Depression symptoms in people with diabetes attending outpatient podiatry clinics for the treatment of foot ulcers

Pearson et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7:47                                                                                                    JOURNAL OF FOOT
                                                                                                                                               AND ANKLE RESEARCH

 RESEARCH                                                                                                                                      Open Access

Depression symptoms in people with diabetes
attending outpatient podiatry clinics for the
treatment of foot ulcers
Sue Pearson1*, Toni Nash2 and Vanessa Ireland2

  Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of depressive symptoms, diabetes
  self-management, and quality of life in people with diabetes and foot ulcers. Ulcer status, mortality and
  amputations were also assessed at six months follow-up.
  Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey of people attending outpatient podiatry clinics at a major tertiary
  referral hospital. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Diabetes
  self-care was assessed using the Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) measure. Health-related quality
  of life was measured using the physical component summary score (PCS) and the mental component summary
  score (MCS) of the SF-12.
  Results: Of the 60 participants in the study 14 (23.3%) reported mild symptoms of depression (PHQ score 5–9)
  and 17 (28.3%) moderate to severe depressive symptoms (PHQ score > 9). Twenty-one (35%) met the criteria for
  previously recognized depression (on antidepressants and/or a diagnosis of depression in the last 12 months)
  and 17 (28.3%) for depression not previously recognized (PHQ > 4). Seventeen (28%) participants had been
  receiving antidepressant treatment for a median duration of 104 weeks (IQR 20, 494 weeks). Despite antidepressant
  treatment 12 participants (70.6% of those taking antidepressants) still reported moderate to severe depressive
  symptoms at the time of the study. Patients with PHQ scores > 4 reported poorer adherence to diabetes self-care
  activities including general diet, exercise, blood sugar monitoring and foot care when compared to those participants
  with PHQ scores < 5. No association was found between physical functioning (PCS) and depressive symptoms. Decreasing
  mental wellbeing (MCS) was associated with increasing depressive symptoms. At six months follow-up, there were three
  deaths and three amputations in participants with PHQ scores > 4 compared with no deaths and 2 amputations
  in participants with PHQ scores < 5. There was no association between depressive symptoms and ulcer healing or
  ulcer recurrence at the six-month follow-up.
  Conclusions: This study found a high prevalence of depressive symptoms both recognized and unrecognized
  in people with diabetes and foot ulcers. Depressive symptoms were associated with overall poorer diabetes
  self-management and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). There was no association between depressive
  symptoms and ulcer outcomes at six-months follow-up.
  Keywords: Diabetes self-management, Depressive symptoms, Foot ulcers, PHQ-9, Antidepressants, Quality of life

* Correspondence:
 University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, Private Bag 34, Hobart TAS
7001, Tasmania, Australia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Pearson et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7:47                                                      Page 2 of 8

