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DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Department of Human Settlements Govan Mbeki House 240 Justice Mahomed Street Sunnyside Pretoria POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X644 Pretoria 0001 TELEPHONE NUMBER: +27 12 421 1311 FAX NUMBER: +27 12 341 8512 EMAIL ADDRESS: info@dhsgovza WEBSITE ADDRESS: wwwdhsgovza
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 3 N Mfeketo, MP Minister for Human Settlements T he Constitution provides for right of access to elements; portable water and adequate sanitary facilities OFFICIAL SIGN-OFF adequate housing and places an obligation including waste disposal and domestic electricity supply. on the state to progressively realize access to I S P (R ) N D adequate house by using legislation and other This is done through the implementation of the actions of Human Settlements under the guidance of Minister Nomaindiya Mfeketo. Takes into account all the relevant policies, measures within its available resources. The National 201 -201 M T S N D H S A Development Plan (NDP) has therefore put forward a Framework. Our priorities are still focused at ensuring the strategic outcome oriented goals and objectives which the National Department of Human will endeavour to achieve over plan to eradicate informal settlements, build integrated that there is transfer of all title deeds for subsidy units, the period 2015 to 2020. urban settlements and fast track housing provision by developing in areas closer to economic opportunities through mega projects that contribute to spatial As the South African Government we are committed at restructuring, scaling up the informal settlement-upgrading providing access adequate housing to all and through the programme and implementing a more coherent multi- Funani Matlatsi implementation of programmes and projects that support the segmented social rental-housing programme that includes C F O S creation of adequate housing in quality living environments, backyard rentals. Our programmes are also focused supporting the development of a functionally and equitable at dealing with the affordable market with a particular residential property market and improving institutional emphasis on a constructive engagement with the private capacity and coordination for better spatial targeting. sector to improve delivery. Neville Chainee We are taking reasonable measures for the establishment Chief of Operations Signature: __________________________ We remain committed at leveraging investments for of viable, socially and economically integrated communities sustainable human settlements, through the restructuring which are situated in areas allowing convenient access to to support social inclusion and expanding government economic opportunities, and within which South Africa’s subsidies to lower-middle income groups and providing Mbulelo Tshangana people will have access on a progressive basis to: a mechanisms to increase private sector participation in the A O S permanent residential structure with secure tenure, ensuring supply of social housing. privacy and providing adequate protection against the Approved by: ___________________________ N Mfeketo, MP N MFEKETO, MP MINISTER FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Minister for Human Settlements Signature: __________________________ DATE: 13 MARCH 2018 HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 2 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS 7 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 8 1. VISION 8 2. MISSION 8 7.2 Resource considerations 23 3. VALUES 8 7.3 Risk management 27 4. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 8 PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS 28 4.1 Constitutional Mandate 8 8. LINKS TO THE LONG-TERM INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER CAPITAL PLANS 28 4.2 Legislative Mandates 9 8.1 Medium Term Strategic Framework 28 4.3 Policy mandates 11 8.2 Provincial Plans 28 4.4 Relevant court rulings 12 8.3 Municipal Plans 28 4.5 Planned policy initiatives 14 9. CONDITIONAL GRANTS 30 5. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 15 9.1 Human Settlements Development Grant 30 5.1 Performance environment 16 9.2 Urban Settlements Development Grant 30 5.2 Organisational environment 18 9.3 Title Deeds Restoration Grant 30 5.3 Description of the strategic planning process 18 9.4 Emergency Housing Grants 30 6. STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS 19 10. PUBLIC ENTITIES 30 PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 20 11. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS 32 7. PROGRAMMES 20 7.1 Strategic Objectives 20 ANNEXURE D: OBJECTIVE TECHNICAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTION 34 7.1.1 Programme 1: Administration 20 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 34 7.1.2 Programme 2: Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning 21 PROGRAMME 2: HS POLICY, STRATEGY AND PLANNING 36 7.1.3 Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support 22 PROGRAMME 3: PROGRAMME MONITORING AND DELIVERY SUPPORT 38 7.1.4 Programme 4: Housing Development Finance 22 PROGRAMME 4: HOUSING FINANCE 40 HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 4 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 7 ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS BEPP: Built Environment Performance Plan BNG: Breaking New Grounds CSOS: Community Schemes Ombud Service EAAB: Estate Agency Affairs Board ECT: Electronic Communications and Transactions GCIS: Government Communication Information Systems HAD: Housing Development Agency HSDG: Human Settlement Development Grant ICT: Information and Communication Technology IGR: Inter Governmental Relations IMF: International Monitory Fund MTSF: Medium Term Strategic Framework NDP: National Development Plan NDoH: National Department of Human Settlements NHFC: National Housing Finance Corporation NHBRC: National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) NURCHA: National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency PFMA: Public Finance Management Act PIE: Prevention of Illegal Eviction RHLF: Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF) RZ: Restructuring Zones SHF: Social Housing Finance SHIs: Social Housing Institutions SHRA: Social Housing Regulatory Authority SIPs: Strategic Integrated Projects SPLUMA: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act Stats SA: Statistics South Africa PICC: Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission USDG: Urban Settlements Development Grant HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 6 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 9 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 1. VISION 4. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER 4.2 Legislative Mandates MANDATES A nation housed in sustainable human settlements. The mandate of the Department is clearly articulated in a The mandate and core business of the Department of number of legislation and also impacted by these legislation. 