Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...

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Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...

[ VO.41 • NO 3 • SUMMER 2022 ]

Division 1 of the
Oregon Nurse Practice Act
is for Everyone

Also in this issue

Professional Boundaries in Healthcare:
Be Aware of These Red Flags
Delegate or Assign: What is the Difference?
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...
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Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...

Oregon State Board of Nursing
17938 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road
Portland, OR 97224-7012

Business Hours:
                                                                                                            [ VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022 ]
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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www.oregon.gov/OSBN                                                                                                  contents
Staff are available to assist you during
                                                                                                               Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice
business hours via email:
                                                                                                               Act is for Everyone .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.                                                                    Professional Boundaries in Healthcare:
                                                                           Page 6
                                                                                                               Be Aware of These Red Flags  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6

                                                                                                               Delegate Or Assign:
                                                                                                               What is the Difference? .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
Board Members:
Judith Woodruff, JD                                                                                            Is it Time for Oregon to Embrace the APRN
Board President, Public Member                                                                                 Nurse Licensure Compact?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12

Aaron Green, CNA                                                                                               RN Well-Being Project Illuminates
President-Elect                                                                                                Nursing Workplace Needs  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                     14
                                                                          Page 8
Sheryl Oakes Caddy, JD, MSN, RN, CNE
Board Secretary                                                                                                Board Votes to Implement New Public
                                                                                                               Hearing Process  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
Sarah Horn, RN
                                                                                                               Disciplinary Case Study:
Michael Wynter-Lightfoot
Public Member
                                                                                                               Boundary Violations  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .          18
Michelle Chau, LPN                                                                                             You Ask, We Answer  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .           20
Angela Powell, RN                                                                                              Faith Community Nursing-
Devorah Bianchi, RN                                                                                            is it Right for You?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   22
                                                                          Page 12
Yvonne Duan, RN, FNP                                                                                           Verification Subscribers Will Soon
                                                       All Board Meetings, except Executive                    Switch To E-Notify  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .        25
                                                          Sessions, are open to the public.
Ruby Jason, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Executive Director

Barbara Holtry
Communications Manager
Editor of the Sentinel                                           Created by Publishing Concepts, Inc.
                                                          David Brown, President • 1-800-561-4686 ext.103
Advertisements contained herein are not
endorsed by the Oregon State Board of Nursing.
                                                                    For Advertising info contact
                                                           Jesseca Youngblood • 1-800-561-4686 ext. 115
                                                                                                                26            2022 Board Members
The Oregon State Board of Nursing reserves the
right to accept or reject advertisements in this
                                                                                                                28            Board Disciplinary Actions
publication. Responsibility for errors is limited to
corrections in a subsequent issue.
                                                                                                                30            2022 Board Meeting Dates
                                                                        EDITION 55
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...

                                                                           By OSBN Executive Director Ruby Jason, MSN, RN, NEA-BC

                  DIVISION 1 OF THE
                   OREGON NURSE
                 PRACTICE ACT IS FOR
       There are currently 17 divisions in the Oregon Nurse Practice         851-001-0008 – Agency Representation at Hearings: For
    Act (NPA) . Each division is dedicated to a specific license type    civil penalties not exceeding $2,900 for a nurse working in the
    describing the education requirements, licensing requirements        state of Oregon without a valid license, Oregon statute allows
    and the legal standards of practice . Frequently overlooked is       the OSBN staff to represent the OSBN in a settlement hearing .
    Division 851-001, which contains information applicable              In all other situations, an Assistant Attorney General from the
    to all those licensed or certified by the Oregon State Board         Office of the Attorney General represents the OSBN .
    of Nursing (OSBN) . This article is intended to provide the
                                                                             *851-001-0009 – Imposition of Civil Penalties authorizes
    reader with a brief synopsis of information found in each of the
                                                                         the OSBN to levy monetary penalties in addition to discipline
    sections that comprise OAR 851-001 . This article describes all
                                                                         sanctions on a license or certificate . This describes the
    sections of 851-001, but those sections of particular interest are
                                                                         minimum and maximum fines per occurrence the OSBN is
    marked with an asterisk (*) .
                                                                         allowed to impose .
       851-001-0000 – Notice of Proposed Rule Making: The
    OSBN has legislative authority to write administrative rule             *851-001-0010 – Notification Procedure identifies the
    to implement statute . This section describes the timeline           entities receiving copies of final OSBN sanctions and notifies
    requirements the OSBN must meet for notifying the public of          the public of where public disciplines will be posted .
    the rule hearing .                                                       *851-001-0030- Social Security Numbers (SSN) are
       851-001-0005 – Model Rules of Procedure: Requires the             required for licensure or certification . This section describes
    OSBN to adopt the Attorney General Model Rules during a              the entities with whom the OSBN is authorized to send your
    contested case . “Contested Case” refers to the process a licensee   SSN, if needed . The OSBN will not share your SSN unless there
    or certificate holder uses when they disagree with the OSBNs         is a need to do so . This section also describes the documents
    determination of the disciplinary sanction against their license     required if the applicant does not have an SSN . It is not legal to
    or certificate due to a violation of the practice act . In Oregon,   make up an SSN or borrow an SSN; if the OSBN discovers an
    the license is considered a property right and as such, before       attempt to do so, the OSBN is obligated to report the applicant to
    the OSBN can impose a final determination, the licensee or           the Social Security Administration . Submitting an application
    certificate holder has the right to contest the OSBN’s decision .    to the OSBN gives permission to share your SSN, if needed,
                                                                         with the listed entities and for the describes uses .
         *851-001-0007 – Hearing Request: Provides information
    regarding timelines the license holder must meet to successfully        851-001-0100- Delegation of Signature Authority allows
    file a hearing request to contest the OSBN determined sanction .     the executive director or designee to sign certain forms in lieu

