Achieving Sustainability - Is it Too Late?

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Achieving Sustainability - Is it Too Late?

Achieving Sustainability
                    Is it Too Late?


                                                Korea's End
   Democracy and                                of History?
   its Challenges

            Frank • Gvosdev • Al-Kaabi • Kanerva • Khanna
            Kloke-Lesch • Montbrial • Obersteiner • Pezzini • Roa
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HorizonS                                                                                                                    Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

Why is the EU Failing                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGS)
                                                                                                               GOAL 1                                              GOAL 10

to Champion the SDGs?                                                                           End poverty in all its forms everywhere
                                                                                                              GOAL 2
                                                                                                  End hunger, achieve food security
                                                                                                                                                           Reduce inequality within
                                                                                                                                                             and among countries
                                                                                                                                                                   GOAL 11
                                                                                                 and improved nutrition and promote                 Make cities and human settlements
                                                                                                       sustainable agriculture                    inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
                                                                                                               GOAL 3                                              GOAL 12
Adolf Kloke-Lesch                                                                                  Ensure healthy lives and promote                   Ensure sustainable consumption
                                                                                                      well-being for all at all ages                       and production patterns

                                                                                                                GOAL 4                                             GOAL 13
        HE EUROPEAN UNION is truly             EU’s future that would resonate with its
                                                                                                    Ensure inclusive and equitable                      Take urgent action to combat
        at a crossroads. Populist move-        citizens. We see an eternal recurrence                                                                  climate change and its impacts
                                                                                                quality education and promote lifelong
        ments and parties are questioning      of the same, so to speak: stereotypical               learning opportunities for all                                GOAL 14
its value for Europeans, while the United      debates about more or less Europe, wid-                                                                  Conserve and sustainably use
                                                                                                                GOAL 5
Kingdom is set to leave the EU in March        ening versus deepening, solidarity and            Achieve gender equality and empower               the oceans, seas and marine resources
2019. Threats to the rules-based world         austerity, or voting procedures; these and                 all women and girls                           for sustainable development
order and tectonic shifts in geopolitics       others all turn hollow if not linked to                        GOAL 6
                                                                                                                                                                   GOAL 15
challenge allegedly immutable truths           substantial issues that people care about.                                                        Protect, restore and promote sustainable
                                                                                                 Ensure availability and sustainable
                                                                                                                                                 use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
and long-term partnerships.                                                                   management of water and sanitation for all

                                                                                                                                                  manage forests, combat desertification,
                                                    uch debates have lost sight of the                          GOAL 7                             and halt and reverse land degradation
  Meanwhile, a new European Parlia-                 full meaning of Article 3 of the Lis-         Ensure access to affordable, reliable,                  and halt biodiversity loss
ment will be elected in May 2019, to be        bon Treaty (2009), which states that the          sustainable and modern energy for all
                                                                                                                                                                   GOAL 16
followed by a new composition of the           EU aims “to promote peace, its values                           GOAL 8                           Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
                                                                                              Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable      sustainable development, provide access to
European Commission. The debate has            and the well-being of its peoples.” More
                                                                                                 economic growth,full and productive           justice for all and build effective, accountable
already started on the next EU budget,         specifically, the Treaty stipulates that the      employment and decent work for all                 and inclusive institutions at all levels
called the Multiannual Financial Frame-        Union “shall work for the sustainable
                                                                                                                  GOAL 9                                           GOAL 17
work, which will set the EU’s financial        development of Europe.”                           Build resilient infrastructure, promote         Strengthen the means of implementation
and political priorities until the end of                                                      inclusive and sustainable industrialization          and revitalize the Global Partnership
the next decade.                                 It should therefore have come as no                      and foster innovation                         for Sustainable Development
                                               surprise that the EU became an early
  While controversies between govern-          champion of designing what became the

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Source: Unites Nations
ments drag on—not only on the subject          UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Devel-
of refugee policy—there definitely is a        opment that was adopted unanimously
lack of a common positive vision of the        by world leaders at a special UN summit

Adolf Kloke-Lesch is a member of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development
Solutions Network (SDSN) and Executive Director of SDSN Germany. The author wishes to
express gratitude to Marlene Eichinger, a graduate student at the Department of Development                    Box 1: The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Studies, University of Vienna, for her excellent assistance in quantitative research.

