Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region

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Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
Delivering a better railway
for a better Britain
Network Specification 2020
North West and Central
(NW&C) region
Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
The information in this document is checked regularly and is as accurate as possible; however the railway is an ever
changing environment: service patterns can change quickly, particularly in freight markets, and the exact details of
investment spend may fluctuate over time. In particular, following the effects of Covid­-19, the services on the railway
network might be different from those that were originally planned.

You are advised to seek advice from if you wish to check the accuracy of any
information contained in this document.
Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
Network Specification:                                           •   better address the region’s business needs
                                                                 •   feed refranchising by considering strategic
North West and Central                                               questions at the right time in the franchising
                                                                     cycle such that any choices presented can be
(NW&C) region                                                        considered before the invitation to tender stage
                                                                     of future franchises
Incorporates Strategic Routes:                                   •   recognise and where appropriate influence
                                                                     industry policy in other areas such as rolling stock
M: West Midlands and Chilterns                                       strategy, technology strategy, and environmental
N: West Coast Main Line
O: Merseyside                                                    •   employ a more effective, focussed means of
H: Cross-Pennine, Yorkshire and Humber                               consultation
and North West (North West section)                              •   provide more granular, targeted market insight
                                                                 •   develop a ‘service change’ pipeline for future
This Network Specification describes the geography
                                                                     configuration states
of the North West and Central region, comprising
three subsidiary routes: North West, Central, and                •   demonstrably focus on incremental opportunities
West Coast Main Line (South). This document                          and service trade-offs.
outlines train service provision to meet current and
future passenger markets and traffic flows for the               The outputs of the process will provide options to
freight business. It identifies infrastructure choices for       funders which will inform the enhancement pipeline
funders to meet future growth for the medium to                  and upcoming franchise decisions.
long term over the next thirty years.
                                                                 Figure 1 Continuous Modular Strategic Planning
The Network Specification refers to Strategic Route
Specifications (SRSs). SRSs cover specific sections
and/or corridors of the route and are published as
appendices to this document. They describe, in
greater detail, the current and future requirements of
each SRS to inform both internal and external
stakeholders of the strategy for the North West and
Central region.

Prior to Control Period six (CP6, which covers 2019 to
2024) the Long Term Planning Process produced a
number of market studies which forecast future
demand for each market. These studies informed the
development of route studies, which set out choices
for funders for ways to accommodate forecast level
of demand.
                                                                 Whilst CMSP has been designed to enable strategic
In CP6 we have changed the way that Network Rail                 planning activity to be undertaken without the
undertakes long-term planning in response to                     constraint of regional boundaries, there are some
stakeholder feedback, moving away from producing                 planning activities where the network has to be
route studies (undertaken on a rolling basis in each             considered as a whole. Further information is on
Control Period) to a more flexible and modular                   pages 13 and 14.
approach that develops options for funders.
                                                                 These range from the application of wider
This is called Continuous Modular Strategic Planning             government policies and consideration of how to
(CMSP), and is underpinned by the development of                 influence these environmental and sustainability
an annual plan of strategic questions which will:                challenges, through changing population
                                                                 demographics, to the introduction of new
•   explicitly put passenger and freight users at the            technologies both to the railway system itself and
    heart of the process                                         more widely.

Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
Strategic Route context                                       Strategic Route O: Merseyside

The North West and Central (NW&C) region is the               The Merseyrail network is an entirely third rail Direct
biggest single region within Network Rail and covers          Current (DC) electrified network spread over the
over 24 per cent of the national rail network.                Wirral, Merseyside, north Cheshire and south-west
                                                              Lancashire. The network is split in two as the Northern
The NW&C region:                                              Line and the Wirral Line. The Northern Line operates
                                                              from Hunts Cross in the south to Liverpool Central
•   is 24 per cent of Britain’s railway                       and Moorfields, with northerly branches serving
•   runs around 6,725 train services each weekday             Southport, Kirkby and Ormskirk. There are four
•   generates nearly 250 million annual passenger             terminus stations on the Wirral Line: New Brighton,
    journeys                                                  West Kirkby, Chester and Ellesmere Port. All stations
•   moves 700,000 tonnes of freight each week                 on this route are connected to Hamilton Square in
•   maintains 7,100 bridges                                   Birkenhead, and the central Liverpool stations. There
•   operates 712 level crossings                              is a one-way, clockwise loop line underneath Liverpool
•   controls services from 150 signal boxes                   city centre which serves the central stations of James
•   looks after 571 stations                                  Street, Moorfields, Liverpool Lime Street and Liverpool
•   covers 4,500 track miles                                  Central. Liverpool Lime Street Low Level forms an
•   employs nearly 8,000 people.                              important link to the mainline Liverpool Lime Street
                                                              station, redeveloped in 2018, for interchange with
There are four Network Rail Managed Stations:                 services to a wide range of destinations such as
London Euston, Birmingham New Street, Manchester              London, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle and
Piccadilly and Liverpool Lime Street.                         Norwich. Due to an increase in demand at Liverpool
                                                              Central, especially on the Northern Line, mitigation
The NW&C region accommodates the operations of                strategies are currently being developed to help
over six freight operators and fourteen passenger             address the increased demand.
operators, and a small number of charter train
                                                              Strategic Route H: North West – Urban
The NW&C region follows the West Coast Main
                                                              The North West Urban rail area covers a wide
Line from London Euston to the Scottish Borders,
                                                              geographical spread which has a large number of city
and incorporates a number of major commuter,
                                                              conurbations offering opportunities for employment,
intercity and local routes linking London with:
                                                              leisure and education. The area includes routes into
Watford, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Coventry,
                                                              stations in the principal locations, such as central
Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Preston,
                                                              Manchester, central Liverpool and Manchester
Carlisle and Scotland. The region also covers the
                                                              Airport; with various radial routes extending into
Chilterns area from London Marylebone to
                                                              Blackpool, Cheshire, Lancashire and Derbyshire.
Birmingham Snow Hill, and the whole of the West
                                                              Transport for the North (TfN) is the voice for
Midlands area. The West Coast Main Line diverges
                                                              transport in the north of England and plays a key role
at Crewe, where the line runs to Chester. Chester
                                                              in driving the strategic growth of the rail network
acts as a gateway to north Wales.
                                                              supporting Local Transport Authorities to ensure
                                                              strategic transport decisions are informed by local
The Strategic Routes that make up the North West
and Central region are defined as;

•   Route O: Merseyside                                       Strategic Route H: North West – Rural
•   Route H: North West
•   Route N: West Coast Main Line                             The North West Rural area broadly covers the
•   Route M: West Midlands and Chilterns.                     railway north of the line between Preston and
                                                              Burnley as far as Carlisle, with the exception of the
These routes serve a variety of markets to tourist            West Coast Main Line, and the lines east of
destinations, allowing leisure travel and serving vital       Skipton. It encompasses the rail routes within the
commuting into the towns and cities of northern               county of Cumbria and a number in north
England.                                                      Lancashire. The key routes run along the Cumbrian
                                                              coast, between Settle and Carlisle, between
                                                              Preston and Ormskirk, and between Preston and
                                                              Burnley via Blackburn.

Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
Strategic Route N: West Coast Main Line                           Coventry stations are primary interchange stations
                                                                  for longer-distance services on the West Coast Main
The West Coast Main Line (WCML) is nearly 600km                   Line and on the cross-country network, as well as
long and stretches from London Euston to Glasgow                  being termini for local commuter services.
Central. For strategic planning purposes, the route to
Carstairs South junction (although in Scotland) is                There is one line classified as rural: the Stratford-
included in the North West and Central region, while              upon-Avon line, which includes the single-track branch
the Carstairs to Glasgow Central section is included in           line from Bearley junction to Hatton junctions.
Scotland’s Railway. The WCML connects London to
Birmingham and the Midlands, Manchester, the                      Strategic Route M: Chiltern Lines
North West, and Scotland.
                                                                  The Chiltern Main Line runs from London Marylebone
The WCML is recognised as a strategic transport                   to Birmingham Snow Hill via High Wycombe, Princes
corridor linking Europe (through the Channel Tunnel)              Risborough, Bicester, Banbury, Leamington Spa and
via London and south-east England to the West                     Solihull.
Midlands, north-west England and Scotland, and is
the UK’s busiest mixed traffic route. The European                At Neasden South junction the line diverges towards
and international importance of the WCML is                       Aylesbury Vale Parkway so that services can run from
reflected in its designation as a priority Trans                  London Marylebone via the London Underground
European Network (TEN) route.                                     (LUL) Metropolitan line between Harrow-on-the Hill
                                                                  and Amersham towards Aylesbury.
The south end of the route is focussed on long-
distance and commuter services to and from London,                A single-track branch line runs between Princes
together with key freight services and flows serving              Risborough and Aylesbury. There are also two freight
more northerly destinations. The north-west section               branches from Bicester Town to Claydon LNE junction
of the WCML provides vital connections between                    and Aylesbury to Claydon LNE junction. The route
major cities and towns such as Manchester, Liverpool,             between Claydon LNE junction and Bletchley is
Preston and beyond.                                               currently out of use. This line is being developed as
                                                                  part of the plans known as East West Rail which will
Strategic Route M: West Midlands                                  be described in more detail later in this document.

The West Midlands rail network is located at the                  Key passenger markets and traffic
centre of the national rail network and consists of               flows
radial routes into the three central stations in
Birmingham (New Street, Snow Hill and Moor Street).
The routes in the West Midlands are predominantly
                                                                  North West including Merseyside
two-track secondary routes which support the busy
local commuter markets into Birmingham and the                    There are a number of longer-distance through
metropolitan centres of Wolverhampton, Walsall,                   routes linking the north-west regional centres with
Coventry, Sandwell, Dudley and Solihull. There is an              those in Scotland, the North East, East Midlands
increasingly wider spread of electrification but there            and Anglia, together with interchange facilities
are still some local routes not electrified. Local services       with the West Coast Main Line serving London, the
into Coventry, Walsall, and Wolverhampton are                     West Midlands and beyond.
electrified, as are services on the Birmingham cross-
city lines, with recent extensions to Bromsgrove and              The north-west network is a mixed-use railway
Rugeley.                                                          with a substantial and growing commuter market
                                                                  for rail services into the main centres of
The West Midlands network incorporates some                       Manchester, Liverpool and to a lesser degree
sections of primary route, including the West Coast               Preston. There are strong leisure and business
Main Line between Rugby, Birmingham and Stafford,                 flows between Manchester and Liverpool, and
and the cross-country route between Wichnor                       from the region to London, Birmingham, north
junction and Stoke Works junction. Some of these                  Wales and Yorkshire. Manchester Airport and
routes are electrified and have higher line speeds of             Liverpool John Lennon Airport (served by Liverpool
up to 125 mph, supporting high-speed, long-distance               South Parkway) are significant destinations for
services to key locations throughout Britain.                     leisure and business rail passengers.
Birmingham New Street, Wolverhampton and

Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
Northern Rail operates local commuter services on             from the railway, making a valuable contribution to
the routes between Liverpool Lime Street and                  the visitor economy in the area. Although not
Blackpool North via Preston, and between                      considered commuter services in the way services into
Manchester Victoria and Blackpool North. They                 major cities are, they can still provide a key link for
also operate stopping services on the cross-                  workers in an area to important industry sites such as
Pennine routes to Leeds via the Calder Valley, via            Sellafield Power Plant, with Sellafield station on the
Huddersfield and to Sheffield via the Hope Valley             Cumbrian coast being busy at shift change times with
route.                                                        workers choosing to travel by train from neighbouring
Services on the third-rail DC lines in Merseyside are
operated by Merseyrail. These services serve                  West Coast Main Line
commuter and leisure markets and link Liverpool and
north Wales, Chester, Preston and Southport. Services         The West Coast Main Line (WCML) is the busiest
on the Northern line operate on a number of                   mixed traffic route in the United Kingdom. It is
branches, serving Hunts Cross, Kirkby, Ormskirk and           central to the business of many UK and international
Southport via Liverpool Central and Moorfields. On            passenger and freight operators.
the Wirral lines there are branches to Chester,
Ellesmere Port, West Kirkby and New Brighton via              The main passenger service flow on the WCML is
James Street, Moorfields, Liverpool Lime Street and           long-distance, high-speed services operated by the
Liverpool Central.                                            Avanti West Coast franchise. The key services are
                                                              operated between London Euston and Glasgow
Interurban services across the north-west link cities         Central, Manchester Piccadilly (two services via
such as Manchester and Liverpool with cities further          Stoke-on-Trent and one service via Crewe per
afield towards Scotland, with connections to                  hour), the West Midlands (Coventry, Birmingham
Edinburgh and Glasgow Central from Manchester as              New Street and Wolverhampton), Liverpool Lime
well as a Liverpool to Glasgow service. There are             Street and Chester (with some services extended
further services from Manchester to key cities in             to north Wales, to Holyhead and to Bangor). Some
Yorkshire such as Leeds, Sheffield and York as well as        services have additional stops during peak times
services towards Newcastle, Norwich via Nottingham            to serve intermediate stations on the route
and Chester/north Wales. Most services connect                between Rugby and Stafford.
through Manchester on the way to Manchester
Airport, providing connectivity throughout the north          The Avanti West Coast franchise also operates fast
of England.                                                   services between Birmingham New Street and
                                                              Scotland, serving Glasgow Central and Edinburgh
East Midlands Railway operates services between               Waverley in alternate hours.
Derby and Crewe and between Norwich,
Nottingham, Sheffield and Liverpool Lime Street               Overnight sleeper services (operated by Serco
via Manchester Piccadilly.                                    Caledonian Sleeper) run between London Euston
                                                              and Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness, Aberdeen and
Transport for Wales (TfW) operates services from              Fort William.
north Wales, which serve Manchester via
Warrington Bank Quay, and from south Wales to                 Semi-fast services are operated on the WCML by
Manchester via Crewe. TfW also provides an                    West Midlands Trains (WMT) under the brands
hourly service on the Crewe to Chester line and               West Midlands Railway and London Northwestern
services between Wrexham and Bidston, as well as              Railway. The main services operated are between
over the recently reopened Halton Curve between               London Euston and Tring, Milton Keynes Central,
Liverpool Lime Street and Chester via Runcorn.                Northampton, Coventry, Birmingham New Street,
Whilst rural routes don’t see a spike in passenger            Liverpool, Stoke on Trent and Crewe. These service
numbers during peak hours in the way commuter                 groups combine to provide at least three trains an
services do, they play a vital role in connecting local       hour from London Euston to Northampton and at
communities throughout the day. It can also be vital          least four trains an hour from London Euston to
for tourist traffic to the area, such as the Cumbrian         Milton Keynes Central.
coast or Windermere branch line which serve tourist
traffic for the Lake District National Park year-round.       Two branches feed the southern end of the WCML:
Other routes such as the Settle-Carlisle line provide         the St. Albans Abbey line which joins the WCML at
alternative routes from Leeds to Carlisle via a rural         Watford Junction, and the Bedford to Bletchley
route which is popular because of the scenic views            line which joins the WCML at Bletchley. Both are

Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
designated as ‘community rail’ lines with train             and Birmingham Moor Street and Snow Hill, and six
services operated by WMT.                                   trains per day between London Marylebone and
                                                            Stratford-upon-Avon. Chiltern Railways is proposing
GTR Southern operates an hourly service between             to run an enhanced service between Stratford-
East Croydon and Milton Keynes Central via                  upon-Avon and London Marylebone to serve the
Kensington Olympia although in certain hours the            tourist market. There are significant interurban
service begins at Clapham Junction and only                 flows serving the business, wider commuting and
operates as far as Watford Junction.                        leisure travel. The interurban market between
                                                            London and the surrounding areas has grown
Arriva Rail London operates services on the slower          considerably in recent decades, and Chiltern
DC electrified third rail lines between Watford             Railways offer services to Warwick, Banbury and
Junction and London Euston via Queens Park and              Bicester, including the major retail outlet at
Harrow. London Underground Limited services also            Bicester Village. Trains also serve smaller
operate on the DC lines between Harrow and                  commuter markets into other towns on the route,
Wealdstone and Queens Park and then into                    such as High Wycombe and Aylesbury.
Central London via the Bakerloo Line.
                                                            Chiltern Railways has been operating a service
West Midlands and Chilterns                                 from London Marylebone to Oxford Parkway and
                                                            Oxford since 2016 utilising the first stretch of the
The rail network in the West Midlands and                   soon-to-be-completed East West Rail service.
Chilterns area supports a range of markets
including commuting into key employment and                 CrossCountry Trains operates a network of long-
leisure destinations, interurban travel between             distance services which run through the West
major urban centres and long-distance travel. Due           Midlands between cities outside London. These
to its central location, the West Midlands area acts        include services between Plymouth and Penzance
as a hub for the national rail network with many            and Edinburgh via Bristol Temple Meads, Leeds
long-distance services passing through                      and York, Bournemouth and Bristol Temple Meads
Birmingham New Street, which is a primary                   to Manchester Piccadilly, and between Reading
interchange station for many destinations across            and Newcastle. All CrossCountry services call at
the network.                                                Birmingham New Street, offering interchange
                                                            opportunities for passengers to link from local and
Local commuting in the West Midlands has grown              interurban services. These regional links include to
substantially in recent years. The local rail network       Derby, Nuneaton, Leicester, Nottingham, Stansted
is extensive and busy with services on some                 Airport, Cheltenham, and Cardiff.
corridors now operating at a ten-minute
frequency. The commuter network is operated                 West Midlands Trains also supports interurban
primarily by the West Midlands franchise, and the           flows from the West Midlands including between
majority of local services are supported by West            Birmingham New Street and Liverpool Lime Street,
Midlands Rail Executive. Services support commuter,         and between Birmingham New Street and London
shopping and leisure needs with key flows                   Euston via Rugby and Northampton.
operating from across the West Midlands into
Birmingham city centre and other key                        Transport for Wales Rail offers interurban service
employment and urban centres such as                        opportunities between north Wales, mid Wales,
Wolverhampton, Coventry, Solihull, Dudley and               Shropshire and the West Midlands. These services
Walsall. Frequent services are also offered to              operate to Birmingham International station
Birmingham International to support passengers              offering passengers connectivity with Birmingham
accessing Birmingham Airport and activities at the          Airport, which is one of the busiest airports outside
National Exhibition Centre and the Resorts World            London, and to the National Exhibition Centre.
                                                            Key freight markets and traffic
Chiltern Railways serves the long-distance market           flows
between Birmingham Snow Hill and London
Marylebone. This market has grown significantly
                                                            Rail freight plays a vital role in the UK economy
over recent years and is an attractive high-speed
                                                            and its growth is encouraged by the Government
alternative to services on the West Coast Main
                                                            in the light of its significant economic and
Line to London in the peak hours. Services operate
                                                            environmental benefits. The rail freight market is
on a half-hourly basis between London Marylebone

Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
dependent on the general performance of the                  the Channel Tunnel has been low in recent years,
economy, and to varying levels on the type of rail           driven partly by security concerns. Future demand
flow. There are several major freight flows in the           remains uncertain and may depend on the UK’s
North West and Central region operating to                   future relationship with the European Union;
terminals within the route as well as to locations           however, a scheme to clear W12 routes between
outside the area.                                            the Tunnel and Wembley in order to unlock
                                                             demand is in the early stages of development.
Freight operators on the route include DB Cargo,
which is the largest freight operator in the UK, and         The major flows on the West Coast Main Line
Freightliner Limited, which is the largest rail              (WCML) from Southampton are to the Midlands
haulier of containerised traffic on the route,               terminals at Birch Coppice, Hams Hall, Lawley Street
predominantly for the deep sea market. Other                 and Daventry; to the North West terminals at
operators running services on the route include GB           Garston, Trafford Park and Ditton; and to further
Railfreight, Direct Rail Services and Colas Rail.            destinations in the North East and Scotland. The
                                                             flows from Felixstowe to the Midlands and North
The main freight markets in the North West and               West terminals operate via the North London Line
Central region are:                                          joining the WCML at Willesden junction or via
                                                             Peterborough joining the WCML at Nuneaton.
                                                             The Channel Tunnel intermodal market offers
There is a high demand for container and                     opportunities for traffic from Spain, Italy, France,
intermodal freight transport, and rail is increasing         Belgium, Germany and other EU countries. In 2011,
its modal share of this market. Intermodal traffic           freight started to use the High Speed One line, and
includes domestic intermodal (containerised goods            this has brought the prospect of larger loading-gauge
moved within Great Britain), maritime intermodal             traffic into Britain for onward movement via the
(intermodal traffic moved to and from the ports)             WCML.
and Channel Tunnel intermodal (intermodal traffic
from mainland Europe which is moved via the                  Domestic intermodal
Channel Tunnel).
                                                             Domestic intermodal traffic is the movement of
There are many intermodal terminals within the               containerised consumer goods within Great Britain.
North West and Central region, including Garston,            Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT)
Trafford Park, Ditton, Daventry (Daventry                    is the national hub of Anglo-Scottish intermodal
International Rail Freight Terminal), Lawley Street,         traffic and a high proportion of traffic at DIRFT is
Hams Hall, and Birch Coppice (Birmingham                     domestic traffic. Key flows include the time-
International Freight Terminal). Much of the                 sensitive supermarket traffic which operates
traffic at these terminals originates from deep sea          between Daventry and Mossend and
ports, especially the East Coast ports and                   Grangemouth and Coatbridge. Expansion plans
Southampton, and from mainland Europe via the                for DIRFT 3 are currently ongoing.
Channel Tunnel. Two new Strategic Railfreight
Interchanges (SRFIs) have been granted planning              Automotive
permission on the WCML south of Northampton and
north of Wolverhampton, with other schemes being             Automotive flows transport time-sensitive high
developed.                                                   value products, for which the transit time forms
                                                             part of the production process. Within the West
Maritime and Channel Tunnel                                  Midlands, automotive services that provide
intermodal                                                   finished products operate from the Jaguar car
                                                             plant at Castle Bromwich. There is an automobile
Maritime intermodal flows are container flows to and         terminal at Speke (Liverpool) which forms a key
from ports. The main import locations into Britain are       location for imported cars as well as those
Southampton and East Coast ports, especially                 produced for export, via Washwood Heath and
Felixstowe. Since the completion of the loading              Southampton. There are also automotive flows
gauge clearance to W10 from Southampton to                   originating in the North West from Halewood near
the West Midlands in March 2011, further                     Liverpool (three trains a day) to Southampton and a
increases in freight traffic have been stimulated.           regular flow from Dagenham to Garston carrying
Volumes of freight carried on through-trains via             Ford vehicles.

Delivering a better railway for a better Britain - Network Specification 2020 North West and Central (NW&C) region
Metals                                                       Network Rail Route Services

The West Midlands remains the principal UK                   Network Rail Route Services operates freight services
centre for metal processing and consumption, and             to supply infrastructure materials throughout the
as a result there are significant flows of products          country to meet the needs of railway engineering and
both into and out of the region. Large volumes of            construction projects. There are locations at both
semi-finished and finished steel products both               Crewe Basford Hall and Carlisle Kingmoor which are
from British manufacturing sites and from ports              key nodes for the traffic that services the many
around the country are moved into terminals at               requirements of Route Services. The operation at
Round Oak and Wolverhampton.                                 Bescot in the West Midlands provides services to and
                                                             from the West Coast Main Line.
There are also flows of scrap metal within the
region from Mossend (Glasgow) to Liverpool, and of           Other freight flows
metals for recycling which are despatched to a
range of British destinations from terminals at              Other flows within the NW&C region include Royal
Handsworth, Saltley and Kingsbury. There are                 Mail, china clay, oil and petroleum, and other
significant flows of steel from south Wales to the           power station traffic. Royal Mail operates daily
North East and to Corby, and from the North East,            between Willesden and Shieldmuir in Scotland.
and into south Wales and Washwood Heath.                     China clay trains operate over the West Coast
                                                             Main Line; some of these originate in the South
Coal                                                         West, with destinations of Stoke-on-Trent and
                                                             Irvine in Scotland. Within the West Midlands oil
UK energy policy is for the cessation of coal                and petroleum is transported to the Kingsbury
fuelled power by 2025. The power station at                  terminal near Tamworth and the Murco terminal
Fiddlers Ferry has now closed. There are only three          at Bedworth. On the West Coast Main Line there
coal fired power stations left open in England,              are also flows of timber from Carlisle to Chirk.
none of which are in the region; the supply of coal
to these power stations varies both in volume and            There are regular flows of biomass from Portbury
originating port. It is unclear what the future is for
                                                             and Liverpool to Drax power station.
coal fired generation in the UK until 2025.

Waste                                                        Performance

                                                             For Control Period six the Public Performance
Within the North West and Central region,
                                                             Measure (PPM) targets for NW&C Lead Operators are
domestic and industrial waste traffic is
                                                             as follows:
transported to the waste processing site at Calvert
from Cricklewood, Willesden, Bristol and Northolt.
                                                                           2019/20   2020/21   2021/22   2022/23   2023/24
Traffic has now commenced for waste flows on
the route to Folly Lane (Runcorn).
                                                              Chiltern     93.8%     93.9%     93.9%     94.2%     94.3%

                                                              Merseyrail   94.4%     94.4%     94.9%     95.4%     95.6%

Aggregate flows are highly dependent on the health
                                                              Avanti       86.4%     86.8%     86.5%     85.9%     86.1%
of the construction industry and demand tends to be
project driven. Aggregate flows within the region
operate to terminals at Northampton, Bletchley,
Watford, Willesden, Walsall, Castle Bromwich,
                                                              TPE          82.4%     84.5%     84.9%     85.5%     86.2%
Bordesley and Banbury. There are also flows from
Leicestershire to Neasden and from Peak Forest to
                                                              West         88.4%     88.8%     88.4%     88.7%     89.1%
the North East and South East. At the north end of
the West Coast Main Line aggregates are
conveyed from the Shap quarries to Teesside,
Manchester and Sheffield.