2. MISSION Human Settlements is underpinned by the Constitution The table below provides a list of key ones and is not and all other relevant legislation and policies applicable exhaustive. To facilitate the creation of sustainable human settlements to government, the Breaking New Ground Policy (BNG). and improved quality of household life. Legislation Objectives In addressing the mandate for the provision of access to Estate Agency Affairs Board Act The Act provides for the establishment of an Estate Agency Affairs Board and an Estate Agents 3. VALUES adequate housing, the following policies, legislation and A N 112 1 Fidelity Fund including the control of certain activities of estate agents in the public interest. regulations were enacted to give effect to the Constitutional The Housing Act The Act provides for the facilitation of a sustainable housing development process and further lays • Accountability housing rights of all South Africans in Section 26, which A N 10 1 down general principles applicable to housing development in all spheres of government including states that “Everyone has the right to have access to • Fairness and Equity The Social Housing Act The Act provides for the establishment of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) as adequate housing”. The Constitution requires the state A N 1 200 local governments in respect of social housing. to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within • Choice, Quality and Affordability Prevention of Illegal Eviction and The Act provides for the prohibition of unlawful eviction and further provides procedures for the its available resources, to achieve this right. Furthermore Unlawful Occupation of Land Act P I S A 1 51 • Sustainability No one may be evicted from their home, or have their A N 1 1 home demolished, without an order of court made after The Housing Consumers Protection The Act makes provision for the protection of housing consumers and also provides for the M A 1 establishment and functions of the National Home Builders Registration Council. • Innovation considering all relevant circumstances. No legislation may The Rental Housing Act The Act provides clear roles and responsibilities of government in respect of rental housing property permit arbitrary evictions. A N 50 1 and also makes a provision for promoting access to adequate housing through creating mechanisms • Batho Pele Principles for ensuring the proper functioning of the rental housing market. It further makes a provision for R H T 4.1 Constitutional Mandate resolution in the rental housing sector including facilitating sound relations between tenants and landlords and laying down general requirements relating to leases including repeal of the Rent The Department’s mandate is derived from Chapter 2, C A 1 Public Finance Management Act, The overall objective of the Act is to secure transparency, accountability, and sound management of the Bill of Rights, Chapters 3 and 6 of the Constitution of A N 1 1 the revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities of the institutions to which it applies. The Act regulates R S A 1 (A N 10 1 ) I assist in ensuring that all revenue, expenditure, assets as well as liabilities of those two spheres of Section 26 in the Bill of Rights, guarantees the right to T A have access to adequate housing. The State is mandated to take steps to achieve the progressive realization of this Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure T A A A N 2000 I D right. Schedule 4A makes the housing function a concurrent The Act requires lenders to compile and disclose annual data on the demographic makeup and national and provincial legislative competence. geographic distribution of housing-related loans. Intergovernmental Relations The Act serves to establish a framework for the three spheres of government to promote and facilitate Framework Act intergovernmental relations among them. The Act also provides for mechanisms and procedures in T D A N 1 2005 order to facilitate the settlement of intergovernmental disputes among spheres of government. The progressive realization of the right to adequate housing”, overall object of this Act is to provide within the principle of co-operative government number 10 as set out in the Constitution a framework for the national government, provincial governments and local and recognizes in this context “an obligation to enable governments, and all organs of state, to facilitate co-ordination in the implementation of policy and citizens to obtain quality housing and to protect and improve legislation. dwellings and neighbourhoods. HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 8 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 11 Legislation Objectives Housing Development Agency Act The Act serves to establish the Housing Development Agency and to provide for its functions and A N 2 200 powers. It also outlines the roles of the Agency which is to facilitate the acquisition of land and landed property, in a way that complements the capacities of Government across all spheres, and to 4.3 Policy mandates fast-track land acquisition and housing development services for the purpose of creating sustainable human settlements The table below provides a number of key policies that Spatial Planning and Land Use The Act provides a framework for spatial planning and land use management in South Africa. It Management Act, 2013 still remain strategic and act as guiding documents for the other kinds of planning. It also ensures that the system of spatial planning and land use management development of all sustainable human settlement policies promoted social and economic inclusion. Community Scheme Ombud Service The Act serves to provide for the establishment of the Community Schemes Ombud Service and to and implementation mechanisms. A A N 2011 provide for its mandate and functions. The Act also provides for a dispute resolution mechanism in community schemes. Policy Objectives Broad based Black Economic The Act establishes a legislative framework for the promotion of black economic empowerment and New Housing Policy and Strategy for The White Paper provides key government’s overall approach to ensuring housing delivery. Empowerment Act [Act No. 53 of empowers the relevant Minister to issue codes of good practice and to publish transformation charters S A P 1 200 for key sectors. The Act further establishes the Black Economic Empowerment Advisory Council The Comprehensive Plan for T NG 1 200 E A A N 1 5 The Act serves to provide for the expropriation of land and other property for public and certain other Sustainable Human Settlements, provided a new strategy for the Development of Sustainable Human Settlements. It also served as purposes. 2004 (BNG) government’s medium term (ten year) housing policy framework that introduced new approaches in Development Facilitation Act [ActNo. Facilitates and speeds up the implementation of the Reconstruction and Development Programme the provision of sustainable human settlements. 1 5 and Projects. Financial Services Charter, 2003 The Charter is a transformation policy based on terms and conditions of the Broad Based Economic Less Formal Township Establishment Provides for shortened procedures for the designation, provision and development of land and for the Empowerment Act of 2003 (BBEE. It is aimed at promoting social and economic integration and A A N 11 1 1 establishment of township for less formal forms of residential settlement. National Environment Management To protect ecologically viable areas representative of South Africa‘s biological diversity and its natural S A A (N 10 1 ) landscapes and seascapes in a system of protected areas. The Act places a responsibility to the Department to adhere to the sustainable development and conservation principles. sectors of the economy. Sectional Titles Management Act [Act The Act provides for the establishment of bodies corporate to manage and regulate sections and Social Housing Policy for South The Social housing policy lays down principles for development of social housing, provides N 2011 common property in sectional titles schemes and for that purpose to apply rules applicable to such Africa, 