DeepOIS: Gyroscope-Guided Deep Optical Image Stabilizer Compensation
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DeepOIS: Gyroscope-Guided Deep Optical Image Stabilizer Compensation Haipeng Li1 Shuaicheng Liu2,1 Jue Wang1 1 Megvii Technology 2 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China arXiv:2101.11183v1 [cs.CV] 27 Jan 2021 Abstract Mobile captured images can be aligned using their gy- roscope sensors. Optical image stabilizer (OIS) terminates this possibility by adjusting the images during the captur- ing. In this work, we propose a deep network that com- pensates the motions caused by the OIS, such that the (a) (b) gyroscopes can be used for image alignment on the OIS cameras1 . To achieve this, first, we record both videos and gyroscopes with an OIS camera as training data. Then, we convert gyroscope readings into motion fields. Second, we propose a Fundamental Mixtures motion model for rolling shutter cameras, where an array of rotations within a frame are extracted as the ground-truth guidance. Third, we train (c) (d) a convolutional neural network with gyroscope motions as input to compensate for the OIS motion. Once finished, Figure 1. (a) inputs without the alignment, (b) gyroscope align- the compensation network can be applied for other scenes, ment on a non-OIS camera, (c) gyroscope alignment on an OIS where the image alignment is purely based on gyroscopes camera, and (d) our method on an OIS camera. We replace the with no need for images contents, delivering strong robust- red channel of one image with that of the other image, where mis- ness. Experiments show that our results are comparable aligned pixels are visualized as colored ghosts. The same visual- with that of non-OIS cameras, and outperform image-based ization is applied for the rest of the paper. alignment results with a relatively large margin. 14]. In this way, the rotational motions can be compen- 1. Introduction sated. We refer to this as gyro image alignment. One draw- back is that translations cannot be handled by the gyro. For- Image alignment is a fundamental research problem that tunately, rotational motions are prominent compared with has been studied for decades, which has been applied in translational motions [34], especially when filming scenes various applications [4, 45, 12, 41, 24]. Commonly adopted or objects that are not close to the camera [23]. registration methods include homography [10], mesh-based Compared with image-based methods, gyro-based meth- deformation [45, 22], and optical flow [8, 29]. These meth- ods are attractive. First, it is irrelevant to image contents, ods look at the image contents for the registration, which which largely improves the robustness. Second, gyros are often require rich textures [21, 46] and similar illumination widely available and can be easily accessed on our daily variations [37] for good results. mobiles. Many methods have built their applications based In contrast, gyroscopes can be used to align images, on the gyros [15, 13, 44]. where image contents are no longer required [17]. The gyroscope in a mobile phone provides the camera 3D ro- On the other hand, the cameras of smartphones keep tations, which can be converted into homographies given evolving, where optical image stabilizer (OIS) becomes camera intrinsic parameters for the image alignment [17, more and more popular, which promises less blurry im- ages and smoother videos. It compensates for 2D pan and 1 Code will be available on tilt motions of the imaging device through lens mechan- 1
ics [5, 42]. However, OIS terminates the possibility of im- • We propose a solution that learns the mapping func- age registration by gyros. As the homography derived from tion between gyro motions and real motions, where the gyros is no longer correspond to the captured images, a Fundamental Mixtures model is proposed under the which have been adjusted by OIS with unknown quantities RS setting for the real motions. and directions. One may try to read pans and tilts from the camera module. However, this is not easy as it is bounded • We propose a dataset for the evaluation. Experiments with the camera sensor, which requires assistance from pro- show that our method works well when compared with fessionals of the manufacturers [19]. non-OIS cameras, and outperforming image-based op- In this work, we propose a deep learning method that ponents in challenging cases. compensates the OIS motion without knowing its readings, such that the gyro can be used for image alignment on OIS 2. Related Work equipped cell-phones. Fig. 1 shows an alignment example. 