Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021
                             A spotlight on mergers and
                             acquisitions trends in 2021
Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021

Foreword: M&A on the mend                                               03

Outlook: EMEA heat chart                                                04

Summary: Uneven vaccination rates cannot stifle high-value dealmaking   05

UK & Ireland                                                            08

DACH                                                                    12

France                                                                  16

Nordics                                                                 20

Italy & Iberia                                                          24

Benelux                                                                 28

Turkey, Middle East & Africa                                            32

CEE & SEE                                                               36

About this report                                                       40

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
Foreword: M&A on the mend

EMEA deal activity has seen strong year-on-year growth over          Headwinds on the horizon
the first nine months of 2021. Robust vaccination rollouts have      The widespread rise in M&A stands in contrast to the two-
allowed economies to reopen, with dealmakers moving to catch         tier recovery that characterized Q1 2021, where there was
up on postponed deployment schedules.                                more mixed activity as a result of varying vaccination rates
                                                                     and recurring waves of COVID-19 infections. As vaccination
Deal value for the year to end-Q3 2021 came in at €980bn,            deployment has evened out across EMEA, increases in M&A
a 100% increase from the same period last year and, with a           have been more widely spread.
quarter of 2021 still to go, already far ahead of 2020’s full-year
sum of €799bn. Deal volume has also climbed, increasing 49%          Moving into Q4 and 2022, the outlook for the region’s M&A
for the year so far to 7,545 transaction announcements.              market remains broadly positive, with the International
                                                                     Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasting GDP growth for the euro area,
                                                                     emerging Europe, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa
  The rebound in deal activity has been                              next year.
  observed across EMEA, with almost
  all parts of the region enjoying either                            Persistently elevated inflation, rising energy prices, and over-
  double-digit or, in some cases, triple-                            stretched supply chains may present some headwinds for
                                                                     M&A, but still-low interest rates and abundant liquidity can
  digit year-on-year increases.                                      be expected to support deal activity in the coming months.

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
Outlook:                                                              Heat chart based on potential companies for sale

EMEA heat chart

                                                                                                                                                               Turkey, Middle
                                                                                                                                                               East & Africa

                                                                                                                                                                                CEE & SEE
                                                                                                    & Ireland


                                                                                                                                          & Iberia


According to our forward-looking heat chart, which illustrates the                          TMT       99        68     27       57          67       23           90            136         567
distribution of ‘companies for sale’ stories on the Mergermarket
intelligence tool, technology, media and telecoms (TMT) is,                           Consumer        62        50     13       22         145       26           49            89          456
perhaps unsurprisingly, the sector in which dealmakers should
expect to see the most activity in the near and medium term              Industrials & chemicals      31        69     27       35          98       28           50            100         438
in EMEA.
                                                                       Energy, mining & utilities     41        18     13       15          49       10           50            49          245
From the beginning of April to end-September of this year,
the intelligence tool recorded 567 stories about TMT companies
                                                                              Business services       35        21     15       25          49       16           35            34          230
coming to market in EMEA, representing over 20% of the
2,757 stories across all sectors. After TMT, the next most
                                                                              Financial services      53        12     15       18          30       11           49            37          225
popular industries were consumer (456, almost 17%) and
industrials & chemicals (438, just under 16%), followed by a
                                                                      Pharma, medical & biotech       23        42     11       21          33       12           30            30          202
significant drop off before reaching the fourth-place energy,
mining & utilities sector.
                                                                                 Transportation        5        10      6        4          15        6           26            23           95

Only in a small handful of geographies does the chart indicate
                                                                                   Construction        7         8      6       10          14        3           19            24           91
red-hot activity. The UK & Ireland flares up for prospective TMT
dealmaking (99 ‘for sale’ stories), while Italy & Iberia comes
                                                                                         Leisure      21         6      7        1          22        8           12            14           91
to the fore in terms of possible industrials & chemicals (98)
and consumer (145, the highest total across all regions and
sectors) transactions. But it is CEE & SEE that really stands out,                   Real estate      10         4      3        2          17        2           14              5          57          Cold                    Warm                        Hot
contributing more than one-fifth of all ‘for sale’ stories in EMEA,
including an outsized number of TMT stories (136, just under a                       Agriculture       5                1        5           4        1           12            24           52
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Note: The Intelligence Heat Charts are based on
quarter of the total in that sector).                                                                                                                                                                    ‘companies for sale’ tracked by Mergermarket in
                                                                                        Defense        3         1      1        1           1                                    1           8          the respective regions between April 01, 2021 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         September 30, 2021. Opportunities are captured
                                                                                                                                                                                                         according to the dominant geography and sector
                                                                                          TOTAL      395        309    145      216        544       146         436            566         2,757        of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source:    potential target company.

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
Summary: Uneven vaccination rates
cannot stifle high-value dealmaking
PE firms, corporates and special purpose acquisition companies      Uplifting valuations                                                            EMEA M&A activity,
(SPACs) have all actively pursued EMEA deals this year, spurring    Improving vaccination rates have enabled governments to                         2018 - Q3 2021
a significant surge in M&A activity across the region.              ease lockdown restrictions and allowed economies to reopen.
                                                                    According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, the euro area is
                                                                    on track to deliver GDP growth of 5% in 2021 and 4.3% in 2022,              3,000                                                    400
  On a quarterly basis, Q3’s aggregate deal                         while the UK is expected to expand by 6.8% and 5% this year
  value of €383bn was up noticeably from the                        and next, respectively. Emerging Europe is forecast to grow by                                                                       350

  €295bn secured in Q2. Deal volume, however,                       6% in 2021 and 3.6% in 2022, with the Middle East and sub-

  fell from 2,765 deals in Q2 to 2,038, indicating                  Saharan Africa also set to enjoy a GDP uplift.                                                                                       300

  that buyers are focusing on a smaller pool of                     Such upbeat predictions have lifted stock market valuations
  high-value assets.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Deal value €(bn)
                                                                    – the Stoxx Europe 600 is up by more than a quarter over the

                                                                                                                                      Deal volume
                                                                    last 12 months – which in turn have supported good pricing                  1,500                                                    200
The recovery has been observed across the region, as                for assets in M&A processes and given buyers and sellers the
vaccination rates in major EMEA jurisdictions have climbed          confidence to transact.                                                                                                              150
and economies have reopened. In the UK and most of mainland                                                                                     1,000
Europe at least two-thirds of the population have been fully        According to the Argos Index, which tracks the prices paid for
vaccinated, according to figures compiled by Our World in Data.     mid-market companies in Europe, average deal multiples have
                                                                    climbed to an all-time high of 11.6x EBITDA this year.                          500
Vaccination rates in emerging Europe and the Middle East are
lower, but in the largest countries in these areas, such as Saudi
                                                                                                                                                      0                                                  0
Arabia and Turkey, more than half of their populations have                                                                                               Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
received vaccines.                                                                                                                                            2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                                                                                             Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                                                                                          Source: Mergermarket

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
Cash-rich conditions                                             EMEA top sectors by value I Q3 2021
Stock markets and deal valuations have maintained their
                                                                                                        EUR (m)
high levels despite growing concerns about rising inflation,
                                                                 Industrials & chemicals               87,140
spiking energy prices, and strained supply chains. These         TMT                                   68,352
headwinds could pose challenges, but with interest rates         Consumer                              38,071
still low, firms sitting on US$3.1tn of dry powder and SPACs     Real estate                           34,206
securing record proceeds from IPOs, the backdrop for             Financial services                    33,283
dealmaking remains broadly favorable.
                                                                   EMEA top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
The TMT sector has been the primary beneficiary of the EMEA
market’s supportive M&A fundamentals. TMT deals accounted                                                 Deal count
for more than a quarter (525) of all deals announced in Q3          TMT                                       525
(2,038) in the region and over 17% of the aggregate value,          Industrials & chemicals                   389
even though it did not log a top-10 deal over the period.           Business services                         270
                                                                    Consumer                                  215
                                                                    Pharma, medical & biotech                 166
Industrials & chemicals delivered the next highest deal tally
in Q3 and was the largest sector by value over the three-
month period, logging transactions worth €87.1bn, more           EMEA top bidders by value I Q3 2021
than double the €38.7bn worth of deals the sector secured
                                                                                                        EUR (m)
in Q2. Almost half of industrials deal value (48%) came from
                                                                 USA                               181,359
just four transactions, including the €8.4bn sale of listed UK
                                                                 Germany                            38,021
aerospace and defense group Meggitt to US buyer Parker           United Kingdom                     30,597
Hannifin, and the €17.1bn swoop for Swedish electric car         France                             29,034
group by US-based SPAC Gores Guggenheim.                         Canada                             12,859

