2018 2021 Budget Report Newquay Precept & Expenditure
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Status of this Report: Final v2.0 (PUBLIC VERSION) Report to: Full Council Date of Report: 05 December 2017 Title: Finance & Policy Committee Budget Recommendations for Full Council Service Area: All service areas affected Ward(s) Affected: All wards affected Relevant Working Party/ Committee: N/A Key Decision: Y Procurement Method: N/A Urgent Decision: Y Date next steps can be taken: 14.12.2017 (e.g. referral on of recommendation or implementation of substantive decision) Appropriate pre-decision notification given to ward member if delegated? N Author: Andrew Curtis Role: Town Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer Contact: Tel: 01637 878388 Email: acurtis@newquaycouncil.co.uk Recommendations It is RECOMMENDED that Full Council considers and adopts the below recommendation from this report as the submission to Cornwall Council for the 2018/19 financial year: 2018-2019 Gross Expenditure Budget £2,428,000 Precept £1,680,811 General Fund Balance 3 months This equates to an Expenditure and Precept demand submitted to Cornwall Council as followed: Band D Impacts: Current 2017/18 Band D Rate £215.49 New 2018/19 Band D Rate £215.49 % Increase 0% Annual Increase £0 Weekly Increase £0 1) The proposal results in a NIL increase for Newquay Town Council ratepayers for the Town Council’s element of Council Tax. 2) 3) Please note: in adopting this recommendation, all the requisite EMR, Accrual and Budget movements and changes as contained within Appendicies 12A-12O are acted upon by the RFO in so much as any additional changes formally made to budgets and EMR/Accrual movements between now and April 2018 will also be acted upon subject to any accounting regulations and deadlines. 4) 5) The Precept cannot be altered once set. 6) Page 2 of 58
Contents 1.0 Report Background ............................................................................... 5 2.0 Report Overview................................................................................... 6 3.0 2018-21 Budget Setting Process ............................................................. 8 3.1 Budget Timetable .............................................................................. 8 3.2 Financial Stability .............................................................................. 9 3.3 Adequacy of Balances and Reserves ..................................................... 9 3.3.1 Analysis of EMRs ........................................................................... 10 3.4 Council Tax Support Grant ................................................................ 12 3.5 Bank Accounts................................................................................. 12 3.6 Investment Strategy ........................................................................ 13 3.7 Referendum Principles/Capping ......................................................... 13 4.0 Financial Risk Assessment ................................................................... 15 5.0 Recommended Budget Overview .......................................................... 16 6.0 Recommended Budget ........................................................................ 17 6.1 Alternative Budget Options looked at ................................................. 18 7.0 Responsible Financial Officer’s Comment ............................................... 20 Appendix 1: Summary of Recommended Budget .......................................... 23 Appendix 2: Summary Budget Recommendations NET of EMRs ...................... 24 Appendix 3: Analysis of Budget per Committee and Identified Risks ............... 26 Overall Assumptions .............................................................................. 26 Corporate Services ................................................................................ 26 Finance & Policy (F&P) ........................................................................... 27 Staffing ................................................................................................ 27 Council Offices ...................................................................................... 29 Economic Development & General Purposes (EDGP) .................................. 30 Public Conveniences .............................................................................. 31 Footpaths, Bridleways and Open Spaces (FBOS) ....................................... 33 Tourism and Leisure (T&L) ..................................................................... 34 Visit Newquay TIC ................................................................................. 34 Library and Information Service (LIS) ...................................................... 35 Quality Status ....................................................................................... 35 Planning and Licensing (P&L) .................................................................. 36 Localism............................................................................................... 36 Contingency ......................................................................................... 36 Mountwise Building ................................................................................ 37 Page 3 of 58
EMR Balances and Movements ................................................................ 37 Appendix 4: UK Inflation for 2017 .............................................................. 39 Appendix 5: Finance and Policy Budget Leaflet............................................. 40 Appendix 6: Newquay Town Council Budget Leaflet Survey Results ................ 42 Appendix 7: 2018-19 Staff Hierarchy (Subject to Change) ............................ 43 Appendix 8: Service-Level Strategic Risk Assessment ................................... 44 Appendix 9: T&P Council Precepts Letter from Cornwall Council ..................... 49 Appendix 10: Council Tax Support (CTS) Grant Information per Council.......... 52 Appendix 11: Provisional Taxbase 2018/19 with 2017/18 comparison............. 55 Appendix 12: Individual Budgets by Committee or Service ............................ 58 Page 4 of 58
1.0 Report Background This report has been prepared by the Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) of Newquay Town Council as part of the Budget and Precept setting process for the financial years 2018-21. The report aims to clarify and give background information to members on significant changes to the budgetary recommendations and decisions made of each committee since the 2017-20 budget setting. This report: • attempts to ensure all councillors are aware of the decision making process behind any significant propositions. • identifies the key factors and detail behind the recommended budget expenditure figures (and precept) from the committees and the Finance and Policy Committee. • provides a top-level strategic risk assessment based on the proposals and As part of the Council’s Risk Management Strategy, this report also identifies potential implications on Newquay Town Council’s ability to deliver services and projects. All financial, legislative and background information within this report has been put together as objectively and diligently as possible and with the assistance of the Town Council’s accountant, the Town Council’s management team and based on the best figures and knowledge held at the time. Page 5 of 58
