Effects of physical activity on treatment of schizophrenia

Page created by Norman James
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2019; 1: 28–35

DOI: 10.12740/APP/103657

                        Effects of physical activity on treatment
                        of schizophrenia

                        Zofia Lebiecka, Adam Łopuszko, Krzysztof Rudkowski, Ewa Dańczura

                        The aim of this paper was to describe the effects of physical activity on management of schizophrenia. A crit-
                        ical review of literature was made and current state of knowledge presented. In line with contemporary re-
                        search trends and based on available evidence, a panel of experts from the European Psychiatric Association
                        issued a guidance on exercise interventions in the treatment of severe mental illness.
                        Elevated premature mortality rates in schizophrenia patients are linked largely to the effect of antipsychotic
                        treatment, low physical activity, and/or increased somatic comorbidity, mainly of cardiometabolic origin. Physi-
                        cal exercise combined with psychological and dietary interventions are reported to improve parameters of the
                        metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular fitness and cognitive performance. Moderate and high intensity training
                        are deemed attractive forms of adjunctive therapy of schizophrenia, adjustable to patients’ age, performance
                        and preferences.
                        Future research and high-quality clinical trials investigating the effects of exercise on early presentation of
                        the disease, its pragmatic efficacy, potential adverse events, financial burden and neurobiological underpin-
                        nings could help create specific recommendations for training programs of optimal format, dose and duration.

                        schizophrenia, physical activity, aerobic exercise, high-interval intensity training, endurance

INTRODUCTION                                                           not to mention being one of the leading causes of
                                                                       years lived with global disability. Schizophrenia-
Lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is calculat-                      related premature mortality rates, high prevalence
ed as approximately 1 %, affecting mainly young                        of somatic comorbidity and pronounced cognitive
adults between 20 and 30, with symptoms persis-                        impairment are especially challenging in light of
tent throughout adult life of 30-50% of patients [1].                  the limited treatment options [3]. Rising somatic
Apart from symptom-related impairment in social                        health burden in this population calls for novell
functioning, schizophrenia leads to high hospital-                     treatment approaches, and add-on physical activ-
ization rates and occupational incapacity, generat-                    ity interventions seem to be a promising augmen-
ing socioeconomic burden exceeding that of most                        tation to existing forms of therapy.
widespread somatic conditions, and thus stands
among the 10 most costly diseases worldwide [2],
                                                                       Mortality and comorbidity in schizophrenia
 Zofia Lebiecka, Adam Łopuszko, Krzysztof Rudkowski, Ewa
                1                  1                       1

Dańczura: 1Department and Clinic of Psychiatry, Pomeranian Medi-       Negative effects of schizophrenia on daily func-
cal University, Szczecin, Poland                                       tioning and subjective well-being have been well
Effects of physical activity on treatment of schizophrenia                     29

