2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute

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2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute
The candidate shortage is worse than ever! .
         2019 Local Elections Guide
                          Nonpartisan signup is from Sept. 18 to Dec. 17, 2018
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2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute
Your day-to-day life is
                               affected most by your
                               local elected officials, not
                               those elected to “higher” office.

       he nonpartisan election coming up on              right into an empty rite. You can’t replace
       April 2, is the biggest one in Illinois. It       someone with no one, so voters can’t “throw
       takes the same number of polling                  the bums out” unless there is an alternative
places and poll workers as a general election,           on the ballot.
but it has many more seats on your ballot                  So, just how do you feel about showing up
than even a presidential election does!                  to vote and then having your vote not count
  For example, in the non-presidential No-               for anything most of the time?
vember 2018 general election, there are 11                 This Local Elections Guide shows you a cat-
hundred seats to be elected on the various               alog of local offices in Illinois you can run
ballots in Illinois. At the April 2019 local elec-       for, and how easy it is to do.
tion, there are 11 thousand seats to be filled             Yes, easy.
by the voters. Ten times as many!                          Just putting your name on the ballot gives
  The April election is already in process,              you a 50-50 probability of winning, in most
with candidates signing up, but not enough               cases. And it gives you a way to give back to
sign up so that voters have choice at the polls          your community, make a difference, and
to decide who spends 95% of all your prop-               guard your tax money.
erty taxes.                                                It is nothing like what you see in the news
  Your day-to-day life is affected most by the           for the higher offices. There are no TV ads,
nonpartisan officials elected in April. No-              no debates, no drama. You need to simply
body elected in November comes to your                   gather a few signatures on petition forms we
house to put out a fire, pick up your garbage,           supply. You can usually gather enough in a
or move snow off the roads or provide those              single weekend, going door-to-door and
roads in the first place. Nor do they run any            working from a free list from my office.
school or pick any superintendents. They                   You can download the paperwork you need,
don’t take you to the hospital in an ambu-               all filled in for you, along with instructions
lance, arrest drunken drivers, or provide you            for free from CandidatesWanted.org or, often
with running water. All that, and more, is di-           from your county clerk’s website. You need
rected by those ordinary citizens, like you,             to turn in your paperwork no later than De-
elected at the nonpartisan April elections.              cember 17.
  Sadly, there is always a big shortage of can-            So please go through this catalog, pick
didates. So big that two-thirds of all the seats         something that catches your eye, and then
on the ballot have only one candidate, and               download your free paperwork, or pick it up
sometimes none at all!                                   from the county clerk’s office.
  The lack of enough candidates so that vot-
ers have an actual choice turns your voting

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2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute
© Citizen Participation Institute   2019 Local Elections Guide   Page 3
2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute

                                      Frequently Asked Questions
What candidate shortage?                                              They must run as “independents.”
                                                                      This guide deals with only how to run as an independent,
   Two-thirds of the time, we have no choice because there
                                                                    not as a party, candidate.
is only one candidate for that office. The concept that voters
elect our officials is turning into a myth.                         Isn’t campaigning an expensive chore?
Why is that?                                                           Usually not, not for these offices. There is a lot of hoop-
                                                                    la over those partisan offices that are elected in November,
   Most citizens are not usually aware of what offices are
                                                                    where the winners get full-time employment. But these of-
elected or when. The deadlines to sign up as a candidate are
                                                                    fices elected in April are about service, not employment, and
so far ahead of the election that, before most folks think
                                                                    seldom pay anything at all except for the satisfaction of serv-
about running, the window has slammed shut. There are
                                                                    ing the community.
more elected local offices than civic-minded potential can-
                                                                       No one cares about your views on abortion or “global warm-
didates to go around.
                                                                    ing” or seeing income tax returns.
Could I be a candidate for local office?                               What campaigning is done is usually just flyers. When
   There are probably a half a dozen elected seats on the           did you last see even a yard sign for any of the offices that
April 2019 ballot you could run for. Most meet for one or two       are listed starting on page 7, except perhaps for mayor?
evenings per month. This Guide describes them, and tells            How do I sign up to become a candidate?
you how to become a candidate. It is surprisingly easy.
                                                                       As a start, look at the list of available offices shown in this
You do need to be a registered voter and live in the juris-
                                                                    Guide and pick something you are interested in. You can down-
diction you are running for, usually for a year before the elec-
                                                                    load the forms you need to file as a candidate, already filled
                                                                    in for you, from our website www.Candidates–Wanted.info.
What elected offices can I run for now?                             You can also obtain blank ones from the County Clerk’s
  All of those who affect your property taxes (except for           office. You need to gather a few signatures from some
county and township officials). School, village, city, fire pro-    neighbors and file your paperwork for the April 2, 2019 elec-
tection, library, and park district offices are on the April 2019   tion before Christmas, or even before Thanksgiving!
ballot. They are the ones that see that fires are put out,          Who can I talk to about running?
crooks are put in, schoolhouses are put up, roads are put
                                                                       You can contact the Citizen Participation Institute. We can
down, snow is put aside, parks are put around, garbage is
                                                                    put you in touch with someone if we can’t answer your ques-
put elsewhere, libraries are opened, and nuisances are closed.
Their term of office is usually four or six years.
                                                                       Our website is CitizenParticipation.org. You can email
Should I be a candidate?                                            us at Director@CitizenParticiapation.org. You can telephone
  Do you have good judgment, honesty, maturity, and                 us at (331) 888-2814.
healthy skepticism? Are you unafraid to stand out from                 You can download from our www.Candidates– Wanted.info
the crowd, and willing to do your homework before the meet-         website the forms you need.
ings? Will you challenge mission creep and empire-building             The Citizen Participation Institute does not run or man-
by always satisfying yourself that any proposed program ex-         age campaigns, nor do we support or oppose any candi-
pansion is really to fill a true need, and not just to create a     date for public office. We are a nonpartisan resource special-
demand that would justify present jobs?                             izing in open government.
  Also, you should be running for the right reason: a genu-         What types of local governments are
ine interest in seeing that the unit of government operates
efficiently. If you are thinking of running because of some         there in Illinois?
pay, prestige, or benefit to you or your friends or family, then      Counties, townships, municipalities (villages, cities,
you shouldn’t run.                                                  towns), grade school, high school, unit school, community col-
                                                                    lege, fire protection, park, library and sewerage districts.
How much does it pay?
                                                                    There are sometimes others too.
  If that matters to you, please do not run for office. Partisan
offices on the November ballot are for employment. Those            How do I know which ones I am in?
on the April ballot are for volunteer public service.                  The best way is to look at your property tax bill. If it is paid
                                                                    by your mortgage company, you can obtain a duplicate from
Does my political party matter?
                                                                    your county treasurer. In many counties, you can download
   No. Candidates for local offices are generally not legally       it from the county website.
allowed to run as Republicans or Democrats.

