CRI I WATCH Tracking Conflict Worldwide - ReliefWeb

Page created by Adrian Becker

Tracking Conflict Worldwide
CriiWatch i our gloal con ict tracker, a tool deigned to help deciion-maker prevent
deadl violence  keeping them up-to-date with development in over 70 con ict and
crie, identifing trend and alerting them to rik of ecalation and opportunitie to
advance peace.

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Decemer 2018
Gloal Overview                          DCMR 2018

In Novemer, Yemen’ rutal war continued to threaten it people with famine,
while talk planned for earl Decemer offer a glimmer of hope for reprieve.                        Trend
oko Haram’ inurgenc in north eat Nigeria gained intenit, a upected                        for
jihadit group tepped up attack in urkina Fao’ north and eat and acro                      Month
the order in outh wet Niger, and in Mozamique’ far north. In omalia, Al-                      Decemer
haaa upped it campaign of violence, while territorial clahe ared etween
the countr’ emi-autonomou Puntland region and omaliland. In the Central
African Repulic, ghting etween armed group and violence targeting civilian
and peacekeeper urged, and clahe erupted in northern Chad. Fear grew over                      Deteriorated
poile violence around upcoming election in DR Congo, and troop from                            ituation
neighouring urundi attacked a Congo-aed urundian reel group. Protet
turned violent in Haiti and Guinea, while in angladeh, election-related                           urkina
violence could increae in coming week. In urope, relation deteriorated            Outlook       Fao,
etween Koovo and eria, while further eat tenion piked following an            Thi
incident involving Ruian and Ukrainian naval veel in the Azov ea.               Month         urundi,
In Yemen, the war raged on with local force acked  the United Ara mirate                     Chad,
advancing into the eatern part of Hodeida cit, till controlled  the Huthi. A    Conflict      omalia,
attle for Hodeida port and cit – a lifeline for ome two third of the population   Rik          omaliland,
– would likel plunge million of Yemeni into famine. Amid recent U.. enate        Alert        Mozamique,
move to end it involvement in the war, Decemer offer a glimmer of hope; UN                      Guinea,
pecial nvo Martin Grif th i expected to hold peace talk, which could
                                                                                      Repulic of   Nigeria,
reume effort toward a political ettlement and help avert the lide into a
                                                                                      Congo,        Koovo,
catatrophic man-made diater.
                                                                                      angladeh,   Ukraine,
Jihadit group tepped up attack in multiple theatre acro Africa. In             Yemen         Haiti
Nigeria’ north eat, the oko Haram faction calling itelf Ilamic tate Wet
Africa Province upped it raid on ecurit force, taxing an alread over-
tretched militar ahead of the Feruar 2019 poll. In the ahel, jihadit attack
continued to rie in urkina Fao’ north and eat and a new hot pot emerged         Reolution    Improved
acro the order in outh-wetern Niger. Al-haaa in omalia inteni ed            Opportunitie ituation
attack in Mogadihu and elewhere, while eparatel, force from omalia’
emi-autonomou Puntland fought a new out with thoe of omaliland over              Yemen         None
conteted territor. Further down the coat in northern Mozamique, upected
Ilamit militant renewed their rutal targeting of civilian.
In the Central African Repulic, violence once again urged, epeciall in the north and centre, a
faction of the former reel eleka coalition that temporaril took power in 2013 fought anti-alaka          PRIDNT' TAK
communit-aed militia. Armed group alo targeted civilian, UN peacekeeper and humanitarian              High take in the
facilitie. Meanwhile, the rivalr etween Ruian and African Union-led mediation procee
continued to tmie progre toward a political ettlement. A new front opened in Chad’ north a a
                                                                                                              Month Ahead
local defence force formed to reit arm operation which it elieve are aimed at taking control of                RORT MALLY
the area’ gold mine.                                                                                               PRIDNT & CO

DR Congo’ long-delaed general election et for 23 Decemer could trigger violence. The
oppoition’ failure to unite ehind a ingle candidate put wind in the ail of Preident Kaila’           In hi foreword to the
favoured ucceor, while concern aout the crediilit and fairne of the proce could lead loer        Novemer/Decemer 2018
to dipute the reult. urundi’ political crii turned more kinetic a the arm attacked camp of          intalment of CriiWatch,
an armed oppoition group aed in DR Congo’ eat. In Guinea, everal people were killed a                  our monthl con ict
oppoition upporter conteting the reult of the Feruar 2018 local election clahed with
                                                                                                              tracker, our Preident Ro
ecurit force.
                                                                                                              Malle ee in ection
In an atmophere of political acrimon and mitrut, fear grew over the potential for violence               point drawing near in two
around angladeh’ general election on 30 Decemer. Clahe continued etween police and                    of the world’ hottet
upporter of the oppoition, whoe call to potpone the poll  a month, and create a caretaker             war
government to overee them, the government rejected. At leat nine people were killed in a renewed            ...
wave of violence in Haiti a anti-corruption protet gripped the countr.

Relation etween Koovo and eria took a turn for the wore a Koovo introduced a 100 per cent             Continue reading
tariff on import from onia and eria, which it aid wa retaliation for their “negative ehaviour”
and diplomatic effort to undermine Koovo’ international poition. The tariff alo raied tenion
within Koovo a ethnic er expreed their anger at the move. A confrontation involving Ruian and Ukrainian naval
veel in the Azov ea reulted in the Ruian capture of three Ukrainian veel and 24 ervicemen, in what i elieved to
contitute Ruia’ rt overt and unconteted ue of force againt Ukraine ince it 2014 annexation of Crimea; oth ide
accued each other of provocation.

Latet Update

   urkina Fao     DCMR 2018

Jihadit militant ramped up attack in north and eat mainl againt ecurit force, a protet and trike continued. In
at region, upected memer of jihadit group Anarul Ilam 2 Nov attacked gendarmerie in oudougui, Koulpélogo
province; ecurit force 12 Nov reportedl repelled attack  unidenti ed gunmen againt gendarmerie in Partiaga, Tapoa
province. Roadide om and gun attack againt police convo near town of oungou in eat 30 Nov killed ve including
four police of cer. In Centre North region, upected Anarul Ilam 8 Nov attacked gendarmerie in Namiguia, am
province, wounding gendarme. In Centre Wet region, unidenti ed gunmen 8 Nov attacked gendarmerie in ill, iilli
province, wounding police commiioner. In ahel region in north, unidenti ed gunmen 21 Nov attacked police tation in
Tongomael, oum province, wounding police of cer. More chool hut down acro countr a jihadit militant
continued intimidation. upected memer of jihadit group Ilamic tate in Greater ahara (IG) 5 Nov forcil cloed
chool in Kletafade, ahel region in north. chool in Gaeri, at region were hut down 12 Nov after teacher received
death threat from upected Anarul Ilam militant. Unidenti ed aailant ame da reportedl whipped teacher in
Toulfé, North region; other teacher in area cloed chool in fear of attack. Reident in Fada-Ngourma, at region 1 Nov
proteted againt terrorim and violence. Prion ecurit guard on trike to demand etter working condition ame da
raided reidence of Jutice Miniter René agoro in capital Ouagadougou. mploee at court in Fada-Ngourma 5 Nov
cloed court due to inecurit, with court ecurit guard on trike ince 25 Oct. everal thouand people 29 Nov
demontrated in capital Ouagadougou a part of nationwide trike over higher fuel price. NGO Human Right Watch 19
Nov aid arm 16 Nov allegedl killed fourteen men detained in Gael Liddji, oum province, ahel region.
Mali    DCMR 2018