Background                                                      Hobart Hospital in Tasmania, Australia. Both men and
Diabetic foot ulcers are one of the most common and             women aged 18 years and over who had diabetes (type 1
costly complications of diabetes occurring in between 15        and 2) were eligible. Participants were excluded if they
and 25% of people with diabetes [1]. They are associated        had a physical or mental condition that prevented them
with considerable deterioration in quality of life and          from signing the consent form or filling in the question-
physical disability [2]. Only two-thirds of ulcers on average   naires. Participants were approached while waiting to be
will heal within a median time of six months and recur-         seen by the podiatrist at the clinic. Willing participants
rence of foot ulcers within twelve months is common, oc-        could complete the questionnaires while they were wait-
curring in approximately 60% of people [3]. Amputations         ing for their appointment or they could take them home,
are also common following deterioration of the ulcer to         complete them and return them in a prepaid envelope.
severe infection or gangrene. Mortality following amputa-       This pilot study was approved by the Tasmanian Health
tion is high ranging from 39 to 80% at 5 years [4]. Further-    and Medical Human Research Ethics Committee (protocol
more, once amputated, within 3 years 30-50% of these            H11941). During the recruitment period from February to
people undergo amputation of the contralateral-leg [5].         August of 2012, 146 people had scheduled outpatient ap-
These figures highlight what a serious public health prob-      pointments. Of these patients 75 were excluded and
lem this is currently and likely to be in the future given      deemed ineligible due to the following reasons; being non-
the predicted escalating prevalence of diabetes.                diabetic, having an existing mental health problem, their
  While advances in the treatments of wounds and                ulcer had healed or they were being treated for Charcot’s
knowledge about risk factors such as duration of dia-           foot, they failed to show up or were unable to sign the
betes, persistent hyperglycemia and peripheral neur-            consent form. Five refused and 11 failed to return their
opathy have assisted in the treatment of these patients         questionnaires leaving 60 participants in the final analysis
[6], significantly less attention has been given to ad-         of the study.
dressing the psychosocial risk factors contributing to
diabetic complications and more specifically foot ulcers.       Measures
It is now well established in the literature that there are     Information from the clinical records included diabetes
higher than normal rates of depression in people with           type, duration, diabetes-related complications, comor-
diabetes [7] and that comorbid depression contributes           bidities, medications including the use of antidepres-
to an increased risk of diabetic complications and mor-         sants. Information about the HbA1C was obtained from
tality [8].                                                     the medical records but due to missing data was only
  Studies specifically examining the impact of comorbid         available for 41 participants. Data on ulcers was also col-
depression on the incidence and progression of foot ul-         lected from the patients records. As some patients had
cers have found depression to be associated with delays         more than one ulcer the largest ulcer was classified as
in healing [3] and a threefold increased risk of mortality      the primary ulcer. Severity of the ulcer was classified ac-
within 18 months of presenting with a first foot ulcer          cording to the Texas wound classification scheme and is
[9]. While depression is likely to occur in response to         based on depth, presence of infection and ischemia [13].
foot ulceration [10] it is also associated with a 2 fold in-      Depressive symptoms were assessed using the 9-item
creased risk of developing foot ulcers when compared to         Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). The PHQ is a
people with diabetes and no depression [11].                    self-report measure that provides both a diagnosis of
  The significant burden that comorbid depression con-          major depressive syndrome and a continuous severity
tributes to people with diabetes is in part due to the fact     score, and is based on the American Psychiatric Associa-
that depression is only recognized and appropriately            tion’s DSM-IV criteria for depressive episodes. Partici-
treated in fewer than 25% of people with diabetes [12].         pants rate how often in the previous two weeks they
This paper presents the results of a study of patients with     have experienced depressive feelings or thoughts. The
diabetes attending outpatient podiatry clinics for the treat-   scale ranges from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly every day).
ment of foot ulcers. Its specific aims were to i) examine the   Total scores range from 0–27. Validation studies have
prevalence of depression including previously unrecognized      shown excellent agreement between the self-report PHQ
depression, and ii) determine the effect of depression on       and a clinician-structured interview in general medical
diabetes-self management, health-related quality of life        outpatients and among people with diabetes. Scores
(HRQoL) and ulcer status at six months follow-up.               greater than 7 have a sensitivty at 91.9% and specificity
                                                                of 59.4% [14]. Participants were classified as having mild
Methods                                                         depressive symptoms if they had a PHQ-9 score from 5–
Participants consisted of 60 people with diabetes and           9 and moderate to severe depressive symptoms in the
one or more foot ulcers being treated at the foot ulcer         those who scored greater than 9 on the PHQ. Patients
clinics run by the Department of Podiatry at the Royal          categorized as having previously recognized depression
Pearson et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7:47                                                     Page 3 of 8