2.0 Report Overview The Local Government Act 1992, Section 49A requires a Local Precept Authority (Newquay Town Council) to prepare a budget to calculate its Precept requirement. The Town Council must therefore prepare an annual budget giving details of its planned expenditure for the forthcoming year to ensure its financial resources are aligned to its priorities and used to deliver priority outcomes for local communities. There is a process of monitoring performace against budget. Under the Terms of Reference of the Finance and Policy Committee, the Committee has specific budget-related responsibilities as followed:- The F&P Committee have delegated powers from Full Council to: 7.4 monitor all budgets on a quarterly basis, taking action where required to vire unspent provisions to ensure that the overall budget strategy is maintained. 7.5 establish a budget strategy for recommendation to Full Council as laid down in Financial Regulation 3.1. This includes an Admin budget which will be produced by the Town Clerk and an F&P Committee budget in-line with Financial Regulation 3.1. 7.6 spend up to its annual budget, without the requirement to go back to Full Council for approval; subject to such spends falling within the remit of Finance and Policy or General Purposes (not covered by any other Town Council committee) and are F&P committee projects, budgeted for in-line with Financial Regulation 3.1. 7.7 make decisions and project manage any Newquay Town Council initiatives which fall within the budget or scope of this committee. 7.8 consider and make relevant decisions on any matter referred to it by Full Council. 7.9 refer any budget request by any Committee back to that Committee or Full Council if it is felt that the financial implications would be outside normal budget limits. This may include considerations from public consultations, reviews on the budget or other relevant sub- committee/working party recommendations. 7.10 consider any expenditure outside of the established budget strategy when required to do so and make recommendations to Full Council. 7.12 investigate any proposal involving financial implications brought to Full Council or any other Committee (and shall seek input and approval of the Staffing Committee and Town Clerk should these proposals have any impact on staff resources). 7.14 following a request from a committee, consider and recommend to Full Council having any unspent budgets placed within a specific Committee earmarked reserve or the spending of contingency or earmarked reserves in accordance with Financial Regulation 4.9. Page 6 of 58
7.17 consider and investigate sources of external funding (including grants) for any projects, but should always seek guidance and input from relevant committee(s) responsible for the service/deliverable the grant will support unless there is not enough time for the relevant committee to feed in to the application. 7.22 recommend the level of precept to the Full Council for approval on an annual basis. 7.23 ensure that Risk Assessments for all the Council’s activities are kept up to date, including the commissioning of external providers to undertake this work. 7.25 ensure that adequate insurance provision for all assets of the Council is in place, in conjunction with the Town Clerk and Financial Administrator. 7.26 The RFO has delegated powers from Full Council with the committee Chairman and Vice Chairman to monitor, review and recommend re- investing the Council’s investments in conjunction with the Council’s policy and as advised by an independent financial advisor. 7.18 ensure that adequate insurance provision for all assets of the Council is in place, in conjunction with the Town Clerk and Financial Administrator. 7.29 The RFO has delegated powers from Full Council with the committee Chairman and Vice Chairman to monitor, review and recommend re- investing the Council’s investments in conjunction with the Council’s policy and as advised by an independent financial advisor. Page 7 of 58
3.0 2018-21 Budget Setting Process 3.1 Budget Timetable • Town Clerk, Accountant, Deputy Clerk and Managers (September 2017) • Town Clerk works with the Accountant to pull together forecast and actual budget 1 expenditure reports. The Deputy Clerk and service managers also work on obtaining updated figures and meter readings and reports back to the Town Clerk. •Committee Chairs/Vice Chairs Informal Budget Meetings (Oct-Nov 2017) • Town Clerk, Accountant and Chair of F&P meet with Standing Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs to explore reasons behind proposed budgets and look at budget efficiencies, 2 providing a more direct scrutinising role, pre-committee debates and formal recommendations. • Committee (November 2017) • Committees go through their budgets and recommendations and pull together draft 3 recommended budgets for the F&P Committee to consider as part of the F&P Budget Report. • Town Clerk, Accountant and Chair of F&P (November 2017) • Town Clerk works with the Accountant to compile a Section 151 report (this report) and budget recommendations from committees for F&P which includes a risk assessment on the 4 proposals from committees and the overall Precept impact for 2018-19 based on the Band D Council Tax levels. • F&P Committee (27 November 2017) • The F&P Committee receives this report, having has the time to read the report before the meeting, makes decisions over the recommended precept and expenditure levels and give 5 authority to release the recommneded information to the public as part of its on-going consultation process. • Town Clerk and Accountant • The Town Clerk completes any amendments to the report made by F&P and evolves the 6 report into the F&P Adopted Recommended Budget Report for 2018-2021. • Full Council Budget (13 December 2017) • Full Council holds a Budget Setting meeting and ratifies the recommendations contained 7 within the F&P Recommended Budget report (subject to any amendments successfully made at the meeting by individual members, in accordance with Standing Orders). Page 8 of 58
3.2 Financial Stability This establishes how the amount available to spend on council services is determined and how local and national influences impact on funding. External economic pressures which impact on the budget include: o Pay expenditure o Pension provision o National Economic situation & Inflation o Unemployment levels o Referendum Principles (government consultion on its implementation this year) o Continued reductions to Cornwall Council Services Internal Pressures: o Income Generation o Business Development o Continuous Review of Income & Expenditure o Local Political pressures The Town Council’s strategy is to maintain adequate reserves to protect against risk and support investments. 3.3 Adequacy of Balances and Reserves The Town Council has two types of reserves: Type 1: General Reserves (also referred to as the General Fund) Balances in this category are not identified for specified purposes, but will be used to cushion against the impact of emerging events or genuine emergencies. The Council’s existing policy is to ensure a minimum of 3 month’s expenditure remains within the General Fund. However, this can be increased where higher levels of risk to the Council are identified for major projects. Type 2: Earmarked Reserves Balances in this category are set aside for specified projects where spending will occur outside of the usual annual spending pattern of the budget. The assessment of the adequacy of the Council’s balances and reserves has been based on the guidance note on Local Authority Reserves and Balances, whilst not a statutory requirement, it is considered to set out current best practice with regard to balances and reserves. The guidance states that no case has yet been made to set a statutory minimum level of reserves and that each local authority should take advice from its Chief Financial Officer and base its judgement on local circumstances. A well-run authority with a prudent approach to setting its budget, will each year consider its level of general balances. These general balances will also need to be Page 9 of 58
