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OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD XVIII SAINT PETERSBURG INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PROVIDERS’ ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ECONOMIC FORUM SUMMIT XVIII SAINT PETERSBURG INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC FORUM 82 SPIEF2014 OVERALL NUMBER OF EVENTS 7 590 175 Amount of Amount of contracts participants signed 401 400 000 000 rubbles Overall amount of contracts signed within SPIEF 2014 450 1 439 Speakers Newsmen OFFICIAL DELEGATIONS FROM 73 This year the motto of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was sion, not only as well as signing of contracts. COUNTRIES
2 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 3 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” OPENING REMARKS SUMMIT and many years of experience have shown that In these circumstances, our desire to open PRESIDENT up new markets is natural and understanda- to develop the Russian fuel and energy sector, ble. Primarily we are talking about the dynami- OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION but also increases Russia’s presence on inter- national energy markets, which fully meets the gives us a chance to increase our exports, but OPENING REMARKS interests of both the producing countries and also serves as a major impetus for the deve- companies as well as the consumers. lopment of East Siberia and the Far East of It is not by chance that even when much Russia. was said about the need to restrict energy Yes, we are aware of the fact that our part- + / ' ners are planning to expand the number of Good afternoon, colleagues, ladies and gen- because there has never been any unilate- gas suppliers to Europe, for instance. How- tlemen! ral dependence: the dependence is always ever, far from dramatizing the situation, we ac- mutual, which leads to greater reliability and tually welcome this development. I am certain It has become a good tradition to hold sum- stability of the global economy and the energy that the European Union representatives un- mit meetings of energy companies – and of all industry), despite all that, the supply of our derstand quite well that supplies from Russia other companies that are directly linked with energy resources to Europe, for instance, is help diversify the EU’s energy balance. energy – within the framework of the Saint Pe- constantly growing. Thus, last year exports of tersburg International Economic Forum. gas through pipeline systems grew by almost I would like to say a few words about Rus- We need to increase energy ef- 38 9839' - sia and our developments. I would like to note ures, we have reached a record high for the here that because of its huge energy resources past years of over 188 billion cubic meters. and its good geographic location (this is some- I would like to stress that we support con- on innovative technologies and de- thing I have already mentioned at our narrow scientious performance of contractual obliga- format meeting), Russia plays a special part in tions. We expect that the consumers and the the development of energy in Europe and the transit countries have the same responsible approach. Honestly speaking, we are seri- '# ously concerned over the statements made by to maintaining a balance between hydrocar- some Ukrainian radicals who are threatening bon demand and supply on the global market. to block the transit of our gas to Europe. We ! " Throughout the past years, our oil and gas hope common sense will prevail and this will market is a good opportunity to consolidate production has been growing steadily. We give not happen. fragmentary regional gas markets. For us this special attention to increasing oil recovery and is a priority task. high-level processing. We are very active in again the timeliness of our initiatives to build Thus, apart from the LNG facility already geological exploration and development of direct fuel supply routes to the European Un- operating within the Sakhalin-2 project, the * ! ! ion, such as the South Stream, which we are Yamal LNG plant is being built. Rosneft is already building. I believe the European Com- planning to build yet another facility on Sakha- shelf as well as for the development of hard- mission should take an active stand on this is- lin, and Gazprom – in Vladivostok and on the to-recover reserves. All this factors should sue, because protection of the interests of the Baltic coast. A large part of these projects is help develop our resource base for decades. European consumers is one of, if not the main # ' ! job of this organization. I would like to speak in some detail about pros- condensate in Russia has increased by al- Today Europe accounts for over 70 percent pects for shale gas production. Ever since such most 6 percent, of gas – by almost 15 percent, of our oil exports and almost all of our pipeline $ % and of coal – by over 17 percent. gas. However, we have to admit that energy the supply has been growing. Thus, our Ameri- We fully uphold the principle of sovereignty consumption in Europe is growing slowly due can friends and partners intend to shortly be- over national resources. At the same time, to low economic growth rates, while political come net exporters. This is clearly good for the Russia is ready to let our long-term interna- and regulatory risks are increasing. Transit is # tional partners take part in our fuel and energy also an issue. for us as well. sector. As you may know, this is what we do,
4 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 5 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” OPENING REMARKS SUMMIT However, to organize LNG exports from ! important that this is exactly what the major Ladies and gentlemen, friends and partners, North America to Europe – the experts pre- usually discovered and developed at the early companies are doing. sent here at the moment are well aware of stage of exploration and development of a geo- In the meantime, we do not see the existing We will appreciate any recommendations this – there should be a proper infrastructure logical area. This means that ‘easy’ reserves, regulatory system – I would like to say a few you may have regarding Russian legislation on both sides of the Atlantic. This will require the so-called ‘cream’, have already been re- words about this, if I may – and coordination and established practice of applying the law. I large capital investment and time. Besides, moved or are about to run out. Therefore, we am certain that expanding the formats of our have to move to new areas, often hard to ac- perfect. Rather frequently, regulation tends to cooperation will help to build a truly effective as you also know, is about 1.6 times higher - distort even market signals and leads to subsi- global economy. than in Europe. This is a fact, at