2.1. Image Alignments Fig. 1 (a) shows two input images. Fig. 1 (b) is the gyro alignment produced by a non-OIS camera. As seen, the im- Homography [10], mesh-based [45], and optical ages can be well aligned with no OIS interferences. Fig. 1 flow [37] methods are the most commonly adopted motion (c) is the gyro alignment produced by an OIS camera. Mis- models, which align images in a global, middle, and pixel alignments can be observed due to the OIS motion. Fig. 1 level. They are often estimated by matching image fea- (d) represents our OIS compensated result. tures or optimize photometric loss [21]. Apart from clas- Two frames are denoted as Ia and Ib , the motion from sical traditional features, such as SIFT [25], SURF [3], and gyro between them as Gab . The real motion (after OIS ad- ORB [32], deep features have been proposed for improving justment) between two frames is G0ab . We want to find a robustness, e.g., LIFT [43] and SOSNet [38]. Registration mapping function that transforms Gab to G0ab : can also be realized by deep learning directly, such as deep homography estimation [20, 46]. In general, without ex- G0ab = f (Gab ). (1) tra sensors, these methods align images based on the image contents. We propose to train a supervised convolutional neural network for this mapping. To achieve this, we record videos 2.2. Gyroscopes and their gyros as training data. The input motion Gab can Gyroscope is important in helping estimate camera rota- be obtained directly given the gyro readings. However, ob- tions during mobile capturing. The fusion of gyroscope and taining the ground-truth labels for G0ab is non-trivial. We visual measurements have been widely applied in various propose to estimate the real motion from the captured im- applications, including but not limited to, image alignment ages. If we estimate a homography between them, then and video stabilization [17], image deblurring [26], simul- the translations are included, which is inappropriate for taneous localization and mapping (SLAM) [15], gesture- rotation-only gyros. The ground-truth should merely con- based user authentication on mobile devices [13], and hu- tain rotations between Ia and Ib . Therefore, we estimate man gait recognition [44]. In mobiles, one important issue a fundamental matrix and decompose it for the rotation is the synchronization between the timestamps of gyros and matrix [14]. However, the cell-phone cameras are rolling video frames, which requires gyro calibration [16]. In this shutter (RS) cameras, where different rows of pixels have work, we access the gyro data at the Hardware Abstraction slightly distinct rotations matrices. In this work, we pro- Layer (HAL) of the android layout [36], to achieve accurate pose a Fundamental Mixtures model that estimates an array synchronizations. of fundamental matrices for the RS camera, such that rota- tional motions can be extracted as the ground-truth. In this 2.3. Optical Image Stabilizer way, we can learn the mapping function. For evaluations, we capture a testing dataset with various Optical Image Stabilizer (OIS) has been around commer- scenes, where we manually mark point correspondences for cially since the mid-90s [33] and becomes more and more quantitative metrics. According to our experiments, our net- popular in our daily cell-phones. Both the image capturing work can accurately recover the mapping, achieving gyro and video recording can benefit from OIS, producing re- alignments comparable to non-OIS cameras. In summary, sults with less blur and improved stability [19]. It works by our contributions are: controlling the path of the image through the lens and onto the image sensor, which is achieved by measuring the cam- • We propose a new problem that compensates OIS mo- era shakes using sensors such as gyroscope, and move the tions for gyro image alignment on cell-phones. To the lens horizontally or vertically to counteract shakes by elec- best of our knowledge, the problem is not explored yet, tromagnet motors [5, 42]. Once a mobile is equipped with but important to many image and video applications. OIS, it cannot be turn-off easily [27]. On one hand, OIS is 2
