Cursor on Target Inspiring Innovation to Revolutionize Air Force Command and Control

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Cursor on Target
Inspiring Innovation to Revolutionize Air Force Command
and Control
Dr. Raymond A. Shulstad, Brigadier General, USAF, Retired

      In this article, Ray Shulstad tells a compelling story of the power of technology inspired
      by a concept of operations that puts technology to work directly for commanders—no
      endless list of requirements, no overreach for impossible technology. Using a simple or-
      ganizing principle of “cursor on target” allowed everyone to visualize the same goal and
      focus on a comprehensive solution. There is no better example of engineers, industry,
      operators, and commanders being on the same page and delivering technology that
      has saved many lives on the battlefield. We need more of the same!
                                                                                         —Gen John P. Jumper, USAF, Retired

B      ecause innovation is the key to in-
       creasing organizational effectiveness,
       improving efficiency to reduce cost,
and applying technology that leads to new
                                                                               sionate demands that the organization re-
                                                                               spond by bringing that vision alive.
                                                                                  This responsibility to inspire innovation
                                                                               becomes especially important if the organi-
products, increased revenue, and profit, all
leaders have a responsibility to inspire in-
novation within their organization. Leaders
like Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Apple’s the
late Steve Jobs have spoken extensively
about inspiring innovation as the key to the
success their companies have enjoyed.
Gates clearly recognizes the tremendous
potential of information technology, noting
that “never before in history has innovation
offered the promise of so much to so many
in so short a time.” And Jobs indicated how
strongly he felt about a leader’s responsibil-
ity in this area: “Innovation distinguishes
between a leader and a follower.” Some
leaders, such as these two individuals, can
inspire simply by coupling their vision with
comprehensive knowledge of the technol-
ogy and driving the organization toward
that vision. Others, like General Jumper,
inspire by coupling their vision with pas-

                                                                                                                     Winter 2011 | 19
   The conclusions and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author cultivated in the freedom
   of expression, academic environment of Air University. They do not reflect the official position of the
   U.S. Government, Department of Defense, the United States Air Force or the Air University.
zation’s mission focuses on research and            strategy that would use standards like Inter-
development. I understood that fact first-          net protocol (IP) communications and ex-
hand from my experience in the Air Force,           tensible markup language (XML) to tag and
where I led engineering organizations and           share data. With the support and encourage-
commanded a major research laboratory.              ment of Lt Gen Leslie Kenne, then the com-
From May 2001 to April 2006, I applied that         mander of the Electronic Systems Center
experience numerous times to the benefit            (ESC) and our largest Air Force customer, I
of the service as the senior vice president         drove the Air Force Center to bring the
and general manager of the MITRE Corpo-             strategy to maturity and begin implement-
ration’s Air Force Command and Control              ing it across ESC’s C3I programs. Although
Center.1 At that time, my center was one of         we made progress, the initial pace was slow
three in MITRE’s Department of Defense              and evolutionary.
(DOD) Command, Control, Communica-
tions, and Intelligence (C3I) Federally
Funded Research and Development Center,                             Inspiration
charged with providing systems engineer-
ing to the government’s programs to mod-                That situation changed, and the evolu-
ernize its C3I capabilities.                        tion became a revolution when General
   This article offers one specific example of      Jumper became chief of staff of the Air
how inspiring innovation revolutionized the         Force in September 2001. He was already
Air Force’s command and control (C2) capa-          well known for inspiring innovation in the
bilities. It reveals how General Jumper, as         service. As commander of Air Combat Com-
chief of staff of the Air Force, inspired a revo-   mand in 2000, he had challenged Air Force
lution with his vision of an automated and          acquisition “to demonstrate a weaponized
integrated C2 system capable of significantly       [remotely piloted vehicle (RPV)] with the
reducing targeting-cycle timelines and              ability to find a target [and] then eliminate
friendly-fire casualties. Furthermore, the ar-      it,” which led to the fielding of a Predator
ticle shows how I responded to General              RPV armed with two air-to-ground Hellfire
Jumper’s challenge by driving MITRE’s Air           missiles in less than a year.2 In a well-
Force Center, in collaboration with the ser-        publicized story, the acquisition commu-
vice’s acquisition and operational communi-         nity responded to General Jumper’s chal-
ties, to bring such a system alive by using         lenge with a “business as usual” approach
rapid prototyping and information technology        requiring five years and $15 million. He
to deliver machine-to-machine targeting.            gave them $3 million and three months.
                                                    Sixty-one days and $2.9 million later, a
                                                    Predator fired Hellfire missiles in a flight
                                                    test on 21 February 2001, and in September
                Background                          of that year, the Predator/Hellfire weapon
   When I took over the Air Force Center in         system deployed to support Operation En-
May 2001, I found that I had about 1,000            during Freedom in Afghanistan.
engineers deployed across hundreds of pro-              General Jumper understood the force-
grams. My predecessor, Dr. Hal Sorenson, a          multiplying advantages of information su-
former chief scientist of the Air Force, rec-       periority and the fact that integrating and
ognized that the legacy C3I systems had             automating the C2 system to take advantage
major interoperability problems and that            of that superiority was the key to shrinking
the information technology revolution of-           the timeline for attacking time-critical tar-
fered the promise of automating and inte-           gets. Therefore, he spoke widely and pas-
grating the DOD’s C3I systems in ways that          sionately of that vision, demanding that in-
could solve these problems. To do so, Hal had       dustry as well as government acquisition
launched an architecture-based technical            organizations like ESC and MITRE change

