January 2020 - Road Development Agency

Page created by Barbara Howell
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
January 2020
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
2   Roads Magazine
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
FOREWORD MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR AND CEO����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
PRESIDENT LUNGU LAUNCHES REHAB WORKS FOR MPOROKOSO-KAPUTA ROAD�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
RDA UNVEILS 2019-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
PRESIDENT LUNGU LAUNCHES US$200 MILLION FEEDER ROAD PROJECT �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
ELEPHANTS SUMMIT & HISTORIC VISIT BY 4 HEADS OF HEAD TO THE KAZUNGULA BRIDGE�����������������������������������������������������������������12
PRESIDENT LUNGU SPEAKS TOUGH AGAINST COSTLY SYSTEMATIC PROJECT VARIATIONS���������������������������������������������������������������������14
 RDA SCOOPS 2 EIZ AWARDS�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
ROADS COME WITH ECONOMIC PROSPERITY- PRESIDENT LUNGU�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
RDA SIGNS CONTRACTS FOR CHINSALI-NAKONDE ROAD REHAB PROJECT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
PRESIDENT LUNGU SADDENED BY THE STATE OF THE GREAT NORTH ROAD IN MUCHINGA�����������������������������������������������������������������20
L400 PHASE II WORKS TO HELP EASE TRAFFIC CONGESTION �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
CHINGOLA TOWNSHIP ROADS CHEER MINISTER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
RDA, USTDA CONFER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
PRESIDENT LUNGU URGES ENGINEERS TO HELP TOWARDS ATTAINMENT OF SDGs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
GOVT IMPRESSED WITH WORKS AT KAZUNGULA BRIDGE���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
PHOTO FOCUS�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
GOVT KEEN TO ROLL OUT ACROW BRIDGES- MWALE�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
AVIC URGED TO ADHERE TO 20% SUB-CONTRACTING POLICY����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
PRESIDENT LUNGU COMMISSIONS MICHAEL CHILUFYA SATA TOLL PLAZA������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
MUCHINGA PROVINCE MINISTER CALLS FOR CLOSE COLLABORATION WITH CONTRACTORS�������������������������������������������������������������38
RDA SATISFIED WITH THE ROAD WORKS ON NACALA CORRIDOR���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
RDA EMBARKS ON ROAD RESERVE SENSITIZATION ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
PLOUGH BACK TOLL GATE FEES INTO ROAD MAINTENANCE- PRESIDENT LUNGU ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44
RDA COMMITTED TO COMPLETE KAFUE HOOK BRIDGE REHAB WORKS-MUKUPA���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
MBESUMA BRIDGE WORKS TO BE FAST-TRACKED���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
20% SUB-CONTRACTING IS AN OBLIGATION - PRESIDENT LUNGU��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47
GOVT, RDA, COOPERATING PARTNERS INSPECT REHABILITATED GREAT EAST ROAD�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������48
KALOMO-DUNDUMWEZI ROAD WORKED ON����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
CHIEF LITETA PLEDGES TO WORK WITH RDA ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
THREE LINKS TO KASEMPA TO RECEIVE FACELIFT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������51
RDA BOARD GOES SMART�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53
48-YEAR-OLD MAN JAILED 5 YEARS FOR VANDALIZING ROAD SIGNAGE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54
ENGINEER GRACE MUTEMBO�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
PRESIDENTIAL RUN ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������59

                                                                                                                                                    Roads Magazine                                                                                        3
January 2020 - Road Development Agency

                                                    fabricated modular Acrow 700Xs steel panel
                                                    All bridge components are in the country
                                                    and the Agency is in the process of engaging
                                                    contractors for the construction and installation
                                                    of 20 bridges in Eastern province. Thereafter,
                                                    RDA would roll out the installation of the
                                                    remaining bridges to other provinces.
                                                    We also remain determined to ensure that bad
                                                    sections of our Trunk roads are rehabilitated
                                                    and brought to motorable conditions. One such
                                                    section is the Chinsali-Nakonde road where the
                                                    contracts for the rehabilitation of the road have
                                                    been signed.
                                                    The RDA signed two (2) contracts for the
                                                    rehabilitation of the Great North road from
                                                    Chinsali to Nakonde in Muchinga Province.
                                                    Lot 1, from Chinsali to Isoka, a 103 kilometre
                                                    stretch has been awarded to China State
Dear readers,                                       Construction Engineering Limited at a contract
                                                    sum of K 785, 773, 382. 49 and Lot 2, with a
I welcome you all to this Special Edition of the    stretch of 107 from Isoka to Nakonde has been
Roads Magazine. This edition covers some of         awarded to China Railway Seventh Group Co.
the major activities of 2018 as well as 2019.       Zambia Limited at a contract sum of K713, 866,
The year 2018 had a hive of activities which
spilled over to 2019 and I am delighted to          Lot 2 also includes the urban section of the road
present to you through this edition some of the     to the border with Tanzania. The contractors
activities that the Road Development Agency         have already mobilized and works are ongoing.
(RDA) has carried out.
                                                    Rehabilitation works on the Kafue-Mazabuka
To start with, the 2018-2019 rainy season           road Lot 1 (Turn Pike –Chikankata turnoff
came with a few wash-aways on some road             38.5 km) have commenced and in full gear
infrastructure which were built a long time         while the contract for Lot 2 was signed and
ago. This has exerted pressure on the Agency        commencement order was issued to the
and other stakeholders to ensure that remedial      contractor.
measures are put place, while at the same time
finding long term solutions.                        Toll gate construction as a source of local and
                                                    sustainable funding has continued with a
Among them, the Government through the RDA          number of Toll plazas added to the network.
entered into a contract with Acrow Corporation      Those that came online are the Daniel
of America for the arrangement of financing,        Munkombwe Toll Plaza in Choma, Enoch
design, fabrication and delivery of over 131 pre-   Kavindele on the Chingola Solwezi road, the