supported by earmarked reserves for specific needs and commitments. In coming to a view on the adequacy of the Town Council’s reserves, account needs to be taken of the risks facing the Council in terms of any significant unforeseen spending commitments. 3.3.1 Analysis of EMRs The EMR releases are all captured within the expenditure summary in Appendix 1 and also run through the various committee budgets to offset known expenditure or building up a sinking fund for larger projects in 5-15 years from now. A full breakdown of EMR balances including movements can also be found in Appendix 12R. Whilst many EMRs do not have any spend against them, this is not a true reflection of reality, where most if not all of the EMRs will have spend against them over time. When budgetting, one of the challenges is to pin-point some of the spends from EMRs and their likely size. This can give an impression that the Council is sitting on significant funds with no plan to release/utilise them over time. However, this is not the case and in the short-term for 2018/19 approximately £737.2k is planned to be released from EMRs. A summary of the EMR Balances for each committee can be seen overleaf: Page 10 of 58
Last Year This Year 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Forecast Budgetted Budgetted Budgetted Opening Closing Closing Closing Closing Balances Balances Balances Balances Balances 31.03.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2019 31.03.2020 31.03.2021 ADMINISTRATION - IT/Software Upgrades 18,304 23,304 13,304 18,304 18,304 - Council Offices/Property Related 396,295 357,295 146,295 246,295 246,295 - Capital Fund 100,000 200,000 300,000 384,000 384,000 - General Equip.& Furniture 2,506 6 5,006 10,006 15,006 - Election Expenses 35,573 25,573 25,573 25,573 25,573 - Staff Training Fund 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 - Members Training Fund 2,000 3,500 5,500 7,500 9,500 - Staff Fund 19,453 19,453 24,453 29,453 34,453 - Legal & Professional 0 5,000 10,000 12,500 15,000 - Community Emergency Plan 100 100 100 100 100 579,231 641,731 540,231 746,231 763,231 FINANCE & POLICY - Dinard Twinning 2,559 2,559 2,559 2,559 2,559 - Homeless Pilot Project 950 950 950 950 950 - Sports Fund 9,730 7,490 7,490 7,490 7,490 - Grants - General 38,827 38,827 38,827 38,827 38,827 - COMA Grant 2,000 0 0 0 0 54,066 49,826 49,826 49,826 49,826 EDGP - Streetsafe Scheme 3,934 2,649 1,899 1,119 305 - Youth Initiative Project 7,990 0 0 0 0 - Lights 10,096 15,096 20,096 25,096 30,096 - CCTV - Fund 100,101 100,101 125,101 150,101 175,101 - Public Conveniences 176,358 154,589 125,589 156,589 187,589 298,479 272,435 272,685 332,905 393,091 FBOS - Gannel maintenance 4,676 3,426 3,926 3,926 3,926 - Refuse Bins 1,624 1,278 932 586 240 - St Columb Minor Plaque 189 189 0 0 0 - Benches 286 0 0 0 0 - Open Spaces 35,856 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - Skateboard Facility 46,754 166,754 0 0 0 89,385 201,647 34,858 34,512 34,166 T&L - Tourism Projects 10,287 9,278 9,278 9,278 9,278 - Event Boards 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,450 4,450 - TIC Equipment 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 - Marketing grant 4,685 4,685 4,685 4,685 4,685 - LIS 0 68,589 68,589 68,589 68,589 - Tourist Information Centre 57,255 57,255 44,635 44,635 44,635 79,177 146,757 134,137 134,137 134,137 QUALITY STATUS - Quality Status 6,525 2,525 2,525 2,525 2,525 LOCALISM - Localism 97,951 203,951 129,408 181,705 215,698 97,951 203,951 129,408 181,705 215,698 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - Neighbourhood Plan 17,525 2,563 0 0 0 Total Earmarked Reserves 1,222,339 1,521,435 1,163,670 1,481,841 1,592,674 Page 11 of 58
3.4 Council Tax Support Grant As part of the 2010 Spending Review, HM Government announced that it would localise support for Council Tax from 2013/14. The Welfare Reform Bill 2011 contained provisions for the abolition of Council Tax Benefit paving the way for a new localised scheme. However, although Cornwall Council is continuing to maintain the Council Tax Support Grant to local councils, they have consistently indicated there will normally be a reduction of about 15% applied for subsequent years. Due to Newquay Town Council’s Precept not rising above the growth in housing stock in 2017/18, the CTS Grant for 2018/19 will be £80,457. This is a real-term reduction of 21.1%; which shows how volatile the CTS Grant reductions are. We have continued to budget for a reducing CTS Grant, with the funds effectively going straight into reserves to ensure services are not adversely affected by the reductions; but this is a growing risk to the Council. See Appendix 10 to see the differences across Cornwall. This relies on a number of external factors which include: o Number of Newquay’s eligible claimants o Precept changes of any other Town or Parish Council in Cornwall (likely to increase in 2017-18) o Amount of funding provided by Government to Cornwall Council o Cornwall Council continues to pass on the Funding o Future political policy changes Whilst there has been a trend of approximately a 15% annual reduction in the CTS Grant (subject to the above factors), it is clear from the Government’s latest spending review that the Public Sector is to receive greater cuts in funding going forwards. There is a clear desire for local government to be self-sustaining and no longer reliant on central government funding. This is displayed further by the devolution of Business Rates to Local Authorities, which will result in a significant reduction/ceasation of central government funding to Local Authorities and in turn no further CTS Funding for Towns and Parish Councils, which could be as soon as 2020. It is for that reason that the budget proposals account for the CTS Grant by placing it within the Localism EMR, thus removing the Town Council’s direct reliance on the grant for delivering of services. 3.5 Bank Accounts The Town Council now has two Banking providers. The main operational current accounts are held with Unity Bank and its reserves are held with National Westminster (Natwest) Bank. Unity Bank is being used for the purposes of more efficient and effective online account management and through a Payment Authorisation Process that provides a robust control of the Council’s finances. Page 12 of 58