20 | Air & Space Power Journal
Senior Leader Perspective

the paradigm and start applying informa-           from the ESC program offices to fully deploy
tion technologies to attain the necessary          it across all new C2ISR programs as well as
automation and integration.                        to upgrades of legacy systems. A second
    At the Command, Control, Intelligence,         team would define a system-of-systems or
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C2ISR)           enterprise engineering process. A third
Summit hosted by General Kenne and ESC             team would reinvigorate MITRE’s rapid-
in April 2002, General Jumper and his 12           prototyping capabilities and define specific
four-star commanders made an impas-                opportunities to use that capability and in-
sioned plea to horizontally integrate C2ISR        formation technology to demonstrate and
machines (i.e., sensors, air and space opera-      quickly transition automated, integrated C2
tions center [AOC] targeting systems, and          capabilities to war fighters.
shooters) to allow them to talk to each other          Moreover in May 2002, shortly after the
and thus eliminate the time-consuming, er-         summit, Lt Gen Bill Looney assumed com-
ror-prone manual translations by humans.           mand of ESC, and Lieutenant General
To make sure everyone understood the de-           Kenne went to the Pentagon to stand up
gree of integration he sought, the general         the Deputy Chief of Staff for Warfighter In-
gave a specific example based on his experi-       tegration, a new staff organization charged
ence as an F-15 fighter pilot. He told the au-     with attaining the integrated C2 system.
dience of using his combat flying skills to        After my off-site, I briefed both General
position his aircraft behind the enemy             Kenne and General Looney on MITRE’s
fighter and then put his targeting cursor on       strategy for realizing General Jumper’s vi-
it. That done, the machines took over. The         sion via an architecture-based technical
aircraft avionics locked on the target, shared     strategy, enterprise engineering, and rapid
target information with the air-to-air missile’s   prototyping. Both gave me their enthusias-
avionics, and readied the missile for launch       tic pledges of support.
automatically. When ready, the system gave             I put Jason Providakes and Rich Byrne,
him visual and audio commands to fire, af-         two of my brightest and most creative ex-
ter which he was completely certain the            ecutive directors, in charge of the rapid-­
missile would fly to and destroy the target        prototyping team.4 Though small, Rich’s
without any further help from him. He              team included several of the best engi-
closed that presentation and many others           neers in the center, including Mike Butler
with a reminder that for warriors, “the sum        and Doug Robbins. After two days of brain-
of all wisdom is a cursor over the target.”3       storming, they told me at the off-site out-
                                                   brief that they would initially concentrate
                                                   on automating the targeting cycle via
           Listen and Respond                      machine-to-machine interaction, an effort
                                                   that Mike would lead. Since that proposal
   Shortly after the summit, I held a man-         clearly addressed one of General Jumper’s
agement off-site with the leadership of the        top priorities, I gave Mike a budget (less
Air Force Center. I told my executive direc-       than $100,000) to get started. The team
tors that after listening to General Jumper        gave me a progress report about every two
and the other Air Force four-stars, we had an      weeks and briefed me in early June on a
important responsibility to respond to their       specific concept and the prototype demon-
challenges and demands. I made sure they           stration plan.
understood that business as usual was not a
sufficient response. Over a two-day period,
we embraced the integrated C2 system as
our vision and put several teams together to
spearhead progress. One team would finalize           Their idea involved automating a very
the technical strategy and obtain support          real-world-like concept of operations for en-

