sailing, water skiing and scuba-diving. However, the       Promotion Board (MTPB), which is responsible for promoting
characteristics of the islands are different, which means we need      the tourist industry in the Maldives, visiting the Maldives is like
to take into account the negative effects that some of these ac-       going to paradise: tropical islands with infinite shades of blue
tivities can have if, for example, they damage coral reefs. Fotiu et   and turquoise and dazzling underwater coral gardens. This is
al. (2002) believed that tourism can be a solution to fund ma-         also a normal message aimed at attracting luxury tourism. Ac-
rine and coastal protected areas of small islands, but that this re-   cording to Low (2010), “luxury hotels for some guests, would
quires the involvement of both public and private organizations        act as a vehicle for this escapism through their more refined and
to protect the natural environment as for many of these stake-         aesthetically pleasing designs”. Although luxury resorts includes
holders it is the islands’ main attraction. One way to encourage       five-star hotels (deluxe hotels) and four-star hotels (first-class
hotels to provide such protection is the utilization of an ecolabel    hotels) (UNWTO, 2001), in our analysis we have selected the
or a certificate that also warns customers about what to expect        first group as half of the resorts in the Maldives are deluxe.
before booking. However, not all certificates have the same pres-         Tourism to the Maldives began in 1972 and, since then, it has
tige and sometimes there is a difference in information between        grown quickly according to a national expansion plan. However,
hotel and resort websites and the certification websites.              this kind of tourism, despite being a factor for development in
                                                                       less developed countries, has been shown to create threats to
From biodiversity to sustainable tourism                               their environment. The key is thus how this type of destinations
Since 1990 some of the literature on small islands has focused         can combine a bipolar view to develop their economies without
on their economic and environmental vulnerabilities (Briguglio,        destroying their environment ( Jamal and Lagiewski, 2006). In
1995; Nurse and Moore, 2005; Roper, 2005; Chasek, 2005; Fry,           the Maldives, most of the resorts offer scuba diving as the most
2005; Belle and Bramwell, 2005; Van der Velde et al, 2007), whilst     important leisure service, while fishing yellow tuna, which is
other works have centred on socio-cultural factors (Clampling          the food of the main animals in extinction (up to 30 percent of
and Rosalie, 2006).                                                    shark species are threatened), is the second main economic ac-
   Briguglio (1995) noted some environmental disadvantages for         tivity of the country. On the other hand, efforts are being made
small islands. Global warming and rising sea levels, along with        to revive reefs not only because they are a tourism attraction
erosion by waves and wind, end up reducing land surface area,          but also because they constitute a natural protection barrier for
especially in “low-lying coral atoll small islands”. Aware of their    these islands.
vulnerability to climate change, some SIDS created a coalition            The current President, Mohamed Nasheed, suggested the
in 1990 called AOSIS, the Alliance of Small Island States, to          idea of a Wild Tourism Fund to be supported with the proceeds
establish a work schedule in the planning and implementation           of tourism. He has begun to divert a portion of the country's bil-
of sustainable development. Tourism resources were identified          lion-dollar annual tourist revenue into buying a new homeland
as being one of their priority areas (Chasek, 2005). In 2004, the      as an insurance policy against climate change which threatens
new focus was the relationship between biodiversity protection         to turn the 300,000 islanders into environmental refugees. The
and sustainable tourism (Fry, 2005). This protection includes          Government is encouraging forestation to prevent beach erosion
coral reefs, one of the attractions of small islands, whose loss can   and is backing a plan to clean litter and debris from the country's
affect income-generating activities, such as diving and snorkel-       coral reefs - a natural barrier against tidal surges. Environmental
ling (Nurse and Moore, 2005; Belle and Bramwell, 2005).                science is taught in all national schools in the Maldives. All new
   Clampling and Rosalie (2006) indicated that resources for           resorts are subjected to a rigorous environmental impact study
the environmental conservation and protection of biodiversity          and developers/planners are restricted to building on just 20%
of small islands are dependent on tourism revenues, which in           of the islands.
turn depend on the biodiversity of the islands. However, their            Today, tourism in the Maldives provides over 22,000 jobs.
size means that the per capita costs of environmental conserva-        This means that less global warming and fewer environmental
tion and biodiversity protection are high.                             problems are issues of major concern to the Maldivian people.
   Tourism involves a high consumption of drinking water,              However, environmental premises are not the only concerns
which is a limited resource in most small islands (Belle and           which must necessarily extends to the local people’s right to
Bramwell, 2005). In addition, tourists staying in hotels gener-        work.
ate more trash, which can hinder waste management (Georges,               Tourism, the Maldives’ largest industry, accounted for around
2006). In the case of water, one solution would be to desalinate       28% of GDP in 2009. Almost over 90% of government tax rev-
seawater (Stuart, 2006).                                               enue comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. The
   Finally, Roper (2005) considers the problem of global warm-         Maldivian Government began an economic reform programme
ing in the case of the Maldives. He emphasizes the use of re-          in 1989 initially by lifting import quotas and opening up some
newable energy by small islands and the benefits it would bring,       exports to the private sector. It has subsequently liberalized regu-
such as the conservation of tourism resources.                         lations to allow more foreign investment. In late December 2004,
                                                                       as a result of the tsunami, the Maldives GDP contracted but a
                                                                       rebound in tourism, post-tsunami reconstruction, and develop-
Luxury resorts in small islands: the Maldives case                     ment of new resorts helped the economy recover quickly. Di-
Even though some travellers are not yet aware of the risks they        versifying beyond tourism and fishing, reforming public finance,
are going to subject nature to during their trips, there is a myriad   and increasing employment are the major challenges facing the
of information available about being environmentally friendly on       government. However, the Maldivian authorities worry about
their travels (the so-called ‘Responsible Traveller’). For example,    the impact of erosion and possible global warming on their low-
the EC3 Global certifies sustainable tourism organizations with        lying country; 80% of the area is 1 metre or less above sea level
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FIGURE 2 Visitors to the Maldives by continent (2008). Source: Author’s own from Ministry of Planning and National Development data, 2009.