2003 mechanisms for creating an enabling environment in the housing sector to ensure development, schemes. It further requires the bodies corporate to establish a sectional titles schemes management growth, and delivery at scale. It also provides clear institutional and regulatory mechanisms under advisory council. which the sector should operate; further sets clear funding mechanism for the social housing sector, promote mechanism for capacity building which encourages growth of the sector. Inclusionary Housing Bill The Bill aims to promote greater social inclusion/integration and to break with highly segregated processes of built environment creation in South Africa. Boosting the supply of affordable housing is The Integrated Urban Development The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) is government’s policy position to guide a secondary objective. The bill aims to mobilize private sector delivery capacity for the provision of Framework, 2016 the future growth and management of urban areas. The IUDF aims to guide the development of inclusive, resilient and liveable urban settlements, while directly addressing the unique conditions and make better use of existing infrastructure. challenges facing South Africa’s cities and towns. Division of Revenue Act as amended To Act provides for the equitable division of revenue raised nationally among the national, provincial National Development Plan The NDP sets out a human settlements vision that, ‘by 2050 visible results from effectively I coordinated spatial planning systems shall have transformed human settlements in South Africa province’s equitable share and allocations to provinces, local government and municipalities from national government’s equitable share and the responsibilities of all three spheres pursuant to such facilities and essential infrastructure’. It also envisages that by 2030, measurable progress towards division and allocations. breaking apartheid spatial patterns would be achieved. N H C 200 The Code contains key policy interventions that assist government in the implementation of sustainable human settlements and contains policy prescripts that should be applied by Provinces and Municipalities in the implementation of policy programmes. HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 10 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 13 4.4 Relevant court rulings The following presents major court cases which have T a range of diverse contexts and issues. Case Case Description Court Judgement Case Case Description Court Judgement Case No. 36133/2010 The matter concerns an urgent application The South Gauteng High Court granted an Lwandle Evictions Case No. 1114/2014 Invasion of Erf 32524, Nomzamo, Strand on the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town under brought by the unlawful occupiers of Lenasia eviction and demolishing order on September land owned by Sanral. for an urgent interdict to prevent this land from Extension 13 after the Department demolished 2011 in terms of which the unlawful occupiers being occupied. few of the incomplete structures thereon. The were granted 30 days to vacate the properties Occupiers of erven 87 & 88 Berea The occupiers of ervens 87 and 88 in Berea The Constitutional Court rescinded the Department then brought a counter-application by themselves, failing which the Department and Christiaan Frederick De Wet N.O. were served with a notice to terminate their judgment and upheld the appeal on the basis for eviction and demolition of structures illegally was authorised to demolish the structures. Roynath Parbhoo N.O. lease or occupation of the property. The that where an eviction by consent is granted constructed on government land in Lenasia and The Poor Flat Dwellers Association applicant in the High court made a settlement the court is not absolved from its responsibility Extension 13, Lenasia South, Lawley and Case No: CCT 108/16 order declaring that the respondent consented of ensuring that such an eviction is just and Ennerdale. to an eviction and the date on which such an equitable, all relevant circumstances still eviction will be carried out. need to be taken into account in ensuring that The South African Human Rights Commission such an eviction will not render the evictees 0 N In an appeal in the constitutional court, the homeless and in an instance whereby the 2012, in terms of which they are requesting applicants applied that the High court judgment evictees are to be rendered homeless the the court to postpone the demolitions by the be rescinded and their appeal be upheld as the local authority must be joined in to provide Department for a period of 30 days while they High court erred in its judgment. The applicants means of securing emergency alternative are investigating any violations of human rights contended that they had not consented to such accommodation. in the manner in which the court order is being an eviction and that they only became aware enforced by the Department. The matter is set of the eviction order when it was served upon down for 15 November 2012 in Gauteng South them. High Court. The City of Johannesburg and In the supreme court of appeal the city The Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the C N 200 1211 The matter concerns an eviction application The South Gauteng High Court dismissed Changing Tides 74 (Pty) Ltd of Johannesburg appealed the decision appeal and made an order that the city must D 0 the Department’s application for eviction The Unlawful Occupiers of Tikwelo of the High court to provide alternative provide alternative accommodation to the occupants who occupied incomplete houses in on 21 September 2012 on the basis that House, No 48 and 50 Davies Street, accommodation to the respondents, the unlawful occupiers of the premises who would Eden Park, Extension 5. the Department allegedly failed to take the Doornfontein, Johannesburg) unlawful occupiers of Tikwelo house No 48 be rendered homeless by the eviction. individual personal circumstances of the The Socio-Economic Rights Institute and 50 Davies Street who were said to be in And further that the matter be remitted to the unlawful occupiers into consideration. of South Africa High Court for the court to make a just and City of Johannesburg Metropolitan The matter concerns Moonlight Properties (Pty) South Gauteng High Court granted the eviction Case No: 735/2011 human habitation, property of which was owned equitable determination as to when it would be Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties Ltd, the City of Johannesburg, and the unlawful and ordered the occupiers to vacate the by Changing tides 74 (PTY) LTD. The latter appropriate to carry out the eviction order. (P ) L A ( 10) 2011 occupiers of a building on Saratoga Avenue in property. was served with a notice to provide documents A-SCA M Berea, Johannesburg. declaring that the premises were in an Residents of Joe Slovo Community, The Joe Slovo residents unlawfully occupied Western Cape High Court ruled against them inhabitable state by the city of Johannesburg. Western Cape v Thubelisha Homes, land. thereby granting an eviction order in favour of Isaac Rasepitle Pitje and Josiah Oupa This is an eviction matter of Mr Pitjie who In the appeal proceeding that Mr Pitje brought Minister of Human Settlements, MEC for the Minister of Local Government and Housing, Shibambo/ Esther Veleminah Shibambo resided in a property of his late father which to the Constitutional Court, the judgment of the Human Settlements, Western Cape, and Western Cape. City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality was later transferred in the name of Mr Pitje’s High Court was set aside, the court held that (CCT 22 0 ) 2011 Case CCT 144/15 brother. After the two had stayed in the property the High Court should remit the matter with an for all their lives the brother decided to sell application for a rejoinder granted and consider the property to the Shibambos and ordered all the relevant circumstances of his eviction an eviction against Pitje who was 72 years as to whether it would be just and equitable old and ill, and would be rendered homeless if to have him evicted and the consequences of evicted from the property. The High court had such an eviction. granted an eviction order without considering all relevant circumstances pertaining to whether it would be just and equitable to have him evicted. HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 12 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 15 The case against the government by Irene Grootboom and • Repealing the Housing Consumer Protection Measures 5. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS others challenged the right of adequate housing as well Act: This Bill seeks to strengthen the regulatory function as the right of children in terms of Sections 26 and 28 of of the NHBRC. The Department of Human Settlements is committed to the Constitution, respectively. Section 26(2) imposes an facilitating and supporting the creation of sustainable and particularly in the metropolitan areas. With only 30% of obligation upon the state to take reasonable legislative and • Drafting the Human Settlement Development Bank integrated human settlements across the country. This South Africans that are able to purchase a house of more other measures to ensure the progressive realisation of this Bill: This Bill will serve as a key legislation to guide commitment is in response to the NDP proposal and is R500 000 right within its available resources. This resulted in the state operations of the Consolidated Human Settlements outlined in the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014 all perpetuate the demand for housing for various income implementing a housing programme to maximise available Financial Institutions (DFIs) and contribute to access 201 categories thus pushing the department-government and resources to redress the housing shortage. to credit to enable the provision of sustainable human economic growth and spatial restructuring. other stakeholders to collaborate in delivering housing settlements. across various markets, address the fractured market, pay 4.5 Planned policy initiatives T attention to the development of infrastructure and public • Amending the Prevention of Illegal Evictions and opportunities since the dawn of democracy, adequate spaces and provide transactional support on the title deeds The review of housing legislation, regulations, policies Unlawful Occupation of Land Act Revision of the Social housing continues to be one of the main problems facing programme. and the development of the new legislation, policies and Housing policy and Regulations the country. In 2016, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) programmes which respond to the need to transform the reported that the household size had decreased to 3.3 To address these, the department through the policy space economy is at the core of the government strategic • Policy Review and Evaluations: Evaluations will be 1 S SA frameworks is directing programmes to respond to the agenda of creating sustainable Human Settlements. The undertaken in partnership with DPME and in line with also predicted that the number of households particularly needs of poor households whilst also ensuring that following remain the key policy initiatives: the key priorities of the Mandate paper. These will be in provinces that are mostly urban will continue to grow as government’s efforts to deliver on housing and human used to strengthen work by the Department around the household size drops. It is also estimated that by 2020 settlements are realised through integrated planning • Development of the Human Settlements Code: Various macro policies including the appointment of a panel of there will be about 3.6 million new household formations, and good governance that supports optimal land use policy programmes were revised and will continue to experts and core working group that will review the key with more than 2m falling within the income category of less and stimulates private investment. While there is an be revised and new ones added in order to produce a 1 H P than R3500 per month which will contribute to an increasing acknowledgement that the human settlements sector is responsive Human Settlements Code. and the 2004 Breaking New Ground Strategy. demand for housing and also government support. The reliant on good infrastructure, such as public transport, • Amendment of the Housing Act to Human Settlements demand for adequate housing is estimated at about 2.2 water, energy sources and public spaces, the shrinking Legislation: The Housing Act require repeal and million households, which includes households in informal of the public sector allocation is hampering the up scaling aligned with the mandate approved by Cabinet to settlements and backyard shacks. Of these, about 1.7m of delivery and not enabling the achievement of delivery deliver sustainable human settlements in line with the are registered in the Department of Human Settlements’ targets. Comprehensive Plan for the provision of sustainable Housing Needs Database. During this MTSF period, the department focused on human Settlements. There is also an increasing number (±25%) of South African strengthening accountability and oversight to ensure population particularly in metropolitan areas that require improved planning and delivery. As a result, planning affordable rental accommodation. With the country’s total frameworks are under revision, stronger reporting population that is projected to grow to about 58.5 million by 2030, there will be more demand for affordable rental improved. To address these challenges, the department has which the department and its delivery partners must provide prioritized: HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 14 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 17 • The implementation of catalytic programme that will strategic outcome-oriented goals that drives the work of the variables, informal housing has been seen as a response to direct investment to areas with potential for economic D T meeting the housing demand. development and growth. E Various interventions have been planned for to address the • The acquiring of well-located land shortcomings relating to the delivery of human settlements • Integrated and responsive human settlements sector and they include: • Establishing partnerships with mining houses to deal planning and policy environment with housing and infrastructure challenges in mining • Strengthening the alignment and coordination to achieve • Supporting and encouraging public-private partnerships communities and securing of well-located land • Increased delivery of adequate housing in quality living a common goal by various sector departments within environments • The establishment of Human Settlements Ombudsman the three spheres of government involved in various E which will provide the citizens the ability to hold their aspects of human settlements institution that will provide sustainable infrastructure The efforts of the DHS’s various programmes and the government to account for its decisions. Department’s funding (including grants transferred to • Pursuing the integrated residential development provinces