Directory of Hospitals A national network of selected hospitals

Page created by Shawn Hodges
Directory of Hospitals A national network of selected hospitals
Directory of Hospitals
    A national network of selected hospitals

Directory of Hospitals

Section                             Page

      The Directory of Hospitals     4

      Key to symbols                 5

      Facilities                    7–18

The Directory of Hospitals
    A national network of selected hospitals          We regularly monitor their performance to
    As an AXA PPP healthcare member, you have         assess their quality of care, which is why your
    access to a national network of hospitals,        feedback is particularly important.
    day-patient units, scanning centres and other     If you need to use a facility, please complete
    private healthcare facilities. These have         your hospital’s ‘patient satisfaction survey’
    been selected following a comprehensive           form and return it to them.
    assessment of their quality, value and range
    of services.                                      Standards for specialised services
    All of them are listed in our Directory           We also work closely with network hospitals
    of Hospitals.                                     that provide certain specialised care services
                                                      such as cancer, cardiac revascularisation,
    Oral surgery OS                                   critical care, paediatrics and psychiatric
    If you need oral surgery, then we’ll provide      care. National guidelines for these have been
    benefit for those oral surgical procedures that   established in conjunction with appropriate
    are set out in your membership handbook,          professional authorities and organisations.
    when your dentist refers you directly to a
    facility indicated by the OS symbol in our        The benefits of our network hospitals
    Directory of Hospitals. Please contact our        The hospitals included in our Directory of
    team of Personal Advisers before you have         Hospitals will endeavour to make your stay
    any treatment.                                    as pleasant and comfortable as possible. You
                                                      can usually have your own private room with
    Cataract Surgery CS                               en-suite bathroom, television and telephone.
    If you need an eye operation involving            You’ll be given a choice of dishes for each
    cataract surgery, then we’ll provide benefit      course at mealtimes and your visitors may,
    when your general practitioner refers you         within reason, come and go as they wish.
    directly to one of the facilities indicated by
                                                      Be sure to call us first
    the CS symbol in our Directory of Hospitals.
                                                      To check whether you’re covered, please call
    Please contact our team of Personal Advisers
                                                      us before you start treatment. We’ll then be
    before you have any treatment.
                                                      able to authorise your claim in advance. There
    Our quality assessment and                        may be rare occasions when we suspend the
    improvement programme                             use of a network hospital or another facility
    Our initial assessment covers most aspects        listed in our Directory of Hospitals to protect
    of the hospital’s services. We only select        the interest of our members.
    hospitals and other facilities for inclusion
    in our network if they meet and continue
    to meet our strict quality criteria. In turn,
    we’re committed to supporting the hospitals
    included in our network, encouraging them to
    invest in new facilities and services – to our
    mutual long-term benefit.

Day-patient treatment                              Key to symbols
Advances in medical care mean that many
operations are now undertaken on a                     ral surgery arrangement in place
                                                   OS O
day‑patient basis. This is in keeping with             ataract surgery arrangement in place
                                                   CS C
good clinical practice. Please note that you       A triangle ( ) indicates an NHS hospital that
may be cared for in an open day ward (rather       does not have dedicated private patient
than a single room) while you recover from         facilities. (We will recognise an NHS bed
an anaesthetic to enable nursing staff to          nominated as a private bed but in such cases
monitor your progress more effectively. Most       the level of accommodation may be the same
hospitals now offer day-patient treatment and      as standard NHS accommodation.)
we have included a number of purpose-built
                                                   Scanning centres – these centres provide:
day‑patient units in the Directory of Hospitals.
                                                   M MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
Please check the Directory of Hospitals            A diamond ( ) indicates that the centre has
The map on page six shows the United               an open MRI scanner.
Kingdom divided into eleven areas. This
                                                   C CT (computerised tomography)
is then followed by a list of the hospitals,
                                                   P PET (positron emission tomography)
scanning centres and other facilities with
one or more symbols shown against the              These are usually carried out on an
name of each facility listed. Each entry shows     out‑patient basis. Only the centres listed can
the medical service available, arranged            be used for out-patient scanning.
alphabetically by town and ordered in
reference to the eleven areas shown on
                                                   G G eneral hospitals – acute medical
                                                      and surgical hospitals and day-
the map. If you have any questions, please
                                                      patient units which are recommended
call our team of Personal Advisers. For
                                                      by AXA PPP healthcare following
full details of the facilities and the range
                                                      our selection process and where
of services provided by the hospitals,
                                                      you will receive a full refund for
scanning centres and other facilities
                                                      hospital treatment.
listed in the Directory of Hospitals (and
for information on medical specialists we              sychiatric hospitals – hospitals
                                                   Ps P
recognise for benefit) please visit our website:       that specialise in the treatment of or contact            psychiatric illnesses.
our team of Personal Advisers.                        ehabilitation units – units that provide
                                                   R R
                                                     specialist rehabilitation services.

