Department of Agriculture - USDA Forest Service

                                                                                                                                October 16, 2008

                                                                                                                                Part II

                                                                                                                                Department of
                                                                                                                                Forest Service

                                                                                                                                36 CFR Part 294
                                                                                                                                Special Areas; Roadless Area
                                                                                                                                Conservation; Applicability to the
                                                                                                                                National Forests in Idaho; Final Rule
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61456            Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 201 / Thursday, October 16, 2008 / Rules and Regulations

                                          DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                               Gilbert at (208) 765–7438. Individuals                November 29 and 30, 2006, in
                                                                                                  using telecommunication devices for the               Washington, DC. The committee issued
                                          Forest Service                                          deaf (TDD) may call the Federal                       a unanimous, consensus-based
                                                                                                  Information Relay Service (FIRS) at                   recommendation on December 19, 2006,
                                          36 CFR Part 294                                         1–800–877–8339 between 8 a.m. and 8                   that the Secretary direct the Forest
                                          RIN 0596–AC62                                           p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday                    Service, with the State of Idaho as a
                                                                                                  through Friday.                                       cooperating agency, to proceed with
                                          Special Areas; Roadless Area                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                       rulemaking. The Committee’s report
                                          Conservation; Applicability to the                      document serves as both notice of final               provided specific advice and suggested
                                          National Forests in Idaho                               rule and record of decision.                          clarifications regarding particular
                                                                                                                                                        issues. After considering the advisory
                                          AGENCY:  Forest Service, USDA.                          Decision                                              committee’s review and report, the
                                          ACTION: Final rule and record of                           For the reasons set out below, the                 Secretary accepted the petition and
                                          decision.                                               Department hereby promulgates a                       directed the Forest Service to initiate
                                                                                                  regulation establishing IRAs as                       rulemaking on December 22, 2006.
                                          SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of                                                                                  A notice of intent to prepare an
                                                                                                  described in Alternative 4 of the
                                          Agriculture (USDA or Department) is                                                                           environmental impact statement (EIS)
                                                                                                  ‘‘Roadless Area Conservation National
                                          adopting a state-specific, final rule                                                                         was published in the Federal Register
                                                                                                  Forest System Lands in Idaho Final
                                          establishing management direction for                                                                         April 10, 2007, (72 FR 17816). A notice
                                                                                                  Environmental Impact Statement,’’
                                          designated roadless areas in the State of                                                                     of availability for the draft
                                                                                                  USDA Forest Service, 2008, and the
                                          Idaho. The final rule designates 250                                                                          environmental impact statement (DEIS)
                                                                                                  supporting record. This decision is not
                                          Idaho Roadless Areas (IRAs) and                                                                               was published on December 21, 2007,
                                                                                                  subject to Forest Service appeal
                                          establishes five management themes                                                                            (72 FR 72708). The Forest Service
                                          that provide prohibitions with                                                                                published a proposed rule for
                                          exceptions or conditioned permissions                   Outline                                               conservation of NFS inventoried
                                          governing road construction, timber                       The following section outlines the                  roadless areas within Idaho on January
                                          cutting, and discretionary mineral                      contents of the preamble.                             7, 2008, (73 FR 1135). The notice of
                                          development.                                                                                                  availability for the final environmental
                                             The final rule takes a balanced                      Introduction and Background                           impact statement (FEIS) was published
                                                                                                  Roadless Area Inventories in Idaho
                                          approach recognizing both local and                                                                           on September 5, 2008, (73 FR 51815).
                                                                                                  Purpose and Need for the Idaho Roadless
                                          national interests for the management of                     Rule                                             Additional information, maps, and other
                                          these lands. The Department and Forest                  Public Involvement on the Proposed Rule               materials concerning the FEIS, IRAs,
                                          Service are committed to the important                    • How Was Public Involvement Used in                and roadless areas nationally, can be
                                          challenge of protecting roadless areas                       the Rulemaking Process?                          found at
                                          and their important characteristics. The                  • How Did the RACNAC Participate in the                The Department is committed to
                                          final rule achieves this through five land                   Rulemaking Process?                              conserving and managing inventoried
                                          classifications that assign various                     Alternatives Considered                               roadless areas. The Department
                                          permissions and prohibitions regarding                    • Alternatives Considered by the                    considers the final rule as the most
                                                                                                       Department                                       appropriate solution to address the
                                          road building, timber cutting, and
                                                                                                    • The Environmentally Preferred                     challenges of inventoried roadless area
                                          discretionary mineral activities. The                        Alternative
                                          final rule also allows the Forest Service               Comments on the Proposed Rule and
                                                                                                                                                        management on NFS lands in the State
                                          to continue to be a good neighbor and                        Changes Made in Response                         of Idaho. Collaborating and cooperating
                                          reduce the risk of wildland fires to at-                  • General Comments Not Related to                   with states and other interested parties
                                          risk communities and municipal water                         Particular Rule Provisions                       regarding the long-term strategy for the
                                          supply systems. The rule does not                         • Summary of Changes and Comments                   conservation and management of
                                          authorize the building of a single road                      Related to Particular Rule Provisions            inventoried roadless areas allows
                                          or the cutting of a single tree; instead it             Regulatory Certifications                             recognition of both national values and
                                          establishes permissions and                             Introduction and Background                           local situations.
                                          prohibitions that will govern what types                                                                         The Department believes that the final
                                          of activities may occur in IRAs. Any                      On October 5, 2006, Idaho Governor                  Idaho Roadless Rule collaboratively
                                          decision to build a road, allow mineral                 James Risch submitted a petition to the               resolves an issue of great importance to
                                          activities, harvest a tree, or conduct any              Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) to               the people of Idaho and the nation. The
                                          other activity permissible under this                   establish new management for Idaho’s                  management of large tracts of
                                          final rule will require appropriate site-               inventoried roadless areas on NFS                     undeveloped land has been a
                                          specific analysis under the National                    lands. Idaho’s petition divided roadless              contentious issue since the founding of
                                          Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and                     areas into five broad management                      the Forest Service in 1905. The Forest
                                          other applicable laws. Projects will also               themes: Wild Land Recreation (WLR);                   Service has engaged in numerous
                                          be consistent with the applicable land                  Special Areas of Historic or Tribal                   approaches and periodic reviews to
                                          management plan (LMP) components.                       Significance (SAHTS); Primitive;                      address how to best manage these lands.
                                             This final rule supersedes the 2001                  Backcountry/Restoration (BCR); and                    The Idaho Roadless Rule represents a
                                          Roadless Area Conservation Rule (2001                   General Forest, Rangeland, and                        unique effort to address these difficult
                                          roadless rule) for National Forest                      Grassland (GFRG). The petition was                    questions. How can the Agency best
                                          System (NFS) lands in the State of                      submitted under section 553(e) of the                 conserve open space? How can the
                                                                                                  Administrative Procedure Act and                      Agency protect some of the most
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                                                                                                  Department regulations at 7 Code of                   magnificent areas in Idaho and the
                                          DATES:  Effective Date: This rule is                    Federal Regulations (CFR) 1.28. The                   nation? How much active management,
                                          effective October 16, 2008.                             Roadless Area Conservation National                   including reducing fuel levels through
                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        Advisory Committee (RACNAC) (72 FR                    timber harvest, should the Agency
                                          Idaho Roadless Rule Team Leader Brad                    13469) reviewed the Idaho petition on                 consider allowing to reduce the risk of