and metros) are now directed towards the More focus will be in up-scaling delivery in the upgrading programme as a key driver for supporting mixed- achievement of the above strategic outcome-oriented of informal settlements programme which will provide use, varied tenure, mixed typologies, and integrated • Scaling up of the Informal Settlements Upgrading F DHS households with secure tenure and access to basic development Programme services. Informal settlements upgrading process shall be targets. The most important general factors that might • Providing support to provinces and municipalities in the directed by the integrated residential development where • Accelerating the eradication of title deeds backlog and impede performance include underutilization of the urban execution of the human settlements mandate through mixed-use, mixed-tenure and other characteristics of issuing of title deeds for new subsidy market settlements development grants by metros in relation to the professional resource teams integration becomes the ultimate goal human settlements outcomes, slow pace by provinces • Accelerating the delivery of Social Housing to improve in issuing title deeds with ring fenced funding and lack of delivery on affordable rental Table 1: Diagram showing Performance of from 2014 planning skills required at provincial and local level. Year Serviced Sites Completed Houses/Units Completed Total Housing Opportunities Invest in infrastructure and services vital for the functioning The performance environment for human settlements is also 2013/2014 1 105 15 12 of settlements 2014/2015 5 5 1 11 markets. This has resulted to overcrowding, inadequate 2015/2016 52 411 100 152 750 5.1 Performance environment dwellings, deplorable urban environment, degrading public 2016/2017 56 343 0 2 147 305 The Department of Human Settlements (DHS) is currently infrastructure and outright homelessness. The volatile TOTAL 206 292 391 803 598 095 implementing its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. In order economy that has led to budget cuts thus affecting the to position DHS within the framework of the NDP, the delivery of targets has aggravated the problem. Limited 2015-2020 DST Strategic Plan is structured around three to enter the formal housing market. Based on these HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 16 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 19 5.2 Organisational environment 5.3 Description of the strategic planning 6. STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED process GOALS T D Constitutional Mandate of providing access to adequate The revision of the 2015-2020 strategic plan was informed In response to the government’s call to be outcome housing to all. The Department has revised its strategic by the framework requirements as per Annexure D. The focused in the planning and implementation approach, goals and objectives and aligned them to the long term the departmental goals have been aligned to the NDP goal of achieving the sustainable human settlements. The line with the Medium Term Strategic Framework. Strategic proposals, MTSF priorities and also linked to key legislation goals and strategic objectives have been revised to align that informs the operations of the Public Sector. The To accelerate delivery and to address capacity related with the departmental long term priorities and they include Department of Human Settlements, Strategic goals and goal challenges, the department is currently reviewing its T statements are indicated in the table below: organisational structure. The review of the structure has NDP been informed by the departmental strategy of ensuring that 201 -201 MTSF Strategic Outcome E Oriented Goal 1 good corporate governance is achieved, responsive policies Goal Statement 1 Effectiveness of administration, governance and management systems to support and programmes are developed and there is increased support for better delivery. The realignment of the structure Strategic Outcome Integrated and responsive housing/human settlements sector planning and policy Oriented Goal 2 environment the residential property market and strengthening the Goal Statement 2 Review of existing policies and programmes and development of new policies to better monitoring systems. Even though stringent measures have direct delivery been applied in the allocation of compensation budget, the Strategic Outcome Increased delivery of adequate housing in sustainable human settlements department will base its realignment of the structure with the Oriented Goal 3 available resources. Goal Statement 3 F utilization of Human Settlement Grants HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 18 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 21 7. PROGRAMMES Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support Programme 4: Housing Development Support 7.1 Strategic Objectives 7.1.1 Programme 1: Administration 7.1.2 Programme 2: Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning Strategic Objective P Strategic Objective To establish partnerships to support the delivery of Human Settlements sector priorities Objective statement The Department will improve administrative management practices by ensuring compliance with all government Objective statement To facilitate partnerships with inter-sectoral spheres of government and with private sector for better delivery prescripts Objective Indicator Human Settlements development plans aligned with other sectorial spheres of government. Objective Indicator Audit opinion with no matter of emphasis Baseline Social Contract Baseline U A O Existing agreements Justification G Justification This objective will increase participation of stakeholder in Human Settlements development. Links This objective contributes to achievement of good corporate governance and administrative processes in line with Links This objective will contribute to the achievement of coherent and coordinated government investment. Outcome 12 objectives Five Year target National Human Settlements development plan developed Five Year target U A O Increased participation of stakeholders in human settlements development Strategic Objective E Strategic Objective To develop evidence based policies and programmes. Objective statement To provide legal support for the development of comprehensive Human Settlement legislation. Objective statement To investigate , research and develop Human Settlements Policies and programmes to better direct implementation Objective Indicator A comprehensive Human Settlement Legislation developed Objective Indicator Human Settlements policies and programmes developed Baseline Housing Act and the Housing code Baseline Housing White paper Justification This objective will contribute to the development of Human Settlements legislation. Housing Code Links This objective assists in regulating the development of sustainable human settlements. Justification This objective will provide a framework for the realisation of sustainable human settlements and improved quality of Five Year target Comprehensive Human Settlement Legislation developed household life. Links This objective serves as governing and coordinating framework for the development of Human Settlements. Strategic Objective To provide effective dispute resolution services Five Year target Policy framework for Human Settlements developed Objective statement To provide dispute resolution services to the Human Settlements sector Objective Indicator N Baseline Housing Act and the Housing code Justification To provide citizenry with a tool to hold government and its institutions to accountable for their