District Map
The council is divided into 13 service areas
called districts, where the Scouting program
is delivered to the local communities.
     Bear Creek: serving Fayette, Franklin,
     Rush, Shelby, Union, Wayne and southern
     Randolph counties

     Del-Mi: serving Hamilton and Tipton

     Golden Eagle: serving Delaware,
     Randolph and eastern Henry counties

     Hou Koda: serving western Marion and
     Hendricks counties

     Northeast: serving northeast Marion
     and western Hancock counties

     North Star: serving northwest Marion
     and southern Boone counties

     Pathfinder: serving southern Marion
     and Johnson counties

     Pioneer: serving Hancock and southeast
     Marion counties

     Sakima: serving Madison and western
     Henry counties

     Sugar Creek: serving Boone,
     Montgomery and Clinton counties

     Wabash Valley: serving Vigo,
     Vermillion, Clay, Park, Sullivan and
     Putnam counties.


7125 Fall Creek Road North                  3400 East Jackson Street   501 S. 25th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46256                      Muncie, IN 47303           Terre Haute, IN 47803
Ph: (317) 813-7070                          Ph: (765) 288-0223         Ph: (812) 232-9496

Hours of operation:                         Hours of operation:        Hours of operation:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday                  Monday - Friday            Monday - Friday
8:30am-7pm                                  12:15pm-5:30pm             12:15pm-5:30pm

Tuesday & Thursday
Table of Contents
How to Use this Guide................................................................. 2
A Cub Scout Pack’s Journey to Excellence...................................... 3

Program Planning........................................................................ 5
Pack Budget Planner.................................................................... 5

Building Cub Scouting................................................................ 10
Retention Best Practices.............................................................. 10
Webelos to Scout Transition........................................................ 11

Advancement............................................................................ 12
Service Projects.......................................................................... 13

Outdoor Activity & Awards.......................................................... 14


Leadership Recruitment.............................................................. 18
Trained Leadership..................................................................... 18
Training Requirements................................................................ 19
Succession Planning................................................................... 21
Friends of Scouting.................................................................... 22

Program Resources / Activities.................................................... 25

  This guide and all Ideal Year of Scouting resources can be found

Every great project starts with a great plan. The same goes for
Scouting. By following our proven Ideal Year of Scouting plan, you
can expect to see…

•   A stronger program for your youth at less personal cost to you

•   Increased parental involvement

•   More youth camping

•   Better retention

•   More funding with less time spent fundraising

•   A simpler, easier and more enjoyable Scouting program

The Ideal Year of Scouting follows the BSA’s Journey to Excellence
recognition program. Think of Journey to Excellence (JTE) as your
scorecard for Scouting success. The 2018 Journey to Excellence
scorecard is located on the next page and will help you identify,
quantify, track and report key factors to make the program you
deliver even better for your Scouts.

During the spring of 2018, work through this book to set your
goals and make your plans. You should have a clear picture of the
program you will offer from August, through the school year.

Over the next few pages we’ll guide you through the Journey to
Excellence criteria and set you on the path to your Ideal Year of
Scouting. If you have questions or get stuck along the way, don’t
worry…we’ve got you covered!

This guide and additional online resources are available at

You can also contact us at (317) 813-7125 and we’ll connect you
with a Scouting professional who can help you achieve your Ideal
Year of Scouting.

Complete the 2018 Journey to Excellence Scorecard and submit with
your 2018 recharter paperwork before December.

Pack ________ of _________________________ District
                                                        2018 Scouting's Journey to Excellence
                                   "The BSA method for annual planning and continuous improvement"

                                                                                                                                                                       Bronze   Silver     Gold
                           Objective                                Bronze Level                         Silver Level                        Gold Level
Item                                                                                                                                                                   Points   Points    Points

                   Planning and Budget                                                                                                                                  Total Points:      200

       Planning and Budget: Have a program plan and                                      Achieve Bronze, plus pack                    Achieve Silver, plus pack
                                                          Have an annual program plan
       budget that is regularly reviewed by the pack                                    committee meets at least six                conducts a planning meeting
 #1                                                        and budget adopted by the                                                                                     50       100      200
       committee, and it follows BSA policies relating to                             times during the year to review               involving den leaders for the
                                                                pack committee.
       fundraising.                                                                     program plans and finances.                    following program year.

                        Membership                                                                                                                                      Total Points:      500
                                                             Conduct a formal recruitment          Achieve Bronze, and either        Achieve Silver, and either
       Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into          program by October 31 and           increase youth members by         increase youth members by
 #2                                                                                                                                                                      50       100      200
       the pack in order to grow membership.                 register new members in the             5% or have at least 40           10% or have at least 60
                                                                         pack.                             members.                         members.

       Retention: Retain a significant percentage of           Reregister 60% of eligible          Reregister 65% of eligible         Reregister 75% of eligible
 #3                                                                                                                                                                      50       100      200
       youth members.                                                 members.                            members.                           members.

                                                        With a troop, hold two joint
       Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have an effective
                                                        activities or 75% of second                 60% of eligible Webelos           80% of eligible Webelos
 #4    plan to graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout                                                                                                                    25       50       100
                                                      year Webelos have completed                    register with a troop.            register with a troop.
                                                        "The Scouting Adventure."

                           Program                                                                                                                                      Total Points:      900

       Advancement: Achieve a high percentage of             50% of Cub Scouts advance            60% of Cub Scouts advance         75% of Cub Scouts advance
 #5                                                                                                                                                                     100       200      300
       Cub Scouts earning rank advancements.                  one rank during the year.            one rank during the year.         one rank during the year.

                                                             Each den has the opportunity        Each den has the opportunity       Each den has the opportunity
       Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities        to participate in three outdoor     to participate in four outdoor      to participate in five outdoor
 #6                                                                                                                                                                      50       100      200
       and field trips.                                       activities or field trips during   activities or field trips during   activities or field trips during
                                                                         the year.                          the year.                           the year.
                                                            33% of Cub Scouts participate
                                                                                                    50%, or 33% and have               75%, or 50% and have
       Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend           in a camping experience or
 #7                                                                                               improvement over the prior         improvement over the prior          50       100      200
       day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.          improvement over the prior
                                                                                                            year.                              year.
                                                             Participate in two service     Participate in three service  Achieve Silver, plus at least
 #8    Service projects: Participate in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on one of the service projects is                 25       50       100
                                                                 the JTE website.                the JTE website.            conservation-oriented.

                                                              Hold eight pack meetings a          Achieve Bronze, plus dens
       Pack and den meetings and activities: Dens                                                                                   Achieve Silver, plus earn the
 #9                                                           year. Den or pack meetings          meet at least twice a month                                            25       50       100
       and the pack have regular meetings and activities.                                                                            Summertime Pack Award.
                                                              have started by October 31.          during the school year.

                  Volunteer Leadership                                                                                                                                  Total Points:      400
                                                                                                  Achieve Bronze, and prior to
                                                                                                                                 Achieve Silver, plus every den
       Leadership recruitment: The pack is proactive in       Have a registered assistant        recruiting event, the committee
#10                                                                                                                                has a registered leader by            50       100      200
       recruiting sufficient leaders.                                Cubmaster.                       identifies pack and den
                                                                                                                                          October 31.
                                                                                                   leadership for the next year.

                                                                                            Achieve Bronze, plus the
                                                             Cubmaster or an assistant     Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds
       Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
                                                            Cubmaster or pack trainer has   have completed position-         of committee members have
#11    leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to                                                                                                                50       100      200
                                                             completed position-specific  specific training or, if new, will  completed position-specific
       have youth protection training.
                                                                     training.            complete within three months                 training.
                                                                                                     of joining.

o      Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives.                                                                      Total points earned:
o      Silver: Earn at least 800 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives.

o      Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6.                                            No. of objectives with points:

o      Our pack has completed online rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.

o      We certify that these requirements have been completed:

       Cubmaster ___________________________________________________                             Date _____________________

       Committee chair _______________________________________________                           Date _____________________

       Commissioner _________________________________________________                            Date _____________________

       This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council.

Scouting's Journey to Excellence
                                            2018 Pack Planning, Performance, and Recognition

     Journey to Excellence uses a balanced approach to measure performance. It guides program planning before the year begins, monitors activities for
     continuous improvement during the year, and recognizes performance at the end of the year. In planning your strategy, use actual numbers from the
     previous year to guide your performance improvement goal planning. The period for measuring performance will be the calendar year.