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                                          unwanted wildland fire effects on                       negatively affect some local                          diversity, natural appearing landscapes,
                                          adjacent private and other public lands?                communities that are dependent on use                 and other unique resources as the nation
                                             The State of Idaho petition included                 of resources from NFS lands.                          continues to grow in population and
                                          specific information and                                   On August 12, 2008, the Federal                    faces increasing demands for the various
                                          recommendations for the management                      District Court for the District of                    multiple-use resources available from
                                          of individual inventoried roadless areas                Wyoming declared that the 2001                        NFS lands.
                                          in the State. Additionally, the State of                Roadless Area Conservation Rule (2001
                                          Idaho examined roadless areas sharing                   roadless rule) was promulgated in                     Roadless Area Inventories in Idaho
                                          boundaries or overlapping with all                      violation of the National Environmental                  This rulemaking relies on the most
                                          neighboring states and determined                       Policy Act (NEPA) and the Wilderness                  recent inventory available for roadless
                                          coordination with Montana and Utah                      Act. The court held ‘‘the roadless rule               areas within each national forest in the
                                          was necessary to ensure consistency of                  must be set aside’’ and that ‘‘[t]herefore,           State of Idaho. Land management plans
                                          management themes assigned to these                     the Court ORDERS that the Roadless                    were used, as well as other assessments
                                          inventoried roadless areas.                             Rule, 36 CFR 294.10 to 294.14, be                     and the inventories associated with the
                                             The unique perspectives and                          permanently enjoined, for the second                  2000 Roadless Area Conservation Final
                                          knowledge provided by the State and its                 time.’’ Previously, another Federal                   Environmental Impact Statement. Using
                                          citizens was of great assistance                        district court in California had issued an            these inventories, the Forest Service has
                                          throughout this rulemaking. Many of                     order that reinstated the 2001 roadless               identified approximately 9.3 million
                                          these roadless areas form the backdrop                  rule, including the Tongass-specific                  acres of inventoried roadless areas that
                                          for Idaho communities and have become                   amendment, and specified that ‘‘federal               are the subject of this rule.
                                          part of their identity. They are used for               defendants are enjoined from taking any                  The Agency has sought to be
                                          hiking, camping, hunting, and                           further action contrary to the [2001]                 particularly sensitive to concerns over
                                          motorized recreation on backcountry                     Roadless Rule * * *.’’ Both these orders              the accuracy of the inventories. The
                                          trails. Local communities are also                      have been appealed and the Forest                     2001 roadless rule used the inventories
                                          sensitive to the economic consequences                  Service has sought relief in both Federal             of record from late 1999 as their basis
                                          of Federal land management, whether                     district courts. For purposes of this                 for boundaries. This final rule uses
                                          for recreation or other multiple-use                    rulemaking, however, nothing in the                   these inventories as a starting point but
                                          purposes. Although this rule does not                   pending litigation limits the Secretary               also looked at updates identified
                                          provide management direction for                        from conducting state-specific                        through land management plan (LMP)
                                          recreation and access management, its                   rulemaking regarding roadless area                    revisions, most notably on the Caribou-
                                          emphasis on retaining the roadless                      management or from evaluating the                     Targhee National Forest (NF) in 1998
                                          characteristics over the vast majority of               2001 roadless rule as one alternative in              and the southwest Idaho forests (Boise,
                                          IRA acres will address recreation and                   the FEIS.                                             Payette and Sawtooth NFs) in 2003.
                                          scenery concerns from both national                        The Department has continued to seek               New inventories for northern Idaho
                                          and local perspectives.                                 a middle ground to resolve this issue by              forests (Idaho Panhandle, Clearwater,
                                             Recently, there have been several                    using forest plans, the locally driven                and Nez Perce NFs) currently in LMP
                                          attempts to resolve the roadless issue                  state petition process, and integrating               revision were also used. These
                                          nationally and in the State of Idaho.                   the national perspective provided by                  inventories are based on agency
                                          Since the Forest Service Roadless Area                  RACNAC. While the proposed rule                       direction in Forest Service Handbook
                                          Review and Evaluation (RARE II), the                    made strides in accomplishing this                    (FSH) 1909.12, section 70. The oldest
                                          Agency has used locally driven forest                   objective, several respondents and                    inventory used is from the Salmon-
                                          plans to manage inventoried roadless                    RACNAC expressed concern whether                      Challis NF, which dates to their LMP
                                          areas. While these plans accounted for                  some provisions could be read to allow                from mid-1980.
                                          the comments of local communities by                    portions of the BCR areas to be managed                  Changes to the roadless inventory
                                          considering the characteristics of each                 in a way that varied from the Governor’s              reflect improvements in mapping and
                                          individual roadless area, some felt these               stated intent to manage the BCR similar               elimination of some areas that had been
                                          plans lacked a national perspective and                 to the way the area would be managed                  developed since the last inventory of
                                          allowed too much modification of                        under the 2001 roadless rule while                    record and inclusion of some areas after
                                          roadless characteristics.                               providing for limited stewardship                     review. Inventories used for this final
                                             The 2001 roadless rule sought to                     activities. This was not the intent.                  rule have all received review and
                                          answer these questions from a national                     This final rule refines provisions and             comment by the public during the LMP
                                          perspective, but many felt that the rule’s              represents a compromise that balances                 revision process prior to this
                                          approach would cause undue harm to                      the nationally recognized need for                    rulemaking.
                                          local communities. Some states and                      conservation of IRAs with being more
                                          communities felt disenfranchised by the                 responsive to local communities and                   Purpose and Need for the Idaho
                                          process.                                                citizens. Specifically, the final rule                Roadless Rule
                                             The State of Idaho indicated that its                conserves the undeveloped/unroaded                      The purpose of the Idaho Roadless
                                          decision to petition was precipitated by                character for the vast majority of the                Rule is to respond to the State’s petition
                                          the State’s belief that it was not                      IRAs; allows limited fuel treatment                   to recommend State-specific direction
                                          provided an adequate opportunity to                     activities to reduce the risk of wildland             for the conservation and management of
                                          participate in the development of the                   fire effects to private and public                    inventoried roadless areas within the
                                          2001 roadless rule. The State expressed                 property and municipal water supply                   State of Idaho. The final Idaho Roadless
                                          concern that the rule could be                          systems; and accommodates limited                     Rule integrates local management
                                          interpreted as not allowing adequate                    exceptions for some communities highly                concerns and the need to protect these
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                                          protection for communities and                          dependent on the natural resources                    areas with the national objectives for
                                          municipal water supplies from the                       found on NFS lands.                                   protecting roadless area values and
                                          threat of unwanted wildland fire effects.                  These undeveloped lands will become                characteristics.
                                          Additionally, the State indicated its                   increasingly important as sources of                    Collaborating with the State of Idaho
                                          belief that the 2001 roadless rule could                public drinking water, plant and animal               on the long-term strategy for the