                                                                              Winter 2011 | 21
gaging time-critical targets. As depicted in             manually send the target and its coordi-
figure 1, a Battlefield Airman would use a               nates over the Secret Internet Protocol
laser range finder, the Global Positioning               Router Network (SIPRNET) into the AOC.
System (GPS), and a compass to obtain the                There, the intel cell would prosecute it, us-
target coordinates and send them over the                ing tools such as Raindrop, as would the
PRC-117 radio to the Joint Special Opera-                planning cells, using tools like the Auto-
tions Task Force (JSOTF), which would                    mated Deep Operations Coordination Sys-



                                                          LINK 16

           Ops)      PRC-117

                     (Special                          ADSI                           TCTF
                       Ops)                         (Air Force)                    (Air Force)

                       CoT                              CoT                           CoT
                                       CoT                            CoT           CoT

                                     ADOCS                         Raindrop         SOLE
                                     (Joint)                                      (Special

ADOCS = Automated Deep Operations Coordination System         JSOTF = Joint Special Operations Task Force
ADSI = Air Defense Systems Integrator                         JTIDS = Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
AOC = Air and Space Operations Center                         SIPRNET = Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
AWACS = Airborne Warning and Control System                   SOLE = Special Operations Liaison Element
BAO = Battlefield Air Operations                              TCTF = Time-Critical Targeting Functionality

Figure 1. Machine-to-machine targeting using the cursor-on-target XML schema (special tactics to
F-15E). (From Rich Byrne, briefing to the MITRE Board of Trustees, subject: Making a Difference to the War
Fighters, 1 October 2003, chart no. 20.)

