DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

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DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

                                            DER HANNOVERANER
                                            No. 03/ 96. Jahrgang | March 2022  

Faustus leads

Weltmeyer- and

Fiadora goes
to France

Faustus by Falsterbo/Forrest xx (breeder:
Heino Bruns, Gödensdorf) leads the ran-
king points statistics of the German
Equestrian Federation. The bay became
European Team Champion with
Germany‘s Dorothe Schneider.
Photo: Lafrentz
DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society
A perfect couple: FRH Butt‘s Avondale and
                                                                       Anna Siemer. Photo: Goedecke

Having fun while
getting to the top
“Horses must enjoy the training,“ says Anna Siemer. With FRH Butt‘s Avondale, she has reached
the top. After the Bundeschampionat and the World Championships for Young Event Horses, the
pair won team silver at the European Championships in Avenches/SUI last year.
By Britta Züngel
2    Der Hannoveraner 03|2022
DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

A     nna Siemer was born on the island of Norder-
      ney, where her father Arno Junkmann still
runs a riding stable today. The islanders are said
                                                       the rider‘s side with little resources is her goal.
                                                       “After all, I‘m not very big or heavy, and unfor-
                                                       tunately I‘m not that strong. The horse‘s confi-
to be straightforward and determined. In her           dence is what makes it fascinating,“ says the trai-
childhood days, she wanted to become a dressage        ner. “I like riding dressage, I like show jumping,
rider. “I always thought the tailcoat was so chic      but the speed on the cross-country course – this
and thought the German riders wore a yellow vest       speed rush – only exists in eventing,“ says the
underneath as a sign of being a member of the          39-year-old. What started with seven stalls has
national squad. I wanted that too,“ she recalls        developed into a stable wing with 15 stalls. In ad-
happily. But her parents were into riding in the       dition to the professional rider Kim Heitmann,
hunt field and into eventing. “And then someone        who is currently taking her master‘s exam, her
said to me that I wouldn‘t dare do eventing any-       team includes apprentice Ayleen Stuhr and intern
way!“ She didn‘t need to be told that twice and        Hannah Lanz. “That‘s four people for 15 horses. A
participated in a cross-country competition. Down      lot of people think that‘s ‘overpowered.‘ But I‘m
a dirt road, turn around, back to the barn, the fas-   also a mom of two young kids.“ The workday at
test one won! The girl was bitterly disappointed.      Siemer Stables begins at 7:30 a.m. The boss arri-
“I had read a book by Lucinda Green, had prepa-        ves at 8:15. By then she has already taken Carlot-
red meticulously, and, in addition, our veterinari-    ta (5) and Henry (8) to kindergarten/school. Until
an had given me a box with bandages and eve-           3 p.m., the team works hard. Dressage, jumping,
rything you might need in case of an emergency.        cross-country, trot and canter training – eve-
And that was it? That‘s how it started.“ At the        rything that is necessary to conduct a successful
time, she was eleven years old and lived with her      training program. Then it‘s family time, which is
mother in Bakum-Hausstette.                            very important to Anna Siemer. “I think I‘ve be-
                                                       come a better rider as a mother. I‘m much more
As a thirteen-year-old, Anna Siemer took part in       focused because I don‘t have as much time to
the Golden Sash and in the National Champion-          mess around,“ she says, admitting with a smile
ships for young riders. In 1997, she won bronze at     that it‘s only since she‘s had children that she
the German Championships with her pony Vilano,         knows where the public swimming pool is.
and a year later, she became European team and
individual vice champion in Le Touquet/FRA. She        The age of the horses in training ranges from five
made the successful switch to riding big horses        to 15. None of them belongs to Anna Siemer. The
aboard Cancun, with whom the then 17-year-old          clientele is international; most are long-time regu-
took part in the Bundeschampionat for the first        lars. The trainer gladly accepts young horses into
time in 2000 and won silver in Warendorf a year        her training program, which are to be prepared
later. After placing seventh at the European Junior    towards participation in the Bundeschampionat.
Championships in Walldorf/GER, she was called to       Between 2014 and 2018, she placed third at the
Warendorf to join the newly founded Perspective        Bundeschampionat for eventig horses three times,
Group. There she not only found optimal training       came in second once and won the title aboard
                                                                                                               Cross-country, dressage and show-
conditions, but also completed her training as a       Clara Bö by Concours Complet/Carismo (breeder:          jumping – FRH Butt‘s Avondale and
business woman for sports and fitness after gradu-     Helmut Böttcher, Ehlbeck) in 2018. “Most bree-          Anna Siemer are having fun.
ating as an equine trainer. After nine successful      ders are not collectors. They sell their horses after   Photos: Lafrentz
years at the German Olympic Committee for              the Bundeschampionat. We always have a change
Equestrianism (DOKR), Anna Siemer made the de-         of horses in the stable in September,“ says Anna
cision to start her own business. Her boyfriend of     Siemer. Often the same breeders then place the
many years, Christian, who was successful in show      training of their other young horses in her proven
jumping up to the advanced level and has since         hands again. Sometimes she continues training a
become her husband, had just finished his studies      talented youngster. Like Valerie M by Valentino/Le
in Münster and taken a job as a tax consultant and     Primeur (breeder: Friedhelm Mohlfeld, Ahrsen),
auditor in Hamburg. Anna Siemer still remembers a      who won the bronze medal in Warendorf in 2014
rather coincidental encounter with Hans Melzer,        and participated in the World Championships for
Germany‘s national coach. “It was in front of the      young event horses in Le Lion d’Angers/FRA a
registration office in Marbach, where he asked me      year later. It was not planned for the liver chestnut
‘Why don‘t you just come to Luhmühlen, when            mare to become a show horse. “The owner, Kirs-
Christian is working in Hamburg?‘ And, poof, I was     ten Kistermann, suffered a serious injury in a au-
at the training centre.“                               tumn while mounting the horse. So I said that we
                                                       should just take her to horse shows,“ Anna Sie-
Anna Siemer‘s passion and daily driving force is       mer recalls. “From the beginning, ‘Johanna,‘ as
the training of young horses. Getting the horse on     we call her, did everything right. But unfortunately

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DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