                                                                   EMEA top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                                                                                          Deal count
                                                                    United Kingdom                            301
                                                                    USA                                       277
                                                                    France                                    217
                                                                    Germany                                   184
                                                                    Sweden                                    141

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
US buyers eye up EMEA assets                                        EMEA top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021
The interest of Gores Guggenheim and other SPACs in high-value
EMEA assets saw the US rank as one of the largest inbound
                                                                         Announced   Status*   Bidder company                          Target company                  Sector            Vendor company     Deal value
bidders into the region in Q3. US buyers backed 277 EMEA                 date                                                                                                                                     (€m)
assets in the quarter, ahead of France (217), Germany (184), and
                                                                     1   01-Aug-21   P         Vonovia SE                              Deutsche Wohnen SE              Real estate                             24,763
Sweden (141). Only UK bidders pursued more deals (301).                                                                                (70.01% Stake)

                                                                     2   21-Sep-21   P         DraftKings, Inc.                        Entain Plc                      Leisure                                 21,658
Another noticeable feature of Q3 EMEA dealmaking was
the revival of deals in sectors hit hard by the pandemic. The
consumer sector, for example, was the fourth-largest by volume       3   27-Sep-21   P         Gores Guggenheim, Inc.                  Polestar Performance AB         Industrials &                           17,067
(215) and third-biggest by value (€38.1bn), with PE firm Clayton,
Dubilier & Rice’s almost €12bn takeover of UK supermarket chain      4   19-Aug-21   P         Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC           WM Morrison Supermarkets        Consumer                                11,950
WM Morrison boosting figures for the industry.
                                                                     5   03-Jul-21   P         Fortress Investment Group LLC; GIC      WM Morrison Supermarkets        Consumer                                11,538
                                                                                               Private Limited; Canada Pension Plan    Plc (99.79% Stake)
                                                                                               Investment Board; Koch Real Estate
                                                                                               Investments, LLC

                                                                     6   27-Sep-21   P         Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.;       Saudi Arabian Oil Co (air       Energy, mining    Saudi Arabian         10,252
                                                                                               Saudi Arabian Oil Co; ACWA Power        separation unit (ASU),          & utilities       Oil Co
                                                                                               International; Air Products Qudra       gasification, syngas cleanup,
                                                                                                                                       utilities and power assets)

                                                                     7   11-Aug-21   P         TransDigm Group Inc.                    Meggitt Plc                     Industrials &                            9,372

                                                                     8   02-Aug-21   P         Parker Hannifin Corporation             Meggitt Plc                     Industrials &                            8,367

                                                                     9   02-Sep-21   P         Advent International Corporation; GIC   Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB     Pharma, medical   Investor AB;           7,932
                                                                                               Private Limited                                                         & biotech         Fjarde AP-fonden

                                                                    10   14-Aug-21   P         Faurecia S.A.                           HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA           Industrials &                            7,112
                                                                         *C = Completed; P = Pending

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
UK & Ireland
Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
Laissez-faire relaxation of lockdowns
propelling economic recovery
Despite well-publicized shortages of key commodities such as       Life online                                                                     UK&I M&A activity,
petrol and carbon dioxide, as well as lingering trade tensions     TMT was the primary source of deal volume in the UK & Ireland                   2018 - Q3 2021
with the EU over the Brexit Northern Ireland protocol, the UK &    in Q3, with the sector’s 116 transactions accounting for 28%
Ireland was the most active EMEA deal market in Q3 2021.           of overall deal volume through the quarter. Business services
                                                                   was the next busiest sector with 73 deals, followed by consumer                 700                                                  160

For the year to end-Q3 2021, UK & Ireland deal value rose 159%     with 46.
year-on-year to €298bn, with deal volume up 70% to 1,653                                                                                           600

transactions. Deal value also increased on a quarter-by-quarter
basis, rising to €125bn in Q3 from €72bn in Q2. Volumes,
                                                                     Big ticket deals, however, have been focused                                                                                       120

however, slid from 543 deals in Q2 to 419 deals in Q3, with          primarily on the consumer, leisure, and                                       500

commodity shortages a possible explanation for the dip in            industrials & chemicals sectors, with each                                                                                         100

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Deal value €(bn)
deal count.                                                          industry posting aggregate Q3 deal value                                      400

                                                                                                                                     Deal volume
Apart from the slide in deal volume in Q3, the UK & Ireland M&A
                                                                     around the €25bn mark.                                                                                                             80

market has benefited as lockdown measures have lifted. In the                                                                                                                                           60
UK, 66% of people are fully vaccinated, while the rate is 75%      In the leisure space, US-listed fantasy sports group DraftKings
in Ireland, according to Our World in Data figures. The relaxing   (which IPO-ed via a SPAC deal in 2019) made a €21.7bn bid for                   200
of social distancing and travel restrictions have boosted the      Entain, the UK group that operates the Ladbrokes and Coral
economy, and the FTSE All-Share Index is showing growth of         betting shops as well as the bwin and partypoker online betting                 100
23.5% over the last year.                                          platforms. For DraftKings, the deal will complement its fast-
                                                                   growing BetMGM joint venture with casino group MGM.
                                                                                                                                                     0                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                         Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                                                                                             2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                                                                                            Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                                                                                         Source: Mergermarket

Deal Drivers: EMEA Q3 2021 - A spotlight on mergers and acquisitions trends in 2021
A weaker pound                                                     UK&I top sectors by value I Q3 2021
The UK’s gaming sector also delivered the €2.6bn sale of
                                                                                                          EUR (m)
betting group William Hill to online casino 888 Holdings.
                                                                   Consumer                              25,606
William Hill was acquired by US gaming giant Caesar’s              Leisure                               24,631
Entertainment, which was predominantly interested in               Industrials & chemicals               23,819
William Hill’s online gaming intellectual property and has         Financial services                    15,896
now offloaded William Hill’s portfolio of physical betting         TMT                                   11,050
shops and non-US online interests via the 888 deal.
                                                                     UK&I top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
Another US buyer, PE firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, led the
second-largest UK deal in Q3 with the almost €12bn take-                                                    Deal count
private of WM Morrison, the UK’s fourth-largest supermarket           TMT                                       116
group. CD&R prevailed in a bidding war with rival US buyout           Business services                          73
house Fortress Investment Group.                                      Consumer                                   46
                                                                      Industrials & chemicals                    45
                                                                      Financial services                         45
The final price paid for Morrisons represented a 61% premium
to its share price in the middle of June, with one driver of the
deal being the attractive pricing of UK assets to overseas         UK&I top bidders by value I Q3 2021
buyers as a result of a softer pound.
                                                                                                          EUR (m)
                                                                   USA                                   92,773
                                                                   United Kingdom                        16,268
                                                                   Canada                                 3,224
                                                                   Gibraltar                              2,570
                                                                   Bermuda                                2,347

                                                                     UK&I top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                                                                                            Deal count
                                                                      United Kingdom                            200
                                                                      USA                                       104
                                                                      Ireland (Republic)                         17
                                                                      Canada                                     11
                                                                      Sweden                                     10

Stiff competition                                                  UK&I top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021
Pricing was also a factor for US motion and control technology
developer Parker Hannifin in its €8.4bn purchase of UK-listed
                                                                        Announced   Status*   Bidder company                   Target company               Sector          Vendor company                  Deal value
aerospace and defense group Meggitt. As was the case with               date                                                                                                                                      (€m)
Morrisons, Meggitt attracted strong interest from multiple US
                                                                    1   21-Sep-21   P         DraftKings, Inc.                 Entain Plc                   Leisure                                            21,658
buyers, with Parker Hannifin hard-pressed by US aircraft parts
maker TransDigm.                                                    2   19-Aug-21   P         Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC    WM Morrison Supermarkets     Consumer                                           11,950