22 | Air & Space Power Journal
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tem (ADOCS) and the Special Operations              Operationalizing and Deploying
Liaison Element (SOLE). After approval,
the AOC would manually transmit the tar-              Innovation by definition will not be
get coordinates using Link 16 to the Air-
                                                      accepted at first. It takes repeated
borne Warning and Control System (AWACS)
                                                      attempts, endless demonstrations, and
and F-15, which would then attack the tar-
                                                      monotonous rehearsals before innova-
get. The process at that time involved many
                                                      tion can be accepted and internalized
lengthy voice or typing transactions that,
                                                      by an organization. This requires
despite verification and reverification, still
                                                      “courageous patience.”
remained prone to errors. For example, in
one tragic friendly-fire accident, the coordi-                             —Warren Bennis
nates of the Battlefield Airman rather than         During July 2002, we showed the labora-
those of the target were sent to the F-15.
                                                 tory demonstration to most of the senior
   Mike’s team proposed automating this
                                                 leadership at ESC, including its new com-
entire process by putting the target’s “what
                                                 mander—General Looney—and John Gilligan,
(type), where (coordinates), and when
                                                 the Air Force’s chief information officer,
(time)” into an XML data schema and trans-
                                                 both of whom were very impressed and ex-
mitting the data directly, machine to ma-
                                                 cited about what the capability could do to
chine, without human involvement other
than decision making. This concept offers a      automate and integrate Air Force C2. Gen-
good example of an enterprise data strategy      eral Looney again pledged his enthusiastic
whereby various users (e.g., the intelligence    support for rapid prototyping in general and
cell, planning cell, and attack fighter) sub-    to CoT specifically. When he returned to
scribe to data published in XML. Each small      the Pentagon, John sent a note about the
diamond in figure 1 labeled CoT (cursor on       accomplishment and its potential to Gen-
target) represents a few hundred lines of        eral Jumper. In late August, we performed
software at machine input and output ports       the laboratory demonstration for Secretary
that can publish or subscribe to the target-     of the Air Force James Roche, who urged
ing data. The final step called for automat-     quick fielding of the capability.
ing transmission of the target data with a          In November 1982, a variant of the proto-
CoT publisher over the air defense system        type underwent testing with F-15Es at Nellis
integrator (ADSI)—the AOC’s interface with       AFB, Nevada, in a live-fly exercise. In
Link 16 to the F-15.                             March 2003, with strong support from the
   After hearing the concept and plan, I         secretary and Air Force Special Operations
gave the team members approval to pro-           Command, ESC stood up a program office
ceed. In early July, they asked me to come       and formalized a machine-to-machine tar-
to a MITRE laboratory for a prototype dem-       geting program. During that same month,
onstration that included using a laser range     an enhanced variant of the prototype went
finder, the GPS, a compass, and a laptop         through accelerated operational test and
computer to obtain the target coordinates.       evaluation at Hurlburt Field, Florida. The
Using CoT, the laptop published the coordi-      results were spectacular—a threefold reduc-
nates directly onto a Raindrop display map       tion in targeting timelines with a significant
where, after the Raindrop operator clicked       increase in accuracy! In July 2003, ESC and
on the target on the map, the coordinates        MITRE mobilized the prototype and, with
were sent directly over a laboratory Link        General Kenne’s sponsorship, took it to the
16, showing up automatically on an F-15’s        Pentagon to present to General Jumper.
head-up display in the laboratory. It truly      Needless to say, he was impressed and ec-
was one of the most amazing things I had         static. A freeze on AOC software at the be-
ever seen in the more than 35 years of my        ginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom delayed
professional career.                             deployment until September 2003. Never-

                                                                              Winter 2011 | 23
theless, moving from a laboratory prototype      worked collaboratively as a team with per-
to fielding an operational capability in only    sonnel from the ESC acquisition office, Air
14 months equates to speed of light for the      Force Special Operations Command, the
acquisition process!                             operational test and evaluation agency, and
   This accomplishment involved overcom-         industry. That teamwork was also a critical
ing a number of barriers, none of them           factor in keeping the initiative on track in
technical in nature. Organizations that had      spite of the barriers.
not responded aggressively to General
Jumper’s challenge were somewhat embar-
rassed and exhibited the “not invented             Expansion to the C2ISR Enterprise
here” syndrome by trying to slow down the
initiative with “better” ideas of their own,        Word quickly spread around the Air
including some that were proprietary and         Force and DOD about the powerful CoT
not net-centric. Others expressed concern        data exchanges of “what, when, and where”
over their false perception that machine-to-     information. The DOD adopted the CoT
machine targeting would eliminate humans         XML schema as a data standard for sharing
from the targeting cycle. As mentioned ear-      militarily significant “what, when, and
lier, although CoT eliminated manual trans-      where” information.5 Additionally, Mike’s
actions, humans remained involved in each        team continued to expand and help others
step of the decision process to attack the       extend the applications to such capabilities
target. Others cited the lack of a validated     as conducting blue force tracking; overlay-
requirement and the fact that the Air Force      ing blue force, RPVs, and enemy positions
program objective memorandum had no              on common operational picture displays
budget for CoT. In fact, formally documented     such as FalconView; synchronizing global
requirements to automate the AOC target-         combat and refueling missions; and bring-
ing cycle did exist, and CoT simply repre-       ing Link 16 displays on board C-130 gun-
sented a solution to those requirements.         ships that lacked Link 16 capability. Today,
Moreover, war fighters were more than will-      over 100 C2ISR systems (i.e., sensors, AOC
ing to pay for the extremely small funding       targeting system tools, and shooters) have
associated with the capability. Others ob-       incorporated CoT at an average cost of
jected to fielding prototypes directly instead   about $100,000 per system. Figure 2 shows
of following the formal acquisition process,     a small subset of these systems that, by
which would have taken years. Still others       means of CoT, are providing revolutionary,
wanted the XML schema to cover all mili-         net-centric capabilities to our war fighters.
tarily useful information rather than just       The fielding of CoT dramatically illustrates
“what, when, and where,” which would have        the power of a common, net-centric, infor-
added significant complexity and demanded        mation-sharing strategy.
prohibitive bandwidth. Finally, some ob-
jected to combining developmental test and
evaluation and operational test and evalua-                        Benefits
tion, which also became a nonissue because
of the simplicity and low risk of the concept       Unlike Microsoft and Apple, MITRE
and because war fighters supported this ap-      and our government sponsor—ESC—were
proach to accelerate fielding of the concept.    not driven by the promise of increased
   We overcame all of these obstacles due to     revenue and profit. Nevertheless, we
the support we had from the top leadership       reaped many benefits from the CoT rapid-
of the Air Force, including not only General     prototyping effort. The MITRE team and
Jumper, our champion, but also the senior        its ESC partners have won numerous
leadership of the acquisition and opera-         awards, including a highly coveted Armed
tional commands. At the working level, we        Forces Communications and Electronics

