Page created by June Salazar
MAY 2021

                       Appointment Brief | May 2021   1

Introduction                                                         3

About Centrepoint                                                    4

What we do                                                          5-6

Centrepoint at a glance                                              7

Organisational structure                                             8

Role description                                                     9

Key responsibilities                                              10-11

Person specification                                                12

Centrepoint values and behavioural framework                      13-14

How to apply                                                        15

                                                          OUR VISION
                                                          To end youth
                                                          by 2037.

2    Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint

I am delighted that you are
considering becoming Centrepoint’s
Director of Strategy and Performance.
I hope that at the end of this process
you will want to come and help end
youth homeless by 2037.

Centrepoint was established in 1969
by an inspirational group led by Rev.
Ken Leech, Vicar of St Anne’s Church
in Soho, London.

Determined to do something about the scores of homeless young people sleeping rough
around his parish church, Ken got a handful of volunteers together. Armed with just £30, they
cleared the basement of his vicarage and got going. They insisted that the young people they
hosted must get involved in productive activity and I am delighted that even now, we stay true
to that ethos, and to their vision that youth homelessness should be eradicated in the UK.

We believe that youth homelessness can be ended. We know that it has many triggers, and
that it is a threat that can never be removed entirely. Nonetheless, we believe the number of
young people being made homeless can be substantially reduced; a safe and stable place can
be provided quickly for those affected; and they can be settled rapidly into a permanent home
as soon as they are ready to live independently. We also know that this vision can only be
realised by mobilising people; organisations; and governments; and working with them to bring
about change across society. We are ready for the challenge and raring to go.

Since 1969, we have helped more than 150,000 young people to change their stories and
leave homelessness behind. However, with so many young people asking for help with
homelessness each year, youth unemployment so high and a considerable dearth of affordable
housing, we have our work cut out to help today’s homeless young people grasp a better
future. Thus, we start with offering them the safety and security of a decent place to live
and then go further. We invest in inspiring and motivating them to get healthy and stay
healthy; and to gain skills, training, qualifications, and employment. Recently, we launched a
new independent living programme through which we are investing in delivering genuinely
affordable starter homes for those who are ready to live independently.

We are looking for a leader who is as passionate as we are about ending youth homelessness
and about helping young people to get skills, a job, and an affordable home; an experienced
and innovative leader who has the gravitas and interpersonal skills to inspire a diverse range
of stakeholders to take action to realise our vision; and someone who wants to be part of a
dynamic and ambitious team.

This is an exciting opportunity to help so many marginalised young people to change their
stories. I hope it excites you as much as it does us and I look forward to meeting you.

Seyi Obakin OBE
Chief Executive

                                                                           Appointment Brief | May 2021   3

                                                         WHAT IS CENTREPOINT?
                                                         Centrepoint exists to make a difference for young
                                                         people - a difference that lasts. Our vision is to end
                                                         youth homelessness nationally by 2037. We will
                                                         achieve this by delivering exemplary services for
                                                         young people, and use the insight from this work to
                                                         drive systemic change.

                                                         We are passionate about our work, seeing in all our
                                                         young people what they can be rather than what
                                                         they are. We see their potential rather than their
                                                         limitations and we share their hope that, with our
                                                         help, they will realise their ambitions.

                                                         As we work towards this, our core values underpin
                                                         everything we do.

                                                         WHAT ARE OUR VALUES AND WHAT DO
                                                         THEY MEAN TO US?
                                                         We always put the good of young people and
                                                         Centrepoint first.

                                                         We are ambitious for young people and we have
                                                         relentless drive, commitment and resilience to
                                                         achieve that.

                                                         Our work is a service that supports and challenges
                                                         each person in our sphere of influence to fulfil their
                                                         potential and ensure that they are engaged and
                                                         inspired to perform.

                                                         We are enterprising and innovative - professional,
                                                         optimistic and always thinking about how to improve.

                                                         We know what we have to do and why. We have high
                                                         standards and expectations of ourselves.

                                                         We deliver for, and with, young people in a way that
                                                         is creative, inspiring and enjoyable.
4   Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint

                                                       OUR APPROACH
                                                       Young People at the Centre

                                                       We are ambitious for young people and we strive to
                                                       put them at the centre of our work. The work that we
                                                       do is always informed by the needs of young people,
                                                       and we are committed to empowering young people
                                                       to influence every aspect of what we do.