least for ing secondary or even tertiary production me- dies being channeled to the so-called ‘favorite In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that now. thods and develop reserves that were traditio- types of energy’. In Europe, in the energy sector today, reliable and stable energy supply de- Obviously, LNG producers in the US would of the European Union these are the so-called termines to a great extent the stable progress primarily want to compete for the premium and hard to reach. renewable sources. This is clearly a distortion of national economies and the global econo- Asian market. Nobody will ever operate at a However, I would also like to note that of the market that is detrimental to competition; my as a whole. It is in our common interest to ? - today’s prices on the global market do not it makes entire industries less competitive. # @ hamper economic development. Moreover, I hope participants in today’s summit will ! - This is natural; this is the law of market econ- they are stable, which is of principal impor- manage to work out a set of proposals on @ ! Z omy. tance for the development of long-term pro- the most called for priority measures to deforms the economic basis and principles of raise the quality of energy markets’ regula- ' tion and take another look at the possible summit will help resolve this important issue. - format for comparing tax, regulatory and I wish you interesting discussions and pro- legislative regimes in various jurisdictions mising contracts. I leave you to your work and - and also give recommendations on inter- wish you all the best. national legal support of the operation of ! competitive, transparent and open energy Thank you. markets. I would like to repeat here that the price of jects in the fuel and energy and other sec- Russian pipeline gas is competitive and – what tors of the economy. To reduce costs, we is more important – predictable, because it is need to increase energy efficiency of our economies, focus on innovative technolo- Other natural gas exporters, by the way, use gies and develop the refining of hydrocar- these methods, as well. bons, things like petrochemical and gas- chemical production. Colleagues, friends, It is very important for Russia to resolve these issues. Our country intends not only Energy is the most important basis for sus- to retain, but also to strengthen its posi- tainable development of the global economy. tion as one of the leading energy suppliers Expert assessments show that there are suf- and to become a leader in the qualitative transformation of the global energy sector and they will last long enough. At the same as well. # - The challenges in the energy sector are ciency, and they apply to the situation in the clearly of global nature, and we can only meet fuel and energy sector. them together, by means of cooperation. It is
6 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 7 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT Global GDP over time Industrial output over time 11 % 20 % y-o-y forecast 10 9 ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT 8 7 6 15 10 8.6 ADDRESS 5 4 3 5 3.8 2 1 2.1 0 0 -12006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Dear ladies and gentlemen! Dear col- -2 leagues! Dear guests of the Forum! -3 -5 -4 -5 On behalf of Rosneft company, which tradi- -6 BRIC USA, EU, Japan World USA Developing countries excl. China China tionally has been acting as a sponsor and one of the organizers of the Forum, I would like to welcome the representatives of government authorities, the leaders of oil and gas business- es, energy companies, the representatives of the economic dynamics, the fact that our mo- derator has already referenced to. _ service companies and other entities who have The global demand for energy carriers con- the outlook prepared by the Chinese ex- demonstrated interest towards our work. tinues to grow even despite the continued cri- ! I would like to draw your attention to the sis phenomena, and that particularly concerns energy resources demand in the country. I fact that during the last year the weight of our the economies of certain regions. During the should also note that IEA has reconsidered community in the global economy has consid- ! its outlook concerning this aspect more than erably grown. Whereas in the previous year 39\ once. the participants represented the capital of 2.5 the same period of time the growth amounted During the visit of the Russian President trillion US dollars, today it exceeds 3.5 trillion to 29%. At the same time the share of Asia- Vladimir Putin to China on May 21, Gazprom dollars. and CNPC have signed a strategic 30-year Traditionally, at the beginning of my presen- from 35% to 41%, while the share of America contract for the supply of 38 billion cubic me- tation, I believe I should make certain state- and Europe went down from 50% to 45%. ters of gas a year. Our company together with ments concerning the limitation of responsi- bility upon a number of disputing provisions related to our outlooks. Fuel & Energy consumption by types, 2008-2013 Asia Pacific is the largest driver of energy demand growth In this presentation we would like to ensure 14 000 mmtoe 14 000 mmtoe certain succession with our previous approach >12,700 11,315 and estimates. 12 000 12 000 " For now we can state that the majority of our 10 000 10 000 # ! the participants represented the 8 000 8 000 in practice. #$ %& - Last year we came to the conclusion that the 6 000 6 000 '$ ability to overcome the crisis and the recovery 4 000 4 000 of the global economy right now is not very 2 000 2 000 The almost zero current growth in the global 0 0 exports shows that despite the quarterly GDP 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* Asia Pacific Africa growth, the global economy is far from full renewables hydro nuclear coal gas oil Middle East Europe recovery. At the same time we can observe South and Central Americas North America Z ! * expected values