Area 9 Scotland

                Area 10
            Northern Ireland

      Area 6
    North West
                                                                                    Area 7 North East

       Area 11
    Isle of Man

       Area 4                                                                                   Area 5
      Midlands                                                                                 Midlands
        West                                                                                     East

                                                                                                 Area 1
                               Area 8 Wales                                                  Greater London

                                                                             Area 2
                                                                         South East and
                                           Area 3                       the Isle of Wight
                                         South West

                                                         Area 11
                                                      Channel Islands

Facilities (by area)

       1     Greater London                              Greater London Continued
 E1                                  G M C CS            SE1                                      G M C
 BMI London Independent Hospital                         Evalina London Children’s Hospital
 E14                                        M            SE1                                      G M C
 London Bridge Hospital Diagnostic Unit –                Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital
 Docklands Healthcare                                    SE1                                          G
 E15                                        M            Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital
 InHealth Diagnostics Centre – Stratford                 – Westminster Maternity Suite
 EC1                                     G CS            SE1                                  G M C CS
 Moorfields Eye Hospital                                 London Bridge Hospital
 EC1                                  G M C P            SE1                                   G M C P
 St Bart’s Cardio/Cardiothoracic Unit                    London Bridge Hospital – Private Care
 EC2                                        M            at Guy’s
 BUPA Health Clinics                                     SE1                                          P

 EC2                                      M C            PET Imaging Centre @ St Thomas’s
 31 Old Broad Street                                     SE1                                          M

 EC4N                                       M            Vista Diagnostics
 Fortius Clinic King William Street                      SE3                                  G M C CS

 N6                                  G M C OS            BMI The Blackheath Hospital
 Highgate Private Hospital                               SE5                                   G M C P

 N12                                     G OS            King’s College Hospital (Guthrie Clinic)
 London Day Surgery Centre (Day-patient unit)            SW1                                  G M C CS

 NW1                                        Ps           Lister Hospital
 Nightingale Hospital                                    SW3                                      M C P

 NW1                                  G M C P            102 Sydney Street
 Harley Street at UCLH                                   SW3                                          M

 NW1                                      M C            Chelsea Out-patient Centre
 London Digestive Centre                                 SW3                                   G M C P

 NW3                                  G M C P            Royal Brompton Hospital
 Royal Free Hospital                                     SW3                                          P

 NW4                                G M CS OS            Royal Brompton Specialist Care
 BMI Hendon Hospital                                     SW3                                   G M C P

 NW7                                        Ps           Royal Marsden Hospital
 Ellern Mede Ridgeway                                    SW3                                          Ps

 NW8                                 G M C CS            Schoen Clinic Chelsea
 Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth                    SW5                                      G M P

 NW8                        G M C P R CS OS              BUPA Cromwell Hospital
 Wellington Hospital                                     SW10                                 G M C OS

 NW9                                       CS            Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
 Optegra Eye Hospital North London                       SW19                         G M C P CS OS

 NW11                                       M            Parkside Hospital
 InHealth Diagnostics Centre – Golders                   W1                                         M C
 Green                                                   9 Harley Street Ltd
 NW11                                     M C            W1                                           C
 Wellington Diagnostics & Out-patients Centre            152 Harley Street
 N19                                      M C            W1                                           G
 Whittington Hospital                                    Weymouth Street Hospital
Key: G General hospitals.      M    MRI. C CT. P PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.   7
       CS   Cataract surgery.   OS    Oral surgery.
Greater London Continued                                        Greater London Continued

    W1                                          M                   W6                                 G M C P
    Cavendish Imaging (Oral imaging)                                Charing Cross Hospital
    W1                                          M                   W12                                G M C P
    Fortius Clinic Fitzhardinge Street                              Hammersmith Hospital (Sainsbury Wing)
    W1                                          G                   W13                                       M
    Fortius Surgical                                                InHealth Diagnostics Centre – Ealing
    W1                               G M C P CS                     WC1                                       M
    Harley Street Clinic                                            Chenies Mews Imaging Centre
    W1                                       C OS                   WC1                                     C M
    Harley Street Maxillofacial                                     Queen Square Imaging Centre
    W1                                         OS                   BARNET                                    Ps

    Harley Street Oral Reconstruction Centre                        Ellern Mede Barnet
    W1                                          M                   BARNET                            G M C OS

    InHealth at Preventicum MRI                                     Hadley Wood Hospital
    W1                                          M                   BARNET                                    M

    Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health                         InHealth @ Barnet MRI Centre,
                                                                    Barnet General Hospital
    W1                                 G M C CS
    King Edward VII Hospital (Sister Agnes)                         BECKENHAM                     G M C CS OS
                                                                    BMI The Sloane Hospital
    W1                                          G
    Leaders in Oncology Care (Day-patient)                          BECKENHAM                               M C
                                                                    Sloane Diagnostic Imaging
    W1                                          M
    London Upright MRI Centre                                       BRENTFORD                               M C
                                                                    BMI Syon Clinic
    W1                                        M C
    Medical Imaging Partnership                                     CHEAM                         G M C CS OS
                                                                    Spire St Anthony’s Hospital
    W1                                        G C
                                                                    ENFIELD                       G M C CS OS
    One Welbeck
                                                                    BMI The Cavell Hospital
    W1                                         CS
                                                                    ENFIELD                             G CS OS
    Optegra Eye London                                              BMI The King’s Oak Private Hospital
    W1                                          M
                                                                    ENFIELD                                   M
    Oryon Imaging Ltd                                               Enfield Alliance Medical MRI Centre
    W1                                     G M C
                                                                    ENFIELD                                   M
    Portland Hospital for Women & Children                          InHealth @ Lincoln Road
    W1                                 G M C CS
                                                                    HARROW                        G M C CS OS
    Princess Grace Hospital                                         BMI The Clementine Churchill Hospital
    W1                                        M C
                                                                    HARROW                        G M C CS OS
    The European Scanning Centre                                    Northwick Park & St Mark’s Hospitals
    W1                                          M
                                                                    HARROW-ON-THE-HILL                        Ps
    The Harley Street Medical Centre (UME)                          Cygnet Hospital Harrow
    W1                            G M C P CS OS
                                                                    HEMEL HEMPSTEAD                         M C
    The London Clinic                                               One Stop Doctors
    W1                                         CS                   ISLEWORTH                                 M
    Ultralase                                                       West Middlesex MRI
    W1G                                       M C                   KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES                      M
    30 Devonshire Street (HCA)                                      InHealth @ Kingston MRI
    W1H                                         M                   KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES                    M C
    Medneo Diagnostics UK Ltd                                       New Malden Diagnostics
    W1U                                    G M C                    KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES G M C CS OS
    Schoen Clinic                                                   New Victoria Hospital
    W2                                     G M C                    NORTHWOOD                            G M CS
    St Mary’s Hospital (Lindo Wing)                                 BMI Bishops Wood Hospital
8   Key:   G   General hospitals.   M   MRI.   C   CT.   P   PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.
Greater London Continued                      South East Continued

