Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news - CIM

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Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis
of marketing news
7 February 2018
Welcome to our weekly analysis of the most useful marketing news for CIM and CAM members.
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                                                         in 2004 with the slogan: “Always handpaint”. A
Marketing trends and issues                              hand-painted wall sign can cost up to $90,000 but
                                                         people are prepared to spend time looking at the
Advertising                                              ads because they are works of art.
Extensions ‒ protecting the parent product               The Times, 3 February 2018, p46
Brand and product extensions are increasingly being
used in product innovation. Such extensions can          KFC tops most complained about ads 2017
have a positive or negative impact on consumer           The most complained-about ad of 2017 was KFC’s
evaluation of the parent product, leading to so          “The Whole Chicken” which received 775 complaints
called spillover effects. Two studies suggest how        out of the 30,000 received by the Advertising
marketers can use the right communication and            Standards Authority (ASA). The ad was criticised for
messaging types in advertising, to create positive       being disrespectful to chickens and upsetting for
spillovers, or to avoid negative ones, in product line   vegans and vegetarians but the ASA ruled that it
extensions.                                              was unlikely to cause widespread offence.
Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol 24(2) 2018,     Meanwhile’s ad featuring
pp169-189 (Liu and Wu)
                                                         “strutters and builders” has remained among the top
                                                         ten most complained-about for a third successive
Audibility measurement – the way forward                 year. Two-thirds of the top ten, including those by
The audio part of digital advertising is becoming        Dove and McDonald’s, were removed by the
popular for measurement purposes but is not as           advertiser before the ASA could investigate. Guy
easy to measure as viewability. This makes things        Parker, chief executive of the ASA, says that it needs
difficult for advertisers on non-visual digital          to look carefully at the audience and context before
channels, such as radio or podcasts. The Media           deciding whether an ad should be banned.
Rating Council (MRC) is working to find a way  , 1 February 2018
forward by proposing a future project to research
and define audibility metrics. In the meantime it
says that an “Audible Ad Impression” requires that       UK growth to slow this year
an ad is played for a minimum of two continuous          The UK ad market is expected to slow this year,
seconds.                                                 from expected growth of 3.4% in 2017 to 2.8% in
                                                         2018, as digital growth slows. This is according to, 1 February 2018 (Leggatt)
                                                         the latest Expenditure Report from the Advertising
                                                         Association and Warc. Mobile ad spend is expected
Going to the wall – hand-painted ads                     to have passed the £5 billion mark in 2017, with
Painters, known as “wall dogs”, have been painting       much of the investment going into video and social
walls in New York with giant images advertising          media. While total digital ad spend rose by 9.9%
Adidas trainers, Delta airlines and Samsung phones.      last year, TV, OOH, national news and magazine
Hand-painted adverts went out of fashion with the        brands and cinema all suffered a decline.
advent of large-scale printing and digital media. Now, 31 January 2018 (Tesseras)
social media, along with the vintage and artisanal
trend, has helped to revive the wall dog profession.
The leader in hand-painted ads is Colossal, founded

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Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news

Brands and branding                                      offer dedicated executive boardrooms, business
                                                         lounges and hotel-style accommodation. The
Brand storytelling
                                                         University of Birmingham is opening a 172-bedroom
The author considers best practices for brand
                                                         hotel and conference centre at its Edgbaston
storytelling with a focus on social media. He
                                                         campus. A case study of College Court, University of
recommends using internal subject matter experts
                                                         Leicester, is included.
and guidelines but emphasises that all content
                                                         Meetings & Incentive Travel, January 2018, pp24-27
should be “valuable, credible and unique”. He
reports a 277% increase in online traffic within six
months as a result of using “matter-led” brand
storytelling. This paper also outlines a process for     Business events delegates – spending habits
implementing a social media employee advocacy            New research by VisitBritain/Visit England found that
programme that tells a brand’s story.                    business delegates who extend their stay for leisure
Journal of Brand Strategy, Vol 6(3) 2017-18, pp237-241
                                                         purposes would, on average, double their spend in
(Hall)                                                   Britain compared to those travelling home straight
                                                         after the event. The Business Events Research;
                                                         Delegate Spend and Trip Extension report measures
Genericisation – the ultimate goal?
                                                         delegate spend at business events in Britain and the
Marketers dream of making a brand so well-known
                                                         behaviour of delegates who are extending their trips
that it becomes a generic expression. However,
                                                         for leisure. It finds that international events attract
“genericisation” can also result in “genericide” when
                                                         significantly higher average spend than domestic
a brand loses its identity. This article identifies 50
                                                         events because overseas delegates stay longer while
brand names that have become generic, household
                                                         international events charge much higher registration
words. They include: linoleum, a floor covering and
victim of genericide when it lost its trademark back
                                               , 30 January 2018 (Parry);
in 1878; bubble wrap, invented in 1957 by the
Sealed Air Corporation which has managed to hang         corporate/Documents-Library/documents/England-
on to the brand; frisbee, owned by Wham-O which          documents/report_business_events_research_modules_1_3_final.
continues to hold the trademark; the onesie, which       pdf
is owned by Gerber Childrenswear; and the memory
stick, whose trademark is still owned by Sony.           Consumer behaviour, 31 January 2018                           False claims – fallout amongst consumers
                                                         Companies often make selective or deceptive claims
Children                                                 aimed at increasing demand or discouraging
Concerns over gadget-addicted children                   consumers from moving to different products but
Data from the Office for National Statistics suggest     this can have a negative impact on the consumer.
that children in Britain spend just 16 minutes a day     The authors set out to measure the consequences in
outside in parks or open spaces: for children in their   terms of falling consumer demand, which companies
teens the figure falls to ten minutes. A separate        that make false claims suffer when caught. The
report from Childwise found that young people aged       study is conducted in the context of the food
between five and 15 spend 2.5 hours a day viewing        industry, focusing on four popular products which
footage on screens, with more time spent on              were brought before the Federal Trade Commission.
devices than on TV sets. Childwise has also found        These resulted in termination of the false claims.
that 42% of nine to 16-year-olds use voice               The findings suggest that there was a significant fall
recognition gadgets at home, the most popular            in demand for the products following the cessation
being Siri. There are concerns about how children,       of claims, which resulted in a 12%-67% loss of
who are exposed to these gadgets, will learn to          revenue across the four products.
communicate, such as saying “please” or                  Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 54, December 2017,
                                                         pp968-989 (Rao and Wang)
The Times, 31 January 2018, p9; The Daily Telegraph, 1
February 2018                                            Customer relations
                                                         Sustainable customer experience
Conferences and events                                   Three expressions ‒ customer service, customer
Academic venues ramp up services                         experience and customer centricity ‒ are all high-
Academic venues are places for people to debate,         visibility phrases due to the current emphasis on the
discuss and learn, which makes them ideal for            customer but there seems to be little understanding
conferences or corporate events. Not only do they        as to their true meaning. The author defines what is
have the necessary event spaces and meeting              meant by each and explains that the reason it is so
rooms, they also have good AV equipment. From            difficult to maintain a focus on customer experience
being just niche players a few years ago, academic       is because it is hard to join the pieces together. He
venues have raised their profile to compete with         uses the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle to show how all
conventional events spaces. Nowadays they even           the pieces – customer personas, brand proposition,