Given the recent announcement that NatWest are closing their Newquay Branch, we are now in the process of closing those accounts and transferring the funds to Unity Bank. However, this does bring an element of risk as the Town Council is not covered by the Financial Compensation Scheme and thus should anything happen to Unity Trust, there is a risk all funds could be lost. We have identified one option for mitigation, which is explained more in 3.6 Investment Strategy. 3.6 Investment Strategy The Town Council has an established Investment Strategy, but until now it has not implemented it in respect of Council financial investments. This year (2017) we have worked hard to identify and join a compliant and relevant scheme that will spread the Council’s financial risks, whilst maintaining or exceeding the current interest income received on its bank deposits. CCLA is the organisation we have signed up with and we are due to authorise an initial deposit of £100k-£250k to be placed within their instant access deposit fund. This fund is yielding higher interest returns than existing banking providers; but with the added benefit of spreading the funds across 30 different banking establishments that are (following an assessment of rating etc. by CCLA) considered low risk of going into liquidation. This provides a much stronger position than we have at present, where all funds are held by either NatWest or Unity Bank. Should one or both of those banking institutions go into liquidation, the Council is not covered by the Government Compensation Scheme and so its entire funds would be at risk. 3.7 Referendum Principles/Capping During the Technical Consultation for the 2017/18 Local Government Financial Settlement, the Government consulted on the implementation of Referendum Principles for Town and Parish Councils. This focused on limiting non-devolution related expenditure; effectively meaning if a Town or Parish Council who were the qualified level of Band D (which we would be), could not increase their Precept by more than 2% or increase their Band D contribution demands by more than £5 per annum (whichever is higher). The vast majority of the sector, including Local and National associations have all objected strongly to the principle and the way in which the conditions and limitations have been derived; as they have been based on the lowest District Council level of Band D and Precept. There has been no attempt to factor in whether that District Council runs any services, has other income sources that are not available to Town and Parish Councils or that there is a District and County Council in that area (not a unitary authority like in Cornwall). It is the Minister’s intention to extend referendum principles to Town and Parish Councils where “lack of restraignt” is shown in respect of local council tax increases. Page 13 of 58
Whilst members have been warned by the RFO and others in past Budget reports that Government is seeking to do this, given that was the first technical consultation to include points about extending the referendum principles to Town and Parish Councils, it is beyond doubt that this is simply a matter of when, not if. The Cornwall Council Precept letter for 2018/19, found in Appendix 9 further supports this as it outlines the recent Technical Consultation and government statement in relation to Town and Parish Council precept setting. Page 14 of 58
4.0 Financial Risk Assessment Similar to 2017/18 budget setting; given the context of developments in the public sector, the current economic climate, and the Council’s need to deliver local priorities within the limits of available funding, risk management continues to have an increased profile. It is important that the Town Council is able to demonstrate that it has effective financial risk management processes in place. A key corporate risk relates to financial control and the impact this may have on the Council’s financial stability. The following highlights the existing controls and planned improvement actions. A service-level strategic risk assessment can be found in Appendix 8. Risk Description Financial Control Existing Controls and Evidence Actions for 2018/19 Risk that the There are clearly defined financial roles, responsibilities General Inflation Council fails to and decision making processes, set out in the Council’s Average rate of inflation has consistently remained above 3% manage Financial Regulations. 2% and has now hit 3%. There is a risk this could rise expenditure within further (see Appendix 4: UK Inflation for 2017). budget and Fully integrated financial management system. Insurance (based on plans) maintain an adequate level of Well-developed financial reporting providing scheduled Supplies and Services 3% reserves, hereby and ad-hoc reports for management and monitoring threatening purposes. Postage 3% financial stability (increase in digital distribution of agendas and minutes) and service Robust medium term financial planning linked to service continuity and performance and corporate objectives as part of the Non-domestic Rates 3% (if forecast preventing the business planning process. is more than achievement of budget) corporate Basic general reserves strategy incorporating specific Gas and Electricity 6% objectives. analysis of financial risks, forward forecasting and Water 6% assessment of the adequacy of general balances. Quarterly financial updates incorporating variance analysis and spending projections at service level and overall assessment of impact on balances. Ongoing review by internal and external audit of the adequacy and effectiveness of financial and management controls. Price Inflation Actual costs plus 2%. Actual costs plus 3% Page 15 of 58
5.0 Recommended Budget Overview The Budget for 2018-21 has now gone through a number of phases and reviews as shown in section “3.0 2018-21 Budget Setting Process”. The results of the committee decisions now form the Recommended Budget for F&P to consider, as followed: F&P Recommendations to Full Council Precept for 2018-19 £1,680,811 Expenditure for 2018-19 £2,428,000 New 2017-18 Band D Rate £215.49 per annum (£4.14 per week) Current 2017-18 Band D Rate £215.49 per annum (£4.14 per week) Band D Increase £0.00 per annum (£0.00 per week) Increase on Current Precept 3.98% Increase in Newquay Housing Base 3.98% Current Forecast Expenditure for 2017-18 £1,535,380* *This includes a “Capacity Related Delays” re-valuation, which effectively reduced the level of forecast expenditure (as quoted) by £330,091. What this does is recognise that there are delays with projects that have been costed out and budgeted for and tries to stabalise/reflect the overall financial landscape to which the Town Council is working. It effectively means we would revaluing down the spend rate and carry a circa £330,000 underspend each year based on the budget and forecast spends, inflating the General Fund accordingly. This is as a direct result of either delays or simply capacity for spending the funds – there is a risk that with increased capacity we do spend this in the future, at which point a contingency plan would need to be put into place by F&P to either limit activity/spending or seek Full Council approval to release reserves to mitigate this. All committee budget proposals can be found in the appendix section of this report (from Appendix 12 onwards). There is also a summary outline of major developments and items to note for each committee/service, identified by the Town Clerk/RFO in Appendix 3. Page 16 of 58
