Designing a conversational AI agent: Framework combining customer experience management, personalization, and AI in service techniques

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Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2023

      Designing a conversational AI agent: Framework combining customer
      experience management, personalization, and AI in service techniques

                       Jan H. Blümel                                       Gautam Jha
                  University of Cambridge                            University of Cambridge

                       Abstract                         Autonomous service systems, such as service robots
     Conversational AI agents are fundamentally         and chatbots, play an ever-increasing role in services
changing how firms are delivering service to their      and have lastingly impacted the way customers and
customers. The rapid advancement of technology and      firms interact with each other (Hollebeek et al., 2021).
ready tools means that deploying a conversational AI         One thriving area is conversational AI, a
agent has become far simpler than ever imagined.        technology users can talk to like chatbots or virtual
However, customers remain unsatisfied with their        agents. A conversational AI agent imitates human
experience and firms are unable to demonstrate value    interactions, recognizes speech and text inputs, and
of conversational AI agents. Drawing on the             translates their meaning across various languages
theoretical notions of customer experience (CX)         (IBM, 2021). It is one of the AI domains with the
management, personalization, and AI in service, we      highest number of patents and currently represents the
develop a framework to design conversational AI         top use of AI in enterprises (Comes et al., 2021). The
agents. We propose a six-stage iterative design for     consumer retail spend on conversational AI will
conversational AI agents that begins with sensing       increase on average over 400% rising from $2.8 billion
customer intent, adapting to journey context,           in 2019 to $142 billion by 2024 (Yuen, 2022).
assigning tone to the conversation, delegating to       Conversations in customer service can have a decisive
humans, orchestrating processes to service requests     impact on the overall customer service experience
and training of AI agents to adaptively improve and     (Packard and Berger, 2021). The language used in a
loopback into prior design stages. Additionally, we     conversation can convey affective components such as
recognize that firms need to holistically qualify and   emotions (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2006). It is therefore
allocate service requests to such conversational AI     particularly important in customer service situations,
agents based on the firm’s purpose and CX strategy.     where the customers are emotionally vulnerable
                                                        (Groth et al., 2019). If deployed conversational AI
Keywords: Conversational AI agents, Customer            agents are poorly managed and lacking technological
experience management, Service personalization,         capabilities customers are left unsatisfied and with a
Relational personalization                              bad customer service experience.
                                                             Therefore, it is paramount to have a
                                                        conversational AI agent that goes beyond AI that can
1. Introduction                                         chat. Instead, conversational AI agents that can truly
                                                        meet customer expectations and benefit firms deliver
     Creating a pleasant customer experience (CX) has   better service. From a managerial perspective, the
widely been acknowledged as a critical factor for       challenge is to design, implement and assess such a
achieving and sustaining competitive advantage          conversational AI agent that enhances the customer
(Lemon and Verhoef, 2016; McColl-Kennedy et al.,        service experience. Although some approaches in the
2019). CX management has been conceptualized as a       literature help to select the technical capabilities of a
firm’s capabilities to adapt customer experiences       chatbot (Adamopoulou and Moussiades, 2020), or
delivered by a firm leading to outcomes of sustained    specifically classify individual avatars (Miao et al.,
customer loyalty (Homburg et al., 2017). Firms need     2022), to the best of the authors' knowledge there are
to constantly adjust and expand these capabilities to   currently no approaches in the literature that help
cope with permanently changing customer behavior        managers design and assess conversational AI agents
caused by external effects, such as the Covid-19        for better customer service experiences.
pandemic and technological advancements in AI.