Govt launched diarmament and reintegration of comatant in north, a communal con ict and jihadit attack continued
in centre and north. In repone to criticim of govt’ propoed ill to reform adminitrative diviion (leaked in Oct) –
including that it would favour nomadic group and that govt drafted ill unilaterall – govt held conultation with
oppoition leader and conference throughout countr. ut main oppoition leader oumaïla Cié 8 Nov declined PM
Maïga’ invitation to dicu reform, citing Preident Keïta’ lack of legitimac, and opponent of draft ill in Gao in north
prevented organiation of conference there. A enviaged in 2015 Algier peace agreement, govt launched Accelerated
Diarmament, Demoiliation, Reinertion and Integration (A-DDR-I) program in Gao, Kidal and Timuktu 6, 9 and 12 Nov
repectivel aimed at integrating ome 1,600 comatant from variou armed group into ecurit force. ome of thoe
  ghter refued to hand over all weapon citing variou iue, including their deire to keep ame rank a the held in
armed group. Jihadit kept up attack in north and centre a French force continued trike targeting leader. Al-Qaeda-
linked jihadit coalition Group for the upport of Ilam and Mulim (GIM) 9 Nov releaed video in which Amadou Kouffa,
Fulani leader of GIM memer Macina Lieration Front, called on Fulani acro Wet Africa to join jihad, in contrat with
pat call addreed to all Mulim. French operation in Gourma area 11-12 Nov killed even jihadit, including GIM
faction leader al-Manour Ag Alkaim. Jihadit 12 Nov attacked UN contractor in Gao near UN ae, killing three
civilian, and upected jihadit 19 Nov killed Ara of cer in mixed arm-armed group force in Timuktu. France 23 Nov
aid raid  French force in Mopti region night of 22-23 Nov “put out of action” aout 30 jihadit militant, poil
including Kouffa; govt 24 Nov aid Kouffa killed. In centre, communal con ict continued. Gunmen 3 Nov attacked ve
village in anka area reportedl home to ethnic Dogon. Dogon militia Dan Nan Amaagou 21 Nov aid militia, which
announced unilateral ceae re in Oct, had rejected ceae re with Fulani herder to protect Dogon after everal killed 
arm. Local authoritie 22 Nov aid aout a dozen Fulani herder had een killed in recent da in town of Ouenkoro in
Mopti region and accued Dogon hunter.

   Niger    DCMR 2018

upected jihadit group tepped up attack in outh wet near order with urkina Fao and Mali and upected oko
Haram continued attack in outh eat near order with Nigeria. Govt 3 Nov aid arm had detroed everal camp of
alleged jihadit in outh wet in previou week. Unidenti ed aailant 17 Nov attacked gendarmerie pot near Makalondi,
10km from urkina Fao order in Tillaer region, killing two gendarme efore retreating acro order. Armed
aailant 30 Nov attacked police pot in Tera town in outh wet, killing cutom of cer. Govt ame da declared tate of
emergenc in department of a, Torodi and Tera in Tillaer region in outh wet. In outh eat, upected oko Haram
militant 22 Nov attacked French drilling compan Foraco’ well ite in Toumour, Diffa region, eight people killed; local
authoritie 24 Nov aid upected oko Haram gunmen had kidnapped fteen girl overnight in village near Toumour,
Diffa region. U.. media earl Nov reported that U.. militar ent letter of reprimand to ix peronnel, including Air Force
two-tar general, for their role in Oct 2017 operation near Tongo Tongo in which four American and four Nigerien oldier
were killed.

   urundi    DCMR 2018

Militar launched reprial attack againt armed oppoition group in eatern DR Congo (DRC) and Preident Nkurunziza
refued to meet viiting African Union (AU) of cial and attend regional ummit. Following attack  armed oppoition
group RD-TAARA aed in eatern DRC on militar poition in wet late Oct, arm launched attack in DRC 1-2 Nov
reportedl damaging reel’ camp and forcing them to ee. Govt denied incurion into DRC. Congolee ecurit force
arreted urundian oldier at ange, in DRC’ outh Kivu province and reportedl handed him over to urundian arm on
order 6 Nov, and arreted three other urundian oldier for ecretl entering Luenda refugee camp, which helter
urundian refugee. After govt, ruling part and allied partie late Oct ocotted fth and nal round of inter-urundian
dialogue aimed at reolving political crii triggered  Nkurunziza’ 2015 deciion to tand for third term, facilitator
former Tanzanian Preident Mkapa aid he had concluded hi miion and reported to mediator Ugandan Preident
Mueveni. Govt rejected raft of reform propoed  oppoition partie who attended dialogue. Oppoition and civil ociet
called on AU and UN to take over proce. AU Commiioner for Peace and ecurit maël Chergui and former CAR
Preident ama Panza met govt of cial in ujumura 5-7 Nov to encourage authoritie to take part in incluive dialogue;
Nkurunziza refued to meet them, citing u agenda. Govt did not attend at African Communit (AC) miniterial
meeting 28 Nov and Nkurunziza refued to attend or end repreentative to AC head of tate ummit planned for 30
Nov-1 Dec; ummit potponed ine die a urundi’ aence meant quorum not reached. Govt 8 Nov rejected ept
application  main in-countr oppoition leader Agathon Rwaa to create new part, citing latter’ intention to ue
acronm, emlem and motto of exiting part. Govt 5 Nov aid it had re-regitered 25 NGO following National ecurit
Council’ late ept upenion of all NGO.