New flows to serve the construction of High Speed
Two are likely to start in 2020-21 and increase as
construction accelerates.

Proposed infrastructure                                          The project is split into two main packages of work:
investment in Control Period six                                 Phase 1: between Bicester and Oxford delivered both
(2019 to 2024)                                                   the infrastructure required for Chiltern’s ‘evergreen’
                                                                 services to London and the incremental works
The Final Determination for funding for Control                  required for the later introduction of East West Rail
Period six (CP6) was announced by the Office of Rail             services.
and Road in October 2018.
                                                                 Phase 2: which is at a much earlier stage of
In CP6 enhancement funding from the                              development, will deliver the East West Rail works
government will be funded in accordance with the                 east of Bicester to Bletchley and Bedford (including
Rail Network Enhancement Pipeline (RNEP). This                   the Aylesbury to Claydon junction line).
means that enhancement projects being
developed in CP6 will only be committed following                The Northern Hub
a decision to deliver, which requires an approved
business case.                                                   The conditional outputs of the Northern Hub have
                                                                 been designed to enhance the capability of the
Chiltern Main Line train lengthening                             network across the north of England, specifically to
Platform lengthening has been identified by
                                                                 •   capacity for forecast passenger growth
operators on a number of routes in the West
Midlands and Chilterns area, in order to deliver the             •   faster and more frequent inter-regional services,
requirements of the High Level Output                                with increased direct links between northern
Specification (HLOS).                                                cities

Train lengthening is proposed by Chiltern Railways               •   improved services on key commuter corridors to
in order to support their operational plans in CP6.                  support sustainability of the cities
Plans involve train lengthening from 7-car to 9-car              •   direct journeys from a wider range of towns/
trains, resulting in the need to lengthen platforms                  cities to Manchester Airport
at five stations: Bicester North, Haddenham and
Thame Parkway, Beaconsfield, High Wycombe,                       •   freight capacity required to 2030.
and Princes Risborough. Further development of
these options is being undertaken.                               The project was split into two phases of work
                                                                 based upon delivery of increased network
                                                                 capability. Some elements of the Northern Hub
East West Rail
                                                                 are to be reviewed and assessed as to their
                                                                 suitability to deliver the conditional outputs as
The HLOS confirmed government commitment to
                                                                 was originally intended.
fund the East West Rail project in CP6, identifying the
initial routes as Oxford to Bedford, Aylesbury to
                                                                 The Northern Hub interfaces with a number of
Calvert and links. The primary objective of this
                                                                 other key projects in the North West and across the
initiative is to improve east-west connectivity,
providing additional capacity to accommodate
growth in freight and passenger numbers.
                                                                 Coventry to Leamington Spa capacity
Service patterns and rolling stock strategy is still to be       upgrade
defined; however the enhanced scope of the project
as announced in the HLOS provides a significant                  This scheme proposes to increase capacity on the
opportunity for additional and extended services. The            line between Coventry and Leamington Spa. The
question of whether additional capacity will be                  industry recommendation is to address the
required on the West Coast Main Line to                          connectivity gap between Derbyshire, Yorkshire
accommodate East West Rail services to Milton                    and the North East to Coventry and Birmingham
Keynes Central will be examined during development               International and further south-west. This
of the project.                                                  increased capacity will also help to address
                                                                 crowding issues. Early analysis has indicated that
                                                                 to increase capacity on the line, the single line
                                                                 constraints must be addressed. This enhancement
                                                                 will also accommodate the new hourly local

passenger train service between Coventry and                Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR)
Leamington Spa supporting the third-party funded
new passenger station at Kenilworth.                        Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) is a programme to
                                                            deliver a transformed rail network in the north of
West Midlands – New stations                                England and bring new opportunities to millions of
                                                            people and businesses and thereby drive economic
Grand Junction stations                                     growth. Featuring a mix of new and significantly
                                                            upgraded railway lines, it will increase the capacity,
Two new stations are proposed on the line                   speed and resilience of the North’s rail network. In
between Walsall and Wolverhampton at Willenhall             doing so, passengers will experience faster and far
and Darlaston. The route is currently used for              more reliable journeys between the North’s
freight traffic and diverted passenger services at          economies and its largest international airport. The
times of disruption. These plans are being                  Northern Powerhouse Rail proposals represent a
developed by West Midlands Rail Executive.                  coherent network that will transform rail services
                                                            across the North, providing a world class investment
Camp Hill stations                                          and infrastructure for seamless rail travel across the
                                                            North as part of the Long-Term Rail Strategy.
West Midlands Rail Executive are also proposing three
new stations on the Camp Hill Line connecting south         Depot and stabling enhancement for
Birmingham with the city centre. These stations             extra trains
would serve Kings Heath, Moseley, and Hazelwell. The
route is currently used for freight traffic and             With future passenger demand expected to grow,
CrossCountry services.                                      there will be a need to increase train operator fleet
                                                            sizes which will in turn increase stabling demand. We
Coventry station upgrade                                    expect additional depots to be built to fulfil this
                                                            increased demand.
There are third-party funded plans (Coventry City
Council) to enhance the transport links between             North West area re-signalling
Nuneaton, Bedworth and Coventry. Proposals include
the upgrade of the line between Coventry and
                                                            During CP6 there are numerous projects to renew
Nuneaton, a new bay platform at Coventry station,
                                                            signalling infrastructure throughout the region. This
and complete redevelopment of the station and
                                                            includes work to renew and refurbish signal structures,
surrounding area.
                                                            and increase safety at level crossings.