4      VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                       O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...
of the OSBN president . This authority is only granted to OSBN     violate the Governor’s emergency declaration . Since this is
  staff by rule and delegation of the OSBN .                         in rule, if the OSBN receives a complaint regarding a licensee
      *851-001-0115 – Criminal Background Checks for                 engaging in any of these activities, the OSBN is obligated to
  Licensure or Certification by the OSBN including Initial,          open an investigation and, based upon the preponderance of
  Renewal, Reactivations, Reinstatements or Endorsements.            evidence, the licensee could face OSBN sanctions .
  Identifies what criteria the OSBN will utilize when evaluating        *851-001-0160-Compliance with the Oregon Health
  past criminal convictions and egregious arrests to determine       Authority’s (OHA) COVID-19 Requirements. This is
  a fitness to practice nursing . For initial, reactivation,         another rule generated by the Governor’s and OHA’s response
  reinstatements, and endorsement application the background         to COVID-19 . All healthcare licensing boards were required
  check consists of a national fingerprint check, whereas renewal    to write rule describing that violating the OHA vaccine rules
  are done by using an Oregon State database only .                  would be considered conduct derogatory to the practice of
     851-001-0122 – Criminal Background Checks for                   nursing or conduct unbecoming a nursing assistant . The
  employees of, those seeking to be employed by, or providing        OSBN has no authority to inspect or independently locate
  services or seeking to provide services as a contractor            any licensee or certificate holder violating this requirement .
  or volunteer for the OSBN describes the process used to            All OSBN investigations are instigated based on receipt of a
  determine the fitness of employees and vendors doing business      complaint .
  with the OSBN . The criteria differ slightly from applicants;          *851-001-0170 – Health Care Interpreters. This is the
  therefore, it has its own section .                                newest rule in this division, passed during the June 2022 OSBN
      851-001-0125 – Appealing a Fitness Determination for           meeting as temporary rule . Temporary rule is what state
  employees of, for those seeking be employed by, or providing       agencies use to implement a rule without a public hearing to
  services or seeking to provide services as a contractor or         meet legislative timelines . These rules are legal for a maximum
  volunteer for the OSBN. If an applicant is denied a license        of 180 days . Prior to 180 days, the OSBN must hold a public
  based on the OSBN’s review of the criminal background              hearing and vote if the rules will be made permanent or be
  information, the applicant is allowed to follow the contested      allowed to expire . This rule implements HB 2359 that affects
  case process previously mentioned . If the denial of employment    all healthcare providers who accept public funds (usually
  or contract was the result of a criminal background check this     Medicaid/Medicare) for services . This is not only applicable
  section explains the procedure to be used .                        to nurse entrepreneurs who own their own business and bill
                                                                     under their own number, but also those licensees and certificate
      *851-001-0135 – Record Keeping and Confidentiality             holders who work for organizations who accept public funds
  identifies the OSBNs obligation to keep all criminal background    for payment . This rule requires, with a few exceptions, that
  information confidential . This section also describes how an      those licensed or certified by the OSBN must consult with the
  applicant may view their own criminal background results if        healthcare interpreter registry administered by the Oregon
  they wish to review information on which an OSBN fitness           Health Authority when communicating with a patient who
  determination was made . The OSBN does not permanently             prefers to communicate in a language other than English or
  retain these documents . They are destroyed according to a         who communicates in a signed language . Please familiarize
  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) requirement .                yourself with this rule, which takes language directly from the
      *851-001-0145- Emergency Declaration Response                  HB 2359 document . As with any other rule, the OSBN only
  describes the OSBN’s authority to adapt licensing procedures       has the authority to open an investigation if a complaint is
  if an emergency declaration, such as the Governor’s COVID-         submitted regarding violation of this rule .
  19 declaration, is issued . This is where criteria for emergency   Check the OSBN website
  authorizations and exemptions for some educational programs            The entire Nurse Practice Act is available on the OSBN
  are described .                                                    website (www .oregon .gov/osbn) . The OSBN hopes that this
    *851-001-0150-Violations of Declared Governor’s                  article has provided you with enough information to appreciate
  Emergency Declaration. Based upon direction from the               the importance of this division to the practice of all licensees
  Governor’s office, this section describes activities that would    and certificate holders .

SENTINEL                                                                                        VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022             5
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...

                                                                                             By OSBN Investigations Manager Jacy Gamble

                                    BE AWARE OF
                                  THESE RED FLAGS

        National surveys have repeatedly           to use to ensure they are maintaining a            vehicle, renting a room to a patient,
    shown that nursing remains the most            professional patient relationship .                helping a patient move, etc .),
    respected and trusted of professions .             Boundary violations can be described         • sharing confidential information
    That trust is essential and the relationship   as the gap between the healthcare                  about a patient,
    between nurses and nursing assistants          provider’s power and the patient’s               • making derogatory remarks about
    with patients must be one based on             vulnerability . Due to a CNA or nurse’s            a patient on their social media .
    mutual respect, with the needs of the          access to sensitive personal information
    patient being the primary objective . It       and the patient themselves, the provider       Red Flags
    is the expectation that the nurse or CNA       is in a position of power over the patient .       When an investigation related to
    will use their professional knowledge,         The Oregon State Board of Nursing              alleged boundary violations is conducted
    skills, and abilities to act in the best       (OSBN) frequently receives complaints          by an OSBN investigator, there are
    interest of the patient . Maintaining          related to alleged boundary violations         usually red flags that were present prior
    professional boundaries is essential to        by nurses . The complaints consist of          to the actual violations . It is important
    ensure a therapeutic patient relationship      allegations such as:                           that nurses and nursing assistants know
    and failing to do so can be a considered          • a nurse or nursing assistant              how to identify and pay attention to
    conduct derogatory to the standards of                accepting money or other things of      those red flags . Some of the red flags that
    nursing and is a violation of the Oregon              value from a patient,                   may indicate a provider is engaged in,
    Nurse Practice Act (NPA) . This article           • sexual or intimate relationships          or is at risk of engaging in a violation of
    will explore some ways in which nurses                between a provider and patient,         professional boundaries include:
    and nursing assistants violate professional       • personal friendships,                        • Engaging in behaviors that could
    boundaries, how they can identify red             • sharing personal or sensitive                   be considered “flirting”
    flags in their practice, strategies they can          information with a patient,                   or becoming overinvolved with
    use to evaluate a situation that might lead       • entering into a business                        a patient .
    to a boundary violation, and methods                  relationship with patients (buying a       • Showing favoritism or preferential

