Daily Prayer Guide JANUARY-MARCH 2022 - CEF Ireland

Page created by Dawn Perry
               Daily Prayer   Guide
                      JANUARY–MARCH 2022
Saturday 01/01                                      Monday 03/01
Colin Hylands: Pray as New Year Camp                Philip & Denise Annett: Pray for Denise
finishes up. Pray for the young people that         as she needs to finish some writing work
they will have been blessed, encouraged             for CEF Europe on the Elijah/Elisha Bible
and that they will walk with Him.                   lessons by the end of January. Pray that all
                                                    will go smoothly, and those deadlines can be
Geoff & Karen Wallace: Praise the Lord for          met by all involved.
opening doors at Christmas into children’s
residential homes, and after–care facilities.       Brian & Helen Donaghy: Praise God for
Pray that the children and young people will        the Christmas activities they were able to
read their Gospel literature and that God           conduct in the schools/clubs and Youth
would speak into their lives. Pray that God         Challenge™. Praise God for the calendars
would open up doors into the homes for              that have gone into homes of children that
regular ministry.                                   new schools requested.

Stephen & Pamela Garrett: As they enter a           Stephen & Grace Chambers: Praise God for
new year of service, pray for great wisdom          the children’s ministry that went ahead as
to plan out the most necessary country visits       part of the Christmas Together project.
for these opening months of 2022. Pray that
it will be possible at some point this month        Tuesday 04/01
to make a visit to CEF® Greece who joined           Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Thank God for
the SW area back in June 2021.                      His gift of this new year to labour for Him.
                                                    Pray as Andrew & Beulah share about the
Sunday 02/01                                        work in Hillsborough FPC tonight, that God
Jennifer McNeill: Praise God for “The               will guide their thoughts and words and
Christmas Picture” which was used in a              that He will burden others to pray for the
couple of churches this Christmas. Pray that        work.
God would continue to speak through His
Word that was faithfully taught to the boys         Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for the
and girls.                                          ongoing Good News Club®s in Harthill, Shotts
                                                    and Milngavie.
Louise Davidson: Pray that the calendars
given out at Christmas will be displayed in         Wednesday 05/01
many homes across the area and that God’s           Multimedia Department (Victoria Hylands,
Word will be read.                                  David Coffey, Jill Crawford & Monty
                                                    McCleery): Pray for the final preparations
Philip & Rachael Agnew: Pray that the Lord          of the materials for the ‘What’s the Story?’
would help and guide as they take part in a         project, that they will all be completed on
couple of church meetings this month.               time.

David & Rosemary Edwards: As they meet            but who join the Zoom/YouTube GNC every
with the Board of Trustees, pray for God’s        second and fourth Saturday.
guidance and leading in the discussions.
                                                  Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray as they visit local
Roberta Sherlock: Pray that God would             committees this month that they would be a
speak through the verses in the calendars         help, blessing and encouragement to them.
that have been distributed.
                                                  Rosalind Patterson: Pray for the students
                                                  who are doing the TCE™ 1 course. Pray that
Thursday 06/01                                    they will learn many new things and that
Mid Antrim: Give thanks with the Mid              God would give them a burden and a vision
Antrim Committee for the 8400 calendars           to reach the children in their neighbourhood
distributed in the area and pray that God         with the Gospel.
will speak through His Word in so many
                                                  Sunday 09/01
David & Olivia Crutchley: The GNC™ in             David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for David
Ballyvea recommences tonight and Seaview          as he speaks about the work of CEF in
JYC starts back after the Christmas break.        Newcastle Baptist this morning and for
Praise God for this keen group of young           Olivia speaking at Mourne Presbyterian PW.
                                                  Brian & Helen Donaghy: Praise God for
Stan & Denise Beamish: Praise God for the         their helper from OM (Kyla)—please pray
opportunity to share the Christmas message        she will be blessed as she serves alongside
in many school classes and to give out the        Brian & Helen.
children’s calendars in the schools.
                                                  Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for God’s
                                                  grace and help in the early months of
Friday 07/01                                      parenthood.
Angie McKee: Pray for Carryduff PS GNC
as Tanya and Angie teach the children
each Friday afternoon. Pray that they will        Monday 10/01
enjoy GNC and that God will speak to them         Jennifer McNeill: Praise God for the Bible
through His Word.                                 Club in Ballykelly PS which reopens this
                                                  week. Praise God for the assistance of the
David & Ruth Jackson: Castlereagh Youth           local Presbyterian minister with this club.
Challenge resumes tonight. Please pray for        Pray that a good number of children will
the group as they continue their studies on       sign up. Praise God also for the schools that
prayer.                                           have opened up to in-person assemblies
                                                  again (Fountain PS, Central PS and Rossmar
Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: Pray for the 12-         school).
week Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1
course starting in Co Armagh. Pray for both       Andrew & Beulah McMullan: They are
teachers and students that they might know        thankful for the opportunity to join with
the help of the Lord.                             the Board members and workers in Italy
                                                  via Zoom to pray for the work. Pray that in
                                                  2022 God will call more workers to labour
Saturday 08/01                                    among the children in Italy.
Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for the
children who do not attend in-person GNCs         Heather Watson: Pray for God’s help as well

as safety in travel as she visits five schools        students doing TCE1 in Dublin online as it
this week to take assemblies.                         begins tonight.