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                                          management of IRAs recognizes national                  public comment period ended on May                       Through the public meetings as well
                                          values and local situations and resolves                10, 2007. The Forest Service received                 as Tribal and public comments, the
                                          unique resource management                              about 38,000 comments, of which                       Agency and State repeatedly heard that
                                          challenges. Collaboration with others                   32,000 were form letters. The remaining               any exception to the 2001 roadless
                                          who have a strong interest in the                       letters consisted of original comments or             rule’s road building prohibitions must
                                          conservation and management of                          form letters with additional original                 be based on an actual on-the-ground
                                          inventoried roadless areas also helps                   text.                                                 need. Most notable among those needs
                                          ensure balanced management decisions                       A notice of availability for the DEIS              was the protection of property and
                                          that maintain the most important                        was published in the Federal Register                 municipal water supply systems for at-
                                          characteristics and values of those areas.              on December 21, 2007, (72 FR 72708).                  risk communities, and phosphate
                                             The management direction                             The Forest Service published a                        development.
                                          established by the rule is based on                     proposed rule for conservation of                        The Agency and State sought the
                                          individual roadless characteristics for                 national forests inventoried roadless                 RACNAC’s advice concerning a
                                          lands containing outstanding or unique                  areas in Idaho on January 7, 2008, (73                framework for better achieving the
                                          features where there is minimal or no                   FR 1135). A copy of the proposed rule                 objectives laid out in the proposed rule.
                                          evidence of human use; culturally                       and the DEIS has been available on the                The RACNAC recognized that a one-
                                          significant areas; general roadless                     World Wide Web/Internet at http://                    size-fits-all management regime for the
                                          characteristics where human uses may           since January 7, 2008.            BCR theme was unrealistic. The
                                          or may not be apparent; as well as some                 A public meeting on the proposed rule                 committee provided advice on a
                                          areas displaying high levels of human                   was held in Washington, DC on January                 framework for protecting at-risk
                                          use. The Department also recognizes                     14, 2008. Sixteen public meetings were                communities and their water systems
                                          there is compelling interest in—                        held in Idaho between January 22 and                  after several public meetings and careful
                                             • Reducing the threat to                             February 28, 2008.                                    deliberation. The Department adopted
                                          communities, homes, and property from                      In addition to the suggestions from                most of these recommendations in the
                                          the risk of severe wildfire or other risks              the RACNAC, the Department received                   final rule. The Department carefully
                                          associated with adjacent Federal lands;                 approximately 140,000 responses.                      considered all input before making a
                                             • Reducing the threat to forests from                Responses included advocacy for a                     decision in areas where the RACNAC
                                          the negative effects of severe wildfire                 particular outcome or regulatory                      could not reach consensus; for example,
                                          and insect and disease outbreaks; and                   language, as well as suggestions for                  building new roads for forest health
                                             • Assuring access to property, for the               analyses to conduct, issues to consider,              activities.
                                          State, Tribes, and citizens that own                    alternatives to the proposed action, and                 The RACNAC served a critical role in
                                          property within roadless areas.                         calls for compliance with laws and                    advising the Department regarding the
                                             Between 2001 and 2007, wildland                                                                            critical need to go beyond past
                                                                                                  regulations. Response to comments on
                                          fires burned about 3.1 million acres in                                                                       differences and focus on the on-the-
                                                                                                  the DEIS are in Appendix R of the FEIS.
                                          Idaho, of which about 1 million acres                                                                         ground management issues for these
                                                                                                  These comments played a key role in
                                          were in IRAs. Wildland fire is a natural                                                                      lands. This focus led to important
                                                                                                  the development of modifications to the
                                          component of these roadless areas;                                                                            adjustments including: (1) Reducing
                                                                                                  proposed rule and the decision made in
                                          however, actions to reduce the risk of                                                                        GFGR acres by 200,000; (2) increasing
                                                                                                  this record of decision.
                                          wildland fire effects to communities and                                                                      BCR acres by 280,000, primarily in
                                          municipal water supply systems may be                      It is noteworthy that many of the
                                                                                                  improvements between draft and final                  recognition of high fish and wildlife
                                          needed in some situations. In 2003,                                                                           values; (3) lowering the determination
                                          Congress recognized the need to                         were made in response to requests made
                                                                                                  by Idaho Indian Tribes. Some of the                   threshold for temporary roads and
                                          improve the capacities of the                                                                                 timber cutting within the community
                                          Departments of Agriculture and Interior                 theme changes were made in direct
                                                                                                  response to Tribal requests (see FEIS                 protection zone (CPZ), which increases
                                          to conduct hazardous fuel reduction                                                                           opportunities for the Forest Service to
                                          projects, by passing the Healthy Forests                Appendix P). Chapters 3.15 (Cultural
                                                                                                  Resources) and 3.16 (Idaho and Affected               address local communities’ concerns
                                          Restoration Act (HFRA) (Pub. L. 108–                                                                          with wildfire risks; (4) defining more
                                          148).                                                   Indian Tribes) were modified in the
                                                                                                  FEIS based on Tribal input. Section                   clearly the permissions for hazardous
                                             Aware of all of these concerns and the                                                                     fuel treatments outside CPZ to clarify
                                          long unresolved debates over conserving                 294.28(h) was added to Scope and
                                                                                                  Applicability assuring Tribes this rule               that the vast majority of these acres will
                                          and managing inventoried roadless                                                                             be subject to management direction that
                                          areas in the absence of wilderness                      would not affect any of their rights or
                                                                                                  Federal Government responsibilities to                is similar to the 2001 roadless rule; and
                                          legislation for the State of Idaho and                                                                        (5) defining with greater precision
                                          after considering the State’s petition, the             consult on projects in roadless areas.
                                                                                                  The Department and Forest Service are                 where phosphate mining, a nationally
                                          advice and recommendations of the                                                                             strategic mineral, may occur.
                                          RACNAC, Tribes, and public; the                         grateful for the insights and serious
                                                                                                  attention the Tribes have provided                       The Department recognizes the
                                          Secretary determined that regulatory                                                                          invaluable work and advice provided by
                                          direction for managing Idaho’s roadless                 during this rulemaking.
                                                                                                     • How Did the RACNAC Participate                   the RACNAC throughout the rulemaking
                                          areas was needed.                                                                                             process.
                                                                                                  in the Rulemaking Process?
                                          Public Involvement on the Proposed                         The RACNAC held open meetings in                   Alternatives Considered
                                          Rule                                                    various locations across the country.
                                            • How Was Public Involvement Used                     The meetings helped the RACNAC                        Alternatives Considered by the
                                          in the Rulemaking Process?                              develop recommendations to the                        Department
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                                            A notice of intent to prepare an EIS                  Secretary to be considered in the                       The FEIS examines four fully
                                          on ‘‘Roadless Area Conservation;                        development of the final rule. The                    developed alternatives based on public
                                          National Forest System Lands in Idaho’’                 RACNAC submitted their final                          comments: No Action, Existing Plans,
                                          was published in the Federal Register,                  recommendations to the Secretary in a                 Proposed Idaho Roadless Rule, and
                                          April 10, 2007, (68 FR 17816). The                      letter dated May 30, 2008.                            Modified Idaho Roadless Rule.