6      VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                       O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...
"Maintaining professional boundaries is essential to
     ensure a therapeutic patient relationship and failing
     to do so can be a considered conduct derogatory to the
     standards of nursing and is a violation of the Oregon
     Nurse Practice Act (NPA)."

      treatment or spending more              • Is the relationship potentially
      time than necessary with a                 harmful in any way to
      patient .                                  the patient?
   • Keeping secrets with a patient            Investigations     of     potential
      or having “inside jokes .”           boundary violations and interviews
   • Sharing personal or intimate          with nurses and nursing assistants
      information about yourself .         have revealed various motivations
   • Speaking negatively about other       for conduct that led to boundary
      employees or managers .              violations, such as feeling sorry for
   • Meeting a patient outside of the      a patient or empathizing with their
      healthcare setting .                 situation, wanting to help patients,
    So, what if a nurse runs into          providers      experiencing      strong
a former patient outside of the            personal or intimate feelings toward
healthcare setting and the nurse           a patient, or intentionally engaging
and former patient are interested          in violations that can lead to personal
in exploring a personal or intimate        gain for the nurse or nursing assistant .
relationship?      Does maintaining
professional boundaries mean that          Be Self-Aware
a nurse can never date or become               It is vital that nurses and nursing
friends with a former patient? In          assistants are knowledgeable about
this scenario, there are several factors   professional boundaries and ensure
that a nurse should consider when          that they pay attention to potential red
determining whether a personal             flags before they become violations of
relationship with a former patient is      the Nurse Practice Act . Additional
appropriate .                              examples of boundary violations
    Those factors include:                 can be found in the case studies on
   • The nature of the nurse-patient       page 18 .        Nurses and nursing
      relationship and type of care        assistants must be familiar with the
      provided (a one-time treatment       reporting         requirements        of
      versus ongoing care for chronic      their employer as well as their
      illnesses) .                         responsibilities under the Nurse
   • The length of time since the          Practice Act . Recognizing red flags
      care was provided .                  and having the courage to report and
   • Does the nurse have continued         redirect the behavior is essential to
      access to the patient’s health       the delivery of safe, patient-centered
      information, and could that          care, and maintaining a professional
      information create problems          and therapeutic patient relationship .
      that can affect the relationship?

SENTINEL                                                                               VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022   7
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...
                                                                               By OSBN RN/LPN Policy Analyst Gretchen Koch, MSN, RN

                      DELEGATE OR ASSIGN:
        The Board has received reports about     it is the process utilized by an RN to         related procedure (nursing procedure)
    confusion regarding two very separate        authorize an unregulated assistive person      that the client is unable to perform for
    and distinct nursing practice authorities:   (UAP) to perform a nursing procedure           themselves .
    delegation process and assignment . While    for their client for which the RN retains          Standards for community-based
    it is understood that both present as an     accountability for the outcome . The           RN delegation are in OAR 851-047 and
    option for the RN when implementing the      licensed practical nurse (LPN) cannot          may only be applied by an RN when
    plan of care, there is expressed confusion   delegate as they are not authorized by the     practice occurs in a community-based
    related to 1) the practice settings in       NPA to do an independent assessment of         setting . Pursuant to OAR 851-006-
    which either activity many occur, and 2)     the client .                                   37, a community-based setting means
    the accountability held by the registered        Proper understanding of delegation         a setting that does not exist primarily
    nurse (RN) who delegates and by the RN       process requires one to know the meaning       for the purposes of providing nursing
    and the LPN who assigns .                    of the term nursing procedure . Pursuant       or medical services, but where nursing
        This article presents the two practice   to OAR 851-006-101, nursing procedure          services could be required intermittently .
    authorities, and licensee accountability     means a health-related procedure               These settings include, but are not limited
    for each authority, based on Oregon’s        identified within the RN’s plan of care that   to, private homes, foster homes, assisted
    Nurse Practice Act (NPA) .                   is commonly taught in nursing education        living facilities, schools and twenty-four-
                                                 programs and normally performed by the         hour residential care facilities; most any
    Delegation Process                           RN or LPN when implementing the plan           environment where people live, engage
       Delegation process has a specific         of care . Delegation process can present       in recreational activities, attend school or
    meaning in Oregon’s NPA . As defined         as an option for the RN when the plan          work .
    in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR)          of care for their community-based client           Conversely, this means that delegation
    Chapter 851 Division 006 (851-006-45),       includes the performance of a health-          process does not occur in the acute care or

8      VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                      O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...
ambulatory care setting, or in any health       the nursing procedure for the client for a      delegates; however, at the end of the day
  care facility where nursing care is provided    limited period .                                the UAP is working “under the license” of
  24-hours a day seven days a week (such as a         In addition to meeting OAR 851-045          the RN .
  hospital or nursing facility) .                 nursing practice responsibilities with
      Delegation process requires the RN to       their client, the RN who delegates remains      Assignment
  observe and assess their client’s presenting    responsible to provide ongoing assessment           The term assign has a specific meaning
  situation and arrive at clinical judgments      of their client and ongoing observation of      in Oregon’s NPA . Pursuant to OAR
  specific to: the client’s condition and         the UAP’s performance of the procedure          851-006-20, assign means directing
  needed frequency for ongoing assessment,        on the client at the frequency determined       and distributing, within a given work
  the nursing procedure, the individual           during the delegation process - or more         period, the work that each health care
  UAP, and the environment of care where          frequently if their client’s status changes .   team member is already authorized by
  the nursing procedure would be performed            Note: In any practice role, the RN is       license or certification and organizational
  by the UAP . The RN who determines that         accountable for their actions . The RN          position description to perform . Making
  their client’s situation meets the conditions   who authorizes a UAP’s performance of           a prudent assignment requires the RN to
  for delegation pursuant to OAR 851-047          a nursing procedure through delegation          be knowledgeable of their co-workers’
  standards, and who validates the UAP’s          process retains accountability for the          respective scope of practice authorities,
  safe performance of the nursing procedure       outcome of that action . Oregon Revised         authorized duties, and job responsibilities
  by the UAP on the client, holds the             Statue 678 .036(3) does provide civil           in the practice setting .
  authority to authorize the UAP to perform       liability protections for the RN who                            continued on page 10 >>