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2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute

                                                Frequently Asked Questions
                                                                         Other local governments provide only specific serv Ex-
                                                                       amples include school districts of various kinds, and
                                                                       community college districts. Sometimes library districts,
                                                                       park districts or fire protection districts have been
                                                                       formed to provide such services when the local general
                                                                       government does not provide them.
                                                                         For more information, see our Encyclopedia that starts
                                                                       on page 15.
                                                                       How much does each one affect my
                                                                       property taxes?
                                                                         The state and federal governments do not charge any
                                                                       property tax. Your property taxes are entirely under the
                                                                       control of only your local governments, based upon how
                                                                       they decide to spend your money.
                                                                           The pie chart below shows who gets how much.
                                                                       When are these officials elected?
                                                                          Every state creates its own system. In Illinois, the sys-
                                                                       tem is to have two sets of elections.
                                                                         Most officials (22,500 of them) in Illinois are elected at
                                                                       the nonpartisan elections held in April of the odd-num-
                                                                       bered years, and they deal with matters below the county

How do they all fit with each other?
   They don’t. They are all independent from each
other, taking orders directly from only the state.
   The jurisdictional lines of one type of government do
not necessarily follow, and often instead overlap, those
of other types of government in an area.
   For example, the school district boundaries are differ-
ent from the city limits. There can be several municipal-
ities and rural areas inside a single school district,
or there can be several school districts that dip into dif-
ferent parts of a single municipality.
Who runs them?                                                           The rest (1,500) of the elected officials in Illinois are the
                                                                       partisan (Republican or Democrat) offices (president,
  Local governments are run by boards of elected officials             governor, legislature, and county) that are elected in No-
that usually meet one or two evenings per month.                       vember of the even-numbered years, and deal with county,
What do they do?                                                       state or federal-level issues.
   They see that fires are put out, crooks are put in, school-         What are the deadlines?
houses are put up, roads are put down, snow is put aside,                 Nomination papers for school, park, library, township,
parks are put around, garbage is put elsewhere, libraries              village and city offices must be filed between Dec. 10 and
are opened and nuisances are closed.
                                                                       Dec. 17, 2018. Petition signature collection must begin
   Some local governments provide general government.                  no earlier than September 18, 2018.
That is, they provide a wide range of services, such as po-               In those few villages or cities that hold primary elections,
lice protection, fire protection, zoning, libraries, and road
                                                                       the filing window for village or city offices is between Nov.
maintenance. But they may not always provide all of those              19 and Nov. 26, 2018.
services. Examples are municipalities (villages, cities, or
towns), townships, and counties.

© Citizen Participation Institute                     2019 Local Elections Guide                                               Page 5
2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute
2019 Ballot

                      Public Offices Available on the April 2, 2019 Ballot

              Words or phrases THAT LOOK LIKE THIS are explained in this listing of public offices. Those that
               LOOK LIKE THIS are explained in the Encyclopedia starting on page 11.

                                                                           under that title.)
Village President                                                          Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 1. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
  The head of the governing board and EX-OFFICIO liquor                    cast in the city in the previous election for a city-wide office. Paid
commissioner of a VILLAGE. Also called a “mayor.” Village                  position. Vacancy 130 days or more before election: elected. Statute:
                                                                           65 ILCS 5/3.1-15-10.
presidents are always elected AT LARGE. In villages with a pop-
ulation of 5,000 or less, officials must run as NONPARTISAN                City Clerk
CANDIDATES, because local political parties are not allowed on
                                                                              The city clerk is a MINISTERIAL OFFICER who attends and keeps
the ballot in such small municipalities. They usually continue
                                                                           a record of the meetings of the CITY COUNCIL. She has legal
to do so if local political parties form because the signatures
                                                                           charge of all the city’s records, and countersigns documents
requirement is less than for an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE.
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 2. Signatures if filing as a Nonparti-
                                                                           to authenticate the mayor’s signature. The real day-to-day
san candidate: 1% of the total vote cast in 2017 for village presi-        work is usually handled by an existing full-time city em-
dent. If filing as an Independent candidate: 5% to 8% of the ballots       ployee who is designated as a deputy city clerk. In many
cast in the village in the 2017 election. Paid position. Vacancy 130       cities, the clerk is no longer an elected office.
days or more before election: elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/3.1-25-30.       Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: same as for mayor.
                                                                           Paid position. Vacancy 130 days or more before election: elected. Stat-
Village Clerk                                                              ute: 65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-90.
   The village clerk is a MINISTERIAL OFFICER who attends and
keeps a record of the meetings of the VILLAGE BOARD. She
                                                                           City Treasurer
has legal charge of all the village’s records, and countersigns              The city treasurer is a MINISTERIAL OFFICER who receives
documents to authenticate the mayor’s signature. The real                  and safeguards the city’s money and invests the idle cash.
day-to-day work is usually handled by an existing full-time                Every month he provides a written NOTARIZED report to the
village employee who is designated as a deputy village clerk.              CORPORATE AUTHORITIES. Most CITY COUNCILS have voted to

The village clerk must run as a NONPARTISAN CANDIDATE. In                  make the treasurer’s position appointed, instead of elected.
many villages the clerk is no longer an elected office.                    Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: same as for mayor.
                                                                           Paid position. Vacancy 130 days or more before election: elected. Stat-
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: same as for Village
                                                                           ute: 65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-40.
President. Paid position. Vacancy 130 days or more before election:
elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-90.
Village Commissioner                                                         A member of a CITY COUNCIL who has resided for a least
  This is the title of a member of the governing council,                  the past year in, and was elected from, a specific geographic
other than mayor, of a VILLAGE where the voters have                       area of that CITY, called a “WARD” or “district.” (In limited
adopted the COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT. (See CITY/VIL-                  cases, some aldermen can be elected AT LARGE.) The quantity
LAGE COMMISSIONER for more details.).                                      of wards (“as nearly equal in population as practicable”) de-
(Downers Grove still calls its village trustees “commissioners” even       pends upon the population of the city. All the wards in the city
though they really became village trustees in 1962 when voters             have the same quantity of aldermen, usually 2 per ward, but
changed from the commission form to the MANAGERIAL FORM OF                 sometimes 1 or 3. The terms are usually STAGGERED.
GOVERNMENT.)                                                               Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 1. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 1% of the total vote for   cast in that ward in the previous election. Paid position. Vacancy 130
mayor last time. Paid position. Vacancy 130 days or more before elec-      days or more before election: elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/3.1-15-10; 10
tion: elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/4-5.                                     ILCS 5/10-3.

Village Trustee                                                            City/Village Commissioner
   One of six (four in some small VILLAGES) members of the                   This is the title of a member of the governing council, other
governing board, usually elected AT LARGE. Only five villages              than mayor, of a VILLAGE or CITY where the voters have adopted
(Cahokia, Glendale Heights, Lombard, Oak Lawn and Pala-                    the COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Each commissioner is theo-
tine) elect their trustees from WARDS. Village trustees run as             retically in actual charge of one of the operating departments (ac-
NONPARTISAN CANDIDATES.                                                    counts and finances, public health and safety, streets and public
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 3. Signatures: same as for village        improvements, and public property). In some communities candi-
president. Paid position. Vacancy 130 days or more before election:        dates run to head a specific operating department, but otherwise
elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/3.1-25-5.                                      those are assignments are made after the new board is seated. The
                                                                           mayor is the EX-OFFICIO commissioner of public affairs, and the com-
City Mayor                                                                 missioner of accounts and finances is automatically the vice-president
                                                                           of the council, and substitutes for the mayor when needed.
  The head of the governing board and EX-OFFICIO liquor
                                                                                  Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 1% of the total
commissioner of a CITY. (A village president can also be                   vote for mayor last time. Paid position. Vacancy 130 days or more
called the mayor and, in some cases, appears on the ballot                 before election: elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/4-3-8, 4-3-19.