included; all participants who were currently on antide-       (28.3%) as moderate to severe depression (PHQ > 9).
pressants for depression and/or those who answered yes         There were no significant differences between the
to the following question, “over the past 12 months have       groups except with current use of antidepressants.
you been diagnosed by a doctor or other health care pro-       Seventeen (28.3%) participants were currently taking anti-
fessional with depression”. Unrecognized depression in-        depressants for depression and a greater proportion of
cluded those participants who did not meet the criteria        them reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms.
for recognized depression but had a PHQ score greater            Of the seventeen participants who were on antidepres-
than 4 (inclusive of mild, moderate and severe symptoms).      sants for depression there was available data on the dur-
  Diabetes self-care was assessed using the Summary of         ation of antidepressant treatment for thirteen. The
Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) measure. Partic-         duration of antidepressant treatment was a median of
pants were required to indicate on how many of the last        104 weeks (IQR 20 and 494 weeks). Of these partici-
seven days they attended to self care activities in the        pants 6 (46.2%) had been on antidepressants for more
areas of general diet, specific diet (fat intake), exercise,   than two years and 3 (23.1%) for more than 10 years.
blood glucose testing and foot care. Scores range from           Table 2 shows mean scores on the SDSCA and the SF-
0–7 with higher scores indicative of more attention to         12 by PHQ category. This SDSCA data was skewed and
self management activities. This questionnaire has been        therefore analyzed using nonparametric methods. Partic-
shown to be a valid and reliable measure of diabetes           ipants with no depressive symptoms (PHQ < 5) reported
self-management in multiple trials with good internal          higher scores on all domains of the SDSCA except spe-
consistency, (mean correlation = 0.47) and acceptable val-     cific diet. Significant differences between the groups on
idity (mean correlation = 0.23) [15].                          specific diet occurred between participants with PHQ
  The Medical Outcome Study Short-Form-12 (SF-12)              scores < 5 (no depressive symptoms) and those with mild
was used to assess HRQoL. It measures physical and             depressive symptoms PHQ 5–9), p = 0.021 and between
mental health by means of two summary scores: a phys-          those with mild depressive symptoms and moderate to
ical component summary (PCS) and mental component              severe symptoms (PHQ > 9), p = 0.036. Differences be-
summary (MCS) [16]. Both scores range between 0 and            tween the groups on general diet were approaching sig-
100, with a higher score indicating better health. The         nificance (p = 0.06), all other comparisons between the
SF-12 shows acceptable validity in predicting overall          three groups were not significant. Scores on the SF12
quality of life in people with foot ulcers in terms of         were normally distributed. Scores on physical function-
physical functioning (r2 = 0.26) and mental functioning        ing (PCS) were not significantly different between the
(r2 = 0.372) [17].                                             groups. This analysis was adjusted for age as this was
                                                               strongly associated with measures of physical function-
Statistical analysis                                           ing (r = −0.370, p = 0.004). There was a significant differ-
Basic despriptive statistics are presented including per-      ence between the groups in mental functioning (MCS)
centages, means and standard deviations. Group differ-         following adjustment for age also (r = 0.374, p = 0.004).
ences were examined using chi-square tests for categorical     Post-hoc comparisons using the Sheffe test found these
variables. Fishers exact test was applied where 20% of cell    differences to be significant between participants with
frequencies fell below five. Independent samples t-tests       PHQ scores < 5 (no depressive symptoms) and those
and one-way analysis of variance were used for compari-        with mild depressive symptoms PHQ 5–9), p = 0.001
son of continuous normally distributed variables and the       and between those with mild depressive symptoms and
Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous non-normally distrib-       moderate to severe symptoms (PHQ > 9), p = 0.001.
uted variables.                                                  Twenty-one participants (35%) met the criteria for prior
                                                               recognition of depression and 17 (28.3%) for depression
Results                                                        not previously recognized. There were no significant dif-
Table 1 shows the characteristics of participants by PHQ       ferences between these two groups on any demographic
category. The majority of participants were men, retired       or clinical variables. Table 3 shows the break down of de-
and receiving a pension, had three or more diabetes re-        pressive symptoms as reported on the PHQ according to
lated complications in addition to the comorbidities of        these two groups. Significantly more participants with
hypertension and hyperlipidemia. The majority of pri-          previously unrecognized depression reported depressive
mary ulcers were superficial and neuroischaemic. Nine          symptoms in the mild category compared to people with
(15%) participants had an HbA1c within the recommended         recognized depression. Whereas a greater proportion of
guidelines. Of the 60 participants in the study 31 (51.7%)     participants with recognized depression reported moder-
reported having depressive symptoms (PHQ > 4). Of those        ate to severe depressive symptoms compared to those
31 participants, 14 (23.3% of total sample) could be further   with unrecognized depression. Chi-square analysis showed
classified and having mild depression (PHQ 5–9) and 17         these groups to be significantly different at P ≤ 0.0001.
Pearson et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7:47                                                                                 Page 4 of 8