                                                               Planning and Budget Measures
                  The pack has a program plan and budget that is reviewed at all pack committee meetings, and the pack follows BSA policies relating to
                  fundraising and fiscal management as found on the Unit Money-Earning Application form and any other publication that the council has
                  developed for fundraising and fiscal management. Program plans and budget are reviewed with den leaders and parents at the start of
                  the program year. The pack's program plan should be shared with the unit commissioner.

                                                                     Membership Measures
                  A formal recruitment event is conducted and new members are registered by October 31, 2018. On December 31, 2018, the pack has an
           2      increase in the number of youth members as compared to the number registered on December 31, 2017. A membership growth plan
                  template can be found at

                  Number of youth members on the most recent charter renewal (A) divided by the number of youth registered at the end of the prior
           3      charter year (B) minus any age-outs (C). Total = (A) / (B-C). Age-outs are youth who are too old to reregister as Cub Scouts. If the pack
                  has a December charter, use the one expiring on December 31, 2017; otherwise use the one expiring during 2018.

                  Hold at least two joint activities with a troop or troops, and have graduating boys register with a troop. "The Scouting Adventure" for
           4      second-year Webelos is described in the Webelos Scout Handbook. If the pack has no second-year Webelos Scouts, this requirement is
                  met at the Bronze level.

                                                                        Program Measures
                  Total number of Cub Scouts advancing at least one rank (Bobcat, Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) during the calendar
           5      year (A), divided by the number of boys registered at the end of the year (B). Advancement = (A) / (B). The pack is encouraged to use
                  Scoutbook to track each individual boy's advancements.

                  The pack has activities and field trips in the outdoors, which could include outdoor pack meetings, hikes, family campouts, parades,
                  outdoor service projects, etc. All dens have the opportunity to participate.

                  Cub Scouts attend an in-council or out-of-council Cub Scout day camp, family camp, and/or Cub Scout resident camp in 2018. STEM
           7      programs either as a day camp or resident camp are also included. All levels are total number of different Cub Scouts attending (A)
                  divided by total number of Cub Scouts registered in the pack as of June 30, 2018 (B). Total = (A) / (B).

                  The pack participates in at least two service projects during the year and enters them on the Service Hours website or through
                  Scoutbook. The projects may be completed as joint projects with other organizations. At least one project is conservation-oriented.

                  Have at least eight pack meetings or activities within the past 12 months, with one of those meetings being to review the pack's program
           9      plans and asking for parental involvement in the pack. Den meetings start by October 31, 2018, and all dens meet at least twice each
                  month within the past year. Pack earns the Summertime Pack Award.

                                                               Volunteer Leadership Measures
                  The pack has a Cubmaster, an assistant, and a committee of at least three members. Ideally, the chartered organization representative
                  should not be dual registered as one of the committee members. The pack identifies persons for next year's leadership for existing dens,
                  including Cubmaster, Den Leaders, and Webelos Den Leaders prior to the start of the program year. All dens have a registered leader by
                  October 31, 2018.
                  All leaders have completed youth protection training. Bronze: Cubmaster, an assistant, or pack trainer has completed position-specific
                  training. Silver: Bronze, plus the Cubmaster and den leaders have completed position-specific training or, if new, will complete within
                  three months of joining. Gold: Silver, plus 2/3 of committee members (including chartered organization representative) have completed

        Scoring the pack's performance: To determine the pack's performance level, you will use the above information to determine the points earned
        for each of the 11 criteria and then add those individual point scores to determine a composite score. Count only the highest point total achieved in
        any one criterion. Bronze level requires earning at least 525 points in at least 7 criteria, Silver level requires earning points in at least 8 criteria and
        800 points, and Gold level requires earning points in at least 8 criteria, meeting at leaset bronze standards in outdoor activities, and earning ar least
        1,050 total points.

                           For more resources including workbooks and planning guides:

Revised 7/14/17                                                                                                                                                    513-105

PROGRAM PLANNING                              Pack ________ of _________________________ District
                                                             2018 Scouting's Journey to Excellence
Planning your program is the first step in the Ideal Year of Scouting process. Use this guide to plan your
                   "The BSA method for annual planning and continuous improvement"
program and provide unparalleled experience for your Scouts.
                                                                                                                                                                         Bronze   Silver    Gold
                                 Objective                              Bronze Level                      Silver Level                         Gold Level
 Item                                                                                                                                                                    Points   Points   Points

                        Planning and Budget                                                                                                                               Total Points:     200

            Planning and Budget: Have a program plan and                                      Achieve Bronze, plus pack                 Achieve Silver, plus pack
                                                               Have an annual program plan
            budget that is regularly reviewed by the pack                                    committee meets at least six             conducts a planning meeting
    #1                                                          and budget adopted by the                                                                                  50      100      200
            committee, and it follows BSA policies relating to                             times during the year to review            involving den leaders for the
                                                                     pack committee.
            fundraising.                                                                     program plans and finances.                 following program year.

                              Membership                                                                                                                                  Total Points:     500
#1 The pack has a program plan and budget that is reviewed at all pack committee meetings, and the pack follows BSA policies relating
                                                     Conduct a formal recruitment     Achieve Bronze, and either    Achieve Silver, and either
to fundraising    and fiscal management as found
       Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into
                                                          on the Unit Money-Earning
                                                      program by October 31 and
                                                                                               Application form
                                                                                     increase youth members by
                                                                                                                      and any other publication that the council
                                                                                                                   increase youth members by
has developed       for fundraising    and fiscal management.       Program                                                                      50 parents
                                                                                                                                                         100at the 200
       the pack in order to grow membership.         register new members   in theplans5%and   budget
                                                                                           or have        are
                                                                                                   at least 40 reviewed   with
                                                                                                                     10% or  haveden   leaders
                                                                                                                                  at least 60  and                  start
of the program year. The pack’s program plan should be shared with the unit commissioner.
                                                                 pack.                        members.                     members.

            Retention: Retain a significant percentage of          Reregister 60% of eligible      Reregister 65% of eligible           Reregister 75% of eligible
    #3                                                                                                                                                                     50      100      200

            youth members.                                                members.                        members.                             members.

                                                             With a troop, hold two joint
            Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have an effective
                                                             activities or 75% of second            60% of eligible Webelos              80% of eligible Webelos
Utilizing Journey to Excellence criteria, the first step on the register
    #4      plan to graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout
                                                           year Webelos have completed            of Scouting
                                                                                            a troop.       registerpath     helps you25develop
                                                                                                                    with a troop.
                                                                                                                                              50 an 100
                                                             "The Scouting Adventure."
annual program plan, a budget to go along with that plan, and a fundraising plan to reach your program
                         Program                                                                                                    Total Points:   900
goals. The result is a well-managed, well-financed Scouting unit that spends time Scouting and not raising
       Advancement: Achieve a high percentage of
       Cub Scouts earning rank advancements.
                                                 50% of Cub Scouts advance
                                                  one rank during the year.
                                                                            60% of Cub Scouts advance
                                                                             one rank during the year.
                                                                                                        75% of Cub Scouts advance
                                                                                                         one rank during the year.
                                                                                                                                    100      200    300

                                                                 Each den has the opportunity    Each den has the opportunity         Each den has the opportunity
    and field trips.
                           YOUR PROGRAM:
    Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities to participate in three outdoor
                                                    activities or field trips during
                                                                                                 to participate in four outdoor
                                                                                                 activities or field trips during
                                                                                                                                       to participate in five outdoor
                                                                                                                                      activities or field trips during
                                                                                                                                                                           50      100      200
                                                                           the year.                        the year.                             the year.
•         Hold a Pack brainstorming session    to Scouts
                                       33% of Cub  see participate
                                                         what they   want to do next year
                                                                   50%, or 33% and have
                                                                                                (May meeting).
                                                                                        75%, or 50% and have
            Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend           in a camping experience or
    #7                                                                                            improvement over the prior           improvement over the prior          50      100      200
•                a parents meeting to planimprovement
           day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.
          Hold                                          out the over the prior
                                                                 next twelve months
                                                                                year. (May/June committee
                                                                                                  year.   meetings).
                                                            Participate in two service     Participate in three service  Achieve Silver, plus at least
• #8 Use  the Den & Pack Meeting Resource                                Guide to make             planning easier.
      Service projects: Participate in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on one of the service projects is                    25       50      100
                                                                       the JTE website.                 the JTE website.                  conservation-oriented.
•         Determine what advancements each Scout will need for the next rank.
                                                                  Hold eight pack meetings a      Achieve Bronze, plus dens
            Pack and den meetings and activities: Dens                                                                                Achieve Silver, plus earn the
    #9                                                            year. Den or pack meetings      meet at least twice a month                                              25       50      100
•         Decide     what
           and the pack       camping
                        have regular          opportunities
                                     meetings and activities.         to by
                                                              have started participate
                                                                            October 31. in.
                                                                                         during the school year.
                                                                                                                                       Summertime Pack Award.

