Dialogue Act Analysis for Alternative and Augmentative Communication
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Dialogue Act Analysis for Alternative and Augmentative Communication E. Margaret Perkoff University of Colorado Boulder margaret.perkoff@colorado.edu Abstract However, research in Dialogue Act classification has not included conversations with individuals Augmentative and Alternative Communica- who do not rely solely on verbal speech to com- tion (AAC) devices and applications are in- municate. As of the 2010 United States census, tended to make it easier for individuals with approximately 15.7 million adults were listed as complex communication needs to participate in conversations. However, these devices have having a communicative disability (Brault, 2012). low adoption and retention rates. We review The communicative disability domain includes in- prior work with text recommendation systems dividuals who identify as having either a visual, that have not been successful in mitigating hearing, or speech impairment or some combina- these problems. To address these gaps, we pro- tion of the three. Many of these individuals commu- pose applying Dialogue Act classification to nicate through non-verbal methods including Aug- AAC conversations. We evaluated the perfor- mentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) mance of a state of the art model on a limited technology; we will refer to this population as AAC AAC dataset that was trained on both AAC and non-AAC datasets. The one trained on communicators. AAC (accuracy = 38.6%) achieved better per- AAC communicators leverage a broad set of formance than that trained on a non-AAC cor- tools to supplement their verbal speech or to re- pus (accuracy = 34.1%). These results reflect place it entirely. Speech language pathologists may the need to incorporate representative datasets recommend AAC as part of a treatment plan for in later experiments. We discuss the need to an individual in order to maximize their ability to collect more labeled AAC datasets and pro- effectively communicate in their environment. In pose areas of future work. addition to providing more communication meth- 1 Introduction ods, research has proven that AAC technology can actually improve language development skills in Dialogue Act classification takes a conversation children (Light et al., 2019). These systems vary transcript as input and identifies the appropriate in technical sophistication from picture boards cor- intent for each turn in a conversation. For example, responding to concepts to tablets or application the sentence “How are you?” might be classified as based speech-generating devices (Elsahar et al., an Open Ended Question. The exact tags that are 2019). Figure 1 depicts two such devices, both of used to label sentences depend on the context. The which include touch-based text displays. There are Switchboard DAMSL tag set (Jurafsky et al., 1997) standalone or dedicated AAC devices available that is frequently used as a standard initial classification only provide a communication interface whereas model which has forty-two distinct classes. Once application-based solutions may run on a personal labeled conversational data is available, it can be tablet or mobile device. In addition to touch access, used to create generative statistical systems that devices can also incorporate eye-gaze, switch, or take a sentence and a prior Dialogue Act as input brainwave input. Some devices will allow individ- and provide the next most like Dialogue Act for the uals to switch between different access modes to conversation. Prior research has used this informa- account for fatigue levels they may experience at tion to analyze both human-human conversations different times. (Elsahar et al., 2019) and better facilitate human-machine conversations The exact system used is tailored to the individ- (Ahmadvand et al., 2019). ual based on their cognitive, communicative, and 107 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact, pages 107–114 Bangkok, Thailand (online), August 5, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Figure 1: Two examples of AAC devices, a) is a dedicated AAC device using touch-input and b) is an AAC application running on a non-dedicated device. (Elsahar et al., 2019) physical profile. An ideal system will maximize previous NLP applications that have been used to the individual’s ability to express themselves while enhance AAC software as well as currently avail- minimizing the cognitive and physical demands of able representative datasets. Then, we evaluate the using the system. Speech pathologists will perform performance of an existing state-of-the-art model an initial AAC evaluation to match a patient with on a small dataset of transcribed conversations be- the appropriate device to fit their immediate needs tween an AAC communicator and one of their daily and long term communication goals and define an communication partners. Finally, we present the AAC intervention plan to track progress on these challenges that inhibit work in this context. Ulti- goals. Over the course of intervention, the system mately, we hope that future researchers will rec- may be adjusted in order to better suit the needs ognize the value of applying language models to of the individual whether it be physical changes to conversations with AAC communicators in order to accommodate improved or worsening motor func- improve their ability to independently participate tionality or word selection adjustments to introduce in educational, social, and career settings. more complicated vocabulary. 