NORTHWOOD                           M C P     BRENTWOOD                         G M C CS
Paul Strickland Scanner Centre                Spire Hartswood Hospital
Mount Vernon Hospital                         BRENTWOOD                     G M C CS OS

ORPINGTON                          G M CS     Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital
BMI Chelsfield Park Hospital                  BRIGHTON                                  P
                                              Brighton & Sussex Medical Schools
REDBRIDGE                    G M C CS OS
                                              University of Sussex
North East London Treatment Centre
                                              BRIGHTON                                 CS
REDBRIDGE                    G M C CS OS
                                              Consultant Eye Surgeons Partnerships
Spire London East Hospital                    (Brighton)
ROEHAMPTON                              M     BRIGHTON                                  M
InHealth @ Roehampton MRI                     Medical Imaging Partnership Brighton
ROEHAMPTON                              Ps    BRIGHTON                      G M C CS OS
The Priory Hospital Roehampton                Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital
SOUTHGATE                               Ps    BRIGHTON                                  C

The Priory Hospital North London              Sussex Imaging @ Royal Sussex County
STANMORE                         G M C R
                                              BRIGHTON                          G M C OS
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
                                              Montefiore Hospital
SUTTON                           G M C P
                                              BRIGHTON                                M C
Royal Marsden Hospital                        Sussex Imaging @ Brighton & Sussex
UXBRIDGE                            G M C     Medical Schools
Harefield Hospital                            BROMLEY                                   Ps
UXBRIDGE                              M C     The Priory Hospital Hayes Grove
The Hillingdon Hospital                       BUCKHURST HILL                    G M C OS
                                              The Holly Private Hospital
                                              CANTERBURY                        G M C CS
                                              BMI The Chaucer Hospital

         2      South East
                                   G M C
                                              Kent and Canterbury Hospital
                                                                                      M C


One Ashford Hospital                          Consultant Eye Surgeons (Surrey)
ASHFORD                              M C      CATERHAM                               G CS

William Harvey Hospital                       North Downs Hospital
ASHTEAD                      G M C CS OS      CHELMSFORD                              M C

Ashtead Hospital                              Broomfield Hospital
                                              CHELMSFORD                    G M C CS OS
AYLESBURY                              R
                                              Springfield Hospital
Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital
                                              CHELMSFORD                                Ps
AYLESBURY                         M C CS
                                              The Priory Hospital Chelmsford
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
                                              CHERTSEY                      G M C CS OS
BANBURY                                Ps
                                              BMI The Runnymede Hospital
Banbury Lodge
                                              CHERTSEY                                  M
BASILDON                               P
                                              Ashford & St Peter’s MRI, St Peter’s
Basildon University Hospital                  Hospital
BASINGSTOKE                  G M C CS OS      CHICHESTER                    G M C CS OS
BMI The Hampshire Clinic                      Nuffield Health Chichester Hospital
BASINGSTOKE                     G M C CS      CHICHESTER                           M C CS
Candover Clinic                               St Richard’s Hospital
BENENDEN                        G M C CS      COLCHESTER                    G M C CS OS
Benenden Hospital                             Oaks Hospital
CS   Cataract surgery.   OS   Oral surgery.                                                  9
South East Continued                                            South East Continued

     COLCHESTER                             M P                      GUILDFORD                     G M C CS OS
     Turner Diagnostic Centre (Alliance)                             Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital
     CRAWLEY                                  M                      GUILDFORD                                CS
     Medical Imaging Partnership Crawley                             Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey
     CRONDALL                          G M C OS                      GUILDFORD                                 Ps
     Spire Clare Park Hospital                                       Primrose Lodge
     CROYDON                           G M C CS                      HALSTEAD                                  Ps
     BMI Shirley Oaks Hospital                                       Sanctuary Lodge
     CROYDON                                  C                      HARPENDEN                     G M C CS OS
     Croydon University Hospital                                     Spire Harpenden Hospital
     CROYDON                                  M                      HASTINGS                      G M C CS OS
     InHealth @ Croydon University Hospital                          Spire Sussex Hospital
     CROYDON                               G CS                      HATFIELD                             G M C
     West Valley Hospital                                            One Hatfield Hospital
     DARTFORD                               M C                      HAVANT                        G M C CS OS
     Darent Valley Hospital                                          Spire Portsmouth Hospital
     EASTBOURNE                              CS                      HAYWARDS HEATH                   G M CS OS
     Consultant Eye Surgeons Partnership                             Nuffield Health Haywards Heath Hospital
     (Eastbourne)                                                    HAYWARDS HEATH                            M
     EASTBOURNE                               M                      Princess Royal Alliance MRI Unit
     InHealth @ Eastbourne Imaging Centre                            HIGH WYCOMBE                        G CS OS
     Eastbourne District General Hospital                            BMI The Shelburne Hospital
     EAST GRINSTEAD                        G CS                      HITCHIN                       G M C CS OS
     The McIndoe Centre                                              Pinehill Hospital
     EAST GRINSTEAD                         M C                      HORLEY                        G M C CS OS
     Sussex Imaging @ Queen Victoria                                 Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
     ELSTREE                                M C                      ILFORD                                    M
     Elstree Out-patients Centre                                     InHealth @ Barking MRI Unit
     EPSOM                                    M                      LINGFIELD                                 M
     Alliance Medical – Clockhouse                                   National Centre for Young People with
     EPSOM                                   CS                      Epilepsy
     Consultant Eye Surgeons (Surrey)                                MAIDENHEAD                                Ps
     FAREHAM                                  M                      Huntercombe Manor
     InHealth Fareham MRI Unit                                       MAIDENHEAD                                C
     FRIMLEY                           G M C CS                      The Bridge Clinic
     Frimley Park Hospital                                           MAIDSTONE                     G M C CS OS
     FRIMLEY                                  M                      KIMS Hospital
     InHealth @ Frimley Park                                         MAIDSTONE                                 M
     GILLINGHAM                     G M C CS OS                      Medical Image Partnership Maidstone
     Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre                                 MAIDSTONE                                CS
     GREAT MISSENDEN                G M C CS OS                      Optimax Maidstone
     BMI The Chiltern Hospital                                       MARGATE                              G M C
     GUILDFORD                                R                      The Spencer Private Hospital
     Ascot Rehabilitation Ltd                                        MEDWAY/CHATHAM                G M C CS OS

