Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council

Page created by Sam Edwards
Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
program and
operational plan
2018 - 2022

Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council

Our design rationale for this document is based on a conceptual interpretation of its contents. To symbolise the strategic
community approach, we have used segmented shapes to represent the elements of the community that fit into the
geographic focus – Ballina. Together, the shapes form the Ballina River map. Every element impacts on the challenges,
direction and ultimately the future of its entire form – our community. We hope you enjoy the journey and the view.
Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

table of

           05      VISION + VALUES



02         12      SPECIAL RATE VARIATION

03         16      OUR PEOPLE


           21      CONNECTED COMMUNITY (CC)

           24      PROSPEROUS ECONOMY (PE)

           28      HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT (HE)

           32      ENGAGED LEADERSHIP (EL)

05         36      CAPITAL EXPENDITURE

06         46      OPERATIONAL PLAN

Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
introduction from
our councillors
On behalf of Councillors and staff I am pleased to present a review of our Delivery Program and
Operational Plan for the period 2018/19 to 2021/22. The Program and Plan outline our vision and
priorities for the future in four main areas: a Connected Community, a Prosperous Economy, a
Healthy Environment and Engaged Leadership.
In reading this publication you          find information on our proposed         government, local businesses and
will see that Council is aiming to       special rate variation. No one wants     our community as so much more
enhance the lifestyles we have here      to pay extra rates and unfortunately     can be accomplished when we work
in Ballina Shire. However, it is also    our financial modelling indicates that   together.
important that we protect our natural    the increases proposed represent
                                                                                  We accept that there will always be
environment and resources. This is       the minimum increase needed to
                                                                                  more to be done and this document
a difficult balance for any council as   ensure we are adequately funding the
                                                                                  provides you with a good overview of
these ambitions are not necessarily      renewal of our infrastructure in the
                                                                                  our priorities for the next four years
complementary to each other. I can       medium to long term.
                                                                                  and the difference we hope to make.
assure you that we are committed to
                                         For the four year period of this         This preparation of this Program and
retaining this balance where possible.
                                         document some of the major projects      Plan is the product of a team effort
As a council, we are the closest level
                                         we aim to deliver include finalising     by Councillors, Council staff and
of government to the community.
                                         the Coastal Recreational Path and        valuable community input. It is a vital
Many of the services we provide such
                                         Coastal Walk between Ballina and         document that keeps the community
as water, waste collection, parks,
                                         Lennox Head, along with expanding        informed of Council’s direction. At the
roads, footpaths and drainage are
                                         the Skennars Head Sports Fields.         same time, it provides an important
all critical components of our day to
                                         We will provide a new four court         link between the elected Council and
day life. This means it is essential
                                         indoor sports stadium as part of the     the Administration. We hope you find
that we provide the services that our
                                         re-development of the Ballina High       this document informative and we
community desires.
                                         School, finish off the equipment         look forward to any feedback you
During 2016/17 and 2017/18 we            and storage building for the Ballina     may wish to provide on the outcomes
consulted with the community on a        Surf Club and continue to advance        we are seeking for the residents of
three year range of rate increases       improvements in key open space           the Ballina Shire.
above the standard rate peg limit.       areas such as Pop Denison Park,
IPART, being the determining             Lake Ainsworth and Shaws Bay. The
authority for rate increases, only       Ballina – Byron Gateway Airport will
provided approval for a one year         grow and deliver significant economic
temporary increase in 2017/18 only.      benefits to this entire region.
In early 2018, Council again applied
                                         Many of these projects will be           Cr David Wright, Mayor
to IPART for a further two year
                                         completed by Council partnering with
increase, and we are still waiting the
                                         the Federal and State Governments        Acknowledgement of Country
outcome of that application. If you
                                         and we will continue to work             Ballina Shire Council acknowledges that
refer to the section of this document
                                         cooperatively with all levels of         we are here on the land of the Bundjalung

titled Funding our Future you will
                                                                                  people. The Bundjalung are the traditional
                                                                                  owners of this land and are part of the
                                                                                  oldest surviving continuous culture in the
Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

our vision
The Ballina Shire is safe, with a connected community,
a healthy environment and a thriving economy.

our values
C R E AT I V E – we want to encourage ideas and be innovative.

A C C E S S I B L E – we need to be accessible and responsive to our
community and our fellow employees.

R E S P E C T – we take responsibility for our actions and appreciate
everyone’s opinions.

E N E R G E T I C – we want to be enthusiastic in our approach to

S A F E – safety takes priority over all actions and we want
everyone to arrive at work and go home from work safe.

Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

       our council
                            1                    2                   3             4                  5

       6                    7                                         8

       9                                         10


       Our Councillors 1 Cr Ben Smith 2 Cr David Wright 3 Cr Jeff Johnson 4 Cr Eoin Johston 5 Cr Keith Williams
       6 Cr Nathan WIllis 7 Cr Sharon Parry 8 Cr Stephen McCarthy 9 Cr Sharon Cadwallader 10 Cr Phillip Meehan

           The Ballina Shire Local Government Area is divided into three Wards, represented by ten elected
           Councillors, being three from each Ward plus a popularly elected Mayor. The elected Council is
           responsible for the direction and control of Council's affairs in accordance with the NSW Local
           Government Act and associated legislation.

           Councillors represent the interests of our residents and ratepayers. They serve the community by
           listening to people and then representing those views on Council. They work together to make
           decisions about what the Council will do to meet community needs and how money should be spent
           in the best interests of the community as a whole. They provide leadership and guidance to the
           community; and facilitate communication between the community while maintaining the broader
           vision, needs and aspirations of the whole Ballina Shire community. Councillors do not get involved in
           the day to day running of the Council. This is the role of the General Manager.

           Some of the many things a councillor does are:
           •   Take part in Council and committee meetings
           •   Read Council business papers and prepare for meetings
           •   Review a Council’s progress on the Delivery Program and Operational Plan and budget on a
               regular basis to check if progress is on track
           •   Speak to members of the community about their needs and concerns
           •   Take part in civic events

           •   Keep an eye out for problems with Council assets that may need to be reported or inspected.
Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
planning and
Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
our community aspirations
Our community aspirations have been grouped under four themes, referred to as Directions. The
Directions apply the Quadruple Bottom Line (social, economic, environment and governance) to
provide a holistic approach to achieving our vision. The Directions and Outcomes identified in
our Community Strategic Plan are as follows, with every Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Strategy and Action then linked to these Directions and Outcomes.