The high number of jumbo deals in the UK backed by US buyers
has seen the US rank as the most active inbound bidder into         3   03-Jul-21   P         Fortress Investment Group LLC;   WM Morrison Supermarkets     Consumer                                           11,538
                                                                                              GIC Private Limited; Canada      Plc (99.79% Stake)
the UK by value. Inbound US M&A value in the UK in Q3 totaled                                 Pension Plan Investment Board;
€92.8bn, more than five times the amount invested by UK-based                                 Koch Real Estate Investments,
dealmakers, who rank second. Canada was the third-largest
investor into the UK by value in Q3, but some way back with just    4   11-Aug-21   P         TransDigm Group Inc.             Meggitt Plc                  Industrials &                                       9,372
€3.2bn worth of transactions.
                                                                    5   02-Aug-21   P         Parker Hannifin Corporation      Meggitt Plc                  Industrials &                                       8,367
UK dealmakers lead the way in volume terms, with 200 deals                                                                                                  chemicals
announced in Q3, but the US ranks highly again with 104 deals       6   09-Jul-21   P         Far Peak Acquisition             Bullish (GI) Limited         Financial       Nomura Co., Ltd.; Louis             6,855
in the quarter to take second place. Ireland (17), Canada (11),                                                                                             services        Moore Bacon (Private
                                                                                                                                                                            Investor); Thiel Capital LLC;
and Sweden (10) round out the top five bidders.                                                                                                                   ; Alan Howard
                                                                                                                                                                            (Private Investor); Apeiron
                                                                                                                                                                            Investment Group Ltd;
                                                                                                                                                                            Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd;
                                                                                                                                                                            Richard Li (Private Investor)

                                                                    7   13-Aug-21   P         Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.        Willis Re Limited            Financial       Willis Towers Watson Public         3,400
                                                                                                                                                            services        Limited Company

                                                                    8   23-Jul-21   P         Cobham Limited                   Ultra Electronics Holdings   Defense                                             3,085

                                                                    9   27-Jul-21   P         APi Group Corporation            Chubb Fire & Security Ltd.   Industrials &   Carrier Global Corporation          2,625

                                                                   10   09-Sep-21   P         888 Holdings Plc                 William Hill International   Leisure         Caesars Entertainment               2,570
                                                                        *C = Completed; P = Pending

Key bellwethers ringing out
for steadfast DACH economies
The DACH M&A market has posted healthy gains in 2021,                                                                                                    House hunters
with activity in the region’s core industrials & chemicals
                                                                            DACH M&A activity,                                                           On a quarterly basis, Q3 deal value in DACH totaled €65bn,
space rallying to complement buoyant deal flow in the TMT
                                                                            2018 - Q3 2021                                                               up from the €28bn recorded in Q2 and representing the
and pharmaceuticals, medical & biotech (PMB) sectors.                                                                                                    highest quarterly figure since the start of 2018. Q3 deal value
                                                                            400                                                  70                      rose even as deal volume, at 337 transactions, was down
Well over 1,000 deals have been announced in the DACH                                                                                                    marginally from the 381 announced in the preceding quarter.
region so far this year, with deal volume for the year to                   350
end-Q3 2021 up 31% on the levels seen during the first nine                                                                                              A €24.8bn real estate mega-merger between Vonovia and
months of 2020. Indeed, with three more months of 2021                                                                                                   Deutsche Wohnen boosted Q3’s stats. The tie-up has faced
to come, deal volumes are already close to surpassing the                                                                        50                      some resistance from Deutsche Wohnen shareholders, but
1,238 transactions recorded for the whole of 2020.                                                                                                       if it proceeds, the deal will create a real estate behemoth
                                                                                                                                                         with a portfolio of 500,000 apartments in Germany, Austria,

                                                                                                                                      Deal value €(bn)

                                                              Deal volume
                                                                                                                                                         and Sweden.
  Deal value has made even sharper gains,                                   200

  rising 38% on the €102bn recorded over                                                                                         30                      The merger – the largest transaction announced over the last
  the first nine months of 2020 to a total of                               150                                                                          three months in EMEA across all sectors – almost single-
  €139.8bn. With a quarter still to go, DACH                                                                                     20
                                                                                                                                                         handedly pushed real estate to the top of DACH’s deal value
                                                                            100                                                                          table for Q3, with all of the relatively few transactions in the
  deal value in 2021 has already exceeded                                                                                                                sector worth a combined €25.5bn.
  the €129bn recorded across all of last year.                              50

                                                                             0                                                   0
                                                                                  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                      2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                     Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                  Source: Mergermarket

DACH top sectors by value I Q3 2021                   Industrials’ invincibility                                    Advent International sold Allnex, a global coating resins
                                                      Industrials & chemicals, a bellwether for the DACH region,    company, to Dutch strategic buyer PTT Global Chemical for
                                       EUR (m)
                                                      was the second-largest sector by value in Q3 with deals       €4bn, while BC Partners and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension
Real estate                           25,463
Industrials & chemicals               23,725          to the tune of €23.7bn. After TMT’s 98 deals, industrials &   Plan banked €3.8bn from the sale of CeramTec, a producer of
Consumer                               4,086          chemicals was also the second-largest industry by deal        specialist ceramics used in medical and dental components,
Pharma, medical & biotech              3,938          volume, posting 93 transaction announcements. The sector      to the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.
TMT                                    2,938          delivered four of the 10 largest DACH deals in Q3, more
                                                      than any other industry, with PE firms particularly active
                                                      in this space.
  DACH top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
                                         Deal count   Specialty chemicals group Atotech was delisted by US
   TMT                                           98   chipmaker MKS Instruments in a €5.6bn transaction just
   Industrials & chemicals                       93   months after PE firm Carlyle Group listed the business.
   Business services                             38   The deal for Atotech, which focuses on metal and surface
   Pharma, medical & biotech                     36   solutions used in electronics and semiconductors, provides
   Consumer                                      27
                                                      a full exit for Carlyle.

DACH top bidders by value I Q3 2021
                                       EUR (m)
Germany                               28,773
USA                                   14,927
France                                 7,112
Thailand                               4,002
Canada                                 3,896

  DACH top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                         Deal count
   Germany                                   134
   USA                                        46
   Switzerland                                41
   United Kingdom                             18
   France                                     16
   Sweden                                     16
DACH top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021

     Announced   Status*    Bidder company                    Target company           Sector               Vendor company           Deal value
     date                                                                                                                                  (€m)   Post-lockdown trends
                                                                                                                                                  The largest industrial & chemicals deal – also the second-
 1   01-Aug-21   P          Vonovia SE                        Deutsche Wohnen SE       Real estate                                      24,763
                                                              (70.01% Stake)                                                                      largest overall in DACH, after the previously mentioned
 2   14-Aug-21   P          Faurecia S.A.                     HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA    Industrials &                                     7,112    Vonovia-Deutsche Wohnen merger – was an all-corporate
                                                                                       chemicals                                                  affair, with French auto equipment maker Faurecia buying a
                                                                                                                                                  controlling stake in German counterpart HELLA in a €7.1bn
 3   01-Jul-21   P          MKS Instruments, Inc.             Atotech Limited          Industrials &        The Carlyle Group            5,560
                                                                                                                                                  transaction. The deal reflects the shifts in the automotive
                                                                                                                                                  supply chain, with component manufacturers consolidating
 4   12-Jul-21   P          PTT Global Chemical Pcl           Allnex GmbH              Industrials &        Advent International         4,002
                                                                                                                                                  as vehicles with internal combustion engines are gradually
                                                                                       chemicals            Corporation
                                                                                                                                                  replaced by electric cars.
 5   17-Aug-21   P          Canada Pension Plan Investment    CeramTec GmbH            Industrials &        BC Partners Limited;         3,800
                            Board                                                      chemicals            Ontario Teachers'                     After industrials, business services and PMB were the
                                                                                                            Pension Plan; Public
                                                                                                            Sector Pension                        next busiest sectors in the region with 38 and 36 deals,
                                                                                                            Investment Board                      respectively. PMB was the fourth-largest sector by deal
 6   13-Aug-21   P          Hellman & Friedman LLC            Zooplus AG               Consumer                                          3,303    value (€3.9bn), thanks to a pair of megadeals: Spanish
                                                                                                                                                  company Grifols’ €1.3bn acquisition of German hematology
 7   17-Aug-21   P          Deutsche Post AG                  JF Hillebrand Group AG   Transportation       Cobepa S.A.; Sofina SA       1,500    and immunology group Biotest; and Antin Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                  Partners’ €1.5bn sale of medical diagnostics company
 8   30-Jul-21   P          AXA Investment Managers           Amedes Holding AG        Pharma, medical      Antin Infrastructure         1,500
                                                                                                                                                  Amedes to a consortium including AXA, Goldman Sachs,
                            S.A.; Goldman Sachs Asset                                  & biotech            Partners S.A.S.
                            Management, L.P.; OMERS                                                                                               and OMERS.
                            Infrastructure Management Inc.

 9   17-Sep-21   P          Grifols SA                        Biotest AG               Pharma, medical                                   1,277    The consumer sector was the third-largest by value, with
                                                                                       & biotech
                                                                                                                                                  deals worth €4.1bn in Q3. This was thanks in great part
10   06-Aug-21   P          Swiss Life Asset Management AG;   Aves One AG              Financial services                                1,133    to PE firm Hellman & Friedman’s €3.3bn takeover bid for
                            Vauban Infrastructure Partners
                                                                                                                                                  Zooplus, the listed German online pet retailer. Zooplus
     *C = Completed; P = Pending
                                                                                                                                                  generated sales growth of 18% in 2021 as pet ownership
                                                                                                                                                  across Europe increased during lockdowns. The deal is the
                                                                                                                                                  latest in a string of PE transactions in the fast-growing pet
                                                                                                                                                  care sector.