     GUILDFORD                   G M C P CS OS                       Spire Alexandra Hospital
     BMI The Mount Alvernia Hospital                                 MILTON                        G M C CS OS

     GUILDFORD                            M C P                      St Mary’s Treatment Centre
     Guildford Diagnostic Imaging Centre                             MILTON KEYNES                          G CS
     Royal Surrey County Hospital                                    Blakelands Hospital
     GUILDFORD                                C                      MILTON KEYNES                     G M C OS
     Lifescan                                                        BMI The Saxon Clinic
10   Key:   G   General hospitals.   M   MRI.   C   CT.   P   PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.
South East Continued                                    South East Continued

MILTON KEYNES                         M C               SOUTHEND-ON-SEA                           P
Genesis Care                                            Southend PET-CT Centre
MILTON KEYNES                         M C               SOUTHEND-ON-SEA               G M C CS OS
InHealth @ Milton Keynes                                Spire Wellesley Hospital
MILTON KEYNES                         M C               STEVENAGE                             M C
Milton Keynes MRI Unit                                  Lister Hospital
Milton Keynes General Hospital                          THORNTON HEATH                        M C
PORTSMOUTH                             CS               InHealth@ Croydon University Hospital MRI
Consultant Eye Surgeons Partnership                     TUNBRIDGE WELLS               G M C CS OS
(Portsmouth)                                            Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital
PORTSMOUTH                              P
                                                        TUNBRIDGE WELLS                           G
Portsmouth Cancer Centre                                The Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury
PORTSMOUTH                            M C
                                                        TUNBRIDGE WELLS               G M C CS OS
Queen Alexandra Hospital                                Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital
PORTSMOUTH                            M C
                                                        WADHURST                                  Ps
St Marys Hospital
                                                        The Priory Ticehurst House
READING                            G M CS
                                                        WATFORD                       G M C CS OS
The Berkshire Independent Hospital
                                                        Spire Bushey Hospital
READING                        G M C R CS
                                                        WATFORD                               M C
Circle Reading
                                                        Watford General Hospital
READING                       G M C CS OS
Spire Dunedin Hospital                                  WELWYN GARDEN CITY                  G M C
                                                        Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
REDHILL                                 C
East Surrey Hospital                                    WEYBRIDGE                                 M
                                                        Prime Health Diagnostics Ltd
ROMFORD                                 M
InHealth @ Hornchurch MRI                               WHITELY                                  CS
                                                        Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire
Rivers Hospital                                         WINCHESTER                         G M CS
                                                        BMI Sarum Road Private Hospital
SIDCUP                                  M
Sidcup MRI, Queen Mary’s Hospital                       WINCHESTER                            M C
                                                        Royal Hampshire County Hospital
SLOUGH                                  M
National Society for Epilepsy                           WINDSOR                          G M C CS
                                                        BMI The Princess Margaret Hospital
SLOUGH                           G M C OS
Spire Thames Valley Hospital                            WINDSOR                                   Ps

(Open MRI facilities based at Spire Windsor Hospital)   Cardinal Clinic
SLOUGH                               G M C              WINDSOR                                   G

Wexham Park Hospital (Paragon Suite)                    Windsor Cardiology LLP
SOUTHAMPTON                            M C              WOKING                                    Ps

InHealth @ Adelaide Health Centre                       Life Works Community
SOUTHAMPTON                  G M C CS OS                WOKING                                    Ps
Nuffield Health Wessex Hospital                         The Priory Hospital Woking
SOUTHAMPTON                             CS              WOKING                             G C CS
Optimax                                                 Nuffield Health Woking Hospital
SOUTHAMPTON                              Ps             WORTHING                         G M C CS
Priory Hospital Southampton                             BMI Goring Hall Hospital
SOUTHAMPTON                  G M C CS OS                WORTHING                                 CS
Southampton Treatment Centre                            Panacea Medical Centre
SOUTHAMPTON                  G M C CS OS                WORTHING                                  Ps
Spire Southampton Hospital                              The Recovery Lighthouse
SOUTHEND                                CS              WORTHING                           M C CS
BMI Southend Hospital                                   Worthing General Hospital
CS   Cataract surgery.   OS   Oral surgery.                                                            11
                3    South West                                      South West Continued