                  Volunteer Leadership                                                                                                                                    Total Points:     400
•         Plan to do  at least  three service projects.
                                                                                                  Achieve Bronze, and prior to
                                                                                                                                 Achieve Silver, plus every den
• #10 Plan  the recruitment:
       Leadership meetingThedates.
                             pack is proactive in                 Have a registered assistant    recruiting event, the committee
                                                                                                                                   has a registered leader by              50      100      200
            recruiting sufficient leaders.                               Cubmaster.                   identifies pack and den
                                                                                                                                          October 31.
                                                                                                   leadership for the next year.
•         Recognize those Scout who advance.
                                                                                                   Achieve Bronze, plus the
                                                                  Cubmaster or an assistant       Cubmaster and den leaders           Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds
            Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
                                                                 Cubmaster or pack trainer has     have completed position-            of committee members have
    #11     leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to
            have youth protection training.
                                                                  completed position-specific
                                                                                                 specific training or, if new, will
                                                                                                 complete within three months
                                                                                                                                        completed position-specific
                                                                                                                                                                           50      100      200

                                                                                                            of joining.
So you’ve got a great program plan in place, now                                                  3. Set a pack fundraising sales goal and break
how are    you going to pay for it? To get started                                                       down to a per-Scout/goal based on your budget.
 o Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives.                                                  Total points earned:
download      the   Pack    Budget        Planner       at:
 o Silver: Earn at least 800 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives.                                                                        4. Put together an excitingNo.popcorn
 o Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6.
                                                                                                                                                 or camp card
                                                                                                                                     of objectives with points:
                                                                                                         kickoff for your unit. Communicate sales goals
 o OurSteps
         pack hasfor   a Successful
                  completed  online rechartering Fundraising                                             and share Trails End prize program details.
                                                 by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.

 o We certify that these requirements have been completed:                                               Offer additional incentives for Scouts to sell. For
                                                                                                         example, sell $600 and you get to throw a pie in
1. Establish      an  annual        plan     and     budget
     Cubmaster ___________________________________________________
                                                                  using      the                         your Cubmaster’s face!
                                                                                         Date _____________________
    Pack Budget Planner on page.
     Committee chair _______________________________________________                     Date _____________________
                                                                                                  5. Be sure to utilize all of the sales methods that are
2. Determine the expenses from all activities,                                                           available to you to make sure your Pack hits its
     Commissioner _________________________________________________                      Date _____________________
    advancements, camping and training your unit                                                         sales goals.
    wants    toshould
     This form   do,bethen      decide
                        submitted           how
                                   to the Scout      much
                                                service         popcorn
                                                        center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council.

    or how many camp cards your unit must sell to                                                                • Take order
    cover those expenses.                                                                                        • Show and Sell the products.

2018-19 Cub Scout Program Calendar
              Join My Night

Cubmaster______________________________________    Ph:_____________________   E-mail:______________________________________

Chair___________________________________________   Ph:_____________________   E-mail:______________________________________

For Electric versions visit:

Small Pack Budget
             Small Pack Program Budget
                    ONLY ENTER DATA IN HIGHLIGHTED SPACES                                                  Unit Type                   Pack
1. Enter all your activities and costs per Scout under each month.                                           Unit #                    123
2. Enter your number of Scouts and unit commission %.                                                 Number of Scouts in Unit          15
3. Fill in the four shaded fields at the bottom of the sheet (Lower Left) & yellow cell
                                                                                                         Unit Commission %              32%
for camp cards, and other income (Lower Center & Right).

                   August                                          September                                          October
 Date         Activities             Cost       Date              Activities               Cost      Date           Activities          Cost
          Scout Day w/Colts         $35.50                Scout Day w/Indy Eleven         $11.00                  Cub Fun Day          $10.00
             First Outing           $10.00                   Parent Orientation           $15.00              Cub Family Weekend       $20.00
          Program Supplies           $5.00                 Good Turn for Nature            $5.00             Bewitched Belzer Bash     $15.00
                                                              Program Supplies             $5.00                Halloween Party        $5.00
                                                                                                               Program Supplies        $5.00

           Total Cost               $50.50                   Total Cost                   $36.00              Total Cost               $55.00

                November                                            December                                         January
 Date          Activities            Cost       Date              Activities               Cost      Date          Activities           Cost
         Scout Night w/Pacers       $30.00                      Monster Jam               $21.00               Program Supplies        $5.00
           Program Supplies          $5.00                    Breakfast w/Santa            $5.00             Scout Night w/Indy Fuel   $12.00
          Camp Reservation          $50.00                   Pinewood Derby Kit            $4.50
                                                              Program Supplies             $5.00

           Total Cost               $85.00                   Total Cost                   $35.50              Total Cost               $17.00

                  February                                            March                                            April
 Date          Activities            Cost       Date              Activities               Cost      Date          Activities           Cost
              Supercross            $11.00                 Belzer Easter Egg Hunt          $5.00                   Campout             $15.00
             Blue &Yeti
                        Gold Jump   $20.00                Adventure Camp deposit          $45.00               Program Supplies        $5.00
               Yeti Jump            $15.00                   Day Camp Deposit             $45.00
        Pinewood Derby Trophy       $10.00                   Program Supplies              $5.00
           Program Supplies          $5.00

           Total Cost               $61.00                   Total Cost                   $100.00             Total Cost               $20.00

                    May                                                 June                                            July
 Date          Activities            Cost       Date               Activities              Cost      Date          Activities           Cost
           Program Supplies          $5.00
        Adventure Camp Balance      $90.00
         Scout Night w/Indians      $17.00
        Belzer Day Camp Balance     $55.00

           Total Cost               $167.00                  Total Cost                    $0.00              Total Cost               $0.00

         Unit Expenses                             Camp Card Sales (Unit Total)                            Unit Income/Expense Summary
 $40    Registration & Insurance               1,000 Est. Number of Cards Sold                      $10,980 Unit Total Activity Cost & Expenses
 $12    Boys' Life                            $5,000 Unit Commission ($5/Card)                        $732 Scout Total Activity Cost & Expenses
 $20    Advancements                                                                                 $5,000 Camp Card Commission
 $20    Other Expenses                                                                               $ 2,000 Other Income
                                              Commission Explanation
 $13    Rank Book                                                                                   $12,438 Unit Popcorn Sales Goal
 $105   Total Expenses                                                                                $829 Scout Sales Goal

        For electronic
For Electric            versions,
             versions visit:      visit

Medium PackMedium-Sized
           BudgetPack Program Budget
                     ONLY ENTER DATA IN HIGHLIGHTED SPACES                                                Unit Type                   Pack
1. Enter all your activities and costs per Scout under each month.                                          Unit #                    123
2. Enter your number of Scouts and unit commission %.                                                Number of Scouts in Unit          35
3. Fill in the four shaded fields at the bottom of the sheet (Lower Left) & yellow cell
                                                                                                        Unit Commission %              34%
for camp cards, and other income (Lower Center & Right).

                   August                                            September                                       October
 Date          Activities             Cost       Date               Activities             Cost     Date           Activities          Cost
           Scout Day w/Colts         $35.50                 Scout Day w/Indy Eleven       $11.00                 Cub Fun Day          $10.00
              First Outing           $10.00                    Parent Orientation         $15.00             Cub Family Weekend       $20.00
           Program Supplies           $5.00                  Good Turn for Nature          $5.00            Bewitched Belzer Bash     $15.00
                                                                Program Supplies           $5.00               Halloween Party        $5.00
                                                                                                              Program Supplies        $5.00

           Total Cost               $50.50                     Total Cost                 $36.00             Total Cost               $55.00

                 November                                            December                                       January
 Date           Activities            Cost       Date              Activities              Cost     Date          Activities           Cost
          Scout Night w/Pacers       $30.00                      Monster Jam              $21.00              Program Supplies        $5.00
            Program Supplies          $5.00                    Breakfast w/Santa           $5.00            Scout Night w/Indy Fuel   $12.00
           Camp Reservation          $50.00                    Program Supplies            $5.00
                                                              Pinewood Derby Kit           $4.50

           Total Cost               $85.00                     Total Cost                 $35.50             Total Cost               $17.00