4                     Roads Magazine
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
Humphrey Mulemba Toll Plaza on the Solwezi        The expected completion of the US $ 259.3
-Mutanda road and the Manyumbi Plaza now          million Kazungula Bridge Project a joint
renamed FTJ Toll plaza between Kabwe and          multinational project being implemented by
Kapiri-Mposhi.                                    Zambia and Botswana is tentatively set for June
                                                  2020. The completion of this bridge would bring
The Government through the RDA has                about immense benefits to both countries and
continued implementing the major projects         the SADC region in general.
such as the Link Zambia 8000, Pave Zambia
2000, L400 and other programmes.                  The Agency in 2019 embarked on a mass
                                                  sensitization campaign on the need for
Under the Link Zambia 8000, the Government        squatters on road reserves to vacate. The need
is only focusing on projects above 80 percent     to expand our roads is eminent and this can
completion and a number of projects are           only be done if our road reserves remained free
earmarked for downscaling to fit within the       from any encumbrances.
resource envelop.
                                                  Let me also take this opportunity to appeal
The upgrading and rehabilitation of 146 km of     to those that have encroached on to the road
roads under the L400 phase 2 of the project has   reserves to voluntarily vacate before punitive
been going on well with over 100% physical        sanctions are meted out.
progress achieved. We have now embarked on
L400 phase 3 and over 50 kilometres has so far    The same applies to the vandalism of road
been surfaced.                                    furniture which is rampant in most parts
                                                  of the country. It is hoped that citizens will
The other major projects that the Agency          take ownership and guard jealously the road
is supervising include the Improved Rural         furniture such as street lights, sign posts, guard
Connectivity Project (IRCP) which is being        rails and studs.
supported by the World Bank. The first tenders
are for packages 1 and 2 comprising 254 km
and 247.9 km of rural roads in Mkushi and
Chibombo/Mumbwa districts respectively.           Enjoy reading this edition.

The IRCP is jointly funded by GRZ and the World
Bank. The World Bank is targeting about 4300
km in Northern, Muchinga, Luapula, Eastern,
Southern and Central provinces while the GRZ
will target Lusaka, Copperbelt, Western and
North Western
This project was officially launched by His
Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President      Eng. Elias Mwape
of the Republic of Zambia in Mkushi on July 12,
                                                  Director and Chief Executive Officer
The works on the 168 km Chingola- Solwezi
road are substantially complete and the road is
expected to be commissioned in 2020.

                                                        Roads Magazine                            5
January 2020 - Road Development Agency

     President Lungu on arrival at the arena for the ground-breaking ceremony of the Mporokoso-Nsama-Kaputa
     road in Nsama District.

President Edgar Lungu on 6th October, 2019
launched works for the rehabilitation of the 260
kilometres Mporokoso-Nsama-Kaputa road via
Mutundu gate and to Nsumbu in Northern Province
at a cost of K270, 245, 586.12.
President Lungu said the Government was deliver-
ing on the many promises in its quest to better the
lives of Zambians, especially in the rural areas which
had for a very long time not received their fair share
of the national cake.
“Several infrastructural projects such as the building
of schools, clinics, hospitals and roads have in the past
been launched in the province to accelerate develop-
“It is for this reason that I am here to launch the re-
habilitation works of the Mporokoso-Nsama-Kaputa
road. The Mporokoso-Nsama-Kaputa road via Mutun-               President Lungu operates a Grader to signify the
du gate and to Nsumbu is in a deplorable state hence           official launch of the works.
the resolve by the Government to rehabilitate the
road,” President Lungu said.                                He said Northern Province was endowed with vast
                                                            economic potential and it is the desire of his ad-
The President said this during the groundbreaking
                                                            ministration to ensure that it tapped into the area
ceremony for the Mporokoso-Nsama-Kaputa road
                                                            by providing various social amenities that will spur
at Nsama grounds in Nsama District.
                                                            economic growth.

6                         Roads Magazine
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
President Lungu said the Mporokoso-Nsama-Ka-
puta road was a very important economic carriage
way linking the province to Nsumbu National Park,
Kasaba bay and other important sites on the north-
ern tourism circuit.
“As a result of the importance of this link, the Govern-
ment through the Road Development Agency (RDA)
has engaged China Geo-Engineering Corporation to
rehabilitate 260 kilometres of Mporokoso-Nsama-Ka-
puta road via Mutundu gate and to Nsumbu at a cost
of K270, 245, 586.12,” he said.
He said this road would act as a catalyst to the growth
of agriculture in the Province as inputs would easi-
ly be transported to the farmers while the produce
would easily be ferried to the markets.
Further, the cost of doing business would be drasti-
cally reduced as travel time would be reduced.
“Tear and wear of motor vehicle parts would also be
minimized as we would have a good road that will
also open up the area and be serviced by increased
public service vehicles,” President Lungu said.
President Lungu said it was the desire of the Gov-
ernment to empower the Zambian owned contrac-
tors and hence Government policy that a minimum             Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister
of 20% of all Government-funded road contracts              Hon. Vincent Mwale delivering his remarks.
awarded by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastruc-
ture Development through the RDA, local road au-           ing several major projects with the aim of creating
thorities through the Ministry of Local Government         connectivity, accessibility, lowering of the transport
and other Government institutions should be exe-           costs, reduction in transit times and poverty reduc-
cuted by Zambian-citizen owned companies in line           tion through job and wealth creation for many Zam-
with the shareholding structure specified in the in        bians.
Citizens Economic Empowerment Act No. 9 of 2006,
whose overall goal is to contribute to sustainable         “The rehabilitation of the Mporokoso-Nsama-Kaputa
economic development, by building capacity in              via Mutundu gate to Nsumbu could not have come at
Zambian-owned companies.                                   a better time than now. Some parts of the region are
                                                           already receiving some rains, and this could have led
President Lungu said engaging local small and me-          to this region being cut off from the rest of the country
dium scale contractors as sub-contractors on the           if there was no intervention done, particularly on the
project was one way of ensuring job creation for the       bridges and other drainage structures,” he said.
people whilst simultaneously helping to build the
capacity of local contractors for them to be able to       He said the scope of the works would include grad-
take up bigger projects in future.                         ing and gravelling where there was excessive ero-
                                                           sion, drainage works, construction of culverts and
Housing and Infrastructure Development Minis-              accommodation of traffic and maintenance of di-
ter Hon. Vincent Mwale said the launch was a clear         version.
demonstration of President Lungu’s unwavering
commitment to develop the country in order to ac-          He said the Ministry would work diligently to make
celerate the national road construction programme          sure that Governments dream to transform Zambia
of transforming Zambia into a truly land linked            into a truly land linked country through quality, and
country.                                                   sustainable road infrastructure is realised.
Hon. Mwale said the Government through the Road
Development Agency has (RDA) been implement-