Summer 2018, No.12                          144                                                                                              145                        Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                   Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

in September 2015 in New York. Entitled no consideration of whether implement-                of the Commission and some working             bound and quantified targets.” It was
Transforming our World, this “plan of            ing fully the SDGs might have a bearing      parties of the Council of the EU that have on this that the 2001 EU Sustainable
action for people, planet, and prosperity” on Europe’s own future.                            delivered several communications and           Development Strategy (ESDS) was weak,
is an extraordinary achievement in times                                                      conclusions on the 2030 Agenda since its garnering little attention in Brussels.
of global uncertainty and division, as             This reflects the mistaken percep-         2015 adoption. It must be said, in addi-
well as an elaborate global affirmation of tion of many political leaders that the            tion, that the European Parliament and           The ESDS died a silent death after the
core European values and                                          SDGs are something to       the European Economic                                          financial crisis and the
aspirations.                          It seems as though          be dealt with under the     and Social Committee,
                                                                                                                              European    Commission         adoption of the Europe
                                     the discourse on the         category of development     where civil society repre-      President Jean-Claude 2020 Strategy in 2010
A Leadership Void                      future of Europe           aid or environment pro-     sentatives come together,       Juncker is said to have (subtitled A European

 T      he 2030 Agenda
        set 17 Sustain-
able Development Goals
                                       and that the one
                                         on sustainable
                                                                  tection. They have not
                                                                  yet realized that some of
                                                                  the EU’s most pressing
                                                                                              have raised their voice
                                                                                              in favor of embracing
                                                                                              the SDGs in and for the
                                                                                                                              never been approached Strategy for Smart, Sus-
                                                                                                                                by a single European
                                                                                                                               leader on the issue of
                                                                                                                                                             tainable, and Inclusive
                                                                                                                                                             Growth), as a way to
                                    development inhabit
(SDGs) to be met “for all                                         socioeconomic priorities    EU. Furthermore, during           the role of the SDGs         overcome the structural
                                    two different planets.
nations and peoples and                                           and challenges, includ-     2018’s European Sustain-            in implementing            weaknesses of Europe’s
for all segments of society” (see Box 1):        ing rising inequalities, youth unemploy-     able Development Week,                                         economy. At the time,
                                                                                                                                   the sustainable
these must necessarily be implemented            ment, migration, and climate change,         tens of thousands of                                           the Commission framed
at local, national, and regional levels—in are covered under the SDGs.                        European citizens took
                                                                                                                                development    agenda        this as part of an aim to
other words, globally.                                                                        part in more than 6,000              within Europe.            mainstream sustainable

  With all that being said, a fundamen-
tal question needs to be asked: are the
                                                 E     uropean Commission President
                                                       Jean-Claude Juncker is said to
                                                 have never been approached by a single
                                                                                              initiatives in 34 European countries—an        development thinking into European
                                                                                              increase of 50 percent compared to previ- policies; it turns out, however, that it
                                                                                              ous years. The critical question is whether largely put this “thinking” on the back-
SDGs, championed by Europeans at the European leader on the issue of the                      the pre-election campaigns for the Euro-       burner. The 2020 Strategy set a limited
United Nations, becoming the roadmap role of the SDGs in implementing the                     pean Parliament, scheduled for May 2019, number of quantified headline targets
for the EU itself, across all domestic and sustainable development agenda within              will result in additional momentum to          covering employment, research and de-
international policies?                          Europe. Again, it comes as no surprise       bring the EU back on its path towards the velopment (R&D), climate and energy,
                                                 that we have not seen a statement by the     sustainable development of Europe.             education, and poverty to be achieved
  The answer is quite discouraging. At           European Council on this topic since                                                        by 2020. The strategy is accompanied
best, it is “not yet,” for the European          the adoption of the UN 2030 Agenda           On track with the SDGs?                        by various monitoring and implementa-
champions of the SDGs on the world stage for Sustainable Development. This
are dragging their feet at home and in           constitutes a deplorable void of politi-
Brussels. It seems as though the discourse cal leadership by the body in which the
                                                                                               “Y       ou cannot manage what you
                                                                                                        don’t measure.” With these
                                                                                              words, Frans Timmermans, the First
                                                                                                                                             tion processes, including the so-called
                                                                                                                                             “European Semester.”

on the future of Europe and that the one
on sustainable development inhabit two
                                                 heads of state or government of the 28
                                                 EU member states are meant to shape
different planets. The Commission’s White the future of Europe.
                                                                                              Vice-President of the European Com-
                                                                                              mission, began his foreword to Eurostat’s
                                                                                              publication Sustainable Development
                                                                                                                                              A     t the end of 2017, Eurostat
                                                                                                                                                    published the first Monitoring
                                                                                                                                             Report on Progress towards the SDGs
Paper of the Future of Europe (2017) men-                                                     in the European Union. He should have          in an EU Context, with 100 indicators
tions the SDGs only when praising the              This void cannot be compensated for by     added the following: “you cannot man-          structured along the 17 SDGs. However,
achievements of EU diplomacy; there is           the many assiduous efforts within parts      age what you measure without time-             EU policy targets do not exist for most