8 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 9 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT CNPC have also signed the schedule of the nomic dynamics of 3.5-4% yearly growth, the Liquids demand forecast Gas demand forecast { - annual increase of oil prices by 2-3% is quite mmtoe mmtoe 6 500 6 500 ment to increase the crude oil supply by 9.1 balanced, which would enable both the oil and 6 000 million tons a year to provide the plant with gas producers and service companies to plan 6 000 raw materials. That will enable our company to their investments on the long-term basis and 5 500 5 500 achieve the annual supply of crude oil to Chi- continue the extraction of high technology re- 5 000 5 000 na of 46 million tons by 2020, which makes 55 ' 4 500 billion cubic meters of energy if transformed within those price conditions there is also a 4 500 4 000 into gas equivalent. good balance not only for the producer country 4 000 Now that we speak of the most important in- budgets, but also the consumer country bud- 3 500 dicator – the oil price, there are active factors gets, which ensures additional revenues. 3 500 3 000 |8338 The majority of the participants of the market 2 500 3 000 dollars per barrel. Against the growth of ten- do agree that in the long-term outlook oil and 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 sion and respective risks there might be cer- gas would retain their importance, while the Шелл,MOUNTAINS Shell, ГОРЫ Шелл,OCEANS Shell, ОКЕАНЫ ЭксонМобил ExxonMobil 2014 2014 МЭА,NPS GEA, NPS Шелл,MOUNTAINS Shell, ГОРЫ Шелл, ОКЕАНЫ Shell, OCEANS tain deviations both from the lower and upper share of gas would be slightly growing. The МЭА,CPS GEA, CPS BP 2014 ЭксонМобил ExxonMobil 20142014 МЭА,NPS GEA, NPS BP EIA, Референсный EIA,reference МЭА,CPS GEA, CPS BP 2014 limit of this range. expansion of use of renewable energy sources EIA, Высок. EIA,high цены нефть oil price Статойл, Statoil, Базисный basis BP EIA, Референсный EIA, reference ОПЕК, reference OPEC, Референсный EIA, Высок. EIA,high цены нефть oil price Статойл, Statoil, Базисный basis The indicators of the tight recovery oil in the continues, but is has somewhat slowed down. ОПЕК,reference OPEC, Референсный United States and the budget indicators of the * ! Z - OPEC and independent producers against the Z # background of the global economy growth do general, in the contemporary market to a large Intentional promotion of painless rejection of (24-25%) up to 2050. It will be counterproduc- not allow for any stable decline in oil prices. @ ! - hydrocarbons through quick development of tive if the recent political tensions would lead Essentially there exist a certain balance of cial players, who are often less informed about renewable sources and dramatic increase of to the rejection of the effective ways of the EU supply and demand in the market, and all of Z # ~ energy development for the sake of purely po- the main players do accept this fact. ready to respond to everything, like a hearsay Union. At the same time the price that have litical motivations. Quite a narrow price range has been deter- or an unproven hypothesis. These players can to be paid for this is being understated, and Henry Hub prices have more than doubled mined, within which the oil price growth may be be easily manipulated, as in the energy indus- the society doesn’t see the real picture that in for now, reaching the level of more than 4.7 accompanied by the decrease of production try changes are indeed taking place. Besides, many ways technology for this process is not dollars per million BTU, and it doesn’t look costs in the global economy. Both the produ- we can observe the intentional work to distort ready. The practical implementation of such like any seasonal factor. And even with the cers and the consumers simultaneously ben- # @ @ - that show it. ( )*+) - , ./ Change in Chinese Gas Demand Forecasts, IEA* Chinese Gas Demand Forecast (CNPC-2014) ) 01 bcm 600 bcm 700 #2#2 $$ 500 600 500 529 3 500 470 400 350 396 400 307 300 300 220 200 200 107.6 objectives leads to a total distortion of the mar- strong price level increase the stagnation 100 100 ket relations and very heavy cost burden that in the US gas production has not yet been 0 0 the consumers will have to bear. overcome. The US gas price dynamics dis- 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2010 (fact) 2015 2020 2030 WEO-2013 (NPS) WEO-2012 (NPS) Still, according to the recent outlook made by pels the illusions that LNG will become a se- Low scenario Baseline scenario High scenario WEO-2011 (Golden Age of Gas) WEO-2011 (NPS) the European Commission, the share of gas in rious factor in the European gas market on WEO-2010 (NPS) WEO-2009 (RS) * WEO (NPS)– World economic outlook (new policy scenario) WEO (RS) – World economic outlook (reference scenario) the energy balance EU-27 will remain stable its basis, certainly if the EU countries are not WEO-2008 (RS)
10 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 11 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT intending to subsidize its imports, as they would dramatically change the situation in the Global Tight Oil Production Forecasts Till 2035 have massively been subsidizing the use of global energy industry. the renewables. There is a more weighted and balanced at- IEA forecast OPEC forecast In the United States the issue of LNG export titude towards the unconventional hydrocar- 12 mmbd 0.4 7 mmbd really saw some heated debate. Not long ago bons in different parts of the world. Experts 10 0.2 1.2 0.4 6 0.7 0.2 some of the lobbyists have stated that mas- know that these particular resources are 8 0.7 1.3 5 sive export wouldn’t lead to any price growth, much more complicated than the traditional 6 4 # ones. The economically recoverable resour- 5.7 5.5 4.3 3.4 3 4 0.2 0.2 gics. Prices have started to grow even against 2 1 2 2 the lack of exports. And recently a big group total resources. The technologies tried out on 1.8 3.3 4.3 1.6 3.4 4.3 1 0 of senators have made an outcry against ex- certain deposits have to be adapted for appli- 2012 2025 2035 2011 2025 2035 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 ports, providing arguments that it would lead cation to different ones, and any proven con- World Energy Outlook 2013 World Energy Outlook 2012 to a considerable (more than twofold) price clusions can only be made after the results Базовыйscenario Baseline сценарий Сценарий production Incremental дополнительной scenarioдобычи Canadian sands Tight oil Gas to liquids (GTL) Coal to liquids (CTL) increase that would undermine the domestic of the development. This kind of experience consumption, and in the longer term export is now limited for the North America. The IEA possibilities as well. states that there might be sharp growth in the Here is another example. There continues world tight oil production by 2025 up to the Going back to the issue of instability in the amongst the players of the oil and gas indus- the growth of the tight oil production in the level of 5.7 million barrels per day with the markets and quite often their inadequate sig- try and all service and technology companies United States, more than 1.5 times during the subsequent stagnation and a gradual decline nals towards the fundamental indicators, we in Russia and abroad. past 4 years. This is an important phenome- after that. believe that an important method of softening By the end of 1990s the global oil and gas non, but is doesn’t lead to the destabilization The 40-year ban for oil exports from the US this is to achieve greater transparency through industry has set a course towards complicat- of the global market. As seen by the leading - improving the objective and