                 February                                               March                                         April
 Date          Activities             Cost       Date               Activities             Cost     Date          Activities           Cost
              Supercross             $11.00                  Belzer Easter Egg Hunt        $5.00                  Campout             $15.00
             Blue & Dinner           $20.00                 Adventure Camp deposit        $45.00              Program Supplies        $5.00
               Yeti Jump             $15.00                    Day Camp Deposit           $45.00
           Program Supplies           $5.00
        Pinewood Derby Trophy        $10.00

           Total Cost               $61.00                     Total Cost                 $95.00             Total Cost               $20.00

                    May                                                   June                                         July
 Date           Activities            Cost       Date                Activities            Cost     Date          Activities           Cost
            Program Supplies          $5.00
        Adventure Camp Balance       $90.00
         Scout Night w/Indians       $17.00
        Belzer Day Camp Balance      $55.00

           Total Cost               $167.00                    Total Cost                 $0.00              Total Cost               $0.00

         Unit Expenses                              Camp Card Sales (Unit Total)                          Unit Income/Expense Summary
  $40   Registration & Insurance                2,000 Est. Number of Cards Sold                    $25,445 Unit Total Activity Cost & Expenses
  $12   Boys' Life                             $10,000 Unit Commission ($5/Card)                     $727 Scout Total Activity Cost & Expenses
  $20   Advancements                                                                               $10,000 Camp Card Commission
  $20   Other Expenses                                                                              $ 5,000 Other Income
                                               Commission Explanation
  $13   Rank Book                                                                                  $30,721 Unit Popcorn Sales Goal
 $105   Total Expenses                                                                               $878 Scout Sales Goal

        For electronic versions, visit

Large Pack Budget
            Large-Sized Pack Program Budget
                     ONLY ENTER DATA IN HIGHLIGHTED SPACES                                                  Unit Type                  Pack
1. Enter all your activities and costs per Scout under each month.                                            Unit #                   123
2. Enter your number of Scouts and unit commission %.                                                  Number of Scouts in Unit         90
3. Fill in the four shaded fields at the bottom of the sheet (Lower Left) & yellow cell
                                                                                                          Unit Commission %             34%
for camp cards, and other income (Lower Center & Right).

                   August                                            September                                        October
 Date          Activities             Cost       Date               Activities             Cost       Date          Activities          Cost
           Scout Day w/Colts         $35.50                 Scout Day w/Indy Eleven       $11.00                  Cub Fun Day          $10.00
              First Outing           $10.00                    Parent Orientation         $15.00              Cub Family Weekend       $20.00
           Program Supplies           $5.00                  Good Turn for Nature          $5.00             Bewitched Belzer Bash     $15.00
                                                                Program Supplies           $5.00                Halloween Party        $5.00
                                                                                                               Program Supplies        $5.00

           Total Cost               $50.50                     Total Cost                 $36.00              Total Cost               $55.00

                 November                                            December                                         January
 Date           Activities            Cost       Date              Activities              Cost       Date          Activities          Cost
          Scout Night w/Pacers       $30.00                      Monster Jam              $21.00                Program Supplies       $5.00
            Program Supplies          $5.00                    Breakfast w/Santa           $5.00             Scout Night w/Indy Fuel   $12.00
           Camp Reservation          $50.00                   Pinewood Derby Kit           $4.50
                                                               Program Supplies            $5.00

           Total Cost               $85.00                     Total Cost                 $35.50              Total Cost               $17.00

                 February                                               March                                           April
 Date          Activities             Cost       Date               Activities             Cost       Date          Activities          Cost
              Supercross             $11.00                  Belzer Easter Egg Hunt        $5.00                    Campout            $15.00
             Blue & Dinner           $20.00                 Adventure Camp deposit        $45.00                Program Supplies       $5.00
               Yeti Jump             $15.00                    Program Supplies            $5.00
        Pinewood Derby Trophy        $10.00                    Day Camp Deposit           $45.00
           Program Supplies           $5.00

           Total Cost               $61.00                     Total Cost                 $100.00             Total Cost               $20.00

                    May                                                   June                                          July
 Date           Activities            Cost       Date                Activities            Cost       Date         Activities           Cost
            Program Supplies          $5.00
        Adventure Camp Balance       $90.00
         Scout Night w/Indians       $17.00
        Belzer Day Camp Balance      $55.00

           Total Cost               $167.00                    Total Cost                  $0.00              Total Cost               $0.00

         Unit Expenses                              Camp Card Sales (Unit Total)                           Unit Income/Expense Summary
  $40   Registration & Insurance                3,000 Est. Number of Cards Sold                     $65,880 Unit Total Activity Cost & Expenses
  $12   Boys' Life                             $15,000 Unit Commission ($5/Card)                      $732 Scout Total Activity Cost & Expenses
  $20   Advancements                                                                                $15,000 Camp Card Commission
  $20   Other Expenses                                                                               $ 5,000 Other Income
                                               Commission Explanation
  $13   Rank Book                                                                                   $134,941 Unit Popcorn Sales Goal
 $105   Total Expenses                                                                               $1,499 Scout Sales Goal

        For electronic versions, visit

"The BSA method for annual planning and continuous improvement"

                              Objective      Pack ________  of Level
                                                         Bronze _________________________
                                                                           Silver Level   District
                                                                                           Gold Level

                      Planning and Budget                   2018 Scouting's Journey to Excellence                                                                           Total Points:     200

          Planning and Budget:
                                      "The BSA method for annual planning
                                    Have a program plan and
                                                                            and continuousAchieve
                                                                      Achieve Bronze, plus pack
                                                                                                   Silver, plus pack
                                                                 Have an annual program plan
          budget that is regularly reviewed by the pack                                        committee meets at least six           conducts a planning meeting
    #1                                                            and budget adopted by the                                                                                  50      100      200
          committee, and it follows BSA policies relating to                                 times during the year to review          involving den leaders for the        Bronze   Silver    Gold
                              Objective                                pack committee.
                                                                       Bronze   Level                Silver
          fundraising.                                                                         program plans Level
                                                                                                             and finances.                     Gold
                                                                                                                                         following   Level year.
 Item                                                                                                                                                                      Points   Points   Points
                      Planning and Budget                                                                                                                                   Total Points:     500

          Planning and Budget: Have a program plan and Conduct a formal recruitment            Achieve
                                                                                               Achieve Bronze,
                                                                                                        Bronze, and
                                                                                                                        pack            Achieve
                                                                                                                                        Achieve Silver,
                                                                                                                                                  Silver, and
          Building  Cub    Scouting:    Recruitby
                                                new             Have  an annual program  plan
    #2    budget  that is regularly  reviewed     theyouth
                                                      pack into  program  by October 31 and   increase youth
                                                                                              committee  meetsmembers
                                                                                                                  at least by
                                                                                                                           six        increase youth
                                                                                                                                      conducts          members
                                                                                                                                                 a planning   meeting by
                                                                                                                                                                             50      100      200
    #1                                                           and  budget adopted by the
                                                                register new members in the times5%  or have                                                                 50      100      200
          the pack in order
          committee,   and it to grow BSA
                               follows membership.
                                           policies relating to                                    during the at least
                                                                                                              year   to 40
                                                                                                                        review           10% or den
                                                                                                                                      involving  have   at leastfor60the
                                                                       pack committee.
                                                                            pack.                      members.                                 members.
          fundraising.                                                                        program plans and finances.                following program year.