6.0 Recommended Budget This budget achieves the following: protects the Council from proposed referendum principles, maintains a contingency budget (albeit reduced), provides funds for the Capital Fund EMR and Property Fund EMR, achieveing the devolution of the Library and Information Service, keeping pace with the previously budgeted Open Spaces resource, maintains a Localism EMR using existing balance plus CTS Grant payments (ensuring the CTS Grant doesn’t affect the precept). 2018/19 Expenditure Budget - £2,428,000 2018/19 Precept - £1,680,811 Band D Impacts: Current 2018-19 Band D Rate £215.49 New Band D Rate £215.49 % Increase 0% Annual Increase £0.00 Weekly Increase £0.00 Strengths/Positives Weaknesses/Risks • Base Rate remains more stable going forwards with • Referendum principles in the future are minimal effect when capping/referendum principles currently proposed to not allow a precept come into force. increase of more than 2% (or a Band D • Allows the Council to achieve its commitments and increase of £5 – whichever is greater). The project plans for 2018/19 as well as the ability to do Town Council is not utilising its opportunity to more in the future. increase the precept this year and didn’t last • Band D remains lower than other major Cornish year. This represents a real-terms reduction Towns. in the Town Council’s element of the Council • General fund remains in line with the Council’s policy tax as an increase of housing stock does mean of a minimum of 3 months of expenditure. an increase in the use of services provided by • Future precepts continue to be projected to rise by the Town Council. As a larger authority, inflation and adequately cover the known issues and Cornwall Council continues to suffer as a projects, with at-least a 3 month General Fund result of past decisions to keep its precept the balance. same and cuts to public sector spending, we • Increasing the capacity of the Council, in-line with may find we are in a similar situation in the other large Councils in Cornwall. future. • Opportunity to derive an income from multiple • It is clear the Town Council will increasingly buildings and meet some of the local priorities around be called upon by Cornwall Council, health community space, albeit slightly delayed by other authorities, community groups and other external factors. organisations to provide financial assistance • Ability to continue to consult widely on the level of or take over specific activities – some of which Open Spaces involvement and priorities. may be deemed vital to the Newquay • Allows the Council to continue to work within its 4 year ratepayers. Without increasing the precept by Corporate Business plan and Strategy Document more than simply the housing stock growth where the numbers can be relied on, backed up by (or cutting the services we offer) means we evidence and a transparent consultation process. will have a diminishing ability to provide this • Ratepayers are already supporting a stable Town extra support. Council precept. • The Town Council is able to maintain and slightly grow the Open Spaces Team that are already tackling key issues within Newquay. • Provides the resources to implement a Council-wide strategy of increased commercialisation for some of the services delivered. Page 17 of 58
6.1 Alternative Budget Options looked at In looking at the budget for 2018/19, the RFO spent some time on a desktop exercise, exploring alternative options as followed: Alternative Option 1: Reduce Precept by 25% Following calls from a minority of members, the RFO explored what the budget would look like if the current precept was reduced by 25% (which in real terms represented a reduction of 31.89%, as it also didn’t take into account the 3.89% growth in housing stock or normal inflation that is running at 3% at present. Under this option, the Council would be asking for a precept of £1,212,368 which reduces the Band D rate from £215.49 to £155.43. This represents a weekly reduction of £5. For the Council to achieve this, whilst maintaining the levels of EMRs planned for Capital, Council Property and Localism as well as funding any disposal costs/making defunct buildings secure enough to mothball/sell; you would need to completely cease or remove the following services/committee budgets on or before April 2018 (or an equivalent level of expenditure): • Public Toilets • Tourism and Leisure Committee • F&P Committee • Quality Status Committee • Contingency Fund With further cuts to services from 2019 onwards as followed: 2019 – fully fund Visit Newquay TIC from EMR then cease operating it in 2020. 2020 – Scale back FBOS Committee in relation to footpaths, weed control, hanging baskets etc and then in 2021, start reducing the Open Spaces activity further. Given the dramatic and profound effect this would have, taking the Council backwards in respect of the services it delivers for the residents of Newquay, this proposal has not been progressed further and is not recommended. The reduction in income to the Town Council (if we inflate the new reduced precept by the level of growth in housing for 2019/20 and 2020/21 respectively) would mean we would have to find savings in the order of £1.433m over that period, with further savings needed to be made after 2020/21. Page 18 of 58
Alternative Option 2: Increase Precept by 3% above the housing stock increase This option effectively takes account of inflation and the increased resource used as a result of the growth in housing stock. It means a real-terms increase in the Precept by inflation. The Precept would rise to £1,731,236, generating an extra £50,424 for 2018/19. This extra funding could be spent on: • Youth Services – nothing is in the budget for this at present • Homeless Initiative – nothing is in the budget for this at present • Contingency and topping up EMRs – The recommended budget proposals reduced the Contingency Budget and Localism EMRs by a higher level than the £50,424 • General Fund – taking the General Fund above 3.0 Months Gross Expenditure. This protects against the risk of a lower capacity related delays revaluation or additional expenditure not yet budgeted for. The increase in Precept would result in a Band D of £221.95 per annum or an increase of £0.54 per month. However, the increase, if inflated in future years by just an average 2% growth in housing (no extra inflation) then with a new Band D rate of £221.95 staying the same, the Town Council would receive approximately £154,317 more between April 2018 and March 2021, than the current recommended budget. Whilst there is no doubt, there will be a need in the future to increase the Precept by more than simply the increase in housing stock, there would appear to be little support for increasing the precept above that growth for 2018/19. There are still key services that have not yet come across to the Town Council and those alone are creating underspends that were not budgeted for last year; reducing the short- term need to generate extra revenue. The RFO therefore believes this option is unlikely to carry favour and in-light of the known underspends that have been factored into the 2017/18 forecast and EMR balances, supports the recommended budget over this alternative option. It is important to labour the point that this will become an increasing risk to the Council and we may be faced with either reducing services or increasing the Precept by more than inflation (and growth in housing) in the future, if we keep the Band D rate at £215.49 – especially if cuts from Cornwall Council ramp up the devolution agenda or service improvements are demanded locally over and above what we are budgeting to provide. Page 19 of 58