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                                          Additional alternatives were considered                 due to the construction of a classified               quality of roadless characteristics in that
                                          but were eliminated from detailed                       road and subsequent timber harvest.                   area.
                                          analysis because they did not meet some                   These exceptions, with some                            The Proposed Rule did not apply to
                                          aspect of the purpose and need or for                   modifications, are carried forward as                 other special areas referred to as forest
                                          other reasons in response to public                     part of Alternatives 3 and 4.                         plan special areas such as research
                                          comments including: Alternative                                                                               natural areas; wild and scenic rivers
                                                                                                  Alternative 2 (Existing Plans)
                                          allocations of management themes;                                                                             (designated, eligible, and suitable);
                                          additional conservation measures for                       Management direction in this                       special interest areas; and visual
                                          the GFRG theme; additional limitations                  alternative represents a roadless area                corridors. Table S–1 in the FEIS shows
                                          on management activities in the various                 management regime based on each                       334,500 acres as forest plan special
                                          themes; motorized access; and                           forest’s land management plan (LMP).                  areas. These areas would be managed
                                          expansion of the scope of the proposal.                 Each forest’s plan is unique to its                   according to applicable current and
                                          Chapter 2 of the FEIS provides a more                   planning area. Collectively the LMPs                  future LMP direction. However, if the
                                          complete discussion of the disposition                  provide a broad range of management                   current special status designations for
                                          of these alternatives.                                  opportunities from wilderness to                      an area are changed in the future, these
                                                                                                  intensive management. When revising a                 lands would be subject to the terms of
                                          Alternative 1 (No Action) (2001 Rule)                   LMP, each forest or group of forests                  the rule and a modification would be
                                             The 2001 roadless rule was the                       collaborates with the public to develop               undertaken.
                                          product of a national process and                       management direction for their roadless                  The Proposed Rule presented a
                                          established management direction at the                 areas. Overall, as national forests in                continuum of prohibitions and
                                          national level with limited focus on                    Idaho have revised the LMPs, the trend                permissions for each roadless area
                                          state or local issues. The 2001 roadless                has been to move more roadless areas                  through the allocation of themes.
                                          rule (66 FR 3244, Jan. 12, 2001)                        into management prescriptions that                    Allocation to a specific theme does not
                                          proposed to ensure that inventoried                     emphasize the conservation of roadless                mandate or direct the Forest Service to
                                          roadless areas sustain their values for                 characteristics. Under this alternative,              propose or implement any action;
                                          this generation and for future                          management of roadless areas would be                 rather, the themes provide an array of
                                          generations. By sustaining these values,                governed by the specific management                   permitted and prohibited activities
                                          a continuous flow of benefits associated                allocations assigned in each LMP.                     related to cutting, selling or removing
                                          with healthy watersheds and                             Management direction would be                         timber; road construction or
                                          ecosystems was expected.                                periodically reviewed as plans are                    reconstruction; and discretionary
                                             The Forest Service identified timber                 revised.                                              mineral activities.
                                          cutting and road construction or                                                                                 The Proposed Rule would have
                                                                                                  Alternative 3 (Proposed Idaho Roadless
                                          reconstruction as having the greatest                                                                         established prohibitions and
                                                                                                  Rule) (Proposed Rule)
                                          likelihood of altering and fragmenting                                                                        permissions for discretionary mineral
                                          landscapes and the greatest likelihood                     Alternative 3 considers establishment              activities that vary according to an
                                          of resulting in an immediate, long-term                 of regulatory direction based on the                  area’s classification theme. However,
                                          loss of roadless area values and                        State’s petition, as presented to the                 like the 2001 Rule alternative, the
                                          characteristics. Therefore, the 2001 Rule               RACNAC and set forth in the Proposed                  Proposed Rule allowed for road
                                          prohibited these activities with certain                Rule. This alternative represents a                   construction or reconstruction in the
                                          exceptions in each roadless area.                       strategy for the conservation and                     case of reserved or outstanding rights or
                                             The 2001 Rule alternative identified a               management of Idaho Roadless Areas                    as provided for by statute or treaty,
                                          list of exceptions to the prohibitions on               (IRAs) that takes into account State and              including roads associated with
                                          road construction (sec. 294.12) that                    local situations and unique resource                  locatable mineral activities pursuant to
                                          respond to circumstances where the                      management challenges, while                          the General Mining Law of 1872. The
                                          prohibitions might conflict with legal                  recognizing and integrating the national              Proposed Rule provided additional
                                          responsibilities to provide for public                  interest in maintaining roadless                      direction regarding common variety
                                          health and safety or environmental                      characteristics for future generations.               minerals.
                                          protection. The Department noted that                      Building from the petition’s
                                          while in some cases, the exceptions                     examination of the management                         Alternative 4 (Modified Idaho Roadless
                                          could result in effects contrary to the                 direction assigned in each forest’s                   Rule) (Final Rule)
                                          purpose of the rule; the Department                     existing or proposed LMPs, the                          Alternative 4 considers establishment
                                          determined that they were necessary to                  Proposed Rule assigned the lands                      of regulatory direction based on
                                          honor existing law or address social or                 within each roadless area to one or more              modifications to the Proposed Rule
                                          economic concerns (66 FR 3255).                         of five broad management themes: Wild                 (Alternative 3). Public comment
                                             The 2001 Rule alternative also allows                Land Recreation (WLR); Special Areas                  identified the need for modifications to
                                          for timber cutting for activities such as               of Historic or Tribal Significance                    the Proposed Rule and DEIS. The
                                          improving threatened, endangered,                       (SAHTS); Primitive; Backcountry/                      Department and Forest Service officials,
                                          proposed, or sensitive species habitat;                 Restoration (BCR); and General Forest,                in consultation with the State, reviewed
                                          maintaining or restoring the                            Rangeland, and Grassland (GFRG).                      and considered the public comment,
                                          characteristics of ecosystem                            These themes span a continuum that                    Tribal recommendations, and the advice
                                          composition and structure to reduce the                 includes at one end, a restrictive                    of the RACNAC and concluded the rule
                                          risk of uncharacteristic wildfire effects;              approach emphasizing passive                          could be improved. Many of the
                                          selling or removing timber incidental to                management and natural restoration                    suggested modifications contributed to
                                          other authorized activities; cutting,                   approaches, and on the other end, active              the development of the final rule and
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                                          selling, or removing timber needed for                  management designed to accomplish                     FEIS.
                                          personal or administrative uses; or                     sustainable protection of roadless                      Alternative 4 (Final Rule) uses the
                                          improving roadless characteristics that                 characteristics. The continuum accounts               thematic approach of Alternative 3 but
                                          have been substantially altered in a                    for stewardship of the uniqueness of                  adds refinements to address five
                                          portion of an inventoried roadless area                 each roadless area’s landscape and the                principle concerns:

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                                             (1) The amount and type of roadless                    Alternative 4 reduces the lands                     alternatives provide varying levels of
                                          areas placed in the various themes;                     managed under the GFRG theme to                       road construction and reconstruction to
                                             (2) The permissions and restrictions                 405,900 acres. These areas are mainly                 facilitate timber cutting and also
                                          for road construction and                               managed according to forest plan                      provide differing levels of limited tree
                                          reconstruction, and timber cutting, sale,               direction except that roads may not be                cutting for commodity purposes and
                                          and removal in the BCR theme;                           constructed to access new mineral or                  mineral resource development. The total
                                             (3) Management of lands containing                   energy leases other than to access                    projected road construction or
                                          phosphate deposits in BCR areas;                        specific areas of phosphate deposits.                 reconstruction over the next 15 years is
                                             (4) Tribal interests regarding activities            Design of projects in these areas will                15 miles (Alternative 1, 2001 Rule), 180
                                          in roadless areas and future                            consider roadless characteristics and                 miles (Alternative 2, Existing Plans), 61
                                          consultations; and                                      will meet all environmental laws, and                 miles (Alternative 3, Proposed Rule),
                                             (5) Public comment requirements for                  the area will remain on the roadless                  and 50 miles (Alternative 4, Modified
                                          corrections and modifications.                          inventory.                                            Rule). Alternative 1 projects the fewest
                                             The Final Rule alternative reflects                    In sum, Alternative 4 assures                       ground disturbing activities and is
                                          consideration of other adjustments                      retention of the roadless characteristics             deemed the environmentally preferred
                                          beyond these principal issues as well.                  of approximately 8.5 million acres of                 alternative.
                                             Overall, Alternative 4 provides more                 roadless lands. On the remaining 0.8
                                                                                                  million acres (community protection                   Comments on the Proposed Rule and
                                          protections from development than the                                                                         Changes Made in Response
                                          2001 Rule alternative on 3.25 million                   zones in the BCR theme and GFRG
                                                                                                  acres), the Agency’s best estimates                     The Department received
                                          acres of IRAs. These lands are in the                                                                         approximately 140,000 comments in
                                                                                                  indicate only about 0.1 percent of IRAs
                                          WLR, Primitive, and SAHTS themes. All                                                                         response to the proposed rule and DEIS.
                                                                                                  would likely see any changes in
                                          road construction and reconstruction is                                                                       A detailed analysis and response to
                                                                                                  roadless characteristics over the next 15
                                          prohibited, except when provided by                                                                           public comment is set out in Appendix
                                          statute or treaty, or pursuant to valid                                                                       R of the FEIS. The Forest Service
                                          existing rights or other legal duty of the              The Environmentally Preferred                         considered all comments as part of the
                                          United States. In addition, Alternative 4               Alternative                                           rulemaking. The discussion of public
                                          prohibits surface use and occupancy                        Under NEPA, the Department is                      comment below is divided between
                                          and road construction or reconstruction                 required to identify the environmentally              general comments and those that
                                          to access new mineral leases. Similarly,                preferred alternative (40 CFR 1505.2(b)).             involve particular regulatory provisions,
                                          Alternative 4 provides the same or more                 This is interpreted to mean the                       as well as providing a summary of
                                          restrictions than the 2001 Rule                         alternative that will promote the                     changes made in the final rule.
                                          alternative for cutting, selling, or                    national environmental policy as
                                          removing timber for lands in the                        expressed in NEPA’s section 101 and                   General Comments Not Related to
                                          Primitive and SAHTS themes. By                          that would cause the least damage to the              Particular Rule Provisions
                                          reassigning acres to the WLR, Primitive,                biological and physical components of                    Comment: State role in rulemaking.
                                          or SAHTS themes, Alternative 4                          the environment. This alternative best                Some respondents expressed concerns
                                          provides greater protection from                        protects, preserves, and enhances                     over the legality of the State of Idaho’s
                                          development for 76,400 acres more than                  historic, cultural, and natural resources             efforts to submit a petition to change
                                          the Existing Plans alternative and                      (Council on Environmental Quality,                    current Federal land management or
                                          199,500 acres more than the Proposed                    Forty Most Asked Questions Concerning                 that the State would have undue
                                          Rule alternative.                                       CEQ’s National Environmental Policy                   influence on the outcome of the rule.
                                             As to lands managed under the BCR                    Act Regulations (46 FR 18026).                           Response: This is a Federal rule and
                                          theme, Alternative 4 provides similar                      The Department believes the                        the Department has, in no way,
                                          management direction as the 2001 Rule                   alternative that best meets these criteria            abdicated or delegated its authority or
                                          alternative for 5.26 million acres,                     is Alternative 1 (No Action, 2001 Rule).              responsibility for management of these
                                          although an estimated 442,000 acres                     Alternative 1 generally protects all                  NFS lands. The Governor of Idaho,
                                          would be subject to special                             inventoried roadless areas from adverse               pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(e) and 7 CFR
                                          consideration of specific situations                    environmental impacts associated with                 1.28 filed a petition to conduct
                                          involving reducing the risk of wildland                 limited exceptions for road                           rulemaking for these immensely
                                          fire to at-risk communities within the                  construction, reconstruction, and tree                valuable lands. The Forest Service has
                                          CPZ. Outside the CPZ, temporary roads                   cutting for commodity purposes and                    worked cooperatively with the State of
                                          could be constructed only where, in the                 discretionary mineral activities and is               Idaho during consideration of the
                                          regional forester’s judgment, such roads                projected to result in the least road                 petition and during the development of
                                          are the only reasonable way to meet the                 construction (15 miles) and fewest                    this final rule as is expected under
                                          objectives of reducing the significant                  harvested acres (9,000 acres) over the                numerous statutes, regulations, and
                                          risk of wildland fire effects to an at-risk             next 15 years.                                        Executive orders.
                                          community or municipal water supply                        Alternatives 2, 3, and 4 allow for an                 Pursuant to NEPA’s implementing
                                          system, and the activity is developed in                array of vegetation management                        regulations, State, local, and Tribal
                                          a way that maintains or improves one or                 activities potentially needed to maintain             governments are frequently granted
                                          more roadless characteristics over the                  or improve roadless characteristics or                cooperating agency status. State
                                          long-term. Infrequent use of this                       restore ecological structure, function,               governments are especially important
                                          provision, with its conditions, is                      composition, or processes; including                  partners in management of the nation’s
                                          anticipated due to resource conditions,                 reducing the risks of uncharacteristic or             land and natural resources. States,
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                                          agency budgets, and regional forester                   unwanted wildland fire effects. In                    particularly in the West, own and
                                          approval and oversight. CPZ status will                 addition, these alternatives provide                  manage large tracts of land with
                                          be confirmed at the project level, based                additional protections to certain lands               tremendous social and biological value.
                                          on the definition of CPZ provided in                    with outstanding roadless                             State governments frequently pioneer
                                          section 294.21.                                         characteristics. However, these                       innovative land management programs

