Crypto market update From "Flight-to-quality" to "Flight-to-growth" - SYGNUM.COM

Crypto market update From "Flight-to-quality" to "Flight-to-growth" - SYGNUM.COM
Crypto market
    From “Flight-to-quality” to “Flight-to-growth”

1                                               Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Crypto market update From "Flight-to-quality" to "Flight-to-growth" - SYGNUM.COM
Table of contents

Overview                                             3
Crypto business models will evolve                   3

Market drivers                                       4
User adoption                                        4
Investor fund flows                                  4
Macro factors                                        4
Technology trends                                    5
Regulation                                           5

Market segments                                      6
Protocol layer                                       6
Applications                                         6
  Decentralised Finance (DeFi)                       7
  Web 3.0                                            7
  Gaming                                             7
  Metaverse                                          7
Other market segments                                8

Venture capital                                      9
In the “prime zone” for building the next unicorns   9

2                                                    Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Crypto business models will evolve
The prevailing bear market has highlighted that                                                      Decentralised lending platforms, on the other hand, continued
some sectors of the crypto market need to adapt                                                      operating as normal, demonstrating the power of transparency
                                                                                                     and of decentralised governance.
their business models. Fundamentals overall,
however, are supportive for strong medium-term                                                       The vulnerabilities of certain experimental business models such as
performance.                                                                                         play-to-earn, early adopter incentives and algorithmic stablecoins
                                                                                                     were another contributing factor to the recent price drops this year.
                                                                                                     Experimentation with these models is both legitimate and useful,
Since the second half of 2011 – when the total crypto market
                                                                                                     and we believe that criticising them for not getting it 100-percent
capitalisation was below USD 100 million – the first half of this year has
                                                                                                     right from the outset is unreasonable.
been the worst semi-annual period in the history of the crypto market,
down 66.7 percent for the period and 75.4 percent from its all-time                                  Business practices that reward early adopters to get to critical mass
high. Since then the market has been moving sideways, held back by                                   quickly are legitimate and often necessary in an industry such as
pervasive negative sentiment.                                                                        crypto where network effects are critical to success. It is important,
                                                                                                     however, that projects deliver and demonstrate genuine value to users
It is interesting to note that the vast majority of the negative
                                                                                                     beyond the incentives, and have a reasonable plan for phasing them
performance occurred in the second quarter and largely for crypto-
                                                                                                     out. Without this, greed can turn legitimate projects into de facto Ponzi
market specific reasons. Despite the narrative that the global macro
                                                                                                     schemes, even if they were not intended as such.
environment necessitates the selling of crypto assets, the market only
fell 7.8 percent in the first quarter. However, after the collapse of Terra                          Another interesting feature of the financial markets year-to-date has
and the daisy-chain failures of centralised crypto lenders, crypto asset                             been the weakness of “flight to quality” flows that normally occur in
prices dropped significantly.                                                                        unstable macro environments. Not only did bonds fail to protect the
                                                                                                     40/60 portfolios, but gold is down almost -20% from the high after the
Despite short-term knee-jerk correlation with major asset classes, the
                                                                                                     start of the Ukraine war, and silver down more than -25%. The Swiss
big moves in crypto are still primarily driven by idiosyncratic, crypto-
                                                                                                     franc has weakened 5-10% vs the dollar year-to-date (although it is
market-specific developments, both on the downside and the upside.
                                                                                                     outperforming the other major Western currencies such as the Pound,
                                                                                                     Euro or Yen).
                                                                                                     Within the crypto market, the relative longevity and demonstrated
(USD trillion)
                                                                                                     security of the Bitcoin network means that many regard it as a relative
                                                                                                     safe haven when the business models of other platforms are being
                                                                                                     challenged. However, this time the usual “flight to quality” effect of