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2019 Local Elections Guide - The candidate shortage is worse than ever! . www.CandidatesWanted.info - Citizen Participation Institute
2019 Catalog

City Councilman                                                           Town President
   One of the members of the CITY COUNCIL in cities where                   Same as VILLAGE PRESIDENT, but for a TOWN.
all members are elected AT LARGE.
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots   Town Trustee
cast in the city in the 2017 election. Paid position. Vacancy 130 days      Same as VILLAGE TRUSTEE, but for a TOWN.
or more before election: elected. Statute: 65 ILCS 5/5-2-12.

Town Clerk
   Same as VILLAGE CLERK, but for a      TOWN.

                                                                          whether JURISDICTION of a parcel of land should be trans-
Board of Education Member                                                 ferred from one SCHOOL DISTRICT to another. In larger coun-
   This is the post that controls a particular SCHOOL DISTRICT            ties, the members of this board are the EX-OFFICIO TOWNSHIP
and has the majority effect on PROPERTY TAXES. A school dis-              LAND COMMISSIONERS.
trict’s board of education is composed of seven members,                  Term: 6 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 50. Unpaid position.
serving STAGGERED four-year terms. About half of them are                 Vacancy: elected. Statute: 105 ILCS 5/6-1.
elected at each April election. A few districts elect their
members from WARDS.
                                                                          School Board Member
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 3. Signatures: 50. Unpaid position.               See BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER.
Vacancy 88 days or more before election: elected. Statute: 105 ILCS
5/10-10.                                                                  Township Trustee of Schools
                                                                            One of three officials elected in only 13 of the 30 town-
Community College Trustee                                                 ships in Cook County, to handle all the accounting, invest-
  One of the seven members of the governing board of a COM-               ments, and business affairs of all the school districts in that
                       Elected usually AT LARGE, with STAG-               CIVIL TOWNSHIP. Each board hires a full-time treasurer. Voters
GERED TERMS.                                                              have abolished the system in most townships of Cook
Term: 6 years. Ease of Election: 1. Signatures: Lesser of 50 or 10%       County, and state law has abolished it in all other counties.
of the registered voters. Unpaid position. Vacancy 4 months or more
                                                                          Of the 143 school districts in Cook County, 99 are still under
before election: elected. Statute: 110 ILCS 805/3-7.
                                                                          the system’s jurisdiction.
Member of the Board of Education                                          Term: 6 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 25. Unpaid position.
                                                                          Vacancy 88 days or more before election: elected. Statute: 105 ILCS
          See BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER.                                  5/501.

Regional School Trustee
   One of seven members of the panel that decides

                                            Libraries, Park Districts
Library Trustee                                                           Park District Commissioner
  One of the seven elected members of the governing board                   One of the three, five or seven members of the governing
of a public LIBRARY DISTRICT, a MUNICIPAL LIBRARY, or a TOWN-             board of a PARK DISTRICT. If the park district boundaries
SHIP LIBRARY. (Library trustees are appointed instead of be-              are the same as a MUNICIPALITY’s, in certain cases the park
ing elected in all CITIES, and those VILLAGES that are under              commissioners may be appointed by the mayor instead of
the COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT.)                                       being elected by the voters.
Term: 4 or 6 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: For a LIBRARY        (1). General park districts:: 4 or 6 years. Ease of Election: 5. Signa-
DISTRICT, th e lesser of 50 or 2% of th e ballots cast in th e            tures: 2% of the ballots cast in the park district in the 2017 election,
2017 election; for a MUNICIPAL LIBRARY (including a township              but not less than 25. Unpaid position. Vacancy 123 days or more
library), at le ast 25. Unpaid position. Vacancy 88 days or more          before election: elected. Statute: 70 ILCS 1205/2-10 et seq., 70 ILCS
before election: elected. Statutes: 75 ILCS 5/4-3.1, 4-3-3; 75 ILCS       1205/2-17.5.
16/30-10.                                                                 (2) Township park districts: Term: 4 or 6 years. Ease of Election:
                                                                          4. Signatures: 2% of the ballots cast in the park district in the 2017
                                                                          election, but not less than 25. Unpaid position. Vacancy 123 days or
                                                                          more before election: elected. Statute: 70 ILCS 1205/2-19.

© Citizen Participation Institute                          2019 Local Elections Guide                                                      Page 7
2019 Catalog

Park District President                                                     AND PARK DISTRICT. In some cases, this post is appointed by
                                                                            the chairman of the county board.
  The head of the governing board of a PLEASURE PARKWAY
                                                                            Term: 4 years: 4. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 2% of the ballots
AND PARK DISTRICT.In some cases, this post is appointed by                  cast in the park district in the 2017 election, but not less than 25.
the chairman of the county board.                                           Unpaid position. Vacancy 123 days or more before election: elected.
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 2% of the ballots cast in   Statute: 70 ILCS 1205/2-15.
the park district in the 2017 election, but at least 25. Unpaid position.        The Fox Valley Pleasure Driveway and Park District is unique
Vacancy 123 days or more before election: elected. Statute: 70 ILCS           under statute 70 ILCS 1205/2-17.5 as a general park district. It elects
1205/2-15.                                                                    two commissioners from each of three wards, and one commis-
                                                                              sioner at large.
Park District Trustee
  A member of the governing board of a             PLEASURE PARKWAY

                          Fire, Forest, and Other Special Districts
                                                                            Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
Fire Protection District Trustee                                            cast in the forest preserve district in the 2017 election. Paid position.
   One of the members of the governing board of a FIRE PRO-                 Vacancy: elected. Statute: 70 ILCS 805/3.5(a), 10 ILCS 5/10-3, 10-3.1.
TECTION DISTRICT.  There are normally three trustees, but the
                                                                            Water District Trustee
voters can change to five or seven trustees and back. (In many
fire protection districts, the trustees are not elected but are               One of the 7, 5, or 3 members of the governing board of a
                                                                            WATER DISTRICT. Members are usually appointed, but a refer-
appointed by MUNICIPAL, TOWNSHIP, or COUNTY boards to 3-
year terms.)                                                                endum may authorize them to be elected.
Elected term: 6 years. Ease of Election: 3. Signatures: 25. Paid            Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 0.5% of the registered
position. Vacancy in elected position before date of ballot certification   voters, but at least 25. Paid position. Vacancy: appointed only. Stat-
by local election official: elected. Statute: 70 ILCS 705/4(a), 10 ILCS     ute: 70 ILCS 3705, 10 ILCS 5/10-3.1
                                                                            Civic Center Authority Board Member
                                                                               A member of the governing board of a              CIVIC CENTER AU-
Forest Preserve District Commissioner                                       THORITY.

  One of the 5 members of the governing board of a FOREST                      Although there are over 50 such taxing bodies created by
PRESERVE DISTRICT of less than the entire county, in a county               individual statutes, only the Springfield Metropolitan Expo-
having a population of 30,000 – 90,000.                                     sition and Auditorium Authority has its 11 members chosen
Based upon their populations, areas in only Adams, Boone, Bureau,           by election.
Christian, Clinton, Coles, Effingham, Franklin, Fulton, Grundy,             Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 50. Unpaid position.
Henry, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lee, Livingston, Macoupin, Marion,         Vacancy: elected. Statute: 70 ILCS 200/2, 255.
McDonough, Monroe, Morgan, Ogle, Randolph, Stephenson, Vermil-
ion, Whiteside, Williamson, and Woodford counties are eligible to es-
tablish this type of Forest Preserve District.
  It appears that only in Ogle County has such a district ac-
tually been established.

