Diabetes, Obesity, COVID-19, Insulin, and Other Antidiabetes Drugs

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Diabetes Care Volume 44, September 2021                                                                                                         1

                                                                                                                                                    DIABETES CARE SYMPOSIUM
Diabetes, Obesity, COVID-19,                                                             Paresh Dandona and Husam Ghanim

Insulin, and Other Antidiabetes
Diabetes Care 2021;44:1–5 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dci21-0003

                                                                                         MACRONUTRIENTS INDUCE

                                                                                         The fact that obesity was associated with
                                                                                         oxidative stress and inflammation and
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) viral infection, like other infections, triggers     the fact that dietary restriction and
an inflammatory response that is usually confined to the respiratory system. How-          weight loss led to a reduction in inflam-
ever, there is evidence that in a full-blown case, almost all systems of the body        mation and oxidative stress led to the
may be involved. In addition, there is the syndrome of cytokine storm, character-        concept that macronutrient intake may
ized by severe systemic inflammation and a massive release of proinflammatory              be a mediator of oxidative and inflamma-
cytokines (1). It is well established that obesity and diabetes are major risk factors   tory stress. Glucose and cream (saturated
for COVID-19 infections and that the morbidity and mortality in association with         fat) intake has been shown to induce an
these conditions is markedly increased. Since both obesity and diabetes are associ-      increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS)
ated with chronic inflammation, it is likely that the inflammatory response to             generation in mononuclear cells (MNCs)
COVID-19 in such patients is affected by the background of chronic inflammation.          and polymorph nuclear leucocytes as
This review aims to elucidate some of these processes and potential strategies to        well as an increase in lipid peroxidation
combat them.                                                                             (13,14). The intake of a fast-food high-fat,
                                                                                         high-calorie meal has been shown to
CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY STATES OF OBESITY AND DIABETES                                      induce comprehensive oxidative stress
The concept that obesity is associated with inflammation was initiated with the           and inflammation (15,16), as has the
                                                                                         intravenous infusion of a saturated fatty
cardinal work of Hotamisligil et al. (2), which demonstrated that the proinflamma-
                                                                                         acid, palmitic acid (17). In all these experi-
tory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) was expressed in the adipose tissue
                                                                                         ments, indices of oxidative stress and
and that its expression was markedly elevated in the ob/ob mouse. In addition, this
                                                                                         inflammation, including an increase in
increase was associated with insulin resistance. Neutralization of TNF-a with the
                                                                                         intranuclear nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB)
infusion of soluble TNF-a receptor resulted in the reversal of insulin resistance in     and a decrease in inhibitor of kBa
the ob/ob mouse. These remarkable observations resulted in the understanding             (IkBa), were induced within 60 min of
that obesity is a state of chronic inflammation and that inflammatory mediators            macronutrient intake. Plasma concentra-
may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. The same group then            tion of endotoxin increased. Cytokines,
demonstrated that human adipose tissue also expresses TNF-a and that its expres-         including TNF-a and IL-1β (18), and
sion is increased in obesity (3). Another research group simultaneously confirmed
this observation (4). This observation was followed by the demonstration that
                                                                                         Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,
plasma concentration of TNF-a was significantly elevated in obese humans and              Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,
that TNF-a fell after weight loss (5). A more comprehensive description of inflam-        State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
mation in obesity and its relationship to insulin resistance was demonstrated by         Corresponding author: Paresh Dandona, dandona.
the work of Ghanim et al. (6,7). These features were then linked to the metabolic        diabetes@gmail.com
syndrome (8).                                                                            Received 21 April 2021 and accepted 10 May
   These observations were further supported by the fact that human obesity was          2021
associated with chronic oxidative stress and that dietary restriction and weight loss    This article is part of a special article collection
led to a marked reduction in the indices of oxidative stress even over a short           available at https://care.diabetesjournals.org/
period of 4 weeks (9). These observations were confirmed by an article from Japan         collection/diabetes-and-COVID19.
(10). Oxidative stress is known to trigger inflammatory processes and often occurs        © 2021 by the American Diabetes Association.
                                                                                         Readers may use this article as long as the
concomitantly with inflammation.
                                                                                         work is properly cited, the use is educational
   The occurrence of inflammation in association with type 2 diabetes was first            and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
demonstrated by Pickup and Crook (11,12). These articles emphasize the increase          More information is available at https://www.
in acute phase reactants to inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes, including      diabetesjournals.org/content/license.
sialic acid and cytokines IL-6 and TNF-a in particular.                                  See accompanying articles, pp. XXXX and XXXX.
                       Diabetes Care Publish Ahead of Print, published online July 9, 2021
2   Diabetes and COVID-19                                                                            Diabetes Care Volume 44, September 2021