David & Heather Cowan: Pray as they meet              Co Donegal: Thank God that schools
with the Lagan Valley Committee on the                continue to have open doors to the
second Monday of each month. Pray that                volunteers coming in to teach children the
they will know God’s guidance as they make            Gospel.
plans for the future.

                                                      Friday 14/01
Tuesday 11/01                                         Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray that
Beverley McMaster: Pray as she takes the              Christian children will be encouraged in
minutes at the Republic of Ireland Workers            their faith at Esker GNC in Lucan which
meeting that she will know the Lord’s help.           meets every Friday.

Emma Reid: Praise God for the great open              Mid Antrim: David Jackson and the
doors into Mid Ulster schools for assemblies          committee meet tonight to review the
and afterschool clubs. Pray for more open             Christmas outreach and start planning for
doors into schools to share God’s Word.               the spring and summer.

Sarah Bleakley: Praise God for His hand               Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: It was a real
of protection on Sarah and Ida while they             blessing to see the commencement of three
travel to GNCs in Lapland. Pray for good              new GNCs back in September of last year.
driving conditions and for God’s continued            Pray for these fledgeling clubs and for the
protection over them.                                 commencement of more.

Wednesday 12/01                                       Saturday 15/01
National Office: Pray for the team as                 Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray as they
they work behind the scenes to ensure                 meet with the GB board today that God will
administration for the mission is all in order.       guide and direct in the discussions. Pray
                                                      especially that God will raise up a National
Johanna Austin: Pray for Johanna and the              Director for the work in Britain.
camp team as they plan for a camp in May
for children with additional needs.                   Heather Watson: Pray for Heather and
                                                      the team involved in the Omagh JYC this
David & Rosemary Edwards: Praise God for              evening.
His goodness in providing the new Seaview
Camp Centre. Pray that it will be used for            Stan & Denise Beamish: Give thanks to God
His glory and filled with boys and girls and          for all those who support Stan & Denise in
young people.                                         so many ways—in prayer, financially and
                                                      practical help.

Thursday 13/01
Philip & Rachael Agnew: Praise God for the            Sunday 16/01
JYC that runs on alternate weeks, starting            Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Praise God for
again today. They are thankful for the group          the opportunity for Hannah’s mum, Terri,
who have been coming to this regularly.               to visit for approximately six weeks from
                                                      mid-January. Pray for her as she travels
Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for all the            as it will be the first time she has flown

internationally for 40 years.                       Wednesday 19/01
                                                    Ida Johnston: Pray that children will come
Lynda McAuley: Pray for a TCE1 course due           back to the GNCs in the New Year.
to commence in Drumreagh Presbyterian
in February. Pray that there will be good           Emma Reid: Pray for each child who has
interest in the course in the NE Ulster area.       received a Children’s calendar; pray for
                                                    salvation for these precious children.
Colin Hylands: Pray as he speaks at 1st
Dromara Youth Fellowship.                           Angie McKee: Pray for Saintfield JYC as they
                                                    continue to meet every other Wednesday.
                                                    Praise God for a great group of young
Monday 17/01                                        people. Pray that God will speak to them
17–21 Colin Hylands: Pray as he teaches at          through His Word as John and Angie teach
a refresher course online for JYC instructor        each time.
courses across Europe.

17–21 Stephen & Pamela Garrett: Pray for            Thursday 20/01
Stephen and others who will travel to the           Andrew McNabb: Pray as he leads the team
European Leaders Advisory Group meetings.           in the National Office, that he would know
Pray that it may be possible to meet face to        much wisdom and guidance from the Lord
face and that God will lead in all the points       in day-to-day decisions.
on the agenda for these meetings.
                                                    David & Rosemary Edwards: As leadership
Philip & Denise Annett: Pray for Philip as          conduct committee visits over the next few
he takes part in the European Leadership            months pray that they will be a help and
Advisory Group meetings. Pray for wisdom,           encouragement to those who faithfully serve
insight, and good decisions to be made.             on the local committees.

                                                    Louise Davidson: Pray for the NE Down
Tuesday 18/01                                       Committee as they continue to oversee the
David & Olivia Crutchley: Praise God that           work during the year ahead.
some schools’ ministry is now possible
again, some face to face and some on Zoom.
Pray for Olivia and Karen Wallace as they           Friday 21/01
teach.                                              21-23 Rosalind Patterson: Pray for the
                                                    Junior camp weekend in Durrow. Pray that
David & Ruth Jackson: David would value             the children will enjoy the weekend and
prayer as he deals with Safeguarding                that God will work in their hearts and lives.
                                                    Paddy & Jill Crozier: Thank God for
Brian & Helen Donaghy: Pray for their               answered prayer and new children coming
planned deputation in SE Antrim, that God           to GNC. Pray that God would speak into
will raise up more prayer partners and              their hearts and lives.
supporters and that God will encourage the
present prayer partners and supporters in           Linda Corry: Pray for Linda and her work in
all that is happening in the North West of          the European Education department.
                                                    Saturday 22/01
                                                    Mid Antrim: Pray for the Mid Antrim SYC
                                                    as they meet. Pray that a number may get

involved in the ministry.                         Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that Philip will
                                                  know God’s help and power as he shares
David & Heather Cowan: Praise God for             God’s Word with the students in Stranmillis
each JYC leader who gives off their time to       CU this evening.
teach the young teens each fortnight.
                                                  Jennifer McNeill: Pray for the JYC as it
Co Donegal: Pray for the preparation of the       resumes after the Christmas break. Pray that
upcoming camp reunions.                           the young people would be encouraged in
                                                  their faith.