                                                       Preventing Youth Homelessness

                                                       The housing system can be confusing, but there is
                                                       help out there and young people don’t have to wait
                                                       until they’re on the streets to get it. The Centrepoint
                                                       Helpline works to prevent youth homelessness by
                                                       offering free and confidential advice and support to
                                                       anyone in England aged 16-25. It also offers advice
                                                       to people worried about a young person they know.
                                                       The Centrepoint Helpline helps with issues including
                                                       sofa surfing, options for when the council cannot
                                                       provide support, pregnant women and those with
                                                       children, non-UK citizens and those fleeing violence.
OUR STRATEGY                                           We connect callers to the right services as quickly
                                                       as possible and help young people put a plan into
Our new strategic period - “Change The Story: Ending
Youth Homelessness All Together” - commenced in
                                                       Safe and Secure
April 2021. Central to the strategy is our vision to
end youth homelessness nationally by 2037. This
                                                       Supported Housing forms a fundamental stepping
means that nobody born today will need to face
                                                       stone in building a future where young people
homelessness when they reach 16. This is something
                                                       can realise their potential. To give homeless young
that we cannot achieve alone. We will deliver
                                                       people safety and security, we provide a range
exemplary services for young people, and use the
                                                       of accommodation types starting from short stay
insight from this work to drive systemic change.
                                                       assessment centres through to hostels and longer-
                                                       term accommodation in supported foyers and
During the next five years we will:
                                                       flats. Our aim is for young people to live in these
i.   Optimise the way that we work to build the        accommodation types for a maximum period of two
     capacity needed to deliver this strategy.         years.
ii. Prevent those young people who face immediate
    homelessness from experiencing it.                 Enable, Inspire and Motivate

iii. Support those young people who become             The focus of our support work is to inspire and
     homeless by delivering exemplary and innovative   motivate each young person to achieve the right
     services that lead to a home and a job.           outcomes for them. Our young people have varying
iv. Amplify the voices of homeless young people,       needs and we work with each young person as an
    promoting solutions that break the youth           individual, focusing on their particular needs. We
    homelessness cycle.                                offer interventions that are directed on:

                                                                                 Appointment Brief | May 2021    5

•   Health - As you can imagine, being homeless is          Partnering, Campaigning, and Orchestrating
    not easy for a young person. A significant number
    of our young people report various health issues        We cannot end youth homelessness without
    and many are neither registered with a GP nor           mobilising society to drive systemic change.
    have much knowledge of how to live healthily.
                                                            •   We encourage and support other organisations to
    Mental health is a particular problem as sixty
                                                                deliver services that are proven to reduce youth
    percent of our young people report experiencing
                                                                homelessness. This includes over one hundred
    a mental health issue. Our services include
                                                                organisations that are part of our partnering
    counselling, exercise, healthy living workshops,
    sexual health and emotional support. We also
    work with several partners to ensure that               •   We campaign to influence the policies that
    young people receive the support they need                  impact on young homeless people, including
    expeditiously.                                              housing, skills, education, benefits and health,
                                                                at all levels of government. Our influencing is
•   Skills 4 Work - Many homeless young people
                                                                supported by research, including commissioned
    have missed out on both formal education
                                                                studies, and importantly what young people tell
    and vocational training. Many have negative
                                                                us every day through our service provision.
    experiences from their previous education and
    need intensive support to restart learning. Our         •   We work equally hard to mobilise society,
    highly experienced and dedicated team offers                encouraging people to get involved by giving
    information, advice and guidance, as well as                time and/or money. We orchestrate changes to
    functional skills tutoring; traineeships; and expert        practice, supporting local authorities and local
    advice and support to secure employment.                    agencies around the country not only to secure
                                                                the best outcomes for homeless young people,
•   Skills 4 Life - A number of homeless young
                                                                but also to deliver much needed services.
    people have not had the chance to develop the
    skills that they need to live independently. We
    work with young people to develop the ability to
    manage their finances and maintain independent          OUR FINANCES
    homes. We also support young people to access
    free legal advice on a wide range of issues             We are currently finalising our financial results for
    including employment rights, housing rights,            2020-21, and despite the pandemic they remain
    consumer rights, civil liberties, social welfare, and   strong. Income for the year ending 31 March 2020
    immigration.                                            was £44 million, an increase from £34 million in
                                                            2018-19. The main driver for the increase was
Live Independently                                          voluntary income, which amounted to £23.4m, an
                                                            increase of £4.9 million from 2018-19, as well as
Once young people are ready to move on from our             the surplus on the sale of a housing property of £4.2
supported services, we work hard with them to find          million. The remaining income is largely made up of
appropriate options for living independently. This          statutory contracts and rental income. Total reserves
could be council or housing association property,           stood at £22.8m, of which £10.7m has been invested
private sector housing, or one of the independent           in fixed assets, mostly properties that young people
living units we are now developing ourselves. We            so desperately need.
already offer 100 beds of accommodation that we
are converting for independent living. However, with
options so tough for young people, our ambition is
to offer an additional 300 beds of independent living       For more information about the charity please visit
accommodation for young people by 2026.                     our website

