Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA

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Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA

                Digitizing workers
                payments for economic
                recovery and decent work
                Example of Senegal

Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
Marjolaine CHAINTREAU, Jean Pascal MVONDO & Sonia ANNOUSSAMY,
Better Than Cash Alliance
Laurent Gonnet, Maïmouna Gueye, World Bank & Insa SADIO,
Agence Nationale des Statistiques et de la Démographie

This report follows the Better Than Cash Alliance Responsible Digital
Payment Guidelines for building inclusive digital ecosystems. The focus on
salary payments is in line with the guidance from the CPMI-World Bank
Guidelines for Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion.

Cover photo: © Sylvain Cherkaoui/RTI International
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA

 COVID-19 continues to disrupt daily life,
 strain health systems, and cause output
 and job loss in all corners of the world. Its

                                                                          © PresidenceSenegal
 economic and health impacts threaten a
 reversal of hard-fought development gains
 in recent years.

 After a year of crisis, world leaders, both
 public and private, must now more than
 ever encourage inclusive recovery to avoid worsening inequalities of all kinds. Building more
 inclusive economies is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
 and informal businesses, which are an important source of income generation and employment in
 emerging economies.

 In 2020 more than 20 million workers in Africa perceive their pay to be insufficient to live above the
 poverty line. These people are active mainly in value chains where they serve formal businesses as
 temporary day laborers, seasonal workers, or suppliers.

 In addition to modest pay, these workers are most often paid in cash, which can be prone to leakage,
 lacks traceability, and does not provide an opportunity to promote financial inclusion through
 depositing directly into a transaction account. Rigorous evidence shows that digital payments
 contribute to achieving more than 10 Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty reduction,
 women's empowerment, and decent work and economic growth.

 The work of the Better Than Cash Alliance with the World Bank and the Senegalese National
 Statistics Agency shows that digitizing the payments of temporary workers helps ensures workers
 are fairly paid what they are owed in a transparent and efficient manner. This digitization can help
 empower female workers as it reduces gaps between agreed upon and actual pay received and
 gives women more control over their financial lives. It also improves the productivity of businesses
 and thus has positive economy-wide benefits.

 The opportunity of digitizing the payments of unbanked workers while providing them immediate
 access to universal health coverage is enabled in Senegal through an earlier collaboration between
 financial service providers, the private sector, and the National Agency for Universal Health
 Coverage. This can offer an important opportunity to reduce inequalities in access to health
 insurance through digital payment infrastructure. Such collaboration deserves to be scaled up and
 can serve as a model for country peers.

 This report provides recommendations to make credible advances on responsible payments
 digitization for workers in Senegal , with an emphasis on raising awareness of the benefits and
 costs amongst key stakeholders, promoting trust and fair digital payment standards, introducing
 targeted incentives to encourage digitization, and designing specific payment solutions that will
 benefit SMEs.

 We invite governments, financial service providers, companies, and civil society to use this report
 to ensure digital payments are at the center of a sustainable and fair economic recovery. We look
 forward to jointly providing leadership on this agenda to achieve an inclusive and digitally
 enabled recovery.

 S.E. Macky SALL                           H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands
 President of the Republic of Senegal      United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate
                                           for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA)
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
© Better Than Cash Alliance/Elise Fitte-Duval

                                                         50 %
                                                of employee payments could add

                                                US$84        million
                                                (FCFA 45 billion) to the
                                                Senegalese economy every year.1
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
At the end of 2018, less than 20%2 of wages in Senegal’s
corporate sector were paid digitally – indicating an urgent need
to identify the untapped economic potential. The sub-Saharan
economy is projected to contract by 3.2% in 2020, according to the
International Monetary Fund. The economic gains from increasing
digitization from 20% to 50% could help to increase resilience of its
population and cushion the impact of COVID-19.3

This follow-up research, conducted in partnership with the World Bank
and the Senegalese National Bureau of Statistics (ANSD – French
abbreviation), builds on the implementation of the commitments made
by the Prime Minister of the Government of Senegal during the launch of
the country digitization agenda in 2018 with the support of the Better
Than Cash Alliance.4

The interviews of 343 businesses in 19 sectors, including the
priority sectors highlighted in the Plan for an Emerging Senegal
(PSE – French abbreviation), provide important reasons why wages
of employees, especially informal workers, need to be digitized:

   »   80% of the total workforce
       in the infrastructure, livestock and agriculture sectors
       are informal workers, that is, seasonal employees or
       day employees with contracts generally less than
       3 months in duration.