24 | Air & Space Power Journal
Senior Leader Perspective

     Net-Centric Approach Dramatically Expands Possible Concept of Operations

                                  AC-130                 F-15E                  JSTARS                B-52
    RPVs                         FalconView                                                         FalconView
  Scan Eagle                                     AWACS                                     F/A-18                 KC-135

                                                                      LINK 16

  Ground-          BAO
  Control       (Special                                                                                                             ACARS
  Stations        Ops)      PRC-117                                                                               PRC-117
                                              ARC-231            JTIDS              DCS
 PRC-117                                                                                                                                     TACC

                                                                                                                                            (Air Force/

                            (Special                             ADSI             RAIDER              TCTF                                 Air Mobility
 ARC-210                      Ops)                            (Air Force)           (Navy)          (Air Force)
                                               CoT               CoT                CoT               CoT

                             CoT                                                                                  WOC
     CoT           CoT                         CoT          CoT                   CoT               CoT

   JMSM            FBCB2                      ADOCS        GCCS-J               Raindrop            SOLE
   (RPV Cell)      (Army)                      (Joint)      (Joint)              (Intel)        (Special Ops)

ACARS = Aircraft Communications Addressing                                  JSOTF = Joint Special Operations Task Force
         and Reporting System                                               JSTARS = Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
ADOCS = Automated Deep Operations Coordination System                       JTIDS = Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
ADSI = Air Defense Systems Integrator                                       NIPRNET = Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network
AWACS = Airborne Warning and Control System                                 RAIDER = Rapid Attack Information Dissemination
BAO = Battlefield Air Operations                                                      Execution Relay
CTII = Combat Track II                                                      RPV = Remotely Piloted Vehicle
DCS = Defense Communications System                                         SIPRNET = Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration                                       SOLE = Special Operations Liaison Element
FBCB2 = Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below                          TACC = Tactical Air Control Center
GCCS-J = Global Command and Control System-Joint                            TCTF = Time-Critical Targeting Functionality
JMSM = Joint Mission Support Module                                         WOC = Wing Operations Center

Figure 2. Expansion of the CoT application. (From Rich Byrne, briefing to the MITRE Board of Trustees,
subject: Making a Difference to the War Fighters, 1 October 2003, chart no. 22.)

Association Golden Link Award in 2004 rec-                                  ings soared to new heights. Furthermore,
ognizing innovative applications of tech-                                   MITRE’s stature within the technical com-
nology in government operations. Many                                       munity grew significantly. Finally and
articles on the achievement have appeared                                   most importantly, our initiative gave our
in tech­nical journals.6 From a business                                    war fighters improved operational capa-
standpoint, MITRE and ESC’s image with                                      bilities that reduced the targeting-cycle
war fighters and customer-satisfaction rat-                                 timeline enabling attacks on time-critical