6     Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint
                                                                 Chief Executive


       Director of               Director of                                  Director of           Director of People,
                                                      Director of                                                             Director of Policy
       Support &                 Strategy &                                    Finance &                  Skills &
                                                      Fundraising                                                             & Communication
        Housing                 Performance                                   Compliance               Employability

        Housing & Support          Strategy, Cross-    Individual Giving &                                                         Databank Research
                                    organisational           Legacy                                                                   & Evaluation
             Includes                                                                 Finance
           participation,             change, &                                                          Centrepoint Works
           immigration                Digitisation

                                                       Independent Living
                                                            Appeal                                             People                    Policy
                                     Technology                                    Procurement
                                                                                                           Includes Skills
             Business                                                                                     Development, HR

                                    Data Insight &                                                                                  Media & Public
                                     Performance             Philanthropy          Internal Audit                                      Affairs
        Health & Wellbeing

                                                                                     Quality &                                      Communications
                                      Helpline          Trusts & Statutory
                                                                                    Compliance              Relationship
        Property & Facilities                                                                                 Director
           Management                                                                                      CP Trading Ltd

                                       Informed            Corporate                                                               Centrepoint Alumni
                                     Environment          Development
                                                                                                         Independent Living

                                                          End Youth

    Board of Trustees                                                        Senior Executive Team

    Centrepoint’s Board of Trustees is made up of                            The Senior Executive Team, which this
    twelve voluntary members, selected based on their                        role is part of, takes responsibility for
    expertise.                                                               implementing Centrepoint’s overall strategy.
    The principal role of the Board is governance.                           It decides on and introduces new directions to
    Within this, the Board supports executives, stretch                      keep Centrepoint’s strategy relevant in a constantly
    and challenge them constructively, set strategy,                         changing world.
    and scrutinise performance accordingly. These
                                                                             The team consists of seven staff members,
    activities are carried out with the overarching view
                                                                             including the Chief Executive who is ultimately
    of stakeholder interests (especially young people)
                                                                             accountable to the Board of Trustees.
    and Centrepoint’s governance rules.

8       Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint

                    Job title           Director of Strategy and
                    Career family       Senior Executive Team (SET)
                    Salary              Circa £85,000 per annum
                    Reports to          Chief Executive

                   OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE ROLE
                   Centrepoint’s vision is to end youth homelessness
                   by 2037. Our driving goal is therefore to deliver
                   exemplary services that lead to a job and a home
                   for young people and to use insight from this work
                   to partner, campaign, and influence others to drive
                   change across society.

                   The Director of Strategy and Performance is a
                   member of the charity’s Senior Executive Team and as
                   such has joint responsibility for delivering this goal.

                   The particular responsibility of this role is to
                   work closely with the Chief Executive across the
                   organisation to ensure delivery of the strategy, joining
                   up people, processes, and technology. They will also
                   take executive responsibility for delivering insight
                   that amplifies the impact of our work; digitisation
                   of services for colleagues and young people; and
                   Centrepoint’s crisis advice service - the Centrepoint

                   The Director will:
                   •   Focus relentlessly on the vision and balance
                       effectively the trade-offs between long-term
                       strategies and medium to short-term imperatives.
                   •   Build collaborative relationships with senior
                       executives and other staff members to enable
                       successful execution of the strategy.
                   •   Promote and protect Centrepoint’s leading status
                       and reputation, building key relationships with
                       senior leaders across, and where necessary,
                       beyond the sector.
                   •   Reinforce and promote Centrepoint’s values
                       personally, both internally and externally.