                                                             Join the Citizen Participation Institute
                                                                    Become a local volunteer representative to
                                                                     promote Open Government in your area.

                                                                      Help citizens learn about the need for members
                                                                             of local boards, and how easy it is
                                                                       to get onto the ballot for nonpartisan offices.

                                                                Help residents participate in meetings of official bodies,
                                                                            and obtain public information.

                                                               Receive training on open meetings and open records laws,
                                                                          and help local officials observe them.

Page 8                                                       2019 Local Elections Guide                               © Citizen Participation Institute
Other Offices

                 Public Offices Not Available until the April 6, 2021 Ballot

                                       Township offices are four-year terms, but they are not staggered.
                                    Thus all of these offices come up at the same time, at four year intervals.

Assessor                                                                  Township Collector
   The assessor estimates the value of every piece of REAL                  The township collector is a MINISTERIAL OFFICER who re-
PROPERTY   in a CIVIL TOWNSHIP (or several townships if they              ceives the money paid into the CIVIL TOWNSHIP. This post has
have low population) to determine what share of all the PROP-             been abolished by the voters in most counties, except in
ERTY TAXES each property should pay. He does not set the                  Cook County where state law prevents voters from consid-
amount of taxes, only the angle of each slice of the tax pie.             ering it. It still exists on the ballots in Cook, Madison, Peoria,
The size of the whole property tax pie is determined primarily            Sangamon and Will Counties. Those in Peoria and Sangamon counties
by the SCHOOL BOARDS. Only persons who have completed cer-                actually do collect taxes and are paid. None of the others have any
tain training are eligible to run for this office. The basic tu-          work to do and none are paid, except the collector in Venice Township
                                                                          in Madison County is paid.
ition costs are approximately $950.
                                                                          Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
   There are 18 (2%) assessors in Illinois who handle their               cast in the township in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute: 60
entire counties, and 566 (63%) of the assessors estimate val-             ILCS 1/50-5, 10 ILCS 5/10-3.
ues in only one civil township. 319 (35%) assessors each han-
dle multiple townships totaling 834 townships, 59% of all the             Township Community Building Manager
townships in the state.                                                      One of three members of the governing board of a com-
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots   munity center authorized by the voters of the TOWNSHIP.
cast in the township in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute: 35
                                                                          Terms are not STAGGERED, so all three members are elected
ILCS 200/2-45, 60 ILCS 1/50-5.
                                                                          at the same time.
Highway Commissioner                                                      Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 10. Paid position. Stat-
                                                                          ute: 60 ILCS 1/150-15.
  The elected official in charge of the taxation for, and the
maintenance of, all public roads in his ROAD DISTRICT that                Township School Lands Commissioner
are not otherwise maintained by the state, COUNTY, or a MU-                 One of three officials are elected countywide in only certain
                                                                          smaller counties to administer any remaining COMMON
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 2. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
                                                                          SCHOOL LANDS and any remaining proceeds from past sales
cast in the road district in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute:
605 ILCS 5/6-101.
                                                                          of those lands.
                                                                          Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 5. Signatures: 25. Unpaid position.
Road District Clerk                                                       Statute: 105 ILCS 5/15-1.

   An elected MINISTERIAL OFFICER for each ROAD DISTRICT in               Township Supervisor
 only those 17 COUNTIES that do not have CIVIL TOWNSHIPS.                    The head of the governing board of a CIVIL TOWNSHIP. He is
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 4. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots   the chief executive officer of the township and EX-OFFICIO
cast in the road district in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute:
                                                                          treasurer of the township and its associated ROAD DISTRICT,
605 ILCS 5/6-101.
                                                                          ex-officio supervisor of GENERAL ASSISTANCE, and EX-OFFICIO
Township Clerk                                                            member of the BOARD OF HEALTH.
                                                                          Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 3. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
  The township clerk is a MINISTERIAL OFFICER who attends                 cast in the township in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute: 60
and keeps a record of the meetings of the township trustees.              ILCS 1/70-5, 60 ILCS 50-5; 10 ILCS 5/10-3.
She has legal charge of all the township’s records, and coun-
tersigns documents to authenticate the TOWNSHIP SUPERVI-                  Township Trustee
SOR’S signature. She can vote to break the tie when a TOWN-                 One of the four members of the governing board of a CIVIL
SHIP TRUSTEE needs to be appointed to fill a VACANCY. The                 TOWNSHIP.   Terms are not STAGGERED, so all four members are
real day-to-day work is usually handled by an existing full-              elected at the same time. One out of every seven elected
time township employee who is designated as a deputy town-                officials in Illinois is a township trustee.
ship clerk.                                                               Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 3. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots
Term: 4 years. Ease of Election: 3. Signatures: 5% to 8% of the ballots   cast in the township in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute: 60
cast in the township in the 2017 election. Paid position. Statute: 60     ILCS 1/80-5, 60 ILCS 50-5; 10 ILCS 5/10-3.
ILCS 1/75-5, 50-5; 10 ILCS 5/10-3.

© Citizen Participation Institute                           2019 Local Elections Guide                                                     Page 9
Appointed Positions

                                       Some Appointed Local Positions
  Some public offices are filled by appointment instead of election. Mayors and other heads of government are always looking
for responsible applicants who have good judgment to fill these positions that are established by law for terms certain.
There are many other appointed positions not listed here.
Election Judge                                                        Plan Commissioner
   Election judges are paid and work one or two full days               This panel exists in many MUNICIPALITIES and some
per year. Apply to the elections department in your county            TOWNSHIPS. Its function is to recommend the types of uses
clerk’s office or election commission.                                for land in various areas. Those recommendations are im-
Fire Protection District Commissioner                                 plemented by the adoption of zoning districts that require
                                                                      them. The plan commission usually reviews and makes rec-
  This body is the civil service board for a FIRE PROTECTION
                                                                      ommendations on proposed subdivisions or requested
DISTRICT. It tests, hires, promotes, disciplines, and fires full-
                                                                      changes or exceptions to zoning. Apply to the mayor.
time firefighters. Apply to the fire chief.
Fire Protection District Trustee                                      Sheriff’s Merit Commissioner
                                                                         This body is the civil service board for the county sher-
   These officials are appointed instead of elected in most
                                                                      iff. It tests, hires, promotes, disciplines, and fires full-time
FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS. Apply to the chairman of the
                                                                      deputies. Apply to the sheriff.
county board.
Fire and Police Commissioner                                          Village Clerk
                                                                        An appointed village clerk does not have to be a resident
  Every MUNICIPALITY that operates a FIRE DEPARTMENT or a
                                                                      of the village and performs the same duties as an elected
police department has this civil service board for those de-
                                                                      VILLAGE CLERK, described above.
partments. It tests, hires, promotes, disciplines, and fires
full-time firefighters and policemen. Apply to the mayor.             Village (or Town) Treasurer
Library Trustee                                                          The treasurer safeguards the money, and prudently in-
                                                                      vests idle cash. He is appointed by the CORPORATE AUTHORI-
  Public libraries often have VACANCIES on their elected
                                                                      TIES, to whom he must provide a written, notarized, report
board of library trustees. Apply to the librarian to be ap-
                                                                      every month. It is not necessary that he be a resident of
pointed until the next CONSOLIDATED ELECTION.
                                                                      the VILLAGE or TOWN. Apply to the mayor.
   This is not an elected position in a CITY. Apply to the
 mayor.                                                               Zoning Board of Appeals Member
Pension Board Member                                                    In MUNICIPALITIES, TOWNSHIPS, or COUNTIES having ZONING,
                                                                      this panel usually exists to recommend or grant exceptions for
                                                                      certain properties to the zoning rules. Apply to the mayor or
operates a FIRE DEPARTMENT or a police department, has its
                                                                      chairman of the COUNTY BOARD.
own pension fund for each of those types of public safety
employees. Apply to the fire chief or the mayor.

