Daily Prayer Guide APRIL - JUNE 2021

Page created by Ivan Caldwell
                               Daily Prayer Guide
                                              APRIL - JUNE 2021

          APRIL 2021                                        Saturday 03/04
          Thursday 01/04                                    Paddy and Jill Crozier: Praise God for
          Geoff & Karen Wallace: Pray for the
                                                            His leading and guiding regarding Easter
          children and young people in residential
                                                            Conference; pray that what is shared
          care homes, in After-care facilities and
                                                            would be used by God to challenge others
          Youth Justice Centre. Pray that if Geoff &
                                                            about the need to reach boys and girls.
          Karen have been able to visit with gospel
          literature and Easter gift packs, the young
                                                            David & Olivia Crutchley: Praise God for
          people will read the literature and the
                                                            faithful prayer and financial supporters
          doors remain open for future visits.
                                                            who have continued to support the work
                                                            in the area throughout the past difficult
          Linda Corry: Praise God for His help
          during the three-day webinar training
          event that took place last month for CEF®
          workers in Europe.                                Sunday 04/04
                                                            Monty McCleery: Praise God for the
          Jennifer McNeill: Pray as she considers           opportunity Monty has with the artwork
          ways to do outreach for Easter and                for the new CEF song “My Great and
          maintain contacts with the children               Glorious King”. Please pray it will be
          who have faithfully attended the Zoom             helpful in the GNC™s for children to learn
          Good News Club® this past year. Pray for          about how wonderful our Lord is.
          the Christian children, that they would
          continue to trust in the Lord during this         Emma Reid: Pray for the salvation of boys
          time.                                             and girls in Mid Ulster.

                                                            Co Donegal: Please pray for the children
          Friday 02/04                                      that hear the Word of God through
          Colin Hylands: Pray for Meltdown youth
                                                            church run GNCs.
          events over the Easter weekend, that
          they would be an encouragement and
          challenge to the young people.                    Monday 05/04
                                                            David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray for the
          Stan & Denise Beamish: Praise God for             ongoing work at Seaview, that plans will
          the opportunity to teach the Easter lesson        continue on schedule.
          via Zoom into many classrooms.
                                                            Philip & Denise Annett: Praise God for the
          Niall & Heather Carrothers: Praise God            support they have received from prayer
          for their good health during this past            and financial partners who have faithfully
          year.                                             stood with them in ministry. They have
                                                            been such a blessing and encouragement,
                                                            especially during these difficult days.

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Tuesday 06/04                                      Friday 09/04
        Stephen & Pam Garrett: Praise God                  Mid Antrim: Pray for God’s guidance for
        for the possibility of online training if          the committee as they meet this evening.
        restrictions continue to be tight. God can         Pray that they will know God’s wisdom,
        even use this possibility of training online       help and guidance as they plan for a
        to lessen the cost and allow more people           different summer.
        to participate.
                                                           Johanna Austin: Pray for the young
        Lynda McAuley: Pray that children in Co            people attending the Wexford JYC and
        Mayo and their parents will read books             SYC Zoom meetings that they would
        and watch DVDs received in Easter packs.           participate well on Zoom and that God
                                                           would speak through His Word into their
        Wednesday 07/04
        Andrew & Beulah McMullan: They are                 Matt & Adele Corke: Pray for their
        thankful for opportunities to share about          ongoing ministry in Co Cork.
        the work in SW Europe. Please pray that
        as they share tonight in Moneymore
        Congregational that the people will be             Saturday 10/04
        encouraged and that God will guide them            David & Heather Cowan: Praise God
        as they speak.                                     for the ‘stickability’ of their JYC leaders
                                                           as they persevered with Zoom to teach
        Sarah Wagner: The International                    the young teens. Pray that the young
        Multimedia Team meets online on the                Christians will continue to mature in their
        first Wednesday of each month—14                   faith.
        people living in 10 countries around the
        world. They are very thankful for the              Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Praise
        technology which makes it possible for             God for ongoing online ministry from
        them to meet regularly in this way.                churches and workers in Scotland.  

                                                           Rosalind Patterson: Please pray for the
        Thursday 08/04                                     GNCs that meet each week. Pray that God
        Ruth Nelson: Praise God for the training           would work in the hearts of the boys and
        that the IT department has been able to            girls.
        do online to help workers across Europe.

        Louise Davidson: Pray for the committee            Sunday 11/04
        as they continue to oversee the ministry           Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray that
        in the North East Down area. Praise God            they will know God’s help as they prepare
        for the faithful service and commitment            videos for the CEF Dublin YouTube each
        of the committee members.                          week.

        Roberta Sherlock: Praise God for the               Angie McKee: Pray for the Teaching
        East Belfast Steering Group. Pray that             Children Effectively™ Level 1 course as it
        they will know God’s guidance and help             continues on Monday evenings. Pray that
        as they plan ahead and pray for new                it will be of real help to the students in
        members of God’s choosing.                         their various ministries with children.

                                                           Stephen & Grace Chambers: Please
                                                           continue to pray for all their supporters


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and partners in the ministry—they                 to bless and help them after what is now
          deeply appreciate their kindness and              more than a year of much turmoil and
          commitment each month.                            change.