                                                                                                     Bitcoin outperforming has been weak. Bitcoin only outperformed by
                                                                                                     a few percent, and its dominance has not risen – indeed it is slightly
2,500                                                                                                below the level at the start of the year.
                                                                                                     In an environment of recession coupled with inflation, investing in

                                                                                                     organic growth trends offers the best opportunities. The Fed may lurch
 500                                                                                                 back and forth between fighting inflation and fighting the recession,
    0                                                                                                creating a pump and dump effect on the financial markets but this will
                                                                                                     not do much to solve the underlying structural problems of food and
         January   February    March       April      May        June    July    August September
          2022      2022       2022        2022       2022       2022   2022      2022    2022       energy shortages (with the latter likely to translate into shortages of
                                                                                                     other products), wasteful fiscal spending and over-indebtedness of
          S&P Broad Crypto Market Index                                     Source:
                                                                            S&P Dow Jones Indices,   both the private and public sectors.
          Macro events (Ukraine war, Fed rate hikes, Jackson Hole)          Sygnum Bank

          Crypto market events (Terra collapse, CeFi lending crisis,                                 While it is a safe bet that on a Fed pump, crypto will be a strong
          Ethereum Merge date annouced)
                                                                                                     outperformer, for a sustainable rally we would need to see a “flight to
                                                                                                     growth” narrative emerging on the macro level, and/or the narratives
The crypto market failures over the last few months were mainly                                      in the crypto market refocusing on crypto specific developments.
caused by centralised entities (private companies) active in the
                                                                                                     Certain sectors of the crypto market need to regain trust or adapt
crypto market that were either unregulated or loosely regulated, or in
                                                                                                     their business models, however, we see a number of supporting
some cases, that misled their regulator. Surprises were sprung in the
                                                                                                     fundamentals for the overall market. These include continued and
centralised finance (CeFi) sector when it became apparent that several
                                                                                                     largely recession-proof growth trends within crypto, very cheap
CeFi entities had very poor risk management and, in some cases,
                                                                                                     valuations, the undiminished build-up of large institutions’ crypto
questionable business practices.
                                                                                                     operations, a broadly supportive approach by regulators, and further
                                                                                                     innovation driven both by plentiful venture capital and the pressures
                                                                                                     and challenges of the recent months.

3                                                                                                                                       Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Market drivers
User adoption                                                                       Investor fund flows
Although declining prices and market stressors have                                 The bearish trend in crypto has not slowed the
negatively impacted user growth in some sectors                                     interest from major financial institutions to enter
such as DeFi (Decentralised finance) and blockchain                                 the crypto market and/or grow their presence.
based gaming, user growth continued in other areas
of the crypto ecosystem, even in the face of the bear                               Many major banks and asset managers such as Goldman Sachs,
market. Meanwhile, the consensus – which we share                                   JPMorgan, Fidelity, BlackRock continue making positive statements
about the medium-to-long-term growth outlook for                                    about the medium to long-term outlook for the crypto market,
the technology – remains intact.                                                    and continue to invest, hire and build. As with payment providers,
                                                                                    they reference strong customer demand as the driver.

The build-out for using cryptocurrencies in payments has continued
throughout the bear market. Major payment service providers such                    GOLDMAN SACHS CLIENT CRYPTO EXPOSURE SURVEY
as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal and Stripe are all                    70%
continuing to build their cryptocurrency payment services offering.
Several studies of merchants and retailers found that many of them
intend to accept crypto payments (a recent US study from Deloitte                   50%
found this to be 75 percent), citing customer demand.
Despite the bear-market-related lower transaction volumes, the net
number of entities using Bitcoin has continued to grow.

