DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries

Page created by Roy Robbins
DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries
DATE:- July 2021

                                               navigate over the past 18 months. Data
                                               looks like we are getting somewhere with it,
                                               although the Autumn remains a watch
                                               period for us all. I’d like to thank the staff
                                               for their vigilance, hard work and help for
                                               everyone during this period. The ‘track and
I hope you have all been able to enjoy some    trace’ issues have been hard for us to
of this beautiful weather…it has been          manage, as well as yourselves. But I’d like to
rather warm and apparently hotter than         stress that, at all times, the team here
Barbados! We have made sure the children       make decisions based on government
have had plenty of drinks and snacks to help   guidance or statutory requirements. PHE
them cool. Our Hot Weather Policy is           always instructs us what we must do, when
followed at all times for when we are out      and for how long. I realise that it may
and when we have to be in.                     result in news that creates problems for all,
                                               but the staff here must never be a target
Hot Weather reminder                           of frustration please. We treat
Please can sun cream be applied before         everyone with respect and dignity and
children attend nursery-this is to allow the   expect the same for our staff, parents,
sun cream to be fully absorbed and provide     carers, children and visitors, just as our
the best possible protection against the       Montessori ethos indicates. It shapes our
sun. We also ask that shoulders be covered-    teaching here at all times.
please avoid strappy tops or vests. Thank      Thank you,
you so much.                                   Helen

July 19th Changes                              NEWS FROM OUR ROOMS
Our local Public Health England teams are
advising that we keep in place all of the      Babies
social distancing restrictions that exist at   This month we have been getting creative!
the moment, because cases remain high and      We have enjoyed looking at different
above the national average here in York. So,   artists during "Children's Art Week" and
we will continue with the following            recreating their work in our own way. The
procedures for the foreseeable future:         babies have loved getting messy especially
- anti-bacterial lotion for hands as you       when doing finger painting, which turned out
enter the premises                             to be full body painting! During art week we
- all visiting adults to wear masks on the     have also looked at different colours, the
premises, outdoors/indoors (for staff, it      babies have attempted to sort things into
will be a personal choice)                     colour categories. This month the children
- social distancing where we have to queue.    have also been interested in books. Some of
                                               our favourites are "The Very Hungry
From Helen Gration: I know it’s been a         caterpillar" and "A Squash and a Squeeze".
difficult set of circumstances for us all to   When the weather hasn't been too hot we
DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries
DATE:- July 2021
have managed to get out on a few walks to         you would be able to let your toddler set
the park. This has allowed the children to        the table ready for a meal? Maybe they
develop their gross motor skills such as          could pour the drinks? We would love to see
running and climbing.                             the toddlers showing off their skills on
Home Learning:
At home you could try colour mixing using
the three prime colours; red, blue and
yellow. I wonder what you will make. For
those of you who might not have paint,
maybe you could find things in your house
that are red, blue, or yellow? Remember to
use lots of conversation as you go.


                                                  Preschool have been looking inside
                                                  different fruits and their differences.
                                                  Linking this interest to "Children's art
                                                  week" the pre-schoolers explored still life
                                                  painting and created representations of a
Toddlers:                                         variety of different fruits. The children
This month Toddlers have been interested          then created their own delicious ice-cold
in animals, especially after the trip to          smoothies and watched as the fruits’
Askham Bryan Wildlife centre. The children        colours impacted the colour of their
have been exploring different habitats and        smoothie! The children enjoyed observing
learning about where sea creatures and
                                                  what the blender did and watching the
insects live. This has sparked lots of
                                                  ingredients change from a solid to a liquid.
language and creativity in making their own
animals! Toddlers have been developing lots       During the recent hot weather, the children
of practical life skills especially during meal   completed an experiment to change the
times, pouring their own drinks and scraping      liquid ingredients for ice cream into a solid
plates are all skills the children are enjoying   scoop using salt and ice to freeze them! We
develop. The children are particularly keen
                                                  tested a variety of different flavours
on wiping their own face. They use a warm
                                                  including strawberry, banana, and chocolate!
flannel and a mirror. This has sparked quite
a bit of interest and conversation
                                                  Home Learning:
surrounding eyes, hair colour and mouths
for you at home! This month toddlers have         Try and make your own flavour ice cream.
also explored a variety of different artists-     What flavour ice cream would your family
Andy Warhol, George Seurat and Van Gogh           enjoy? Please follow the link below to have
were amongst some favourites.                     access to the instructions. It would be
                                                  lovely to see your ice cream creations on
Home learning:                                    Tapestry!
As the children are showing such
enthusiasm during meal times, I wonder if
DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries
DATE:- July 2021
                                                               Meal of the month:

                                                        Bean, sweet potato & tomato
                                                       Dice 2 medium Sweet potato
                                                       (leaving the skins on), 2 peppers &
                                                       1 leek & cover with a little boiling
                                                       water simmer for 10 min’s, add 2
                                                       tins of tomatoes & 1 tin of
                                                       cannellini beans bring back to the
                                                       boil, add ½ tsp chilli powder, 1
                                                       veg stocks & 1 grate cloves of
                                                       garlic bring back to the boil and
Online Safety:                                         simmer until it thickens slightly,
                                                       stir in a sprinkle of parsley & sage
Please find attached a link to ‘Net Aware’. It is a    from the herb rack or fresh from
website created by the NSPCC which allows you          the garden. Add Rice to boiling
to have a look at the Apps some children might be
                                                       water & stir straight away to stop
using online and seeing how safe they are.
                                                       it sticking on the bottom, bring                          back to the boil & simmer for 5-10
                                                       min’s turn off & leave to stand to
I have also attached a link to ‘Internet Matters’.     finish cooking.
Here you can find advice from 0-5 right through
to teenagers-for some of you this might be
                                                      Invoices and payments
                                                      Could you please ensure that all new
                                                      Government Tax Free Childcare, Tax
                                                      Free Childcare Payments, Vouchers and
Reminders:                                            Bank Payments are made by the 1st of
As we are trying to ensure the children               the month, in line with our terms and
have as much fresh air and outdoor play as            conditions. Thank you.
possible please can you pack the following in         If you are changing the way you pay, e.g
their bags:                                           with the Tax-Free Childcare payments,
    1. Warm hat/Sun hat                               please let our accounts team know as soon
    2. Change of clothes x2                           as possible, or by 15th of the month on
    3. Waterproofs                          
    4. Wellies                                        uk so we can locate your new payments
We want to minimise any cross over                    quickly and easily. Thank you for your help.
between children so would prefer each child           Notice re payments after the 1st:
to have their own wherever possible, which            Some payments have been increasingly
therefore minimises the risk of any sharing           irregular, such as Tax-Free Childcare, bank
of clothing etc.                                      payments and voucher payments. Please
DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries
DATE:- July 2021
check your account and payments, as you
may need to specify the payment date for
the 1st of a month. A ‘late payment charge’
of £75.00 will be made where fees continue
to be late.

Nursery Dates for August:
Graduation August 13th
Friday 27th August closed for training.
Bank Holiday (Nursery Closed)- 30th August.

        Important Information:

   Every organisation that works with
children needs to have someone that takes
    the lead on safeguarding and child
  protection. For Yorkshire Montessori
  Nursery, it is the nursery manager and
deputy. We refer to them as a Designated
       Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The
DSL responds to child protection concerns
and oversees the training of all our staff
in safeguarding matters. At Strensall the
   Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

   •    Becca Caselton
   •    Beckie MacGregor

Follow us on social media!
We're very excited about our new look
Instagram account with its updates and
news, and comments on these fantastic
early years with some useful connections
Facebook continues to give you all our daily
news and information. Twitter will always
provide links to newsletters and Helen
Gration's blogs. Enjoy!

                  Becca ☺
DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries DATE:- July 2021 - Yorkshire Montessori Nurseries
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