Dealmakers catch their breath,
capitalize on booming market
France’s M&A markets have recorded high levels of activity in     PE buyers making waves                                                          France M&A activity,
2021, with a steady stream of PE exits supporting increases       A rebounding economy has lifted stock markets, with France’s                    2018 - Q3 2021
in deal volume and value. For the year to end-Q3 2021, deal       CAC 40 up 37% over the last 12 months. Buoyant equities have
volume in France came in at 730 transactions, up 34% on the       supported dealmaker confidence and M&A.
546 deals secured over the same period last year. Deal value                                                                                      300                                                  45

has climbed even more, rising 124% to €97bn from €43bn at         In terms of deal volumes, TMT was the most active sector in
the same point in 2020.                                           France in Q3 2021 with 50 transactions, followed by industrials
                                                                  & chemicals with 36, and business services with 32. TMT was
Deal activity did see some seasonal easing in Q3 as markets       also the largest sector by value, with €13.3bn worth of deals.
paused for breath over the summer. Volume dropped from 278        Financial services ranked second by value (€10.6bn) and PMB
                                                                                                                                                  200                                                  30
deals in Q2 to 198 in Q3, and aggregate value slid from €40bn     third (€4.9bn).

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Deal value €(bn)
to €34bn over the same period.

                                                                                                                                    Deal volume

More than two-thirds of the population is now fully vaccinated
                                                                    Deal value in France has been lifted by                                       150
against COVID-19, which has helped put France on track to           high levels of PE exit activity, with buyout
return to pre-pandemic levels of growth by the end of 2021.         investors taking advantage of a supportive                                    100                                                  15
Although some containment measures remain in place, consumer        macro backdrop to crystallize value for
spending has increased by 15%, putting the country on course to                                                                                                                                        10

secure GDP growth of 6.3% this year and 3.9% in 2022, according
                                                                    good assets at attractive prices.                                              50

to the IMF.                                                                                                                                                                                            5

                                                                                                                                                    0                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                                                                                            2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                                                                                           Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                                                                                        Source: Mergermarket

Drivers wanted                                               The Volkswagen-led group was drawn to Europcar’s             France top sectors by value I Q3 2021
In the largest French deal in Q3 2021, a consortium led by   international network and fleet of 350,000 vehicles,
                                                                                                                                                                  EUR (m)
automotive giant Volkswagen and including asset manager      which will offer the buyers a platform for the development
                                                                                                                          TMT                                 13,338
Attestor and Dutch mobility business Pon made a bid worth    of mobility services, including subscription and car-        Financial services                  10,570
almost €5.8bn for Europcar Mobility Group, the listed car    sharing options. For Volkswagen, the deal complements        Pharma, medical & biotech            4,874
rental company that includes private market investors        the automotive group’s strategy to focus on the rapid        Energy, mining & utilities           2,412
Monarch, Anchorage, Carval, Centerbridge, Diameter, and      growth of automotive software and services.                  Business services                      994
Marathon among its major shareholders.
                                                                                                                            France top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
                                                                                                                                                                    Deal count
                                                                                                                             TMT                                            50
                                                                                                                             Industrials & chemicals                        36
                                                                                                                             Business services                              32
                                                                                                                             Consumer                                       20
                                                                                                                             Pharma, medical & biotech                      13

                                                                                                                          France top bidders by value I Q3 2021
                                                                                                                                                                  EUR (m)
                                                                                                                          France                              15,404
                                                                                                                          Germany                              7,040
                                                                                                                          USA                                  2,951
                                                                                                                          Canada                               2,500
                                                                                                                          Ireland (Republic)                   1,821

                                                                                                                            France top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                                                                                                                                                    Deal count
                                                                                                                             France                                     134
                                                                                                                             USA                                         14
                                                                                                                             United Kingdom                               8
                                                                                                                             Germany                                      7
                                                                                                                             Belgium                                      4

Investing in health                                                France top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021
Other notable French exits for PE players in Q3 included
Charterhouse Capital’s €2.5bn sale of business-to-business
                                                                        Announced   Status*    Bidder company                         Target company            Sector            Vendor company         Deal value
insurance broker Siaci Saint Honore to a consortium led                 date                                                                                                                                   (€m)
by Burrus Group; and Astorg and Goldman Sachs’ €1.8bn
                                                                    1   28-Jul-21   P          Volkswagen AG; Pon Holdings B.V.;      Europcar Mobility Group   Financial         Centerbridge               5,770
sale of Hera to health and wellness group Perrigo.                                             Attestor Limited                       S.A                       services          Partners, L.P.

                                                                    2   15-Sep-21   P          Vivendi SA                             Lagardere SCA             TMT               Amber Capital UK LLP       5,724
Charterhouse backed Paris-based Siaci in 2018 and has                                                                                 (72.61% Stake)

expanded the group in a fragmented market via a series of
acquisitions. For Burrus, the deal will see the formation of a      3   30-Jul-21   P          Xavier Niel (Private Investor)         Iliad SA (29.37% Stake)   TMT                                          3,187

pan-European insurance broker that will rank as one of the
10 largest independent operators globally.                          4   02-Jul-21   P          Ardian; Ontario Teachers' Pension      Siaci Saint Honore;       Financial         Charterhouse Capital       2,500
                                                                                               Plan; Cathay Capital Private Equity;   Burrus Group              services          Partners LLP
                                                                                               Bpifrance SA; Mubadala Capital
The acquisition of Hera, which owns a portfolio of self-care        5   23-Jul-21   P          Altarea Cogedim                        Groupe Primonial SAS      Financial         Bridgepoint Group          2,125
brands including Compeed, ellaOne, and Mederma, dovetails                                                                                                       services          Plc; Sogecap S.A.;
                                                                                                                                                                                  Latour Capital FCPR
with Perrigo’s strategy to become an international leader in
consumer self-care products and expand its European presence.       6   08-Sep-21   P          Perrigo Company plc                    Hera SAS                  Pharma, medical   Astorg Partners;           1,800
                                                                                                                                                                & biotech         Goldman Sachs Asset
                                                                                                                                                                                  Management, L.P.
In another large healthcare deal involving a private capital        7   27-Jul-21   P          Sagesse, Retraite, Sante S.A.S.;       Almaviva Sante            Pharma, medical   Antin Infrastructure       1,500
backer, Antin Infrastructure Partners agreed to sell Almaviva                                  Bpifrance SA; Wren House                                         & biotech         Partners S.A.S.
                                                                                               Infrastructure Management Limited
Sante, the fourth-largest private hospital group in France, for
€1.5bn to a consortium including bpifrance and Wren House           8   07-Jul-21   P          PHOENIX Pharmahandel GmbH &            Brocacef Holding NV       Pharma, medical   McKesson                   1,270
                                                                                               Co KG                                  (45% Stake); McKesson     & biotech         Corporation
Infrastructure. The deal will support Almaviva’s plans to invest                                                                      Corporation (European
more than €500m over the next five years in new equipment and                                                                         businesses); recucare
upgrading facilities.
                                                                    9   06-Aug-21   P          Providence Equity Partners L.L.C.;     Marlink SAS               TMT               Apax Partners SAS          1,187

                                                                   10   30-Jul-21   P          Caisse des Depots et Consignations;    GRTgaz SA (11.5% Stake)   Energy, mining    ENGIE SA                   1,121
                                                                                               CNP Assurances SA                                                & utilities
                                                                        *C = Completed; P = Pending

Home of high-quality assets
invites international acquirers
Deal markets in the Nordics received a huge boost in Q3 2021                                                                                                  On the up and up
from a jumbo €17.1bn industrials & chemicals deal that saw
                                                                                 Nordics M&A activity,                                                        The Polestar deal, the third-largest in Europe for the quarter,
US SPAC Gores Guggenheim acquire Swedish electric vehicle
                                                                                 2018 - Q3 2021                                                               helped to drive a 315% increase in overall Nordics deal value
maker Polestar.                                                                                                                                               for the year to end-Q3 2021, which climbed from €25bn in
                                                                                 600                                                  60                      2020 to €103bn this year.
The Gores Guggenheim SPAC, which is sponsored by
US billionaire Alec Gores and the Guggenheim Partners                                                                                                         On a quarter-by-quarter basis, deal value more than doubled
investment bank, is the latest US SPAC to invest in the                          500                                                  50                      from €28bn in Q2 2021 to €52bn in Q3, although deal volume
rapidly growing electric vehicles space.                                                                                                                      has declined from 537 transactions to 298.