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SENTINEL                                                                                              VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022               9
Division 1 of the Oregon Nurse Practice Act is for Everyone - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare: Be Aware of These Red Flags Delegate or ...
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SENTINEL                                                                VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022   11
                                                By OSBN APRN Practice & Education Policy Analyst Sarah Wickenhagen, DNP, FNP-C, RN

            IS IT TIME FOR
          THE APRN NURSE

         Healthcare regulation in the US, since the early 18th century     Delaware in August 2021, and most recently Utah in March
     has always taken place at the state level  . Health care licensing    2022 . New York and Maryland have bills that are not yet enacted .
     boards in individual states make decisions about their unique         An important distinction about the ARPN compact is that it will
     licensing requirements and scope of practice restrictions for         only become active when a minimum of seven states adopt the
     nursing in order to provide public protection for their citizens .    model legislation  .
     With numerous technological advances and the explosion of                It should be stated that the APRN nurse compact is not
     telehealth services in response to the pandemic, it is getting        without controversy . National and state professional advocacy
     increasingly difficult for patients, nursing and regulators to        organizations like the American Association of Nurse
     use 18th century healthcare regulatory rational in a 21st             Practitioners (AANP), the National Association of Pediatric
     century reality .                                                     Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP), Nurse Practitioners of Oregon
         In many ways, state boundaries in Oregon are more figurative      (NPO), and ARNPs United have all stated publicly their concern
     than literal particularly in areas like Portland-Vancouver (OR/       about these model rules being a potential step backwards and
     WA border) and Ontario-Fruitland (OR/ID border) . So how              more restrictive for APRN practice  . On the other hand, there
     do health regulatory boards across the country provide patient        are several other professional organizations—the American
     protection and allow for freedom of movement for nurses in a          Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL), the American
     healthcare shortage?                                                  Telemedicine Association (ATA), and the Alliance for Connected
         The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)           Care (ACC), amongst others —that feel the compact is the path
     responded to this call for action with their multistate licensure     forward for the profession and an incredible opportunity to
     APRN nurse compact . Basically, the compact would allow an            expand access to care in other states where our colleagues are
     APRN who holds a multistate license from one of the compact           currently restricted in their scope .
     states to work in any of the compact states on the same license .        So, what is the controversy?
     Holding a multistate license is optional; APRNs could choose
     to hold only a single state license . But if they hold a multistate   Concern 1
     license, they could work in any compact state and only pay for        The APRN compact requires 2,080 practice hours to be eligible
     one license .                                                         to participate in a multistate license . This number of hours is a
         Separate from the compact for RNs and LPNs, the APRN              legislative compromise with stakeholders for those states who do
     compact was initially introduced in 2002, revised in 2015,            not have independent practice authority for their APRNs . At the
     and again updated in 2020 . This model legislation includes           time the compact model legislation was agreed upon, those at
     eleven individual articles that identify the purpose, general         the table felt it a necessary stipulation to get the legislation fully
     provisions, application process, coordination, administration,        adopted across the country . This is difficult for Oregon APRNs
     and rulemaking authority . To date, three states have passed          to understand, as we have had no such practice requirement or
     this legislation: North Dakota, the first to adopt in April 2021,     restrictions here . Of note, Delaware, which recently adopted

12       VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                      O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
this legislation, additionally introduced a companion bill that            So, is it time to consider adoption of the APRN compact
 removed the 2080-hour requirement from that state’s statute in         in Oregon?
 the belief the hour requirement was not necessary .                        In previous discussions, the Oregon Board of Nursing
                                                                        has stated that this legislation was not ready for adoption nor
 Concern 2                                                              necessary here in Oregon . If professional advocacy organizations
     The administration of the compact itself is handled by NCSBN       or health systems decide to pursue this path, they would need to
 and state licensure board appointees/representatives . Not all         introduce a bill to the Oregon Legislature for potential adoption .
 state’s licensing boards have administrators who are themselves            For more information, please see
 APRNs . A potential solution to address this concern, suggested             • About the Compact | APRN Compact https://www .
 by AANP and NAPNAP, is to appoint APRN consultants to                         aprncompact .com/about .htm
 advise NCSBN administrators .                                               • APRN Compact Licensure (aanp .org)

 Concern 3
     The multi-state licensee will have only one home state, their      References
                                                                           Mullangi, S., Agrawal, M., & Schulman, K. (2021). The COVID-
 state of residence, which is the one claimed for tax purposes .           19 pandemic—An opportune time to update medical
 Only the licensing rules of the home state need to be maintained          licensing. JAMA Internal Medicine, 181(3), 307–308. https://
 to keep a multi-state license . Many states require very specific         doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.8710
 continuing education (CE) to address specific issues in that state .       National Council State Boards of Nursing Website.
 A multi-state licensee will not be required to complete these             1pager_APRNCompact_2022.pdf
 CEs if not required by their home state . This may impact their            Kaplan, L. (2021). Should NPs Advocate for the APRN
 knowledge, when working somewhere other than their home                   Compact? The Nurse Practitioner, 46 (10), 14-15.
 state, of how a state addresses specific healthcare needs for their        NCSBN, Ibid.
 population .                                                               Ibid.

