Daptomycin: a new treatment for insidious infections due to gram-positive pathogens

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Daptomycin: a new treatment for insidious infections due to gram-positive pathogens
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       Minireview                                                                  S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 8 ; 1 3 8 ( 7 – 8 ) : 9 3 – 9 9 · w w w . s m w . c h   93
       Peer reviewed article

                               Daptomycin: a new treatment for insidious
                               infections due to gram-positive pathogens
                               Philippe Cottagnoud
                               Department of Internal Medicine, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland

                                    Daptomycin, a new lipopeptide antibiotic, is           The mechanism of action of daptomycin, its anti-
                               highly bactericidal against the majority of Gram-           bacterial spectrum, the development of resistance
                               positive human pathogens, including methicillin-            and pre- and clinical studies are discussed in this
                               resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vanco-           review.
                               mycin-resistant enterococci. Its mechanism of
                               action is unique resulting in the destruction of the               Key word: daptomycin, gram-positive pathogens
                               membrane potential without lysing the cell wall.

                                    The treatment of infections due to Gram-               hospitals mainly in Southern and Eastern Europe,
                               positive cocci, especially Staphylococcus aureus, co-       South America, and the USA. The common fea-
                               agulase-negative staphylococci and enterococci              ture of MRSA strains is the presence of the mecA
                               represents an increasing challenge for clinicians           gene, encoding the low affinity penicillin-binding
                               in the hospital environment and in the outpatient           protein 2A conferring resistance against methi-
                               setting. Based on a survey of the Surveillance and          cillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics. Further-
                               Control of Pathogens of Epidemiologic Impor-                more, MRSA are resistant to other antibiotic
                               tance (SCOPE), which has monitored blood-                   classes, even to quinolones. Quinolone resistance
                               stream infections in hospitals of the United States         has become a hallmark of nosocomial MRSA. For
                               from 1995 to 1998, 60% of nosocomial blood-                 decades, vancomycin was the only effective treat-
                               stream infections have been caused by Gram-pos-             ment for severe MRSA infections. Since 1996
                               itive pathogens [1]. Coagulase-negative staphylo-           however, strains with an intermediate resistance
                               coccal strains caused about 32% of bloodstream              to vancomycin (VISA: vancomycin-intermediate
                               infections, followed by Staphylococcus aureus with          Staphylococcus aureus), with MICs between 8 and
                               25.7% and enterococci with 11.1%. In a study in-            16 mg/L have been reported from Japan [6, 7] and
                               cluding 24 179 cases of bloodstream infections              since 1997 from the United States [8]. VISA
                               conducted by Wisplinghoff et al. [2] between                strains harbour a thickened cell wall, trapping
                               1995 and 2002, an increase of resistant isolates of         vancomycin molecules and so preventing them
                               all major Gram-positive strains was documented,             from reaching their targets, the cell wall precur-
                               jeopardising the use of standard antibiotics. This          sors on the outside of the plasma membrane [9].
                               paper presents the actual epidemiological situa-            More alarming are recent reports of vancomycin-
                               tion for the essential Gram-positive pathogens.             resistant Staphylococcus aureus with an MIC of
                                    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus            64 mg/L [10, 11]. The mechanism of resistance is
                               (MRSA), which has been an exclusive nosocomial              based on a transfer of a transposon containing a
                               pathogen for decades [3], has begun to spread               vanA gene originating from vancomycin-resistant
                               within the outpatient community. The National               enterococci.
                               Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS)                        For decades, MRSA has been the paradigm of
                               study reports a rate of 59.5% of MRSA among                 a nosocomial microorganism, causing severe in-
                               Staphylococcus aureus infections in ICU patients in         fections. More recently however, it is evident
                               the United States for the year 2004 [4]. Interest-          that MRSA can be acquired in the community as
                               ingly, only a few clones are spreading throughout           well. Community-acquired methicillin-resistant
                               the world and are responsible for the high resis-           Staphylococcus aureus infections usually occur in
       No financial            tant rates. Recently, Oliviera et al. [5] were able to      otherwise healthy children and young adults and
       support declared.       identify five MRSA clones accounting for around             represent an increasing problem worldwide [12].
                               70% of the over 3000 MRSA isolates recovered in             A typical landmark of these community-acquired
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       Daptomycin: a new treatment for insidious infections due to gram-positive pathogens                                                    94