                                     she wasn‘t tough enough for eventing.“ Today,                snaffle, anyone can actually ride,“ says Anna Sie-
                                     Valerie H is at home in the show jumping arena.              mer. “Today that‘s our advantage: Just get on and
                                     Every now and again, Kim Heitmann competes her               go – isn’t that what everyone wants?!” One thing
                                     in an M-level dressage class. “The connection                in particular is important to the event rider: intel-
                                     with this horse and its owner is very special. The           ligence. “Horses must be comfortable in their own
                                     mare is our watchdog in the stable. No matter                skin, and they must like to canter,“ Anna Siemer
                                     when you come, she stands there and neighs –                 lists important features. These also include enjoy-
                                     like a meerkat,“ laughs Anna Siemer. She regrets             ing to move, a good pre-disposition for jumping
                                     that the mare can no longer be used on the cross-            and good basic gaits. “They have to have wit and
                                     country course. “That‘s the difficult thing in our           like to move,“ she says. “The bottom line is that I
                                     sport. Johanna can do anything and is incredibly             have no use for a ‚tractor,‘ I need a ‚sports car,‘“
                                     smart; she has the guts, can really read the jumps           she says. Anna Siemer is also critical when it co-
                                     and is not afraid of anything. But then she didn‘t           mes to the exterior. She pays particular attention
                                     become the perfect event horse after all because             to the hooves. Bad hooves are a criterion for ex-
                                     of one little thing.“                                        clusion. “If the conformation already gives you
                                                                                                  the impression that the horse won‘t last, you
                                     Anna Siemer already had brother Escot by Escudo              should not even start on the long and compara-
                                     in her stable, who was later successful up to the            tively expensive journey of training for eventing.“
                                     CCI4*-level in the USA, as well as Valerie‘s full
                                     sister Valeca. Not all promising young horses go             Looking into the pedigrees of the young talents
                                     on competing. “Sometimes it works out, someti-               for the sport of eventing, it becomes apparent
                                     mes it doesn‘t,“ the trainer is quite realistic. Anna        that not all dispose of a high percentage of Tho-
                                     Siemer’s broodmare Charlott by Convoi/Marcello               roughbred blood. “There hardly are any clumsy,
Christian Siemer rejoices over the   xx lives with Claudia Mohlfeld on her farm called            heavy-set, unwieldy horses left today. Horses have
success of his wife and FRH Butt‘s   Wiechmannshof in Ahrsen. Anna Siemer success-                become much lighter. They must be quick on their
Avondale. „My husband has been       fully competed her at the three-star level. “My              feet,” so Anna Siemer. “The percentage of Tho-
training for 23 years,“ says Anna    luck as a breeder, however, is terrible: out of four         roughbred blood in horses up to the four star-level
Siemer. Photos: Lafrentz
                                     foals, I was only able to sell one,“ Anna Siemer             is no longer a deciding criterion. “We have horses
                                     says with a smile.                                           in the stable that have over 50 percent Thorough-
                                                                                                  bred blood, yet they don’t look it at all. Next to
                                     If a new horse comes to Luhmühlen, Anna Siemer               them are horses that have very little blood on pa-
                                     determines during a four-week trial period, whe-             per, but are very light and elegant. There are hor-
                                     ther or not they might be a good match. “I don‘t             ses which have to learn to sprint; others need
                                     want this to sound esoteric, but if I don‘t have a           more endurance. There certainly are very signifi-
                                     connection with a horse at all, it won‘t work out,“          cant differences.“ The event rider has been wor-
                                     says the trainer. “It‘s not like I‘m particularly            king with the DOKR‘s performance diagnostics
                                     strong. I can‘t ride with a lot of force and have to         team for several years. The horses are equipped
                                     find different ways.“ Her height and weight were             with a training GPS that records exactly how long
                                     her big shortcomings when she started out on her             and where they trot or canter and what their heart
                                     own, she says. “Many feared that I would be una-             rate was. “Being picky from the beginning, is im-
                                     ble to assert myself if a horse got cheeky. This has         portant.” To Anna Siemer it is the be-all and end-
                                     since become my big plus. The horses that we are             all of training horses. It starts with mounting the
                                     able to ride on a cross-country course in a regular          horse for the first time. If that doesn‘t work at

     On the diagonnaalSiemer                                                                          Which horse holds a special place?
         with An                               Favourite memory of first competiti-
                                               on: I fell off twice in a youth test at my first
                                                                                                      Always the one I‘m sitting on at the mo-
                                                                                                      ment. If I have a horse I don‘t like, I don‘t
The best eventing horse at the mo-             competition. But I rode bareback.                      ride it.
ment? FRH Butts Avondale
                                               Favourite destination: Aachen                          Which music group would you fit
Favourite horse show: Aachen, Luhmüh-          Career aspiration as a child: I never                  into?
len and Hausstette                             really had one. At the beginning I wanted to           I‘m super lyrical, but I have a hard time
                                               be a teacher, but definitely not a professio-          hitting the right note. I listen to everything
Favourite place in Germany: Home               nal rider – I was sure of that.                        from Mozart to brand new. I‘m totally free
                                                                                                      and can sing along anywhere, preferably in
Favourite sport besides riding: I think        Idol in your childhood: Marcus Ehning                  a car, as loud as possible and, unfortunate-
athletics is great!                            Favourite food: Everything.                            ly, really weird.

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DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

home, it won‘t work at the show. “And there we           her element,“ the trainer shares. “She is by far the
already have the first stress factor,“ she says. Or      smartest horse we have, and she knows it. You
trot-canter transitions. “They sound really easy,        have to ride her in a way that she feels everything
but they need to always come through. Just like          is her idea. You must take her personality serious-
accelerating and applying the brakes. On the             ly, then everything is easy with her. She likes to
cross-country course, you have to be able to shift       present herself and is not shy at all.“
up and down. You can‘t do a lot of other things
with a five-year-old yet.“ It is important to her        But even with a star, things don‘t always go
that she really knows the horse, knows what kind         straight uphill. After placing fourth at the 2012
of horse personality she is dealing with. Each hor-      Bundeschampionat and competing at the World
se reacts differently, each wants to be treated dif-     Championships for young horses in Le Lion
ferently and has different preferences. And not just     d‘Angers/FRA, FRH Butt‘s Avondale and Anna Sie-
when it comes to riding, but also when it comes to       mer seemed to be treading water for a while. “I
feed or transport. “That‘s why we have so few hor-       was at a point where I thought I was doing eve-
ses in the stable. We deal with them a lot. I want to    rything wrong,“ the rider recalls. But Prof. Dr. Vol-
know a lot about every single one. It‘s important to     ker Steinkraus always stood behind the pair, kno-
build a relationship with your horse and know his        wing that their time would come. And so it did.
personality. Every horse is different. If I build the    Three years ago, they won the first CCI4*-S in
horse‘s confidence, I can count on it at a later date.   Renswoude/NED, competed in the Nations Cup-
Horses have to fight with you in eventing. They          tournament in Aachen/GER and participated as
have to enjoy going cross-country.”                      individual competitors in the European Champi-
                                                         onships in their home town of Luhmühlen. They
This enjoyment is what characterizes FRH Butt‘s          finished thirteenth and ended the competition on
Avondale. The Nobre xx/Heraldik xx-daughter              their dressage score. After finishing fourth at the
came to Anna Siemer as a four-year-old. Ten years        German Championships, they tackled their first
later, she became European Vice Champion with            five-star event. A hoof abscess ruined the partici-
the German team in Switzerland. “The whole hor-          pation in Pau/FRA. Then the idea of going to Ken-
se is special,“ Anna Siemer raves. The mare was          tucky came up. Anna Siemer knew the course from
born with talent, as she is out of the legendary         a previous trip: “My gut told me this was a site for
breeding program of Friedrich Butt. Several spec-        Avondale.“ Since the course in Lexington was
tacular event horses descend from the line of Or-        built by the same course designer who built the
dalie, such as Andreas Dibowski‘s FRH Butts Ave-         course in Tokyo, national coach Hans Melzer gave
                                                                                                                 In 2018 Anna Siemer won the
don and Ingrid Klimke‘s FRH Butts Abraxxas. Both         the green light. Herpes and Corona shook up the
                                                                                                                 Bundeschampionat for five-year-old
are grandsons of the Wiesenbaum xx/Julius Cae-           tournament schedule. “I often thought that there        eventers with Hann.Pr.A. Clara Bö
sar xx-daughter Anatevka, who we find in                 were a lot of stones in the way,“ Anna Siemer re-       by Concours Complet/Compliment
Avondale‘s pedigree in the sixth generation. Un-         counts. After that, the Olympics also became a          (photo above) and came second in
der the name “Native Charme,“ the bay mare pro-          possible option. FRH Butt‘s Avondale and Anna           the six-year-old class with Hann.
                                                                                                                 Pr.St. Dark Moon. Only eight weeks
ved her quality early on when she was awarded            Siemer were second reserve and as such went to
                                                                                                                 before, she had taken over the Don
the state’s premium-status and brought home              the European Championships in Avenches/SUI,             Index/Matcho AA-daughter from her
from her mare test a 9.50 for jumping. The avid          where they won silver with the team. “It was a          trainer Stephan Dubsky after his
eventing and hunt rider, Prof. Dr. Volker Steinkraus,    mega feeling to ride for Germany. Even though           accident. Photos: Bischoff
Ollsen, has secured several jewels for his breeding      they were not my first championships, it was com-
program from Friedrich Butt‘s treasure chest.            peting on the team with the ‘cool riders‘, with
“When I came to Luhmühlen, I knew his horses,            Dibo, Ingrid and Michi – that was superb. And, I
but didn‘t dare approach Volker,“ says Anna Sie-         contributed to the team performance. I feel riding
mer. Chance came to her rescue. She had Butts            is a team sport and I don‘t think anyone was as
Anton, a horse out of Prof. Dr. Steinkraus’ bree-        happy about the team medal as I was. It was a
ding program by Embassy and out of Avondale’s            great experience.“
dam, in training and competed him in Sahrendorf.
The breeder saw this and approached Anna Sie-            Three- and four-star events lie ahead of FRH Butt‘s
mer. “You fit our horses perfectly,“ he said. After      Avondale, perhaps Aachen or a Nations Cup. The
various other horses, Avondale then came to Anna         event rider realizes that a nomination for the
Siemer. When she was started under saddle, walk          World Equestrian Games in Pratoni del Vivaro/ITA
and canter were her basic gaits; mounting her tur-       will be difficult. Germany has so many strong hor-
ned out to be not so easy. “I never really fought        se/rider combinations at the moment. “But we
with her. Except for trotting, she did everything        give it our all, are already training dressage and
from the start. From day one, she went into the          fine-tuning our jumping technique. What will hap-
water; she always jumped the ditches. She was in         pen, will happen!“ n