good for daily users. On the other hand, it is not friendly to mobile developers who need gyros to align images. In this tb (i) = ta (i) + tf , (4) work, we enable the gyro image alignment on OIS cameras. where tf = 1/F P S is the frame period. Here, the ho- mography between the i-th row at frame Ia and Ib can be 3. Algorithm modeled as: Our method is built upon convolutional neural networks. H = KR (tb ) R> (ta ) K−1 , (5) It takes one gyro-based flow Gab from the source frame Ia > to the target frame Ib as input, and produces OIS compen- where R (tb ) R (ta ) can be computed by accumulating ro- sated flow G0ab as output. Our pipeline consists of three tation matrices from ta to tb . modules: a gyro-based flow estimator, a Fundamental Mix- In our implementation, we divide the image into 6 tures flow estimator, and a fully convolutional network that patches which computes a homography array containing 6 compensates the OIS motion. Fig. 2 illustrates the pipeline. horizontal homographies between two consecutive frames. First, the gyro-based flows are generated according to the We convert the homography array into a flow field [26] so gyro readings (Fig. 2(a) and Sec. 3.1), then they are fed into that it can be fed as input to a convolutional neural network. a network to produce OIS compensated flows G0ab as output For every pixel p in the Ia , we have: (Fig. 2(b) and Sec. 3.3). To obtain the ground-truth rota- p0 = H(t)p, (u, v) = p0 − p, (6) tions, we propose a Fundamental Mixtures model, so as to produce the Fundamental Mixtures flows Fab (Fig. 2 (d) and computing the offset for every pixel produces a gyro-based Sec. 3.2) as the guidance to the network (Fig. 2 (c)). Dur- flow Gab . ing the inference, the Fundamental Mixtures model is not 3.2. Fundamental Mixtures required. The gyro readings are converted into gyro-based flows and fed to the network for compensation. Before introducing our model of Fundamental Mixtures, we briefly review the process of estimating the fundamen- 3.1. Gyro-Based Flow tal matrix. If the camera is global-shutter, every row of the We compute rotations by compounding gyro readings frame is imaged simultaneously at a time. Let p1 and p2 consisting of angular velocities and timestamps. In particu- be the projections of the 3D point X in the first and sec- lar, we read them from the HAL of android architecture for ond frame, p1 = P1 X and p2 = P2 X, where P1 and P2 synchronization. The rotation vector n = (ωx , ωy , ωz ) ∈ represent the projection matrices. The fundamental matrix R3 is computed from gyro readings between frames Ia and satisfies the equation [14]: Ib [17]. The rotation matrix R(t) ∈ SO(3) can be produced pT1 Fp2 = 0, (7) according to the Rodrigues Formula [6]. T If the camera is global shutter, the homography is mod- T where p1 = (x1 , y1 , 1) and p2 = (x01 , y10 , 1) . Let f be the eled as: 9-element vector made up of F , then Eq.(7) can be written H(t) = KR(t)K−1 , (2) as: x01 x1 , x01 y1 , x01 , y10 x1 , y10 y1 , y10 , x1 , y1 , 1 f = 0, where K is the intrinsic camera matrix and R(t) denotes the (8) camera rotation from Ia to Ib . given n correspondences, yields a set of linear equations: In an RS camera, every row of the image is exposed at x01 pT1 y10 pT1 pT1 a slightly different time. Therefore, Eq.(2) is not applicable since every row of the image has slightly different rotation Af = .. .. .. f = 0. (9) . . . matrices. In practice, assigning each row of pixels with a ro- x0n pTn yn0 pTn pTn tation matrix is unnecessary. We group several consecutive rows into a row patch and assign each patch with a rotation Using at least 8 matching points yields a homogenous linear matrix. Fig. 3 shows an example. Let ts denotes the camera system, which can be solved under the constraint kf k2 = readout time that is the time duration between the exposure 1 using the Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) of A = of the first row and the last row of pixels. U DV > where the last column of V is the solution [14]. In the case of RS camera, projection matrices P1 and P2 i vary across rows instead of being frame-global. Eq.