Summer 2018, No.12                         146                                                                                          147                      Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                             Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

of the SDGs, and many of them are               and R&D indicators by up to four across                               EU 2020 targets and the SDGs                                     2008     2016/17
set for a time horizon of 2020 and not          EU member states. Furthermore, the             EU 2020 target: at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and/or    116.1 m     116.9 m
2030, as per the 2030 Agenda.                   targets set by the EU 2020 Strategy fall       social exclusion                                                                                (2016)
                                                short of the ambition of the correspond-       SDG 1 No poverty, target 1.2: By 2030, reduce by at least half the proportion
   Thus, the European Union—the most ing SDG targets for 2030. These would,                    of men, women, and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions
vocal champion of the SDGs—has not              for instance, call to relieve 60 million       according to national definitions
made its priorities and                                          EU citizens of the risk of
policies compatible with            Thus,  the European          poverty and social exclu-
                                                                                               EU 2020 target: reduce rates of early school leavers to below 10 percent            13.4        10.6
                                                                                                                                                                                   percent     percent
those same SDGs. The                  Union—the most             sion over the next decade,                                                                                                    (2017)
                                                                                               SDG 4 Quality education, target 4.1: By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys
EU neither knows which               vocal champion of           or to bring down the          complete free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education leading to
SDG-related indicator               the SDGs—has not             share of early school leav-   relevant and effective learning outcomes

targets it has to achieve         made its priorities and ers to zero by 2030. The             EU 2020 target: at least 40 percent of people aged 30-34 having completed           34.8        39.9
by 2030 nor the distance            policies compatible          emission of greenhouse        higher education                                                                    percent     percent
it still needs to cover.                                         gases would have to be                                                                                                        (2017; but
                                 with those same SDGs.                                         SDG 4 Quality education, target 4.3: By 2030, ensure equal access for all women                 men falling
It remains to be seen                                            reduced twice as fast if
whether a gap analysis,           The EU neither knows the self-set Nationally                 and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education,
                                                                                               including university

which is currently un-              which SDG-related            Determined Contribu-
derway within the Com-            indicator  targets  it has     tion (NDC) target under       EU 2020 target: greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent lower than 1990 levels          9.4 percent 22.4
mission, can solve this              to achieve by 2030          the Paris Climate Agree-                                                                                                      percent

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Source: Author’s own compilation based on EU, Eurostat, and UN documents
                                                                                               SDG 13 Climate action, EU target under Paris Agreement: at least 40 percent                     (2016)
dilemma. Taking a brief           nor the distance it still      ment (which is part of the    lower by 2030
glimpse at the headline                needs to cover.           SDGs, as defined by the       EU 2020 target: 20 percent of energy sourced from renewables                        11.1        17.0
targets of the 2020 Strat-                                       2030 Agenda) is achieved.                                                                                         percent     percent
                                                                                               SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy, target 7.1: By 2030, increase substantially                  (2017)
egy and the related SDGs makes mani-            These few examples show both the chal-         the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
fest the difficulties that lay ahead for the lenges and potential for Europe’s future          EU 2020 target: 20 percent increase in energy efficiency                            -           16.1
European Union (see Table 1).                   that come along with embracing the                                                                                                             percent
                                                                                               SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy, target 7.3: By 2030, double the global rate                  (2016)
                                                SDGs and respecting planetary bounda-          of improvement in energy efficiency
   Even if only set against the self-pro-       ries in the climate change context.
claimed targets, the data show a mixed                                                         EU 2020 target: 75 percent of people aged 20-64 to be in work                       70.3        72.2

                                                                                                                                                                                   percent     percent
picture. Trends are insufficient or nega-            n the absence of SDG targets set for      SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, target 8.1: By 2030, achieve full and                   (2017)
tive in the social and economic fields,              and by the EU, it seems useful to take    productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for
while some positive trends can be seen on a look at the SDG Index and Dashboards               young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value

climate and energy, as well as education.       Reports, published annually since 2015         EU 2020 target: 3 percent of the EU’s GDP to be invested in R&D                     1.84        2,03
                                                by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the                                                                                              percent     percent
                                                                                               SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure, target 9.5: Enhance scientific                  (2016)
   However, the picture turns bleaker           UN Sustainable Development Solutions           research […], including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially
when data is disaggregated by country— Network (SDSN). These reports provide                   increasing the number of research and development workers per million people
                                                                                               and public and private research and development spending
i.e. by EU member state. Country-level          an overview of countries’ performance
poverty and education indicators vary           on the 17 SDGs. Since 2017, the reports
by a factor up to two, climate/energy           also cover international environmental,                                 Table 1: The Europe 2020 Strategy and the SDGs

Summer 2018, No.12                         148                                                                                                        149                              Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