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Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news

customer journeys, customer focused measurement,          Law
experience improvement & design and customer              Trademarks are changing
experience communications – fit together to produce       EU trademark law is changing to include new types
a customer centric culture which “enables the             of trademarks, such as motion marks, audiovisual
sustainable differentiation” of the business.             marks and holograms. The requirement to represent
Cambridge Marketing Review, Issue 13 Winter 2017-18,      all marks graphically, in words or drawings, is being
pp16-19 (Golding)                                         phased out. In future any “sign” will be allowed
                                                          provided it distinguishes the goods and services
Sainsbury’s buys Nectar                                   from those of others. The new requirements are
Sainsbury’s has acquired the UK Nectar loyalty            being finalised by national IP offices in the EU in
business for £60m so that it can get “to know our         preparation for full implementation of national
customers better than anyone else”. Sainsbury’s           trademarks in January next year. Whether the UK
has become Nectar’s largest partner because of its        diverges from the new rules will depend on what
breadth of coverage in groceries, clothing, financial     type of relationship it eventually has with the EU.
services and energy. The move will give the retailer, 31 January 2018 (Teare)
access to consumer habits within its own business
as well as other operators, such as Vue Cinema, Ted       Red Bull loses energy with colour trademark
Baker and eBay; this will allow it to refine its          The continuing problem of protecting colour
products, pricing and marketing.                          trademarks within the EU has been highlighted by a, 1 February 2018 (Hammett);             recent case involving Red Bull. It had originally
Financial Times, 2 February 2018, p17
                                                          registered two European trademarks for its blue and
                                                          silver colour combinations in 2002 and 2010, but
Prime membership boosts loyalty and sales                 with different descriptions. They both acquired
Amazon has achieved its best-ever results with net        trademarks due to the colours “acquired
sales rising by 31% to $177.9 billion in 2017. Mintel     distinctiveness through use”. However, all this
says that growth in a company this size is                changed when Optimum Mark, a Polish company,
“exceptional” and is down to a number of factors. It      applied to invalidate the registrations. The EU
highlights the fact that more new paid members            General Court decided that the registrations were
joined Amazon Prime last year than at any other           indeed invalid because the descriptions allowed for
time and argues that Prime is the “lifeblood of           too many different arrangements of the two colours.
Amazon on the retail side”. Amazon knows that   , 31 January 2018 (Flynn and Bleahene);
attracting as many members as possible can help it, 29 January 20178 (Tsai)
to achieve long-term loyalty., 2 February 2018                               Maasai to take ownership of their brand
                                                          Kenya’s Maasai tribe is taking steps to protect its
Direct marketing                                          intellectual property using a legal approach. Isaac
Direct mail – digital integration?                        ole Tialolo, chairman of the Maasai Intellectual
Email continues to be one of the most important           Property Initiative Trust, is busy educating his
marketing channels for B2C and B2B. On the other          community about the value of the Maasai brand and
hand, direct mail is in decline, albeit a very slow       has even hired lawyers to persuade international
one. The DMA reports that direct mail volumes have        companies that they should recognise the Maasai
fallen by 1.9% a year since 2015 yet the household        trademark. The Maasai have proved attractive to an
response rate to direct mail (5%) is still a lot higher   estimated 1,000 companies, including Louis Vuitton,
than email, paid search or social media. Direct mail      Calvin Klein and Jaguar Land Rover, who want to
has the potential to be used as an integrated             use it to establish certain brand values. Royalties
element of a multi-channel marketing programme.           could be worth millions of pounds but it could also
With today’s emphasis on multiple touchpoints, it is      cost the Maasai a fortune to register their
important to develop marketing metrics which              trademarks.
evaluate how channels reinforce each other. Two , 19 January 2018
questions to be considered are: whether a direct
mail strategy reinforces digital and vice versa; and      Marketing
whether direct mail should be personalised alongside      Marketing paradigms for sustainability
digital. Ultimately direct mail might evolve in the       Adopting marketing behaviour that leads to
same way as bricks-and-mortar retailing, which            sustainability requires a shift in marketing
reinvented itself in the digital space.                   management but this represents a huge challenge., 25 January 2018 (Davis)                       This is because of the relationship between
                                                          marketing thought and economic thought ‒
                                                          economic theories can help to shape marketing
                                                          models which in turn can have a positive or negative
                                                          impact on the ability of marketers to contribute to