CONNECTED COMMUNITY                                      PROSPEROUS ECONOMY
People told us they want to                              During our community
feel connected to a community                            engagement people told us they
which is respectful, inclusive                           want a vibrant and diverse local
and tolerant of all ages and                             economy that provides a range
cultures. We want to feel safe                           of jobs and opportunities for
and supported. We want to live in an area that is        people of all ages. Importantly, we want to ensure
relaxed, where we know our neighbours, where             there are job opportunities for our young people
people are happy and friendly and where the needs        so they do not have to leave the area to find work.
of all residents, from the young to the old, and those   We want to attract innovative and progressive
with disabilities are treated equally and fairly. The    businesses that will ensure our villages and towns
outcomes we are after are:                               continue to thrive and prosper. The outcomes we are
CC1 We feel safe                                         after are:
CC2 We feel connected to the community                   PE1 We attract new business and visitors
CC3 There are services and facilities that suit our      PE2 My business can grow and diversify
      needs                                              PE3 Improved liveability in the Ballina Shire

HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT                                      ENGAGED LEADERSHIP
The health and preservation of                           During our community
our natural environment was                              engagement people told us
a strong recurring theme from                            they want to have confidence
our community engagement.                                and trust in their elected
We want to continue to find a                            representatives and want a
balance between development and the environment          genuine partnership with Council where their
to ensure we preserve what people love so much           voices are heard and their opinions respected. Our
about living in the Ballina Shire. We want to restore    community wants resources to be used efficiently
and repair our waterways and areas that have been        and responsibly. People want Council to act locally
degraded to maintain aquatic and bird life. We           but to also work effectively and collaboratively
understand the importance of peace, serenity and         with other levels of government, private sector
harmony with nature. We want our built environment       organisations and community groups to drive
to meet our needs but not at the expense of our          economic and social prosperity. The outcomes we
natural environment or the people who live and work      are after are:
here. The outcomes we are after are:                     EL1 Our Council works with the community
HE1 We understand the environment                        EL2 Council’s finances and assets are well

HE2 We use our resources wisely                                managed
HE3 Our built environment blends with the natural        EL3 We are all valued citizens
Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

delivery program and
operational plan
The NSW Office of Local Government has                                                                             CO
adopted the Integrated Planning and Reporting                                                                                   M
                                                                                   SS                                               U
Framework, which requires all councils to prepare                              E                                                        N
                                                                                                       ity Strategic

a Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program


                                                                                              m                        Pl
and Operational Plan. The Community Strategic                                             m                                 a

Plan is a visionary long term document (at least

ten years) that provides the broader strategic

direction for a council and outlines the key
outcomes that the council, other agencies and                                                     COUNCIL

                                                                          Opera u a l
                                                                          & Ann

the community will be aiming to achieve.

                                                                               tio R



Our Community…Our Future is Ballina Shire                                                                                   i
                                                                                        e p Pla


Council’s Community Strategic Plan. This Plan                                               or n                   D


is based on extensive public feedback and the                             E


                                                                              R                                                         E
document is structured around four broad themes,                                  N                                                 V
                                                                                          EN                                GO
referred to as Directions, with each Direction                                                    T
having three key Outcomes that are needed to
achieve that Direction. A copy of the Community
Strategic Plan is available on our website ballina.
                                                            Our Annual Report then provides a summary of
                                                            the year in review. The Annual Report must be
The Delivery Program and Operational Plan
                                                            completed within five months of the end of the
support the Community Strategic Plan. The
                                                            each financial year.
Program and Plan identify Strategies and Actions
we are implementing to respond to the Directions
                                                            The Delivery Program and Operational Plan are
and Outcomes identified in the Community
                                                            also reviewed annually to ensure that all the
Strategic Plan.
                                                            identified Strategies and Actions are meeting
                                                            the Directions and Outcomes outlined in our
The implementation of the Delivery Program and
                                                            Community Strategic Plan. If there are instances
Operational Plan is monitored by performance
                                                            where that is not the case the annual review
indicators and measurements to ensure actions are
                                                            provides an opportunity for Council to review its
completed on time and within allocated budgets.
                                                            projects and service levels.
To ensure transparency and good governance
quarterly reports on the progress of implementing
the Program and Plan are reported to the elected
Council. These reports are submitted to the first
Council meeting after the end of each quarter.

Delivery program and operational plan 2018 - 2022 - Ballina Shire Council
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

     an integrated framework
     As described on the previous page our plans, engagement, reporting and monitoring is
     is integrated as illustrated below.

consideration of state and
regional plans
Local Government is legislated by State Governments and it is important that our
plans align with the State Government’s priorities. To achieve this we have linked the
Strategies and Actions in our Delivery Program and Operational Plan to the priorities
identified in the NSW State Government’s program, which outlines the priorities for the
State Government. A summary of those priorities is as follows.

      Strong budget                Building                  Protecting the                 Better                       Safer
      and economy               infrastructure                 vulnerable                  Services                   Communities

Strong budget               Building                    Protecting                   Better                      Safer
and economy
          Strong            infrastructure
                                     Building           the vulnerable
                                                              Protecting             Services
                                                                                        Better                   communities
SP1             budget and
                        SP2      infrastructure
                                             SP3 the                                 SP4Services                 communities
1.1   Making iteconomy2.1 Improving
                                 (SP2)               vulnerable
                                             3.1 Transitioning                      4.1 (SP4)
                                                                                         Improving                (SP5)
                                                                                                                 5.1   Reducing
      easier to (SP1)
                start a    road travel               (SP3)
                                                 to the National                        Aboriginal                    violent crime
    business1.1 Making it easier reliability
                                        2.1 Improving road Disability
                                                               3.1 Transitioning        4.1
                                                                                            Improving             5.1 Reducing
                                                                                                                 5.2   Reducing
              to start a business       travel reliability     to the
                                                            Insurance National          Aboriginal
                                                                                        outcomes    education     violent crime
1.2 Encouraging              2.2 Increasing                                                                           adult re-
    business1.2 Encouraging housing                            Disability
                                                            Scheme        Insurance     outcomes                  5.2 offending
                                        2.2 Increasing                              4.2 Better
    investment                                                 Scheme
                                 supply.housing supply. 3.2 Creating                                              adult re-offending
              business investment                                                       4.2 Better
                                                                                        government               5.3 Reducing
1.3 Boosting1.3 Boosting                                       3.2 Creating
                                                            sustainable                 government
                                                                                        digital       digital     5.3 road
                                                                                                                       Reducing    road
    apprenticeships                                            sustainable
                                                            social           social     services
                                                                                        services                  fatalities.
1.4 Accelerating
              1.4 Accelerating                                                      4.3 4.3 Cutting wait
    major project                                                                       times
                                                                                        wait   for planned
              major project
    assessment                                                                          surgeries
                                                                                        for planned
1.5 Protecting                                                                          surgeries
                                                                                        4.4 Increasing
                   Protecting our
    credit rating                                                                       cultural participation
                                                                                    4.4 Increasing
              credit rating
1.6 Delivering                                                                          cultural
                                                                                        4.5 Ensure on-time
              1.6 Delivering
    strong budgets.                                                                     participation
                                                                                        running  for public
              strong budgets.
                                                                                    4.5 Ensure on-
                                                                                         time running
                                                                                         for public

In preparing our Delivery Program and Operational Plan consideration has also been given to

other Federal or State Plans including the Northern Rivers Regional Plan 2011: Vision to 2020
(Federal Government), Far North Coast Regional Strategy (State Government) , Northern Rivers
Catchment Action Plan 2013-2023 (Federal Government), and Council’s own studies and plans.

For a full list of relevant documents refer to our Community Strategic Plan.
funding our future
proposed special rate
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

funding our future
proposed special rate variation
In 2015 Ballina Shire was declared as a Fit for the Future Council by the NSW State Government.
This was based on a submission provided to the Office of Local Government (OLG) and the
Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) which outlined a number of actions Council
would undertake to improve our financial sustainability.