          Retention: Retain a significant percentage of     Reregister 60% of eligible         Reregister 65% of eligible    Reregister 75% of eligible   Total Points:    500
    #3                                                                                                                                                      50      100     200
          youth members.                                             members.                          members.                      members.
                                                          Conduct a formal recruitment         Achieve Bronze, and either    Achieve Silver, and either
      Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into        program by October 31 and          increase youth members by     increase youth members by
  #2                                                                                                                                                        50      100     200
      the pack in order to grow membership.                With a troop,
                                                          register         hold two in
                                                                    new members      joint
                                                                                       the       5% or have at least 40       10% or have at least 60
#2 A formal     recruitment
      Webelos-to-Scout           eventHave
                           transition:  is conducted
                                            an effective and new members are registered by October 31, 2018. On December 31, 2018, the pack
                                                           activities orpack.
                                                                         75% of second          60% ofmembers.
                                                                                                        eligible Webelos      80% ofmembers.
                                                                                                                                      eligible Webelos
  #4                                                                                                                                                        25      50      100
has anplan to graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout
                    in the number of youth members                 as compared
                                                         year Webelos     have completed to the number        registered
                                                                                                  register with a troop.  on December         31,
                                                                                                                                register with a     ––2017.
                                                           "The Scouting Adventure."
      Retention: Retain a significant percentage of         Reregister 60% of eligible         Reregister 65% of eligible    Reregister 75% of eligible
#3#3A membership
      youth members.
                                    plan template can be         found     at
                                                                     members.                          members.
                                                                                                                                       of youth members
                                                                                                                                                             on the
                                                                                                                                                                    most recent
                                                                                                                                                                Points:     200
charter renewal (A) divided by the number of youth registered at the end of the prior charter year (B) minus any age-outs (C). Total =
(A)#5/ (B-C).   Age-outs
                             are ayouth
                          Achieve          who are
                                    high percentage of too old
                                                           50%   of  reregister
                                                                  a Cub   Scouts
                                                                     troop,         as  Cub 60%
                                                                            hold two joint  Scouts.
                                                                                                of CubIfScouts
                                                                                                          the pack
                                                                                                                advance has 75%
                                                                                                                            a December
                                                                                                                                of Cub Scouts  charter,
                                                                                                                                                advance use the one expiring on
                                                                                                                                                           100     200      300
         Cub Scouts earningtransition:   Have an effective
                             rank advancements.              one rankorduring  thesecond
                                                                                   year.     one
                                                                                              60%rank duringWebelos
                                                                                                              the year.      one
                                                                                                                              80%rank duringWebelos
                                                                                                                                              the year.
   #4    plan to31,  2017;
                 graduate     otherwise
                          Webelos           use
                                   Scouts into   the
                                               Boy    one expiring
                                                            activities   during
                                                                          75% of   2018.          of eligible                     of eligible
                                                                                                                                                            25      50      100
                                                             year Webelos have completed              register with a troop.            register with a troop.
                                                              Each     Scouting
                                                                          has the Adventure."
                                                                                    opportunity Each den has the opportunity Each den has the opportunity

          Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities      to participate in three outdoor    to participate in four outdoor     to participate in five outdoor
    #6                       Program                                                                                                                                        Total
                                                                                                                                                                             50   Points:
                                                                                                                                                                                     100      900
          and field trips.                                     activities or field trips during   activities or field trips during  activities or field trips during
                                                                          the year.                          the year.                         the year.
          Advancement: Achieve a high percentage of            50% of Cub Scouts advance         60% of Cub Scouts advance          75% of Cub Scouts advance
  #5                                                                                               100      200
The  next step on your path to the Ideal Year of Scouting is recruitment. Recruiting new youth is the
          Cub Scouts earning rank advancements.
          Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend
                                                             33% of Cub Scouts participate
                                                                 one rank during the year.
                                                               in a camping experience or
                                                                                                     50%,rank     of300
                                                                                                            or during
                                                                                                               33% and  thehave
                                                                                                                             year.    one
                                                                                                                                              or during
                                                                                                                                                 50% and thehave
  #7                                                                                              improvement over the prior
                                                                                                    50      100     200              improvement over the prior
our organization and is essential to ensure the longevity of any Cub Scout Pack. All packs should strive for an
          day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.         improvement over the prior
                                                              Each den has      the opportunity Each den has
                                                                                                                   the opportunity Each den has   year.
                                                                                                                                                    the opportunity
          Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities      to participate in three outdoor    to participate in four outdoor     to participate in five outdoor
  #6      in Cub Scout membership annually and hold recruitment events year-round including their
          and field trips.                                       Participate
                                                               activities     in two
                                                                          or field    service
                                                                                   trips during
                                                                                                    50    own
                                                                                                            100 Join200
                                                                                                             or in  three
                                                                                                                field  tripsservice
                                                                                                                             during Achieve Silver,
                                                                                                                                    activities or fieldplus
  #8      Service projects: Participate in service projects. projects and   enter  the hours on projects and
                                                                                                    25      50 enter100the hours on one of thethe
                                                                                                                                                    year.projects is
Night for Scouting.                                                       the  year.
                                                                      the JTE website.
                                                                                                             the  year.
                                                                                                         the JTE website.              conservation-oriented.
                                                             33% of Cub Scouts participate
                                                                                                     50%, or 33% and have              75%, or 50% and have
          Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend          in a camping
                                                               Hold   eight packexperience
                                                                                   meetingsor  a  Achieve Bronze, plus dens
          Pack and den meetings and activities: Dens
          day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.
          and the pack have regular meetings and activities.
                                                               year.  Den or pack
                                                               have started year.
                                                                                       the prior
                                                                               by October 31.
                                                                                                  improvement over the prior
                                                                                                  meet at least twice a month
                                                                                                     during the school year.
                                                                                                                                    Achieve   Silver,over
                                                                                                                                                     Pack Award.
                                                                                                                                                                   the       50

Join Night for Scouting is our annual recruitment                                  drive. In
                                                              Participate in two service
                                                                                                  August and September,
                                                                                              Participate in three service
                                                                                                                                            all across central Indiana,
                                                                                                                               Achieve Silver, plus at least
                    Volunteer Leadership                                                                                                                     Total Points: 400
over 6,000 new youth will join the fun oftheScouting
                                                                                     at a JointheNight          for Scouting.          Your pack’s Join25Night 50is one100
        Service projects: Participate in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on one of the service projects is
                                                                      JTE website.                      JTE website.             conservation-oriented.
                                                                                            Achieve Bronze,     and prior to
      most      critical
        Leadership         events
                     recruitment:  Theyou
                                       pack iswill  plan
                                               proactive in all
                                                             Haveyear.      Here
                                                                   a registered      are
                                                             Hold eight pack meetings a
                                                                                           a   few
                                                                                           recruiting  helpful
                                                                                                       event,       hints
                                                                                                              the committee
                                                                                              Achieve Bronze, plus dens
                                                                                                                             to  ensure       your     pack’s
                                                                                                                              Achieve Silver, plus every den
                                                                                                                                has a registered leader by
                                                                                                                                                              50      100
        Pack  andsufficient
        recruiting den meetings   and activities: Dens
                            leaders.                                 Cubmaster.                 identifies pack and den        Achieve Silver, plus earn the
is #9a success.
        and the pack have regular meetings and activities.
                                                             year. Den or pack meetings
                                                             have started by October 31.
                                                                                             meet at least twice a month
                                                                                             leadership for the next year.
                                                                                                during the school year.
                                                                                                                                       October 31.
                                                                                                                                Summertime Pack Award.
                                                                                                                                                              25       50   100

1. Plan Your           IdealLeadership
                  Volunteer        Year of ScoutingCubmaster or an assistant Cubmaster        Achieve Bronze, plus the
                                                                                                          and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds
                                                                                                                                                                            Total Points:     400
      Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
     • Create annual program plan
 #11 leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to
                                                             Cubmaster or pack trainer has    have completed position-
                                                                                            Achieve Bronze, and prior to
                                                                                                                               of committee members have
                                                                                                                                                                             50      100      200
                                                              completed position-specific  specific training or, if new, will Achieve   Silver,
                                                                                                                                completed       plus every den
 #10 • Tie plan to a budget
      Leadership    recruitment:
      have youth protection         The pack is proactive in Have a registered assistant recruiting event, the committee
                                                                      training.            complete within three months          has a registered
                                                                                                                                           training.leader by                50      100      200
      recruiting sufficient leaders.                                 Cubmaster.                identifies pack and den
     • Communicate plan to Scouting families during Parent Orientation                      leadership for theMeeting
                                                                                                                 next year. / Program Kick-off
                                                                                                       of joining.                      October 31.