FIGURE 3 European visitors to the Maldives by country (2008). Source: Author’s own from Ministry of Planning
and National Development data, 2009.

(Ministry of Planning and National Development, 2009).                    first-ever presidential elections under a multi-candidate, multi-
   According to the Department of Immigration & Emigration,               party system were held in October 2008. A Supreme Court was
Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Maldives (Ministry of            established, judicial power was separated from state power and
Planning and National Development, 2009), in 2008, the major-             legislative power is now mainly reached by popular vote.
ity of tourists came from Europe (Figure 2).                                 However, before this new democratic period, in order to pre-
   Within Europe, most tourists come from Italy, United King-             serve its ecosystem, the Maldives signed all the most important
dom, Germany, Russia and France (Figure 3).                               international agreements promoted by the UN Environment
   Thus, we can say that the Maldives main target groups are              Programme, and the Maldives Government established specific
Europeans who come from the aforementioned countries. This                regulations to develop sustainable tourism: the Environmental
is relevant because European tourists are expected to have the            Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives (1993), the Tour-
necessary knowledge about environmental protection.                       ism Act of Maldives (1999) and the Regulation on the Protec-
   In relation to the local labour market, although literacy in           tion and Conservation of Environment in the Tourism Industry
Maldives has been improved and specific higher education stud-            (2006). However, as we can see, these acts and regulations were
ies in tourism are available, trained specialist employees are still      quite basic.
young and many people working in the tourism industry are                    Regulation does not seem to be sufficient for the future con-
expatriates. According to a survey held in 2006 to study the hu-          servation of the Maldives’ ecosystem. Since 2008, this regula-
man resource situation in the Maldives tourism industry, which            tion has had less power due to weak application as a result of
was answered by 92.5% of the resorts operating at that time, the          the inadequacies of the Maldives environmental impact assess-
number of locals employed in resorts is only higher than the              ment (EIA) procedures. According to Zubiar, Bowen and Elwin
number of foreigners at an operational level. The highest sala-           (2010), the procedure lacked transparency, responsiveness and
ried jobs, which correspond to the managerial and supervisory             accountability.
echelons, are occupied by expatriates. The number of female                  Thus, the Third National Environment Action Plan (2009-
employees in the industry is still marginal with locals contribut-        2013), conducted by the Ministry of Housing, Transport and
ing only 2% to the workforce. The bed-staff ratio stood at 1:1,           Environment, Government of the Maldives, includes, among
however, the up-market resorts had a higher ratio of 1:4 (Minis-          other goals: to reduce climate-related risks in the tourism sec-
try of Tourism & Civil Aviation of Maldives, 2008).                       tor, to develop regulations and conflict resolution mechanisms
                                                                          for resource use among competing industries – such as tourism
                                                                          – to ensure a balance between resource protection and resource
Environmental objectives in the Maldives
                                                                          usage, and to develop environmental guidelines for the selection
In 1968, the Maldives Sultanate was replaced by a Republic al-            of islands for resort development. These goals will need to be
though political parties were not legalized until 2005. Some key          coordinated with another objective in mind: to strengthen EIAs
indicators in the Maldives have improved since then (education,           to ensure that all significant impacts associated with new devel-
employment) or at least have been made public. In June 2008,              opments are understood and accounted for, taking stakeholders’
a constituent assembly - the "Special Majlis" - finalized a new           participation into consideration, as recommended by Zubair et
constitution, which was ratified by the president in August. The          al. (2010).
EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                                  Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