   Cameroon      DCMR 2018

Oppoition leader continued to reject Preident ia’ win in Oct poll, in wet Anglophone eparatit continued to attack
tate repreentative and kidnap tudent a militar purued deadl counter offenive, and in Far North oko Haram (H)
attack continued at low e. Maurice Kamto, of cial runner-up in Oct preidential vote, continued to claim victor. He
and hi upporter attempted to protet in capital Yaoundé 6 Nov, da of ia’ inauguration for eventh term, ut
authoritie arreted him and upporter, releaing them hour later. Kamto 26 Nov called on Francophone to oerve
general trike ever Monda afternoon in olidarit with Anglophone, threatening to extend trike to all da if govt doe
not reolve Anglophone crii  end of 2018. In Anglophone area, eparatit 5 Nov kidnapped 79 tudent and two taff
from chool in Nkwen, Northwet region; following international condemnation militant releaed tudent 48 hour later.
Militar reportedl killed aout 30 eparatit in Mao-inka, Northwet 12-13 Nov. eparatit 14 Nov killed Maor of
Nwa, Northwet. Militar 16 Nov killed at leat ten eparatit in elo, Northwet, including local head of Amazonian
elf-Defence Council (AC), militar wing of eparatit group Amazonia Interim Govt. eparatit 20 Nov kidnapped nine
tudent and teacher from chool in Kuma, outhwet; next da militar attacked eparatit’ camp, freeing captive and
killing at leat two. eparatit 27 Nov kidnapped Anglophone lawer, releaed him next da. Cardinal Chritian Tumi 14
Nov aid imon Munzu, head of organiing committee of Anglophone General Conference, had reigned citing death
threat from eparatit. Organier of conference cheduled for 21-22 Nov potponed it for econd time until govt give
authoriation. In Far North region, H killed four people in Igawa, Mao-ava department 1 Nov and one in aljoel, Mao-
Tanaga 2 Nov. Militar 14 Nov arreted H militant in Gouzoudou, Mao-ava. ia 30 Nov igned decree creating
committee to overee Diarmament, Demoiliation and Reintegration of H defector and Anglophone militant.

   Central African Repulic      DCMR 2018

Fighting etween armed group and attack on civilian and peacekeeper urged, epeciall in north and centre. In
atangafo in north, anti-alaka communit defence group and ex-eleka militant fought each other, attacked civilian,
UN peacekeeper and humanitarian worker and pillaged humanitarian facilitie end Oct-earl Nov, leaving everal people
dead; re tarted during ghting detroed three camp for diplaced people leaving over 30,000 people without helter.
UN deploed more peacekeeper. In amari in centre, militant of ex-eleka faction Union for Peace in the Central African
Repulic (UPC) 13 Nov forced people out of their home and occupied them. In Alindao in centre, ghting etween UPC
militant and anti-alaka 15 Nov left at leat 60 people dead including two priet; Catholic church ued a helter for
diplaced people urned down. In Gaia, near ererati in wet, iriri armed group 16 Nov attacked UN ae killing
peacekeeper. Two parallel mediation procee – one led  African Union (AU), another  Ruia and udan – continued
to compete for u-in. French FM Le Drian viited capital angui 1-2 Nov, encouraged Preident Touadéra to engage with
AU-led mediation rather than proce led  Ruia and udan; he pledged 1,400 ri e for arm and €24mn to help pa
civil ervant alarie and penion and uild infratructure. Coalition of political partie and civil ociet group 12 Nov
igned memorandum aking for incluive AU-led dialogue. UN ecurit Council 15 Nov extended mandate of UN miion
(MINUCA) for one month to allow more time for negotiation over new twelve-month mandate; U.. expreed
reervation over France’ propoed expanion of mandate due to reource implication and Ruia ojected to propoed
language on primac of AU-led mediation. International Criminal Court 11 Nov iued arret warrant for MP and former
anti-alaka leader Alfred Yekatom Romhot, known a Ramo, for war crime and crime againt humanit; Romhot
arreted late Oct after he red hot in national aeml, taken to Netherland 17 Nov and 23 Nov made hi rt
appearance at court in The Hague.
Chad    DCMR 2018

Clahe erupted in north etween arm and ethnic Teu defence force, a arm continued operation againt Lia-aed
armed group in north and oko Haram in wet. Arm operation in Miki area in north, which it aid were aimed at
driving out illegal gold miner, arm traf cker and lave trader, ecalated earl Nov into confrontation with local Teu
communit intent on retaining control of area and it reource. ome arm veteran, civilian and former reel earl Nov
formed Teu elf-Defence Committee to prevent what it ee a “Dé’ clan” exploiting Tieti gold mine. Govt 17 Nov
claimed arm had dilodged “the enem” from Miki, which Teu elf-Defence Committee denied, claiming 20 Nov that it
had driven out arm. Ground operation and airtrike reportedl caued man caualtie in arm and among local force.
Oppoition leader 22 Nov called on Preident Dé to open national dialogue on far north. Parliamentar oppoition 28
Nov appealed for ceation of hotilitie and parliamentar viit to north to liten to population and then dicu it
demand with govt to nd olution. Clahe continued etween arm and Lia-aed armed group around Kouri
ougoudi in north. Dé 9 Nov replaced defence miniter with former head of gendarmerie and replaced ecurit miniter
with Mahamat Aa Ali alah, a Teu. U.. 16 Nov donated ix oat and ix vehicle worth $1.3mn to militar rigade
carring out operation againt oko Haram in Lake Chad area. Govt and African Development ank 14 Nov initiated
program that aim to provide govt $21mn in udgetar upport to oot economic recover. National Framework for
Political Dialogue 12 Nov aid legilative election, alread potponed to Nov, would again e puhed ack to Ma 2019.
Dé 25-27 Nov viited Irael and met PM Netanahu and Preident Rivlin, retoring diplomatic relation cut off ince
1972; two countrie have maintained trade relationhip.

      Democratic Repulic Of Congo           DCMR 2018

Violence could ecalate or reak out in new area around 23 Dec general election; in Nov oppoition failed to unite ehind
ingle candidate and armed group violence continued in eat. even oppoition leader created Lamuka coalition in Geneva
11 Nov, trongl criticiing voter’ roll and ue of voting machine, agreeing that, if coalition win, freh election would e
held after two ear in which memer Jean-Pierre ema and Moïe Katumi could run, and naming Martin Faulu a
oppoition’ ingle preidential candidate. Next da, two main oppoition candidate, Felix Thiekedi and uequentl
Vital Kamerhe, pulled out of agreement citing preure from political ae. Latter two leader formed alliance etween
their partie in Kenan capital Nairoi 23 Nov, with Thiekedi a it preidential candidate. lectoral commiion 21 Nov
opened month-long campaigning period. In North Kivu province in eat, armed group including Allied Democratic Force
(ADF) kept up attack on civilian in north of province, preventing effective repone to ola outreak. upected ADF 5
Nov launched attack on Mangoko, killing even civilian, and Oicha, killing civilian. Aailant 10 Nov killed woman and
kidnapped ve other at Mai-Moa, and killed ix civilian in eni 10-11 Nov. UN miion and arm 13 Nov launched joint
operation againt ADF militant, even peacekeeper and at leat twelve oldier killed. upected ADF attack on Oicha 15
Nov left ve civilian dead. hell hit houe in eni 16 Nov forcing ixteen World Health Organization taff to evacuate. ADF
18 Nov killed three traveller on road etween Oicha and ringeti. In Kaai province in centre, militar operation againt
Kamuina Napu armed group killed eventeen militant 7 Nov. Three campaigner for memer of ruling coalition
diappeared, upected killed, 17 Nov near Diaa. Arrival in Kaai province of mot of etimated 362,000 Congolee
forcefull evicted from Angola  armed force Oct-Nov put added train on reource. In outh Kivu province in eat,
urundian militar attacked ae of urundian RD-TAARA reel 1-2 Nov reportedl forcing them to ee; urundi
denied incurion. Congolee ecurit force arreted urundian oldier at ange and reportedl handed him over to
urundian arm 6 Nov, and arreted three other urundian oldier for entering Luenda refugee camp, which helter
urundian refugee.