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SENTINEL                                                                                            VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022               13

                                                                 By Oregon Center for Nursing Executive Director Jana R. Bitton, MPA

          A statewide survey conducted by the                                                The survey and infographic make clear
     Oregon Center for Nursing (OCN) detailed                                            that even as health experts start retiring the
     the workplace interventions that nurses feel                                        word “pandemic” in favor of “endemic,” the
     are necessary to improve their mental and                                           strains on the nursing workforce remain as
     emotional well-being .                                                              severe as ever . Regardless of coronavirus,
          Aiding     workplaces     in     developing                                    an overstressed and understaffed nursing
     those interventions is the central goal                                             workforce presents a public health concern .
     of OCN’s RN Well-Being Project, which                                                   “Honestly, if we don’t have the workforce
     launched last year and has garnered                                                 to care for our patients, then that’s a crisis,”
     national attention for the important work                                           Schoenthal emphasized . “We have sick
     it’s doing .                                                     people that are going to continue to get sick . We have an aging
          With assistance from the Oregon State Board of Nursing,     population and we have very little staff to care for them . That’s
     OCN sent an anonymous online survey to about 80,000              why this is important – so that patients, as they get sick, there
     licensed nurses . More than 4,300 RNs completed the survey,      will be someone there for them .”
     said Rick Allgeyer, research director at OCN .
          Some of the initial takeaways were striking, according         OCN’s latest infographic can be downloaded
     to OCN Program Director Dawne Schoenthal . “There were           on the RN Well-Being Project page at
     some responses that were uniform, regardless of the setting of   www .oregoncenterfornursing .org .
     the nurse, and that speaks volumes,” she says .                                                                         Scan to view
          By and large, the infographic reflects nurses’ near-
     universal desire for changes to their work environments          OCN is a nonprofit organization created by nursing leaders in
     to support their well-being, including dedicated paid time       2002. OCN facilitates research and collaboration for Oregon’s
     for learning, additional supervisor support, revisions to        nursing workforce to support informed, well-prepared, diverse,
     policies and procedures, and emotional health resources,         and exceptional nursing professionals. Recognized by the
     Allgeyer said .                                                  Oregon state legislature as a state advisor for nursing workforce
          OCN created an infographic, designed to be printed and      issues, OCN fulfills its mission through nurse workforce
     distributed, with the hope that its messages make it onto the    research, building partnerships, and promoting nursing and
     desks of decision-makers .                                       healthcare. For more information about OCN, please visit

14    VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                   O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
                                       OREGON’S NURSES?
                                      The pandemic has impacted the well-being of registered nurses in
                                      Oregon. More than 5,000 nurses responded to the RN Well-Being
                                      Project survey to tell us how they were doing at the start of year.

 Fact:                                FEELINGS                                                                                             SUPPORT
 Oregon nurses are not ok.             83%
                                                Stress*                                                                                    AT WORK
                                                                                                                              YES           33%
 Individual accounts and               80%

 research have shown that our          68%
                                                Anxiety, exhaustion, and burnout

                                                Being overwhelmed and undervalued                                                         NO          49%
 nursing workforce is under            62%
                                                Being unappreciated
 more strain than ever before.         60%

                                      *The highest reports of stress were reported in LTC,
                                                                                                                                   UNSURE       18%
                                       Home Health/Hospice, and Hospital settings.

                                     SYMPTOMS                                                          Nurses reporting a

                                                                                                       STRESSOR                              97%
                                          questioning                                                  TOP WORK
 Healthcare workers showed                career path                  work-related
                                                                       dread                           STRESSORS                       1 heavy or increased
 about five times higher rate of            compassion                physical symptoms
                                                                                                                            uncertainty about when
                                            fatigue                   such as headache,
 symptoms than the estimated                                          stomach ache, etc.                                    things will settle down

 prevalence of PTSD in the                                            physical
                                                                      exhaustion                         3     burnout
 general population.

                                    95:100                                                   Nurses feel their WORK ENVIRONMENTS
                                                                                             can CHANGE to support their well-being.

                                     NURSES NEED…                                                          NURSES WANT...

 Fact:                                                            RNs
                                                                                                                   32%                            30%
 It takes years to create                                 More Nurses

 a qualified, educated,               More
                                   Support Staff
                                                                                                        Dedicated paid time to learn      More supervisor support

 experienced registered nurse.                                                                                     26%                            25%
 There is a very real need to            More Meaningful
 protect and retain our current                                                                         Revisions to policy/procedures   Emotional health resources

 nursing workforce.                Source:
                                   Oregon Center for Nursing. RN Well-Being Mental Health Survey, April 2022.

                                   © 2022 Oregon Center for Nursing


SENTINEL                                                                                                VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022                                   15
                                                                        By OSBN Executive Director Ruby Jason, MSN, RN, NEA-BC

          BOARD VOTES TO
         Oregon Revised Statute (ORS)                 For the purposes of this article,        which testimony may be given regarding
     678 .150 (6) (a) authorizes the Oregon       OSBN will refer to the nine individuals      the proposed draft rules . Per Oregon
     State Board of Nursing (OSBN) to             appointed by the Governor that               Public Meeting Law, before any rule is
     exercise general supervision over the        comprise the Board of Nursing . Rule         approved by the OSBN, the public and
     practice of nursing in this state . ORS      writing begins with the OSBN voting          profession can provide testimony in
     678 .442 (1) authorizes the Board to         to open specific rules based upon need       support of or opposition to the proposed
     establish standards for certifying a         for revision to current rules, update        rule . It is this rule hearing procedure has
     nursing assistant (CNA) and discipline       rules, or adopt new rules in response        recently been revamped by the OSBN .
     those CNAs practicing outside those          to legislative changes or changes to            In the past, rule hearings were held
     standards . The method used to define        federal laws . The OSBN directs board        on Tuesday nights with the nine OSBN
     the supervision and standards for those      staff to begin work on rules and the         members present to hear testimony . The
     licensed and certified by the OSBN is        rule writing is assigned to specific         OSBN would then vote on the draft rules
     called “rulemaking .” Statute gives the      staff members . Often, a Rule Advisory       two days later (Thursday) during a public
     OSBN the authority to write the rules all    Committee (RAC) is convened through          board meeting . For a rule to become
     individuals licensed and certified by the    a public announcement . Licensees,           part of the practice act, the OSBN must
     OSBN must follow to continue holding         certificate holders, and the public are      vote during a public meeting .
     a license or certification to practice       all eligible to be members of the RAC .         As nursing and the influence of
     in Oregon .                                  The board staff selects RAC members          nursing on public safety has increased,
         The legislative statutes and rules       based on the requirement of diverse          so has the complexity of rulemaking . It
     written by the OSBN make up the Oregon       membership . The RAC will review draft       was clear to the OSBN that thoughtful
     Nurse Practice Act (NPA) . The OSBN          rules and provide feedback to board          consideration of the draft rules and the
     primary focus is to assure the public        staff regarding their perception if the      submitted testimony would require more
     that individuals licensed or certified by    rule (1) meets the standards of public       than two days, particularly if the OSBN
     the Board meet the minimum education         safety, and (2) does not place barriers to   was engaged in an all-day executive
     and competency standards . The NPA           the practitioners in implementation that     session meeting on the intervening
     defines for the public and for licensees/    would negatively impact practice . The       Wednesday .
     certificate holders the rules regarding      primary consideration for rule writing          The OSBN directed board staff
     education, licensure, standards of           is public safety, not the profession .       to develop a new process . Presented
     practice and describes behaviors and             Once rule writing is completed, the      February 2022, the OSBN voted to adopt
     actions that are below the accepted          board staff member will present the          a new process as follows:
     public safety standards . Therefore, “rule   proposed draft rules to the OSBN . The         1 . The OSBN directs staff to schedule
     writing” is an essential function of the     OSBN will vote on either sending the                a rulemaking hearing .
     Board in communicating the laws of           rules back to the RAC for rework, or           2 . The scheduled hearing is posted in
     practice for licensees and the public .      vote to schedule a public hearing, during           a public notice as required by the