   » Women wages are, on average,          3 times lower
     than that of men; 97% of their wages are paid in cash
     (versus men 91%).

   » Payments to informal employees represent some of the
     most frequent payments made by employers, and cash
     management costs can account for up to 7%5 of the
     total payroll.

   » It can take up to    26 days      to distribute payroll
     for companies where the vast majority of employees
     are being paid in cash – often leading to negative
     impacts on employee productivity and morale.

   » Meeting the expectations of employees is the main
     challenge in driving adoption of digital payments. In addition,
     businesses want to ensure that the digitization of wages is
     responsible and sustainable and reflects fair pricing by the
     providers of digital payments.
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
This research also found that the benefits of payment digitization are
                  clear for both employers and employees:

                    »    Employers recognized an increase in transparency,
                         fair treatment of employees and security. Productivity
                         gains were also observed alongside a reduction of
                         operational costs.

                    »    Employees recognized a direct impact on the
                         improvement of their living and working conditions.
                         Some of the benefits mentioned relate to time savings,
                         comfort and security, as well as access to formal modes of
                         payment previously inaccessible given their social status.

FOR EMPLOYERS…                               FOR EMPLOYEES…

TRANSPARENCY,                                IMPROVEMENT
FAIR TREATMENT OF                            OF LIVING AND

                                                                 ACCESS TO
                                                                 FORMAL MODES
                                                                 OF PAYMENT

                                             TIME SAVINGS
           REDUCTION OF
                                                               AND SECURITY
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
© Better Than Cash Alliance/Elise Fitte-Duval
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
8 key lessons FROM COMPANIES FOR
                                 According to the ANSD, 81%6 of businesses in Senegal are
                                 defined as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with
                                 fewer than 20 employees whose contracts last less than 3
                                 months. SMEs have the lowest rate of wage digitization at
                                 7%7 and thus the greatest potential for digitizing payments.

                                 The SMEs with a digitization rate of wages between 53%8 and
                                 67%9 (typically employing between 20 and 39 permanent staff)
                                 are considered wage digitization champions.

                                 Amongst the 343 companies surveyed, lessons from the champions
BUILD the digital                who have successfully digitized worker payments inform key
transformation                   success factors. These can be helpful for other SMEs embarking on
                                 their digitization journey.

  KEY LESSONS                                              CREATE value
  • L
     esson 1: Analyse                                     proposition for both
    the direct and indirect                                employee and companies
    costs associated with
    cash management
                                      KEY LESSONS
  • L
     esson 2: Involve
    employees early in                • Lesson 1: Co-create clear value propositions so
    the project                         management, employees, and service providers all
                                        experience benefits
  • L
     esson 3: Ensure
    the reliability of                • Lesson 2: Provide step-by-step support, beginning
    data to successfully                with a pilot phase and on-site digital payments
    identify and better               • Lesson 3: Build trust by ensuring fair treatment
    understand what                     of employees. Regular awareness and training
    employees need                      campaigns, jointly organized by the company and
                                          the service provider, should lead to broader and
                                             sustainable adoption

                          KEY LESSONS
                          • Lesson 1: Anticipate liquidity needs
with the local            • Lesson 2: Engage key stakeholders so employees can
digital financial           also make their payments for utilities, food and other
ecosystem                   necessities digitally (extending agent networks or
                            promoting wider acceptance of digital payments)
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
Scaling wage digitization at the
national level:
To successfully develop and accelerate the digitization of worker payments at scale
in Senegal, actions are required to overcome the main challenges. Five challenges and
the recommendations to address them are outlined below:

Summary of recommendations10 for key ecosystem players

        CHALLENGES                                         RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION

                                ADMINISTRATION                               SERVICE PROVIDERS         REGULATORS

1    Raise PSE priority
     industries awareness
                                Train SMEs and employee representative (This could be
                                implemented by the government itself or in partnership with industry
                                bodies or international partners)
     about the risks,
     the costs of cash
     handling and the                                                        Provide training
     benefits of digitization                                                by sector and
     of payments                                                             activity chain

2    Strengthen trust in
     digital payments and       Promote all the responsible digital payment guidelines11 especially the cost
                                transparency of Financial Service Providers (FSPs)
     improve fair treatment
     of end users

3    Government
     to incentivize
                                Update the existing law that
                                requires any payments above
                                US$180 to be paid via bank transfer
     wage digitization
                                by way of:
                                • Ensuring it includes all other
                                  digital payments solutions and not
                                  just banking
                                • It covers payments above or
                                  equal to US$53 (Senegal’s official
                                  minimum wage)

4    Design client-
     centric solutions for
                                Promote universal health coverage for all informal employees (see next page)

     informal employees                                                      Make digital financial
                                                                             services accessible
                                                                             on any technology
                                                                             (smartphones and
                                                                             feature phones)

5    Design SME-
     specific solutions
                                                                             Bundle digitization
                                                                             solutions and
                                                                             financing services for
                                                                             SME’s growth
Digitizing workers payments for economic recovery and decent work - HIGHLIGHTS - APRIL 2021 - UNSGSA
Quick win on health
                                                77%                 coverage ready to
                                                of workers          be implemented
                                                interviewed would
                                                                    Wage digitization has the potential to reduce inequalities in access to
                                                accept digital      health insurance between formal and informal employees. Whereas
                                                payments if this    formal employees with contracts benefit from pensions and health
                                                                    insurance contributions by their employers, informal employees do not
                                                could come with     receive any form of social protection even though health issues are one of
                                                access to health    the top 3 causes for employment loss and absenteeism. Wage digitalization
                                                coverage            could bridge this gap. Digital payment services could be connected to
                                                                    the Senegalese Universal Health Coverage digital infrastructure,12 and
                                                                    informal workers could be directly enrolled in the national universal
                                                                    health scheme, which is subsidized in Senegal with a yearly enrolment
© Better Than Cash Alliance/Elise Fitte-Duval

                                                                    fee below US$1. This would be a major quick win as it would provide
                                                                    informal workers immediate access to minimal social protection with
                                                                    cheaper, local health services throughout Senegal, which is especially
                                                                    important for women.

                                                                    Implementing the recommendations in this report will not only drive the
                                                                    realization of a range of benefits for employers and employees, it will also
                                                                    contribute to six of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by:
                                                                    • Improving the well-being of employees (SDG3)
                                                                    • Promoting decent work and economic growth (SDG8)
                                                                    • Identifying benefits experienced by businesses that have begun digitizing
                                                                       and sharing what businesses that have not yet digitized their payments
                                                                       face in order to understand their motivations and challenges (SDG 9)
                                                                    • R
                                                                       educing inequalities in access to health coverage in digital wage
                                                                      distribution (SDG 10) and especially for women (SDG 5)
                                                                    • A
                                                                       ccelerating the responsible digital transformation of SMEs through
                                                                      partnerships (SDG 17)
© Better Than Cash Alliance/Elise Fitte-Duval
© Better Than Cash Alliance/Elise Fitte-Duval

                                                                                                                                                                                              Full report in French with lessons
                                    Numérisation du paiement                                                                                                                                  from 300+ companies operating
                                    des travailleurs pour                                                                                                                                     across over 19 sectors.
                                    la relance économique et
                                    le travail décent
                                    Exemple du Sénégal