                                GLOBAL SDG INDEX SCORE                                                                                                                                                     The difference in score between            Waiting for a
                    55           60         65         70            75                  80                 85         90                                                                                Sweden and Greece is as big as that be-      Reflection Paper
                                                                                                                                                                                                         tween Greece and countries on the last
                                                                                                                                                                                                         quarter of the list, like Rwanda (120th
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with a score of 56.1). These scores dem-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          W    hen the 2030 Agenda was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               adopted in New York in 2015,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the priorities for the current Commis-
         Norway          6                                                                                       148
                                                                                                                 156                                                                                     onstrate both the scale of the remain-       sion (2014–2019) had already been set by
                                                                                                                 139                                                                                     ing distance to reach even for countries     European Commission President Jean-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         like Sweden, on the one hand, and huge       Claude Juncker as per the terms of his
 Czech Republic
United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                                                                         internal challenges in the EU and its        “Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and
           E s t o n i a 16                                                                                      109
                                                                                                                                                                                                         member states, on the other.                 Democratic Change.” It was commenda-
           I r e l a n d 18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ble that Juncker entrusted
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Furthermore, Europe               There is a clear          First Vice-President Tim-
            C r o a t i a 21
    L u x e m b o u r g 22
                                                                                                                                                                                                         produces significant              indication that the         mermans with the hori-

                                                                                                                            Source: Author’s own figure based on SDG Index and Dashboards Repor t 2018
Slovak Republic
                                                                                                                 130                                                                                     negative spillover effects.      EU is not on track to        zontal responsibility for
                         26                                                                                      111                                                                                     There is a clear indica-        negate spillover effects.     sustainable development.
                         27                                                                                      128
             Italy       29
                                                                                                                                                                                                         tion that the EU is not on           Two-thirds of the
            Malta        30                                                                                                                                                                              track to negate spillover                                           There have also been
         Portugal        31
                                                                                                                 129                                                                                                                        40 countries with the
          Poland         32                                                                                      106                                                                                     effects, even though data                                         laudable but isolated
          B u l g a r i a 34                                                                                      89                                                                                     is still limited and dif-        worst negative spillover         initiatives in areas like
        L i t h u a n i a 36                                                                                     123                                                                                     ficult to compare. Two-           effects are EU   member         the circular economy
                               Global SDG Index Rank
            S e r b i a 40
                                                                          G l o b a l S p i l l o v er R a n k
                                                                                                                                                                                                         thirds of the 40 countries       states, or are linked to it and sustainable finance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with the worst negative              via the European             But the fact remains that
         R o m a n i a 44                                                                                         73                                                                                     spillover effects are EU              Single Market or            the UN 2030 Agenda—
            G r e e c e 48                                                                                       136                                                                                     member states, or are                  their respective           specifically, the SDGs—
            C y p r u s 50                                                                                                                                                                               linked to it via the Eu-                                          largely did not inform
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ropean Single Market or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               candidate status.           the current Commis-
 F Y R M a c e d o n i a 61                                                                                       69
           A l b a n i a 62                                                                                       97                                                                                     their respective candidate status. One           sion’s priorities and work programs.
    M o n t e n e g r o 69
                                                                                                                                                                                                         should, therefore, not be deceived by            As political attention moved to other
                                                                                                                                                                                                         high SDG scores that certain EU mem-             issues like migration or Brexit, one got
            T u r k e y 79
                                                            Spillover Effect (0=best, 100=worst)                  94                                                                                     ber states have received for their imple-        the impression that the option of fully
                    75           65         55         45            35                  25                15          5
                                                                                                                                                                                                         mentation of the SDGs domestically, for embracing the SDGs as a road-map for
                                                                                                                                                                                                         they come with costs for other countries the EU’s future has been left to the next
                    Figure 1: SDG - and negative spillover scores for EU member states
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and, ultimately, the planet. If the EU           Commission and the period after the
                                  (incl. EFTA and accession countries)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and its member states want to be serious European Parliament election in 2019.
economic, and security spillover effects                    per half of the SDG Index, ranging from                                                                                                      about achieving the SDGs, they need to
that undermine other countries’ efforts
to achieve the SDGs. EU member states
and EU accession states populate the up-
                                                            Sweden in first place to Greece (48th) and
                                                            Turkey (79th), with scores of 85.0, 70.6, and
                                                            66.0 (out of 100) respectively. (Figure 1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         translate the global SDGs into European
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and national targets compatible with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         global goals set for 2030.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I   n the meantime, some preparatory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              work has started, which is essential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for delivering an actionable plan. The

Summer 2018, No.12                                     150                                                                                                                                                                                          151                        Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                    Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