                                             Appointment Brief | May 2021   9

Leadership                                                  •   Establish and develop strong interpersonal
                                                                relationships with the Chief Executive, the Senior
•    Work with the Chief Executive, Senior Executive            Executive Team, and a wide range of internal
     Team, and across the organisation to optimise              stakeholders, negotiating with and influencing
     Centrepoint’s performance in executing the                 peers, other colleagues, and the Chief Executive
     strategy. This will include scanning the external          as required.
     environment to understand the changing
                                                            •   Foster an inclusive organisation, challenging
     landscape (including in thinking and legislation)
                                                                discrimination and promoting equity, diversity,
     and bringing that insight to bear across the
                                                                inclusion, and cohesion.
     organisation, informing, training and coaching
     people, as appropriate.                                •   Work with others and as part of cross directorate
                                                                teams to ensure communications within and
•    Provide strategic and operational leadership that
                                                                between the teams are effective and successful
     inspires and motivates staff within the team and
                                                                outcomes are delivered.
     more widely across the charity. This will include
     articulating the vision and strategy in a way that     •   Representing Centrepoint externally and
     creates excitement, enthusiasm, and commitment             internally, being an effective ambassador for the
     from colleagues as well as a pathway from the              organisation.
     vision to outcomes.
                                                            Impact and risk
•    Act internally and externally as a role model for
     Centrepoint’s values, promoting a culture that
                                                            •   Ensure that the Centrepoint Helpline is an
     enables people to flourish, and the best of them
                                                                effective crisis advice service and increase its
     to develop their careers within Centrepoint.
                                                                reach significantly, working in partnership with
     Features of such a culture will include learning,
                                                                local authorities and other organisations.
     professionalism, collaboration, innovation and
     celebrating successes.                                 •   Support leaders across the organisation to
                                                                maintain and iterate functional plans, ensuring
•    Attend and actively participate in Centrepoint
                                                                that they are consistent, aligned, and cognizant
     Board and Board Committee meetings, and
                                                                with the wider strategy and business plan.
     develop, under the Chief Executive’s leadership
     and direction, relationships with relevant             •   Continuously monitor organisation performance
     members of Centrepoint’s Board.                            against the strategic plans, spotting early warning
                                                                signs of deviation, animating remedial action,
Relationships                                                   and following through to ensure such actions are
                                                                successfully executed.
•    Establish, develop, and maximise for                   •   Lead digital transformation across the
     Centrepoint’s benefit, a range of external                 organisation, including the provision of
     relationships, including with former young                 digital services for young people. Harness
     people and partners when required, in order to             technological advances to innovate and transform
     garner insights that are relevant to all aspects of        Centrepoint’s models and processes in order to
     Centrepoint’s work.                                        create new and more efficient ways of working.

10     Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint
•   Harness insights from data from all of
    Centrepoint’s work in order to animate
    continuous learning and performance
    improvement, and to encourage other
    organisations to replicate what works.
•   Lead strategically important transformation and
    development initiatives. This includes mergers/
    takeovers and integration of incoming entities.
•   Develop and implement effective processes
    for identifying, appraising, and managing risk in
    accordance with Centrepoint’s culture and overall
    approach to risk, including risks to Centrepoint’s
    reputation, brand, and finances.
•   Lead reporting to the Centrepoint Board in co-
    ordination with the Chief Executive.