16      VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                    O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
Secretary of State (SoS) and public                months after the rules                                   gov/osbn; on the front-page there is
                meeting laws .                                     were adopted .                                           a section entitled “OSBN Proposed
            3 . Public notice provides                          Licensees, certificate holders, and                         Administrative Rules .” This will provide
                instructions and deadlines for              members of the public are encouraged                            information regarding proposed rule

                those wishing to provide either             to participate in the revision, adoption,                       changes and other information to help
                oral or written testimony .                 and additions to the NPA . Please access                        you stay informed on the activities of
            4 . The board Rule Hearings Officer,            the Board’s website at www .oregon .                            the OSBN .
                a member of core       values of Sacred Tr
                               board staff,  presides                                                                                                               icipation,
                over the hearing . The hearing is
                            eative Vitality and Team                                                                                                               rsonalized
RE              conducted without the nine OSBN

                memberscare    that
                            being      lies at the heart of o
                                  present .
            5 . All written and recorded
                testimony is collected and sent                                                                                                           Our core values of
 Center, a large
  history and directly to the OSBN members                                                                                                                Sacred Trust, Personal
   are committed     to review no later than one
                for their                                                                                                                                 Reverence, Thoughtful
e in the community                    Evenvote
                month before the public       though
                                                  to San Juan Regional Medical Center
 of our employees that                has modern technology and a stunning facility                                                                       Anticipation, Creative
                adopt the rule language
ovide the best care,
                                            is held .
                                      designed to serve San Juan County and the                                                                           Vitality and Team
                This vote is usually scheduled
m nursing, support                    Four Corners for region into the future, it's t
 trive to provide
                the our               in-personcompassionate, and innov •
                     Thursday of the talented,                                                                                                            Accountability enable
                                        in February, who make our ho •
healthy work OSBN meetings heldprofessionals                                                                                                               us to provide
 ndependence,                         personalized
                April, June, September,    November,care
portunities for growth                                                                                                                                    the personalized care
                and December . However, the
 sional support,
                vote can be scheduled for one of
  ur compassionate
                the virtual
  ant's heart, like  the     meetings held in the
                                                                                                                                                          that lies at the heart
                                                                                                                                                          of our mission.

 of San Juan remaining
                Regional months if there is a
 better is our deadline
                 mission. for specific legislative
                rule implementation .
            6 . If the OSBN, based on testimony,
                votes to not adopt the draft                     at San Juan Regional Medical Center                                                                Check out
                rules, the OSBN will request                                                                                                                   our opportunities!
                staff to consider how concerns                   OUR CULTURE
                presented during testimony                       San Juan Regional Medical Center, a large nonprofit hospital in Farmington, NM, has a rich
                should be or can be addressed                    history and reputation of excellence. We are committed to providing the best healthcare in
                                                                 the community that we serve. We strive to provide our employees with a safe and healthy
                based on the premise of public                   work environment that cultivates independence, teamwork, initiative, and opportunities
                safety . If new draft language is                for growth through personal and professional support, training, and development. Our
                prepared, then the RAC will have                 compassionate employees come with a servant’s heart, like the many previous generations
                                                                 of SJRMC. This is why better is our mission.
                another opportunity to review the
                                                                                                                                                                    View our
                language prior to being presented                OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                   benefits today!
                again to the OSBN . Steps one                    Whether you are a new graduate, an experienced nurse, or looking for a new career path,
                through 6 are repeated until the                 we have a role for you. Ranked 3rd in the nation for best state for nurses to work, we are
                                                                 committed to giving our employees the best opportunities including:
                OSBN votes to adopt the rule
                                                                 • Robust benefits package
                language .
                                                                 • Career advancement opportunities
            7 . Once the rule language is adopted,
                                                                 • Quality work life balance
                the rules are filed with the SoS .
                                                                 • Continuing education
                Rules are not considered effective
                until they are posted on the SoS
                website, which may come several
                                                                        Sign On Bonus of up to $21,000 for some positions
                                                                                                                              -- SAN JUAN REGIONAL
                                                                                                                                MEDICAL CENTER

       SENTINEL                                                                                                                VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022                    17
                                                                      By OSBN Chief Investigator Nakeita West and Investigator Chad Steele

                        DISCIPLINARY CASE STUDY:
     Although disciplinary action taken by the Board is a matter of public record, the identity of the nurses referenced in this article
     will remain confidential.