2017 Council conclusions entitled A            Clearly, there are big differences in             To promote the SDGs internally and          issued by the European Think Tank
Sustainable European Future: The EU          scope and ambition between these                  externally, the EU should use its broad       Group entitled “Steering the EU towards
Response to the 2030 Agenda for Sus-         VNRs—with some countries compre-                  range of policy instruments, like legal       a Sustainability Transformation.” Such a
tainable Development urged the Com-          hensively translating the SDGs into na-           acts, budgetary means, and external           way forward could build on the experi-
mission “to elaborate, by mid-2018,          tional goals, including the means of im-          action initiatives. Furthermore, the EU’s ences of the last two decades, thereby
an implementation strategy outlining         plementation—and others just relating             Policy Coherence for Sustainable Devel- using previous long-term EU strategies
timelines, objectives,                                         existing policy objectives      opment (PCSD) toolbox                                         as well as relevant imple-
and concrete measures.”          The  best way  for the        to some of the SDGs. An         can ensure that all EU            Having    lost much         mentation and monitor-
                                EU to shape its future optimist would say that                 policies contribute to, or         time and missed            ing instruments like the
  Since then, a lot of foun-     would be to prepare           there is notable move-          at least do not hamper,          many    opportunities,       “European Semester.”
dational work for an am-          an overarching EU            ment at the level of mem-       the achievement of the             European leaders
bitious action plan could        2030 Strategy based           ber states upon which the       SDGs.                              and Europe’s civil         From Reflection
have been done, bolstered        on the 2030 Agenda            EU can continue to build                                        society must now use to Action
by the Multi-stakeholder
Platform on the Imple-
mentation of the SDGs set up by the
                                    and the SDGs.
                                                               its efforts. This is crucial,
                                                               since responsibility for
                                             the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
                                                                                                W        hen translating
                                                                                                         the SDGs into
                                                                                               quantified and time-
                                                                                                                                 the few remaining
                                                                                                                                  forks in the road
                                                                                                                                                              T    hree years after the
                                                                                                                                                                   adoption of the
                                                                                                                                 to make the SDGs
Commission and the work of Eurostat.         lies with states in the first place.              bound EU-wide targets,                                        2030 Agenda, the EU
                                                                                                                                 Europe’s business.
Unfortunately, to date neither a gap analy-                                                    close attention should                                        must move from reflec-
sis nor an implementation strategy has
been presented. All that can be expected
now is the publication of a Commission
                                                 T  he EU should focus on its respon-
                                                    sibilities and the added value it
                                             can provide. Under its Better Regula-
                                                                                               be given to areas where EU action is of
                                                                                               particular relevance to achieving the
                                                                                                                                             tion to action on the SDGs. Having lost
                                                                                                                                             much time and missed many opportu-
                                                                                               SDGs—across both the EU and global- nities, European leaders and Europe’s
Reflection Paper, which will reportedly be tion agenda, more specifically with its             ly. Existing EU policy targets and strate- civil society must now use the few
entitled Towards a Sustainable Europe by     principles of subsidiarity and propor-            gies should be adapted to match the           remaining forks in the road to make the
2030 and published by the end of 2018.       tionality, the Commission wants “to be            ambition set by the SDGs. Beginning           SDGs Europe’s business (see table 2).
                                             big on the big issues and small on the            with the targets, the EU could enhance

 C     onsidering such slow progress, it
       is questionable whether the EU
will be able to present an ambitious
                                             small ones,” to quote a recent statement
                                             by Juncker.
                                                                                               its strategies on issues such as reducing
                                                                                               EU-wide inequalities or decarbonizing
                                                                                               energy and other SDG transforma-
                                                                                                                                               In October 2017, European Council
                                                                                                                                             President Donald Tusk presented his
                                                                                                                                             Leaders’ Agenda. It rolled out the key
and concrete first report on the inter-        As the SDGs are a big issue, there              tions (i.e. agriculture). Similarly, linking topics EU leaders were expected to
nal and external implementation of the clearly is a role for the EU in areas of                competition and industrial policy with        have to deal with in upcoming meet-
2030 Agenda by the EU at the United          exclusive and shared competencies. But            digitalization and sustainability could       ings of the European Council. So far,
Nations’ High-Level Political Forum          other roles also come to mind, like sup-          offer significant win-win potential.          the SDGs are not among them. Secu-
(HLPF) in 2019, as per the current           porting, coordinating, and supplement-                                                          rity, migration, and trade were placed
schedule. In contrast, 24 EU member          ing the actions of member states. Acting            The best way for the EU to shape its        at the top the agenda.
states (and 3 candidate countries) are       on the SDGs would also help build co-             future would be to prepare an overarch-
already among the slightly over 100          hesion within the EU and could provide            ing EU 2030 Strategy based on the 2030          Nevertheless, the Leaders’ Agenda
countries that have presented Voluntary frameworks for EU-wide discussions                     Agenda and the SDGs. This is, in fact,        is a living document, so there is still
National Reviews (VNR) at the HLPF.          and implementation.                               the suggestion made in a recent paper         plenty of opportunity to rise to the

Summer 2018, No.12                         152                                                                                           153                      Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                                                       Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

        Key steps for EU leaders and civil society to make the SDGs Europe’s business                                               Lastly, at their informal meeting sched- the SDGs should be established as a key
Up to May 2019 (next European Parliament election)
                                                                                                                                  uled to take place in Sibiu, Romania, in     criterion for the selection of the next
Include the SDGs as an overarching narrative in the campaign platforms of political parties                                       May 2019, EU leaders should ensure that President of the European Commission.
Engage political parties and candidates for the European Parliament on the SDGs                                                   the SDGs are given pride of place in their
Establish commitment to the SDGs as a key criterion for the selection of the next President of the                                next work program: the Strategic Agenda Budgeting for the SDGs