Included in our submission was a    The outcome of that application           When Council consulted with the
proposal to permanently increase    was determined by IPART in                community the total increase for
our total general rate income by    May 2017. IPART approved a                2018/19 was 9.3% based on an
way of an application to IPART      temporary increase of 4.9% for            estimated rate peg limit of 2.5%
for a Special Rate Variation        2017/18 only. The application             for 2018/19, however with IPART
(SRV). The purpose of the           for subsequent years was not              recently confirming a 2.3% rate
proposed SRV is to increase our     endorsed as IPART wanted                  peg limit for 2018/19, the total
general rate income above the       our Delivery Program and                  figure has been reduced to 9.1%.
standard rate peg limit, which      Operational Plan (this document)          The 5.9% in 2019/20 represents
will then allow us to increase      to more clearly outline the SRV           an estimated 2.5% rate peg limit
the level of funding we provide     proposal.                                 and a 3.4% additional increase
for key infrastructure renewal in                                             for 2019/20.
                                    To ensure consistency with our
areas such as roads, stormwater,
                                    Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP)           In total this will be a cumulative
playgrounds, sporting fields and
                                    and to meet our Fit for the Future        increase of 15.54% for 2018/19
community buildings, as well
                                    benchmarks, Council has again             and 2019/20, however 3.4%
as implementing a new healthy
                                    applied to IPART, for a SRV,              was actually levied by Council
waterways program.
                                    for the financial years 2018/19           in 2017/18, although that is a
IPART annually set a rate peg,      and 2019/20. This means that              temporary approval only.
which limits the amount by which    Council applied for the following
                                                                              These increases will be
councils can increase their total   increases to the general rate
                                                                              built into the rate base and
rate revenue from year to year.     income.
                                                                              be permanently retained, if
In February 2017, Council made
                                    •   9.1% in 2018/19 (includes             approved by IPART.
an application to IPART for the
                                        actual rate peg limit of 2.3%
following increases above the                                                 The additional income generated
                                        plus additional 6.8%)
rate peg:                                                                     from these special rate variations
                                    •   5.9% in 2019/20 (includes             will used to fund asset renewal
•   4.9% in 2017/18 (included
                                        estimated rate peg limit of           and a healthy waterways
    actual rate peg limit of 1.5%
                                        2.5% plus additional 3.4%).           program.
    plus additional 3.4%)
                                    The 9.1% in 2018/19 represents            For further information and a
•   5.9% in 2018/19 (included
                                    the IPART confirmed rate peg              summary of the annual and
    estimated rate peg limit of
                                    limit of 2.3% for 2018/19, plus           cumulative increases of this
    2.5% plus additional 3.4%)
                                    an additional 3.4% increase for           proposal, refer to the Revenue
•   5.9% in 2019/20 (included       2018/19, along with retaining the         Policy on page 54.
    estimated rate peg limit of     additional 3.4% increase already
    2.5% plus additional 3.4%).     approved by IPART, for one year
                                    only, for 2017/18.
proposed special rate variation
impact on ratepayers
There are a number of ways we can look at the financial impact on ratepayers and the following tables help
to explain this proposal.

Table One is based on the standard rate peg increase without any special variations.

                                    Table One - Rate Peg Only Comparison

ITEM                                  2017/18 LEVY    2018/19 ACTUAL        2019/20          CUMULATIVE
                                       LESS 3.4%                           FORECAST            CHANGE
Rate Peg Percentage Increase              1.5%             2.3%               2.5%              4.86%

Average Residential Rate Levy ($)         953               974               998                 45

Average Business Rate Levy ($)            3,191            3,276             3,358               167

Average Farmland Rate Levy ($)            1,465            1,496             1,533                68

Two key items of information in this table are:

(1) The 1.5% and the 2.3% rate peg percentage increases for 2017/18 and 2018/19 are the actual rate peg
    figures determined by IPART for those financial years. The 2.5% applied for 2019/20 is an estimated rate
    peg increase based on verbal advice provided by IPART.

(2) For 2017/18 we have had to reduce the average rate figures actually levied by Council as the additional
    3.4% increase IPART approved for 2017/18 is a temporary approval only. This means that the actual
    rates levied by Council were higher than these figures. This also means that any increases approved for
    2018/19 onwards are applied to the 2017/18 figures without the 3.4% included.

Table Two provides details of the proposed SRV as compared to the 2017/18 figures in Table One.

                 Table Two - Proposed SRV (for 2018/19 and 2019/20) compared to 2017/18

ITEM                                  2017/18 LEVY   2018/19 SRV LEVY 2019/20 SRV LEVY       CUMULATIVE
                                       LESS 3.4%                                               CHANGE
Rate Peg Percentage Increase             1.5%             9.1%               5.9%              15.54%

Average Residential Rate Levy ($)         953             1,039              1,100               147

Average Business Rate Levy ($)           3,191            3,494              3,700               509

Average Farmland Rate Levy ($)           1,465            1,595              1,689               224

Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

proposed special rate variation
impact on ratepayers cont’
Table Three then highlights that Council did levy the 3.4%, approved as a temporary increase for 2017/18,
therefore a comparison of the increase in the actual average rates levied for 2017/18, and proposed to be
for 2018/19 and 2019/20 is as follows .

            Table Three - Proposed SRV (for 2018/19 and 2019/20) compared to 2017/18 Levy

ITEM                                2017/18 ACTUAL     2018/19 9.1% SRV     2019/20 5.9% SRV        CUMULATIVE
                                         LEVY                                                         CHANGE
Average Residential Rate Levy ($)        985                 1,039                 1,100                 115

Average Business Rate Levy ($)          3,298                3,494                 3,700                 402

Average Farmland Rate Levy ($)          1,514                1,595                 1,689                 175

our people
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

our executive team
+ organisational structure
                              General Manager
                                Paul Hickey

 General Manager’s


 Information Services

  Financial Services

 Human Resources and
  Risk Management

 Commercial Services

  Group Manager                Group Manager                              Group Manager
   Steve Barnier                John Truman                               Matthew Wood

    Strategic and                Civil Services                          Development and
 Community Facilities                Group                             Environmental Health
        Group                                                                 Group

   Strategic Planning          Resource Recovery                        Development Services

  Community Facilities    Open Spaces and Reserves
                                                                           Building Services
                               Engineering Works                               Public and
                               Support Operations                        Environmental Health

                             Water and Wastewater

                             Infrastructure Planning
Ballina Shire Council - Delivery Program / Operational Plan 2018 - 2022

     our people
     The elected Council approves the allocation of staff resources to support the implementation of
     the Delivery Program and Operational Plan. The following table provides the staffing resources
     available for recent years and predicted figures for future years. The numbers are based on
     equivalent full-time employment (EFTs) and include permanent full-time and part-time staff. The
     total estimated salaries and wages, including associated overheads such as superannuation,
     workers compensation and leave entitlements, for 2018/19 is approximately $22 million.

    SECTION / FINANCIAL YEAR                     2 0 0 8 / 0 9 2 0 1 0 / 1 1 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 2 0 1 6 / 1 7 2 0 1 7 / 1 8 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 2020/21
    Communications / Customer Service                     3            3             3            3             5           11           11            11

    Financial Services                                   19           20           21            15           15            12           12            12

    Information Services                                  5            5             6            9           14            15           16            16

    Human Resources and Risk                              6            6             8            7             8            8             8            8

    Ballina – Byron Gateway Airport                       5            5             6            6             6            7             7            7

    Commercial Services – Property                        5            6             4            2             2            3             3            3

    SUB TOTAL                                           43            45           48            42           50            56           57           57
    Strategic Planning                                    8            8             8            8             8            8             8            8

    Community Facilities                                  6            7             8           15           11            10           14            14

    SUB TOTAL                                           14            15           16            23           19            18           22           22
    Development Services                                 14           15           15            12           13            14           14            14

    Building Services                                     9            9             9           10           10            10           10            10

    Environmental and Public Health                      12           11           12            12           16            16           16            16

    SUB TOTAL                                           35            35           36            34           39            40           40           40
    Infrastructure Planning                              12           13           13            13           13            14           14            14

    Engineering Works                                    49           50           54            60           65            69           70            70

    Open Spaces and Reserves                             31           32           33            35           34            36           37            37

    Water and Wastewater                                 29           30           35            34           39            45           45            45

    Waste Management                                     21           21           19            18           14            16           16            16

    Operations Support                                   36           35           34            37           36            35           37            37

    SUB TOTAL                                          178          181           188          197          201           215          219           219
    TOTAL                                              270          276           288          296          309           329          338           338
    PERCENTAGE CHANGE (%)                                          2.2%          4.3%         2.8%          4.4%         6.5%         2.7%          0.0%

     These figures exclude trainees and apprentices and represent permanent positions only. As at the time of

     preparing this information for 2018/19 Council has 24 trainees and apprentices. The positions vary from
     school based part-time to full time positions).