(7) does ta (i) = tI + ts , (3) N not hold. Therefore, we introduce Fundamental Mixtures where ta (i) denotes the start of the exposure of the i-th assigning each row patch with a fundamental matrix. patch in Ia as shown in Fig. 3, tI denotes the starting times- We detect FAST features [40] and track them by tamp of the corresponding frame, N denotes the number of KLT [35] between frames. We modify the detection thresh- patches per frame. The end of the exposure is: old for uniform feature distributions [11, 12]. 3
Homography Array Source Output Target Fundamental Mixtures L1 loss (a) Gyro-Flow estimator (b) Network structure (c) Flow loss (d) Fundamental-Flow estimator Figure 2. The overview of our algorithm which includes (a) gyro-based flow estimator, (d) the fundamental-based flow estimator, and (b) neural network predicting an output flow. For each pair of frames Ia and Ib , the homography array is computed using the gyroscope readings from tIa to tIb , which is converted into the source motion Gab as the network input. On the other side, we estimate a Fundamental Mixtures model to produce the target flow Fab as the guidance. The network is then trained to produce the output G0ab . where fi denotes the vector formed by concatenating the columns of Fi . Combining Eq.(11) and Eq.(12) yields a 1 × 9i linear constraint: ... ... ... ... f1 w1 (p1 )A1p1 . . . wi (p1 )Aip1 ... = Ap1 f = 0. (13) fi | {z } Ap 1 | {z } f Figure 3. Illustration of rolling shutter frames. tIa and tIb are the Aggregating all linear constraints Apj for every match point frame starting time. ts is the camera readout time and tf denotes (pj , pj+1 ) yields a homogenous linear system Af = 0 that the frame period (tf > ts ). ta (i) and tb (i) represent the starting can be solved under the constraint kf k2 = 1 via SVD. time of patch i in Ia and Ib . For robustness, if the number of feature points in one patch is inferior to 8, Eq.(13) is under constrained. There- fore, we add a regularizer to constrain λ Aip − Ai−1 p 2 =0 To model RS effects, we divide a frame into N patches, to the homogenous system with λ = 1. resulting in N unknown fundamental matrices Fi to be es- timated per frame. If we estimate each fundamental ma- 3.2.1 Rotation-Only Homography trix independently, the discontinuity is unavoidable. We propose to smooth neighboring matrices during the esti- Given the fundamental matrix Fi and the camera intrinsic mation as shown in Fig. 2 (d), where a point p1 not only K, we can compute the essential matrix Ei of the i-th patch: contributes to its own patch but also influences its nearby Ei = KT Fi K. The essential matrix Ei [14] can be decom- patches weighted by the distance. The fundamental matrix posed into camera rotations and translations, where only ro- for point p is the mixture: tations Ri are retained. We use Ri to form a rotation-only homography similar to Eq.(2) and convert the homography N X array into a flow field as Eq.(6). We call this flow field as F (p1 ) = Fi wi (p1 ), (10) Fundamental Mixtures Flow Fab . Note that, Ri is spatially i=1 smooth, as Fi is smooth, so does Fab . where wi (p1 ) is the gaussian weight with the mean equals to the middle of each patch, and the sigma σ = 0.001 ∗ h, 3.3. Network Structure where h represents the frame height. The architecture of the network is shown in Fig. 2 that To fit a Fundamental Mixtures Fi given a pair of match- utilizes a backbone of UNet [30] consists of a series of con- ing points (p1 , p2 ), we rewrite Eq.(7) as: volutional and downsampling layers with skip connections. N X The input to the network is gyro-based flow G0ab and the 0 = pT1 Fp1 p2 = wi (p1 ) · pT1 Fi p2 , (11) ground-truth target is Fundamental Mixtures flow Fab . Our i=1 network aims to produce an optical flow of size H × W × 2 where pT1 Fk p2 can be transformed into: which compensates the motion generated by OIS between G0ab and Fab . Besides, the network is fully convolutional Aip1 fi = x01 pT1 y10 pT1 pT1 fi , (12) which accepts input of arbitrary sizes. 4