2 Related Work Over the last few decades, AAC devices have im- proved significantly, but satisfaction and retention 2.1 Natural Language Processing For AAC rates for them remain low (Waller, 2019). There Users has been some effort to improve on-screen word There have been numerous efforts to incorporate prediction, but it has yet to provide sufficiently rel- different aspects of language processing into AAC. evant suggestions during conversations or improve In 2011, (Higginbotham et al., 2011) conducted a communication rates for AAC communicators. As review of the use of Natural Language Processing we will discuss in the Related Work section, the for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. application of NLP to AAC technology has been These proposed enhancements are often aimed at primarily limited to word prediction, despite the improving the ease of use of devices or the rate of expansion of the field to a multitude of other tasks. communication. The rate of communication for We hypothesize that incorporating Dialogue Act a device indicates how quickly an AAC commu- information into AAC technology will improve the nicator can respond using the technology. This ease of use of these devices and in turn positively is a critical element for being an active conversa- impact the ability of AAC communicators to par- tional participant. At the time, the relevant systems ticipate in conversations. used optimized keyboards to improve input, word In this paper, we address the potential benefits prediction, and speech recognition. There were of applying Dialogue Act classification to conver- different variations on improvements to word pre- sations that include a participant communicating diction including incorporating key noun phrases via an AAC device. We will start by presenting the used by communication partners to enhance the 108
on-screen suggestions. (Wisenburn and Higgin- the last several decades. Effort has been made to botham, 2009). However, none of the word predic- improve ease of use of AAC devices and communi- tion methods used were found to improve the rate cation rates by incorporating geographic, temporal, of communication for AAC users. and contextual information into word prediction systems. Yet, as mentioned above, these additions Nearly a decade later, language processing re- have not significantly impacted the rate of com- search in AAC has not expanded much outside of munication or device retention rates of AAC com- the realm of word prediction. The research has municators. Future work in this space needs to focused on incorporating additional context to the include experimental AAC designs that leverage a word suggestions provided to users on device with greater breadth of NLP applications to better meet the intent of improving communication rates as the needs of this population. well as relevance of the suggestions themselves. Fried-Oken, M., Jakobs, T., & Jakobs, E. (2018) developed SmartPredict, an application-based AAC 2.2 Data including Individuals with Complex that leverages a statistical language model, the com- Communication Needs municator’s recent vocabulary, and content sugges- In order to pursue further NLP applications for tions from their conversational partner via a part- AAC, there is a need to collect or aggregate repre- ner application. Their hypothesis was that infor- sentative training data sets for these models. The mation provided by conversational partners would most comprehensive dataset including conversa- enhance the overall ease of use with the applica- tional data for AAC communicators is the AAC tion. Initial findings from their experiments show and non-AAC Workplace Corpus (Friginal et al., a slight improvement in the number of selections 2013). This corpus includes transcripts of over that the AAC communicators required to indicate two hundred hours of data captured with eight par- their desired intent, but these have not been ex- ticipants using AAC devices in their workplace panded to a larger group yet. Garcia et al. (2015) environment. A single corpus of conversational investigated the use of location-aware language transcripts is not sufficient to create statistical mod- models for word and sentence prediction and found els that will provide significant benefit. that they did not provide statistically significant However, despite a lack of transcribed conversa- improvements for participants’ conversational rate. tions, audio datasets have been greatly expanded Location information was later used