                                                                  Roads Magazine                                 7
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Hon. Vincent Mwale(third from left), RDA Board Chairman Mr.
    Samuel Mukupa, Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development Permanent Secretary Eng. Charles Mushota
    and RDA Director and CEO Eng. Elias Mwape display copies of the RDA 2019-2021 Strategic Plan


T  he Road Development Agency (RDA) officially
   launched the Agency’s Strategic Plan covering a
period of three years from 2019- 2021.
                                                            Hon. Mwale said that in order for the Road Devel-
                                                            opment Agency to continue fulfilling its mandate,
                                                            as enshrined in the Public Roads Act No 12 of 2002,
                                                            the Agency requires to periodically reposition itself
The Agency’s Strategic Plan was launched by the             in order to respond to the ever-changing environ-
Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Develop-             ment.
ment Honourable Vincent Mwale on September 6,
2019 at Government Complex in Lusaka.                       “To achieve the vision 2030 of accelerating develop-
                                                            ment without leaving anyone behind, the Government
Speaking during the launch, Hon. Mwale said Gov-            under the able leadership of his excellency Mr. Edgar
ernment was happy that the RDA has over the past            Lungu, the President of Zambia, has developed the
13 years of being fully operational, continued to           7NDP where it has identified the five pillars of econom-
transform and redefine the Agency’s role in devel-          ic development, therefore, Road infrastructure devel-
oping the road sector in Zambia.                            opment has a significant bearing on the achievement
He said that the 2019 to 2021 Strategic Plan with the       of sustainable economic development in Zambia,” he
smart vision of transforming RDA into “An efficient         said.
Agency delivering sustainable fit – for purpose road in-    He further appealed to RDA to ensure that an im-
frastructure in Zambia” would surely go a long way          plementation plan was formulated to guarantee the
in propelling the Agency to achieve this through its        smooth roll out of the plan as Government would
mission, objectives and strategies undergirded by           not allow a situation where the document would be
the principal core values of Transparency, Account-         shelved to gather dust.
ability, Equity, Integrity, Innovation, Excellence and
Environmentalism.                                           Meanwhile, Road Development Agency Board
                                                            Chairman Mr. Samuel Mukupa said the board and

8                         Roads Magazine
January 2020 - Road Development Agency
Management of the RDA was delighted to have              Further, the plan seeks to consolidate the achieve-
successfully completed the task of formulating the       ments attained in the intervening period and clearly
2021 Strategic Plan as it serves as a blueprint to en-   sets out a road map for repositioning the Agency to
suring that the Agency lives up to the new mission       effectively respond to the dynamic environment.
of providing sustainable road infrastructure for con-
nectivity and accessibility to spur socio-economic       He said the Board shall ensure that it renders all the
growth.                                                  support necessary to the Agency as it accomplishes
                                                         the mammoth task aimed at actualizing the massive
He said the RDA Strategic Plan 2019-2021 builds on       road infrastructure projects in Zambia.
the successes and lessons learnt in the implementa-
tion of the previous plan.

                                                                                  A dancer from Africa
                                                                                  Pamodzi Dance troupe
                                                                                  presenting the Strategic
                                                                                  Plan to the Minister.

       Strategic Plan Core
       Team members with
       the Minister of Housing
       and Infrastructure
       Development Hon.
       Vincent Mwale,
       Permanent Secretary
       Eng. Charles Mushota,
       RDA Board Chairman Mr.
       Samuel Mukupa and RDA
       Director and CEO Eng.
       Elias Mwape.

                                                               Roads Magazine                                9
January 2020 - Road Development Agency

  President Lungu cutting the ribbon to signify the official launch of the IRCP.

President Edgar Lungu launched the US$200 mil-                  grounds in Mkushi District on July 12, 2019.
lion Improved Rural Connectivity Project (IRCP)
which aims at improving the feeder road network in               The development objective of the IRCP is to im-
Central, Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga, Northern and               prove rural road accessibility for communities in
Southern Provinces.                                             selected areas in Zambia and to strengthen insti-
                                                                tutional capacity for sustainable management of
 President Lungu said there can never be a better               rural roads, and in the event of an eligible crisis or
time than now to launch the IRCP which would add                emergency, respond promptly and effectively to the
value to the living standards of the people in the              crisis or emergency.
rural areas and ultimately the development of the
country.                                                         President Lungu commended the World Bank for
                                                                partnering with the Government of the Republic of
He said the launch of the project was in addition to            Zambia by contributing US$ 200 million to the pro-
other equally important major programmes that                   gramme.
were at different levels of implementation in the
road sector.                                                    “The primary beneficiaries of the project are road users
                                                                whose travel time and transport cost will be reduced
He said one such programme under implementa-                    as a result of infrastructure improvements. Currently,
tion was aimed at improving inter-urban and urban               much of the primary feeder roads network is poorly
connectivity and accessibility.                                 maintained and connectivity is hampered by unre-
                                                                liability of transport services, slow vehicle operating
President Lungu said since 2012, the Government                 speeds, high vehicle maintenance costs, poor road
embarked on several programmes including Link                   safety, and reduced travel comfort.
Zambia 8000, Pave Zambia 2000 and the engineer-
ing design, rehabilitation and construction of se-               “Specifically, the beneficiaries will be rural farmers
lected Lusaka urban roads which is well known as                who will have improved access to inputs and markets.
the Lusaka 400 or L400.                                         the rural communities in general will have better ac-
                                                                cess to health, education and other services,” he said.
The launch of the IRCP was held at Fiwila Mission

10                         Roads Magazine
And speaking at the same event, World Bank Group
                                                              Country Director Mr. Paul Noumba Um in a speech
                                                              read on his behalf by Lead Transport Specialist
                                                              Benjamin Gericke announced that the Project was
                                                              a Scale Up Facility provided as additional develop-
                                                              ment support to well performing Middle- Income
                                                               “This is indeed a special occasion for the World
                                                              Bank where we established several firsts in our en-
                                                              gagement with the Republic of Zambia. I note the
                                                              amount of US$200 million as being the largest lend-
                                                              ing operation with the Government of Zambia.
                                                               “This project and its design remain relevant for
                                                              Zambia as it is aligned to the National Development
                                                              Plan. It stands out as a first and it does not have to
                                                              be the last Scale Up Facility for Zambia,” he said.