7.0 Responsible Financial Officer’s Comment In this section, the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) has commented on key areas of the Council, specific new services or those with significant changes proposed. There is also a view from the RFO on the recommended budget and precept proposal. Further more detailed information of each committee/service can be found in Appendix 3. Devolution Similarly to last year, the Council continues to look at the devolution agenda and the repatriation of assets, protecting services and considering projects which will inevitably have an impact on the levels of the council’s budget and precept. The main driving force for taking on services and assets is either to safeguard them from cuts at Cornwall level or to reshape the focus of those services/assets to one that is more aligned to what Newquay residents/businesses expect. Landscape This budget setting continues to follow the 2016/17 stablisation budget, which saw a significant increase in the precept. At the time, it was planned in the budget recommendations and report that the precept would remain stable, with minimal changes (other than inflation) in order to ensure the future viability of the Town Council, its services and activities. Having reviewed the planned activity and likely service requirements in the future, it is my view that the precept recommendations that have been set out for 2018/19 continue to take account of the direct impact on services the increase in housing stock has. There is an argument that we should consider inflation above the growth in housing, but as we benefit from healthy reserves and made difficult decisions in the past, we can meet our service plans for 2018/19 without the need to increase the precept above the increase in housing stock. General Fund The Council has a policy of holding a MINIMUM General Fund balance of 3 months. However, there are times where large projects or unknown issues result in heightened levels of risk to the Town Council, where a higher than 3 month General Fund balance would be recommended. Below are the planned levels in the recommended figures: Budget Year 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 General Fund Equivalent Months (Gross) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Given the Council’s continuingly ambitious programme of projects over the next 48 months, I, along with the Council’s accountant and independent internal auditors have concluded that in an ideal world, the Council should have more than 3 months of expenditure as a General Fund balance. However, as we have healthy EMR balances and still maintain a Contingency Budget, we have provided Page 20 of 58
mitigation against the heightened risk. We may wish to go further and put in place contingency planning that would be followed should particular scenarios occur, but this is something that the Finance and Policy Committee will work on with me between now and April 2018. CTS Grant The Council still factors in the CTS Grant into its budget, however, in the recommended proposals, the Grant effectively gets placed within the Localism EMR. Whilst this is a reduction in what was originally budgeted to go into that reserve, as there are no immediate devolution projects (other than those budgeted for already or the Atlantic Road Play Area and Car Park) there are no short-term spend requirements from this reserve. It is therefore proposed that the Localism EMR additions are reduced to simply be the CTS Grant amounts going forwards. This means the Town Council’s core operations and services are not reliant on the CTS Grant and so this reducing income stream should not translate into services being adversely affected. Environment Service For the first time, the Town Council has established and now runs its own Environment Service. The service currently consists of 3 (1 manager and 2 operatives) with plans to increase this by a further operative from April 2018. The focus of this Service is to improve and enhance the quality of the Open Spaces investment Newquay currently receives, over and above the standard service level. The results speak for themselves and the recommended budget allows us to continue to make inroads into what has been significant underinvestment in Newquay’s Environment Assets over the past decade. Public Conveniences Looking at Public Conveniences – Newquay is held up locally as the leading Council for the delivery of well-run public conveniences. A number of local Town and Parish Councils have been to see how we deliver this important local service and how we are investing in the assets in the face of continued vandalism and anti-social behaviour. The 2018/19 budget allows the Council to invest further in the Council- run facilities, by opening them for longer hours and establishing a ‘Changing Places Toilet’ within the Town (likely at the Railway Station toilets). This means more accessibility to existing facilities, but crucially visitors who struggle to find Towns that can accommodate the sometimes quite complex needs of a member of their family, will be able to add Newquay to their list of destinations. Visit Newquay TIC This service has now come under the umbrella of the Tourism and Leisure Committee, who are driving the service to become more commercially focused. There is a push to increase the levels of income into the service to ensure this vital resource minimises it’s reliance on the local precept. A scheme of review is already underway, with plans being developed to help shape Visit Newquay TIC’s future. Page 21 of 58
Library and Information Service Still not devolved but working on the final ‘deal’. Already looking at improvements to the services and physical assets. Likely to be devolved (subject to Cornwall Council) early into the 2018/19 financial year. Mountwise Building This year the Town Council resolved to put in place plans to renovate the acquired Mountwise Building, in order to provide a mixed-use commercial and community building. The project is now underway with contractors/project manager due to be appointed in January 2018, for works to commence between January and March 2018 if everything goes according to plan. This facility should provide an income stream, a valuable strategically placed resource and increased capacity for the Town Council to continue to grow and deliver new and existing services at a local level. Overview of Recommendations When taking into account the financial landscape we are currently working within, the external influences within the Public Sector and the proposed activities of the Council over the next few years, I am fully supportive of the recommended budget proposals within this report for 2018/19. In my professional opinion, this is the best option available. It continues to grow and enhance the services we are delivering locally, continues this period of stability for the Council, whilst taking stock of the various risks we face as an organisation. The recommended budget and precept results in a 0% increase in Band D and only accounts for the increase in housing in Newquay; which in-itself has a clear and direct impact on the services we provide as a Council. Similarly to last year, I have also looked at what a stand-still precept would look like (reducing the Band D), but without changing EMRs and proposed spending (reducing both), it results in less than 3 months of General Fund balances each year as well as an unstable and fluctuating precept. For more detailed comments on individual committee budgets please refer to Appendix 3 and 12 respectively. Page 22 of 58