     BARNSTAPLE                              CS                      POOLE                              G M C CS
     Exeter Eye LLP (North Devon District)                           BMI The Harbour Hospital
     BARNSTAPLE                           G M C                      POOLE                                     P
     North Devon District Hospital                                   The Dorset Cancer Centre
     BATH                              G M C CS                      SALISBURY                       G M C CS OS
     BMI The Bath Clinic                                             New Hall Hospital
     BATH                              G M C CS                      SALISBURY                                 Ps
     Circle Bath                                                     Clouds House
     BLACKHORSE                     G M C CS OS                      SALISBURY                               M C
     Emersons Green Treatment Centre                                 Salisbury District Hospital
     BOURNEMOUTH                             CS
                                                                     SHEPTON MALLET                  G M C CS OS
     Consultant Eye Surgeons Partnership                             Shepton Mallet Treatment Centre
     (Dorset and New Forest)
                                                                     SWINDON                            G M C CS
     BOURNEMOUTH                    G M C CS OS
                                                                     BMI The Ridgeway Hospital
     Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital
                                                                     SWINDON                              M C CS
     BRIDGWATER                               M
                                                                     Great Western Hospital
     Somerset MRI Centre
                                                                     TAUNTON                                 M C
     BRISTOL                        G M C CS OS
                                                                     Parkside Wing – Musgrove Park
     Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital
                                                                     TAUNTON                           G M CS OS
     BRISTOL                                M C
                                                                     Nuffield Health Taunton Hospital
     Southmead Hospital
                                                                     TORQUAY                         G M C CS OS
     BRISTOL                     G M C P CS OS
                                                                     Mount Stuart Hospital
     Spire Bristol Hospital
                                                                     TORQUAY                                 M C
     BRISTOL                                  Ps
                                                                     Torbay Hospital
     The Priory Hospital Bristol
                                                                     TRURO                                   C P
     DEVIZES                        G M C CS OS
     Devizes Treatment Centre                                        Alliance Medical Royal Cornwall
     DORCHESTER                          G M CS                      TRURO                           G M C CS OS

     BMI The Winterbourne Hospital                                   Duchy Hospital
     DORCHESTER                             M C                      TRURO                                   M C

     Dorset County Hospital                                          Royal Cornwall Hospital
     EXETER                                  CS                      WESTON-SUPER-MARE                         Ps

     Exeter Eye LLP                                                  Broadway Lodge
     EXETER                            G M C OS                      YEOVIL                             G M C CS

     Nuffield Health Exeter Hospital                                 Yeovil District Hospital (The Kingston Wing)
     EXETER                                   G
     Ramsay Exeter Medical
     EXETER                                                          Area
                                            M C
     Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
     EXETER                                  CS
                                                                                      Midlands West
     The Medical Eye Clinic                                          BANBURY                                           G M
     NEWTON ABBOT                            CS                      Horton Treatment Centre
     Optimax Devon                                                   BANBURY                                          M C
     PLYMOUTH                               M C
                                                                     Horton Hospital
     Derriford Hospital
                                                                     BANBURY                                       G M CS
     PLYMOUTH                       G M C CS OS
                                                                     The New Foscote Hospital
     Nuffield Health Plymouth Hospital
     PLYMOUTH                       G M C CS OS                      BIRMINGHAM                             G M C CS OS

     Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre                                  BMI The Edgbaston Hospital
     PLYMOUTH                                 P                      BIRMINGHAM                                 G M C CS
     Plymouth Oncology Centre                                        BMI The Priory Hospital
12   Key:   G   General hospitals.   M   MRI.   C   CT.   P   PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.
Midlands West Continued                         Midlands West Continued

BIRMINGHAM                                CS    OXFORD                           G M C OS
Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham                 Nuffield Health The Manor Hospital,
BIRMINGHAM                          G CS OS     Oxford
Ramsay The Westbourne Centre                    OXFORD                                   M

BIRMINGHAM                                 M    Oxford Centre of Clinical MR Research
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital                      OXFORD                            G M C P

BIRMINGHAM                                 M    Oxford Churchill Hospital
The Birmingham Upright MRI Centre               OXFORD                              G M C

BIRMINGHAM                    G M C CS OS       Oxford Radcliffe Hospital
West Midlands Hospital                          SHREWSBURY                             M C

BIRMINGHAM                                 Ps   Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Woodbourne Priory Hospital                      SHREWSBURY                    G M C CS OS