for pictogram upon to include speech samples that represent a va- prediction in a pictogram-based AAC device (Gar- riety of different language disorders. There are cia et al., 2016) where the location based models multiple corpora available that include samples also did not result in significant improvements in of speech from adult Parkinson’s patients (Tsanas AAC usage. Outside of predictive models for word et al., 2014) (Orozco et al., 2014) (Jaeger et al., or pictogram-based devices, there has also been 2019). Other audio datasets have been collected research into how NLP can be used to improve new to study the dysarthric speech of individuals with AAC technology. Oken et al. (2014) were the first Cerebral Palsy and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis researchers to use NLP to enhance a Brain Com- (Rudzicz et al., 2010). Little et al. (2007)’s corpus puter Interface (BCI) system. Their system works includes speech samples from individuals with a by presenting the individual with a single letter for mixed set of language disorders. In addition to 2.5 seconds at a time and using non-invasive sen- covering a range of language impairment types, the sors to determine if this is the individual’s target audio data that has been collected is also representa- character. Instead of scanning through the entire tive of individuals from different age groups. As an alphabet, their statistical model presents the next example, the Child’s Pathological Speech Database letter based on what is most likely to occur follow- (Ringeval et al., 2011) includes speech data from ing the previous letter. An enhanced BCI system children with either autism spectrum disorder or a has the potential to improve communication meth- different language impairment. There is also the ods available to individuals with extremely limited CSLU Autism Speech Corpus which contains data or no voluntary motor control, including those with from speech pathology evaluations on forty-five Locked-In Syndrome. children conducted from 2005-2012 (Gale et al., Research in the AAC space has remained limited 2019) amounting to 1.5 hours of audio data with a to a small number of language processing tasks in total of 1,022 utterances. 109
Of the datasets mentioned above, the AAC and making it easier for the AAC communicator to re- non-AAC Workplace Corpus is the only one that spond to the topic in a timely manner. For example, includes individuals communicating with an AAC if their conversational partner asks, a Wh-Question: device. It is also the only corpus that is coded for What are you doing this weekend.” the system could linguistic characteristics, including part-of-speech provide partial phrase recommendations that con- tagging. Even if speech-to-text applications were form to a Statement-Non-Opinion such as “I’m run to convert all of the audio corpora mentioned going to . . . “. Dialog Act suggestions also have above to transcript formats, they would still need the potential to impact ease of use with the device to be coded by linguistic features in order to be by reducing the amount of navigation required to usable as training data for certain language pro- find desired words or phrases. These improvements cessing tasks. For these reasons, additional effort would reduce the cognitive and physical load im- to collect and label representative conversational posed on the AAC communicator and potentially data of AAC communicators is needed to make make them more motivated to continue to use their meaningful progress with NLP advancements. device. 3 Implications of Dialogue Act Analysis 3.2 AAC Evaluation and Intervention for AAC Improvements Applying Dialogue Act classification to conversa- Dialogue Act classification could also be used to tions including communicators reliant on AAC has quickly analyze speech pathology transcripts to im- the potential to improve their ability to communi- prove both initial AAC evaluations and ongoing cate as well as enhance the AAC intervention and AAC intervention. As part of the initial AAC as- evaluation processes. sessment, the conversations between the patient and members of the AAC team are coded for com- 3.1 Benefits for AAC Communicators municative functions such as requests, information The ultimate goal of AAC intervention is to in- sharing, and wh-questions. (Beukelman and Light, crease the communicative competence of an indi- 2020) Speech language pathologists record these vidual. This covers not only the ability to com- sessions and transcribe them on their own or send municate in the workplace or classroom setting, them to a transcription service. Once they have but also the ability to engage in personal conversa- a written version, they review either the audio or tions with friends and family. The current set of written files and annotate them for the appropriate AAC devices and applications has yet to provide communicative function. an adequate solution for individuals with complex Communicative functions could be treated as Di- communication needs. Many individuals who have alogue