all-round aware- ing the development conditions because of energy agencies, by 2020-2022 the produc- portation from Canadian oil-bearing sands into ness on the part of all market participants. the depletion of the traditional resources. This tion of oil in the United States may grow by the US market are also examples of market There is not enough information, for example, has led to greater intensity on the capital and 45% more. However, there remain some big realities distortion. on the energy consumption structure, on intro- doubts about the respective resources been At the last Forum we spoke about the inter- duction of production capacities, on the cha- tability. Exploitation of unconventional depos- ! country competition, but we are against this racteristics of the investment projects, on the its required greater investments in new tech- the long run. Thus, both the shale gas and the competition being ruled by subjective metho- orders of large-scale equipment. There are nologies and new types of services, which cre- tight oil cannot be described as factors that dologies that are far from being market-based. also questions about the transparency and the ! ! pricing mechanisms at the goods exchanges result, the industry started consolidating, and and trading organizations. the giants of the global industry appeared to- It seems to us that in order to soften these gether with the new technological leaders. US oil production, 2010–2014 US oil production forecast until 2035 drawbacks we have to create new mecha- Russia has seen the start of such consolida- tion later because of the prevalent traditional hy- mmbd mmbd 9 8.46 12 on interaction between the companies and the drocarbons base. But with the development of 11.5 11,5 8 expert community, with the support, but with- 11 7 10.5 10,5 10.5 out the dominant position of the regulatory au- regions Russian companies would inevitably 6 5.47 10 thorities. The present agencies, for example, follow the global industry development trends. 9,5 5 9.5 ~$ _ Z Service companies respond to the chal- 9 4 8.5 8,5 the interests of the consumer market. It is pos- lenges by acquiring extensive high-margin assets. 3 8 ! Z - Our conclusions in respect of the market 2 7,5 7.5 lution group which would consider the cases ! 7 1 of market manipulation and competition distor- long-term strategies for the company up to 6,5 6.5 0 6 tions, including those in the pricing area. 2033 and beyond. It is based upon the cur- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014(оценка) (estimate) 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 AEO AEO2014 Another important trend which produces in- rent position of Rosneft as the biggest public US Crude Oil 2014 Alaska Gulf of Mexico Other states US Crude Oil and" Natural "WOO2013 Gas Liquids WOO 2013 Z ! ! company in the world in terms of the amount and" US Crude Oil Natural Gas "WEO2013 Liquids WEO 2013 gas industry is a continued consolidation of production and reserves.
12 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 13 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT Let me remind you that Rosneft didn’t re- below 5 dollars for barrel of oil equivalent and 4 5 - ceive any actives through the privatization in the capital investment cost below 8 dollars Russia. On the contrary, the company has for barrel of oil equivalent, which is consider- 3 6 been formed in the market environment and ably better than other companies may demon- 3 has successfully launched its IPO complying strate, and this is impossible without achieving with all the standards, which turned it into an technological dominance. We and our partners are convinced that sure and support the strategic needs of the international public company with a private these investments will help to consolidate the - property form. At the same time the govern- region, the need to develop resource bases in energy security of the consumers of the whole cy on the basis of our own service company mental revenues from placing and further sell- geographic proximity to this area, the reduc- ! - RN-Burenie and our partners; ing a part of the company to BP exceeded the tion of transportation costs and infrastructure ment of partnership between consumers and - creation of a pool of innovative technologies expenditures as well as the tax incentivization suppliers on the long-term basis. and competences in all of the key areas of our privatization three times. provided by the Russian government, make Effective utilization of the potential of new re- future development. Among the shareholders of Rosneft there investments into the Eastern Siberia and Far serves types and offshore drilling require devel- And today within this forum I have the are about 150 thousand Russian citizens. We East more and more attractive. opment in Russian oil service sector and often honor to announce a number of deals that always remember that fact, and we believe it is This is the trend that we found several creation of unique technologies. For this purpose we have been able to achieve with Prime our duty to develop our long-term operations years ago, and we started developing the Rosneft is making the most important prerequi- Shipping, Seadrill and General Electric. The sites for the future stable growth of its core busi- company is going to develop these projects - ! gard we are going to implement the strategy in: in terms of transportation, drilling (including Futures trading volume is many times greater … with the futures market distorting the than physical trading… perceptions of the out - formation of high-tech oil services business offshore drilling) and all services utilizing hi- of the new type, which would enable us to en- tech equipment. Derivatives trading volume and oil and petroleum product 120 consumption, mmbpd Dated Brent Forward curves (ICE) 1,222 115 Shift to More Complex Reserves Stimulates Consolidation in the WTI crude 439 110 Oil And Gas Sector 105 Shift Globalto More trend Complex of increased Reserves production Stimulates of non-conventional reserves Consolidation in the Global trend of increased production of non-conventional reserves by 40 times 100 Oil And Gas bboe Sector Total Elf GE Lufkin Transocean % Schlumberger Smith Int. % Chevron GlobalSantaFe Industries Schlumberger 783 bboe Aquitaine ExxonMobil Transocean GE Lufkin 60 Texaco 14% Smith Int. Brent crude Total Elf Conoco Statoilof ChevronXTO GlobalSantaFe Industries 95 50 Global trend of increased production BP Amoco Aquitaine non-conventional Hydro Texaco reserves12% ExxonMobil 60 Exxon Mobil Phillips 14% 28 Conoco Statoil XTO 10% % 40 bboe BP Amoco Schlumberger Hydro GE Lufkin 12% 50 Phillips 15 13 90 Total Elf Exxon Mobil Transocean Smith Int. 8% 30 Chevron GlobalSantaFe Industries 10% Jul-12 Jan-13 Jul-13 Jan-14 Jul-14 Jan-15 60 40 Aquitaine Texaco ExxonMobil 6% 14% 20 Conoco Statoil XTO 