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Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news

sustainability. The authors identify three marketing      The importance of pilot testing your research
paradigms that are important for sustainable              Without user input, organisations risk spending huge
marketing management: “make-and-sell”, “sense-            amounts on products and services that could fail.
and-respond” and “guide-and-co-create”.                   Stephanie Marsh, author of a new book entitled User
Social Business, Vol 7(3-3) 2017, pp359-390 (Hurth and    Research, explains how you can choose the right
Whittlesea)                                               method for your user research. She highlights the
                                                          importance of pilot testing the research before
Localising marketing strategies                           undertaking the real thing. Pilot testing is also useful
These days global brands are present in most              for helping to decide which methodology will work
countries and locales which makes it even more            best, particularly when first starting out.
important that messaging and content appeal to  , 24 January 2018 (Marsh)
local tastes. Some 56.2% of consumers say that            Book discounted via John Smith’s
having information in their own language is more
important than price while 95% of Chinese online          Public relations
consumers want websites in their own language, yet        Corporate crises and country reputation
just 1% of US online retailers have sites that are        Organisational crises can damage the way in which
customised for China, according to the Globalisation      the organisation’s home country is perceived in
and Localisation Association. The author looks at the     addition to the reputation of the organisation itself.
issues, which include attracting locals into the          For example, the recent VW scandal drew attention
marketing industry.                                       to its home country of Germany which led
Gulf Marketing Review, Issue 275, December 2017-          politicians, who were concerned with the country’s
January 2018, pp62-63 (Malouf)                            image, to make public responses. This study
                                                          investigates the impact of associations between a
SMEs ‒ marketing made simple                              country and a company as reported in the media, on
Kelvin Golding, a course director at CIM, provides an     perceived associations between the two during an
extract from his forthcoming guide to marketing for       organisational crisis. It assesses how differences in
small businesses. In this article he describes how        perceived associations lead to different assessments
marketing and branding provide a platform through         of crisis responsibility and reputational damage
which to succeed. He outlines the essentials of           (organisation vs country).
marketing including techniques which will help to         Journal of Communication Management, Vol 22(1) 2018,
enhance the business from the perspective of its          pp96-112 (Buhmann et al)
intended audience. Topics covered include audience
insight, developing target personas, creating a value     Sponsorship
proposition and the benefits of a strong brand. He        Uefa – expanding sponsorship opportunities
also defines aspects of online marketing while            Uefa, the football body that hosts the Champions
emphasising the need to blend traditional marketing       League and European Championship, is looking at
with digital marketing to prevent the creation of silos   new platforms and audiences to deliver value for its
within the organisation.                                  sponsors which include Santander and Nissan for
Cambridge Marketing Review, Issue 13 Winter 2017-18,      the 2018 to 2021 season. Peter Willems, who is
pp52-56 (Golding)                                         responsible for marketing and sponsorship deals, is
                                                          looking at ways of reaching new audiences, such as
Market research                                           using influencers. Here he discusses the sponsorship
From staff surveys to collective intelligence             opportunities for Uefa.
Most large businesses conduct regular surveys to, 6 February 2018 (Lepitak)
help them understand how staff feel about the
organisation. Often such surveys are too                  Aldi turns to British winter Olympics icons
quantitative without enough qualitative or open-          Aldi has launched a humorous ad campaign starring
ended questions to enable real insight. Michael           Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards and Torvill and Dean in
Silverman, a psychologist and former head of              the run up to the 2018 Winter Olympics. Aldi is
employee insight at Unilever, set up a company to         Team GB’s official supermarket partner. The ad,
design the Crowdoscope, a tool that uses collective       created by McCann UK, shows customers using
intelligence to gain better insight into employees. It    snowy streets to achieve Olympic-style feats.
allows people to connect and build discussions  , 1 February 2018
through an open forum. A traditional staff survey,
on the other hand, lacks interaction between people
in terms of rating others’ suggestions and ideas.
Impact, Issue 20, January 2018, p77 (Bainbridge)

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                                                         Boring company raises money for tunnelling
Agriculture, fishing                                     Elon Musk hopes to build a network of tunnels
                                                         beneath US cities through his tunnelling business,
and forestry                                             The Boring Company. Now he has raised $10m by
A weedbot for small gardens                              selling 20,000 flamethrowers, costing $500 each,
Franklin Robotics, a Massachusetts-based start-up,       branded with the logo of the business. He has also
has developed the Roomba, a small, solar-powered         offered    “overpriced”    Boring    Company     fire
robot which can travel around your garden cutting        extinguisher! The Boring Company’s mission is to
down weeds with a “weed whacker”. At $300, the           reduce traffic jams by constructing tunnels though
robots are being targeted at the home market but         which cars can be carried. Mr Musk also wants to
the company’s founders hope to expand into               develop faster, more effective tunnelling machines.
landscaping and farming by using larger robots.          The Times, 3 February 2018, p46
Other, more expensive robotic mowers on the
market tend to cut down every plant on a pre-set
path, which makes them unsuitable for gardens.
                                                         Businesses and strategy
                                                         CEO activism
Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 January 2018, p26
                                                         A new trend is emerging in US politics whereby
                                                         some CEOs are taking a public stand on political
India’s dairy farmers hit by cow protection              issues even though these may bear no relation to
Although India’s Supreme Court blocked the               their company’s business. Apple’s Tim Cook and
Government’s attempted ban on the sale of cattle         Salesforce’s Marc Benioff are among those
for slaughter, such is the veneration of cows in         advocating causes such as LGBTQ rights,
India, that vigilantes have been attacking cattle        immigration and the environment. The authors
traders. This is affecting India’s 5.3 trillion-rupee    consider whether CEO activism can change public
dairy industry. It means that farmers can’t expand       opinion and policies and look at the risks and
their herds because they have no way of disposing        rewards involved. One finding is that consumers
of older animals. Prohibitions on cow slaughter cost     tend to view CEO activism in terms of their own
farmers an estimated 250 billion rupees a year and       political views which means that it can lead to both
result in 20m abandoned cows which is why the            positive and negative responses. However,
number of cow sanctuaries in India is rising. Yet        maintaining silence on a prominent issue in the age
Indians’ consumption of milk products has grown at       of Twitter could be just as risky…
an average annual rate of 4.3% over the past two         Harvard Business Review, Vol 96(1) 2018, pp78-89
decades.                                                 (Chatterji and Toffel)
Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 January 2018, pp38-39