The deal ensured that industrials & chemicals was the largest                    400                                                  40

sector by value in the Nordics in Q3 by some margin, lifting
                                                                                                                                                                But even when the effects of the

                                                                                                                                           Deal value €(bn)
                                                                                                                                                                Polestar deal are stripped out, the

                                                                   Deal volume
the space’s quarterly total to €26.8bn. PMB was the second-
largest by value (€8.9bn), followed by real estate (€5.6bn). TMT                 300                                                  30
                                                                                                                                                                Nordics M&A market has still performed
saw the most deals by volume, with 76 transactions, followed                                                                                                    well this year. Deal volume for the year
by industrials (59) and business services (39).
                                                                                 200                                                  20                        to end-Q3 2021 is up 73%, and value
                                                                                                                                                                is also up even when filtering for the
                                                                                 100                                                  10                        outlying megadeal.

                                                                                  0                                                   0
                                                                                       Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                           2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                          Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                       Source: Mergermarket

Nordics top sectors by value I Q3 2021                US buyers on the hunt                                          Boosted by Polestar, the US accounted in Q3 for more deal
                                                      With COVID risk mitigated, GDP across the Nordics is           value in the Nordics than any other region with deals to
                                     EUR (m)
                                                      expected to grow by 3.7% in both 2021 and 2022 after           the value of €30.9bn. Even if the Polestar deal is filtered
Industrials & chemicals             26,756
Pharma, medical & biotech            8,858            declines of 2.2% in 2020, according to Sweden-based bank       for, the US would still rank ahead of Sweden, which stands
Real estate                          5,561            SEB. As economic prospects have brightened, so have the        in second place with deal value of €5.8bn. The UK ranked
TMT                                  3,370            region’s stock markets, with the OMX Nordic 40 index up        third (€3.149bn), closely followed by Canada (€3.148bn).
Consumer                             2,315            28% over the last 12 months.

                                                      The supportive environment in the Nordics has made the
  Nordics top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
                                                      region attractive for overseas buyers, with three non-Nordic
                                         Deal count   nations ranked among the five most active inbound investors.
   TMT                                         76
   Industrials & chemicals                     59
   Business services                           39
   Consumer                                    28
   Pharma, medical & biotech                   25

Nordics top bidders by value I Q3 2021
                                     EUR (m)
USA                                 30,898
Sweden                               5,845
United Kingdom                       3,149
Canada                               3,148
Norway                               3,083

  Nordics top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                         Deal count
   Sweden                                      84
   Norway                                      50
   Denmark                                     35
   USA                                         24
   United Kingdom                              23

Nordics top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021

     Announced   Status*    Bidder company                      Target company                     Sector            Vendor company        Deal value
     date                                                                                                                                        (€m)   Finding value overseas
                                                                                                                                                        After Polestar, the next largest deal in the Nordics saw
 1   27-Sep-21   P          Gores Guggenheim, Inc.              Polestar Performance AB            Industrials &                              17,067
                                                                                                   chemicals                                            PE firm Advent International partner with Singaporean
 2   02-Sep-21   P          Advent International Corporation;   Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB        Pharma, medical   Investor AB; Fjarde       7,932    sovereign wealth fund GIC in the €7.9bn purchase of
                            GIC Private Limited                                                    & biotech         AP-fonden                          Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi). Sobi is focused on
                                                                                                                                                        developing treatments for rare diseases, specializing
 3   02-Aug-21   P          Castellum AB                        Kungsleden AB                      Real estate                                 4,488
                                                                                                                                                        in hematology, immunology, and specialty indications.

 4   05-Aug-21   P          Qualcomm Incorporated               Veoneer, Inc.                      Industrials &                               3,536
                                                                                                                                                        Other PE players have also seen value in the Nordics.
                                                                                                                                                        Buyout house Permira took a 10% stake in Adevinta, a
 5   22-Jul-21   P          Magna International Inc.            Veoneer, Inc.                      Industrials &                               3,004    provider of online classifieds and marketplaces, in a €1.9bn
                                                                                                   chemicals                                            deal. Permira is seeing high growth in the 16 markets where
 6   14-Jul-21   P          Permira Advisers LLP                Adevinta ASA (10.2% Stake)         TMT               eBay Inc.                 1,901    Adevinta operates, with scope to expand its transactional
                                                                                                                                                        capabilities and service new models in the automotive, real
 7   13-Sep-21   P          KKR & Co. Inc.                      Ocean Yield ASA                    Transportation    Aker ASA                  1,830    estate, and job markets.

 8   20-Aug-21   P          SalMar ASA                          Norway Royal Salmon ASA            Consumer                                    1,424
                                                                                                                                                        In another inbound deal backed by an international buyout
                                                                                                                                                        house, KKR acquired listed Norwegian shipowner Ocean
 9   02-Jul-21   P          Valmet Oyj                          Neles Corporation (70.46% Stake)   Industrials &                               1,358
                                                                                                                                                        Yield, which runs a fleet of 63 vessels, in a deal valued at
                                                                                                                                                        €1.8bn. Shipping has seen a significant increase in demand
10   16-Jul-21   P          NTS ASA                             Norway Royal Salmon ASA            Consumer                                      865
                                                                (65.43% Stake)                                                                          in 2021 as the world economy has emerged from the COVID
     *C = Completed; P = Pending                                                                                                                        slowdown and demand for commodities increased, pushing
                                                                                                                                                        shipping rates higher.

Italy & Iberia
Region ready to rebound faster
than northern European neighbors
Italy & Iberia has recorded double-digit increases in M&A volume    Summer siesta                                                                      Italy & Iberia M&A activity,
and value over the first nine months of 2021 as the region, one     With COVID risks proactively addressed, Italy’s FTSE MIB and                       2018-Q3 2021
of the hardest hit economically by the pandemic, rebounded.         Madrid’s Ibex 35 stock market indices have climbed by 39.2%
In 2020, Italy and Spain suffered declines in GDP of 8.9% and       and 31.8%, respectively, over the last year. M&A has benefited
10.8%, respectively, significantly steeper drops than the average   too, with volume of 1,016 deals for the year to end-Q3 2021, up                    400                                                  70

6.3% slide across the euro area, according to the IMF.              41% on the 723 transactions secured in 2020. Value over the
                                                                    same period increased 72% to €115bn from €67bn in 2020.                            350

  Both countries, however, are expected to                          Italy & Iberia deal activity did slow quarter-on-quarter, which is                 300
  see growth recover by more than 5% this                           not unusual over the summer period. Deal volume dropped from

  year and by 4.2% and 6.2%, respectively,                          400 deals in Q2 to 309 in Q3, with value dropping from €44bn                       250

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Deal value €(bn)
  in 2022, outpacing the average euro                               over the same period to €33bn.                                                                                                          40

                                                                                                                                         Deal volume
  area recovery.                                                    As dealmakers have returned from summer breaks, however,

                                                                    activity has picked up and the pipeline for deals in the region                    150
Vaccination rates have been among the highest in Europe, with       is promising. According to Mergermarket’s Intelligence Heat
79% of the population fully vaccinated in Spain and 70% in Italy,   Charts, there were 544 ‘companies for sale’ stories tracked                                                                             20
according to Our World in Data. Strict measures have also been      across Italy & Iberia between 1 April 2021 and 30 September
put place to reduce the risk of COVID cases creeping up again.      2021, good for second place in EMEA.                                                                                                    10

                                                                                                                                                         0                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                             Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                                                                                                 2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                                                                                                Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                                                                                             Source: Mergermarket

Building back better                                             I&I top sectors by value I Q3 2021
Domestic buyers have been especially active through the
                                                                                                         EUR (m)
last quarter, with Italian bidders announcing 91 deals and
                                                                 TMT                                  8,493
their Spanish counterparts 79. The UK is the next most active    Industrials & chemicals              6,389
inbound investor into the region, with 24 Q3 transactions.       Energy, mining & utilities           4,781
Italy also led the way in value terms (€8.3bn), followed by      Leisure                              4,012
the US (€6.6bn), and UK (€6bn).                                  Consumer                             3,294