  Former Housing and Infrastructure Development
  Minister Hon. Ronald Chitotela during the launch.
President Lungu has disclosed that the IRCP is ex-
pected to generate about 25,000 direct job oppor-
tunities for Zambians especially the young men and
The Head of State has directed Road Development
Agency to ensure that all Contractors when employ-
ing workers on the project consider locals first.
Former Housing and Infrastructure Development
Minister Hon. Ronald Chitotela said the rural con-
nectivity project would be implemented country-
He announced that once connectivity was im-                    World Bank Group Lead Transport Specialist, Benjamin
proved, it was expected that agriculture produc-               Gericke reading a speech on behalf of Country
tion and trade within the beneficiary communities              Director Mr. Paul Noumba Um.
would increase.                                               Central Province Minister Hon. Sydney Mushanga
Former Housing and Infrastructure Development                 said the improved rural connectivity project would
Minister Hon. Ronald Chitotela during the launch.             not only improve the rural road network but would
                                                              also help the province attract more investment.
 “These objectives will be achieved through an initial
rehabilitation of roads to gravel standard and main-          Hon. Mushanga said the connectivity project would
tenance thereafter, bridge and river crossing con-            also improve access to water, energy, land, health,
struction, construction of drainage structures such as        education and other services on account of im-
channels, culverts and drifts, construction of storage        proved accessibility to the targeted rural communi-
shades for agricultural produce, construction of water        ties.
reservoirs, construction of market facilities to facilitate
trade,” Hon. Chitotela said.

                                                                    Roads Magazine                             11
Hon. Mushanga explained that Mkushi, Mumbwa,             “These districts are among the key districts that con-
Chibombo and Chisamba Districts in his Province           tribute to the country’s agenda of agricultural diver-
were part of Zambia’s Agricultural hubs that were         sification and food security through production of
critical in facilitating the aggregation, storage, pro-   crops such as Wheat, Cassava, Tobacco, Beans, Sweet
cessing and marketing of agricultural produce local-      Potatoes, Sorghum, Finger Millet and Tomatoes,” he
ly and internationally.                                   said.

  Central Province Minister Hon. Sydney Mushanga.

President Edgar Lungu was among the Heads of              Conservation Area (KAZA). The large number of el-
State that attended the Elephant summit 4th -7th          ephants in the KAZA area has resulted in an enor-
May,2019 in Kasane, Botswana.                             mous challenge of conflict with humans.
The summit was as a result of the call by the Presi-      The Kasane Elephant Summit was aimed at review-
dent of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi in response to         ing the status of the African Elephants in the re-
escalating challenges confronting elephant conser-        gion, management priorities in addressing human
vation and management in the region.                      elephant conflict, law enforcement and sustain-
                                                          able funding mechanisms. The elephants are dis-
Southern Africa is home to the largest number of el-      persed throughout much of Northern Botswana,
ephants on the continent with 75 percent of them          South-Western Zambia and North-western Zimba-
found within the Kavango- Zambezi Trans Frontier          bwe.

12                       Roads Magazine
President Edgar Lungu and Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the Kazungula Bridge.

The four heads of State also visited the Kazungula          reduce transit time at the Kazungula border thus
bridge project to check on progress made with               mitigate border uncertainties and associated high
construction works. The Kazungula Bridge is a joint         transport and trade cost among others.
project between the Government of the Republic of
Botswana and the Government of the Republic of              The project comprises; Civil works encompassing
Zambia.                                                     (i) construction of a 923 m long, 18.5m wide cable
                                                            stayed road/rail bridge, (ii) construction of One-
The Presidents of Botswana, Namibia, Zambia
                                                            Stop-Border Post (OSBP) facilities, (iii) construction
and Zimbabwe visited the project site. They were
                                                            of bridge approach/access roads
received by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry
of Transport and Communications Botswana Mr.                At the time of the visit the project was at 78 percent
Kabelo Ebineng and Southern Province Permanent              physical progress. The works are being financed
Secretary Zambia Mr. Mwangala Liomba.                       on a 50/50 basis through contributions from the
                                                            Governments of Botswana and Zambia.
The Heads of State were briefed of the primary
objective of the project which is to significantly

                                                                   Roads Magazine                            13
President Edgar Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has ex-          “I have said it before and I will say   problems must end.
pressed concern at the current         it again in a very harsh tone that I
project costs escalated through        will not tolerate this unethical be-    “I am confident that the engineer-
systematic variations in the coun-     havior, Mr. President (EIZ) and it      ing fraternity can make immense
try.                                   needs to be curtailed henceforth,”      contributions by devising innova-
                                       President Lungu said.                   tive solutions to Zambia’s develop-
He said this at AVANI Hotel when                                               ment challenges,” Mr. Lungu said.
he officiated at the Engineering       President Lungu however, said
Institution of Zambia (EIZ) annual     he was confident that the engi-         President Lungu said this could
symposium and annual general           neering fraternity could make           only happen when the country
meeting under the theme ‘Sus-          immense contributions by devis-         had dynamic, practical and for-
tainable National Development:         ing innovative solutions to the         ward-looking men and women in
Issues and Challenges for Zam-         country’s development challeng-         the leadership of EIZ.
bia’s Development Agenda,’ on          es and that this could only hap-        “Further, there is need for you as
26th April, 2019.                      pen if Engineers were dynamic           an institution and a profession to
                                       and practical.                          seriously invest in research and
President Lungu said if the trend
was left unchecked, it had the         And President Lungu has chal-           development, for engineering to
potential to erode the achieve-        lenged the EIZ to be more pro-          contribute to the country’s devel-
ments that had been made so far.       active in finding locally grown         opment aspiration. For this reason,
                                       solutions which would unlock            our country needs a cadre of enter-
He urged the Engineers to ensure       the nation’s potential.                 prising Engineers to revolutionize
that everything was factored in                                                the practice of engineering for the
before venturing into a project to     Mr. Lungu observed that the cur-        country to reduce on importation
avoid paying more than what is         rent situation where the coun-          of technology.
budgeted for.                          try seemed to rely much on im-
                                       ported solutions to address local       “Therefore, as you deliberate at