Animal feeds – protecting the supply chain
                                                         Charities and NGOs
                                                         Racial diversity
A new report says that retailers should look at
                                                         A 2013 report from the Institute of Fundraising (IoF)
alternative animal feeds as a way of improving the
                                                         found that 87% of fundraisers identified themselves
sustainability of their meat and fish chains. The Feed
                                                         as white. Further research by the IoF last year
Behind Our Food report from the Protein Challenge
                                                         suggested that the picture hadn’t changed regarding
2040 coalition claims that traditional feed crops are
                                                         the numbers of black, Asian and minority ethnic
exacerbating climate change and threatening global
                                                         backgrounds in the charity sector. The sector has
food security. Almost half of the world’s agricultural
                                                         some catching up to do, according to Peter Lewis,
land and over a fifth of fish caught is being used to
                                                         IoF chief executive. One of the strategies being
produce animal feed.
                                                         considered is the introduction of bursaries and
The Grocer 3 February 2018, p45
                                                         scholarships to help people with BAME backgrounds
                                                         to get the necessary training.
Building industry                                        Third Sector, January-February 2018, pp36-37
Professional roles set to soar
Demand for professional and managerial workers in        Boosting online donations
the construction industry is expected to rise by 7.8%    Social media provides an important channel for
and 5.6% respectively over the next five years,          charities to raise awareness and attract followers but
according to the Construction Industry Training          it is not always easy to convert likes and follows into
Board (CITB). It predicts that 150,000 construction      giving. The author makes four suggestions for
jobs will be created, with site trades also in strong    boosting online fundraising efforts which are to:
demand. Steve Radley, CITB policy director, believes     create and sustain relationships with supporters;
that, by 2022, employment will be close to its 2008      stay authentic and true to the charity’s core
peak so the industry faces a huge recruitment and        message; know when to follow up a communication;
training challenge.                                      and to reduce your website’s bounce rates., 5 February 2018 (Prior), 30 January 2018 (Green)

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Cutting Edge: Our weekly analysis of marketing news

                                                            and housing, with a particular spike in debt
Durable consumer goods                                      enquiries during January. The other major source of
                                                            worry is government policy – after the Brexit vote
Portmeirion – heritage continues to deliver                 there was a surge in searches about residency and
Phil Atherton, group sales & marketing director at          employment rights.
Portmeirion Group, reflects on 2017 and the year            Wired, January-February 2018, pp18-19
ahead. He points to the rising demand for brands
with heritage and the fact that this has enabled the
company to build relationships with consumers “on           UK manufacturing trends
many levels”. He covers Portmeirion’s use of social         UK manufacturing, which accounts for 10% of UK
media, the importance of online selling and online          economic output (gross value added), is continuing
content and working with influencers and bloggers.          to show signs of growth. In the three months to
He also touches on the role of research in                  November 2017 manufacturing output rose by 1.4%
developing a deeper understanding of customers              compared with the previous three months, with 12
while enables the company to deliver relevant               out of the 13 sub-sectors experiencing growth.
products and services.                                      However, In January 2018 the Markit/CIPS UK
                                                            Manufacturing PMI fell to 55.3, down from
Tableware International, Vol 139(6) January-February
2018, pp50-51                                               November’s 51-month high of 58.2. Nevertheless
                                                            this is the seventh consecutive month in which the
                                                            index has been above 55.
Swiss watches grow sales one-handed…
                                                  , Manufacturing: Key Economic Indicators,
After a period of declining exports, Switzerland’s          1 February 2018
watchmakers enjoyed single-digit export growth last
year. Famous watchmakers are experiencing growth
but this is not necessarily among their best-known          Eurozone factories see rising output
watches as buyers are increasingly demanding                Factory orders, output and employment grew
individuality. One trend to have emerged is the one-        strongly in all 19 Eurozone countries in January,
handed or single-hand watch. Brands such as                 according to the IHS Markit purchasing managers’
MeisterSinger, Van Cleef & Arpels and Reservoir, are        index. Greece has had its best performance for a
all producing watches with just one hand. As this           decade (55.2) while the Netherlands leads the pack
article says “it takes only one hand to inspire a           with record growth (62.5). The growth is attributed
second look”, presumably as the wearer works out            to the European Central Bank’s decision to reduce
what the time is!                                           interest rates to zero and then to follow the US
                                                            Federal Reserve and Bank of England with
Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 February 2018, p73
                                                            quantitative easing.
                                                            The Guardian, 2 February 2018, p35
…while Swatch goes it alone
Last year Swatch announced better than expected
results as it took market share from its competitors        Energy and utilities
while fending off the threat from smartwatches.             Citizens Advice ‒ the cost of not switching
Battery watches do not seem to have suffered from           Citizens Advice has warned that customers who do
the introduction of the smartwatch. Meanwhile               not switch their energy, broadband or insurance
exports of more expensive watches are recovering            providers could be paying out an extra £1,000 a
(See above). To date Swatch has rejected the idea           year. It wants the Competition and Markets
of working with Silicon Valley as rival TAG Heuer has       Authority (CMA) to investigate this “extra price of
done. Instead it wants to develop its own operating         loyalty”. The charity has found that it is common for
system and is calling for better rules on “Swissness”       long-term, loyal customers to be charged more than
but this could be a risky strategy. A separate FT           new customers. Many of those who don’t switch are
article looks at how Tag Heuer saw Apple’s digital          aged over 65 and on low incomes. The CMA says it
disruption as an opportunity.                               is already looking at the problem.
Financial Times, 31 January 2018, p12; Financial Times, 5, 1 February 2018
February 2018, p24