978-0-9981331-6-4                                                                                    Page 1397
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
This paper aims to address this challenge by           purchase, and post-purchase journeys (Grewal et al.,
combining the literature streams of technological           2009; Lemon and Verhoef, 2016). Further, such
conversational AI and managerial customer                   journeys designed in conversational AI agents need to
experience. We take a perspective where                     factor experiential dimensions like sensory, cognitive,
personalization is one way to improve the CX (as            emotional, behavioral, and social (Lemon and
shown in Hänninen et al., 2019; Riegger et al., 2021;       Verhoef, 2016) alongside market and environmental
Sujata et al., 2019; Tyrväinen et al., 2020) and develop    contextual factors (de Keyser et al., 2020).
a framework to design and assess personalized                    The firm’s capabilities to manage CX are
conversational agents based on customer intent and          constantly evolving across the building blocks of CX
context. We identify contextual factors effecting the       (de Keyser et al., 2020). Whether it’s ‘touchpoints’
customer intent and transform these into requirements       like a mobile app or ‘contextual’ factors like altered
for conversational AI agents.                               preferences of a customer or ‘qualities’ like sensorial
     The contribution of this paper is three-fold. First,   factors for example, smell in an augmented reality
we combine the academic literature of customer              environment. Advances in technology have meant that
experience management with the technological                firms are able to rapidly deploy conversational AI
advancements of conversational AI by merging                agents within their CX capabilities. For example,
requirements of successfully managing customer              building and deploying a basic chatbot using services
service experience with capabilities of conversational      like Google Dialogflow or Azure bot service is
AI. Second, we provide CX managers with a                   sometimes just a matter of minutes (Kapoor, 2021).
framework to assess, and design personalized                However, disillusionment with conversational AI
conversational agents based on customer intent and          agents is a norm rather than exception as illustrated by
context. Third, we apply the framework to assess            scrapping of several chatbot services in the financial
existing conversational AI agents deployed in various       services sector (Finextra, 2018).
industry sectors and provide the reader with a typology          Managing such a touchpoint requires a multi-
of existing approaches.                                     faceted approach to derive value from a diverse of
                                                            actors that includes customers, employees, trainers, AI
2. Theoretical background                                   agents and AI technology vendors across the service
                                                            ecosystem. First, a nuanced understanding of the
2.1 Managing CX delivered by conversational                 channel context across digital, physical, and social
                                                            realms (Bolton et al., 2018) is essential to manage
AI agents
                                                            control of the touchpoints where conversational AI
                                                            agents can be of value for a firm. For example,
     Research on conversational AI agents needs to
                                                            enabling turning the thermostat up or down related
shift from an anthropomorphic human vs AI
                                                            conversations by an energy provider on smart speakers
perspective towards a human-AI collaborative
                                                            like Amazon Alexa services may be more relevant to
perspective (Blut et al., 2021; de Keyser and Kunz,
                                                            customers than such a service on a chatbot on the
2022). We concur because advancements in natural
                                                            energy provider’s website.
language processing (NLP) mean resemblance with
                                                                 Second, applying service experience design
human agents is within the realm of possibility and
                                                            concepts (Andreassen et al., 2016; Bellos and
that businesses should now assess conversational AI
                                                            Kavadias, 2021; Patrício et al., 2008) to tailor
agents using a combined human-AI view of enabling
                                                            conversational AI agent experiences are needed to
customer experience. The introduction of deep
                                                            improve the service interaction as well as the overall
learning-based architectures and improved hardware
                                                            customer journey experience. For example, the
capabilities have allowed for processing large amount
                                                            sequential nature of conversations compared to the
of data and creating pre-trained language models such
                                                            dynamic nature of interaction on a visual medium like
as GPT-3, OPT, or GATO. These models, build on
                                                            a website or app need to be considered in
transformer architectures, can generate short stories,
                                                            conversational service designs.
songs (Heaven, 2020) or even caption images, chat,
                                                                 Third and finally, the strategic goals need to be
and stack blocks with a real robot arm at the same time
                                                            aligned with the benefits that a firm can derive from
(Reed et al., 2022). Critical tasks of conversational AI
                                                            conversational AI agents. The goals alignment is well
have been advanced with the help of transformer-
                                                            articulated in the management literature on AI strategy
based architectures (Ni et al., 2021).
                                                            (Kiron and Schrage, 2019). Measurement of the goals
     Managing CX delivered through conversational
                                                            and performance of conversational AI agents is key to
AI agents within the service ecosystem can benefit by
                                                            the holistic success for CX managers designing and
applying the journey context across pre-purchase,
                                                            deploying conversational AI agents.