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                                          and policies. State governments exert                   providing input and cooperation during                government-to-government, as provided
                                          considerable influence over statewide                   the NEPA process for a proposal                       for in treaties, laws, or Executive orders.
                                          economic development and private land                   affecting an IRA. It is the Department                Nor does the final rule limit or modify
                                          use, both of which significantly affect                 intent that the State of Idaho can request            prior existing Tribal rights, including
                                          natural resource management. In                         cooperating agency status for proposals               those involving hunting, fishing,
                                          addition, State conservation agencies’                  affecting IRAs like it has done for this              gathering, and protecting cultural and
                                          relationships with others offer                         rulemaking. It is important to note that              spiritual sites. Finally, the Department
                                          additional partnership opportunities.                   although the recommendations                          listened carefully and understood Tribal
                                          Strong State and Federal cooperation                    provided by the commission will be                    concerns that the Tribe’s holistic
                                          regarding management of inventoried                     non-binding on the Agency, the                        interests are in no way limited to one
                                          roadless areas can facilitate long-term,                Department encourages the responsible                 particular theme or management
                                          community-oriented solutions.                           Forest Service officials to give priority             classification. The SAHTS designation
                                             Collaborating with the State of Idaho                to those projects recommended by the                  highlights and protects certain areas that
                                          on the long-term strategy for the                       commission.                                           possess historically and culturally
                                          management of IRAs recognizes national                     Comment: Compliance with Executive                 important attributes, but is not the
                                          values and local situations and resolves                Order 13175, Consultation and                         exclusive indicator of areas that possess
                                          unique resource management                              Coordination with Indian Tribal                       such values. The final rule allows
                                          challenges. Collaboration with the State,               Governments. Some Tribal officials                    continued recognition of Tribal rights
                                          Tribes and others who have a strong                     requested more government-to-                         and interests in IRAs outside of the
                                          interest in conserving and managing                     government consultation on the                        SAHTS theme.
                                          inventoried roadless areas also helps to                proposed rule. One Tribe expressed                       Comment: NEPA requirements for
                                          ensure balanced management decisions                    concern that the change clause builds in              projects. Some respondents felt an EIS
                                          that maintain the most important                        categorical exclusions that will exclude              should be required for all projects
                                          characteristics and values of those areas.              public input and Tribal government-to-                proposed in IRAs and the use of an
                                             Comment: Idaho’s Roadless Rule                       government consultation on individual                 environmental assessment (EA) should
                                          Implementation Commission. Some                         projects. One Tribe questioned the use                be disallowed.
                                          respondents questioned the role and                     of the theme approach suggesting that                    Response: The Idaho Roadless Rule
                                          authority of the Governor’s Roadless                    maintaining all roadless areas should                 focuses on general land classifications
                                          Rule Implementation Commission                          provide the same or similar values and                rather than project-level analysis and
                                          (Idaho Executive Order No. 2006–43 of                   opportunities. Another Tribe stated the               documentation requirements. However,
                                          December 21, 2006). Other respondents                   themes do not incorporate the holistic                since 1992, the Forest Service has
                                          thought the structure of the commission                 nature of Tribal rights and interests that            routinely required the use of EISs for
                                          should be better defined, that there                    include areas outside those identified as             proposals that ‘‘would substantially
                                          should be a time frame for the                          SAHTS, and clarification was needed so                alter the undeveloped character of an
                                          commission to respond to a proposed                     areas of Tribal interest would still have             inventoried roadless area or a potential
                                          project, and that county commissioners                  project-by-project consultation with                  wilderness area.’’ This requirement,
                                          and rural communities should be                         affected Tribes.                                      originally in its implementing
                                          involved in designing and                                  Response: On September 20, 2007, the               procedures in Forest Service Handbook
                                          implementing projects. Some                             State of Idaho and the Forest Service                 1909.15 at section 20.6, is now in the
                                          respondents raised concern over the                     met with the Idaho Council on Indian                  Agency’s regulations at 36 CFR 220.5(a)
                                          legality of the commission. The                         Affairs and presented a joint overview                (73 FR 43095). The Department has
                                          RACNAC recommended additional                           of the history of the Idaho Roadless                  determined that a general prohibition on
                                          procedural requirements in the rule,                    Petition and the DEIS associated with                 the use of EAs is not warranted as some
                                          which includes collaborative review of                  development of the proposed rule. The                 proposed actions will not have
                                          projects, especially in the BCR theme,                  Forest Service and the State of Idaho                 significant environmental effects and
                                          by a State Implementation Commission                    committed to meeting with each Tribe                  will not harm roadless characteristics.
                                          with a regional advisory committee-like                 to discuss in more detail the Idaho                   Public response to scoping for a
                                          structure.                                              Roadless Rule prior to the release of the             proposed action in an IRA will help the
                                             Response: Although it is the                         DEIS. These meetings took place                       responsible Forest Service official
                                          Department’s position that it cannot                    between October 2007 and January 2008                 determine the appropriate level of
                                          mandate the creation of or the scope of                 and were tailored to meet each Tribe’s                documentation for compliance with
                                          the commission’s responsibilities to the                preference. After the release of the DEIS             NEPA.
                                          State, the Department supports this                     and the proposed rule, several staff-to-                 Comment: Endangered species
                                          collaborative concept and feels it would                staff and government-to-government                    consultation. Several respondents
                                          be an essential part of the overall                     meetings were held between January                    expressed concern regarding the
                                          collaborative process with the public,                  and August 2008 with each Tribe. Many                 proposed rules effects to threatened and
                                          Tribes, and local and state governments.                of the Tribes’ ideas and suggestions                  endangered species and sought
                                          The Forest Service shared public                        resulted in improvements to the final                 clarifications regarding consultation
                                          comments and the RACNAC                                 rule.                                                 under the Endangered Species Act
                                          recommendations on the composition                         Nothing in the final rule should be                (ESA).
                                          and function of the implementation                      construed as eliminating public input or                 Response: Idaho Roadless Areas have
                                          commission received during this                         Tribal consultation requirements for                  been identified as an important habitat
                                          rulemaking with the State of Idaho. The                 future projects conducted in accordance               for a variety of terrestrial and aquatic
                                          State of Idaho has already committed to                 with this rule. The final rule clarifies              wildlife and plants, including some
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                                          having the implementation commission                    that it does not modify the unique                    threatened and endangered species. The
                                          as its way of providing a collaborative                 relationship between the United States                large, relatively undisturbed areas
                                          approach pursuant to State of Idaho                     and Indian Tribes. The final rule                     provide biological strongholds and play
                                          Executive Order 2006–34 and may                         requires the Federal government to work               a key role in proving for diversity of
                                          continue to determine its own course for                with federally recognized Indian Tribes,              plant and animal communities.

