Digital Transformation Action Plans: Guidance for Law Departments

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Digital Transformation Action Plans: Guidance for Law Departments
                Digital Transformation Action Plans:
                 Guidance for Law Departments
     Companies in traditional industries are increasingly undergoing digital transformations and repositioning
     their offerings as technology products and services. Law departments must understand this trend and
     develop and implement a digital transformation action plan to effectively support their companies’ digital

                        JEFFREY R. SEUL
                        HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP

                        Jeff is a corporate, M&A, and strategic transactions partner and chair of the
                        firm’s Technology & Telecommunications Industry Sector Group. He advises
                        clients in many sectors of the tech industry, including artificial intelligence,
                        autonomous transportation, blockchain platforms and applications, clean energy
                        solutions, cloud computing, cybersecurity, digital media, enterprise systems and
                        applications, gaming, Internet of Things, digital health, robotics, semiconductors,
                        sharing economy platforms, social networks, and virtual reality.

36   December 2020/January 2021 | Practical Law                                                               © 2020 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.

Law Department

           any companies in traditional industries            „   Opening new markets for these reinvented products
           are reinventing their products, services,              and services and the technology companies
           and business models to incorporate or use              developing them.
           advanced technologies (for example, machine
learning) in more fundamental ways. Companies in              Technology-driven disruption is putting significant
industries that traditionally have used technology only       pressure on established companies in traditional
to support their internal operations and online customer      industries. Disruptive effects of the digital transformation
platforms, including energy, financial services, health       trend include:
care, transportation, real estate, and hospitality, are now   „   Bankruptcies, fire sales, and business closures.
repositioning their offerings as technology products and      „   Split-ups, spin-offs, and preparations for similar
services. For example:                                            transactions.
„   Automobile original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)        „   Forward-thinking and strategic combinations of new
    are bringing autonomous vehicles and app-based                and old companies.
    mobility services to market.
                                                              The technology-driven industry convergence trend is
„   Health care providers are promising greater wellness,
                                                              likely to accelerate and intensify over the coming years,
    prevention, and early disease detection through
                                                              supported by:
    continuous patient monitoring, coaching, and
    treatment.                                                „   Emerging platform technologies, including:
„   Real estate developers and urban planners are                 z   artificial intelligence (AI);
    building smart homes and cities.                              z   big data;

This trend, often called digital transformation, has major
                                                                  z   blockchain;
implications for these companies’ law departments. A              z   elastic cloud computing; and
proactive corporate law department should drive its               z   virtual and augmented reality.
company’s digital transformation, rather than merely          „   Fast and ubiquitous 5G connectivity and increasingly
adapt to it.                                                      powerful, energy efficient, and miniaturized
Against this background, this article:                            computer chips.
„   Provides an overview of the digital transformation
    trend, including the forces propelling digital                      Search Artificial Intelligence Key Legal Issues: Overview and
                                                                         Using Artificial Intelligence in Law Departments for more on AI.
                                                                        Search Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT):
„   Offers guidance for law departments on developing                    Overview and Blockchain Basics for In-House Counsel for more
    and implementing a digital transformation action plan.               on blockchain.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: OVERVIEW                              These developments are propelling product and service
To drive digital transformation, in-house counsel must        innovations. Companies that are able to integrate
understand:                                                   specialized expertise and talent from domains once
„   The forces propelling digital transformation.             considered to have little to do with one another will
                                                              be best positioned to take advantage of the digital
„   The strategies available to companies to take             transformation trend.
    advantage of the digital transformation trend.
                                                              DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGIES
                                                              The digital transformation strategies that law
Digital transformation of traditional industries has          departments must support differ, and some strategies
been catalyzed, in part, by startups and established          are more ambitious than others. For example:
technology companies that are reinventing a wide variety
of products and services. Digital transformation is:          „   Some automobile OEMs are opting for deep
                                                                  partnerships with major technology companies that
„   Making these products and services more:                      are developing autonomous vehicle platforms, while
    z   affordable;                                               others are seeking greater independence from large
    z   connected;                                                technology developers by designing or acquiring their
    z   convenient;                                               own platforms.
    z   enjoyable;                                            „   Certain manufacturers of tangible products, from toys
                                                                  to refrigerators to operating tables, are looking to
    z   safe; and                                                 generate revenue from proprietary, software-enabled
    z   useful.                                                   services linked to those products.
                                                              „   Other companies are deemphasizing service revenue
                                                                  by designing their products to interoperate with a