2. Work with your District Executive and MembershipAchieve                                            Team     Bronze, plus the
 o Bronze:       Earn at least 525 points by earning points in Cubmaster       or an assistant
                                                                   at least 7 objectives.          Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus Total  two-thirds
                                                                                                                                                               points earned:
     • Silver:
       Determine           level    of  school
       Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
                                                   access       Cubmaster or pack trainer has        have completed position-        of committee members have
 o leaders
 #11           at all levels.
               Earn   at least All
                                    points are requiredpoints
                                           by earning   to    in at least 8 objectives.
                                                                  completed position-specific     specific training or, if new, will  completed position-specific
                                                                                                                                                                        50           100      200
     • have
       Develop         a customized
            youth protection    training.     plan for every elementary
 o Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 training.
                                                                             objectives and at least
                                                                                                     to promote
                                                                                                     Bronze in
                                                                                                                #6. three months               training.    No. of objectives with points:
                                                                                                              of joining.
3. Have a Marketing Plan
 o Get
     Our the
         pack word        out about
               has completed              your Join
                                online rechartering      Night!
                                                    by the deadline For     every
                                                                      in order       elementary
                                                                               to maintain               school,
                                                                                           continuity of our program.choose twelve steps to grow Scouting,
 o Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives.
 o including
     We certify
                              and passivebeen    promotions.           Marketing materials like fliers, posters, and yard Total           signspoints earned:
                                                                                                                                                provided     at www.
 o Silver:   Earn      least 800 points by have      completed:
                                           earning points in at least 8 objectives.
    oGold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6.                                                 No. of objectives with points:
4. Select    Adult
     Cubmaster         Leaders
               ___________________________________________________                     Date _____________________

 o Join  Night
     Our pack     should online
              has completed  be about      recruiting
                                  rechartering            youth,
                                               by the deadline       not
                                                               in order     selecting
                                                                        to maintain       leaders.
                                                                                    continuity           Identify your leaders before the School Night or prior
                                                                                               of our program.
     Committee chair _______________________________________________                   Date _____________________
   to your   Parent    Orientation       Meeting.
 o We certify that these requirements have been completed:
          Commissioner _________________________________________________                           Date _____________________
   Cubmaster ___________________________________________________                                   Date _____________________
          form should benew    youth
                         submitted        is essential,
                                   to the Scout service centerit
                                                               or is
                                                                  yourjust   as criticalas to
                                                                       unit commissioner,        retain
                                                                                            directed       current
                                                                                                     by your council. Scouts. The Scouting program
transforms lives and the longer a youth is in the program, the more impact it has on their life. Packs should set
      Committee chair _______________________________________________                  Date _____________________

a goal  to reregister
      Commissioner          at least 75% of eligible youth members
                    _________________________________________________                           each year. Use the following tips to strengthen your
                                                                                       Date _____________________
retention efforts.
          This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council.
•        Attend a Crossroads of America Council summer camp. Studies show Scouts that attend camp are more likely to stay
         involved in the program.
•        Every new Scout should advance in rank, earning at least Bobcat within the first 30 days of joining.
•        Adult leadership in your pack should build an active relationship with the family of each Scout. Have conversations on a
         regular basis to discuss the Scouts journey

2018 Scouting's Journey to Excellence
                                                         Conduct a formal recruitment  Achieve Bronze, and either  Achieve Silver, and either
           Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into  program by October 31 and   increase youth members by   increase youth members by
     #2                                                                                                                                                                     50          100      200
                                      "The BSA method
           the pack in order to grow membership.               for
                                                         register newannual
                                                                      members inplanning
                                                                                  the    5% orand    continuous
                                                                                               have at least 40      improvement"
                                                                                                                    10%  or have at least 60
                                                                     pack.                     members.                    members.

                                                                                                                                                                         Bronze       Silver     Gold
           Retention: Retain a significant percentage of                Bronze
                                                                    Reregister   Level
                                                                               60% of eligible             Silver
                                                                                                      Reregister   Level
                                                                                                                 65% of eligible               Gold75%
                                                                                                                                         Reregister Level
                                                                                                                                                       of eligible
      #3                                                                                                                                                                 Points
                                                                                                                                                                           50         Points
                                                                                                                                                                                       100      Points
           youth members.                                                  members.                          members.                           members.
                       Planning and Budget                                                                                                                                 Total Points:         200
                                                                   With a troop, hold two joint
           Planning   and Budget:
           Webelos-to-Scout           Have a Have
                                 transition: program   plan and
                                                    an effective                                      Achieve Bronze, plus pack          Achieve Silver, plus pack
                                                                 Have         or 75%
                                                                        an annual     of second
                                                                                    program   plan     60% of eligible Webelos           80% of eligible Webelos
     #4    budget  that is regularly
           plan to graduate   Webelosreviewed
                                        Scoutsby  the
                                               into   pack
                                                    Boy  Scout                                       committee meets at least six      conducts a planning meeting          25          50       100
     #1                                                          year
                                                                   andWebelos     have completed
                                                                        budget adopted    by the         register with a troop.             register with a troop.          50          100      200
           troop(s).    and it follows BSA policies relating to                                    times during the year to review     involving den leaders for the
                                                                   "The pack
                                                                          Scouting  Adventure."
           fundraising.                                                                              program plans and finances.          following program year.
                               Program                                                                                                                                     Total Points:         900
  #4 Hold at least two      joint activities with a troop or troops, and have graduating Scouts register with a troop. “The Scouting
                         Membership                                                                                                                         Adventure”
                                                                                                                                                   Total Points:    500for
  second-year    Webelos
         Advancement:        is described
                        Achieve               in the
                                 a high percentage of Webelos
                                                         50%  of Scout
                                                                 Cub     Handbook.
                                                                     Scouts  advance
                                                         Conduct a formal recruitment
                                                                                           of pack
                                                                                              Cub     has
                                                                                                   Scouts  no   second-year
                                                                                       Achieve Bronze, and either   75%  of Cub Webelos
                                                                                                                                 Scouts     Scouts,
                                                                                                                     Achieve Silver, and either
                                                                                                                                                    this requirement  is
    #5                                                                                                                                              100      200     300
  met at Cub
         Building       level.
                  Cub       rank advancements.
                      Scouting:   Recruit new youth into  one rankbyduring
                                                         program           the 31
                                                                     October   year.
                                                                                  and   one rankyouth
                                                                                      increase   during the
                                                                                                      members         one rankyouth
                                                                                                                    increase   during the
     #2                                                                                                                                                                     50          100      200
           the pack in order to grow membership.                register new members in the           5% or have at least 40          10% or have at least 60
                                                               Each den has     the opportunity Each denmembers.
                                                                              pack.                          has the opportunity Each denmembers.
                                                                                                                                              has the opportunity

           Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities
           and field trips.
                                                               to participate in three outdoor
                                                                activities or field trips during
                                                                                                  to participate in four outdoor
                                                                                                  activities or field trips during
                                                                                                                                   to participate in five outdoor
                                                                                                                                   activities or field trips during
                                                                                                                                                                            50          100      200
           Retention: Retain a significant percentage of          Reregisterthe60%   of eligible    Reregister
                                                                                                             the65%    of eligible   Reregister
                                                                                                                                              the75%    of eligible
    #3 Scouting journey doesn’t end for a youth after earning the Arrow of
           youth members.
                                                                                                                                                                            50          100      200
                                                              33% of Cub Scouts participate
            fact it’s just beginning! It should be the goal of every pack to
           Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend           in a camping experience or
                                                                                                      50%, or 33% and have
                                                                                                   improvement over the prior
                                                                                                                                      75%, or 50% and have
                                                                                                                                    improvement over the prior              50          100      200
           day camp, family camp, and/or resident                 With a troop, hold
                                                                 improvement     over two   joint
                                                                                        the prior
                                           Have ancamp.
            every Webelos Scout into a troop. Here are five tips to help this
           Webelos-to-Scout   transition:           effective
           plan to graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout
                                                                 activities oryear.
                                                                               75% of second                   year.
                                                                                                     60% of eligible Webelos                    year. Webelos
                                                                                                                                      80% of eligible
                                                                                                                                                                            25          50       100
                                                              year Webelos have completed              register with a troop.           register with a troop.
  goal become a reality.
           troop(s).                                               Participate
                                                                  "The         in two
                                                                        Scouting       service
                                                                                   Adventure."     Participate in three service    Achieve Silver, plus at least
     #8    Service projects: Participate in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on one of the service projects is                25          50       100
                              Program                                                                                                                                      Total Points:         900
  1. Develop a working relationship with the leadership of a Boy       the JTE website.                  the JTE website.              conservation-oriented.