North Trans-Pennine Electrification:                        Some of the projects include:
                                                            •   Crewe Main Line re-signalling (phased over
TransPennine Route Upgrade (TRU) is a programme                 Control Periods six and seven)
of enhancements to increase capacity, improve               •   Macclesfield, Trafford Park, Basford Hall and
performance and deliver journey time improvements               Crewe Independent Lines re-signalling
on the core TransPennine route between Manchester
Victoria, Leeds and York (via Huddersfield and              •   Signalling life extensions on the Cumbrian coast;
                                                                the Settle – Carlisle line; in the Liverpool area
Micklefield). This includes proposals to remodel
                                                                including Hunts Cross and Green Bank; Trafford
Stalybridge, Huddersfield and provide selective four            Park; and the Hope Valley line
tracking. For further information about the
TransPennine Route Upgrade, please view the                 •   Level Crossing renewals including Woodsmoor,
following link:              Ince & Elton, Barthomley, Pool Hey, Wyke Cop,
railway-upgrade-plan/key-projects/transpennine-                 Shaws, Crabtree, Chapel Lane, Wraysholme, and
route-upgrade                                                   Saltcoats
                                                            •   Level Crossing improvements or life extensions at
                                                                Bare Lane, Astley and Bromley Cross, Haverigg,
                                                                Bush-on-Esk No2, Chaffers, Black Dyke, and

.Freight terminal plans                                              scheme also supports the electric spine proposals
                                                                     and the Coventry to Nuneaton Upgrade project.
There is a proposal for a new multi-modal freight
terminal at Port Salford in the North West. The site is              Depot and stabling
planned to be connected to the Manchester to Liverpool
line (Chat Moss route), which joins the West Coast Main              With the expansion of the electrification network
Line at Newton-le-Willows, enabling freight services to              during Control Period five, there will be additional
access the terminal. It will be the only inland water-               electric rolling stock vehicles that will need to be
served distribution park in Great Britain, using the                 maintained both in the North West and Midlands
Manchester Ship Canal as well as the major local                     areas. Development work to identify future options
motorway network in the North West.                                  for depot and stabling is ongoing.

There is planned to be a major expansion of Daventry                 In the Midlands area, the current EMU maintenance
International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT) to provide               depot at Soho is at maximum capacity and a further
more storage and distribution facilities and rail                    location will need to be identified. There will also need
infrastructure. In the same area two new terminals are               to be additional stabling facilities in the area.
being considered by the planning authorities in south                Development work to identify options is ongoing
Northamptonshire: Rail Central and Northampton
Gateway. New intermodal freight terminals are also                   Chiltern Trains have introduced a new maintenance
planned at Four Ashes (between Wolverhampton and                     and stabling facility at Banbury to cater for their
Stafford), and at Parkside (Newton-le-Willows) which                 expanding fleet of vehicles.
could result in significantly increased traffic into the West
Midlands area and along the West Coast Main Line.                    West Midlands re-signalling programme
In addition to the re-signalling scheme at Stafford, there           Plans are advancing to renew the life-expired
are re-signalling works planned for several parts of the             signalling equipment in the Birmingham New
route including the Watford area.                                    Street area and transfer control to the West
                                                                     Midlands Signalling Centre at Saltley. As part of
Water Orton capacity enhancements and                                the scheme development, potential enhancements
Midlands Rail Hub                                                    to line speeds, junction layouts and improved
                                                                     performance are being investigated.
This project plans to address capacity issues on the
Derby to Birmingham corridor in order to support                     Operations Strategy
passenger and freight service growth on the route.
Midlands Rail Hub will be looking at ten additional                  NW&C regional operating strategy is to progressively
trains into and outside of Birmingham an hour, which                 migrate signalling control to three locations:
includes plans to address capacity issues on the Derby               Manchester Rail Operating Centre, Rugby Rail
to Birmingham corridor in order to support passenger                 Operating Centre, and the West Midlands Signalling
and freight growth on the route. New hourly local                    Centre. Opportunities will be taken when network
services between Tamworth/Nuneaton and                               enhancements require significant changes to
Birmingham New Street, as well as improved access to                 signalling, or when renewal is necessary.
Kingsbury Freight Terminal, are being assessed. The                  Consolidation solely to reduce operating costs will not
plans include two additional trains per hour from                    be possible until the cost of such work reduces to
Birmingham to Leicester via Nuneaton, to Kings                       levels that can support a business case to attract the
Norton via Camp Hill, and to Burton-on-Trent/Derby;                  required funding.
and one additional train per hour from Birmingham to
Nottingham/Lincoln via Derby, to Bristol, to Cardiff,                Traffic management systems will be introduced to
and to Hereford via Worcester.                                       automate the execution of the required plan, taking
                                                                     into account disruption due to incidents on the
Line speed improvements                                              network. Inputs from Train Operating Company stock
                                                                     and crew management systems will be used to
On the Coventry to Nuneaton line it is proposed to                   update plans in real time. Outputs to onboard train
increase the line speed between Coventry and                         systems will enable optimum running speeds to be
Nuneaton from the current 45 mph to 60 mph,                          implemented. Together these systems will improve
which will provide journey time benefits. The                        performance, increase capacity and reduce energy

In May 2018, the Department for Transport and                      High Speed Two
Network Rail announced that future re-signalling
schemes would use the digital European Train Control               The next phase in implementation of a national high-
System, which transfers signalling functionality from              speed rail network will be construction of a new
the trackside to train cabs. Until sufficient rolling stock        railway to alleviate capacity issues on the West Coast
has been fitted with the in-cab equipment, new                     Main Line (WCML) between London and the West
signalling will be implemented as ‘Digital Ready’. In              Midlands. This route, which is proposed to be in
some areas, it may be possible to justify the provision            operation by 2031, is known as High Speed Two
of overlay or underlay systems to provide dual                     (HS2). Following Phase 1 services running on HS2 will
functionality to support the transition.                           operate over the existing WCML to Manchester,
                                                                   Liverpool and Scotland.
Rail Operating Centres
                                                                   Phase 2 will extend this initial route, with the creation
Rail Operating Centres (ROC) are a key component                   of a ‘Y’ network to Manchester and Leeds by 2040.
of the longer term operating strategy for Network                  Phase 2a will link HS2 to the WCML north of Crewe
Rail.                                                              with services to Scotland continuing to operate on the
                                                                   classic network. Phase 2b will link HS2 with
The buildings are designed to be a secure and                      Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds, again with services
resilient base for the vital systems contained                     to Scotland continuing on the classic network.
inside. They also provide the opportunity to work
more closely with Train Operating Company                          There are several significant workstreams currently
colleagues, providing a collaborative working                      being undertaken on high-speed rail development
environment for all staff.                                         that affect the NW&C region:
                                                                   •   continued development following successful
Longer-term strategy (Control                                          completion of the Hybrid Bill, which provide
Period seven and beyond)                                               powers to construct the new route
                                                                   •   the London Euston Station re-construction and
Introduction                                                           staging works