                                                                                                        Page 1398
Table 1. Main literature influencing conversational AI agents and overview of research gap
                                        Research Area             Factors for designing conversation with the customer
                                         Conversa Perso                                                     Technological
                                  CX     tional AI    naliza Highlight Applying         Understanding advancements
 Author-Year                      (M)    in Service tion     ing Intent Journey         Context             in NLP
 (Fan and Poole, 2006)                                  X         X                            X
 (Patrício et al., 2008)           X                                           X
 (Tuzhilin, 2009)                                       X         X                            X
 (Andreassen et al., 2016)         X                                           X
 (Herzig et al., 2016)                       X                                                 X                   X
 (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016)         X                                           X
 (Homburg et al., 2017)            X                                           X
 (Mundra et al., 2017)                       X                                                 X                   X
 (Bolton et al., 2018)             X                                           X               X
 (Bhashkar, 2019)                            X                                                                     X
 (de Keyser et al., 2019)                    X                                 X               X
 (Zanker et al., 2019)                                  X         X                            X
 (de Keyser et al., 2020)          X                                           X               X
 (Hardalov et al., 2020)                     X                    X                                                X
 (Huang and Rust, 2020)                      X          X                      X               X
 (Robinson et al., 2020)                     X                                 X               X
 (Bellos and Kavadias, 2021)       X                                           X
 (Blut et al., 2021)                         X                                                 X
 (Ni et al., 2021)                           X                    X                                                X
 (de Keyser and Kunz, 2022)                  X                    X                            X                   X
 (Miao et al., 2022)                         X                                                 X
 This paper                                                       X            X               X                   X

Further, such metrics and scripts can be helpful in              to connect the intent of the customer with a database,
continuous training to deliver data driven experience            where domain specific knowledge is stored, to
(Holmlund et al., 2020; McColl-Kennedy et al., 2019)             produce meaningful answers. Thirdly it needs to
using conversational AI agents.                                  generate a response by using natural language
                                                                 generation (NLG) (Bhashkar, 2019). While offerings
2.2. Conversational AI for personalizing                         in early personalization literature were focused on
interactions to improve customer experience                      physical products or services, the era of web-
                                                                 technologies and introduction of chatbots or voice
     To find out how we can best improve customer                assistances have shifted the focus towards online
service experiences using conversational AI, we use              content, such as websites, information searches, or
the perspective of personalization. Personalizing the            user interfaces and communication (Zanker et al.,
customer interaction and information provided by                 2019).
delivering relevance to the customer has been shown                   Taking personalization to the next level, Huang
as critical factor in improving CX (Zanker et al.,               and Rust (2020) proposed the usage of feeling AI for
2019). Firms have significantly advanced                         learning and adapting from experience-based data.
personalization efforts in areas such as advertisement           This should allow for “relationalization”, building
and product recommendations. Spotify, Google, or                 personalized relationships. Building relationships in
Amazon are building their business models based on               customer service with personalization predominantly
learning from data about customers’ history, their               involves adjusting the communication and
background, and preferences.                                     conversation with the customer according to their
     “Personalization tailors certain offerings by               personal preferences and needs. Conversational AI
providers to customers based on certain knowledge                needs to build on customer knowledge and
about them, on the context in which these offerings are          experiential data to meet the customer where they are
provided and with certain goals in mind” (Tuzhilin,              and tailor the communication. For example, Hamilton
2009, p. 8). This definition of personalization fits well        et al. (2021) have highlighted the relevance of social
into the framework of conversational AI. To interact             others along the customer journey and shown that
with the customer, the conversational AI agent first             service agents or AI agents can act as surrogates.
needs to understand what the customer is saying                  Social chit-chat conversations can allow to meet the
(natural language understanding – NLU). It then needs            customer on that level for building relationships.