SHARE OF GLOBAL POPULATION USING BITCOIN                                            10%

                                                                                              2021                       2022              Expected to
0.30%                                                                                                                                   increase exposure

0.25%                                                                                     Source:
                                                                                          Goldman Sachs Digital Assets Survey


0.10%                                                                               Macro factors
                                                                                    In an environment of inflation, rising rates and
                                                                                    recessionary trends, investments in durable physical
    2009 2010   2011   2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022       assets and companies or projects with real growth
                                                                                    are the only way to preserve value.
        Share of global population using Bitcoin              Source:
                                                              Blockware Solutions

                                                                                    The current macro environment is fundamentally negative for most
Central banks’ actions over the last two years, printing trillions to avoid         assets. Negative real rates mean that cash only provides the illusion
a recession and then likely causing a recession to fight the inflation              of value preservation. Meanwhile rising rates hurt leveraged
this caused, have strengthened the narratives of decentralised money                companies, real estate and bonds. Indeed, government bond
despite the steep price falls. Unlike during the 2018-2019 crypto                   portfolios have seen a drawdown of “black swan” magnitudes recently,
winter, the share of long-term Bitcoin holders reached an all-time high,            shocking 60/40 balanced portfolios. When it comes to productive
signalling continued confidence in Bitcoin as a long-term store of value.           assets, a recession hurts earnings and increases defaults except for
                                                                                    recession-proof sectors and companies – which are the relative safe
Although sectors where business models have been challenged have,
                                                                                    havens preserving value.
for now, seen a reversal in user growth, other application sectors such
as Web3 continued to grow their user bases even during the difficult                Real rates are currently in strongly negative territory, even when using
second quarter.                                                                     the official CPI figures which understate the true extent of price rises.

4                                                                                                                               Crypto market update | Q4 2022
ONE YEAR TREASURY YIELDS MINUS CPI                                                                    Regulation
4.0%                                                                                                  Possibly the most supportive short-term
                                                                                                      development coming out of the recent crypto
1.0%                                                                                                  market crisis is the regulators’ increased focus
                                                                                                      on providing clarity.
                                                                                                      Most Western regulators have expressed a greater sense of urgency
-5.0%                                                                                                 to finalise and enact bills on crypto asset regulation. The tone of
                                                                                                      the communication from most regulators and lawmakers has been
                                                                                                      increasingly positive – and not just from long-term supporters of

                                                                                                      crypto, but also previously sceptical voices such as the Bank of
              One year treasury yields minus CPI                      Source:                         England. According to the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England,
                                                                      FRED, Federal Reserve Bank
                                                                      of St. Louis, Minneapolis Fed   Jon Cunliffe “whatever happens over the next few months to crypto
                                                                                                      assets, I expect crypto technology and finance to continue… It has the
Valuations in the traditional asset classes have improved after the selloff                           possibility of huge efficiencies and changes in market structure”.
year-to-date, but neither bonds nor equities are cheap. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                      The Fed's Vice Chair, Lael Brainard, expressed similar views:
although there isn’t consensus yet about how to value crypto assets,
                                                                                                      “Far from stifling innovation, strong regulatory guardrails will help
various valuation approaches all point to the asset class being very
                                                                                                      enable investors and developers to build a resilient digital native
significantly undervalued.
                                                                                                      financial infrastructure.”

                                                                                                      With stablecoins being one of the key areas of focus for regulators,
Technology trends                                                                                     and especially so in the wake of the TerraUSD stablecoin’s collapse,
                                                                                                      the market capitalisation of stablecoins provides a signal that
Bear markets in crypto have always proven to be the                                                   a regulatory clampdown is not expected. Other than the loss of
most fertile periods of innovation as strong projects                                                 approx USD 20 billion in TerraUSD’s market capitalisation, the total
sought to overcome the challenges that had limited                                                    capitalisation of stablecoins has only declined by a further USD 10
their growth and success. We expect the current bear                                                  billion from over USD 180 billion in April.
market to have the same positive effect, a move made
easier by the plentiful availability of venture capital.                                              STABLECOIN MARKET CAPITALISATION
                                                                                                      (USD BILLION)