Sunday 23/01
Ida Johnston: Pray for Ida and Sarah as           Wednesday 26/01
they prepare for a TCE1 course. There is a        Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: For the first
considerable amount of work involved in           time in 21 months, they have a number
this, updating visuals etc.                       of bookings back in the diary to teach in
                                                  school assemblies. Pray for the teachers and
Ruth Nelson: Praise God for all the new           children as they listen.
online platforms which help Ruth and the
IT team in Europe to communicate with             Colin Hylands: Pray for the weekly GNCs
each other. Pray for the IT Department as         that Colin is involved with: Blackskull
they train up workers on these platforms          (Mondays), Kilwilkie (Wednesdays) and
and help them learn new ways to be                Lurgan Baptist (Fridays).
better equipped in leading their teams and
reaching children with the Gospel.
                                                  Thursday 27/01
                                                  Ruth Nelson: Pray for her time of deputation
Monday 24/01                                      in the Armagh area this month and next
Heather Bell: Pray for accuracy and               (rescheduled from last year). Pray that she
efficiency as Heather records numbers and         will be able to share about the IT ministry
makes calculations in her role as finance         and that God will put it on the hearts of His
administrator.                                    people to pray and/or give financially.

24–3 Feb Johanna Austin: Pray as she              Roberta Sherlock: Pray for opportunities to
teaches at the online Instructors of              train more volunteers.
Preschool Teachers Course. Pray for all
those who attend from around Europe that          Simon & Jayne Gibson: Remember Simon &
they will have many opportunities to train        Jayne and their ministry in Co Cavan.
teachers who work with this age group.

Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray that Tanya         Friday 28/01
will be able to balance doing the Preschool       28–30 David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for
Teachers Course online alongside their            the Mourne JYC Weekend at Seaview. Pray
regular ministry.                                 for all the young people and leaders who
                                                  will attend, and that God will speak through
                                                  His Word.
Tuesday 25/01
Heather Watson: Pray for the GNCs which           Seaview: Pray for health and strength for
meet in West Tyrone each week and for             Rosemary Law and Kim Bell as they serve at
those who faithfully teach God’s Word.            Seaview.

Oceanview: Praise God for His continued
faithfulness in providing for Oceanview
                                                     FEBRUARY 2022
through His people. Pray for wisdom in how           Tuesday 01/02
to develop more activities for the outside           Jennifer McNeill: Pray for the second five–
space and that God would raise up the                week Bible Club in Ballykelly with the older
person/people of His choosing to manage              children. Pray that a good number will sign
the Centre.                                          up for the club.

                                                     David & Olivia Crutchley: Praise God for
Saturday 29/01                                       all the GNCs in the area which are now up
Brian & Helen Donaghy: Pray that the youth           and running again. Give thanks for faithful
will return to the JYC night and the SYC             teachers who are committed to the work
night as well as GNCs.                               among the children.

Emma Reid: Give thanks to God for the                Paddy & Jill Crozier: Praise God for the
volunteers who so faithfully serve among             opportunity to help in some training courses
the children and young people in Mid Ulster.         this month. Pray that through these more
Pray God’s abundant blessing upon them.              boys and girls will have the opportunity to
Pray for more volunteers to join in this great       hear the Good News of the Lord Jesus.
work especially volunteers to help with
ministry to the young people.
                                                     Wednesday 02/02
                                                     David & Heather Cowan: Pray that they
Sunday 30/01                                         will know God’s anointing as they teach in
Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for more                 assemblies this week in Dromara PS, Fairhill
opportunities to promote the work of CEF.            PS and Saintfield PS.

Stephen & Grace Chambers: Praise God                 Philip & Rachael Agnew: Pray for the P4
for the National Directors, Team Leaders,            and P5 RE classes in Fairview PS this month
workers, and volunteers in the NW Europe             and next.
                                                     David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray for the
                                                     Board of Trustees meeting tonight. Give
Monday 31/01                                         thanks to God for those who serve on the
David & Rosemary Edwards: As they
                                                     Board and for their godly input.
chair the Workers meeting pray for good
discussions and fellowship together.
                                                     Thursday 03/02
Beverley McMaster: Pray as she takes the             Emma Reid: Pray for the weekly GNCs in
minutes at the Workers meeting that she              Mid Ulster; for help for each volunteer and
will have good concentration.                        that each child attending the clubs would
                                                     grow in their love for the Lord.
Angie McKee: Pray as the national online
TCE2 course starts this evening. Pray                Lynda McAuley: Pray as Module 1 of
that the course will be of real help to the          the TCE1 course commences tonight in
students.                                            Drumreagh Presbyterian and continues each
                                                     Thursday night in February. Pray that this
Lynda McAuley: Pray for God to grant                 will be a blessing to each one involved.
wisdom and help as the NE Ulster
Committee meet this evening.                         Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for the
                                                     Dublin TCE1 students doing their Bible

verse practical tonight.
                                                  Stephen & Grace Chambers: Praise God
                                                  for the Lord’s faithful provision of their
Friday 04/02                                      financial needs each day and continue to
4–6 Colin Hylands: Pray as he leads and           pray for the Lord to provide especially for
speaks at Mid Antrim, Mid Ulster, West            new workers and leaders in NW Europe.
Tyrone, NE Ulster, NW Ulster JYC weekend.