14                        Roads Magazine
this symposium, I implore you to       ident Lungu for being the first        zation was intertwined and
focus on addressing the challenges     Republican President to officiate      shared the same aspirations.
that undermine the contribution        at the EIZ symposium and annual
of engineering to the development      general meeting since its incep-       The President also took time to
of our country. This is important      tion 64 years ago.                     tour the Expo stands.
because we have reached a stage
                                       Eng. Matamwandi said that the          The President toured the RDA
where we need to harness the
                                       institution was impressed with         stand where he urged the Agen-
human capital endowment to re-
                                       the progress the industry had          cy to begin testing materials for
spond to the challenges facing our
                                       made over the years but ac-            constructing houses to avoid
country,” Mr. Lungu said.
                                       knowledged that more needed            houses collapsing in case of ad-
And former EIZ President Eng.          to be done by individual profes-       verse climate change effects.
Sydney Matamwandi commend-             sions and the institution.
                                                                              During this year’s, Symposium,
ed Government for its support to
                                       He pledged EIZ’s support to the        the President conferred Fellows
the engineering profession in the
                                       Government, pointing out that          which is the highest class of
                                       the vision 2030 of the Govern-         membership in the Institution.
Eng. Matamwandi thanked Pres-          ment and that of his organi-

(L- R) RDA Director Communications and Corporate Affairs Masuzyo Ndhlovu explaining to President Edgar C. Lungu when
he visited the RDA stand while Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development Hon. Ronald K. Chitotela looks on.

                                                                 Roads Magazine                              15

EIZ immediate past President Eng. George Sitali presenting an award to RDA Director and CEO Eng. Elias Mwape

The Road Development Agency            The former Minister said there            skills and knowledge to impact
(RDA) scooped the Best Innova-         was need to work together to              people’s lives.
tive Financing of a Road Project       promote excellence in the en-
under the L400 and Best Engi-          gineering sector for this to be           Hon. Chitotela was, however, im-
neering (Road Tolling Project)         achieved.                                 pressed with the progress the in-
awards under the auspices of the                                                 dustry had made over the years.
Engineering Institution of Zam-        Speaking when he officiated
                                       at the awards gala dinner, Hon.           “While I am impressed with the
bia (EIZ).                                                                       progress the industry has made
                                       Chitotela said there was need for
Several awards were also given         EIZ to promote academia and in-           over the years, I want to state
to deserving individuals and in-       dustry linkages                           clearly that a lot more needs to
stitutions at the EIZ Engineering                                                be done by individual professions
excellence award during the EIZ        He further called on the engi-            and the associations representing
awards gala dinner on December         neering profession to utilize the         engineers,” he said.
14, 2018 at the 360 International
Conference Centre in Lusaka.
RDA Director and Chief Execu-
tive Officer Eng. Elias Mwape re-
ceived the awards on behalf of
the Agency.
Former Housing and Infrastruc-
ture Development Minister Hon.
Ronald Chitotela said Govern-
ment was under pressure to
adopt innovative solutions that
would reduce expenditure but
deliver quality and value for
money.                                    RDA Director and CEO Eng. Elias Mwape (R) displays the awards shortly
                                          after receiving them

16                       Roads Magazine
                                                                            cheaper than what is existing in
                                                                            other countries in the region,” Eng.
                                                                            Mwape said.
                                                                            The President inspected some of
                                                                            the road projects under phase II
                                                                            namely Lumumba road (7.120
                                                                            km), Mungwi road (6.659 km),
                                                                            Great North Road (6.610 km) and
                                                                            Ngwerere to Kasisi Road (21 km).
                                                                            The second phase of the road
                                                                            project for the engineering de-
                                                                            sign, rehabilitation and con-
President Edgar Lungu said             derway to build a flyover bridge     struction/upgrading of selected
Government is committed to             at Mandevu junction up to Kaf-       Lusaka Urban Roads is approx-
transforming Zambia as can be          ue roundabout passing through        imately 146 km at a total cost
evidenced by the massive infra-        Cairo road.                          of US$ 241,180,000.00 and the
structure projects being under-                                             project is being undertaken by
taken.                                 Hon. Chitotela said the pedestri-
                                                                            AVIC-International Project Com-
                                       ans were also being considered
 “We are trying to change the face     and a footbridge at Heroes stadi-
of the country as can be attest-       um would be constructed.             A total number of 41 sub-con-
ed through the construction of                                              tractors where attached to vari-
roads,” President Lungu said when      And RDA Director and Chief Ex-
                                                                            ous projects under L400 Phase II.
he inspected roads in Lusaka un-       ecutive Officer Eng. Elias Mwape
der the L400 phase II project.         disclosed that the Agency con-       The project aimed to rehabilitate
                                       ducted a research to compare         and upgrade selected roads in
The Head of State said that roads      if the roads being constructed       the city of Lusaka, Central Busi-
come with economic prosperity as       were cheaper compared to other       ness District (CBD), residential
they facilitated activities such as    countries following reports that     areas, industrial and commercial
trade and agriculture.                 the Zambian roads were expen-        areas.
“Roads come with economic pros-                                             The project was also aimed at
perity for example farmers would       “Your Excellency when we heard       widening of major roads from
be able to trade quickly, sell fresh   reports by some experts claiming     two lanes to four and six lanes
produce and save on time,” he          that road construction in Zam-       including Pedestrian Walkways
said.                                  bia is the most expensive in the     and Bus bays on various bus
                                       region, we did our own research,     routes.
Former Minister of Housing and         we collected the information from
Infrastructure     Development,        the road Agencies within the re-     The Agency has since now start-
Hon. Ronald Chitotela informed         gion and compared, we actually       ed implementing the L 400
the President that plans were un-      found that our roads are much        phase III.

                                                                Roads Magazine                             17

 Road Development Agency (RDA) Director and Chief Executive Officer Eng. Elias Mwape (third from left), China State
 Construction Engineering Limited Managing Director Feng Weibo (immediate Right) and China Railway Seventh Group
 Zambia Limited Managing Director Li Songquan (immediate left) during the signing ceremony.