                                                            Philip & Rachael Agnew: Praise God
          Monday 12/04                                      for the remote clubs and assemblies
          Colin Hylands: Pray as he organises               that have now started. Pray that God
          and teaches a JYC Instructor Course for           would use the recordings to speak to the
          Central and Western European workers              children and their families.  
          on Zoom from 12 April–13 May and
          for the 30+ students who will take the            David & Rosemary Edwards: As the Board
          course.                                           of Trustees meet tonight, pray for God’s
                                                            guidance and wisdom in all matters.
          David & Heather Cowan: Pray as they
          meet with the Lagan Valley committee
          on the second Monday of each month.               Thursday 15/04
          Pray that they will know God’s guidance           Sarah Bleakley: Praise God for so many
          as they try to plan for the summer                opportunities to teach His Word to
          programme.                                        children and teenagers in Lapland. Please
                                                            pray for wisdom for organising
          Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Please pray             and planning how best to use these
          as they meet tonight with the Mid Ulster          opportunities.
          Committee to share about God’s call to
          the work of SW Europe that they will be a         Emma Reid: Pray for the online
          blessing to them and encourage them as            assemblies, that the hearts of all those
          they support Emma in the local work.              who watch and listen will be open and
                                                            receptive to God’s Word.

          Tuesday 13/04
          Beverley McMaster: Pray that she will             Friday 16/04
          know God’s help and strength as the               NE Ulster: Pray for the local committee in
          office staff may still be working from            the area as they maintain and oversee the
          home at this stage.                               ministry in the absence of a local worker.

          Heather Watson: Pray that God will speak          David & Ruth Jackson: Please pray for
          through His Word as it is taught in school        Castlereagh JYC as they meet to study
          assemblies, either physically or virtually.       God’s Word. Pray that David & Ruth
                                                            would be an encouragement to the young
          Jennifer McNeill: Praise God for the              people.
          young people who have met via Zoom
          over the last few months. Pray that there         Johanna Austin: Pray for the children
          might be the freedom to meet with them            attending the Wexford and Shillelagh
          in person this month. If not, pray that the       Zoom GNCs that they would be convicted
          Lord would help her find creative ways to         by the Holy Spirit and challenged about
          keep in touch with them.                          trusting and following the Lord.

          Wednesday 14/04                                   Saturday 17/04
          Andrew McNabb: Pray for the National              Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray that they would
          Office staff, that the Lord would continue        know God’s continued guidance in their


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lives and wisdom for all decisions that are       Johanna Austin: Please pray for the
        made. Pray for the Friday meetings with           students from the Online TCE™ course
        David and Rosemary Edwards.                       that God would help them as they finish
                                                          the course this month and that He
        Angie McKee: Pray for ongoing                     would continue to challenge them about
        preparations for a Family Conference              reaching children in their communities
        in Dublin planned for 29th May. With              with the gospel.
        COVID-19 restrictions it is unsure as to
        what format the conference will take.
        Multimedia Department: Pray as they               Tuesday 20/04
        work on the children’s literature and             Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray as
        resources for Holiday Bible Club, 5-Day           they take the JYC Instructor Course
        Club® and Camp ministries. Pray for               Online. This is will be a great opportunity
        creativity and an awareness of God’s              for them to gain new skills and will be
        help and guidance as they create the              of great benefit to them as they begin
        resources, especially for the online              ministry in Scotland.
        resources that will be produced.
                                                          David & Olivia Crutchley: Monthly
                                                          recorded assemblies are still being sent
        Sunday 18/04                                      to schools in the area; pray these will be
        Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for the               used and that the Lord will speak to boys
        opportunities to share of CEF ministries          and girls through them.
        with many church leaders.

        Brian & Helen Donaghy: Praise God                 Wednesday 21/04
        for all the young people that have been           Sarah Wagner: Continue to pray for
        reached through videos, online Zoom               all involved in preparing materials to
        Bible teaching, Youth Challenge™ and              reach children - the writers, editorial
        small youth groups. Pray for the youth            committee, proofreaders and translators.
        whose mental health has been affected
        over the past months.                             Lynda McAuley: Pray for the Lord to
                                                          grant wisdom as she makes plans for the
                                                          summer in Co Mayo.
        Monday 19/04
        Linda Corry: Pray that she will know              Stephen & Grace Chambers: They are
        God’s help as she leads the online                amazed how the Lord has provided last
        Western European Education Advisory               year and give Him all the glory. Please
        Group meeting today.                              pray for the leaders and workers in all the
                                                          countries in NW Europe, that the Lord
        Stephen & Pam Garrett: Pray for Stephen           will provide for their needs each day as
        as he joins the Western Education                 they proclaim Christ.
        Advisory Group online today and
        tomorrow. Ask God to guide regarding
        upcoming training courses to take place           Thursday 22/04
        in Western Europe. In particular, pray            Ruth Nelson: Pray for wisdom as the IT
        for the Children’s Ministry Leadership            department help countries in Europe to
        Courses planned for this summer for               create websites to promote their ministry.
        Romania and Portugal. Ask God if it is
        His will to allow these to take place face        Mid Antrim: Give thanks that over 5,000
        to face.                                          children’s calendars were distributed in


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the area. Pray that God will use His Word          Heather Watson: Praise God for those
          to speak to all households who received            who faithfully support the work in West
          them.                                              Tyrone both prayerfully and financially.