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                      range of third-party services, preferring to focus on         objects. This data is immensely valuable and presents
                      what they presently know best and providing their             challenges for law departments because it must be:
                      customers with the ability to choose among digital            z   secured;
                      service providers.                                            z   analyzed;
                  Despite these differences, digital transformation is              z   used responsibly; and
                  likely to manifest in fairly predictable patterns across          z   handled in accordance with evolving data privacy
                  traditional industries and among diverse companies.                   and security laws across jurisdictions.
                  These patterns feature:
                                                                                „   Machine learning and AI. Although the introduction
                  „   Software-enabled products and services. Most                  of general AI, often referred to as “strong AI,” remains
                      products on the market are already software enabled,          elusive and speculative, existing and emerging
                      even if their features are as basic as a mini-LED             approaches to “weak AI” are becoming increasingly
                      panel that displays settings and allows the user to           powerful and pervasive. AI algorithms already
                      program the product. Although cars are not commonly           influence how consumers shop, select movies, obtain
                      considered rolling computers, this description of them        loans, and receive health care. These algorithms
                      has long been apt. From smart home products to the            improve as they process more and higher-quality
                      components of smart electrical grids to smart city            data, and continual digital transformation increasingly
                      infrastructures, tangible products are increasingly           will supply this data. However, this data must be
                      defined by their software-enabled features and                thoughtfully gathered and curated to avoid errors and
                      the online services accessible through them. These            biases that can produce negative results (for example,
                      features and services will be continuously updated            racial discrimination in loan processing).
                      and tailored to user characteristics and requirements,
                      performing with little or no conscious effort by users.   „   Automation. Everything that can be automated
                                                                                    increasingly will be automated, from the delivery of
                                                                                    packages and pizzas to warfare. A recent report by
                                                                                    McKinsey & Company on the future of work in the US
                  Just as a company’s digital                                       predicts that:
                                                                                    z   automation will lead to net positive job growth;
            transformation strategy requires                                        z   the jobs of the future are likely to be higher skilled
                                                                                        (for example, data scientists) and concentrated in a
       diverse types of engineering, product                                            small number of urban areas; and
                                                                                        lower-skilled jobs and work in rural areas will
                development, and marketing

                                                                                        continue to decline.

            expertise, a broad range of legal                                       (See McKinsey & Company, The Future of Work in
                                                                                    America: People and Places, Today and Tomorrow
                                                                                    (July 2019), available at
              expertise also may be required.
                                                                                DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ACTION PLAN
                                                                                The law department must thoughtfully develop its digital
                  „   Always-connected products and the Internet                transformation action plan by identifying, analyzing,
                      of Things (IoT). An ever-expanding IoT is being           and accounting for the impacts of the company’s digital
                      assembled by combining existing networks and              transformation. Key steps the law department should
                      technologies with industry developments such as:          take include:
                      z   emerging 5G wireless standards;                       „   Assembling an effective legal team.
                      z   smaller and more powerful microprocessors;            „   Identifying the plan’s implications for the company’s
                      z   new sensor technologies; and                              business model.
                      z   elastic cloud computing.                              „   Understanding the plan’s impact on products and
                      The IoT uses the internet’s current functionality
                      and adds communication and data sharing among             „   Determining the plan’s effect on marketing, sales, and
                      humans, as well as a growing number of sensors,               fulfillment.
                      controllers, and other devices.                           „   Evaluating the plan’s risks.
                  „   Power and value in data. An increasing volume             „   Accounting for the plan’s impact on internal
                      of granular and real-time data is being generated,            operations.
                      captured, and analyzed within the ecosystem of
                      connected organizations, individuals, machines, and

38   December 2020/January 2021 | Practical Law                                                                    © 2020 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.