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                                             The National Oceanic and                              served a related but distinct function                  Comment: Management theme
                                          Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)                        under NEPA.                                           definitions. Several respondents
                                          Fisheries and the U. S. Fish and                                                                               requested clarification of the
                                                                                                   Proposed Section 294.21 Definitions
                                          Wildlife Service (FWS), have oversight                                                                         management themes. Some suggested
                                          responsibilities for implementation of                      Summary of Changes in Proposed                     that specific references to recreation in
                                          the Endangered Species Act (ESA).                        Section 294.21 (Final Rule Section                    the theme definitions should be
                                          Informal consultation and conferencing                   294.21). Definitions of the following                 dropped.
                                          on the proposed rule began with                          terms have been included in response to                 Response: Definitions for individual
                                          frequent discussions among Forest                        public comment: community protection                  themes are removed in the final rule.
                                          Service, FWS, and NOAA Fisheries                         zone, fire hazard and risk, fire                      The Department believes the
                                          biologists. The Agency has prepared a                    occurrence, Forest Plan Special Area,                 prohibitions and permissions
                                          biological assessment on the final rule                  forest type, hazardous fuels, road                    established for each individual theme
                                          and formally consulted with the FWS                      decommissioning, and uncharacteristic
                                                                                                                                                         best defines the management intended
                                          and NOAA. The biological opinions can                    wildland fire effects. Most of these
                                                                                                                                                         and the redundant definitions in the
                                          be found at                   definitions were added to improve
                                                                                                                                                         proposed rule were unnecessary and led
                                          idaho.shtml and effects are discussed in                 clarity on the use of the exemptions
                                                                                                                                                         to confusion.
                                          the FEIS at sections 3.7 Botanical                       allowed for road construction and
                                          Resources, 3.8 Aquatic Species, and 3.9                  reconstruction, timber cutting, and                   Proposed Section 294.22    Idaho
                                          Terrestrial Animal Habitat and Species.                  mineral activities. Rational for their                Roadless Areas
                                                                                                   inclusion is discussed in the
                                          Summary of Changes and Comments                          appropriate sections below. Definitions                  Summary of Changes in Proposed
                                          Related to Particular Rule Provisions                    for significant risk and the individual               Section 294.22 (Final Rule Section
                                                                                                   management classification themes have                 294.22). Paragraphs (b) and (c) have
                                          Proposed Section 294.20               Purpose                                                                  been reordered to improve continuity.
                                                                                                   been removed. Significant risk is now
                                            Summary of Changes in Proposed                         addressed at section 294.24(c)(1)(ii). The            Similarly, the narrative description of
                                          Section 294.20 (Final Rule Section                       Department believes the themes are best               the management continuum that was set
                                          294.20). Text about the relationship                     understood in terms of the specific                   out in proposed paragraph (c) has been
                                          between this rule and other roadless                     permissions and restrictions established              removed as unnecessary.
                                          rulemakings was removed from                             by the rule for each land classification                 The final rule remains structured
                                          paragraph (a) and is now addressed in                    rather than a generalized description of              around five themes: (1) Wild Land
                                          section 294.28(a). Paragraph (b) was                     desired conditions.                                   Recreation (WLR); (2) Special Areas of
                                          removed as unnecessary because the                          Comment: Definition of road. A                     Historic or Tribal Significance (SAHTS);
                                          multiple-use mission of the Forest                       respondent stated it was unclear if user-             (3) Primitive; (4) Backcountry/
                                          Service is well understood and is                        created roads or unclassified roads                   Restoration (BCR); and (5) General
                                          provided for elsewhere in statute and                    under the 2001 roadless rule are roads                Forest, Rangeland, and Grassland
                                          regulation.                                              for purposes of this rule and whether                 (GFRG). These five themes were
                                            Comment: Purpose and need. A                           deciding officers can designate an                    proposed following review of the
                                          respondent suggested the same                            unclassified road as a forest road.                   allocations set out in the existing and
                                          statement of purpose and need as                            Response: First, the definition of                 proposed revisions to land management
                                          described in the DEIS should be                          forest road used in the proposed and                  plans. The five themes and allocations
                                          included in the rule.                                    final rule is drawn from the Agency’s                 for particular areas were refined in
                                            Response: The regulatory purpose set                   definition of that term in the travel                 response to public comment on the
                                          out in the final rule has been slightly                  management regulations found at 36                    proposed rule. The themes span a
                                          revised and is now a more accurate                       CFR part 212. Travel management                       continuum from more restrictive to
                                          statement of purpose of the Idaho                        decisions are not affected by this rule as            more permissive (see Figure 1). This
                                          Roadless Rule as providing State-                        noted in section 294.26(a). Adjustments               continuum accounts for stewardship of
                                          specific direction for management of                     to NFS road inventories are made                      each roadless area’s unique landscape
                                          roadless areas. The purpose and need                     pursuant to the Travel Management rule                and the quality of roadless
                                          statement included with the DEIS                         (70 FR 68264).                                        characteristics in that area.
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                                             Allocation to a specific theme does                  these activities include, but are not                   Response: In response to these
                                          not mandate or direct the Forest Service                limited to, trail construction or                     requests, some theme assignments were
                                          to propose or implement any action;                     maintenance; removal of hazard trees                  adjusted for the final rule. In general,
                                          rather, the themes provide an array of                  adjacent to forest roads for public health            public requests for changes in theme
                                          permitted and prohibited activities                     and safety reasons; fire line construction            assignments for IRAs in section 294.29
                                          regarding road construction, timber                     for wildland fire suppression or control              in this final rule were adopted when the
                                          cutting, and discretionary mineral                      of prescribed fire; survey and                        Forest Service review, demonstrated
                                          activities. Although the ability of the                 maintenance of property boundaries;                   that the theme change would better
                                          Forest Service to conduct certain                       other authorized activities such as ski               reflect the uniqueness of the roadless
                                          activities (road building, activities                   runs and utility corridors; or for road               area and the appropriate level of
                                          associated with mineral development,                    construction and reconstruction where                 conservation needed for the protection
                                          and timber cutting) typically varies from               allowed by this rule.                                 and management of the particular area.
                                          theme-to-theme, other activities                           Comment: Eliminate the use of                      The FEIS, Appendix P describes each of
                                          (motorized travel, current grazing                      multiple themes. A respondent                         the specific requests and the disposition
                                          activities, or use of motorized                         suggested the removal of the multiple                 of those requests.
                                          equipment and mechanical transport) is                  theme approach from the rule and                        The following changes were made to
                                          not changed by this final rule. Although                return to the single theme approach                   theme assignments as a result of public
                                          these other activities are not regulated                used for the 2001 roadless rule.                      and Tribal comments.
                                          by this rule, these activities and others                  Response: The Governor’s petition
                                                                                                                                                          (1) Approximately 279,800 acres were
                                          not addressed by this rule are still                    sought refinement of the 2001 roadless
                                                                                                                                                        changed from GFRG to BCR. This
                                          subject to the allowances and                           rule’s one-size-fits-all approach
                                                                                                                                                        includes important big game habitat and
                                          restrictions of their current LMP and                   maintaining that some areas deserved
                                                                                                                                                        known phosphate lease areas on the
                                          would be subject to future planning and                 higher protections, others similar, and
                                                                                                                                                        Caribou portion of the Caribou-Targhee
                                          decisionmaking processes of the Forest                  others less protection then those granted
                                                                                                                                                        NF where development would be
                                          Service. For example, when allowed                      in the 2001 roadless rule. Comments
                                                                                                                                                        precluded because of aquatic concerns
                                          under the LMP, the use of prescribed                    received by the various Idaho County
                                                                                                                                                        (portions of Deer Creek).
                                          fire as a management tool would be                      commissioners and other members of
                                          available across all themes as this rule                the public were in accord. The wide-                    (2) Approximately 75,900 acres were
                                          does not require, limit or prohibit the                 variety of management regimes given                   changed from BCR to GFRG. This
                                          use of prescribed fire. Similarly, some                 these areas by individual Forest Service              includes lands that were already roaded
                                          activities (e.g., locatable mineral access              LMPs further demonstrates the value of                on the Salmon and Targhee NFs and
                                          and operations) are governed under                      a more measured approach. Therefore,                  lands adjacent to Jesse Creek Watershed
                                          entirely separate regulations.                          the Department has elected to maintain                that are outside the CPZ but where the
                                          Additionally, like the 2001 roadless                    the flexibility the multiple theme                    community wildfire protection plans
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                                          rule, timber cutting, sale, or removal in               approach allows and has retained it in                (CWPPs) anticipate treatment is needed
                                          inventoried roadless areas is permitted                 the final rule.                                       to protect the municipal water supply
                                          when incidental to implementation of a                     Comment: Theme assignment. Some                    system.
                                          management activity not otherwise                       respondents requested changes in theme                  (3) Approximately 149,200 acres were

                                          prohibited by the final rule. Examples of               assignments for specific IRAs.                        changed from BCR to Primitive.