          Niall & Heather Carrothers: Praise God
          that during such uncertain days God                Monday 26/04
          remains steadfast.                                 Workers Meeting. This is also a morning
                                                             of prayer for the summer work. Pray
                                                             for Beverley McMaster as she takes the
          Friday 23/04                                       minutes for the meeting.
          Simon & Jayne Gibson: As the GNC
          sessions come to an end for this term they         David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray as
          thank God for those boys and girls who             they chair the Workers Meeting and lead
          have been able to learn from God’s Word            the morning of prayer for the summer
          through either the printed GNC packs,              work. Pray that it will be a good time of
          online videos or in person.                        fellowship together.

          David & Ruth Jackson: Please pray for              Angie McKee: Pray for the students taking
          David as he carries out the necessary              the online TCE 1 course as they do their
          safeguarding checks on summer                      Bible lesson practical this evening. This is
          volunteers.                                        the final night of the course.

          Emma Reid: Pray for wisdom and
          guidance as plans are made for the                 Tuesday 27/04
          summer ministries in Mid Ulster.                   Paddy and Jill Crozier: Praise God for
                                                             those who pray regularly and support the
                                                             work financially; pray that God would
          Saturday 24/04                                     bless them for their partnership.
          Co Donegal: We are thankful for all
          members on the committee and the role              Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for the
          each of them play.                                 planning of summer ministries.

          Jennifer McNeill: Praise God for those             Colin Hylands: Pray as he finalises the
          who continue to support and pray so                teaching materials for Inters Camp in the
          faithfully. Praise Him for those who               summer.
          continue to give so generously even in
          the light of the current situation. God has
          been faithful.                                     Wednesday 28/04
                                                             Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray as the
          Roberta Sherlock: Pray that more people            British Board meet today that God will
          would join the monthly prayer times for            give His wisdom and a spirit of unity for
          the area.                                          all that will be discussed.

                                                             Philip & Rachael Agnew: Thank God for
          Sunday 25/04                                       how well direct ministry has been going
          Philip & Denise Annett: Pray for Denise            in Whiteabbey GNC and the JYC ministry
          as she continues to work on a writing              too.
          project for CEF Europe. Pray that God will
          give her clarity, creativity and accuracy as       Andrew McNabb: Pray as he looks to the
          she works on this set of Bible lessons.            Lord for help and wisdom in leading the


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team in the National Office.                    Johanna Austin: Pray for opportunities
                                                        for teacher training in churches in the
                                                        counties where there are no full-time CEF
        Thursday 29/04                                  workers.
        Brian & Helen Donaghy: Praise God
        for the many creative ways they can             Sarah Wagner: Join them in praying for
        reach the children and teenagers: with          workers for Switzerland (Luke 10:2).
        technology, by post, through the small          Pray also for Andi in his role as the
        youth room etc. Pray that the message           Chairman of the National Board.
        of God’s love for the children and young
        people and His amazing grace becomes a
        reality in their lives.                         Sunday 02/05
                                                        Rosalind Patterson: Please pray for the
        Ida Johnston: Camps are planned to go           young people who attend JYC. This has
        ahead as usual at the end of June and           been a very difficult year for them with
        beginning of July. Please pray that the         much uncertainty; pray that they will
        COVID-19 situation will have changed            realise that they can depend on God who
        and that many children and young people         never changes.
        will want to come to camp. Aud will
        come again to do the teaching; leaders          Lynda McAuley: Pray for the children
        and a cook are needed.                          reached through 5DCs and HBCs in Co
                                                        Mayo over the past few summers. May
        Friday 30/04                                    there be opportunities for them to hear
        Julie Fenton: Pray for the ministry             the good news of Christ this summer too.
        continuing in the North Belfast and
        Greater Shankill area.                          Niall & Heather Carrothers: Pray for
                                                        the ongoing work at Oceanview as
        David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for the          preparations are being made for summer,
        Mourne Committee as they continue to            trusting that camps can go ahead.
        oversee the work in the area and make
        decisions about how to build the work up        Monday 03/05
        again after the Lockdown periods.               3–7 David & Rosemary Edwards:
                                                        International Conference is being
        Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Praise God            conducted online this year. May God
        for the students who have completed             grant unity as they meet with other
        their TCE 1 training in Dublin. Pray they       leaders from all around the world.
        will be encouraged and see much fruit as
        they teach children.                            Jennifer McNeill: Pray that if unable to
                                                        do 5DCs in school there will be other
                                                        options. Pray for wisdom, creativity and
        MAY 2021                                        another opportunity to reach boys and
                                                        girls with the gospel.
        Saturday 01/05
        Emma Reid: Pray for the preparations            Paddy and Jill Crozier: Pray that
        for Mid Ulster Junior and Inters camps.         they would have a time of spiritual
        Pray for wisdom for Emma along with             refreshment as they attend Online
        Paddy and Jill Crozier as they plan these       International Conference with workers
        summer camps.                                   from across the world.