documented [4]. Among some of its other char-                Around 70% of premature deaths recorded in
acteristics remain reduced physical activity,              psychiatric patient populations are estimated to
poor physical health, and limited daily activi-            occur as a consequence of somatic comorbidi-
ty [5]. Both illness-related health outcomes and           ties, largely of metabolic, respiratory and cardi-
unhealthy lifestyle translate into a 12-fold higher        ovascular origin [14]. Contemporary standards
mortality rates than those observed in the gen-            dictate the use of pharmacotherapy and/or psy-
eral population [6]. High incidence of somatic             chotherapeutic interventions as first-choice treat-
comorbidities, habitual cigarette smoking and/             ment of mental disorders. Although both these
or low physical activity, and high suicide rates           approaches, alone and in combination, show
are all considered accountable for elevated mor-           confirmed treatment efficacy towards psychi-
tality and reduced life expectancy (by approxi-            atric symptoms, psychotropic medication may
mately 10-20 years) in schizophrenia [7]. Accord-          lead to poor health outcomes, mainly of meta-
ing to research findings, mortality due to unnat-          bolic nature [15]. The metabolic syndrome (ie.
ural causes, such as suicide, is higher compared           increased waist circumference combined with
to natural causes, such as cardiovascular diseas-          low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, ele-
es (CVD). Still, the relative risk of the latter is es-    vated triglycerides and fasting glucose levels),
timated to be higher in schizophrenia patients             which is linked with a 4-fold increased risk of
than those with depressive disorders or patients           type 2 diabetes and a 2-fold risk of CVD (such
with multiple diagnoses [8]. In general, psychi-           as stroke and coronary heart disease) [16] in the
atric patients with severe mental illness (SMI)            general population, has a 4 times higher prev-
are at a higher cardiovascular risk of develop-            alence in schizophrenia patients [4], leading to
ing coronary heart disease, hypertension, dimin-           a 2-3-fold higher risk of CVD, and thus also in-
ished heart rate variability, alterations of the QT        creased cardiac mortality [17]. Such data are
interval, abnormal lipid pattern and autonom-              consistent with findings reporting elevated risk
ic nervous system dysfunction [9]. Interestingly           of the metabolic syndrome (MS) in all patients
enough, the relative risk of mortality due to dia-         with SMI [17]. Older age, illness duration, waist
betes or heart disease within the first 12 months          circumference [18] and negative symptoms [19]
from diagnosis of first-episode psychosis does             turn out to be the strongest predictors of MS
not seem to differ significantly from the rates            in schizophrenia patients, whereas factors like
recorded in the general outpatient group [10],             treatment setting (in – vs. outpatient), country
suggesting that the observed disparity in all-             of origin or gender do not seem to affect its rates
cause mortality may be linked to either unnat-             [18]. Research reports also suggest higher inci-
ural causes (like suicide) or fatalities due to so-        dence of cardiovascular risk in multi-episode pa-
matic comorbidities developed later, as the ill-           tients compared to the first-episode ones [20],
ness progresses, or the two combined.                      possibly attributable to longer treatment with
   Factors found to be linked with greater ratio of        antipsychotics and their side effects.
suicide ideation in first-episode patients include           Comparisons of mortality rates between an-
higher incidence of depressive symptoms, long-             tipsychotic medication users vs. non-users show
er period without treatment and presence of pos-           that both first – and second-generation antipsy-
itive symptoms (ie. hallucinations and delusions)          chotics lead to more frequent cardiac deaths,
[11]. Other predictors of suicidal behaviors seem          with atypical antipsychotics further known to
to be lower severity of negative symptoms, re-             negatively affect such features as the length of
duced global cognitive performance and poor vis-           the QT interval and resting heart rate [21], to
ual memory [12]. Different factors are associated          lead to weight gain and increased sedation, but
with suicide attempts and completed suicide, the           also to cause fewer extrapyramidal side effects
former being somatic comorbidity, family history           compared to the first-generation medication
of mental illness, history of alcohol abuse, depres-       [22]. Consequently, due to the adverse effects of
sive symptoms and history of depression, with              long history of antipsychotic treatment, both car-
the latter comprising history of attempted suicide,        diovascular and metabolic risk is calculated to
higher IQ, poor compliance with treatment, hope-           be significantly higher in multi-episode patients,
lessness, and being male [13].                             especially those on polypharmacotherapy, com-
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30                                         Zofia Lebiecka et al.

pared to their antipsychotic-naïve counterparts             Even among those enrolled in sports activities,
[17, 20]. As regards cognitive function, antipsy-         the dropout rates seem somewhat staggering. In
chotic medication has been linked with reduced            their meta-analysis, Vancampfort et al. [31] re-
grey matter volume in schizophrenia patients              ported that 26.7% of the analyzed 594 schizo-
[23]. All above evidence deems lifestyle chang-           phrenia patients dropped out of the adminis-
es crucial, notably in multi-episode patients with        tered physical activity interventions, which con-
substantial treatment history.                            stituted more than double of the figures dem-
                                                          onstrated in the non-active controls. Lower
                                                          dropout rates were recorded when training was
Physical activity in schizophrenia                        supervised by a professional sports scientist and
                                                          combined with a motivational intervention.
In the general population, physical inactivity has
been estimated to be responsible for various ad-
verse health conditions, including approximate-           Effects of physical activity interventions
ly 6% of the worldwide burden of disease from             in schizophrenia patients
coronary heart disease (CHD), 7% from type 2
diabetes, 10% from breast and colon cancer, and           Research results suggest improvement in symp-
9% of premature mortality overall [24]. Postulat-         toms and enhanced cognitive performance in re-
ed benefits of physical activity include reduced          sponse to supervised exercise interventions in
incidence of MS, CHD, type 2 diabetes, cancer,            schizophrenia patients [32]. Better cognitive
stroke, or depression. There is also strong evi-          function resulting from physical activity was ob-
dence for higher cardiorespiratory and muscle             served within domains of social cognition, work-
fitness, healthier body mass and composition,             ing memory and attention/vigilance in schizo-
enhanced bone health and improved cognitive               phrenia patients [33]. To magnify the pro-cogni-
functioning [24].                                         tive effects, recent designs have shifted toward
  Evidence suggests that only
Effects of physical activity on treatment of schizophrenia                       31