Heather Watson: Pray for the JYC weekend,         Monday 07/02
that a good number of young people will           Ida Johnston: The TCE1 course begins today
attend, for safety in travelling and God to       and continues each Monday morning in
work in the lives of the young people.            February. Pray that there will be a number
                                                  of participants who will get a vision for
David & Ruth Jackson: Castlereagh Youth           teaching the children.
Challenge meets tonight. Please pray that
the young people would grow in their walk         Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for safety
with God.                                         in transporting children with the minibus at
                                                  Jobstown GNC in Tallaght every Monday.

Saturday 05/02                                    Johanna Austin: Praise God for the children
Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for the            coming to the Wexford GNC on Monday and
young people that meet every 1st and 3rd          the Shillelagh GNC on Friday. Pray that God
Saturday they they will be encouraged             would continue to work in their hearts and
to take their stand for God in school and         lives and pray for Johanna and the others as
college.                                          they teach and disciple them.

Seaview: Give thanks for the JYC groups at        Co Donegal: Pray for the continued work of
Seaview. May young lives be transformed           the GNCs in Donegal.
over these weeks.

Andrew & Beulah McMullan: They thank              Tuesday 08/02
God for the two CLMCs planned for this            Louise Davidson: Pray for the continued
year. Pray that God will be speaking into         recordings for school assemblies.
hearts and that He will call students to
attend either the autumn course in Ireland        Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for the
or the summer Spanish/Portuguese course           planned Equip course this month. Pray that
in Portugal.                                      many volunteers will sign up and enjoy the
Sunday 06/02
Brian & Helen Donaghy: Pray that they             Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that Denise
will know God’s guidance in the weekends          will have creative ideas enabling her to
they hope to run in Oceanview and the             complete a writing project this month for
continuing of GNCs and YC – this is often         CEF of Ireland.
one of the busiest parts of the year with
activities.                                       Wednesday 09/02
                                                  Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for them as
Rosalind Patterson: Pray for the young            they prepare their lessons each week.
people who attend JYC. Pray that they will
be challenged as they study God’s Word            Geoff & Karen Wallace: Pray for Spa GNC.

Praise God for such a gifted and dedicated          Saturday 12/02
team of volunteers. Pray that the children          Co Donegal: Pray for the Junior Camp
would trust in the Lord as Saviour and for          reunion weekend happening this month.
Christian children to be built up in their
faith. Pray for all school assemblies to            David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray that God
return to normal, in person.                        will call the worker/s of His choosing to fill
                                                    the vacant areas in Northern Ireland and
Ruth Nelson: The online world is constantly         Republic of Ireland.
changing, and the IT team have updates to
do to websites to keep them current; pray           Stephen & Grace Chambers: Pray the Lord
for them as they work on these and meet             will send someone to help as assistants in
other deadlines.                                    the coming months. They really need help
                                                    and support if the work is to develop and
                                                    not just be maintained as it is at the minute.
Thursday 10/02
National Office: Pray that the team would
know much unity and blessing as they                Sunday 13/02
work to provide support for workers across          13–19 Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray
Ireland and further afield.                         that many people will be encouraged in NE
                                                    Ulster during deputation this week.
Emma Reid: Praise God for how He is
answering prayer and working in young               Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: Pray for the
lives in Mid Ulster. Pray for prepared hearts       JYC groups within the county as well as the
for all those who will hear God’s Word this         planned weekend this month. The two clubs
month in school assemblies, afterschool             in Co Armagh are going from strength to
clubs, GNC and SYC.                                 strength; pray for the commencement of a
                                                    new club.
Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: For GNCs to
be maintained and JYCs to commence                  Julie Fenton: Pray for Julie as she serves in
volunteers are needed. Pray that God would          North Belfast.
challenge people about the spiritual needs
of the children in Armagh.
                                                    Monday 14/02
                                                    Beverley McMaster: Pray as she answers
Friday 11/02                                        emails and telephone enquiries from people
11–13 David & Heather Cowan: Pray that              who are interested in the ministry.
the leaders and young people will enjoy
being together at Seaview for their JYC             Stephen & Pamela Garrett: Pray for the
weekend.                                            latest literature project being undertaken
                                                    by CEF Italy. The concept is to introduce
Mid Antrim: Pray for David Jackson and the          the message of the Wordless Book through
area committee as they meet this evening to         a specially written or adapted narrative
pray and plan for the work in the area.             and on the final page offer each child a
                                                    wristband showing the Wordless Book
Heather Watson: Pray for the West Tyrone            colours, which they may use whilst sharing
Committee as they meet this evening, and            the Gospel with other children. It is planned
that God would guide in all the decisions.          to print 50,000 copies of this booklet for
                                                    distribution by September 2022.