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Tuesday 04/05                                     Friday 07/05
          Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray                    David & Ruth Jackson: Castlereagh JYC
          that technology will work well during             will meet tonight. Please pray that the
          International Conference and that they            young people may grow in their walk
          will be blessed and encouraged as they            with God.
          listen to what God is doing in CEF
          worldwide.                                        Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for
                                                            wisdom as they seek to plan for summer
          Ruth Nelson: Pray for more workers, part-         ministry in Scotland.  
          time or full-time in the IT department of
          Europe.                                           Geoff & Karen Wallace: Pray for
                                                            opportunities to share the gospel online
          Stan & Denise Beamish: Continue to pray           with children and for school assemblies.
          for the school Zoom classes each week.

                                                            Saturday 08/05
          Wednesday 05/05                                   Linda Corry: Praise God for students who
          Colin Hylands: Pray as we try to organise         are planning to take the CMLC training
          summer teams and outreaches. Pray that            this summer in Romania and Portugal.
          young people will have a desire to serve.
                                                            Simon & Jayne Gibson: As the summer
          David & Rosemary Edwards: The Board               approaches, they would appreciate prayer
          of Trustees are meeting tonight. We thank         for the preparations that have been able
          God for each one who faithfully serves on         to put in place for outreach in the coming
          the Board.                                        months. Being able to teach face to face
                                                            would be such an encouragement.
          Angie McKee: Pray as she prepares for
          the summer ministry—Summer Outreach               Mid Antrim: Give thanks for four new
          Training Course, Inters Camp and CMLC             committee members. Pray that God
          in Portugal. At time of writing it is still       will provide new workers to direct the
          not sure if or how (in person or online)          ministry in the area.
          these will take place.

                                                            Sunday 09/05
          Thursday 06/05                                    David and Heather Cowan: Praise God
          Louise Davidson: Pray that God would              for their two SYC reps, Nicola-Ann and
          raise up leaders of His choice for the NE         Becky. Pray that they will be encouraged
          Down camp.                                        as they reflect on their monthly Zoom
                                                            meetings they had for the Lagan Valley
          Beverley McMaster: Pray that she will             young people.
          have wisdom as she responds to email
          and telephone enquiries.                          Co Donegal: Please continue to pray that
                                                            God would put it on the heart of someone
          Stephen & Grace Chambers: Please pray             to take up the role of Local Worker in
          that the Online International Conference          Donegal.
          will have an impact on the leaders and
          workers of NW Europe. Give thanks for             Ida Johnston: We will have a lot of
          the opportunity this gives to many who            preparation and planning for summer
          normally could not travel to the USA.             ministry. Please pray for inspiration and
                                                            God’s help.


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Johanna Austin: Pray for children with
        Monday 10/05                                     special needs that we would be reaching
        Colin Hylands: Pray for the final week of
                                                         them effectively and that very soon there
        practicals at the JYCIC and for myself and
                                                         would be the opportunity to have a camp
        the other teachers as we evaluate and
                                                         for them.
        conclude the course.

        Philip & Rachael Agnew: Pray that                Thursday 13/05
        schools will be open to direct ministry          Jennifer McNeill: Pray that she might be
        again. Pray also for wisdom as to how to         able to maintain connections with the
        conduct summer ministry.                         children from the Zoom GNC. Pray as she
                                                         considers how to approach the summer
        Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Praise God             work, either in person or online.
        for the many children from different
        counties who are watching the videos on          Ruth Nelson: Praise God for all the
        the CEF Dublin YouTube channel.                  opportunities the IT department have had
                                                         to share videos and information about
                                                         the work of CEF Europe online and in
        Tuesday 11/05                                    churches.
        Brian & Helen Donaghy: Praise God
        for the gifts He has given our leaders,
                                                         Andrew McNabb: Pray as he ensures
        volunteers and committee to help
                                                         supporters and other enquirers are kept
        continue the ministry in Co Sligo. Pray
                                                         informed about the work of the mission
        that God will lead the right leaders and
                                                         through social media and the CEF of
        volunteers into our CEF Sligo community
                                                         Ireland website.
        so they can have the best ‘God Glorifying’
        witnesses and testimonies to give to the
        children and teens they are in contact           Friday 14/05
        with.                                            14–16 Stephen & Pam Garrett: Pray for
                                                         the training of volunteers for the summer
        David & Olivia Crutchley: 5DCs would             camps in Portugal over this weekend.
        normally start this month; pray that we          Pray for Oseas & Iolanda who will lead
        will find a way to reach the boys and            the training, for the young people and
        girls.                                           maybe older people who will attend to
                                                         receive this training.
        Andrew & Beulah McMullan: They thank
        God for those who support prayerfully            Heather Watson: Pray for the West Tyrone
        and financially on a monthly basis and           Committee as they meet this evening that
        pray that God will bless those who               God would guide in all the decisions.
        sacrificially give to His work.
                                                         David & Ruth Jackson: Pray for David as
                                                         he attends the Mid Antrim Committee
        Wednesday 12/05                                  meeting this evening. Pray that he may
        Philip & Denise Annett: They are thankful
                                                         be an encouragement to those on the
        for the great relationships that they have
        been able to build with some individuals
        and churches in Great Britain as a result
        of the EQUIP training course. Thank God          Saturday 15/05
        for the potential outreach to unchurched         Multimedia Department: Pray as they
        children that can happen in future               continue to write, design and produce


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resources and literature. Please pray that       Paddy and Jill Crozier: Pray that they
          God will use these publications for His          would know God’s leading as they meet
          glory and that many boys and girls will          with Emma Reid in planning for Mid
          hear the gospel message. Pray that the           Ulster Camps.
          online resources will reach children who
          perhaps would not have had opportunity           Heather Watson: Pray as plans are made
          to hear God’s Word through other                 for the summer work in West Tyrone and
          methods.                                         for sufficient volunteers.