     Refer to our Workforce Plan for more information on Council’s workforce planning for the next four years.
heading in the
right direction
heading in the right
Council has developed the Delivery Program and Operational Plan to achieve the Directions and
Outcomes identified in our Community Strategic Plan.

1.   Connected Community
2.   Prosperous Economy
3.   Healthy Environment
4.   Engaged Leadership

This section provides details of the major Delivery Program Strategies, including the Operational
Plan Actions, scheduled for the next four years.

Our success in achieving the Actions identified for 2018/19 will be reported to Council on a
quarterly basis - in October, January, April and July.

The section responsible for delivering these Actions is also identified.

direction one : connected community (CC)
DELIVERY               THE BENEFITS        OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                      MEASURES/TARGETS                   18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22     RESPONSIBILITY          LINK TO
PROGRAM                WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                       STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                                PLAN
                                           CC1.1.a   Implement Road Safety Plan to maximise               Programs delivered and              X       X       X       X      Infrastructure Planning    SP5
CC1.1                                                road safety awareness                                     effectiveness
Actively promote       Lower crime rates
safety and                                 CC1.1b    Implement NSW State Government Pool                    Level of compliance               X       X       X              Development Services       SP5
wellbeing strategies   Increased                     Barrier Inspection Program
                       compliance          CC1.1c    Work with the NSW Cancer Council to                   Initiatives undertaken             X       X       X                Communications           SP5
                       through proactive             promote initiatives that aim to reduce the
                       programs                      incidence and impacts of cancer
                                           CC1.1d    Provide timely responses to barking dog         100% of barking dog complaints           X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     complaints                                      responded to within seven days                                              Public Health
                                           CC1.1e    Provide rapid responses to reported dog             100% of reported attacks             X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     attacks                                           responded to within 48 hours                                              Public Health
                                           CC1.2a    Implement proactive infrastructure asset       Level of contemporary information         X       X       X       X      Infrastructure Planning    SP2
CC1.2                                                inspection and condition assessment               and inspections undertaken
Ensure relevant        Higher levels of              programs
public health and      compliance
safety standards                           CC1.2b    Minimise the number of unplanned water          Number of interruptions (Target =        X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater       SP2
are being met          Improved public               supply interruptions greater than four hours                  Nil)
                       health                        in duration (#)
                                           CC1.2c    Ensure fire hydrants are functional             Fire hydrants inspected (Target >        X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater       SP5
                       Increased public                                                                         50% p.a.)
                                           CC1.2d    Minimise notifiable Drinking Water Health       Notifiable incidents (Target = Nil)      X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater       SP5
                       Proactive risk                Incidents at Marom Creek Water Treatment
                       management                    Plant
                                           CC1.2e    Maximise Drinking Water Reticulation                   Level of compliance               X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater       SP5
                                                     Monitoring Compliance (Microbial)                      (100% with ADWG)
                                           CC1.2f    Maximise Drinking Water Reticulation                   Level of compliance               X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater       SP5
                                                     Monitoring Compliance (Chemical and                    (100% with ADWG)
                                           CC1.2g    Implement Development Compliance Work             Level of compliance with plan          X       X       X       X      Development Services       SP2
                                           CC1.2h    Ensure there is a high level of fire safety    Fire safety certificates provided in a    X       X       X       X      Development Services       SP5
                                                     certificate compliance provided to Council                 timely manner
                                                     and NSW Fire and Rescue                                 (Target > 90% p.a.)
                                           CC1.2i    Ensure all drinking water sites are              Drinking water sites monitored          X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     monitored weekly                                    (Target 100% per week)                                                  Public Health
                                           CC1.2j    Ensure compliance with the National Health           Non-compliance issues               X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     and Medical Research Council drinking                     (Target = nil)                                                    Public Health
                                                     water standards
                                           CC1.2k    Ensure all food premises are regularly           Food premises audited (Target           X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     inspected                                                100% p.a.)                                                         Public Health
                                           CC1.2l    Audit all commercial premises as required               Premises audited                 X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     under the inspection program                   (Target High risk premises audited                                           Public Health
                                                                                                        twice p.a. >20 inspections.)
                                           CC1.2m    Ensure public pools are regularly monitored          Public pools monitored              X       X       X       X        Environmental and        SP5
                                                     and inspected for water quality                 (Target all public pools and 1/3 of                                         Public Health
                                                                                                       semi-public pool audited p.a.)
DELIVERY                THE BENEFITS          OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                              MEASURES/TARGETS            18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22    RESPONSIBILITY        LINK TO
PROGRAM                 WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                       STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                 PLAN
                                              CC1.3a   Ensure Local Emergency Management              Activities undertaken       X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP5
CC1.3                                                  Committee meets regularly and maintains
Ensure adequate         The community is               contemporary disaster management plans
plans are in place      well prepared
for natural disasters                         CC1.3b   Meet planning action requirements               Review completed                   X                       Support Operations     SP5
and environmental                                      from District Emergency Management
changes                                                Committee
                                              CC1.3c   Maintain contemporary Emergency                 Review completed                           X               Support Operations     SP5
                                                       Management Plan (EMPlan)
                                              CC1.3d   Pursue the expansion / replacement of SES     Strategies endorsed and      X       X                       Support Operations     SP5
                                                       premises and Lennox Head Rural Fire Shed            implemented
                                              CC1.3e   Ensure Business Continuity Plans (BCPs)          BCP’s monitored           X       X       X       X      Human Resources and     SP5
                                                       remain contemporary                                                                                         Risk Management
                                              CC2.1a   Support our Shire’s volunteers               Actions taken to recognise    X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
CC2.1                   There are                      Support Council initiated volunteer                  volunteers
Encourage               more people                    programs (Airport, Gallery etc)              Program effectiveness and
community               volunteering in our                                                           volunteer satisfaction
interaction,            community
volunteering and                              CC2.1b   Implement Companion Animals                    Actions implemented         X       X       X       X       Environmental and      SP4
wellbeing               Improved sense of              Management Plan                                                                                              Public Health
                                              CC2.2a   Implement Cultural Plan                        Actions implemented         X       X       X       X       Strategic Planning     SP4
Create events           Increase in events,   CC2.2b   Implement Public Art Program                       Actions taken           X       X       X       X       Strategic Planning     SP4
and activities that     community             CC2.2c   Promote the Northern Rivers Community         Initiatives implemented      X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
promote interaction     participation and              Gallery and Ignite Studio
and education, as       a sense of place
well as a sense of                            CC2.2d   Implement Community Gallery Services at                                    X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
place                                                  the Fire Station site                              Actions taken
                                              CC2.2e   Deliver a well patronised Northern Rivers          Visits to Gallery       X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                       Community Gallery                              (Target > 21,000 p.a.)
                                                                                                     Visits to Gallery website
                                                                                                      (Target > 14,000 p.a.)
                                              CC2.2f   Expand number of Council approved                 Event numbers            X       X       X       X        Open Spaces and       SP4
                                                       events                                           (Target > 25 p.a.)                                            Reserves
                                              CC2.3a   Support Access Committee                       Actions implemented         X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP3
Assist                  Disadvantaged
disadvantaged           groups are            CC2.3b   Implement Disability Employment Program        Actions implemented         X       X       X       X      Human Resources and     SP3
groups within our       supported                                                                                                                                  Risk Management
                                              CC2.3c   Implement Equal Employment Opportunity       Actions implemented and       X       X       X       X      Human Resources and     SP3
                                                       Management Plan                                     outcomes                                                Risk Management