Higher inbound deal value into the region has been driven by
                                                                   I&I top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
a series of large private capital transactions. Global buyout
firm CVC, for example, paid €2.7bn to land a deal with Spain’s                                             Deal count
elite soccer league La Liga. The deal will see CVC take 11% of      Industrials & chemicals                        76
La Liga’s TV rights over the next 50 years in exchange for the      Consumer                                       54
investment, with CVC playing an active role in managing the         TMT                                            40
league’s media rights post-deal.                                    Business services                              38
                                                                    Energy, mining & utilities                     28
Australian infrastructure group Macquarie, meanwhile, was
involved in a €2.1bn deal to take a 40% stake in Open Fiber,     I&I top bidders by value I Q3 2021
Italy’s largest fiber-to-the-home network. Improving access
                                                                                                         EUR (m)
to reliable, rapid broadband has emerged as a key priority
                                                                 Italy                                8,298
through lockdowns when connectivity proved essential for
                                                                 USA                                  6,580
work, trade, and study.                                          United Kingdom                       5,963
                                                                 France                               2,546
                                                                 Spain                                2,407

                                                                   I&I top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                                                                                           Deal count
                                                                    Italy                                          91
                                                                    Spain                                          79
                                                                    United Kingdom                                 24
                                                                    France                                         23
                                                                    USA                                            21

Big money in Big Data                                                Italy & Iberia top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021
The largest deal in the region in Q3 was also in the TMT space, as
tech investment fund Metrika and business services outsourcing
                                                                          Announced   Status*   Bidder company                           Target company               Sector            Vendor company          Deal value
specialist Aegida acquired Advice Group, a marketing technology           date                                                                                                                                        (€m)
company using behavioral loyalty and Big Data techniques,
                                                                      1   07-Jul-21   C         Metrika Tech Fund; Aegida                Advice Group SpA             TMT               HAT Orizzonte SGR Spa       5,150
from HAT Orizzonte in a €5.2bn deal. The deal provided a money                                  Investments S.r.l.
multiple return of 2x and IRR of 20% for PE firm HAT, which           2   04-Aug-21   P         CVC Capital Partners Limited             Liga Nacional de Futbol      Leisure                                       2,700
partnered with Advice Group founding chief executive Fulvio                                                                              Profesional (10.95% Stake)

Furbatto in 2019 when it acquired a 43% stake in the company.
                                                                      3   05-Aug-21   C         Macquarie Asset Management, Inc.         Open Fiber S.p.A.            TMT               Enel S.p.A.                 2,120
                                                                                                                                         (40% Stake)
The deal helped to rank TMT as the largest sector by value in
Italy & Iberia in Q3, with transactions worth €8.5bn. Industrials     4   27-Sep-21   P         Bain Capital, LP.; JB Capital Markets,   Industria de Turbo           Industrials &     Rolls-Royce Holdings        1,800
                                                                                                Sociedad de Valores, S.A.; Sapa          Propulsores, S.A.            chemicals         Plc
& chemicals was the next largest by value (€6.4bn), followed by                                 Placencia S. L.
energy, mining & utilities (€4.8bn). Industrials & chemicals was      5   23-Sep-21   P         OTIS Worldwide Corporation               Zardoya Otis SA              Industrials &                                 1,646
the most active sector by volume in Q3 with 76 deals, followed                                                                           (49.99% Stake)               chemicals

by consumer with 54 transactions, and then TMT with 40 deals.         6   23-Sep-21   P         Sandfire Resources NL                    Minas de Aguas Tenidas,      Energy, mining    Trafigura Group             1,591
                                                                                                                                         S.A.U.                       & utilities       Pte Ltd; Mubadala
                                                                                                                                                                                        Investment Company

                                                                      7   19-Jul-21   P         Investindustrial Acquisition Corp.       Ermenegildo Zegna            Consumer                                      1,318
                                                                                                                                         Holditalia S.p.A.

                                                                      8   08-Jul-21   P         Vitrolife AB (publ)                      Igenomix S.L.                Pharma, medical   EQT Partners AB;            1,250
                                                                                                                                                                      & biotech         Charme Capital
                                                                                                                                                                                        Partners SGR S.p.A.

                                                                      9   27-Jul-21   P         PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG                Ferrovial S.A.               Industrials &     Ferrovial S.A.              1,133
                                                                                                                                         (environmental services      chemicals
                                                                                                                                         businesses in Spain and

                                                                     10   02-Aug-21   P         Enel S.p.A.                              ERG Hydro S.r.l.             Energy, mining    ERG S.p.A.                  1,039
                                                                                                                                                                      & utilities
                                                                          *C = Completed; P = Pending

Slip in deal volumes cannot
negate robust M&A foundations
Deal volumes across Benelux saw double-digit growth over the    Strong and steady                                                                 Benelux M&A activity,
opening three quarters of 2021, although deal value declined.   On a quarter-by-quarter basis, deal volume slid from 262 deals                    2018-Q3 2021
Volumes were up 39% to 730 transactions over the first nine     in Q2 2021 to 202 in the most recent quarter. Nonetheless, deal
months of the year from 527 deals over the same period a year   value rocketed from €7bn to €17bn in Q3.
ago. Aggregate deal value was up 7% year-on-year at €47bn                                                                                         300                                                  40

from €44bn in 2020.                                             Overall, the Benelux market has proven steady and delivered
                                                                transactions across a range of sectors. As in other regions,                                                                           35
                                                                TMT was the most active by deal volume in Q3 with 60 deals.
  Value figures for 2020, however, were skewed                  Industrials & chemicals also featured strongly, with 44                                                                                30
  by a bumper Q3, when total deal value reached                 transactions over the quarter, followed by 31 deals in business
  €37bn, the largest quarterly sum recorded                     services and 17 in PMB.                                                                                                                25

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Deal value €(bn)
  going back to the start of 2018. Year-to-date

                                                                                                                                    Deal volume
                                                                TMT also ranked as the largest sector by value, with deals worth
  deal value for 2021 remains in line with                      €8.3bn in aggregate in Q3. The sector accounted for no fewer
                                                                                                                                                  150                                                  20

  pre-pandemic levels.                                          than five of the 10 largest deals in the region over the quarter.                                                                      15



                                                                                                                                                    0                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                        Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                                                                                            2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                                                                                           Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                                                                                        Source: Mergermarket

Getting moving                                                 Benelux top sectors by value I Q3 2021
The biggest transaction in the region saw Deutsche Telekom
                                                                                                    EUR (m)
and Tele2 offload T-Mobile Netherlands in a €5.1bn sale to
                                                               TMT                                 8,324
PE firms Apax Partners and Warburg Pincus. The deal came       Business services                   2,420
about as Deutsche Telekom made a strategic decision to         Financial services                  2,181
expand its presence in the US market through a deal with       Industrials & chemicals             1,582
Japan’s SoftBank, which saw the latter take a US$5bn stake     Real estate                         1,117
in Germany’s largest telco.
                                                                 Benelux top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
The US focus prompted Deutsche to exit its Dutch mobile
phone unit to Apax and Warburg Pincus. The German group                                                 Deal count
had already sold its Romanian interests to Orange and its         TMT                                         60
telecom towers unit in the Netherlands to Cellnex in Spain.       Industrials & chemicals                     44
Both Apax and Warburg Pincus have experience in the               Business services                           31
European telecoms sector.                                         Pharma, medical & biotech                   17
                                                                  Consumer                                    15
In other TMT deals, Yandex, the Russian internet and ride-
hailing company, bought up part of Uber’s stake in MLU,        Benelux top bidders by value I Q3 2021
a joint venture between the two groups in the food delivery
                                                                                                    EUR (m)
and self-driving space. The €846m deal is part of a
                                                               USA                                 9,620
strategic restructuring of MLU to interface with Yandex’s
                                                               Switzerland                         2,031
platforms more easily, although Uber will retain a 29% share   Belgium                             1,239
in the company.                                                Russia                                981
                                                               United Kingdom                        916
In another major deal in the space, Siemens Mobility paid
€550m for Sqills, a developer of reservation, inventory,
                                                                 Benelux top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
and ticketing software for the rail industry. The deal is
part of Siemens’ ‘mobility-as-a-service’ strategy, which is                                             Deal count
focused on building technology tools to increase the use         Netherlands                                  65
of public transport.                                             USA                                          31
                                                                 Belgium                                      23
                                                                 France                                       19
                                                                 United Kingdom                               16

Ubiquitous technology                                             Benelux top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021
After TMT, business services was the largest sector by value
with transactions totaling €2.4bn in Q3. This was up more
                                                                       Announced   Status*    Bidder company                        Target company                 Sector          Vendor company              Deal value
than sixfold on the Q3 2020 figure, owing largely to the €2bn          date                                                                                                                                          (€m)
sale of Belgian staffing company AKKA Technologies to Swiss
                                                                   1   07-Sep-21   P          Apax Partners LLP; Warburg Pincus     T-Mobile Netherlands           TMT             Deutsche Telekom AG;            5,100
recruitment business Adecco.                                                                  LLC                                   Holding B.V.                                   Tele2 AB