LEGAL TEAM COMPOSITION                                          „   Data privacy and security attorneys.
The law department must understand how the company              „   Compensation and benefits specialists with
is embracing the elements of the digital transformation             extensive experience creating and maintaining the
trend to assemble the right team and develop a digital              types of equity incentive programs common in the
transformation action plan for advancing the company’s              technology industry.
strategy. Just as a company’s digital transformation            „   Corporate and M&A attorneys with venture capital and
strategy requires diverse types of engineering, product             startup company expertise.
development, and marketing expertise, a broad range of
legal expertise also may be required. For example:              Law departments that do not yet have these types of
                                                                specialists may need them, and those law departments
„   Companies offering technology-supported insurance
                                                                that already have them may eventually be required to
    products and services (known as InsurTech) must
                                                                hire additional attorneys. Practices and disciplines that
    develop and market those products and services with
                                                                are standard in technology industry law departments,
    guidance from an integrated team of attorneys who
                                                                such as forward-patenting sessions and tight control over
                                                                trade secrets, will become even more common.
    z   insurance regulations;
    z   consumer protection standards;                                    Search In-House Attorney Development and In-House Counsel
    z   data strategy and privacy and security issues; and                 Skills to Support Emerging Law Department Responsibilities for
                                                                           more on developing in-house counsel skills and competencies.
    z   intellectual property (IP) law.
„   Companies participating in public-private partnerships
    to bring autonomous vehicles or smart city infrastructure   The right balance between building internal capacity
    to urban environments may require the assistance of         and relying on outside counsel will vary from company
    attorneys possessing expertise in areas such as:            to company. However, tight integration and effective
                                                                collaboration among diverse internal and external
    z   telecommunications regulations;                         specialists will be essential (for more information, search
    z   environmental law;                                      Working Effectively with Outside Counsel Checklist on
    z   real estate law;                                        Practical Law).
    z   transportation regulations;
                                                                IMPLICATIONS FOR THE COMPANY’S BUSINESS MODEL
    z   corporate law;
                                                                In-house counsel should identify and plan for a
    z   joint ventures;                                         digital transformation’s effect on the company’s
    z   public finance;                                         business model by:
    z   tax law;                                                „   Conducting an appropriately broad survey of laws and
    z   IP law;                                                     regulations applicable to the new business model.
    z   data privacy and security law; and                      „   Ascertaining how the new business model is affected
                                                                    by existing laws and regulations. This includes
    z   administrative law.
                                                                    assessing whether the new business model:
Few law departments within technology companies                     z   complies with laws and regulations, in which case
or companies in traditional industries presently have                   in-house counsel may want to advocate for the
the broad range of expertise needed to support their                    maintenance of those laws and regulations; or
companies’ digital transformation strategies.                       z   conflicts with laws and regulations, in which case in-
General counsel and other law department leaders,                       house counsel should suggest revising the products,
including senior legal operations professionals, may                    services, or business model in development to
need to significantly expand the scope of expertise                     remove the conflict, work to change the laws and
and services their law departments provide to support                   regulations to eliminate or mitigate the conflict,
their companies’ digital transformation strategies. This                develop a litigation strategy to contend with disputes
may require a complete overhaul of their departments,                   that may arise as a result of the conflict, or develop
depending on current levels of expertise and the                        a strategy that employs a combination of these
companies’ ambitions and plans.                                         approaches.
                                                                „   Identifying whether and how the business model
Many law departments already have attorneys with the
                                                                    change affects the company’s revenue model and
required expertise, including:
                                                                    developing a revised contracting structure, including:
„   Patent prosecutors and litigators.
                                                                    z   licensing;
„   Experts in heavily regulated areas, such as:
                                                                    z   subscription services; and
    z   communications; and
                                                                    z   service levels.
    z   export control.