The Road Development Agency                RDA Director and Chief Exec-               the corridor.
(RDA) signed two contracts for             utive Officer Eng. Elias Mwape
the rehabilitation of the Great            said during the signing ceremo-            Other works include technical
North Road from Chinsali to Na-            ny that the rehabilitation of the          assistance to RDA and provision
konde in Muchinga Province.                Chinsali - Nakonde Road would              of consultancy services for the
                                           be executed within 40 months.              supervision of civil works and
Lot 1, from Chinsali to Isoka, a                                                      technical audits to foster quality
103 kilometre stretch has been             “The scope of works includes but           and enhance sustainability and
awarded to China State Con-                not limited to clearing and grub-          support for the capacity building
struction Engineering Limited at           bing, earthworks, bituminous               for women contractors with the
a contract sum of K 785, 773, 382.         surfacing related works; and road          objective of empowering wom-
49 and Lot 2, with a stretch of 107        signage and ancillary works. The           en and contribution to develop-
from Isoka to Nakonde has been             road carriageway will be wid-              ing road maintenance capacity
awarded to China Railway Sev-              ened from the current 6.1 metres           for the sustainability of the road
enth Group Co. Zambia Limited              to 7.0 metres and will include a           network.
at a contract sum of K713, 866,            hard shoulder of 2.0 metres wide
768.53.                                    in order to enhance safety,” Eng.          “The rehabilitation of the 210 km
                                           Mwape said.                                Chinsali – Nakonde Road works
Lot 2 also includes the urban                                                         would encompass the recon-
section of the road to the border          In addition to the main civil              struction of the road under two
with Tanzania.                             works, the entire project also in-         Lots; Lot 1: Chinsali-Isoka (km 0
                                           cludes several other components            – km 103); and Lot 2: Isoka-Na-
The project will be financed by            such as the rehabilitation of 50           konde from 103 km – 210 km to
the African Development Bank               kilometres of feeder roads in              be implemented concurrently,”
(AfDB) which is contributing               Chinsali and Isoka Districts which         he said.
US$193 million, Africa Growing             are currently under procurement,
Together Fund US$ 50 million               the planting of 10,000 trees along         The RDA CEO stated that the ten-
and US$12. 76 million from the             the project road and sinking of            der was governed by an Interna-
Government of the Republic of              15 boreholes at various locations          tional Competitive Bidding (ICB)
Zambia (GRZ).                              in the surrounding areas along             process that culminated

18                         Roads Magazine
into the two best evaluated bid-          Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Zim-           struction with scientific planning,
ders being awarded the contracts          babwe, Mozambique and South              careful organization and solid
respectively.                             Africa.                                  work. We will take all necessary
                                                                                   measures to improve the living
He said that a total of thirty-five       “The project road was construct-         standards and protect the envi-
firms from Europe, Asia and Afri-         ed to a bitumen surfaced road in         ronment as well,” he said.
ca expressed interest in the ten-         the 1970’s and it has progressive-
der and a total of sixteen firms          ly deteriorated despite several          Meanwhile China Railway Sev-
were prequalified with eleven             maintenance interventions.               enth Group Zambia Limited
submitting the bids.                                                               Managing Director Li Songquan
                                          The poor condition of the road is        said that the company had been
The Chinsali-Nakonde Road sec-            detrimental to the movement of           in the infrastructure industry in
tion forms a part of the Great            goods, services and people and           Zambia since 2005 and had com-
North Road (T2), which is a sec-          a major intervention has been            pleted several road and bridge
tion of international routes: the         deemed necessary to ensure that          projects.
Trans-Africa highway and the              this critical route does not pres-
North South Corridor (NSC).               ent a transit bottleneck for trade       He assured the nation of full
                                          in the region”, Eng. Mwape said.         commitment towards successful
The North-South Corridor is a                                                      completion of the project and
joint COMESA/EAC/SADC Aid for             China State Construction Engi-           fulfilment of all contractual obli-
trade initiative, and the prima-          neering (CSCEC) Limited Manag-           gations during the course of the
ry aim is to reduce the transport         ing Director Feng Weibo said his         project.
costs along this priority corridor        company was ranked number 23
which links the port of Dar-es-sa-        in the global fortune 500 in 2018        He pledged that China Railway
laam in Tanzania to the Copper-           with a turnover of US$ 156 bil-          Seventh Group Zambia Limited
belt, Southern DRC and North-             lion.                                    would deliver a satisfactory proj-
ern Zambia and connects to the                                                     ect and would complete within
southern ports of South Africa            He said by the end of 2017,              the contract period.
(Durban) and Mozambique.                  CSCEC had completed more than
                                          5000 projects in 120 countries.
The corridor with its spurs, ser-
vices eight countries in the              “We will devote all our experi-
region-Tanzania, DR Congo,                ences and resources to fulfill this
                                          project, in carrying out the con-

Eng. Mwape exchanges contract documents with Mr. Feng Weibo after signing the      Eng. Mwape with Mr. Li Songquan
contract for Lot 1.                                                                after signing of the contract for Lot 2.

                                                                       Roads Magazine                                   19

President Lungu assigned a del-        Hon. Chitotela noted that some        ical and need urgent attention
egation from the Ministry of           sections of the road from Mpika       and these are at Lukulu crossing
Housing and Infrastructure De-         to Nakonde were extremely in a        in Lavushimanda district, Vitondo
velopment and Road Develop-            poor state hence President Lungu      crossing between Chinsali and
ment Agency (RDA) to conduct an        had directed the immediate spot       Isoka and Kapililonga and Ilen-
onsite inspection of the ongoing       improvements and K 3.2 million        dela between Isoka and Nakonde
works at some of the most dam-         had already been paid to the RDA.     Districts.
aged spots along the Great North
Road in Muchinga Province.             Meanwhile, RDA identified some        The works have already com-
                                       sections of the road that are crit-   menced and equipment has been
Former Housing and Infrastruc-
ture Development Minister, Hon.
Ronald Chitotela says that gov-
ernment has allocated K1.4 bil-
lion for the rehabilitation of Great
North Road in Muchinga Province
of which K 3.2 million has been
released for the immediate spot
improvement of some sections
of the poor state of the road from
Mpika to Nakonde.
However, full rehabilitation of
Great North Road only com-
menced later in 2019 after the
rainy season.