                                                                   2   28-Jul-21   P          Adecco SA                             AKKA Technologies SA           Business        Compagnie Nationale             2,031
The deal will see Adecco become the largest provider of                                                                                                            services        a Portefeuille S.A; Ricci
temporary staffing in the world. Adecco, which plans to
combine AKKA with its science and IT staffing divisions,           3   19-Aug-21   P          Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC               NN Investment Partners         Financial       NN Group N.V.                   1,700
                                                                                                                                    Holdings N.V.                  services
sees an opportunity to expand its services to automotive
and aerospace companies. Customers in these industries are         4   09-Jul-21   P          D'Ieteren SA                          TVH Parts Holding NV           Industrials &   Vanhalst family                 1,172
                                                                                                                                    (40% Stake)                    chemicals
increasingly outsourcing engineering and R&D to consultants,
opening growth opportunities for staffing providers.               5   18-Aug-21   C          Oaktree Capital Management LP         High Tech Campus Eindhoven     Real estate     Marcel Boekhoorn                1,100
                                                                                                                                                                                   (Private investor)

The third-largest sector by value was financial services, with     6   31-Aug-21   P          Yandex, N.V.                          MLU B.V. (4.5% Stake);         TMT             Uber Technologies, Inc.           846
                                                                                                                                    Yandex Self-Driving Group
deal value totaling €2.2bn. The most notable financial services                                                                     B.V. (18.2% Stake); Yandex.
transaction saw NN Group in the Netherlands sell its asset                                                                          Eats (33.5% Stake); Yandex.
management division NN Investment Partners Holdings, which                                                                          Lavka (33.5% Stake); Yandex.
                                                                                                                                    Delivery (33.5% Stake)
has strong ESG credentials, to Goldman Sachs in a €1.7bn deal.
                                                                   7   16-Sep-21   C          Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation     Picnic B.V.                    TMT                                               600

                                                                   8   05-Aug-21   P          Siemens Mobility GmbH                 Sqills                         TMT                                               550

                                                                   9   14-Sep-21   C          Crestview Partners, LP                TenCate Grass Holding BV       Construction    Koninklijke Ten Cate              450

                                                                  10   06-Jul-21   C          Abu Dhabi Investment Authority;       CarNext                        TMT                                               400
                                                                                              PGGM N.V.; TDR Capital LLP; GIC
                                                                                              Private Limited; ATP Group; Goldman
                                                                                              Sachs Asset Management, L.P.
                                                                       *C = Completed; P = Pending

Turkey, Middle East & Africa
Soaring oil prices fuel M&A in critical
energy and industrials spaces
The recovery in oil & gas prices and an improving public             Black gold                                                                          Turkey, Middle East & Africa M&A activity,
health backdrop have helped to lift the economic outlook             Forecasts for M&A activity in the region are upbeat. According                      2018-Q3 2021
across Turkey, the Middle East & Africa, to the great benefit of     to Mergermarket’s Intelligence Heat Charts, there are 436 deals
M&A activity in the region. The IMF is predicting GDP growth         in the pipeline for Turkey, the Middle East & Africa, more than all
of 4.1% in the Middle East and Central Asia in 2022 and a            other jurisdictions in the EMEA region barring CEE & SEE and                        200                                                  100
3.7% uplift in sub-Saharan Africa.                                   Italy & Iberia.
Vaccination rates are patchy across the vast and diverse
region, and still lag behind countries in the West. But
                                                                       A surge in oil prices has also benefited                                                                                               80

distribution is improving, with some countries, such as Saudi          large producers in the region. At the end                                         150
Arabia and Turkey, recording full vaccination rates approaching        of September, oil broke through the US$80                                         125
60% of the population, according to Our World in Data. Rates           per barrel threshold for the first time in three                                                                                       60

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Deal value €(bn)
                                                                                                                                           Deal volume
in sub-Saharan Africa are still significantly lower, but there has
been enough progress across the region as a whole to help
                                                                       years, while gas prices crested record highs                                      100                                                  50

economies to reopen.                                                   in Q3.                                                                                                                                 40

                                                                     These dynamics have proven favorable for deal activity in                                                                                30

                                                                     the region, which has made strong gains over the last year.                          50
                                                                     Deal value has climbed 86% from €70bn over the first nine
                                                                     months of 2020 to €131bn for the year to end-Q3 2021.                                25
                                                                     Deal volume is up 56% over the same period, from 303
                                                                     deals to 472. The year-to-date gains come despite a dip                               0                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                               Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                     in quarter-on-quarter volume and value from 166 deals                                         2018        2019        2020      2021
                                                                     worth €67bn in Q2 to 131 deals valued at €32bn in Q3.
                                                                                                                                                                  Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                                                                                               Source: Mergermarket

Full of energy                                                    TMEA top sectors by value I Q3 2021
With energy prices up, deal value in the energy, mining &
                                                                                                         EUR (m)
utilities sector delivered more value than any other industry
                                                                  Energy, mining & utilities            11,994
with transactions worth just under €12bn accounting for           TMT                                    7,783
more than a third of overall deal value in the region in Q3.      Industrials & chemicals                4,688
Indeed, the sector saw the largest deal in the region as well     Pharma, medical & biotech              1,825
as the seventh-largest transaction in the three-month period.     Transportation                         1,721

The Saudi Arabian Oil company’s €10.3bn sale of a portfolio         TMEA top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
of air separation and power assets to a consortium including
US group Air Products and Chemicals, ACWA Power, and Air                                                   Deal count

Products Qudra led the way. Mubadala Petroleum’s purchase            TMT                                           33
of a 22% stake in the Tamar gas field from Delek Drilling in an      Industrials & chemicals                       19
€865m deal also ranked among the top 10 deals for Q3.                Energy, mining & utilities                    16
                                                                     Consumer                                      14
                                                                     Business services                             11

                                                                  TMEA top bidders by value I Q3 2021
                                                                                                         EUR (m)
                                                                  USA                                   15,623
                                                                  United Arab Emirates                   3,647
                                                                  Saudi Arabia                           3,138
                                                                  Thailand                               3,126
                                                                  Israel                                 1,425

                                                                    TMEA top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                                                                                           Deal count
                                                                    USA                                            24
                                                                    Israel                                         21
                                                                    Turkey                                         15
                                                                    United Arab Emirates                           12
                                                                    South Africa                                    6
                                                                    United Kingdom                                  6

African fintech prestige                                          Turkey, Middle East & Africa top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021
TMT was the next largest sector by value, with deals worth
€7.8bn in Q3, followed by industrials & chemicals (€4.7bn)
                                                                       Announced   Status*    Bidder company                       Target company                  Sector            Vendor company         Deal value
and PMB (€1.8bn). TMT was the most active sector by volume             date                                                                                                                                       (€m)
with 33 deals, followed by industrials & chemicals with 19, and
                                                                   1   27-Sep-21   P          Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.;    Saudi Arabian Oil Co (air       Energy, mining    Saudi Arabian Oil Co      10,252
then energy, mining & utilities at 16.                                                        Saudi Arabian Oil Co; ACWA Power     separation unit (ASU),          & utilities
                                                                                              International; Air Products Qudra    gasification, syngas cleanup,
                                                                                                                                   utilities and power assets)
In the largest TMT deal in the region, Nigeria’s Tingo
International Holdings offloaded Tingo Mobile, a device            2   30-Jul-21   C          IWeb, Inc.                           Tingo Mobile, PLC               TMT               Tingo International        3,126
                                                                                                                                                                                     Holdings, Inc.
and mobile business focused on agritech and fintech,
for €3.1bn to Thai technology developer IWeb. Tingo                3   28-Sep-21   P          Saudi Industrial Investment Group    Saudi National Petrochemical    Industrials &                                2,876
Mobile, which has more than 9m subscribers and annual                                                                              Company (50% Stake)             chemicals

revenues of US$616m, is believed to be one of the most             4   08-Jul-21   P          DP World Limited                     Imperial Logistics Limited      Transportation                               1,429
valuable fintech groups to have emerged from Africa.