   Gaon     DCMR 2018
Preident ongo 24 Oct reportedl uffered troke and wa hopitalied in audi Araian capital Riadh, where he wa
attending conference; 29 Nov travelled from Riadh to Moroccan capital, Raat to continue recover. In repone to call 
VP Mouavou, contitutional court 14 Nov ruled head of tate wa “temporaril unavailale” and amended contitution to
give VP and PM power to carr out certain preidential function; VP to chair cainet. Oppoition condemned move a
attempt to conolidate power in hand of ongo clan and African Union 17 Nov urged govt to repect contitutional order.

   Djiouti    DCMR 2018

mirati port operator DP World, from which govt eized control of Doraleh port in Fe and ownerhip of Doraleh Container
Terminal in ept, 6 Nov led lawuit with High Court of Hong Kong accuing China of uilding free zone in diputed port
and preuring govt into cancelling agreement with DP World; govt denied Chinee rm induced it to reach agreement
with DP World. Preident Guelleh met thiopian PM Ai in Addi Aaa 17 Nov; expreed readine to take part in
regional integration and upport for UN’ 14 Nov lifting of anction againt ritrea. UN had placed anction on ritrea
partl ecaue latter had not withdrawn it force from diputed area on order with Djiouti following clahe with
Djiouti in June 2008.

   ritrea    DCMR 2018

UN ecurit Council 14 Nov lifted anction it impoed on ritrea in 2009 ecaue latter had not withdrawn troop from
diputed area on order with Djiouti and for alleged funding of armed group in omalia. Preident Afwerki met
thiopian PM Ai and omali Preident Farmajo in thiopia 9 Nov; all agreed to trengthen tripartite cooperation.
udanee Preident ahir 28 Oct expreed willingne to normalie relation with ritrea.

   thiopia    DCMR 2018

Govt launched crackdown on corruption in govt and militar and continued to foter cooperation with neighour, ut
ethnic violence and criminalit continued. In crackdown againt corrupt of cial, govt 10-11 Nov arreted 79 people,
including enior militar of cial and head of militar-run Metal and ngineering Corporation (MTC); compan
accued of mimanaging mega-project including Grand thiopian Renaiance Dam. Tigra regional tate Preident
Deretion Geremichael 19 Nov aid crackdown dicriminated againt ethnic Tigraan, who dominated in govt efore
PM Ai’ election. thnic Oromo militia 14 Nov reportedl killed at leat ten omali in Moale, on order with Kena.
thnic Oromo armed group 29 Nov reportedl attacked civilian and Oromia tate police in at Wollega zone and area
adjacent to enihangul Regional tate killing dozen of civilian and eventeen police of cer. Armed group Oromo
Lieration Front 14 Nov reached cooperation agreement with political part Oromo Democratic Part, urging upporter to
refrain from violence and aide  rule of law. Former oppoition gure irtukan Mideka named head of electoral oard
22 Nov. PM Ai 9 Nov received omali Preident Farmajo and ritrean Preident Afwerki to dicu how to develop tie, 17
Nov addreed African Union at 11th extraordinar eion in Addi Aaa, highlighting need to reform and trengthen
Kena    DCMR 2018

Al-haaa continued attack in eat, a intercommunal clahe perited in north. In eat, Al-haaa militant 10 Nov
hot at international NGO vehicle on Maalani-Ijara road, Garia count, wounding one female taff-memer.
Unidenti ed gunmen 20 Nov attacked orphanage at Chakama village, 60km wet of Malindi on coat, wounding ve people
and kidnapping Italian volunteer; no group claimed reponiilit. In north, intercommunal clahe perited in everal
countie. In Marait count, tit-for-tat attack etween ethnic orana and Gara over diputed oundarie continued,
killing three. In protracted feud over order etween Garia and Iiolo countie, orana and omali communitie clahed
6 Nov, leaving three dead in Modogahe area. In Wajir count, attack  Gelile u-clan and reprial  Matan u-clan 7-
8 Nov left four dead.

   omalia    DCMR 2018

Al-haaa tepped up attack in capital Mogadihu and elewhere and militia ghting roke out in Galmudug tate. In
Mogadihu, Al-haaa car om attack 8 Nov killed Hirhaelle regional tate MP Adiwali Mohamed and two other;
militant 9 Nov carried out three car om attack: two targeted aha hotel, killing around 52 civilian, ve Al-haaa
militant killed in enuing gun ght. U.. airtrike on Al-haaa tronghold continued; airtrike near Deatcile 19 Nov
killed 37 militant; airtrike in Qu Cad Mudug region 20 Nov killed even militant; airtrike near Leede, a region 30
Nov killed nine militant. Al-haaa 16 Nov launched aault againt u paramilitar group Ahlul unnah Waa-Jama’a
(AWJ) in Guriceel ditrict in Galgaduud province, AWJ retained control of ditrict. In Galkao in north, Al-haaa 26
Nov attacked compound of u cleric killing him and at leat eventeen of hi follower. Fighting erupted in Galmudug 19
Nov etween two militia from Marehan and Cer clan; federal and regional govt ent militar to top ghting. Ilamic
tate (II) inteni ed operation in Mogadihu and outhern omalia; extorted uine leader in Mogadihu, killed
thoe who refued to pa taxe to II. Al-haaa 13 Nov executed ix of it memer in akow, Middle Jua region in
outh for pledging upport to II leader Adulqadir Mumin. Regional election potponed to 5 Dec. Preident Farmajo
met thiopian PM Ai and ritrean Preident Afwerki in ahir Dar, thiopia 9 Nov, all agreed to trengthen tripartite

   omaliland     DCMR 2018

omalia’ emi-autonomou region Puntland and omaliland force 4 Nov clahed in Tukaraq, reigniting con ict over
diputed territorie of ool and anaag.

   outh udan      DCMR 2018

UN underecretar-general for peacekeeping operation, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, 16 Nov reportedl aid UN might upport
deploment of force from regional loc Intergovernmental Authorit on Development (IGAD) countrie to upport
implementation of peace plan, ut uggeted extra troop would need to join UN Miion in outh udan (UNMI). Troika
on outh udan – U.., UK and Norwa – 16 Nov offered cautiou upport for deploment, ut aid UN ecurit Council
would need to approve an additional troop. IGAD 16 Nov urged govt to devote more reource to implement peace deal
and directed it pecial envo to reach out to warring group who have not igned agreement. outh udan National
Dialogue, unilaterall launched  Kiir in 2017, late Oct put forward propoal to revert to colonial three-province tem
that would decentralie power. NGO Doctor Without order reported that gunmen 19-29 Nov raped 125 women in
entiu, Northern Liech tate; govt denied report. UN “extremel concerned” aout dramatic increae of con ict-related
exual violence, depite peace deal igned in ept.