                                                                                                              Page 1399
Further, responding to customers’ affective states such     3. A framework for managing
as emotions can lead to higher customer satisfaction        conversational AI agents
(Kernbach and Schutte, 2005). Theories such as
emotional contagion and emotional display (Hennig-
                                                                 Drawing on the above portrayal of personalization
Thurau et al., 2006) show that responding                   in conversational AI agents, we developed a
appropriately to customers’ affective state can allow to
                                                            framework for designing conversational AI agents to
evoke desired responses and therefore build
                                                            manage customer experience. The stages apply
relationships and improve customer service
                                                            contextual factors based on the journey and
experience. Individual NLU models have been trained
                                                            experiential context by combining the literature across
to detect customer’s emotion (Mundra et al., 2017) or       CX(M), personalization and conversational AI agents.
personality traits (Herzig et al., 2016) from textual       The framework to design and deploy conversational
customer service conversations. These models allow
                                                            AI agents comprises of six dynamic stages, namely,
for a contextualization of customer service                 sense, adapt, assign, delegate, orchestrate and train.
conversations and in combination with the customer          Figure 1 depicts the framework along with the
intent for a more accurate understanding of the
                                                            contextual factors that need to be continuously
customer’s request.                                         considered to match customer intent at each of the
     Combining personalization approaches with              design stages of conversational AI agents.
conversational AI to improve customer service
                                                                 To refine the framework, we assessed a set of nine
experiences has not yet been done. Especially with the
                                                            conversational AI agents that have been deployed by
background of helping companies to design,
                                                            established firms like Amazon Alexa and Vodafone
implement and evaluate conversational AI agents.
                                                            Tobi across sectors (see Table 2). We gathered the data
     As part of the literature review, we reviewed          by participating as prospective customers using a
representative literature from the streams of CX(M),        diverse set of pre-purchase and purchase intents.
conversational AI in service, and personalization (see
                                                            Further, for firms where we held personal accounts,
Table 1). As part of this, we analyzed the individual
                                                            we assessed typical purchase (upsell) and post
papers regarding the factors discussed for designing
                                                            purchase intents by making hypothetical service
conversations with customers. We focused on the             requests. Although the sampling is limited, such an
relevant elements discussed above: intent detection,        exercise allowed us to apply and test the framework to
customer journey application, context understanding
                                                            make a qualitative assessment of the various
and technological advancements in NLP. We could
                                                            conversational AI agents that led to adjustments in the
observe that the customer experience literature is
                                                            framework. For example, we derived an overarching
predominantly speaking about the role of the customer
                                                            stage of ‘qualify and allocate’ when we observed a
journey for designing superior customer experiences.        pattern from all the firms to be funneling selective
The technological side of the literature discusses either
                                                            journeys to their conversational AI agent. For
technological advances in conversational AI to
                                                            example, Monzo bank qualifies queries that a
improve understanding of intent (Ni et al., 2021) or        customer can’t self-serve using help text before
sometimes of individual conceptual factors such as
                                                            allocating its chatbot into action.
emotions (Herzig et al., 2016). However, in the mostly
                                                                 To design conversational AI agent experiences,
stand-alone studies, no reference is made to the            we apply the journey and experiential context from an
influence of the customer journey. This is mainly also      understanding of CX management literature (de
true with approaches from the personalization
                                                            Keyser et al., 2020; Lemon and Verhoef, 2016). Based
literature, where personalization is discussed in
                                                            on the journey and experiential factors, sensing
context (Zanker et al., 2019) and referred to
                                                            customer intent is the most vital stage in the design of
understanding customer intent (Tuzhilin, 2009).
                                                            conversational AI agents. For instance, from the
     In summary, however, there is no approach that         conversation scripts, it can be observed that the Virgin
considers all relevant factors and applies this to the
                                                            media chatbot Terri directly sensed intent when we
design of conversations. Therefore, the research
                                                            made a straightforward request about switching
question we address is how can firms design                 providers, however, the chatbot was unable to
conversational AI agents to personalize and improve         recognize a check coverage request. Instead, the
the customer service experience?                            conversation progressed towards whatsapp messaging
                                                            with a human. Further, the sense intent stage is a
                                                            dynamic one that continually determines context as the
                                                            conversation between AI agent and a customer