Act classes and annotated by speech pathol- been prescribed high-tech AAC devices end up ogists on representative samples of atypical speech. abandoning them due to bad user interface, physi- A Dialogue Act classification model could then cal access limitations, the cognitive load required be trained on this gold standard data in order to to learn them, or due to a lack of access to an ex- automate this process in the future. This type of pert (Waller, 2019). Those that continue to use automation would make it easier for speech pathol- their devices face limitations with conversational ogists to evaluate patients for an initial AAC device agency in terms of conversational, task, and device as well as fitting them to a new device at a later constraints (Valencia et al., 2020). stage in their treatment. As a result, their patients Incorporating Dialogue Act information into an could gain access to an appropriate AAC device AAC interface would improve the ability of AAC and improve their ability to communicate more communicators to participate in conversations. A quickly. generative Dialogue Act model built into an AAC Following the initial assessment, Dialogue Act application would be able to predict the most likely classification could then be used to track the next Dialog Act in a conversation. This information progress of the patient with their initial evaluation could then be used to provide the AAC communica- goals. Current speech pathology research stresses tor with partial or full phrases that correspond to the the importance of evidence-based intervention for appropriate Dialog Act. Smart phrase recommen- individuals with complex communication needs dations may enhance the rate of communication, (Light et al., 2019). By using a Dialogue Act clas- 110
sification model, speech pathologists and conver- Dialogue Act Tag Count sational partners could quickly code interactions Statement-non-opinion 155 and identify how often the individual is able to ex- Statement-opinion 36 press the communicative functions that correspond Yes-No-Question 26 to their intervention goals. This provides more Repeat-phrase 24 frequent feedback on goals and allows the AAC Open-Question 20 team to adjust appropriately. Additionally, models Other 19 could be trained to identify the method by which Yes Answers 19 the individual is communicating, either through Agree/Accept 16 vocalization or a device. Then multi-class models Response Acknowledgement 15 could associate particular communicative functions Backchannel in question form 14 with communication methods. This would provide deeper insight into whether the individual can vo- Table 1: Counts of dialogue act tags in the ALS calize a particular communicative function or if Dataset. they require a device to fulfill particular conversa- tional needs. Automated transcription would also Dialogue Act Annotation We annotated the sen- allow for conversations to be evaluated at home tences based on the Switchboard DAMSL Dialogue instead of in a speech pathologists office, reducing Act tags (Jurafsky et al., 1997) which are currently potential burden on the individual and their AAC the standard benchmark for evaluating the accuracy team. Dialogue Act classification models. The DAMSL model consists of forty-two distinct classes of di- 4 Experiments alogue acts meant to represent the meaning of a particular utterance. The top ten most frequent set To explore the potential of Dialogue Act classifica- of dialogue act tags present in the dataset can be tion for conversations including individuals using seen in Table 1. The standards followed are based AAC, we will evaluate the accuracy of a state of on the examples provided in the Switchboard man- the art model on a small representative dataset. ual. A sample conversation snippet with the associ- 4.1 Data ated dialogue act tags can be seen in the conversa- The data used consists of written transcripts of un- tion below. AC refers to the AAC communicator scripted conversation between an individual using and P is their conversational partner. a speech generating device and one of their reg- P: 20 years together you can’t think of one thing? ular communication partners. The data was col- [Rhetorical-Question] lected at the University of Buffalo (Higginbotham, AC: We don’t take many trips 2021). Each of the individuals involved in the orig- [Statement-non-opinion] inal study had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) AC: Florida was cool when we went to Universal which has impacted their ability to communicate Studios [Statement-opinion] vocally. Participants were prompted to discuss trips P: Yeah [Yes Answers] that they had taken in the past. There are ten unique transcripts which each correspond to a conversa- 4.2 Classification Model tion between one of the communicative partner To establish a baseline of model performance, pairs In total, there are four hundred and thirty six we picked the top implementation currently avail- utterances present in the dataset. able for Dialogue Act analysis based on exist- In addition to the AAC dataset, some of the mod- ing leaderboards (Ruder, 2021). The classifica- els were trained on the Switchboard training corpus tion model from Ravi and Kozareva (2018)’s is (Jurafsky et al., 1997). The Switchboard corpus currently ranked as the highest performing solu- contains labeled data from 1,155 5-minute conver- tion with an accuracy of 83.1 on the Switchboard sations. The training set contains a total of 197,489 dataset. This approach avoids the need to use pre- utterances. Both datasets were annotated with the trained word embeddings and instead uses projec- Switchboard DAMSL tags which are described in tion transformations to transform the input. This detail below. avoids the need for us to train word embeddings on 111