                                                                                                                            Winter 2011 | 25
targets and diminished the potential of            at relatively little cost. Having a champion
casualties from friendly fire.                     like General Jumper who has an important,
                                                   urgent need and who demands innovation
                                                   probably represents the most critical ele-
      Additional Spin-Off Benefits                 ment for this inspiration. My role as leader
                                                   of an engineering organization was also sig-
   At least as significant as these direct         nificant, starting with my insistence that
benefits is the fact that the CoT initiative led   the organization not simply listen to the
to reinvigorating MITRE’s rapid-prototyping        passionate demands of champions like the
capability and to ESC’s embracing rapid            general but respond to those demands with
proto­typing as a key part of its acquisition      innovative solutions.
strategies.7 With Rich’s leadership and sup-          I also take credit for putting a small but
port, more than 50 other rapid prototypes          world-class team on the project and giving
were developed and demonstrated in ESC             it very talented and creative leaders like
programs. For example, we showed how               Jason Providakes, Rich Byrne, and Mike
easily we could use legacy radios to bring         Butler. Additionally, empowering the team
IP communications and the Internet onto            and providing it with resources to be suc-
platforms like the Joint Surveillance Target       cessful proved important. Initial laboratory
Attack Radar System (Joint STARS). In an-          demonstrations of the prototype, from
other case, we automated production of             working levels to senior levels of the gov-
the air tasking order briefing and reduced         ernment acquisition and operational user
the time required from more than 12 hours          communities, played an essential role in
to just a few hours. An additional rapid-­         obtaining their support and shaping the
prototyping effort with industry demon-            proto­type prior to operational testing. Be-
strated a way of synchronizing force-level         cause engineers tend to want to tinker with
and unit-level planning.                           prototypes in the laboratory and not show
   By means of rapid prototyping, we               them to anyone until they are perfect, such
showed the possibilities to war fighters and       early demonstrations are something of an
a means of lessening the fielding risk. The        unnatural act for them; however, user expo-
urgent needs of war fighters directly drove        sure and feedback at the beginning is in-
the swift fielding of prototypes like CoT;         valuable to prototyping initiatives. As I
others transitioned into upgrade plans for         mentioned earlier, collaborative teamwork
the systems of record and were fielded as          with the acquisition, operational and test
part of the upgrades. Some did not receive         communities, and industry proved instru-
war-fighter support and were not fielded,          mental in overcoming a number of barriers.
but in these cases, we refocused our efforts
after a few months without expending
much money or time—something quite dif-                        Golden Nuggets
ferent on both accounts from the normal
acquisition process.                                  The keys to the success of the CoT initia-
                                                   tive in generic form have broad applicability
                                                   to inspiring innovation in general. Other
                                                   leaders can use the following “golden nug-
              Keys to Success                      gets” or takeaways to inspire innovation in
   As I look back on the CoT rapid-prototyping     their organizations:
initiative, I see that a number of keys
                                                     1. Find a champion with a pressing, im-
proved important to its success—keys that
                                                         portant need.
have wide-ranging applicability to other in-
novation initiatives. First, inspiring innova-       2. Demand that the organization respond
tion allows us to derive tremendous benefits             to the champion with innovation.

26 | Air & Space Power Journal
Senior Leader Perspective

   3. Establish, empower, and support a tal-                               Summary
       ented, creative team to develop the
       innovation.                                         This article has examined how a senior
                                                        leader’s vision and demand for innovation
   4. Demonstrate the innovation to cap-               can inspire his organization and others to
       ture advocacy.                                   respond to that vision with innovative solu-
                                                        tions. It used a specific example involving
   5. Anticipate and eliminate obstacles.              the use of rapid prototyping and informa-
   6. Operationalize the innovation in a col-          tion technology to automate and integrate
       laborative team effort with acquirers,           the Air Force’s C2 system. However, the ap-
                                                        proach and strategy as embodied in the
       users, testers, and industry.
                                                        “golden nugget” takeaways have broad ap-
   7. Transition the innovation into prod-             plicability to inspire innovation of other
       ucts, services, or capabilities                  types and in other organizations. Therefore,
                                                        I hope that future leaders will find this ar-
   8. Seek opportunities to expand and ap-             ticle useful in meeting one of their basic
       ply the innovation to other needs.               responsibilities—inspiring innovation! 