                                                                                                        Page 1400
Next, as the chat progresses, the conversational                             emotions need to be considered in service robot design
AI agents design should be able to dynamically adapt                              and hence this is applicable to conversational AI
to changing context and continually assess intent. For                            agents too. Further, understanding intent through
example, a Marks & Spencer chatbot was able to adapt                              changing communication etiquettes such as emojis
to a specific gift card related query as we progressed                            and response through emojis in text (Riordan, 2017)
from inspirations for gifts to provide options for                                are factors that firms need to constantly adapt to
purchase. Meanwhile, as the time to resolve was                                   provide a suitable emotional response to customers
increasing, the conversational AI agent quickly                                   through conversational AI agents.              Several
adapted and made an offer to transfer us to a human                               conversational AI agents we observed remained low
agent.                                                                            on emotion and sentiments except for Amazon Alexa
     Infusion of tone to conversations on text or voice                           that did assign tone to conversations, for example, the
or visual expression is a key design consideration for                            conversational AI agent’s tone changed when talking
managing conversational AI agents. Studies on such                                about the weather or expressing disappointment when
human-AI encounters such as, (Filieri et al., 2022;                               unable to handle a music related query.
Pantano and Scarpi, 2022) have illustrated differing

                               Contextual factors

                                                Experiential context

                  Journey context
                                             Behavioural                                        Conversational AI agent dynamic stages
               Post purchase

                                             Market                      Sense intent within            Dynamically adapt to             Assign conversation
                                                                       journey & experiential           intent and changing                tone based on
                                             Environmental                    context                          context                        sentiment

                       Qualify & Allocate AI agent
                    (Matching customer intent attributes
                          with contextual factors)                          Train agent                    Orchestrate and
                                                                                                                                         Delegate seamlessly
                                                                        using journey data               invoke processes to
                                                                                                                                           to human agent
                                                                           and analytics                fulfil customer request

                              Figure 1. Conceptual framework for managing conversational AI agents

     Further, a conversational AI agent needs to be                               on to a human agent who seamlessly took over without
able to delegate seamlessly to a human agent for                                  repeating the earlier diagnostic enquiries by the
requests that it can’t handle autonomously or is not                              chatbot and the human agent was trained to handle
tasked to handle by design. Here, the balance between                             complex queries that have a superior level of regulated
AI agents substituting humans vis a vis augmenting                                security procedures.
humans needs to be clear at the design stage (de                                       Two further dimensions relate to a firm’s
Keyser et al., 2019; Larivière et al., 2017). Frontline                           capabilities that are not directly visible to the
service employees need to be enabled with the relevant                            customers but are critical elements in fulfilment of the
context when dealing with requests arriving from                                  customer experience on a conversational AI agent.
conversational AI agents that can be applied from                                 The first one is the ability to automate the underlying
frontline service-AI theories applicable to service (de                           process autonomously to fulfil customer’s requests
Keyser et al., 2019; Robinson et al., 2020). For                                  during the conversations with an AI agent. For
example, Monzo have designed progressive service                                  example, we attempted can complete purchases while
escalation from customer self-service to chatbot                                  having chats with agents on retailers like Sephora and
support to human agent support with context being                                 Marks & Spencer. However, this was not possible due
passed on seamlessly. As early as the chatbot sensed                              to various reasons including security. We were
our intent that ‘debit card was not working’ and as the                           directed to the websites or call centers, alternatively.
chatbot was designed to handle typical problems like                              Studies on conversational AI agents in the service
loss or damage or contactless failures, we were passed                            context have focused on AI agents emoting,