     Scout   troop
      Pack and       or troops
               den meetings a high
                            and        in the
                                 activities:   of community.
                                                     Hold eight pack meetings a
                                                     50% of Cub Scouts advance
                                                                                Achieve Bronze, plus dens
                                                                                60% of Cub Scouts advance                              75% of Cub
                                                                                                                                       Achieve     Scouts
                                                                                                                                               Silver, plus advance
                                                                                                                                                             earn the
     #9                                                            year. Den or pack meetings        meet at least twice a month                                            100
                                                                                                                                                                             25         200
                                                                                                                                                                                        50       300
           Cub  Scouts
           and the packearning rank advancements.
                        have regular meetings and activities.       one rank during the year.         one rank during the year.         one rank during
                                                                                                                                        Summertime   Pack theAward.
  2. Work with troop leaders to secure den chiefs for each Webelos have started by October 31.         during the school year.

     den andVolunteer
             Cub Scout     den.
                      Leadership   Each den has the opportunity Each den has the opportunity                                              Each den has the opportunity          Total Points:    400
           Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities          to participate in three outdoor     to participate in four outdoor      to participate in five outdoor
     #6                                                                                                                                                                          50      100     200
                                                                    activities or field trips during   Achieve
                                                                                                       activitiesBronze,    and prior
                                                                                                                   or field trips      to
                                                                                                                                  during   activities or field trips during
           and field trips.
  3. Work with troop leaders to plan and conduct Webelos overnight
           Leadership recruitment: The pack is proactive in         Have a registered
                                                                               the year. assistant recruiting event,      the committee
                                                                                                                   the year.
                                                                                                                                          Achieve Silver, plus every den
                                                                                                                                                      the year.
   #10                                                                                                                                       has a registered leader by          50      100     200
           recruiting sufficient leaders.                                     Cubmaster.
                                                                  33% of Cub Scouts participate
                                                                                                          identifies pack and den
                                                                                                                                                    October 31.
                                                                                                          50%, or 33%for the
                                                                                                                           andnext year.
                                                                                                                                 have         75%, or 50% and have
           Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend              in a camping experience or
  4.#7 Work with troop leaders to plan visits to troop meetings.
           day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.             improvement over the prior
                                                                                                        improvement over the prior
                                                                                                         Achieve Bronze,
                                                                                                                      year. plus the
                                                                                                                                            improvement over the prior
                                                                                                                                                                                 50      100     200
                                                                     Cubmaster or an assistant         Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds
  5.#11 Plan a meaningful crossover ceremony at the pack’s blue and
           Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
           leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to
                                                                     Participate or in
                                                                                           servicehas    have completed
                                                                                                        Participate   in threeposition-
                                                                                                                                service    of committee
                                                                                                                                           Achieve         members
                                                                                                                                                     Silver,           have
                                                                                                                                                              plus at least      50      100     200
     #8 gold banquet.
           Service projects:
           have youth           Participate
                                                                    completed     position-specific   specific  training or, if new, will   completed position-specific
                                   training. in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on one of the service projects is                 25       50     100
                                                                           the JTE website.           complete    within  three
                                                                                                              the JTE website.    months               training.
                                                                                                                  of joining.
                                                                    Hold eight pack meetings a          Achieve Bronze, plus dens
           Pack and den meetings and activities: Dens                                                                                      Achieve Silver, plus earn the
     #9                                                             year. Den or pack meetings         meet at least twice a month                                               25       50     100
           and the pack have regular meetings and activities.                                                                                Summertime Pack Award.
     o     Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points inhave       started
                                                                     at least        by October 31.
                                                                               7 objectives.              during the school year.                                 Total points earned:
     o                Volunteer
           Silver: Earn at least 800Leadership
                                     points by earning points in at least 8 objectives.                                                                                    Total Points:         400
     o     Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6.
                                                                                                  Achieve Bronze, and prior to                       No. of objectives with points:
                                                                                                                                Achieve Silver, plus every den
           Leadership recruitment: The pack is proactive in Have a registered assistant recruiting event, the committee
     #10                                                                                                                          has a registered leader by        50        100                200
           recruiting sufficient leaders.                                Cubmaster.                  identifies pack and den
     o     Our pack has completed online rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.
                                                                                                  leadership for the next year.
                                                                                                                                         October 31.

     o     We certify that these requirements have been completed:                             Achieve Bronze, plus the
                                                               Cubmaster or an assistant      Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds
           Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
                                                              Cubmaster or pack trainer has    have completed position-        of committee members have
     #11   leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to                                                                                                               50          100      200
           have                                                 Explore the woods in a whole new
                                                               completed position-specific Date
                youth protection   training.
                                                                                            specific training or, if new, will
                                                                                                 _____________________          completed position-specific
                                                                       training.             complete within three months                training.
                                                                way! Five different treetop courses,   of joining.
           Committee chair _______________________________________________                  Date _____________________
                                                                from 16’ to 60’ high, offer a mix of
     o Bronze:   Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives.
                                                                elements and zip-lines.
       Commissioner _________________________________________________                                   Challenges all
                                                                                               Date _____________________                                   Total points earned:
     o Silver: Earn at least 800 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives.
     o Gold:   Earn
       This form    at least
                 should      1,050 points
                         be submitted     by earning
                                       to the        points in
                                              Scout service
                                                               at least
                                                                    or your
                                                                        8 objectives
                                                                                     and at leastas
                                                                            unit commissioner,    Bronze
                                                                                                          in #6.
                                                                                                             by your council.                               No. of objectives with points:
                                                                2-3 hours. Spend your day differently!
     o     Our pack has completed online rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.

     o     We certify that these requirements have been completed:

2-Hour Adventure: $39 adult, $29 child (8-12)
           Cubmaster ___________________________________________________                           Date _____________________
3-Hour Adventure: $49 adult, $39 child (8-12)
           Committee chair _______________________________________________                         Date _____________________
Special Group Pricing: Discounts for group of
10-19, 20-49,  and 50+
       Commissioner _________________________________________________                              Date _____________________

       This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council.
For current    hours, visit our website or Facebook page.
Edge Adventures Koteewi                                  
11800 Koteewi Dr.                                                  Facebook: @koteewiaerialpark
Noblesville, IN 46060                                              Instagram: @edgeadventures_koteewi
p. 317-770-8845

                     Planning and Budget                                                                                                                                       Total Points:         200

         Planning and Budget: Have a program plan and                                      Achieve Bronze, plus pack                            Achieve Silver, plus pack
                                                            Have an annual program plan

         budget that is regularly reviewed by the pack                                    committee meets at least six                        conducts a planning meeting
   #1                                                        and budget adopted by the                                                                                          50         100       200
         committee, and it follows BSA policies relating to                             times during the year to review                       involving den leaders for the
                                                                  pack committee.
         fundraising.                                                                     program plans and finances.                            following program year.

                           Membership                                                                                                                                          Total Points:         500
                                                                  Conduct a formal recruitment             Achieve Bronze, and either          Achieve Silver, and either

         Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into
         the pack in order to grow membership.
                                                                   program by October 31 and
                                                                  register new members in the
                                                                                                          increase youth members by
                                                                                                             5% or have at least 40
                                                                                                                                              increase youth members by
                                                                                                                                                10% or have at least 60
                                                                                                                                                                                50         100       200

Another important component           Packof________
                                                   the Ideal of   Year_________________________
                                                                           of Scouting is program. Program           District
                                                                                                                           is the “core” of Scouting and
     Retention: Retain a significant percentage of      Reregister 60% of eligible     Reregister 65% of eligible Reregister 75% of eligible
                  everything from the2018
     youth members.                                 outdoors Scouting's
                                                                   to advancement.
                                                                 members.           Journey       to Excellence
                                                                                              members.       programs are      why youth join
                                                                                                                                                and100stay in

Cub Scouts! It’s our job        "The as BSA
                                         leaders     to With
                                                method  make       sure there’s
                                                             for annual               adventure
                                                             a troop, hold two joint
                                                                                                       at every turn
                                                                                             and continuous              in youth’s Scouting journey.
         Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have an effective
                                                          activities or 75% of second                       60% of eligible Webelos             80% of eligible Webelos
   #4    plan to graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout                                                                                                                         25         50        100
                                                        year Webelos have completed                          register with a troop.              register with a troop.       Bronze     Silver      Gold
         troop(s).         Objective                             Bronze Level                                     Silver Level                        Gold Level
 Item                                                     "The Scouting Adventure."                                                                                           Points     Points     Points
                     Planning and Budget                                                                                                                                       Total Points:         900