                                              CC2.3d   Implement Disability Inclusion Action Plan   Plan adopted and actions      X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP3

                                              CC2.3e   Support Aboriginal employment                Number and percentage of      X       X       X       X      Human Resources and     SP3
                                                                                                      Aboriginal employees                                         Risk Management

                                              CC2.3f   Undertake initiatives to improve                   Actions taken           X       X       X       X       Strategic Planning     SP3
                                                       engagement with the Aboriginal
direction one : connected community (CC)
DELIVERY                THE BENEFITS          OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                      MEASURES/TARGETS              18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22    RESPONSIBILITY        LINK TO
PROGRAM                 WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                 STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                           PLAN
                                              CC3.1a   Implement Ageing Strategy                              Actions implemented           X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP3
CC3.1                   Older residents are
Provide strategies      more engaged and
for older residents     active
to be part of our
                                              CC3.2a   Enhance sporting field facilities                      Actions implemented           X       X       X       X       Open Spaces and        SP4
CC3.2                                                                                                                                                                          Reserves
Provide young           Expanded range of
people with a range     youth facilities      CC3.2b   Implement Playground Upgrade and                       Actions implemented           X       X       X       X       Open Spaces and        SP4
of leisure activities                                  Renewal Plan (PURP)                                                                                                     Reserves

                                              CC3.3a   Ensure library services reflect                             Membership               X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
CC3.3                                                  contemporary needs                                     (Target > 20,000 p.a.)
Support improved        Increased
health outcomes         satisfaction and                                                                              Loans
by providing            participation rates                                                                  (Target > 380,000 p.a.)
equitable access to
community facilities    A healthier                                                                                 PC usage
                        community                                                                             (Target > 24,000 p.a.)

                                                                                                                 Wireless usage
                                                                                                              (Target > 28,000 p.a.)
                                              CC3.3b   Expand the services and improve the                      Kentwell Centre             X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                       financial viability of our community facilities        (Target > 1,000 p.a.)
                                                       through increased bookings
                                                                                                              Lennox Head Centre
                                                                                                              (Target > 2,500 p.a.)

                                                                                                                Ballina Surf Club
                                                                                                               (Target > 380 p.a.)

                                                                                                                Richmond Room
                                                                                                               (Target > 380 p.a.)
                                              CC3.3c   Promote the lease and use of community            90% of properties are leased or    X       X       X       X       Strategic Planning     SP4
                                                       properties                                                regularly used
                                              CC3.3d   Ensure public pool facilities are well               Swimming pool patrons           X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                       patronized                                            (Target >200,000 p.a.)
                                              CC3.3e   Deliver indoor Sports Centre                            Actions completed            X                              Community Facilities    SP2

                                              CC3.3f   Implement Captain Cook Master Plan                      Actions completed                                    X       Open Spaces and        SP2
                                              CC3.3g   Implement Pedestrian Access and Mobility                Works completed              X       X       X       X       Engineering Works      SP2
                                                       Plan (PAMP)
                                              CC3.3h   Implement Pop Denison Master Plan                       Actions completed                                    X       Open Spaces and        SP2
direction two : prosperous economy (PE)
DELIVERY               THE BENEFITS           OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                  MEASURES/TARGETS                   18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22   RESPONSIBILITY         LINK TO
PROGRAM                WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                   STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                            PLAN
                                              PE1.1a   Implement regional visitor services strategy        Actions implemented               X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP1
Promote our area as    Enhanced               PE1.1b   Participate in and leverage opportunities to     Promotions conducted and             X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP1
an attractive place    experiences for                 market the Ballina Coast and Hinterland                effectiveness
to visit               residents and
                       visitors               PE1.1c   Implement Destination Management Plan               Actions implemented               X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP1
                                              PE1.1d   Provide accessible and efficient visitor                                              X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                       information services
                       Increased visitor                                                                  Visitor Centre Enquiries
                       numbers                                                                             (Target > 48,000 p.a.)
                                                                                                           Tourism website visits
                                                                                                           (Target > 55,000 p.a.)
                                                                                                      Proportion of satisfied visitors to
                                                                                                                Visitor Centre
                                                                                                               (Target > 95%)

                                              PE1.1e   Improve Promotional and Interpretative              Actions implemented               X       X       X       X       Communications         SP4
                                              PE1.1f   Participate in the Roads and Maritime                 Works completed                                                 Communications         SP1
                                                       Services Location Marker Program for Ballina
                                              PE1.1g   Implement Regional Boating Strategy                   Works completed                 X                               Engineering Works      SP2
                                              PE1.2a   Progress Lennox Head Town Centre Village        Preferred design and funding          X               X       X       Strategic Planning     SP2
                                                       Renewal for completion by December 2021                  confirmed
                                              PE1.2b   Implement Ballina Town Centre enhancement        Infrastructure improvements          X                               Engineering Works      SP2
Provide                Our economy                     program
opportunities for      expands over time
new business                                  PE1.2c   Proactively manage our commercial                  Minimise vacancy rates             X       X       X       X      Commercial Services     SP1
                                                       properties                                             (Target < 10%)

                                              PE1.3a   Implement Ballina Town Entry Statement                Works completed                                                 Open Spaces and        SP2
                                                       Program                                                                                                                  Reserves
PE1.3                                                                                                                                                                X
Enhance the image      Increased resilience   PE1.3b   Promote Ballina Marina (Trawler Harbour)            Promotion undertaken              X       X                       Strategic Planning     SP1