Even though crypto venture capital investments declined by a third in
the second quarter versus the first quarter, they are still up 25 percent                             180
year on year versus the second quarter of 2021, and the second quarter
was the fourth strongest quarter ever on record.                                                      170

(USD BILLION)                                                                                         150

14                                                                                                    140

                                                                                                            January    February       March     April    May         June         July
                                                                                                             2022       2022          2022      2022     2022        2022        2022
                                                                                                             Stablecoin market capitalisation           Source: CoinMarketCap, Sygnum Bank





        Q1    Q2     Q3    Q4     Q1    Q2     Q3   Q4   Q1   Q2   Q3     Q4      Q1     Q2

                2019                      2020                 2021                2022

             Crypto venture funding                                   Source: The Block

In addition, despite job cuts at some crypto related companies, the
demand for application developers, data engineers and full stack
developers remains very high among crypto businesses, supporting
technological innovation going forward.

5                                                                                                                                               Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Market segments
Protocol layer
Ethereum’s upgrade to the Proof-of-Stake consensus                                Meanwhile, Solana’s teething problems of recurring outages and bugs
mechanism is a pivotal development in the                                         are reminiscent of bugs and hacks marring the early days of Ethereum.
blockchain protocol sector, putting the two largest                               A strong developer team is committed to improving the Solana network
                                                                                  and innovating fast, including the launch of a mobile platform with a
cryptocurrencies on a different path in terms of
                                                                                  software kit to develop mobile Web 3.0 applications and the development
energy consumption, narratives from regulators
                                                                                  of a smartphone. Other leading blockchain protocols such as Avalanche
and debate about centralisation.
                                                                                  and NEAR continue to build and innovate.

After rolling delays of the Ethereum upgrade (the “Merge”), the price
of ether doubled on the announcement of the Merge date in July. Since             Applications
then, sentiment leading up to as well as following the Merge has been
cautious to negative, with concerns about potential problems in the early         Some application sectors have continued to grow
days and weeks following the Merge. If problems are avoided or resolved,          their user bases, largely unaffected by the global
a relief rally into year end is likely, and Ethereum potentially “flipping”       macro developments or the crypto market specific
Bitcoin will be a hot topic again.                                                events. Some have seen their business models
At the same time, Ethereum’s high transaction fees and scalability issues
                                                                                  challenged and need to innovate; others must
have created an opportunity over the past two years for other platforms           rebuild trust.
to take some of Ethereum's market share. Until Ethereum's scalability
significantly improves when the next phase of the upgrade goes live,              Application sectors still only account for less than five percent of
(scheduled for the end of 2023), other chains have the chance to attract          the aggregate crypto market capitalisation. As the still early stage
projects and build critical mass.                                                 blockchain technology continues to identify and build out real-world
                                                                                  use cases, application sectors represent the greatest medium-to-
Nonetheless, despite the erosion of its market share from complete
                                                                                  long-term growth opportunities.
dominance (around 95 percent in 2020), Ethereum continues to
dominate the smart contract platform space, with a leading market
share across most application sectors – accounting for two thirds of the
Total Value Locked (TVL) in decentralised finance and approximately 85
percent of the value of NFT transactions. Solana
                                          Ethereum is Ethereum’s
                                                        BSC         strongest

challenger in NFTs, processing almost theAvalanche
                                           same number       of transactions
                                                        Solana        Polygon
year-to-date, although only 10 percent of the value. Recently its
                                          Cronos        Fantom        Waves
transaction count has been a multiple of Ethereum’s, with the value
                                          Arbitrum      Parallel      Mixin
approaching 25% of Ethereum’s.
                                            DefiChain      Optimism      Others

OF PROTOCOLS                            OF PROTOCOLS

    Ethereum    BSC        Tron             Ethereum       Solana        BNB

    Avalanche   Solana     Polygon          Flow           Panini        Ronin

    Cronos      Fantom     Waves            Others

    Arbitrum    Parallel   Mixin
    DefiChain   Optimism   Others        DefiLlama, CryptoSlam, Sygnum Bank