                                    AV R I L

         ETUDE DE CAS                                                                                                                                                                           ETUDE DE CAS                                                                                                                                                       ETUDE DE CAS
         ENTREPRISE                                                                                                                                                                             ENTREPRISE                                                                                                                                                         ENTREPRISE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             © Présidence Sénégal / Photos : Papa Matar Diop
                   LE BIEN-ÊTRE DES SALARIÉS,                                                                                                                                                             VERS LA MODERNISATION ET
                                                                                                                                                           © Compangnie Sucrière du Sénégal

                   PILIER DE LA STABILITÉ DE                                                                                                                                                              LA PROFESSIONNALISATION                                                                                                                                            LA PAIE DIGITALE RÉDUIT LES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                © Wizall Money

                   L’ÉCOSYSTÈME LOCAL                                                                                                                                                                     DES ÉLEVEURS                                                                                                                                                       COÛTS DE LA GESTION DU CASH
                   La Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise (CSS) s’étend sur plus          saisonniers et salariés le paiement des salaires via Mobile

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dès sa création en 2005, la Laiterie du Berger s’est affirmée         l’entreprise sociale Kossam – Société de Développement de                                    Dans le cadre de sa politique de croissance et de lutte contre       Le paiement via Mobile Money a permis de


                   de 15 000 hectares dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal aux           Money, offrant un nouveau mode de paiement à ses
                   portes de la ville de Richard-Toll. Le complexe agro-industriel   travailleurs. Aujourd’hui, près de 90% des paiements de                                                              comme une entreprise sociale pionnière au Sénégal.                    l’Élevage (Kossam SDE).                                                                      la pauvreté, le Gouvernement du Sénégal a mis en œuvre           digitaliser 80% des employés, initialement payés
                   de la CSS permet de réaliser l’ensemble des opérations de         salaires en valeur sont numérisés via virements bancaires,                                                               Aujourd’hui, la Laiterie du Berger est devenue le second               Kossam SDE vise à structurer et renforcer la filière                                    des projets d’infrastructures de transport. La nouvelle ligne    en espèces. Fortement portée par la Direction, cette
                   transformation de la canne en sucre raffiné.                      cartes salaires et Mobile Money.                                                                                     acteur du marché sénégalais des yaourts et la principale              laitière en fournissant des services de proximité (aliments                                  Train Express régional (TER) reliera en 45 minutes Dakar à       initiative a permis de réduire les coûts de 15%,
                       Créée aux début des années 1970, la CSS est devenue               Le salarié est au centre des préoccupations de la CSS.                                                           entreprise nationale de transformation du lait local. Elle            pour bétail, fourrages…), de la formation et du conseil aux                                  l’Aéroport International Blaise Diagne (AIBD). Le Groupement     de gagner en temps de productivité et en traçabilité.
                   un acteur essentiel de l’économie régionale. Elle emploie         La CSS souligne à ce titre que le bien-être de ses salariés                                                          travaille avec la Coopérative des éleveurs de Dagana qui              éleveurs locaux.                                                                             Eiffage / CSE / Yapi Merkesi est en charge des travaux et des    Pour les employés, c’est l’égalité de traitement, et surtout
                   environ 8 000 personnes en période de campagne sucrière           contribue certes à une meilleure productivité, mais représente                                                       regroupe 850 éleveurs Peuls, emploie 300 salariés et produit               En février 2020, Kossam SDE lance avec succès                                           installations des infrastructures reliant la ville de Dakar à    la sécurité qui ont transformé leur quotidien.
                   (de novembre à juin) se positionnant ainsi, après l’État, à la    surtout un pilier de la stabilité de l’écosystème local.                                                             chaque année 6 000 tonnes de yaourt. Début 2019, afin de              la dématérialisation de la «paie» auprès de plus de                                          Diamniadio (36 kms) et de Diamniadio à l’AIBD (19 kms).
                   1ère place des employeurs privés du Sénégal.                          La CSS est donc très investie dans la qualité des services                                                       consolider l’activité et la filière laitière, la Laiterie du Berger   850 éleveurs, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration des
                       Dès 2009, la CSS équipe ses salariés non-bancarisés           rendue à ses salariés et à leurs familles, notamment en terme                                                        et la Coopérative des éleveurs de Dagana ont cofondé                  conditions de vie et de travail des éleveurs.
                   de cartes salaires. En 2018, elle déploie auprès de ses           d’offres de services financiers formels comme informels.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LES BENEFICES DE LA DIGITALISATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                          LES BENEFICES DE LA DIGITALISATION                                                                                  Au lancement,                                  POUR L’ENTREPRISE…                            POUR L’EMPLOYÉ…
                   LES BENEFICES DE LA DIGITALISATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         95% des
                                                                                                                                      2,300                                                               POUR L’ENTREPRISE…                                   POUR L’EMPLOYÉ…                                                éleveurs ont
                   POUR L’ENTREPRISE…                                        POUR L’EMPLOYÉ…                                          personnels                                                                                                                                                                              été payés par
                                                                                                                                      permanents et                                                                                                                                                                           Mobile Money;                                                                                PLUS DE
                                                                                                                                      jusqu’à 6,000                                                       GAIN DE                                              CONFORT, GAIN                                                  10% ont
                   INTÉGRITÉ & TRANSPARENCE                                  DIVERSIFICATION DES MOYENS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PLUS                                          SECURITE                                       PLUS