Table 1 Characteristics of participants by depression status, as determined by the PHQ
Participant characteristics                         No depressive symptoms Mild depressive symptoms Moderate to severe depressive P value
                                                    PHQ < 5                (PHQ 5–9)                symptoms (PHQ > 9)
N (%)                                               29 (48.3)                         14 (23.3)                          17 (28.3)
Men, n (%)                                          23 (79.3)                         9 (64.3)                           13 (76.5)              0.56
Age, years, mean (SD)                               65.4 (13.9)                       62.4 (13.7)                        60.7 (14.4)            0.53
Married or in a relationship, n (%)                 18 (62.1)                         5 (35.7)                           12 (70.6)              0.13
Live alone, n (%)                                   7 (25.9)                          4 (33.3)                           1 (9.1)                0.37
High school education or less, n (%)                18 (62.1)                         9 (64.3)                           10 (58.8)              0.95
Pension as main source of income, n (%)             22 (75.9)                         11 (78.6)                          12 (70.6)              0.79
Diabetes type 2, n (%)                              23 (79.3)                         13 (92.9)                          12 (70.6)              0.30
Diabetes duration, n (%)
   >10 years                                        18 (62.1)                         11 (78.6)                          12 (70.6)              0.54
Insulin, n (%)                                      20 (69)                           12 (85.7)                          11 (64.7)              0.30
Diabetes complications, n (%)
   1                                                6 (20.7)                          4 (28.6)                           3 (17.6)               0.96
   2                                                9 (31)                            4 (28.6)                           6 (35.3)
   3+                                               14 (48.3)                         6 (42.9)                           8 (47.1)
Hypertension, n (%)                                 19 (65.5)                         11 (78.6)                          12 (70.6)              0.68
Hyperlipidemia, n (%)                               17 (58.6)                         7 (50)                             12 (70.6)              0.49
HbA1C level ≤7.00%, n (%)                           6 (26.1)                          2 (25)                             1 (10)                 0.57
Smoking                                             3 (10.3)                          1 (7.1)                            4 (23.5)               0.35
Taking antidepressants for depression, n (%) 3 (10.3)                                 2 (14.3)                           12 (70.6)              ≤0.0001
Texas Wound Classification, n (%)
   Superficial wound                                22 (75.9)                         11 (84.6)                          14 (82.4)              0.42
   Infected                                         7 (24.1)                          1 (8.3)                            3 (17.6)               0.63
   Neuroischaemic                                   27 (93.1)                         13 (92.9)                          15 (88.2)              0.69
Ulcer duration >6 months, n (%)                     25 (86.2)                         9 (64.3)                           14 (82.4)              0.23
Due to missing data for A1C: no depression n = 23 and depression n = 18.
Complications: retinopathy, renal impairment, stroke, heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral neuropathy.

Table 2 Diabetes self management and quality of life in participants according to PHQ score
                                       No depressive                     Mild depressive                     Moderate to severe depressive      P value
                                       symptoms PHQ < 5                  symptoms (PHQ 5–9)                  symptoms (PHQ > 9)
                                       Mean (± sd)                       Mean (± sd)                         Mean (± sd)
SDSCA scores
General diet                           5.9 (1.9)                         5.4 (2.2)                           4.3 (2.4)                          0.06
Specific diet                          4.2 (1.3)                         5.3 (1.5)                           3.8 (2.2)                          0.04
Exercise                               1.8 (2.1)                         0.9 (1.3)                           1.1 (2.0)                          0.19
Blood sugar monitoring                 5.7 (2.4)                         4.9 (2.6)                           4.2 (2.8)                          0.11
Foot care                              5.3 (2.0)                         5.0 (2.4)                           4.3 (2.2)                          0.19
SF-12 scores
Physical component score               33.4 (8.3)                        33.5 (5.5)                          37.4 (6.1)                         0.23
Mental component score                 53.7 (8.6)                        48.3 (8.4)                          42.9 (8.3)                         ≤0.001
sd = standard deviation.
Pearson et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7:47                                                                         Page 5 of 8