20                       Roads Magazine
mobilised at Lukulu and Vitondo       cise patience while works are be-     ernment’s intervention on the
which are the worst affected sec-     ing conducted.                        critical sections of the Isoka to
tions.                                                                      Nakonde Road was timely consid-
                                      He said two contractors are al-       ering the economic value of Zam-
During the inspection at Kapili-      ready on site at Kapililonga - 54km   bia’s second biggest border post
longa in Isoka District, Hon. Chi-    from Chinsali towards Isoka and       situated in Nakonde District.
totela disclosed that President       Sansamwenje, 50km from Isoka
Lungu is saddened by the state of     towards Nakonde in readiness          Hon. Chitotela was accompanied
the Great North Road especially in    to commerce the works after the       by RDA Board Chairperson Mr.
Muchinga.                             rainy season.                         Samuel Mukupa, Chinsali Central
                                                                            Member of Parliament Hon. Kalal-
“His Excellency, the President is     And Chinsali Central Member of        we Mukosa, Nakonde Member of
extremely saddened by the state       Parliament Hon. Kalalwe Mukosa        Parliament Hon. Yizukanji Siwanzi,
of some sections of the Great         expressed gratitude to govern-        other senior officials from both
North Road. And whilst in Addis       ment for availing resources for the   the ministry and the Agency.
Ababa , the Head of State directed    immediate improvement of the
the Minister of Finance to release    spots requiring urgent attention      The delegation was received in
an additional K2 million to the       on the stretch between Chinsali       Isoka District by former Muchin-
1.2 million Kwacha that was paid      and Isoka.                            ga Province Permanent Secretary
to RDA in order to ensure that we                                           Dr. Jobbicks Kalumba, Isoka Dis-
immediately improve the state of      Hon. Mukosa expressed optimism        trict Council Chairperson Charles
the most critical spots of the road   at the number of local jobs to be     Simukoko and other senior offi-
here in Muchinga. RDA has con-        created for the youths in Mpika,      cials.
firmed receipt of the entire K3.2     Shiwang’andu, Chinsali, Isoka and
million,” Hon. Chitotela said.        Nakonde Districts during the full     The current works are being exe-
                                      rehabilitation exercise.              cuted in collaboration with Zam-
Meanwhile, Hon. Chitotela called                                            bia National Service.
on the Great North Road users         Nakonde Member of Parliament
and Muchinga residents to exer-       Hon. Yizukanji Siwanzi said gov-

                                                                Roads Magazine                            21
                                                                          the roads under phase II.
                                                                          He said the expansion of the Great
                                                                          North road in Kabangwe area had
                                                                          come with a number of features
                                                                          such as roundabouts, bus bays,
                                                                          walkways, solar traffic lights and
                                                                          pedestrian crossings.
                                                                          Eng. Mwape was quick to mention
                                                                          that the only challenge the Agen-
                                                                          cy faced was the relocation of ser-
                                                                          vices and compensating persons
                                                                          in the project area.
                                                                          In the case of ZESCO, the Agency
                                                                          has paid approximately K10 mil-
                                                                          lion for the relocation of power
                                                                          line poles.
Rehabilitation and construction      was need to enhance safety fea-      The board members toured the
of roads in Lusaka under the L400    tures on the roads to take into      7.2 km Lumumba, 6.6 km Mung-
phase II has changed the face of     consideration various interests of   wi, Great North, Kasisi-Ngwerere
the capital city and helped ease     all road users including persons     roads and the Shimabala Toll Pla-
traffic congestion.                  with disabilities.                   za.
The Road Development Agency          Mr. Mukanga observed that the
(RDA) had been working on the        roads should have safety features
roads in Lusaka and has substan-     like pedestrian crossing fitted
tially completed 153 kilometers of   with gadgets that support people
roads under the L400 phase II with   living with disabilities and that
only ancillary works remaining.      the designs should also include
                                     bicycle lanes and walkways.
RDA Board Members led by the
Vice Chairperson Yamfwa Mukan-       RDA Senior Manager - Rural and
ga recently toured the project       Urban Roads Eng. Richard Mwape
sites and said the board was im-     stated that contractor AVIC In-
pressed with the quality of works.   ternational project Engineering
                                     Company had completed most of
Mr. Mukanga however, said there

22                      Roads Magazine

Senior Chief Nkula of the Bemba           “I am very excited to see that the          currently standing at 27 per cent
speaking people in Chinsali               project has gained momentum                 physical progress recorded so far.
District has appealed to the Road         and I wish to encourage you to
Development Agency (RDA) to               continue with the good work,” he            Lot two is a 100 km stretch
speed up construction works on            said.                                       between Chinsali and Mulilansolo
the Safwa- Chinsali-Mulilasolo                                                        and works are currently at 40
Road.                                     The chief said he was also                  per cent completion point and
                                          elated with the corporate social            expected to gobble K295 million.
The traditional leader has                responsibility     programmes               The road works are been done by
however said that he is happy             undertaken by Sino Hydro                    Sino Hydro Corporation Limited
with the works so far done on             Cooperation Limited, one of the             of China.
the 194 kilometre stretch of the          companies contracted by the
Safwa-Chinsali-Mulilansolo Road.          RDA to work on the Road.
Senior Chief Nkula said the Road          Mr. Mukupa said the road had
was a busy one and that he                been given priority of completion,
had allocated farm land to his            owing to its economic value.
subjects who used the facility to
transport crops to the market.            The road has been divided into
                                          two lots, with lot one, a 94 km
He said this when RDA Board               stretch between Safwa and
Chairperson Mr. Samuel Mukupa             Chinsali envisaged to gobble up
and staff called on him at his            K264 million at the completion
palace.                                   point, being done by Raubex
                                          Construction Zambia Limited,

  RDA Board Chairperson speaking to senior Chief Nkula when he paid a courtesy call on him

                                                                        Roads Magazine                              23

  Former Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Hon. Ronald
  Chitotela (third from left) with Nchanga Member of Parliament Chali Chilombo
  Copperbelt Minister Japhen Mwakalombe, RDA Director Road Maintenance Eng.      New look Chingola
  William K. Mulusa and Copperbelt Regional Manager Eng. Joseph Himululai
  touring Chingola Township roads
Former Housing and Infrastruc-           Cargo Construction, a Zambian
ture Development minister Ron-           owned entity and China Geo for
ald Chitotela says he is impressed       completing their sections of work.
with the quality of works done on
the massive rehabilitation of Chin-      Copperbelt Minister Japhen
gola Township.                           Mwakalombe who had also ac-
                                         companied Hon. Chitotela said
Hon. Chitotela who toured various        works on Chingola Township
road projects on the Copperbelt          roads had shamed critics.
including the Chingola Township
roads said the works were impres-        Hon. Mwakalombe said a number
sive and congratulated all those         of jobs had also been created in
involved in the development pro-         the mining town thereby putting
cess.                                    money in people’s pockets.