BROMSGROVE                               M C    Nuffield Health Shrewsbury Hospital
Bromsgrove Private Clinic                       SOLIHULL                                 M
CANNOCK                                    M    CMC Imaging
Cannock MRI Unit                                SOLIHULL                                CS
CHELTENHAM                           M C P      Midland Eye Institute
Cobalt Cheltenham Imaging Centre                SOLIHULL                      G M C CS OS
CHELTENHAM                    G M C CS OS       Spire Parkway Hospital
Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital             STAFFORD                               G M
CHELTENHAM                               M C    Ramsay Beacon Park
Cheltenham General                              STAFFORD                         G M C CS
COVENTRY                       G M C P CS       Rowley Hall Hospital
BMI The Meriden Hospital                        STRATFORD-UPON-AVON                     CS
DROITWICH                         G M C CS      The Stratford Clinic
BMI The Droitwich Spa Hospital                  SUNDERLAND                            G CS
DROITWICH                                  M    My Eye Clinic at Sunderland Eye
Worcestershire Imaging Centre                   Infirmary
GLOUCESTER                                 Ps   SUTTON COLDFIELD              G M C CS OS
Gladstones Clinic – Cotswolds                   Spire Little Aston Hospital
GLOUCESTER                               M C    WALSALL                                  M
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital                  InHealth @ Walsall MRI Centre
GLOUCESTER                                CS    WEST BROMWICH                            M
New Medica                                      InHealth @ Sandwell MRI Centre
GLOUCESTER                    G M C CS OS       WOLVERHAMPTON                            P
Winfield Hospital                               Alliance Medical PET-CT New Cross
GOSFORTH                                  CS    WOLVERHAMPTON                 G M C CS OS
My Eye Clinic at Gosforth Private Clinic        Nuffield Health Wolverhampton Hospital
HEREFORD                             G M C      WORCESTER                     G M C CS OS
Nuffield Health Hereford Hospital               Spire South Bank Hospital
LEAMINGTON SPA                G M C CS OS
Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital
Nuffield Health North Staffordshire
NUNEATON                                 M C
George Eliot Hospital
OSWESTRY                             G M C
Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital
(Ludlow Wing)

CS   Cataract surgery.   OS   Oral surgery.                                                  13
                5    Midlands East                                   Midlands East Continued

     BARLBOROUGH                   G M C CS OS                       LINCOLN                                 M C
     Barlborough Links NHS Hospital                                  Lincoln County Hospital
     BEDFORD                                 M C                     LUTON                         G M C CS OS
     Bedford Hospital                                                The Cobham Clinic (Luton & Dunstable Hospital)
     BEDFORD                                G OS                     NORTHAMPTON                      G M CS OS
     BMI The Manor Hospital                                          BMI Three Shires Hospital
     BOSTON                                 G CS                     NORTHAMPTON                           M C P
     Boston West Hospital                                            Northampton General
     BURTON-ON-TRENT                         M C                     NORWICH                                 M C

     Burton Clinic                                                   Global Diagnostics – Norwich
     BURY ST EDMUNDS                    G CS OS                      NORWICH                                    Ps

     BMI St Edmund’s Hospital                                        Newmarket House Clinic
     BURY ST EDMUNDS                         M C                     NORWICH                                     P

     West Suffolk Hospital                                           Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
     CAMBRIDGE                     G M C CS OS                       NORWICH                       G M C CS OS

     Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital                                    Spire Norwich Hospital
     CAMBRIDGE                        G M C CS
                                                                     NOTTINGHAM                    G M C CS OS
                                                                     BMI The Park Hospital
     Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital
                                                                     NOTTINGHAM                                 M
     CAMBRIDGE                            G M C
                                                                     InHealth @ Nottingham City MRI Centre
     Papworth Hospital
                                                                     NOTTINGHAM                    G M C CS OS
     CHESTERFIELD                            M C
                                                                     Spire Nottingham
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Trust
                                                                     NOTTINGHAM                    G M C CS OS
     DERBY                         G M C CS OS
                                                                     Woodthorpe Hospital
     Nuffield Health Derby Hospital
                                                                     PETERBOROUGH                  G M C CS OS
     DERBY                            G M C OS
                                                                     Fitzwilliam Hospital
     Royal Derby Hospital
     GREAT YARMOUTH                           CS
     East Point Vision                                               Area
     James Paget Hospital
                                          G M C

                                         M C CS                      ALTRINCHAM
                                                                               6      North West
     Hinchingbrooke Hospital                                         The Priory Hospital Altrincham
     IPSWICH                                 M C                     ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE                                   M
     Ipswich Hospital                                                InHealth @ Ashton MRI Centre
     IPSWICH                       G M C CS OS                       BLACKBURN                     G            M C P CS
     Nuffield Health Ipswich Hospital                                BMI The Beardwood Hospital
     KETTERING                     G M C CS OS                       BLACKBURN                                        M C
     Woodland Hospital                                               Royal Blackburn Hospital
     KING’S LYNN                      G M C CS                       BLACKPOOL                                  G M C CS
     BMI The Sandringham Private Hospital                            Spire Fylde Coast Hospital
     LEICESTER                                CS                     BLACKPOOL                                        M C
     Leicestershire Consultant Eye                                   Victoria Hospital
     LEICESTER                        G M C CS                       BOLTON                                     G M C CS
     Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital                              BMI The Beaumont Hospital
     LEICESTER                                CS                     BOLTON                                              M
     Optimax                                                         Ex-Scan UK Bolton Arena
     LEICESTER                     G M C CS OS                       BURNLEY                                      G CS OS
     Spire Leicester Hospital                                        BMI Gisburne Park Hospital
     LINCOLN                       G M C CS OS                       BURNLEY                                          M C
     BMI Lincoln Hospital                                            Burnley General Hospital
14   Key:   G   General hospitals.   M   MRI.   C   CT.   P   PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.
North West Continued                           North West Continued

CARLISLE                             C P CS    MANCHESTER                             M C
Cumberland Infirmary                           Nuffield Health Manchester
CHEADLE                     G M C P CS OS      MANCHESTER                               CS
BMI The Alexandra Hospital                     Optegra Manchester
CHEADLE                                   Ps   Manchester Eye Hospital
Priory Hospital Cheadle Royal                  MANCHESTER                               CS