                                                                                                                                                         Page 1401
resembling human behavior or personalizing                        designs of conversational AI agents. Using customer
experience or human emotion when dealing with                     journey data and analytics along with conversational
robots but have not looked at autonomous process                  analytics need to be utilized to train AI agents.
orchestration within customer conversations with AI               Theories on data driven customer experience are
agents. Thus, we contend that the further                         equally applicable to designing data driven
empowerment of conversational AI agents to automate               conversational AI agents (Holmlund et al., 2020;
processes to fulfil customer requests, the greater their          McColl-Kennedy et al., 2019). We observed market
level of adoption and benefits from conversational AI             leaders like Google and Amazon Lex powering the
agents. However, further empirical research is needed             conversational AI agents in the firms we interacted
in this area to explore autonomous conversational AI              with but were unable to assess the level of training.
agents.                                                           Hence, research from a firm’s perspective in
     The second critical dimension that remains                   understanding how conversational AI agents are
invisible to customers is training of conversational AI           trained outside of market standard NLP training will
agents. While many chatbots and voicebots come pre-               be impactful in improving conversational AI agent
trained with NLP capabilities, continuously learning              designs.
from real customer conversations can improve the

                         Table 2. Assessed industry chatbots using developed framework
 Firm       Virgin     Vodafone Monzo        Sephora    M&S       Amazon Aviva       Expedia                 Tesla
 Sector     Telecom    Telecom      Retail        Consumer     Consumer    Big        Insurance   Travel     Automotive
                                    banking       retail       retail      Tech
 Name       Terri /    Tobi         None          Help         No name     Alexa      Vivy        None       None
 Type       Chatbot    Chatbot      Messenger     Chatbot      Chatbot     Smart      Chatbot     Chatbot    Voice
                                                                           speaker                           based
 Channel    Web        Web          App           Web          Web         Voice      Web         Web,       In-car
 Qualify    Found      Found on     Progressive   Help         Self-       Voice      Directly    Self-      Press of a
 &          on         contact us   escalation    pages        directed    directed   takes you   directed   button
 Allocate   contact                               replicated   to Help                to
            us                                    in a bot     page                   chatbot

                                                                  customer (Fan and Poole, 2006). To measure the
4. Applied Framework                                              capabilities of a conversational AI agent to personalize
                                                                  the interaction, we are measuring what customer
4.1 Assessing existing conversational AI                          information the conversational AI agent is capable of
                                                                  detecting and reacting to. This consist of three parts
                                                                  (stages). When a customer first approaches a
                                                                  conversational AI agent with a complaint or problem,
     While the secondary data collection has served as
                                                                  the agent needs to detect what the customer wants and
a refinement of the developed framework, we can
                                                                  needs (intent). This capability can vary in strength
further use the data to develop a taxonomy of existing
                                                                  depending on training and implementation. For
conversational AI agents. This can help us to better
                                                                  example, a rule-based chatbot can only understand
understand the capabilities and identify future
                                                                  pre-determined intentions. When using pre-trained
research. It also helps forecast the success of
                                                                  language models or dynamic training methods, the
individual chatbots. We distinguish chatbots along two
                                                                  chatbot can learn and even understand intentions that
dimensions, the level of personalization the chatbot
                                                                  are not company-specific or pre-installed. Now during
can enable and the level of empowerment the chatbot
                                                                  a conversation, the customer’s intent can change, and
possesses. The conversational AI agent stages as
                                                                  additional requests might need to be addressed.
shown in figure 1 can be loosely assigned to the
                                                                  Therefore, we assess whether the conversational AI
category of personalization and empowerment.
                                                                  agent can further adapt to the changing intent of the
Therefore, we will use the stages above to determine
                                                                  customer and respond dynamically. As already
the level of personalization and empowerment
                                                                  highlighted in the theoretical background, recognizing
     At the beginning of each personalization effort,
                                                                  the affective state of the customer represents a next
there is the need to collect information about the