                                                                                                                                      saisonniers                                                         PRODUCTIVITÉ                                         DE TEMPS ET D’ARGENT                                           réalisé leurs
                  • Immédiateté des paiements auprès du                      DE PAIEMENTS                                             pendant la
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             D’EFFICIENCE                                  ET DE                                          D’INCLUSION
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Réduction d’1/3 des effectifs                       L’éleveur choisit son jour pour aller récupérer                transactions                                                                                 TRANSPARENCE                                   FINANCIÈRE
                    bénéficiaire final.                                     • Pour les non bancarisés et employés à                   période de                                                           dédiés au traitement et la                          sa paie, le lieu de retrait et économise:                                                                    • Gain de 15% sur les coûts liés
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              seuls, sans
                  • «Nous souhaitons remettre le salaire                      faibles revenus, le Mobile Money apparaît               campagne                                                             distribution de l’argent liquide.                                                                                  l’aide des                                      au traitement des salaires                  • Une plus grande sécurité,                     Augmentation des usages
                                                                              comme un nouveau moyen de paiement                      sucrière                                                                                                                 • des frais de déplacement mensuels                                                                                                                          liée au fait de ne plus avoir à               en 9 mois :
                    le plus rapidement possible et le plus                                                                                                                                               • Réduction des risques d’erreurs.                      (500-2000 FCFA).                                             équipes du                                    • Gain de 8 jours de délai
                    directement possible, sans recours                        en dehors du système bancaire classique,                                                                                                                                                                                                        fournisseur                                     permettant des paiements                      transporter le cash sur soi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Taux de détention
                    au cash et sans frais pour le salarié»                    adapté au profil des travailleurs, et comme                                                                                • Frais pris en charge par                            • du temps d’attente (qui pouvait durer jusqu’à                de service:                                     au plus tard le 30 du mois
                                                                                                                                      Une digitalisation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Discrétion sur les montants                     de wallet ~20% (+7%)
                    Secrétaire Général de la CSS.                             un relais de la carte salaire, un produit en                                                                                 les éleveurs.                                         1 journée sous une température de 40°C).
                                                                                                                                      qui a démarré                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Gain de productivité lié à la                 des salaires de chaque salarié                • Achat de crédit
                                                                              fin de commercialisation par les banques.
                                                                                                                                      dès 2009                                                                                                                                                                                                                                disparition des files d’at-                 • Egalité de traitement:                          téléphonique +14%
                                                                                                                                      avec les cartes                                                                                                                                                                         850                                             tente et de l’absentéisme des                 “Tout le monde est payé en
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Transferts +11%,
                                                                                                                                      salaires, afin de                                                                                                                                                                       éleveurs                                        employés pour organiser les                   même temps” & “Même
                   TRAÇABILITÉ & SÉCURITÉ                                    AUTONOMIE DES SALARIÉS                                   limiter le nombre                                                   TRAÇABILITÉ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       paiement de factures +6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              transferts d’argent vers leurs                quand on est absent, on est
                  • Traçabilité du début à la fin de l’ensemble             • Les salariés sont seuls maîtres de leurs                d’intermédiaires,                                                  • Traçabilité du début à la fin de                    SÉCURITÉ                                                                                                       familles: 115 postes Equiva-                                                                • Ouverture de comptes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            payé” (week-end compris)
                    des opérations et historisation avec
                    garantie de la réception du salaire par la
                                                                              salaires, sans que personne n’ait à
                                                                              s’interposer entre eux et l’entreprise.
                                                                                                                                      les risques de
                                                                                                                                                                                                           l’ensemble des opérations et
                                                                                                                                                                                                           historisation avec garantie de la
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • L’éleveur récupère sa paie en toute sécurité
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               et discrétion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              48%                                             lent Temps Plein / mois                                                                       d’épargne.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              des éleveurs
                    bonne personne à une date précise.                        Les salariés sont donc ensuite libres d’en              et de fraudes et                                                     réception du salaire par la bonne                                                                                  sont des femmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Réduction du risque d’agression physique.
                                                                              disposer, sans qu’aucune retenue ne                     la pratique de                                                       personne à une date précise.
                  • Sécurité des transactions.
                                                                              puisse être appliquée.                                  l’usure informelle