                                                                                                                    Der Hannoveraner 03|2022     5
DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

Triple victory in Riesenbeck
Riesenbeck International was all about Hannover on the first weekend in February:
Prieuré won the Grand Prix, Diacontina was the best youngster and Lucato Mad Jo
secured the victory in the final of the Medium Tour.
By Britta Züngel

                                               Palm Beach International Equestrian Center,       and rider Fabio Cotta finished third in a two-
 Showjumping                                   they jumped into third place in a two-phase       phase show jumping competition.
                                               jumping competition. At the CSI5* at the
                                               same location, he was among the successful        Baloubet du Rouet
Balou du Rouet                                 Hanoverians in the Grand Prix (1.60 metres).
                                               Coby won, Count Me In was second, and Ba-         Babou du Rouet (VA)
Balotelli                                      loutinue finished twelfth in this well funded     In a 1.40 metre-jumping competition at the
At the CSI3* in Wellington,USA, the clear      competition.                                      CSI3* in Vilamoura/POR, Babou du Rouet by
rounds of Balotelli by Balou du Rouet/Con-                                                       Baloubet du Rouet/Calido/Argentinus (line of
tendro/Chasseur (line of Gotenprobe; bree-     Bayleaf                                           Schilfgarbe; breeder: Kai Baumgartner, Wul-
der: Ulrich Heitmann, Hagenah) and Matthew     In mid February, Bayleaf by Balou du Rouet/       kau) and Toni Haßmann remained penalty-
Boddy in the 1.50 meter-jumping competiti-     Acord II/Drosselklang II (line of Fürstenkraft;   free and made it onto the podium placing
on on Saturday were rewarded with a fourth     breeder: Jean Claude Ferrand, Contest/FRA)        third.
placing. Seven days later, the pair placed     celebrated her first international victory in
third in the final jumping competition (1.50   Oliva/ESP. She won the final for six-year-olds    Berlin
metres) of the CSI4*.                          with Bertrand Genin.
                                                                                                 Boston ASK
Baloutinue                                     Bella Balou (Rhld.)                               At the CSI5* in Wellington/USA, Boston ASK
The newly crowned Rider Of the Year, Laura     In mid February, the Horses Riviera Resort in     by Berlin/Quidam de Revel/Grannus (line of
Kraut, and Baloutinue by Balou du Rouet/       San Giovanni in Marignano/ITA opened its          Nesuli; breeder: Callaho Warmblood Sport
Landor S/Figaro (breeder: Heinrich Meyer,      doors to the international sport. On the last     Horses, Christiana/South Africa) finished in
Langwedel) successfully competed at the        day, the Balou du Rouet/Quidam‘s Rubin/           the top three. The 14-year-old and rider Jor-
CSI4* in Wellington/USA. On the third week-    Contender-daughter Bella Balou (line of Nea-      dan Coyle placed third in a 1.45-metre jum-
end of the Winter Equestrian Festival at the   paza; breeder: Karl-Heinz Girkes, Viersen)        ping class.


                                                                                                 Hann.Pr.A. Chicolina
                                                                                                 Hann.Pr.A. Chicolina by Canstakko/Chasseur/
                                                                                                 Argentan (line of Klaseta; breeder: Frank Jo-
                                                                                                 hannsen, Daensen) celebrated two victories
                                                                                                 at the CSI1* in Oliva/ESP. She won two
                                                                                                 1.40-metre classes with Kim Vukadin


                                                                                                 In his adopted country of Kuwait/KUW, the
                                                                                                 Canturano/Contendro/Drosselklang II-son
                                                                                                 Carlsson (line of Nondura; breeder: Hans-

                                                                                                 Cornet‘s Iberio by Cornet Obolensky (here in
                                                                                                 Leipzig) won the Grand Prix of Kronenberg with
                                                                                                 Denis Lynch. Photo: Lafrentz

6     Der Hannoveraner 03|2022
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Heinrich Brüning, Ochtmannien) delivered
strong performances at the World Cup. In the
1.45 metre-jumping competition on Friday,
he finished third with Annaz Al Annaz in the
saddle. In the World Cup-jumping class (1.50
metres), the twelve-year-old finished seventh.


Carrisma (VA)
The Carrico/Eiger/Airport-daughter Carrisma
(breeder: Henrik Plass, Neustadt) represented
Luxembourg at the CSI3* in Vilamoura/POR.
With Victor Bettendorf, she finished third in a
two-phase show jumping competition.