Training Set Validation Set Accuracy Loss for AAC conversations. It also suggests that the use AAC AAC 0.386 2.655 of representative data in model training has a pos- SWBD SWBD 0.341 2.787 itive impact on classification accuracy. However, SWBD AAC 0.341 2.787 the low 38.6% accuracy of this model reflects the fact that our current AAC dataset is not adequate Table 2: We evaluated all three versions of our Dia- for training a statistical Dialogue Act classification logue Act Classification models with a subset of the AAC datset based on categorical accuracy and crossen- model. A larger representative dataset would be tropy loss. AAC indicates that the training or validation needed to improve results for a model trained on set was sampled from the AAC dataset whereas SWBD AAC-data only. The use of AAC data only in the indicates that the sampling was from the Switchboard validation phase of model training, during which corpus. hyperparameters are set, seems to have minimal impact on the accuracy of the model. This could be our limited dataset. We used the publicly available due to the small size of the validation set or further implementation which closely follows the original evidence that the Switchboard training data does algorithm, but achieves a maximum accuracy of not generalize to the AAC sentence data. 73.1 (Suarez, 2021). Our experiments used a neu- The low accuracy scores could also be reflective ral network with 2 hidden layers with 256 units. of the need to use better annotation tags. The AAC The Dialogue Act labels were mapped to one-hot conversational data used for future experiments encoding vectors of size 42. All of the models are could benefit from AAC context specific Dialogue trained with stochastic gradient descent for 100 Act tags. Although the DAMSL tags work well for epochs. comparison to results on existing datasets, it would We compared three methods of training a clas- be more beneficial to use a refined tag set that is sification model based on different combinations specific to the AAC data that is being analyzed. of the AAC data and the Switchboard dataset. Ideally, the tags should be modified depending on The goal of these experiments was to understand the context in which they are being used. A speech whether the AAC transcripts alone could be used to pathologist may choose to use a specific set of train a classification model as well as whether train- classes for coding sentences that are closely related ing a model on the Switchboard corpus would be to the goals of the individual’s intervention. These sufficient for classifying AAC conversational data. tags are different from a set that would be used to The first model relies on only the ALS transcript provide real-time suggestions on a device during data for training and validation. We randomly sam- a typical conversation. Once a set of context ap- pled 80% of the sentences from the transcripts to propriate tags has been established, the AAC data use for training data, 10% for validation, and 10% should be annotated by a group of annotators who for testing. The second model was trained and vali- are familiar with interpreting AAC output, such as dated with the Switchboard corpus and then tested speech pathologists in order to establish more ac- with the same test set of AAC sentences. Lastly, we curate standard tags and inter-annotator agreement. trained a model on the Switchboard training corpus and validated with samples from the AAC set. The 6 Conclusion same sample set of sentences was used for valida- In this paper, we introduced the possibility of ap- tion in the first and third models. For each model plying Dialogue Act classification to conversations variation, we calculate the categorical crossentropy that include one or more individuals communicat- loss and the categorical accuracy on the test set of ing via AAC devices. We have discussed the po- AAC sentences. tential benefits for applying this NLP technique to AAC applications as well as speech pathology transcriptions. In the experiments, we trained a Di- 5 Results alogue Act classification model on a small subset The results in Table 2 show that the first model, of AAC data and determined that a model trained which was trained and validated on the AAC corpus on the Switchboard corpus does not perform as outperforms both of the others, which were trained well on AAC conversational data as one that has on the Switchboard dataset. This indicates that the been trained on a representative corpus. However, Switchboard dataset is an inadequate training set with the current AAC corpus available, the accu- 112