   Improving workers wellbeing                                                                                                                                                                Towards the modernization of                                                                                                                                       Impact of payments digitization
   to maintain social stability at                                                                                                                                                            payments for small farmers.                                                                                                                                        for reducing the costs of cash.
   the local level.                                                                                                                                                                           Insights from La Laiterie du Berger,                                                                                                                               Experiences from Eiffage,
   Lessons from La Compagnie Sucrière                                                                                                                                                         a dairy processing company, on                                                                                                                                     a construction company in Senegal
   du Sénégal an agribusiness company                                                                                                                                                         digitizing payments to over 8000                                                                                                                                   digitizing payments for workers, and
   in the sugar sector and the biggest                                                                                                                                                        small farmers from remote areas                                                                                                                                    the financial savings achieved from the
   private sector employer in Senegal                                                                                                                                                         with limited agent networks.                                                                                                                                       reduction of cash payments.
   in digitizing payments for over 8,000
   seasonal workers.
The authors are deeply grateful for the leadership of H.E. President Macky SALL
and H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands as UNSGSA for driving the agenda of
workers payments digitization to advance decent work and economic recovery.

Among many others, the authors would also like to thank the representatives
of the Government of Senegal : H.E. Omar BA (Senegal Presidency) ; H.E. Samba
SY Minister of Labour (Govt of Senegal) ; ANSD Team : Babacar NDIR, Allé NAR
DIOP, Mbaye FAYE, Ouleye KALIDOU SOW, Insa SADIO, Ibrahima TALL, Moustapha
TALL, Ousmane DIOUF, Fatou SIDIBE, Astou DAKONO, Jean Paul DIAGNE,
Ousmane DIOUF, Cheikh FALL, Djibril DOUMBOUYA, Mamadou DAFFE, Ibrahima
DIOP. Agence Nationale de la Couverture Maladie : Dr. Bocar DAFF, Racine
SENGHOR, Mouhamed Mahi SY. Private sector representatives : Claude FIZAINE,
M. TOURE, M. GUEYE, Salim DIOP (Compagnie Sucrière du Sénégal) , Alassane
GUEYE (Ecobank), Birame SARR (Eiffage), ; Jonathan MICHAUX, Mamadou FALL
(Laiterie du Berger – Kossam SDE), Jurriaan BUDDE (MyAgro), Ousmale SARR,
Sidy MOCTAR, Mohamed DIALLO (Orange Money), Nahomi IBRAHIM (Paydunya),
Alexandra BESTARD VIGIER, M. DAVRON (SPS Sécurité), Omar CISSE (Touch),