European Commission                                                                                                               2019-2024 (to be adopted by the Euro-               he EU budget is a strong tool to
18-19 October 2018 (European Council)                                                                                             pean Council in June 2019). In particular,          support European policies across
Call on EU citizens, business, and political parties to embrace the SDGs as Europe’s future                                       the Strategic Agenda should endorse the      its member states and worldwide. Al-
13-14 December 2018 (European Council)                                                                                            proposal for an EU 2030                                       though accounting for
Set ambitious guidelines for integrating and operationalizing the SDGs across the next                                            Strategy for a Sustainable          Europe’s leaders          only roughly 1 percent
Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF; 2021-2027)                                                                                 Europe.                            who celebrate the          of the EU’s GNI—still
21-22 March 2019 (European Council)                                                                                                                                universal nature of          (too) modest in size—its
Endorse the first report on the internal and external implementation of the 2030 Agenda by the
EU at the High Level Political Forum in 2019
9 May 2019 (Informal meeting of the European Council, Sibiu, Romania)
                                                                                                                                   W        ith the next
                                                                                                                                  Parliament election fast
                                                                                                                                                                     the 2030 Agenda
                                                                                                                                                                      at international
                                                                                                                                                                                                expenditures amount
                                                                                                                                                                                                to 10 percent of overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                public spending in many
Identify key steps to operationalize the SDGs in the Strategic Agenda 2019-2024 and call for an                                                                     conferences should
                                                                                                                                  approaching, the EU has                                       member states. Fur-
EU 2030 Strategy for a Sustainable Europe to be adopted by year’s end 2020
                                                                                                                                  entered a transitional           no  longer hesitate   to     thermore, the programs

                                                                                                     Source: Author’s own table
23-26 May 2019 (European Parliament election)
                                                                                                                                  period that will end only       do   so boldly at  party      funded by the EU budget
20-21 June 2019 (European Council)                                                                                                in autumn 2019 with the          conferences and on           set standards and lever-
Ensure that the SDGs are integrated into the next Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF)
                                                                                                                                  formation of the next            the campaign trail.          age additional funds for
Adopt a Strategic Agenda 2019-2024 that includes a call for an EU 2030 Strategy for a Sustainable
Europe                                                                                                                            Commission. This period                                       these ambitions.
Identify a next President of the European Commission who is highly committed to the SDGs                                          must not lead to further gridlock in
                                                                                                                                  the context of implementing the SDGs.          In May 2018, the Commission present-
                    Table 2: Key Steps to Make the SDGs Europe’s Business                                                         Instead, the parliamentary election and      ed its proposal for the next Multi-annual
                                                                                                                                  ensuing nomination of the next Presi-        Financial Framework (MFF) covering
level of the SDGs’ ambition in the                     way for the achievement of the SDGs                                        dent of the Commission should be used        the years 2021–2027. Answering wheth-
time ahead. It is fortunate that the                   in and by the EU. In December 2018,                                        to promote the SDGs as an integral part      er the proposed sum of €1.2 trillion will
Leaders’ Agenda already includes two                   they will need to set ambitious guide-                                     of the narrative for Europe’s future.        work as a powerful catalyst towards the
topics that are particularly critical to               lines to integrate and operationalize                                                                                   SDGs will significantly affect the fate of
achieving the SDGs in the EU and
beyond: the Multiannual Financial
Framework 2021–2027 (MFF) and the
                                                       the SDGs across the next MFF.

                                                         In addition, in March 2019 the Eu-
                                                                                                                                   I   t must be underlined that Europe’s
                                                                                                                                       leaders who celebrate the universal
                                                                                                                                  nature of the 2030 Agenda at interna-
                                                                                                                                                                               the SDGs in Europe and beyond. Unfor-
                                                                                                                                                                               tunately, it appears that the Commission
                                                                                                                                                                               has shied away from this opportunity.
European Council’s Strategic Agenda                    ropean Council could show its com-                                         tional conferences should no longer
2019–2024.                                             mitment by endorsing the first EU
                                                       report on the internal and external
                                                                                                                                  hesitate to do so boldly at party confer-
                                                                                                                                  ences and on the campaign trail. Civil          A    lthough the proposal invokes
                                                                                                                                                                                       prosperity, sustainability, solidar-

 E     U leaders should embrace such
       opportunities and take substan-
tial directional decisions to pave the
                                                       implementation of the 2030 Agenda
                                                       by the EU, to be presented at the
                                                       HLPF in July 2019.
                                                                                                                                  society should engage political parties
                                                                                                                                  and candidates on the SDGs. In par-
                                                                                                                                  ticular, fundamental commitment to
                                                                                                                                                                               ity, and security as its guiding princi-
                                                                                                                                                                               ples, the draft’s language on the SDGs
                                                                                                                                                                               seems to have been deliberately toned