8% 50 BP Amoco 30 Hydro 4% 12% Phillips 10 Exxon Mobil 6% 2% 10% 40 20 Trading volume Consumption 0 0% 8% 4% 301990 1993 10 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 6% 2% Russia 20 is embarking 0 on the road of developing non-conventional reserves 4% 0% 10 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2% 2008 2011 Gazprom Rosneft 08 1990 1993 Russia is embarking on the road of developing non-conventional reserves 1996 1999 2002 Sibneft2005 2008 TNK-BP 2011 0% 7 TNK-BP taking into full account the interests of our company eastward. The company is going to Russia is embarking on the road of developing non-conventional reserves 6 Rosneft 5 Gazprom TNK-BP shareholders, both national and international. make great emphasis upon the large-scale 4 8 Gazprom RosneftSibneft 8 7 TNK-BP TNK-BP I would like to note that the proven reserves implementation of new projects in that re- 3 7 6 TNK-BP Sibneft 2 of oil and gas of the company amount to 33 gion. With the participation of foreign and 6 1 5 5 0 4 %~_ Russian companies there will be created ca- 41990 1993 3 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 3 are considered largest in the world. The de- - 2 Conventional 2 Non-conventional Share of non-conventional (the right-hand scale) 1 1 velopment cost of these resources is also at cal industries, shipbuilding, key equipment 0 0 Service companies are meeting the challenges by acquiring growing high-margin technology businesses 1990 1993 1996 1999 2008 2002 2011 2005 2008 2011 a record low level, and we would do our best supplies for offshore drilling as well as do- 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 Conventional Non-conventional of non-conventional (theShare of non-conventional (the right-hand scale) to maintain this advantage in future. Our task zens of thousands of highly skilled employ- Conventional Non-conventional Share right-hand scale) is to maintain the operation cost level stably ment opportunities. Service companies are meeting the challenges by acquiring growing high-margin technology businesses
14 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 15 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT Developing " #2'' Service development Experience Development of Technological capabilities through partnership customization internal capabilities leadership 3 07 In the period up to 2020 the production of is important to note that this kind of dynamics hydrocarbons in our company will grow by ap- Z + Increase in proximately 30%, including the increase in li- - Technology development Increased level of Competitiveness in Service consolidation investment for technology the global market quids production by 15% and in gas produc- ! - service assets tion threefold. duction of high quality gasoline and diesel oil In the period up to 2025 the yearly produc- will grow by half, while mazut production will tion of hydrocarbons in the company is going decrease by 46%. As a result, this particular to grow by 50%. sector, just like in case of the world majors, will We may speak about the potential doubling become a strong generator of revenues both of our business scale by 2033, whereas the in the domestic and export markets. We are average rate of liquid hydrocarbons produc- expecting that with the completion of upgrade tion growth is going to be more than 4%, al- the EBITDA in Downstream would go up to 11 2017 2020 2025 2030 most fully through organic growth. The share of gas is going to grow up to one The scale of the company, the global na- third in the overall balance of the company ture of its operations, the quality changes in It is important to note that this kind of dyna- the company gas business in this period will production. In the domestic gas market in Rus- its cooperation with partners bring the need mics is a part of contemporary processes that be carried out by launching major gas projects sia the share of Rosneft would reach 20%. It to further optimize processes in terms of the involve major companies becoming more uni- # + versal after a period of excessive outsourcing By 2020 we are going to launch several @ new clusters of gas and oil production based key technological competences on the house. on such major assets as the Vankor cluster, Service and technological sectors also see south of Krasnoyarsk Territory and Western consolidation processes allowing to speed up Siberia, which will allow the principal produc- achievement of leading positions in order to tion growth in 2020-2025. During the same 400 mmtoe further develop a more hi-tech resource base. period we will continue gas business growth, At different times our own teachers such as as the continuation of high-tech development Offshore ExxonMobil and Statoil, and General Electric of tight reserves is expected together with a as a supplier of equipment have followed the considerable production increase in the inter- International same way which enabled them to achieve the national projects. You know that the perimeter Gas leadership in terms of deepwater production, of the company has more than 2 billion tons of 200 in the LNG markets etc. reserves and considerable resource potential The composition of Rosneft assets does that could be developed. Tight oil correspond to the key challenges the industry The increasing growth of the company up to E&A and greenfields is facing. 2033 is linked to the commercial start of off- With the purpose of maintaining the level of shore production. Arctic projects would enable Brownfields ! Z Rosneft to become the biggest operator of this company is going to pay special attention to kind of reserves. In terms of offshore produc- 0 mature projects, including large-scale drilling tion it is too early to make precise estimations, 2014 2017 2020 2025 2030 Tight oil, that would help us to extend the life of ma- but the geologic experts suggest the possibi- Brownfields Gas and East international Offshore and Siberia LNG ! lity of major discoveries. projects 2017 2020 2025 10 2030