In the largest industrials & chemicals deal for Q3, the Saudi      5   09-Aug-21   C          General Atlantic Service Company,    DSM Grup Danismanlik            TMT                                          1,276
                                                                                              L.P.; Qatar Investment Authority;    Iletisim ve Satis Tic. A.S.
Industrial Investment Group took a 50% stake in the Saudi                                     Princeville Capital; ADQ; SoftBank   (9.09% Stake)
                                                                                              Investment Advisers
National Petrochemical Company in a transaction worth
€2.9bn. The tie-up between the two groups forms one of             6   02-Sep-21   C          SOCAR Turkey Enerji A.S.             SOCAR Turkey Enerji A.S.        Industrials &     Goldman Sachs &            1,097
                                                                                                                                   (13% Stake)                     chemicals         Co. LLC
the largest chemicals manufacturers in the Middle East at
a time when prices are moving higher. The deal follows a           7   02-Sep-21   P          Mubadala Petroleum LLC               Delek Drilling Limited          Energy, mining    Delek Drilling               865
                                                                                                                                   Partnership (Tamar gas field)   & utilities       Limited Partnership
trend of increasing consolidation across the Saudi Arabian                                                                         (22% Stake)
industrial sector, with businesses seeking opportunities to        8   15-Jul-21   P          Standard Bank Group Limited          Liberty Holdings Limited        Financial                                      710
expand and find synergies through M&A transactions.                                                                                                                services

                                                                   9   04-Aug-21   P          Paz Oil Company Ltd                  Freshmarket Ltd                 Consumer                                       564

                                                                  10   13-Aug-21   P          MedTech Acquisition                  Memic Innovative Surgery        Pharma, medical                                531
                                                                                                                                   Ltd.                            & biotech
                                                                       *C = Completed; P = Pending

Key economies driving recovery
in region poised for M&A boom
The CEE & SEE M&A market has enjoyed a strong rebound                                                                                                     Making up for lost time
over the first nine months of 2021, with deal volume and
                                                                             CEE & SEE M&A activity,                                                      Vaccination programs across the region have trailed those
value up significantly on the same period last year.
                                                                             2018-Q3 2021                                                                 in western Europe, but in the key economies of Austria, the
                                                                                                                                                          Czech Republic, and Poland, vaccines have been distributed
Deal value for the year to end-Q3 2021 has more than                         250                                                  25                      to more than half of the population, according to Our World in
doubled to €49bn from the €23bn posted in 2020. Deal                                                                                                      Data, enabling economies to open up and regain lost ground.
volume for the period is up by just under a third (32%) from
409 transactions to 541. On a quarter-by-quarter basis, deal
value almost trebled from the €9bn worth of transactions in
                                                                             200                                                  20                        Economic growth forecasts are upbeat,
Q2 to €24bn in Q3, even though volumes eased from 198                                                                                                       with the IMF predicting GDP growth of
transactions to 144 over the same period.                                                                                                                   6% in emerging and developing Europe
                                                                             150                                                  15
                                                                                                                                                            for 2021, followed by expansion of 3.6%

                                                                                                                                       Deal value €(bn)
                                                               Deal volume
The momentum the region has enjoyed so far this year is
set to continue into Q4 2021 and 2022. Mergermarket’s
                                                                                                                                                            in 2022.
Intelligence Heat Chart, which tracks ‘companies for sale’                   100                                                  10
stories, has identified 566 assets in CEE & SEE that are in                                                                                               Stock markets in the region have also been robust, with
play, more than any other EMEA jurisdiction.                                                                                                              the Central and Eastern Europe Fund, which invests in
                                                                                                                                                          stock markets across the region, up by 28.1% this year.
                                                                             50                                                   5

                                                                              0                                                   0
                                                                                   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                       2018        2019        2020      2021

                                                                                      Deal volume         Deal value €(bn)

                                                                                   Source: Mergermarket

CEE & SEE top sectors by value I Q3 2021            Market-leading tech                                             Other headline TMT deals saw US-based broadband, video,
                                                    Dealmakers have been ready to redeploy capital in the region,   and mobile group Liberty Global exit the Polish market with
                                     EUR (m)
                                                    with TMT leading the way: the sector accrued €13.1bn from       the sale of UPC Polska to PLAY, the Polish subsidiary of
TMT                                13,056
Transportation                      4,155           52 deals in Q3.                                                 French counterpart iliad, in a €1.5bn deal, while Amsterdam-
Pharma, medical & biotech           2,398                                                                           listed VEON offloaded its Russian network tower portfolio
Construction                        1,835           TMT transactions accounted for five of the 10 largest CEE &     JSC to Service-Telecom in an €817m deal.
Energy, mining & utilities          1,179           SEE deals in Q3, with US cybersecurity group NortonLifeLock
                                                    acquiring Prague-based Avast in a €6.6bn deal to lead the
                                                    rankings. Avast has developed a market-leading position in
  CEE & SEE top sectors by volume I Q3 2021
                                                    the bespoke consumer cyber protection market and, with
                                       Deal count   cybersecurity growing in importance through the pandemic,
   TMT                                         52   the deal positions Norton well to service Avast’s 435m users.
   Industrials & chemicals                     17
   Energy, mining & utilities                  16
   Consumer                                    11
   Transportation                               9

CEE & SEE top bidders by value I Q3 2021
                                     EUR (m)
USA                                 7,987
Russia                              3,312
France                              3,077
Poland                              2,977
Switzerland                         1,600

  CEE & SEE top bidders by volume I Q3 2021
                                       Deal count
   Russia                                      28
   Poland                                      16
   USA                                         13
   Czech Republic                              13
   Sweden                                       9

CEE & SEE top 10 announced deals, Q3 2021

     Announced   Status*    Bidder company                  Target company             Sector            Vendor company            Deal value
                                                                                                                                                Supplying demanding consumers
     date                                                                                                                                (€m)   The industrials & chemicals sector was the next largest
                                                                                                                                                by volume, with 17 deals, but didn’t feature among the
 1   10-Aug-21   P          NortonLifeLock Inc.             Avast PLC                  TMT                                             6,646
                                                                                                                                                highest-ranking sectors by value. Transportation, which
 2   26-Aug-21   P          GEK Terna SA; Egis Projects     Egnatia Odos AE            Transportation    Hellenic Republic Asset       2,766    ranked second by value with transactions worth €4.2bn
                                                                                                         Development Fund                       in aggregate, was boosted by two top-10 deals.

 3   16-Jul-21   C          Mikhailovsky KSM                Eurocement Group ZAO       Construction      Sberbank OAO                  1,835
                                                                                                                                                A consortium bid €2.8bn for a concession on Egnatia Odos,
                                                                                                                                                the longest motorway in Greece. The concession was
 4   19-Jul-21   P          Partners Group Holding AG       Pharmathen S.A.            Pharma, medical   BC Partners Limited           1,600
                                                                                                                                                put out by Greece’s privatization agency and will see the
                                                                                       & biotech
                                                                                                                                                consortium maintain the 658km motorway for 35 years.
 5   22-Sep-21   P          PLAY Communications S.A.        UPC Polska Sp. z o.o.      TMT               Liberty Global Plc            1,517
                                                                                                                                                In the shipping space, Navios Maritime Partners, an operator
 6   28-Sep-21   P          Zygmunt Solorz-Zak              Cyfrowy Polsat SA          TMT                                             1,377    of dry cargo vessels, merged with tanker vessel operator
                            (Private Investor)              (28.28% Stake)
                                                                                                                                                Navios Maritime Acquisition Corporation in a €913bn deal.
 7   26-Aug-21   P          Navios Maritime Partners L.P.   Navios Maritime            Transportation    Navios Maritime                 913    The tie-up will see the formation of the largest shipping
                                                            Acquisition Corporation                      Holdings Inc
                                                                                                                                                company listed in the US. The deal comes at an inflexion
 8   16-Aug-21   P          United Group B.V.               Wind Hellas                TMT               Crystal Almond Holdings         849
                                                                                                                                                point for the shipping sector, which has faced a surge in
                                                            Telecommunications S.A.                      Limited
                                                                                                                                                demand and supply chain bottlenecks as demand for goods
 9   06-Sep-21   P          Service-Telecom LLC             JSC “National Tower        TMT               VEON Ltd.                       817
                                                                                                                                                explodes post-pandemic.

10   09-Sep-21   P          Italgas S.p.A.                  DEPA Infrastructure S.A.   Energy, mining    Hellenic Petroleum SA;          733
                                                                                       & utilities       Hellenic Republic Asset                The PMB sector, which ranked third by value (€2.4bn), was
                                                                                                         Development Fund
                                                                                                                                                also boosted by a jumbo deal, with PE firm BC Partners
     *C = Completed; P = Pending                                                                                                                exiting Pharmathen in a secondary buyout to Swiss
                                                                                                                                                alternative assets manager Partners Group in a €1.6bn
                                                                                                                                                transaction. BC Partners first backed the pharmaceuticals
                                                                                                                                                R&D group in 2015 in a deal worth €475m.

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