Development of family businesses and their incidence in economic profitability

Page created by Ashley Tran
Development of family businesses and their incidence in economic profitability
Ingeniería Industrial.                                                   Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   125
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                     ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                                 e-ISSN: 2610-7813

     Development of family businesses and their incidence in
                     economic profitability
   Desarrollo de empresas familiares y su incidencia en la rentabilidad económica
Irlanda Maridueña Macancela, Erika Romero Cárdenas, Miguel Astudillo Quiñonez,
                          Mayra D’Armas Regnault
Key words: family business, organizational balance, making-decision, dynamic leadership
Palabras clave: empresa familiar, equilibrio organizacional, toma de decisiones, liderazgo dinámico

  ABSTRACT                                              RESUMEN

In family businesses, making decisions and            En las empresas familiares, la toma de
assuming responsibilities are in charge of the        decisiones y la asunción de responsabilidades
leader of each organization, therefore, the right     está a cargo del líder de cada organización, por
operations and the sale strategies play a very        lo que las operaciones adecuadas y las
important role in the business profitability.         estrategias de venta juegan un papel muy
This fact demands the analysis and resolution         importante en la rentabilidad del negocio. Este
of the problems they must face to maintain the        hecho exige el análisis y resolución de los
organization's sustainability. The aim of this        problemas que deben afrontar para mantener
work is to demonstrate how family businesses          la sostenibilidad de la organización. El objetivo
develop, as well as the economic profitability of     de este trabajo es demostrar cómo se
the population in Milagro, and the difficulties       desarrollan las empresas familiares, así como la
to stay in business which depends on the              rentabilidad económica de la población de
presence of an organizational balance.                Milagro, y las dificultades para mantenerse en
Observation, deductive and inductive methods          el negocio, el cual depende de la existencia de
were used in a random sample, applying a              un equilibrio organizativo. Se utilizaron
survey to 150 local entrepreneurs. Results            métodos de observación, deductivos e
showed the need for making immediate                  inductivos en una muestra aleatoria, aplicando
decisions related to the limited attention to         una encuesta a 150 empresarios locales. Los
human, administrative and technological               resultados mostraron la necesidad de tomar
resources. This leads to maintaining the right        decisiones inmediatas relacionadas con la
management which applies varied strategies            escasa atención a los recursos humanos,
and dynamic leadership with a family business         administrativos y tecnológicos. Esto lleva a
vision keeping their competitiveness.                 mantener una gestión adecuada que aplica
                                                      estrategias variadas y un liderazgo dinámico
                                                      con una visión de empresa familiar
                                                      manteniendo su competitividad.

                    Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                              Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   126
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                            e-ISSN: 2610-7813


Nowadays, companies and commerce, in             company” (Hurtado, Negrete & Romero,
general, present a series of phases and          2018). This involves generating an
control guidelines for the correct               administrative process in order to highlight
application of processes and procedures          policies and other processes that serve to
prior to the general analysis of the business    plan, organize, direct, and control the
function.                                        different business activities.
Without a doubt, the main source of              The main objective of family businesses in
economic, social, and family income in           most cases is to generate a source of work
Ecuador is oil and the export of non-            and at the same time have their own
traditional products through small               production in progress. This implies that
businesses formed by entrepreneurial             the increase in entrepreneurship can
families at the country level. (González et      involve, in many cases, hiring people
al, 2016).                                       outside the family. Therefore, this means of
According to Zachary et al (2013), “the          work also leads to the expansion of the
development of family businesses requires        family business, and with it, the offer of
responsibility and commitment”, that is, a       products in new markets. This fact allows
demand for a clear and safe family vision        addressing customers not only at local level
that allows making decisions effectively         but also at national one, which is of great
and assertively.                                 benefit to the community. Consequently,
The authors state that “the terminology of       the strengthening of the economic
business development is linked to the            development of family businesses is
administration and direction of a                obtained (Barroso & Barriuso, 2014).