    chemokines, including MCP-1 and Toll-like       differences in the responses between           therapeutically relevant doses of hydro-
    receptor 2 (TLR-2) and TLR-4, were              obese and nonobese individuals.                cortisone. An intravenous injection of 100
    induced (16). While TLR-2 is the receptor          Obesity was associated with an inad-        mg of hydrocortisone resulted in the sup-
    for gram-positive bacterial products, TLR-      equate immunological response to the           pression of intranuclear NF-kB and an
    4 is the receptor for endotoxin. Suppres-       vaccine following vaccination for hepati-      increase in IkBa expression in the cytosol
    sor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS-3) and        tis A virus (23). In addition, there was       of MNCs (31), consistent with the previ-
    p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase            an early decline in antibody titers after      ous observations with dexamethasone
    were also induced (16,19). Both of these        immunization (24).                             in vitro. In addition, this dose of hydrocor-
    proteins interfere with insulin signaling at       Obesity was also associated with            tisone resulted in the suppression of ROS
    the insulin receptor substrate 1 level and,     diminished immunological response to           generation by MNCs and polymorph
    thus, may contribute to the induction of        influenza vaccines and an inability to          nuclear leucocytes (32). This dose of
    insulin resistance. In contrast, an Ameri-      sustain the magnitude of the immuno-           hydrocortisone also suppressed activator
    can Heart Association–based high-fruit          logical response over a prolonged period       protein 1 (AP-1), another proinflamma-
    and high-fiber meal did not induce endo-         (25). These defects were associated with       tory transcription factor modulating the
    toxemia, inflammation, or oxidative stress       diminished expression of CD69, inter-          expression of matrix metalloproteinase 2
    (16). In addition, the consumption of           feron-g, and granzyme B on CD81 T              (MMP-2) and MMP-9 (33). When an
    fresh orange juice (19) or dietary fiber         cells in obese individuals.                    intravenous dose of 300 mg hydrocorti-
    (20) with the high-fat, high-calorie meal          One study demonstrated that chil-           sone was administered, these actions
    prevented endotoxemia, inflammation,             dren (8–17 years of age) with a BMI            were observed, but, in addition, an
    and oxidative stress. On the basis of these     above the 85th percentile (BMI 29.1 ±          increase in the expression of high-mobility
    data, macronutrient intake, especially rich     1.6 kg/m2) had significantly reduced            group box 1 (HMG-B1), TLR-2, TLR-5, and
    in fats and carbohydrates and lacking in        and inadequate tetanus-specific IgG lev-        TLR-9 was noted in MNCs (34). There was
                                                    els (26). A recent study of veterinary         also an increase in plasma concentrations
    fruit and dietary fiber, would contribute
                                                    students (27) identified that overweight        of HMG-B1 and MMP-9. These are all
    to chronic oxidative and inflammatory
                                                    individuals had an increased likelihood        proinflammatory mediators, and, hence,
    stress in obesity.
                                                    for inadequate rabies-specific antibody         the higher doses of corticosteroids have
                                                    titers 2 years after vaccination.              mixed anti- and proinflammatory effects.
                                                       In a study focused on type 2 diabetes,      In addition, this dose of hydrocortisone
                                                    it was shown that monocytes prepared           results in hyperglycemia and an increase
    Chronic inflammation, as described above,        from such patients when challenged with        in plasma free fatty acid concentrations,
    in obesity and diabetes may contribute to       endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) secreted        both of which are proinflammatory. These
    impaired immunological responses to spe-        less TNF-a than monocytes from normal          actions may contribute to absence of
    cific pathogens and to vaccinations. The         subjects. In addition, the expression of       benefits when high doses of corticoste-
    immunological response to hepatitis B,          TNF-a, CD11b, and CD163 were dimin-            roids are administered to patients with
    hepatitis A, tetanus, and influenza A vacci-     ished following lipopolysaccharide chal-       septicemia. However, a dose of 6 mg of
    nations in obese humans is impaired (21).       lenge (28). However, the secretion of the      dexamethasone (equivalent to 150 mg of
    In addition, the response to influenza vac-      anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was not        hydrocortisone) has been shown to be
    cine is not as durable in obese individuals     diminished. Thus, it is clear that the mag-    beneficial to inflammation, especially in
    as it is in normal-weight subjects without      nitude of specific immune responses is          the context of COVID-19 (35). In fact, this
    diabetes. These observations have clear         diminished in both obesity and type 2          dose of dexamethasone is currently being
    implications for both the magnitude and         diabetes, in association with the back-        used routinely in all hospital admissions
    the duration of immunity induced by vac-        ground of chronic inflammation.                 with COVID-19.
    cination in this population. It is possible
    that vaccination-based protection may not       ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF                   ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIONS
    be as effective in this population as in nor-   CORTICOSTEROIDS                                OF INSULIN
    mal subjects. A total of 55.7% of the sub-      Although corticosteroids have been used        The two major risk factors determining
    jects tested negative for protective            as anti-inflammatory agents since the           morbidity and mortality that have
    antibodies against hepatitis B surface anti-    1950s, their molecular mode of action          emerged consistently from the patterns
    gen (anti-HBs) titers (21) after nearly a       was first described in 1995. Two research       of clinical manifestations in COVID-19
    year of vaccination. A BMI $32.88 kg/m2         groups simultaneously described that           infection are obesity and diabetes with
    was identified as one of the major risk fac-     dexamethasone enhanced the expression          and without hyperglycemia (36). Both dia-
    tors for hepatitis B virus vaccine nonres-      of IkBa and, thus, suppressed the intra-       betes and obesity are characterized by
    ponse. Only 29.5% of individuals with a         nuclear transfer of the proinflammatory         chronic inflammation that impairs the
    BMI greater than or equal to the 75th per-      transcription factor NF-kB in immune           ability to generate specific immunological
    centile developed protective anti-HBs           cells in vitro (29,30). Since these observa-   responses to infections and antigenic
    titers, compared with 63.3% of individuals      tions were made with high concentra-           challenges. Hyperglycemia also induces
    below the 75th percentile that achieved         tions of dexamethasone in vitro, our           inflammation and impairs the defense
    protective seroconversion (22). Recombi-        group took the initiative of investigating     mechanisms necessary for combating
    nant vaccines were associated with similar      the effect of physiologically and              infection. Our work over the years has
care.diabetesjournals.org                                                                                               Dandona and Ghanim      3