                                                            Solar energy ‒ Perovskites
Economy                                                     Perovskites, a compound of calcium, titanium and
Citizens Advice – barometer of public anxiety               oxygen, are being used in a new type of solar cell by
Citizens Advice attracts over 450,000 searches a            Oxford Photovoltaics and Saule Technologies.
year on its website, and these provide a good               Saule is allowing Skanska, a European construction
insight into the nature of public anxiety. The              company, to incorporate perovskite sheets into
organisation, which provides free, confidential             some of its components, such as facades, allowing
advice to the British public, began tracking search         the walls of a building to generate energy. This will
entries three years ago. It found that the most             lower the building’s carbon footprint and make it
common questions asked related to debt, benefits            more self-sufficient. Perovskites could become a

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serious challenge to silicon solar cells but there are   intentions of customers more than the reputation
barriers to bringing them to market, such as cost        and expertise of the primary bank. The bank’s
and having to compete with the incumbent solar-          reputation, expertise and the competitor’s price are
power industry.                                          also contributory factors.
The Economist, 3 February 2018, pp73-74                  International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol 36(1) 2018,
                                                         pp2-18 (Vyas et al)

Environment                                              Link fee reduction will hit ATM operators
Stations might introduce drinking fountains
                                                         The announcement that banks are to reduce the
Network Rail is looking at introducing drinking          fees that they pay cash machine operators has
fountains at main stations as a way of encouraging       already reduced the value of some ATM companies,
people to carry refillable bottles. This was after       such as NoteMachine and Cardtronics. Link, which
Thérèse Coffey, the Suffolk Coastal MP, wrote a          represents banks and cash machine operators, has
letter to the company. Now she plans to write to         decided to cut the fee paid by card issuers for cash
airport operators and motorway service stations. In      withdrawals from 25p to 20p over four years. Cash
his November budget, Chancellor Philip Hammond           machine operators are warning that this will create
promised to investigate how tax could be used to         “ATM deserts”. Cardtronics, which is calling for an
reduce single-use plastics. Some coffee chains have      enquiry, argues that the ATM network will no longer
recently introduced free water in their outlets (See     be able to respond to changes in banking such as
Cutting Edge 31 January 2018)                            branch closure. However, Link is concerned that if
Financial Times, 2 February 2018, p3
                                                         doesn’t reduce fees, some card issuers will defect to
                                                         Visa or MasterCard.
Green tea?                                               Financial Times, 1 February 2018, p18
The Co-op has promised to develop a plastic-free
teabag and will start testing out a new type of bag
on its 99 tea. Tea bags use small amounts of plastic     FMCG
to seal them so that the tea doesn’t escape. The Co-
op has teamed up with Typhoo and Ahlstron-               Beverages
Munksjö, a sustainable fibre solutions specialist to     Chinese drinks giant – growing pains
develop a way of heat-sealing bags. Some premium         The most valuable liquor company in the world is
tea producers already use plastic-free bags but          made in Maotai, southwestern China. Here the
others are concerned that shoppers will not want to      Kweichow Moutai Co. makes its grain alcohol, baijiu.
bear the additional cost.                                Demand for it has driven the company’s value to
The Grocer, 3 February 2018, p4                          over $145 billion, greater than that of Diageo.
                                                         Bottles of baijiu sell for $150 (969 yuan). The
                                                         production method, which involves the drink being
Fashion                                                  buried in urns for at least four years, limits the
H&M – hasn’t kept an eye on the future                   amount the company can make. This makes it
Hennes & Mauritz, the Swedish fashion retailer has       difficult for Yuan Renguo, the company’s chairman,
grown to become the second largest clothes vendor        to grow the company…
in the world since being founded in 1947, but its        Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 January 2018, p17
operating profit fell by 13% last year. Karl-Johan
Persson, chief executive, attributes the decline to
underperforming physical stores and the growth of        Marketing effectiveness tool gives better RoI
online shopping. He admits that H&M had “made            Diageo’s marketing effectiveness initiative has
some mistakes” but is now working to improve its         allowed it to spend £60m more on marketing during
online operation and to integrate its physical and       the first half of its 2018 financial year. It has
digital stores.                                          focused on boosting productivity and efficiency
                                                         through initiatives such as a new digital interface
The Times, 1 February 2018, p45
                                                         called Catalyst which was developed with partners.
                                                         Catalyst is being used by Diageo’s 1,200 marketers
Financial services                                       in 55 countries to plan and distribute marketing
Competitor marketing and cross-buying                    spend. This has led to improved rates of return on
It is important to understand the impact of              investment and the ability to optimise marketing
competitors’ marketing activities in addition to one’s   spend based on current data.
own. This paper investigates the role of competing, 25 January 2018 (Tesseras)
banks’ marketing activities (price and product
variety) and the primary bank’s characteristics          Aiming a jab at consumer goods firms
(reputation and expertise) in the cross-buying           On 29 January JAB Holding, a Luxembourg
intentions of customers of banks in India. It reveals    investment group, said it would acquire Dr Pepper
that competitors’ pricing influences cross-buying        Snapple for $18.7 billion. JAB’s focus on consumer