Casino Grande

At the end of January, the Spring Mediterra-
                                                  Lucato Mad Jo v. Ludwigs As und Alexa Stais haben das Finale der Mittleren Tour in Riesenbeck
nean Equestrian Tour entered its third round      gewonnen. Photo: RI
in Oliva/ESP. With Oleksandr Prodan, Con-
cord by Casino Grande/Cassini II/Cordalme         ping competition of the Youngster Tour. The         the winners. The following weekend, the pair
(line of Nachnahme; breeder: Rudolf Sche-         pair finished second. They went on to Opglab-       finished second in the Grand Prix at Azelhof.
pergerdes, Meppen) finished a class for six-      beek/BEL, which is 60 kilometres away. There
year-olds in a brilliant second place.            they won the second qualification for seven-        Coby
                                                  year-olds.                                          From the Persian Gulf, the Contagio/Escudo/
Chacco-Blue                                                                                           Pik König-son Coby (line of Kurheim; breeder:
                                                  Comme il faut                                       Jürgen Geffken, Lilienthal) went to Florida.
RMF Chacco Top (VA)                                                                                   The flight agreed well with him: Mid Februa-
The U.S. American rider Shawn Casady star-        Chao Lee (Rhld.)                                    ry, he and Philipp Weishaupt won the US
ted competing RMF Chacco Top by Chacco-           At the end of January in Oliva/ESP, seven of        $406,000.00-Grand Prix (1.60 metres) at
Blue/Graf Top/Wandersmann xx (line of Isa-        eight participants in the jump-off for the          CSI5* in Wellington/USA.
bella; breeder: Torsten Siems, Oyle) and          Grand Prix of the CSI3* remained penalty-
immediately won a class with jump-off at his      free. This included Chao Lee by Comme il            Colestus
first international start in Thermal/USA. The     faut/Chacco-Blue/Kannan (line of Schliesse-
new combination had been second in a two-         rin; breeder: Otmar Eckermann, Kranenburg)          Campino MR (Rhld.)
phase jump-off earlier.                           and Katrin Eckermann, who finished sixth            As the winner of the free-jumping competiti-
                                                  with this top performance.                          on of the Hanoverian Breeding Program for
Chalet                                                                                                Show Jumpers, Campino MR by Colestus/
                                                  Comme-Laude W (Rhld.)                               Clinton/Quite Capitol (line of Flechtka; bree-
Carisma Can Fly                                   Without any penalty points, the Comme il            der: Marius Rittstieg, Seeburg) became Han-
From Opglabbeek, Belgium, Carisma Can Fly         faut/Diagonal/Ramonow-son Comme-Laude               noveraner show jumping champion for four-
by Chalet/Foxhunter/Quasi Roy (line of Nach-      W (breeder: Herbert Werth, Wesel) and Bart          year-olds with Roman Duchac. In the
barin I; breeder: Arnd Behr, Seevetal) drove to   Bles from the Netherlands finished eighth in        following two years, the bay stallion jumped
Kronenberg in the Netherlands. In the CSI2*       the qualifier (1.50 metres) for the Grand Prix      onto the podium two more times as the
at the Peelbergen Equestrian Center, Tim          at the CSI5*-W in Sharjah/UAE. The pair then        third-placed horse. At the beginning of the
Hoster rode her into third place in a time-       finished the World Cup-jumping class (1.60          year, Campino MR came to Helmut
and-fault class.                                  metres) in tenth place.                             Schönstetter‘s stables, and end of January he
                                                                                                      obtained his first international placing in
Codex One                                         Contagio                                            Vejer de la Frontera/ESP. In the second quali-
                                                                                                      fication of the Youngster Tour, the new horse-
Condor One Z (Rhld.)                              Catch Me Imperio                                    rider combination finished third. The fol-
At the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED, seven-            The very first qualifier for the Grand Prix of      lowing week, the pair picked up two more
hundredths of a second separated Condor           the CSI2* in Lier/BEL saw the Contagio/             third-place ribbons at the same venue. In mid
One Z by Codex One/Berlin/Polydor (breeder:       Werther/Gotthard-son Catch Me Imperio               February, Campino added a second place in
Heiner Dückers, Lindlar) and Christian Ahl-       (line of Julianca; breeder: Heinz Tiedje jun.,      the opening jumping class to his success re-
mann from the winner of the two-phase jum-        Bottendorf) and Francisco José Mesquita as          cord.

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Cordobes                                           Contendros                                        Crocodile Rock (VA)
                                                                                                     Two six-year-olds advertised Hannover‘s
Coenig (Rhld.)                                     Conlouba                                          show jumpers in Oliva/ESP. In the second
The clear round in Friday’s main jumping           At the CSIO5* in Abu Dhabi/UAE, Conlouba          qualification of the Youngster Tour of the vin-
competition at the CSI3* in Sharjah/UAE            by Contendros/Baloubet du Rouet/Carthago          tage from 2016, the Cornet Obolensky/Sir
rewarded Coenig by Cordobes/Baloubet du            (line of Gralsgöttin; breeder: Stud Lewitz,       Shutterfly/Graf Top-son Crocodile Rock (line
Rouet/Pit (line of Pia; breeder: Gerd and Syl-     Mühlen) and Abdurakhmon Abdullaev deli-           of Jugendzeit; breeder: Peter Bertling, Me-
via Koenen, Viersen) and Abdullah Humaid Al        vered a fast, four-penalty round finishing        ckenheim) and Robin Muhr finished second
Muhairi with a second placing. One day later,      eighth in the jumping competition with a          ahead of Kaidan. The pair also remained pe-
the pair earned the next second-place ribbon       winning round (1.50 metres). A week later,        nalty-free in the final finishing third. In the
in a time-and-fault class. The participation in    the pair competed in the CSI4*-W and took         next round a week later, Crocodile Rock won
a two-star event at the same venue followed.       second place in a two-phase jumping compe-        the two-phase jumping competition. The gray
There, Coenig finished third in a two-phase        tition.                                           horse, whose great-granddam Gundula pro-
jumping class.                                                                                       duced the legendary Goldfever, had once
                                                   Conteur                                           sold to Argentina via Verden’s foal auction.
                                                   Casablanca-H                                      Cornet‘s Balou
Con Coleur                                         At the CSI3* in Oliva/ESP, the Conteur/Lan-
At the CSI2* in Wellington/USA, American           dor S/Argentan-daughter Casablanca-H (line        Mike Wazowski
Rebecca Conway rode the Contendro/Cou-             of Maldone; breeder: Günther Heilshorn,           The main jumping competition on the ope-
leur-Rubin/Picart-son Con Coleur (line of Sel-     Wulsbüttel) and Tobias Meyer finished the         ning day of the CSI2* in San Miguel de Allen-
ma; breeder: Ingo and Britta Janssen,              Grand Prix (1.50 metres) in fifth place. The      de/MEX celebrated a double Hannoveraner
Holtgast) into second place in a 1,45 metre-       following weekend, they earned another fifth      victory. Behind Pandora, the Cornet‘s Balou/
jumping class.                                     place in a 1.50 meter-Grand Prix.                 Centadel/Stakkato-son Mike Wazowski (line
                                                                                                     of Flaute; breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen) fini-
Contendros (VA)                                    Cornet Obolensky                                  shed second with Nicolas Pizarro. The ten-
Contendros by Contendro/Drosselklang II/                                                             year-old did even better in the Grand Prix,
Glückspilz (line of of Neapenda; breeder: Wil-     Cornets Iberio                                    which he won by more than three seconds.
helm Berghorn, Stolzenau) won the Grand            At the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED on the
Prix (1.55 metres) of Lerma/MEX. He and his        penultimate weekend in January, Denis Lynch       Count Grannus
rider Andres Azcarraga were the only horse-        kept his nerves in the exciting jump-off to the
rider combination to complete the 1.55-met-        Grand Prix and won aboard Cornets Iberio by       Count Me In
re course without any penalties. The pair had      Cornet Obolensky/Iberio/Acorado (line of          The Count Grannus/Sherlock Holmes/Mahon-
already led the field in the qualification (1.50   Steingilde; breeder: Heinrich Ramsbrock,          son Count Me In (line of Maritim; breeder:
metres). A week later, Contendros had a jum-       Menslage) by a margin of almost two tenths        Friedrich Lüßmann, Neustadt) is on the road
ping fault in the Grand Prix (1.55 metres) at      of a second. The grey then paid the Sentower      to success. After winning the World Cup-jum-
the same location and finished sixth in this       Park in Opglabbeek/BEL a visit. He finished       ping competition in Fort Worth, he finished
competition.                                       second in the qualifier for the Grand Prix.       the Grand Prix (1.60 metres) in Wellington/
                                                                                                     USA in second place with Connor Swail be-
                                                                                                     hind Coby and Philipp Weishaupt.


                                                                                                     Dicas (Rhld.)
                                                                                                     Only four pairs made it into the jump-off of
                                                                                                     the main jumping competition (1.50 metres)
                                                                                                     on the final day of the CSI5* in Wellington/
                                                                                                     USA. Margie Goldstein-Engle rode Dicas by
                                                                                                     Diarado/Cassini/Lancetto son Dicas (breeder:
                                                                                                     Karl-Heinz Girkes, Viersen) into second place.