Appendix 1: Summary of Recommended Budget Page 23 of 58
Appendix 2: Summary Budget Recommendations NET of EMRs Page 24 of 58
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Appendix 3: Analysis of Budget per Committee and Identified Risks Within this section each committee/major service is broken down, with key issues which members should note/be aware of, as well as a professional opinion on whether the Budget adequately takes account of the risks and issues identified. This section does not provide a line-by-line commentary of each budget submitted as there is too much detail. Overall Assumptions Throughout all budgets the following conventions have been used wherever relevant: Inflation Item Reason/Notes Applied Electricity Costs 6% Appears to be increasing faster than inflation. Applied to the forecast, not previous budget. Water Costs 6% Appears to be increasing faster than inflation. Applied to the forecast, not previous budget. Non-domestic Rates 3% Unknown level of increase (rate not set for next financial year yet). There is still a bit of fluctuation post transfers from Cornwall Council to Town Council, but this should start to stabilise. General Inflation 3% Current inflation level (see appendix 4). Corporate Services The recommended Corporate Services budget (see Appendix 12C) has, similarly to last years budget; been based mainly on inflating the current actual or forecast spends by inflation. The 2017/18 NET forecast spend is approximately £6.9k above budget, when taking account of EMR releases. This is mainly centred around higher than budgeted for Telephones and Broadband Costs, Computing and IT costs and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) Complaince Costs. Gowing forwards IT, Telephones and Broadband, Insurance and GDPR Compliance Budgets are the main increases. These fall across the entire Council, not just in relation to the office costs. As we grow as an organisation, you would expect growth these costs. The only significant unknown is the GDPR costs. We have been advised to hold a budget of around £35,000 per annum to cover any and all costs associated with being compliant to the new regulations (including the potential requirement to employ/commission an independent Data Protection Officer) from May 2018. The regulations are already having a significant bearing on the workload of the office staff as new processes are having to be developed that meet the regulatory standards – including changes to the IT system we currently have, in order to help prevent data breaches now and into the future. RFO Comment: Like last year, the Corporate Services budget covers a range of spends which are predicated on the activity of the Council as a Page 26 of 58
whole. Insurance, audit, accounting, IT etc. are all costs that the office have no control over and are not really Office costs. GDPR is a significant unknown that has been mitigated by having a significant budget that can be re-valued during the 2019/20 budget setting, if it turns out to be too high (or indeed too low). Given what the Council is planning and the likely increasing activity, the level of costs proposed in the recommended budget seem to meet the known growth as well as providing extra resource for new regulations coming into force. With the entire landscape in mind, I believe the recommended budget for 2018/19 will adequately cover the known activities and ensure adequate resources to help the Council’s Office to run as efficiently as possible. Finance & Policy (F&P) The recommended F&P Budget (see Appendix 12D) is again pretty simple and arguably quite low given the amount of grant monies awarded by the Council for a number of years. Many of the grants are awarded out of a number of other EMRs, with one General Grants budget of £5000 per annum. As in 2017/18’s budget report, the key issue remains - at some stage there will be no grants EMRs left unless the Council tops them up. However, as we are likely to be capped in the future, the top-ups will be harder to undertake, unless other EMRs such as the Localism EMR are in full (or part) used for that purpose. RFO Comment: Whilst the annual budgte remains low, the grants EMRs have a combined balance of approximately £49,826 as at March 2018 (subject to no further activity) and so unless there are any significant requests in the near future, the Council is likely to be able to meet any requests that they may wish to support. There is also the question as to whether the Council should now limit grant funding for specific purposes or upto set limits, in order to ensure the EMRs do not depleat as quickly. This forms part of an on-going review of EMR balances by the F&P Committee and so future decisions over setting a policy, can be had later. Staffing The recommended Staffing budget (see Appendix 12E) provides all staff costs across the Council. This is a critical budget that ensures the smooth-running of the Council and its services. Training remains a key element that will be called upon going forwards to ensure compliance and the development of the staff and councillors. Unlike other complex budgets, we are able to model the Staffing budget through known and relatively stable Payroll software. So, unless significant issues occur or Page 27 of 58
there is a higher turnover of staff, the expenditure levels should remain stable and on-budget. The significant changes proposed for the Council for 2018/19 are outlined below (compared to what was budgeted for during 2017/18 budget-setting): Part-time Compliance Officer This role will undertake risk assessment (and checking assessments are carried out and held on file for all our activities), ensuring everyone has completed their training and organising this if there are short-falls that need to be addressed, checking all documents and reports have been impact assessed with equality assessments also being carried out on planned and new activity and being responsible for ensuring the on-going commissioning of compliance checks across the Council. As the Town Council is increasing its activity and productivity, this role will be vital in ensuring protection against the increasing litigatory world we operate within. Having strong, consistent and compliant evidence is vital to ensuring the Town Council is protected and has the best defence against claims going forwards. Part-time Accounts Assistant Given the significant increase in financial transactions and the higher level or reporting required (with the implementation of a new purchase order system), it has become apparent that the existing resources within the Office can no-longer keep up with the rising processing needs