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goods, mainly coffee businesses in the US, suggests     the River Wear in 2015. Birds Eye says it will amend
that it might be seeking to compete with the likes of   the ad to remove references to cold water.
Nestlé and Starbucks. It has previously acquired        The Times, 2 February 2018, p25
Krispy Kreme and Panera Bread, a bakery chain.
Last year JAB sold Jimmy Choo following a failed        Household
foray into luxury goods. However, it is hard to judge   Kimberley-Clark suffers from falling birth rate
what JAB has in mind owing to the secretive nature      Kimberly-Clark, owner of well-known brands
of its German owners.                                   including Kleenex tissues, Andrex and Huggies
The Economist, 3 February 2018, p62                     nappies, is to reduce its global workforce by up to
                                                        13% (5,500 jobs). It will also close ten out of its 91
Coke to close two plants                                factories as it streamlines to save costs and compete
Coca-Cola is to lose 300 jobs and close two of its      with Amazon’s paper products. The company has
main UK sites next year. The company says this will     also suffered from falling birth-rates in countries
help to improve productivity and efficiency. It         such as the US and South Korea, which has reduced
reported a 1.5% fall in revenue for the third quarter   demand for nappies. As Thomas J Falk, chief
owing to a decline in some of its brands. The           executive said, you can’t encourage people to buy
popularity of Coke Zero Sugar in the UK has failed to   more nappies if they don’t have babies!
make up for the shortfall.                              Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 January 2018, p9;
The Grocer, 3 February 2018, p58              , 23 January 2018

Cosmetics and toiletries                                Tobacco
Body Shop – a natural makeover                          PHE wants e-cigs on prescription
Natura Cosméticos, a Brazilian company, has             Public Health England (PHE) recommends that e-
unveiled a new corporate brand called Natura&Co,        cigarettes should be available on prescription
which will bring together The Body Shop (which it       because they have been successful in helping people
acquired last year) and Aesop of Australia. Roberto     to give up smoking. A review of the evidence
Marques, the executive chairman who is overseeing       published by PHE concludes that 20,000 people a
the brands, says it wants to “rejuvenate” the brand     year are giving up cigarettes thanks to e-cigarettes.
and make sure it becomes “its own activist voice”.      It also claims that they are 95% less harmful than
The Body Shop has been struggling due to                smoking. PHE is calling for manufacturers to “get an
competition from other brands which offer products      easier route” to obtaining a medical licence.
based on natural ingredients. Natura sources many, 6 February 2018; The Daily Telegraph, 6
                                                        February 2018, p10
of its raw materials from the Amazon by working
with farmers, scientists and indigenous people.
Financial Times, 5 February 2018, p15                   Government and
Food                                                    public sector
What price shrinkflation?                               Matt Hancock MP ‒ new social network
With shrinkflation constantly in the news, the BBC      Matt Hancock, the culture secretary, has launched a
decided to compare the size and price of 19 biscuit     network called “Matt Hancock MP” which allows
and chocolate products over the past four years. It     members to watch and comment on live streams,
found that 18 out of the 19 products have become        post updates, make friends and have group chats.
smaller. Manufacturers usually blame this on the        The app, which is available on Android and iOS, was
rising cost of ingredients or efforts to reduce the     built by Disciple Media, a London start-up which
number of calories involved but insist that they are    helps influencers to create apps for their followers.
still providing value for money. The BBC found that     The Guardian, 2 February 2018, p21
most had raised their prices but that, rather
surprisingly, the price of four products had actually   “Firefighter” suggestion leads to hate mail
gone down: Yorkie, Snickers, Toblerone and Jaffa        Dany Cotton, the first female commissioner of the
Cakes.                                                  London Fire Brigade said she had received hate mail, 1 February 2018                         after she had launched a campaign suggesting that
                                                        the term “firemen” should be replaced by
Cold water poured on Birds Eye ad                       “firefighter”. She had also received abuse after
Birds Eye has withdrawn a TV ad which shows             suggesting that Fireman Sam should be renamed
Captain Birds Eye and his grandson jumping off a        “Firefighter Sam” as part of a campaign to attract
boat into cold water because it might encourage         women into the fire brigade.
people to do the same thing. This was after it was      The Guardian, 2 February 2018, p7
pointed out that a 14 year-old boy had suffered
cold-water shock and drowned after jumping into         Health and pharmaceuticals
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Getting the best out of data                              Microsoft head in clouds with hybrid offering
John Racine, director of marketing at Geriatric           Microsoft has reported a 55% gross margin for its
Medical, a B2B medical supply distribution company,       commercial cloud computing business, up from 48%
explains how the company has embraced advances            in the previous year. Microsoft was a latecomer to
in analytics and data. It uses customers’ interests       cloud computing – its rival, Amazon, took an early
and hobbies, such as travelling and shopping, to          lead – but sales of its Azure cloud package rose by
generate content that meets the needs of both the         98% last year. Satya Nadella, chief executive,
customer and the company. This has allowed                attributes this success to Microsoft’s “architectural
Geriatric Medical to generate higher levels of trust,     advantage”. It benefits companies that are mixing
to reduce barriers to entry and create a brand that       on-site and off-site operations in what he calls a
appeals to both existing and new customers.               “hybrid cloud”. Either way this leaves the pair way
Journal of Brand Strategy, Vol 6(3|) 2017-18, pp210-220   out ahead of rivals, IBM and Google.
                                                          Financial Times, 2 February 2018, p12