incidence of cardiovascular and metabolic dis-             phrenia-spectrum disorders. Despite a relative
eases in schizophrenia. Still, research on the ef-         paucity of evidence investigating its application
fects of endurance training on MS-related pa-              in schizophrenia patients, research to date indi-
rameters in schizophrenia patients appears                 cates positive effects of using this type of inter-
somewhat inconclusive. According to findings               vention [51, 52].
from different studies, exercise has no effects on           When it comes to CVD and mortality preven-
weight loss, BMI, body fat ratio, or MS-related            tion, a key strategy in the general population
factors [41]. There is, however, some evidence             lies in improving cardiorespiratory fitness [53],
suggesting that aerobic exercise might improve             which, amongst others, can be achieved through
overall physical activity, blood pressure levels           aerobic exercise [54] or HIIT. Group exercise [55]
and body composition [42]. What findings to                or continuous training [37, 42, 45, 56, 57] have
date seem to indicate is that exercise interven-           been found to provide cardiorespiratory ben-
tions alone are less likely to elicit weight loss in       efits also in schizophrenia patients, exceeding
schizophrenia patients, while combining them               those offered by other forms of intervention, eg.
with other psychosocial or dietary interventions           occupational therapy or table soccer. Some ev-
might constitute a promising strategy to impact            idence confirms positive effects of HIIT on car-
body weight reduction. Following this approach,            diovascular parameters when applied in thera-
there is evidence that 12-week physical activity           py of schizophrenia [51, 58, 59]. In addition, car-
in combination with motivational interventions             diorespiratory fitness reportedly correlates with
reduced body weight in schizophrenia patients              an increased hippocampal volume [37, 60], and
[43]; a 3-month program involving psychosocial             may attenuate brain volume changes in schizo-
interventions, behavior therapy, and aerobic ex-           phrenia patients [57].
ercise led to a reduction in waist circumference,            The collected body of evidence (see above)
body weight, and BMI [44]; a 24-week aerobic               clearly indicates that modern therapeutic ap-
exercise program significantly reduced patients’           proaches should include physical activity as part
weight and BMI [45]; or that personalized diet             of an intervention programme to improve cog-
and exercise interventions of at least one month           nitive functioning, psychopathology and health
induced a weight reduction in this patient pop-            outcomes in schizophrenia. Interestingly, fol-
ulation [46].                                              lowing Stubbs et al. [25], relatively few authors
  An alternative to aerobic exercise, expect-              comment on the potential harms of exercise in
ed to potentially increase its somewhat insuffi-           schizophrenia patients, all but one [61] report-
cient efficacy is high-intensity interval training         ing no physical activity-related adverse events
(HIIT), ie. a new form of intensified endurance            [36, 38, 39, 41].
activity [4], considered a time-efficient meth-
od to improve body composition [47]. There is
good evidence that in mentally healthy popula-             Practical recommendations and future research
tions with obesity and cardiometabolic risk fac-           directions
tors, this type of intervention can elicit strong-
er beneficial effects on metabolic parameters, in-           Recommendations on the optimal amount of
cluding waist circumference, body mass, HDL                physical activity for healthy individuals to im-
cholesterol, fasting glucose and blood pressure            prove cardiorespiratory fitness dictate 150 min
[48]. However, studies comparing HIIT and con-             of moderate training per week [62]. However,
tinuous training bring different results, some             in contrast to healthy population, schizophre-
suggesting HIIT’s significant superiority [49],            nia patients are characterized by features which
while others reporting no difference between               decrease their motivation to engage in physical
these two forms of physical activity [50]. Given           activity (ie. treatment-induced sedation, schiz-
the positive health outcomes observed in men-              ophrenia symptoms, poorer education, lacking
tally healthy populations, there is good chance            experience with exercise; or social withdrawal)
that HIIT can be an efficacious strategy to im-            [63], which implies that they might benefit from
prove MS-related parameters also in psychiatric            external motivational interventions or supervi-
patients, including those suffering from schizo-           sion from a sports scientist to increase their mo-
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2019; 1: 28–35
32                                            Zofia Lebiecka et al.