                                                                             ries when an activity or service is not sustainable have a negative
   Moreover, the Maldives will need to review its Regulation on              value. Furthermore, we assumed that the Maldives is an exotic
the Protection and Conservation of Environment in the Tour-                  destination and does not have massive tourism (at least not the
ism Industry (2006) and increase its penalties. Even if its GNP              cases of mass tourism which McElroy and Albuquerque studied
is higher than other South Asia countries (such as India) it is              in the small Caribbean islands in 1998) where, for example, too
way below that of developed countries, such as members of the                many rooms detract from the exotic view of the resort (Schey-
European Union or the USA. For big companies, it is “cheap” to               vens and Momsen, 2008).
contaminate because the highest fine is 100,000.00 MRF which                    Taking into account the potential massive tourism of the is-
is less than 6,000 euros. The next step is to revoke a resort’s li-          lands we mean to avoid seeking for mass tourism. That is the
cense, but as there is a lack of monitoring mechanisms this is               “creation of mass demand for specific locations or experiences,
quite unlikely.                                                              as well as the accommodation and transport to meet such neces-
   For this reason, many measures will depend on the resorts’                sary demand” (UNWTO, 2001, p. 333).
corporate social responsibility (CSR), and thus we have checked                 This concept leads to tourism carrying capacity: “composite
which resorts report specific eco-friendly initiatives to their visi-        early warning measures of key factors affecting the ability of the
tors.                                                                        site to support different levels of tourism” (UNWTO, 2001, p.
                                                                             293). Anyway, the concept has reached several interpretations.
                                                                             For example, MacLeod and Cooper (2005) refer to four catego-
Study of luxury resorts in the Maldives
                                                                             ries: physical, ecological, social, and economic2. In our study, we
Data collection and research methodology                                     found that the Maldives Government has fixed a physical carry-
In 2008 there were 94 resorts in the Maldives, with a total of               ing capacity with only 2% of islands potentially to have resorts.
19,860 beds (Tourism Yearbook, 2009). The list of resorts to                 In the case of islands, land use/spatial planning is a process par
study and some additional data were obtained from the Mal-                   excellence to implement carrying capacity assessment (Europe-
dives’ Ministry of Tourism statistics and the Tourism Yearbook               an Union, 2001, p. 23). Anyway, we think that spatial carrying
2009 in particular. We rejected 3 resorts that currently do not              capacity could also be related to ecological and social carrying
exist (at least online). 44% of all the resorts are luxury (deluxe)          capacities in the sense that if the islands maintain their isolation
class. The remaining data were obtained using a content analysis             focus to preserve paradise image, environment will be benefited
methodology of the Maldives resorts’ websites. Data was com-                 and harmful effects of tourism will decrease. For this reason, we
piled from November 2009 to March 2010. The type of content                  have selected some of the thematic areas that are supposed to
analysis used was a conceptual analysis (Cohn, 2009), which                  have high priority while analyzing physical-ecological indicators
studies the presence of concepts and not the frequency with                  of the islands (European Union, 2001, p. 25): Natural environ-
which they appear. The selection of concepts, and some vari-                 ment and biodiversity, Energy, Water, Waste, Tourist infrastruc-
ables, was carried out before the websites were searched based               ture and Land.
on empirical studies and existing theory on sustainable tourism                 In our study we reviewed the potential of sustainable tourism
and small islands (McElroy and Albuquerque, 1998; Bull and                   in the Maldives, depending on the behaviour of their resorts,
Weed, 1999; Fotiu et al., 2002; Fry, 2005; Belle and Bramwell,               and particularly deluxe resorts. Finally, it should be noted that
2005; Nurse and Moore, 2005; Roper, 2005; Georges, 2006;                     the diving variable has not been included in the statistical analy-
Stuart, 2006; Scheyvens and Momsen, 2008). For example we                    sis because it is offered by all the resorts and this fact generates
selected the use of an ecolabel based on Fotiu et al. (2002), waste          difficulties for statistical calculations.
management from Georges (2006), or renewable energy from                        Subsequently, to calculate the relationships between the vari-
Roper (2005). In the case of water activities, we included some              ables for the 91 deluxe resorts together, we used the Principal
of the activities that Bull and Weed (1999) refer for Malta, tak-            Component Analysis method (Hair et al, 1999; Peña, 2002)
ing into account that some of them could harm the environment                with the SPSS program (Pérez, 2001). The analysis results are
of the Maldives.                                                             shown in tables 2, 3 and 4.
   Then the variables related to these concepts were looked up                  Within the concept of “Environmental Policy” we have in-
on the resorts’ websites from November 2009 to March 2010,                   cluded the use of an ecolabel for tourist accommodation services,
taking into account Weber’s criteria (1990) that “a variable is              taking into account the concept of ecolabel given by the Euro-
valid to the extent that it measures or represents what the in-              pean Union (2010). The standard criterion for the certification
vestigator intends it to measure”. Therefore, we did not use the             of an Eco-Resort will depend on its design and construction,
standard indicators proposed by various organizations as a ref-              water conservation, liquid waste management, solid waste man-
erence because they do not fit our objectives (Buzzigoli, 2009)              agement, energy production and conservation, natural areas and
(i.e. United Nations environment indicators for SIDS include                 conservation, lawn and gardens, protection of flora and fauna,
also CO2 emissions, energy consumption per capita and threat-                contamination of air, water and soil, environmental education
ened species).                                                               and quality standards. In our study, we found 7 deluxe resorts or
   The selected variables are shown in the following table (Ta-              15% (2 of them belonged to the same chain) that are supposedly
ble 1). In theory, the activities and services offered are good for          eco-friendly and have one or more environmental international
tourism, but this does not mean that they are necessarily good               awards and certifications and 2 non-deluxe resorts or 4% with
for sustainable tourism. Thus, the values given to the catego-               an ecolabel (Table 2). However, we also have to point out that

