Cybersecurity in an Era of Persistent Threats and Hyperconnectivity - - Digital Asset Management

Page created by Audrey Carrillo
Cybersecurity in an Era of Persistent Threats and Hyperconnectivity - - Digital Asset Management
in an Era of Persistent Threats
and Hyperconnectivity
Cybersecurity in an Era of Persistent Threats and Hyperconnectivity - - Digital Asset Management
Cybersecurity in an Era of Persistent Threats and Hyperconnectivity

In early 2021, a ransomware attack hit the       Predictions and expectations for 2021 and
company that operates the Colonial Pipe-         beyond:
line, a major pipeline carrying nearly half of
all fuel used on the American East Coast.                    1. Tremendous growth in
Unable to quickly determine whether the                      networked digital devices will
attack had compromised its physical assets,                  continue to revolutionize the
the company made a hard choice, and shut                     energy sector.
down all fuel flow through the pipeline for
several days. Consumers panicked as fuel         The advantages of digitized controls – the
prices surged in response to the supply          industrial Internet of Things (IoT) – will
shortage created by the incident. The            drive and accelerate widespread adoption.
impacts of the attack were so significant        Digitalization is already managing renew-
that the United States Department of             able energy’s variable outputs and
Energy (DOE) coordinated a whole-of-gov-         squeezing every efficiency from legacy
ernment response to help Colonial resume         generation, extraction and pipeline equip-
operations quickly and safely, while moving      ment. Future business models – from elec-
fuel supplies to the most affected regions.      tric car sharing to smart city infrastructure
                                                 to prosumer networks – will depend even
For energy companies and their customers,        more heavily on industrial IoT.
the Colonial Pipeline attack should be a
wake-up call. In the current era, there is no                2. Attacks against the energy
such thing as reliability without cybersecu-                 sector will get more frequent
rity. Cyber defenses are a make-or-break                     and severe.
business competency.
                                                 The energy sector makes an attractive
To avoid crises that require brute-force         target for hackers – some for profit, and
solutions like Colonial Pipeline’s total shut-   some for geopolitical reasons. Every
down, companies need to invest in moni-          indication suggests attacks will persist and
toring and detection capabilities that match     will grow more sophisticated as criminal
the scope of their digitally connected indus-    enterprises and nation-states look to take
trial assets. As companies retrofit legacy       critical infrastructure hostage.
equipment to enable remote operations,
automation, and other efficiencies, many                     3. Cybersecurity will become
will be hard-pressed to keep defenses up to                  a competitive advantage.
the challenge. Meanwhile, attackers won’t
sit still.                                       With a bevy of examples showing the high
                                                 cost of cyber breaches, investors and
For boards, executives and investors navi-       customers will consider cybersecurity a
gating this ever-changing threat environ-        routine measure of reliability. Meanwhile,
ment, it’s well worth a look over the horizon    the companies that lean into maturing
to see what to expect in industrial cyberse-     cybersecurity will be better positioned to
curity – and how to secure the benefits of       aggressively pursue innovations and effi-
the ongoing energy revolution.                   ciencies that depend on hyperconnected
                                                 industrial IOT.

Cybersecurity in an Era of Persistent Threats and Hyperconnectivity - - Digital Asset Management
Cybersecurity in an Era of Persistent Threats and Hyperconnectivity

            4. Continuous change will                       7. Artificial intelligence and
            put a premium on                                machine learning will make
            adaptability.                                   strong defenses more
As the industry adds new assets and
attackers add new threats, CISOs will face a    Cyber security talent is scarce and expen-
steep challenge staying current, integrating    sive so leveraging each analyst is key to
new systems, and winning the arms race.         managing costs. Meanwhile, response time
Adaptability will need to be a feature of any   matters when blocking attacks that move at
ongoing defenses.                               the speed of light. Automation to intelli-
                                                gently process and analyze billions of data
                                                points for perpetual vigilance will help
            5. Remote operation and             answer both the economic and the practical
            automation will continue to         demands on cybersecurity.
            scale up.
                                                            8. Cybersecurity as a service
Changes accelerated by the COVID crisis will                will help small and mid-sized
continue to shape the future of work, with                  businesses keep up.
automation and digitized equipment
making each individual worker more              Small and midsized companies face the
powerful – and their tools more important       same global threats as major industry
to protect.                                     leaders – but with smaller budgets. For
                                                companies that cannot afford R&D or
                                                in-house custom solutions, built for purpose
            6. OT-IT mismatches will            AI based cybersecurity systems and third-
            remain a pain point.                party monitoring and detection services will
                                                help make strong cybersecurity more acces-
Cybersecurity for operating technologies        sible.
demands different strategies than cyberse-
curity for information technologies. Compa-                 9. Strong cybersecurity will
nies integrating IoT systems will need to                   forge strong partnerships.
understand and implement both within
unified defenses. Achieving integration in      Value chains are only as strong as their
an industry where heterogenous equipment        weakest link. As companies mature their
designed decades before cyber was a             internal cybersecurity, they will also look to
concern will pose a headache for many           shore up their partners upstream and down-
companies.                                      stream.

Published by and copyright © 2021:

Siemens Energy, Inc.
4400 Alafaya Trail
Orlando, FL 32826-2399, USA

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