of the local economy   for our economy                 Master Plan
direction two : prosperous economy (PE)
DELIVERY               THE BENEFITS        OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                    MEASURES/TARGETS                   18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22    RESPONSIBILITY        LINK TO
PROGRAM                WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                  STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                           PLAN
                                                                                                                                            X       X       X       X      Development Services    SP2
PE2.1                                      PE2.1a   Efficiently process and assess development     % of applications determined within
                                                    applications and other planning requests                     40 days
Provide an             Easier to do                                                                          (Target > 50%)
efficient and cost     business
effective regulatory                                                                                   % of Section 96 applications
environment for                                                                                         determined within 40 days
doing business         Enhanced business                                                                     (Target > 60%)
                       relationships                                                               % of Section 149 certificates issued
                                                                                                            within four days
                                                                                                             (Target > 90%)
                                                                                                     Time to determine development
                                                                                                        (median time < 60 days)
                                                                                                      Time to determine Section 96
                                                                                                   applications (median time < 40 days)
                                                                                                        (targets exclude integrated
                                           PE2.1b   Efficiently process and building and           Complying development certificates       X       X       X       X        Building Services     SP2
                                                    construction applications                        issued within 10 working days
                                                                                                            (Target > 90%)
                                                                                                   % of construction certificates issued
                                                                                                                by Council
                                                                                                        (Target > 80% of market)
                                                                                                        % of building applications
                                                                                                        determined within 40 days
                                                                                                             (Target > 80%)
                                                                                                    Median days for determination of
                                                                                                    building development applications
                                                                                                             (Target < 40 days)
                                                                                                   % of building certificates determined
                                                                                                              within 10 days
                                                                                                              (Target > 90%)
                                           PE2.1c   Prepare information to assist small business     Information package published          X                               Strategic Planning     SP1
                                                    engage with Council
                                           PE2.1d   Implement economic development strategy          Strategy completed and actions         X       X       X       X       Strategic Planning     SP1
                                           PE2.1e   Review Commercial Use of Footpaths Policy               Review completed                                        X       Strategic Planning     SP1
                                           PE2.1f   Support Small Business Friendly Council                  Initiatives taken              X       X       X       X        Communications        SP1
direction two : prosperous economy (PE)
DELIVERY              THE BENEFITS          OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                       MEASURES/TARGETS                18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22    RESPONSIBILITY           LINK TO
PROGRAM               WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                       STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                               PLAN
                                            PE2.2a   Implement Ballina – Byron Gateway Airport               Initiatives implemented         X       X       X       X      Commercial Services        SP1
                                            PE2.2b   Ensure the on-going profitability of the Ballina           Operating revenue            X       X       X       X      Commercial Services        SP1
Enhance               Increased business             – Byron Gateway Airport                                  (Target > $6.1 million)
connectivity to       opportunities
capital cities                                                                                                 Operating surplus
                                                                                                           (Target > 28% of revenue)
                                                                                                             (Target > 526,000 p.a.)
                                            PE2.3a   Advance removal of overburden at Tuckombil         Actions implemented and viability    X       X       X       X       Support Operations        SP1
                                                     Quarry and future of Airport sand pit
                                            PE2.3b   Pursue sand dredging of North Creek to                   Actions implemented            X                              Infrastructure Planning    SP1
Operate Council       Council contributes            provide a valuable resource and economic /
business activities   and understands                tourism benefits
that support          the local economy
economic                                    PE2.3c   Ensure on-going profitability of the Flat Rock             Operating revenue            X       X       X       X      Commercial Services        SP1
development                                          Tent Park                                                 (Target > $420,000)
                                                                                                                Operating surplus
                                                                                                            (Target > 40% of revenue

direction two : prosperous economy (PE)
DELIVERY                 THE BENEFITS         OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                       MEASURES/TARGETS                   18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22    RESPONSIBILITY           LINK TO
PROGRAM                  WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                         STATE
STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                                    PLAN
                                              PE3.1a   Progress availability of land at the Russellton   Lots available for sale, actual sales    X       X       X       X      Commercial Services        SP1
                                                       Industrial Estate                                            and net profit
                                              PE3.1b   Progress construction of Airport Boulevard          Works completed and actions            X       X                      Commercial Services        SP1
Facilitate               Increased business            and associated developments                                 undertaken
commercially viable      activity and local
industrial precincts     employment           PE3.1c   Progress availability of land at the Southern     Lots available for sale, actual sales    X       X       X       X      Commercial Services        SP1
                                                       Cross Industrial Estate                                      and net profit
                                              PE3.2a   Monitor the residential lots (single and multi-   Comparison to long term average          X       X       X       X        Strategic Planning       SP2
                                                       units) approved                                       (Target > 141 lots p.a.)
                                              PE3.2b   Monitor the residential lots (single and multi-   Comparison to long term average          X       X       X       X        Strategic Planning       SP2
Facilitate residential   Readily available             units) created                                        (Target > 164 lots p.a.)
land                     land and housing
                         stock                PE3.2c   Monitor the residential dwellings (houses and     Comparison to long term average          X       X       X       X        Strategic Planning       SP2
                                                       units) approved                                     (Target > 191 dwellings p.a.)
                                              PE3.2d   Monitor the residential dwellings (houses and     Comparison to long term average          X       X       X       X        Strategic Planning       SP2
                         More affordable               units) commenced                                    (Target > 167 dwellings p.a.)
                                              PE3.2e   Prepare shire residential land and housing                 Report published                X       X       X       X        Strategic Planning       SP2
                                              PE3.2f   Release land at Council’s Wollongbar              Lots available for sale, actual sales    X       X                      Commercial Services        SP2
                                                       Residential Land Holding                                     and net profit
                                              PE3.2g   Monitor infrastructure to support the              Actions taken and infrastructure        X       X       X       X      Infrastructure Planning    SP1
                                                       identified growth areas at Lennox Head,                       delivered
                                                       Skennars Head, Wollongbar and Cumbalum

                                              Pe3.3a   Progress delivery of Hutley Drive north and       Approvals and designs in place and       X       X       X       X      Infrastructure Planning    SP1
                                                       south project                                             works undertaken
                                              Pe3.3b   Progress Dual Laning of River Street and          Approvals and designs in place and       X       X       X       X      Infrastructure Planning    SP1
Deliver infrastructure An attractive place             Tamarind Drive                                            works undertaken
that supports          to live
residential living

direction three : healthy environment (HE)
DELIVERY PROGRAM       THE BENEFITS           OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                    MEASURES/TARGETS                18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22      RESPONSIBILITY          LINK TO
STRATEGY               WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                      STATE
                                              HE1.1a   Implement Ballina Coastline Management           Plan completed and actions          X       X       X       X         Engineering Works        SP5
                                                       Plan and ensure Plan remains contemporary               implemented
Our planning           Reduced risk from      HE1.1b   Implement Floodplain Management Plans and        Plan completed and actions          X       X       X       X         Engineering Works        SP5
considers past and     natural disasters or            ensure Plans remain contemporary                        implemented
predicted changes      changes in climate     HE1.1c   Review the Environmental Action Plan                   Review complete               X                                 Strategic Planning       SP5
to the environment
                                              HE1.2a   Implement Richmond River Estuary Coastal        Actions implemented including        X       X       X       X      Environmental and Public    SP2
HE1.2                                                  Management Plan                                           advocacy                                                          Health
Undertake and                                 HE1.2b   Implement Shaws Bay Coastal Management               Actions implemented             X       X       X       X      Environmental and Public    SP2
promote initiatives    Health of our                   Plan                                                                                                                        Health
that improve our       waterways is
waterways              improving              HE1.2c   Prepare and implement Lake Ainsworth            Review completed and actions         X       X       X       X      Environmental and Public    SP2
                                                       Coastal Management Plan                                 implemented                                                         Health
                                              HE1.2d   Implement Urban Stormwater Management                Actions implemented             X       X       X       X         Engineering Works        SP2
                                              HE1.3a   Implement a proactive street tree planting              Actions taken                X       X       X       X         Open Spaces and          SP2
HE1.3                                                  program                                                                                                                   Reserves
Beautify and protect   Increased flora and    HE1.3b   Maintain contemporary vegetation               Ensure plans reviewed in a timely     X       X       X       X         Open Spaces and          SP2
our streetscapes       vegetation cover                management plans                                           manner                                                         Reserves
and open spaces
                                              HE1.3c   Implement a proactive fig tree management            Initiatives undertaken          X       X       X       X         Open Spaces and          SP2
                                                       program                                                                                                                   Reserves
                                              HE2.1a   Improve collection and management of water           Actions implemented             X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP2
HE2.1                                                  and wastewater information
Implement total        Reduced water          HE2.1b   Increase the provision of recycled water to     Properties utilising service and     X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP2
water cycle            consumption per                 dual Reticulated Properties                             kilolitres used
management             capita
practices                                     HE2.1c   Minimise notifiable Recycled Water Health            Number of incidents             X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP5
                                                       Incidents at the Ballina and Lennox Head                (Target = Nil)
                       Maximise recycled               Wastewater Treatment Plants
                       water use
                                              HE2.1d   Maximise Recycled Water Reticulation                 Level of compliance             X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP5
                                                       Compliance in Ballina and Lennox Head            (Target = 100% with AGWR)
                                              HE2.1e   Maximise Recycled Water Reticulation                 Level of compliance             X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP5
                                                       Compliance in Ballina and Lennox Head            (Target = 100% with AGWR)
                                                       (Chemical and Physical)