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     Law Department

                  „   Determining whether the company’s existing products                       z   IP rights;
                      and services are incorporated in or displaced by                          z   continuity of supply or service;
                      software-enabled features and capabilities. If the
                                                                                                z   service level commitments;
                      new business model displaces existing products and
                      services, in-house counsel should:                                        z   assignment restrictions;
                      z   identify the resulting legal issues, such as potential                z   representations and warranties; and
                          customer claims based on the company’s inability to                   z   indemnities.
                          support or repair legacy products; and                            „   Develop, publicize, and audit compliance with
                      z   develop a strategy to address legal issues.                           policies and systems for approving and managing the
                                                                                                use of third-party software, including open-source
                  IMPACT ON PRODUCTS AND SERVICES                                               software, and for approving and tracking alteration
                  If the company’s digital transformation produces                              of all third-party software, components, and licensed
                  valuable datasets or original technological innovations                       data, including combinations with the company’s own
                  (such as software, hardware, or processes), in-house                          developments and data.
                  counsel should take steps to protect these assets and                     „   Evaluate and address dependencies on third-party
                  maximize their value by:                                                      application programming interfaces and terms of use.
                  „   Identifying and implementing the appropriate forms of                 In-house counsel should examine whether the company
                      IP and data protection, including:                                    intends to store its data using its own cloud infrastructure,
                      z   patents;                                                          a third-party cloud service provider, or a combination of
                      z   trademarks;                                                       the two. To ensure that the company’s data is adequately
                      z   copyrights; and                                                   protected, in-house counsel should:
                      z   trade secrets.                                                    „   Assess and address the company’s network and data
                                                                                                privacy and security issues.
                  „   Establishing programs to encourage early
                      identification of inventions, such as:                                „   Review and update the company’s privacy policies
                                                                                                and practices, terms of service, and other related
                      z   forward-patenting sessions; and                                       agreements.
                      z   patent disclosure bonuses.                                        „   Evaluate and negotiate appropriate third-party terms
                  „   Conducting offensive and defensive surveys of the IP                      of service.
                      landscape applicable to the company’s technological
                      developments to identify potentially competing IP.                    If the company’s new products and services depend
                                                                                            on dedicated access to third-party communication
                  „   Implementing a comprehensive IP portfolio
                                                                                            networks, in-house counsel should:
                      development and protection strategy.
                                                                                            „   Secure the necessary regional and global network
                                                                                                access agreements.
                            Search Intellectual Property Rights: The Key Issues for more
                             on the main categories of IP rights in the US and their        „   Consider procurement and integration of required
                             management.                                                        communications hardware modules with bundled
                                                                                                network access contracts.
                  If the company outsources development or production                       In-house counsel should address any cross-border
                  of new software or hardware, in-house counsel should                      impacts arising from hardware, software, or data
                  carefully document the distribution of IP rights among                    traveling through or residing in new countries by
                  the participating parties, regardless of whether the                      identifying and accounting for:
                  third-party developer will develop the software or
                                                                                            „   International trade regulatory issues, such as export
                  hardware entirely or whether it will be jointly developed.
                                                                                                controls on encryption technology.
                  It is especially important to secure ownership, or at least
                  strong license rights, to developments that are critical to               „   Foreign legal and regulatory implications, such as
                  the company’s digital transformation or that could not                        the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
                  easily be replaced.                                                           and International Organization for Standardization
                                                                                                requirements regarding accessibility, recycling, and
                  If the company’s new products or services incorporate,                        testing (for more information, search GDPR Resources
                  integrate with, or are dependent on third-party hardware                      for US Practitioners Toolkit on Practical Law).
                  components, software components, or data, in-house
                  counsel should:                                                           If AI technologies are used in the company’s
                                                                                            internal operations, products, or services, in-house
                  „   Ensure that the terms governing the use of those
                                                                                            counsel should:
                      components or data are consistent with the company’s
                      business and legal needs in areas such as:                            „   Assess AI systems, such as algorithms and datasets,
                                                                                                for risks, including:

40   December 2020/January 2021 | Practical Law                                                                                © 2020 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.

    z   bias;                                                                 „   Privacy.
    z   torts; and                                                            „   Procurement.
    z   data privacy and security.
„   Take steps to mitigate any identified risks.                                        Search Federal Drone Law in US for information on the US
                                                                                         federal laws related to government, recreational, and
„   Develop, implement, and enforce policies and                                         commercial use of drones.
    protocols for the responsible use of AI.
„   Track emerging legal, regulatory, and industry
    developments that may affect the company’s use of AI.
If the company’s products and services connect to and                         It is especially important to secure
function with the IoT, in-house counsel should:
„   Evaluate and address the associated impacts on data:
                                                                              ownership, or at least strong license
    z   strategy; and                                                         rights, to developments that are
    z   privacy and security.
„   Consider and plan for the issues presented by the                         critical to the company’s digital
    interaction among products, services, and components
    emanating from multiple sources, including:                               transformation or that could not
        licensing; and
                                                                              easily be replaced.

    z   liability.

          Search The Internet of Things: Key Legal Issues for more on the
           benefits and risks of the IoT and IoT privacy and data security    EVALUATION OF KEY RISKS
           regulation under US federal law.
                                                                              In-house counsel must identify and address any new risks
                                                                              that emerge from the company’s digital transformation,
EFFECT ON MARKETING, SALES, AND FULFILLMENT                                   including:
The law department should determine if the company’s                          „   Cybersecurity risks. In-house counsel should conduct
digital transformation affects its marketing and sales                            a risk assessment to determine whether the digital
strategies. If the company uses channel partners to                               transformation creates new or different cybersecurity
market and sell its products and services, in-house                               risks and develop and implement mitigation strategies,
counsel should develop or revise the promotional                                  including:
materials and agreements the company uses with                                    z   incorporating provisions in the company’s contracts
its partners, joint marketers, and resellers to reflect                               with its suppliers that require them to implement
applicable technology industry-related issues, including:                             appropriate levels of cybersecurity; and
„   IP rights.                                                                    z   recommending that the company obtain cyber
„   Licensing.                                                                        risk insurance (for more information, search
                                                                                      Cyber Insurance: Insuring for Data Breach Risk on
„   Representations and warranties.
                                                                                      Practical Law).
„   Indemnities.
                                                                              „   Product liability risks. In-house counsel should
„   Data privacy and security.                                                    determine whether the digital transformation exposes
                                                                                  the organization to new or different product liability
          Search Advertising and Marketing Toolkit for resources to assist       risks, including:
           counsel in identifying key legal and business issues when
           undertaking advertising and marketing activities.                      z   risk of bias or error from increased reliance on AI;
                                                                                  z   tort risk associated with autonomous transportation
                                                                                      or delivery; and
Regardless of whether the company delivers its products
and services using its own resources or the resources of a                        z   risk allocation within a multivendor IoT system.
third party, in-house counsel should analyze and address
the consequences of adding new modes of delivery (such                                  Search Cybersecurity Issues for In-House Counsel for more on
as drones, autonomous vehicles, or robots), including:                                   key cybersecurity issues, including steps to take when
                                                                                         developing and implementing a comprehensive information
„   Regulatory approvals and compliance.                                                 security program.

„   Safety.                                                                             Search Product Liability Claims, Defenses, and Remedies for
                                                                                        more on product liability issues.
„   Liability.