16 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 17 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT Global supply of conventional energy resources Share of oil in total production, by company 8 6 , 5 000 mmtoe 100 % 90 4 500 4 000 80 5 3 500 70 3 000 60 2 500 50 2 000 40 53%. The aggregate tax payments in the go- Beyond the oil and gas sphere the resource 30 vernment budget exceeded 2.4 trillion rubles. principle of rent requisitioning is not well-main- 1 500 1990 2011 2020 2025 2030 2035 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 During the last year considerable changes took tained. There still isn’t any adequate taxa- Coal Oil Gas ExxonMobil PetroChina Shell Chevron BP place in terms of the development of a modern tion based on the analysis of unique natural taxation system, and the tax burden that Rosneft carries is much heavier in comparison with big- mineral fertilizers production, ferrous and non- gest public international companies because of ferrous metals. management decisions and turn the company Z - a bigger share of EMT and export duties. A separate extensive issue is posed by dif- into a strategic energy, technologic and opera- rel of oil equivalent without taking into account In the taxation structure of the Russian com- ferent non-system privileges and exemptions. tional holding with a very precise structure of # @ In the gas industry their amount exceeds 2 its business processes. would enable us to develop large-scale deve- If to take a general look at the economy, hundred billion rubles per year. Today, during Right now this model is being developed lopment program without any additional bor- the tax burden situation hasn’t yet been tho- a meeting with the President our colleague, for the oil marketing and sales. The following rowings. roughly analyzed. We can take a look at the President of Lucoil Mr. Alekperov even ap- stages are planned: separating sales networks * # - taxation in the oil and gas sector. The burden pealed to the President, asking him to discuss into a separate business entity, attracting part- ciate our resolution to follow this strategy. is multiply different and at the same time the the issue of tax maneuver at the next presi- ners, organizing the work based on new prin- As many can recall, at the last summit we global practice doesn’t separate the taxation dential commission of the energy complex. ciples, and the possible future IPO entrance. were very detailed in terms of how the tax le- of hydrocarbons in terms of the type, as they Yet in such industries as railways, for in- Another element of the execution of our gislation in Russia may be improving. usually accompany each other. stance, the effective tax burden is even less strategy in terms of creating a well-focused In order to demonstrate the importance of sales business of the world class is the de- these processes I can give you a simple illus- cision to acquire international oil-trading busi- tration. The outlook of the company is based Oil and Gas Production Worldwide ness from Morgan Stanley. The deal is follow- upon the recent tax innovations, and if those in % vs 2000 ing its schedule, and we are actively working decisions were not made, the production of bboe (2000 - 100%) with the regulators in order to receive respec- hydrocarbons by our company and other Rus- 70 350 tive permits. Everything is going all right for sian companies in the industry would have Forecast 60 now. gone into stagnation as the result of the inef- 300 As the result Rosneft would match global fective investments refusal, and after stagna- 50 majors in terms of the key set of competen- tion a very quick decline is usually coming. 40% ces, and we will hopefully become one of the So as far as only Rosneft is concerned in Non-conventional 250 40 hydrocarbons, global leaders in such areas as offshore de- ! ! 30 deep water shelf velopment, production of unconventional hy- 9 200 drocarbons, monetization of oil and gas in the 2033, which would mean receiving 12 trillion 20 74% 60% global market. rubles less for the budget. Conventional hydrocarbons Conventional hydrocarbons 150 Taking into consideration the multiplicative 10 the company will become stronger. The rate - ~' Z ly bigger, and it has to be taken into account 0 100 2002 2025 2000 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2007 2009 2011 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2004 2017 would enable us to reduce debt to EBITDA ra- that at the suppliers of equipment and servi- tio to 1-1.3% during the next two years. ces would have incurred losses as well. Conventional, current production Conventional, greenfields Non-conventional Following a very intense investment phase We are the biggest taxpayer in the coun- in 2014-2016 the company will generate free try. In 2013 the tax burden upon Rosneft was Deep water Others Capex index IHS
18 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ROSNEFT’S PRESIDENT’S ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 19 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” ADDRESS SUMMIT Tax burden for Russian and international companies in the oil and gas sector, 2013 Tax Incentives for Offshore Development 60% $/bbl 80 Profit tax Revenue taxes 50% 70.5 70 6.4 40% 60 50.8 30% 50 40 35.5 20% 31 64.1 29.2 30 27.3 16.7 10% 50.8 12 20 13.3 19.2 0% Gazprom NOVATEK Rosneft Lukoil Gazprom neft GazpromNeft Surgutneftegaz Chevron ExxonMobil Total 10 18.8 19 excl.GazpromNeft 14 10 0 Russia’s gas companies Russia’s oil companies International oil and gas companies Current taxation in Russia (offshore, Norway (offshore) USA (Gulf of Mexico) Brazil (offshore) Canada (Arctic Russia average) offshore) Note: Tax burden is calculated as a ratio of taxes paid (MET, export duty, profit tax, excise taxes, corporate property tax, etc.) to revenues. than 10%. That is considerably smaller than At the same time a positive example is the de- Summarizing, we can see that in the energy I would like to wish everybody success, average in the economy. cision to provide tax stimulation for offshore and industry important processes are taking place, thank you very much for coming and for your hard-to-recover reserves development. It cre- which require continuous analysis. Being a attention. and other sectors and its stabilization remain ! responsible company we try to develop our to be the most important element in improving in new projects. New taxation rules for resource strategy taking all these factors fully into ac- Thank you very much. of capitalization in the company, which could ! ! count. We are going to pursuit it in close co- yet be another instrument to increase the re- new Russian offshore projects and other tight operation with our partners, many of which are venue the budget is enjoying. reserves among the leading ones in the world. participating in this summit. New Russian Fiscal Regime is a Basis for National Energy Projects Development Onshore fields Offshore fields Tight oil development incentives law Offshore development incentive law License holder income, $/bbl 91.2 х 2 .5 х 1 .84 54.8 29,8 36 Before After Before After Rosneft's total discovered recoverable reserves Rosneft's anticipated offshore resources – 43.5 billion exceed 1.4 billion tons of oil equivalent tons of oil equivalent