 METHODOLOGY                                      family groups engaged in these economic
In this section, the authors detail the           Quantitative and qualitative methods were
dynamics applied in the process of                used to determine the steps of this research.
economic transformation based on the              This descriptive research explores a
development of family businesses in the           quantitative approach based on statistical
country.                                          data coming from a survey, which was
A     descriptive   and     cross-sectional       tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted to get
exploratory analysis of the problems that         to reliable results. Additionally, an
existed in the process mentioned above            observation method was used in order to
was used. The analysis was based on its           analyze some important aspects of the
corresponding research that seeks to              variables with the aim of identifying how
demonstrate the economic behavior of              well family businesses develop in this

                 Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                              Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   127
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                            e-ISSN: 2610-7813

country and the opportunities they have to        men and 76 women. It was estimated to
keep on growing.                                  survey people between 18 and 50 years old,
In this work, a survey with 10 questions          130 were from the urban area and 20 from
was carried out, which was applied to 150         the rural area.
people within the locality of Milagro, 74

 DEVELOPMENT                                      businesses with ventures that provide
                                                  economic stability to many people. In
At present, family businesses constitute an
                                                  Milagro city, in the commercial sector,
important source of production in town.
                                                  family businesses occupy a high level of
This helps to ease people's need for jobs
                                                  growth with companies that are born from
since in Ecuador there is a lack of
                                                  informality and reach to be production
employment. Providing jobs contributes
                                                  enterprises (Camino & Bermudez, 2018).
significantly to business development and
                                                  However, the economic transformation
to profitable production with a high level of
                                                  requires a series of factors that encourage
employees'         empowerment           and
                                                  the development and advancement of
responsibility to maintain the economy
                                                  family businesses in Ecuador. This implies
(Pacheco & Vizueta, 2016).
                                                  a deep reflection by the entrepreneurs
On the other hand, every business should
                                                  regarding economic support and in the
have the help of technological tools that
                                                  emphasis on the family nucleus.
boost financial control in terms of products,
                                                  In Ecuador, family businesses represent an
incomes, and expenses. However, in
                                                  important productive-economic force
Ecuador, not all business owners are
                                                  because of the active role that it performs in
interested in using these types of tools due
                                                  the labor sector. This is reflected in the
to a lack of knowledge, time, or dedication.
                                                  creation of places of jobs which constitute
This reality limits their growth and
                                                  90% of all the labor force which gives great
competition in the market. Therefore, their
                                                  stability to the country's economy
businesses are generally exposed to
                                                  (Cabanilla, 2019).
conditions of the market variations which
                                                  Additionally, “A family business is one in
usually affect them negatively (Zamora,
                                                  which the founding family owns a
                                                  significant share of its capital”, which
According to statistical data presented by
                                                  allows the family to run the business
the Ecuadorian Superintendence of
                                                  (Muiruri, Waithira & Wachira, 2016). In
Company and Insurance, in 2017, from
                                                  addition, it is a common fact that in family
50,000 family businesses nationwide, 90.5%
                                                  businesses, they incorporate some of its
were registered to the system (Universo,
                                                  family members to the management
2018). Similarly, this data shows that in
                                                  positions, which allows reaching the goal
Guayas province, 38% constitute family

                 Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                              Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   128
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                            e-ISSN: 2610-7813

of ownership continuity through time,             country, since companies usually maintain
keeping their business philosophy, and            their initial features with their respective
their product quality. This fact also assures     control standards. Likewise, their mission,
them to have their business under control.        vision, and values provide them with
Unquestionably, family businesses have            relevance, stability, and recognition in the
been a pillar of great importance for the         commercial sector (Ecuador, 2018).
active commercial production of this

Figure 1. Family businesses which belong to big economic groups in Ecuador
                                                  (Andrade & Salomón, 2017). They have
This fact allows them to achieve                  business ownership, control, and monitor,
recognition in the national market,               which assure them of their continuity in the
becoming       productive        references       business field. Therefore, they stand out
throughout the history of Ecuador.                regarding changes and innovations
However, not all family businesses have           required by the official control organisms.
always been successful; there are some            In family businesses, there is a diversity of
family businesses that have experienced           problems that affect their development and
successes and failures. The following table       efficiency. The lack of organization related
shows some successful family businesses           to an appropriate organizational structure
which belong to known economic groups             with correct hierarchic levels and functions
in Ecuador.                                       within their members is a remarkable
                                                  cause. This affects negatively their
Organization of family businesses
                                                  performance taking into account that there
A family business, in general, is a
                                                  is a need to incorporate operational plans
commercial institution made up of one or
more family members, who set their                before, during, and after a business
                                                  process. These plans must be considered as
interests based on decision-making