Figure 4. A glance at our evaluation dataset. Our dataset con- tains 4 categories, regular(RE), low-texture(LT), low-light(LL) and moving-foreground(MF). Each category contains 350 pairs, a total of 1400 pairs, with synchronized gyroscope readings. Figure 5. We mark the correspondences manually in our evaluation set for quantitative metrics. For each pair, we mark 6 ∼ 8 point Our network is trained on 9k rich-texture frames with matches. resolution of 360x270 pixels over 1k iterations by an Adam Non-OIS Camera OIS Camera Ours optimizer [18] whose lr = 1.0 × 10−4 , β1 = 0.9, β2 = Geometry Distance 0.688 1.038 0.709 0.999. The batch size is 8, and for every 50 epochs, the Table 1. Comparisons with non-OIS camera. learning rate is reduced by 20%. The entire training process costs about 50 hours. The implementation is in PyTorch and 4.2. Comparisons with non-OIS camera the network is trained on one NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti. Our purpose is to enable gyro image alignment on OIS cameras. Therefore, we compare our method with non-OIS 4. Experimental Results cameras. In general, our method should perform equally 4.1. Dataset well as non-OIS cameras, if the OIS motion could be com- pensated successfully. For comparison, ideally, we should Previously, there are some dedicated datasets which are use one camera with OIS turn on and off. However, the designed to evaluate the homography estimation [46] or the OIS cannot be turned off easily. Therefore, we use two cell- image deblurring with the artificial-generated gyroscope- phones with similar camera intrinsics, one with OIS and one frame pair [26], whether none of them combine real gy- without, and capture the same scene twice with similar mo- roscope readings with corresponding video frames. So we tions. Fig. 6 shows some examples. Fig. 6 (a) shows the propose a new dataset and benchmark GF4. input frames. Fig. 6 (b) shows the gyro alignment on a non- Training Set To train our network, we record a set of videos OIS camera. As seen, images can be well aligned. Fig. 6 with the gyroscope readings using a hand-held cellphone. (c) shows the gyro alignment on an OIS camera. Due to the We choose scenes with rich textures so that sufficient fea- OIS interferences, images cannot be aligned directly using ture points can be detected to calculate the Fundamental the gyro. Fig. 6 (d) shows our results. With OIS compensa- Mixtures model. The videos last 300 seconds, yielding tion, images can be well aligned on OIS cameras. 9,000 frames in total. Note that, the scene type is not im- We also calculate quantitative values. Similarly, we mark portant as long as it can provide enough features as needed the ground-truth for evaluation. The average geometry dis- for Fundamental Mixtures estimation. tance between the warped points and the manually labeled Evaluation Set For the evaluation, we capture scenes with GT points are computed as the error metric (the lower the different types, to compare with image-based registration better). Table 1 shows the results. Our result 0.709 is com- methods. Our dataset contains 4 categories, including reg- parable with non-OIS camera 0.688 (slightly worse), while ular (RE), low-texture (LT), low-light (LL), and moving- no compensation yields 1.038, which is much higher. foregrounds (MF) frame-gyroscope pairs. Each scene con- 4.3. Comparisons with Image-based Methods tains 350 pairs. So, there are 1400 pairs in the dataset. We show some examples in Fig. 4. For quantitative evaluation, Although it is a bit unfair to compare with image-based we manually mark 6 ∼ 8 point correspondences per pair, methods as we adopt additional hardware. We desire to distributing uniformly on frames. Fig. 5 shows some exam- show the importance and robustness of the gyro-based ples. alignment, to highlight the importance of enabling this ca- 5