Sébastien VETTER, Quentin de RAVIGNAN (Wizall Money), Matthieu VACARIE,
Antoine LEROUX (YUP), Filfili RANDA (Zena Exotic Fruit), Karidja BAMBA (Visa),
Mohammad RIZWANULLAH (Mastercard). The authors also acknowledge the
valuable contribution of : Peter McConaghy (UNSGSA) ; Pia TAYAG (UNSGSA);
Dorothée DELORT(World Bank) and the Alliance Editorial and Publication
Committee : Harish NATARAJAN (World Bank), Paul NELSON (USAID), Maria
MAY (Gates Foundation), Bjorn SKELBRED (Vipps), Stella Klemperer (Flourish),
Daniel Schwartz (MasterCard), Amina TIRANA (VISA), Loretta MICHAELS, Jerry
GROSSMAN (Gates Foundation), Daniel MUNA (E-currency), Camilo TELLEZ
(BTCA), Tidhar WALD (BTCA), Ruth GOODWIN-GROEN (BTCA). Without forgetting
all the technical support of : Amela COSOVIC-MEDIC (BTCA), Angela CORBALAN
(BTCA), Fareeza IBRAHIM (BTCA), Elisabeth MANG.

The Better Than Cash Alliance Case Study Series
Our case study series seeks to highlight specific examples of shifts from cash to
digital payments by government agencies, companies and development partners.
Each case study aims to provide insights for a wide audience on the factors that
have helped or hindered the digitization process, and also present key results and
benefits of the transition away from cash. We hope that readers will be able to
adapt the lessons from these cases to their own contexts and local conditions.

Agence Nationale de la Statistiques et de la Démographie du Sénégal (ANSD)
The National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD - French
acronym) is responsible for the technical coordination of the National Statistical
System. It is an administrative structure with legal personality and management
autonomy and placed under the authority of the Minister of Statistics.

The World Bank Group
With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in
over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five
institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared
prosperity in developing countries.
1.    etter Than Cash Alliance, Digitization of payments: a source of growth and
     inclusive development, Senegal, https://www.betterthancash.org/tools-
     research/case-studies/country-diagnostic-senegal (27 November 2018)
2.   Ibid
3.   J eune Afrique,Coronavirus: la crise sera « pire que prévu », annonce le FMI,
      pire-que-prevu-annonce-le-fmi/ (3 July 2020)
4.    etter Than Cash Alliance, Digitization of payments: a source of growth and
     inclusive development, Senegal, https://www.betterthancash.org/tools-
     research/case-studies/country-diagnostic-senegal (27 November 2018)
5.   Source: data from interviewed companies (2020)
6.    gence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie du Sénégal and Better
     Than Cash Alliance, Numérisation des paiements : des gisements de croissance
     et de développement inclusif, https://www.bceao.int/sites/default/files/
     Senegal.pdf (2018)
7.   Ibid
8.   Ibid
9.   Ibid
10. Details provided in the full report
11. B
     etter Than Cash Alliance, Responsible digital payments guidelines, https://
    payments-guidelines (15 July 2016)
12. B
     etter Than Cash Alliance, L’Agence de la Couverture Maladie Universelle du
    Sénégal lance une nouvelle plateforme numérique « sunucmu.com », https://
    sunucmu-com (2019)


About The Better Than Cash Alliance
The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments,
companies, and international organizations that accelerates          ISBN 978-1-946173-70-6

the transition from cash to digital payments in order to reduce                               90000>
poverty and drive inclusive growth. Based at the United Nations,
the Alliance has over 75 members, works closely with other global
organizations, and is an implementing partner for the G20 Global
Partnership for Financial Inclusion.                                9 781946 173706
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