                 Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                              Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   129
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                            e-ISSN: 2610-7813

part of investment costs which have great         employees, which will cause revenue to the
importance when thinking of opening a             organization.
business or venture. So, the people who           On the other hand, investment is an
have to make the right decisions must be          important element to improve the quality
the appropriate ones in the different levels      and presentation of the product. That is
(Viteri & Tapia, 2018).                           why wide and varied advertising is a need
Similarly, most of these organizations do         for the organization. This allows family
not have experience in the business field         businesses to be productive becoming their
which leads them to low economic                  owners in successful entrepreneurs who
performance and consequently in a loss of         transform the economy of the country.
the invested capital (Pacheco & Vizueta,          Definitely,    family      businesses    are
2016).                                            organizations     that    generate    active
In addition to a lack of a good                   production through the supply of quality
organizational      structure,    inadequate      goods and services emphasizing the vision
communication between family business             towards the economic development of the
members       also     influences    business     country as well as identifying labour
efficiency. This fact brings a series of          relations and resources to achieve the
conflicts and opposing views that affect          planned objectives (Salinas & Osorio, 2012).
their productivity, progress, and growth.         Importance of family businesses
Hence, the right and true leadership must         Undoubtedly, Ecuadorians are people with
be a fundamental part of every company,           multiple abilities and thoughts that are
as this will open opportunities for personal      always willing to take part in the
and business growth. These way workers            development of family businesses. This
are able to develop the needed skills that        type of entrepreneurship initially emerges
demand the solution to internal conflicts,        from the family members' predisposition to
thereby changing their attitude and               form this venture, acquiring debts and
implementing positive changes that allow          economic responsibilities that must be
the accomplishment of the business                covered for a long period of time until
mission and vision (Hurtado, Santamaría &         implementing the business or company.
Verdesoto, 2016).                                 At the national level, it is recognized that
The type of service and the presentation of       family entrepreneurship generates a high
the product of family businesses are a            level of affirmative production which
fundamental part of having customers              provides economic growth for the country.
satisfied both in the service and the type of     Therefore, it is fundamental in the
product that is offered. For this, the            economic field due to the positive effects
potentially active and predisposed staff is       that are reached related to providing jobs
required with the qualities of good               and welfare to the population which leads
                                                  to rising their living standards and

                 Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                              Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   130
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                            e-ISSN: 2610-7813

consequently reducing the unemployment            allow progress in the commercial field
rate in this country (Camino & Bermudez,          (Líderes, 2019).
2018).                                            The importance of the succession of
All this allows concluding, that any              suitable business leaders assures a family
informal person but with certain skills and       of the conservation and success in their
a business vision can be motivated to start       business. In Milagro city, there are several
a company. They are very likely to become         family businesses that have lasted over
entrepreneurs capable of hiring other             time. This is because they have assured a
people, by producing and at the same time         correct selection of successor managers
increasing labour sources.                        who have applied positive changes with
In Milagro city, 20% of businesses are            successful strategies in their organizations.
public limited companies, 5.08% are               Thereby, they generate gradual progress
limited companies, 30.85% are free                and prestige on the family businesses. With
companies and the other 46.44% are family         no doubt, a change of management in these
businesses that do not have a legal business      businesses usually provides a new vision
constitution.                                     with excellent perspectives to apply
Therefore, what is considered as an               appropriate strategies to improve and lead
informal economy represents a high                these companies to growth and success.
percentage in Milagro city. This leads to the     Even though, the selection of a new
empowerment to maintain these work                successor is usually forced due to illness,
sources as a valid alternative in the search      old age, or death of the founder of the
of providing jobs to the economically active      organization, it must be seriously
population.                                       considered the possibility of doing it based
                                                  on the skills, training, and vision of the new
Succession process of family businesses
                                                  generation members who see the world
In our country, the chances of survival of
family businesses are limited due to several      from another economic, technological, and
                                                  modern perspective.
factors, such as the limited planning,
organization, and choice of who the               Ecuadorian economic transformation
successor managers will be. This usually          In 2002, in the United States, there were 17
results in the bankruptcy, disappearance,         entities focused on the creation, guidance,
elimination, or termination of these              and help of family businesses. These were
companies due to a lack of correct                attached to the most important business
planning. This means that in the short,           schools in the country, generally
medium, and long term are only generated          developing interdisciplinary work with the
actions in an empirical and precipitous           intervention        of      administrators,
manner. In turn, this fact results in wrong       psychologists, sociologists, and lawyers,
decisions with no business strategies that        mainly (Mera & Bermeo, 2017).