                                                                                                     On the last weekend of January, Diraba by
                                                                                                     Diarado/Contendro/Grannus (line of Nokade-
                                                                                                     ro; breeder: Heinrich Bremer jun., Nöpke) and
                                                                                                     After the start at the Bundeschampionat (Photo)
                                                                                                     Fascinora by Firth of Lorne collects top results
                                                                                                     with Katrin Eckermann in Spain. Photo: Equitaris

8      Der Hannoveraner 03|2022
DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

                                                                                                       also managed to be just as successful a week
                                                                                                       later at the CSI5*-W at the same venue.


                                                                                                       Oak Grove‘s Heartthrob
                                                                                                       In mid February, Oak Grove‘s Heartthrob by
                                                                                                       Heartbreaker/Artos Z/Ramiro (line of Fairness
                                                                                                       III Z, Breeding Farm Eichenhain, Varste) made
                                                                                                       the trip to Andalusia and immediately ente-
                                                                                                       red the winners’ lists. At the CSI2* in Vejer de
                                                                                                       la Frontera/ESP, he won a division of the two-
                                                                                                       phase show jumping competition for six-ye-
                                                                                                       ar-olds with rider Kendra Claricia Brinkop.


                                                                                                       The year 2022 began for the Kannan/Gerli-
From Warendorf (Photo) to North America: With Richard Vogel, Looping Luna completes her first inter-   nus/Hinault-son Kaidan (breeder: Elmgestüt
national season in Mexico and the USA. Photo: Equitaris                                                “Drei Eichen“, Königslutter) with a trip to the
                                                                                                       Mediterranean. At the CSI2* in Oliva/ESP, the
Francesco Turturiello celebrated a victory in a      Firth of Lorne                                    six-year-old won the Youngster Tour with Fin-
jumping competition of the Gold 2-Tour at                                                              ja Bormann after finishing third in the second
the CSI3* in Oliva/ESP.                             Fascinora                                          qualifier behind Crocodile Rock.
                                                    Fascinora by Firth of Lorne/Cassini II/Jasper
Don Diarado (Rhld.)                                 (breeder: Otmar Eckermann) was among the           Lord Fauntleroy
After the transfer of Don Diarado by Diarado/       successful young Hannoveraner during week
Lord Lancer/Circus (line of Carmina; breeder:       two of the Spring Mediterranean Equestrian         Looping Luna (VA)
Dirk Lohmann, Schermbeck) from Maurice              Tour in Oliva/ESP. Behind Serendepety, the         After three shows in Mexico, Looping Luna by
Tebbel to Harm Lahde, the first reports about       seven-year-old finished third in the second        Lord Fauntleroy/Calido/Gambler‘s Cup xx
the pair’s success are coming in from Oliva/        qualification of the Youngster Tour. The           (line of Juka; breeder: Andreas Middelkampf,
ESP. In the Grand Prix (1.50 metres), the           breeder‘s daughter Katrin Eckermann presen-        Grönloh) went to Florida. With Richard Vogel,
2009-born stallion finished ninth.                  ted Fascinora. The following Wednesday, the        the eight-year-old finished third in a
                                                    pair won the final for the vintage from 2015.      1.45-metre class.
                                                     Giorgio                                           Ludwigs As
With a fast four-penalty round, Darquito by         Giorgino (Rhld.)                                   Lucato Mad Jo
D‘Inzeo/Contefino/Stakkato (line of Kalunda;        Giorgino by Giorgio/Harry Potter/Polany            At the CSI2* in Riesenbeck/GER, Lucato Mad
breeder: Dieter Köneke, Nienhagen) and An-          (breeder: Rudolf Pellengahr, Höxter) made it       Jo by Ludwigs As/Stakkato/Don Juan (line of
drew Bourns finished seventh in the 1.50            into the sports pages of DER HANNOVERA-            Dichterwelt; breeder: Jochen Meyer, Allwör-
metre-show jumping competition on Sunday            NER because of his successes in Oliva/ESP. At      den) celebrated the fourth international,
at the CSI5* in Wellington/USA.                     the end of January, the nine-year-old finished     1.40-metre victory of his young career. He
                                                    second in the two-phase jumping competiti-         won the final of the Medium Tour with Alexa
Diacontinus                                         on at CSI1* with rider Alexa Larkin.               Stais.

Diacontina                                           Harley VDL                                        Perigueux
The last day of Riesenbeck International was
a Hannoveraner feast: Prieuré won the Grand         Harry                                              Portofino
Prix and Lucato Mad Jo the final of the Medi-       At the start of the Youngster Tour at CSI3* in     Portofino by Perigueux/Stakkato/Drossel-
um Tour. The best young horse was the               Sharjah/UAE, Abdalla Hamad Eli Al Kirbi rode       klang II (line of Almka; breeder: Heinz-August
Diacontinus/A Conto As/Balou du Rouet-              the Harley VDL/Diamant de Semilly/Heart-           Grewe, Hemsloh) is at the beginning of a pro-
daughter Diacontina (breeder: Konrad Böth,          breaker-son Harry (breeder: Abu Dhabi              mising career. The six-year-old gained his first
Niederwalgern), who won the final of the            Equestrian Club, Zobbenitz) into second            international merits on the Andalucía Sunshi-
Youngster Tour with rider Sönke Fallenberg.         place in the two-phase show jumping com-           ne Tour. In week one, he finished second be-
The seven-year-old had already finished the         petition for six-year-olds. One day later, the     hind Oak Grove‘s Heartthrob in the two-pha-
first qualification in second place.                pair then claimed victory in the final. They       se jumping competition of the Youngster

                                                                                                                      Der Hannoveraner 03|2022       9
DER HANNOVERANER - The American Hanoverian Society