CHESTER                                 M C    Spa Medica
Countess of Chester Hospital                   MANCHESTER                        G M C OS
CHESTER                        G M C CS OS     Spire Manchester Hospital
Nuffield Health The Grosvenor Hospital,        MANCHESTER                             G M
Chester                                        The OrthTeam Centre Working
CHORLEY                                   C    with Spire Manchester
Chorley District Hospital                      NEWTON LE WILLOWS                 G M C OS
CHORLEY                               G M C    Pall Mall Medical
Euxton Hall Hospital                           OLDHAM                                     M
CREWE                                G C CS    InHealth @ Oldham MRI Unit
BMI The South Cheshire Private Hospital        ORMSKIRK                                   C
CREWE                                     M    Ormskirk District General Hospital
Leighton Hospital                              ORMSKIRK                       G M C CS OS
LANCASTER                           G CS OS    Renacres Hospital
BMI The Lancaster Hospital                     PRESCOT                                    C
LANCASTER                               M C    Whiston Hospital
Lancaster Royal Infirmary                      PRESTON                        G M C CS OS
LIVERPOOL                                 G    Fulwood Hall Hospital
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital             PRESTON                                M C
LIVERPOOL                               M C    Royal Preston Hospital
Royal Liverpool University Hospital            ROCHDALE                       G M C CS OS
LIVERPOOL                             G M C    BMI The Highfield Hospital
Sefton Suite University Hospital Aintree       ROCHDALE                                   M
LIVERPOOL                      G M C CS OS     InHealth @ Nye Bevan Unit
Spire Liverpool Hospital                       RUNCORN                                    C
LIVERPOOL                                CS    Halton General Hospital
Ultralase Eye Clinics LTD                      SALFORD                        G M C CS OS
LYTHAM ST ANNES                           M    Oaklands Hospital
Fylde Coast Imaging Centre                     SOUTHPORT                              M C
LYTHAM ST ANNES                          CS    CT/MRI Scanning Suite
Lancashire Eye Clinic                          Southport District General
MACCLESFIELD                            M C    SOUTHPORT                                  M
Macclesfield District General Hospital         South Manchester Diagnostic Centre
MACCLESFIELD                   G M C CS OS     ST HELENS                         G M C CS
Spire Regency Hospital                         Fairfield Independent Hospital
MANCHESTER                            G M C    ST HELENS                              M C
52 Alderley Road                               St Helens Hospital
MANCHESTER                        G M C P      STOCKPORT                                  M
Christie Clinic                                Stockport Imaging Centre
MANCHESTER                              M C    WARRINGTON                     G M C CS OS
European Scanning Centre                       Spire Cheshire Hospital
MANCHESTER                               CS    WHITEHAVEN                        G M C CS
Face and Eye Clinic                            West Cumberland Hospital (Cumbrian Clinic)
MANCHESTER                                M    WIGAN                                  M C
InHealth @ Manchester (Belle Vue)              Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
CS   Cataract surgery.   OS   Oral surgery.                                                   15
North West Continued                                            North East Continued

     WIRRAL                        G M C CS OS                       HULL                                     P
     Spire Murrayfield Hospital                                      Castle Hill Hospital
     WIRRAL                               M C                        – Jack Brignall PET Centre
     Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology                               HULL                           G M C CS OS
                                                                     Spire Hull & East Riding Hospital
     WYTHENSHAWE                          M C
     Wythenshawe Cardiac MRI & CT Centre                             KEIGHLEY                               M C
                                                                     Airedale General Hospital
                                                                     LEEDS                                    M

     Area                                                            Leeds Upright MRI Centre

                7    North East
                                                                     Nova Healthcare
                                                                                                            M C

                                                                                                       G M C CS
     ASHINGTON                               M
                                                                     Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital
     Wansbeck MRI Centre
                                                                     LEEDS                          G M C CS OS
     BISHOP AUCKLAND                         M
                                                                     Spire Leeds Hospital
     Bishop Auckland MRI Unit
                                                                     LEEDS                             G M C OS
     BRADFORD                      G M C CS OS
                                                                     Spire Methley Park Hospital
     The Yorkshire Clinic                                            LEEDS                                    P
     BRADFORD                               CS                       St James’s University Hospital
     Optegra Yorkshire Eye Hospital                                  MIDDLESBROUGH                          M C
     DARLINGTON                    G M C CS OS                       Park View Medical Clinic
     BMI Woodlands Hospital                                          MIDDLESBROUGH                        M C P
     DARLINGTON                              M                       James Cook University Hospital
     Darlington MRI Centre                                           MIDDLESBROUGH                        G M C
     DONCASTER                        G M C CS                       Tees Valley Hospital
     Park Hill Hospital                                              MIDDLESBROUGH                            C
     DONCASTER                             M C                       University Hospital of North Tees
     Doncaster Royal Infirmary                                       NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE                     CS

     ELLAND                        G M C CS OS                       Consultant Eye Surgeons Partnership
     Spire Elland Hospital                                           (North East)
     GOOLE                                  CS                       NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE                      P

     Goole District Hospital                                         Northern Centre For Cancer Care –
                                                                     Freeman Hospital
     GRIMSBY                               M C
     Diana, The Princess of Wales Hospital                           NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE G M C CS OS
                                                                     Nuffield Health Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
     GRIMSBY                                CS
     Newmedica (Grimsby)
                                                                     NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE                      G
     GRIMSBY                          G M C CS
                                                                     Ramsay Cobalt Hospital
     St Hugh’s Hospital                                              NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE                    M C
     HALIFAX                               M C                       The Newcastle Clinic
     Calderdale MRI/CT Imaging Unit                                  NORTON                            G M C CS
     Calderdale General Hospital                                     Nuffield Health Tees Hospital
     HARROGATE                          G M CS
                                                                     SCARBOROUGH                            M C
     BMI The Duchy Hospital                                          Scarborough Hospital
     HARROGATE                             M C                       SHEFFIELD                      G M C CS OS
     Harrogate District Hospital                                     BMI Thornbury Hospital
     HUDDERSFIELD                    G M CS OS                       SHEFFIELD                         G M C CS
     BMI The Huddersfield Hospital                                   Claremont Private Hospital
     HUDDERSFIELD                            C                       SHEFFIELD                              M C
     Huddersfield Royal Infirmary                                    Royal Hallamshire Hospital
16   Key:   G   General hospitals.   M   MRI.   C   CT.   P   PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.
North East Continued                          Wales Continued