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     Law Department

                  To protect the company from identified product liability                           adopts an equity incentive plan, in-house counsel
                  risks, in-house counsel should:                                                    should provide guidance on issues related to:
                  „   Work with the company’s product development                                    z   corporate law;
                      and engineering departments and other internal                                 z   securities law;
                      stakeholders to identify and eliminate potential
                                                                                                     z   the tax implications of equity compensation for
                      bias issues.
                                                                                                         employers and employees; and
                  „   Revise the company’s sales and service agreements
                                                                                                     z   board operations.
                      and terms and conditions of sale and service to include
                      warranty disclaimers and limited indemnities.                              The company’s digital transformation may result in
                  „   Recommend that the company purchase product                                layoffs arising from:
                      liability insurance (for more information, search                          „   The reconfiguration of the company’s workforce.
                      Maximizing Insurance Coverage for Product                                  „   The addition of new capabilities.
                      Manufacturers on Practical Law).
                                                                                                 „   The relocation of operations.
                  IMPACT ON THE COMPANY’S INTERNAL OPERATIONS                                    „   The incorporation of new technologies, such as AI
                  The company’s digital transformation action plan may                               and robots.
                  have impacts across the company’s internal operations,                         In-house counsel should identify and plan for these
                  departments, and personnel. In-house counsel must                              layoffs and other labor and employment issues,
                  identify and address those impacts to ensure that they do                      including:
                  not adversely affect the success of the company’s digital
                                                                                                 „   Notification obligations arising under the Worker
                                                                                                     Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
                  Specifically, the plan may implicate:                                              (WARN Act) and state law equivalents.
                  „   Labor and employment issues.                                               „   Compliance with federal and state anti-
                  „   Corporate, tax, and accounting considerations.                                 discrimination laws.
                  „   Data strategy and privacy and security concerns.
                                                                                                           Search Reductions in Force Toolkit for resources to assist
                  „   Law department operations changes.                                                    employers in complying with legal requirements when planning
                                                                                                            and implementing a reduction in force, including plant closings
                  Labor and Employment Issues                                                               and mass layoffs.

                  In-house counsel specializing in labor and employment
                  issues should determine whether the company’s                                  If the company intends to use independent contractors,
                  employment agreements, policies, and practices are                             affiliates, or non-traditional third parties to operate the
                  suitable for its new business model, direction, and                            new business model, in-house counsel should:
                  staffing needs. If the company requires employees with                         „   Identify, analyze, and address “gig economy” labor
                  specialized technical skills, in-house counsel should:                             issues, such as the risk of employee misclassification
                  „   Assess the adequacy of the provisions included in                              litigation.
                      existing template employment agreements related to                         „   Assess and manage the liability risk of third-
                      the assignment of technical developments.                                      party conduct.
                  „   Consider the relevance and desirability of customary                       „   Draft program agreements that align with the
                      technology industry restricted covenants, such as:                             company’s view of its roles, and associated
                      z   non-competition covenants; and                                             responsibilities and risks, in the new model.
                      z   non-solicitation covenants.
                                                                                                           Search Independent Contractor Classification for more on
                                                                                                            independent contractor classification issues.
                            Search Restrictive Covenants Toolkit for resources to assist
                             employers in protecting their trade secrets and other proprietary
                             and confidential information and assets.
                                                                                                 Corporate, Tax, and Accounting Considerations
                  „   Revise the template employment agreements                                  The company’s digital transformation action plan
                      appropriately. However, in-house counsel should be                         may introduce new ways of funding, structuring, and
                      mindful of state law variations, such as restrictions                      conducting the company’s operations that in-house
                      on non-competition provisions in California and other                      counsel must be prepared to support. For example, if
                      jurisdictions, when revising those agreements.                             the company:
                  „   Research and advise the company on new and                                 „   Intends to raise funds to pay for its digital
                      different compensation models that it may need to                              transformation efforts, in-house counsel must advise
                      implement to attract qualified employees, such as                              on equity or debt financing.
                      stock options and restricted stock units. If the company

42   December 2020/January 2021 | Practical Law                                                                                         © 2020 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.