demonstrated that glucose administration         response were suppressed by an intrave-         MIP-1β, and vascular endothelial growth
and hyperglycemia induce oxidative and           nous insulin infusion (45). Genes related       factor (1). In all these clinical settings,
inflammatory stress (13,37), while intrave-       to bronchial asthma are also suppressed         the use of an anti-inflammatory therapy
nously administered insulin exerts a rapid       by insulin infusion: IL-4, LIGHT (homolo-       that also has antithrombotic and profi-
and comprehensive anti-inflammatory               gous to lymphotoxin, TNF superfamily            brinolytic effects would be the ideal. Since
action (37,38). This insulin infusion regi-      member 14), LTBR (lymphotoxin β-recep-          hyperglycemia promotes these features,
men (2.5 units/h with 5% dextrose 100            tor), ADAM-33 (disintegrin and metallo-         reduction of glucose would have beneficial
mL/h) leads to the suppression of ROS            proteinase domain-containing protein 33),       clinical effects. However, as described
generation, NADPH oxidase subunit                and TSLP (thymic stromal lymphoprotein)         above, the intravenous infusion of insulin
(p47phox) expression, NF-kB binding activ-       are the key genes involved in the patho-        at anti-inflammatory doses would have
ity, and intracellular adhesion molecule 1       genesis of bronchial asthma. They are all       profound additional beneficial effects since
and MCP-1 expression. These changes              suppressed by insulin within 2 h (46), and      insulin has previously been shown sup-
commence at 2 h and continue for as              remain suppressed for as long as insulin        press a number of these cytokines.
long as the infusion is administered. It         is infused. These genes may also be                Recently, a marked increase in mortal-
also results in the suppression of tran-         involved with the pulmonary syndrome            ity in COVID-19 patients with diabetes
scription factors AP-1 and early growth          associated with COVID-19.                       and hyperglycemia has been shown in
response protein 1 (Egr-1) and levels of            The prognostic significance of hyper-         a retrospective analysis (52). Patients
MMP-2, MMP-9, tissue factor, and plas-           glycemia has also been demonstrated in          infused with insulin to control glucose
minogen activator inhibitor 1 (39,40). In        the context of acute myocardial infarc-         concentrations had a markedly reduced
addition, this insulin regimen suppresses        tion (47,48) and acute ischemic stroke          rate of mortality (20% vs. 80%). While
several chemokines (MCP-1, RANTES [reg-          (49). Insulin infusion has been shown to        diabetes and hyperglycemia were associ-
ulated on activation, normal T-cell–             provide benefit in acute myocardial              ated with an increase in IL-6 and D-
expressed and secreted (CCL5)], macro-           infarction inthree separate studies, one        dimer concentrations, patients infused
phage inflammatory protein-1β [MIP-1β])           from our center (50), the Clinical Trial of     with insulin had significantly lower lev-
and chemokine receptors 2 and 5 (41). In         Reviparin and Metabolic Modulation in           els. Since IL-6 is marker for inflammation
addition to the general effects on oxida-        Acute Myocardial Infarction Treatment           and D-dimer is a marker for thrombosis,
tive and inflammatory stress, glucose             Evaluation–Estudios Cardiologicos Latino        these data are consistent with what has
induces prothrombotic factors like tissue        America Study Group (CREATE-ECLA)               previously been shown in our work
factor and platelet proaggregatory actions       study (47) and the Immediate Myocardial         described above.
while insulin inhibits thrombotic pro-           Metabolic Enhancement During Initial               Dexamethasone, which has anti-
cesses, inhibits platelet aggregation, and       Assessment and Treatment in Emergency           inflammatory effects, has been shown