   udan    DCMR 2018

U.. media mid-Nov reported that U.. tate Department had ignalled to udanee of cial that U.. wa open to dropping
udan’ deignation a “tate ponor of terrorim” if latter made progre in ix area, including expanding counter-
terrorim effort, ceaing ghting with reel and working toward peace talk, and evering tie with North Korea. In outh
Darfur, ghting renewed etween paramilitar Rapid upport Force (RF) and reel of udanee Lieration Arm faction
led  Adel Wahid (LA-AW) in Jeel Marra region; everal civilian reportedl killed 13 Nov in RF attack in Deriat
area, LM-AW 25 Nov claimed that it killed eighteen RF troop when it repelled attack led  govt force in Feina area.
udan and gpt 25 Nov agreed to et up joint militar patrol on their order with Lia.

   Uganda     DCMR 2018

Following international criticim of govt for arret of popular politician and inger Roert Kagulani, crackdown on
proteter, political oppoition and journalit continued at lower level. Preident Mueveni 7 Nov ordered deploment of
arm acro capital Kampala to patrol treet and et up roadlock. Mueveni 15 Nov aid militar and police would
deplo to guard Chinee invetor, following pate of attack and roerie. Police 26 Nov arreted fteen oppoition
upporter at gathering of oppoition part Forum for Democratic Change in outh-wetern Rukungiri, home of part
leader, Kizza eige. Amid riing tenion on Lake Alert that traddle DR Congo-Uganda order, Congolee militiamen
18 Nov hot dead even Ugandan hermen. Increaed cro-order attack  Ugandan reel group Allied Democratic
Force (ADF) aed in DRC 18 Nov prompted arm to deplo more troop along Uganda-DRC order.

   Angola    DCMR 2018

ecurit force continued operation in eat to cur irregular artianal diamond mining; NGO Human Right Watch 14 Nov
urged govt to halt ma deportation from eat and invetigate alleged aue  ecurit force after etimated over
400,000 migrant mainl from DR Congo forced to ee ack acro order.

   Comoro Iland      DCMR 2018

After clahe in Oct etween ecurit force and proteter rejecting reult of Jul referendum that extended preidential
term and topped rotation of preidenc etween three main iland, parliament peaker 24 Nov called off vote on
Preident Aoumani’ propoal that he pa law  preidential decree for three month; 21 of 33 MP oppoed move.
Madagacar      DCMR 2018

In 7 Nov preidential election, no candidate won more than 50% of vote needed for victor in rt round; candidate who
won mot vote, former preident Andr Rajoelina (39.19%) and Marc Ravalomanana (35.29%), to compete in run-off vote
et for 19 Dec. Incument Preident Rajaonarimampianina won 8.84%. Rajoelina and Ravalomanana alleged fraud and
malpractice  election authoritie. Independent National lectoral Commiion and monitoring miion of regional loc
outh African Development Communit and uropean Union rejected allegation, aing no major irregularitie took

   Mozamique       DCMR 2018

upected Ilamit militant tepped up attack in Cao Delgado province in far north. Militant 14 Nov executed village
chief in Macomia ditrict and 23 Nov attacked village in Nangane ditrict, killing twelve and cauing thouand to ee
acro order into Tanzania. ame night aailant amuhed and killed truck driver on order etween Cao Delgado and
Niaa province. Militant attacked Nacotuco village, Macomia ditrict 27 Nov, killing one peron. Authoritie 26-28 Nov
arreted over 200 people upected of elonging to Ilamit militant group. Contitutional Council 14 Nov validated reult
of 10 Oct municipal election except for in Marromeu municipalit, in central province of ofala, where ruling Frelimo
part won 22 Nov re-run.

   Zimawe      DCMR 2018

Amid ongoing economic crii that ha led to hike in price of good including food, drink and clothe and caued fuel
hortage, govt tatitic agenc Zimtat 13 Nov releaed data howing in ation oared in Oct to highet level ince 2008.
Main oppoition part Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) held demontration in capital Harare 29 Nov to protet
worening economic condition among other iue, demanding national dialogue and power-haring tranitional
adminitration. MDC leader Nelon Chamia 26 Nov teti ed efore Commiion of Inquir proing 1 Aug pot-election
violence, aing hi part had not incited upporter to take to treet. Commiion concluded hearing and aid it would
deliver nal report to Preident Mnangagwa 1 Dec.

   Côte D’Ivoire    DCMR 2018

Tenion perited over reult of 13 Oct regional and municipal election. upreme Court examined 102 appeal for
annulment, 23 Nov annulled vote in Guémon and Loh Djiouahtwo region and Port ouët and Lakota commune; 30 Nov
annulled vote in four other commune of ingerville, Ruino, oko and Grand-aam. New vote to e organied in next
three month. Oppoition partie including Democratic Part of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI) and Popular Ivorian Front (FPI)
continued to denounce alleged overrepreentation of govt in electoral commiion and reiterated call for reform. PDCI
continued effort to gather oppoition partie in united front to counter growing in uence of ruling coalition Rall of
Houphouëtit for Democrac and Peace (RHDP). Three NGO 15 Nov aid the had lodged appeal 5 Oct againt amnet
granted earl Aug  Preident Ouattara to ome 800 people accued or convicted of crime linked to 2010-2011 pot-
election crii, including former rt lad imone Gago.

   Guinea    DCMR 2018

Tenion continued to ecalate etween govt and oppoition over reult of municipal election in Fe. Oppoition 7 Nov
clahed with ecurit force during demontration in Wanindara neighourhood of capital Conakr, two civilian
reportedl killed and two other wounded. Oppoition upporter next da reportedl eat policeman to death in ame
neighourhood. ecurit force cracked down on oppoition march 22 Nov in Conakr, everal demontrator reportedl
wounded. ecurit force dipered teacher’ it-in 22 Nov in capital and elewhere, three demontrator reportedl
wounded and ten other arreted.

   Guinea-iau      DCMR 2018

Govt 19 Nov announced new extenion of voter cenu  fteen da until 5 Dec, likel delaing legilative election
initiall cheduled for 18 Nov until 2019. Teacher’ union 1 Nov launched new 30-da trike over unpaid alarie and poor
working condition. tudent demontrating in capital iau 8 Nov to denounce parali of education ector clahed with
police, at leat eight wounded and ve other arreted.

   Lieria   DCMR 2018

Violence marred campaign for 20 Nov enatorial -election in Monterrado ditrict thirteen and inoe Count.
upporter of ruling Coalition for Democratic Change and oppoition Unit Part 17 Nov clahed in Monterrado’
thirteenth ditrict, one reportedl killed; police 18 Nov aid incident left four wounded and no one killed. lectoral
commiion 23 Nov aid independent candidate dward Papa Flomo had won -election in Monterrado ditrict; ame
da delaed releae of nal reult for inoe count due to allegation of allot tuf ng; 26 Nov aid ruling Coalition for
Democratic Change (CDC) candidate Augutine Chea had won vote in inoe count.