decisions. Links This objective assists in regulating the development of sustainable human settlements. Five Year target 100% of lodged disputes investigated Strategic Objective To provide ICT infrastructure that is reliable, secure and available Objective statement To provide an ICT infrastructure that is reliable, secured and available to support all business functions Objective Indicator Information and communication technology services provided Baseline ITS and HSS availability Justification This objective contributes to the implementation of formal controls to ensure a reliable, secured and available IT system Links This objective will assist in ensuring that the Department has a reliable and secure IT system Five Year target Integrated information and communication technology services provided HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 20 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 23 7.1.3 Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support 7.2 Resource considerations Strategic Objective Provide implementation support on the delivery of sustainable human settlements The following is our resource considerations for each Objective statement To provide technical support to provinces and municipalities for the delivery of sustainable human settlements programme: Objective Indicator Number of provinces supported on the implementation of human Settlements programmes PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Baseline Reports on programmes implemented Justification The objective will contribute to the increase of human settlements (Housing) opportunities Sub Programmes Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Links This objective will contribute to the delivery of sustainable human settlements Appro- Indicative Five Year target S priation R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Strategic Objective Enhanced sector monitoring and evaluation Ministry 66 437 78 568 75 621 63 488 58 172 0 1 Objective statement To track the implementation of programmes and measure effectiveness. Departmental Management 101 857 56 575 63 882 101 0 21 5 104 261 Objective Indicator Number of Evaluation studies conducted Corporate Services 1 05 188 384 1 215 1 055 1 5 208 840 223 263 Baseline 5 Property Management 32 153 20 0 10 10 43 332 45 830 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Evaluation Plan Financial Management 20 45 508 45 086 55 546 55 508 60 534 64 426 Justification This objective will track implementation and outputs to measure the effectiveness of programmes TOTAL 433 080 411 074 420 897 457 665 442 650 471 546 502 671 Links This objective will measure the effectiveness of programmes Five Year target 8 Evaluation studies completed Economic Classification Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Appro- Indicative Strategic Objective Improved support and capacity for the human settlements sector priation Objective statement To provide capacity support and ensure that the sector has the capacity to deliver. R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Objective Indicator Number of provinces supported on the implementation of human Settlements programmes Current payments 397 840 398 858 414 030 454 137 439 119 467 824 498 743 Baseline Sector Capacity building Policy Compensation of employees 1 186 765 1 224 770 22 240 870 25 0 Justification This objective will contribute in building capabilities for transforming Human Settlements Goods and services 21 0 212 0 21 1 22 215 340 22 5 2 5 Links This objective will contribute to the improved institutional capacity Interest and rent on land 21 4 - - - - - Five Year target H S A P Transfers and subsidies 22 706 1 038 1 521 46 50 53 56 Provinces and municipalities - - - - - - - Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - 7.1.4 Programme 4: Housing Development Finance Higher education institutions 1 170 - - - - - - Foreign governments and - - - - - - - Strategic Objective E international organisations Objective statement To monitor the utilisation of Human Settlements grants Public corporations and private - - - - - - - Objective Indicator Human Settlements grants Frameworks developed enterprises L N - - - - - - - - Baseline Approved Human Settlements Grants Frameworks Households 21 536 1 038 1 521 46 50 53 56 Justification T Payments for capital assets 12 426 10 928 5 189 3 482 3 481 3 669 3 872 investments - 236 - - - - - Links T Machinery and equipment 11 01 10 630 5 132 3 482 3 481 3 872 investments Software and other intangible assets 1 407 62 57 - - - - Five Year target Approved Human Settlements Grant Framework Payments for financial assets 108 250 157 - - - - TOTAL 433 080 411 074 420 897 457 665 442 650 471 546 502 671 This programme allocation grows from R457.6 million in 2017/18 to R502.6 million in 2020/21, an average increase of 3.2%. The programme biggest cost drivers apart from compensation of employees, are funds provided for Internal Audit activities and special investigations, computer services and travel and subsistence. The programme mainly provides strategic leadership to the sector and Department as well as support to the Department. HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 22 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 25 PROGRAMME 2: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS POLICY, STRATEGY AND PLANNING PROGRAMME 3: PROGRAMME DELIVERY SUPPORT Sub Programmes Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Sub Programmes Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Appro- Indicative Appro- Indicative priation priation R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Management for Policy, Strategy and 02 7 420 7 561 7 730 8 083 8 447 0 Management for Programme Delivery 01 7 533 6 837 0 0 1 02 10 213 Planning Support Human Settlements Policy Frameworks 2 1 2 1 2 32 143 33 387 51 37 677 Programme Management Unit 5 70 587 2 15 1 1 01 200 247 265 046 Human Settlements Strategy and 45 070 1 1 51 0 0 53 700 48 311 52 320 55 847 Planning Chief of Operation 5 0 5 42 676 48 168 5 51 1 54 565 TOTAL 78 703 75 738 86 600 93 573 89 781 95 966 102 611 TOTAL 133 712 120 796 151 742 217 302 246 005 261 045 329 824 Economic Classification Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Economic Classification Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Appro- Indicative Appro- Indicative priation priation R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Current payments 72 128 72 882 79 016 89 908 87 542 93 603 100 117 Current payments 11 0 111 806 142 702 20 2 2 248 621 316 716 Compensation of employees 45 311 05 53 422 2 61 526 66 171 71 176 Compensation of employees 53 001 5 1 5 74 700 1 50 77 451 83 382 Goods and services 26 817 23 077 25 5 1 26 016 26 016 27 432 2 1 Goods and services 0 2 53 815 82 760 1 1 1 22 171 170 233 334 Interest and rent on land - - 3 - - - - Interest and rent on land 3 - - - - - Transfers and subsidies 5 394 1 609 7 028 2 772 1 346 1 421 1 500 Transfers and subsidies 13 602 7 865 1 5 22 10 2 10 11 578 Provinces and municipalities - - - - - - - Provinces and municipalities - - - - - - - Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - Departmental agencies and accounts - - - - - - - Higher education institutions - - - - - - - Higher education institutions - 3 500 - 3 500 - - Foreign governments and 12 1 368 1 2 1 272 1 346 1 421 1 500 Foreign governments and - - - - - - - international organisations international organisations Public corporations and private 4 000 - 5 000 1 500 - - - Public corporations and private - - - - - - - enterprises enterprises N - - - - - - - - N - - - - - - - - Households 125 241 105 - - - - Households 10 7 865 5 22 2 10 11 578 Payments for capital assets 1 170 1 221 546 893 893 942 994 Payments for capital assets 1 011 1 083 0 1 081 1 374 1 450 1 530 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Machinery and equipment 1 170 1 221 546 2 Machinery and equipment 1 011 1 083 776 1 081 1 374 1 450 1 530 Software and other intangible assets - - - - - - - Software and other intangible assets - - 14 - - - - Payments for financial assets 11 26 10 - - - - Payments for financial assets 3 42 55 - - - - TOTAL 78 703 75 738 86 600 93 573 89 781 95 966 102 611 TOTAL 133 712 120 796 151 742 217 302 246 005 261 045 329 824 T R 5 T R21 201 1 R 2 2020 21 2017/18 to R102.6 million in 2020/21, an average nominal 1 T H E G T D reduction of 3.1%. The programme’s biggest cost drivers Restoration Grant over the MTEF. The programme biggest cost drivers are compensation of employees, consultants and are compensation of employees and travel and subsistence. travel and subsistence. HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 24 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 27 PROGRAMME 4: HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE of 2.2%. The Human Settlements Development Grant, Sub Programmes Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates which is a capital transfers grant to provinces allocation Appro- Indicative R1 201 1 R20 1 priation 2020/21 an average nominal growth of 0.2%. The Urban R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Management for Housing Development 357 1 036 2 137 4 082 4 453 4 736 5 036 Settlements Development Grant, which is a capital transfers Finance grant metropolitan municipalities grows from R11.3 billion C I O 16 488 1 20 001 23 057 22 481 24 088 25 261 in 2017/18 to R12.5 billion in 2020/21 an average nominal Human Settlements Development Grant 1 0 18 302 675 1 2 1 1 18 166 520 18 832 802 20 101 0 growth of 3.3%. Two new grants were introduced in the Contributions 1 02 0 2 5 1 317 031 1 15 0 1 143 236 1 152 865 Urban Settlements Development Grant 10 284 684 10 554 345 10 11 382 247 11 306 137 11 880 786 12 5 201 1 T D R G Municipal Human Settlements Capacity 300 000 100 000 - - - - - with an allocation of R1.6 billion over the MTEF and the Grant Emergency Housing Grant with an allocation of R1.2 billion Title Deeds Restoration Grant - 518 655 547 700 577 823 over the MTEF. Emergency Housing Grants - 400 000 426 000 5 1 TOTAL 28 712 737 29 426 936 29 927 992 32 695 760 31 577 280 32 859 348 34 851 058 7.3 Risk management Economic Classification Audited outcome Adjusted Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Appro- Indicative T priation R`000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 the strategic objectives stated in each programme. Current payments 16 734 20 123 22 0 2 10 26 705 28 582 30 042 Risk no Goal-1 Objective Risk Identified Mitigation Measures Compensation of employees 1 5 15 5 0 17 534 1 5 1 0 21 188 22 241 Goods and services 0 4 533 4 515 7 015 7 015 7 801 1. E T Lack of management systems Implement management and effectiveness of the effective administrative and poor implementation of systems to support institutional Interest and rent on land - - - - - - - department processes internal controls performance in critical areas Transfers and subsidies 28 465 892 29 244 937 29 805 857 32 518 621 31 470 346 32 780 524 34 820 761 Provinces and municipalities 2 05 2 5 020 2 12 5 1 51 5 0 0 1 12 31 687 288 Departmental agencies and accounts 2 0 2 5 1 167 031 10 0 10 2 1 152 865 2. Integrated and responsive To develop evidence based Inability of policies/ Ensuring alignment of Higher education institutions - - - - - - - housing/human settlements policies and programmes programmes to adequately business plans with Annual sector planning and policy Performance Plans and Built Foreign governments and - - - - - - - environment needs Environment Plans international organisations Public corporations and private - - - - - - - 3. Increased provision of To Provide implementation Slow pace of delivery and poor Provision of technical support enterprises adequate housing in quality support on the delivery expenditure trends to Provinces and Municipalities N - - - - - - - - living environments of sustainable human to fast-track delivery Households - 11 3 - - - - settlements Payments for capital assets 110 876 86 229 229 242 255 Misinterpretation of human Capacity building initiatives settlements strategies and implemented, communication - - - - - - - policies of programmes strengthened Machinery and equipment 110 876 86 22 22 242 255 Software and other intangible assets - - - - - - - Limited availability of Initiate capacity building Payments for financial assets 230 001 161 000 100 000 150 000 80 000 50 000 - personnel with required skills programmes to deliver on the TOTAL 28 712 737 29 426 936 29 927 992 32 695 760 31 577 280 32 859 348 34 851 058 mandate This programme allocation consists mostly of conditional grants and 4. E Application of the grants for Continuous analysis of the utilization of human unintended purposes performance transfer to Departmental Institutions. The allocation grows from R32.6 settlements grants billion in 2016/17 to R34.5 billion in 2020/21, an average nominal growth HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 26 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 29 PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS 8. LINKS TO THE LONG-TERM is framed according to the MTSF. The document contains 9. CONDITIONAL GRANTS INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER housing targets across a range of housing programmes. CAPITAL PLANS These are national targets and each Province and 9.1 Human Settlements Development Grant M The Department directly contributes to the infrastructure The conditional grant enables the Department to provide 10. PUBLIC ENTITIES effective oversight and ensure compliance with the Housing build programme, across the strategic integrated projects and supply projections. Cumulatively, all Provinces and T G The Department of Human Settlements has seven public (SIPs) and reports to the progress made to the PICC. A Municipalities contribute to the National targets. that is transferred to the provinces for Human Settlements entities reporting to it: 8.2 Provincial Plans Development. Funding is provided on the basis of housing to this, the projects implemented through the Urban 1) Estate Agency Affairs Board needs, the number of households earning less than R3 500 Settlements Grants and the partnerships created with sector (EAAB) Provincial capital expenditure for human settlements per month, and the population per province. The grant will departments like Water and Sanitation linked to the long ( continue over the reporting period. term infrastructure plans. The Master Spatial plan SP that is 2) National Housing Finance Corporation currently under development also forms part of the long term - ) A P 9.2 Urban Settlements Development Grant (NHFC) infrastructure plan as it seeks to direct human settlements Plans track budget spends according to each programme. The is a supplementary capital infrastructure grant with 3) National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency 8.3 Municipal Plans that will have long term impact on the country’s spatial conditions, objects and distribution criteria including (NURCHA) transformation agenda. infrastructure backlogs aimed at improving outcomes of Municipal capital expenditure for human settlements 4) Social Housing Regulatory Authority ( T G The department through its programmes also contributes to (SHRA) - ) T the conditional grant to