racy for the Dialogue Act classification model is References far from the current benchmarks for these mod- Ali Ahmadvand, Jason Ingyu Choi, and Eugene els on the Switchboard corpus. This indicates the Agichtein. 2019. Contextual dialogue act classifi- need for more experiments to improve Dialogue cation for Open-Domain conversational agents. In Act classification accuracy in this context. Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Infor- mation Retrieval, SIGIR’19, pages 1273–1276, New Future experiments will require labeled AAC York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machin- ery. conversational data for model training. The data collection task is a daunting proposition due to the David R Beukelman and Janice C Light. 2020. Aug- fact that AAC devices are inherently personalized. mentative et alternative communication : support- Each AAC intervention session is tailored to the ing children and adults with complex communica- tion needs. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. patient, the devices chosen, and goals set are meant to be the best choice for that individual. A represen- Matthew W Brault. 2012. Americans with disabilities: tative dataset would need to be sufficiently large to 2010. Technical Report P70-131, U.S. Census Bu- reau, Washington, D.C. incorporate individuals with different communica- tion impairments, different degrees of impairment, Yasmin Elsahar, Sijung Hu, Kaddour Bouazza-Marouf, and those from different age groups. The data must David Kerr, and Annysa Mansor. 2019. Augmenta- also be collected in a manner to preserve the privacy tive and alternative communication (AAC) advances: A review of configurations for individuals with a of the individuals’ included. Furthermore, the cur- speech disability. Sensors, 19(8). rent limitations of AAC devices may bias the data that could be collected. If a person is currently lim- Fried-Oken, M., Jakobs, T., & Jakobs, E. 2018. Smart- Predict: AAC app that integrates partner knowledge ited in their communicative ability due to poor user into word prediction. Annual Conference of the As- design with the device, the speech that they output sistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA). will not be reflective of their full communicative desires. To mitigate this risk, further research needs Eric Friginal, Pamela Pearson, Laura Di Ferrante, Lucy Pickering, and Carrie Bruce. 2013. Linguistic char- to be done with this population to better incorpo- acteristics of AAC discourse in the workplace. Dis- rate their conversational goals into a representative course Studies, 15(3):279–298. dataset. Additionally, any model proposed should Robert Gale, Liu Chen, Jill Dolata, Jan van Santen, and have a personalizable component. This component Meysam Asgari. 2019. Improving ASR systems for would allow for supplemental training data that is children with autism and language impairment us- based on the individual’s recent conversation his- ing Domain-Focused DNN transfer techniques. In- tory or a bootstrapping period. The inclusion of terspeech, 2019:11–15. a personalization training period would provide Luı́s Filipe Garcia, Luı́s Caldas de Oliveira, and enhanced conversational agency as well as incor- David Martins de Matos. 2016. Evaluating pic- porating an individual’s communication style into togram prediction in a location-aware augmentative their AAC device. and alternative communication system. Assist. Tech- nol., 28(2):83–92. Once a sufficiently accurate Dialogue Act classi- Luı́s Filipe Garcia, Luı́s Caldas De Oliveira, and David Martins De Matos. 2015. Measuring the perfor- fication model is available, it can be embedded into mance of a Location-Aware text prediction system. a standalone AAC device or AAC application. This ACM Trans. Access. Comput., 7(1):1–29. prototype should be designed alongside individuals D Jeffery Higginbotham, Gregory W Lesher, Bryan J who currently communicate via AAC as well as Moulton, and Brian Roark. 2011. The applica- their AAC team. Through a collaborative research tion of natural language processing to augmenta- and design process, we hope to see improvements tive and alternative communication. Assist. Technol., in usage rates for AAC devices and higher satisfac- 24(1):14–24. tion rates by AAC communicators. More impor- J Higginbotham. 2021. Communication and assis- tantly, we anticipate that as AAC devices improve, tive device laboratory - AAC shared narrative cor- AAC communicators will find themselves able to pora:ALS. participate in more professional, educational, and Hagen Jaeger, Dhaval Trivedi, and Michael social conversational opportunities. Stadtschnitzer. 2019. Mobile device voice record- ings at king’s college london (MDVR-KCL) from 113
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