SHEFFIELD                              C P     WREXHAM                         G M C CS OS
Sheffield PET/CT Centre                        Spire Yale Hospital
STOCKTON-ON-TEES                         M     WREXHAM                                M C
North Tees MRI Unit                            Wrexham Maelor Hospital
SUNDERLAND                            G CS     VALE OF GLAMORGAN               G M C CS OS
My Eye Clinic at Sunderland Eye Infirmary      Nuffield Health Vale Hospital
WASHINGTON                       G M C OS
Spire Washington Hospital
YORK                                   G M
Clifton Park Hospital
YORK                          G M C CS OS
Nuffield Health York Hospital                  ABERDEEN                               M C
YORK                                     Ps    Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
The Retreat                                    ABERDEEN                          G M C CS
YORK                                   M C     BMI The Albyn Hospital
York District Hospital                         ABERDEEN                               M P
                                               University of Aberdeen
                                               AYR                                    M C

                Wales                          Ayr Hospital
                                               AYRSHIRE                           M CS OS

ABERGAVENNY                             M C    BMI Carrick Glen Hospital
Nevill Hall Hospital                           BRECHIN                                M C

ABERYSTWYTH                               G    Stracathro Hospital
Bronglais General Hospital                     EDINBURGH                         G M C CS

BRIDGEND                             G M C     Edinburgh Clinic (Day-patient)
Bridgend Clinic Princess of Wales              EDINBURGH                      G M C CS OS
Hospital                                       Spire Murrayfield Hospital
CARDIFF BAY                   G M C CS OS      EDINBURGH                              M C
Cardiff Bay Clinic (Nuffield)                  Errington and MR Associates
CARDIFF                                   M    EDINBURGH                      G M C CS OS
European Scanning Centre                       Spire Shawfair Park Hospital
CARDIFF                       G M C CS OS      EDINBURGH                                 Ps
Spire Cardiff Hospital                         The Huntercombe Hospital Edinburgh
CARDIFF                                  CS    GLASGOW                           G M C CS
Ultralase Cardiff                              BMI Ross Hall Hospital
CARDIFF                                 M C    GLASGOW                           G M C CS
Velindre Hospital                              Nuffield Health Glasgow Hospital
CARMARTHEN                        G M C CS     GLASGOW                                   Ps
BMI The Werndale Private Hospital              The Priory Hospital Glasgow
NEWPORT                              G M C     INVERNESS                            G M C
St Joseph’s                                    Raigmore Hospital
PORT TALBOT                             M C    MELROSE                                   G
Neath Port Talbot Hospital                     Borders General Hospital
RHYL                                    M C    PERTH                                  M C
Glan Clwyd District General Hospital           Perth Royal Infirmary
SWANSEA                                 M C    STIRLING                            G CS OS
Morriston Hospital, Swansea NHS Trust          BMI King’s Park Hospital
SWANSEA                                G CS    STIRLING                                  M
Sancta Maria Hospital                          Larbert MRI
SWANSEA                                 M C    WEST LINTON                               Ps
Singleton Hospital, Swansea NHS Trust          Castle Craig Clinic
CS   Cataract surgery.   OS   Oral surgery.                                                   17
Area                                                   Area
             10        Northern Ireland                                11     Isleof Man/Channel Islands
      BALLYKELLY                   G M C CS OS               DOUGLAS                                           M C
      North West Independent Hospital                        Noble’s Isle of Man Hospital
      BELFAST                               CS               (Although this hospital is included in our
      Cathedral Eye Clinic                                   network we do not have a contract with them
      BELFAST                            G M C               at the time of going to press. We will pay fees
      Musgrave Park Hospital                                 charged at this hospital up to the daily rates
      BELFAST                                M               published by the hospital).
      Forster Green Hospital                                 GUERNSEY                               G M           C
      BELFAST                               CS               Princess Elizabeth Hospital (Victoria Wing)
      Hillsborough Private Clinic                            JERSEY                                 G M           C
      BELFAST                         G M C CS               General Hospital
      Kingsbridge Private Hospital
      BELFAST                              M C
      Alliance Medical – Mater MRI
      BELFAST                                M
      Northern MRI
      BELFAST                            G M C
      Royal Victoria Hospital
      BELFAST                         G M C CS
      Ulster Independent Clinic
      DUNDONALD                            M C
      Ulster Hospital

18   Key: G General hospitals.     M    MRI. C CT. P PET.   Ps   Psychiatric hospitals   R   Rehabilitation units.
           CS   Cataract surgery.   OS    Oral surgery.
Health-on-Line Company UK Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of
 AXA PPP healthcare Group Limited and part of the global AXA Group.
 Registered Office: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD until 31 March 2021,
 and thereafter 20 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BG. Registered in
 England and Wales No. 3655704. Underwritten by AXA PPP healthcare
 Limited. Registered office: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD until
 31 March 2021, and thereafter 20 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BG.
 Registered in England and Wales No. 3148119.

 Health-on-Line Company UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the
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 AXA PPP healthcare Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation
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