20 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ENERGY PROVIDERS’ SUMMIT ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 21 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” PARTICIPANTS SUMMIT ENERGY PROVIDERS’ SUMMIT PARTICIPANTS Ichiyo Ishikawa Stephen Greenlee Bob Dudley Lorenzo Simonelli Journalist, NHK Japan Broadcasting President of ExxonMobil Director and Member of the Board of Directors, President and CEO of GE Transportation, Corporation Exploration Company Chairman of the Executive Committee of the a subsidiary of the American General Electric Board of Directors, President of BP Group Japan USA USA UK Energy resources are the blood, the oxygen, the The Arctic has been estimated by the US, and has We are present in Russia for over 20 years and We are proactively working on technology food for the global economy and the globaliza- contained perhaps 20% of the remaining resour- we have a good fortune and privilege now to be solutions to look at ways in which we bring tion in the world, and the interests of the pro- ces left on the planet yet to be discovered. a major shareholder in Rosneft, which is a great down the costs and try to avoid unplanned ducing and consuming countries overlap in the ExxonMobil and Rosneft, have concluded the professional company, who is embarking not downtime. And I also think as we go forward stability of the energy resources supply. Agreement several years ago to combine the only on great projects here in Russia, but taking there’s an increasing aspect of collaboration with Therefore, despite all possible political contra- resources, to combine the talents, combine the on great international partnerships with good Rosneft because together we can see what the dictions, today’s meeting held in Russia as an capabilities of both of these great companies. So companies. But it is one thing to be a shareholder challenges are, and we can work on the solutions. economic and energy state is very important, with that we created this Strategic Cooperation and quite another is to be a participant and have We established a research center that will focus involving the leading executives of the major Agreement that saw us working together on Rus- ! ! on the effective process design development for energy companies from America, Europe, Asia sian resources and Russian areas from explora- in one or another country. And I see BP investing local companies and thus will contribute to the and other regions in the environment of open ex- tion with success development and production in other projects with our partner Rosneft. The localization of manufacturing. We believe that change of views about the future of the energy based on our experience that we have in Sakhalin. President today encouraged the investment in in the sector that unites General Electric and sector. Why oil and gas still represent such a ExxonMobil is pleased to work with Rosneft in projects such as shale development. This project Rosneft we have chances of success. driver of the economic growth? And there comes this joint venture. I think it’s also a fair question is vital to be able to meet the world’s demand up a question: isn’t it the old type of economy? * for energy sources. Today, we work in the world Should we speak about alternative energy re- ! # - where politicians too often can hardly forecast sources, for example, about renewable sour- the situation for the next 18 months. In Russia, ces of energy? I suppose such view does ex- get the local communities in Russia and Russian according to the agreement with China, are ist. However, the fact is that price for oil and gas industry, and the industry as a whole. The main trying to look forward, signing long-term contracts does produce a decisive effect over the global proof to my words is our experience in Sakhalin. for 25-30 years. We must act in the same way, economic development. Besides, the processing Over 90% of the workforce there are Russian realizing that our relations with Rosneft do not nationals, and we have created over 3000 high- consist of occasional transactions, but stay as ! paying jobs. With this success we will be able to innovation. replicate that over and over again in these new and reliance. And we are very pleased to be part ventures that we are exploring. So I think from of Russian energy complex. the standpoint of macro looking at material re- ! - ance as we move forward.
22 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD ENERGY PROVIDERS’ SUMMIT ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 23 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” PARTICIPANTS SUMMIT Tim Dodson Rafael Ramirez Rovnag Abdullayev Alex Beard Executive Vice-President Statoil Minister of People’s Power for the oil and President of the State Oil Company Director of the oil commodity department of mining industry in Venezuela, (SOCAR) Glencore company PDVSA President Norway Azerbaijan Republic UK Venezuela I could start with a lot of different aspects like We cannot impose low price cycles and Social responsibility of the state oil companies In 2000 and 2001 when Western banks were resource scarcity or resource complexity extremely high price cycles. We need to respect is constantly increasing; such companies are still contemplating coming back to Russia, when talked about stability. But from a Statoil the laws and interests of oil producers and for playing a greater role in the social development of trading companies like Glencore were here and point of view we see a number of fundamental their countries. From the example of Azerbaijan I challenges which our industry is facing. We resources, which in turn require investment can say that a well-organized oil sector together at that stage with oil price at 10-15 dollars, choose to summarize those up with 3 “C”. Those in exploration, in production, in supplies to the with the good governmental policy in its regard providing companies with the access to the ! market. may act as the driver for the whole economy Western market, thus developing the global community trust. Our industry needs access to We count on the cooperation with Rosneft to of the country. In the period from 2000 to 2013 economy. In the later years, of course we moved resources. The world’s population needs access create and develop our joint ventures. > 3 into a new phase. The oil price has increased to energy but we also need an acceptance from due to the oil sector. The social responsibility ! 38 local communities, a license to operate, if you is enormous, and Rosneft is a brilliant example of many producing nations, and that has led us like, in order to do those things. We also have of development in Russia, and we are going to different forms of investment – we very often our joint ventures together with Rosneft in the to continue our cooperation on the common act both as shareholders and owners. We see Arctic. So let me use it as an example. How can business. tremendous opportunity in Russia, tremendous we build trust for operating in the Arctic? Our talent pool and fantastic national resource base. recipe for this is linked with three words. First is transparency. That is really the new currency for trust, being open about what we are doing. Second, dialog. We need to engage with all stakeholders. And then third, responsibility.