                 Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                               Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   131
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                 ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                             e-ISSN: 2610-7813

This is an example to follow in Ecuador in         however, the attention given to them by the
order to help family businesses to be              official entities is rather minimal.
organized and set their bases of true              Therefore, it is essential to address more
business structures that allow them to grow        attention to them according to their
and maintain themselves in the commercial          particular characteristics with the aim of
activity no matter how hard the                    stimulating their development and making
competence of big businesses could be.             them more efficient (Vanoni & Rodríguez,
This way, family businesses would be               2017).
stronger and provide jobs sustainably and          According to data from the Ecuadorian
be a clue factor for the economic                  Superintendence of Companies, the
transformation in Ecuador.                         productive matrix is generated based on
                                                   the high rate of entrepreneurship, which
What is a family business?
                                                   encourages       micro-entrepreneurs      to
Given the multiple features within family
                                                   continue innovating the market.
businesses, it is difficult to unify an
                                                   On the other hand, the government system
applicable definition for this term.
                                                   has provided strategic and logistic help
However, the Ecuadorian Superintendence
                                                   that makes it possible for businesses to
of Companies (1971) describes that a family
                                                   massify economic production from a
business is the one in which there is a blood
                                                   national level to an international one. This
relationship between two or more partners
                                                   efficiency results in family businesses
up to the second degree, or that partners be
                                                   constantly strengthening as well as
united to each other by marriage, and that
                                                   innovate their products to keep themselves
additionally, partners execute economic,
                                                   active in the market (Aguilar & Briozzo,
financial or administrative control over the
company (Mera & Bermeo, 2017).
                                                   Below there are some tables showing the
Nowadays, there are many family
businesses in this country and it is to be         types of companies, global and individual
                                                   amounts, and the number of family and
expected that they continue increasing in
                                                   non-family businesses.
the future. In Ecuador, around 70% of
                                                   According to the data from the Ecuadorian
companies are family-owned, which
                                                   National Institute of Statistics and Census
produces an important effect in terms of job
                                                   (INEC, 2010), the number of family
creation and economic development for the
                                                   businesses in Milagro city is 5099, which is
country. For this reason, it is necessary that
                                                   dedicated to formal trade. These data are
both public and private institutions
                                                   provided by Cámara de Comercio de
promote the incorporation of this type of
                                                   Milagro (Censos, 2010).
entrepreneurship into the formal economic
activity of the country.
Family businesses have a great impact on
the development of the economy of towns;

                  Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                               Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   132
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                 ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                             e-ISSN: 2610-7813

Table 1. Types of Business in Milagro city         the performance, performance and growth
                                                   in relation to the products they offer and
    Alternative       Number      Percentage
                                                   their relationships with their clients and the
    Big Family          2.620         9%           environment of trust (Jiménez & Cueva,
  Medium Family
                        7.803         26%
     Business                                      Economic productivity and the succession
   Small Family                                    process of family businesses
     Business          19.729         65%          The succession process in family businesses
                       30.152        100%          plays a very important role in generating
                                                   economic productivity; therefore, it is
                                                   essential that the leaders of these
35,000      family                                 companies provide all kinds of information
                                                   to the new generations. In this aspect, it is
             89%                                   important to provide relevant data which
25,000                                             allows the business progress, in such a way
                                                   that, economic productivity reflects and
                                                   maintains through active strategies that
                                       non-        provide confidence in the application of
10,000                               business;     new product presentations, promotions
                                      3.503;       and above all. In other words, the processes
 5,000                                 11%
                                                   are well founded, in order to avoid setbacks
     0                                             that harm to the new management to
                                                   exercise their role (Santamaría, E. & Pico,
Figure 2. Types of Business                        F., 2015).
                                                   On the other hand, the economic
Economic      profitability     of    family       productivity of these companies reflect
businesses                                         through a continuous analysis of supply
Undoubtedly, family businesses have                and demand to know the advantages and
highlighted analyzes investigative based           disadvantages that identified in time, with
on their dimensions in terms of the                this, carry a statistical analysis of assets and
participation and direction of the company,        liabilities,   which       will    demonstrate
providing aspects of generational transfer,        transparency in the economic sphere and
economic and labor commitment. This                the continuity of the family business.
analysis provides the opportunity to               Finally, productivity measures through
highlight relevant aspects of profitability in     strategies, promotions, discounts, product
companies. It is important to recognize that       timeliness, which show the progress of
most family business structures maintain a         family businesses.
long-term permanence, which evidence in

                  Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                                             Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26                  133
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                               ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                                           e-ISSN: 2610-7813