 Physical carrying capacity is a measure of the spatial limitations of an area and is often expressed as the number of units that an area can
physically accommodate. Ecological carrying capacity is a measure of the population that an ecosystem can sustain, defined by the population
density beyond which the mortality rate for the species becomes greater than the birth rate. In a recreational context, ecological carrying capacity
can also be defined as the stress that an ecosystem can withstand, in terms of changing visitor numbers or activities, before its ecological value is
unacceptably affected. Social carrying capacity is a measure of crowding tolerance. Economic carrying capacity defines the extent to which an area
can be altered before the economic activities that occur in the area are affected adversely.

EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                                            Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

TABLE 1 Definition of variables and categories

 Concept                     Variable                                       Categories
 Category                    Deluxe                                         If the resort has 5 or more stars : 1; Others: 0
 Activities                  A1: Scuba diving                               If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A2: Windsurfing                                If the resort offers this activity: 1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A3: Catamaran Sailing                          If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A4: Parasailing                                If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A5: Canoeing                                   If the resort offers this activity: 1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A6: Water Skiing                               If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A7: Wake boarding                              If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A8: Ringo Riding                               If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A9: Banana Riding                              If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A10: Submarine diving                          If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A11: Jet Skiing                                If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A12: Aerobics                                  If the resort offers this activity: 1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A13: Badminton                                 If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A14: Tennis                                    If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A15: Beach Volley                              If the resort offers this activity: 1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A16: Excursion                                 If the resort offers this activity: 1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             A17: Big Game Fishing                          If the resort offers this activity: -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
 Services/features           S&F1: Air Con. in rooms                        If the resort has it: -1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F2: Spa                                      If the resort has it: -1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F3: Jacuzzi                                  If the resort has it: -1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F4: Sauna                                    If the resort has it: -1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F5: Swimming Pool                            If the resort has it: -1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F6: Water Villas                             If the resort offers this service : -1; If it doesn’t offer it: 0
                             S&F7: Online Brochure                          If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F8: Other languages in addition to English   If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F9: Internet                                 If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F10: All inclusive                           If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F11: Medical care                            If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F12: Child care/ children’s area             If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             S&F13: Distance from Airport over average      If the distance is over the total average: 1; If the distance is under the
                                                                            total average: 0
                             S&F14: Number of beds over average             If the number of beds is over the total average: -1; If the number of
                                                                            beds is under the total average: 0
 Environmental Policy        EP1: Ecolabel                                  If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             EP2: Water Management                          If the resort has it: 1;If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             EP3: Waste Management                          If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
                             EP4: Alternative energy                        If the resort has it: 1; If it doesn’t have it: 0
Source: Author’s own from website content analysis.

we checked other information on the websites (water manage-                 tions, such as the Green Globe certification, have changed or
ment, waste management and alternative energy) because some                 have disappeared on a new browsing of the websites in June
resorts do not have a specific certification or even if they do not         2010. For example, the Green Globe certification is being re-