•   Work proactively and on their own initiative,
    not waiting for instruction and requiring minimal
    supervision and direction as should be expected
    of a senior role such as Director.
•   Keep matters that come to their attention
    through internal meetings and meetings of Board
    Committees and the Board confidential, unless it
    has been previously decided that confidentiality is

                                                          Appointment Brief | May 2021   11

Detailed below are the type of skills, experience,          •   Experience of managing and delivering high level
knowledge, and attributes that are relevant to the role:        complex tasks to tight time deadlines and against
                                                                agreed annual income and expenditure budgets.
Skills, knowledge and experience
                                                            •   Energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to
                                                                delivering ambitious outcomes, including working
•    Significant gravitas and an excellent networker,
                                                                variable hours as needed and comfortable with
     communicator and influencer who is at ease
                                                                being both hands-on and strategic.
     and skilled in representing and promoting an
     organisation with different audiences, at different    •   Relevant professional qualification, supported
     levels and in different contexts. Able to command          by formal management learning appropriate to
     respect externally and internally.                         directorial level work.
•    Strong diplomacy, communication, and advocacy
     skills with the flexibility to adapt to different      Personal characteristics
     situations, cultures, and ways of working; at
     ease with collaborating with others, building          •   Low ego and highly team-oriented personality
     relationships and partnerships.                            that is inspired by others’ success.
•    Ability to spot and grow future leaders by             •   Growth mindset that is curious, open, and
     supporting, coaching, and developing people,               receptive to new ideas.
     especially within an environment of change.            •   Comfortable with ambiguity; handling
•    Ability to work remotely and lead change across            stakeholders with divergent viewpoints; working
     a part office/part home based team that is                 with diversity and difference; and adapting
     also geographically dispersed and managing,                to different situations, cultures, and ways of
     supporting, and developing staff in that context.          working.
•    Excellent judgement, including in balancing short      •   Purposeful, with high levels of integrity, energy,
     and long-term priorities, focusing on key issues,          and self-motivation, and thus committed to
     and identifying and managing both opportunities            achieving the best possible standards of work,
     and risks.                                                 being reflective yet pragmatic.
•    Commercially astute and strategic thinker, at          •   Politically astute, with high emotional maturity
     ease with promoting an insight led approach                and self-awareness. Open to admitting when
     while supporting innovative ideas; at ease with            things are not working, learning from mistakes,
     translating broad goals into specific actions;             and encouraging others in the same vein.
     and bringing demonstrable experience of                •   A generous spirit that seeks to help others be the
     initiating, leading, and delivering change and             best they can be and makes people feel involved,
     transformation.                                            inspired, and invested.
•    Experience of developing and implementing              •   Committed to own professional and personal
     strategic plans. Within this, demonstrable                 development.
     experience of creating and shaping the right
     culture or leading a culture change programme          •   Willing to travel.
     is essential; and proficiency in quantitative and
     qualitative data collection and analysis would be
     a helpful skill.

12     Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint
All staff at Centrepoint are expected to work according to Centrepoint’s values: energy, integrity,
entrepreneurship, focus, accountability and humility.

To help us achieve this, we have a behavioural framework that gives examples of the expected behaviours.
Below are some examples of the behaviours from the framework that are most relevant to this post. These will
be assessed at interview and are included here to inform your expectations of the role.

  Integrity                                                Energy
  We always put the good of young people and               We are ambitious for young people and we have
  Centrepoint first.                                       relentless drive, commitment and resilience to
                                                           achieve that.
  •   Present a professional and positive image of
      Centrepoint internally and externally.               •   Act decisively; have the courage to make tough
                                                               decisions and see them through.
  •   Behave with integrity - do the right thing for the
      right reasons when no-one is looking.                •   Embrace and drive change positively.
  •   Maintain confidentiality and boundaries.             •   Show optimism and a “can do” approach about
                                                               what can be achieved for Centrepoint and the
  •   Treat all people fairly and with respect,
                                                               young people we support.
      regardless of their role or background.
                                                           •   Demonstrate a positive attitude to their work,
  •   Build productive relationships, based on mutual
                                                               willingly getting involved in activities.
      trust, with staff and young people across
      Centrepoint.                                         •   Show resilience, staying calm and effective
                                                               under pressure.
  •   Face up to difficult conversations and issues in a
      constructive way.                                    •   Show determination to see things through.