Figure 6. Comparisons with non-OIS cameras. (a) input two frames. (b) gyro alignment results on the non-OIS camera. (c) gyro alignment results on the OIS camera. (d) our OIS compensation results. Without OIS compensation, clear misalignment can be observed in (c) whereas our method can solve this problem and be comparable with non-OIS results in (b). pability on OIS cameras. and Fig. 7(f) is a low-texture scene. All the image-based methods fail as no high-quality features can be extracted, 4.3.1 Qualitative Comparisons whereas our method is robust. Firstly, we compare our method with one frequently used 4.3.2 Quantitative Comparisons traditional feature-based algorithm, i.e. SIFT [25] and RANSAC [9] that compute a global homography, and an- We also compare our method with other feature-based other feature-based algorithm, i.e. Meshflow [22] that de- methods quantitatively, i.e., the geometry distance. For the forms a mesh for the non-linear motion representation. feature descriptors, we choose SIFT [25], ORB [31], SOS- Moreover, we compare our method with the recent deep ho- Net [38], SURF [3]. For the outlier rejection algorithms, mography method [46]. we choose RANSAC [9] and MAGSAC [2]. The errors for Fig. 7 (a) shows a regular example where all the meth- each category are shown in Table 2 followed by the overall ods work well. Fig. 7 (b), SIFT+RANSAC fails to find a averaged error, where I3×3 refers to a 3 × 3 identity matrix good solution, so does deep homography, while Meshflow as a reference. In particular, feature-based methods some- works well. One possible reason is that a single homogra- times crash, when the error is larger than I3×3 error, we set phy cannot cover the large depth variations. Fig. 7 (c) illus- the error equal to I3×3 error. Regarding the motion model, trates a moving-foreground example that SIFT+RANSAC from 3) to 10) and 12) are single homography, 11) is mesh- and Meshflow cannot work well, as few features are de- based, and 13) is a homography array. In Table 2, we mark tected on the background, whereas Deep Homography and the best performance in red and the second-best in blue. our method can align the background successfully. A sim- As shown, except for comparing to feature-based meth- ilar example is shown in Fig. 7 (d), SIFT+RANSAC and ods in RE scenes, our method outperforms the others for all Deep Homography fail. Meshflow works on this example as categories. It is reasonable because, in regular(RE) scenes, sufficient features are detected in the background. In con- a set of high-quality features is detected which allows to trast, our method can still align the background without any output a good solution. In contrast, gyroscopes can only difficulty. Because we do not need the image contents for compensate for rotational motions, which decreases scores the registration. Fig. 7(e) is an example of low-light scenes, to some extent. For the rest scenes, our method beats 6
Figure 7. Comparisons with image-based methods. We compare with SIFT [25] + RANSAC [9], Meshflow [22], and the recent deep homography [46] method. We show examples covering all scenes in our evaluation dataset. Our method can align images robustly while image-based methods contain some misaligned regions. the others with an average error being lower than the 2nd rays as input. Similarly, on the other side, the Fundamental best by 56.07%. Especially for low-light(LL) scenes, our Mixtures are converted into rotation-only homography ar- method computes an error which is at least lower than the rays and then used as guidance. Fig. 8 shows the pipeline, 2nd best by 43.9%. where we test two homography representations, including 3 × 3 homography matrix elements and H4pt representation 4.4. Ablation Studies from [7] that represents homography by 4 motion vectors. 4.4.1 Fully Connected Neural Network The network is fully connected and L2 loss is adopted for the regression. We adopt the same training data as described Our network is fully convolutional, where we convert gy- above. The result is that neither representations converge, roscope data into homography arrays, and then into flow where the H4pt is slightly better than directly regressing fields as image input to the network. However, there is an- matrix elements. other option where we can directly input homography ar- 7