   Nigeria   DCMR 2018

Ahead of Fe 2019 election, oko Haram (H), epeciall Ilamic tate Wet Africa Province (IWAP) faction, tepped up
attack on ecurit force and civilian in north eat and ecurit force reported over 135 andit and militia men killed in
north wet and Middle elt. Aout 25 gunmen 14 Nov attacked rall of oppoition People’ Democratic Part in Ipo, River
tate, everal reportedl wounded. H 14 Nov attacked Mammanti village, killing one villager; 16 Nov attacked Kekeno
village, numer of caualtie unknown; 17 Nov attacked arm ae in Mainok, killing one oldier; IWAP 18 Nov attacked
arm ae in Matele, reportedl killing at leat 43 oldier including commander (arm 28 Nov aid 23 oldier killed); H
ame da attacked arm ae in Gajiram, caualtie unknown; 19 Nov killed nine farmer and aducted twelve other
outide Mammanti village. IWAP 27 Nov attacked militar ae in Cro-Kauwa, three oldier reportedl killed; 29 Nov
attacked arm near Gamoru, reportedl killing eight oldier; IWAP 30 Nov attacked militar in Arege village, killing at
leat one oldier. Militar 18 Nov aid it had killed IWAP’ pokeman Ahmed aleh, alo known a aan Haan. Arm
17 Nov aid it had identi ed new inurgent ect in north eat, Jama’atu Nu’ratul-Ilami Wal-Mulimina, led  Aul-Fadl
Gali. Inecurit continued in Middle elt: in Plateau tate, unidenti ed gunmen 11 Nov killed two civilian in Nding
village; tate govt committee 11 Nov reported “recent” violence had killed 1,801 people and diplaced 50,212 peron
acro tate. In north wet, violence involving andit, communit defence group and ecurit force continued. Arm 19
Nov aid it had killed fourteen andit, cattle rutler and kidnapper in Kaduna and Niger tate; 20 Nov aid continuing
airtrike had killed unpeci ed numer of andit and detroed their camp; police 30 Nov reported 104 andit killed in
major anti-rutling operation in irnin Mogaji, Zurmi local govt area, Zamfara tate. In north central, arm 23 Nov
reported eventeen militia men killed in enue, Naarawa and Taraa tate. Communal violence reported elewhere. In
Cro River tate, ix communitie earl Nov clahed in Odukpani area, reportedl part of long-running land dipute, at
leat twelve killed. In auchi tate, ghting in tate capital auchi 18 Nov left eight people dead.

   Togo    DCMR 2018

Main oppoition coalition 26 Nov aid it would ocott 20 Dec general election, alleging poll would e “fraudulent”, and
held protet 29 Nov in main town againt irregularitie in election proce and called for further protet 1 Dec. ecurit
Miniter General Yark Damehame previou week warned againt act of violence eeking to upet campaign and voting.


   China (Internal)    DCMR 2018

Further report emerged decriing extenive growth of political re-education camp ued for ma detention of Mulim
in Xinjiang region. Jametown Foundation report 5 Nov cited evidence of dramatic increae in Xinjiang local govt udget
for contruction of ecurit facilitie, prion and detention centre in area with high concentration of ethnic minoritie.
China 6 Nov faced Univeral Periodic Review  UN Human Right Council; thirteen motl Wetern countrie expreed
concern over China’ treatment of minoritie, calling on eijing to releae thoe aritraril detained and cloe camp;
China rejected criticim and did not repond to requet to allow independent UN oerver into region. ix UN of cial 12
Nov penned letter to eijing decriing Xinjiang regulation and juti cation for re-education centre a contrar to
international human right law, while group of fteen Wetern amaador, pearheaded  Canada, co-igned letter to
Xinjiang Part ecretar requeting meeting to dicu alleged human right aue againt ethnic Uighur; foreign
minitr dimied letter a interference in China’ internal affair. Coalition of 278 cholar iued tatement 26 Nov
calling on tate and intitution to demand eijing end detention and impoe anction. China’ tate media continued
to frame camp a necear and effective repone to terrorim and extremim. China’ amaador to U.. aid an
anction would draw “proportionate retaliation”, Reuter reported 27 Nov. Chinee tate media late Nov reported that
authoritie in Ningxia province, home to Hui Mulim minorit, igned “cooperation anti-terrorim agreement” with
of cial in Xinjiang, prompting concern among right group of poile pread of crackdown.

   China/Japan      DCMR 2018

Chinee lieutenant-general led militar of cer reponile for at China ea on viit to Japan 18-22 Nov; mot enior
delegation to viit ince 2010, howing improving tie. U.. and Japan held iennial “Keen word” Paci c maritime militar
exercie near Japan 29 Oct-8 Nov, joined  Canada for rt time. PM Ae and U.. VP Pence during 13 Nov meeting in
Toko announced comined $70n infratructure development commitment to Indo-Paci c region, een a repone to
China’ elt and Road Initiative. Japanee media 27 Nov reported govt i conidering upgrading Japan’ two Izumo-cla
helicopter carrier to enale them to carr F-35 Lighting ghter jet; plan to acquire more jet; and ma uild a third
uch veel.

   Korean Peninula        DCMR 2018

Talk etween U.. and North Korea almot ground to a halt with cancellation  North Korea of 7 Nov planned meeting in
New York etween U.. ec tate Mike Pompeo and North Korean counterpart Kim Yong-chol. Cancellation of talk
followed tatement from regime-linked North Korean think-tank oating idea that Pongang could retart nuclear
activitie if anction relief i not forthcoming. In interview with U.. roadcater 15 Nov, U.. VP Mike Pence reaf rmed
anction would ta in place until etalihment of roadmap for North Korean denucleariation, ut avoided putting
precondition on holding of econd U..-North Korea ummit, declaring “it i imperative in thi next ummit that we come
awa with a plan for identifing all of the weapon … all the development ite, allowing for inpection of thoe ite and
a plan for dimantling the nuclear weapon”. New U..-outh Korea working group on North Korean iue meeting for rt
time 20 Nov coordinated UN ecurit Council waiver allowing joint urve to ae tate of rail link etween two Korea;
reaking with previou poition, U.. reportedl “expreed full and trong upport” for joint urve; according to ept
Pongang Declaration, road and rail reconnection work hould egin end-Nov/earl Dec. U.. 21 Nov announced planned
Foal agle militar exercie with outh Korea earl 2019 will e caled down “to keep it at a level that will not e harmful
to diplomac”. U.. think-tank CI 12 Nov releaed atellite photo reportedl howing that Pongang i maintaining
over a dozen miile launch ite.