                                              HE2.1f   Monitor average water consumption per           Continue to reduce or at least       X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP2
                                                       residential connection                         maintain water consumption per
                                              HE2.1g   Increase recycled water use during dry                Overall level of usage         X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP2
                                                       weather                                       (Target > 20% of dry weather flows)
direction three : healthy environment (HE)
DELIVERY PROGRAM   THE BENEFITS         OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                        MEASURES/TARGETS                18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22     RESPONSIBILITY       LINK TO
STRATEGY           WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                    STATE
                                        HE2.2a   Develop and implement revised waste                         Actions taken                X       X       X       X         Waste Services       SP4
HE2.2                                            strategy that reflects current legislations and
Use our scarce                                   waste management practices
resources wisely   Reduced costs and
                   extended life for    HE2.2b   Provide an effective and efficient waste            Achieve a trend of increasing the    X       X       X       X         Waste Services       SP4
                   existing resources            management operation                                diversion away from landfill over
                                                                                                   time compared to previous results.
                                        HE2.2c   Implement water loss reduction program                Actions implemented and            X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater    SP4
                                        HE2.2d   Reduce the volume of unaccounted water             To see a trend in the reduction of    X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater    SP4
                                                                                                   unaccounted water rather than the
                                        HE2.2e   Minimise Light Fleet greenhouse gas                Average CO2 emissions of Light        X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
                                                 emissions                                                       Fleet
                                                                                                          (Target < 220g/km)
                                        HE2.2f   Reduce water main breaks                                Minimise main breaks             X       X       X       X      Water and Wastewater    SP2
                                                                                                    (Target < one break per 30km of
                                        HE2.3a   Implement technologies to generate                          Actions taken                X       X       X       X        Communications        SP4
HE2.3                                            efficiencies and reduce resource use
Reduce resource
use through        Cost and resource    HE2.3b   Reduce CO2 emissions from our Built Assets             Reduce CO2 emissions              X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
innovation         use efficiencies                                                                     (Target < 9,800 tonnes)
                                        HE2.3c   Increase the generation of renewable energy                                              X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
                                                 generated on our sites                               Increase kilowatts generated
                                                                                                          (Target > 514 kW p.a.)

                                        HE2.3d   Reduce the energy consumption from our              Minimise kilowatts consumed          X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
                                                 assets                                                  (Target < 9,000 MWh)

direction three : healthy environment (HE)
DELIVERY PROGRAM    THE BENEFITS         OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                               MEASURES/TARGETS          18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22   RESPONSIBILITY        LINK TO
STRATEGY            WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                    STATE
                                         HE3.1a   Implement Ballina Major Regional Centre        Actions implemented        X       X       X       X      Strategic Planning     SP1
HE3.1                                             Strategy
Implement plans
that balance the    More people are      HE3.1b   Implement Wardell Strategic Plan               Actions implemented        X       X                      Strategic Planning     SP1
built environment   satisfied with our   HE3.1c   Implement Alstonville Strategic Plan           Actions implemented        X       X       X       X      Strategic Planning     SP2
with the natural    management of
environment         development          HE3.1d   Review planning framework for Wollongbar    Updated planning framework    X                              Strategic Planning     SP2
                    Reduced impacts
                    of development on    HE3.1e   Review Planning Framework for Lennox Head   Updated planning framework            X       X              Strategic Planning     SP2
                    the environment                                                                    adopted
                                         HE3.1f   Review planning framework for the           Updated planning framework                    X       X      Strategic Planning     SP2
                                                  Cumbalum release area                                adopted
                                         HE3.1g   Review environmental protection zone        Updated planning framework    X       X                      Strategic Planning     SP2
                                                  framework                                            adopted
                                         HE3.1h   Review Local Environmental Plan (LEP)            Review complete                  X                      Strategic Planning     SP2
                                         HE3.1i   Review Development Control Plan (DCP)            Review complete          X                              Strategic Planning     SP2
                                         HE3.1j   Review Local Growth Management Strategy          Review complete          X                              Strategic Planning     SP2
                                         HE3.1k   Manage LEP amendment requests               Amendments assessed and       X       X       X       X      Strategic Planning     SP2
                                         HE3.1l   Maintain contemporary Plans of Management       Review completed          X               X              Strategic Planning     SP4
                                                  for Community Land
                                         HE3.1m   Implement Crown Land Management Act            Reforms implemented        X       X       X              Strategic Planning     SP4
                                         HE3.1n   Implement management plan for Ocean            Actions implemented        X       X       X       X      Open Spaces and        SP2
                                                  Breeze Reserve                                                                                              Reserves
                                         HE3.1o   Implement management plan for Killen and       Actions implemented        X       X       X       X      Open Spaces and        SP2
                                                  Tosha Falls                                                                                                 Reserves
                                         HE3.1p   Prepare management plan for Kingsford       Management plan completed     X                               Strategic Planning    SP2
                                                  Smith Reserve
                                         HE3.1q   Prepare management plan for Cawarra Park    Management plan completed     X                              Strategic Planning     SP2
                                         HE3.1r   Review policy framework in relation to        Policy review complete      X                              Strategic Planning     SP2
                                                  extractive industry in the Ballina Shire

direction three : healthy environment (HE)
DELIVERY PROGRAM       THE BENEFITS          OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                      MEASURES/TARGETS                18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22      RESPONSIBILITY          LINK TO
STRATEGY               WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                       STATE
                                             HE3.2a   Develop and implement a Waste Management                 Policy complete               X                              Environmental and Public    SP5
HE3.2                                                 For Multi-Unit Developments Policy                                                                                            Health
Minimise negative
impacts on the         Protection and        HE3.2b   Implement on-site sewage management                    Actions implemented             X       X       X       X      Environmental and Public    SP5
natural environment    retention of our               (OSSM) strategy                                                                                                               Health
                       natural environment   HE3.2c   Monitor on-site sewage management (OSSM)            Number of OSSM systems             X       X       X       X      Environmental and Public    SP5
                                                      systems to ensure systems are compliant            inspected (Target > 100 p.a.)                                              Health

                                                                                                      Number of OSSM Approval to Install
                                                                                                          issued (Target > 10 p.a.)