all the awards and certifications which appear are trustworthy.             placed by EarthCheck and within this there are different levels
On the other hand, some environmental awards and certifica-                 of certification, from partial to full requirements.
EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                               Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

Results                                                                             On the basis of the data input into the SPSS programme, the
                                                                                 mean, standard deviation, variance, principal components (Ta-
First of all, from the data obtained from the variables of the 91                bles 3 and 4) and correlation matrices were obtained. We per-
resorts, we confirmed the existing differences between a luxury                  formed a separate analysis for deluxe hotels and for non-deluxe
and a standard resort. It should be pointed out that in Table 2                  hotels. In the analysis of the relationships between variables, 11
we can see that luxury resorts offer proportionately more activi-                factors explained 81% and 77% of the total variance of indicators
ties and services that are not sustainable, even though the 7 re-                included in the deluxe resort analysis and the non-deluxe resort
sorts (2 of them were counted as one) that are more sustainable                  analysis. The communalities had initial data equal to 1 and ex-
and environmentally responsible are also found in this category.                 tractions were higher than 0.68, thus all the variables reached
This means that sustainability depends on the control of these                   acceptable levels of explanation. The coefficients with absolute
activities and not on offering them.                                             values of less than 0.45 were suppressed. Factor loadings and

TABLE 2 Differences between deluxe resorts and others

 Variable                                                5 stars or more    %      Hotels ≤ 4 stars   %
                                                         hotels and resorts
 A1: Scuba diving                                        40                100% 51                    100%
 A2: Windsurfing                                         38                95%     47                 92%
 A3: Catamaran Sailing                                   37                93%     47                 92%
 A4: Parasailing                                         9                 23%     7                  14%
 A5: Canoeing                                            37                93%     45                 88%
 A6: Water Skiing                                        24                60%     27                 53%
 A7: Wake boarding                                       21                53%     13                 25%
 A8: Ringo Riding                                        13                33%     11                 22%
 A9: Banana Riding                                       18                45%     16                 31%
 A10: Submarine diving                                   7                 18%     7                  14%
 A11: Jet Skiing                                         6                 15%     5                  10%
 A12: Aerobics                                           23                58%     22                 43%
 A13: Badminton                                          21                53%     33                 65%
 A14: Tennis                                             23                58%     20                 39%
 A15: Beach Volley                                       33                83%     48                 94%
 A16: Excursion                                          39                98%     50                 98%
 A17: Big Game Fishing                                   31                78%     32                 63%
 S&F1: Air Con. in rooms                                 40                100% 49                    96%
 S&F2: Spa                                               32                80%     30                 59%
 S&F3: Jacuzzi                                           25                63%     16                 31%
 S&F4: Sauna                                             18                45%     14                 27%
 S&F5: Swimming Pool                                     29                73%     17                 33%
 S&F6: Water Villas                                      35                88%     33                 65%
 S&F7: Online Brochure                                   16                40%     8                  16%
 S&F8: Other languages in addition to English            13                33%     8                  16%
 S&F9: Internet                                          30                75%     35                 69%
 S&F10: All inclusive                                    6                 15%     13                 25%
 S&F11: Medical care                                     8                 20%     6                  12%
 S&F12: Child care/ children’s area                      11                28%     5                  10%
 S&F13: Distance from Airport over average               20                50%     31                 61%
 S&F14: Number of beds over average                      15                38%     20                 39%
 EP1: Ecolabel                                           6                 15%     2                  4%
 EP2: Water Management                                   5                 13%     1                  2%
 EP3: Waste Management                                   5                 13%     1                  2%
 EP4: Alternative energy                                 3                 8%      1                  2%
Source: Author’s own from website content analysis.

EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                                 Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

TABLE 3 Components Matrix for Deluxe Resorts

     Variables    Mean          SD                                                          Components
                                         1           2           3        4        5         6           7        8        9       10          11
 A2              .9500       .22072      -.499                            .680
 A3              -.9000      .30382                                       -.512
 A4              -.2250      .42290      .583
 A5              .9250       .26675                                                                                        -.486
 A6              -.6000      .49614      .739
 A7              -.5250      .50574      .763
 A8              -.3250      .47434      .572                                                .489
 A9              -.4500      .50383      .728
 A10             -.1750      .38481                  .465
 A11             -.1500      .36162      .466
 A12             .5750       .50064      -.519
 A13             -.5250      .50574                              .551
 A14             -.5750      .50064                              .460
 A15             .8250       .38481                                                                               -.597
 A16             .9750       .15811                                       .743
 A17             -.7750      .42290      .596
 S&F2            .8000       .40510      -.522
 S&F3            -.6250      .49029      .699
 S&F4            -.4500      .50383      .713
 S&F5            -.7250      .45220      .663
 S&F6            -.8750      .33493                                                                                                .480
 S&F7            .4000       .49614                              .485
 S&F8            .3250       .47434                              .454              -.464
 S&F9            .7500       .43853                                       .533                           -.495
 S&F10           .1500       .36162
 S&F11           .2000       .40510                              .506                                                      .519
 S&F12           .2750       .45220                                                                                        .517
 S&F13           .5000       .50637                                                -.775
 S&F14           .2750       .96044                                                                                                            .489
 EP1             .1500       .36162                  .751        -.532
 EP2             .1250       .33493                  .844        -.481
 EP3             .1250       .33493                  .844        -.481
 EP4             .0750       .26675      .068        .698
 Variance                                18.587      13.920      8.942    7.559    6.407     5.377       4.849    4.365    4.082   3.777       3.412
 Cumulative                              18.587      32.507      41.449   49.008   55.415    60.792      65.641   70.006   74.089 77.865       81.277
 Cumulative                              20.637      31.030      40.058   46.823   53.032     58.018     62.883   66.920   70.767 73.941       77.002

Coefficients lower than 0.45 are not shown.
Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis
Source: Compiled from SPSS 16

EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                                 Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

TABLE 4 Components Matrix for Non-Deluxe Resorts

     Variables    Mean          SD                                                          Components
                                         1           2           3        4        5         6           7        8        9       10          11
 A2              .9216       .27152                                                .457
 A3              -.9216      .27152                  .485                                                -.465
 A4              -.1373      .34754      .659
 A5              .8824       .32540                              .481
 A6              -.5294      .50410      .460                    .530
 A7              -.2549      .44014      .744
 A8              -.2157      .41539      .816
 A9              -.3137      .46862      .684
 A10             -.1373      .34754                              .483
 A11             -.0980      .30033      .622
 A12             .4314       .50020
 A13             -.6471      .48264                                                                                                .459
 A14             -.3922      .49309      .589
 A15             .9412       .23764                                                -.579
 A16             .9804       .14003                                       .450
 A17             -.6275      .48829
 S&F1            -.9608      .19604
 S&F2            .5882       .49705                              .684
 S&F3            -.3137      .46862      .554
 S&F4            -.2745      .45071      .583
 S&F5            -.3333      .47610      .476                    -.552
 S&F6            -.6471      .48264
 S&F7            .1569       .36729                                                                                        .644
 S&F8            .1569       .36729                  .629
 S&F9            .6863       .46862                                                .452
 S&F10           .2549       .44014
 S&F11           .1176       .32540                                       .657
 S&F12           .0980       .30033      -.573
 S&F13           .6078       .49309                                       -.459                                   .547
 S&F14           .2157       .98618                                       .620
 EP1             .0392       .19604      -.645
 EP2             .0196       .14003      -.618       .696
 EP3             .0196       .14003      -.618       .696
 EP4             .0196       .14003      -.618       .696
 Variance                                20.637      10.393      9.028    6.765    6.209     4.986       4.865    4.037    3.848   3.174       3.061
 Cumulative                              20.637      31.030      40.058   46.823   53.032    58.018      62.883   66.920   70.767 73.941       77.002

