Page created by Jonathan Chavez

 NAME                                                    NAME
 Tom Shaw, Chair (Region 12)
 Tommy Stewart, Vice Chair (Region 21)
 Joel Bate (Region 18)
 Justin Cellum (Region 2)
 David Johnson (Region 24)
 Doug Spiwak (Region 4)
 Don Cox, Coaches Association President

*All new proposals must be accompanied by financial implications to member colleges.

     A. Don Cox presents the Coaches Association Report
        Report given. Moving forward to Old Business – renaming Honorable Mention All-American to
        3rd Team All-American

     A. Discussion and direction on national dues
        Tabled until next year. Not the time for a dues increase.
     B. Request to move a past motion that passed to rename the current Honorable Mention All-
        American finishers in the national championship to 3rd Team All-American. Vice Chair Tommy
        Stewart will bring an agenda item to the next All-American Committee meeting.

     A. Bylaw Proposals (Must be circulated 30 Days in Advance)

     B. Handbook Changes
        1. Section 2.
           Delete – November 9, 2019 at Stanley Park; Westfield, Mass.
           November 14, 2020 at Harper College, Palatine, Illinois
           November 13, 2021 at Georgia Military College, Milledgeville, Georgia
           November 12, 2022 at Stanley Park, Westfield, Massachusetts
        2. Section 3.
           Delete – A. & B.
           Replace with:
           The NJCAA Championship course must meet the course standards of the NCAA. The NJCAA
           Cross Country Chairperson or his/her designee will make a final inspection of the course one
           day prior to the NJCAA Cross Country Championship. NCAA Cross Country Rulebook and any
           exceptions must be cleared through the NJCAA Representative/Designee.
3. Section 4.
   A. Add – 1. Region meets shall be scored in the same manner as the national meet with
       seven (7) runners placing and five (5) runners contributing to the team score. NJCAA
       Regions may recommend a maximum number of good standing eligible to participate
       runners in the regional meet following the regulations in Section 8 of this Sport Code. All
       participants, besides the seven (7) declared runners run for time only and are not
       included in the team scoring.
   Motion, fails with no second. Committee requests official interpretation from the National
   Office as to when the national championship starts in XC. In most sports it starts when then
   post season starts. Since the XC national championship is an open championship, most if
   not all regions DO NOT see the regional XC meet as part of the national championship.
   Hence, they do not need to follow the current XC Sport Code under Section 8 regarding
   squad size. Most, if not all run unlimited participation regional meets.
   C. Replace – 1. Regions are to compete region competition 13 days prior to national
       tournament to allow enough time for meet entry and host logistics. If the national meet
       is the first weekend in November, regional competitions are to be completed no less
       than 7 days prior to the national meet.
       Replace – 2. All entries (up to 10 runners) must be made by each college by the second
       Tuesday before the national competition. All fees paid one day prior to the national
       meet. Final declarations will be made when the competitors (no more than 7 per
       college) report to the clerk of the course within 15 minutes of the published race time of
       the race.
4. Section 5 (Meet/Championship Course).
   Replace with:
   A. The Men’s course for the NJCAA Cross Country Championship shall be 8,000 meters.
       The Women’s course shall be 5,000 meters. It should be planned with due consideration
       for the safety and welfare of the contestants. Any obstacles or hindrance (dangerous
       ascents, descents, ditches, tight turns) detrimental to the competitors must be avoided.
       Concrete/hard surfaces must be covered (mulch, rubber mats, etc.). The turf should be
       of a quality to promote safety and freedom from injury.
   B. The course shall be measured by approved surveyor’s methods. The course shall be
       measured along the shortest possible route that a runner may take. It is recommended
       that the course be four meters wide. The first turn of a course shall be a minimum 200
       meters from the start with a preferred distance of 400 meters. The last 100 meters of a
       course shall be straight and at least four meters wide to the finish.
   C. The starting line will be drawn to allow each competitor to line up equal distance from
       the first turn. It is recommended that the starting line be wide enough to provide a
       minimum 50-centimeter space for each four front-line team starters. Lane boxes will be
       numbered left to right facing the running area.
   D. It is recommended that the start and finish lines be located in close proximity. The finish
       line will be at the mouth of the finishing chute and be visibly marked (paint, flags). It is
       recommended that the finish chute be equal to three feet per entry. Chute may be in as
       many sections as the meet manager and timer deems desirable.
   E. The course must be available for practice on Thursday and Friday prior to the meet on
5. Section 6 (Rules and Officials).
Replace with:
   A. NCAA Cross Country rules shall be followed with whatever changes or modifications
        deemed necessary by the NJCAA Cross Country Committee.
   B. The Meet Host will be responsible for securing the services of all necessary officials to
        satisfactorily conduct the meet as determined by the NJCAA Cross Country Committee.
        These officials shall not be drawn from coaches who have teams participating in the
   C. There shall be a minimum of 30 minutes between races.
   D. In the event of cold or inclement weather, meet participants may wear cold weather
        gear (i.e. running tights, team sweats, rain suits, hats) with the approval of the Meet
        Director and the NJCAA Representative. If runners choose to wear cold weather gear, it
        must be of like color and/or matching team colors.
   E. Headphones or similar audio devices may not be worn during the championship
   F. Meet results shall be made public as soon as results can be tabulated and confirmed
        for accuracy. One hour after the last race results have been posted, the results become
        official and final and no protest can be filed.
   G. Jury of Appeals: Members are the NJCAA Representative/Designee, the Championship
        Meet Director and a person appointed by the other two members, not to be a coach in
        the meet.
   H. Tiebreaker for NJCAA regional or national championship is head-to-head competition
        of the top 5 runners.
   I.   The NJCAA Cross Country Championship Meet shall start no earlier than 10:00am. Men
        and women will alternate starting times/positions with women running first on even
        numbered years and men running first on odd numbered years. National race
        schedule, even numbered years:
        9:40am National Anthem
        9:45am First Call Division III Women
        10:00am Division III Women
        10:30am First Call Division III Men
        11:00am Division III Men
        12:00pm Awards
   J. Any team that participates in a NJCAA Regional Championship that runs four runners
        or less are only eligible for NJCAA individual regional awards and are not eligible for
        NJCAA Regional team awards.
   Passes. Discussion on awards time. It was clarified that the emphasis is on the meet start
   time and the awards time is a suggestion to start awards as quickly as possible after the
   conclusion of the meet so teams can makes their travel (flights) if needed.
6. New Section 7 (Cross Country Poll).
   Move from Section 16
   Replace with:
   A. The Poll Committee should be comprised of the Poll Coordinator, coach’s association
       President, and volunteer Regional Poll Representatives.
   B. Colleges must submit meet results electronically by Sunday, 12:00 midnight EST
       following each meet to their Region Poll Representatives to be included in the bi-weekly
       releases and rankings.
   C. The Poll Coordinator will submit bi-weekly meet results to Poll Committee members by
       Monday, 1:00pm EST. Committee members will cast votes for the top 20 teams (20
points for 1st Place, 19 points for 2nd place, 18 points for 3rd place, etc.) to the Poll
              Coordinator by Tuesday, 11:00am EST. The Poll Coordinator will compile the results and
              submit the top 20 rankings to the designated website by Tuesday, 1:00pm EST.
         D. Member colleges must submit times weekly to their Regional Poll Representatives to be
              eligible for national rankings.
      7. New Section 8 (Squad Size).
         Delete and Replace with:
         Participating teams are defined as and limited to a maximum of seven runners with a
         minimum of five runners in uniform. There should be no delay of a contest to allow a
         competing institution to conform to this policy. Any violations shall automatically result in
         the disqualification of the institution(s) in violation. No member institution may run athletes
         as individuals if they have also entered as a team.
      8. Section 9 (Awards).
         Remove per NJCAA National Office
      9. Section 9 - 17
         Renumber Section 9 – 16 (remove cross country poll and move to section 7)