     Case Study #1                                 had relapsed with alcohol and drugs .         was terminated from employment after
         This case study involves a complaint          The Board found that the RN violated      the investigation by the employer .
     received by the Board regarding a             the Nurse Practice Act (NPA) by engaging          The Board opened an investigation into
     Registered Nurse (RN) who had                 in conduct derogatory to the standards        the allegations . During the investigation,
     befriended a resident of the care facility    of nursing by failing to establish and        the RN reported meeting the patient at
     where she was employed . The complaint        maintain professional boundaries with         her workplace and beginning a personal
     alleged that upon discharge, the resident     a client and for practicing nursing when      relationship with the patient . The RN
     moved into the home of the RN .               physical or mental ability to practice is     and patient moved in together after
         An investigation was opened and           impaired . The Board issued a Notice of       several months . The investigation found
     during an interview with the RN               Proposed Revocation . The RN did not          that while they were living together, the
     conducted by Board staff, the RN              request a hearing and a Final Order of        patient continued to see their pain doctor
     admitted that she became close with the       Revocation by Default was issued . All        and the RN (who was still employed at
     resident, moved the resident into her         Final Orders of Revocation require that       that time) monthly for prescription refills,
     home upon the resident’s discharge and        licensees must wait at least 3 years before   which included random drug screens to
     began receiving rental payments from          re-applying for their license .               ensure compliance with the patient’s pain
     the resident in the amount of $600 per                                                      contract . Review of the patient’s medical
     month . The RN said that they allowed         Case Study #2                                 records revealed that the RN continued
     the resident to live with them because            This case study involves a complaint      treating the patient and signed off on
     the resident has recently lost her husband    received by the Board regarding a             several of the patient’s rapid drug screen
     and the RN felt bad for her . It was also     Registered Nurse (RN) who was alleged to      results while they were living together
     found during the investigation that the       have engaged in an intimate relationship      and before the employer was aware of the
     RN was suffering from substance use           with a patient and had forged COVID-19        allegations . The RN refused to discuss
     and mental health issues . The RN had         vaccine cards . The RN worked at a pain       the allegations of fraudulent Covid-19
     previously completed probation with the       clinic and the employer investigation         cards with Board staff .
     Board for substance use issues, and the       revealed an intimate relationship                 The RN elected to sign a Stipulated
     current investigation revealed the RN         between the RN and the patient . The RN       Order for Voluntary Surrender of
                                                                                                 their RN license for violations of the
                                                                                                 Nurse Practice Act related to conduct
                                                                                                 derogatory to the standards of nursing by
                                                                                                 failing to fully cooperate with the Board’s
                                                                                                 investigation and failing to establish or
                                                                                                 maintain professional boundaries with a
                                                                                                 client . The Board accepted the Voluntary
                                                                                                 Surrender which requires the RN wait
                                                                                                 three years to re-apply for their license .

18      VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                     O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
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SENTINEL                                                                                 VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022          19
                                                          By OSBN Practice & Evaluation Policy Analyst Gretchen Koch, MSN, RN and
                                                  OSBN APRN Practice & Education Policy Analyst Sarah Wickenhagen, DNP, FNP-C, RN

                YOU ASK, WE ANSWER
     Q: I would like to know if it is within                                                     A: You are! In a community-based care
     the scope of practice of the RN in                                                          setting, such as a public school, the RN
     Oregon to administer propofol either                                                        holds the scope of practice authority
     through IV push or on a medication                                                          to teach the administration of non-
     pump in the non-intubated patient for                                                       injectable medications to unregulated
     the purposes of therapeutic sedation.                                                       assistive personnel which would include
     These patients would not be in a                                                            the administration of prn medications
     procedure, would not be intubated,                                                          such as rectal Diastat or nasal Versed .
     and would be in an ICU setting. I                                                           This RN practice authority is codified in
     have always understood that the                                                             Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 851
     administration of propofol in the                                                           Division 045 .
     non-intubated patient was outside of
     an RN’s scope.                                                                              Q: I thought there used to be Board
     A: It depends . Oregon’s Nurse Practice                                                     advisory guidelines that talked about
     Act does not contain a one-size-fits-all                                                    scope of practice for infusion therapies.
     list of activities, interventions or roles                                                  I can’t find it, and I want to know if an
     authorized for performance by all RNs .                                                     LPN can administer intravenous (IV)
     The answer must be arrived at by the                                                        medications.
     individual RN through use of the                                                            A: The Oregon State Board of Nursing has
     Oregon State Board of Nursing Scope of                                                      retired its advisory guidelines on infusion
     Practice Decision Making-Framework .                                                        therapy . Because an individual nurse’s
     This Interpretive Statement provides         content and citations specific to the use of   engagement in any activity, intervention,
     a     standardized,      decision-making     sedation in patient care .                     or role far exceeds the role, intervention,
     framework for all licensed nurses in all                                                    or activity alone, nurses are directed
     settings with respect to their education,    Q: I was recently hired by a school district   to access the Board’s Scope-of-Practice
     role, function, and accountability           and part of my responsibilities include        Decision-Making Framework Interpretive
     within the scope of nursing practice .       teaching district staff/teachers how to        Statement . The statement is available on
     The Board’s Interpretive Statements          administer medications to students. A          the OSBN Practice Statements and FAQs
     may be accessed via the OSBN Practice        few of my students have prn orders for         webpage .
     Statements and FAQs webpage . It will        medications like rectal Diastat and nasal
     behoove you to access both the original      Versed to be administered in the event         Q: If I am following a prescriber’s
     Scope of Practice Decision-Making            the student experiences prolonged seizure      standing order, is my nursing license
     Framework and the Interpretive               activity. It is my understanding that this     protected?
     Statement link titled Use of Sedation        is something that I have the authority to      A: Oregon’s Nurse Practice Act (NPA)
     and Anesthetic Agents . The former           teach to the staff and teachers. However,      makes no expressed “protections” for a
     presents        the      decision-making     in talking with another RN who works           nurse’s license in any practice situation .
     framework; the latter contains the           here, she states that she “delegates” these    The NPA exists for the protection of the
     decision-making framework with               types of medications. Who is right?            public .