    1. MITRE is a nonprofit company that manages        Signal Connections: AFCEA’s Official E-Newsletter 1,
federally funded research and development centers       no. 4 (15 January 2004), http://www.imakenews
for the government.                                     .com/signal/e_article000214973.cfm; Byrne, “‘Cursor
    2. “Predator Hellfire Missile Tests ‘Totally Suc-   on Target’ Improves Efficiency,” Edge: MITRE’s Ad-
cessful,’ ” CheckPoint, 12 May 2001, http://www         vanced Technology Newsletter 8, no. 2 (Fall 2004),   
-PredatorHellfireMissileTests.html.                     .html; Byrne, “Managing Complexity: An Approach
    3. “Cursor on Target: The ‘Sum of All Wisdom’       to Net-Centric Ops,” Association of Old Crows Sym-
Comes of Age,” MITRE Digest, December 2010, [1],        posium, Burlington, MA, 26 September 2005,    
_Digest_10_4266.pdf.                                    /patriotsroost/AOC_Briefs/Managing_Complexity
    4. At that time, Jason was my executive director    _An_Approach_to_Netcentric_Ops_Rich_Byrne.pdf;
for Air Force communication programs, and Rich          Elizabeth Harding, Leo Obrst, and Arnon Rosenthal,
was my executive director for human resources and
                                                        “Creating Standards for Multiway Data Sharing,”
for our research program. Today Jason is the senior
                                                        Edge: MITRE’s Advanced Technology Newsletter 8, no. 1
vice president and general manager of MITRE’s Cen-
                                                        (Summer 2004): 16–17, 20,
ter for Connected Government, and Rich is the senior
vice president and general manager for MITRE’s
                                                        and Dino Konstantopoulos and Jeffery Johnston,
Command and Control Center.
                                                        “Data Schemas for Net-Centric Situational Aware-
    5. For the DOD CoT data standard reference, see
the Defense Information Technology Standards            ness” (presentation at the 2006 Command and Con-
Registry at (Ac-       trol Research and Technology Symposium, San Di-
cess to this site requires a government common          ego, CA, June 2006),
access card [CAC].)                                     /2006_CCRTS/html/papers/073.pdf?q=cot.
    6. See Rich Byrne, “The What Where and When             7. Although this point is not related to our rapid-
of Making Net-Centric Warfare Real Today,” MITRE        prototyping initiative, it is interesting to note that
Corporation, n.d.,       DOD Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense
_papers/tech_papers_05/03_0948/03_0948.pdf; Byrne,      Acquisition System, 8 December 2008, http://www
“Cursor on Target: A Case Study on Deploying What,,
When and Where in the Battlefield,” MITRE Corpora-      now mandates competitive prototyping to demon-
tion, December 2004; Byrne, “A Few Choice Words         strate technology readiness before entering engi-
Can Make Network Centric Warfare a Reality Today,”      neering development.

                                                                                         Winter 2011 | 27
Dr. Raymond A. Shulstad, Brigadier General, USAF, Retired
                                 Dr. Shulstad (BS, University of Alabama; MS, PhD, Air Force Institute of Technology)
                                 is an independent consultant to industry and government for a broad range of
                                 topics, including organizational management and leadership, research and devel-
                                 opment, and systems engineering and acquisition. In 2006 he retired as the senior
                                 vice president and general manager of MITRE’s Center for Air Force Command and
                                 Control Systems. Prior to joining MITRE in 1999, he was the director of Strategic
                                 Planning for Surveillance and Battle Management Systems for Northrop Grumman
                                 Corporation. General Shulstad retired from the Air Force in 1994 after a distin-
                                 guished 28-year career. His final assignments included vice-commander of the
                                 Aeronautical Systems Center at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (1993–94), and vice-
                                 commander of the Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts
                                 (1991–93). His publications include Peace Is My Profession (National Defense Uni-
                                 versity Press, 1986), a book that deals with the moral dimensions of US nuclear
                                 policy. More recently, he has published several landmark articles on leadership and
                                 management in Air and Space Power Journal.

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