                                                    Angie McKee: Pray as the national online

TCE2 course continues, particularly as the       Friday 18/02
students do the various practicals.              18–20 Colin Hylands: Pray as he leads and
                                                 speaks at Armagh, Belfast and NE Down
                                                 JYC weekend.
Tuesday 15/02
Andrew McNabb: Pray that he would know           Roberta Sherlock: Pray that the young
the Lord’s help each day as he ensures the       people would be challenged from God’s
National Office staff have everything they       Word at the JYC weekend.
need to serve in their various roles.
                                                 Louise Davidson: Pray for the young people
Jennifer McNeill: Pray that camps will be        from NE Down attending the JYC weekend.
able to go ahead this summer. Pray as the        Pray that this will be a great time of
camp forms go out this month that a good         encouragement for them.
number of children and young people will
sign up.
                                                 Saturday 19/02
                                                 Johanna Austin: Pray for Johanna on
Wednesday 16/02                                  deputation in Mid Antrim this week. Pray
Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray for the           that it would be an encouragement to those
renovation of the “Hope Christian Centre”        who pray for and support the work.
in Greece. Thank God for the many children
and young people who have been taught            Lynda McAuley: Praise God for the faithful
His Word in the centre over the years.           volunteers in NE Ulster. May each one know
Pray that He will provide the finance and        the Lord’s help in all they do for Him. Pray
workers to complete this project.                for the Lord to raise up more GNC, JYC and
                                                 SYC teachers in the area.
Oceanview: Praise God for His continued
faithfulness in providing for Oceanview          David & Olivia Crutchley: Continue to pray
through His people. Pray for wisdom in           for the area JYCs as they meet fortnightly.
how to develop more activities for the
outside space and that God would raise
up the person/people of His choosing to          Sunday 20/02
manage the Centre.                               Multimedia Department: Pray for the
                                                 churches in the Republic of Ireland as they
Claire Bain: Remember Claire serving in          prepare to reach out during the ‘What’s the
Romania.                                         Story?’ project. Pray that they will see the
                                                 need to reach the children with the material
                                                 that CEF have provided, as well as the
Thursday 17/02                                   adults.
Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for safety on
the roads as they travel.                        Emma Reid: Pray for spiritual growth for
                                                 the Christian children and young people
Philip & Denise Annett: Praise God for His       in Mid Ulster and that they would have an
faithful provision. Through the generous         increased hunger for God and His Word.
support from some prayer and financial
ministry partners they were able to
purchase a new laptop for Denise which has       Monday 21/02
been a tremendous help and blessing in her       Philip & Rachael Agnew: Praise God for
writing ministry.                                the assemblies they have been able to do
                                                 over the past few months. Pray for Philip &

Rachael as they speak to the children face            Thursday 24/02
to face.                                              David & Ruth Jackson: Pray for David as he
                                                      conducts Safeguarding Training sessions.
Rosalind Patterson: Praise God for the GNCs
taking place. Pray that God would bless the           Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for TCE1
teachers and speak to the children as they            students doing their Counselling a Child
hear the Gospel each week.                            practical tonight.

David & Olivia Crutchley: The Mourne                  David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for summer
Committee meet tonight; pray for God’s                helpers for the camps and 5-Day Club®s
guidance for the advancement of the work              this summer. This is the time of year when
in the area.                                          recruitment is in full swing!

                                                      Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: Co Armagh
Tuesday 22/02                                         remains partnered with Co Louth, which
Heather Watson: Praise God for open                   currently still has no full-time worker.
doors to hold school assemblies in the West           Will you pray today for the churches in
Tyrone area. Pray that God would speak                Louth, and their ministries? Pray in faith,
through His Word.                                     believing, that God will put a full-time
                                                      worker in place before too long.
Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for the
children who come to the Balgaddy GNC
in Clondalkin every Tuesday. Pray they will           Friday 25/02
trust in Jesus for salvation.                         25–27 Colin Hylands: Pray as he leads and
                                                      speaks at the Teens weekend.
Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray for more
opportunities to share about the spiritual            Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that Philip and
need of the children in Ireland and the               his team will make good progress in the
need to reach them with the Gospel.                   development of new training resources for
Pray earnestly that God would call more               CEF National Committees across Europe.
                                                      Stephen & Pamela Garrett: Praise God for
                                                      the possibility given to CEF Portugal to
Wednesday 23/02                                       produce Mailbox material in the Portuguese
Mid Antrim: Pray for the team planning the            of mainland Portugal. Pray that this
Mid Antrim summer camp in July (dv).                  material will be a blessing for the schools’
                                                      ministry and in the Bible Correspondence
Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for The                Course ministry in Portugal.
Connected Podcast as they prepare for a
second season. Pray for wisdom as they
plan what topics to cover and which book              Saturday 26/02
of the Bible to study.                                Co Donegal: Continue to pray that God
                                                      would send Donegal a full-time CEF worker.
Angie McKee: Pray for preparations for
CMLC Ireland 2022 which starts on 28th                Jennifer McNeill: Praise God for the NW
September. Pray that students will sign               Ulster Committee and for their vision for
up for the course, and that from it more              the work in the area. Praise God for all who
workers will join us in reaching the children         pray and support the work financially in the
of Ireland, especially in the vacant counties.        area.