                                strains is the presence of the Panton-Valentine              chain from D-alanine-D-alanine to D-alanine-
                                leukocidin, a cytotoxin leading to the destruction           D-lactate.
                                of host leukocytes and causing tissue necrosis. In                Streptococcus pneumoniae, a common colonis-
                                general, these strains are more susceptible to non-          ing microorganism of the pharynx, has also be-
                                beta-lactam antibiotics (eg, tretracyclines,                 come resistant to penicillin and other antibiotic
                                trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) than hospital-                classes. Resistance has been triggered by exposure
                                acquired MRSA.                                               to antibiotics especially used for infections of the
                                     Until 1989, resistance to vancomycin was                upper respiratory tract. In the United States,
                                non-existent in enterococci in the United States.            penicillin-resistance of pneumococci reached
                                However, a dramatic increase in vancomycin-                  40% in adults in a recent survey [13].
                                resistant enterococci has occurred since 1990,                    Confronted with the ubiquitous increase of
                                primarily in ICUs. Nowadays, the rate of                     resistance rates of these major human pathogens
                                vancomycin-resistant enterococci has reached                 against conventional antibiotics, there is a need to
                                around 30%, based on a recent NNIS report [4].               develop new antibiotics which are highly active
                                Interestingly, the vast majority of resistant strains        against Gram-positive microorganisms. Among
                                are E. faecalis. Wisplinghoff et al. reported resis-         the candidates, daptomycin, a new lipopeptide, is
                                tance rates around 70% in US hospitals for the               one of the most promising compounds. Here we
                                period from 2000 to 2002 [2]. Vancomycin-resis-              present its mechanisms of action, its antimicrobial
                                tant enterococci are able to alter the structure of          spectrum and its effectiveness in Gram-positive
                                the vancomycin target (the cell wall precursors)             infections.
                                by exchanging an amino acid of the peptide side-

                                Structure and mechanism of action
                                     Daptomycin is a cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic           in absence of Ca2+ [16–18]. This crucial Ca2+ level
                                produced by fermentation of Streptomyces                     corresponds to levels usually measured in human
                                roseosporus [14]. Usually S roseosporus produces a           serum [19]. The calcium-induced changes in the
                                variety of lipopeptides with different long-chain            daptomycin structure lead to a relative increase of
                                fatty acid tails. Daptomycin, which contains a               the hydrophobic surface of 5% and promote dap-
                                C10-lipid side-chain, is produced by addition of de-         tomycin oligomerisation [20]. Although the
                                canoic acid to the growth medium during fermen-              mechanism of action of daptomycin has not been
                                tation [15]. Daptomycin contains 13 aminoacids               completely clarified, the main target is the bacte-
                                of which 10 form a cyclic frame linked by an ester           rial plasma membrane. The most conceivable sce-
                                bond between the terminal kynurenine and the                 nario is a multistep process as proposed by Silver-
                                hydroxyl group of threonine (fig. 1).                        man et al. [21]. In a first step, calcium binds
                                     The predominantly acidic nature and the neg-            daptomycin which itself is weakly bound to the
                                ative charge (3-) at neutral pH are responsible for          cytoplasmatic membrane. This leads to confor-
                                the high solubility in aqueous solutions of this             mational changes and insertion into the plasma
                                antibiotic. Its lipid tails and some hydrophobic             membrane and subsequent oligomerisation of
                                amino acids warrant amphipathic properties.                  daptomycin. In a second step, this oligomerisation
                                     The antibacterial activity of daptomycin is             of daptomycin builds channels causing membrane
                                highly calcium-dependent. Its antibacterial effi-            leakage and outflow of intracellular potassium.
                                cacy is optimal in the presence of a Ca2+ concen-                 The bactericidal activity of daptomycin is
                                tration around 1.25 mM (50 mg/L) and negligible              based on the depolarisation of the membrane

       Figure 1
       Structure of
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       Figure 2
       Scheme of the
       mechanism of action
       of daptomycin.

