Page created by Audrey Cobb
BigAnimals Expeditions | AntArticA February 10 - March 3, 2019

           Diving with LeoparD SeaLS
          aLong antarctica’S peninSuLa
           Antarctica’s glacial beauty of towering snow-capped mountains with
       glistening ice formations ranging from blue to white, makes this expedition
                 to the seventh continent one of life’s great experiences.

BigAnimals.com | info@biganimals.com | 189 Evans Ave #A, Pacific Grove, cA 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAchouM PhotoGrAPhy
BigAnimals Expeditions | AntArticA February 10 - March 3, 2019

                                                                                              Ocean Tramp - is a 66 feet ketch rigged

                     “nature at its Best.                                                     sailboat, with 5 cabins. She very comfortably can
                                                                                              carry 8 guests plus three crew members and one
                                                                                              scientist. She is a very fast sailboat thanks to her

the Leopard seal
                 Listen to Your heart pound.

    the eight- to eleven-foot muscular
                                             Antarctic orcas           ”
                                                 Largest of the carnivores, Antarctic
                                                                                              long length, making for a short passage the
                                                                                              sailing across the Drake. She is ideal for
                                                                                              photographers, hikers, divers, scientists and all
                                                                                              sort of expeditions that need a large capacity
                                                                                              vessel with plenty of storage as well as the
                                                                                              needed comfort when living on a sailboat for
leopard seal has a dark grey back with       orcas hunt deep into pack ice for leopard        longer periods of time.
a lighter grey stomach. it’s named for its   seals as well as penguins. sharp, conical        She has a broadband 4G radar, forward looking
white throat with black body spots.          teeth make them a formidable predator. A         sonar, autopilot, media drive for watching
often weighing more than a ton, they         pod of killer whales is capable of coordi-       movies, onboard PC with WiFi internal net for
                                                                                              sharing files, public wireless printer and
are similar is length (not weight) to        nating their attack by communicating with
                                                                                              scanner, chart plotter, Satellite Iridium Phone
the walrus. these sharp-toothed carni-       clicks and calls; then as they approach a        with email and weather download capabilities, a
vores lock their jaws together to allow      seal they become absolutely silent. oppor-       large separate kitchen and a large saloon for 12
them to sieve krill when they are not        tunists, early in the season, they have been     guests. She carries all the safety equipment
devouring penguins.                          known to follow icebreakers to attack seals      required, including Epirb beacon, 2 SARTs, a
                                             and penguins that might have been inac-          linethrowing device, 2 liferafts, flares, Handheld
                                             cessible to them.                                VHFs, SOLAS lifejackets, inflatable lifejackets, Full
                                                                                              Co2 engine room firefighting system, etc. She is
                                                                                              a very sturdy and comfortable boat with huge
                                                                                              forward and aft decks for transporting
                                                                                              equipment, samples, and making your life easier
                                                                                              when dealing with equipment or diving bottles
                                                                                              and compressor

 BigAnimals.com | info@biganimals.com | 189 Evans Ave #A, Pacific Grove, cA 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAchouM PhotoGrAPhy
BigAnimals Expeditions | AntArticA February 10 - March 3, 2019