                                                                                                              Page 1402
level of personalization. If the chatbot is able to react   knowledge- or database. These are commonly
to the customer's emotions and feelings and adapt the       deployed as a first conversational agent and aim to
conversation accordingly, this enables the level of         ease the access to the FAQ pages. Examples from
relational personalization (Huang and Rust, 2020). To       above include Vodafone, Sephora, Tesla, Virgin
measure the level of personalization capabilities,          Media, and M&S If we increase the level of
messages with clear intent were send to the                 personalization capabilities, the conversational agent
conversational AI agent and then changed after two          is able to pick up on non-task-related aspects within a
utterances. Further in a second run keywords with           conversation and perform chit-chat, as well as
clear display of emotion (e.g., sad, happy) were            eventually relate to the customer’s affective state.
included into the conversation to see if the response       Conversational agents can hold a conversation and
changes.                                                    relate to the customer and their issues. Therefore, we
     In addition to the ability of the chatbot to           call this kind of chatbot “empathetic chit-chatter”.
understand the customer and enable personalization,              On the other side, if companies want to increase
we also differentiate by the level of empowerment. In       the level of empowerment first, to move away from
simple terms, what the company allows the chatbot to        “fact-finders”, they allow the conversational agent for
do. One element of empowerment is the ability to start      example to orchestrate processes such as booking or
processes autonomously. These processes can range           cancelling tickets. These “facilitator” conversational
from looking up product information (e.g., price,           agents, low personalization and high empowerment,
delivery time) to ordering products (e.g., Amazon           are task-oriented and aim to resolve the customer
Alexa). One orchestration that is often implemented is      issue. However, these chatbots are not able to go
escalating to customer service and connecting to a          beyond the recognized intent and struggle to deal with
phone. This is mostly applied when the chatbot itself       out-of-scope question. Conversational agents who
has a low level of empowerment. Another element that        possess a high level of personalization and
influences the assessment of the level of                   empowerment combine the benefits of “empathetic
empowerment is the chatbot's access to the customer         chit-chatters” with “facilitators” and are characterized
journey. As mentioned above, some chatbots only             by the ability to go beyond task-oriented
cover part of the customer journey, while others have       conversations, perform chit-chat and answer out-of-
the ability to operate across the entire journey. As with   scope questions. It further has the capabilities to start
the personalization level, we examined the individual       processes automatically and adjust their tone
cases by asking whether the conversational AI agent         according to the customer’s mood. Some examples
can connect us with a human agent, can initiate a           include Amazon’s Alexa, and Monzo. Because of their
typical process and what areas (pre-, post-, purchase)      capabilities, we refer to these conversational agents as
it covers and can inform about.                             “assistant”.
     The assessment of the individual conversational             To improve the CX, firms need to try advancing
AI agents was based on subjective assessments by the        their conversational agents towards the “assistant”
two authors. We evaluated each case according to the        conversational agent. The outlined framework can
described six categories. By adding up each of these        help to allow building the capabilities to move towards
scores: High (3 points), Medium (2 points), Low (1          a “assistant”-type conversational AI agent and
point), we got the empowerment and personalization          improve the customer service experience.
score. This qualitative assessment shows that chatbots
such as Amazon Alexa stand out and are ahead of                                   9
                                                                                              Facilitators                                      Assistant

Vodafone's and Virgin Media's chatbots in both areas.                             8

                                                             Empowerement Score


4.2 Taxonomy of conversational AI agents                                          6                                          Expedia                                 Monzo
                                                                                                         Virgin media
                                                                                  5                                          Aviva
     The differentiation between conversational AI                                4
                                                                                              Sephora             M&S
agent characteristics allows us to introduce a 2x2                                3

taxonomy (see Figure 2). The taxonomy allows to                                   2
position currently existing conversational agents and                             1
                                                                                              Fact-finders                                Empathe3c chit-cha5er

to guide next design steps for improving the customer                             0
                                                                                      0   1        2         3     4     5           6             7             8      9

experience.                                                                                                  Personalisa>on Score
     We refer to conversational agents with a low                   Figure 2. Typology of conversational ai agents
personalization and empowerment level as “fact-
finders”, being characterized as only being able to
answer questions of the customer, stored in the

                                                                                                                                                       Page 1403
5. Conclusion                                              to empower frontline service employees and studies on
                                                           that combine employee experience will enrich this
     As advancements in NLP and conversational AI          field.
agents become market standard, firms will need to
make significant decisions on how to remain relevant       6. References
and gain competitive advantage by using such
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