Page 10                                                2019 Local Elections Guide                          © Citizen Participation Institute

                    Encyclopedia of Illinois Elected Local Government
                             Words or phrases that LOOK LIKE THIS are explained in this Encyclopedia.
                    Those that LOOK LIKE THIS are explained in the listing of Public Offices beginning on page 7.

   Words as used in a context such as elections and govern-          Campaign Finance Disclosure
ment have more precise meanings than when used casu-
                                                                               See POLITICAL COMMITTEE on page 22.
ally. The descriptions of the words and phrases listed in this
Encyclopedia are focused on understanding matters related            Circuit Court
to the CONSOLIDATED ELECTION on April 2, 2019. These are                   The trial level   COURT   in Illinois.
the general cases, and are summarized in laymen’s terms.             City
Technical details, variations, and exceptions often exist, so
                                                                         A type of MUNICIPALITY. A city is governed by an elected
these general descriptions are informational, but not neces-
sarily exhaustive or authoritative.                                   MAYOR and ALDERMEN or CITY COUNCILMEN elected from
                                                                      districts called “WARDS.” A city usually also has an
                                                                      elected TREASURER. The trustees of any MUNICIPAL LIBRARY
At Large
                                                                      of a city are appointed, not elected. A city may incorporate
    Living somewhere within the JURISDICTION, but not con-            within its JURISDICTION portions of one or more CIVIL
 fined to any WARD or specific area within it.                        TOWNSHIPS and COUNTIES. Municipal candidates can run as
Annexation                                                            either an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE or a NONPARTISAN CANDI-
   Formally adding land to the INCORPORATED territory of any          DATE (depending upon whether the MUNICIPALITY has

 UNIT OF GOVERNMENT, thus making that land subject to the             passed an ordinance adopting the PRIMARY ELECTION SYS-
 JURISDICTION and PROPERTY TAXATION of that local govern-             TEM) but the paperwork is slightly different for each type.