Table 3 Depression symptoms on the PHQ in previously                              to measure depression found around a third of partici-
recognized and unrecognized depression categories                                 pants had clinically significant minor or major depres-
PHQ category                                 Depressive      Depressive           sion [9]. The second study using the Beck Depression
                                             symptoms        symptoms not         Inventory found moderate depression in 64% of partici-
                                             previously      previously
                                             recognized      recognized           pants and severe depression in 10% [18]. These preva-
                                             (N = 21)        (N = 17)
                                                                                  lence’s are generally higher than the prevalence of
                                                                                  depression reported in people with diabetes without foot
                                             N (%)           N (%)
                                                                                  ulcers, which ranges from 11% using standardized diag-
No depressive symptoms (PHQ ≤ 4)             7 (33.3)        0
                                                                                  nostic interviews to 31% when assessed by self-report
Mild depressive symptoms (PHQ 5–9)           2 (9.5)         12 (70.6)            [19]. Higher prevalence’s in participants with foot ulcers
Moderate to severe depressive                12 (57.1)       5 (29.4)             may be explained in part by the increased burden associ-
symptoms (PHQ > 9)                                                                ated with having a foot ulcer.
                                                                                     Secondly, this study also found an association between de-
   Table 4 shows the data for the 6-month follow-up of                            pressive symptoms and poorer diabetes self-management.
primary ulcer status. Due to the number of categories                             Gonzalez and colleagues report findings consistent with
for comparison and the resulting small number of par-                             this in addition to an association with poorer medica-
ticipants in the cells the categories were collapsed into                         tion adherence [20]. While there was no association
two categories, comparing participants with a PHQ                                 found in this study with physical functioning and de-
score 4 (inclusive of mild, moderate and severe depres-                          component were generally low (overall mean 34.6, SE 0.9)
sive symptoms). Data was missing for six participants,                            compared with age and sex matched data for the
three were lost to follow up and three had died. There                            Australian population with diabetes (mean 44.0, SE
were no significant differences between the two groups.                           1.0) [21]. Goodridge and colleagues have previously
The three participants who were deceased at the time of                           reported similar low scores on the SF-12 for physical
follow-up all had PHQ scores >4. Of the three who had                             functioning when comparing groups of participants
amputations in this group, two were toe amputations                               with healed and unhealed ulcers [22]. Caution should
and another a below knee amputation. There were two                               be applied when interpreting the result from this study
toe amputations in the group with PHQ score  4. Similar findings have been reported in a num-                         (MCS) on the SF-12 was associated with increasing de-
ber of other studies. One study using diagnostic criteria                         pressive symptoms. This is not so surprising as the MCS
                                                                                  and PHQ both measure constructs of mental well-being.
Table 4 Six-month follow-up of primary wound status by                            They are, however different measures. The MCS is a more
PHQ category                                                                      general assessment of emotional problems and their im-
                                            PHQ < 5      PHQ > 4        P value   pact on work, daily activities and social activities over the
                                            (N = 26)     (n = 28)
                                                                                  last 4 weeks whereas the PHQ-9 is a more focused meas-
Primary wound status                        N (%)        N (%)
                                                                                  ure of depressive symptoms. The MCS provides some
Healed                                      13 (50)      16 (57.1)      0.93      additional information over and above that measured by
Diminished in size                          6 (23.1)     5 (17.9)                 the PHQ regarding the influence of poor mental health on
Increased in size                           3 (11.5)     3 (10.7)                 other domains of life.
No change in size                           2 (7.7)      1 (3.6)                     Thirdly, this study found no association between de-
Amputation                                  2 (7.7)      3 (10.7)
                                                                                  pression and ulcer outcomes at six-months follow-up.
                                                                                  There have been very few studies including this one to
New ulceration at a different site, n (%)   8 (33.3)     6 (24)         0.47
                                                                                  date and the results have been inconsistent. Monami
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and colleagues [3] found significant associations between      psychotherapeutic interventions including cognitive be-
impaired ulcer healing at six months and recurrence of         havioral therapy are well documented [30]. This meta-
ulcers at twelve months and greater depressive symp-           analysis of fourteen randomized trials found the most
toms. In contrast, a study by Winkley and colleagues [2]       significant effects on depression and glycemic control in
using a larger cohort and a longer follow-up period            people with diabetes was associated with psychothera-
found no association between greater depressive symp-          peutic interventions when compared with pharmacological
toms and ulcer healing at eighteen months. This study          interventions only or a combination of both pharmaco-