          Emma Reid: Pray for the gospel literature
          that has been distributed in Mid Ulster          Wednesday 19/05
          that God will speak through it and that          Linda Corry: Pray that she will have
          many will be impacted by it.                     wisdom and creativity as she prepares her
                                                           teaching notes for CMLC in the summer.

          Sunday 16/05                                     David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray as they
          Stan & Denise Beamish: Pray for our              attend the Members Meeting. They are
          prayer and planning group as they plan           grateful to each one who serves on a local
          and prepare for ongoing ministry.                committee seeking to reach boys and girls
                                                           with the gospel.
          Roberta Sherlock: Pray that children in
          East Belfast would have a hunger for             Beverley McMaster: Pray as she prepares
          God’s Word.                                      the reports for each committee at the
                                                           Members Meeting.
          Sarah Bleakley: Give thanks to God for
          His help to Ida in her ministry in Lapland
          over the years.                                  Thursday 20/05
                                                           Niall & Heather Carrothers: Pray that if
                                                           camps can go ahead at Oceanview that
          Monday 17/05                                     all campers, leaders and staff will remain
          David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray as they           safe and well.
          lead the Ministry Team Leaders at the
          Briefing today. Pray for godly wisdom and        Lynda McAuley: Pray for God to grant
          good discussions.                                wisdom and guidance regarding how
                                                           more children in Co Mayo could hear the
          Beverley McMaster: Pray as she                   life-changing message of the gospel.
          takes the minutes at the Ministry
          Briefing meeting. Please pray for good           Louise Davidson: Praise God for the many
          concentration, particularly if it is             boys and girls who have heard the gospel
          conducted via zoom.                              through online ministry.

          Co Donegal: Pray for guidance around
          organising of summer events.                     Friday 21/05
                                                           Erin Wilson: I am very thankful for the
                                                           opportunity to study at Cornhill. I would
          Tuesday 18/05                                    appreciate prayer as we continue to have
          Heather Bell: Pray for accuracy and              class online that I would still benefit from
          efficiency as she records numbers and            the teaching and that we would be able
          makes calculations in her role as finance        to meet in person soon.


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David & Ruth Jackson: Tonight will be the          meet physically with the workers in the
        last meeting of the year for Castlereagh           countries of SW Europe.
        JYC. Pray that it will be a beneficial time
        for the young people.                              Jennifer McNeill: Pray that she might
                                                           have a better idea this month if camps
        Colin Hylands: Pray for the young people           will be possible. Pray for the young
        who attend Lurgan Youth on Friday                  people that they would continue to know
        nights, Lurgan JYC on Sundays and                  strength from the Lord and keep putting
        Dublin Youth on Sunday night. Pray that            their trust in Him.
        they would grow closer to the Lord.

                                                           Tuesday 25/05
        Saturday 22/05                                     Stan & Denise Beamish: Praise God for
        David and Heather Cowan: Praise God                the number of young people who give of
        for each faithful volunteer who gives of           their time to help with ministry.
        their time to help with the ministry in the
        Lagan Valley area.                                 Philip & Denise Annett: Pray for Philip
                                                           as he continues to coach and develop a
        Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for                 number of European National Directors.
        good contacts to be made in Scotland as            Pray that God will give the ability to
        they seek to develop relationships with            listen and communicate effectively with
        churches.                                          each of them, and that the coaching
                                                           would ultimately lead to stronger
        Mid Antrim: Pray for Emma and Amy                  national ministries with more children
        who lead the SYC in the area, and as they          being reached.
        try to encourage more young people to
        get involved.
                                                           Wednesday 26/05
                                                           Roberta Sherlock: Pray that God would
        Sunday 23/05                                       provide volunteers for the summer
        Stephen & Grace Chambers: Please                   ministry and for wisdom to know how
        pray for Stephen as he preaches and                best to conduct ministry over the summer
        shares about the ministry in Coleraine             months.
        Independent Methodist this morning and
        this evening. Pray he will have the help of        David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for our
        the Holy Spirit to exalt Christ.                   summer volunteers. The uncertainty
                                                           around the summer programme makes
        Paddy and Jill Crozier: Pray that                  recruitment difficult but pray that our
        restrictions would be such that they               volunteers will retain their burden for
        would be able to share in churches and             reaching children.
        house groups about the work of CEF.
        Pray that God would call others into His
        harvest field.                                     Thursday 27/05
                                                           Stephen & Pam Garrett: Praise God for
                                                           those who have been accepted to serve
        Monday 24/05                                       as trainees in the Netherlands. Ask that
        Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray that                God will bless Volkert & Marjolein Van
        God will guide Stephen Garrett regarding           der Horst and their young children, and
        travel over the summer months and                  also Emma Gouman. Pray that if it is His
        that soon they will be able to go and              will they will join the ministry of CEF