Government policy has determined the strategy                      •   two new HS2 stations at Birmingham Curzon
for creating additional capacity on the West Coast                     Street and Birmingham Interchange
Main Line is the delivery of a high-speed line,                    •   a new HS2 maintenance depot at Washwood
which aligns with the recommendations of the                           Heath in Birmingham
West Coast Main Line Route Utilisation Strategy
(RUS). Network Rail is working closely with HS2                    •   HS2 compatible trains running onto the existing
Ltd, particularly where the high-speed line                            WCML (and joining near Lichfield at a new
interfaces with the existing network.                                  junction called Handsacre junction)
                                                                   •   utilising the spare capacity released at the south
Network Rail must plan for the seamless                                end of the WCML
integration of High Speed Two (HS2) services and
other franchised, freight and open access                          •   aligning planned renewals with HS2 known
passenger services where HS2 services are running                      interventions
on the existing network.                                           •   HS2 maintenance depot proposals for Calvert
                                                                       (near Aylesbury) and a service connection to East
Decarbonisation                                                        West Rail
                                                                   •   Further development of the ‘Y’ network, including
Network Rail are working closely with the industry
                                                                       a new station at Manchester Piccadilly, and a
to recommend and inform decisions required to
                                                                       connection to the existing WCML at Golborne
remove diesel trains from the network and identify
                                                                       Junction (near Wigan).
the capital works programme required to achieve
this. This is in line with the wider government
decarbonisation agenda.

Modular Network Planning                                     Strategic Freight Network schemes

The North West and Central region will continue              Southampton to West Coast Main Line – train
to review and develop the recommendations set                lengthening
out in previous sets of geographical Rail Utilisation
Strategies (RUSs) and take forward the conditional           Feasibility work is being undertaken to assess the
outputs being set by market and route studies, as            further options to facilitate freight trains up to 775
part of the Long-Term Planning Process.                      metres long to run on this corridor. Assessments are
                                                             being undertaken on the Leamington to Coventry line
Network Rail has updated its approach to Long-Term           to increase speeds and of possible additional looping
Planning and is now targeting smaller pieces of work         arrangements around the Bordesley junction area
under the heading of Continuous Modular Strategic            just outside Birmingham. Options include Fenny
Planning. Such an approach aims to include                   Compton Down Loop, Hatton Down loop, Dorridge
stakeholder views and priorities both in deciding            Down Loop and Washwood Heath. Increasing the
which areas to tackle and also in delivering the             entry and exit speeds of these loops is also under
workstreams.                                                 consideration. Enhancements to enable 775 metre-
                                                             long intermodal trains between Southampton and
Areas currently under discussion include:                    the West Midlands have been completed in
                                                             Control Period five, with the remaining works on
•   the Bolton corridor into Manchester                      Wessex route required to unlock these benefits
•   the Stockport corridor into Manchester                   planned for Control Period six.
•   the Liverpool to Manchester corridor via
    Warrington Central                                       Accessing the network
•   depot and stabling capacity in the North West
•   released capacity on the West Coast Main Line            The Network RUS: Stations recognised that each
    (WCML) South following HS2                               station may have its own issues and bespoke
•   WCML North requirements following HS2                    solutions. The NW&C stations specifically
•   WCML traction power planning including HS2               highlighted where interventions may be required
•   the Liverpool metropolitan area                          in the medium to long-term are:

In consultation with stakeholders, a study is                •   Birmingham Snow Hill
underway to determine the extent to which                    •   Liverpool Central
traction power supplies will support forecast                •   Liverpool Lime Street
requirements on WCML. Where this identifies                  •   Preston
anticipated shortfalls, this will lead to the                •   Manchester Piccadilly
identification of options for traction power supply          •   Manchester Victoria
improvements. As an example of the sort of work              •   Manchester Oxford Road
we will undertake, we will assess capacity north of          •   Watford Junction.
Preston on the WCML. This work will need to look at
what options may be appropriate to cater for the             Freight capacity to 2043
forecast increase in freight and passenger traffic
between Preston and Mossend, in the period between           Freight demand forecasts have been developed
2019 and 2030. Options will not be restricted to             nationally to 2043 to support the development of
infrastructure enhancements but may include                  the Strategic Freight Network, which will enable
timetabling solutions and routeing solutions.                rail freight to grow without having a detrimental
                                                             impact on network capacity and reliability. The
Note. Traction power system capability is limited,           requirement to support rail’s role in delivering a
and any proposals to change demand should be                 sustainable distribution system will continue to be
shared early to enable assessment. It may be that            a key planning objective, and longer-term
significant demand changes would not be                      investment in the Strategic Freight Network will be
supportable without changes to the system; and               necessary to deliver this. The forecasts in the
some of those would have long lead times and                 Freight Market Study for freight growth up to
require funding.                                             2043 are currently being refreshed and the
                                                             updated versions will be established later in 2019.
                                                             Schemes beyond Control Period five will be
                                                             developed as part of the network planning process

and will focus on the need to support longer and               economic rolling stock. The intention is to continue
heavier freight trains, improve efficient operating            to improve journey times, connectivity and travel
characteristics, increase network availability, and            opportunities within the wider north-west area.
on electrification of key freight routes. Where
appropriate, W12 gauge will be implemented as                  In Cumbria, Network Rail is developing proposals
the standard loading gauge for all strategic                   with the County Council to cater for increased
container routes including diversionary routes, as it          freight traffic and passenger growth.
caters for both short and deep sea container
traffic.                                                       The completion of High Speed Two is expected to
                                                               improve journey times for trains connecting major
Network Availability                                           northern conurbations with the Midlands and
                                                               London. The links between HS2 and NPR will be
Network Rail will continue to explore initiatives to           vital in forming new connectivity links between
best optimise network availability across the whole            towns and cities and allowing released capacity on
of the North West and Central region for both                  the conventional rail network to be used to
passengers and freight operators. This will focus              support new markets and add more capacity to
on shorter possessions, appropriately timed                    existing ones.
possessions, productivity and efficiency gains
through changes to the technology and processes                West Coast Main Line Long Term Strategy
used to maintain, renew and enhance the network.
                                                               The West Coast Partnership franchise will work
NW&C region: Planning ahead                                    with the Government, High Speed Two (HS2) and
                                                               industry parties to develop the detailed timetable
Improving local and regional journeys will form an             proposition for HS2 and HS2-released capacity as
important part of future strategy. Network Rail is             well as running the existing services on the West
ensuring future strategy will align national                   Coast Main Line (WCML) before and after HS2
workstreams with local requirements, working                   opens.
collaboratively with partners including sub
national and local transport authorities, Local                Beyond committed interventions there is little
Enterprise Partnerships, and Local Authorities.                scope to run additional or longer trains on the
                                                               WCML at the time they are most needed.
The NW&C strategy is broken down into                          Passenger growth forecasts on the route suggest
geographic sections as follows:                                that there will be unacceptable levels of crowding
                                                               on an ever-increasing number of trains, with high
Merseyside Long Term Strategy                                  levels of freight growth forecast.