promotes thrombolysis (42). In addition,         Care (IMMEDIATE) study (51). Hyperglycemia      to improve clinical outcomes in subjects
insulin is a vasodilator at the arterial,        (>140 mg/dL) at admission and its change        with COVID-19 infection who receive
venous, and the microvascular level              after admission determine the clinical out-     mechanical ventilation or supplemental
potentially improving blood flow and per-         comes of both acute myocardial infarction       oxygen (53). However, there was a
fusion into various organ systems medi-          and ischemic stroke. These issues are rele-     potential harmful effect in patients who
ated by an increase in endothelial nitric        vant to COVID-19 since its infection involves   did not require any respiratory support.
oxide secretion and nitric oxide synthase        both the heart and the brain and the vascu-     We have shown that while glucocorti-
(43). Hyperglycemia also induces the             lature serving them.                            coids have a clear anti-inflammatory
expression of TLR-2 and TLR-4, which are            COVID-19 infection initially affects the     effect at physiologically relevant doses
the receptors for the products of gram-          lungs and the respiratory system and            (hydrocortisone 100 mg) (31,33), they
positive and gram-negative (including            then, through its effects on vasculature,       cause hyperglycemia and an increase in
endotoxin) bacteria and HMG-B1, a                it can lead to thrombotic changes.              plasma free fatty acid concentrations,
marker of mortality in animal sepsis mod-        When this process involves cerebral vas-        and thus may also have a potential
els (37). Thus, hyperglycemia promotes           culature, it can induce the stroke syn-         proinflammatory effect, at higher doses
vulnerability to infection. In contrast, insu-   drome. In children, it induces features         (300 mg hydrocortisone is equivalent
lin suppresses HMG-B1 levels and the             similar to Takayasu arteritis. Respiratory      to 60 mg prednisolone) through an
expression of TLR-1, TLR-2, TLR-4, TLR-7,        system manifestations are the most              increase in expression of TLR-2, TLR-5,
and TLR-9 in addition to suppressing             prominent and lead to hypoxia and               TLR-9, and HMG-B1 in MNCs and an
PU.1, the major transcription factor             respiratory failure and thus to the need        increase in plasma HMG-B1 and MMP-9
responsible for the transcription of TLRs        for mechanical ventilation. There are           (34). Our preliminary studies have also
(37,44). TLR-7 and TLR-9 are responsible         profound inflammatory changes with               shown an additional anti-inflammatory
for mediating inflammation induced by             the release of proinflammatory cyto-             effect and neutralization of the potential
RNA and DNA viruses, respectively.               kines, chemokines, and thrombotic fac-          proinflammatory effect of steroids when
COVID-19 is an RNA virus. In this context,       tors. A cytokine storm has also been            an insulin infusion is coadministered
it is also noteworthy that we have shown         described, characterized by intense             with high-dose glucocorticoids (54). This
that the acute effects of endotoxin injec-       release of proinflammatory mediators.            provides an additional rationale for the
tion into normal subjects inducing several       The major cytokines increased in                use of insulin infusion in hospitalized
indices of oxidative and inflammatory             COVID-19–related cytokine storm are IL-         subjects with COVID-19 infection, as we
indices as well as the systemic febrile          1β, IL-6, TNF-a, interferon-g, MIP-1a,          expect that a majority of our patients
4   Diabetes and COVID-19                                                                                     Diabetes Care Volume 44, September 2021

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