Roberta Sherlock: Pray for the salvation of
children and young people in East Belfast.
                                                    MARCH 2022
                                                    Tuesday 01/03
Matt & Adele Corke: Pray for them as they           Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for all
continue to serve in Co Cork.                       the volunteers who help each week at the
                                                    Jobstown, Balgaddy and Esker GNCs.

Sunday 27/02                                        Roberta Sherlock: Pray that God would
27–5 March Colin Hylands: Pray as he                speak to the hearts of boys and girls at
teaches at the CMLC, Sibiu, Romania.                school assemblies this month.

Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for the Lord’s          Andrew & Beulah McMullan: They thank
leading as they seek to make contacts in the        God for the team of workers in Netherlands.
target counties.                                    Pray that God will continue to open new
                                                    doors for them to share the Gospel and that
Sarah Bleakley: Praise God for the teens’           God will provide for Marco and Jose as they
clubs in Lapland and for all the teens who          lead the work.
can come. Pray that teens will continue to
come to the club and that they will also
bring some of their friends.                        Wednesday 02/03
                                                    David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray as they
Fermanagh: Continue to pray for the                 meet with the Board of Trustees. May they
ongoing ministry in the area by the                 know God’s help, wisdom and discernment.
committee and volunteers.
                                                    Angie McKee: Pray for Carryduff PS GNC
                                                    as they meet on Friday afternoons and
Monday 28/02                                        Saintfield JYC every other Wednesday.
David & Rosemary Edwards: As they chair             Thank God for the children and young
the Workers meeting pray that each worker           people who come along. Pray that God will
who attends will be encouraged in their             work in their lives.

Beverley McMaster: Pray for the Lord’s              Thursday 03/03
undertaking as she takes the minutes at the         Multimedia Department: Pray that many
Workers meeting.                                    boys and girls in the Republic of Ireland will
                                                    be reached through the ‘What’s the Story?’
Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray for the              project which takes place during the six
Gospel packs which have been distributed            weeks before Easter.
to homes in Corsica, France. These packs
include the Gospel of Luke, a booklet for           David & Heather Cowan: Praise God
children and a letter to parents. The CEF           for all the GNC leaders who teach the
team in France plan to have sent one into           children each week in the GNCs. Pray that
every home by June. Pray that God will              each one of them will be encouraged as
bless this outreach and that many children          they faithfully serve God.
will read the booklet and understand the
Good News of the Gospel.                            David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for the
                                                    ongoing schools’ ministry involving Olivia
                                                    and Karen Wallace.

Friday 04/03                                         Declan & Amanda Curley: Pray for Declan
4–6 Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray                   & Amanda as they serve in West Belfast.
children will be encouraged at the South
Dublin Kids Camp weekend.
                                                     Monday 07/03
Mid Antrim: The area committee want to               Ida Johnston: Continue to pray for the TCE
thank the Lord for the face to ministry in           course running each Monday morning until
GNCs, Scripture Unions and other events              just before Easter.
over the winter months.
                                                     Stephen & Grace Chambers: Pray that they
David & Ruth Jackson: Pray for the                   can make contacts in Austria, Norway,
Castlereagh Youth Challenge who meet                 Iceland and Switzerland specifically. Local
tonight. Pray for those starting to prepare          workers and leaders are needed for these
for their school exams.                              countries, so they can begin to train, equip,
                                                     support and serve the local church.

Saturday 05/03                                       Colin Hylands: Pray for the weekly GNCs
Heather Watson: The West Tyrone                      that Colin is involved with: Blackskull
Fellowship Evening is planned to take                (Mondays), Kilwilkie (Wednesdays) and
place this evening in the Newtownstewart             Lurgan Baptist (Fridays).
2000 Centre. Pray that people would be
challenged to get involved with the work in
the local area.                                      Tuesday 08/03
                                                     Andrew McNabb: Pray as he works with
Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for                   Alan and Heather in the finance office, and
genuine conversion of children in clubs              external software developers, to complete
across the central belt in Scotland.                 a new financial database which will replace
                                                     the current ageing one.
Emma Reid: Pray for the young people who
attend Mid Ulster SYC; pray they will love           Rosalind Patterson: Praise God for the
the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and        volunteers who work alongside me to reach
strength and that they will desire to use            children and young people in the North
their gifts and talents to serve God.                Dublin area with the Gospel. Pray that God
                                                     would bless them as they work for Him.

Sunday 06/03                                         Lynda McAuley: Praise God for the faithful
6–13 Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that God           prayer and financial supporters who are
will touch hearts and bring new prayer               such a blessing to the work in NE Ulster.
and financial partners into their ministry
support team as a result of their deputation
meetings in the Mourne area this week.               Wednesday 09/03
                                                     Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: Planning is now
6–13 Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray for them             well under way for summer ministries; for
as they share in deputation meetings in the          the past two summers everything has been
Mid Ulster area. Pray that others would              a little bit ‘hit or miss’—Pray, with God’s
stand with them both prayerfully and                 help, that children will return with an
financially in the work but most of all that         eagerness to hear the Word of God.
they would catch the vision of reaching the
children with the good news of the Lord              Louise Davidson: Pray for good ideas for
Jesus.                                               Easter outreach in the area.