                                                                                                        our approach is one of stealth and
                                                                                                    patience. Witnessing this unbelievable
                                                                                                    scene of the food chain’s ultimate
                                                                                                    predation is almost unimaginable.
                                                                                                    however it is possible through the
                                                                                                    specific logistics BigAnimals set up for
                                                                                                    this adventure. having a vessel that is
                                                                                                    permitted to explore remote passages
                                                                                                    and islands, we stay away from the
                                                                                                    crowded routs and with intimate team
                                                                                                    of only eight guests we take our time
                                                                                                    in observation till we have to spring
                                                                                                    into action.
                                                                                                        in addition to these experiences, we
                                                                                                    will have the opportunity to access the
                                                                                                    continent by zodiac to explore historic
                                                                                                    explorer huts that were preserve very
                                                                                                    well in 20 to 30° F temperatures. this
                                                                                                    Antarctic expedition is not for the faint
             You will quickly become aware that you have
        “      surpassed a pinnacle in adventure travel.
    Antarctica’s glacial beauty of towering
snow-capped mountains with glistening
                                                                                                    of heart and is designed for adventurers
                                                                                                    not tourists. As such, we have an
                                                                                                    unsurpassed level of freedom during
                                                                                                    our 21 days to explore this polar
                                                                                                    wilderness governed by cold and ice.
ice formations ranging from blue to                                                                 We generally spend 14 to 16 days diving
white, makes this expedition to the 7th                                                             out on the peninsula and there are no
continent one of life’s great experiences.                                                          limitations.
its geography is topped by the unique                                                                   it often takes many long hours wait-
behavior of millions of penguins consisting                                                         ing in and around the water to witness
primarily of four species: adélie, gentoo,                                                          predation events, and schedule flexibility
chinstrap, and the less commonly                                                                    is absolutely necessary to obtain quality
sighted emperor penguins. these flight-                                                             images. With rV Braveheart, our work-
less birds are challenged throughout                                                                horse of a boat, and two zodiacs that will
their life by Antarctica’s frigid elements,                                                         each carry only four guests, the possibilities
and the imminent danger of one voracious            orcas are even one step above leopard           are endless. We can stay wherever we
predator, the leopard seal.                     seals and are the only Antarctic predators          like for as long as we need to capture
    our Antarctica expedition is specifically   capable of taking down the raw power of             the amazing predation only accessible
timed to coincide with the fledging of          an 11-foot long leopard seal. they are less         in this remote location at the bottom of
penguin chicks when these young birds           commonly sighted than the graceful                  the world.
first venture out from the warm comfort         aerobatic humpbacks, but they’re unique                 We will also have the incredible
under their parents’ chests. it is a period     feeding technique and preference for                opportunity to dive icebergs. Diving an
when the chicks begin to explore the            these large, strong pinnipeds make them             iceberg is an ethereal experience. you
frigid water (28 to 34°F) to learn swim-        Antarctica’s apex predator.                         feel engulfed by its massive and undeni-
ming and feeding skills. unlike their               As the leopard seals rest on floating           able presence almost as if standing next
clumsy waddle on land, penguins are             icebergs between hunting and feeding                to a huge mountain and looking up, but
very adept swimmers. once they have             on penguins, orca pods strategically and            instead your floating next to it and look-
departed, food deprived adults venture          cooperatively hunt them down. the pod               ing down. the visibility in this frozen
into open water to hunt fish for them-          will split into two teams, with one team            blue world is beyond imagination and is
selves and their chicks.                        moving forward in front of the iceberg,             sometimes even disorienting. the heavy
    the timing is perfect to observe the        and the second team staying behind.                 winter sea ice in Antarctica prevents too
hunting behavior of one of Antarctica’s         on some internal signal between the two-            much water movement and keeps the
only predators—a time when the leop-            orca teams, the team in front will charge           sediment from being stirred up by waves,
ard seal feeds on penguins. Posing mo-          forward on the surface of the water using           and the visibility distance is essentially
tionless in shallow bay, almost appearing       their forceful tails to create a watery wake.       as far as the eye can see.
like a harmless rock, the spotted seals         they churn the water back and forth mak-                Being in one of the world’s most
wait patiently in shallow water for the         ing the iceberg rock until the seal either          incredible landscapes watching the
opportunity to devour the young penguins.       slides off or jumps into the water. there is         predatory scenes that we will observe,
We only recently discovered that solely         no chance of escape for the seal and a              you will quickly become aware that
the leopard seal does not dominate the          bloody scene ensues as the orca goes for            you have surpassed a pinnacle in
food chain.                                     the kill.                                           adventure travel.

 BigAnimals.com | info@biganimals.com | 189 Evans Ave #A, Pacific Grove, cA 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAchouM PhotoGrAPhy
BigAnimals Expeditions | AntArticA February 10 - March 3, 2019