„   Participates in joint or hybrid business structures,           z   collection;
    in-house counsel may need to provide legal advice on           z   governance;
    structures such as public-private partnerships and joint
                                                                   z   privacy and security;
    ventures (for more information, search Public Private
    Partnerships: Issues and Considerations and Joint              z   use;
    Ventures: Overview on Practical Law).                          z   monetization; and
„   Licenses its IP or software-enabled services to                z   breaches.
    generate revenue, in-house counsel should consider:        „   Advising the company on its uses of data gathered
    z   surveying applicable state, federal, and foreign           through emerging technologies, such as:
        direct and indirect tax regulations, with an eye           z   facial recognition;
        to identifying possible differences between how
                                                                   z   biometrics (for more information, search Biometrics
        existing products and services are taxed and how
                                                                       in the Workplace on Practical Law); and
        new products and services will be taxed;
                                                                   z   location tracking.
    z   adopting a tax-efficient international corporate
                                                                         Search Privacy and Data Security Toolkit for resources to assist
    z   implementing appropriate revenue accounting                       counsel in creating, implementing, and reviewing a company’s
        policies;                                                         privacy and data security compliance programs.
    z   making the necessary changes to the company’s
        customer contracts; and
                                                               Law Department Changes
    z   revising the company’s Securities and Exchange
        Commission reporting protocols.                        The law department must be prepared to update its
                                                               operations in response to the digital transformation
„   Purchases emerging technology assets or entities
                                                               action plan, including by:
    to develop the company’s ecosystem or acquire IP,
    personnel, or customers, in-house counsel must             „   Expanding the law department’s knowledge
    manage the associated domain-specific norms                    management capabilities by:
    and issues.                                                    z   ensuring that in-house counsel have access to
„   Issues or participates in the exchange of digital tokens           relevant and current information to provide the legal
    in connection with the new business model, in-house                support required by developments in the company’s
    counsel should identify and evaluate securities law,               operations; and
    money transfer, and other issues associated with               z   providing in-house counsel with relevant continuing
    digital tokens.                                                    legal education training by outside law firms and
                                                                       other third parties.
Data Strategy and Privacy and Security Concerns                „   Identifying and implementing new process
The company’s digital transformation action plan may               improvements, such as those relying on robotics
require the company to handle increased amounts and                process automation, by:
types of data. If the company intends to collect, use,             z   assigning law department members responsibility
share, or monetize its data, in-house counsel should                   for identifying appropriate process improvement
be prepared to provide the necessary legal support,                    opportunities;
including:                                                         z   collaborating on solutions with consultants and
„   Identifying and mapping data:                                      outside counsel; and
    z   types;                                                     z   working with the company’s IT department or
    z   sources;                                                       third-party technology vendors to implement the
    z   collection methods;                                            appropriate process improvements.
    z   storage;                                               „   Determining the impact of the company’s digital
                                                                   transformation on the company’s selection of outside
    z   aggregation;
                                                                   counsel to support the new business model by
    z   manipulation; and                                          confirming that the law department or procurement
    z   uses.                                                      team has data on outside counsel capabilities, fees,
„   Conducting initial and ongoing technical audits and            and other relevant market information.
    stress tests of the company’s information technology
    (IT) systems to validate the company’s understanding                 Search Using Artificial Intelligence in Law Departments, Using
    of its data types and flows and to ensure system                      Technology to Increase Law Department Efficiency, and
                                                                          Designing and Implementing Legal Technology Roadmaps for
    integrity.                                                            more on law department technology.
„   Developing comprehensive and globally compliant
    strategies, policies, and programs regarding data:

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