 ment. Removing an area is called “disconnection.”                   City Council
Authority                                                                  The governing board of a CITY. It composed of a
   The legal power to do something. Public funds, property            MAYOR and several ALDERMEN, CITY COUNCILMEN, or CITY
or credit must be used for only public purposes, so dona-             COMMISSIONERS.
tions to charities and worthy causes from public funds, or           City of Chicago
even temporary use of equipment or credit cards for per-
                                                                       Chicago’s elections are governed by special laws, so much
sonal purposes are barred by the Illinois CONSTITUTION.
                                                                     of this Guide does not apply to Chicago.
SIONER or chairman of the governing body of a UNIT OF GOV-
                                                                     Civic Center Authority
ERNMENT  has executive authority and can give directions to            A SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT created to promote, op-
the relevant staff and contractors of that unit of government.       erate and maintain expositions, conventions, and theatrical,
Other elected members of the governing body are confined to          sports and cultural activities from time to time in audito-
discussing and voting in open session upon policies and              rium, exposition, recreational and office buildings it owns.
matters properly before them.
                                                                     Civil Township
Ballot Layout                                                           It is very different from a CONGRESSIONAL TOWNSHIP. See
  The sequence of offices appearing on the ballot in CON-             the topic TOWNSHIP, the customary synonym for a civil
                                                                      township, on page 15.
                                                                     Closed Meeting
SHIP, PARK DISTRICT, LIBRARY DISTRICT, and finally any FIRE PRO-       A meeting of a PUBLIC BODY behind closed doors to discuss
TECTION DISTRICT.                                                    a very limited topic disclosed to the public, as permitted by
Ballots Cast                                                         the OPEN MEETINGS ACT. The Act presumes everything will be
                                                                     released to the public once the need for confidentiality
  The statistic from a previous election that is the basis for
                                                                     has passed, and there is no penalty in that Act for anyone
computing the minimum quantity of signatures needed on
                                                                     disclosing information from the closed session.
NOMINATION PAPERS for the next election in that UNIT OF GOV-
ERNMENT. It is not the sum of the votes for any office. (Not         Commission Form of Government
everyone votes on every office, and sometimes are author-               1. In a VILLAGE or CITY, if the voters have approved a
ized to vote for more than person for the same office.) In-          change to become this FORM OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT and
stead, the requirement is based upon the count of how many           certified the change to the secretary of state, then the gov-
persons turned in a ballot, even if it was all blank.                erning council consists of a MAYOR and four commissioners,
Board of Health                                                      all elected AT LARGE at the same time to four-year terms,
                                                                     so there are no STAGGERED TERMS and no mid-term election.
   A SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT approved by the voters in            Each of the commissioners has a specific area of responsi-
 some CIVIL TOWNSHIPS in Illinois whose governing board is           bility (ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES, PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY,
 composed of EX-OFFICIO members. It deals with matters of            STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, or COMMISSIONER OF
 sanitation and public health.                                       PUBLIC PROPERTY. Where the voters have also decided to
© Citizen Participation Institute                     2019 Local Elections Guide                                            Page 11
require it, a candidate must run specifically for one of                   ones.
those named posts and no other. VILLAGES operating under                   Consolidated Election
this form of government have different election laws than
                                                                             Those elections held in April of odd-numbered years at
those CITIES that operate under it. The Commission form of
                                                                           which seats of 38,500 local officials in Illinois are filled. Be-
government became fashionable starting in 1911, and over
                                                                           cause the four-year terms of TOWNSHIP officials are not STAG-
the next few years 90 municipalities adopted it, but half have
                                                                           GERED, the quantity of seats on the ballot alternates every
now abandoned it, leaving only 3% (45 municipalities) in Illi-
nois still using it. See STATUTES beginning at 65 ILCS 5/4-1-              two years between 25,000 and 13,500 seats. This Guide deals
1. Used in the villages of: Braceville, Buda, Catlin, Cedar Point,         with only the 13,500 seats to be filled at the April 2, 2019
Forest Park, Gardner, Palos Park, Seneca, Tampico. Used in the             consolidated election.
cities of: Altamont, Anna, Benton, Braidwood, Cairo, Chenoa, Clin-         Constitution
ton, Coffeen, Dallas, Du Quoin, East Peoria, Effingham, Eldorado,
Flora, Grayville, Harrisburg, Hillsboro, Jerseyville, Marion, Mar-           The basic and fundamental law of the State of Illinois. It
seilles, Mattoon, Mount Carmel, Nokomis, Oglesby, Oregon, Ot-              organizes governmental power into three branches: (1) the
tawa, Pinckneyville, Rosiclare, Shelbyville, South Beloit, Sparta, Sul-    LEGISLATURE to make the laws; (2) the governor and other
livan, West Frankfort, Windsor, Zeigler, Zion.                             elected OFFICIALS to execute the laws; and (3) the COURTS to
   2. In one of the 17 COUNTIES that does not have CIVIL
                                                                           apply the laws.
TOWNSHIPS,  the COUNTY BOARD then consists of either 3 or 5
members, styled “commissioners” who are elected from dis-                    Illinois has had a series of Constitutions, starting when it
tricts. Used in the counties of: Alexander, Calhoun, Edwards,              became a state in 1818. It adopted new ones in 1848, 1870,
Hardin, Johnson, Massac, Menard, Monroe, Morgan, Perry, Pope,              and 1970 by votes of the people. Changes (“Amendments”)
Pulaski, Randolph, Scott, Union, Wabash, and Williamson.                   to the Constitution are presented to the voters for approval.
                                                                           The voters have no right to initiate a change, except for
Congressional Township                                                     “structural and procedural subjects” pertaining to the GEN-
   A land surveyor’s unit, nominally square and measuring                  ERAL ASSEMBLY.
six miles on each side. Sometimes elected BOARD OF EDUCA-
TRUSTEES OF SCHOOLS must live in different congressional                     Areas adjacent to each other so as to form a connected
townships.                                                                 area.
    A congressional township is different from a CIVIL TOWN-               Corporate Authorities
SHIP. Like gridlines on a map, a congressional township is not
                                                                             The MAYOR/VILLAGE PRESIDENT plus the members of the
a UNIT OF GOVERNMENT, but a civil township is. Several con-                governing body (CITY COUNCIL or VILLAGE BOARD).
gressional townships, or parts of them, may form a single
civil township. A congressional township is sometimes split
                                                                           Coterminous Township
between different civil townships that are in different COUN-                 A CIVIL TOWNSHIP whose borders are the same as an un-
TIES or states.
                                                                           derlying VILLAGE, CITY, or TOWN. There are 20 coterminous
                                                                           townships in Illinois. (Alton, Belleview, Berwyn, Blooming-
   It is called a “congressional”
                                                                           ton, Champaign, Cicero, Cunningham (Urbana), East Saint
township because an ordi-
                                                                           Louis, Freeport, Galesburg, Godfrey, Macomb, Oak Park,
nance passed by the Continen-
                                                                           Quincy, River Forest, Warsaw, Zion)
tal Congress in 1785 directed
                                                                              Because the underlying MUNICIPALITY takes over most func-
how the land in this part of the
                                                                           tions that would normally be the township’s responsibility,
country is to be measured and
                                                                           in a coterminous township no HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER, TOWN-
marked. Each congressional six-
                                                                           SHIP TRUSTEES, or TOWNSHIP CLERK are elected.
mile square township is divided
into 36 “sections” that are nom-                                           County
inally one-mile square, con-                                                 The largest subdivision of the State into GENERAL GOVERN-
taining 640 acres.                                                         MENTS. There are 102 counties in Illinois. The MUNICIPALITY
   A congressional township is named by the count of how                   that contains the administrative headquarters of a county
many other congressional townships it is away from cer-                    government is called the “county seat.” This Guide does not
tain fixed locations.                                                      cover county officials in detail, because they are elected at
   In most of Illinois, land is measured East/West from where              partisan elections in November, not at the April nonpartisan
the Ohio River flows into the Mississippi River, and                       elections.
North/South from a point along that line near Centralia, Illi-               (A “county” was the area that the King assigned to one of
nois. That line is called the “Third Principal Meridian.” The              his Counts to govern.)
Kane County Courthouse sits in “township 39 North, range
8 East of the Third Principal Meridian.” There happen to be
                                                                           County Board
two CIVIL TOWNSHIPS within this congressional township:                       The governing board of a COUNTY. Its members are elected
Geneva and Batavia Townships. All civil townships have                     from geographical districts. In some counties its chairman
names, and often follow congressional township lines, but                  is elected AT LARGE by the voters, instead of being chosen
these two civil townships do not.                                          from among themselves by the members of the county
  A federal officer elected from one of 18 districts in Illinois.
                                                                           County Clerk
This Guide does not deal with federal officers, only local                    The   MINISTERIAL OFFICER   with whom the mandatory STATE-