municipalities for infrastructure and the New Growth Path which is the main job driver to ensure are known as the Housing Chapter and are an integral part human settlements development, to support the upgrading effective delivery is to improve both physical infrastructure 5) National Home Builders Registration Council of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of municipalities. of informal settlements in metropolitan municipalities. The and human resources. The department’s contribution to the (NHBRC) Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plans (SDBIP) are grant will continue over the reporting period. SIP’s assists in ensuring that the department and the sector one-year capital expenditure plans effectively breaking down 6) Rural Housing Loan Fund plans ahead and move away from the stop-start syndrome 9.3 Title Deeds Restoration Grant the budget into quarters. (RHLF) around the building of infrastructure. This provides a The conditional grant provide funding for the eradication of greater certainty to the construction industry and provides a Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP) encourages 7) The Housing Development Agency the title deeds registration backlog and the professional fees roadmap for investors and communities. municipalities to plan how the outputs funded from various (HDA) 8.1 Medium Term Strategic Framework grants will contribute to coherent outcomes for the city as S 9.4 Emergency Housing Grant 8) Community Schemes Ombud Service The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) sets out the Urban Settlements Development Grant and Human (CSOS) Settlements Development Grant. The grant provide funding to municipal and provincial O T - administrations for provision of temporary shelter assistance Municipal social housing institutions develop annual to households affected by disasters. T - HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT 28 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (REVISED) STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020 31 Summarized below are the mandate and key strategic objectives of each of these entities. Table 13: Human Settlement Entities Public Entity Mandate Output Current Budget Date of next Public Entity Mandate Output Current Budget Date of next Evaluation Evaluation National Housing Finance Mobilise funding into • 1 630 housing opportunities facilitated R80,000,000 1st quarter review: Housing Development Facilitate the release • 3 000 hectares of well-located land R222,177,000 1st quarter review: Corporation (NHFC) human settlements through disbursements (Capital Grant) August 2018 Agency of land and landed released for human settlement (Operational August 2018 space in partnership • 826 rental housing opportunities 2nd quarter review: (HDA) properties for development (targeting poor and Grant) 2nd quarter review: with broad range of facilitated through disbursements November 2018 human settlements middle income households). November 2018 institutions. It also • 205 affordable housing opportunities 3rd quarter review: development • 1 000 hectares released and rezoning 3rd quart 1st quarter provides wholesale facilitated through disbursements February 2018 of land. review: August 2018 • 4th quarter review: • Provide 5 informal settlements 2nd quarter review: fund and risk manager through leveraged funds M 201 projects with implementation support November 2018 • 782 leveraged from the private sector • Provide technical support to 22 3rd quarter review: (R’m) projects in mining towns. February 2018 Estate Agency Affairs Board Regulate, maintain • 75% of compliant registered estate - 1st quarter review: • 50 C 4th quarter review: (EAAB) and promote the agents August 2018 assessed. M 201 standard of conduct • 14 000 000 radio consumers reached 2nd quarter review: • February 2018 of estate agents; through radio awareness campaigns November 2018 support as per MTOPs and business 4th quarter review: • 10% of compliant estate agents 3rd quarter review: plans M 201 operating in affordable housing February 2018 • 5722 sites serviced qualifying applicants; markets 4th quarter review: • 7168 housing units provided prescribe the standard • 1 000 youth placed with host M 201 National Urban NURCHA’s mandate • 1 365 affordable houses built and - 1st quarter review: of education and employers Reconstruction and Housing is to ensure the sites serviced with NURCHA bridging August 2018 training of estate • Fidelity Fund Net Asset Value 1.25% Agency availability of 2nd quarter review: agents; investigate per annum (NURCHA) • 10 120 subsidy houses built and November 2018 complaints lodged • 10% increase in Estate Agencies to small, medium sites serviced with NURCHA bridging 3rd quarter review: against estate agents, operating in the affordable housing and established February 2018 manage the Estate market (30% over MTSF period) contractors building • 2 Infrastructure and community facility 4th quarter review: Agents Fidelity Fund • Project management and secretarial low and moderate- projects completed with NURCHA M 201 support in the Implementation plan for An Agency of the National Department of Human Settlements income housing and title deeds. related communities • 37 Contractors trained through the • Bi annual data/information on industry facilities and Contractor Finance and Development trends and analysis available infrastructure Programme Home Builders Registration Provide housing • 50 471 non-subsidy homes by private - 1st quarter review: Rural Housing Loan Fund: The RHLF is a • 53 772 housing loans disbursed - 1st quarter review: Council (NHBRC) consumers with sector enrolled August 2018 (RHLF) • 60% of loans provided to people August 2018 warranty protection • 123 600 subsidy homes enrolled 2nd quarter review: institution, established earning R3,500 or less per month 2nd quarter review: against defects in new • 52 164 non-subsidy enrolled homes November 2018 A 1 • R25 0 November 2018 homes, and to provide inspected 3rd quarter review: association not for intermediaries. 3rd quarter review: protection against • 84 455 subsidy homes enrolled February 2018 gain. The company • 0 201 February 2018 any failure of builders inspected 4th quarter review: is mandated to • 20% of loans issued to people earning 4th quarter review: to comply with their • 3 201 new homebuilder registrations M 201 empower low income over R15 000 M 201 obligations in terms approved households in rural • 100% clients visited for loan of the Housing • 11 2 areas to access Consumer Protection registrations housing credit M A 1 • 2000 homebuilders trained Social Housing Regulatory Regulate and support • 14,000 Units approved for RCG award. R1,225,752,000 1st quarter review: (A 5 1 ) • 2 000 youth trained Authority (SHRA) the social housing • 12 508 Social housing units delivered. August 2018 • 500 home inspectors trained sector in order to • 37 085 units under regulation (R1,143,640,000 2nd quarter review: • 400 Artisans trained accelerate the delivery • 5 RCG (N Consolidated November 2018 • 1 800 women trained of sustainable and named the Consolidated Capital Grant) Capital Grant; 3rd quarter review: • 450 Military Veterans trained R20,132,000 February 2018 • 300 people with disabilities trained housing projects. Institutional 4th quarter review: It is responsible for Investment Grant; M 201 the disbursement R46,815,000 of institutional Operational Grant investment and and R10,000,000 capital grants to social Regulations) HOUSES ● SECURITY ● COMFORT housing institution 30 REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2020
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