24 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD IGOR SECHIN INTERVIEW ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 25 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” WITHIN ENERGY PROVIDERS’ SUMMIT SUMMIT in competition, but its shares value does IGOR SECHIN INTERVIEW not grow correspondingly. Rosneft is WITHIN ENERGY producing 27% more hydrocarbons than ExxonMobil, at the same time production PROVIDERS’ SUMMIT costs are 3.5 times smaller. Why then the capital of ExxonMobil amounts to 430 bil- lion dollars, while that of Rosneft makes only 70 billion at the present time? Igor Sechin: Mr. Ishikawa, that is an inter- esting question indeed. Not all the factors depend on the company. There are diffe- rences in business conduct. The market takes into account country factors when evaluating shares, and the rate for Russian issuers makes up approximately 2.5%. And this factor is still quite subjective. If not to take it into account, the company capitaliza- tion will immediately jump from 70 to 100. The thing is that Russian Federation inde- pendent rating has been changed, and the rating of all Russian companies changed automatically. The second element mentioned in my pre- sentation is the taxation burden. Our com- panies have it extremely different. The aver- age taxation burden of ExxonMobil is 22%, while Rosneft has 53%. Our social respon- sibility level is much higher. The difference in natural resources legislation is also of principal importance. In the United States the proprietor of the land is also the proprie- tor of deposits and natural resources. It also makes a substantial element of company Ichiyo Ishikawa: Many companies are inte- by Stephen Greenlee. Trust is the most im- major companies who are present here do capitalization. rested in strategic relationships with Russia portant thing to ensure longevity of our pro- adhere to these kinds of principles, because I would also like to mention shipping costs, and in strategic investments into Russia. And jects. only on their basis we can guarantee stabil- for example, the average Transneft tariff it seems to me it is based upon trust. So I These are the projects developed over de- ity. The stability in this sense is what mar- is 6 dollars per barrel. ExxonMobil has its want to ask you, what trust means to you and cades, and their stable development ought kets depend upon, what millions of people own transport capacities, so their effective- to your business. to be guaranteed by the participants of depend upon, and we are fully aware of our ness is much higher and the cost amount is these processes. Mutual long-term inter- responsibility. around 1 dollar per barrel. In addition, Ros- Igor Sechin: It seems to me that those ests and trust are the key elements of all neft is a young company, in 1999 we pro- were very correct words which Mr. Dudley the long-term partnerships that bind us. And Ichiyo Ishikawa: Igor Ivanovich, some- duced only 4 million tons of oil, today we said, and by the way, it also was mentioned I believe that the senior executives of all the times companies make obvious progress produce 240 million tons in oil equivalent.
26 OIL AND GAS COMPANIES ARE THE WORLD IGOR SECHIN INTERVIEW ENERGY PROVIDERS’ 27 ECONOMY’S “MOTOR OF CHANGES” WITHIN ENERGY PROVIDERS’ SUMMIT SUMMIT of Finance Mr. Siluanov said they might tive, because the controlling package en- make a profitable sale to Chinese inves- sures, for example, the offshore works, the tors. Igor Ivanovich, what would be your possibility initially guaranteed to the com- comments, do you think it is a good mo- pany and its shareholders during the first ment for selling the state share package? share placement in 2006. Presence of the offshore package was one of the main con- Igor Sechin: Mr. Ichiyo Ishikawa is a very ditions in terms of selling shares to private meticulous moderator. We have indeed customers (at the moment we have more heard the declaration of the Minister of Eco- than 150 thousand shareholders) and fo- nomic Development, and the information reign stockholders. that the privatization possibility for 19.5% Journalists with a reference to the opi - Rosneft shares is under discussion has nion of the Minister of Finance Mr. Silu- been partially confirmed by the chairmen of anov have asked me today about Chinese the government. As far as the favorable mo- companies possibly expressing interest ment is concerned, I think we can expect in buying our shares. I think it is too early the opportunity or form the opportunity our- to say who will buy, as the one who pays selves, thus the conditions for selling this most is the one to buy, as it is described package will be formed and they will deter- in the works of leading economists. And if mine the most effective technique. I don’t the company will be charged with organiz- see any problems to hinder this deal. As re- ing this sale, we will make it more effective gards selling the 19.5% package or leaving than anybody else, as we have a deeper it state-owned, any of these decisions will understanding of the company peculiari- retain the governmental control, as the ma- ties, its underestimated potential, the stra- jority ownership of 51% is left untouched. tegy, ways to increase capitalization, and , From the strategic point of view, lowing the of course we count on governmental sup- , state share below 51% is counterproduc- port on this issue. 9 - But the production is not the only area al- ing the modernization of our plants. Rosneft lowing to make profit. ExxonMobil have potential has certainly been evaluated, and twice bigger share of refining, which allows we are going to increase the value of the for additional effectiveness. Exxon has long company steadily and insistently during dai- passed the period of capital accumulation, ly work with our partners. and primary investments have been made long ago. Rosneft only has these processes Ichiyo Ishikawa: Igor Ivanovich, then under way. But we understand the course would you tell us about the intentions to of necessary actions, I hope I have partially sell the state share package? Members of shown the company strategy in my presen- the government have stated the realization tation, and we will implement it, getting the of the whole state package in Rosneft in increase in production and refining, finish- the near future. For example, the Minister
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