Page 12                                                     2019 Local Elections Guide                           © Citizen Participation Institute
MENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS  must be filed before NOMINATION                       Marion 100 E Main St, Salem
PAPERS are turned in. Even in areas that have elections ad-                      Marshall 122 N Prairie St, Lacon
ministered by an ELECTION COMMISSION, the statements of eco-                      Mason 100 North Broadway, Havana
nomic interest must still submitted to the county clerk.                         Massac 1 Superman Sq, Metropolis
  The addresses of the offices of county clerks in Illinois are:              McDonough 1 Courthouse Sq, Macomb
          County     County Clerk’s Office                                      McHenry 2200 N Seminary Ave, Woodstock
          Adams      507 Vermont St, Quincy                                       McLean 115 E Washington St Rm 102, Bloomington
       Alexander     2000 Washington Ave, Cairo                                   Menard 102 S 7th St, Petersburg
            Bond     203 W College Ave, Greenville                                 Mercer 100 SE 3rd St, Aledo
           Boone 1212 Logan Ave Ste 103, Belvidere                               Monroe 100 S Main St, Waterloo
            Brown 200 Court St Rm 4, Mount Sterling                           Montgomery 1 Courthouse Sq, Hillsboro
           Bureau 700 S Main St, Princeton                                        Morgan 300 W State St, Jacksonville
         Calhoun 106 North County Road, Hardin                                   Moultrie 10 S Main St Ste 6, Sullivan
          Carroll 301 N Main St, Mount Carroll                                      Ogle 105 S 5th St Ste 104, Oregon
             Cass 100 E Springfield St, Virginia                                   Peoria 542 SW Adams St, Peoria
      Champaign 1776 E Washington St, Urbana                                          Perry 3764 State Route 13/127, Pinckneyville
        Christian 101 S Main St, Taylorville                                           Piatt 101 W Washington St, Monticello
           Clark 501 Archer Ave, Marshall                                              Pike 121 E Washington St, Pittsfield
              Clay 111 Chestnut St, Louisville                                      Pope 310 East Main Street, Golconda
           Clinton 850 Fairfax St, Carlyle                                        Pulaski 500 Illinois Ave, Mound City
             Coles 651 Jackson Ave Rm 122, Charleston                             Putnam 120 North 4Th Street, Hennepin
          Cook 69 W Washington St Ste 500, Chicago                             Randolph 1 Taylor St Rm 202, Chester
       Crawford 100 Douglas St, Robinson                                        Richland 103 W Main St, Olney
     Cumberland 140 Courthouse Square, Toledo                                 Rock Island 1504 3rd Ave, Rock Island
          DeKalb 110 E Sycamore St, Sycamore                                   Saint Clair 10 Public Sq, Belleville
           DeWitt 201 W Washington St, Clinton                                     Saline 10 E Poplar St, Harrisburg
          Douglas 401 S Center St Ste 203, Tuscola                             Sangamon 200 S 9th St Rm 105, Springfield
          DuPage 421 N County Farm Rd, Wheaton                                   Schuyler 102 S Congress St, Rushville
           Edgar 115 W Court St Rm J, Paris                                         Scott 35 E Market St, Winchester
         Edwards 50 E Main St Ste 12, Albion                                       Shelby 301 E Main St, Shelbyville
       Effingham     101 N 4th St Ste 201, Effingham                                Stark 130 W Main St, Toulon
           Fayette   221 S 7th St, Vandalia                                   Stephenson 50 W Douglas St Ste 500, Freeport
              Ford   200 W State St Rm 101, Paxton                               Tazewell 11 S 4th St Ste 203, Pekin
         Franklin    202 W Main St, Benton                                         Union 309 W Market St Rm 116, Jonesboro
            Fulton   100 N Main St, Lewistown                                   Vermilion 6 N Vermilion St, Danville
          Gallatin   484 N Lincoln Blvd W, Shawneetown                            Wabash 401 N Market St, Mount Carmel
         Greene 519 N Main St, Carrollton                                        Warren 100 W Broadway, Monmouth
         Grundy 111 E Washington St, Morris                                   Washington 101 E Saint Louis St, Nashville
        Hamilton 100 S Jackson St, Mc Leansboro                                   Wayne 301 E Main St, Fairfield
       Hancock 500 Main St, Carthage                                               White 301 E Main St, Carmi
         Hardin Main & Market Streets, Elizabethtown                            Whiteside 200 E Knox St, Morrison
      Henderson 4th & Warren, Oquawka                                                 Will   302 N Chicago St, Joliet
            Henry 307 W Center St, Cambridge                                   Williamson    407 N Monroe St Ste 119, Marion
          Iroquois 1001 E Grant St, Watseka                                    Winnebago     404 Elm St Fl 1, Rockford
           Jackson 1001 Walnut St, Murphysboro                                  Woodford     115 N Main St Rm 202, Eureka
           Jasper 204 W Washington St Ste 2, Newton                     Council-Manager Form of Government
        Jefferson 100 S 10th St Rm 105, Mount Vernon
                                                                                 See MANAGERIAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT.
           Jersey 200 N Lafayette St, Jerseyville
      Jo Daviess 330 N Bench St, Galena                                 Court
         Johnson 117 N 5th St, Vienna                                      A UNIT OF GOVERNMENT that imposes justice.
            Kane 719 S Batavia Ave, Geneva                                 There are two separate and independent court systems,
       Kankakee 189 E Court St, Kankakee                                each administering the laws of their own jurisdiction and
         Kendall 111 W Fox Rd, Yorkville                                under their own rules: the state system, and the federal sys-
           Knox 200 S Cherry St, Galesburg                              tem. Because almost all law we live under is state law, almost
            Lake 18 N County St, Waukegan                               all cases are handled by the state courts. There are approxi-
          Lasalle 707 E Etna Rd, Ottawa                                 mately 950 state court judges, and 50 federal court judges
        Lawrence 1100 State St, Lawrenceville                           in Illinois.
              Lee 112 E 2nd St, Dixon                                      Only state court judges are elected. Once in office, their
       Livingston 112 W Madison St, Pontiac                             reelection consists of a yes/no question every six years on
            Logan 601 Broadway St, Lincoln                              whether that judge should be retained. (They almost always
          Macon 141 S Main St, Decatur                                  are.) Because they are elected on a partisan basis at the No-
        Macoupin 201 E Main St, Carlinville                             vember elections, this Guide does not deal with their candi-
         Madison 157 N Main St, Edwardsville                            dacies.

© Citizen Participation Institute                        2019 Local Elections Guide                                                  Page 13

Cumulative Voting                                                         VILLAGE, CITY,or TOWN. Every TOWNSHIP convenes its own
                                                                          Township Officers Electoral Board to hear cases involving
  A system that allows a voter to cast multiple votes for a
                                                                          seats in that township. Every COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT
single candidate when multiple seats for the same office are
                                                                          convenes its own Education Officers Electoral Board to hear
to be filled. Under the 1870 CONSTITUTION, three state rep-
                                                                          cases involving seats in that community college. Decisions
representatives were to be elected from each state senate
                                                                          can be appealed to the CIRCUIT COURT.
district. The voter could distribute his three votes however
he wished: one vote each for three candidates, or two of                  Elementary School District
his votes for one candidate and one vote for someone else,                   Elementary school districts are SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERN-
or all three of his votes for a single candidate. This proved             MENTS   that handle pupils from kindergarten through the
to be very confusing and complicated in practice, and was                 eighth grade. Pupils then transfer to a HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT.
abolished when the 1970 Constitution was adopted. It still                Sometimes different portions of an elementary school dis-
survives for electing ALDERMEN in a few cities where the vot-             trict will transfer to different high school districts. About
ers have approved it.                                                     half of all the school districts are elementary school districts.
Dillon’s Rule                                                             Enclave
  A legal principle embraced in the Illinois CONSTITUTION                   A geographical area surrounded by a UNIT OF GOVERNMENT,
that UNITS OF GOVERNMENT are created by AUTHORITY of the                  but not subject to its JURISDICTION. An example would be
State, and therefore have only those powers and rights that               property that has not been ANNEXED into and made a legal
their creator, the State, has chosen to give them. For every-             part of a village, but is entirely surrounded by properties that
thing that a community subject to Dillon’s Rule does, it must             have been annexed.
be able to point to a specific state law (STATUTE) that says              Exclave
(or necessarily implies) that it can do that. All UNITS OF GOV-
                                                                             A geographical area that is legally part of a jurisdiction,
ERNMENT automatically have Dillion’s Rule protection by de-
                                                                          but is not physically attached to it. An example for a ROAD
fault. The alternative is HOME RULE.
                                                                          DISTRICT would be an ENCLAVE surrounded by a village, so its
Ease of Election                                                          streets are not maintained by that village but are instead
  An indicator of past competition throughout the region for              maintained by the road district that serves other UNINCOR-
that kind of seat. The higher the number, the easier it has               PORATED areas too. The village’s enclave is also the road dis-
been to win because of fewer rivals.                                      trict’s exclave.
   Level 5= no candidate at all for some seats.                           Ex-officio
   Level 4= usually only 1 candidate per seat.                              Automatically also holding a post just because that person
   Level 3= sometimes more than 1 candidate.                              holds a different one. For example, the mayor is automati-
   Level 2= usually two candidates per seat.                              cally also the local liquor commissioner and also automati-
   Level 1= more than an average of two per seat.                         cally a member of every municipal committee.
Election Attorney                                                         Filing Deadline
   A listing of attorneys with frequent and recent experience                NOMINATION PAPERS   for the April 2, 2019 CONSOLIDATED
in election cases is at CandidatesWanted.info.                            ELECTIONmust be filed between December 10 and December
Election Authority                                                        17, 2018.
                                                                            For a few MUNICIPALITIES, the dates are November 19
                                                                          through November 26, 2018. The instructions that are down-
voter registration and elections for all UNITS OF GOVERNMENT
                                                                          loaded with nomination papers from www.Candi-
headquartered within a specific COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY.
                                                                          datesWanted.info will show the applicable dates for your own
Election Commission                                                       municipality.
   A public body that, instead of the COUNTY CLERK, is the                Filing Location
ELECTION AUTHORITY   that administers voter registration and
                                                                             STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS are always filed at the of-
election matters in certain COUNTIES or MUNICIPALITIES.
                          Election Commissions
                                                                          fice of the   COUNTY CLERKof the COUNTY in which the UNIT OF
    Bloomington     115 E Washington St Rm 403, Bloomington               GOVERNMENT’S principal office is located.