                              which leads to cell death. Jung et al. [20] proposed      nents, such as cell wall, various enzymes, RNA
                              a more complex model and suggested that the               and DNA, similarly to the multilevel mechanisms
                              bactericidal action of daptomycin is not solely due       of action of antibacterial cationic peptides [22–
                              to the membrane depolarisation but that dapto-            25]. The mechanism of action of daptomycin is
                              mycin also interacts with several bacterial compo-        summarised in figure 2.

                              Antibacterial spectrum
                                   Daptomycin is efficacious in vitro against a         against streptococci. Daptomycin is also effective
                              broad range of aerobic and anaerobic Gram-posi-           in vitro against some anaerobic strains (eg,
                              tive microorganisms, including multi-drug resis-          clostridium und propionibacterium species),
                              tant strains [19, 26–35]. The MIC ranges, MIC50           against rare Gram-positive microorganisms, as
                              and MIC90 for the different isolates are sum-             corynebacterium, and some bacillus species. Dap-
                              marised in table 1. One of the most striking fea-         tomycin is also active against Listeria species with
                              tures of daptomycin is its activity against the most      MIC around 2 mg/L. The MIC breakpoints have
                              difficult to treat Gram-positive microorganisms,          been determined by the European Committee on
                              especially methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus au-       Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST)
                              reus (MRSA), glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus          for staphylococci and streptococci (except for
                              (GISA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci               pneumococci) as follows: sensitivity: 1 mg/L and
                              (VRE). For Staphylococcus species the MIC90               resistance >1 mg/L [36].
                              ranges lie around 0.5 mg/L. Enterococci (van-                  Daptomycin is not active against Gram-nega-
                              comycin-resistant strains included) are slightly          tive bacteria because of its inability to penetrate
                              less sensitive with MIC90 between 1 and 4 mg/L.           the outer membrane of these microorganisms [37,
                              In general, daptomycin has the highest activity           38].

                                   In general, the widespread use of antibiotics        ence of daptomycin are needed to produce a small
                              represents a major risk for the development of re-        number of resistant isolates [39]. Many mutants
                              sistance. The risk of bacterial resistance to dapto-      showed significant growth defects and other mu-
                              mycin is much less pronounced than for conven-            tants had lost their virulence. Recently, Kaatz et al.
                              tional antibiotics due to its unique mechanism of         [40] demonstrated that in vitro development of
                              action. Gram-positive microorganisms have a low           daptomycin resistance in S. aureus correlated with
                              potential for developing resistance against dapto-        the loss of an 81 kDa membrane protein. One
                              mycin in vitro. Resistant mutants do not emerge           conceivable explanation is that this protein inter-
                              spontaneously and more than 20 passages in pres-          acts directly with daptomycin in the plasma mem-
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       Table 1                  Species of Microorganism                         N        MIC Range      MIC50    MIC90        Reference
       In vitro activity        Staphylococcus species
       of daptomycin
       against gram-                S. aureus                                    3202     ≤0.12–2         0.25    0.5
       positive organisms                                                                                                      Streit JM. J. Antimicrob.
                                    Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp.       838      ≤0.12–2         0.25    0.5          Chemother. 2004;53:669–674
                                Enterococcus species
                                    E. faecalis (vancomycin-susceptible)         626      ≤0.12–4         1       1
                                    E. faecalis (vancomycin-resistant)               20    0.25–1         1       1            Streit JM. J. Antimicrob.
                                    E. faecium (vancomycin-susceptible)              97   ≤0.12–8         2       4            Chemother. 2004;53:669–674

                                    E. faecium (vancomycin-resistant)                55    0.25–4         2       4
                                Streptococcus species
                                    viridans group streptococci                  149      ≤0.12–1         0.25    0.5
                                    Other b-haemolytic streptococci (including   247      ≤0.12–0.5      ≤0.12    0.25         Streit JM. J. Antimicrob.
                                    Group A, B, C, Group F, Group G and                                                        Chemother. 2004;53:669–674
                                    S. dysgalactiae)
                                    Clostridium difficile                        102       0.125–2        0.5     1
                                    Clostridium perfringens                      101       0.06–8         0.5     2            Tyrrell KL. Antimicrob Agents
                                    Propionibacterium acnes                      117       0.25–1         0.5     1            Chemother. 2006;50:2728–2731.