Tech companies to transform health care
On 24 January Apple announced the next big update         Leisure and tourism
for its iPhone, which will include something called       CMA takes action on free online bets
“Health Records”. This will allow users to view,          The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) says
manage and share their medical records, using data        that gambling companies must end their misleading
from hospitals and clinics in the US. Other big tech      “free bet” offers which lure gamblers to gaming
companies, such as Amazon and Alphabet, are also          websites with the promise of bonus funds and
progressing with medical services. So far the tech        require players to put in their own money. The CMA
companies have not gone beyond wearable devices           has ordered the changes to be implemented across
but in the future they want to provide real medical       the sector or face regulatory action from the
services for individuals. To this end they are busy       Gambling Commission. According to the CMA three
hiring medical expertise and buying up health-care        operators have committed to updating their terms
start-ups. This article looks at how big tech is likely   and conditions relating to bonus funds: Ladbrokes,
to change the face of health care but asks whether        William Hill and PT Entertainment. It says that this
people will trust these companies enough to handle        should set a standard of how terms and conditions
their most sensitive personal data.                       “must be fair to their customers”. The Gambling
The Economist, 3 February 2018, pp59-61                   Commission says that it supports the CMA’s findings
                                                          and expects all gambling businesses to take
Nestlé ‒ misleading baby milk ads                         immediate action to comply or to remove their
According to a report from the Changing Markets           promotions until they can.
Foundation, Nestlé has been using misleading    , 1 February 2018; The Times, 2 February
                                                          2018, p28;, 2 February 2018
marketing for its baby milk by using claims such as
“closest to” and “inspired by” human breast milk in
several countries. This is despite a ban on               Super Bowl – can big ad spend last?
advertising that equates baby milk products with          Despite declining TV audiences, Sunday’s Super
breast milk by the World Health Organisation              Bowl audience was expected to exceed 110m, with
(WHO). The study, ranging across 40 countries,            NBC, the broadcaster, charging more than $5m for a
found that Nestlé often contradicted its own              30-second ad. In fact NBC expects to rake in $1.4
nutritional advice in its advertising.                    billion this month as a result of its coverage of Super
The Guardian, 2 February 2018, p24                        Bowl and the Winter Olympics. Live events are
                                                          attractive to consumer brands and, although
                                                          PepsiCo, AB InBev, P&G and Kraft, are all trying to
IT and telecoms                                           reduce their costs, it has not stopped them paying
Apple – biggest profit despite iPhone fall                out for Super Bowl ads. The question is how long
Apple achieved its biggest ever quarterly profit ($20     can Super Bowl pull in the crowds in the face of
billion) during the last three months of 2017. This       competition from Fifa and the Premier League.
was after the launch of the iPhone X (costing £999)       Financial Times, 31 January 2018, p16
in November and the iPhone 8 in September. Apple
sold 77m iPhones in the quarter, although this
                                                          F1 axes grid girls
represented a 1% fall compared with the same
                                                          Formula One has announced that it is to abandon its
period last year. Sales of the iPad rose slightly but
                                                          so-called “grid girls” ‒ girls dressed in revealing
sales of Mac computers fell.
                                                          outfits ‒ at its events. Sean Bratches, MD of
The Daily Telegraph (Business), 2 February 2018, p1
                                                          commercial operations at F1, said that there were a
                                                          number of areas that needed “updating” and that
                                                          the use of grid girls “does not resonate with our
                                                          brand values”. This comes shortly after the

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Professional Darts Corporation decided to end the            offers some brief advice to brand-owners and
practice of using women to escort male players to            suggests that the UK offers a good, basic level of
the stage following requests by TV companies. The            help for IP infringement.
Women’s Sport Trust has called for all sports to end, 31 January 2018 (Ferguson)
similar practices involving women.
The Times, 1 February 2018, p3; The Daily Telegraph, 1       Social media
February 2018, p9
                                                             Social media – role in brand-building role
                                                             Little research has been undertaken into the effect
Materials and mining                                         of social networking sites on brands. This study
Untapped reserves in Pakistan                                proposes a model to evaluate the impact of users’
Pakistan has huge mineral wealth which remains               participation in social media on brand awareness
largely unexploited. Samar Mubarakmand, who                  and brand attitude. Focusing on “brand like” pages
founded a coal-gasification company in Thar, one of          on Facebook, the study reveals that users’
the largest coal reserves in the world, has just shut        participation has a positive and direct impact on
it down. Environmentalists argue that the coal               brand awareness. Brand attitude also benefits from
should not be mined while others say that Pakistan           user participation but this relationship is affected by
shouldn’t focus on coal at the expense of using solar        brand awareness.
energy, which is becoming cheaper. Engro,                    Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol 24(2) 2018,
                                                             pp146-168 (Langaro et al)
Pakistan’s largest private conglomerate, owns the
rights to one of Thar’s 13 blocks. It founded the
Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company, the country’s               Facebook asked to ditch Messenger Kids app
biggest public-private partnership. Now Engro also           Parents, teachers and other groups are asking
has its eye on Reko Diq, a huge copper mine in               Facebook to withdraw its Messenger Kids app
Balochistan.                                                 because it could harm children’s mental health and
The Economist, 3 February 2018, pp63-64                      development. The app, which was launched in the
                                                             US late last year, is aimed at users as young as six.
                                                             The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood has
Media                                                        written a letter to Mark Zuckerberg in which it
                                                             argues that “raising children in our new digital age is
Books                                                        difficult enough”. Zuckerberg had recently pledged
New book strategy for WH Smith                               to sort out Facebook after last year’s scandals.
WH Smith is launching a new strategy for its books           Financial Times, 31 January 2018, p16
to help tackle falling High Street revenues. This will
start with a trial that is taking place in its Reading       Television
store which will also receive new signage celebrating        Costa and Co-op on Coronation Street
WH Smith’s 225th anniversary. As well as                     ITV has formed a partnership with Costa Coffee and
refurbishing stores, the retailer plans to focus on the      the Co-op allowing them to feature in Coronation
children’s market. It also recognises that most of its       Street. Shopfronts, posters, bags and cups will be
customers are “light readers” and wants to become            integrated into the show in what will be ITV’s
a place of “reassurance and recommendation”. One             biggest ever product placement deal. The first ever
tactic will be to reduce the range and place the             TV product placement in Britain took the form of a
books facing outwards so that people may be                  Nationwide cash machine in Coronation Street.
encouraged to pick them up. It also plans to “hero”          Viewers do not always react favourably to product
big-brand authors, such as Lee Child and James               placement, but Gemma Butler, associate director of
Patterson, by placing their books in protruding              marketing at CIM, said that the new ITV deal could
shelves, an initiative that will be supported by             make other placements more acceptable. She also
publishers.                                                  points out the increasing difficulties for advertisers
The Bookseller, 2 February 2018, pp4-5 (Campbell)            as more people view programmes through catch-up.
                                                             The Guardian, 31 January 2018, p7
Domain removals reach record numbers
The number of internet domain names removed
doubled to 16,632 from November 2016 to October              YouTube takes steps to win back advertisers
2017, according to Nominet, the operator of UK-              Google has been taking steps to clean up YouTube
based domain names. This was largely thanks to the           in the wake of terrorist recruitment videos and
activities of The Police Intellectual Property Crime         unsuitable material appearing on YouTube’s channel
Unit (PIPCU) which investigates the sale of                  for children. Google has promised to hire 10,000
counterfeit websites with the help of brand-owners.          people to remove inappropriate content and improve
There has been a rise in the number of domain                the rating system for advertisers who use its
identity thefts and other illegal activities. This article   Premium Package. A second tier of video creators