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                                                            Monday 31/05
                                                            Emma Reid: Pray for God to open doors
          Sarah Bleakley: Please pray she will seek
                                                            for His Word to be shared with the
          and receive God’s guidance and wisdom
                                                            children in Mid Ulster.
          in planning camp and other forms of
          summer outreach.
                                                            David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray that
                                                            God will call the person/s of His choosing
          Friday 28/05                                      to fill the vacant areas in the North
          Emma Gordon: Pray for the ongoing                 of Ireland and vacant counties in the
          ministry in the South Belfast area.               Republic.
          Sarah Wagner: Pray that Andi and Sarah
          will be a good witness to those around            Andrew McNabb: Pray as he plans for
          them - family, friends, neighbours and            leading camps during the summer, that
          others with whom they have contact.               he would have wisdom to know what can
                                                            be done and that campers and leaders
          Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Pray that               would know God’s help and protection.
          they will know God’s wisdom as they plan
          to have kids’ clubs in the summer and
          where to have them.
                                                            June 2021
                                                            Tuesday 01/06
          Saturday 29/05                                    David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray as they
          Angie McKee: Pray for the Family                  as lead the ROI Workers Meeting. Pray
          Conference in Dublin today. Pray for              that God will call more workers to reach
          those who will be speaking, pray that the         the children and young people in the
          technology will work and pray it will be a        Republic of Ireland.
          blessing and help to parents as they teach
          their children the Word of God at home.           Beverley McMaster: Pray as she takes the
                                                            minutes of the meeting and that God will
          Heather Watson: Pray for the                      guide in the discussions.
          preparations being made for the West
          Tyrone camp and for a planning meeting            Roberta Sherlock: Pray that some 5DCs
          with the counsellors.                             would be possible this month.

          Sunday 30/05                                      Wednesday 02/06
          Stephen & Grace Chambers: Give thanks             David & Ruth Jackson: Usually Ruth
          for the opportunity they have this evening        is busy supplying workers, churches
          to share in a PW Service in Drumreagh             and other volunteers with resources
          Presbyterian, Ballymoney. Pray that all           for summer ministries. Please pray that
          who attend will be blessed by God’s               she will have wisdom in prioritising her
          unstoppable mission in our world and be           working hours in order to distribute the
          challenged to pray for and support the            necessary resources.
          ministry in NW Europe.
                                                            Heather Watson: Pray for continued
          Philip & Rachael Agnew: Thank God                 open doors for schools assemblies, either
          for the many supporters who have                  physically or virtually.
          encouraged and helped them in many
          ways this year.                                   Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray that they would


Daily Prayer Guide April-June 2021.indd 11                                                       10/02/2021 15:36
be a help, blessing and encouragement            blessing in return.
        as they meet with workers, especially
        those who do not have their own local            Co Donegal: Pray for the children of Co
        committee.                                       Donegal that they would continue to have
                                                         faith in God and many more would also
                                                         put their trust in Him.
        Thursday 03/06
        Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that God            Sarah Bleakley: Praise God for all His
        will help their department to create             help and encouragement whilst learning
        effective tools to help develop the              Norwegian and getting to grips with a
        European National Directors. Pray that           new culture.
        the new website will be a blessing and
        help to each leader and that they will be
        able to keep it fresh and up to date with        Sunday 06/06
        good leadership content and resources.           David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for local
                                                         churches in their attempts to reach
        Stan & Denise Beamish: Praise God for            children through HBCs. Planning has
        the opportunities to teach via Zoom and          been difficult due to uncertainty about
        have contact with both teachers and              restrictions on meeting together.
                                                         Emma Reid: Pray as she takes part in
        Johanna Austin: Pray as she plans                Children’s Day Services this month. Pray
        and prepares for summer ministries in            for God to draw children and adults to
        Wexford.                                         Himself by His Holy Spirit.

                                                         Johanna Austin: Pray for the planned
        Friday 04/06                                     Summer Outreach Training Course in
        Lynda McAuley: Pray that God will keep           Rossnowlagh later this month, that God
        open the doors into schools in Co Mayo           would bring along the students of His
        so that in the coming days many children         choice.
        can hear the wonderful message of the
                                                         Monday 07/06
        Angie McKee: Pray as Angie and Johanna           Jennifer McNeill: Pray that there might
        contact churches to see how they can             be opportunity to reach out with 5DCs,
        help them with training and as they look         depending on what the restrictions are.
        into organising various courses for the
        autumn time.                                     Colin Hylands: Pray as he is involved in
                                                         conducting 5DCs in the Lurgan area in
        Louise Davidson: Pray for the plans and          the last three weeks of this month.
        preparation for NE Down camp this
        summer.                                          Philip & Rachael Agnew: Pray for those
                                                         who have heard the gospel presented
                                                         through the recordings online, that they
        Saturday 05/06                                   would be saved.
        David and Heather Cowan: Praise God
        for each financial supporter who gives
        generously to support the work in the            Tuesday 08/06
        Lagan Valley area. Pray that they will           Ruth Nelson: Praise God for the messages
        continue to know God’s abundant                  of interest the IT department get on their


Daily Prayer Guide April-June 2021.indd 12                                                     10/02/2021 15:36
social media posts; pray that God will           the Lord will guide as they plan for the
          raise up more workers and volunteers             future.
          even through reading this information
          online.                                          Mid Antrim: Give thanks for faithful
                                                           prayer partners in the area who continue
          Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Please pray            to remember the work of CEF both at
          for the workers from GB and Netherlands          home and at the Zoom prayer meetings.
          who will be commencing CMLC in Sibiu             Praise God that He is sovereign and in
          this month. Pray that God will supply            control of all that has been happening
          their financial needs and that they will         over the past 15 months.
          know His help throughout the course.