Tour. The bay was guided through the course       ra (breeder: Birgit Lehner, Müggendorf) into     lowing day, the twelve-year-old jumped into
by Konstantin E. van Damm.                        second place in the speed class of the           third place.
                                                  Youngster Tour.
Pandora (VA)                                                                                       Stakkato
Pandora by Perigueux/Lordanos/Athlet Z             Messenger
(breeder: Christel and Helge Deußer, Hünfel-                                                       Sama Dubai FBH
den) and rider Arturo Parada Vellejo celebra-     H5 Messentus PS                                  In Abu Dhabi/UAE, Sama Dubai FBH v. Stak-
ted a victory in the main jumping competition     The CSI2* in Florida in mid February was the     kato/Landcapitol/Grannus (breeder: Wilhelm
on the opening day of the CSI2* in San            first event of the year on the calendar of H5    Winkeler, Herzlake) and Abdullah Mohd Al
Miguel de Allende/MEX.                            Messentus PS by Messenger/Cento/Latus            Marri added a clear round for the team from
                                                  (breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen). The nine-ye-     the United Arab Emirates to win second place
Prieuré                                           ar-old and his new rider Enrique Gonzales fi-    at their home event in the Nations Cup.
At the CSI2* in Riesenbeck/GER, Prieuré by        nished second in a time-and-fault class.
Perigueux/Acord II/Bold Indian xx (line of Ju-                                                     Stakaya
lianca; breeder: Erwin Brennecke, Burgdorf)        Quaid                                           Fabio Thielen took over the Stakkato/Clear-
stood at the top of the podium twice. The                                                          way/Sir Dancer xx-daughter Stakaya (bree-
eleven-year-old won the Grand Prix with           Hann.Pr.St. Quatinka                             der: Kai Gattermann, Rehburg) from sister
Benjamin Wulschner in a commanding man-           The       Quaid/Perigueux/Stakkato-daughter      Julie. The 14-year-old triumphed at the CSI2*
ner after he had already won the first qualifi-   Hann.Pr.St. Quatinka (breeder: Manfred           in Opglabbeek/BEL winning a two-phase
cation with a lead of almost four seconds.        Schäfer, Köchingen) celebrated her best re-      show jumping competition.
                                                  sults to date in the Persian Gulf. With Kevin
Prinz (VA)                                        Jochems, the ten-year-old finished second in     Hann.Pr.A. Souper Shuttle
At the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED, the Pe-           the Grand Prix (1.50 m) of Sharjah/UAE. Only     Under the Florida sun, Hann.Pr.A. Souper
rigueux/Escudo/Werther-son Prinz (breeder:        two competitors had managed to produce           Shuttle by Stakkato/La Zarras/Fantus (bree-
Volker Ebeling, Ingeln) and Hans-Dieter Dre-      two clear rounds. One week later, the World      der: Andrea and Norbert Wulf, Schilldorf) and
her won the second-place ribbon in the first      Cup-tournament was on the agenda. The            Chloe Reid impressed in the 1.55 meter-jum-
qualifier for the Grand Prix. Along with Caris-   eleven-year-old celebrated the first 1.50-met-   ping competition on Thursday at the CSI4* in
ma Can Fly, he is the second Hanoverian           re victory of her career. In the main jumping    Wellington/USA, which they finished in third
from the line of Nachbarin I to achieve top       competition (1.50 metres) on Saturday, she       place. In the Grand Prix (1.60 metres), the
results in Peelbergen. Next stop: Sentower        found the fastest line.                          pair had one jumping fault, which translated
Park in Opglabbeek/BEL. Prinz celebrated                                                           into eighth place.
two wins there, in the opening round and in       Quintus-H
a two-phase jumping competition.                  The Quaid/Werther/Gotthard-son Quintus-H         Silvio
                                                  (line of Julianca; breeder: Jochen Schrader,
Plot Blue                                         Königslutter) currently jumps from success to    Solero MS
                                                  success. In week two of the Spring Mediterra-    At the CSI3* in Oliva/ESP, Julien Epaillard
Hann.Pr.St. Bahira                                nean Equestrian Tour in Oliva/ESP, he won        was able to rely on his experienced Solero
Mid February in Oliva/ESP, Lauren Buhl rode       the first Gold 3-test with Tobias Meyer from     MS by Silvio/Espri/Sandro (line of Corona;
the Plot Blue/Stakkato/Kolibri-daughter Bahi-     Germany by exactly two seconds. The fol-         breeder: Richard Mangels, Nordholz). The

Superb was super in Ankum
After a break of almost a year, the Surprice/     of the same year, Superb opened the 132nd
Donautanz-daughter Superb (breeder: Mari-         elite auction in Verden. She made the hearts
on Gabel) made an impressive comeback. In         of many visitors beat faster and the telepho-
Ankum, the ten-year-old won the Grand Prix        nes at the auction ran hot. Interested parties
at her debut with Isabell Werth. She just         from Denmark and Australia caused the pri-
missed the magic 80 percent-mark with             ce to soar within a very short time. In the
79.533 percent. All three judges saw the          end, however, the black youngster was to
black mare in front.                              remain in Germany: For 250,000 Euros,
                                                  equestrian patron Madeleine Winter-Schulze
Superb has not often been seen on the show        won the bid and Superb came to the stable
circuit in recent years, but she is not comple-   of multiple Olympic and World Champion
tely unknown. In 2015, the black mare won         Isabell Werth. After careful training, Superb
the Hannoveraner Championship for three-          qualified for the final of the Louisdor Prize
                                                                                                   Superb (here in Hagen) won her first Grand Prix
year-olds and finished sixth in the Bunde-        last year with a victory in the short Grand      with Isabell Werth in Ankum.
schampionat with Marlene Heye. In October         Prix of Munich. n                                Photo: Lafrentz

10    Der Hannoveraner 03|2022

After winning the qualification, Prieuré by Pe-                                                        Jungle Prince/Akzent II (line of Antje; bree-
rigueux and Benjamin Wulschner won the Grand                                                           der: Rober Kühn, Hagen) and Anna Buffini
Prix of Riesenbeck. Photo: RI
                                                                                                       were delighted with a third place in the free-
pair won the Grand Prix-qualifier as well as
an accumulator class that produces ranking                                                             Fighting Fit
                                                                                                       Quantico Ymas (VA)
Stanley                                                                                                Quantico Ymas by Fighting Fit/Constant/Me-
                                                                                                       phisto (breeder: Marijke Goethals, Eeklo/BEL)
Hann.Pr.A. Sally                                                                                       and Juan Matute Guimon started the World
In the Gold 2-Final of the CSI3* in Oliva/ESP,                                                         Cup in Wellington/USA with a third place in
Hann.Pr.A. Sally by Stanley/For Edition/Du-                                                            the short Grand Prix. In the freestyle, the
pon (breeder: Hermann Rosenbrock, Bred-                                                                16-year-old and his Spanish rider advanced
dorf) and Finja Bormann placed second in a                                                             to second place.
field of 74 participants. A week later, a doub-
le Hannoveraner victory was announced at a                                                             Füstenball
1.45 metre-jumping class. Behind Solero MS,
Sally finished second.                                                                                 Frieda (VA)
                                                                                                       As a broodmare, the Fürstenball/Rouletto/
Stakata                                                                                                Trapper-daughter Frieda (line of Agueda;
With a fast four-penalty round, the Stanley/                                                           breeder: Family Schmidt, Mulsum) had sold
Embassy/Landclassic-daughter Stakata (line                                                             as a two-year-old wto Canada via Verden’s
of Stange; breeder: Hans Henning von der                                                               auction in August of 2013. With her owner
Decken, Stade) finished seventh in the Grand         dam Cecile is the dam of the internationally      Pia Virginia Fortmüller, she began her career
Prix (1.50 metres) of Vilamoura/POR with ri-         successful, showjumping sire Satisfaction.        as a sport horse in Germany celebrating vic-
der Adam Grzegorzewski from Poland.                                                                    tories in riding and dressage horse-classes.
                                                     Voltaire                                          She participated in the World Championships
Stakkato Gold                                                                                          for Young Dressage Horses in Ermelo/NED.
                                                     L.St.-S Venice Beach                              Now Frieda dared to compete in Florida at
Secret Star                                          Venice Beach by Voltaire/Escudo/Calypso II        the Grand Prix-level and made an impressive
The Stakkato Gold/Landadel/Servus-son Sec-           (line of Dallas; breeder: Carsten Meyer-Nord-     debut: The black mare won the Grand Prix at
ret Star (line of Jadara; breeder: Albert Spre-      horn, Raddestorf) and Rodrigo Pessoa fini-        the CDI3* in Wellington/USA and finished
he, Essen) will soon no longer be an insider‘s       shed second in a two-phase show jumping           third in the Special.
tip. With his victory in the second qualifica-       competition at the CSI4* in Wellington/USA .
tion of the Youngster Tour at the CSI2* in                                                             Hotline
Lier/BEL, the seven-year-old landed on the
international sport pages in DER HANNOVE-             Dressage                                         Havalon
RANER. This success was followed by a brilli-                                                          A CDI4* in mid-February was part of the Glo-
ant second place in the final of the Youngster       Danciano                                          bal Dressage Festival in Wellington/USA. In
Tour. Thomas Ryan presented the bay.                                                                   the Grand Prix Special, Havalon by Hotline/
                                                     Dolciario                                         Wolkentanz II/Rubinstein (line of Firuza:
Starissa                                             For the first time, Frederic Wandres took the     breeder: Heinz Lenter, Meppen) delivered his
Starissa by Stakkato Gold/Quidam‘s Rubin/            Danciano/Don Frederico/Morning Star- son          personal best performance and finished se-
Landadel (line of Jadara; breeder: Albert            Dolciario (line of Sporthaus; breeder: Christin   cond in this competition with Laurence Va-
Sprehe, Essen) and Mario Stevens placed              Eggersglüß, Soltendiek) to Florida, where he      nommeslage.
third in the first qualifier for the Grand Prix of   also rode him in a competition for the first
Riesenbeck/GER.                                      time. He did it with great success winning the    Londonderry
                                                     Prix St. Georges at the CDI1* in Wellington/
Stolzenberg                                          USA on the second weekend in February.            Summerwood‘s Limei
                                                                                                       The Londonderry/Weltmeyer/Akzent II-
Serendepety                                          Don Frederico                                     daughter Summerwood‘s Limei (line of
At the CSI2* in Oliva/ESP, Serendepety by                                                              Flaumblüte; breeder: L. Tetreault and C. Men-
Stolzenberg/Escudo/Calypso II (line of               St.Pr.A. FRH Davinia la Douce (VA)                ard, Ulverton/CAN) was born in Canada. Be-
Schutzsiegel; breeder: Jennifer Lee, The             In the middle of February it was all about        atrice Boucher rode the nine-year-old into
Plains/USA) and Jonna Ekberg delivered the           World Cup-points in Wellington/USA. After         second place in Inter I at the CDI1* in Wel-
second-best performance in the second qua-           fourth place in the short Grand Prix, St.Pr.A.    lington/USA. It was the mare’s debut at this
lifier for seven-year-olds. erendepety’s grand-      FRH Davinia la Douce by Don Frederico/A           level of competition. n