                                    Finegoldia magna                             101      ≤0.015–2        0.5     1
                                Rare Gram-positives
                                    Corynebacterium species                          21   ≤0.03–8        ≤0.03    1            Goldstein E. Antimicrob Agents
                                                                                                                               Chemother. 2003;47:337–342

                                    Bacillus species                                 10   ≤0.12–8         1       2            Streit JM. J. Antimicrob.
                                    Listeria species                                 18    0.25–4         2       2            Chemother. 2004;53:669–674.

                                brane. Friedman et al. [41] described in clinical                     several years of experience under experimental
                                daptomycin-resistant isolates point mutations in                      settings however, development of resistance
                                the mprF gene and nucleotide insertion in the                         against daptomycin has been observed in clinical
                                yycF gene, encoding a lysylphosphatidylglycerol                       isolates of MRSA during daptomycin therapy
                                synthetase and a histidine kinase, respectively. In                   [43–45]. A matter of increasing concern is the
                                the clinical setting the emergence of daptomycin-                     cross-resistance between vancomycin and dapto-
                                resistance is low until now. In a prospective study                   mycin described in Staphylococcus aureus, although
                                including 120 patients treated with daptomycin                        the strains were not exposed to daptomycin. The
                                for bacteraemia and endocarditis caused by                            underlying mechanism is not clear but might be
                                Staphylococcus aureus, resistant isolates were docu-                  due to cell wall thickening of vancomycin-resis-
                                mented in six cases (5%) with MICs increased                          tant strains, preventing daptomycin to reach the
                                during daptomycin treatment [42]. Following                           plasma membrane [9, 46, 47].