1) RE LT LL MF Avg 2) I3×3 7.098(+2785.37%) 7.055(+350.80%) 7.035(+519.55%) 7.032(+767.08%) 7.055(+313.97%) 3) SIFT [25]+ RANSAC [9] 0.340(+38.21%) 6.242(+298.85%) 2.312(+103.58%) 1.229(+51.54%) 2.531(+48.49%) 4) SIFT [25] + MAGSAC [2] 0.213(−13.41%) 5.707(+264.66%) 2.818(+148.17%) 0.811(+0.00%) 2.387(+40.08%) 5) ORB [31] + RANSAC [9] 0.653(+165.45%) 6.874(+339.23%) 1.136(+0.00%) 2.27(+179.28%) 2.732(+60.30%) 6) ORB [31] + MAGSAC [2] 0.919(+273.58%) 6.859(+338.27%) 1.335(+17.60%) 2.464(+203.82%) 2.894(+69.83%) 7) SOSNET [39] + RANSAC [9] 0.246(+0.00%) 5.946(+279.94%) 1.977(+74.11%) 0.907(+11.84%) 2.269(+33.14%) 8) SOSNET [39] + MAGSAC [2] 0.309(+25.61%) 5.585(+256.87%) 1.972(+73.67%) 1.142(+40.81%) 2.252(+32.14%) 9) SURF [3] + RANSAC [9] 0.343(+39.43%) 3.161(+101.98%) 2.213(+94.89%) 1.420(+75.09%) 1.784(+4.69%) 10) SURF [3] + MAGSAC [2] 0.307(+24.80%) 3.634(+132.20%) 2.246(+97.78%) 1.267(+56.23%) 1.863(+9.34%) 11) MeshFlow [22] 0.843(+242.68%) 7.042(+349.97%) 1.729(+52.27%) 1.109(+36.74%) 2.681(+57.30%) 12) Deep Homography [46] 1.342(+445.53%) 1.565(+0.00%) 2.253(+98.41%) 1.657(+104.32%) 1.704(+0.00%) 13) Ours 0.609(+147.56%) 1.01(−35.27%) 0.637(−43.90%) 0.736(−9.25%) 0.749(−56.07%) Table 2. Quantitative comparisons on the evaluation dataset. The best performance is marked in red and the second-best is in blue. Ground Truth RE LT LL MF Avg Global Fundamental 0.930 1.189 0.769 0.917 0.951 Fundamental Mixtures 0.609 1.010 0.637 0.736 0.749 Table 3. The performance of networks trained on two different GT. 4.4.3 Backbone Figure 8. Regression of the homography array using the fully con- nected network. For each pair of frames Ia and Ib , a homography array is computed by using gyro readings, which is fed to the net- RE LT LL MF Avg work. On the other side, a Fundamental Mixtures model is pro- duced as targets to guide the training process. R2UNet[1] 0.713 1.006 0.652 0.791 0.791 AttUNet[28] 0.896 1.058 0.752 0.993 0.925 R2AttUNet[1] 0.651 1.014 0.668 0.722 0.764 Perhaps, there exist other representations or network Ours 0.609 1.01 0.637 0.736 0.749 structures that may work well or even better than our current Table 4. The performance of networks with different backbones. proposal. Here, as the first try, we have proposed a work- ing pipeline and want to leave the improvements as future works. We choose the UNet [30] as our network backbone, we also test several other variants [1, 28]. Except for At- tUNet [28], performances are similar, as shown in Table 4. 4.4.2 Global Fundamental vs. Mixtures To verify the effectiveness of our Fundamental Mixtures 5. Conclusion model, we compare it with a global fundamental matrix. Here, we choose the evaluation dataset of the regular scenes We have presented a DeepOIS pipeline for the compen- to alleviate the feature problem. We estimate global funda- sation of OIS motions for gyroscope image registration. We mental matrix and Fundamental Mixtures, then convert to have captured the training data as video frames as well as the rotation-only homographies, respectively. Finally, we their gyro readings by an OIS camera and then calculated align the images with rotation-only homographies accord- the ground-truth motions with our proposed Fundamental ingly. An array of homographies from Fundamental Mix- Mixtures model under the setting of rolling shutter cam- tures produces an error of 0.451, which is better than an er- eras. For the evaluation, we have manually marked point ror of 0.580 produced by a single homography from a global correspondences on our captured dataset for quantitative fundamental matrix. It indicates that the Fundamental Mix- metrics. The results show that our compensation network tures model is functional in the case of RS cameras. works well when compared with non-OIS cameras and out- Moreover, we generate GT with the two methods and performs other image-based methods. In summary, a new train our network, respectively. As shown in Table 3, the problem is proposed and we show that it is solvable by network trained on Fundamental Mixtures-based GT out- learning the OIS motions, such that gyroscope can be used performs the global fundamental matrix, which demon- for image registration on OIS cameras. We hope our work strates the effectiveness of our Fundamental Mixtures. can inspire more researches in this direction. 8
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