by Winkley et al. did however report a significant associ-     logical and psychotherapeutic interventions. Major policy
ation with increased mortality at eighteen months and in       changes introduced in Australia in 2006 to increase access
a subsequent five year follow-up of the cohort [23].           to mental health services have shown that around 46% of
While this is consistent with an increase in mortality         people with mental health problems accessed specialist ser-
found in our study in those with depressive symptoms           vices in 2009–2010 a significant improvement from 37% in
versus those without we did not test this statistically due    2006. However, what is not known is whether people
to the small sample size. We also found no differences         accessing these services received evidence-based therapies
in amputations between the groups in association with          and what their outcomes were [31]. This in addition to
depression. This is in contrast to a previous study by         other studies acknowledging a treatment gap regarding
Williams and colleagues [24] who found an increase of          evidence-based treatment of mental health problems leads
33% in amputation risk associated with diagnosed de-           one to speculate that the patients in this study may not
pression over a four year period. The large sample size        have received these other forms of non-pharmacological
of over 600,000 participants in this study and extended        interventions [32-35].
follow-up are probably explanations for the discrepan-            For a number of years international diabetes guidelines
cies in findings.                                              have been recommending routine screening of patients
   Another important finding from this study was that 28%      with diabetes for depression and diabetes-related distress
of participants had previously unrecognized depression,        [36,37]. Guidelines recently released in Australia by the
which is also consistent with previous studies [12,25,26].     Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners also
Unrecognized depression in this study was associated with      acknowledge the need for addressing the psychological
a higher proportion of participants having mild depres-        well-being of these patients [38]. This rationale is based
sion. A possible and perhaps obvious explanation for this      on substantial evidence of an increased prevalence of
is that moderate to severe symptoms of depression are          emotional problems in people with diabetes [7], its asso-
more apparent and therefore easier to diagnose. These pa-      ciation with adverse outcomes including diabetes-related
tients may also be more likely to seek treatment. Identifi-    complications [23,39] and the availability of effective
cation of depression in people with diabetes can be            treatments [30]. This equates to a strong argument that
problematic as some of the symptoms of depression are          such problems should be addressed and that these indi-
also symptomatic of a diagnosis of diabetes and may ex-        viduals need to be identified. Whether the implementa-
plain why it goes unrecognized.                                tion of routine screening in secondary care is the most
   The large majority of participants with previously rec-     efficient and cost-effective way of doing this remains
ognized depression were being treated with antidepres-         controversial. A recent study [40] evaluating routine
sants and most of them for more than two years.                screening in an outpatient diabetes clinic found up to
Maintenance pharmacotherapy is sometimes a recom-              30% of patients were missed by screening and only a
mended treatment option in cases where there are high          small number of patients who screened positive were
rates of relapse. Certainly depression in people with dia-     happy to be referred on for further treatment. Those
betes does tend to be more chronic and long lasting            missed by screening were more likely to be smokers and
[27]. In this study we have shown, however, that such          younger, have high HbA1c, show lower adherence to
maintenance pharmacotherapy was not effective in treat-        diabetes care in general, and therefore also be more
ing their depression as many of these people continued         likely to be at a greater risk of having depression [41]. A
to experience moderate to severe depression as indicated       problem with the screening debate is a lack of empirical
by their scores on the PHQ. A concern of long-term             evidence in terms of rigorous randomized controlled
treatment with some antidepressants particularly with          trials around screening. Issues that need to be addressed
regard to people with diabetes is the side effect of weight    include feasibility and cost-effectiveness, where screening
gain [28] and potential to delay wound healing [29].           should take place (primary or secondary care), the best
   An important question that this study raises is whether     way to identify ‘high-risk patients’ what resources are re-
or not patients who had been on long-term antidepres-          quired and what constitutes a successful outcome for the
sants had received any other form of psychotherapeutic         patients (clinical endpoints, quality of life, reductions
interventions for their depression. The benefits of            or delay in complications). What is not controversial is a
Pearson et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7:47                                                                                        Page 7 of 8

general recognition by health care professionals that is-                     Author details
sues around psychological distress and depression in                           University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, Private Bag 34, Hobart TAS
                                                                              7001, Tasmania, Australia. 2Southern Tasmania Area Health Service
these patients deserve attention in the clinical setting.                     (STAH)-Podiatry, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
  Limitations of the study include the small sample size
and that housebound and community clinic patients                             Received: 25 March 2014 Accepted: 28 October 2014

with ulcers would not have been identified. This limits
the generalization of the study results to some degree
and the statistical analysis. An additional limitation was                    References
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betes and foot ulcers. Most with severe depression were                       6. Boyko EJ, Ahroni JH, Stensel V, Forsberg RC, Davignon DR, Smith DG: A
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