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61464            Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 201 / Thursday, October 16, 2008 / Rules and Regulations

                                             (4) Approximately 68,400 acres of the                states, ‘‘Any inventoried roadless area                  Response: The BCR theme represents
                                          Rapid River Roadless Area on the                        recommended for wilderness or                         the largest amount of acreage across all
                                          Payette and Nez Perce NFs were                          designated wilderness study is not                    of the theme designations in this rule,
                                          changed from Primitive to WLR.                          available for any use or activity that may            and it received the majority of the
                                             (5) Approximately 10,700 acres of the                reduce the wilderness potential of an                 comments. During his original
                                          Selkirk Roadless Area on the Idaho                      area. Activities currently permitted may              presentation to the RACNAC, Governor
                                          Panhandle NF were changed from                          continue, pending designation, if the                 Risch expressed a desire to have the
                                          Primitive to WLR.                                       activities do not compromise wilderness               areas designated under this theme
                                             (6) Approximately 21,000 acres of the                values of the area.’’ Similarly, the final            managed similar to the 2001 roadless
                                          Pioneer Area in the Mallard Larkins                     rule does not change current                          rule while also providing for certain
                                          Roadless Area on the Idaho Panhandle                    recreational opportunities in WLR areas,              stewardship activities. The proposed
                                          NF was changed from SAHTS to WLR.                       including motorized travel (see sections              rule sought to provide this balance by
                                             Comment: Management under                            294.27(a) and 294.28). A wide-array of                only allowing new road construction or
                                          existing LMPs for certain areas. A                      motorized and mechanical recreation                   reconstruction facilitating timber cutting
                                          respondent suggested areas not                          and other multiple-use activities that are            where necessary to address significant
                                          recommended for wilderness in the                       not allowed in designated wilderness                  risks and to facilitate permitted forest
                                          2001 roadless rule should be removed                    areas will continue to be available and               health activities.
                                          from this process and be managed under                  are unaffected by this rule.                             Many respondents felt that the criteria
                                          their existing plans.                                                                                         by which new roads could be
                                                                                                     Comment: Primitive theme. A
                                             Response: The 2001 roadless rule                                                                           constructed were left undefined and
                                                                                                  respondent suggested the Primitive
                                          made no wilderness recommendations.                                                                           potentially could vary from the purpose
                                          The Forest Service makes preliminary                    theme should be avoided because areas
                                                                                                  designated as Primitive would fall short              of the 2001 roadless rule. Specifically,
                                          wilderness recommendations through                                                                            several respondents felt that new road
                                          the land management planning process.                   of the wilderness suitability criteria
                                                                                                  because of the proposed rule’s permitted              construction to facilitate timber cutting
                                          Recommendations to Congress                                                                                   should only be done in cases of
                                          concerning wilderness                                   activities.
                                                                                                                                                        imminent threat to people and property,
                                          recommendations are an authority                           Response: This rule is not designed to
                                                                                                                                                        although others felt significant risk was
                                          reserved to the Secretary. However, the                 address potential wilderness
                                                                                                                                                        too restrictive and did not have enough
                                          suggested approach of directing that                    designations. However, agency
                                                                                                                                                        flexibility to address forest health issues
                                          preliminarily recommended areas be                      wilderness evaluation criteria associated
                                                                                                                                                        in IRAs. Based on public comments and
                                          managed in accordance with existing                     with LMPs provide that although a
                                                                                                                                                        advice from the RACNAC, the
                                          LMP direction would essentially be                      forest road or other permanently
                                                                                                                                                        Department saw a need to refine the
                                          achieved through the approach                           authorized road is one criteria for not
                                                                                                                                                        scope and conditions by which
                                          described in FEIS Alternative 2. The                    considering an area for potential
                                                                                                                                                        temporary roads could be constructed in
                                          Department believes that in the absence                 wilderness, Forest Service Handbook                   the BCR theme.
                                          of Congressional action, it is appropriate              (FSH) 1909.12, section 71.11, paragraph                  The RACNAC spent a considerable
                                          to include such lands in the IRA system.                9, provides for including areas where                 amount of time discussing this theme
                                             Comment: Wild Land Recreation                        prior timber harvest and road                         and recognized that the theme did not
                                          (WLR) theme. A respondent suggested                     construction is not evident. Road                     lend itself to a one-size-fits-all
                                          the WLR theme should be eliminated as                   construction and reconstruction is                    management approach, particularly
                                          it unlawfully creates de facto                          prohibited in the Primitive theme                     with regard to fuel treatments for
                                          wilderness. Another respondent felt the                 except to access reserved or outstanding              protecting at-risk communities and
                                          rule should maintain current wilderness                 rights, or other legal duty of the United             municipal water supply systems, but
                                          recommendations, maintain the current                   States. Any roads constructed for these               also felt that the proposed rule was too
                                          type of recreation activities allowed in                purposes could affect consideration for               expansive and needed further
                                          each individual WLR area, and                           wilderness. Timber cutting, sale, or                  clarification and refinement.
                                          recommend additional areas for                          removal is also prohibited except under                  The Department agrees that the
                                          wilderness designation.                                 limited conditions and only when done                 principles articulated by the RACNAC
                                             Response: It is important to note that               from an existing road or using aerial                 represented a good starting point. The
                                          IRAs are not de facto wilderness areas                  systems and is subject to numerous                    final rule adopts the RACNAC’s advice
                                          and the final rule does not make any                    restrictions. The FEIS, section 3.14                  of borrowing the CPZ concept from
                                          recommendations for potential                           Roadless Characteristics, discloses that              HFRA to focus timber cutting and
                                          wilderness. The Department is mindful                   the existing character may be modified                temporary road construction where
                                          that only Congress can establish                        on the edges of a roadless area with the              needed to protect at-risk communities.
                                          additions to the National Wilderness                    interior kept intact. Future activities in            The definition of at-risk communities
                                          Preservation System and that Congress                   the Primitive theme could have                        used in the proposed and final rule
                                          has not called for the creation of                      potential effects on the undeveloped                  reflects the definition of that term as
                                          protective perimeters or buffer zones                   and natural qualities of a roadless area              used in the HFRA. Within the CPZ, the
                                          around wilderness areas. The                            but these activities are expected to be               Department believes the balance should
                                          Department maintains that the WLR                       limited, infrequent, and would not                    tip in favor of community protection
                                          theme provides appropriate protections                  affect natural ecosystems processes or                while ensuring that temporary road
                                          for selected areas.                                     opportunities for primitive and                       construction is not undertaken where in
                                             It is correct that most lands in the                 unconfined recreation.                                the responsible official’s judgment the
                                          WLR theme were identified and                              Comment: Backcountry/Restoration                   project cannot reasonably achieve the
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with RULES_2

                                          recommended for wilderness                              theme (BCR). Several respondents felt                 community protection objectives
                                          designation during the land                             the use of the BCR theme should be                    without a temporary road. Additionally,
                                          management planning process. In the                     avoided because it would allow road                   the RACNAC recognized that the
                                          context of land management planning,                    construction, logging, and other                      geographic definition from HFRA may
                                          the Forest Service Manual 1923.03                       development.                                          not provide enough flexibility for some

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