of the Council. This, coupled with the rising accountancy costs has led to the proposal to employ a part-time accounts assistant, who can help the Responsible Financial Officer to manage the Council’s finances in a timely way as well as meeting our growing needs to put in place a business continuity plan, should external resources be unavailable when needed (short-term or long-term). Part-time Planning Committee Administration Resource Following the departure of a member of the Council who brought in new processes in relation to the Planning Committee, as well as changes Planning Applications now being paper-less; there has been a growing demand on specifically the Deputy Town Clerk’s time but also the office, in ensuring the fortnightly meetings have been prepared for fully. This resource is designed to provide an officer who can be solely responsible to ensuring all the preparatory work is undertaken and completed for the meetings, whilst also being responsible for liaising with Cornwall Council officers, planning applicants and following up on 5 day protocol emails. Full-time Project Officer Following the return of the PA to Town Clerk from Maternity Leave, the existing 12 month fixed term post was informally assessed as needing to continue. That is because the work they have taken on from other members of staff has significantly grown since they started. The post does cover a range of projects – both existing with growing demands, and new projects that have taken significant research and Page 28 of 58
setting up time. Those projects are all in their infancy and members have expressed a wish to grow and improve them, so there is a clear need for this resource to continue. Subject to the budget and an assessment into the demand for the specific role, the 2018/19 budget assumes the cost of keeping the post after the expiration of the 12 month contract. Full-time Facilities Operative x2 (and making an existing Operative a supervisor) The EDGP committee has proposed opening the public conveniences for an extra 2 hours each day. This is in response from calls members have received to keep toilets open longer. To achieve this without significantly impacting the cleanliness and effectiveness of the service, there is a need to employ a third team of 2 operatives and promoting one of the existing operatives into a supervisory post, to support the Facilities Manager (who also cleans toilets). Full-time Environment Service Operative Following the success of the Environment Service (Open Spaces Team) and in-line with the budget plans over the next 3 years, the FBOS committee have recommended to continue the planned recruitment of a 3rd operative. This will not only increase the team’s resources, but it overcomes occasional lone working issues that exist at present. The Team also supports other services such as the erection of marquees on the Killacourt for events, as well as assisting with the putting up of the Christmas tree, in addition to their vital work in enhancing Newquay’s environment assets. RFO Comment: Even with the increase in office staff resources, the RFO still believes the administration element of the Staffing budget is simply the start of a catch-up in resources as there has been little by way of putting in place extra resources to meet the growth in workloads and demands of the Council. There will still be a resource issue that will remain under review going forwards, especially as growth is still planned for the Council. The recommended budget covers everything that has been requested and so unless there are unforeseen issues or higher than anticipated staff turnover, the budgets should cover the costs of the staff. Council Offices As part of the Library and Information Center (LIS) devolution, the Town Council negotiated the Freehold transfer of the Municipal Offices and Library Buildings. The Municipal Offices have been designated as the main immediate home for the Town Council’s service delivery and so we are planning a level of investment to re-decorate the building and chip away at the decades of under-investment by Cornwall Council and previously by Restormel Borough Council. However, until we have taken ownership of the Building, we are not yet able to understand the true magnitude of the running costs and so have maintained the budgeted figures as per last year’s budget setting. Page 29 of 58
RFO’s Comment: The RFO agrees with this approach, as there has been significant underinvestment in the Council Offices, it is difficult to assess what degree of spend will be required to bring the building back into its former glory and the associated running costs. Underspends are planned to be used for the immediate renovation/upgrade works, but then on the costs for running the building will come from the budget that has been set. Economic Development & General Purposes (EDGP) As with the 2017/18 budget setting, this budget remains the biggest budget of the Council and due to the varied makeup of the committee’s project portfolio, the budget is quite complex and has been split into 2 – the EDGP Budget (CCTV, Lights, Fountain and Other) and Public Conveniences Budget. EDGP Budget The 2018/19 recommended EDGP budget (see Appendix 12G) continues to contain quite complex calculations and projects which are of an operational nature. Costs remain affected by external influences such as vandalism, weather, accidental damage and market forces. Key issues have been identified in the table below: CCTV This year the CCTV service has received a proposal to join the Tolvaddon Scheme, which would mean the transfer of staff and monitoring control to Cornwall Council’s Fire Service based in Tolvaddon (Nr Pool). Whilst a final decision has yet to be formally made, the proposal is predicated on signing up to a 7 year contract, would cost the Council significantly more than the current operation and both Newquay and St Austell Town Councils must transfer over. With this in mind, the committee has authorised the drawing up of sales material which would provide scope for the commercialisation of the service and attracting new Town or Parish Councils to commission the monitoring of their cameras from Newquay Town Council, from our CCTV Control Room. Lights Following the transfer of the Christmas event, fireworks and tree budget to the Tourism and Leisure (T&L) Committee, the EDGP Committee has focused its efforts on expanding and enhancing the decorative and Christmas lighting, with new displays and enhancements to the infrastructure to reduce tampering. The 2018/19 budget has been increased to recognise the actual annual spend and allow the Lights EMR to build up in anticipation for a total overhaul and refurbishment of the infrastructure in a few year’s time, when it is expected to become necessary. Fountain Following the total failure of the fountain again this year, the committee consulted locally on whether to continue to repair the fountain, or to simply turn it into a static feature. The overwhelming response was to stop spending significant funds on the fountain and simply turn it into a sculpture. The budget for 2018/19 recognises the cessation of the water supply, but factors in on-going maintenance/repair costs as well as the ability to install uplighters/LEDs as an enhancement. Page 30 of 58
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