6                                                                                                                  Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Decentralised Finance (DeFi)                                                         Gaming

Although the events of May and June saw the total                                    The play-to-earn concept has been seriously
valued locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols drop by two                                    challenged by the bear market, and the crypto
thirds, the DeFi sector continued to operate as                                      gaming sector needs to improve both the economic
normal, largely unaffected by the solvency crisis                                    models and the gaming experience. The USD 600
enveloping the Centralised Finance (CeFi) sector.                                    million hack earlier in the year affecting market
                                                                                     leader Axie Infinity dealt a further blow.
The decline in TVL also reflected the fall in demand for borrowing as the
over-collateralised loans most DeFi platforms offer were largely used                The play-to-earn model for building fast adoption was one of the great
for leverage, and the lower demand drove yields down as shown by the                 success stories of the previous year. However, the transition to a stable
example below. Volume on decentralised exchanges also dropped by                     business model where more users pay-to-play (directly or indirectly such
over 25 percent.                                                                     as through the purchase of in game items) has not happened, and as
                                                                                     soon as token prices started to fall, the number of users dropped off. Axie
LENDING RATES                                                                        Infinity lost 75% of its monthly active users year-to-date, and while some
                                                                                     games took market share from Axie Infinity, the total number of active
4.5%                                                                                 users in the blockchain gaming sector declined.
3.5%                                                                                 The fundamental idea of blockchain-based gaming where players
3.0%                                                                                 own the assets – enabling a shift in power from gaming companies to
                                                                                     players – remains valid. But the gaming experience needs to improve
1.5%                                                                                 significantly for the projects to not rely on token price appreciation to
1.0%                                                                                 attract users. The involvement of mainstream game developers (such as
                                                                                     Square Enix selling the Tomb Raider franchise – among others – to invest
                                                                                     in blockchain based gaming) can make the difference.
       January    February    March         April   May    June          July
        2022       2022       2022          2022    2022   2022         2022         Meanwhile the gaming sector continues to receive large investments,
        Borrowing rate       Lending rate                         Source: Compound   accounting for about a third of crypto venture capital flows year-to-date.
                                                                                     The significant venture funding into blockchain based gaming over the
Maple Finance is innovating in the area of undercollateralised loans                 past 1.5 years will deliver improved games over the next 1.5 years.
where the liquidity providers to the platform accept credit risk on
borrowers. It is possible that borrowers default, however, liquidity
providers to the lending pools have complete transparency into the                   Metaverse
pool and they choose to take the credit risk. This is quite different from
                                                                                     There is no slowdown in the development of
a centralised lender taking deposits and then taking risks with the funds
                                                                                     the metaverse. Celebrities and corporations
that the depositors are unaware of.
                                                                                     continue establishing their presence. However, the
The recent crisis has shown the power of the transparency and                        metaverse is still mostly an idea that doesn’t yet
decentralised governance of DeFi platforms and as the market                         offer experiences that appeal and the slowdown in
stabilises, volumes will recover.
                                                                                     the gaming sector has affected the performance of
                                                                                     metaverse projects due to the currently large overlap.
Web 3.0
                                                                                     After last year’s exceptional outperformance, metaverse projects have
Many Web3 projects have continued to grow their                                      underperformed year-to-date.
user bases, largely untouched by either the negative
                                                                                     However, as interest in the metaverse continues to grow, virtual world
macro environment or crypto specific crises.
                                                                                     related NFT sales increased even during the bear market, growing by
                                                                                     25% in sales count from Q1 to Q2 and almost doubling in dollar value.
Projects in the sector building the new decentralised and user-controlled
                                                                                     Significant investment and development activity continues in this
version of the internet, such as decentralised data storage providers
                                                                                     sector, and although there is a strong current overlap with gaming,
Filecoin or Arweave or decentralised wireless provider Helium, continued
                                                                                     there are many other potential use cases. Despite corporations
to see strong user growth. The Twitter acquisition debacle which
                                                                                     such as Meta investing very heavily, privacy concerns and Big Tech’s
highlighted further glaring weaknesses of the company has reinvigorated
                                                                                     unethical practices of late mean that a decentralised metaverse may
interest in developing decentralised social media platforms.
                                                                                     hold more appeal.