         Chicago    69 W Washington St Ste 600, Chicago                     NOMINATION PAPERS for most offices are filed directly with
         Danville   6 N Vermilion St, Danville                            the UNIT OF GOVERNMENT. An exception is that ELEMENTARY
 DuPage County      421 N County Farm Rd, Wheaton                         SCHOOL , HIGH SCHOOL , or UNIT SCHOOL districts file with ELEC-
 East Saint Louis   301 Riverpark Dr Ste 300, East Saint Louis            TION AUTHORITY of the COUNTY in which the District’s princi-
       Galesburg    55 W Tompkins St, Galesburg                           pal office is located.
        Rockford    301 S 6th St, Rockford                                  The instructions that are downloaded with nomination pa-
           Peoria   542 SW Adams St, Peoria                               pers from WWW.CANDIDATESWANTED.INFO will show the applica-
Electoral Board                                                           ble locations for your own unit of government.
  A panel composed of EX-OFFICIO members that meets to                    Fire Department
decide whether a NOMINATION PAPERS OBJECTION is valid or                    A part of a MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT that specializes in fire
not. Every COUNTY convenes a County Officers Electoral                    suppression. It is under the control of the governing board
Board that hears cases involving school, fire, library or park            of the municipality.
district offices. A MUNICIPALITY convenes its own Municipal
Officers Electoral Board to hear cases involving seats in that

Page 14                                                    2019 Local Elections Guide                           © Citizen Participation Institute

Fire Protection District                                                  in the respective senate districts to office for four-year STAG-
                                                                          GERED TERMS,  and 118 representatives who are elected by
  A SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT providing fire suppression
                                                                          voters residing in their respective districts to office for two
to geographical areas within its boundaries. Some fire pro-
                                                                          years terms. Every senate district contains two whole repre-
tection districts do not actually fight the fires, but instead
                                                                          sentative districts.
contract with a neighboring FIRE DEPARTMENT or another fire
protection district, paying them out of the property taxes                General Assistance
collected by that (“paper”) district that really exists only in              Otherwise known as welfare money or public aid.
legal paperwork.                                                          General Election
FOIA                                                                         Those elections held in November of even-numbered years
   See FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.                                        at which 1,500 officials in Illinois are elected. Candidates run
Forest Preserve District                                                  as Republicans or Democrats. This Guide does not deal those
                                                                          offices, but with only those offices that are filled at a CON-
  A SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT providing recreational and
                                                                          SOLIDATED ELECTION.
cultural facilities to the area within its boundaries. It is es-
tablished after a referendum. If its boundaries are the                   General Government
same as a COUNTY, MUNICIPALITY, or SANITARY DISTRICT, then                   A UNIT OF GOVERNMENT that provides many different ser-
those board members become the EX-OFFICIO governing                       vices, often summarized as “police, streets, and ZONING.”
body of the forest preserve district, (except in DuPage                   Other units of government are a SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERN-
County, where they are elected on a partisan basis at a                   MENTS. For the purposes of this Guide, only COUNTIES, CIVIL
GENERAL ELECTION). Otherwise, they appointed by the                       TOWNSHIPS, and MUNICIPALITIES are general governments. (We
chairman of the county board.                                             ignore state and federal bodies because their governing bod-
Such forest preserve districts have been established within these         ies are not elected at the CONSOLIDATED ELECTION).
counties: Champaign, Cook, Crawford, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane,
Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, Piatt, Rock Island, Will, and Winnebago.
                                                                          General Park District
  But in a COUNTY having a population of 30,000 – 90,000,                    A SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENT that provides PARK DISTRICT
the commissioners are elected on a NONPARTISAN basis at the               services to residents within its JURISDICTION. There are five or
CONSOLIDATED ELECTION when the boundaries are not the                     seven commissioners in this type, serving either four-year or
same as a COUNTY, MUNICIPALITY, or SANITARY DISTRICT.                     six-year terms.
Based upon their populations, this type of Forest Preserve District is    High School District
allowed in only Adams, Boone, Bureau, Christian, Clinton, Coles, Eff-
ingham, Franklin, Fulton, Grundy, Henry, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox,           High school districts are SPECIAL PURPOSE GOVERNMENTS
Lee, Livingston, Macoupin, Marion, McDonough, Monroe, Morgan,             that take over from the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICTS in
Ogle, Randolph, Stephenson, Vermilion, Whiteside, Williamson, and         their area and teach 9th through 12th grades. About 10% of
Woodford counties. It appears that only in Ogle County has such a         all the school districts are high school districts.
district (Byron) actually been established.
                                                                          Home Rule
Form of Municipal Government                                                The reverse of DILLON’S RULE. A MUNICIPALITY that has
   The form of government controls the duties and powers                  Home Rule powers can do anything it wants unless there is
of MUNICIPAL officials. Illinois law provides for four alterna-           a state law specifically prohibiting it. A MUNICIPALITY auto-
tives:                                                                    matically shifts to Home Rule status when its population ex-
   Mayor-Council. This is the default form of government. It              ceeds 25,000 persons. The voters can choose to adopt Home
takes a vote of the residents to change to or from any of the             Rule powers early, and can always vote to revert to DILLON’S
other forms. See MAYOR-COUNCIL FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Com-                   RULE protection regardless of population.
                                                                             Land within the borders of a specific      VILLAGE, CITY,   or
Freedom of Information Act
   An Illinois STATUTE (5 ILCS 140) requiring PUBLIC BODIES to
provide to anyone who asks, a copy of almost any public                      The person presently holding an elected office.
record it has or controls. It is a fundamental obligation of              Independent Candidate
government to operate openly and provide records as expe-                   A candidate not running under the banner of any political
diently and efficiently as possible in compliance with the                party. Candidates running for a TOWNSHIP office are required
Freedom of Information Act. A free online training course is              to run as Independent Candidates. A candidate for MUNICIPAL
open to the public at foia.ILattorneyGeneral.net.                         office almost always runs as a NONPARTISAN CANDIDATE.
   The only comprehensive guide for the public that includes
the up-to-date text of the Freedom of Information Act (and
                                                                          Ind. Sigs (column heading)
other good government laws too) along with official inter-                  For a candidate running as an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE, the
pretations by courts and the Attorney General, can be ob-                 range of the quantity of SIGNATURES that are VALID that need
tained from the CitizenParticipation.org website.                         to be on the NOMINATION PAPERS.

General Assembly                                                          Jurisdiction
  The Illinois legislature. The CONSTITUTION requires it to be               The territory or matters that a   UNIT OF GOVERNMENT     has
composed of 59 senators who are elected by voters residing                AUTHORITY  over.

© Citizen Participation Institute                          2019 Local Elections Guide                                             Page 15
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