 RESULTS                              AND
                                                                 In the Table 3, referring to the economic
The information below is shown on tables                         investment in terms of the resources of the
and graphs, which allows analyzing the                           family business, 49% of the investment is in
results of the questions whose data provide                      the financial field, which results in
an explanation of the reasons that influence                     increasing their capital, while 23% is in
the permanence, development, and                                 administration, that is, payment of the
economic transformation of the Family                            different fixed and variable costs of the
businesses.                                                      company. Additionally, 20% is dedicated
Among the variety of activities in the Table                     to human resources, which means payment
2, the respondents answered that 36% is                          of wages, bonuses, hiring, among others,
involved in the construction business, and                       and just 8% of the investment is used for
27% in the sale of drinks and food. This                         technological resources.
result identifies the types of businesses or
activities that stand out in this city.                          Table 3. Resources invested in family business

Table 2. Type of economic activity in companies                      Resources in which your family business
                                                                            invests the most is in ..
    What economic activity is your company

               engaged in?




                                                                  Human                       30     20%           20%
 Farming                   11           7%            7%          Financial                   73     49%           69%
 Social Services            2           1%            8%          Administrative              35     23%           92%
 Crafts                     4           3%           11%
                                                                  Technological               12       8%         100%
 Cattle raising             5           4%           15%
                                                                  Total                     150      100%
 Fishing                    6           4%           19%
 Commerce                  53          36%           55%
 Construction               5           3%           58%          Mentioning to the factors that affect the
 Internet Services          2           1%           59%         development of the company in the Table
 Transport                 11           7%           66%         4, 50% of the respondents stated that the
 Television services        1           1%           67%         main factor is the economic resource since
 Food and drinks           41          27%           94%         it is extremely limited. 19% said it is the
 Vehicle repair             9           6%          100%         lack of aid; the same percentage is due to
           Total          150         100%                       tax and law changes. Added to this, they
                                                                 indicated 12% due to sociocultural changes.

                   Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                                                                            Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26          134
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                                                                                                                          e-ISSN: 2610-7813

Table 4. Factors that affect business development                                         Mentioning the regarding whether a
     Factors that affect business development                                             successor manager is being prepared in the
                                                                                          family business in the Table 6, 44% of those

                                                                                          surveyed stated that they “agree”, 25%

                                                                                          “totally agree”, while 23% “disagree”, and
                                                                                          8% “totally disagree”. These results show
                                                                                          that not all family businesses have the
 Lack of help
                                                                                          correct vision of preparing a successor
                          29                  19%                              19%        manager that leads them to growing and
 or advice
 Limited                                                                                  improvement of their businesses.
                                                                                          Table 6. Preparing a successor manager
 resource to              75                  50%                              69%
 maintain your                                                                             Is the business family preparing a successor
 company                                                                                                     manager?
 Tax and law
                          29                  19%                              88%


                          17                  12%                            100%
       Total          150                 100%

                                                                                            Totally agree           38       25% 25%
In the Table 5, related to the leadership
                                                                                                Agree               65       44% 69%
style, 66% of the respondent indicated that
                                                                                           Totally disagree         12        8% 77%
the company uses “democratic leadership
                                                                                              Disagree              35       23% 100%
style”; 19% “affiliate”; 10% “autocratic”                                                       Total              150      100%
and 5% “transformational”.
                                                                                          In the Table 7, referring to whether the
Table 5. Style of leadership
                                                                                          family business has a mission, vision, and
  What style of leadership is applied in your                                             business values, 52% of the respondents
                 organization?                                                            stated “agree” and 36% “totally agree”. On
                                                                                          the other hand, 11% indicated “disagree”


                                                                                          and 1% “totally disagree”.
                                                                                          This statistical data show that 88% of all
                                                                                          businesses have some type of regulation,
                                                                                          structure, and organization that include
     Autocratic                    14                   10%                    10%        these essential elements that contribute
     Democratic                    99                   66%                    76%
                                                                                          significantly to their permanent strengthen
     Affiliative                   29                   19%                    95%
                                                                                          and sustained development.
  Transformational                  8                    5%                   100%
        Total                     150                  100%

                    Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                                Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   135
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                  ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                              e-ISSN: 2610-7813

Table 7. Mission, vision, and business values
               Does your family business have a mission, vision, and business values?
                                          Frequency    Percentage      Accumulate Percentage
               Totally agree                        54           36%                  36%
                   Agree                            79           52%                  88%
              Totally disagree                       1            1%                  89%
                 Disagree                           16           11%                 100%
                      Total                         150         100%