20       VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                    O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
The individual licensed nurse is always        Before doing this, I wanted to verify that      and boards of nursing exist to protect
 accountable for their actions and              it is now in our scope to do so.                the public, and state government has
 responsible for the safety of their client .   A: Yes, you are correct NPs, CRNAs              jurisdiction only over the “public” located
 The legal practice standards on the            and CNSs were all added to the list of          within their borders (even if they are just
 nurse’s responsibilities when accepting        recognized “attending providers .” APRNs        visiting) .
 and implementing any order are located         must review patient medical records at the      Traveling is a grey area . There are clients
 in OAR Chapter 851 Division 045 of the         client’s request, complete a physical exam,     who are gone for weeks and months at a
 NPA .                                          along with a follow up care plan, all of        time and that is difficult to navigate for
                                                which need to be document in the patient’s      providers and regulatory authorities . In
 Q: I am an Oregon-licensed RN and              treatment record . To recommend OMMP,           the event the client needed a prescription,
 want to know if there are any restrictions     the APRN must determine if the client’s         it is also dependent on state regulations .
 on my ability to continue to provide           medical condition meets qualifying              Many pharmacies will honor prescriptions
 telehealth nursing visits for clients who      criteria . For complete information please      from out of state providers when their
 reside in California now that we are no        see the OMMP Attending Provider rules,          patients are traveling, but some will not .
 longer under a public health emergency.        located on the Oregon Health Authority          Many states are looking for solutions
 A: This question can only be answered          (OHA) website as it falls under their           to address these unique situations that
 by the California Board of Registered          jurisdiction, which is why it is not listed     include telehealth licensing options or
 Nursing (CBRN) . The legal jurisdiction        on our website .                                multistate licensure compacts . Please see
 over the practice of nursing has always                                                        article in this issue (page 12) .
 been held by the state where the client/       Q: Do CRNA’s have prescriptive
 patient is physically located .                authority by default just by having an
 It is important to know that during the        Oregon CRNA license, or does it have to
 nationally declared COVID-19 public            be applied for separately?
 health emergency, the U .S . Department        A: Since 2013, prescriptive authority
 of Health & Human Services (HHS)               is optional for CRNAs in Oregon per
 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services       regulatory statute . It remains optional

                                                                                                     Furtsiunrg e
 (CMS) enacted policy changes specific to       as not all CRNAs want to independently

 telehealth provider billing only . The CMS     prescribe medications . If you would like
 policy changes did not annul any state-        to obtain prescriptive privileges, you
 based health practitioner licensure laws .     will need to complete the CRNA-PP
 While virtually all states enacted laws        application available on our website .
 or policies to expedite the practice of        Additionally, you will need to review the
                                                                                                  of Nu
                                                                                                 Starts Here
 qualified out-of-state health practitioners    OSBN APRN Prescriptive and Dispensing
 with their citizens, each state’s actions      Authority presentation on the OSBN
 occurred based on their own laws and           website and print out your certificate as
 rules meaning the requirements put in          part of the application .
 place by each state differed . Per the CBRN                                                       USD Nursing offers multiple online
 website, California’s Emergency Medical        Q: May APRNs provide advice/care                   options for you to stay local, but go
 Services Authority’s out of state medical      to Oregon patients who are traveling                far. Check out our online RN to
 personnel authorization approvals ended        outside Oregon or the United States?                 BSN, MSN and DNP options.
 on June 30, 2022 .                             A: The Nurse Practice Act is silent on this
                                                issue . The jurisdiction over practice is
 Q: Regarding House Bill 3369. Effective        determined by the state where the patient
 Jan 2022. The new OMMP form, and               is located . Telehealth and telemedicine fall
 their website, imply that NP’s can now         under the same licensure rules in every
 recommend medical marijuana and sign           jurisdiction, meaning that you must be
 the form. However, I do not see anything       licensed in the state where the patient is
 on the OSBN website regarding this.            located . The legal reason is that licensing     nursing@usd.edu • usd.edu/nursing

SENTINEL                                                                                          VO.41 • NO. 3 • SUMMER 2022              21
                                                                               By Guest Authors Deb Fell-Carlson, BSN, RN, MSPH and
                                                                 Marcy Shanks, MSN, RN, MSEd, from Faith Community Health Network

                        FAITH COMMUNITY NURSING–
         Are you a Registered Nurse (RN)           setting with a focus on intentional care       nursing expertise directly to the people in
     feeling a nudge to use your nursing           of the spirit . The Robert Wood Johnson        their community where it is so desperately
     expertise in service to your faith            Foundation says it well; Faith Community       needed to improve healthcare access,
     community? Have you heard about Faith         Nursing is listed as one of their “What        equity, and literacy . This could be in the
     Community Nursing and are curious             works for health” strategies:                  form of health education or coaching,
     about this little-known practice specialty?       “Faith community nurses (FCNs) are         advocacy, counseling, health navigation,
     Are you familiar with Faith Community         registered nurses positioned within a          or spiritual support . FCNs might
     Nursing and are seeking information on        faith community or working in a health         also come alongside faith community
     how you can become a Faith Community          care system and serving as a liaison to        leadership to provide spiritual support
     Nurse (FCN) in Oregon?                        congregations . FCNs focus largely on          and the gift of presence to hospitalized and
                                                   health promotion, managing chronic             homebound faith community members .
     Faith Community Nursing as                    disease, and injury prevention, but also       FCNs often serve as health advisors to
     a Community Health Improvement                often function as health counselors, patient   faith community leaders, a role which
     Strategy                                      navigators, and advocates . FCNs support       has emerged as essential in recent years,
        A Faith Community Nurse is not             the physical, psychological, and spiritual     especially in large congregations .
     simply an RN who happens to be a              well-being of their patients . FCNs, also
     member of a faith community . Faith           known as parish or congregational              Nursing Process is Fundamental to
     Community Nursing, sometimes called           nurses, are usually members of the faith       Faith Community Nursing
     Congregational Nursing or Parish              communities they serve; FCNs may also             As with any nursing practice, the
     Nursing, is a growing nursing practice        provide care to patients from the broader      nursing process is fundamental to faith
     specialty recognized by the American          community . Faith community nursing            community nursing practice . FCNs may
     Nurses Association (ANA) and defined          is common in Christian denominations,          engage with individuals in their faith
     by the ANA Faith Community Nursing            though FCNs also support temples,              community, but most often they are
     Scope and Standards of Practice . Faith       synagogues, mosques, and faith-based           applying the nursing process steps to
     Community Nursing emphasizes a holistic       community agencies .”                          the faith community as a population; in
     approach to nursing in a faith community          Faith Community Nursing brings             essence, the faith community becomes the

22      VO.41 • NO.3 • SUMMER 2022                                                      O RE GO N S T A T E BO A RD O F N U R SI N G
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