                                                                                                        Number of OSSM Approval to
                                                                                                       Operate issued (Target > 10 p.a.)
                                             HE3.2d   Minimise notifiable Pollution Incidents under    Number of incidents (Target = Nil)    X       X       X       X                                  SP5
                                                      the POEO Act                                                                                                           Water and Wastewater
                                             HE3.2e   Maximise compliance with Environmental          Level of compliance (Target = 100%     X       X       X       X                                  SP5
                                                      Protection License Concentration Limits                    with license)                                               Water and Wastewater
                                             HE3.2f   Implement trade waste management program        Actions implemented, applications      X       X       X       X       Water and Wastewater       SP1
                                                                                                        received and licences issued
                                             HE3.2g   Timely compliance licence reports for waste,      100% of reports are completed        X       X       X       X              Waste               SP5
                                                      water and wastewater                                 within 30 days of quarter                                         Water and Wastewater
                                             HE3.2h   Implement Ballina Shire Koala Management               Actions implemented             X       X       X       X         Strategic Planning       SP2
                                             HE3.2i   Prepare a biodiversity strategy                        Strategy completed              X       X                         Strategic Planning       SP2
                                             HE3.2j   Implement East Ballina Cemetery Master Plan            Actions implemented                                     X         Open Spaces and          SP3
                                             HE3.3a   Maintain contemporary Section 94 Open                   Review completed                               X                 Strategic Planning       SP1
                                                      Spaces and Community Facilities Plan
Match infrastructure   The impacts of        HE3.3b   Maintain contemporary Section 64 Plans for              Review completed                       X                       Water and Wastewater       SP1
with development to    development on the             Water and Wastewater Services
mitigate any impacts   environment will be   HE3.3c   Maintain contemporary Section 94 Car                    Review completed                               X               Infrastructure Planning    SP1
on the environment     minimised                      Parking Plan
                                             HE3.3d   Maintain contemporary Section 94 Roads                  Review completed                       X                       Infrastructure Planning    SP1

                                             HE3.3e   Maintain contemporary Section 94 Heavy                  Review completed               X                               Infrastructure Planning    SP1
                                                      Haulage Plan
direction four : engaged leadership (EL)
DELIVERY PROGRAM     THE BENEFITS          OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                       MEASURES/TARGETS               18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22   RESPONSIBILITY       LINK TO
STRATEGY             WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                 STATE
                                           EL1.1a    Ensure Council policies reflect contemporary    100% of policies reviewed during      X       X       X       X      Communications        SP4
EL1.1                                                community standards                                      Council term
Ensure corporate     More engaged
publications         community             EL1.1b                                                        Classifications undertaken        X       X       X       X      Strategic Planning    SP4
reflect community                                    Ensure land classifications reflect community
sentiment                                            standards

                                           EL1.1c    Complete the review of Community Strategic              Review completed                              X              Communications        SP4
                                           EL1.2a    Implement consultation methods that increase    Actions initiated and methods used    X       X       X       X      Communications        SP4
EL1.2                                                community awareness and involvement in our
Involve our          Improved                        activities
community in         satisfaction levels
our planning and     with Council’s        EL1.2b    Prepare a Community Participation Plan in                 Plan complete               X                              Strategic Planning    SP4
decision making      consultation                    relation to land use planning functions of
processes                                            Council

                                           EL1.3a                                                      Issues identified and pursued       X       X       X       X      Communications        SP4
EL1.3                                                Approach State and Federal Governments on
Actively advocate    Increased levels of             local issues
community issues     State and Federal
to other levels of   Government
government           support               EL1.3b                                                            Grant applications            X       X       X       X      Communications        SP1
                                                     Actively seek grant funding from State and              (Target > 25 p.a.)
                                                     Federal Governments

direction four : engaged leadership (EL)
DELIVERY PROGRAM      THE BENEFITS       OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                       MEASURES/TARGETS               18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22     RESPONSIBILITY       LINK TO
STRATEGY              WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                STATE
                                         EL2.1a    Continue progressive improvements to the                  Actions taken               X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
EL2.1                                              centre led procurement model
Proactively           More financially
pursue revenue        viable Council     EL2.1b    Implement Annual Procurement Plan                         Actions taken               X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
opportunities, cost   resulting in       EL2.1c    Maximise the fleet operating surplus                    Operating surplus             X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
savings and/or        improved asset               (excluding depreciation)                              (Target > $1.3m p.a.)
efficiencies          management
                                         EL2.1d    Minimise the value of store stock control bin          Minimise variances             X       X       X       X       Support Operations     SP4
                                                   errors                                                  (Target < $500)
                                         EL2.1e    Achieve investment returns greater than 90             Investment returns             X       X       X       X        Financial Services    SP4
                                                   day bank bill rate                                  (Target 100 basis points)
                                         EL2.1f    Enhance online employee services                  Improvements implemented            X       X       X       X      Human Resources and     SP4
                                                                                                                                                                          Risk Management
                                         EL2.1g    Pursue compliance with the Fit for the Future     Improve our overall financial       X       X       X       X        Financial Services    SP4
                                                   Program                                                 sustainability
                                         EL2.1i    Minimise the net operating deficit for the               Minimise deficit             X       X       X       X       Engineering Works      SP4
                                                   Burns Point Ferry (excluding depreciation)           Target < $200,000 p.a.)
                                         EL2.1j    Minimise the net operating deficit for                        Deficit                 X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                   swimming pools (excluding depreciation and           (Target < $300,000 p.a.)
                                                   loan interest)
                                         EL2.1k    Minimise net operating deficit for Community                  Deficit                 X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                   Centres and Halls (excluding depreciation)           (Target < $450,000 p.a.)
                                         EL2.1l    Minimise net operating deficit for the                        Deficit                 X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                   Community Gallery (excluding depreciation)           (Target < $200,000 p.a.)
                                         EL2.1m    Maximise revenue generated from our                         Revenues                  X       X       X       X      Commercial Services     SP4
                                                   commercial properties                                 (Target > $2.1 million)
                                         EL2.1n    Increase revenues from visitor services         Visitor Services Revenue (Target >    X       X       X       X      Community Facilities    SP4
                                                                                                      $50,000) Marketing Revenue
                                                                                                            (Target > $50,000)
                                         EL2.1o    Implement process improvement program             Improvements implemented                                    X      Human Resources and     SP4
                                                   to support improvements throughout the                                                                                 Risk Management

direction four : engaged leadership (EL)
DELIVERY PROGRAM    THE BENEFITS       OPERATIONAL PLAN ACTIVITY                                      MEASURES/TARGETS               18/19   19/20   20/21   21/22     RESPONSIBILITY        LINK TO
STRATEGY            WILL BE...                                                                                                                                                                STATE
                                       EL2.2a    Implement technology solutions that generate      Improvements implemented           X       X       X       X       Information Services    SP4
EL2.2                                            productivity gains
Utilise modern      Increased
systems and         efficiencies       EL2.2b    Enhance our core integrating platforms to         Enhancements implemented           X       X       X       X       Information Services    SP4
equipment           and higher staff             improve customer service and efficiencies
                    satisfaction       EL2.2c    Enhance our online services provided to           Improvements implemented           X       X       X       X       Information Services    SP4
                                                 external customers
                                       EL2.2d    Maintain a contemporary network                   Level of network performance       X       X       X       X       Information Services    SP4
                                       EL2.2e    Implement Fleet Replacement Plan                    Percentage implemented           X       X       X       X       Support Operations      SP4
                                       EL2.3a    Provide a pro-active internal risk management   Number of workers’ compensation      X       X       X       X      Human Resources and      SP4
EL2.3                                            service                                                     claims                                                    Risk Management
Provide effective   Reduced                                                                             (Target < 20 p.a.)
risk and safety     incidents and
practices           lower insurance                                                              Hours of lost time due to workers
                    premiums and                                                                           compensation
                    related costs                                                                    (Target < 1,000 hrs p.a.)

                                                                                                   Number of Insurance claims
                                                                                                       (Target < 30 p.a.)
                                       EL2.3b    Risk management practices align with insurer      Audit completed and level of       X       X       X       X      Human Resources and      SP4
                                                 and legislative requirements                              compliance                                                  Risk Management

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