Coefficients lower than 0.45 are not shown.
Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis
Source: Compiled from SPSS 16

EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                           Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

percentages of total variance explained by the factors are includ-         tourism (Fry, 2005), as part of the exoticism of the islands is due
ed in Tables 3 and 4. The results show that dimensions related             to their biodiversity.
to sustainable tourism are strongly related, i.e. the resorts that            However, the Maldives, like many other small islands, has a
have water and waste management also have some kind of eco-                huge economic dependence on tourism, thus the key lies in how
label or use alternative energy.                                           to combine economic prosperity and biodiversity, and this is
   In the study of the component matrices we paid special atten-           part of the sustainability tourism concept (Bull and Weed, 1999;
tion to the variables that had factor loads with values of ±0.45 or        Belle and Bramwell, 2005; Clampling and Rosalie, 2006). Thus,
greater (Tables 3 and 4). The components that generated more               this study has tried to reflect how the resorts of the Maldives
consistent results in the deluxe resort group were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5           approach the dilemma between tourism and sustainability. Al-
and 9 (Table 3). Component 1 refers to the activity and serv-              though the Maldives signed all the most important internation-
ice-related variables. It would seem logical for deluxe resorts to         al agreements promoted by the UN Environment Programme,
have a large number of both. Component 2 refers to the sustain-            and the Maldives Government established specific regulations
able tourism-related variables, i.e. the sensitivity of the resorts        to develop sustainable tourism, these acts and regulations were
in the efficient use of water, energy and recycling. However, it           quite basic and regulation does not seem to be sufficient for the
related positively to submarine diving. Component 3 is related             future conservation of its ecosystem.
to tennis and badminton. These two are related positively with                The Third National Environment Action Plan (2009-2013)
the existence of an online brochure that could cater for tourists          of the Maldives, includes some goals which aim to reduce cli-
who travel in groups. Component 4 includes the positive rela-              mate-related risks in the tourism sector which will need to be
tion between variables such as windsurfing, trips and Internet             coordinated by strengthening EIAs to ensure that all the signifi-
access, which could be linked to young tourists. Component 5               cant impacts associated with new developments are understood
shows a relation between the diversity of languages on the web-            and accounted for, taking stakeholder participation into consid-
site with longer distances from the airport. Finally, Component            eration, as recommended by Zubair et al. (2010).
9 associates two variables (the presence of children’s areas with             Our study has been carried out by scanning the websites of
the availability of medical care) positively, and relates canoeing         91 resorts located in the Maldives, from November 2009 to
negatively.                                                                March 2010, based on the contents we aimed to find. We ap-
   The components that generate the most consistent results in             plied a principal component analysis to the data obtained to
the case of non-deluxe resorts are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Table 4). Com-        establish the relationships between variables, and differentiate
ponent 1 includes services and activities which we have consid-            between luxury and non-luxury resorts. There were two main
ered as non eco-friendly. Component 2 relates to variables in-             conclusions. Firstly, the islands are an exotic destination which
cluded in the environmental policy that the website advertises in          is reflected not only in their biodiversity, but also in the charac-
several languages. Component 3 relates to indoor and outdoor               teristics, activities and services offered by the resorts. Luxury re-
water sports. Component 4 relates to variables that may indicate           sorts have more activities and services in general, although many
more conservative tourism or travel with children, as it relates           of them are not sustainable. However, as a second conclusion we
the number of beds, medical care and trips. Finally, Component             found that this category of resorts includes the few resorts that
5 seems to relate variables that follow young tourists looking for         have an ecolabel and more environmental policy practices. We
windsurfing and the Internet.                                              can not affirm that luxury implies sustainability, but we might
   Thus, the relations obtained show the existence of different            conclude that both are possible. Therefore, even if at present the
segments of tourists based on the activities and services offered          Maldives is an exotic and luxury destination, it has the poten-