Johanna Austin: Pray for the bookings                Sunday 13/03
and preparation for the Teens Weekend at             Jennifer McNeill: Pray as plans are put
the beginning of April. It will be the first         in place for Holiday Bible Clubs, 5-Day
residential camp for this group since before         Clubs etc for the summer months. Pray for
the Covid restrictions.                              more church partnerships in these areas of
Thursday 10/03
Stan & Denise Beamish: Praise God for the            David & Rosemary Edwards: Praise God for
number of school classes booked for the              His goodness to the Mission. Pray for His
Easter lesson. Pray for them as they prepare         protection upon each worker.
to teach in these schools.
                                                     Philip & Rachael Agnew: Pray that the
David & Ruth Jackson: Pray for Ruth as she           Lord would guide them and the local area
prepares for the Easter Conference.                  committee as they discuss the area work
                                                     each month.
Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for the
Dublin TCE1 each Thursday night.                     Monday 14/03
                                                     14–18 Stephen & Pamela Garrett: Praise
David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for all the           God for the opportunity given to Stephen
planning being done for summer ministry              to teach at the second half of the CMLC
especially 5-Day Clubs which will start in           training in Sibiu Romania. Pray that God
May (dv).                                            will make him a blessing to the students
                                                     as he teaches from the book of Ephesians
Friday 11/03                                         and as he preaches at the closing service on
Mid Antrim: The Mid Antrim Committee                 Friday 18th March.
meets tonight to plan for the months ahead.
                                                     Angie McKee: Continue to pray for the
Co Donegal: Pray for the Inters Camp                 national online TCE2 course. Pray for the
reunion weekend happening this month.                teachers and the students, especially as the
                                                     students work towards their Bible lesson
Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that God will           practical.
help and direct Philip and his team as they
co-ordinate and make final preparations for          Tuesday 15/03
the CEF European Conference at the end of            Jennifer McNeill: Pray that there might be
April into early May.                                opportunities for Easter clubs this month.

Saturday 12/03                                       Ruth Nelson: Praise God for the gifts that He
Colin Hylands: Pray for the JYC Missions             has given the team in the IT Department!
Night. Pray as all the JYC groups come               Pray that they will have the inspiration and
together to focus on mission.                        creativity to continue to develop websites
                                                     and materials to help with the spread of the
Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray as the                Gospel.
General Assembly meet in Belgium that God
will give guidance. They are thankful for the        Beverley McMaster: Pray that she will be a
TCE 1 and 2 courses which were held last             help, blessing and encouragement to David
year and would ask you to pray that God              and Rosemary.
will call people from these courses into the
work in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Wednesday 16/03                                      Saturday 19/03
Roberta Sherlock: Pray for opportunities to          Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray as they
have Easter clubs.                                   plan an Easter club in Shotts using Lego;
                                                     this will be a new venture with a new
Emma Reid: Pray for the prayer and                   church for them.
financial supporters in Mid Ulster. Pray
they would be blessed abundantly as they             David & Heather Cowan: Praise God for
play such a vital part in the ministry in Mid        Nicola-Ann and Becky as they lead the
Ulster.                                              SYC. Pray that the young people will be
                                                     encouraged as they meet for Bible study
Sarah Bleakley: Praise God for the                   and fellowship.
wonderful volunteers. Pray that God will
bless them and that He will also call a co-          Emma Gordon: Remember Emma in her
worker to join CEF Lapland.                          ministry to the south Belfast area.

Thursday 17/03                                       Sunday 20/03
David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray for the               Mid Antrim: Pray that a good number
for workers as they conduct outreach for             of folks may join together in Mid Antrim
St Patrick’s Day. Pray for the clubs that are        during the week of prayer. Pray that more
planned, that children would attend these            young people will join in this important
clubs and respond to the Gospel, and as St           ministry.
Patrick’s booklets are distributed that God
would use the message in these leaflets              David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray that
to draw children to Himself. Outreach is             many believers would join for the Spring
planned for the Dublin, West Tyrone and NE           Week of Prayer.
Down areas.
                                                     Stephen & Grace Chambers: Thank God
Seaview: Give thanks for the bookings                that Gerd-Walter will continue to help lead
Seaview has received and may other                   the work in Germany after he retires in
bookings be received.                                May. Please pray together the Lord will lead
                                                     to the right person to be National Director
                                                     in the future.
Friday 18/03
Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray for them as they
meet with David & Rosemary Edwards                   Monday 21/03
each Friday. Pray for continued unity,               Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray for
discernment and guidance and that as a               freshness as they make videos for the
Leadership Team they would know God’s                Dublin YouTube channel every week.
continued help and wisdom in all decisions.
                                                     Heather Bell: Pray for accuracy and
Multimedia Department: Pray for the                  efficiency as Heather records numbers and
preparation of the summer materials. Pray            makes calculations in her role as finance
for wisdom in prioritising tasks and good            administrator.
time management so that all the materials
will be ready in good time. Pray for health          Johanna Austin: Pray for those involved
and strength for the team as they each play          in teaching a Preschool Teachers’ Course
their part.                                          either in person or online that it will be a
                                                     blessing and many children of this age will
                                                     be reached with the gospel because of the