Summer 2018, No.12                                 154                                                                                                                      155                       Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                  Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

down. It is fine to state that the invest-    next MFF can support the implemen-              Balkan candidate states have embraced       societal support, and link the accession
ments lined out in the MFF ought to           tation of the 2030 Agenda.”                     the SDGs and accession to the EU as         process to citizens’ daily concerns.
“hold the key to Europe’s future pros-                                                        mutually reinforcing agendas. Pursuing
perity and its leadership on the global
Sustainable Development Goals.” But
                                                It is only in a footnote that the MFF
                                              proposal refers to the Reflection Paper
unless both objectives are linked to each “Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030”
                                                                                              the 2030 Agenda interacts both with
                                                                                              the EU integration process and regional
                                                                                                                                             U    nder the next MFF, a total of
                                                                                                                                                  €12.8 billion is proposed for
                                                                                                                                          the Instrument for Pre-Accession As-
other and subsequently broken down            that needs to be adopted by the Commis-                                                                      sistance. It should be
by the individual pro-                                           sion at the end of 2018.       At a side event of the             The EU has  in          designed to assist can-
grams, the rhetoric will              Fundamental                This footnote does not       HLPF 2018 featuring of-            no way linked its         didate countries and
ring hollow in practice.             commitment      to          even indicate any process    ficials from these states,         Western Balkan            potential candidates
Indeed, simply using the            the SDGs should              of how the findings could    UNDP Administrator                enlargement policy         in linking their paths
word “sustainability”               be established as            be integrated into the       Achim Steiner noted
                                                                                                                               to the 2030 Agenda.         to both fulfillment of
multiple times on many             a key criterion for           MFF. The Commission          that “the language of                                        the accession criteria
pages does not meet the                                          would be well advised to     SDGs can help illustrate        The recent April 2018        and achievement of the
                                     the selection of
ambition of the SDGs.                                            present its Reflection Pa-   to citizens the benefits          Communication     on       SDGs. This should be
                                   the next President
                                    of the European              per well before December     of EU membership in              the EU Enlargement          even more self-evident
  It is particularly de-                                         2018, when the European      terms that are relevant          Policy does not even        as these states (still
plorable that the speci-              Commission.                Council is due to discuss    to everyday life—clean                                       classified as developing
                                                                                                                                mention the SDGs.
fied results-oriented recommendations progress achieved on the MFF.                           water, renewable energy,                                     countries) have a special
on the MFF, presented in March 2018                                                           quality healthcare, fairness in govern-     track-record on translating the Millen-
in an advisory report by the Commis-            It would make a huge difference if,           ance, and leaving no one behind.”           nium Development Goals (MDGs) into
sion’s Multi-Stakeholder Platform on          for instance, the European Regional                                                         national strategies that they are now
the Implementation of the SDGs in the Development and the Cohesion Funds                        Regrettably, it also became clear during building on while pursuing the SDGs.
EU, went largely unheeded. The plat-          (€242 billion proposed for 2021-2017),          the side event that the EU has in no way
form described the MFF as a unique            the European Social Fund (€90 billion),         linked its Western Balkan enlargement         Perhaps the SDGs will prove to be a
opportunity amounting to a “make or           and the Agricultural and Rural Devel-           policy to the 2030 Agenda. The recent       two-way-bridge between the EU and
break [point] in regard to the imple-         opment Funds (€324 billion) were used           April 2018 Communication on the             the candidates—something from which
mentation of the SDGs in the EU.”             for the achievement of the SDGs in all          EU Enlargement Policy does not even         the EU and its actual member states can
                                              EU member states. This could also help          mention the SDGs. While the SDGs            draw adequate lessons.

 H       owever, the Commission is not the many bottom-up SDG initiatives at
         the sole actor to be blamed          regional and city levels and promote the
                                                                                              should not dilute the EU’s acquis under
                                                                                              the many chapters of accession negotia-     Transforming Our World
for such a failure. This is the price
for a lack of political leadership over
the three years since the adoption
                                              SDGs among EU citizens as a guiding
                                              constellation for Europe’s future.
                                                                                              tions, it should be evident that the SDGs
                                                                                              themselves are becoming part of the EU’s
                                                                                              acquis, raising the ambitions of both
                                                                                                                                             A   ccounting for six percent of the
                                                                                                                                                 global population and 22 percent
                                                                                                                                          of global GDP, the EU is the world’s sec-
of the 2030 Agenda. The Council’s             Two-Way Bridge                                  member states and candidate countries.      ond largest trading power and its third
conclusion of June 2017 merely asked
the Commission “to assess how the
programs and instruments within the           the
                                                 W SDGs
                                                        hile the EU is still struggling
                                                        with thoroughly mainstreaming
                                                          across its policies, Western
                                                                                              Looking at the chapters through the
                                                                                              lens of the SDGs could help identify
                                                                                                                                          biggest greenhouse gas emitter. While
                                                                                                                                          the combined military expenditure of
                                                                                              areas that need more attention, mobilize the EU member states is still second