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will also be able to run ads but newcomers will have      appeal mostly to an older, more affluent
to prove themselves. The creation of this so-called       demographic who have reached “peak stuff”.
“walled garden” is a huge departure for YouTube           The Times, 1 February 2018, p45
which has hitherto allowed any video creator to
make money on its site. This may threaten its ability
to attract and retain talented creators. However, it
also emphasises YouTube’s need to win back                London’s private clubs expand overseas
advertisers that have boycotted the site.                 Some private London clubs are looking to expand
Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 January 2018, pp21-22
                                                          overseas due to rising demand. Robin Birley,
                                                          founder of a private club in London with a waiting
                                                          list of 3,000 applicants, is hoping to open a venue in
Packaging                                                 Manhattan, while Groucho Club, another London
More recycled plastic to go into bottles                  club, is also looking for a New York location. This
The Government is considering forcing drinks              expansion reflects the continued popularity of
companies to use a minimum level of recycled              private members clubs that combine exclusivity with
plastic in bottles to encourage greater recycling. Its    contemporary lifestyles, but that are somewhat
plans are due to be set out in a strategy paper this      different from the traditional clubs of London’s Pall
year. The initiative follows China’s ban on imports of    Mall. However, these clubs are experiencing
certain types of waste which it receives for recycling.   competition from high-end “hybrid co-working
Evian and Coca-Cola have both made pledges to             spaces” which combine working areas with
increase the amount of recycled material in bottles       relaxation and leisure activities such as a gym.
but other companies use lower percentages of              Bloomberg Businessweek, 29 January 2018, p72
recycled plastic because low oil prices make it more
cost effective to make the bottles.                       McDonald’s up on cheap burgers
The Times, 1 February 2018, p10                           McDonald’s sales rose by 5.5% in the last quarter of
                                                          2017, surpassing forecasts and reversing the decline
Retailing                                                 that the company has been suffering due to falling
Luxury retailing                                          customer numbers. A policy of lower prices and
Hind Abdul Hamied Seddiqi is chief marketing and          redesigned restaurants has resulted in the
comms officer of Seddiqi, which retails luxury brands     company’s first US growth since 2012. Discounting
in the UAE, including Swiss watches, jewellery and        seems to be a trend across consumer industries as
accessories from international brands. In this            big brands struggle with poor sales. Competition is
interview she explains how customer experience has        also pushing down the cost of groceries which
become important for delivering the right products        encourages people to eat at home rather than in
and services to customers.                                restaurants.
                                                          Financial Times, 31 January 2018, p14
Gulf Marketing Review, Issue 275, December 2017-
January 2018, pp40-43 (Seddiqi)
                                                          Transport and travel
Morrisons to cut 1,500 management jobs                    Bill to develop UK space industry
Morrisons, the supermarket, wants to cut costs and        This House of Commons briefing paper gives an
put more staff on the shop floor. As part of this         overview of the Space Industry Bill 2017-2019. It
strategy it will axe 1,500 middle-management jobs         reveals that the Government wants the UK to be a
and create 1,700 in-store posts to improve customer       leading player in the space industry now that the
service. Sainsbury’s and Tesco are taking similar         cost of launching small satellites is coming down,
action as supermarkets respond to aggressive              allowing greater use of satellite data which in turn
competition from discounters Lidl and Aldi, the rise      benefits sectors and industries. This will also present
of online grocery shopping and the use of                 opportunities for commercial space travel and
convenience stores.                                       tourism. The new Bill will create a regulatory
The Guardian, 2 February 2018, p35                        framework for the expansion of commercial space
                                                          activities and the creation of a UK space port.
M&S to close up to 14 stores                    , 2 February 2018
Despite trying to reinvent itself over the last two
decades, M&S has failed to appeal to sufficient           Google app predicts plane delays
numbers among the younger generation. Now it              Google has launched a Flights app which uses
plans to close up to 14 stores including some that        artificial intelligence to inform passengers of possible
have been on UK high streets for over 80 years.           flight delays even before the airlines announce
M&S has suffered from the usual retail trends – too       them. The forecasts, which are intended to “manage
much floor space and competition from online              expectations”, are based on historical data to
shopping – but a major problem is that it tends to        identify patterns based on routes, flight times,

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seasons and weather. Routes such as Keflavik in
Iceland to Glasgow are known to be among the
worst for delays. However, Mark Skilton of Warwick
Business School says that the app is “all part of the
attention economy” and that people are overloaded
with information ‒ they may just decide to turn their     Written by CIM’s Knowledge Services Team
phones off!
The Times, 2 February 2018, p23                           © Copyright 2018 CIM

Harley turns to electric as sales fall                    The views expressed in Cutting Edge are not
Harley Davidson reports that shipments fell by 7.9%       necessarily those of The Chartered Institute of
in 2017 and it is forecasting a further fall this year.   Marketing.
Harley, which is failing to attract enough millennial
consumers, is turning to the electric market to
expand its customer base. It aims to launch its first
electric motorcycle in 18 months’ time. The company
will also close its Kansas plant with the loss of 400
Financial Times, 31 January 2018, p13

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