by hotels. However, in the case of the sustainable tourism-re-             tial to be a luxury sustainable tourism destination. Whether to
lated variables, it seems clear that the main niche is in luxury           reach this status will depend on the coordination of the various
(deluxe) tourism where there are a few resorts positioned as               stakeholders involved and on the incentives given to the resorts
environmentally-responsible according to their websites. More-             in order to make them both sustainable and profitable. At this
over, the relations obtained show that resorts which follow one            point, policy makers could enhance the application of environ-
of these sustainable practices often implement several of them.            mental policies as an incentive for resorts to be sustainable and
This result is important from the point of view of the possible            profitable (Fotiu et al., 2002). Moreover, the luxury resorts that
application of public incentives (Fotiu et al., 2002).                     would like to attract responsible travellers should communicate
   Therefore, the empirical results have demonstrated that lux-            their environmental policies through their websites.
ury does not imply directly sustainability, although luxury can               The main limitations of our study are, on one hand, that the
go hand in hand with it. The answer is in the deluxe resorts that          information provided by the resorts and the Maldives Govern-
have identified a market niche where it is feasible to combine             ment on their websites changes frequently, especially as far as
luxury with sustainable tourism. In the case of non-deluxe re-             the ecolabels are concerned. Moreover, some of the resorts we
sorts, it is clear that more activities is related to less possibilities   contacted informed us about some environmental management
of having an ecolabel.                                                     policies that they are developing but which do not appear on
                                                                           their websites. On the other hand, the regulation and policy
                                                                           changes carried out by the young democratic Maldives Govern-
Conclusions and limitations                                                ment and its recent newly elected President would seem to bring
Small islands, despite the vulnerabilities that most literature            hope for the islands’ future environment.
points out (Briguglio, 1995; McElroy and Albuquerque, 1998;                   Although both deluxe and non-deluxe resorts offer activi-
Nurse and Moore, 2005; Roper, 2005; Chasek, 2005; Fry, 2005;               ties and services that are not sustainable, it seems that deluxe
Belle and Bramwell, 2005; Van der Velde et al, 2007), have taken           resorts are more aware about to obtain an ecolabel. But if the
advantage of their geography by using it as an exotic tourist at-          Maldives Government wants to reduce tourism impact on its
traction (Belle and Bramwell, 2005; Scheyvens and Momsen,                  ecosystem, because a lack of protection would affect their tour-
2008). In 2004, the focus in small island literature centred on            ism revenue in the future (Nurse and Moore, 2005; Belle and
the relationship between biodiversity protection and sustainable           Bramwell, 2005), it should de essential that public and private
EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies                                                                    Vol. 16, No. 1 (2011)

tourism organizations become involved in protecting the natu-                 Acknowledgements
ral environment of the islands (Fotiu et al., 2002). Policymakers
should consider that planning in advance is more efficient than               The authors would like to thank participants at the EBEN Re-
working on environmental degradation. In fact, there are many                 search Conference 2010 held in Tampere, Finland, and especial-
examples around the world of unplanned tourist development                    ly Professor Lilian Wanderley of the NHTV, The Netherlands,
in some destinations which has produced tourism market of                     for all their comments. The Research Conference was attended
lower quality. Taking into account that in the Maldives half of               thanks to the financial support of the Faculty of Business Ad-
the resorts are deluxe, its Government should prevent to loose                ministration and Management, Universidad Politécnica de Va-
this market by protecting its environment.                                    lencia.

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Blanca de-Miguel has a PhD from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) and an MBA from Ruskin University (UK). Her research centres
on Strategic Management in the Services Sector.

María de-Miguel has a Ph.D from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and is the Director of an MBA at the Management Faculty. She has
been an EBEN Member since 2008. Her research field centres on Organizational Social Responsibility.

Mariela Rumiche is a postgraduate student on the aforementioned MBA at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and she is doing her Master’s
thesis with both lecturers.

Contact information:
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia (Spain)

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