                                                           Saturday 12/06
          Wednesday 09/06                                  Brian & Helen Donaghy: Give thanks to
          Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for               God for any opportunities they have to
          summer ministry right across Scotland,           organise events or activities. Pray for
          for Simon & Hannah and the other                 wisdom to do everything ‘right’ so that
          workers in Scotland (John, Martha and            they stay safe and opportunities are given
          Lydia).                                          to the children and teenagers to have
                                                           time and space to experience Christ-
          Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Praise God             centered grace, love and hope.
          for the young people who have a desire
          to serve God this summer; pray for many          Stephen & Pam Garrett: Praise God for
          opportunities for them to teach children.        the 12-week CMLC course starting in
                                                           Sibiu this weekend. Please remember the
          Andrew McNabb: Pray for the National             students who will attend and those who
          Office, that the Lord would continue             will teach at it.
          to provide everything needed for the
          office to function smoothly and serve the
          workers on the field in many ways.               Sunday 13/06
                                                           Claire Bain: Pray for the ministry in
          Thursday 10/06
          Emma Reid: Pray that 5DCs would be               Colin Hylands: Pray as he speaks at
          able to take place in Mid Ulster and for         Coleraine Baptist.
          willing volunteers to help.
                                                           Linda Corry: The CMLC begins today in
          Stephen & Grace Chambers: Please pray            Sibiu (dv). Pray that the students will
          that the Lord will provide a team in NW          settle in quickly and form a strong bond
          Europe to help encourage and support             of unity.
          those on the ground as they take the
          gospel to NW Europe: Assistants for
          Stephen & Grace, part time/ full time            Monday 14/06
          Co-ordinators for Youth Challenge,               14–18 Stephen & Pam Garrett: Praise
          Education, IT and Multimedia etc.                God for the opportunity to meet together
                                                           as Area Directors and Department leaders
                                                           to discuss the scope of CEF ministry
          Friday 11/06                                     across Europe. Pray that God may guide
          Heather Watson: Pray for the West Tyrone         and give wisdom.
          Committee as they meet this evening that


Daily Prayer Guide April-June 2021.indd 13                                                         10/02/2021 15:36
David & Ruth Jackson: Pray for David as          Paddy and Jill Crozier: Pray that they
        he prepares for the Summer Outreach              would be a help and support to the Camp
        Training Course at the end of the month          Centre Staff; pray that restrictions would
        (dv).                                            be such that Oceanview can be opened
                                                         and used for ministry this summer (at
                                                         time of writing it is still unable to be
        Tuesday 15/06                                    opened).
        Sarah Wagner: The European Leadership
        Advisory Group (ELAG) will meet on 15 -          Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Pray that
        17 June. Pray that the Lord will guide in        they will have the opportunity to run
        the discussions and decisions being made.        Junior and Inters camp for the young
        Sarah appreciates prayer for her as she          people in Co Monaghan in July and that
        takes the minutes of these meetings.             God will bring along volunteers to help at
                                                         the camps
        Simon & Jayne Gibson: As contact with
        children through the schools comes to an
        end for the summer please pray that they         Friday 18/06
        would be able to be part of a summer             David & Olivia Crutchley: Pray for the
        outreach—HBC, 5DC, or even Camp!                 Mourne area summer camps, whether
                                                         Day Camps or residentials. Ask God to
        Philip & Denise Annett: Pray that God            prepare the hearts of children and young
        will give Philip wisdom and discernment          people who will attend.
        as he discusses many things with the
        European Leadership Advisory Group               David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray that
        (ELAG) during their meetings.                    restrictions will be lifted to enable the
                                                         workers to conduct direct summer
                                                         ministry this year.
        Wednesday 16/06
        Linda Corry: She will be taking part             Rosalind Patterson: Please pray as plans
        in the ELAG meetings this week. Pray             are made for the summer work that God
        that they will be aware of God’s leading         would give wisdom, and that she would
        during these meetings.                           have the opportunity to reach many
                                                         children with the gospel.
        Geoff & Karen Wallace: Pray for
        opportunities to share the gospel with
        boys and girls in 5DCs and online.               Saturday 19/06
                                                         Philip & Rachael Agnew: Pray that
        Jennifer McNeill: Pray as the area               God would show them new ideas for
        consider either camp online again or             conducting ministry.
        camp in person. Pray that there will be
        leaders who are willing to help with             David and Heather Cowan: Pray that as
        planning a programme for the children            they spend time phoning their volunteers
        and young people.                                they will be an encouragement to each
                                                         one of them.

        Thursday 17/06                                   Roberta Sherlock: Pray for the salvation
        Beverley McMaster: Pray that she will be         of children and young people in East
        a help, blessing and encouragement to            Belfast.
        David & Rosemary.