   Taiwan trait     DCMR 2018

Commiioning two former U.. warhip for Taiwan’ nav 8 Nov, Preident Tai aid Taipei “will not retreat an inch”
depite warning from China over deepening defence tie with U... U.. VP Mike Pence 17 Nov in rare meeting with
Taiwan’ repreentative at APC aid Trump adminitration will continue to uphold Taiwan Relation Act and “One-China
Polic”. Taiwan of cial earl Nov accued China of tring to in uence local election. Ruling Democratic Progreive
Part (DPP) uffered major defeat in 24 Nov local election, loing ke citie to China-friendl oppoition Kuomintang
(KMT). In repone, Preident Tai reigned a DPP chair. In 24 Nov referendum, voter rejected propoal to compete a
“Taiwan” rather than “Chinee Taipei” at Olmpic; name change could have ecome otacle to participation. U.. Nav
29 Nov ent two hip through Taiwan trait for third time thi ear, tepping up demontration of upport for Taipei.

   Afghanitan      DCMR 2018

Talian made further territorial gain and launched large-cale attack on previoul peaceful area of Ghazni province,
and govt force uffered heav caualtie in Farah province. Major incident included Talian aault 6-7 Nov and again
from 20 Nov on Jaghori ditrict (Ghazni province), overrunning govt poition and reportedl killing at leat 30 oldier;
Talian 28 Nov attacked ritih ecurit rm, killing ix including one riton. Talian roadide om 26 Nov killed three
U.. oldier in Ghazni, wort lo of life for U.. militar o far in 2018 in Afghanitan. At leat ix killed in uicide attack
on a demontration in Kaul 12 Nov claimed  Ilamic tate-Khoraan Province (I-KP). In Farah province, Talian earl
Nov aaulted govt poition in Puht-i Kuh, Khok-i afed and aka luk ditrict, killing dozen; and 26 Nov killed at leat
twent police in amuh near Lah wa Juwan ditrict. Defence and interior miniter 14 Nov acknowledged eriou threat
in Ghazni, Ghor, Farah, Uruzgan and Kunduz province. Arret of Hazara militia commander 25 Nov prompted further
violent protet in Kaul, forcing govt to releae him two da later. uicide attacker 20 Nov killed at leat 50 at gathering
of religiou cholar near Kaul Airport; Talian condemned attack. I-KP claimed reponiilit for 23 Nov exploion in
moque in Afghan arm ae in eatern Khot province, killing at leat 26. U.. airtrike 27 Nov reportedl killed at leat 23
civilian in Garmir ditrict (Helmland province). Delegation from Talian and Afghanitan’ High Peace Council
participated in international peace conference in Mocow 9 Nov, ut reported no progre; Afghan delegation retated
offer for unconditional direct peace talk with Talian, while Talian called intra-Afghan talk premature a long a
Talian are negotiating withdrawal of U.. force. U.. envo Zalma Khalilzad held talk with Talian repreentative in
Doha 14-16 Nov; Talian decried meeting a “preliminar talk”, aid “no agreement wa reached on an iue”.
Preident Ghani 28 Nov announced roadmap to peace with Talian that he aid would take at leat ve ear. Complaint
aout alleged fraud and dienfranchiement during Oct parliamentar election continued; full preliminar reult delaed
until 1 Dec.

      angladeh      DCMR 2018

Fear heightened over potential for election-related violence in atmophere of political acrimon and mitrut, amid
continuing clahe etween oppoition upporter and police. Ruling Awami League 8 Nov announced general election for
23 Dec, ut four da later moved election date to 30 Dec otenil in repone to demand from angladeh National
Part (NP)-led oppoition alliance Jatia Oika Front (United National Front, UNF); govt rejected oppoition demand to
potpone poll  one month and create independent caretaker govt to overee election. UNF 11 Nov agreed to participate
in election “depite prevailing unfavourale condition” (including continued imprionment of NP leader Khaleda Zia)
“a part of it movement to retore democrac”. NP upporter and police clahed in Dhaka 14 Nov, with ome 40 people
wounded; NP 11 Nov claimed thouand of it upporter have een arreted ince mid-2018 in ongoing govt crackdown.
Court 15 Nov granted ail to photographer and activit hahidul Alam, arreted under internet law in Aug for criticiing
govt’ crackdown on tudent demontrator. Following late Oct agreement with Manmar on repatriation of Rohinga
refugee (ee Manmar) govt 14 Nov announced voluntar repatriation would egin next da, with 2,260 people cheduled
to return in group of 150 per da; amid refugee protet, diappearance into hiding of man of thoe due to e repatriated,
and international criticim, FM next da aid “there i no quetion of forcile repatriation”, and govt uequentl aid it
would wait until after election to decide coure on repatriation.

   India (Non-Kahmir)      DCMR 2018

Govt deploed 100,000 armed police to ecure two-phae Chhattigarh aeml election 12 and 20 Nov; poll aw 76%
turnout depite Maoit ocott and threat. In Chhattigarh tate, four civilian and everal ecurit force and upected
Maoit reel were killed in clahe during month; group of 62 Maoit 6 Nov urrendered in Naraanpur ditrict. ecurit
force 5 Nov hot dead ve upected Maoit, including two women, in Malkangiri ditrict, Odiha tate. Two upected
female Maoit reel killed Nov 19 in encounter with ecurit force in Gadchiroli ditrict, Maharahtra tate.

   Kahmir     DCMR 2018

Jammu and Kahmir Governor ata Pal Malik 21 Nov diolved tate legilative aeml, citing “impoiilit of forming
a tale government  the coming together of political partie with oppoing ideologie”. lection Commiion next da
aid new election to e held within next ix month. Violence in region continued; Indian ecurit force 30 Oct reported
the killed two militant in Tral ditrict, including nephew of Pakitan-aed jihadit Jaih-e-Mohammad chief Maood
Azhar; 1 Nov killed two upected militant in udgam ditrict; 6 Nov killed two upected militant and 25 Nov killed at
leat ix upected militant and one civilian outh in hopian ditrict; ix militant killed 23 Nov in gun attle with
ecurit force in Anantnag ditrict. Authoritie impoed curfew 2 Nov to foretall religiou violence after armed men
killed Anil Parihar, ruling JP’ tate ecretar and hi rother in Kihtwar town previou da. Reported death toll for 2018
– 400 according to Indian arm gure – wort in a decade. Pakitani of cial aid cro-Line of Control (LoC) ring 
Indian troop claimed everal live in Azad Jammu and Kahmir ordering village including one woman killed 2 Nov, and
10 Nov criticall injured ve civilian. In wake of ceae re violation in recent month, Indian and Pakitan armie 23 Nov
held rigade commander-level meeting at Poonch-Rawlakote order croing to recommit to 2003 ceae re agreement.
India 22 Nov approved uilding of new order entr point and road connecting northern tate of Punja to order with
Pakitan, making it eaier for ikh pilgrim to viit hol ite. India 23 Nov proteted harament and denial of acce to
their Ilamaad-aed High Commiion of cial at two centre of worhip near Lahore to meet Indian pilgrim viiting
Pakitan under 1974 ilateral Protocol.