                                                                                               Feb 10 -Mar 3, 2019
                                                                                               AntArticA ExPEriEncE: 18 years
                                                                                               DAtEs: February 10 - March 3, 2019
                                                                                               DurAtion: 21 days
                                                                                               MAx no. oF GuEsts: 6
                                                                                               PricinG: $35,600 per person based
                                                                                               on double occupancy
                                                                                               rEGistrAtion: Deposit of $12,000
                                                                                               VEssEL: 66' Ocean Tramp, Sailboat
                                                                                               ActiVitiEs: Live-aboard expedition
                                                                                               dive boat, leopard seal and
AMos nAchouM                                                                                   orca diving, ice berg cruising, hiking
                                                                                               among penguin colonies and
Expedition Leader                                                                              historic explorer sites
     Amos has over 35 years experience as                                                      tEMPErAturE: in-Water: 28-34°F
a wildlife adventure guide, and
18 years experience diving in Antarctica.
                                               Enhance your                                    (-2-1°c) on-Water: 10-40°F (-12-4°c)
                                                                                               triP PricE incLuDEs:
     Professional photography will be
done with Amos nachoum, who was
                                               photographic skills                             • Ocean Tramp, 21 days and 20 nights
                                                                                               • Airfare from Punta Arenas,Chile - King
the BBc wildlife photographer of the
year in 2007 and 2008.
                                               with Amos.                                        George, Island, Antarctica
                                                                                               • All meals throughout the voyage
     he will be coaching individuals on
wide-angle and ambient-light photography
                                               the Experience is                               • All shore excursions and activities
                                                                                                 throughout the voyage by Zodiac
of big animals.                                Priceless!                                      • All diving services, tanks and weights
     Amos’ explorations have been                                                                Photography presentation and
featured on national Geo, BBc and the                                                            instruction
Discovery channel. BigAnimals Expeditions         BigAnimals’ unique services –                • Leadership by experienced
recreates the same adventures and photo       raising the bar of services in every               expedition staff
opportunities for you.                        adventure we operate around the                  • All miscellaneous service taxes and
     Amos uses his leadership and photo-      world is our policy.                               port charges throughout the program
graphy skills to artfully capture the lives       We lead by example with immaculate
of ocean Giants whose existence is            safety record. Each wildlife expedition
under threat, but whose hope of survival                                                       triP PricE ExcLuDEs:
                                              is carefully scouted before offered to
is linked to us communicating the truth.                                                       • International airfare
                                              the public and we schedule departures            • overnight in ushuaia, Argentina
     BigAnimals Expeditions are designed      only during peak animal presence and             • Land travel arrangements
to add value to your life experience, to      behavior displays, led by Amos nachoum’s         • Passport and visa expenses
generate attention for endangered             and based on his 35 years of diving and          • Government arrival and departure
species, to aid in their preservation and     photographing ocean Giants.                        taxes
to provoke public awareness and opinion.          our Antartic Expedition is strictly          • Baggage, cancellation and personal
                                              limited to only 8 privileged guests. this          insurance (strongly recommended)
                                              is with consideration of the animals’            • Excess baggage charges on all flights
                                              welfare and behavior, your safety and            • All items of a personal nature such as
                                              provides you with room to move freely,             beverages and telecommunication
                                              ample space in which to photograph               • customary gratuity at the end of the
                                              and film, with personalized attention              voyage for stewards and other service
                                              and advice.                                        personnel aboard (guidelines will be
                                                                                               • unused portion of the itinerary above
                                                                                                 is not refundable
                                                                                               • Additional costs incurred due to
                                                                                                 independent travel arrangements

 BigAnimals.com | info@biganimals.com | 189 Evans Ave #A, Pacific Grove, cA 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAchouM PhotoGrAPhy
BigAnimals Expeditions | February 10 - March 3, 2019