   C. Discussion Items
      1. None

   A. National Championship
      1. DIII Men – Mineral Area (MO)
      2. DIII Women – Suffolk County (NY)
   B. Hall of Fame Inductees
   C. All-American
      1. First Team Men DIII
          Edwin Kipainol – St. Charles (MO)
          Sebastian Mills – Fulton Montgomery (NY)
          Donovan Denslow – Mineral Area (MO)
          Wyatt Elliott – Mineral Area (MO)
          Jacob Melgosa – Harper (IL)
      2. Second Team Men DIII
          Angel Yescas – Harper (IL)
          Luis Antonio Fernan – Suffolk County (NY)
          Stephen Barr – Howard (MD)
          Jacob Arnold – Mineral Area (MO)
          David Soto – SUNY Orange (NY)
      3. Honorable Mention Men DIII
          Hunter Brignall – Finger Lakes (NY)
          Kyle Strong – Kellogg (MI)
          Abdullah Kashem – Camden County (NJ)
          Jorge Dutan – Bergen (NJ)
          Javid Ridgeway – Rowan-Cumberland (NJ)
1. First Team Women DIII
           Alexandra Smith – Suffolk County (NY)
           Katherine Dorton – Emory Oxford (GA)
           Grace Johnson – Emory Oxford (GA)
           Audrey Kelley – St. Charles (MO)
           Brynne Myers – Mohawk Valley (NY)
        2. Second Team Women DIII
           Taylor McClay – Suffolk County (NY)
           Ana Pineda – Joliet (IL)
           Yasmeen Araujo – Suffolk County (NY)
           Wilma Rishko – Harper (IL)
           Emily Blenk – Columbus State (OH)
        3. Honorable Mention Women DIII
           McKenzie Ryan – Hudson Valley (NY)
           Roxanne Temple – Harper (IL)
           Allaura Dashnaw – Suffolk County (NY)
           Sarah Nelson – Harper (IL)
           Kelsey Gannon – Lorain County (OH)

    D. Commendations
       1. Thank you to Holyoke Community College and Thomas Stewart, Holyoke Athletic Director,
          for a well-run national championship

    A. With so many housekeeping changes to the XC DIII Sports Code – the XC Committee Chair will
       provide an updated (when officially passed) XC DIII Sport Code to the national office.


                                       IMPORTANT DATES
                                     Please fill in the columns below.
Event                                              Date
First Poll Date                                    Listed in Section 7 of the Sport Code
Final Poll Date                                    Listed in Section 7 of the Sport Code
District Completion Date                           13 days prior to the national meet
                                                   November 14, 2020 at Harper College;
National Tournament Date                           Palatine, Illinois
Include other dates pertinent to your committee
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