                                                                                    Appointment Brief | May 2021   13
Humility                                                 Entrepreneurial

     Our work is a service that supports and challenges       We are enterprising and innovative – professional,
     each person in our sphere of influence to fulfil         optimistic and always thinking about how to
     their potential and ensure that they are engaged         improve.
     and inspired to perform.
                                                              •   Keep up to date with new developments in
     •   Show a balanced awareness of own strengths               their area of work; show an understanding of
         and development needs and their impact on                Centrepoint’s work and the factors impacting
         others.                                                  the market in which we operate.
     •   Seek out, be open to and learn from feedback;        •   Show flexibility in adapting to the changing
         continually seek out opportunities to learn and          needs of young people and our business.
                                                              •   Consider the financial impact of their decisions
     •   Show interest in and empathy for others,                 and actions.
         respecting all colleagues and young people as
                                                              •   Constructively challenge the status quo,
                                                                  identifying opportunities to do things better
     •   Seem approachable, actively offering help and            and grow our business.
         support to others.
                                                              •   Come across as proactive and innovative
     •   Actively listen, encouraging others to contribute        in coming up with new ideas and creative
         their views; be open to suggestions from others,         solutions; build positively on the ideas of
         regardless of who they are.                              others.
     •   Admit mistakes and be willing to ask for help        •   Inspire and motivate colleagues and young
         and support when needed.                                 people to be part of the continued success of

     Accountable                                              Focused
     We know what we have to do and why. We have              We deliver for and with young people in a way that
     high standards and expectations of ourselves.            is creative, inspiring and enjoyable.

     Examples:                                                Examples:
     •   Understand how their work contributes to             •   Take considered and balanced decisions in the
         Centrepoint’s overall aims, fully embracing their        interests of the young people we support.
         role and responsibilities in helping us achieve a
                                                              •   Respond to stakeholder needs and feedback,
         job and a home for all our young people.
                                                                  putting young people at the heart of all we
     •   Take ownership of issues and accountability              do and involving them in decisions that affect
         for results; can they be relied upon to use their        them.
         initiative and deliver on commitments.
                                                              •   Actively collaborate and work well with others
     •   Take personal responsibility for achieving their         across and outside the business, seeking ways
         best.                                                    to support each other’s work.
     •   Appear ambitious, setting clear and challenging      •   Share knowledge, information and best practice
         goals; help and motivate others to achieve               with colleagues; seek to learn from other areas
         results.                                                 of the business.
     •   Acknowledge and praise positive behaviours,          •   Focus your time and energy on the tasks that
         thank people and celebrate the success of                are highest priority.
                                                              •   Track progress against targets and focus on
     •   Challenge inappropriate workplace behaviours;            delivering results.
         hold others to account for their actions.

14       Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint

To apply for this position, please upload a
comprehensive CV and a supporting statement of no
more than two pages of A4 on our website.
                                                            Closing date          7th June 2021
As an inclusive employer Centrepoint actively
encourages applications from people of all                  Prospectus initial
                                                                                  14th-18th June 2021
backgrounds and cultures.                                   interviews
                                                            First panel
At Prospectus we believe passionately that a truly          interviews with       w/c 28th June 2021
inclusive workplace leads to increased social impact.       Centrepoint
We are committed to supporting our clients build
more inclusive teams. To understand how we are              Second panel
performing, we ask that you kindly complete the brief       interviews with       w/c 5th July 2021
questionnaire when you submit your application via          Centrepoint
our website.
                                                           These dates may be subject to change and applicants
                                                           will be advised in advance should this happen.
Please be assured that your responses are kept
confidential, separate from your candidate record,
are not part of any application you make, and that         RECRUITMENT PROCESS
the consultants never see individual responses to the
questionnaire. Full feedback is also available at any      Should you decide to make a formal application,
stage, to all candidates throughout the process.           you will receive feedback within seven working days
                                                           of the closing date. The successful appointment is
We would also be grateful if you could let us know         subject to satisfactory references.
if you will require any special provision as a result of
any disability should you be called for interview.

Finally please ensure that you have included mobile,       QUERIES
work and home telephone numbers, as well as any
dates when you will not be available or might have         If you have any queries on any aspect of the
difficulty with the indicative timetable.                  appointment process, need additional information
                                                           or would like to have an informal discussion,
Applications should be made via the Prospectus             please contact Alex Williams or Roberta Giubilini at
website at:                                                Prospectus on 020 7691 1920, or email:   

                                                                                    Appointment Brief | May 2021   15
Created by the Prospectus
     Talent Attraction team.
     Prospectus Ltd
     20-22 Stukeley Street
     London, WC2B 5LR

16     Director of Strategy and Performance | Centrepoint
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