                                    Once-daily dosing of daptomycin increases                         intact in the urine [48]. The penetration of dapto-
                                the antibacterial efficacy and minimises the side                     mycin into the tissues varies from 9% into the
                                effects [48]. Daptomycin is effective in a dose-                      lung [50, 51] to 68% into blister fluid [52]. Dapto-
                                dependent manner with a long half-life around                         mycin penetrates only marginally (2%) into the
                                8 hours and produces a post-antibiotic effect up to                   cerebrospinal fluid of non-infected rabbits [53]
                                6.8 hours [49]. Dosed once a day, daptomycin ex-                      but increases to 6% during pneumococcal menin-
                                hibits linear pharmacokinetics with minimal drug                      gitis [54]. Plasma clearance is low, due in part to
                                accumulation. Daptomycin is excreted primarily                        high protein binding (87–94%) [55].
                                renally, with the majority of the drug remaining
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                          Clinical and experimental studies
                               Daptomycin is now approved by the FDA for            ture underlining the effectiveness of daptomycin
                          the use in adults with complicated soft tissue and        for the treatment of endocarditis with or without
                          skin infections caused by S. aureus, streptococci         bacteraemia.
                          and E. faecalis (vancomycin-susceptible strains                In the experimental rat endocarditis model
                          only). In two international randomised phase III          daptomycin was very efficacious in the treatment
                          studies involving 1092 patients with complicated          of endocarditis due to susceptible and multi-resis-
                          skin and skin-structure infections, daptomycin            tant enterococci. Daptomycin was more effica-
                          was not inferior to the comparators (penicillinase-       cious than teicoplanin against the glycopeptide-
                          resistant penicillins or vancomycin) with success         susceptible strain and superior to all comparators
                          rates of 83.4% and 84.2%, respectively. In the            against an ampicillin- and vancomycin-resistant
                          daptomycin group, 63% of the patients required            strain [61].
                          only 4 to 7 days of therapy compared with 33% in               The efficacy of daptomycin was also demon-
                          the comparator regimen [56]. A recent review              strated against penicillin-resistant and penicillin-
                          very carefully analysed the efficacy and safety of        and quinolone-resistant pneumococci in the ex-
                          daptomycin in the treatment of bone and joint in-         perimental rabbit meningitis model. Against both
                          fections with cure rates about 81% [57].                  strains daptomycin was superior to the standard
                               Further two phase III studies were conducted         regimen based on a combination of vancomycin
                          to evaluate daptomycin in hospitalised patients           with ceftriaxone. Daptomycin managed to steril-
                          with community acquired pneumonia (CAP). The              ise the CSFs of all animals within four hours [54].
                          objective of non-inferiority compared to ceftriax-             In the same experimental model, daptomycin
                          one was not achieved [58, 59]. The cause of the           was superior to vancomycin against a methicillin-
                          failure of daptomycin in CAP was probably due to          susceptible S. aureus [53]. Addition of rifampicin
                          sequestration and inactivation of daptomycin by           to daptomycin drastically improved its efficacy in
                          pulmonary surfactant [50].                                staphylococcal meningitis (unpublished data).
                               Daptomycin is also FDA approved for bacter-          Combination of daptomycin with ceftriaxone, as
                          aemia and right sided endocarditis caused by              potential empirical therapy, has also been success-
                          MSSA or MRSA based on the data from an open-              fully tested in this model (Abstract, 46th Inter-
                          label randomised trial. Patients with S. aureus bac-      science Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
                          teremia with or without endocarditis were ran-            Chemotherapy, San Francisco, September 2006).
                          domised as follows: 120 were treated with dapto-          The bactericidal but non-bacteriolytic property of
                          mycin (6 mg/kg) and 115 with a standard regimen           daptomycin, which is a prerequisite for an ideal
                          (gentamicin plus either antistaphylococcal peni-          treatment for pneumococcal meningitis, has also
                          cillin or vancomycin). In this study, daptomycin          been demonstrated in this model. Compared to
                          met the criterion of non-inferiority with a simi-         ceftriaxone, a bacteriolytic antibiotic, daptomycin
                          larly successful outcome (44.2% for daptomycin            led to a minimal release of cell wall fragments, a
                          versus 41.7% for the standard regimen). Most pa-          major virulence factor of pneumococci during
                          tients with persistent or relapsing infections had        meningitis. At the end of daptomycin treatment
                          complicated bacteraemia associated with osteo-            no morphological alterations of the pneumococci
                          myelitis or indwelling protheses. The adverse             could be detected by electronmicroscopy [62]. In
                          events were slightly but not significantly less fre-      the infant rat meningitis model, daptomycin pro-
                          quent in the standard regimen group. However, in          duced significantly less cytokines (metallopro-
                          the standard regimen significantly higher renal           tease-9 and TNF-a) and cortical damage than
                          impairment (18.1% vs 6.7% in the daptomycin               ceftriaxone during pneumococcal meningitis [62,
                          group) was documented. Falagas et al. [60] re-            63].
                          cently published a systematic review of the litera-

                              Daptomycin’s unique mechanism of action,              staphylococcal bacteraemia have been recently
                          low propensity to induce resistance and highly            published and resulted in a second FDA indica-
                          bactericidal activity against major Gram-positive         tion. Its role in the treatment of bacterial menin-
                          pathogens qualify daptomycin to play a major role         gitis, as monotherapy or combined with ceftriax-
                          in the treatment of infections caused by insidious        one is unclear, but the preliminary data obtained
                          Gram-positive pathogens. Its efficacy in the treat-       in the experimental rabbit model deserve further
                          ment of complicated skin infections is well estab-        clinical investigation.
                          lished. Also promising data in the treatment of
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       Daptomycin: a new treatment for insidious infections due to gram-positive pathogens                                                                              98

                                     Prof. Dr. Philippe Cottagnoud
                                     Department of Internal Medicine
                                     CH-3010 Bern
                                     E-Mail: pcottagn@insel.ch

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