The Liverpool City Region Strategic Rail Study,                The WCML is expected to be at capacity and
published in 2020, sets out the direction of the future        become increasingly constrained in its ability to
of the Merseyrail network towards 2043. The strategy           support the economy (through commuter and
recommends enhancements to rolling stock depots,               business travel) and to generate revenue for the
power supply, the platform-train interface and                 industry. The most effective and best value for
stations to accommodate longer trains as a priority to         money way to create additional capacity will be
facilitate and support the introduction of the new             through building a new high-speed line, aligned
rolling stock fleet from 2020. Other recommendations           with government policy and the recommendations
include progressing the development of a solution to           of the West Coast Main Line RUS.
increase capacity at Liverpool Central. The study also
considered potential extension to the Merseyrail               The provision of a high-speed line will help to
network to Wrexham, Preston and Wigan but further              relieve both track and rolling stock capacity, which
work is required before a business case can be                 will enable additional services to operate on the
assessed.                                                      existing network.

North West Long-Term Strategy                                  HS2 Ltd, in conjunction with Network Rail, is
                                                               working with key industry stakeholders to explore
During this Control Period, many of the busiest                options to make best use of the released capacity
routes in the North West are intended to be                    on the existing WCML. This work will help the rail
provided with modern, reliable, efficient and more             industry shape the future of the WCML.

West Midlands Long Term Strategy                          Chiltern Main Line Long Term Strategy

Network Rail is working closely with West Midlands        The strategy for the Chiltern Main Line is for
Rail Executive and Midlands Connect to better             electrification of the route from Birmingham to
understand the link between transport and                 London. The electrification of the route is being
economic growth. This work will seek to produce           considered as part of any future capacity
an evidence base to inform key outputs for the            enhancements of the Chiltern Main Line including
region. This work will feed into the Long-Term            potential connections to Old Oak Common.
Planning Process, as well as influencing the Local        Network Rail is working closely with England’s
Enterprise Partnership’s economic strategies.             Economic Heartland, who are a Sub-national
                                                          Transport Body being the voice for their region to
The Midlands Strategy has identified increasing           guide and support a Rail Strategy to benefit the
extra seats to 3,300 on key commuter routes and           ever-growing growth of population and
2,900 extra seats on long-distance services by            employment of the EEH region. By 2024 there is a
2024. Midlands Rail Hub aims to better connect            view to have upgraded London Marylebone
the region with an extra ten trains per hour into         station, with longer platforms at key stations with
and out of Birmingham.                                    1000 extra seats into London in peak hours.
                                                          Towards 2043 there is a view to upgrade the route
There is an aspiration to electrify the Snow Hill         between Princes Risborough and Aylesbury which
Lines and this could align with potential                 would increase journey times on that line.
electrification to the Chiltern Main Line.

Strategic Route Section Index
[ ] Indicates an SRS which interfaces with another Region

 Strategic Route H: North West
     H.05        [North Transpennine: Leeds – Guide Bridge] Eastern region

     H.10        [Manchester Victoria – Mirfield via Rochdale/Stalybridge] Eastern region

     H.17        [South Transpennine: Dore – Hazel Grove] Eastern region

     H.22        Manchester Piccadilly – Crewe

     H.23        Manchester Piccadilly – Deansgate

     H.24        Deansgate – Liverpool South Parkway

     H.25        Liverpool Lime Street – Liverpool South Parkway

     H.26        North Transpennine: Manchester Piccadilly – Guide Bridge

     H.27        Deansgate – Euxton Junction

     H.28        Ashburys/Hyde North – New Milles Central/Rose Hill

     H.29        Guide Bridge – Glossop/Hadfield

     H.30        Guide Bridge – Chester (via Stockport)

     H.31       Manchester Airport – Wilmslow/Slade Lane Junction

     H.32        Blackpool North Branch

     H.33        Edge Hill – Manchester Victoria (via Earlestown)/Wigan

     H.34        Southport/Kirkby – Wigan Wallgate

     H.35        Wigan Wallgate – Manchester Victoria

     H.36        Buxton Branch

     H.37        Bolton – Blackburn

     H.38        Hazel Grove – Edgeley Junction

     H.39        Cumbrian Coast

     H.40        Settle and Carlisle Line

     H.41        Windermere Branch

     H.42        Carnforth – Long Preston

     H.43        Morecambe/Heysham Port Branch

     H.44        Roses Line and Branches (including Preston – Ormskirk and Blackburn – Hellifield)

H.45      Chester/Ellesmere Port – Warrington Bank Quay

  H.46      Blackpool South Branch

  H.91      [Freight through routes] Eastern region

  H.98      [Freight trunk routes] Eastern region

  H.99      [Other freight lines] Eastern region

Strategic Route M: West Midlands and Chilterns
   M1       London Marylebone – Aynho Jn

   M2       Neasden South Junction – Harrow-on-the-Hill

   M3       Amersham – Aylesbury Vale

   M4       Aylesbury – Princes Risborough

   M5       Rugby – Birmingham New Street

   M6       Birmingham New Street – Wolverhampton

   M7       Wolverhampton – Stafford

   M8       Birmingham New Street – Barnt Green

   M9       [Barnt Green – Stoke Works Junction] Wales & Western region

  M10       [Birmingham – Wichnor Junction] Eastern region

  M11       [Oxford – Coventry South] Wales & Western region

  M12       Leamington Spa – Birmingham Snow Hill

  M13       Stechford – Wolverhampton via Aston

  M14       Birmingham Snow Hill – Stourbridge Junction

  M15       [Stourbridge Junction – Hereford] Wales & Western region

  M16       Stratford-upon-Avon lines

  M17       Cross City North

  M18       Rugeley – Bescot

  M19       Redditch – Barnt Green

  M20       [Wolverhampton – Shrewsbury] Wales & Western region

  M21       Camp Hill line

  M22       Water Orton – Nuneaton

  M23       Nuneaton – Coventry

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