7                                                                                                                       Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Other market segments

8                       Crypto market update | Q4 2022
Venture capital
In the “prime zone” for building the next unicorns
Although crypto venture funding declined in the
second quarter, and the rate of failure among
VC funded projects is likely to increase over the
short-term, the net effect of the downturn in
the crypto markets on the crypto VC landscape
will be positive.

Despite the slowdown in venture investments in the second quarter,                                                           Some of the new VC entrants ended up with less competitive deals at
the quarter was still the third strongest on record, and aggregate volumes                                                   often historically high valuations and may not have exercised a high
for the first half of the year exceed the extremely bullish, record breaking                                                 level of due diligence. While the downturn will cause weaker projects
period of the second half of 2021. July and August saw lower volumes,                                                        to fail, the economics for crypto VC investments have improved as
with both months below $2bn vs the $3-4bn monthly flows we have seen                                                         previously stretched valuations have become more attractive, and
for most of the past year.                                                                                                   the balance of power shifted back towards investors and away from
                                                                                                                             fighting for access to deals.
Crypto venture capital has been producing unicorns at approximately
twice the rate of other VC sectors: crypto VC accounted for 4.6 percent of                                                   Bear markets have historically been a fertile ground for VC investing
all VC investment in 2021 but 7.8 percent of all unicorns. Not surprisingly,                                                 because the demand for innovation to address bottlenecks and
money is still flowing into the crypto VC space and new VC funds                                                             impediments is strong, it is easier to hire talent, the pressures of the
launches are met with strong demand. For example, the largest ever                                                           bear market encourage focus, endeavour and financial discipline and
crypto venture fund yet was launched in May, raising USD 4.5 billion.                                                        the entry points for investors are lower. The bear market of 2014-5
                                                                                                                             spawned tremendous innovation, including projects like Ethereum
Many new VC firms that jumped on the bandwagon of crypto venture
                                                                                                                             and the Crypto Winter of 2018-9 was the period when dozens of the
as the sector was grabbing headlines harvesting the batch of unicorns
                                                                                                                             2021 unicorns were seeded.
created during the previous bear market.
                                                                                                                             Strong, well-funded crypto venture capital companies welcome
                                                                                                                             downturns and most of them are excited about the current opportunities.

                                                                                                                                                        Prime zone where the next                                     ‘Harvest’ zone
                                                                                                                                                          unicorns are founded,                                       for the patient
                                                                                                                                                             built and scaled                                           capital VCs

 1        1        1        0         1        0        1        0        0        0         1        5        9        13       13

Q2       Q3       Q4       Q1       Q2        Q3       Q4       Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4        Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4        Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4        Q1      Q2        Q3       Q4       Q1       Q2       Q3        Q4

    2018                               2019                                 2020                                 2021                                2022                                 2023                                 2024

Source: CB Insights

Report sources:

1. On chain data                                              5. DappRadar                                                   9. Deloitte report referenced: “Merchants
2. S&P Broad Crypto Market Index                              6. NFTPriceFloor                                                   getting ready for crypto Merchant
3. DefiLlama                                                  7. NFTGO                                                           Adoption of Digital Currency Payments”,
4.                                              8. All token price performance referenced                         survey prepared in collaboration with
                                                                  is based on using price data from                              Paypal

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indicated herein may change without notice.

9                                                                                                                                                                                    Crypto market update | Q4 2022
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10                                                                                                         Crypto market update | Q4 2022
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