tivation to participate, making training both ef-              Future research directions regarding the ac-
fective and feasible [64].                                   tual delivery of physical activity interventions
  Various systematic reviews and meta-analyses               should also focus on their pragmatic efficacy.
report the benefits of physical exercise in ther-            Namely, it is postulated [25] for their form to be
apy of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders [35,                 accessible, interesting and effective enough so as
36, 39, 40, 41], regardless of the observed varia-           to reach and involve large patient populations.
tion in frequency, intensity, type or time of the            According to the existing body of evidence, this
interventions. Findings suggest that 90 min of               entails their sufficient intensity and delivery by
weekly physical activity (ie. a minimum of 30                exercise professionals (as opposed to e.g. quali-
min per session at least three sessions per week             fied mental health personnel).
[65]) of moderate-to-vigorous intensity is associ-             Establishing what exactly constitutes the opti-
ated with alleviating general, positive and nega-            mum frequency, intensity, time and type of in-
tive symptoms of schizophrenia and improving                 terventions for each SMI, while accepting some
quality of patients’ life [41].                              degree of individual variance with regard to
  Population-based research demonstrates that                patient preferences and disease characteristics,
prevention of metabolic deterioration, includ-               is another area to be further explored. What is
ing lifestyle changes is in fact a more effective            more, in light of a relative paucity of research
approach than any attempts to reverse the neg-               commenting on physical intervention-related
ative cardiovascular or metabolic health out-                adverse events, it is recommended for future
comes [66]. Compared physical health outcomes                studies to carefully analyze this very issue, es-
of pharmacological versus non-pharmacologi-                  pecially with respect to cardiovascular risk.
cal interventions targeting patients with schiz-               European Psychiatric Association (EPA) ex-
ophrenia-spectrum disorders [26] demonstrate                 perts [25] also postulate further investigation of
that among the most effective strategies induc-              the underlying neurobiological pathways of ex-
ing weight reduction are, subsequently, indi-                ercise interventions in therapy of psychiatric pa-
vidual lifestyle counseling and physical activi-             tients, as the existing theories seem insufficient
ty, psychoeducation, aripiprazole augmentation,              to fully explain the implicated mechanisms. Of
topiramate, d-fenfluramine and metformin. In                 particular note are lacking long-term trials (ie.
contrast, superior effects for MS-related parame-            >12 month long) that could evidence sustaina-
ters such as waist circumference, glucose, triglic-          ble effects of implemented exercise-based inter-
eride, total, LDL – and HDL-cholesterol levels,              ventions.
and insulin resistance are yielded by various                  Last but not least, though there is convincing
pharmacological interventions.                               evidence of the efficacy of physical activity in
  Early research on aerobic exercise in therapy of           treatment of SMI, the cost-effectiveness of those
schizophrenia had a number of methodological                 remains largely unknown.
limitations, some of the major concerns including
lacking (healthy and/or patient) control groups,
insufficient sample sizes, and non-controlled or –           CONCLUSION
randomized research models. There are still cer-
tain areas that seem somewhat neglected in the               There is quite ample evidence to support the no-
scientific investigation of the effects of exercise on       tion that physical activity, especially in combi-
schizophrenia management. Establishing wheth-                nation with other psychosocial or dietary inter-
er physical activity interventions have a similar            ventions may improve various aspects of func-
positive effect on somatic and mental health out-            tioning in schizophrenia patients, positively
comes in first-episode schizophrenia patients still          affecting their cognitive performance, somat-
requires more evidence. It is expected that further          ic health outcomes (especially cardiometabolic
research might also elucidate whether early inter-           parameters) and elevated mortality rates. Aero-
vention including exercise in first-episode psy-             bic training has proved feasible and effective in
chosis or even its prodromal phase could either              psychiatric patient populations, but due to cer-
reduce the risk of long-term functional disability,          tain illness-related limitations observed in these
or lead to a full and sustained remission                    particular groups (eg. sedation, low internal mo-
                                                         Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2019; 1: 28–35
Effects of physical activity on treatment of schizophrenia                                            33

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