 CONCLUSIONS                                        usually the main cause for their definite
                                                    closing and consequently the loss of capital.
In Milagro city, family businesses represent
                                                    That is why every company or business
a high impact on the economic productivity
                                                    even the small ones must consider all of the
of the area. Over the years, these companies
                                                    productive resources to be of great
have taken a positive turn in terms of the
                                                    importance and pay serious attention to
economy due to the strategies used and the
                                                    them. No matter which resource they are,
contribution of the official organisms
                                                    human, financial, or technological ones,
which have helped them to remain with
                                                    they provide security for the permanence
great dynamism. Obviously, family
                                                    and sustainability of companies.
businesses must have clear guidelines such
                                                    The profitability of companies is commonly
as rules, regulations, mission, vision, and
                                                    affected by not counting on these resources
business values that allow them to generate
                                                    or not paying due attention to them. Hence,
and maintain good planning; this will
                                                    companies must understand that it is
contribute to their permanence and
                                                    extremely important to invest in qualified
                                                    human resources who know how to make
On the other hand, the results of this work
                                                    decisions for the benefits of the company.
reflect that family businesses face some
                                                    Businesses, in turn, must invest in training
common problems such as organizational
                                                    their staff in different business areas that
structure, investments of quality resources,
                                                    enhance the knowledge and skills of their
leadership with a poor modern vision,
                                                    workers. This way, they avoid the lack of
inefficient management, and limited
                                                    knowledge of processes and prepare the
training for human resources. An urgent
                                                    human resource to contribute to reaching
change for making family businesses more
                                                    the business profits by performing their
efficient and competitive is a must. It is
                                                    roles efficiently and with a modern vision
evident that these elements are affecting
                                                    focused on meeting the customers' needs.
their development and continuity and are
                                                    In addition, it is regrettable, according to
                                                    the results that not much attention is paid

                   Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
Ingeniería Industrial.                                               Año 14, Vol. VII, N° 26   136
                Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias                                 ISSN: 1856-8327
                                                                             e-ISSN: 2610-7813

to technological resources since only 8%           this fact results in the loss of capital, and
out of the capital of family businesses is         finally the closing of these companies
invested in it. This limitation prevents the       causing unemployment. Therefore, it is
proper functioning and financial control of        necessary to reflect on the need of counting
companies which is a clue part to make             on a well-trained business successor with
businesses competitive with the others.            the characteristics of a leader and a vision
Additionally, these companies downplay             of applying innovative ideas for the
their importance to the acquisition of             development of the business. These leaders
modern equipment and machinery that                must also count on technological tools,
help in the transformation process of the          applications, and software that allow
raw material, since they consider this             efficient management of all the business
investment unnecessary. It should be               resources.
considered that there must always be an            All family business leaders must know the
investment in the 4 axes of resources that         variety of situations that constantly arise to
aim for companies to succeed and so to             exercise good leadership; however, within
assure their permanence in the commercial          this group of family companies, autocratic
sector. Among the main investment                  leadership predominates. They very rarely
elements, advertising stands out, which            allow ceding their authority to another
allows the publicity of goods and services         family because they consider that they are
produced and offered by the company                always right when making decisions. These
bringing a greater number of customers             leaders do not even cede their management
and better economic profitability.                 to other family members, limiting the trust
Nevertheless, family businesses that do not        between relatives and with it, creating
have internal rules and regulations,               labour and family conflicts that usually
generally use a type of empirical                  affects the productivity of the business and
administration, without formal consulting          as a consequence the loss of capital.
or advice. This fact usually generates an          Therefore, it is essential the contribution of
inadequate economic and financial                  a true leader with a good professional
orientation since it does not contribute           profile and modern vision according to the
significantly to the interests raised for the      new commercial trendsor.
benefit of the whole organization. In turn,


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Irlanda Jacqueline Maridueña Macancela. Magister en Administración y Dirección de Empresas.
Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador.
Erika Yadira Romero Cárdenas. Magister en Administración y Dirección de Empresas.
Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador.
Miguel Alfredo Astudillo Quiñonez. Magister en Docencia y Gerencia en Educación Superior.
Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador.
Mayra D’Armas Regnault. Ingeniero Industrial, Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial, Doctora en
Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador.
Recibido: 02-04-2021             Aceptado: 24-06-2021

                   Maridueña et al, Development of family businesses… , p. 125-138
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