The minister however, challenged         Nchanga Member of Parliament
Zambian contractors to be serious        Chali Chilombo commended the
and approach the construction            Government for improving the
business with renewed vigour.            road network in Chingola.

He said he was disappointed that         Hon. Chilombo said Chingola had
the contract to rehabilitate the         been previously referred to as a
Chingola-Solwezi road had been           “War zone” due to the bad state of
delayed by Buildcon Construction         the roads.
Company which had not yet com-           He said with the new develop-
pleted its section.                      ments, Chingola was ready to be
He urged the contractor to speed         awarded a City status.
up works and warned that there
would be no more extension of
the works contract.
                                                                                 Sub-contractors doing the pavements
Hon. Chitotela commended Swift                                                   on the Chingola Township roads

24                         Roads Magazine

 RDA Director and CEO Eng. Elias Mwape with Senior Management Staff during the meeting with USTDA Director of
 Global Programs, Ms. Andrea Lupo and her delegation at RDA Headquarters Boardroom

United States Trade and Devel-           “This has been long overdue                order to foster sustainable infra-
opment Agency (USTDA) Di-                and we are happy to host you.              structure investments and level
rector for Global Programs, Ms.          The Agency has been partnering             the playing field for greater in-
Andrea Lupo and her delegation           with you (U.S) in the construc-            ternational competition.
held a meeting with Road Devel-          tion of Acrow Bridges and these
opment Agency (RDA) Director             will transform the rural areas,” he
and Chief Executive Officer Eng.         said.
Elias Mwape to discuss potential
partnership under the USTDA’s            Ms. Lupo said her organization
Global Procurement Initiative.           was looking forward to collabo-
                                         rating with RDA and that USTDA
Ms. Lupo was accompanied by              was an independent Agency of
Manager for Global Programs,             the United States Government
Ms. Breanne White while RDA se-          that supports infrastructure de-
nior management staff were also          velopment in emerging econo-
in attendance.                           mies across sub-Saharan Africa
Eng. Mwape said this was an op-
portune time to discuss potential        The USTDA launched the Global
partnership under the USTDA              Procurement Initiative: Under-
Global Procurement Initiative:           standing Best Value (GPI) to help
Understanding Best Value (GPI).          partner countries secure better
                                         results from large infrastructure
Eng. Mwape said the Agency               procurements.
was open to learning new tech-
niques in the procurement pro-           The GPI trains government offi-
cesses and USTDA’s visit should          cials in international best practic-
set base for future engagements          es for value-based procurement               USTDA Director of Global Programs,
under the GPI.                           methodologies, including the                 Ms. Andrea Lupo and her delegation
                                         use of life-cycle cost analysis, in

                                                                      Roads Magazine                                25
Housing and
                                                                                        Development Minister
                                                                                        Honourable Vincent
                                                                                        Mwale delivering a
                                                                                        keynote speech on
                                                                                        behalf of President
                                                                                        Edgar Lungu at the
                                                                                        6th Africa Engineering
                                                                                        week and 4th
                                                                                        Africa Engineering
                                                                                        Conference held at
                                                                                        Avani Victoria Falls
                                                                                        Resort in Livingstone.

President Edgar Lungu urged the Engineers to build     pave a way for more responsive collaborative public
the future ‘we want’ and achieve the Sustainable De-   services.
velopment Goals (SDGs) with the full participation
of the professionals.                                  “Engineering professionals play a critical role in the
                                                       world because the SDGs are not an agenda of one
President Lungu said the Zambian Government            country,” he said.
stands ready to work closely with all the Engineer-
ing professionals towards achieving the SDGs.          President Lungu called on all Public institutions at
                                                       all levels, civil society, churches, the business com-
The Head of State made the clarion call in a speech    munity and others to work together in a broad ef-
read for him by Housing and Infrastructure Devel-      fort to realise the SDGs.
opment Minister Honourable Vincent Mwale during
the official opening of the 6th Africa Engineering     President Lungu urged the Engineers to reach
week and 4th Africa Engineering Conference organ-      out to young people and make them excited
ised by the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ).   as the SDGs would build a whole generation of
                                                       change makers who could take the agenda for-
The Conference was held under the theme: “Ad-          ward.
dressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
through Sustainable Engineering Development.”          Former EIZ President Eng. Sydney Matamwandi
                                                       said the Institution was honoured to be selected,
President Lungu further challenged the Engineering     by the Federation of African Engineering Organi-
profession to put mechanisms in place that would       zations (FAEO), to host the 4th Africa Engineering
give a voice to the people by addressing their needs   Conference as part of the broader activities within
which had many implications for public services,       the 6th UNESCO Africa Engineering Week (AEW)
social and technological innovations by helping to     which run from 15 to 21 September 2019.

26                      Roads Magazine
Former EIZ President
 Eng. Sydney
 Matamwandi giving
 his opening welcoming
 remarks during the
 4th Africa Engineering

Eng. Matamwandi also urged Engineers to come          He said the Engineering profession makes im-
up with mechanisms that would give a voice            portant contributions from the direct addition to
to the people, including the poorest and most         economic output of work by contributing to the
vunerable so that their needs could be addressed.     development of various sectors.
Eng. Matamwandi reminded the profession that          He said the profession had brought improve-
Engineering development evaluated technolgical        ments in physical infrastructure and had played
inventions which were designed to improve hu-         a vital role in the development of the country
man and economic development within complex           through economic and sustainable development.
and low resource settings.
He said the complex nature of SDGs often neces-
sitates solutions based on complex systems that
would require wide-ranging skills, lateral thinking
and knowledge transfer between various social,
life and physical sciences as well as engineering

           EIZ Vice President Finance &
           Administration Eng. Wesley
           Kaluba and EIZ Vice President
           Membership, Career & Profession
           Development (CPD) Eng. William
           K. Mulusa following proceedings
           during the conference.

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