                                                                                                                      Der Hannoveraner 03|2022   11
Breeder‘s portrait

                                                         Good feeling and
                                                         The breeding farm of Rafaela and Dr. Wolfgang
                                                         Thiel shows how to successfully combine a
                                                         passion for numbers, the right gut feeling and the
                                                         sport of dressage, which is often perceived as
                                                         being purely subjective.
                                                         By Rebecca Thamm

Rafaela and Dr. Wolfgang Thiel from
Meerbusch. Photos: Thamm
                                      T   he passion for horses and riding dressage ac-
                                          company Rafaela Thiel since her childhood. In
                                      2008, she and her friend Elke Maurer made the
                                                                                               came to Meerbusch. “Sunny“ was actually inten-
                                                                                               ded as a riding horse for Rafaela Thiel. Because of
                                                                                               family reasons, Rafaela Thiel was unable to devote
                                      plan to buy a broodmare. The search for a suitable       enough time to the sport of riding, and so, in
                                      mare was difficult, because they wanted to lay the       2010, the idea of raising a foal out of Sunny came
                                      proper foundation for a successful breeding pro-         about. “The emphasis here lies on ONE foal,“
                                      gram. They found what they were looking for at           laughs Rafaela Thiel. By now, Sunny is one of the
                                      the farm of Family Siekmann in Emmerthal. “The           foundation mares. “Sunny was a stroke of luck,“
                                      test of character consisted of my wife trotting a        Rafaela Thiel is pleased to say. The great-great-
                                      few laps around the indoor arena without a sadd-         granddam is the mare Bühne, the foundation
                                      le and with only a halter and a rope,“ Dr. Wolf-         mare of the famous Holstein line No. 8769 of the
                                      gang Thiel reports with a smile. The Metternich/         breeding station Magens in Oldenbüttel. The ten-
                                      Rubinstein-daughter St.Pr.St. Madonna passed             year-old Fidertanz-son Friedrich T is currently suc-
                                      the test and found her way to the Rhineland. At          cessfully competing at the advanced (S)-level with
                                      that time, Dr. Wolfgang Thiel had no connection to       Beatrice Hoffrogge. This year, her daughters Hann.
                                      horses. “I was working a lot and I just didn‘t have      Pr.A. Rosé de Flores T and Hann.Pr.A. Fürstenfee T
                                      the time to deal with the subject,“ the breeder          – both were successful up to the M-level – will
                                      recalls. Madonna‘s first foal by Sandro Hit was          deliver their first foals.
                                      born in 2009. Sanssouci MT developed into a no-
                                      ble, medium-framed mare with good gaits and              In 2013, Dr. Wolfgang Thiel entered the breeding
Rizzoli T by Radisson/Royal Classic   plenty of nerve. “Many experienced breeders war-         business. From the very beginning, the business
has completed his first show season   ned us not to breed with this chicken as they de-        mathematician was able to score points with his
with rider Elenna Carroll.            scribed her. But we used her for breeding any-           analytical streak. True to the motto: “The mare
                                      way.” Rafaela Thiel is pleased that she already          line doesn‘t lie,“ he quickly acquired the theoreti-
                                      then listened to her gut feeling. The Escolar-son        cal knowledge about the breeding of horses. Since
                                      Escolari T, born in 2014, celebrated his first suc-      his entering into the breeding business, he fo-
                                      cesses at the M-level with Elenna Carroll in 2021        cused on the breed value estimations, progeny
                                      and is on his way to the S-level. His full-sister Elli   statistics and databases of all kinds. While Dr.
                                      Pirelli T, a participant in the Herwart von der De-      Wolfgang Thiel likes to make his decisions on the
                                      cken-Show, was nominated for the 2021 Bunde-             basis of data and facts, his wife decides more in-
                                      schampionat with rider Beatrice Hoffrogge. The           tuitively from her gut. “At the same time, my wife
                                      2016-born Benetton Dream-daughter Bella Loui-            has a really good eye for horses,“ says Dr. Wolf-
                                      sa T won at the mare show in Viersen and was             gang Thiel, who knows to appreciate his wife‘s
                                      also invited to the Herwart von der Decken-Show.         good instinct. By now they are able to very suc-
                                      In 2009, Verb.Pr.St. Sandra Hit 2 by Sandro Hit/         cessfully combine his analytical knowledge, her
                                      Latus II (breeder: Hans-Victor Classen, Viersen)         good gut feeling and her excellent eye for the