antartica itinerarY > February 10 - March 3, 2019

We strongly suggest you arrive a day           countering humpback whales, minke
or two early to Punta Arenas, Chile, to        whales, fin whales and orca predation. At
                                               Pleneau sland, we sail among the stun
make sure all your gear is arrived with
                                               ning vestiges of once massive icebergs,
you . We will advise you 90 days before
                                               an ‘iceberg graveyard.’At Pleneau we
departure on hotel of our choice to            fre quently bring back the best images of
meet.                                          leopard seal predation, as well as from
                                               coverville, Port Lockroy, Astrolabe and
DaY 1                                          Gourdin island. During this time, activities
  FEB 10                                       include zodiac cruises, snorkeling, scuba
– ArriVE in Punta Arens Chile and              diving, hiking, photography workshops,
connect with the flight to Antarctica, King    and lectures. With only 8 guests on board,
George Island.                                 we can be flexible in our itinerary to take
  Upon arriving to the Island we soon          advantage of the best that Antarctica has
proceed and board the vessel waiting for       to offer, and better respond to weather
us and cruise away after you settle with all   and ice conditions to pursue wildlife en-
your gear on board                             counters and photographic opportuni-
                                               ties: visiting secluded bays, seeking out
                                               remote sites for penguin colonies and
DaY 2 - 17                                     leopard seals, staying out long hours for
  FEB 11- Feb. 28                              shooting in rare bright light conditions.
– these are eighteen amazing days of           All in all, we’ve created a perfect platform
                                               for both amazing photography and un-              PAyMEnt PoLicy AnD DEPosit:
cruising and leopard seal and orca diving      forgettable life experiences.                     When we receive your deposit, we will
as we explore the vast islands of the                                                            send you a comprehensive and detailed

                                               DaY 18 - 21
southwest Antarctic Peninsula. From De-                                                          trip Preparation Bulletin about the expe-
ception island in the north (weather per-                                                        rience and the destination. All trip costs
mitting, we will land at Bailey head with        MAr 6 -MAr 10                                   are subject to change without prior no-
its colony of tens of thousands of chin-       – We leave the Antarctic Peninsula and            tice until your reservation is confirmed.
strap Penguins) we sail through the            start our cruise back to ushuaia, crossing        A deposit of 33% of the total trip price is
breathtaking Gerlache strait and Lemaire       the Drake Passage again, at which you’re          required to secure space on the trip.
channel. We have a good chance of en-          now an old hand. Leave the vessel to              Full payment is due no later than 90 days
                                               catch the connecting flight from ushuaia          before departure.
                                               to Buenos Aires and onward.                       We reserve the right to sell any space
                                                                                                 that is not paid in full by 60 days before

                                                                                                 cAncELLAtion PoLicy
                                                                                                    -Must be made in writing.
                                                                                                    More than 120 days before trip:
                                                                                                    deposit will be refunded less
                                                                                                    administration fee
                                                                                                    -90 days or less before trip: Deposit
                                                                                                    will be refunded if space is sold,
                                                                                                    less unrecoverable costs of sales,
                                                                                                    and administration costs.
                                                                                                    -no refund is made for unused part
                                                                                                    of the itinerary.
                                                                                                 the- following are subject to change:
                                                                                                    -cost of services which are not
                                                                                                    included in the expedition price
                                                                                                    -Flight time and schedule
                                                                                                    -Weather, water temperature,
                                                                                                    and animal behavior

  BigAnimals.com | info@biganimals.com | 189 Evans Ave #A, Pacific Grove, cA 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAchouM PhotoGrAPhy
Biganimals expeditions | antartICa February 18 - March 10, 2019

                                                  ApplicAtion Form
                      expedition antartica | expeditions Dates: february 18-march 10, 2019

Personal InformatIon

first name                                               last name

Date of Birth                                                       Gender:           female             male


City                                                               state                             Zip

Work Phone                                             Home Phone


Citizen of                               Passport #                             Place Issued & Date

trip price $35,600 per person, double occupancy. Deposit of 1/3 is required to secure space= $12,000 non-refundable.
final payment due 90 days before departure. $

Please make your check payment to Biganimals expeditions, 189 evans ave #a, Pacific Grove, Ca 93950.
overseas payment can be done via bank wire, instructions will be sent to you upon receipt of this application.

Promotional code

travel insurance:        Yes        no Provider                            Policy #
travel insurance is prerequisite and mandatory on Biganimals adventures. We need to have your policy number..

Do you carry diving insurance?           Yes       no Provider                                    Policy #

Diving experience/Years in Diving

Diver must have a minimum of 50 hours Drysuit diving experience.

Where & When last 3 Dive experiences? 1                                        2                                 3

How do you rate your Diving skills?             Beginner            Inter          advanced                   expert

How do you rate your Photography and/or Video skills?

          no interest             Beginner                 Inter                advanced                     expert

 Biganimals.com | info@biganimals.com | 189 evans ave #a, Pacific Grove, Ca 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © amos naCHoum PHotoGraPHY
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