Summer 2018, No.12                         156                                                                                         157                      Adolf Kloke-Lesch
HorizonS                                                                                                                 Why is the EU Failing to Champion the SDGs?

only to the United States, the Union and      Against this backdrop, the first two            Judged against the SDGs, all countries       order to prioritize and design future
its member states collectively provide        reports on Implementing the Global            are developing countries. Therefore,           partnerships, the EU should focus on
57 percent of global Official Develop-        Strategy placed even more importance          the EU needs a new and different, truly        countries and regions where transfor-
ment Assistance (ODA) and therefore           on “closer-than-ever” cooperation with        universal concept of international co-         mative change is particularly necessary
easily outpace any other global actor.        the United Nations (2017) whilst main-        operation for sustainable development          and mutually beneficial. So far, the
                                              taining that the EU “is playing a leading     that addresses all types of entities, rich     Global Strategy has not yet translated
  Nonetheless, despite a few success sto- role in driving forward and upholding             and poor alike.                                                the SDGs into an op-
ries, the EU sails below its potential. The global agreements” (2018), which in-                                              It will be critical for      erationalized agenda

Global Strategy for the                                        cludes the 2030 Agenda               lobal leadership            the EU to review           that would inform its
European Union’s For-                 The SDGs    in           and the Paris Climate                and influence are        and   reassess  all of its    “cooperative regional
eign and Security Policy           their entirety are          Agreement. This can be       best exerted if actors             foreign affairs and         orders” policy towards
(2016) aims to make                  of geopolitical           seen as part of a slow but   shape their international        partnerships through          countries and regions as
better use of such poten-             significance.            steady realization that      strategies in a way which             the SDG lens.            varied as Russia and the
tial. The Strategy rightly       Projecting European           the SDGs in their en-        ensures their domestic                                         United States, China and
acknowledges that “pros-                                       tirety are of geopolitical   agendas and values, their global in-           Canada, ASEAN and MERCOSUR, or
                                soft power by building
perity must be shared                                          significance.                terests, and the concepts and projects         the EU’s neighborhood and Africa.
and requires fulfilling the         on  the SDGs   as                                       they sell to the world reinforce each
Sustainable Development
Goals worldwide, in-
cluding in Europe.” This
                                   a globally shared
                                  agenda offers huge
                                                                 Projecting European
                                                               soft power by building
                                                               on the SDGs as a glob-
                                                                                            other. The United States did so after
                                                                                            World War II when it built an alliance
                                                                                            of liberal market economies around
                                                                                                                                           T      o be up to the task, the EU needs
                                                                                                                                                  to think big and consider a
                                                                                                                                           Transformational Partnerships Initia-
                                 potential for Europe’s
was a bold statement to            role in the world.          ally shared agenda offers    the world. Today, China’s Belt and             tive under which it would offer trans-
make just a couple of                                          huge potential for Eu-       Road Initiative can be seen in a similar       formative partnership agreements to
months after the adoption of the SDGs.        rope’s role in the world. However, fur-       vein, linking Asia, Europe, and Africa         all countries in the world, from North
When calling for a more collective ap-        ther efforts at implementation will need      to the Chinese development pathway.            and South America to Africa, Asia,
proach and realignment of priorities so       to be made to fully grasp the opportu-        For Europe, preserving its values and          and the Pacific. These reciprocal agree-
that they better suit all countries and       nity on offer across all the EU’s regional    prosperity in a peaceful world depends         ments would provide frameworks for
regions, the Global Strategy even saw         and bilateral cooperation arrangements.       critically on achieving the SDGs, both         cooperation aimed at overcoming criti-
the SDGs as an opportunity to catalyze        Implementing the 2030 Agenda only             inside its borders and globally.               cal bottlenecks to achieving the SDGs.
greater coherence between the internal        in partnership with developing coun-                                                         If underpinned by political leadership
and external dimensions of policies and tries, as rolled out in the 2017 European             That is why it will be critical for the      and the involvement of business, civil
across financial instruments.                 Consensus on Development docu-                EU to review and reassess all of its           society, and academia, the Transfor-
                                              ment, entitled Our World, our Dignity,        foreign affairs and partnerships through mational Partnerships Initiative could

 T     he strategic environment has
       changed dramatically since the
adoption of the Global Strategy. The
                                              our Future, is an insufficient approach
                                              harking back to pre-2015 times and is
                                              not in line with the new and universal
                                                                                            the SDG lens. This would inevitably
                                                                                            lead to the revaluation of existing
                                                                                            partnerships, crisscrossing traditional
                                                                                                                                           become Europe’s geopolitical response
                                                                                                                                           to increasing tensions between great
                                                                                                                                           powers, particularly China and the
rules-based order and shared values           concept of sustainable development and        political, economic, or military ties. In      United States.
have been increasingly questioned and         the transformative ambition of the 2020
can no longer be taken for granted.           Agenda.

Summer 2018, No.12                        158                                                                                        159                      Adolf Kloke-Lesch
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