12     Der Hannoveraner 03|2022
Breeder‘s portrait

right horse. After the great experiences with Ma-       rities. In addition to the prerequisites for sport and
donna, Rafaela Thiel and Elke Maurer acquired           rideability, the focus is on the health of the horses,
St.Pr.St. Highlight by His Highness/Matcho AA           where, in the opinion of Dr. Wolfgang Thiel, the
(breeder: Hermann Jarck, Himmelpforten) in 2010.        greatest need for action exists on the part of the
In 2011, she gave birth to Hann.Pr.St. Royal Coco       breed associations: “A breed association is not
MT by Royal Classic, who has produced six foals         called a breed association for nothing. There is an
to date, five of which are still owned by Family        enormous amount of empirical knowledge in the
Thiel. The big hope lies in the Radisson-son Rizzo-     traditional breeding community, but for us as late-
li T, born in 2017, who is being prepared for the       ral entrants, it would obviously be very helpful, if
upcoming Bundeschampionat-qualifiers. “What is          the associations provided us with more systematic
most important to us above all is a long-term,          information on health issues. We know our mares
health-maintaining development of the horses.           very well. The decision which stallion to use, is vir-
                                                                                                                 Hann.Pr.A. Elli Pirelli by Escolar/
The Bundeschampionat in Warendorf is a great            tually a blind flight from a health perspective.“ Dr.
                                                                                                                 Sandro Hit was not only highly
event. However, we are well aware that many fac-        Wolfgang Thiel contributes his ideas in various          awarded at the Herwart von der
tors have to align,“ says Rafaela Thiel.                places as a volunteer.                                   Decken-Show in 2020 but also
                                                                                                                 celebrated top results in dressage
Team of experts for support                             The couple is very attached to the Rhineland and         tests for young horses with Beatrice
                                                                                                                 Hoffrogge. Photo: Thamm
“From the very beginning, it was important for us       still registers the foals in the Rhineland in old so-
to present the mares and their foals on shows,          lidarity. A corresponding commitment to the dis-
where you get a neutral assessment of the quality       trict association is therefore a matter of honor. Dr.
of your own horse and have a direct comparison          Wolfgang Thiel has just been elected deputy
to other horses,“ says Rafaela Thiel. “The first        chairman of the district horse breeding associati-
show successes were almost a bit scary,“ she re-        on Rhein-Kreis-Neuss, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, and the
calls of the early days. All mares are performance      cities of Mönchengladbach and Cologne. In addi-
tested and promoted in the sport. “As non-far-          tion, he represents his district horse breeding as-
mers, we are always dependent on support in this        sociation as a delegate in the association NRW
regard,“ explains Dr. Wolfgang Thiel.                   and in the Hannoveraner Verband. He was also a
                                                        member of the structural commission. “As a man
For the first ten years, the mares and foals stood      of industry and trade, I never imagined how much
in Ratingen with Heinz Bernd Schumacher, who,           negative energy could arise in an association that
together with his daughter Wiebke, was a great          is run by volunteers and that is supposed to provi-
supporter, especially in the early days. “As on any     de its members with fun and enjoyment of won-
path, however, we also made some painful and            derful living creatures,“ he says, summing up
instructive experiences.“ True to the motto: “In        passed times. He is all the more pleased that a
every crisis lies an opportunity,“ the couple com-      positive path for the future has been paved by
pletely reorganized in 2020 and built a new team        many committed horse people in order to be able
around them. “We are more than happy to know            to continue to successfully exist in a challenging
that we have highly competent and, above all,           environment and to stand its ground in the tough
trustworthy partners at our side,“ the couple ag-       competition with other breed associations at
rees. Their friends Tanja and Johannes Baumeister       home and abroad.
look after raising the young horses. Family Pferd-
menges attends to the broodmares, and oversees          Rafaela and Dr. Wolfgang Thiel are already loo-
the preparation for mare shows and the training         king forward to the next season. Be it the eagerly
of the young horses. Yannink and Leon Pferde-           awaited foals, the events in Wickrath or on the          Verb.Pr.St. Sandra Hit‘s second foal,
menges work hand-in-hand with their parents,            competitive stage – enjoying the horses will al-         Friedrich T by Fidertanz, is successful
while Miriam Reipen starts the young horses un-         ways be most important. Whether one of their             in the dressage ring up to advanced
der saddle. “Beatrice and Jens Hoffrogge and            three grown children or even one of the three            (S) level with Beatrice Hoffrogge.
                                                                                                                 Photo: Chiara Schmidt Photografie
their great team are responsible for the more ad-       grandchildren will one day enter into the success-
vanced training of the sport horses,“ the couple        ful horse breeding program, is not yet certain. The
says happily. “Our dream is to one day breed a          couple already passed on their love of animals
Grand Prix-horse. Maybe we‘ve already succeeded         and especially their passion for horses to the next
in doing that, but if not, we‘ll keep working on        generation. Bella Louisa T, for example, has alrea-
it!“                                                    dy been named after the Thiels‘ two daughters.
                                                        “We will also dedicate a name to our son Max
The couple’s philosophy is not to sell the foals, but   when the (stallion) opportunity arises,“ says Rafa-
to accompany them on their way into competition.        ela Thiel with a wink, making it clear that the
Making a plan for each individual horse and deve-       breeding of horses has become a shared affair of
loping a gentle training program are the top prio-      the hearts within Family Thiel. n

                                                                                                                    Der Hannoveraner 03|2022        13

                                                    Valuable first
                                                    building blocks
                                                    In addition to the breeding value estimation, which is
                                                    based on the successes of the offspring in
                                                    competitions, the Hannoveraner breeding value
                                                    estimation offers valuable first building blocks,
                                                    because information from mare tests and from pre-
                                                    selections is available earlier. The breeding value for
                                                    the size of a horse is new.
                                                    By Dr. Ludwig Christmann

Through his son King Edward, the Celle state
stud stallion Edward is on everyone‘s lips. For     inspection, breeding values broodmare ins-       165 and 168 cm. It should be noted that
the first time he also appears on the top list of   pection/auction and breeding value size. For     most of the offspring are mares between
jumping sires. Photo: Loveley Moments               the breeding values studbook inspection and      three and five years of age, meaning that
                                                    broodmare test/auction, “the higher the bet-     many are not yet full grown.
                                                    ter“ applies. This is not necessarily the case

A    fter the analysis of the FN breeding valu-
     es and the WBFSH ranking list of sires in
the January issue of DER HANNOVERANER,
                                                    for the breeding value size. A very high bree-
                                                    ding value means that a stallion tends to
                                                    pass on a very large size. On the other hand,
                                                                                                     Another figure that is always published along
                                                                                                     with the Hannoveraner breeding values is ac-
                                                                                                     curacy. This depends on the number of horses
the results of the Hannoveraner breeding va-        if a stallion has a breeding value around 100,   evaluated and the heritability of the individu-
lue estimation will be presented. This is divi-     it can be expected that a large portion of the   al trait. The theoretical maximum value is 1.0
ded into three parts: Breed values marebook         offspring will be in a target range between      (100 percent). A very high accuracy, for ex-

   Breeding values studbook inspec-                   at the selection sites for Verden’s auc-       programs for other livestock. A feature of
   tion: 		                                           tions. The dressage breeding value inclu-      this method is that the individual animal is
   The basis of the breeding value estimati-          des the partial breeding values for trot,      compared to a base population. In the cur-
   on are the scores awarded at the stud-             canter, walk and rideability, each carrying    rent Hanoverian breeding value estimation,
   book inspection. Individual breeding va-           equal weight. The breeding value jumping       all horses born in 2011 and 2012 make up
   lues for the characteristics head, neck,           is based on the two individual breeding        this base for comparison. The base shifts by
   saddle position, frame as well as breed            values for technique and scope, which are      one year each year. This means that the com-
   and sex type are combined in the bree-             calculated from the scores from free-jum-      pared group is formed one year later from
   ding value riding horse points/type. The           ping. At the selections for auctions, not      the vintages from 2012 and 2013.
   individual breeding values for the charac-         all traits are evaluated for every horse.      Overall, there is a positive genetic trend in
   teristics fore limbs, hind limbs and cor-                                                         the Hannoveraner population. This means
   rectness are part of the breeding value          3) Breeding value size:                         that the breeding values increase slightly
   foundation.                                         This breeding value is estimated based on     from year to year, but the average of the
                                                       the estimated height at the studbook ins-     base population is always standardized at
   Breeding values broodmare test/                     pection.                                      100 with a standard deviation of 20 points.
   auction:                                                                                          This in turn has the consequence that for
   There are the two breeding values, dres-         Breeding values are calculated using the so-     stallions where no new information is ad-
   sage and jumping, which are based on             called BLUP method (Best Linear Unbiased         ded, the breeding value decreases slightly, it
   scores awarded at broodmare tests and            Prediction), which is also used in breeding      is depreciated.

14     Der Hannoveraner 03|2022
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