   Maldive     DCMR 2018

During hi wearing in ceremon 17 Nov, Preident olih vowed to end corruption, invetigate human right violation
allegedl committed under former Preident Yameen and retore jutice.

   Nepal    DCMR 2018

Criticim of Nepal Communit Part (NCP)-led govt continued to grow over it low performance and increaing lack of
tranparenc. Govt widel criticied for violating working procedure and not dicloing deciion taken in 11 Nov Council
of Miniter meeting; media repreentative decried move a latet in effort to cur pre freedom. PM K.P. Oli alo
initiated performance evaluation of hi cainet amid call for a rehuf e. Oli wa criticied for glorifing himelf in id to
highlight govt’ progre with full front-page advertiement featuring hi photo acro mot major newpaper 27 Nov to
roll out new ocial ecurit polic; polic wa rt announced in 2009. Concern raied  report that govt i conidering
roadening National Intelligence Department mandate to allow intelligence-gathering on cainet memer, contitutional
odie, and non-tate agencie. enior NCP leader frutrated with dela in holding meeting of part’ tanding
Committee to addre increaing internal dient, which grew over lack of conultation on recent amaadorial
appointment. Rift etween federal and provincial govt regarding devolution of power widened following 4 Nov circular
that new civil ervice taff for provincial and local govt would e recruited at federal level. Human right activit called on
govt to pre Manmar tate Counellor Aung an uu Ki to enure afe return of Rohinga refugee during 29-30 Nov
viit to Kathmandu for Aia Paci c ummit; Nepal one of 26 countrie to atain from voting on 16 Nov UN General
Aeml reolution condemning human right violation in Manmar including againt Rohinga Mulim.

   Pakitan    DCMR 2018

upreme Court’ 31 Oct acquittal of Aaia Maih “ii”, Chritian woman entenced to death in 2010 for laphem,
prompted violent protet countrwide  Ilamit group, pearheaded  Tehreek-i-Laaik Pakitan (TLP), political front
of hardline arelvi Tehreek-i-Laaik Ya Raool Allah. Protet ended 2 Nov after ruling Pakitan Tehreek-i-Inaf (PTI)
truck deal with TLP, pledging to prevent ii from leaving Pakitan, not oppoe review petition againt upreme Court
judgment, and reportedl releae religiou activit detained for violent act; perceived govt capitulation raied concern
that radical Ilamit partie and group would e further emoldened. Police arreted TLP leader Khadim Huain Rizvi 13
Nov to “afeguard pulic life, propert and order” after he refued to withdraw call for further protet; over 300 Rizvi
upporter arreted in violent clahe with police. Amid ongoing economic downturn govt continued to eek external
upport including aitance from China and International Monetar Fund ailout package; 20 Nov received $1n from
audi Araia, part of controverial upport package agreed in Oct. Relation with U.. worened a Preident Trump in 18
Nov interview accued Pakitan of doing “nothing” for U.. and aiting Afghan Talian, prompting Khan to accue U.. of
uing Pakitan a “capegoat for their failure” in Afghanitan. everal ecurit peronnel killed in ongoing attack
including in North Waziritan and Kher Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). Pakitani cleric and mentor of Afghan Talian, Maulana
amiul Haq, killed in Rawalpindi, Punja 2 Nov. Pakitani Talian claimed reponiilit for 17 Nov killing of ex-deput
inpector general of police in Quetta, alochitan. Police 23 Nov killed three upected uicide omer attempting to
attack Chinee conulate in Karachi; two police and two Pakitani civilian alo killed in attack, claimed  eparatit
alochitan Lieration Arm; PM Khan ordered inquir, calling attack “conpirac” againt trategic China-Pakitan
cooperation. xploion at market in Kalaa, Orakzai ditrict hortl after killed at leat 35; Ilamic tate (II) claimed

   ri Lanka    DCMR 2018

Month aw continued political parali and volatilit amid trong reitance to Preident iriena’ unexpected and
uncontitutional late Oct move to ack PM Wickremeinghe and intall ex-preident Mahinda Rajapaka a PM. With
Rajapaka unale to ecure parliamentar majorit, iriena 9 Nov announced diolution of parliament and called new
parliamentar election 5 Jan, violating contitutional proviion. More than a dozen petitioner challenged iriena’
deciion in upreme Court, which 13 Nov placed interim ta on diolution and called further hearing earl Dec.
Parliament reconvened 14 Nov, paing no con dence motion againt Rajapaka  voice vote after pro-Rajapaka United
People’ Freedom Alliance (UPFA) MP prevented roll-call vote; Rajapaka and iriena rejected vote’ validit. United
National Part (UNP) 15 Nov propoed econd no con dence motion; UPFA MP again dirupted proceeding and forced
earl adjournment. Violence roke out 16 Nov a Rajapaka upporter threw chair, cuhion, ook and chilli-laced water
at peaker and police protecting him; majorit of MP rejected Rajapaka in another voice-vote, again rejected 
Rajapaka and iriena. UPFA 18 Nov agreed to roll-call vote ut next da refued to honour agreement. With UPFA
ocotting, parliament 29 Nov paed UNP motion to den funding to PM’ of ce a long a Rajapaka hold of ce without
parliamentar majorit. Popular protet continued with ten of thouand marching in upport of Rajapaka 6 Nov, large
pro-UNP rall 15 Nov. Amid warning of long-term economic damage, rupee fell to record low and rating agencie 20 Nov
downgraded countr’ credit. Foreign government increaed preure on govt: U amaador told reporter 1 Nov GP+
trade ene t, retored in 2017, were at rik if contitution not repected; Japan announced upenion of large
development aitance package; and U.. announced $500mn aid wa on hold; International Monetar Fund upended
ongoing currenc upport program pending political clarit.

   Indoneia     DCMR 2018

Month aw further report of clahe etween militar and pro-independence movement Wet Papua Lieration Arm in
Papua province’ Highland; two Lieration Arm ghter reported killed in clah with police and oldier in Lann Jaa
ditrict 3 Nov, after hooting dead a man the elieved wa ping for militar. Police reportedl aritraril arreted over
peaceful 100 pro-independence activit in Jaapura 19 Nov, releaing them next da. National Intelligence Agenc
reported nding that imam at dozen of moque, including ome in Jakarta attended  civil ervant, were expreing
upport or mpath for Ilamic tate (II) and encouraging congregant to ght for it; alo noted ign of radicaliation
at univerit campue.

   Manmar      DCMR 2018

Concern continued over poile forced repatriation of Rohinga refugee from angladeh, while ethnic peace proce
appeared to enter fragile tage ahead of dr eaon with pike in ghting and all ide loing con dence in the current
peace proce. Fighting among ethnic armed organiation piked in han tate, peci call etween Retoration Council
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