       Planning   and Budget:
       Advancement:       AchieveHave    a percentage
                                    a high program plan
                                                      of and Have
                                                              50% anof Cub   Scouts   advance         Achieve
                                                                                                     60%        Bronze,
                                                                                                           of Cub    Scoutsplus pack
                                                                                                                             advance    75%Achieve   Silver,
                                                                                                                                                of Cub       plus
                                                                                                                                                        Scouts    pack
   #5                                                                   annual   program     plan                                                                           100      200             300
       budget  that is
       Cub Scouts       regularly
                     earning  rankreviewed  by the pack
                                    advancements.               onebudget
                                                                     rank during   the by
                                                                                        year.        committee
                                                                                                       one rank meets
                                                                                                                   during at
                                                                                                                               year.six conducts
                                                                                                                                           one ranka during
   #1                                                          and           adopted        the                                                                              50      100             200
       committee, and it follows BSA policies relating to                                          times during the year to review involving den leaders for the
                                                                     pack committee.
       fundraising.                                                                                  program plans and finances.            following program year.
#5 Total number of Cub Scouts advancing atEach                   least
                                                                         has therank     (Bobcat,
                                                                                   opportunity      EachLion,
                                                                                                           den hasTiger,    Wolf, Bear,
                                                                                                                      the opportunity   EachWebelos,
                                                                                                                                                den has theArrow     of Light) during the
                                                                                                                                                             opportunity                           calendar
       Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities        to participate in three outdoor         to participate in four outdoor      to participate in five outdoor
  #6 (A), divided byMembership
       and field trips.     the    number     of  Scouts   registered     at   the    end
                                                              activities or field trips duringof  the   year    (B).   Advancement
                                                                                                     activities or field trips during       =   (A)  /  (B).   Theduring
                                                                                                                                        activities or field trips   pack isTotal
                                                                                                                                                                             50  Points:
                                                                                                                                                                                     100           to use
Scoutbook to track each individual Scout’s advancements.                 the year.
                                                             Conduct a formal recruitment
                                                                                                                 the year.
                                                                                                      Achieve Bronze, and either
                                                                                                                                                    the year.
                                                                                                                                           Achieve Silver, and either
       Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into           program
                                                             33%   of CubbyScouts
                                                                            October    31 and
                                                                                     participate     increase youth members by          increase youth members by
  #2                                                                                                    50%, or 33% and have                75%, or 50% and have             50      100             200
       the                     camp:
           pack in order to grow    membership.
                                        Cub Scouts attend     register new members
                                                               in a camping    experience in the
                                                                                              or        5% or have at least 40              10% or have at least 60
       day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.                 ADVANCEMENT
                                                               improvement pack.
                                                                               over the prior
                                                                                                      improvement over the prior
                                                                                                                                          improvement over the prior
                                                                                                                                                                             50      100             200

         Retention: Retain a significant percentage of
                                                                    Recognition is important to Cub Scouts!
                                                               Participate 60%
                                                               Reregister  in two
                                                                                  eligible    Participate
                                                                                               Reregister in three
                                                                                                           65%     service
                                                                                                                of eligible
                                                                                                                                                                 at least
                                                                                                                                                             of eligible
   #3                                                                                                                                                                         50     100             200
   #8    Service
         youth members.                                             advancement plan provides fun for Scouts,
                 projects: Participate in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and
                                                                   the JTE website.
                                                                                                         enter the hours on
                                                                                                   the JTE website.
                                                                                                                                         one of themembers.
                                                                                                                                                    service projects is
                                                                                                                                                                          a sense
                                                                                                                                                                              25      50             100

                                                                    of personal
                                                                   Hold   a troop,
                                                                          eight packhold   achievement
                                                                                         two jointa
                                                                                                                   as they earn badges, and strengthens
                                                                                                      Achieve Bronze, plus dens
         Pack and den meetingstransition: Have an effective
                                    and activities:  Dens                                                                                Achieve
                                                                                                                                           80% ofSilver,  plus   earn the
   #4    plan the
         and   to graduate Webelos
                   pack have regular Scouts into
                                     meetings    Boy
                                               and    Scout
                                                    activities.     family
                                                                       Webelos    understanding
                                                                          started by
                                                                                      October  31.
                                                                                                                      twice   a month
                                                                                                                          a troop.
                                                                                                                     school    year.
                                                                                                                                         members   eligible
                                                                                                                                          Summertime       work
                                                                                                                                             register with      Award.
                                                                                                                                                            a troop.   with youth
                                                                                                                                                                              25    on50
                                                                                                                                                                                      50             100
                     Volunteer Leadership
                                                                    advancement projects. Advancement also keeps youth in Total
                                                                    "The Scouting Adventure."
                                                                                                                                                                                  Points:            400
                           Program                                                                                                                                          Total Points:            900
                                                                    longer. Packs should                   plan      to    have
                                                                                                     Achieve Bronze, and prior to
                                                                                                                                     at least     75%      of     their   Cub    Scouts
                                                                                                                                        Achieve Silver, plus every den
         Leadership recruitment:
                            Achieve aThe
                                      highpack is proactive
                                           percentage  of in        advance
                                                                   Haveofa Cub
                                                                   50%                inassistant
                                                                                           rank each
                                                                                          advance     60% ofyear.
                                                                                                    recruiting event,
                                                                                                              Cub       the committee
                                                                                                                    Scouts    advance
                                                                                                        identifies pack and den
                                                                                                                                          has of  Cub Scouts
                                                                                                                                               a registered     advance
                                                                                                                                                             leader   by      50
                                                                                                                                                                             100     100
                                                                                                                                                                                     200             200
         Cub  Scouts  earningleaders.
                               rank advancements.                    one rank during the year.              one rank during the year.          one rank during31.
                                                                                                                                                     October   the year.
                                                                                                          leadership for the next year.
                                                                    Make sure every new    Scouttheearns
                                                                  Each den has the opportunity
                                                                                     Each  den has
                                                                                                                    Bobcat     within the first 30 days of
                                                                                       Achieve   Bronze,opportunity
                                                                                                            plus the  Each den has the opportunity
         Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities
         and field leadership:
                    trips.      Have trained and engaged
                                                                     participate orin an
                                                                   activities ororfield
                                                                                     Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver,inplus
                                                                                        trips  during
                                                                                                     in four  outdoor
                                                                                     activities or field trips during
                                                                                                                       to participate     fivetwo-thirds
                                                                                                                       activities or field trips during
                                                                                                                                                         50 100                                      200
                                                                  Cubmaster         pack   trainer has     have completed position-           of committee members have
  #11    leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to                   the   year.                            the year.                         the  year.               50         100       200
                                                                    completed    position-specific       specific training or, if new, will    completed  position-specific
         have youth protection training.
                                                              33% of Cubtraining.
                                                                           Scouts participate            complete within three months                   training.
                                                                                                            50%, or of33%   and have
                                                                                                                       joining.                  75%, or 50% and have
         Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend            in a camping experience or
   #7                                                                                                     improvement over the prior           improvement over the prior       50         100       200
         day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp.           improvement    over the prior
                                                                                                                       year.                              year.
  o      Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives.
                                                                 Participate in two service      Participate in three service                 Achieve Silver, plusTotal points earned:
                                                                                                                                                                   at least
  #8     Service projects:
         Silver: Earn       Participate
                      at least          inby
                               800 points  service projects.
                                             earning points inprojects
                                                               at leastand  enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on
                                                                        8 objectives.                                                         one of the service projects is     25         50       100
                                                                      the JTE website.                the JTE website.                           conservation-oriented.
  o      Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6.                                                   No. of objectives with points:
                                                              Hold eight pack meetings a        Achieve Bronze, plus dens
         Pack and den meetings and activities: Dens                                                                                           Achieve Silver, plus earn the
   #9                                                         year. Den or pack meetings       meet at least twice a month                                                      25         50        100
  o      and the
         Our packpack
                  hashave regularonline
                      completed   meetings  and activities.
                                        rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.                           Summertime Pack Award.
                                                             have started by October 31.          during  the school year.

  o                  Volunteer
         We certify that          Leadership
                         these requirements have been completed:                                                                                                               Total Points:         400
                                                                                                          Achieve Bronze, and prior to
                                                                                                                                         Achieve Silver, plus every den
         Leadership recruitment: The pack is proactive in Have a registered assistant                    recruiting event, the committee
  #10    Cubmaster    ___________________________________________________                                Dateidentifies
                                                                                                               _____________________       has a registered leader by           50         100       200
         recruiting sufficient leaders.                          Cubmaster.                                             pack and den
                                                                                                                                                  October 31.
                                                                                                           leadership for the next year.
         Committee chair _______________________________________________                      Date _____________________
                                                                                                 Achieve   Bronze, plus the
                                                              Cubmaster or an assistant         Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds
         Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged
         Commissioner                                       Cubmaster    or
                          _________________________________________________ pack  trainer has    have completed    position-
                                                                                              Date _____________________         of committee members have
  #11    leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to                                                                                                                     50         100       200
                                                              completed position-specific     specific training or, if new, will  completed position-specific
         have youth protection training.
                                                                        training.              complete within three months                training.
         This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed   by your council.
                                                                                                         of joining.

  o      Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives.                                                                            Total points earned:
  o      Silver: Earn at least 800 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives.

  o      Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6.                                                  No. of objectives with points:

  o      Our pack has completed online rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.

  o      We certify that these requirements have been completed:

         Cubmaster ___________________________________________________                                   Date _____________________

         Committee chair _______________________________________________                                 Date _____________________

         Commissioner _________________________________________________                                  Date _____________________

         This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council.
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