training.                                            Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that God will
                                                     continue to give them creativity, wisdom
                                                     and skill to write and develop short courses
Tuesday 22/03                                        that can be taken online by European
22–24 Stephen & Pamela Garrett:                      National Directors.
Remember all who will take part in the
Multimedia Advisory Group during these
dates. Pray that as material is reviewed and         Friday 25/03
as plans are made to develop new materials           Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray as they
for use in Europe that God will guide and            approach the two schools in Livingston
provide the means to make this possible.             about the schools’ week in June. In the
                                                     past they have had the opportunity to have
David & Ruth Jackson: David would value              a session with each year group in both
prayer for safety on the roads as he travels         schools. This is a wonderful opportunity to
to Safeguarding Training sessions.                   evangelize children.
Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: Pray for a
number of new prayer meetings for the                Angie McKee: Continue to pray for CMLC
Week of Prayer and that a few might                  Ireland 2022. More workers are needed, so
become established.                                  please pray that the Lord will “send forth
                                                     labourers into his harvest” from this course.

Wednesday 23/03
Heather Watson: Pray as schools in West              Saturday 26/03
Tyrone are visited in the coming weeks               Stephen & Pamela Garrett: Pray for the
for Easter assemblies. Pray that it will             National Board and General Assembly of
be possible to hold Easter clubs in local            CEF Portugal as they meet at the Vendas
community centres.                                   Novas Retreat Centre, outside Lisbon, today.

Jennifer McNeill: Pray for the Spring Week           Emma Reid: Praise God for the young
of Prayer being held in the area this month.         lives He is changing in Mid Ulster. Pray for
Pray that more people will be raised up to           spiritual impact in every ministry in Mid
support the work prayerfully. Pray for Zoom          Ulster CEF this month.
meetings and the use of social media to
encourage people to pray.                            Co Monaghan: Pray for the ongoing
                                                     ministry in the county.
Sarah Wagner: Pray for Sarah and her work
in the European Multimedia department.
                                                     Sunday 27/03
                                                     Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for them as
Thursday 24/03                                       they share in various churches about the
National Office: Pray that God would                 spiritual need of young people.
continue to provide all of its needs,
practically, spiritually and financially.            Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray for the
                                                     Wondersurf website which is used to reach
Lynda McAuley: Pray as Module 2 of                   many children. Pray for those who design
the TCE1 course commences tonight in                 the site and provide the content that God
Drumreagh Presbyterian and continues for             will give them the wisdom and knowledge
the next three weeks. Pray that the Lord will        needed to keep the site up-to-date and
use the course for His glory.                        interactive for the children.

Monday 28/03                                        Thursday 31/03
David & Rosemary Edwards: As they chair             Jennifer McNeill: Pray for young people in
the Workers meeting pray that God will              the area as they plan for their summer, that
guide in the discussions.                           they would consider volunteering in the
                                                    summer ministry.
Beverley McMaster: Pray as she takes the
minutes at the Workers meeting that she             David & Olivia Crutchley: As GNCs draw
will have good concentration.                       towards a close, pray that they may finish
                                                    the term well.
Lynda McAuley: Pray for God to grant
wisdom and help as the NE Ulster                    Philip & Rachael Agnew: Praise God for the
Committee meet this evening.                        many children who have been reached this
                                                    month with assemblies and RE classes and
                                                    after school GNCs.
Tuesday 29/03
Geoff & Karen Wallace: As they prepare to
go round the children’s residential homes
at Easter, pray that the Lord would supply
all their needs to purchase the Gospel
literature and Easter eggs. Please pray that
the Lord will soften hearts of staff who
would seek to remove the Gospel literature.

Ida Johnston: Please pray for Easter clubs.

Co Donegal: Pray for the committee in
all the work they do organising the
ministries in the county.                                                                Abbreviations
                                                                                  GNC Good News Club
Wednesday 30/03                                                                 HBC Holiday Bible Club
Co Mayo: Pray for the ministry in the
                                                                                            5DC 5-Day Club
                                                                          JYC Junior Youth Challenge
Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray that
many young people will go to the Summer                                   SYC Senior Youth Challenge
Outreach training Course in the summer.                           TCE Teaching Children Effectively
Pray also as Stephen & Tanya prepare for
the summer ministry.                                                          CMLC Children’s Ministry
                                                                                         Leadership Course
Gareth & Lindsay Gwynne: This month sees
the last visit to local primary schools for                                              PS Primary School
this term. Many children will be making                                                NS National School
a transition into High School and their
contact will be lost; pray for all they have           SOTC Summer Outreach Training Course
heard over the past seven years that it
might bear fruit.                                     Child Evangelism Fellowship of Ireland is a charity, registered
                                                           with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (NIC
                                                       010984) and with the Charities Regulator in the Republic of
                                                                                         Ireland (RCN 20201509).

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