Daily Prayer Guide April-June 2021.indd 14                                                           10/02/2021 15:36
for good weather.
          Sunday 20/06
          Stan & Denise Beamish: Praise for the
          number of people who support the work             Wednesday 23/06
          financially and continue to pray day by           Andrew McNabb: Pray as he serves
          day. They are blessed by each one.                on the Seaview Redevelopment team,
                                                            especially now that the project is drawing
          Lynda McAuley: Praise God for those who           to a conclusion, that all involved would
          faithfully pray and support the work in           make good choices for the finishing of the
          Co Mayo. May each one know the Lord’s             centre.
          help and blessing day by day.
                                                            Stephen & Tanya Hamilton: Thank God
          Niall & Heather Carrothers: Pray for              for all the volunteers who help them in
          wisdom in all preparations for ministry in        Dublin; pray many will be able to help
          Oceanview.                                        over the summer months.

                                                            Heather Watson: Pray that it will be
          Monday 21/06                                      possible to hold 5DCs and HBCs this
          David & Ruth Jackson: David would value
          prayer for Safeguarding Training sessions
          for CEF volunteers engaged in ministry
          this summer dv.                                   Thursday 24/06
                                                            Mid Antrim: Pray that the 3-day non-
          Stephen & Pam Garrett: Please remember            residential camp being organised for
          the camps which are planned to begin              the area in July will take place and that
          at the Vendas Novas Retreat Centre in             leaders, children and young people will
          Portugal from this month, beginning with          plan to attend.
          the pre-schoolers camp.
                                                            Ruth Nelson: Pray for the IT department
          Monty McCleery: Pray for churches and             as they seek to put new resources/
          individuals to be led by God to support           materials online to help reach boys and
          Monty’s work as a Graphic Designer with           girls across Europe this summer.

                                                            Friday 25/06
          Tuesday 22/06                                     25–2 July Angie McKee: The Summer
          Declan & Amanda Curley: Pray for their            Outreach Training Course in Northern
          ministry continuing in West Belfast.              Ireland is due to start today, with the one
                                                            in Rossnowlagh starting tomorrow. Pray
          Emma Reid: Pray as churches in Mid                for all the teaching staff and the young
          Ulster run HBCs over the coming weeks             people. Pray that many children will hear
          that they will know the Lord’s help and           the gospel and trust in the Lord Jesus as a
          see spiritual fruit.                              result of these courses.

          Ida Johnston: Please pray for Ida and             Colin Hylands: Pray as he leads and
          the others as they clean the camp centre          teaches at the SOTC.
          - a number of their former helpers are
          no longer able to do this work. Pray for
          God’s blessing on the children’s camp             Saturday 26/06
          22–27 June. Pray for safety and unity             Jonathan Graham: Pray for the ongoing
          amongst leaders and campers. Pray too,            ministry in the Fermanagh area.


Daily Prayer Guide April-June 2021.indd 15                                                         10/02/2021 15:36
Co Donegal: Pray that Christian
        parents would continue to encourage and
                                                            Wednesday 30/06
                                                            Sarah Bleakley: Please pray she will
        teach their children about God and His
                                                            continue to make good progress in
                                                            Norwegian throughout the summer as well
                                                            as adapt to all the cultural changes.
        David & Rosemary Edwards: Pray God’s
        blessing upon Seaview Camp Centre, and
                                                            Stephen & Grace Chambers: Please pray
        that this new centre will bring glory to the
                                                            for workers to have opportunities to share
                                                            the gospel face-to-face, across NW Europe,
                                                            this summer in 5DCs and camps and pray
        Sunday 27/06                                        that children will be saved as a result.
        Simon & Hannah Snodgrass: Pray for
        wisdom in how to develop ministry in
        Scotland; pray for new opportunities and
        boldness to walk in faith in these days.

        Paddy & Jill Crozier: Pray that God would
        give them the necessary help and strength
        as they juggle ministry with caring for
        Paddy’s elderly father.

        Monday 28/06
        Wilna Shaw-Karsemeijer: Pray for the                                                           Abbreviations
        ongoing ministry in the Netherlands.
                                                                                            GNC Good News Club
        Louise Davidson: Praise God for the many                                         HBC Holiday Bible Club
        volunteers who give of their time to serve
                                                                                                    5DC 5-Day Club
        the Lord in NE Down during the summer
        months.                                                                    JYC Junior Youth Challenge

        Andrew & Beulah McMullan: Please pray                                     SYC Senior Youth Challenge
        for the work in Italy, that Gary will be                          TCE Teaching Children Effectively
        able to hold camps for children and young
        people in the new centre in Bergamo this                                       CMLC Children’s Ministry
        summer.                                                                                 Leadership Course
                                                                                                PS Primary School
        Tuesday 29/06
                                                                                               NS National School
        Ida Johnston: Pray that a good number of
        young teens will come for the Teens camp               SOTC Summer Outreach Training Course
        (29 June–4 July). Pray for Aud as she
        teaches at both camps and pray that God
        will speak through His Word. Pray that
        God will keep everyone in good health and
        that there will be no spread of the virus in
        connection with the camps.                           Child Evangelism Fellowship of Ireland is a charity, registered
                                                                  with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (NIC
                                                              100984) and with the Charities Regulator in the Republic of
                                                                                                Ireland (RCN 20201509).


Daily Prayer Guide April-June 2021.indd 16                                                                            10/02/2021 15:36
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